The word stock means

запас, акции, шток, фонд, фондовый, шаблонный, снабжать, заготовить


- главный ствол (дерева)
- неодушевлённый предмет
- пренебр. глупый, бесчувственный человек; деревяшка, чурбан

to stand like a stock — стоять как чурбан /как болван/

- опора, подпора
- ложа (винтовки)

ещё 43 варианта


- имеющийся в наличии или наготове

stock item — номенклатурный предмет снабжения
stock size — а) стандартный размер; he is of stock size

- избитый, шаблонный, заезженный

stock joke — избитая шутка
stock argument — шаблонный /обычный/ довод
stock comparison — избитое /классическое/ сравнение
stock phrase — клише
it’s the stock dodge — это старая /избитая/ уловка

- биржевой
- скотоводческий

stock farm — а) скотоводческое хозяйство; б) животноводческая ферма
stock train — поезд для перевозки скота

- племенной

stock mare — племенная кобыла

- готовый, патентованный (о лекарстве)
- складской

stock boy — складской рабочий


- снабжать

to stock a farm — оборудовать ферму /хозяйство/
to stock a pond with fish — разводить рыбу в пруду
to stock a shop — снабжать магазин (товарами)
to stock one’s mind with knowledge — обогатить ум знаниями, расширить запас знаний
the fort was stocked with provisions — в крепости был запас продовольствия

- иметь в наличии, в продаже

to stock varied goods — иметь в продаже разнообразные товары
stocked by all chemists — продаётся во всех аптеках
the library is well stocked with sci-fi books — в библиотеке большой выбор научной фантастики

- хранить на складе; иметь в запасе
- создавать запас, запасать (тж. stock up)
- приделывать ручку, прикреплять ствол к ложе и т. п.

- корчевать (пни); выкапывать (деревья)
- полоть, выдёргивать (сорняки)
- вскапывать (землю мотыгой)
- амер. засевать (травой, клевером; тж. stock down)
- использовать (землю) под пастбище
- выгонять (скот) на пастбище
- давать новые побеги
- обыкн. p. p. задерживать, останавливать рост (растения, животного)
- собрать в колоду
- нечестно тасовать
- ист. сажать в колодки
- с.-х. случать (кобылу, корову); осеменять

ещё 12 вариантов

Мои примеры


a stampede to buy the stock — паническая скупка акций  
the trend of the stock market — тенденция фондового рынка  
commercial stock length — нормальная длина товарного проката  
stock floatation — размещение акций  
to hold shares / stock — быть держателем акций, акционерного капитала  
market stock — товарный скот, скот для продажи  
overissue of debenture stock — чрезмерная эмиссия облигаций  
to stock up on provisions — пополнять запасы провианта  
quire stock — непереплетённая книга  
stock / western saddle — ковбойское седло  
senior stock — привилегированные акции  
hold in stock — хранить на складе  

Примеры с переводом

The stock went south.

Акции упали.

Our refrigerator at college was always stocked with beer.

Наш холодильник в колледже был всегда забит пивом.

I’m sorry, that swimsuit is completely out of stock in your size.

Простите, но в вашем размере этот купальник полностью распродан.

The shop is well stocked with camping supplies.

В магазине имеется большой выбор туристических принадлежностей.

The stock market went phut.

Фондовый рынок рухнул.

Do you own any stock?

Принадлежат ли вам какие-либо акции?

Some of the money also may be used to stock the lake with additional fish.

Часть этих денег также может быть использована на пополнение поголовья рыбы в озере.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

An unwanted suitor is buying up the company’s stock.

There were rich pickings (=a lot of money) to be had from the stock market.

The Stock Market was becalmed yesterday as dealers waited for company results.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

overstock  — излишний запас, избыток, затоваривать
restock  — пополнять запасы
stocking  — чулок
stocky  — коренастый, приземистый
understock  — привитое растение, снабжать недостаточным количеством
stocker  — стокер, держатель
stocked  — имеющийся в наличии
stockish  — глупый, бесчувственный, деревянный
stockist  — фирма, имеющая запасы готовой продукции, торговая фирма
unstock  — истощать, обезлюдить, снимать со стапеля, прекращать постройку

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: stock
he/she/it: stocks
ing ф. (present participle): stocking
2-я ф. (past tense): stocked
3-я ф. (past participle): stocked

ед. ч.(singular): stock
мн. ч.(plural): stocks

Have you ever wondered where the stock market gets its name? What does the word stock even mean? We use words every day without knowing their true meaning or the history behind thtem. Now, you can learn all of the definitions of the word stock — and trust us, there are plenty.

What Is the Meaning of the Word Stock?

The word stock has several meanings. It can also be used in several forms of speech. Stock is a noun, an adjective, and a verb. In fact, according to the dictionary, the word stock has over 50 meanings.

As A Noun

Stock has several meanings as a noun, including:

  • A supply of goods kept on hand in a store, a warehouse, or in inventory for sale to customers
  • Livestock (ex. Farm animals like cattle or sheep)
  • The main stem of a tree or plant
  • The stump or trunk of a tree that remains after cutting
  • A related group of plants 
  • A related group of animals such as a species
  • The person where a line of descendants originates or the original progenitor
  • A grouping of related languages
  • The handle of a whip or a fishing rod or similar items
  • The handle of a handgun or automatic weapon
  • Part of the support of a machine gun
  • A stupid person
  • A lifeless or senseless object
  • The main upright part of a supporting structure or anything
  • A wooden frame for securing an animal in a standing position
  • A framework used to secure a person’s head, wrists, and ankles in a former instrument of punishment
  • The frame for a boat to rest on while it’s being built or under construction
  • A vertical shaft that forms part of a rudder
  • The body of a carpenter’s plane
  • A specific quality of paper (ex. Card stock)
  • Raw materiasl used to create something
  • A broth or liquor made from boiling meats like chicken, beef, or seafood with or without vegetables or seasonings. The liquid is commonly used in soup, gravy, and sauces.

In addition to all of these, stock is a term in finance. Even under this definition, the nourn has several meanings:

  • The outstanding capital of a corporation
  • The shares of a corporation
  • The certificate of ownership of those shares

As An Adjective 

Stock as an adjective can have several meanings as well. Some of those meanings include:

  • Describing an item that is regularly kept on hand like for a manufacturer
  • Describing a person whose job is to care for items kept on hand (ex. Stock clerk)
  • Describing an object that is common or ordinary (ex. Stock photo)
  • Describing the breeding and raising of livestock
  • Relating to the stock of a company

As A Verb

Stock as a verb like other forms of the word can have a few meanings too. Here are some of the definitions of the word stock as a verb:

  • Furnishing a supply
  • Furnishing with livestock
  • Storing up enough for future use
  • Fastening to a stock like the butt-end of a rifle, handle of a shotgun, an anchor, a bell, etc.
  • Putting someone in the stocks as a punishment
  • Securing an animal to the frame of a plow

What Is the Origin of the Word Stock?

Stock comes from the Old English stoc that meant “trunk, block of wood, or post.” Stock also originates from Germanic stock, which meant stick. It also relates to the Dutch stok, which had the same meaning as the German stock.

The meaning of a fund or store came about from Middle English, but it’s unclear where this meaning truly originates.

When Do You Use the Word Stock?

Stock is most commonly used today to refer to stored items or the purchase of shares within a company. The buying and selling of corporation shares are done through the stock market. There are different types of stock:

  • Growth, income, and value stocks
  • Blue chips or penny stocks
  • Defensive or cyclical stocks
  • Common stock or preferred stock
  • Market capitalization based stocks 

Stocks are also called shares. Common shares mean that the stock a person owns allows them to share directly with the success or failure of a company. Preferred shares mean that the individual shareholder will be paid off first if a company goes under. Their dividends or earnings are given priority as well.

A dividend is ownership interest paid to shareholders for their stock or equity. Stocks are also considered assets because they can be liquidated. A shareholder with a large portion of stock in a company can have a controlling share of the company.

Stock is still used in a variety of other definitions as well. It’s likely an easy word to spot in your everyday life.

What Are Synonyms for Stock?

Synonyms are the best tool we have for finding words that mean the same thing to avoid redundancy in speech and text. Here are some synonyms for the word stock and its various definitions.

Stock as a Noun

Here are synonyms for stock as a noun:

  • Merchandise
  • Goods
  • Wares
  • Commodities
  • Capital
  • Asset
  • Property
  • Funds
  • Ancestry
  • Bloodline
  • Descent
  • Lineage
  • Line
  • Origin
  • Confidence
  • Trust
  • Faith
  • Airhead
  • Goof
  • Doofus
  • Oaf

Stock as a Verb

Here are synonyms for stock as a verb:

  • Sell
  • Market
  • Supply
  • Keep
  • Carry
  • Handle
  • Trade in
  • Provide
  • Offer

What Are Antonyms for Stock?

Antonyms are a valuable tool to describe the opposite meaning of a word. Here are some examples of antonyms for the word stock and its different meanings.

Stock As a Noun

Here are antonyms for stock as a noun:

  • Debt
  • Fact
  • Truth
  • Disbelief

Stock As a Verb

Here are antonyms for stock as a verb:

  • Spend
  • Take
  • Disperse
  • Dissipate
  • Divide
  • Give
  • Let go
  • Use
  • Scatter
  • Waste
  • Deplete

What Are the Right Ways To Use Stock in Past, Present, and Future Tense?

Writing a word in the correct tense is how the reader or listener can tell when an event occurred. The correct tense tells if an event is occurring in the present, has occurred in the past, or will occur at some point in the future. Here are the correct tenses for the word stock:

  • Infinitive: stock
  • Present participle: stocking
  • Past tense: stocked
  • Past participle: stocked

Examples of Using the Word Stock

Examples help give us a clearer picture of how best to use a word in context. Here are examples of the various ways to use the word stock:

  • I don’t put any stock in what he says.
  • She comes from good stock.
  • I hope they have my favorite cereal back in stock.
  • We spend a lot of our shift stocking the shelves.
  • He kept checking the value of his stocks.

The Last Word

In conclusion, a word like stock can have so many meanings that it can be difficult to know all of the potential meanings of a word you may hear all the time. Most definitions can be picked up from context clues, but it’s still good to familiarize yourself with the word’s usage and meanings.


  1. Stock Definition & Meaning | 
  2. The use of public corporal punishment up to the 19th century – Methods of punishment | BBC  
  3. Investing in Stocks – Types of Stocks – Types of Exchange Traded Funds | TAMU


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

This article is about the total shares in a business. For individual units of corporate stock, see Share (finance). For «capital stock» as an input to production, see Physical capital. For the goods and materials a business holds, see Inventory. For other uses, see Stock (disambiguation).

In finance, stock (also capital stock) consist of all the shares by which ownership of a corporation or company is divided.[1] (Especially in American English, the word «stocks» is also used to refer to shares.)[1][2] A single share of the stock means fractional ownership of the corporation in proportion to the total number of shares. This typically entitles the shareholder (stockholder) to that fraction of the company’s earnings, proceeds from liquidation of assets (after discharge of all senior claims such as secured and unsecured debt),[3] or voting power, often dividing these up in proportion to the amount of money each stockholder has invested. Not all stock is necessarily equal, as certain classes of stock may be issued for example without voting rights, with enhanced voting rights, or with a certain priority to receive profits or liquidation proceeds before or after other classes of shareholders.

Stock can be bought and sold privately or on stock exchanges, and such transactions are typically heavily regulated by governments to prevent fraud, protect investors, and benefit the larger economy. The stocks are deposited with the depositories in the electronic format also known as Demat account. As new shares are issued by a company, the ownership and rights of existing shareholders are diluted in return for cash to sustain or grow the business. Companies can also buy back stock, which often lets investors recoup the initial investment plus capital gains from subsequent rises in stock price. Stock options issued by many companies as part of employee compensation do not represent ownership, but represent the right to buy ownership at a future time at a specified price. This would represent a windfall to the employees if the option is exercised when the market price is higher than the promised price, since if they immediately sold the stock they would keep the difference (minus taxes).


A person who owns a percentage of the stock has the ownership of the corporation proportional to their share. The shares form a stock. The stock of a corporation is partitioned into shares, the total of which are stated at the time of business formation. Additional shares may subsequently be authorized by the existing shareholders and issued by the company. In some jurisdictions, each share of stock has a certain declared par value, which is a nominal accounting value used to represent the equity on the balance sheet of the corporation. In other jurisdictions, however, shares of stock may be issued without associated par value.

Shares represent a fraction of ownership in a business. A business may declare different types (or classes) of shares, each having distinctive ownership rules, privileges, or share values. Ownership of shares may be documented by issuance of a stock certificate. A stock certificate is a legal document that specifies the number of shares owned by the shareholder, and other specifics of the shares, such as the par value, if any, or the class of the shares.

In the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, and Australia, stock can also refer, less commonly, to all kinds of marketable securities.[4]


Stock typically takes the form of shares of either common stock or preferred stock. As a unit of ownership, common stock typically carries voting rights that can be exercised in corporate decisions. Preferred stock differs from common stock in that it typically does not carry voting rights but is legally entitled to receive a certain level of dividend payments before any dividends can be issued to other shareholders.[5][6][page needed] Convertible preferred stock is preferred stock that includes an option for the holder to convert the preferred shares into a fixed number of common shares, usually any time after a predetermined date. Shares of such stock are called «convertible preferred shares» (or «convertible preference shares» in the UK).

New equity issue may have specific legal clauses attached that differentiate them from previous issues of the issuer. Some shares of common stock may be issued without the typical voting rights, for instance, or some shares may have special rights unique to them and issued only to certain parties. Often, new issues that have not been registered with a securities governing body may be restricted from resale for certain periods of time.

Preferred stock may be hybrid by having the qualities of bonds of fixed returns and common stock voting rights. They also have preference in the payment of dividends over common stock and also have been given preference at the time of liquidation over common stock. They have other features of accumulation in dividend. In addition, preferred stock usually comes with a letter designation at the end of the security; for example, Berkshire-Hathaway Class «B» shares sell under stock ticker BRK.B, whereas Class «A» shares of ORION DHC, Inc will sell under ticker OODHA until the company drops the «A» creating ticker OODH for its «Common» shares only designation. This extra letter does not mean that any exclusive rights exist for the shareholders but it does let investors know that the shares are considered for such, however, these rights or privileges may change based on the decisions made by the underlying company.

Rule 144 stock[edit]

«Rule 144 Stock» is an American term given to shares of stock subject to SEC Rule 144: Selling Restricted and Control Securities.[7] Under Rule 144, restricted and controlled securities are acquired in unregistered form. Investors either purchase or take ownership of these securities through private sales (or other means such as via ESOPs or in exchange for seed money) from the issuing company (as in the case with Restricted Securities) or from an affiliate of the issuer (as in the case with Control Securities). Investors wishing to sell these securities are subject to different rules than those selling traditional common or preferred stock. These individuals will only be allowed to liquidate their securities after meeting the specific conditions set forth by SEC Rule 144. Rule 144 allows public re-sale of restricted securities if a number of different conditions are met.

Stock derivatives[edit]

A stock derivative is any financial instrument for which the underlying asset is the price of an equity. Futures and options are the main types of derivatives on stocks. The underlying security may be a stock index or an individual firm’s stock, e.g. single-stock futures.

Stock futures are contracts where the buyer is long, i.e., takes on the obligation to buy on the contract maturity date, and the seller is short, i.e., takes on the obligation to sell. Stock index futures are generally delivered by cash settlement.

A stock option is a class of option. Specifically, a call option is the right (not obligation) to buy stock in the future at a fixed price and a put option is the right (not obligation) to sell stock in the future at a fixed price. Thus, the value of a stock option changes in reaction to the underlying stock of which it is a derivative. The most popular method of valuing stock options is the Black–Scholes model.[8] Apart from call options granted to employees, most stock options are transferable.


During the Roman Republic, the state contracted (leased) out many of its services to private companies. These government contractors were called publicani, or societas publicanorum as individual companies.[9] These companies were similar to modern corporations, or joint-stock companies more specifically, in a couple of aspects. They issued shares called partes (for large cooperatives) and particulae which were small shares that acted like today’s over-the-counter shares.[10] Polybius mentions that «almost every citizen» participated in the government leases.[11][12] There is also evidence that the price of stocks fluctuated. The Roman orator Cicero speaks of partes illo tempore carissimae, which means «shares that had a very high price at that time».[13] This implies a fluctuation of price and stock market behavior in Rome.

Around 1250 in France at Toulouse, 100 shares of the Société des Moulins du Bazacle, or Bazacle Milling Company were traded at a value that depended on the profitability of the mills the society owned.[14] As early as 1288, the Swedish mining and forestry products company Stora has documented a stock transfer, in which the Bishop of Västerås acquired a 12.5% interest in the mine (or more specifically, the mountain in which the copper resource was available, the Great Copper Mountain) in exchange for an estate.

The earliest recognized joint-stock company in modern times was the English (later British) East India Company. It was granted an English Royal Charter by Elizabeth I on 31 December 1600, with the intention of favouring trade privileges in India. The Royal Charter effectively gave the newly created Honourable East India Company (HEIC) a 15-year monopoly on all trade in the East Indies.[15]

Soon afterwards, in 1602,[16] the Dutch East India Company issued the first shares that were made tradeable on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Between 1602 and 1796 it traded 2.5 million tons of cargo with Asia on 4,785 ships and sent a million Europeans to work in Asia.


A shareholder (or stockholder) is an individual or company (including a corporation) that legally owns one or more shares of stock in a joint stock company. Both private and public traded companies have shareholders.

Shareholders are granted special privileges depending on the class of stock, including the right to vote on matters such as elections to the board of directors, the right to share in distributions of the company’s income, the right to purchase new shares issued by the company, and the right to a company’s assets during a liquidation of the company. However, shareholder’s rights to a company’s assets are subordinate to the rights of the company’s creditors.

Shareholders are one type of stakeholders, who may include anyone who has a direct or indirect equity interest in the business entity or someone with a non-equity interest in a non-profit organization. Thus it might be common to call volunteer contributors to an association stakeholders, even though they are not shareholders.

Although directors and officers of a company are bound by fiduciary duties to act in the best interest of the shareholders, the shareholders themselves normally do not have such duties towards each other.

However, in a few unusual cases, some courts have been willing to imply such a duty between shareholders. For example, in California, United States, majority shareholders of closely held corporations have a duty not to destroy the value of the shares held by minority shareholders.[17][18]

The largest shareholders (in terms of percentages of companies owned) are often mutual funds, and, especially, passively managed exchange-traded funds.


The owners of a private company may want additional capital to invest in new projects within the company. They may also simply wish to reduce their holding, freeing up capital for their own private use. They can achieve these goals by selling shares in the company to the general public, through a sale on a stock exchange. This process is called an initial public offering, or IPO.

By selling shares they can sell part or all of the company to many part-owners. The purchase of one share entitles the owner of that share to literally share in the ownership of the company, a fraction of the decision-making power, and potentially a fraction of the profits, which the company may issue as dividends. The owner may also inherit debt and even litigation.

In the common case of a publicly traded corporation, where there may be thousands of shareholders, it is impractical to have all of them making the daily decisions required to run a company. Thus, the shareholders will use their shares as votes in the election of members of the board of directors of the company.

In a typical case, each share constitutes one vote. Corporations may, however, issue different classes of shares, which may have different voting rights. Owning the majority of the shares allows other shareholders to be out-voted – effective control rests with the majority shareholder (or shareholders acting in concert). In this way the original owners of the company often still have control of the company.

Shareholder rights[edit]

Although ownership of 50% of shares does result in 50% ownership of a company, it does not give the shareholder the right to use a company’s building, equipment, materials, or other property. This is because the company is considered a legal person, thus it owns all its assets itself. This is important in areas such as insurance, which must be in the name of the company and not the main shareholder.

In most countries, boards of directors and company managers have a fiduciary responsibility to run the company in the interests of its stockholders. Nonetheless, as Martin Whitman writes:

…it can safely be stated that there does not exist any publicly traded company where management works exclusively in the best interests of OPMI [Outside Passive Minority Investor] stockholders. Instead, there are both «communities of interest» and «conflicts of interest» between stockholders (principal) and management (agent). This conflict is referred to as the principal–agent problem. It would be naive to think that any management would forego management compensation, and management entrenchment, just because some of these management privileges might be perceived as giving rise to a conflict of interest with OPMIs.[19]

Even though the board of directors runs the company, the shareholder has some impact on the company’s policy, as the shareholders elect the board of directors. Each shareholder typically has a percentage of votes equal to the percentage of shares he or she owns. So as long as the shareholders agree that the management (agent) are performing poorly they can select a new board of directors which can then hire a new management team. In practice, however, genuinely contested board elections are rare. Board candidates are usually nominated by insiders or by the board of the directors themselves, and a considerable amount of stock is held or voted by insiders.

Owning shares does not mean responsibility for liabilities. If a company goes broke and has to default on loans, the shareholders are not liable in any way. However, all money obtained by converting assets into cash will be used to repay loans and other debts first, so that shareholders cannot receive any money unless and until creditors have been paid (often the shareholders end up with nothing).[20]

Means of financing[edit]

Financing a company through the sale of stock in a company is known as equity financing. Alternatively, debt financing (for example issuing bonds) can be done to avoid giving up shares of ownership of the company. Unofficial financing known as trade financing usually provides the major part of a company’s working capital (day-to-day operational needs).


A stockbroker using multiple screens to stay up to date on trading

In general, the shares of a company may be transferred from shareholders to other parties by sale or other mechanisms, unless prohibited. Most jurisdictions have established laws and regulations governing such transfers, particularly if the issuer is a publicly traded entity.

The desire of stockholders to trade their shares has led to the establishment of stock exchanges, organizations which provide marketplaces for trading shares and other derivatives and financial products. Today, stock traders are usually represented by a stockbroker who buys and sells shares of a wide range of companies on such exchanges. A company may list its shares on an exchange by meeting and maintaining the listing requirements of a particular stock exchange.

Many large non-U.S companies choose to list on a U.S. exchange as well as an exchange in their home country in order to broaden their investor base. These companies must maintain a block of shares at a bank in the US, typically a certain percentage of their capital. On this basis, the holding bank establishes American depositary shares and issues an American depositary receipt (ADR) for each share a trader acquires. Likewise, many large U.S. companies list their shares at foreign exchanges to raise capital abroad.

Small companies that do not qualify and cannot meet the listing requirements of the major exchanges may be traded over-the-counter (OTC) by an off-exchange mechanism in which trading occurs directly between parties. The major OTC markets in the United States are the electronic quotation systems OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB) and OTC Markets Group (formerly known as Pink OTC Markets Inc.)[21] where individual retail investors are also represented by a brokerage firm and the quotation service’s requirements for a company to be listed are minimal. Shares of companies in bankruptcy proceedings are usually listed by these quotation services after the stock is delisted from an exchange.


There are various methods of buying and financing stocks, the most common being through a stockbroker. Brokerage firms, whether they are a full-service or discount broker, arrange the transfer of stock from a seller to a buyer. Most trades are actually done through brokers listed with a stock exchange.

There are many different brokerage firms from which to choose, such as full service brokers or discount brokers. The full service brokers usually charge more per trade, but give investment advice or more personal service; the discount brokers offer little or no investment advice but charge less for trades. Another type of broker would be a bank or credit union that may have a deal set up with either a full-service or discount broker.

There are other ways of buying stock besides through a broker. One way is directly from the company itself. If at least one share is owned, most companies will allow the purchase of shares directly from the company through their investor relations departments. However, the initial share of stock in the company will have to be obtained through a regular stock broker. Another way to buy stock in companies is through Direct Public Offerings which are usually sold by the company itself. A direct public offering is an initial public offering in which the stock is purchased directly from the company, usually without the aid of brokers.

When it comes to financing a purchase of stocks there are two ways: purchasing stock with money that is currently in the buyer’s ownership, or by buying stock on margin. Buying stock on margin means buying stock with money borrowed against the value of stocks in the same account. These stocks, or collateral, guarantee that the buyer can repay the loan; otherwise, the stockbroker has the right to sell the stock (collateral) to repay the borrowed money. He can sell if the share price drops below the margin requirement, at least 50% of the value of the stocks in the account. Buying on margin works the same way as borrowing money to buy a car or a house, using a car or house as collateral. Moreover, borrowing is not free; the broker usually charges 8–10% interest.


Selling stock is procedurally similar to buying stock. Generally, the investor wants to buy low and sell high, if not in that order (short selling); although a number of reasons may induce an investor to sell at a loss, e.g., to avoid further loss.

As with buying a stock, there is a transaction fee for the broker’s efforts in arranging the transfer of stock from a seller to a buyer. This fee can be high or low depending on which type of brokerage, full service or discount, handles the transaction.

After the transaction has been made, the seller is then entitled to all of the money. An important part of selling is keeping track of the earnings. Importantly, on selling the stock, in jurisdictions that have them, capital gains taxes will have to be paid on the additional proceeds, if any, that are in excess of the cost basis.

Short selling[edit]

Short selling consists of an investor immediately selling borrowed shares and then buying them back when their price has gone down (called «covering»).[22] Essentially, such an investor bets[22] that the price of the shares will drop so that they can be bought back at the lower price and thus returned to the lender at a profit.

Risks of short selling[edit]

The risks of short selling stock are usually higher than those of buying stock. This is because the loss can theoretically be unlimited since the stock’s value can theoretically go up indefinitely.[22]

Stock price fluctuations[edit]

The price of a stock fluctuates fundamentally due to the theory of supply and demand. Like all commodities in the market, the price of a stock is sensitive to demand. However, there are many factors that influence the demand for a particular stock. The fields of fundamental analysis and technical analysis attempt to understand market conditions that lead to price changes, or even predict future price levels. A recent study shows that customer satisfaction, as measured by the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), is significantly correlated to the market value of a stock.[23] Stock price may be influenced by analysts’ business forecast for the company and outlooks for the company’s general market segment. Stocks can also fluctuate greatly due to pump and dump scams. Also see List of S&P 600 companies.


At any given moment, an equity’s price is strictly a result of supply and demand. The supply, commonly referred to as the float, is the number of shares offered for sale at any one moment. The demand is the number of shares investors wish to buy at exactly that same time. The price of the stock moves in order to achieve and maintain equilibrium. The product of this instantaneous price and the float at any one time is the market capitalization of the entity offering the equity at that point in time.

When prospective buyers outnumber sellers, the price rises. Eventually, sellers attracted to the high selling price enter the market and/or buyers leave, achieving equilibrium between buyers and sellers. When sellers outnumber buyers, the price falls. Eventually buyers enter and/or sellers leave, again achieving equilibrium.

Thus, the value of a share of a company at any given moment is determined by all investors voting with their money. If more investors want a stock and are willing to pay more, the price will go up. If more investors are selling a stock and there aren’t enough buyers, the price will go down.

  • Note: «For Nasdaq-listed stocks, the price quote includes information on the bid and ask prices for the stock.»[24]

That does not explain how people decide the maximum price at which they are willing to buy or the minimum at which they are willing to sell. In professional investment circles the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) continues to be popular, although this theory is widely discredited in academic and professional circles. Briefly, EMH says that investing is overall (weighted by the standard deviation) rational; that the price of a stock at any given moment represents a rational evaluation of the known information that might bear on the future value of the company; and that share prices of equities are priced efficiently, which is to say that they represent accurately the expected value of the stock, as best it can be known at a given moment. In other words, prices are the result of discounting expected future cash flows.

The EMH model, if true, has at least two interesting consequences. First, because financial risk is presumed to require at least a small premium on expected value, the return on equity can be expected to be slightly greater than that available from non-equity investments: if not, the same rational calculations would lead equity investors to shift to these safer non-equity investments that could be expected to give the same or better return at lower risk. Second, because the price of a share at every given moment is an «efficient» reflection of expected value, then—relative to the curve of expected return—prices will tend to follow a random walk, determined by the emergence of information (randomly) over time. Professional equity investors therefore immerse themselves in the flow of fundamental information, seeking to gain an advantage over their competitors (mainly other professional investors) by more intelligently interpreting the emerging flow of information (news).

The EMH model does not seem to give a complete description of the process of equity price determination. For example, stock markets are more volatile than EMH would imply. In recent years it has come to be accepted that the share markets are not perfectly efficient, perhaps especially in emerging markets or other markets that are not dominated by well-informed professional investors.

Another theory of share price determination comes from the field of Behavioral Finance. According to Behavioral Finance, humans often make irrational decisions—particularly, related to the buying and selling of securities—based upon fears and misperceptions of outcomes. The irrational trading of securities can often create securities prices which vary from rational, fundamental price valuations. For instance, during the technology bubble of the late 1990s (which was followed by the dot-com bust of 2000–2002), technology companies were often bid beyond any rational fundamental value because of what is commonly known as the «greater fool theory». The «greater fool theory» holds that, because the predominant method of realizing returns in equity is from the sale to another investor, one should select securities that they believe that someone else will value at a higher level at some point in the future, without regard to the basis for that other party’s willingness to pay a higher price.Thus, even a rational investor may bank on others’ irrationality.

Arbitrage trading[edit]

When companies raise capital by offering stock on more than one exchange, the potential exists for discrepancies in the valuation of shares on different exchanges. A keen investor with access to information about such discrepancies may invest in expectation of their eventual convergence, known as arbitrage trading. Electronic trading has resulted in extensive price transparency (efficient-market hypothesis) and these discrepancies, if they exist, are short-lived and quickly equilibrated.[25]

See also[edit]

  • Arrangements between railroads
  • Boiler room
  • Bucket shop
  • Buying in (securities)
  • Concentrated stock
  • Employee stock ownership
  • Equity investment
  • GICS
  • Golden share
  • House stock
  • Insider trading
  • Money managers
  • Naked short selling
  • Penny stock
  • Scripophily
  • Social ownership
  • Stock and flow
  • Stock dilution
  • Stock valuation
  • Stock token
  • Stub (stock)
  • Tracking stock
  • Treasury stock
  • Traditional and alternative investments
  • Voting interest


  1. ^ a b Linda Business English Dictionary:
    «stock — especially AmE one of the shares into which ownership of a company is divided, or these shares considered together»
    «When a company issues shares or stocks especially AmE, it makes them available for people to buy for the first time.»
  2. ^ stock Archived 30 April 2021 at the Wayback Machine in Collins English Dictionary: «A stock is one of the parts or shares that the value of a company is divided into, that people can buy.»
  3. ^ «stock Definition». Investopedia. Archived from the original on 25 December 2018. Retrieved 25 February 2012.
  4. ^ «Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary». Archived from the original on 26 August 2009. Retrieved 12 February 2010.
  5. ^ «Common Stock vs. Preferred Stock, and Stock Classes». Archived from the original on 6 January 2019. Retrieved 10 June 2007.
  6. ^ Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus, Investments, 9th Ed., ISBN 978-0078034695.
  7. ^ «Rule 144: Selling Restricted and Control Securities». US Securities and Exchange Commission. Archived from the original on 9 March 2017. Retrieved 18 May 2013.
  8. ^ «Black Scholes Calculator». Archived from the original on 14 April 2010. Retrieved 12 February 2010.
  9. ^ Livy, Ab Urbe Condita
  10. ^ (Cic. pro Rabir. Post. 2; Val. Max. VI.9 §7)
  11. ^ (Polybius, 6, 17, 3)
  12. ^ Hawk, Barry (2015). Law and Commerce in Pre-Industrial Societies. Brill Publishers. p. 232. ISBN 9789004306226. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023. Retrieved 8 February 2023.
  13. ^ (Cicero, P. VAT. 12, 29.)
  14. ^ «Paris: It Started with the Lyons Bourse | NYSE Euronext». Archived from the original on 13 September 2012. Retrieved 18 December 2009.
  15. ^ Irwin, Douglas A. (December 1991). «Mercantilism as Strategic Trade Policy: The Anglo-Dutch Rivalry for the East India Trade» (PDF). The Journal of Political Economy. The University of Chicago Press. 99 (6): 1296–1314. doi:10.1086/261801. JSTOR 2937731. S2CID 17937216. Archived (PDF) from the original on 31 July 2020. Retrieved 31 July 2019. at 1299.
  16. ^ Stringham, Edward (2003). «The Extralegal Development of Securities Trading in Seventeenth Century Amsterdam». The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. SSRN 1676251.
  17. ^ Jones v. H. F. Ahmanson & Co., 1 Cal. 3d)
  18. ^ «Jones v. H.F. Ahmanson & Co. (1969) 1 C3d 93». Archived from the original on 10 May 2008. Retrieved 12 February 2010.
  19. ^ Whitman, 2004, 5
  20. ^ Jackson, Thomas (2001). The Logic and Limits of Bankruptcy Law. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. p. 32. ISBN 1-58798-114-9.
  21. ^ «Stock Trading». US Securities and Exchange Commission. Archived from the original on 16 July 2012. Retrieved 18 May 2013.
  22. ^ a b c «How an Investor Can Make Money Short Selling Stocks». Investopedia. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
  23. ^ Mithas, Sunil (January 2006). «Increased Customer Satisfaction Increases Stock Price». Research@Smith. University of Maryland. Archived from the original on 17 March 2012. Retrieved 25 February 2012.
  24. ^ «Understanding Stock Prices: Bid, Ask, Spread». Archived from the original on 7 September 2008. Retrieved 12 February 2010.
  25. ^ «Arbitrage: How Arbitraging Works in Investing, with Examples». Archived from the original on 24 December 2021. Retrieved 26 November 2022.

Further reading[edit]

  • Graham, Benjamin; Jason Zweig (8 July 2003) [1949]. The Intelligent Investor. Warren E. Buffett (collaborator) (2003 ed.). HarperCollins. front cover. ISBN 0-06-055566-1.
  • Graham, B. and Dodd, D. and Dodd, D.L.F. (1934). Security Analysis: The Classic 1934 Edition. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN 978-0-070-24496-2. LCCN 34023635.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!, by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. Warner Business Books, 2000. ISBN 0-446-67745-0
  • Clason, George (2015). The Richest Man in Babylon: Original 1926 Edition. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. ISBN 978-1-508-52435-9.
  • Bogle, John Bogle (2007). The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 216. ISBN 9780470102107.
  • Buffett, W. and Cunningham, L.A. (2009). The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Investors and Managers. John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Limited. ISBN 978-0-470-82441-2.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Stanley, Thomas J. and Danko, W.D. (1998). The Millionaire Next Door. Gallery Books. ISBN 978-0-671-01520-6. LCCN 98046515.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Soros, George (1988). The Alchemy of Finance: Reading the Mind of the Market. A Touchstone book. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-671-66238-7. LCCN 87004745.
  • Fisher, Philip Arthur (1996). Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings. Wiley Investment Classics. Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-11927-2. LCCN 95051449.

External links[edit]

Recent Examples on the Web

That puts downward pressure on the stock.

The Week Staff, The Week, 8 Apr. 2023

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Bloomberg Wire, Dallas News, 7 Apr. 2023

The stock has been rallying along with other luxury shares this year, as investors see the sector as capable of withstanding an economic downturn, especially as China’s post-COVID recovery revives demand for high-end designer items., 6 Apr. 2023

Tesla insiders have repeatedly used the stock as their own private piggy bank ever since the first COVID wave ignited a spectacular rally that saw the company’s market value vault past all other car competitors to take its place amongst the elite ranks of global megacaps.

Christiaan Hetzner, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023

The last time the stock rose for 10 consecutive sessions was in March 2018, according to Dow Jones Market Data.

David Marino-nachison, WSJ, 5 Apr. 2023

Over the past 12 months, the stock has been down more than 35 percent.

Kim Masters, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Apr. 2023

As late as January, JPMorgan forecast a turnaround for SVB and recommended clients buy the stock.

Joseph Menn, Washington Post, 2 Apr. 2023

This analysis was also a significant factor in my December warning about the bank stocks.

Tom Aspray, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023

She was first spotted with the label’s evening bag in a steel gray hue in 2016 and has since stocked up on the polished piece in pink, red, beige, black, and different shades of blue.

Sophie Dweck,, 11 Apr. 2023

Don’t be afraid to grab a few to stock up for your next holiday in the sun.

Neha Tandon,, 8 Apr. 2023

Bulingna Baby Boys Swim Shorts, $4.98–$12.98; Something else Bailon stocks up on?

Claire Harmeyer, Peoplemag, 5 Apr. 2023

People are not out here stocking up food.

Evan Bush, NBC News, 2 Apr. 2023

So make sure to stock up on this amazing dishwasher detergent to keep all your dishes looking crystal clear!

Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 1 Apr. 2023

In the spirit of spring cleaning and refreshing the home, a beautiful way to nourish your space and conjure the mood of the season is by stocking up on beautiful, mood-lifting spring candles.

Lauren Valenti, Vogue, 1 Apr. 2023

So stock up on kids water shoes now and get packing for a season of fun.

Alesandra Dubin, Travel + Leisure, 1 Apr. 2023

The small, charming downtown has a mix of small boutiques to stock up on souvenirs as well as wineries and farm-to-table restaurants.

Jean Chen Smith, The Enquirer, 31 Mar. 2023

Bob Chapek’s compensation increased to $32.5 million during his second year as Walt Disney Co.’s chief executive, the company said in a Wednesday regulatory filing, as the Burbank entertainment colossus returned to doling out non-stock bonuses to its top leaders.

Ryan Faughnder, Los Angeles Times, 19 Jan. 2022

That super-stock Dodge was, too.

Frank Markus, Car and Driver, 6 Aug. 2020

And the reassuringly stock characters require no special actorly finesse to bring to life.

Ben Brantley, New York Times, 27 Mar. 2020

Anne Carpenter, an owner of an Ace Hardware store in Berkeley, said the retailer doesn’t usually stock air conditioners.

Melia Russell,, 11 June 2019

The Red Branch production directed by Stephanie Lynn Williams features an endearing cast whose performances make potentially stock characters spring to life.

Mike Giuliano, Columbia Flier, 23 Aug. 2017

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘stock.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

  • 1

    stock шток; линия, потомство одной особи

    stock давать новые побеги

    stock скот; поголовье скота; стадо

    surplus stock излишний запас; доля популяции сверх необходимого для продолжения вида

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > stock

  • 2

    stock [stɒk]

    1) запа́с; инвента́рь;

    а) инвентаризи́ровать; де́лать переучёт това́ра;

    б) крити́чески оце́нивать, рассма́тривать (of — что-л.); пригля́дываться (ofк чему-л.)

    3) сырьё;



    акционе́рный капита́л (


    joint stock); основно́й капита́л; фо́нды;

    7) а́кции;

    8) популя́рность, ре́йтинг

    9) род, семья́;

    11) кре́пкий бульо́н из косте́й

    14) опо́ра, подпо́ра

    18) рукоя́тка, ру́чка; руже́йная ло́жа

    20) гру́ппа ро́дственных языко́в

    21) широ́кий га́лстук или шарф

    22) часть коло́ды карт, не ро́зданная игрока́м



    ши́хта, коло́ша

    а) неодушевлённые предме́ты;

    б) бесчу́вственные лю́ди;

    а) ве́рить;

    б) придава́ть значе́ние [

    см. тж.


    1) снабжа́ть;

    2) име́ть в нали́чии, в прода́же;

    3) храни́ть на скла́де

    4) приде́лывать ру́чку

    и т.п.

    1) име́ющийся в нали́чии, нагото́ве

    2) изби́тый, шабло́нный, зае́зженный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > stock

  • 3

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > stock

  • 4

    Англо-русский словарь Финансы и долги > stock

  • 5

    stock n


    repair stock

    ремонтный фонд

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > stock

  • 6

    Персональный Сократ > stock

  • 7
    stock up

    Персональный Сократ > stock up

  • 8






    запас, резерв ; фонд; инвентарь, имущество

    to keep in stock — держать на складе, хранить на складе; иметь в запасе

    to have smth. in stock, to hold smth. in stock— иметь что-л. в запасе; хранить что-л. на складе

    to be short of stock, to be out of stock — не иметь запаса; не иметь на складе, не иметь в наличии



    rebuild stocks, make-to-stock, short of stock, long of stock, buffer stock, understock, overstock, ex-stock, in-stock, out of stock, take stock, deterioration of stock insurance




    парк, подвижной состав




    посадочный материал, саженцы





    акционерный капитал





    мн. акции; пакет акций; фонды



    active stock, alpha stocks, alphabet stock, assented stock, assessable stock, auction rate preferred stock, authorized capital stock, authorized common stock, authorized stock, average stock 1), barometer stock, bearer stock, bellwether stock, beta stocks, blue chip stock, Bo Derek stock, bonus stock, callable preferred stock, callable stock, classified common stock, classified stock, closely held stock, common capital stock, common stock, constant growth stock, constant-growth stock, controlling stock, conversion stock, convertible adjustable preferred stock, convertible preference stock, convertible preferred stock, corporate stock, cumulative preferred stock, debenture stock, deferred stock, designer stock, dirty stock, distribution stock, donated stock, dud stock, Dutch auction preferred stock, equity stock, first preferred stock, floating rate preferred stock, floating-rate preferred stock, foreign stock 1), founders’ stock, free stock, full stock, fully paid stock, gilt-edged stock, glamor stock, glamour stock, go-go stock, gold stock 2), growth stock, guarantee stock, guaranteed stock, half stock, half-stock, high beta stock, high-beta stock, high-grade stock 1), high-tech stock, hot stock, inactive stock, income stock, inscribed stock, interest-sensitive stock, irredeemable stock 2), issued capital stock, issued stock, junior stock, letter stock, leveraged stock, limited life preferred stock, low beta stock, low-beta stock, low-grade stock, management stock, margin stock, market auction preferred stock, money market preferred stock, monthly income preferred stock, no par value stock, no-load stock, non-assented stock, non-assessable stock, nonconstant growth stock, non-convertible preferred stock, noncumulative preferred stock, nonpar stock, non-par stock, non-par value stock, non-participating preferred stock, non-participating stock, non-par-value capital stock, non-par-value stock, non-voting stock, no-par stock, no-par-value capital stock, no-par-value stock, one decision stock, ordinary stock, orphan stock, out-of-favour stock, over-the-counter margin stock, overvalued stock, paid-up stock, paired stock, par value stock, participating preference stock, participating preferred stock, participating stock, part-paid stock, par-value stock, penny stock, performance stock, perpetual preferred stock, phantom stock, preference stock, preferred capital stock, preferred common stock, preferred equity redemption cumulative stock, preferred ordinary stock, preferred stock, prior preference stock, prior preferred stock, private stock, privately held stock, public stock 1), publicly held stock, quality stock, quarter stock, quarterly income preferred stock, reacquired stock, recovery stock, redeemable preferred stock, redeemable stock, registered stock, restricted stock, seasonal stock 1), second preference stock, second preferred stock, secondary stock, second-tier stock, senior preferred stock, senior stock, shadow stock, stapled stock, stopped stock, story stock, street name stock, street-name stock, stub stock, subscribed stock, supernormal growth stock, target stock, tracking stock, treasury stock, undated stock, under valued stock, underlying stock, undervalued stock, under-valued stock, unregistered stock, utility stock, value stock, variable rate preferred stock, variable-rate preferred stock, voting stock, wallflower stock, watered stock, whisper stock, widow-and-orphan stock, yo-yo stock, zero growth stock, zero-growth stock, stock broker, stockbroker, stock owner, stockholder 1), share capital 1) ordinary share, preference share, stake 1. 3)




    брит. облигации; (долговые) фонды; (долговые) ценные бумаги


    convertible unsecured loan stock, Exchequer Stock, government stock, irredeemable stock 1), loan stock, local authority stock, long-dated stock, municipal stock, public stock 2), treasure stock, Treasury stock, unsecured loan stock, debt security, gilt-edged security, bond




    сырье, исходный продукт





    корень, источник происхождения; прародитель

    But we must remember the stock of all mankind has come from the blue-black African. — Но мы должны помнить, что прародителем всего рода человеческого был иссиня-черный африканец.



    род, семья; происхождение; родословная, генеалогия

    he is of American stock, born near Terre Haute, Indiana — он американского происхождения, родился около Терре-Хота, штат Индиана




    род, порода ; племя, раса








    снабжать, поставлять, обеспечивать

    It was not difficult to persuade the local news distributor to stock the shop with papers and magazines. — Было нетрудно убедить местного распространителя информационных изданий поставлять в этот магазин газеты и журналы.

    Some of the money also may be used to stock the lake with additional fish. — Часть этих денег также может быть использована, чтобы пополнить поголовье рыбы в озере.

    All of these discouraging experiences helped to mature him and stock his mind with information, but they did not make him rich. — Весь этот печальный опыт помог ему повзрослеть и обогатить разум новой информацией, но не сделал его богатым.




    создавать запасы; запасать(ся), накапливать




    иметь в наличии [в продаже, иметь в запасе]; хранить на складе




    выгонять (скот) на пастбище, пасти (скот)

    However, on most south Texas ranches, it would be acceptable to stock cattle at the rate of one animal unit for each 25-30 acres. — Однако, на большинстве ранчо южного Техаса, допустимо пасти скот в расчете одна условная единица скота на каждые 25-30 акров.



    случать ; осеменять





    имеющийся в наличии [наготове, в запасе]




    заезженный, избитый, дежурный ; стандартный, типовой

    stock phrase — клише, избитая фраза*; дежурная фраза*

    stock argument — стандартный [обычный] аргумент





    племенной, породистый




    скотоводческий; животноводческий

    stock truck — скотовоз, грузовик для (перевозки) скота



    фондовый; биржевой





    * * *

    1) акция, свидетельство на участие в капитале акционерного общества; ценные бумаги, реально переходящие из рук в руки; сертификаты акций и облигаций (Великобритания); акционерный капитал корпорации (США): обыкновенные и привилегированные акции;

    capital stock;



    rolling stock;
    3) товарные запасы.

    * * *

    1) /vt/ снабжать; 2) /vt/ запасать; 3) /in passive/ снабженный

    1) ценные бумаги; 2) основной капитал

    * * *

    * * *

    1. ценные бумаги (в Великобритании) с фиксированным процентом, выпускаемые правительством, местными органами власти или компанией одинаковым фиксированным номиналом

    2. распространенное в США название обыкновенных акций


    Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность

    ценная бумага без установленного срока обращения, которая свидетельствует о внесении известного пая в уставный фонд корпорации, определяет возможность управления ею, дает право на получение части прибыли в виде дивиденда см. — share

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > stock

  • 9

    1) запас (ы) || создавать запас (ы); запасать

    2) ассортимент (товаров)

    3) инвентарь

    5) капитал; фонд

    6) см. fixed capital stock

    7) имущество; перечень продаваемого имущества

    8) сырьё, материалы; незавершённые готовые изделия; оборотные производственные фонды

    9) амер. акция, акции; акционерный капитал; брит. ценные бумаги, фондовые ценности, обязательства; облигации; фонды

    10) род, семья

    11) группа населения

    12) скот; поголовье скота

    13) парк (вагонов)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > stock

  • 10

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > stock

  • 11

    1) запас, резерв, фонд

    2) капитал; амер. акционерный капитал

    4) ценные бумаги; облигации

    5) пай; денежный фонд

    7) имущество; инвентарь

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > stock

  • 12


    active stock активные акции actual stock наличный запас actual stock фактический запас available rolling stock ж.-д. наличный подвижной состав base stock базовый запас base stock formula формула базового запаса base stock valuation стоимость базового запаса stock запас; инвентарь; word stock запас слов; basic word stock основной словарный фонд; dead stock (мертвый) инвентарь stock pl мор. стапель; to be on the stocks стоять на стапеле; перен. готовиться, быть в работе (о литературном произведении) bearer stock акция на предъявителя blue chip stock акции, дающие высокие дивиденды build up a stock создавать запас carry stock хранить запасы classified stock акции, различающиеся по статусу closing stock запас в конце отчетного периода common capital stock обыкновенная акция common capital stock обычная акция common stock обыкновенная акция common stock обычная акция consignment stock консигнационный склад consignment stock партия товаров contributed stock акционерный капитал convertible loan stock облигации, конвертируемые в акции convertible preferred stock привилегированные акции с возможностью обмена на обыкновенные акции cumulative preferred stock кумулятивная привилегированная акция stock запас; инвентарь; word stock запас слов; basic word stock основной словарный фонд; dead stock (мертвый) инвентарь dead stock акции, не пользующиеся спросом dead stock замороженные материальные средства dead stock запас товаров, не пользующихся спросом dead stock мертвый инвентарь dead stock неиспользуемый запас dead stock неходовые акции deferred stock акция с отсроченным дивидендом dwelling stock жилой фонд ex stock со склада ex stock франко-склад first stock первая акция funds stock запас капитала gambling stock ценная бумага, участвующая в спекуляции gilt-edged stock государственная ценная бумага gold stock золотой запас goods in stock товары на складе growth stock акция, цена которой повышается growth stock акция роста housing stock жилищный фонд in stock в запасе in stock в наличии (о товарах и т. п.); под рукой; out of stock распродано; to lay in stock делать запасы in stock в наличии intervention stock интервенционный запас in stock в наличии (о товарах и т. п.); под рукой; out of stock распродано; to lay in stock делать запасы letter stock семейная акция life stock срок хранения запасов loan stock залоговый запас loan stock облигация loan stock ценная бумага компании management stock акционерный капитал руководителей компании monetary gold stock золотой запас в денежном выражении money stock денежная масса money stock сумма денег в обращении no-par stock акция без фиксированного номинала obsolete stock устаревший ассортимент товаров stock род, семья; of good stock из хорошей семьи old dwelling stock старый жилой фонд old housing stock старый жилой фонд opening stock запас в начале отчетного периода opening stock начальный запас order stock склад заказанной продукции ordinary stock обыкновенные акции in stock в наличии (о товарах и т. п.); под рукой; out of stock распродано; to lay in stock делать запасы paid-up stock оплаченная акция stock сырье; paper stock бумажное сырье (тряпье и т. п.) penny stock мелкая акция preferred stock привилегированная акция reacquired stock вновь приобретенная акция redeemable stock акция, подлежащая выкупу registered stock ценная бумага, которая существует только в виде записей в регистре remaining stock сохранившийся запас reserve stock страховой запас rolling stock подвижной состав stock иметь в наличии, в продаже; the shop stocks only cheap goods в этой лавке продаются только дешевые товары stock приделывать ручку stock = stock company stock амер. акции; to take stock in покупать акции; вступать в пай stock эк. акционерный капитал (тж. joint stock); основной капитал; фонды; the stocks государственный долг stock акционерный капитал stock акция, акции stock акция stock ассортимент (товаров) stock ассортимент (товаров) stock тех. бабка (станка) stock главный ствол (дерева) stock группа населения stock группа родственных языков stock запас; инвентарь; word stock запас слов; basic word stock основной словарный фонд; dead stock (мертвый) инвентарь stock запас stock избитый, шаблонный, заезженный stock иметь в наличии, в продаже; the shop stocks only cheap goods в этой лавке продаются только дешевые товары stock имеющийся в наличии, наготове stock имущество stock инвентарь stock капитал, акционерный капитал, основной капитал stock капитал stock pl ист. колодки stock крепкий бульон из костей stock левкой stock материалы stock облигации, ценные бумаги, фонды stock облигации stock обязательства stock опора, подпора stock парк (вагонов и т. п.); подвижной состав stock уст. пень; бревно stock перечень продаваемого имущества stock поголовье скота stock бот. подвой stock биол. порода, племя stock тех. припуск stock раса stock род, семья; of good stock из хорошей семьи stock рукоятка, ручка; ружейная ложа stock склад stock скот, поголовье скота (тж. live stock) stock скот stock снабжать; to stock a farm оборудовать хозяйство stock создавать запасы stock pl мор. стапель; to be on the stocks стоять на стапеле; перен. готовиться, быть в работе (о литературном произведении) stock сырье; paper stock бумажное сырье (тряпье и т. п.) stock сырье stock товар, запас, материальная база stock фонд stock хранить на складе stock хранить на складе stock ценные бумаги stock часть колоды карт, не розданная игрокам stock широкий галстук или шарф stock метал. шихта, колоша stock шток (якоря) stock снабжать; to stock a farm оборудовать хозяйство stock of foreign bills пакет иностранных векселей stock of gold золотой запас stock of goods запас товаров stock of goods склад товаров stock of record ценная бумага, зарегистрированная на имя владельца до даты, дающей право на получение дивиденда stock on hand наличный запас stock эк. акционерный капитал (тж. joint stock); основной капитал; фонды; the stocks государственный долг stocks: stocks акции и облигации stock запасы готовой продукции stock запасы товаров stock стапель stocks and stones бесчувственные люди stocks and stones неодушевленные предметы straight stock акция с фиксированной нарицательной стоимостью surplus stock избыточный запас surplus stock неликвидный запас surplus stock неликвиды to take stock инвентаризировать; делать переучет товара to take stock критически оценивать, рассматривать (of — что-л.); приглядываться (of — к чему-л.) stock амер. акции; to take stock in покупать акции; вступать в пай to take stock in жарг. верить to take stock in жарг. придавать значение take stock of инвентаризовать take stock of производить переучет товаров treasury stock казначейская ценная бумага treasury stock собственная акция компании, хранимая в ее финансовом отделе undated stock бессрочная правительственная облигация voting stock акция, дающая владельцу право голоса watered stock разводненный акционерный капитал watered: stock stock фин. разводненный акционерный капитал stock запас; инвентарь; word stock запас слов; basic word stock основной словарный фонд; dead stock (мертвый) инвентарь

    English-Russian short dictionary > stock

  • 13

    1) (исходное [перерабатываемое]) сырьё, исходный продукт

    7) заготовка; метал. задаваемая штука

    12) стопа; пачка

    13) резин. смесь

    15) мн. ч. стапель

    17) подвижной состав; парк

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > stock

  • 14

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > stock

  • 15



    1) запас, фонд

    — word stock
    — commodity stock
    — emergency stock
    — new stock
    — limited stock of words
    — stock of finished products
    — stocks on order
    — check the stock
    — exhaust one’s stock of patience
    — have a rich stock of knowledge
    — keep a sufficient stock on hand
    — lay in a stock of coal
    — lay in one’s autumn stock
    — reduce one’s stock
    — coal stocks are low

    — stock account
    — large stock of toys
    — have an excellent selection in stock

    3) товар, инвентарь

    — season stock
    — surplus stock
    — stock on view
    — stocks in hand
    — stock in trade
    — delivery of stock
    — list of items out of stock
    — sale of dairy stock
    — take stock of smth
    — have goods in stock

    — founder’s stocks
    — preference stocks
    — bank stocks
    — bearer’s stocks
    — government stocks
    — joint stock
    — ordinary stocks
    — security stocks
    — reserve stock
    — capital stock
    — Stock Exchange
    — stock broker
    — stock market
    — stock company
    — stocks and shares
    — stocks for sale
    — new issue of stocks
    — controlling block of stock
    — fall in stocks
    — buy the whole stock of business
    — have one’s money in stocks
    — have stocks in this company
    — hold stocks
    — have stocks
    — buy stocks
    — hold stocks for a rise
    — invest one’s money in a railway company stocks
    — turn one’s stocks into cash

    5) раса, нация, род, группа родственников, родословная, порода, племя

    Their stock was King Alfred. — Их родословная восходит к королю Альфреду.

    The stock dies out. — Эта порода/это племя вымирает.

    old stock

    — Mongoloid stock
    — true to his stock
    — people of Irish stock
    — of good stock
    — be of the same ethnic stock
    — come from common stock
    — come of a sound stock
    — belong to a Puritan stock
    — preserve the stock
    — two nations are of kindred stock
    — stock remains pure

    6) скот, порода скота

    grazing stock

    — growing stock
    — farming stock
    — live stock
    — fat stock
    — healthy stock
    — farm with all its stock
    — breed a new stock
    — take in the stock for the winter

    The gun was fitted with a special stock. — К пистолету была приделана специальная рукоятка.

    rifle stock

    — gun stock

    8) стапель (и все, что связано с кораблями)

    stock of a anchor

    — ships on the stocks
    — be on the stocks

    9) парк (транспортный, подвижного состава)

    The airliner was on the stocks. — Воздушный лайнер строится.

    rolling stock

    — railway rolling stock
    — locomotive stock

    — soap stock

    11) стандарт, шаблон

    It’s the stock dodge. — Это обычная шаблонная увертка.

    He has three stock speeches. — У него есть три заранее заготовленные речи.

    To stand like a stock. — Стоять как чурбан/болван

    — stock figure
    — stock car
    — stock brick
    — stock greeting
    — stock argument
    — stock phrase
    — stock joke
    — stock pastime
    — stock comparison
    — stock medicine
    — stock repertoire
    — stock actor
    — stock character in pantomime

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > stock

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    биржевой брокер; маклер; брокер фондовой биржи; биржевик


    English_Russian capital issues dictionary > stock

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    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > stock

  • 18

    имя существительное:

    раса (race, stock)

    имя прилагательное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > stock

  • 19

    1. n главный ствол

    2. n неодушевлённый предмет

    3. n пренебр. глупый, бесчувственный человек; деревяшка, чурбан

    4. n опора, подпора

    5. n ложа

    6. n воен. ствол

    7. n мор. стапель

    8. n станок для ковки лошадей

    9. n ист. колодки

    10. n тех. бабка

    11. n тех. коловорот

    12. n ступица

    13. n тело

    14. n колодка

    15. n черенок, рукоятка

    16. n мор. шток

    17. n мор. баллер

    18. a имеющийся в наличии или наготове

    19. a избитый, шаблонный, заезженный

    20. a биржевой

    21. a скотоводческий

    22. a племенной

    23. a готовый, патентованный

    24. a складской

    stock turnover — оборот товарных запасов; складской оборот

    25. v снабжать

    26. v иметь в наличии, в продаже

    out of stock — отсутствующий; не имеющий в наличии

    27. v хранить на складе; иметь в запасе

    stock variable — переменная, характеризующая величину запаса

    made for stock — изготовил на склад; изготовленный на склад

    28. v создавать запас, запасать

    29. v корчевать; выкапывать

    30. v полоть, выдёргивать

    31. v вскапывать

    32. v амер. засевать

    33. v использовать под пастбище

    34. v выгонять на пастбище

    35. v давать новые побеги

    film stock — неиспользованная плёнка; новая катушка плёнки

    36. v обыкн… задерживать, останавливать рост

    37. v собрать в колоду

    38. v нечестно тасовать

    39. v ист. сажать в колодки

    40. v с. -х. случать; осеменять

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. common (adj.) average; common; commonplace; garden-variety; ordinary; plain; run-of-the-mill; unexceptional

    2. standard (adj.) customary; normal; regular; routine; standard; typical; usual

    5. estimation (noun) appraisal; appraisement; assessment; estimate; estimation; evaluation; judgment

    6. family (noun) clan; family; folk; house; kin; kindred; race; tribe

    7. goods (noun) armamentarium; backlog; cache; fund; goods; hoard; inventory; merchandise; nest egg; produce; provision; reserve; reservoir; stockpile; store; supplies; supply; treasure; wares

    8. lineage (noun) ancestry; breed; descent; lineage; parentage; pedigree; species; strain; type

    11. trust (noun) confidence; dependence; faith; hope; reliance; trust

    12. store (verb) carry; equip; fill; furnish; hoard; keep; provision; store; supply

    English-Russian base dictionary > stock

  • 20

    1. сущ.
    1) а) главный ствол( дерева) б) перен. опора, основа, основание, подпора
    2) а) рукоятка, ручка б) ружейная ложа
    3) уст. пень;
    4) совокупность объектов, характеризующихся набором общих признаков а) род, семья б) биол. племя, порода;
    раса в) линг. языковая семья, группа родственных языков
    5) а) запас;
    инвентарь б) ассортимент( товаров) take stock
    6) скот, поголовье скота (тж. live stock)
    7) парк( вагонов и т. п.) ;
    подвижной состав
    8) сырье
    9) а) экон. акционерный капитал (тж. joint stock) ;
    основной капитал;
    фонды б) доля акций, амер. акции classified stock ≈ классифицированные акции (в зависимости от того, к какой группе классификации принадлежат акции, их владелец обладает разным числом голосов) ∙ — stock exchange
    10) а) широкий галстук б) щирокий длинный шарф
    11) крепкий бульон из костей Syn: soup
    12) часть колоды карт, не розданная игрокам
    13) = stock company
    14) мн.;
    ист. колодки
    15) мн.;
    мор. стапель
    16) тех. бабка( станка)
    17) тех. припуск
    18) мор. шток( якоря)
    19) метал. колоша, шихта
    20) бот. подвой
    21) бот. левкой ∙ stocks and stones take stock in
    2. гл.
    1) снабжать, поставлять, обеспечивать( with) The shop is well stocked with camping supplies. ≈ В магазине большой выбор походных принадлежностей. Syn: supply
    2) а) иметь в наличии, в продаже б) хранить на складе;
    иметь запасы на складе
    3) приделывать ручку и т. п.
    4) случать( домашних животных)
    5) пасти скот
    3. прил.
    1) имеющийся в наличии, наготове
    2) заезженный, избитый, стандартный, трафаретный, шаблонный, типовой stock phrase ≈ клише stock answer ≈ стандартный ответ Syn: standard
    2., trite
    3) а) племенной, породистый( о животных) a stock dog ≈ породистая собака Syn: brood б) занимающийся разведением домашнего скота, животноводческий a stock farm ≈ животноводческая ферма
    4) а) биржевой б) работающий на бирже a stock clerk ≈ биржевой маклер
    главный ствол( дерева) неодушевленный предмет( пренебрежительное) глупый, бесчувственный человек;
    деревяшка, чурбан — to stand like a * стоять как чурбан /как болван/ опора, подпорка ложа (винтовки) (военное) ствол (морское) стапель — to be on the *s стоять на стапеле, строиться( о судне) станок для ковки лошадей (историческое) колодки — to put in the *s сажать в колодки — the shoemaker’s * тесные ботинки( техническое) бабка (токарного станка) (техническое) клупп( техническое) коловорот ступица( колеса) тело( гаечного ключа и т. п.) колодка( рубанка) черенок, рукоятка ( морское) шток (якоря) (морское) баллер( руля) корень, источник происхождения прародитель — the * of all mankind праотец рода человеческого родословная, генеалогия род, семья — to come /to be/ of good * происходить из хорошей семьи раса (биология) порода, племя группа родственных языков пчелиный рой запас, фонд — new /fresh/ * свежий запас — in * в запасе, в наличии — a * of wood запас дров — a * of information наличие сведений — a * of plays репертуар — a * of fish (специальное) рыбность, заселенность рыбой (водоема) — *s on hand наличный запас, наличность склада — to lay in a * делать /создавать/ запас — to acquire a good * of common words приобрести хороший словарный запас — to exhaust smb.’s * of patience исчерпать запас чьего-л. терпения, вывести кого-л. из себя — to take * инвентаризировать, /проверять/ запас ассортимент (товаров) — new /fresh/ * новый ассортимент — in * в ассортименте, в наличии — spare parts always in * в ассортименте /в продаже/ всегда имеются запасные части — out of * распродано — we carry a very large * of French novels у нас всегда большой выбор французских романов инвентарь, имущество — dead * мертвый инвентарь скот, поголовье скота (тж. live *) парк (автомобилей, вагонов) — rolling * (железнодорожное) подвижной состав сырье — paper * бумажная масса (тряпье и т. п.) крепкий бульон (тж. soup *) — meat * крепкий мясной бульон (экономика) капитал — fixed capital * основной капитал;
    основные производственные фонды( экономика) акции;
    акционерный капитал (экономика) облигации;
    ценные бумаги;
    фонды — to have $500 in *s иметь пятьсот долларов в облигациях — to invest one’s money in government *s вложить свои деньги в государственные бумаги (the *s) государственный долг( карточное) колода, используемая в данной игре банк, часть колоды карт или костей домино, не розданная игрокам — to draw from the * прикупить из банка (американизм) акционерная компания( американизм) постоянная театральная труппа, обыкн. выступающая в одном театре;
    театральная труппа со средним составом актеров (без звезд) постоянный репертуар репутация, имя — his * with the electorate remains high он продолжает пользоваться авторитетом у избирателей (американизм) доверие, вера — put /take/ little * in his testimony не доверяйте его показаниям шахта, колоша (геология) шток, небольшой батолит (ботаника) подвой (ботаника) левкой (Matthiola gen.) (историческое) широкий галстук или шарф (историческое) корешок квитанции, выдаваемый за взнос в казну > lock, * and barrel все целиком /полностью/;
    все вместе взятое > to take * критически оценивать свое положение, подводить итоги > to take * of smth. обдумывать /рассматривать, оценивать/ что-л.;
    приглядываться к чему-л. > to take * of smb. критически осматривать кого-л., изучать кого-л. оценивающим взглядом > *s and stones деревянные и каменные фигуры богов, идолы;
    неодушевленные предметы;
    бесчувственные люди > to be on the *s быть в работе( о литературном произведении и т. п.) имеющийся в наличии или наготове — * item номенклатурный предмет снабжения — * size стандартный размер;
    размер, имеющийся на складе — he is of * size у него стандартный размер избитый, шаблонный, заезженный — * joke избитая шутка — * argument шаблонный /обычный/ довод — * comparison избитое /классическое/ сравнение — * phrase клише — it’s the * dodge это старая /избитая/ уловка биржевой скотоводческий — * farm скотоводческое хозяйство;
    животноводческая ферма — * train поезд для перевозки скота племенной — * mare племенная кобыла готовый, патентованный( о лекарстве) складской — * boy складской рабочий снабжать — to * a farm оборудовать ферму /хозяйство/ — to * a pond with fish разводить рыбу в пруду — to * a shop снабжать магазин (товарами) — to * one’s mind with knowledge обогатить ум знаниями, расширить запас знаний — the fort was *ed with provisions в крепости был запас продовольствия иметь в наличии, в продаже — to * varied goods иметь в продаже разнообразные товары — *ed by all chemists продается во всех аптеках — the library is well *ed with sci-fi books в библиотеке большой выбор научной фантастики хранить на складе;
    иметь в запасе создавать запас, запасать (тж. * up) приделывать ручку, прикреплять ствол к ложе и т. п. корчевать (пни) ;
    выкапывать (деревья) полоть, выдергивать( сорняки) вскапывать (землю мотыгой) (американизм) засевать( травой, клевером;
    тж. * down) использовать( землю) под пастбище выгонять( скот) на пастбище давать новые побеги задерживать, останавливать рост( растения, животного) (карточное) собрать в колоду (карточное) нечестно тасовать( историческое) сажать в колодки (сельскохозяйственное) случать( кобылу, корову) ;
    active ~ активные акции
    actual ~ наличный запас actual ~ фактический запас
    available rolling ~ ж.-д. наличный подвижной состав
    base ~ базовый запас
    base ~ formula формула базового запаса
    base ~ valuation стоимость базового запаса
    ~ запас;
    word stock запас слов;
    basic word stock основной словарный фонд;
    dead stock (мертвый) инвентарь
    ~ pl мор. стапель;
    to be on the stocks стоять на стапеле;
    перен. готовиться, быть в работе ( о литературном произведении)
    bearer ~ акция на предъявителя
    blue chip ~ акции, дающие высокие дивиденды
    build up a ~ создавать запас
    carry ~ хранить запасы
    classified ~ акции, различающиеся по статусу
    closing ~ запас в конце отчетного периода
    common capital ~ обыкновенная акция common capital ~ обычная акция
    common ~ обыкновенная акция common ~ обычная акция
    consignment ~ консигнационный склад consignment ~ партия товаров
    contributed ~ акционерный капитал
    convertible loan ~ облигации, конвертируемые в акции
    convertible preferred ~ привилегированные акции с возможностью обмена на обыкновенные акции
    cumulative preferred ~ кумулятивная привилегированная акция
    ~ запас;
    word stock запас слов;
    basic word stock основной словарный фонд;
    dead stock (мертвый) инвентарь dead ~ акции, не пользующиеся спросом dead ~ замороженные материальные средства dead ~ запас товаров, не пользующихся спросом dead ~ мертвый инвентарь dead ~ неиспользуемый запас dead ~ неходовые акции
    deferred ~ акция с отсроченным дивидендом
    dwelling ~ жилой фонд
    ex ~ со склада ex ~ франко-склад
    first ~ первая акция
    funds ~ запас капитала
    gambling ~ ценная бумага, участвующая в спекуляции
    gilt-edged ~ государственная ценная бумага
    gold ~ золотой запас
    goods in ~ товары на складе
    growth ~ акция, цена которой повышается growth ~ акция роста
    housing ~ жилищный фонд
    in ~ в запасе in ~ в наличии (о товарах и т. п.) ;
    под рукой;
    out of stock распродано;
    to lay in stock делать запасы in ~ в наличии
    intervention ~ интервенционный запас
    in ~ в наличии (о товарах и т. п.) ;
    под рукой;
    out of stock распродано;
    to lay in stock делать запасы
    letter ~ семейная акция
    life ~ срок хранения запасов
    loan ~ залоговый запас loan ~ облигация loan ~ ценная бумага компании
    management ~ акционерный капитал руководителей компании
    monetary gold ~ золотой запас в денежном выражении
    money ~ денежная масса money ~ сумма денег в обращении
    no-par ~ акция без фиксированного номинала
    obsolete ~ устаревший ассортимент товаров
    ~ род, семья;
    of good stock из хорошей семьи
    old dwelling ~ старый жилой фонд
    old housing ~ старый жилой фонд
    opening ~ запас в начале отчетного периода opening ~ начальный запас
    order ~ склад заказанной продукции
    ordinary ~ обыкновенные акции
    in ~ в наличии (о товарах и т. п.) ;
    под рукой;
    out of stock распродано;
    to lay in stock делать запасы
    paid-up ~ оплаченная акция
    ~ сырье;
    paper stock бумажное сырье (тряпье и т. п.)
    penny ~ мелкая акция
    preferred ~ привилегированная акция
    reacquired ~ вновь приобретенная акция
    redeemable ~ акция, подлежащая выкупу
    registered ~ ценная бумага, которая существует только в виде записей в регистре
    remaining ~ сохранившийся запас
    reserve ~ страховой запас
    rolling ~ подвижной состав
    ~ иметь в наличии, в продаже;
    the shop stocks only cheap goods в этой лавке продаются только дешевые товары
    stock приделывать ручку ~ = stock company ~ амер. акции;
    to take stock in покупать акции;
    вступать в пай ~ эк. акционерный капитал (тж. joint stock) ;
    основной капитал;
    the stocks государственный долг ~ акционерный капитал ~ акция, акции ~ акция ~ ассортимент (товаров) ~ ассортимент (товаров) ~ тех. бабка (станка) ~ главный ствол (дерева) ~ группа населения ~ группа родственных языков ~ запас;
    word stock запас слов;
    basic word stock основной словарный фонд;
    dead stock (мертвый) инвентарь ~ запас ~ избитый, шаблонный, заезженный ~ иметь в наличии, в продаже;
    the shop stocks only cheap goods в этой лавке продаются только дешевые товары ~ имеющийся в наличии, наготове ~ имущество ~ инвентарь ~ капитал, акционерный капитал, основной капитал ~ капитал ~ pl ист. колодки ~ крепкий бульон из костей ~ левкой ~ материалы ~ облигации, ценные бумаги, фонды ~ облигации ~ обязательства ~ опора, подпора ~ парк (вагонов и т. п.) ;
    подвижной состав ~ уст. пень;
    бревно ~ перечень продаваемого имущества ~ поголовье скота ~ бот. подвой ~ биол. порода, племя ~ тех. припуск ~ раса ~ род, семья;
    of good stock из хорошей семьи ~ рукоятка, ручка;
    ружейная ложа ~ склад ~ скот, поголовье скота (тж. live stock) ~ скот ~ снабжать;
    to stock a farm оборудовать хозяйство ~ создавать запасы ~ pl мор. стапель;
    to be on the stocks стоять на стапеле;
    перен. готовиться, быть в работе (о литературном произведении) ~ сырье;
    paper stock бумажное сырье (тряпье и т. п.) ~ сырье ~ товар, запас, материальная база ~ фонд ~ хранить на складе ~ хранить на складе ~ ценные бумаги ~ часть колоды карт, не розданная игрокам ~ широкий галстук или шарф ~ метал. шихта, колоша ~ шток (якоря)
    ~ снабжать;
    to stock a farm оборудовать хозяйство
    ~ of foreign bills пакет иностранных векселей
    ~ of gold золотой запас
    ~ of goods запас товаров ~ of goods склад товаров
    ~ of record ценная бумага, зарегистрированная на имя владельца до даты, дающей право на получение дивиденда
    ~ on hand наличный запас
    ~ эк. акционерный капитал (тж. joint stock) ;
    основной капитал;
    the stocks государственный долг stocks: stocks акции и облигации ~ запасы готовой продукции ~ запасы товаров ~ стапель
    stocks and stones бесчувственные люди stocks and stones неодушевленные предметы
    straight ~ акция с фиксированной нарицательной стоимостью
    surplus ~ избыточный запас surplus ~ неликвидный запас surplus ~ неликвиды
    to take ~ инвентаризировать;
    делать переучет товара to take ~ критически оценивать, рассматривать (of — что-л.) ;
    приглядываться (of — к чему-л.)
    ~ амер. акции;
    to take stock in покупать акции;
    вступать в пай to take ~ in жарг. верить to take ~ in жарг. придавать значение
    take ~ of инвентаризовать take ~ of производить переучет товаров
    treasury ~ казначейская ценная бумага treasury ~ собственная акция компании, хранимая в ее финансовом отделе
    undated ~ бессрочная правительственная облигация
    voting ~ акция, дающая владельцу право голоса
    watered ~ разводненный акционерный капитал watered: ~ stock фин. разводненный акционерный капитал
    ~ запас;
    word stock запас слов;
    basic word stock основной словарный фонд;
    dead stock (мертвый) инвентарь

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > stock

  • As the stock market extended its dramatic rebound from the 2007-09 bear market, the $169 million Aegis Value fund, managed by Scott Barbee, was No. 1 among actively managed funds in our quarterly contest, which ranks the 12-month returns of diversified U. S.-stock funds. ❋ Daisy Maxey (2010)

    In some cases tree size is determined by the stock and “dwarfing stock” is used to produce small, compact trees. ❋ Unknown (1991)

    A _bond_ is evidence of debt, specifying the interest, and stating when the principal shall be paid; a _certificate of stock_ is evidence that the owner is a part-owner in the corporation or company, not a creditor, and he has no right to regain his money except by the sale of his stock, or through the winding up of the company’s business. ❋ Various (N/A)

    The American _stock_ actors, as they term those who are not considered as _stars_, are better than our own; but were the theatres to depend upon stock actors they would be deserted — the love of novelty is the chief inducement of the ❋ Frederick Marryat (1820)

    Mr. Bates ‘rule was, «breed in-and-in from a bad stock and you cause ruin and devastation, they must always be changing to keep even moderately in caste; but _if a good stock_ be selected, you may breed in-and-in as much as you please.» [ ❋ S. L. Goodale (N/A)

    The draft shares other characteristics with the stock market including the boring nature of the event and the uncertainty of each «stock�? purchased.

    I think whether one prefers to be paid by it in stock or cash may much more reflect the risk/reward preferences and cash needs of the parties, than any rational caluclation about what the stock is actually worth. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Just like in stock trading we can set a price at below which the stock is sold automatically saving us from further losses; we can set a time period, say 15 minutes for which we are willin ‘to wait. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    I want to buy one for my grandparents (they love the golf game), but the cheapest I can find for the $250 console in stock is about $350. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    If you are paranoid as hell, buying every box of ammo in stock is like an obsessive compulsive self soothing tactic. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    A must on a clip or hingd magazine or plain stock, is to insert the bullet heel first into the chamber holding, not the tip. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    The exceptional strength of the label stock, which has a 50 Micron MDO film and 23 micron polyester liner, virtually eliminates line shut-downs due to web breaks.

    Then define printer and paper settings and print using the label stock paper and standard printer or CD label printer. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    This stock is a find at $15 a share, or 10 times 2011 earnings. ❋ Brett Nelson (2010)

    But the stock is at the low end of its historic PE discount versus the sector, which is at odds with the progress in the business. ❋ Nick Fletcher (2010)

    When you think that the stock is as smooth as it is going to get, use a damp towel to raise the grain and sand it again. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    I think it’s fucking stock, [alright]? It’s stock to my [ears]! — [Lars Ulrich] ❋ Dodger Of Zion (2005)

    1) Yes, Mr. Smith, that item is in stock. OR Sorry, Mr. Smith, we’re out of stock for that item.
    2) [Little Billy] tried racing a stock [Geo Metro] against a stock [Ferrari]. ❋ Matt (2004)

    «Did you see that [image] [Jared] used to stock? [Hilarious].» ❋ Comehomeamerica (2017)

    damn, [I can] never ever ever be as stock as [that guy]. He’s [super] stock ❋ Ediss (2004)

    Jason: Dude let’s go play [FIFA] at [johns] house after school!
    David: [Stock]! Don’t even have to ask dude. ❋ Joe Lethal (2009)

    [Look bitch], I [got] stock! [Jump on]! ❋ The-Shield (2004)

    My kinkiest [fantasy] is to have [a guy] stock me. ❋ Liz (2004)

    There are X of [item] Y in stock. ❋ Gumba Gumba (2004)

    [felicity’s] [boyfriend] is the most stock person i’ve ever seen.
    that boy over there is stock, [i’ll pass] ❋ Lamingtons (2018)

    Stockings and [high heels] will always be the ultimate in «subtle [sex appeal]» for a [high class] woman. ❋ S Mc (2008)

    Table of Contents

    1. What is an example of stock?
    2. What is stock simple words?
    3. What is the difference between stock and shares?
    4. What are the best stocks to buy for beginners?
    5. What is the best stock to buy under $1?
    6. What are the best stocks under $10?
    7. Which companies will dominate 5G?
    8. What are the best stocks under $5?
    9. Is Siri stock a buy?
    10. Does Warren Buffett Own Sirius stock?
    11. Is MGM a buy or sell?
    12. What stock paid the highest dividend?
    13. Can you live off dividends?
    14. What stocks pay dividends monthly?
    15. Does Coca Cola stock pay dividends?
    16. Does McDonald’s pay a dividend?
    17. Does Walmart stock pay dividends?
    18. Does Disney pay dividends?
    19. Can you buy 1 share Disney stock?
    20. What will Disney stock be worth in 5 years?
    21. Did Disney stock pay dividends in 2020?
    22. When did Disney last pay a dividend?
    23. Why did Disney stop paying dividends?
    24. Does Starbucks pay a dividend?
    25. What months do Starbucks pay dividends?
    26. Is Starbucks stock worth buying?
    27. What stocks could split in 2020?

    noun. a supply of goods kept on hand for sale to customers by a merchant, distributor, manufacturer, etc.; inventory. a quantity of something accumulated, as for future use: a stock of provisions. the shares of a particular company or corporation. the certificate of ownership of such stock; stock certificate.

    What is an example of stock?

    Stock means a share in the ownership of a company. An example of stock is 100 shares of Disney Corporation. Stock is defined as to keep a supply of or to provide with something. An example of stock is buying and storing a large amount of toilet paper.

    What is stock simple words?

    A stock is a type of investment that represents an ownership share in a company. Investors buy stocks that they think will go up in value over time. When you purchase a company’s stock, you’re purchasing a small piece of that company, called a share.

    Of the two, “stocks” is the more general, generic term. It is often used to describe a slice of ownership of one or more companies. In contrast, in common parlance, “shares” has a more specific meaning: It often refers to the ownership of a particular company.

    What are the best stocks to buy for beginners?

    The Best Stocks To Invest In for Beginners in 2021

    • Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN)
    • Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG)
    • Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL)
    • Costco (NASDAQ: COST)
    • Disney (NYSE: DIS)
    • Facebook (NASDAQ: FB)
    • Mastercard (NYSE: MA)
    • Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT)

    What is the best stock to buy under $1?

    Best Stocks Under $1 with Potential

    • Bombardier (OTC:BDRBF)
    • Golden Minerals (NYSE: AUMN)
    • Chesapeake Granite Wash (OTC: CHKR)
    • Adamis Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ADMP)
    • TILT Holdings (OTC: TLLTF)
    • Supreme Cannabis Co. (OTC: SPRWF)
    • Gran Tierra Energy Stocks (NYSE AMERICAN: GTE)
    • United States Antimony (NYSE: UAMY)

    What are the best stocks under $10?

    7 Stocks To Buy Right Now Under $10

    • TrueCar (NASDAQ:TRUE)
    • SmileDirectClub (NASDAQ:SDC)
    • Sirius XM Holdings (NASDAQ:SIRI)
    • ADT (NYSE:ADT)
    • Barnes & Noble Education (NYSE:BNED)
    • Harvard Bioscience (NASDAQ:HBIO)
    • Casper Sleep (NYSE:CSPR)

    Which companies will dominate 5G?

    The companies best positioned to take advantage of the 5G growth include Ericsson, Nokia, and Qualcomm.

    What are the best stocks under $5?

    10 Best Stocks Under $5 in 2021

    • BLNK.
    • LIVX.
    • SOLO.
    • PXLW.
    • AMD.
    • NXE.
    • NVAX.
    • +3.

    Is Siri stock a buy?

    The high price target for SIRI is $8.00 and the low price target for SIRI is $6.75. There are currently 1 hold rating and 7 buy ratings for the stock, resulting in a consensus rating of “Buy.”

    Does Warren Buffett Own Sirius stock?

    The stock has moved higher every year since Buffett initiated the position, even if that run will likely end in 2020. Buffett actually increased his ownership of Liberty SiriusXM — the C shares — during the quarter, offsetting the sale of Sirius XM stock. It’s a smart move.

    Is MGM a buy or sell?

    JPMorgan Chase & Co. is very positive about MGM and gave it a “Positive – Overweight” rating on June 10, 2021. The price target was changed from $47.00 to $52.00….Predicted Opening Price for MGM Resorts International of Wednesday, June 23, 2021.

    Fair opening price June 23, 2021 Current price
    $42.13 $42.30 (Overvalued)

    What stock paid the highest dividend?

    The seven highest dividend yields in the S&P 500:

    • Iron Mountain (IRM)
    • Kinder Morgan (KMI)
    • AT (T)
    • Williams Cos. (WMB)
    • Altria Group (MO)
    • Oneok (OKE)
    • Lumen Technologies (LUMN)

    Can you live off dividends?

    Over time, the cash flow generated by those dividend payments can supplement your Social Security and pension income. Perhaps, it can even provide all the money you need to maintain your preretirement lifestyle. It is possible to live off dividends if you do a little planning.

    What stocks pay dividends monthly?

    Eight of the best monthly dividend stocks to buy now:

    • AGNC Investment Corp. (AGNC)
    • PennantPark Floating Rate Capital (PFLT)
    • Prospect Capital Corp. (PSEC)
    • Gladstone Investment Corp. (GAIN)
    • Horizon Technology Finance Corp. (HRZN)
    • Realty Income Corp. (O)
    • SL Green Realty Corp. (SLG)
    • Stag Industrial (STAG)

    Does Coca Cola stock pay dividends?

    The Company normally pays dividends four times a year, usually April 1, July 1, October 1 and December 15. Shareowners of record can elect to receive their dividend payments electronically or by check in the currency of their choice.

    Does McDonald’s pay a dividend?

    McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) Dividend Information McDonald’s pays an annual dividend of $5.16 per share, with a dividend yield of 2.21%.

    Does Walmart stock pay dividends?

    Walmart pays its dividend 4 times per year. But they do not follow a typical quarterly dividend payment pattern. Since dividend payments are not made in 3-month intervals like most U.S.-based companies.

    Does Disney pay dividends?

    Key Takeaways. Disney’s dividend appears strong as the company has a payout ratio of less than 28%. Disney pays a semi-annual dividend of $0.88 a share. Its current dividend yield is 1.8%.

    Q: How do I buy one share of Disney stock? A: Paper certificates of Disney stock might be vanishing just as The Country Bear Jamboree did in Disneyland, but investors can still buy a single share. The lowest cost way to buy a single share of Disney is by using a low-cost discount brokerage.

    What will Disney stock be worth in 5 years?

    How much will Disney stock be worth in 5 years? Based on CoinPriceForecast predictions, one Disney stock will be worth $604 by mid-2026 and will end 2026 at $616.

    Did Disney stock pay dividends in 2020?

    BURBANK, Calif., December 4, 2019 – The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) Board of Directors today announced a semi-annual cash dividend of $0.88 per share, payable January 16, 2020 to shareholders of record at the close of business on December 16, 2019.

    When did Disney last pay a dividend?


    Why did Disney stop paying dividends?

    Disney will not pay its usual semi-annual dividend in January 2021. The semi-annual dividend normally paid in July also was omitted. The company cites COVID-19 and investment imperatives as reasons. Acquisitions have added significantly to debt.

    Does Starbucks pay a dividend?

    Yes, Starbucks pays a dividend on its Common Stock and the current quarterly rate is 41 cents per share.

    What months do Starbucks pay dividends?

    dividend is expected to go ex in 2 months and to be paid in 2 months.

    Is Starbucks stock worth buying?

    Starbucks is approaching a 119.08 buy point in a new flat base, so the stock is not a buy right now. If the stock breaks out in big volume, then it could be a potential buying opportunity. However, a lack of strong fundamentals could be a deterrent to growth investors.

    What stocks could split in 2020?

    These stocks may be splitting:

    • (AMZN)
    • Alphabet (GOOGL)
    • AutoZone (AZO)
    • Charter Communications (CHTR)
    • Bio-Rad Laboratories (BIO)
    • Nvidia Corp. (NVDA)
    • ServiceNow (NOW)
    • Netflix (NFLX)

    Other forms: stocks; stocking; stocked

    Stock is collective noun for the stuff a store or a company has to sell, be it toilet paper, automobiles or clothing. Many stores close once a year for a few days to do an inventory of their stock.

    Stock is used in all kinds of contexts, as both a noun and a verb, but always has an eye on the things that are present and available. Stock boys stock the shelves at grocery stores. Consumers stock up on toilet paper. Car thieves take stock (assess the stuff they can do) when they run out of gas and the sirens are getting louder. And finally, companies sell stock — small shares of ownership — in their companies to raise money.

    Definitions of stock

    1. noun

      a supply of something available for future use

    2. noun

      the merchandise that a shop has on hand

    3. noun

      lumber used in the construction of something

      “they will cut round
      stock to 1-inch diameter”

    4. noun

      the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity)

      “he owns a controlling share of the company’s

      see moresee less


      show 17 types…
      hide 17 types…
      common shares, common stock, ordinary shares

      stock other than preferred stock; entitles the owner to a share of the corporation’s profits and a share of the voting power in shareholder elections

      no-par stock, no-par-value stock

      stock with no par value specified in the corporate charter or on the stock certificate

      preference shares, preferred shares, preferred stock

      stock whose holders are guaranteed priority in the payment of dividends but whose holders have no voting rights


      the number of shares outstanding and available for trading by the public

      common stock equivalent

      preferred stock or convertible bonds or warrants that can be converted into common stock

      control stock

      shares owned by shareholders who have a controlling interest

      growth stock

      stock of a corporation that has had faster than average gains in earnings and is expected to continue to

      hot issue, hot stock

      newly issued stock that is in great public demand

      authorized shares, authorized stock, capital stock

      the maximum number of shares authorized under the terms of a corporation’s articles of incorporation

      quarter stock

      stock with a par value of $25/share

      reacquired stock, treasury shares, treasury stock

      stock that has been bought back by the issuing corporation and is available for retirement or resale; it is issued but not outstanding; it cannot vote and pays no dividends

      voting stock

      shares in a corporation that entitle the shareholder to voting and proxy rights

      watered stock

      stock representing ownership of overvalued assets; stock of a corporation whose total worth is less than its invested capital

      blue chip, blue-chip stock

      a common stock of a nationally known company whose value and dividends are reliable; typically have high price and low yield

      classified stock

      common stock classified as A or B where A has certain advantages (e.g., voting power) that B does not

      stock of record

      stock held by stockholders of record on a given date

      cumulative preferred, cumulative preferred stock

      preferred stock whose dividends if omitted accumulate until paid out

      type of:

      capital, working capital

      assets available for use in the production of further assets

    5. noun

      a certificate documenting the shareholder’s ownership in the corporation

      “the value of his
      stocks doubled during the past year”


      stock certificate

      see moresee less



      any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate

      type of:

      certificate, security

      a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends

    6. noun

      the descendants of one individual


      ancestry, blood, blood line, bloodline, descent, line, line of descent, lineage, origin, parentage, pedigree, stemma

    7. noun

      the reputation and popularity a person has

      stock was so high he could have been elected mayor”

    8. noun

      a special variety of domesticated animals within a species


      breed, strain

      see moresee less



      thoroughbred horses (collectively)


      line of descent of a purebred animal

      type of:

      animal group

      a group of animals


      (biology) a taxonomic category consisting of members of a species that differ from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics

    9. noun

      any animals kept for use or profit

    10. adjective

      repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

      stock answer”


      banal, commonplace, hackneyed, old-hat, shopworn, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn


      not original; not being or productive of something fresh and unusual

    11. “a
      stock answer”



      conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind

    12. adjective

      regularly and widely used or sold

      stock item”




      in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle

    13. verb

      amass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use

      stock coffee as long as prices are low”


      buy in, stock up

    14. verb

      provide or furnish with a stock of something

      stock the larder with meat”

    15. verb

      supply with livestock

    16. noun

      the handle end of some implements or tools

      “he grabbed the cue by the

    17. noun

      the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun

      “the rifle had been fitted with a special



    18. noun

      a plant or stem onto which a graft is made; especially a plant grown specifically to provide the root part of grafted plants

    19. noun

      persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plant



      see moresee less

      type of:

      stalk, stem

      a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ

    20. noun

      any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmia

    21. noun

      any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers

    22. verb

      put forth and grow sprouts or shoots

    23. noun

      liquid in which meat, bones, or vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces

      “she made gravy with a base of beef



    24. noun

      an ornamental white cravat

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘stock’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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    Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

    This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

    Asked by: Anabel Emmerich MD

    Score: 4.8/5
    (74 votes)

    The word stock is of Germanic origin, meaning “trunk” in Old English. Similarly, stock is commonly used to reference shipbuilding materials and has evolved to have many related meanings around the idea of supplies and foundation.

    Where did the word stock originate?

    Etymology of ‘stock’

    The word ‘stock’ originates from the Old English word stocc meaning “stump, post, tree trunk”. These origins stuck, as from the late 14th century the word meant family or ancestry, a figurative use of the word ‘trunk’ – which built the roots of the term ‘family tree’.

    When was the word stock first used?

    The first known use of stock was before the 12th century.

    What did the word stock formerly mean?

    Old English stocc trunk (of a tree), stem, stick (the various senses developed from these meanings, as trunk of a tree, hence line of descent; structures made of timber; a store of timber or other goods for future use, hence an aggregate of goods, animals, etc); related to Old Saxon, Old High German stock stick, stump.

    What exactly is a stock?

    A stock is a type of investment that represents an ownership share in a company. … When you purchase a company’s stock, you’re purchasing a small piece of that company, called a share. Investors purchase stocks in companies they think will go up in value. If that happens, the company’s stock increases in value as well.

    38 related questions found

    How are stocks created?

    How do stocks work? Companies sell shares in their business to raise money. … “Once a company’s stock is on the market, it can be bought and sold among investors.” Companies typically begin to issue shares in their stock through a process called an initial public offering, or IPO.

    What Are stocks called?

    Stocks are a type of security that gives stockholders a share of ownership in a company. Stocks also are called “equities.”

    What does stock mean in simple words?

    What Is a Stock? A stock (also known as equity) is a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of a corporation. This entitles the owner of the stock to a proportion of the corporation’s assets and profits equal to how much stock they own. Units of stock are called «shares

    What does have in stock mean?

    have (something) in stock

    To have something currently available to purchase (in a store). Do you have any more of these cute mugs in stock? See also: have, stock.

    What is a stock in culinary?

    Stock or bouillon in French is the plain unclarified broth obtained from simmering meat and vegetables in water. It is used instead of plain water for cooking certain dishes, and for making soups and sauces.

    Who invented the word stock?

    The word stock is of Germanic origin, meaning “trunk” in Old English. Similarly, stock is commonly used to reference shipbuilding materials and has evolved to have many related meanings around the idea of supplies and foundation.

    Are stocks shares?

    A stock represents an investment and ownership interest in a publicly traded company. A share is the smallest denomination of a specific company’s stock. Companies issue stock to attract investors and make money, while shares refer to the measure of a stock and doesn’t have any value.

    What are the 4 types of stocks?

    4 types of stocks everyone needs to own

    • Growth stocks. These are the shares you buy for capital growth, rather than dividends. …
    • Dividend aka yield stocks. …
    • New issues. …
    • Defensive stocks. …
    • Strategy or Stock Picking?

    Why are stocks called the foundation of cooking?

    Due to the slow cooking, the stock gets collagen from the bones and amino acids which are both crucial for our wellbeing. … Stock can be made from animal bones, fish or vegetables, the time to which it is cooks differs depending on the bones used.

    Why do stocks referred to in French as Fonds de cuisine or the foundation of cooking?

    Without stocks there would be no French cuisine. Called fonds de cuisine, which translates literally as «foundations of cooking», they are a crucial element in soups, sauces, braises, and stews. Stocks must be simmered long enough to extract the maximum flavour from the ingredients. …

    What is the name of a basic stock?

    There are four basic kinds of stock/fond used in hotels and restaurants: 1. White stock (Fond Blanc), 2. Brown stock (Fond Brun), 3. Vegetable or neutral stock (Fond Maigre) and 4.

    Do you say in stock or on stock?

    3 Answers. The correct phrase is in stock. No hyphen. Do we have products in stock?

    Does out of stock mean?

    not in stock or available; not available to buy (because all have already been bought, etc)

    What is difference between a stock and a share?

    The key difference between the two terms lies in one subtle observation. The term stocks should be used when discussing ownership of companies in general, whilst the term shares is used to describe ownership of a specific company.

    How do you explain stock to a child?

    A stock is a share in the ownership of a company. A bond is an agreement to lend money to a company for a certain amount of time. Companies sell securities to people to get the money they need to grow. People buy securities as investments, or ways of possibly earning money.

    Are stocks assets?

    Stocks are financial assets, not real assets. Financial assets are paper assets that can be easily converted to cash. Real assets are tangible and therefore have intrinsic value. … Assets that are easily converted to cash are known as liquid assets.

    Why do people buy stocks?

    In its very essence, investing in shares is about accumulating and multiplying wealth. The most basic tip about how to invest money in the share market that traders follow is ‘buy low, sell high’. … This is because businesses go through a lifecycle, and investors need to give their shares enough time for value creation.

    What is the meaning of stock in accounting?

    Stock is the items that your business has bought with the intention of reselling to customers. The items may be resold without change, or they could be combined into a new product.

    What is a call and put for dummies?

    With a call option, the buyer of the contract purchases the right to buy the underlying asset in the future at a predetermined price, called exercise price or strike price. With a put option, the buyer acquires the right to sell the underlying asset in the future at the predetermined price.

    What was the first stock?

    In 1602, the Dutch East India Company officially became the world’s first publically traded company when it released shares of the company on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Stocks and bonds were issued to investors and each investor was entitled to a fixed percentage of East India Company’s profits.

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    stocks, ETFs and stock options

    акции, ETF и опционы на акции




    stocks, ETFs and stock options

    акции, ETF и опционы на акции




    its stock of pristine ecology.

    ее запасов девственно чистой экологии.




    its stock of pristine ecology.

    ее запасов девственно чистой экологии.




    Stock Markets’ Fear of Falling

    Фондовые биржи в опасении спада




    Housing stock in 2001- key figures

    Жилой фонд в 2001 году- основные показатели




    This stock can be tentatively divided into three main groups by type of residential buildings:

    Этот фонд можно условно разделить на три основные группы по типу жилых зданий:



    (Кино и масс-медиа)

    Will Facebook dynamic ads stay up to date with my stock changes?

    Будет ли динамическая реклама на Facebook обновляться согласно изменениям ассортимента?




    Lock, stock, barrel, and a smokin ‘gun

    Карты, деньги, ствол, и дымящийся пистолет




    It’s processed pork parts, salt, and meat stock.

    Там побочные продукты поросёнка, соль и мясной бульон.



    Select Stock Images if you’d like to search for professional images to use in your ads.

    Выберите Стоковые изображения, если хотите найти профессиональные изображения для использования в своей рекламе.


    доля акций

    (shares held by investor)

    другие переводы 17


    stocked / stocked / stocking / stocks


    Click Master planning > Journals > Safety stock.

    Щелкните Сводное планирование > Журналы > Резервный запас.




    This is useful when you always stock a particular product in the same location.

    Это полезно, если определенный продукт всегда хранится в одном и том же местонахождении.



    (Бизнес для ИТ)

    Uh, yeah, well, we can’t keep this stuff in stock.

    Да, ну, мы не можем постоянно хранить её на складе.



    I helped him with stock information in exchange for an apartment.

    Я лишь снабжала его информацией о продажах в обмен на жильё.



    Remember the Christmas I snuck into your house and your dad caught me stuffing your stocking?

    Помнишь то Рождество, когда я проник в ваш дом и твой отец застукал меня, когда я наполнял твой носок?


    другие переводы 2



    имя собственное



    This is a Titanium XXX limited edition ball stretcher that you can only get at the Stock Room.

    Это прибор для растяжки яиц «Титаниум ХХХ», который можно купить только в Сток Руме.


    Словосочетания (1480)

    1. As , opened joint stock company — As, Opened Joint Stock Company
    2. authorized capital stock — уставный капитал
    3. band stock — бандерольная бумага
    4. bank stock — акционерный капитал банка
    5. bar stock — брусок
    6. barometer stock — акции, курсы которых являются показателем состояния фондового рынка
    7. basic word stock — лексический минимум
    8. bit stock — коловорот
    9. black stock — мазутный крекинг-сырье
    10. blackandwhite film stock — черно-белая неэкспонированная кинопленка



    stocks, ETFs and stock options
    акции, ETF и опционы на акции

    its stock of pristine ecology.
    ее запасов девственно чистой экологии.

    Stock Markets’ Fear of Falling
    Фондовые биржи в опасении спада

    Housing stock in 2001- key figures
    Жилой фонд в 2001 году- основные показатели

    This stock can be tentatively divided into three main groups by type of residential buildings:
    Этот фонд можно условно разделить на три основные группы по типу жилых зданий:


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