The word subjects in french

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Subjects of the discipline are studied from the first semester.

Les sujets de la discipline sont étudiés dès le premier semestre.

Subjects who were punished strongly avoided the previous choice.

Les sujets qui étaient punis évitaient de répéter le choix précédent.

Subjects such as physics and chemistry were missing.

Des matières comme la physique et la chimie manquaient.

Subjects are taught synthetically and not structurally or specifically segmented.

Les matières sont enseignées de manière synthétique et non structurelle ou par segments spécifiques.

Subjects to be debated are also discussed in the political groups.

Les thèmes de débat sont également discutés dans les groupes politiques.

Subjects that occur in the four round-table dialogues.

Thèmes concernant les quatre groupes de dialogue.

Subjects were divided into four groups of creativity level.

Les sujets ont été divisés en quatre groupes de créativité.

Subjects start walking slowly towards the settlement’s edge.

Les Sujets commencent à marcher lentement vers le village.

Subjects with acute or chronic diseases were excluded.

Les sujets avec maladie aiguë ou chronique ont été exclus.

Subjects will be instructed to not speak during measurements.

Les sujets seront invités à ne pas parler durant les mesures.

Another time playing Subjects will throw a new challenge.

Un autre temps Sujets jouant jetteront un nouveau défi.

Subjects are taught in an integrated manner with applications as the unifying factor.

Les sujets sont enseignés de manière intégrée avec les applications comme facteur unificateur.

Subjects initially demonstrate a concern for fairness.

Au départ, les sujets démontrent un soucis d’équité.

Subjects covered: motor vehicle administration, legislation, highway safety.

Sujets abordés : administration des véhicules à moteur, législation, sécurité routière.

Subjects are permitted to take their current medications for asthma.

Les sujets sont autorisés à prendre leurs médicaments courants contre l’asthme.

Subjects do not have adequate control of seizures.

Les sujets n’ont pas le contrôle adéquat des convulsions.

Subjects still retain their original personality and memories.

Les sujets conservent leur personnalité et leurs souvenirs d’origine.

Subjects include the birth of roads and the first road networks.

Les sujets comprennent la naissance de routes et les premiers réseaux routiers.

Subjects and objects of a dancer in residence.

Sujets et objets d’une interprète en résidence.

Subjects are also present in sentences with adjectives.

Les sujets sont aussi présents dans des phrases avec des adjectifs.

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Results: 82744. Exact: 82744. Elapsed time: 155 ms.

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Such subjects may also be covered during seminars exploring the subject in greater depth.


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Ce thème peut en outre faire


Nd WTW student’s day to sensibilize about the subjects water and sustainability.


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E Journée des écoliers sur le thème Eau et Développement durable.


We are time’s subjects and time bids be gone.

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Nous sommes soumis au temps et le temps dit.

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Guide sont classées par thème.


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This is the stage of submission to which every disciple subjects himself.


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C’est le stade de la soumission auquel chaque disciple doit se soumettre.


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Children subjects of inquiries regarding domestic adoption.


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Les sciences font partie intégrante du programme


Scientists from different subjects work together in the departments.

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Des scientifiques de différentes spécialités travaillent ensemble dans les départements.

By a few of your GCSE subjects, you have put a question mark.

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Pour certaines matières du brevet, vous avez mis un point d’interrogation.

His subjects were hunting scenes and in particular small sized ones.

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Sa spécialité était les mammifères, en particulier ceux de petite taille.

Both linguistical and theological subjects are discussed throughout his work.

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Le travail philosophique et théologique sur ce sujet en est encore à ses balbutiements.

The research subjects are all anonymous.

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Les sujet de recherche étaient tous anonymes.

Proposed solution to category-one subjects.


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His subjects countless, his wealth untellable… his power absolute.

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Ses sujets étaient nombreux, sa fortune colossale et son pouvoir, absolu.

Exhibitions with unique subjects and period newspapers await you!


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De nombreuses expositions faites d’objets uniques et de journaux d’époque vous attendent!


Subjects arise from everything that touches me.


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Le th me surgit partir de tout ce qui m’ meut.


Identify subjects and check ID documents in the field.


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Identifie les personnes et contrôle


documents d’identité sur




Subjects the buttocks muscles to the most


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Impose aux muscles fessiers le travail


One of the most important subjects that falls.


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Un des sujets plus importants qui tombe.


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Impose à autrui un acte d’intimité physique ou.


I have got two subjects going through the lobby now.

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J’ai deux suspects traversant le vestibule maintenant.

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Subjects identified for the Task Force to consider include.


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We have switched subjects, in case you were wondering.

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On a changé de sujet, au cas où tu n’aurais pas remarqué.

Results: 19211,
Time: 0.0353





    • Voir également :
      • subito
      • subjacent
      • subject
      • subject heading
      • subject matter
      • subjection
      • subjective
      • subjectively
      • subjectivism
      • subjectivity
      • subjoin
      • subjugate
      • subjugation
      • subjunctive
      • sublease
      • sublessee
      • sublessor
      • sublet
      • sublieutenant
      • sublimate
      • sublimation
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WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
subject n (subject matter, theme) sujet nm
  What is the subject of that book?
  Quel est le sujet de ce livre ?
subject n (school, academic) (Scolaire) matière nf
  I am studying three subjects: Chemistry, English and French.
  J’étudie trois matières : la chimie, l’anglais et le français.
subject n (grammatical) (Grammaire) sujet nm
  The subject usually comes before the verb in English.
  En général, le sujet se place avant le verbe en anglais.
subject [sb] to [sth] vtr (make [sb] undergo [sth]) soumettre [qqn] à [qch] vtr + prép
  The police subjected the suspect to an intense interrogation.
subject to [sth] adj + prep (conditional, depending upon) soumis à [qch] adj + prép
  All new policies are subject to the boss’s approval.
  Toutes les nouvelles politiques sont soumises à l’approbation du patron.
subject to [sth] adj + prep (liable or prone to) (maladie) sujet à [qch], sujette à [qch] adj + prép
  This schedule is subject to last minute changes.
  Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Elle est sujette aux infections respiratoires.
    soumis à [qch] adj + prép
  Cet emploi du temps est soumis à des modifications de dernière minute.
    susceptible de faire [qch] adj + prép
  L’emploi du temps est susceptible d’être modifié à la dernière minute.
subject to [sth] adj + prep (under the rule of [sth]) soumis à [qch] adj + prép
  The politicians are subject to the will of the people.
  Les hommes politiques sont soumis à la volonté du peuple.
Traductions supplémentaires
Anglais Français
subject adj (ruled by another) assujetti adj
  Historians are studying the influence of subject peoples on the nations that ruled them.
  Des historiens étudient actuellement l’influence qu’avaient les peuples assujettis sur les nations au pouvoir.
subject n (in a clinical trial, patient) (Médecine) sujet nm
  The subject tried to stay still while the doctors looked at him.
  Le sujet essaya de rester tranquille pendant que les docteurs l’examinaient.
subject n (dead body) (cadavre) sujet nm
  The pathologist examined the subject carefully.
  Le pathologiste examina le sujet minutieusement.
subject n (conscious being) sujet nm
  Students, please examine the subject and tell me what you think.
  Chers étudiants, examinez bien le sujet et dites-moi ce que vous pensez.
subject n (person ruled by a king) (vassal) sujet nm
  The English are subjects of their queen.
  Les Anglais sont les sujets de leur reine.
subject n (first term of a logical proposition) (Logique) sujet nm
  The first term of a proposition is usually called the subject.
  Dans une proposition, le terme en première position est généralement qualifié de sujet.
subject n (heading in memos, email, etc.) (dans e-mail,…) objet nm
  Subject: next week’s board meeting
  Objet : la réunion de la semaine prochaine.
subject n (person: object of study, experiment) (personne : objet d’étude) sujet nm
  One-third of subjects reported headaches after taking the medication.
subject [sb/sth] vtr (control, rule) soumettre⇒ vtr
  The country was subjected to the rule of emperors for several centuries.
  Le pays a été soumis aux lois des empereurs durant plusieurs siècles.

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Formes composées
Anglais Français
be subject to change vi (be liable to vary) être susceptible de changer⇒ vi
  The marriage laws are subject to change.
change the subject v expr (start talking about [sth] else) changer de sujet loc v
  Let’s change the subject and talk about something less depressing.
  Changeons de sujet et parlons de quelque chose de moins déprimant.
core subject n (any foundational subject taught) matière principale nf
core subjects npl UK (English, math, science) (Grande-Bretagne) matières principales nfpl
Note: En Grande-Bretagne, les matières principales sont l’anglais, les mathématiques et les sciences.
main subject n (academic studies: major) matière principale nf
  She’s doing Spanish at University but her main subject is Psychology.
  Elle étudie l’espagnol à l’université, mais sa matière principale est la psychologie.
main subject n (primary topic under consideration) sujet principal nm
  The main subject of our meeting is the proposed change in office location.
  Le sujet principal de cette réunion est le déménagement de nos bureaux.
    point principal nm
  Le point principal de cette réunion est le déménagement de nos bureaux.
subject area n (field of study or knowledge) domaine d’études nm
subject complement,
subjective complement
(grammar) (Grammaire) attribut nm
subject in question n (matter under discussion) sujet qui nous intéresse nm
  Revenons au sujet qui nous intéresse.
    sujet nm
  Son commentaire n’avait rien à voir avec le sujet.
    sujet de la discussion nm
    propos nm
  Nous nous éloignons du propos.
subject index n (alphabetical contents list) index thématique nm
  L’index thématique se trouve à la fin de l’ouvrage.
    index des thèmes nm
  Dans l’index des thèmes, les personnages faisant l’objet d’un article apparaissent en caractères gras.
    index des sujets nm
  L’index des sujets traités sur ce site est constamment étendu.
subject line n (e-mail, internet forum: message heading) objet nm
  N’oubliez pas d’indiquer un objet à vos messages.
subject matter n (theme or topic of discussion) sujet nm
  The subject matter of today’s lecture is water pollution.
  Le sujet de la conférence est le traitement des eaux usées.
subject matter n (object of study) sujet nm
  This painter chooses unconventional subject matter, such as litter on the sidewalk.
subject pronoun n (pronoun in nominative case) pronom personnel sujet nm
subject to change without notice adj (liable to vary without warning) sujet à modifications (sans préavis) loc adj
  Tour prices are subject to change without notice due to currency fluctuations.

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Table of Contents

  1. Is subject masculine or feminine?
  2. How do you write a subject in French?
  3. Which are the subject pronouns in French?
  4. Does a la carte mean?
  5. How do you use LA in French?
  6. Is Cafe feminine or masculine?
  7. Is Parc masculine or feminine French?
  8. What does Parc stand for?
  9. What is the plural of PARC in French?
  10. Is Parc a word?
  11. Is a pharmacist a medical professional?
  12. What does pharmaceutical mean?
  13. What is meant by pharmacy?
  14. Who is known as father of pharmacy?
  15. What is the work of pharmacy?
  16. What are the different fields of pharmacy?
  17. What services do pharmacies provide?

: according to a menu or list that prices items separately.

Is subject masculine or feminine?

What are the subject pronouns in English?

Subject Pronoun Singular or Plural – Who? Masculine or Feminine
I Singular – first person masculine or feminine
You Singular – second person masculine or feminine
He Singular – third person only masculine
She Singular – third person only feminine

How do you write a subject in French?

  1. histoire. feminine. (n) history. Details. J’enseigne l’histoire.
  2. géographie. feminine. (n) geography. Details.
  3. politique. feminine. (n) politics. Details.
  4. biologie. feminine. (n) biology. Details.
  5. chimie. feminine. (n) chemistry. Details.
  6. physique. feminine. (n) physics. Details.
  7. maths. feminine. (n) math. Details.
  8. art. masculine. (n) art. Details.

Which are the subject pronouns in French?

French subject pronouns

singular plural
1st person je* nous
2nd person tu vous
3rd person il ils
elle elles

The French subject pronouns are: je (j’), tu, il, elle, on in the singular, and nous, vous, ils, elles in the plural. To say you in French, use tu if you are talking to one person you know well or to a young person. Use vous if you are talking to one person you do not know so well or to more than one person.

Does a la carte mean?

– Use à l’ before a singular word beginning with a vowel or silent -h, eg: tu as parlé à l’ami de Julien ? – did you speak to Julien’s friend? – Use aux before a word in the plural form, eg: vous allez aux États-Unis ? – are you going to the USA?

Is Cafe feminine or masculine?

The word café is a masculine noun.

Is Parc masculine or feminine French?

parc [le ~] noun.

What does Parc stand for?

Palo Alto Research Center

What is the plural of PARC in French?

Noun. parc (plural parcs)

Is Parc a word?

A park is a place with grass and trees. People go to parks to take exercise or play games.

Is a pharmacist a medical professional?

Although pharmacists are recognized as healthcare providers by state law in at least 37 states, they are one of the only healthcare professionals involved in disease management and patient care who do not have full provider status at the federal level.

What does pharmaceutical mean?

A pharmaceutical is any kind of drug used for medicinal purposes, like cough syrup or sleeping pills. You may have heard of a pharmacy, which is a place where you can buy medicinal drugs, or a pharmacist, which is a person who prepares those drugs.

What is meant by pharmacy?

Pharmacy is the clinical health science that links medical science with chemistry and it is charged with the discovery, production, disposal, safe and effective use, and control of medications and drugs.

Who is known as father of pharmacy?

William Procter, Jr.

What is the work of pharmacy?

What They Do: Pharmacists dispense prescription medications to patients and offer expertise in the safe use of prescriptions. Work Environment: Pharmacists work in pharmacies, including those in drug, general merchandise, and grocery stores. Pharmacists also work in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

What are the different fields of pharmacy?

Below, we take a high level look at a few different pharmacist roles.

  • The community pharmacist.
  • The hospital pharmacist.
  • The ambulatory care pharmacist.
  • The informatics pharmacist.
  • The home health and infusion pharmacist.
  • The long-term care pharmacist.
  • The specialty drugs pharmacist.
  • The oncology pharmacist.

What services do pharmacies provide?

All pharmacies provide the following services:

  • dispensing of NHS prescriptions.
  • access to the repeat prescription service (with agreement from your GP)
  • an emergency supply of medicine, subject to the decision of the pharmacist (you may need to pay for an emergency supply)
  • non-prescription medicines like paracetamol.




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How to Say Subject in FrenchAdvertisement


If you want to know how to say subject in French, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand French better.

Here is the translation and the French word for subject:


Subject in all languages

Dictionary Entries near subject

  • subdued
  • subgroup
  • subheading
  • subject
  • subject matter
  • subjective
  • subjugate

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«Subject in French.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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