The word subject in spanish

Understanding the Concept of Subjects in Spanish

Grammar Glossary for Spanish Students

Me gustan las enchiladas. (I like enchiladas.).

Regan76/Flickr/CC BY 1.0

Updated on March 24, 2019

Traditionally, the subject is the part of the sentence that performs the action of the main verb of a sentence.

Sometimes, «subject» is used to refer specifically to the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb. In Spanish (rarely in English except in commands), it is common also for the subject to be implied rather than directly stated. In the following sentences, the subject is in boldface.

  • El hombre canta bien. The man sings well. (The noun hombre is performing the action of the verb canta.)
  • Los jugadores no están con nosotros. The players aren’t with us. (The noun jugadores is performing the action of the verb están.)
  • Ellos no están con nosotros. They aren’t with us. (The subject is a pronoun.)
  • No están con nosotros. They aren’t with us. (The subject here in the Spanish sentence is implied to be ellos but isn’t directly stated. In translation, the pronoun here must be stated in English.)

The subject of a verb can be contrasted with its object, which receives the action of the verb rather than performs it.

The subject of the sentence sometimes is considered to include not just the noun, but all the words in the phrase that accompanies the noun. By this definition, «el hombre» in the first sample sentence can be considered the subject of the sentence. By this definition, the subject of a sentence can get quite complex. For example, in the sentence «La chica que va al teatro no me conoce» (the girl who is going to the theater doesn’t know me), «la chica que va al teatro» can be considered the full subject. By this definition, the subject of a sentence can be contrasted with the predicate of a sentence, which includes the verb and often the object of the verb and related words.

In Spanish, the subject and verb (or predicate) match in number. In other words, a singular subject must be accompanied by a verb that is conjugated in a singular form, and a plural subject takes a plural verb.

Although the subject is usually thought of as the performer of a sentence’s action, in passive sentences this may not be the case. For example, in the sentence «su tío fue arrestado» (her uncle was arrested), tío is the subject of the sentence even though some unspecified person or persons are performing the verb’s action.

In Spanish, as in English, the subject typically comes before the verb except in questions. However, in Spanish, it is not extraordinary for the verb to come before the subject even in direct statements. For example, in the sentence «me amaron mis padres» (my parents loved me), padres (parents) is the subject of the verb amaron (loved).

Sample Sentences

  • Un planeta es un cuerpo celeste que orbita alrededor de una estrella. A planet is a heavenly body that orbits around a star.
  • No comprendo la revuelta árabe. I don’t understand the Arab revolt. (The subject in the Spanish sentence is implied.)
  • Yo y podemos hacer todo. You and I can do everything. (This is the use of a compound subject.)
  • Me gustan las enchiladas. I like enchiladas. (In the Spanish sentence, the subject here comes after the verb. Note that in translation, the subject in English represents a different word.)
  • Hoy empieza la revolución. The revolution begins today. (The subject comes after the verb. Although hoy is sometimes a noun, here it is an adverb.)
  • Skype fue comprado por Microsoft. Skype was bought by Microsoft. (In this passive sentence, Skype is the subject even though it is not performing the verb’s action.)

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


There is broad political consensus on this subject in our country.

En nuestro país existe un amplio consenso político acerca de este tema.

This is a very important subject since it concerns our health.

Este es un tema muy importante puesto que atañe a nuestra salud.

This allowed me to observe my subject in its natural habitat.

Esto me permitió… observar a mi sujeto en su hábitat natural.

This is the first evidence of subsequent contact with the subject.

Esta es la primera evidencia de un nuevo contacto con el sujeto.

It is important to be sensitive when dealing with this subject.

Es importante ser sensibles a la hora de tratar con este asunto.

The subject line of campaign should be simple and not misleading.

La línea de asunto de campaña debe ser sencillo y no engañosa.

This is a subject that matters to many millions of citizens.

Se trata de un tema que importa a muchos millones de ciudadanos.

Quite honestly, my ideas on the subject aren’t clear.

La verdad es que no tengo las ideas claras sobre el tema.

Now gentlemen, the subject being vast and my time brief.

Bien, caballeros, el tema es denso y mi tiempo breve.

This is a tricky subject, so best use your judgment.

Este es un tema trampoco, así que usa tu propio juicio.

They cannot, however, be the subject for a paper.

Sin embargo no pueden ser el tema de uno de sus informes.

There’s a powerful firewall in the subject‘s auxiliary brain.

Hay un poderoso muro de fuego en el la mente del sujeto.

Well, you know that that is quite a topical subject.

Bien, ya hemos visto que es un tema de bastante actualidad.

Within the general subject, each piece has its own place.

Dentro del marco del tema general, toda obra tiene su sitio.

Sample the best videos and talk to friends about the subject.

Muestre los mejores videos y hable con sus amigos sobre el tema.

Several have been the point of view concerning this subject treated.

Varios han sido los punto de vista tratados referentes a este tema.

The subject is vast, complex, and often starkly brutal.

El tema es extenso, complejo, y a menudo duramente brutal.

As a person, man is therefore the subject of work .

Como persona, el hombre es, pues, sujeto del trabajo.

Passive voice can also remove the subject of a sentence altogether.

La voz pasiva puede eliminar al sujeto de la oración por completo.

Click on each underlined word or phrase to activate the subject.

Haga clic en cada palabra o frase subrayada para activar el tema.

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A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (person or thing being discussed)

a. el tema

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Please don’t change the subject.Hazme el favor de no cambiar de tema.

b. el asunto

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


The war is still a sensitive subject in the Balkans.En los Balcanes la guerra todavía es un asunto delicado.

c. el objeto

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


(of condemnation or debate)

The new law has been a subject of intense public debate.La nueva ley ha sido objeto de un debate público intenso.

2. (area of study)

a. la asignatura

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


My favorite subject is Spanish.Mi asignatura favorita es español.

b. la materia

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Which subjects do you teach?¿Qué materias imparte?

3. (grammar)

a. el sujeto

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


In English, every sentence must have a subject.En inglés, toda oración debe tener un sujeto.

4. (citizen or resident)

a. el súbdito

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


, la súbdita

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


He was born in Madagascar but has been a British subject since 2000.Nació en Madagascar pero es súbdito británico desde 2000.

5. (in science or medicine)

a. el sujeto

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


At present, a clinical trial is being carried out with 1000 subjects.En estos momentos, se lleva a cabo un ensayo clínico en el que participan 1000 sujetos.

6. (music)

a. el tema

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


An underlying melody unites the fugue’s subject with the prelude.Una melodía de fondo enlaza el tema de la fuga con el preludio.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).


7. (under)

a. sujeto

The terms of this contract are subject to the laws of the state.Los términos de este contrato están sujetos a la jurisdicción del estado.

8. (conditional upon)

a. sujeto

The pool hours are subject to changes in the weather.El horario de la piscina está sujeto a los cambios de tiempo.

9. (prone to)

a. propenso

I’m subject to headaches.Soy propensa a los dolores de cabeza.

A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. I bought a book.).

transitive verb

10. (to force to undergo)

a. someter

A San Diego gang leader subjected several people to slavery conditions.El líder de una pandilla de San Diego sometió a varias personas a condiciones de esclavitud.

11. (to subjugate)

a. someter

The Romans subjected the Carthaginians among many other peoples.Los romanos, entre muchos otros pueblos, sometieron también a los cartagineses.

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A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (of conversation, book, painting, photograph)

a. el tema

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


2. (at school, university)

a. la asignatura f, materia

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


while we are on the subjectya que hablamos del tema

to change the subjectcambiar de tema

subject mattertema m, asunto m

3. (grammar)

a. el sujeto

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


4. (of monarch)

a. el súbdito(a)

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


la súbdito(a)

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).


6. (prone)


to be subject to illness/jealousy/depressionser propenso(a) a las enfermedades/los celos/la depresión

to be subject to delay/a fine of £50estar sujeto(a) a retrasos or

subject tosujeto(a) a

A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. I bought a book.).

transitive verb

7. (subjugate; people, nation)

8. (force to undergo)


to subject somebody to somethingsometer a alguien a algo

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1 (topic, theme) tema (m); (plot) argumento (m); asunto (m)

to change the subject cambiar de tema

she tried to change the subject he quickly changed the subject and started talking about his mother

let’s change the subject cambiemos de tema; changing the subject … hablando de otra cosa …; cambiando de tema …

it’s a delicate subject es un asunto delicado

on the subject of … a propósito de …

(while we’re) on the subject of money … ya que de dinero se trata …

this raises the whole subject of money esto plantea el problema general del dinero

2 (Educ) (Univ) asignatura (f)

3 (Gram) sujeto (m)

4 (Med) caso (m)

he’s a nervous subject es un caso nervioso

5 (Sci)

guinea pigs make excellent subjects los conejillos son materia excelente para los experimentos etc; (para los experimentos etc)

6 especially (Britain) (Pol) súbditoasúbdita (m) (f);a súbdita

British subject súbditoasúbdita (m) (f) británicoabritánica;a súbdita a británica liberty of the subject libertad (f) del ciudadano



1 [+people, nation] dominado; subyugado


subject to (liable to) [+law, tax, delays] sujeto a; [+disease] propenso a; [+flooding] expuesto a; (conditional on) [+approval etc] sujeto a

A woman who is subject to herpes simplex infections needs to look after herself extremely well during pregnancy animals which are stroked regularly are less subject to stress than those who are not Subject to many tropical diseases, they lived in fear and superstition in the darkness of the deep rain forests spaniels are subject to heart disease

these prices are subject to change without notice estos precios están sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso; subject to correction bajo corrección

subject to the approval of

subject to confirmation in writing sujeto a confirmación por escrito


transitive verb

to subject sb to sth someter a algn a algo; to subject a book to criticism someter un libro a la crítica; to be subjected to inquiry ser sometido a una investigación; I will not be subjected to this questioning no tolero este interrogatorio or esta interrogación; she was subjected to much indignity tuvo que aguantar muchas afrentas



subject heading (n) título (m) de materia

subject index (n) (in book) índice (m) de materias; (in library) catálogo (m) de materias

subject matter (n) (topic) tema (m); asunto (m); [of letter] contenido (m)

subject pronoun (n) pronombre (m) (de) sujeto

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what is your favorite subject

cuál es tu materia favorita

my favorite subject is

mi materia favorita es

school subject

la materia escolar

my favorite subject is math

mi materia favorita es matemáticas

What is your favorite subject in school?

¿Cuál es tu materia favorita en la escuela?

subject matter


favorite subject

materia favorita

he mastered the subject of reading comprehension

dominó el tema de la comprensión de lectura

subject to

sujeto a

my favorite subject

mi materia favorita

subject pronoun

el pronombre personal de sujeto

my favorite subject is science

mi materia favorita es la ciencia

my favorite subject is history

mi asignatura favorita es historia

Was it your favorite subject?

¿Era tu asignatura favorita?

my favorite subject is English

mi materia favorita es el inglés

subject-verb agreement

la concordancia entre sujeto y verbo

what’s your favorite subject

cuál es tu materia favorita

subject line

la línea de asunto

What was your favorite subject in school?

¿Cuál era tu materia favorita en la escuela?

subject to change

sujeto a cambios

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
subject n (subject matter, theme) tema nm
  What is the subject of that book?
  ¿Cuál es el tema del libro?
subject n (school, academic) materia nf
    asignatura nf
  I am studying three subjects: Chemistry, English and French.
  Estoy estudiando tres materias: química, inglés y francés.
subject n (grammatical) (gramática) sujeto nm
  The subject usually comes before the verb in English.
  En inglés, el sujeto generalmente se pone antes del verbo.
subject [sb] to [sth] vtr (make [sb] undergo [sth]) someter a alguien a algo loc verb
  The police subjected the suspect to an intense interrogation.
  La policía sometió al sospechoso a un interrogatorio intenso.
subject to [sth] adj + prep (conditional, depending upon) sujeto a adj + prep
  All new policies are subject to the boss’s approval.
  Todas las nuevas políticas están sujetas a la aprobación del jefe.
subject to [sth] adj + prep (liable or prone to) susceptible a adj + prep
  This schedule is subject to last minute changes.
  Este programa es susceptible a cambios de último momento.
    propenso a adj + prep
  Este programa es propenso a cambios de último momento.
    sujeto a adj + prep
  Este programa está sujeto a cambios de último momento.
subject to [sth] adj + prep (under the rule of [sth]) sometido a vtr + prep
  The politicians are subject to the will of the people.
  Los políticos están sometidos a la voluntad del pueblo.
Additional Translations
Inglés Español
subject adj (ruled by another) sometido adj
    oprimido/a adj
    gobernado adj
  Historians are studying the influence of subject peoples on the nations that ruled them.
  Los historiadores están estudiando la influencia de los pueblos sometidos sobre las naciones que los sometían.
subject n (in a clinical trial, patient) (en un ensayo clínico, paciente) sujeto nm
  The subject tried to stay still while the doctors looked at him.
  El sujeto procuró quedarse quieto mientras el doctor lo examinaba.
subject n (dead body) sujeto nm
    cadáver nm
  The pathologist examined the subject carefully.
  El patólogo examinó al sujeto minuciosamente.
  El patólogo examinó el cadáver minuciosamente.
subject n (conscious being) sujeto nm
  Students, please examine the subject and tell me what you think.
  Estudiantes, por favor examinen al sujeto y díganme lo que piensan.
subject n (person ruled by a king) súbdito nm
  The English are subjects of their queen.
  Los ingleses son súbditos de la reina.
subject n (first term of a logical proposition) (lógica) sujeto nm
  The first term of a proposition is usually called the subject.
  Generalmente, al primer término de una proposición se le llama sujeto.
subject n (heading in memos, email, etc.) (en correos) asunto nm
  Subject: next week’s board meeting
  Asunto: junta de la próxima semana.
subject n (person: object of study, experiment) sujeto nm
  One-third of subjects reported headaches after taking the medication.
  Un tercio de los sujetos reportó dolores de cabeza después de tomar el medicamento.
subject [sb/sth] vtr (control, rule) controlar⇒ vtr
Note: Ante complemento directo de persona debe usarse la preposición «a».
  The country was subjected to the rule of emperors for several centuries.
  El país fue controlado por emperadores durante varios siglos.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
be subject to change vi (be liable to vary) estar sujeto a cambios loc verb
  The marriage laws are subject to change.
  Las leyes de matrimonio están sujetas a cambios.
change the subject v expr (start talking about [sth] else) cambiar de tema loc verb
  Let’s change the subject and talk about something less depressing.
  Cambiemos de tema y hablemos de algo menos deprimente.
core subject n (any foundational subject taught) materia tronco, materia troncal nf + adj mf
    asignatura tronco, asignatura troncal nf + adj mf
core subjects npl UK (English, math, science) materia tronco, materia troncal nf + adj mf
    asignatura tronco, asignatura troncal nf + adj mf
main subject n (academic studies: major) asignatura principal grupo nom
  She’s doing Spanish at University but her main subject is Psychology.
  Estudia Español en la universidad, pero su asignatura principal es Psicología.
main subject n (primary topic under consideration) tema principal grupo nom
  The main subject of our meeting is the proposed change in office location.
  El tema principal de nuestra reunión es la propuesta del cambio de ubicación de la oficina.
    principal punto de interés grupo nom
  El principal punto de interés de nuestra reunión es la propuesta del cambio de ubicación de la oficina.
subject area n (field of study or knowledge) área de estudio nf
    ámbito nm
  ¿En qué ámbito se ha especializado?
subject complement,
subjective complement
(grammar) complemento de sujeto loc nom m
subject in question n (matter under discussion) tema de discusión rgupo nom
    asunto en cuestión loc nom m
subject index n (alphabetical contents list) índice de temas, índice de contenido grupo nom
subject line n (e-mail, internet forum: message heading) línea de asunto nf
subject matter n (theme or topic of discussion) tema a debatir nm + loc adj
    tema de discusión nm + loc adj
  The subject matter of today’s lecture is water pollution.
  El tema a debatir en la conferencia de hoy es la contaminación del agua.
  El tema de discusión de la conferencia de hoy es la contaminación del agua.
subject matter n (object of study) materia nf
    tema nm
    contenido nm
   (educación) asignatura, materia nf
  This painter chooses unconventional subject matter, such as litter on the sidewalk.
  El pintor escoge una materia poco convencional, como la basura en la calle.
subject pronoun n (pronoun in nominative case) (gramática) pronombre personal de sujeto grupo nom
subject to change without notice adj (liable to vary without warning) sujeto a cambio sin previo aviso loc adj
  Tour prices are subject to change without notice due to currency fluctuations.
  Los precios del tour están sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso debido a las fluctuaciones cambiarias.

subject‘ aparece también en las siguientes entradas:

In the English description:


Infórmanos de los anuncios inapropiados.
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1. asignatura asignatura

Para mí, la historia es una asignatura fascinante.

¿Cuál es la asignatura que más te gusta?

Spanish word «subject»(asignatura) occurs in sets:

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2. sujeto sujeto

Si puedes traducir el sujeto y el objeto, lo que viene después no es tan difícil.

Esta oración tiene un predicado pero ningún sujeto.

No hacía falta que nos ayudara el trabajo de aquel sujeto.

Algunas personas que hablan inglés creen que la omisión del sujeto no existe en esa lengua, sin embargo, el sujeto se omite en frases como «thank you» o «bless you».

Spanish word «subject»(sujeto) occurs in sets:

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3. la tema

Spanish word «subject»(la tema) occurs in sets:

school in Spanish — la escuela en español
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