The word store means

магазин, склад, универмаг, хранить, накапливать, запасной, запасный, готовый


- запас, резерв

- изобилие, большое количество

a store of impressions — множество впечатлений
stores of learning — обширность знаний, эрудиция
he exhausted his store of vile epithets — он истощил свой (богатый) запас грязных ругательств

- pl. запасы, припасы; имущество, материальные средства

marine stores — а) подержанные корабельные принадлежности; б) судовые припасы
war stores — боеприпасы

- склад, пакгауз
- преим. амер. магазин

clothing store — магазин готового платья
department store — универсальный магазин
village store — сельская лавка
store clothes — амер. готовое платье
store goods — товары, продающиеся или купленные в магазине
store prices — магазинные цены
to patronize a store — быть постоянным покупателем (в каком-л. магазине)

- (the Stores; сокр. от Army and Navy Stores) большой лондонский универмаг
- значение, важность

to set (great /high, much/) store by /редк. (up)on/ — придавать (большое) значение (чему-л.); (высоко) ценить (что-л.)
to set no store by — не придавать значения (чему-л.); не ценить (что-л.)
to set little /no great/ store by — не придавать большого значения (чему-л.); мало ценить (что-л.)
my wife, too, sets great store on the boys being at home — моя жена также считает очень важным, чтобы мальчики жили дома

- амер. сл. контора, офис
- вчт. запоминающее устройство, накопитель

store is no sore — посл. запас не беда; чем больше, тем лучше; ≅ кашу маслом не испортишь


- снабжать; наполнять

to store a ship with provisions — снабдить судно провиантом
to store one’s memory with facts [information] — обогатить память фактами [информацией]
his mind is stored with knowledge /with facts/ — он много знает
don’t store your mind with trivial — не забивай себе голову /мозги/ пустяками
the gallery is richly stored with Old Masters — в галерее широко представлены картины старых мастеров

- хранить, сохранять (тж. store away)

to store away plants from frost — уберечь растения от мороза, убрать растения на зиму
facts stored away in the memory — факты, хранимые в памяти
survival rations are stored away in waterproof boxes — аварийные пайки хранятся в водонепроницаемых ящиках

- запасать, откладывать, накапливать (тж. store up)

to store (up) food for the winter — запасать продовольствие на зиму
to store up bitterness [resentment, hatred] — копить горечь [обиды, ненависть]
she stored what little she could save — она откладывала то (немногое), что могла сэкономить
the crop is not yet stored — урожай ещё не убран
an organism that stores DDT — организм, накапливающий ДДТ

- отдавать на хранение, хранить на складе

to store one’s furniture — сдать мебель на хранение

- вмещать

How much energy can this battery store? — Какова энергоёмкость этой батареи?

Мои примеры


a buyer for a chain store — закупщик для фирменного /сетевого/ магазина  
the clerk in the shoe store — продавец в обувном магазине  
a hurried trip to the store — спешная поездка в магазин  
More housecleaning is in store at other accounting firms. — В других бухгалтерских фирмах ожидается ещё большая чистка.  
department-store chain — сеть крупных универмагов  
very cheap store — очень дешевый магазин  
to store data — хранить данные  
to store in a cool dry place — хранить в прохладном сухом месте  
expensive store — дорогой магазин  
to store grain — хранить зерно  
grocery shop / store — бакалейный магазин  
to store the heat — аккумулировать тепло  
store of value — средство сбережения  

Примеры с переводом

She works at (in) a store.

Она работает в магазине.

I need a place to store my stuff.

Мне нужно где-то хранить свои вещи.

He walked to the store.

Он пошёл в магазин пешком.

What did you get at the toy store?

Что вы купили в магазине игрушек?

The store’s open all night.

Этот магазин работает всю ночь.

The store has unbeatable prices.

В этом магазине лучшие цены. (цены которые не могут предложить конкуренты)

We patronize this store

Мы часто посещаем этот магазин.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He sauntered into the store.

He pedaled down to the store.

The store stocks automotive parts.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

restore  — восстанавливать, восстанавливаться, реставрировать, возобновить, возвращать
storage  — хранение, хранилище, склад, память, запоминающее устройство, накопление
storey  — этаж, ярус
storied  — легендарный, известный по преданиям
story  — история, рассказ, сюжет, повесть, сказка, этаж, предание, фабула, ярус, выдумка, ложь
storeship  — транспорт с запасами
stores  — магазин, склад, универмаг, запас, лавка, хранить, накапливать, складировать
stored  — запасенный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: store
he/she/it: stores
ing ф. (present participle): storing
2-я ф. (past tense): stored
3-я ф. (past participle): stored

ед. ч.(singular): store
мн. ч.(plural): stores

What do we mean by store?

A place where merchandise is offered for sale; a shop. noun

A stock or supply reserved for future use. noun

Supplies, especially of food, clothing, or arms. noun

A place where commodities are kept; a warehouse or storehouse. noun

A great quantity or number; an abundance. noun

To reserve or put away for future use. transitive verb

To fill, supply, or stock. transitive verb

To deposit or receive in a storehouse or warehouse for safekeeping. transitive verb

To copy (data) into memory or onto a storage device, such as a hard disk. transitive verb

(in store) Forthcoming. idiom

(in store) In reserve; stored. idiom

A Middle English form of stoor.

A Middle English form of stoor.

To provide; furnish; supply; equip; outfit.

To stock with provisions; provision: replenish.

To deposit in a store or warehouse for preservation or safe-keeping; warehouse.

To lay up in reserve; accumulate; hoard: often with up.

To restore.

A Middle English form of stour. noun

A window-shade: the French term used in English for such a shade when of decorative character, especially when of French manufacture. noun

A place where items may be accumulated or routinely kept.

A supply held in storage.

(mainly North American) A place where items may be purchased; a shop.


A great quantity or number; abundance.

What is in stock.
The place of sale. Urban Dictionary

The store is a fabled land referenced to in the phrase «Go to the store, eh?’ and is most likely specifically the grocery-type of store. Urban Dictionary

A man’s balls. Think of what a squirrel keeps in a hollow tree—a store of nuts. Urban Dictionary

A stupid whore. Close to slore which is a slut whore Urban Dictionary

A stoner and a whore. a store. Urban Dictionary

Refers to the retention of substances in the anal and/or vaginal passages.
Although the term is sometimes used in relation to concealing illegal substances or objects from the law, the canonical usage of ‘storing’ is limited to fluids produced during intercourse.
Recently among the Millennial generation the term has taken to refer to the difficulty of felching an individual due to retention of felch away from the vaginal or anal opening. Urban Dictionary

Verb. The act of performing a mini musical set, usually as a daytime tour stop/promotional effort, by a band or solo artist. Urban Dictionary

Storee tends to be pretty anti-social and can seem to be mean to an outsider. But once you get to know Storee, you’ll realize that she is actually really fun to be around and goofy. She loves making people smile and really knows how to party. A Storee is really loyal to her partner, friends and family and will stick up for them no matter what. You will regret breaking her heart because once you hurt her .. its over. Urban Dictionary

Well, «shop» and «store» are mostly the same.
Therefore, «the store» is a store that is well known both by the speaker and the addressee.
99% of the time that means the grocery not far from where the speaker lives. Urban Dictionary

The «store» is another way of saying sleep. If you want to use store instead of using sleep then you must play according to the rules:
-If you are tired you have to say «I’m very store»
-If you are about to go to sleep or bed you say «I’m going to the store»
-The word «dream» does not exist in this dictionary, but TV shows do. So when you’re in the store, you are watching TV.
-You cannot say «wake up» instead you say «you’re leaving, or left the store»
-You may watch scary shows while at the store, so you cannot say you had a nightmare, you say «there were scary shows playing at the store»
— If you cannot store, you say you are locked out of the store.
-If someone asks you to leave the store, but you are very, very store, you tell them that you are locked in the store.
— If you are talking to someone and they accidentally say one of the words that do not belong, you have to pretend you do not know what they are saying until they figure out their mistake and are able to correct themselves.
Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it.
Have a nice time at the store! :) Urban Dictionary



From Middle English store, stoure, storre, from Anglo-Norman stor, estore, estorr, estoer, and Old French estour, estor, from Latin īnstaurō.


  • (General American) enPR: stôr, IPA(key): /stɔɹ/
  • (Received Pronunciation) enPR: stô, IPA(key): /stɔː/
  • (rhotic, without the horsehoarse merger) enPR: stōr, IPA(key): /sto(ː)ɹ/
  • (non-rhotic, without the horsehoarse merger) IPA(key): /stoə/
  • Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)
  • Homophone: stower (in some accents)


store (plural stores)

  1. A place where items may be accumulated or routinely kept.

    This building used to be a store for old tires.

  2. A supply held in storage.
    • 1945 August 17, George Orwell [pseudonym; Eric Arthur Blair], chapter 6, in Animal Farm [], London: Secker & Warburg, →OCLC:

      By late summer a sufficient store of stone had accumulated, and then the building began [] , under the superintendence of the pigs.

    • 2006, Carolly Erickson, The Last Wife of Henry VIII:

      What surprised us all was how Will’s lighthearted nature and constant store of good humor won over one of the great heiresses of King Henry’s court, Anne Bourchier.

  3. (mainly North American) A place where items may be purchased; a shop.

    I need to get some milk from the grocery store.

    • 1899, Stephen Crane, chapter 1, in Twelve O’Clock:

      There was some laughter, and Roddle was left free to expand his ideas on the periodic visits of cowboys to the town. “Mason Rickets, he had ten big punkins a-sittin’ in front of his store, an’ them fellers from the Upside-down-F ranch shot ’em up [] .”

    • 1948, Carey McWilliams, North from Mexico: The Spanish-Speaking People of The United States, J. B. Lippincott Company, page 75,
      In 1866 Colonel J. F. Meline noted that the rebozo had almost disappeared in Santa Fe and that hoop skirts, on sale in the stores, were being widely used.
  4. (computing, dated) Memory.

    The main store of 1000 36-bit words seemed large at the time.

  5. A great quantity or number; abundance.
    • a. 1645, John Milton, “L’Allegro”, in Poems of Mr. John Milton, [], London: [] Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Mosely, [], published 1646, →OCLC:

      With store of Ladies, whose bright eies
      Rain influence, and judge the prise
      Of Wit, or Arms, while both contend
      To win her Grace, whom all commend.

  6. A head of store cattle (feeder cattle to be sold to others for finishing); a store cattle beast.


  • (supply held in storage): stock, supply
  • (place from which items may be purchased): boutique, shop (UK); see also Thesaurus:retail store
  • (in computing): memory

Derived terms[edit]

Terms derived from store (noun)


  • storage


  • Tok Pisin: stua
    • Rotokas: sitoa
  • Afrikaans: stoor
  • Cantonese: 士多 (si6 do1)


place where items may be kept

  • Armenian: պահեստ (hy) (pahest)
  • Assamese: ভঁৰাল (bhõral)
  • Bashkir: келәт (kelät)
  • Bulgarian: склад (bg) m (sklad)
  • Chickasaw: aachompa’
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 倉庫仓库 (zh) (cāngkù)
  • Czech: sklad (cs) m
  • Dutch: magazijn (nl) n
  • Estonian: ladu
  • Finnish: varasto (fi)
  • French: entrepôt (fr) m
  • Galician: depósito (gl) m
  • German: Lager (de) n, Speicher (de) m
  • Greek: αποθήκη (el) f (apothíki)
  • Italian: magazzino (it) m, deposito (it) m
  • Japanese: 倉庫 (ja) (そうこ, sōko)
  • Korean: 창고 (ko) (changgo)
  • Latvian: noliktava f
  • Lithuanian: sandėlis m
  • Maltese: maħżen m
  • Maori: pātengi, kōpapa, pātaka (mi)
  • Mongolian: нөөц (mn) (nööc)
  • Northern Sami: rádju
  • Norwegian: lager (no) n
  • Oromo: kuusaa
  • Polish: skład (pl) m, magazyn (pl) m
  • Portuguese: depósito (pt) m
  • Romanian: depozit (ro) n, magazie (ro) f
  • Russian: склад (ru) m (sklad), храни́лище (ru) n (xranílišče)
  • Spanish: depósito (es) m
  • Swedish: lager (sv) n
  • Ukrainian: склад (uk) (sklad)
  • Volapük: kipedöp (vo)

supply held in storage

  • Bulgarian: запас (bg) m (zapas)
  • Dutch: voorraad (nl) m
  • Finnish: varasto (fi)
  • French: stock (fr) m
  • German: Vorrat (de) m, Lagerbestand m
  • Greek: απόθεμα (el) n (apóthema), παρακαταθήκη (el) f (parakatathíki)
  • Italian: scorta (it) f
  • Latvian: krājums m
  • Lithuanian: atsargos (lt) f pl
  • Maltese: ħażna f
  • Maori: rokiroki
  • Northern Sami: rádju
  • Norwegian: lager (no) n, forråd (no) m
  • Persian: ذخیره (fa) (zaxire), ستنج(setanj)
  • Polish: zapas (pl) m
  • Portuguese: estoque (pt) m
  • Romanian: stoc (ro) n
  • Swedish: lager (sv) n


store (third-person singular simple present stores, present participle storing, simple past and past participle stored)

  1. (transitive) To keep (something) while not in use, generally in a place meant for that purpose.
    • 1963, Margery Allingham, chapter 1, in The China Governess[1]:

      The half-dozen pieces [] were painted white and carved with festoons of flowers, birds and cupids. To display them the walls had been tinted a vivid blue which had now faded, but the carpet, which had evidently been stored and recently relaid, retained its original turquoise.

    I’ll store these books in the attic.

  2. Contain.

    The cabinets store all the food the mice would like.

  3. Have the capacity and capability to contain.

    They sell boxes that store 24 mason jars.

  4. (transitive, computing) To write (something) into memory or registers.

    This operation stores the result on the stack.

Derived terms[edit]

Terms derived from the verb «store»


keep (something) while not in use

  • Arabic: خَزَنَ(ḵazana)
  • Asturian: almacenar
  • Bashkir: һаҡлау (haqlaw), һаҡтау (haqtaw), тотоу (totou)
  • Bulgarian: складирам (bg) (skladiram)
  • Catalan: emmagatzemar (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 儲存储存 (zh) (chǔcún)
  • Dutch: bewaren (nl)
  • Finnish: varastoida (fi)
  • French: stocker (fr)
  • Galician: almacenar (gl)
  • German: lagern (de)
  • Greek:
    Ancient: ἀποτίθημι (apotíthēmi)
  • Hungarian: tárol (hu)
  • Irish: coinnigh
  • Italian: immagazzinare (it)
  • Japanese: 蓄える (ja) (たくわえる, takuwaeru), 備蓄する (ja) (びちくする, bichiku suru), 貯める (ja) (ためる, tameru)
  • Korean: 보관시키다 (bogwansikida)
  • Latin: condō (la)
  • Lithuanian: sandėliuoti
  • Mongolian: нөөцлөх (mn) (nööclöx)
  • Norwegian: oppbevare
  • Polish: przechowywać (pl) impf, przechować pf
  • Portuguese: armazenar (pt), guardar (pt)
  • Romanian: depozita (ro)
  • Russian: храни́ть (ru) impf (xranítʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: stòir
  • Slovene: shraniti
  • Spanish: almacenar (es)
  • Swedish: lagra (sv), förvara (sv)
  • Ukrainian: зберіга́ти (zberiháty)

remain in good condition while stored

  • Bashkir: һаҡланыу (haqlanıw), һаҡталыу (haqtalıw)
  • Bulgarian: съхранявам се (sǎhranjavam se)
  • Danish: beholde
  • Dutch: behouden (nl)
  • Finnish: säilyä (fi)
  • French: conserver (fr)
  • German: sich halten
  • Italian: conservare (it)
  • Norwegian: holde (seg) (no)
  • Russian: сохраня́ться (ru) impf (soxranjátʹsja), сохрани́ться (ru) pf (soxranítʹsja)
  • Spanish: conservar (es)
  • Swedish: hålla sig



  • Resto, estro-, resto, roset, rotes, sorte, tores, torse




  1. definite of stor
  2. plural of stor





  1. (archaic) singular present subjunctive of storen


  • roest, roste, stoer



Latin storea (mat), via regional Italian stora (modern Italian stuoia).[1]


  • IPA(key): /stɔʁ/


store m (plural stores)

  1. blind, shade (for a window)


  • Catalan: estor
  • Galician: estor
  • German: Store
  • Portuguese: estore


  1. ^ Etymology and history of “store”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.

Further reading[edit]

  • “store”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.


  • resto, rotes, sorte, tores, torse



store f (5th declension)

  1. sturgeon


Declension of store (5th declension)

Middle English[edit]

Etymology 1[edit]

From Anglo-Norman stor, estour, ultimately from Latin instaurare. Compare warnestore.

Alternative forms[edit]

  • stor, stoure, storre, stour, stoor, stoore


  • IPA(key): /stɔːr/


store (uncountable)

  1. supplies, provisions
  2. livestock, farm animals
  3. (stored) possessions, savings
  4. collection, storage
  5. storehouse, storeroom
  6. value, importance
  • English: store
    • Tok Pisin: stua
      • Rotokas: sitoa
    • Afrikaans: stoor
    • Cantonese: 士多 (si6 do1)
  • Scots: store
  • “stōr(e, n.(1).”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-04-03.

Etymology 2[edit]

From Old English stōr and Old Norse stórr, from Proto-Germanic *stōraz; some forms are also influenced by Middle Dutch stuur.

Alternative forms[edit]

  • stoor, stour, stur, sture, storre, stowre, stoore, stoure


  • IPA(key): /stoːr/, /stuːr/, /stɔːr/



  1. strong, powerful, intense
  2. violent, threatening, imposing
  3. stern, sharp, harsh
  4. numerous, large in number
  5. large, big, great
  6. coarse, rough
  • English: stoor, stour (archaic)
  • Scots: stour, stoure, sture, stoor, stoar
  • “stọ̄r(e, adj.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-04-03.



  1. violently, threateningly, imposingly
  2. sternly, sharply, harshly
  • “stọ̄re, adv.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-04-03.

Etymology 3[edit]

From Old English stōr; possibly from a Celtic language.

Alternative forms[edit]

  • stor, stoure


  • IPA(key): /stoːr/



  1. incense, frankincense, storax
  • “stọ̄r(e, n.(2).”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-04-03.

Norwegian Bokmål[edit]



  1. definite singular of stor
  2. plural of stor

Norwegian Nynorsk[edit]



  1. definite singular of stor
  2. plural of stor




  1. absolute definite natural masculine singular of stor.


  • orets, rotes, teros

Other forms: stores; stored; storing

As the sentence «This store stores a large store of rubber ducks» will tell you, store is a word with a lot of definitions. Among these are «a place that sells items,» «the act of keeping things for future use,» and «a supply of something.»

As a noun, store often refers to a place where things are sold, such as an electronics store. This meaning of the word likely sprang up from the original meaning, «a supply of something kept for future use.» As a verb, store refers to the act of putting things away for later. Chipmunks store nuts in their cheeks, people store their winter clothes when springtime arrives, and techies store information on backup drives.

Definitions of store

  1. noun

    a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services



    see moresee less


    show 48 types…
    hide 48 types…
    bakehouse, bakery, bakeshop

    a workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold


    a shop where men can get their hair cut

    bazaar, bazar

    a shop where a variety of goods are sold

    betting shop

    a licensed bookmaker’s shop that is not at the race track


    a small Hispanic shop selling wine and groceries

    bookshop, bookstall, bookstore

    a shop where books are sold


    a small shop at a fair; for selling goods or entertainment

    boutique, dress shop

    a shop that sells women’s clothes and jewelry

    building supply house, building supply store

    a store where builders can purchase materials for building houses and related structures

    butcher shop, meat market

    a shop in which meat and poultry (and sometimes fish) are sold


    sells food and personal items to personnel at an institution or school or camp etc.

    chain store

    one of a chain of retail stores under the same management and selling the same merchandise

    cleaners, dry cleaners

    shop where dry cleaning is done

    clothing store, haberdashery, haberdashery store, mens store

    a store where men’s clothes are sold


    a retail store that sells equipment and provisions (usually to military personnel)

    computer store

    a store that sells computers to the small businessperson or personal user

    candy store, confectionary, confectionery

    a confectioner’s shop

    convenience store

    a store selling a limited variety of food and pharmaceutical items; open long hours for the convenience of customers

    deli, delicatessen, food shop

    a shop selling ready-to-eat food products

    apothecary, apothecary’s shop, chemist’s, chemist’s shop, drugstore, pharmacy

    a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold

    florist, florist shop, flower store

    a shop where flowers and ornamental plants are sold

    gift shop, novelty shop

    a shop that sells miscellaneous articles appropriate as gifts

    hardware store, ironmonger, ironmonger’s shop

    a store selling hardware

    head shop

    a shop specializing in articles of interest to drug users

    junk shop

    a shop that sells cheap secondhand goods

    hat shop, millinery

    shop selling women’s hats


    a shop that provides equipment for some specific purpose

    liquor store, off-licence, package store

    a store that sells alcoholic beverages for consumption elsewhere

    loan office, pawnbroker’s shop, pawnshop

    a shop where loans are made with personal property as security


    store where perfumes are sold

    pet shop

    a shop where pet animals can be purchased

    pizza parlor, pizza shop, pizzeria

    a shop where pizzas are made and sold

    fix-it shop, repair shop

    a shop specializing in repairs and maintenance

    beauty parlor, beauty parlour, beauty salon, beauty shop, salon

    a shop where hairdressers and beauticians work

    shoe shop, shoe store, shoe-shop

    a shop where shoes are sold

    specialty store

    a store that sells only one kind of merchandise

    second-hand store, thriftshop

    a shop that sells secondhand goods at reduced prices

    tobacco shop, tobacconist, tobacconist shop

    a shop that sells pipes and pipe tobacco and cigars and cigarettes


    shop where toys are sold


    a delicatessen that specializes in meats

    garage, service department

    a repair shop where cars and trucks are serviced and repaired


    a bakery specializing in French pastry

    PX, post exchange

    a commissary on a United States Army post

    slop chest

    commissary maintained aboard merchant ships to sell merchandise to the crew

    slopseller’s shop, slopshop

    a store that sells cheap ready-made clothing

    small stores

    personal items conforming to regulations that are sold aboard ship or at a naval base and charged to the person’s pay

    sales booth, stall, stand

    a booth where articles are displayed for sale

    tuck shop

    a candy store in Great Britain

    type of:

    mercantile establishment, outlet, retail store, sales outlet

    a place of business for retailing goods

  2. noun

    a supply of something available for future use

  3. noun

    a depository for goods

  4. noun

    an electronic memory device


    computer memory, computer storage, memory, memory board, storage

    see moresee less


    show 11 types…
    hide 11 types…
    non-volatile storage, nonvolatile storage

    computer storage that is not lost when the power is turned off

    ROM, fixed storage, read-only memory, read-only storage

    (computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed

    real storage

    the main memory in a virtual memory system


    (computer science) a high-speed internal memory used for temporary storage of preliminary information

    virtual memory, virtual storage

    (computer science) memory created by using the hard disk to simulate additional random-access memory; the addressable storage space available to the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses

    volatile storage

    computer storage that is erased when the power is turned off

    CD-ROM, compact disc read-only memory

    a compact disk that is used with a computer (rather than with an audio system); a large amount of digital information can be stored and accessed but it cannot be altered by the user

    EPROM, erasable programmable read-only memory

    (computer science) a read-only memory chip that can be erased by ultraviolet light and programmed again with new data

    flash memory

    nonvolatile storage that can be electrically erased and programmed anew

    magnetic bubble memory

    a nonvolatile storage device that holds information in the form of bubbles on a thin film of magnetic silicate; no longer used in most computers

    RAM, random access memory, random memory, random-access memory, read/write memory

    the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible

    type of:

    computer hardware, hardware

    (computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system

    memory device, storage device

    a device that preserves information for retrieval

  5. verb

    keep or lay aside for future use

    store grain for the winter”

    “The bear
    stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn’t eat”


    hive away, lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away

    see moresee less


    show 14 types…
    hide 14 types…

    store in bins

    computerise, computerize

    store in a computer


    lay in provisions

    accumulate, amass, collect, compile, hoard, pile up, roll up

    get or gather together


    store, like bees

    run up

    pile up (debts or scores)


    collect or gather

    collect, pull in

    get or bring together

    come up, scrape, scrape up, scratch

    gather (money or other resources) together over time

    chunk, lump

    put together indiscriminately


    make into a bale


    take in and retain


    accumulate a fund for the discharge of a recurrent liability


    place or store up in a fund for accumulation

    type of:

    hold on, keep

    retain possession of

  6. verb

    find a place for and put away for storage

    “I couldn’t
    store all the books in the attic so I sold some”

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Recent Examples on the Web

This remarkably compact backpack is ideal for storing snacks, a water bottle, or sunscreen for a quick day hike up to a waterfall or lake during your longer trek.

Anna Popp, Travel + Leisure, 3 Apr. 2023

Those, she’s kept stored in protective bags in her cupboards.

Nadine Zylberberg, Vogue, 3 Apr. 2023

As with all of Anker’s chargers, this one comes with a nice pouch that’s perfect for storing cords.

WIRED, 1 Apr. 2023

Integration: The act of bringing together components or information stored in different subsystems into a single functioning unit, often with the goal of achieving new, better, or different outcomes/objectives.

David Rosowsky, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023

Its 11 crewmen had injuries in varying degrees of severity, caused either by the bullets sprayed by the two jet fighters, shrapnel or the fireball that erupted when the Neptune landed wheels up on the tundra of St. Lawrence Island and fuel tanks stored in the plane’s belly exploded.

Mark Thiessen, ajc, 1 Apr. 2023

Larger models may also have a center shelf for storing bottles upright as well as for decanting and serving.

Cassidy Olsen, Good Housekeeping, 31 Mar. 2023

The warming months were bad for storing meat long-term, so after hunting, early humans stayed on the ridge, renewing acquaintances and swapping stories of family and survival.

Sean Kingsley, Smithsonian Magazine, 29 Mar. 2023

Some multi-tools, like those made specifically for storing in your car or on your bike, will be larger in size.

Molly Blanco, Better Homes & Gardens, 28 Mar. 2023

The footage showed Watley placing a note in a store, according to the charges.

Sean Maguire, Anchorage Daily News, 4 Apr. 2023

The second season seemed to have more of Kat in store, but plot points about her complicated self-acceptance journey and her dwindling relationship with Ethan were cut short and took a back seat to other characters.

Jonah Valdez, Los Angeles Times, 4 Apr. 2023

Dick’s Sporting Goods stopped selling semi-automatic, assault-style rifles at stores and Citigroup put new restrictions on gun sales by business customers after the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, in 2018.

Nicole Goodkind, CNN, 3 Apr. 2023

All seven weapons had been legally purchased at five undisclosed Nashville-area stores.

Keith Sharon, USA TODAY, 3 Apr. 2023

Walmart, for instance, features high-end $90 creams in its beauty aisles at select stores.

Anne D’innocenzio, Fortune, 2 Apr. 2023

Everbowl, the craft superfood chain founded in Poway in 2016, is celebrating National Acai Bowl Day on Thursday with free bowls, sweepstakes and giveaways from 3-5 p.m. at Everbowl stores across the U.S., including 16 in greater San Diego.

Brian May Maestro, San Diego Union-Tribune, 2 Apr. 2023

WisGo cards will be available at local participating stores, including Walgreens, Pick ‘n Save and Speedway.

Drake Bentley, Journal Sentinel, 1 Apr. 2023

All employees can apply for open positions at other Walmart stores, Sam’s Clubs and other company facilities, according to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification letter received by the Texas Workforce Commission.

Maria Halkias, Dallas News, 31 Mar. 2023

The National Retail Federation expects U.S. online and non-store sales this year to grow as much as 23% from 2020, to roughly $1.13 trillion, the trade group said in June.

Angus Loten, WSJ, 27 Oct. 2021

And online and other non-store sales are expected to increase between 10% and 12%.

Ivana Pino, Fortune, 20 Dec. 2022

Choose from a selection of popular and high-performing stocks, or let your recipient pick their own investment with a choose-your-own-adventure card. Give your recipient a host of options with a multi-store gift card.

Lizz Schumer, Good Housekeeping, 22 Sep. 2022

Retail sales strong year-over-year Retail sales categories that performed well year-over-year (YoY) in April include non-store commerce and apparel/accessories, up 11.3% and 11.2% respectively.

Shelley E. Kohan, Forbes, 17 May 2022

Motor vehicle sales were down 1.9%, and volatile non-store retail sales, or online sales, fell sharply at 6.4%.

CBS News, 14 Apr. 2022

Bose began selling direct-to-consumer hearing aids for $849 a pair via its website and a limited number of other non-store channels last year.

Amara Omeokwe, WSJ, 5 Feb. 2022

Many of the new businesses were concentrated in the non-store retail sector, which includes e-commerce, truck transportation, and accommodation and food services.

Megan Cerullo, CBS News, 29 June 2021

The group expects that online and other non-store sales, which are included in the total, will increase between 11% and 15%.

oregonlive, 26 Dec. 2021

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘store.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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an establishment where merchandise is sold, usually on a retail basis.

a grocery: We need bread and milk from the store.

a stall, room, floor, or building housing or suitable for housing a retail business.

a supply or stock of something, especially one for future use.

stores, supplies of food, clothing, or other requisites, as for a household, inn, or naval or military forces.

Chiefly British. a storehouse or warehouse.

quantity, especially great quantity; abundance, or plenty: a rich store of grain.

verb (used with object), stored, stor·ing.

to supply or stock with something, as for future use.

to accumulate or put away, for future use (usually followed by up or away).

to deposit in a storehouse, warehouse, or other place for keeping.

Computers. to put or retain (data) in a memory unit.

verb (used without object), stored, stor·ing.

to take in or hold supplies, goods, or articles, as for future use.

to remain fresh and usable for considerable time on being stored: Flour stores well.


bought from a store; commercial: a loaf of store bread.



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Idioms about store

    in store,

    1. in readiness or reserve.
    2. about to happen; imminent: There is a great deal of trouble in store for them if they persist in their ways.

    set / lay store by, to have high regard for; value; esteem: She sets great store by good character.

Origin of store

First recorded in 1225–75; Middle English verb storen, shortening of astoren, from Old French estorer, from Latin instaurāre “to repeat, start over, set up,” equivalent to in- intensive prefix + combining form staur- (akin to Greek staurós “pole, cross” and Old Norse staurr “pole”) + -āre infinitive suffix; noun derived from the verb; see origin at in-2, steer1, restore


storer, nouno·ver·store, verb, o·ver·stored, o·ver·stor·ing.substore, nounwell-stored, adjective

Words nearby store

storage ring, storage tube, storage wall, storax, storax family, store, store and forward, Store Bælt, store-bought, store brand, store card Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to store

stock, bank, box, depot, magazine, boutique, chain store, convenience store, deli, department store, discount store, drugstore, emporium, grocery store, market, outlet, shop, shopping center, showroom, supermarket

How to use store in a sentence

  • Twisted Sister singer Dee Snider took to social media to condemn anti-maskers who went into a Florida Target store blaring the group’s hit “We’re Not Gonna Take It” while ripping off their masks.

  • It also could help slow climate change, she notes, by storing more carbon where it can’t be released into the air.

  • Snowflake started out going after just one part of the database market, the data warehouses that stored big data and fed business analytics apps.

  • The Cupertino-based company is reportedly launching an online store in the world’s second-largest smartphone market later this month.

  • It’s also incredibly easy to store and carry from one place to another.

  • Here they are semi-touching at a grocery store; she likes kombucha.

  • He was born in an apartment above the grocery store owned by his immigrant parents in South Jamaica, Queens.

  • Along the way, Brinsley turned into a drug store, but it is not clear whether he bought anything.

  • The people you work with, or see at your grocery store, or your church?

  • It’s nothing for someone to walk up to me in the store or at a restaurant and ask for an autograph or speak to me.

  • This gives to the second volume something of the smell of an apple store-room.

  • In this traffic he made money so fast that he opened an office, and subsequently a store of his own, in the Escolta.

  • The dry earth, sun-baked to a depth of many feet, was giving off its store of heat accumulated during the day.

  • At the store he would never have given in, but he was not accustomed to hearing so loud a murmur of approval greet the opposition.

  • That she was a product of the prairies and a wonderful future was in store for her because of the fact that her work was original.

British Dictionary definitions for store


(tr) to keep, set aside, or accumulate for future use

(tr) to place in a warehouse, depository, etc, for safekeeping

(tr) to supply, provide, or stock

(intr) to be put into storage

computing to enter or retain (information) in a storage device


  1. an establishment for the retail sale of goods and services
  2. (in combination)storefront
  1. a large supply or stock kept for future use
  2. (as modifier)store ship
  1. a storage place such as a warehouse or depository
  2. (in combination)storeman

the state of being stored (esp in the phrase in store)

a large amount or quantity

Also called: store pig a pig that has not yet been weaned and weighs less than 40 kg

  1. an animal bought lean to be fattened up for market
  2. (as modifier)store cattle

in store forthcoming or imminent

lay store by, put store by or set store by to value or reckon as important

Derived forms of store

storable, adjective

Word Origin for store

C13: from Old French estor, from estorer to restore, from Latin instaurāre to refresh; related to Greek stauros stake

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with store

see in store; mind the store; set store by; variety store.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

    • See Also:
      • storage cell
      • storage device
      • storage disease
      • storage heater
      • storage life
      • storage organ
      • storage ring
      • storage wall
      • storax
      • storax family
      • store
      • Store Bælt
      • store brand
      • store card
      • store of value
      • store-bought
      • storefront
      • storehouse
      • storekeeper
      • storeroom
      • stores
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Inflections of ‘store‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023


/stɔr/USA pronunciation  
n., v., stored, stor•ing, adj. 
n. [countable]

  1. Businessan establishment where merchandise is sold:a department store; a hardware store.
  2. Businessa grocery store.
  3. Businessa supply or stock of something, esp. for future use:a huge store of ammunition.
  4. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a storehouse or warehouse.
  5. great quantity;
    abundance:a rich store of grain.

v. [+ object]

  1. to supply or stock with something.
  2. to put away for future use:Squirrels store nuts for the winter.
  3. to deposit in a place for keeping:We stored some of our furniture while we lived abroad.
  4. Computingto put or retain (data) in a computer memory unit:The command «ST» is to store your file.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. bought from a store;
    commercial:store-bought bread.


  1. Idioms in store:
    • in reserve:We held some supplies in store.
    • about to happen:You don’t know what’s in store for you.

  2. Idioms set or lay store by, [+ object] to think highly of;
    to have regard for:I don’t set too much store by what he says.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(stôr, stōr),USA pronunciation n., v., stored, stor•ing, adj. 


    1. Businessan establishment where merchandise is sold, usually on a retail basis.
    2. Businessa grocery:We need bread and milk from the store.
    3. Businessa stall, room, floor, or building housing or suitable for housing a retail business.
    4. Businessa supply or stock of something, esp. one for future use.
    5. stores, supplies of food, clothing, or other requisites, as for a household, inn, or naval or military forces.
    6. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a storehouse or warehouse.
    7. quantity, esp. great quantity;
      abundance, or plenty:a rich store of grain.
    8. in store:
      • in readiness or reserve.
      • about to happen;
        imminent:There is a great deal of trouble in store for them if they persist in their ways.

    9. set or lay store by, to have high regard for;
      esteem:She sets great store by good character.


    1. to supply or stock with something, as for future use.
    2. to accumulate or put away, for future use (usually fol. by up or away).
    3. to deposit in a storehouse, warehouse, or other place for keeping.
    4. Computingto put or retain (data) in a memory unit.


    1. to take in or hold supplies, goods, or articles, as for future use.
    2. to remain fresh and usable for considerable time on being stored:Flour stores well.


    1. bought from a store;
      commercial:a loaf of store bread.
    • Old French estore, derivative of estorer
    • Latin instaurāre to set up, renew, equivalent. to in- in2 + staur- (akin to Greek staurós across and to steer1) + -āre infinitive suffix; (noun, nominal) Middle English, aphetic variant of astore
    • Old French estorer
    • (verb, verbal) Middle English storen, aphetic variant of astoren 1225–75

    storer, n. 

      • 11.See corresponding entry in Unabridged amass, save, husband; hoard, stockpile.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

store /stɔː/ vb

  1. (transitive) to keep, set aside, or accumulate for future use
  2. (transitive) to place in a warehouse, depository, etc, for safekeeping
  3. (transitive) to supply, provide, or stock
  4. (intransitive) to be put into storage
  5. to enter or retain (information) in a storage device


  1. an establishment for the retail sale of goods and services
  2. (in combination): storefront
  3. a large supply or stock kept for future use
  4. short for department store
  5. a storage place such as a warehouse or depository
  6. (in combination): storeman
  7. the state of being stored (esp in the phrase in store)
  8. a large amount or quantity
  9. chiefly Brit
    another name for memory
  10. in storeforthcoming or imminent
  11. lay store by, put store by, set store byto value or reckon as important

See also storesEtymology: 13th Century: from Old French estor, from estorer to restore, from Latin instaurāre to refresh; related to Greek stauros stake

ˈstorable adj

store‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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store — перевод на русский


Did you go to a bumper sticker store?

Ты что, ходила в магазин наклеек для бамперов?

How is your store?

Как ваш магазин?

— Whose store went bankrupt?

— Чей магазин обанкротился?

Lock this store and keep it under surveillance!

Магазин запереть. Оставить под охраной.

— Nice hardware store, ain’t it, Tom? — Yeah.

— Хороший магазин, правда, Том?

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Mr. Wilkes is at a political meeting at Mr. Kennedy’s store.

Он на политическом собрании в лавке м-ра Кеннеди.

They charge extra at that company store and there ain’t no other place.

В лавке компании берут больше, а других здесь нет.

But if someone happens to be in the store, don’t mention anything.

Если в лавке кто-то будет, ничего не говорите.

— He’s at the store having coffee.

— Он в лавке, пьет кофе.

If you aren’t, take care of my store while I’m gone.

Если не затруднит, позаботьтесь о моей лавке, пока меня не будет.

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They caught me in a department store.

Они поймали меня в универмаге.

Say, can you meet me at mccall’s department store?

Скажи, мы сможем встретиться в универмаге МакКолла?

At the department store.

В универмаге.

I got myself a job at Hathaway’s department store.

О, я получил работу в универмаге Хэтэуэй.

I worked in a department store, in toys, demonstrating children’s building sets.

В универмаге, в отделе игрушек, демонстратором детских конструкторов.

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Well, theoretically it should be able to store… all the power generated around it, like it solar cell battery.

— Зачем? Теоретически, она способна хранить всю произведенную энергию, как солнечная батарея.

If you store it inside a projection on the CET machine, it doesn’t show up on a scan.

Да, если хранить его в проекции в СЕТ-машине, то при досмотре его не обнаружат.

The only function of this complex molecule is to store and copy information.

Единственное назначение этой сложной молекулы — хранить и воспроизводить информацию.

When our genes could not store all the information necessary for our survival we slowly invented brains.

Когда наши гены больше не могли хранить всю информацию, необходимую нам для выживания, у нас стал медленно развиваться мозг.

Computers can now store and process enormous amounts of information extremely rapidly.

Сейчас компьютеры могут хранить и обрабатывать огромное количество информации за необычайно короткое время.

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Father, you’re supposed to be down at the store.

Отец, пора идти на склад.

I think you ought to go to bed. You have to open the store in the morning.

Тебе нужно ложиться, если завтра ты должен открыть склад.

Go to the stores and get your stuff.

Пройдете на склад, вам дадут все, что надо.

It’s a children’s store, that’s all.

Это склад детей.

Koot, go and burn the rice store !

Кут, подожги рисовый склад!

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No, but I have heard from my grandmother, that in the castle is stored an old book…

Нет, но я слыхала еще от бабушки, что в замке хранится одна старинная книга…

My information is that it is stored in that shed over there.

У меня есть информация, что оно хранится в том сарае.

The Epsilon IX station, stored here with every detail.

Станция Ипсилон 9, хранится здесь во всех деталях.

On the other hand, each memory seems to be stored in many separate locales in the brain.

В то же время, каждая частица памяти хранится во многих отдельных местах нашего мозга.

It contains some of our thoughts and our feelings something of the information we store in genes and brains and books.

На ней есть записи наших мыслей, чувств, части той информации, которая хранится в наших генах, мозгах и книгах.

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I’ve gotta go get food. There’s a country store down the road.

Вниз по дороге есть небольшой магазинчик примерно в миле отсюда.

Wanna buy a small ranch or a country store someday, huh?

Хочешь купить ранчо или магазинчик?

A store, a house! I’m selling everything!

Дом, магазинчик…

First, we wanted to buy a small store.

Сначала мы хотели купить магазинчик.

Own store.

Свой магазинчик.

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That’s the loft where he used to store his grain.

А это чердак, где он хранил запасы зерна.

I’ve stored seeds and grains

У меня есть запасы семян, книги по садоводству и подручные инструменты.

You’d have Avery’s gold and our stores, would you villain?

У вас было бы золото Эйвери и наши запасы, и вы будете злодействовать?

See it done And feast the army; we have store to do’t, And they have earn’d the waste.

Дай войску пир: запасы есть и войско заслужило подобных трат.

Most of it’s still stored up at the farm, and our wool, too, if the rats haven’t got it by now.

На ферме еще остались запасы, и шерсти тоже, если крысы не добрались до них.

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Actually the chemist himself says that a girl fitting the description, went into his store in Troina to buy a tranquilizer.

На самом деле сам аптекарь говорит, что такая-то и такая девушка зашла в аптеку в Троине, чтобы купить успокоительное.

A girl answering the description of the missing person entered my drug store on the afternoon of…

Приезжая девушка, по приметам похожая на пропавшую, вошла в мою аптеку после обеда…

That girl, did she or did she not come into your store?

Входила эта девушка в вашу аптеку или не входила?

I went to the drug store…

Я пошёл в аптеку…

Go to take the medicine from my drugs store

Сходи за лекарством в мою аптеку.

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This is a bank, not a pet store.

Это банк, а не зоомагазин.

I decided to buy a pet, so I went to the pet store and asked the guy there… what would make the best pet.

Я решил завести зверюшку, пришёл в зоомагазин, и спросил парня, какая зверюшка лучше.

Remember when we went to the pet store and you wanted that puppy, but I reminded you about feeding it cleaning it and toilet training it?

Помнишь, мы ходили в зоомагазин и ты захотел щенка, но я напомнил тебе, что его придётся кормить убирать за ним и выводить на прогулку?

A pet store!

— Бар! — Зоомагазин!

I heard pet store.

Пусть будет зоомагазин.

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Смотреть что такое STORE в других словарях:


[stɔː]запас, резервзапасы, припасы; имуществобольшое количество; изобилиепакгауз, склад; хранилищемагазин; универмагзначение, важностьзапоминающее устр… смотреть


store: translation•Roman•I.•/Roman• noun
1 place where you can buy things ⇨ See also ↑shop
▪ big, large, major (esp. BrE)
▪ small
▪ ret… смотреть


store: translation
▪ I. store store 1 [stɔː ǁ stɔːr] noun [countable] COMMERCE
1. a large place that sells many different kinds o… смотреть


1. сущ.1) эк. запас, резерв; мн. запасы, припасы, имуществоstore of money — денежные сбереженияemergency store — неприкосновенный запасmarine stores — … смотреть


1. [stɔ:] n1. 1) запас, резервstore of food [of wines] — запас провизии [вин]store of energy — имеющийся запас энергииstore of money — сбереженияin sto… смотреть


1. {stɔ:} n 1. 1) запас, резерв ~ of food {of wines} — запас провизии {вин} ~ of energy — имеющийся запас энергии ~ of money — сбережения in ~ — а… смотреть


1) запас || накапливать, запасать; хранить (на складе) || запасный; резервный2) pl материально-производственные запасы; сырьё и материалы3) брит. склад… смотреть


• ___ cheese (cheddar) • Blessed shall be thy basket and thy ___ (De 28:5) • Laying up in ___ for themselves a good foundation (1 Ti 6:1 • The Big ___… смотреть


store 1. [stɔ:] n 1. 1) запас, резерв ~ of food [of wines] — запас провизии [вин] ~ of energy — имеющийся запас энергии ~ of money — сбережения in … смотреть


store [stɔ:]
1. n
1) запа́с, резе́рв;
in store нагото́ве, про запа́с;
to lay in store for the winter запаса́ть на́ зиму;I have a surprise in store fo… смотреть


store: translationSynonyms and related words:Indian reservation, acceptation, acception, accommodate, accumulate, accumulation, acquiescence, afford, a… смотреть


I сущ. 1) эк. запас, запасы, припасы, сбережения, имущество, резерв, резервы store of money — денежные сбережения, emergency store — неприкосновенный запас, marine stores — корабельное имущество, stores oncost — издержки хранения, in store — про запас, to keep in store — хранить, держать про запас, to lay up in store — откладывать про запас 2) торг., брит. склад, хранилище bulk feed store — склад для бестарного хранения кормов, public store — казенный склад, rough store — склад сырых материалов, vegetable store cellar — овощехранилище Syn: storage storehouse storeroom 3) торг. универмаг (магазин c несколькими отделами, торгующими различными видами товаров) mass merchandise store — универмаг массовых продаж, large-sized store — крупный универмаг, self-service store — магазин самообслуживания, универсам, store group — объединение универмагов Syn: department store 4) торг., амер. лавка, cпециализированный магазин country store — сельская лавка, apparel store — магазин готового платья… box food store — продовольственный магазин-склад*… camera store — магазин фототоваров… drug store — аптека video store — магазин видеотехники… Syn: shop See: retailing institution 5) торг., амер. пункт розничной торговли, розничный торговец (любой магазин или какая-либо др. торговая точка, занимающаяся розничной продажи) single-line store — розничный торговец одной специализации, store advertising — реклама магазина, store hours — часы работы магазина, store unit — торговая точка, store-checking — мониторинг торговых точек, to patronize a store — быть постоянным покупателем (в каком-либо магазине), to set up a store — открыть магазин Syn: retailer 6) эк. мастерская (обычно, ремонтная) See: 7) с-х., мн. складское хозяйство 8) комп. запоминающее устройство data store — память компьютера, store and forward — временное сохранение операции перед отправкой в центральный компьютер 9) псих. память (человека) II гл. 1) торг. хранить, запасать, откладывать, складировать store in bulk — хранить россыпью, хранить навалом, regular air stored — хранящийся в обычной газовой среде, They store goods until consumers require them. — Они хранят товары до тех пор, пока их не купят. 2) торг. помещать на склад, отдавать на хранение 3) общ. снабжать, наполнять Don’t store your mind with trivial things. — Не забивай голову пустяками. Syn: supply 4) мат., тех. вмещать, накапливать, аккумулировать (напр., заряд) stored error — накопленная (суммарная) ошибка 5) комп. запоминать, хранить (данные, информацию) stored information — сохраненная информация информация III прил. 1) торг. магазинный, торговый (относящийся к розничной торговле) store circular — торговый проспект, store credit — магазинный кредит, storecast — внутримагазинное вещание 2) потр. покупной (в отличие от сделанного в домашних условиях) store teeth — вставная челюсть Syn: store-bought 3) торг. складской (относящийся к хранению на складе) store cards — складская картотека 4) с.-х. откармливаемый на убой, выращивающий на откорм store rearer — фермер, выращивающий скот на откорм; store goose — гусь, предназначенный для откорма; 5) комп. сохраненный (в памяти компьютера)… смотреть


Store: übersetzung
Store1 〈[stɔ:(r)] m. 6; meist Pl.〉 weißer, durchsichtiger Fenstervorhang [<frz. store]————————
Store2 〈[stɔ:(r)] m. 6〉
1. Laden
… смотреть


1. сущ. 1) а) запас, резерв to have in store — иметь наготове, про запас Syn: stock б) мн. запасы, припасы; имущество 2) перен. большое количество; изобилие He possessed a vast store of knowledge. — Он обладал огромным запасом знаний. Jessica dipped into her store of theatrical anecdotes. — Джессика обратилась к своему огромному запасу театральных анекдотов. Syn: abundance 3) пакгауз, склад; хранилище a decision taken in 1982 to build a store for spent fuel from submarines — принятое в 1982 году решение построить склад для отработанного топлива подводных лодок Syn: storage 4) магазин; универмаг at, in a store — в магазине She works at (in) a store. — Она работает в магазине. to manage, operate, run a store — управлять магазином specialty store — магазин готовой одежды — candy store — chain store — clothing store — company store — convenience store — department store — discount store — dry-goods store — food store — furniture store — general store — grocery store — hardware store — jewelry store — liquor store — multiple store — music store — package store — retail store — self-service store — shoe store — toy store — variety store Syn: shop 5) значение, важность to set great store by smb.’s opinion — придавать большое значение мнению кого-л. 6) информ. запоминающее устройство, накопитель 2. гл. 1) снабжать, оснащать; наполнять Syn: supply, furnish 2) а) хранить, сохранять б) информ. запоминать; хранить 3) запасать, откладывать (тж. store up, store away) 4) а) убирать на хранение Now it’s time to store away your fur coats for the summer. — Пришла пора убрать на лето ваши шубы. Syn: conserve б) отдавать на хранение, хранить на складе 5) вмещать, аккумулировать How much energy can this battery store? — Какова энергоёмкость этой батареи?… смотреть


1. n 1) запас, резерв; a ~ of food запас провізії; a ~ of money заощадження; to lay in a ~ of smth. for the winter робити запаси чогось на зиму, запасати щось на зиму; in ~ про запас; 2) достаток, велика кількість; ~s of learning обширність знань, ерудиція; 3) pl запаси, припаси; майно; матеріальні засоби; war ~s боєприпаси; 4) склад, пакгауз{; магазин}; military ~s військові склади; 5) амер. магазин, крамниця; clothing ~ магазин готового одягу; village ~ сільська крамниця; 6) (the Stores) універмаг; ♦ ~ cattle худоба для відгодівлі; ~ clothes готовий одяг; ~ goods товари, куплені (що продаються) в магазині; ~ prices магазинні ціни; to set great (high, much) ~ by надавати великого значення; to set no ~ by не надавати значення; to set little ~ by не надавати великого значення, мало цінувати; what is in ~ for you? що чекає вас у майбутньому?; I have a surprise in ~ for you у мене є для вас сюрприз; ~ is no sore кашу маслом не зіпсуєш; 2. v 1) постачати; наповнювати; 2) запасати, відкладати, накопичувати (тж ~ up); the crop has been ~d урожай зібрано; to ~ (up) food for the winter запасати продовольство на зиму; 3) віддавати на зберігання, зберігати на складі; to ~ one’s furniture здати меблі на зберігання (на склад); 4) уміщувати…. смотреть


1. n1) запас; достатокin store — про запас; зберігати на складіto lay in store for the winter — запасати на зиму2) pl запаси, припаси; сировина й матер… смотреть


1) запас2) забазировать3) заготавливать4) заготовить5) заготовлять6) запасать7) запасти8) запоминать9) кладовая10) лавка11) лавочный12) припас13) припа… смотреть


store: translationfish store (a building where dried cod from the offshore fishery was stored for collection or export (eastern Canada). Cod were also … смотреть


store: übersetzungstɔʀmMarkise fstore
store [stɔʀ] Substantif masculin
1 (rideau à enrouler) Rollo neutre 2 (rideau de magasin) Rollladen masculin … смотреть


1. запас || накапливать; запасать || запасный; резервный
2. склад; кладовая; магазин
3. pl. имущество; запасы
100-year store — столетний жестокий шт… смотреть


1) хранение; накопление || хранить; накапливать2) запас, резерв; склад, хранилище || хранить на складе, в хранилище3) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ; памя… смотреть


1) запас || запасать || запасной; резервный 2) склад; накопитель; магазин || складировать; хранить (см. тж storage) 3) pl складское хозяйство 4) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ || запоминать • — automated billet store — billet rack store — bulk cutter store — centralized tool store — computed store — cutter store — dead store — dual minidiskette backing store — finished store — gravity store — helical gravity store — high bay store — high-rise store — in-process store — job kit store — kit buffer store — palletized tool store — part program store — peak force store — picking store — program store — rack-type store — raw store — robotic tool store — rotary store — semicircular pallet store — spiral store — tooling store — twin-tool store — two-level buffer store — video store — writable control store… смотреть


1) запас || запасать || запасной; резервный
2) склад; накопитель; магазин || складировать; хранить (см. тж storage)
3) pl складское хозяйство
4) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ || запоминать

— automated billet store- billet rack store- bulk cutter store- centralized tool store- computed store- cutter store- dead store- dual minidiskette backing store- finished store- gravity store- helical gravity store- high bay store- high-rise store- in-process store- job kit store- kit buffer store- palletized tool store- part program store- peak force store- picking store- program store- rack-type store- raw store- robotic tool store- rotary store- semicircular pallet store- spiral store- tooling store- twin-tool store- two-level buffer store- video store- writable control store… смотреть


1) запоминающее устройство; память; накопитель
2) запоминание, хранение
Syn: storage
— access control store- critical store- key store- non-volatile… смотреть


1) аккумулитовать 2) забазировать 3) заготавливать 4) заготовить 5) заготовлять 6) запас 7) запасать 8) запасти 9) запоминать 10) запоминающее устройство 11) запоминающий 12) кладовая 13) лавка 14) лавочный 15) магазин 16) накапливать 17) припас 18) припасать 19) припасаю 20) припасти 21) припасу 22) производственный запас 23) рабочее запоминающее устройство 24) склад 25) складировать 26) хранить • possess a store of enery — обладать запасом энергии reference information store — компьют. фонд справочно-информационный — boatswain store — cordage store — file store — flying-spot store — mobile store — paint store — self-service store — store cargo — store heat — store information — store moist — store up… смотреть


Store I {Sto:r} m -s, -s штора die Stores aufziehen* {zuziehen*} — отдёрнуть {задёрнуть} шторы Store II {sto:r} m -s, -s мор. склад; кладовая


1.   складское здание или помещение
2.   амер. магазин- cold store- department store- thermal store- variety storeАнгло-русский строительный словарь. … смотреть


1. n1) запас; мн. бортприпаси2) склад2. vзберігати•- bonded store


transcription, транскрипция: [ stɔ: ]
запас ; магазин ; склады ; припасы ; память ; накопитель ; запоминающее устройство (ЭВМ) ; ~ store house ; ~ store keeper ; ~ store of value ; ~ stores requisition ; ~ store room ; ~ computer store ; ~ department store ; ~ discount store ; ~ public store ; ~ ; ~ stored accumulated error ; ~ data stored in the central computer ;… смотреть


I и фр. m -s, -sштораII англ. m -s, -sсклад; запасы


снабжать; наполнять; вмещать запасать, откладывать (тж. store up); отдавать на хранение, хранить на складе большое количество; изобилие запас, резерв; pl.) запасы, припасы; имущество склад, пакгауз; (преим. амер.) магазин, лавка запасный, запасной; оставленный про запас; (преим. амер.) готовый, купленный в магазине… смотреть


vнакапливать, запасать; хранить (на складе); снабжатьto store data in a computer — хранить информацию в компьютере / в электронном виде


1магазин2склад3сохранить4хранить5запоминать; накопитель


Пам’ятовий пристрійсховищеунівермагпам’ятьпам’ятувачкрамницяздавати на сховвідкладатизберігати


запас, резерв; склад intracellular store — внутриклеточный пул (напр. аминокислот)


|sto:r|-n, -rштора из тюля, гардина (из тюля, редкой прозрачной ткани)


запас ; магазин ; склады ; припасы ; память ; накопитель ; запоминающее устройство (ЭВМ) ; ? store house ; ? store keeper ; ? store of value ; ? stores requisition ; ? store room ; ? computer store ; ? department store ; ? discount store ; ? public store<br>… смотреть


n 1. запас, резерв
2. pl запаси, припаси; майно; матеріальні засоби
3. склад, пакгауз
— military ~s військові склади
— war ~s боєприпаси а
— ~ of food запас провізії а
— ~ of money заощадження
— to set no ~ by не надавати великого значення… смотреть


1. запас; резерв
2. склад
3. хранить, сдавать на хранение
— bonded store


Хранение; накопление || хранить; накапливать;
Запас, резерв; склад, хранилище || хранить на складе, в хранилище;
Запоминающее устройство, ЗУ; память (машины);
Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии.2010…. смотреть


1) запас; магазин 2) зберігати • — store accounting- store information- store robbery


аккумулировать, выдерживать (радиоактивный материал), запоминать (информацию), накопление


запас to store up — накапливать, запасать


запасto store up — накапливать, запасать, аккумулировать


1) запоминание; запоминать 2) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ; накопитель • — automatic store — back store — frame store — long-term store — register store — still store… смотреть


• /vt/ запасать• резервный
• склад


n. запас, имущество; изобилие, большое количество; припасы, арсенал, склад, пакгауз; магазин, лавка; значение; запоминающее устройство, память


v. снабжать, наполнять; хранить, запасать, откладывать, накапливать, припасать; отдавать на хранение, хранить на складе; вмещать, содержать


m штора; занавесь, занавеска


мед.гл. накапливать; консервировать запас; консервирование; пул
* * *
Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.


запас; склад- spare parts store- tire store


пам’ятовий пристрійсховище
здавати на схов


= memory* * *
см. memory


stɔ:склад, запас; хранить (на складе), помещать в склад




1) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ; память ( memory , storage ) 2) запоминать, хранить 3) хранилище


1) запас; магазин
2) зберігати

store accountingstore informationstore robbery


1. n див. «storage»
2. v зберігати (інформацію); записати в пам’ять


mштора; занавесь, занавеска


• Store is no sore — Запас кармана не дерет (3)


(v) накапливать; накопить; скапливать; скопить; хранить


запас, крамниця, зберегти, склад, берегти


см. storage — patent information store


запомнить, (со)хранить; хранилище


запоминать, хранить, сохранять


(n) запас; магазин; склад


запомнить v


• вмещать
• накоплять


baisser les stores

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