The word strong in greek

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It took strong efforts and a complicated procedure to find a solution.

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Χρειάστηκαν σθεναρές προσπάθειες και μια πολύπλοκη διαδικασία για να βρούμε μια λύση.

Are you strong enough to speak, my child?

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Είσαι αρκετά σθεναρός να μας μιλήσεις, αγόρι μου;?

Romania has been and remains a strong supporter of the Nabucco project.

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Ρουμανία ήταν και παραμένει σθεναρός υποστηρικτής του έργου Nabucco.

Easing regulation has been slow against the background of strong resistance from interest groups.

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Ο περιορισμός της κατοχύρωσης είναι βραδύς, δεδομένης της σθεναρής αντίστασης από ομάδες συμφερόντων.

Development of strong research skills.

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Ανάπτυξη στερεών ερευνητικών δεξιοτήτων.

The extended Zampelis family in Australia has been a strong supporter of my research.

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Η οικογένεια του Zampelis στην Αυστραλία υπήρξε σθεναρός υποστηρικτής της έρευνάς μου.

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We don’t have proof but rather very strong indications- that almost reach certainty.

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Δεν έχουμε αποδείξεις αλλά ισχυρότατες ενδείξεις- φτάνουν σχεδόν στη βεβαιότητα.

We don’t have proof but rather very strong indications- that almost reach certainty.

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Δεν έχουμε αποδείξεις, αλλά ισχυρότατες ενδείξεις -φθάνουν σχεδόν στη βεβαιότητα.

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The characters were so strong in this book.

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Είναι τόσο έντονοι οι χαρακτήρες σε αυτό το βιβλίο.

So it won’t be strong enough to kill her.

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Οπότε δεν είναι δυνατόν να τη σκοτώσει.

I will come back strong in Misano.”.

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Not because I am strong but because God is.

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Όχι γιατί είναι δυνατότερος από σένα, μα γιατί είναι γιος θεάς.

Gaining muscles and strong body is the wish of most of the people among us.

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Κερδίζοντας μυών και στερεού σώματος είναι η ανάγκη πολλών ανθρώπων ανάμεσά μας.

More than 80% want strong laws to protect them from torture.

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Περισσότερο από το 80% των ερωτηθέντων ζητούν ισχυρότερους νόμους για την προστασία τους από βασανιστήρια.

Then some become strong at the broken places.’.

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Και μετά κάποιοι γίνονται δυνατότεροι μέσα από τα συντρίμμια τους».

I am strong and will get through!

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Monique has a strong ethic, Tony.

Two strong earthquakes in Indonesia.

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We establish strong bonds with our partners.

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Δημιουργούμε γερούς δεσμούς με τους συνεργάτες μας.

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We have very strong links with Girlguiding.

I hope you will always be strong and to visit this fantastic place….

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Μακάρι να είμαστε πάντα γεροί και να επισκεπτόμαστε αυτόν τον φανταστικό χώρο….

We got 10 strong killers, five young stags hungry for blood.

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Έχουμε 10 γερούς φονιάδες. Πέντε πεινασμένα για αίμα.

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You know, you have very strong forearms.

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Εχεις πολύ γερούς πήχεις, ξέρεις.

He had always been the strong one in our relationship.

Strong, resilient societies are enriched, not threatened, by diversity.

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Οι κοινωνίες είναι ισχυρότερες, πιο ανθεκτικές και εμπλουτισμένες, όχι απειλούμενες από τη διαφορετικότητα.

Strong earthquake hit northern Peru.

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Results: 158497,
Time: 0.0271





What is the ancient Greek word for strong?

From Ancient Greek Κράτος (Kratos, literally “Power, Strength”).

What is the ancient Greek word for warrior?

“Maketes” – a warrior, fighter | Ancient Greek.

What does Ischyrós mean?

This name derives from the Ancient Greek “ischyrós (ισχυρός) Ischyríon (Ισχυρίων)”, meaning “mighty, powerful, strong”.

What does Ischyros mean in Greek?


What does athanatos mean?

Athanatos is another name of God, generally thought to indicate Immirtality. Sabaoth means armies of the lord. Basically put together they mean Michael, leader {in the field) of the heavanly hosts (armies) of the Lord.

What does sabaoth mean?

In biblical use the word is applied to the company of angels in heaven; or to the sun, moon and stars, the “hosts of heaven,” and also to translate “Jehovah Sabaoth,” the Lord God of hosts, the lord of the armies of Israel or of the hosts of heaven.

What is the Norse word for warrior?


What is another name for warrior?

What is another word for warrior?

fighter soldier
combatant gladiator
trooper legionary
legionnaire serviceman
hero brave

What is another name for a hero?

In this page you can discover 109 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hero, like: brave man, courageous, god, great man, italian-sandwich, gallant, actor, heroic, paladin, champion and protagonist.

What are good warrior names?

  • Ethan. Meaning: Hebrew for “strong”
  • Gunther. Meaning: German for “battle warrior”
  • Harold. Meaning: Scandinavian for “army ruler”
  • Kane. Meaning: Welsh for “warrior”
  • Lewis. Meaning: English for “renowned warrior”
  • Liam. Meaning: Irish for “strong-willed”
  • Marcus. Meaning: Latin for “warlike”
  • Milo.

What name means gentle warrior?

19. Humphrey. The English name Humphrey means peaceful warrior.

What names mean king?

English Names That Mean King

  • Aldrich (Meaning: Old, wise ruler).
  • Arnold (Meaning: Ruler strong as a ruler).
  • Avery (Meaning: Ruler of the elves).
  • Balder (Meaning: Prince, courageous or brave).
  • Edgar (Meaning: Wealthy spear-man).
  • Edric (Meaning: Wealthy ruler).
  • Jerrick (Meaning: Strong gifted ruler).

What name means strong and brave?

Valerie: This Latin name means both “Strong” and “brave.” Matilda: This name has German roots and means “might,” “power” or “battle.”

What name means strong and powerful?

Along with Audrey and Matilda, other girl names that mean brave, strong, or powerful in the US Top 500 include Gabriella, Valentina, and Valerie. For boys, Andrew, Everett, Ezekiel Harvey, and Zane are among the most common.

What are strong names?

100 Strong Baby Boy Names and Their Meaning

  • Abelardo. Abelardo means noble and strong.
  • Abiri. A name of Hebrew origin, Abiri means my strength, my hero.
  • Absko. Absko is a masculine boy name of Kenyan origin.
  • Adir. Abir is a Hebrew name which means strong, courageous, mighty.
  • Aimilios.
  • Alcibiades.
  • Aldric.
  • Alexander.

What does Adira mean?

Adira as a girl’s name is pronounced ah-DEER-ah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Adira is “strong, noble, powerful”.

Is Adira a good name?

Adira is one of those rare names that’s both exotic and simple. Pronounced ah-DEER-ah, Adira is given to only a handful of girls in the U.S. each year and could make a worthy substitute for such overexposed favorites as Ava and Ariana.

What does the name Elise mean?

Elise, Elize, Elyse. Related names. Eliza. Élise, Elise, Elyse or Elize is the shortened feminine French form of Elizabeth, meaning “My God is an oath” or “My God is abundance”.

What is the biblical meaning of briella?

God is my strong man

Who is briella in the Bible?

Feminine form of Gabriel, which is derived from the Hebrew gavhrī’ēl (God is my strength). Gabriel is borne in the Bible by one of the seven archangels, the herald of Good News who appeared to Mary to announce her pregnancy and the impending birth of the Christ child.

What does the name Maira mean in Islam?

the moon

Is Adira a Hindu name?

Adira is baby girl name mainly popular in Hindu religion and its main origin is Hindi. Adira is written in Hindi as अदीरा.

Does Adira mean ocean?

Adira. This baby girl name is one of the coolest ocean names of Hebrew origin. It means strong, powerful or noble.

What is the ancient Greek word for strong?

Alex Heath


What is the ancient Greek word for strong?

From Ancient Greek Κράτος (Kratos, literally “Power, Strength”).

What does Ischyrós mean?

This name derives from the Ancient Greek “ischyrós (ισχυρός) Ischyríon (Ισχυρίων)”, meaning “mighty, powerful, strong”.

What does Ischyros mean in Greek?


What does athanatos mean?

Athanatos is another name of God, generally thought to indicate Immirtality. Sabaoth means armies of the lord. Basically put together they mean Michael, leader {in the field) of the heavanly hosts (armies) of the Lord.

What does sabaoth mean?

In biblical use the word is applied to the company of angels in heaven; or to the sun, moon and stars, the “hosts of heaven,” and also to translate “Jehovah Sabaoth,” the Lord God of hosts, the lord of the armies of Israel or of the hosts of heaven.

What is another name for warrior?

What is another word for warrior?

fighter soldier
combatant gladiator
trooper legionary
legionnaire serviceman
hero brave

What do you call a female warrior?

A virago is a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities. There are recorded instances of viragos (such as Joan of Arc) fighting battles, wearing men’s clothing, or receiving the tonsure.

What are good warrior names?

  • Ethan. Meaning: Hebrew for “strong”
  • Gunther. Meaning: German for “battle warrior”
  • Harold. Meaning: Scandinavian for “army ruler”
  • Kane. Meaning: Welsh for “warrior”
  • Lewis. Meaning: English for “renowned warrior”
  • Liam. Meaning: Irish for “strong-willed”
  • Marcus. Meaning: Latin for “warlike”
  • Milo.

What name means gentle warrior?

19. Humphrey. The English name Humphrey means peaceful warrior.

What name means strong and brave?

Valerie: This Latin name means both “Strong” and “brave.” Matilda: This name has German roots and means “might,” “power” or “battle.”

What name means strong and powerful?

Along with Audrey and Matilda, other girl names that mean brave, strong, or powerful in the US Top 500 include Gabriella, Valentina, and Valerie. For boys, Andrew, Everett, Ezekiel Harvey, and Zane are among the most common.

What name means strength?

15 Beautiful Baby Names That Mean ‘Strength’

  • Brianna. This Celtic baby name for girls means “strong.” Call her Bri for short.
  • Ethan. It means “strong,” “firm” and “long-lived,” so it’s basically the ideal moniker for your tenacious little guy.
  • Matilda. Remember Roald Dahl’s Matilda?
  • Liam.
  • Aila.
  • Griffin.
  • Valentina.
  • Kwan.

What are strong names?

100 Strong Baby Boy Names and Their Meaning

  • Abelardo. Abelardo means noble and strong.
  • Abiri. A name of Hebrew origin, Abiri means my strength, my hero.
  • Absko. Absko is a masculine boy name of Kenyan origin.
  • Adir. Abir is a Hebrew name which means strong, courageous, mighty.
  • Aimilios.
  • Alcibiades.
  • Aldric.
  • Alexander.

Is Adira a good name?

Adira is one of those rare names that’s both exotic and simple. Pronounced ah-DEER-ah, Adira is given to only a handful of girls in the U.S. each year and could make a worthy substitute for such overexposed favorites as Ava and Ariana.

What does briella mean?

God is my strength

What does the name Elise mean?

Elise, Elize, Elyse. Related names. Eliza. Élise, Elise, Elyse or Elize is the shortened feminine French form of Elizabeth, meaning “My God is an oath” or “My God is abundance”.

What is the biblical meaning of briella?

God is my strong man

Who is briella in the Bible?

Feminine form of Gabriel, which is derived from the Hebrew gavhrī’ēl (God is my strength). Gabriel is borne in the Bible by one of the seven archangels, the herald of Good News who appeared to Mary to announce her pregnancy and the impending birth of the Christ child.

What does the name Maira mean in Islam?

the moon

Is Adira a Hindu name?

Adira is baby girl name mainly popular in Hindu religion and its main origin is Hindi. Adira is written in Hindi as अदीरा.

Does Adira mean ocean?

Adira. This baby girl name is one of the coolest ocean names of Hebrew origin. It means strong, powerful or noble.




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How to Say Strong in GreekAdvertisement

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If you want to know how to say strong in Greek, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Greek better.

Here is the translation and the Greek word for strong:




Strong in all languages

Dictionary Entries near strong

  • stroke
  • stroll
  • stroller
  • strong
  • strong argument
  • strong case
  • strong commitment

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«Strong in Greek.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



Check out other translations to the Greek language:

  • discreet
  • impressionable
  • intellectual
  • lucky
  • narrow-minded
  • nice girl
  • relentless
  • sincerity
  • surly
  • womanly

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Greek Word For Strong / Pin by Andrew BeauChamp on Men of Sports in 2020 … : In this tutorial you’ll also learn how to use the dictionary feature in the best free bible software was that what the woman took hold of when she was immediately healed?. Each greek word is keyed to strong’s for quick reference, and hyperlinked to the section in trench’s synonyms where it is discussed. The exhaustive concordance of the bible, generally known as strong’s concordance, is a bible concordance, an index of every word in the king james version (kjv), constructed under the direction of james strong. This is indicated in orange text. You can lookup any name or word or strong’s greek or hebrew numbers just type in a strong’s number and it shows the word and where it else within the text appears. Strong’s number g5485 matches the greek χάρις (charis), which occurs 156 times in 147 verses in the greek concordance of the kjv.

Each greek word is keyed to strong’s for quick reference, and hyperlinked to the section in trench’s synonyms where it is discussed. Greek, however, uses them far more often, and this is in part because greek has a strong tendency to link clauses and sentences together. Of living beings, strong either in body or mind. the origin of the word olympic is greek. Ἀγάπη, ης, ἡ part of speech: It represents a stronger contrast than δέ.

Basic Greek Words And Phrases For Your Holiday To Greece ...

Basic Greek Words And Phrases For Your Holiday To Greece … from
How do you find them? The first word of its kind that looks like the word astronaut is the famous word that is mentioned in the very ancient greek mythology and it is called argonaut. Greek, however, uses them far more often, and this is in part because greek has a strong tendency to link clauses and sentences together. The noun form of the greek word for weak is adýnamo , which literally means without power. This is indicated in orange text. As is strong in greek? Conjunctions in greek work much as they do in english. Strong’s number g5485 matches the greek χάρις (charis), which occurs 156 times in 147 verses in the greek concordance of the kjv.

And then, people ask why there is a handful of greek words in the peshitta.

This is a word study about the meaning of the greek word ἀγαθὸς, ‘agathos’ meaning ‘good’, strong’s 18 in the new testament. Greek word of the day! The exhaustive concordance of the bible, generally known as strong’s concordance, is a bible concordance, an index of every word in the king james version (kjv), constructed under the direction of james strong. The greek word for power is kratos, but ‘kratocracy’ seems like a ludicrous word (power power). The frequency of this type of thing is astounding, to say the least. The original strong’s dictionary greek and hebrew from james strong et. All strong aorist forms for gcse greek. Then to find the strong’s number on a specific. Anthropology, photography, telephony, isomer, biomechanics all ancient greek words that start with h, history, for instance, were written without the letter η and the first letter was aspirated instead, this aspirate. How do you find them? Depending on the context, this postpositive word can be. Greek, however, uses them far more often, and this is in part because greek has a strong tendency to link clauses and sentences together. Each greek word is keyed to strong’s for quick reference, and hyperlinked to the section in trench’s synonyms where it is discussed.

Greek inflections of χάρις ? mgnt 155x in 6 unique form(s) tr 156x in 8 unique form(s) lxx 78x in 6 unique form(s). Of living beings, strong either in body or mind. the origin of the word olympic is greek. The word strong comes from the old english strang — the word hasn’t changed much in all the intervening centuries. How to say strong in greek? So, they just transliterated the aramaic word?

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10 Beautiful Latin and Ancient Greek Architectural Words from
It represents a stronger contrast than δέ. Then to find the strong’s number on a specific. I did not include transliterations for words in the headings, since the transliteration of a word can be viewed simply by moving the mouse. Greek people clearly name it wrong, for general consensus. The word strong comes from the old english strang — the word hasn’t changed much in all the intervening centuries. Come in, learn the word translation strong and add them to your flashcards. The word also has strong latin roots and became commonly used in the 16th century. Ἀγάπη, (ης, ἡ, a purely biblical and ecclesiastical word (for wyttenbach, following reiske’s.

I did not include transliterations for words in the headings, since the transliteration of a word can be viewed simply by moving the mouse.

The exhaustive concordance of the bible, generally known as strong’s concordance, is a bible concordance, an index of every word in the king james version (kjv), constructed under the direction of james strong. There are several greek words with no english equivalent. How to say strong in greek. How to say strong in greek? Anthropology, photography, telephony, isomer, biomechanics all ancient greek words that start with h, history, for instance, were written without the letter η and the first letter was aspirated instead, this aspirate. Other common words for strong is ἰσχυρός (iskhurós). In this tutorial i’m going to show you how to look up the greek word for. Depending on the context, this postpositive word can be. Greek word of the day! Is it not because greek lacks an original word for strong drink? The greek word for power is kratos, but ‘kratocracy’ seems like a ludicrous word (power power). Ἀγάπη, (ης, ἡ, a purely biblical and ecclesiastical word (for wyttenbach, following reiske’s. What’s the greek word for strong?

There is a greek word δοῦλος (»doulos») which means slave, bondservant, or servant. if you were to graph it, you would have a circle in the middle with if your word study book only has strong’s, you can go in the back of it and you can get the conversion and find out that in strong’s number it is 1401. This is indicated in orange text. The frequency of this type of thing is astounding, to say the least. The word also has strong latin roots and became commonly used in the 16th century. The word strong comes from the old english strang — the word hasn’t changed much in all the intervening centuries.

The 4 Greek Words For Love | Greek words for love, Greek ...

The 4 Greek Words For Love | Greek words for love, Greek … from
Other sets by this creator. The original strong’s dictionary greek and hebrew from james strong et. It’s actually a noun used to characterize a strong and fearless young man. Is it not because greek lacks an original word for strong drink? There is a greek word δοῦλος (»doulos») which means slave, bondservant, or servant. if you were to graph it, you would have a circle in the middle with if your word study book only has strong’s, you can go in the back of it and you can get the conversion and find out that in strong’s number it is 1401. Conjunctions in greek work much as they do in english. Strong’s number g5485 matches the greek χάρις (charis), which occurs 156 times in 147 verses in the greek concordance of the kjv. Each greek word is keyed to strong’s for quick reference, and hyperlinked to the section in trench’s synonyms where it is discussed.

Find more greek words at what does the greek word ‘didaskein’ mean in 1 timothy 2 ?

In this tutorial you’ll also learn how to use the dictionary feature in the best free bible software was that what the woman took hold of when she was immediately healed? There are many greek words defined on this website that are not in this list. Must appreciate the fact that whoever made the map put the effort to actually find the name in i wouldn’t call estonia poor, if anything they are the strongest of the baltics in terms of wealth and economy. This will bring up all hits of pages where your strong’s number is found. Other common words for strong is ἰσχυρός (iskhurós). Then to find the strong’s number on a specific. Of living beings, strong either in body or mind. the origin of the word olympic is greek. The word also has strong latin roots and became commonly used in the 16th century. There is a greek word δοῦλος (»doulos») which means slave, bondservant, or servant. if you were to graph it, you would have a circle in the middle with if your word study book only has strong’s, you can go in the back of it and you can get the conversion and find out that in strong’s number it is 1401. Afrikaans word albanian word arabic word bengali word chinese word croatian word czech word danish word dutch word english word finnish word french word german word greek word hindi word hungarian word. The greek word for power is kratos, but ‘kratocracy’ seems like a ludicrous word (power power). The exhaustive concordance of the bible, generally known as strong’s concordance, is a bible concordance, an index of every word in the king james version (kjv), constructed under the direction of james strong. Come in, learn the word translation strong and add them to your flashcards.

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Greek Word For Strong / Pin by Andrew BeauChamp on Men of Sports in 2020 … : In this tutorial you’ll also learn how to use the dictionary feature in the best free bible software was that what the woman took hold of when she was immediately healed?

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