The word subject in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

The secretariat will make available an informal paper on this subject.

Le secrétariat mettra à disposition un document informel sur ce sujet.

Our first full-term subject… developed internal features externally.

Notre premier sujet à terme a développé des organes internes à l’extérieur.

The note has also been the subject of significant doctrinal studies.

Cette note a également fait l’objet d’importantes études doctrinales.

It is the subject of intensive research for its biological properties.

Il fait l’objet de recherches intensives pour ses propriétés biologiques.

Several seminars and workshops on the subject have been organized so far.

Plusieurs séminaires et ateliers sur cette question ont été organisés.

Honourable senators, some research has been conducted on this subject.

Honorables sénateurs, certaines recherches ont été effectuées sur cette question.

Security sector reform remains a contentious and complex subject.

La réforme du secteur de la sécurité reste un sujet litigieux et complexe.

Prenatal screening will therefore be the main subject of this essay.

Le dépistage prénatal sera donc le sujet principal du présent mémoire.

Destarac admits to almost no subject other than the painting itself.

Destarac n’admet quasiment aucun sujet autre que la peinture elle-même.

In some situations, performer and customer are same subject.

Dans certaines situations, l’interprète et le client sont même sujet.

Choose a subject that clearly explains the contents of your message.

Choisissez un sujet qui explique clairement le contenu de l’email.

More detailed answers on this subject would be supplied in writing.

Des réponses plus détaillées seraient envoyées par écrit à ce sujet.

It was important that delegations exchange thoughts on this subject.

Il était important que les délégations échangent des idées sur ce sujet.

Please choose the subject of your message from the following menus.

Veuillez choisir l’objet de votre message dans les menus suivants.

Plastic durability has always been the subject of many discussions.

La durée du plastique a toujours fait l’objet de nombreuses discussions.

This method also makes the subject more relevant for the kids.

Cette méthode rend également le sujet plus pertinent pour les élèves.

Encourage the student to examine the subject from a historical perspective.

Amener l’élève à examiner le sujet dans une perspective historique.

Civilians often appear to have been the subject of collective punishment.

Les civils semblent souvent avoir fait l’objet de châtiments collectifs.

The content above reflects our personal opinion on this subject only.

Le contenu au-dessus reflète uniquement notre opinion personnelle à ce sujet.

Reification is a process that transforms the subject into an object.

La réification est le processus qui transforme le sujet en objet.

Never subject batteries to strong shocks or continuous vibration.


context icon

Ne soumettez jamais les batteries à des chocs violents


Do they prefer longer or shorter subject lines?


context icon

Est-ce qu’ils préfèrent les objets courts ou longs?


Never subject the Carrera car to repeated chang.


context icon

Ne soumettez jamais la voiture Carrera RC à des.


Never subject the projector to strong impact while it is projecting.


context icon

Ne soumettez jamais le projecteur à un choc puissant pendant la projection.


Subject on his way to the elevators.

Subject your product to environmental extremes.


context icon

Soumettez vos produits à des conditions extrêmes.


In addition, we subject our security measures to regular checks.


context icon

Nous soumettons en outre nos mesures de sécurité à un contrôle régulier.


Never subject cable and plug to any pressure.


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Ne soumettez le câble ou la fiche à aucune contrainte excessive.


Case of children subject to the worst forms of labour.


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Cas des enfants subissant les pires formes de travail.


Do not shake the camera or subject it to hard knocks.


context icon

N’agitez pas la chambre photographique ni la soumettez à des coups durs.


We subject our fruit to our own stringent controls throughout the whole process.


context icon

Tout au long du trajet, nous soumettons nos fruits à un contrôle rigoureux.


Subject just entered 10-20 with two X’s.

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Le suspect vient d’entrer au 10-20 avec deux inconnues.

Prices subject to change without notice.


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The vehicle model is subject to change without notice.


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Le type de véhicule peut être changé sans préavis.


The activity is subject to cancellation in the event of bad weather conditions.


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Cette activité peut être annulée en cas de mauvais temps.


The activity is subject to cancellation in the event of bad weather conditions.


context icon

Cette activité peut être annulée en cas de mauvaises conditions météorologiques.


Each registration is subject to the approval of PACKED.


context icon

Chaque inscription doit être approuvée par PACKED.


The Chair may make his or her decision subject to certain conditions.


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Le Président peut assortir sa décision de certaines conditions.


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It is subject to oversight by the legislature and the courts.


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Elle est placée sous la supervision du corps législatif et des tribunaux.


Rajab was also subject to a travel ban during this period.

context icon

Rajab était aussi frappé d’une interdiction de voyager durant cette période.

The Mathematics Subject Classification for multiplicative number theory is 11Nxx.

context icon

La classification mathématique par matières de la théorie multiplicative des nombres est 11Nxx.

His organization wished to make two proposals on that subject.


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La CAPSDH souhaite à ce sujet faire deux propositions.


Specifications subject to change without notice.


context icon


Membership subject to approval process by existing members.

context icon

L’adhésion est subordonnée à l’accord de la majorité des membres existants.

See Wikipedia article on the subject.

context icon

This subject allowed Michelangelo to depict

context icon

Ceci permit à Michel-Ange de représenter le corps

There is no distinction between subject and object.

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A ship is subject to the law of its flag state.

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Il confirme que le droit applicable aux navires est celui de l’État du pavillon.

Results: 97934,
Time: 0.0654





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      • subedit
      • subeditor
      • subfamily
      • subfreezing
      • subgroup
      • subhead
      • subheading
      • subhuman
      • subito
      • subjacent
      • subject
      • subject heading
      • subject matter
      • subjection
      • subjective
      • subjectively
      • subjectivism
      • subjectivity
      • subjoin
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      • subjugation
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WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
subject n (subject matter, theme) sujet nm
  What is the subject of that book?
  Quel est le sujet de ce livre ?
subject n (school, academic) (Scolaire) matière nf
  I am studying three subjects: Chemistry, English and French.
  J’étudie trois matières : la chimie, l’anglais et le français.
subject n (grammatical) (Grammaire) sujet nm
  The subject usually comes before the verb in English.
  En général, le sujet se place avant le verbe en anglais.
subject [sb] to [sth] vtr (make [sb] undergo [sth]) soumettre [qqn] à [qch] vtr + prép
  The police subjected the suspect to an intense interrogation.
subject to [sth] adj + prep (conditional, depending upon) soumis à [qch] adj + prép
  All new policies are subject to the boss’s approval.
  Toutes les nouvelles politiques sont soumises à l’approbation du patron.
subject to [sth] adj + prep (liable or prone to) (maladie) sujet à [qch], sujette à [qch] adj + prép
  This schedule is subject to last minute changes.
  Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Elle est sujette aux infections respiratoires.
    soumis à [qch] adj + prép
  Cet emploi du temps est soumis à des modifications de dernière minute.
    susceptible de faire [qch] adj + prép
  L’emploi du temps est susceptible d’être modifié à la dernière minute.
subject to [sth] adj + prep (under the rule of [sth]) soumis à [qch] adj + prép
  The politicians are subject to the will of the people.
  Les hommes politiques sont soumis à la volonté du peuple.
Traductions supplémentaires
Anglais Français
subject adj (ruled by another) assujetti adj
  Historians are studying the influence of subject peoples on the nations that ruled them.
  Des historiens étudient actuellement l’influence qu’avaient les peuples assujettis sur les nations au pouvoir.
subject n (in a clinical trial, patient) (Médecine) sujet nm
  The subject tried to stay still while the doctors looked at him.
  Le sujet essaya de rester tranquille pendant que les docteurs l’examinaient.
subject n (dead body) (cadavre) sujet nm
  The pathologist examined the subject carefully.
  Le pathologiste examina le sujet minutieusement.
subject n (conscious being) sujet nm
  Students, please examine the subject and tell me what you think.
  Chers étudiants, examinez bien le sujet et dites-moi ce que vous pensez.
subject n (person ruled by a king) (vassal) sujet nm
  The English are subjects of their queen.
  Les Anglais sont les sujets de leur reine.
subject n (first term of a logical proposition) (Logique) sujet nm
  The first term of a proposition is usually called the subject.
  Dans une proposition, le terme en première position est généralement qualifié de sujet.
subject n (heading in memos, email, etc.) (dans e-mail,…) objet nm
  Subject: next week’s board meeting
  Objet : la réunion de la semaine prochaine.
subject n (person: object of study, experiment) (personne : objet d’étude) sujet nm
  One-third of subjects reported headaches after taking the medication.
subject [sb/sth] vtr (control, rule) soumettre⇒ vtr
  The country was subjected to the rule of emperors for several centuries.
  Le pays a été soumis aux lois des empereurs durant plusieurs siècles.

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Formes composées
Anglais Français
be subject to change vi (be liable to vary) être susceptible de changer⇒ vi
  The marriage laws are subject to change.
change the subject v expr (start talking about [sth] else) changer de sujet loc v
  Let’s change the subject and talk about something less depressing.
  Changeons de sujet et parlons de quelque chose de moins déprimant.
core subject n (any foundational subject taught) matière principale nf
core subjects npl UK (English, math, science) (Grande-Bretagne) matières principales nfpl
Note: En Grande-Bretagne, les matières principales sont l’anglais, les mathématiques et les sciences.
main subject n (academic studies: major) matière principale nf
  She’s doing Spanish at University but her main subject is Psychology.
  Elle étudie l’espagnol à l’université, mais sa matière principale est la psychologie.
main subject n (primary topic under consideration) sujet principal nm
  The main subject of our meeting is the proposed change in office location.
  Le sujet principal de cette réunion est le déménagement de nos bureaux.
    point principal nm
  Le point principal de cette réunion est le déménagement de nos bureaux.
subject area n (field of study or knowledge) domaine d’études nm
subject complement,
subjective complement
(grammar) (Grammaire) attribut nm
subject in question n (matter under discussion) sujet qui nous intéresse nm
  Revenons au sujet qui nous intéresse.
    sujet nm
  Son commentaire n’avait rien à voir avec le sujet.
    sujet de la discussion nm
    propos nm
  Nous nous éloignons du propos.
subject index n (alphabetical contents list) index thématique nm
  L’index thématique se trouve à la fin de l’ouvrage.
    index des thèmes nm
  Dans l’index des thèmes, les personnages faisant l’objet d’un article apparaissent en caractères gras.
    index des sujets nm
  L’index des sujets traités sur ce site est constamment étendu.
subject line n (e-mail, internet forum: message heading) objet nm
  N’oubliez pas d’indiquer un objet à vos messages.
subject matter n (theme or topic of discussion) sujet nm
  The subject matter of today’s lecture is water pollution.
  Le sujet de la conférence est le traitement des eaux usées.
subject matter n (object of study) sujet nm
  This painter chooses unconventional subject matter, such as litter on the sidewalk.
subject pronoun n (pronoun in nominative case) pronom personnel sujet nm
subject to change without notice adj (liable to vary without warning) sujet à modifications (sans préavis) loc adj
  Tour prices are subject to change without notice due to currency fluctuations.

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The subject (French: le sujet) is a word or a group of words (le groupe nominal) which makes it possible to identify what someone is talking about and which agrees with the verb that completes it.

It depends on the verb of which it determines the gender and the number.

Lesson outline


  • 1.How to find the subject in French ? 
  • 1.1.The nominal group in French 
  • 2.The subject verb agreement in French
  • 3.​The nature of the subject in French 
  • 4.Exercises
  • 4.1.Fill in the blank exercise about questions to find the subject in French
  • 4.2.Fill in the blank exercise about the subject pronouns in French
  • 4.3.Multiple choice questions about the nominal group in French

How to find the subject in French ? 

To find the subject, you have to ask these questions: 

  • Qu’est-ce qui ? (what ?) to find the object 
  • Qui est-ce qui ? (who ?) to find the person

​It often precedes the verb, but not always

Examples Question Translation
papa répare la voiture Qui est-ce qui répare la voiture ? (Dad is repairing the car)
la carte montre une nouvelle maison Qu’est-ce qui montre une nouvelle maison ?  (The map shows a new house)

In these examples, ‘papa’ is the subject of the verb «réparer» and ‘la carte’ is the subject of the verb «montrer»

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The nominal group in French 

The nominal group (French: le groupe nominal) is a set of words that is part of the subject and characterizes the action of the verb. It is placed in general before the verb. 

There are many ways to form the nominal group 

Nominal groups Examples Translations
Determinant + noun Le monsieur parle anglais (The mister can speak english)
Determinant + adjective + noun  Une jolie fille m’a salué (A beautiful girl greeted me)
Determinant + noun + adjectif une femme italienne est tombée dans le métro (An italian woman fell in the metro)
Proper noun la France est le pays du fromage (France is know for its cheese)

The subject verb agreement in French

The subject agrees in gender and in number with the verb it completes. 


  • Sa mère conduit une belle voiture. 
  • Ses parents conduisent une belle voiture. 

​Here, the subjects are «sa mère» and «ses parents», the verb is «conduire» conjugated with the gender and number of the subject. 

enlightened There are however some particularities to take into account:

  1. A subject may have several verbs. In this case, the verbs still conjugate with the gender and number of the subject. 
  2. A verb can have several subjects, it is then given in the plural.
  3. The subject may be inverted: situated after the verb in an interrogative sentence and separated by a hyphen.
Subject Examples Translation
several verbs Cette personne crie, s’exprime et agit impoliment (This person screams, exclaims and acts impolitely) 
several subjects Sa mère et son père ont un nouvel enfant (Her mom and her dad have a new child)
Interrogative sentence Où allons-nous ?

 (Where are we going ?)

enlightenedThe incidental proposition indicate that someone’s words are being reported, in this case the subject is after the verb. Not like in English. 

  • «Je ne veux pas te perdre» disait-il. («I don’t want to lose you» he said»)

enlightenedEven if it follows the verb, you will need to agree the verb with the subject.

​The nature of the subject in French 

The subject can have many grammatical category and function

Subject Examples Translations
Noun Paul aime le chocolat (Paul loves chocolate)
Personal pronoun Nous allons faire une surprise à ta mère (We are going to make a surprise for your mom)
Infinitive verb Cuisiner est un art (Cooking is art) 
Proposition Qu’il soit menteur ne m’étonne pas (The fact he is a liar does not surprise me)

enlightenedWith impersonal turnings, the grammatical subject is always «il» and the verb agrees with the third person singular.

  • Il pleuvait beaucoup. (It was raining a lot)


  1. Fill in the blank exercise about questions to find the subject in French
  2. Fill in the blank exercise about the subject pronouns in French
  3. Multiple choice questions about the nominal group in French

Fill in the blank exercise about questions to find the subject in French

Fill in the blank exercise about the subject pronouns in French

Multiple choice questions about the nominal group in French


  1. Fill in the blank exercise about questions to find the subject in French
  2. Fill in the blank exercise about the subject pronouns in French
  3. Multiple choice questions about the nominal group in French

Fill in the blank exercise about questions to find the subject in French

Fill in the blank exercise about the subject pronouns in French

Multiple choice questions about the nominal group in French

What our students say

Unlike in other platforms, all our teachers are manually verified by our professional team. Trust in the experiences of our students.

Hello there. I am Ivan and I teach languages with great success for over 5 years. My teaching technics suit to all kind of interests and goals: personal as well as professional.

I have studied, worked and lived in the French and in the German part of Switzerland, supporting customers from different ages and countries around the world.

Additionally, teaching is my passion which makes me not only a passionated and hard-working teacher but also a flexible, dynamic and compassionate person.

Please contact me for more information and a first meeting free of charge.

Looking forward to meet you soon.

Ross K.
Ross K.

Ivan is an excellent teacher. He adapts lessons to your needs and wishes and makes learning with him fun and enjoyable by finding material which interests you or that you might find interesting even if you didn’t know it yourself before!
I have had 25 lessons with him now and my progress has been much quicker than any method, or course I have taken before. I can’t rate him highly enough! He is very punctual and is very quick to respond if I have any questions.
Thank you Ivan!

Ivan  E.
Ivan E.


I am a serious and reliable person: availability and professionalism are the qualities that best characterize me. I have already had experiences in the field of tutoring and I have also prepared several students to study for the Trinity/Cambridge, DELE and DELF exams.
I am perfectly competent in foreign languages, but I am also able to help students in other subjects (humanistic or not). I have got a Master’s degree in Modern Languages and Literatures and my language skills are certified.
Lessons include conversations in the language chosen and I normally share teaching materials previously chosen according to the needs of the student. When necessary, we will start the lessons with a review of grammar and then address the topics requested by the student.
Lessons are mainly aimed at middle school and high school students, but I also provide preparation for university exams.
As a private teacher, I find it important to discuss with the student on issues related to the modality of the lessons and the objectives of they pursue. I am very patient and I use very flexible teaching methods.


Laura is a young teacher with a degree in languages. Her teaching method is based on her university books, teachers’ advice and direct experience with her students. The material she uses during the lessons is well-structured and planned. With her, you will be able to learn a new language very easily.

This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a screening interview.

Alessia T.
Alessia T.


1 — If you are looking for a well-structured French program to take you from a beginner level to advanced level to be able to travel to France, i have developed with success my own program which includes 70 worksheets from basic to advance level.

2 — If you are thinking taking any DELF exam, I can help you as I have experience in this field (3 years with Ensemble en Francais — online school).

3 — If you are a VCE French student, I definitively will be able to boost your skills to do well at the exam due to my experience as VCE French teacher and also as a VCE assessor.

4 — Finally I have also an extensive experience in teaching French at the primary and middle school level

Ralph W.
Ralph W.

Francois is teaching our daughter in French at the moment. She is a total beginner and they started from scratch. Both work for one hour daily and agree on homework which is being checked in the next lesson. The lesson via Skype is working well with the exchange of material Skype as well. We can definitely see progress.

Francois D.
Francois D.


Hi! My name is Tiphaine, I’m french, I’m 34 years old and I live in Seville.
I grew up in the outside of Paris, I travelled all over the world and I live in Spain for 8 years now.
I’m a musician, a dancer and I love to cook and hike.
I’m a french teacher, and it’s my passion! I speak 3 languages, and thanks to my learning I was able to live amazing experiences in many countries.
That’s why I became a teacher, to be able to share with you my love for french language and culture and to guide you in your progress.
For me, each language is a way of seeing and interpreting the world, as glasses of different colors.
Understanding the way a language works is understanding how its people see things; it’s such a exciting process, I can’t wait to share it with you!
I have more than 5 years experience, in schools, companies and universities.
I work with people from all ages, beginners to advanced. I know most of french manuals.
I can prepare you to DELF and DALF exams. I also have a specialization in french for specific goals and french business.
I can offer you thematic courses, to improve your pronunciation, increase your vocabulary, prepare you for traveling or for a new job.
All my classes are in french, I adapt my vocabulary and speech speed according to your level.
I also adapt my method to your needs, personality, to take the best advantage of my classes and your french learning.
I use diversified ressources, from quizz to podcasts, videos, songs and games.
Whatever are your motivations, if you want to learn french in a pleasurable and rewarding way, book a class with me!

Julie Ann M.
Julie Ann M.

The strategy of Tiphaine is simple but very effective. She assess each students by understanding their needs and goals first. What I enjoy most is I get to speak french with her more than I did in my other french classes. She also give life advices on the side. :)

Tiphaine R.
Tiphaine R.


I am Diane a language tutor that has been helping students of any age and race and I am also a TEFL certified instructor.
Since I am a native Filipino Speaker, I can teach my students conversational Tagalog which includes 1 grammar rule per lesson and pronunciation as well as vocabulary to enable them to communicate with people when they travel to other places or simply with people not from their country. Aside from conversations, we will talk about our culture, cuisine and tourist spots. When I teach I use role play, dialogue, games, Audio/video files and the like which will engage my students well.


Very nice and experienced teacher. She has a very good teaching method with slides and exercises created by her. Highly recommended for those who are new to Filipino, but also for those who would like to improve and move up to a higher level.

This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a screening interview.

Diane G.
Diane G.


Basic rate 18€/hour
Children under 16: 20€/hour
Cancellation :
— If you cancel / postpone more than 24 hours before the lesson, it will not be charged.
— In case of cancellation / postponing less than 24 hours before the lesson, it will be charged at half price.


My mother tongue is French. I have always loved literature, culture, and languages. I studied in Flanders for 10 years, lived in France and Switzerland for 4 years, and have been living in Valencia, Spain, for 3 years now.
I followed the DAEFLE training (teaching French as a foreign language) in 2017.

My practice: — online conversation / support for self-taught people
— coaching / correction of speeches, lectures and documents

Method: — interests and culture
— videos, images, music, reports, poems
— asking questions and seeking answers online (with guidance)
— I encourage the use of applications such as Duolingo outside of class for vocabulary and repetition

Dilay A.
Dilay A.

I do not have a formal need but I want to be able to survive and communicate with friends in french in daily life. In that sense, lessons with Elodie is very nice. It is indeed like you are having a casual conversation with your very organized french speaking friend writing down the new vocabulary or the mistakes you make.
Even though we plan 1 hour/week, it is already working a lot better for me compared to a 3-4 hour/week group course with 20 people.
I had 5 courses including the trial lesson with her now, and I plan to continue as long as our schedules allow.

Elodie O.
Elodie O.



Online French as a second language (FSL) courses for all levels, preparation for official exams (DELF, DALF, TCF), correction of academic work, translations, preparation for job interviews or public speeches. I also teach Spanish, as I speak it fluently and know about teaching techniques.


I focus on the student, my priority. First I find out what they know, and what their objectives and motivations are. Next, we define together a way forward. Thus, my classes are customized, and based on every student’s needs.
I make sure the learning atmosphere is mellow and agreeable, but never forget that my aim is the student’s improvement. Enjoyment contributes to progress, but some discipline is also necessary. I am used to balancing these two needs.


Having taught FSL full-time for 15 years and obtained the DAEFLE (Diploma of Aptitude in Teaching French as a Foreign Language) from the Alliance Française Paris allows me to balance the two elements a good teacher needs: experience and theory. I have worked with people of all levels, from beginners to very advanced, and all ages, from 6 to 86 years old. I also have a great deal of experience in the DELF/DALF tests preparation, with over 90% of success.

I have known for a long time that teaching was my vocation. I like sharing knowledge with others, helping them improve, and feeling that at the end of the day they know more than before. Loving my job and feeling useful is what motivates me to get up every day with a smile.
After a science baccalaureate, I studied audiovisual communication, because I have always been fond of transmitting information. However, I quickly realized I needed a more direct form of contact. During a trip to South America, I started teaching private classes, and immediately understood that was the path I had to follow.


Extensive experience allows me to go fast with quick learners, and to be extremely patient with those who need more time. I have learnt that there isn’t just one way of teaching something, and that some people have a preference for auditory, visual or action-oriented learning. As a private teacher, my priority is to listen to my student in order to adapt my methods to their needs.
Not only do I teach languages, I also provide my students with tools for self-teaching and making progress between classes, allowing them to maximize their investment. I regularly research the latest teaching tools, the evolution of teaching methods, and the neuropsychological findings in that area. This is a surprisingly vast topic.


You will find on my LinkedIn page many letters of recommendation from my students.

Sari C.
Sari C.

Benoît is an exceptional instructor. I am so pleased I found him. He is professional, always prepared for class, and always patient. He never fails to correct my pronunciation, grammar and writing in French — yet, in a kind manner. His expertise and knowledge in ways to help improve my French are worth far more than the investment I have made. He goes above and beyond to make each class count. Benoît is the best French instructor I’ve ever had!

Benoit C.
Benoit C.

Sari is an involved, responsible and hardworking student. With already an advanced level, its learning curve is very good. A pleasure to work with her.

Translated by Google Translate


Hi there, thank you for stopping by! My name is Cristina, I’m a CELTA qualified English teacher and I have a Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages; I speak English fluently and I can communicate in Italian, Portuguese, French and Spanish. Being a language learner myself and thanks to my educational background I have a deep understanding of language structure and I can easily put myself in my students’ shoes and understand the areas they might struggle with.
I’ve been giving private lessons for one year, to both teenagers and adults of all levels. My lessons are very student-centered, which means that my first priority is to get to know you in order to tailor the lessons around your needs and interests. I create a friendly and trustful environment, I plan my lessons to be engaging and communicative and I encourage my students to take active part in the discovery of the target language. I use a wide variety of coursebooks, online tools and authentic materials that I adapt to online teaching through powerpoint presentations and file sharing. I believe that practicing all language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing) as well as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation is key to fluency and I make it a point of helping my students to develop all of them.
Over the last few years I’ve had several experiences in international companies, which allowed me to become familiar with tourism and business-related language, so I can help you strengthen your communication skills in these areas, as well as in everyday conversational English to communicate with co-workers, clients and friends.

If you have any questions drop me a message or book a trial lesson so that we can get to know each other!
I look forward to meeting to you :)

Alina L.
Alina L.

Cristina is a professional and motivated teacher who recently passed her Cambridge Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) and has already gained experience in teaching English. During her classes, she provides slides with exercises gathered from different books and uses a variety of teaching methods such as controlled practices or free speaking exercises. Throughout the whole lesson, she encourages her students to actively speak English.

This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a screening interview.

Cristina R.
Cristina R.


I am a professional English tutor with online teaching experience. In my class, you won’t need to memorise long lists of vocabulary. Instead, we will discuss interesting topics and practice language that you want to learn. With my artistic background, I can create creative and fun lessons suited to the student’s learning goals. I like using colorful PowerPoint slides, flashcards and videos to demonstrate my learning points.
I am a friendly, patient person, because I know that learning a new language can sometimes be very scary. My classroom is a safe, comfortable space that encourages mistakes, because this is the best way to learn. I am creative and use music/dancing where possible to re-energize my students. This makes learning the subjects you don’t enjoy, fun, as we may sing songs that target grammar structures or vocabulary.

Elena A.
Elena A.

Savannah is a wonderful and lovely teacher; thanks to her I was able to pass an important exam.
She can understand your needs and suggest you how to improve your skills
She is an understanding person and is able to make each lesson interesting and pleasant , focusing on useful subjets
I think she is perfect for both adult and young students.
In addition, having South Africa and Europe the same time zone, it makes convenient and easy to schedule lessons!

Savannah T.
Savannah T.

Thank you so much Elena. It was such a pleasure to teach you. You always had so much to say so our lessons were always fun. I am so proud of your accomplishments. Well done!


I want to help people to improve the level of their chosen language.

Julie T.
Julie T.

I couldn’t imagine a better teacher than Nancy! Together with Nancy you find the right method for you to improve your French in a fun and personal way. I would recommend her to everyone!

Nancy C.
Nancy C.


My name is Ma. Teresa Tabasa Garcia. I was born and raised in the Philippines. I am a Native Tagalog Speaker and English is my second language. I graduated from Central Luzon State University with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Garment Technology and I took an additional units in Education and units in Graduate Studies at CORE Gateway College. I had been a College Instructor and Trainer in Cookery in one of the Colleges in our place.
As a teacher I am patient, friendly and flexible. I can teach students at all levels and all ages.
I use a combination of methods and tools in learning namely: conversation techniques, storytelling, reading text books, PDFs, audio and video recordings. You will learn the different sentence pattern, grammar, pronunciation and intonation, you may include your topic of interest as well. I use drills and exercises to track your learning progress. I will make sure that you will learn something new at the end of every lesson.


Teresa is a delightful and bright teacher. She has previously worked as a teacher at the school board and as a teacher for young mothers. Her study method is based on the level of the students and the goals they want to achieve.

This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a screening interview.

Ma.Teresa G.
Ma.Teresa G.

Thank you sir Giacomo, thank you for the good feedback. You’re such an awesome and kind interviewer. I am happy to work with you in coLanguage. God bless.


My name is Tiska. I am a French Teacher with experiences with adults and teenagers in Public Education (USA) and Language Schools. I am holding a Master Degree in FLE (Teaching French as a Foreign Language).

Join a small group of learners of 2 or 3 for conversation lessons with me. An article or video to watch before the lesson and a conversation with personalized corrections during the lesson. This option saves you at least 10 euros per lesson on Colanguage.
Group opening:
Monday and/or Wednesday from 17:30 to 18:30 (French time).
Level: intermediate (B1)

Also, standard French lessons
— level A2 (low intermediate)
— 2 hours a week
— ask for schedule

Don’t know your level? Ask for a free level test.

I give Skype lessons to people who need or want to improve their French language. I like to use material from the internet (videos, article etc.) to introduce a theme which leads to a lesson and a conversation.
 I like to create engaging learning with my students.  I will give as homework a document to watch or to read with comprehension exercises so the time we have on skype is only speaking practice and explanation if needed.
I can help you prepare DELF-DALF Exams or work on specific needs (as professional French).
Really like to speak about all the subjects with the student especially those the student like so it gives the motivation to speak in the foreign language.
The free first lesson is organize to know your tastes, your level and your needs so we can plan the next lessons about the objectives you fixed.

Ferdi D.
Ferdi D.

Tiska is a very good teacher: her lessons are well structured and she follows your French level perfectly. The method she uses is modern and leaves room for conversation. Homework is a real party with the videos, listening to music videos and grammar which is well explained in the book. I can highly recommend Tiska for your French lesson.

Translated by Google Translate

Tiska G.
Tiska G.


Italian teacher for foreigners


Beatrice is specialized in teaching Italian for all levels. She has language certificates from DITALS for Italian and CELTA for English. Other than her knowledge of the Italian language, she can also speak English, and Spanish. Her multilingual skills allow her to offer the students a chance for better communication during her classes. Beatrice’s teaching method depends on what fits your level. In her, you will find a well-prepared, expert, and friendly teacher. She relies on several books for teaching the Italian languagen, like: Dieci, Nuovo Contatto, Domani, Progetto Italiano, and Nuovo Magari. With Beatrice, you’ll learn faster than you can imagine!

This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a screening interview.

Beatrice B.
Beatrice B.



Hadjer is a teacher in a middle school. Before that, she was working in a high school. In addition to school-based classes, she has taught English on many online platforms. Her teaching method is efficient and innovative, and the teaching materials she uses belong to the school. In her, you will find a well-prepared, expert, and friendly teacher.

This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a screening interview.

Hadjer E.
Hadjer E.


Identifying the Sentence Subject in French

It’s Performing the Action

PeopleImages / Getty Images

The subject is the noun or pronoun in a clause or sentence that performs the action of the verb. To find the subject, ask who or what is performing the action of the verb. It is crucial to recognize the subject because French verbs are conjugated according to the number, person and gender of the subject noun or the subject pronoun.

David lave la voiture. / David is washing the car.

Who is washing the car? David is, so David is the subject.

Subject Pronouns

Subject pronouns replace the specific names of people or things:


  •   1st person   je > I
  •    2nd person  tu > you
  •    3rd person   il > he, it / elle > she, it / on > one


  •   1st person   nous > we
  •    2nd person  vous > you
  •    3rd person   ils > they (m) / elles > they (f)

The French subject pronoun on is an indefinite pronoun that means «one,» «we,» «you» and «they.» It’s often equivalent to the English passive voice.

  On ne devrait pas poser cette question.One shouldn’t ask that question. / You shouldn’t ask that quesiton.

Note that, unlike the English «I,» the French je is only capitalized when it begins a sentence; otherwise it is lowercase.

Subjects in Sentences

Whether sentences be statements, exclamations, questions, or commands, there is always a subject, either stated or implied. Only in a command is the subject not explicitly stated; it is implied by the imperative conjugation of the verb.

Sentences can be separated into a subject (un sujet) and a predicate (un prédicat). The subject is the person or thing performing the action, and the predicate is the rest of the sentence, which usually begins with the verb.
Je suis professeur. 
Suject: Je. Prédicat: suis professeur.

I am a teacher
Subject: I. Predicate: am a professor.

La jeune fille est mignonne 
Sujet: La jeune fille. Prédicat: est mignonne. 

The young girl is cute.
Subject: The young girl. Predicate: is cute.

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