The word stroke in a sentence

stroke — перевод на русский


He could be having a stroke.

У него может быть инсульт.

He had a stroke.

— У него был инсульт.

It’s a stroke.

Это инсульт.

Keeled over one of the snooker tables, had a stroke.

Умер прямо на бильярдном столе. Инсульт.

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Quick! — Your father’s had a stroke.

У твоего отца удар!

A heat stroke?

Тепловой удар?

Sudden stroke.

— Внезапный удар.

You might have a stroke.

Вас может хватить удар.

Santa Claus will have sun stroke.

Санта Клаус получит солнечный удар.

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He had a stroke, but recovered okay.

У него был приступ. Он легко отделался.

-He did not. He had a stroke.

— Нет, у него был приступ.

No, wait, it’s a stroke.

Нет, постойте! Это — приступ!

It turns out it was just a mild stroke brought on by his atherosclerosis.

Выяснилось, что это был легкий приступ, вызванный его атеросклерозом.

Are you having a stroke?

У вас приступ? В чем дело?

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They couldn’t train him to put his arms around his girl, to stroke her hair.

Они не смогли научить его обнимать свою девушку и гладить её волосы.

They love stroking your skin, don’t they ?

Они любят гладить твою кожу, правда?

He sat down next to me and started stroking my thighs.

Он сел рядом со мной и начал гладить мои бедра.

I stroked her palm for the sake of change, otherwise it’d have been dull.

Я взял ее за руку и стал гладить. Для разнообразия, нельзя же вечно делать одно и то же.

Cover the flowers in flame, stroke their hair, teach them to read…

Нужно покрыть пламенем цветы, гладить им волосы, учить их читать…

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We only want to stroke his pretty neck.

Мы хотим погладить его по головке!

Would you like to stroke him?

-Хочешь его погладить? -Нет.

Why don’t you go over and stroke him a little bit?

Почему бы вам не подойти и погладить его немного?

Now, who’d like to stroke a magic puppy?

Кто хочет погладить волшебного щенка?

Stroking the thighs, sir?

Погладить бедра, сэр?

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Old fella had a stroke. Couldn’t cope.

Старикана хватил удар, он не мог уже справляться.

My great aunty Betty, who cannae see or speak since she had a stroke could have made that sale.

Даже моя тетка Бетти, которая ослепла и онемела с тех пор, как её хватил удар, могла бы совершить эту сделку.

Francis, sit down before you have a stroke.

Франциск, сядь, пока тебя не хватил удар.

She had a stroke.

— Ее хватил удар.

— Three of her friends had strokes.

— Троих из ее подруг хватил удар.

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А то заработаешь сердечный приступ.


У него был сердечный приступ, кажется лет десять назад.

So this is what a stroke feels like.

Вот что такое сердечный приступ.

Aneurysm, stroke, or some other ischemic syndrome.

Аневризм, сердечный приступ или другой ишемический синдром.

I think he’s having a stroke!

— Держу его. Похоже, у него сердечный приступ!

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Such bold strokes of the brush, such masterly control.

Какие смелые мазки! Какое… мастерство!

Quiet! Your strokes are edgy.

У вас нервные мазки.

Okay, vivid colors, expressive brush strokes.

Итак, яркие цвета, выразительные мазки кисти.

The big gargantuan impasto strokes…

Большие, огромные мазки… Она от них без ума.

Look at these confident brush strokes.

Взгляните на эти уверенные мазки.

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He had a stroke, after Ruthy died.

У него случился инсульт сразу после смерти Рут.

— It caused my stroke!

— Из-за этого у меня случился инсульт!

Your husband was on it the night that he had a stroke.

Твой муж был накачан ею в ночь, когда случился инсульт.

Do you remember having a stroke?

Вы помните, что с вами случился инсульт?

Secretary ofState, just to let you know, Terri’s father’s had a stroke.

Господин Министр, у отца Терри случился инсульт.

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I think I’ m having a stroke.

Думаю, у меня инфаркт.

I’m just having a… stroke!

У меня начинается инфаркт.

He survived the stroke, but doctors say chances are high to have another one.

Инфаркт он пережил, но врачи говорят, что у него велики шансы получить следующий.

I just had lunch, and you’re liable to overtax your heart and have a massive stroke, killing you instantly or paralyzing half your body.

Я только что пообедала, а ты перегружаешь свое сердце… и у тебя может быть обширный инфаркт, который тебя убьет, или парализует половину твоего тела.

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Synonym: act, attack, attempt, caress, convulsion, deed, effort, feat, massage, pet, rub, seizure, spasm, undertaking. Similar words: broker, strong, astronomer, joke, poke, invoke, provoke, bespoke. Meaning: [strəʊk]  n. 1. (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand 2. the maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam 3. a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain 4. a light touch 5. a light touch with the hands 6. the oarsman nearest the stern of the shell who sets the pace for the rest of the crew 7. a punctuation mark (/) used to separate related items of information 8. a mark made by a writing implement (as in cursive writing) 9. any one of the repeated movements of the limbs and body used for locomotion in swimming or rowing 10. a single complete movement. v. 1. touch lightly and with affection, with brushing motions 2. strike a ball with a smooth blow 3. row at a particular rate 4. treat gingerly or carefully. 

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1. An oak is not felled at one stroke

2. A stroke paralysed half his face.

3. A stroke paralyzed half his face.

4. Her idea was a stroke of genius.

5. By a stroke of fortune, he won the competition.

6. Church bells pealed at the stroke of midnight.

7. She died following a massive stroke.

8. His health and vigour were unimpaired by a stroke.

9. Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke.

10. He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer.

11. By a stroke of good fortune, Steven was still in his office.

12. Warrior stroke Jingtao hack flow without sinking, coward in be in smooth water will drown.

13. He broke the lock with one stroke of the hammer.

14. It was a stroke of luck that we found you.

15. By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately.

16. With one stroke of his ax , he had cut the tree down.

17. When her husband had a stroke, she was given virtual control of the business.

18. She had a massive stroke and lost her speech.

19. The forehand stroke should be fluid and well balanced.

20. The stroke left him a helpless wreck.

21. Fireworks started at the stroke of ten.

22. Stroke the dog if you like, it won’t bite.

23. Simpkins suffered a massive stroke.Sentence dictionary

24. The stroke rendered her incapable of speech.

25. She swam with a graceless stroke.

26. They lost half their fortune at a stroke.

27. She gave the cat a stroke.

28. What’s your best stroke when you’re swimming?

29. In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.

30. Love a way out Do not make the cocoon since the stroke.

More similar words: broker, strong, astronomer, joke, poke, invoke, provoke, bespoke, spokesman, troop, patron, patrol, control, trouble, troubled, tropical, courtroom, introduce, electronic, introspect, out of control, controversy, electronics, metropolitan, introduction, under control, control group, beyond control, introspection, controversial.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word stroke, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use stroke in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «stroke».

Stroke in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word stroke in a sentence.

  1. He suffered a stroke in 2001.

  2. Speer died of a stroke in 1981.

  3. She suffered another stroke in February 1974.

  4. Her condition worsened, and she had a stroke.

  5. Collins hit his first stroke at around 3.30 pm.

  6. On 1 March 1953, Stalin suffered a massive stroke.

  7. James Secord died of a stroke on 22 February 1841.

  8. He suffered a stroke and died in London on 1 September.

  9. He had a mild stroke in 1966, and a second in May 1968.

  10. He was taken to hospital where doctors diagnosed a stroke.

  11. His health turned for the worse after he suffered a stroke.

  12. I-355 opened at the stroke of midnight on December 24, 1989.

  13. Tyler’s first wife Letitia died of a stroke in the White House in September 1842.

  14. Grebes stroke more vigorously with an open bill a behaviour known as «stropping».

  15. She suffered a stroke, which left her unable to speak, and died on 1 August 1714.

  16. In July 1973 she suffered a slight stroke and spent three weeks in a nursing home.

  17. In June 1988, he suffered a mild stroke, which left him slightly mentally impaired.

  18. In the early morning of 25 December 1977, Chaplin died at home after suffering a stroke in his sleep.

  19. On May 22, 1873, Early suffered a stroke, which left him unable to speak and half his body paralyzed.

  20. In 1958 Horne suffered a stroke and gave up his business dealings to focus on his entertainment work.

  21. King Ferdinand then in 1811 imposed Sicily’s first tax, at a single stroke alienating his aristocracy.

  22. For Rich, it was a stroke of luck to get Susanna and John back into his depleted and unskilled troupe.

  23. By a stroke of luck, a thaw prevented the Chatti from crossing the Rhine and coming to Saturninus’ aid.

  24. He found no physical conditions, such as a stroke or heart attack, that would have explained the crash.

  25. At a stroke MacGregor lost his main source of income and the support of the influential Bowater family.

  26. At the stroke of midnight, the rails connecting the Tramway to the main line were ceremonially severed.

  27. While living at Windsor Lodge he suffered another stroke in June 1722, not long after his 72nd birthday.

  28. The nick Gawain suffered at the third stroke was because of his attempt to conceal the gift of the sash.

  29. LeukArrest was also tested unsuccessfully for treatment of heart attack, multiple sclerosis, and stroke.

  30. Australia lacked butterfly swimmers and Tonelli was versatile, so he swum the stroke in the medley relay.

  31. This was followed by another, more severe stroke in November, this time at a house on the Blenheim estate.

  32. He batted by instinct and, according to Manley, «his every stroke [owed] more to energy than calculation».

  33. In May 1922, he suffered his first stroke, temporarily losing his ability to speak and being paralysed on his right side.

  34. Both husband and wife died there, Anne Boulton of an apparent stroke in 1783 and her husband after a long illness in 1809.

  35. In late 2007, reports emerged claiming that Hayes was in no condition to stay, because of a stroke he suffered in January.

  36. She survived her husband by fifteen years, dying on 25 November 1862 of a stroke at her London home at 13 Hereford Street.

  37. Punctually, on the stroke of eight, he walked quickly to the rostrum, buttonhole and all, and began the National Anthem ..

  38. It is common for performances to begin with a single stroke roll called an oroshi (颪, «wind blowing down from mountains»).

  39. Rabbi Broude died on January 24, 2020 at the age of 95, three days after suffering a stroke at his wife, Judith’s, funeral.

  40. At the stroke of midnight, the rails connecting the tramway to the Metropolitan Railway main line were ceremonially severed.

  41. Her father, who recently suffered from a stroke following a car accident, apologizes for his homophobic behavior toward her.

  42. He had suffered a stroke two days before and had long been suffering from a number of conditions related to his advanced age.

  43. Oxford saw four rowers with Boat Race experience return, including number seven Sam O’Connor and stroke Louloudis who made their third consecutive appearances in the event.

  44. Feeling cheated, in 1805 he moved the family to Credit River, close to York (present-day Toronto), where he successfully ran an inn until his 1812 death following a stroke.

  45. The pre-production Griffon I shared the R engine’s bore and stroke, but was otherwise a completely new design that first ran in the Experimental Department in November 1939.

  46. He died in 197 BC, shortly before the end of the second war, at the age of 72, having suffered an apparent stroke while addressing a Boeotian war council some months before.

  47. Tonelli won his first Australian titles in 1974, claiming both the 100 m backstroke and 200 m butterfly; it was his first race in the latter stroke at senior national level.

Synonyms for stroke

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word stroke has the following synonyms: apoplexy, cerebrovascular accident, CVA, shot, solidus, slash, virgule, diagonal, separatri, stroking, throw, cam stroke and fondle.

General information about «stroke» example sentences

The example sentences for the word stroke that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «stroke» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «stroke».

ход, удар, ход поршня, штрих, погладить, поглаживать, загребной


- удар

mortal stroke — смертельный удар
the stroke of a hammer — удар молота
a stroke of lightning — а) удар молнии; б) удар грома
with one stroke of the sword — одним ударом шпаги
at the first stroke — с первого удара; разом
at one stroke, at a stroke — одним ударом, одним махом; в один миг; в два счёта
to aim a stroke at smb. — направить удар на кого-л.

- мед. припадок, приступ; удар; паралич (тж. paralytic stroke)

he has had a stroke — у него был удар; его разбил паралич
heat stroke — тепловой удар

- взмах; отдельное движение или усилие

a stroke of the oar — гребок; взмах весла
a stroke of the skate — ход конька
to row a fast [a slow] stroke — быстро [медленно] грести

- приём, ход

clever stroke — ловкий ход
a stroke of policy — (удачный) политический приём /ход/
it was a stroke of genius — это было гениально

- неожиданный случай

a stroke of luck — удача, везение
a stroke of misfortune — нежданная беда

ещё 12 вариантов


- задавать темп (гребцам)
- испещрять полосами; штриховать; перечёркивать; проводить черту
- перечёркивать

he stroked out my name — он вычеркнул мою фамилию
to stroke the t’s — сделать чёрточку на букве t

- спорт. бить по мячу
- разг. заниматься (чем-л.); справляться (с каким-л. делом)

to stroke a problem — обмозговать вопрос

- гладить (рукой); поглаживать; ласкать

to stroke a cat — гладить кошку
to stroke one’s chin [one’s beard] — поглаживать подбородок [бороду]
to stroke down one’s hair — пригладить волосы
to stroke one’s hair up — откинуть волосы со лба

- хвалить; льстить; ≅ гладить по головке

a bunch of egomaniacs stroking themselves — кучка себялюбцев, занимающихся самовосхвалением

- уговаривать, умасливать; оказывать влияние; нажимать (на кого-л.)

to stroke a client — обхаживать клиента
to stroke smb. down — успокоить кого-л.
to stroke smb. (up) the wrong way, to stroke smb.’s hair /smb.’s fur/ the wrong way, to stroke smb. against the hair — гладить кого-л. против шерсти; раздражать кого-л.

Мои примеры


as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang — такой же острый и колкий, как укус клыка  
clean stroke — ловкий удар  
to stroke the fur the wrong way — вызывать раздражение  
to stroke smb.’s hair — перебирать чьи-л. волосы  
stroke of lightning — удар молнии  
a bit / stroke of luck — удача  
an overarm stroke — верхний бросок  
stroke at the head — удар по голове  
within one’s stroke — на расстоянии удара  
without stroke — без борьбы  
brilliant stroke — гениальный ход  

Примеры с переводом

He had a stroke.

У него был удар.

He stroked his long beard

Он поглаживал свою длинную бороду.

A stroke of his hammer broke a bowl.

Удар его молотка разбил чашу.

He reached out and stroked her cheek tenderly.

Он протянул руку и нежно погладил её по щеке.

He gave him a smart stroke on the cheek.

Он отвесил ему звонкую пощёчину.

It was a stroke of genius.

Это было гениально.

She gave her hair a casual stroke with the brush.

Она небрежно провела расчёской по волосам.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Nicklaus won by three strokes

Seeing Frank watching me put me off my stroke.

The serial number is seventeen stroke one. (=17/1)

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Формы слова

I/you/we/they: stroke
he/she/it: strokes
ing ф. (present participle): stroking
2-я ф. (past tense): stroked
3-я ф. (past participle): stroked

ед. ч.(singular): stroke
мн. ч.(plural): strokes

Definition of Stroke

a physical blow by fist or weapon

Examples of Stroke in a sentence

The boxer knocked his opponent out with a stroke of his fist to his competitor’s temple.


With a stroke of his sword, the knight knocked his enemy from his horse.


The lumberjack threw all of his weight into the final stroke of his ax and the tree toppled.


Had his enemy not ducked, he would have taken a stroke to the head and would have surely died.


The stroke of the javelin hit with such force that he ended up with two broken ribs.


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