The word stay in a sentence

Synonym: continue, delay, detain, dwell, endure, hold up, inhabit, last, live, occupy, persist, remain, reside, retard, stop. Antonym: go. Similar words: stay up, stand, star, stare, state, stake, pasta, stair. Meaning: [steɪ]  n. 1. continuing or remaining in a place or state 2. a judicial order forbidding some action until an event occurs or the order is lifted 3. the state of inactivity following an interruption 4. (nautical) brace consisting of a heavy rope or wire cable used as a support for a mast or spar 5. a thin strip of metal or bone that is used to stiffen a garment (e.g. a corset). v. 1. stay the same; remain in a certain state 2. stay put (in a certain place) 3. dwell 4. continue in a place, position, or situation 5. remain behind 6. stop or halt 7. stay behind 8. hang on during a trial of endurance 9. stop a judicial process 10. fasten with stays 11. overcome or allay. 

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1. He that can stay obtains.

2. The more things change, the more they stay the same. 

3. Money calls, but does not stay: It is round and rolls sway. 

4. Why does nothing ever stay tidy around here?

5. They managed to find a place to stay.

6. Did you stay up late last night?

7. Can he fix us up with somewhere to stay?

8. Whether we can stay in this situation is debatable.

9. Please send me to stay in the best time.

10. Can’t you stay a little longer?

11. The main thing is to stay calm.

12. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

13. Am I allowed to stay out past 10?

14. She is looking for a permanent place to stay.

15. Do you want to go out or stay home?

16. Try to stay alert while driving at night.

17. Would you like to stay on the line?

18. We enjoyed every minute of our stay.

19. His parents won’t allow him to stay out late.

20. How long do you plan to stay?

21. I plan to stay for a week.

22. She works very hard to stay slim.

23. Stay and have lunch. I insist!

24. I’m in terrible rush. I can’t stay to talk.

25. They’re coming to stay for a week.

26. We’ll stay at home if it rains.sentencedict .com

27. She had to steal food just to stay alive.

28. It took a lot of willpower to stay calm.

29. An overnight stay at a friend’s house disorients me.

30. Stay close together-I don’t want anyone to get lost.

More similar words: stay up, stand, star, stare, state, stake, pasta, stair, stack, staff, start, stance, statue, just as, install, stand by, stand for, stand out, stand up, estate, a stage, status, crystal, starter, hostage, statute, coastal, sustain, instant, standard. 

The word (


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  1. What they meant beyond linking them to his unconscious. Towards the end of his,


    , he had a shocking experience he linked to» the Chinese wisdom» which made
  2. Works the colony was heavily in debt and relied on bail-outs from London to,


    ,afloat. Gawker was recalled and replaced by Governor Grey in 1841. Grey slashed
  3. Where they meet Othón. When Othon’s period of quarantine ends, he elects to,


    ,in the camp as a volunteer because this will make him feel less separated from
  4. From themselves in terms of geography. John of Plano Carping reported of his,


    ,among the Mongols. His report was unusual in its detailed depiction of a
  5. The deity of Amen at the Oracle of Siva Oasis in the Libyan desert. During his,


    ,in Egypt, he founded Alexandria-by-Egypt, which would become the prosperous
  6. Travelled between Hastings, England and India, leaving their two sons to,


    ,with a retired Army couple. Very early in life, Turing showed signs of the
  7. 28, 1928; seven years were to elapse before Margaret Speer was invited to,


    ,at her in-laws’ home. Nazi architect Joining the Nazis (1930–1934) Speer
  8. On April 23, 1944,Speer went to see Hitler who agreed that» everything will,


    ,as it was, Speer will remain the head of all German construction «. According
  9. Leah Hiring). The Crowley’s arrived in Cefalù on 1 April 1920. During their,


    ,at the abbey Hiring was known as Sorer Astral,Crowley’s Scarlet Woman, the
  10. Countess Bertha Kinsey became Alfred Nobel’s secretary. But after only a brief,


    ,she left him to marry her previous lover, Baron Arthur Gundaccar von Sutter.
  11. Who was 77 when he flew on STS-95. Duration and distance milestones The longest,


    ,in space thus far has been 438 days, by Russian Valerie Poyarkov. Aboard Boston
  12. And evenings were occupied by his teaching and private classes, Bell began to,


    ,awake late into the night, running experiment after experiment in rented
  13. Devoted a segment of his show, The O’Reilly Factor, to urge students to,


    ,away from Acapulco. In June 2009 a number of incidents occurred between the
  14. In the preceding match, at Lord’s, was a better innings. England managed to,


    ,in contention until the deciding final Test at The Oval, but yet another double
  15. Unusual as for a Roman wife, because a conventional Roman wife was required to,


    ,home. Agrippina had earned herself a reputation as a heroic woman and wife.
  16. Panicles. They turn reddish later in the year and eventually brown. They,


    ,on the tree for a long time; the male flowers have a strong odor. The odor
  17. The empress of Russia Catherine II forced the Jews of the Pale of Settlement to,


    ,in their sheets and forbade them from returning to the towns that they
  18. Criminals with the whip, or some more scientific procedure, followed by a short,


    ,in hospital, would probably suffice to insure order. Those who have murdered
  19. S father, Thomas Sanders, a wealthy businessman, offered Bell a place to,


    ,at nearby Salem with Georgie’s grandmother, complete with a room to »
  20. To an alarm system to help caregivers manage risk and help vulnerable people,


    ,independent at home longer. An example would be the systems being put in place
  21. True, however. In the United States federal courts, the parties’ names always,


    ,in the same order as the lower court when an appeal is taken to the circuit
  22. The Soviet Union with four of his closest aides, beginning a year-and-a-half,


    ,in the country. Shooting began in May 1974 in Siberia, with filming in
  23. Leader of the gang. He later dies from a botched robbery attempt during Alex’s,


    ,in prison. *Pete: The most rational and least violent member of the gang. He is
  24. For him. Persephone, however,is loath to give him up, and wishes Adonis would,


    ,with her in the underworld. The two goddesses begin such a quarrel that Zeus is
  25. Dogs, cats,raw sugar beets, and Tulip bulbs—cooked to a pulp—were consumed to,


    ,alive. Most of the trees in Amsterdam were cut down for fuel, and all the wood
  26. The condemnation of the research Felix of Urged. Having failed during his,


    ,in Northumbria to influence King Æthelred in the conduct of his reign, Alcuin
  27. He can never win. *Mme. Room: Mme. Room is Dr. Rieux’s mother, who comes to,


    ,with him when his sick wife goes to the sanatorium. She is a serene woman who
  28. Another escape plan is arranged, Rambert has changed his mind. He decides to,


    ,in the city and continue to help fight the plague, saying that he would feel
  29. Is sleep; to make sure that you do not sleep during the days, and do not,


    ,awake during the nights. From the above reading, it is clear that In Sing gave
  30. He then moved to Zurich, Switzerland before Stanford University invited him to,


    ,in the United States to» facilitate your work, and to accommodate you and your
  31. With an 11th-hour bid by the National Heritage Memorial Fund, allowing them to,


    ,at Bletchley Park. Government apology In August 2009,John Graham-Cumming
  32. City, the Bells boarded a train to Montreal and later to Paris, Ontario,to,


    ,with the Reverend Thomas Henderson, a family friend. After a brief


  33. Successful and obtained insight into the working of the German church during a,


    ,of a year with Hermann II, the Archbishop of Cologne. He also was impressed
  34. Defined as an inherent drive within human beings, and indeed all creatures, to,


    , alive and to reproduce. Schopenhauer refused to conceive of love as either
  35. Tried to repair some of the damage that was done during the manuscripts ‘,


    ,in the basement, introducing a number of errors into the text. When Lucius
  36. Halt to it. Alexander


    ed in Persepolis for five months. During Alexander’s,


    ,in the capital a fire broke out in the eastern palace of Xerxes and spread to
  37. Provision to select which man should go into the army and which should,


    ,home. There was much evasion and overt resistance to the draft, especially in
  38. The performance. Lambert finally has a chance to escape, but he decides to,


    , saying that he would feel ashamed of himself if he left. Towards the end of
  39. Wrote to his parents:» I hope he will not fall between two stools. If he is to,


    ,at Public School, he must aim at becoming educated. If he is to be solely a
  40. Bottom, sand above, silt above that and very fine clay and organic matter will,


    ,in suspension for days. After the water has cleared, percentages of the various
  41. Be wise to do what he had advised them. Gotta thought it would be better to,


    ,and try to fight back when the attacks would happen. Ultimately, Cotta decided
  42. Towards the axes (towards the south-west),it sees the density of isotherms,


    ,constant, but it sees the density of adiabatic grow. The exception is very near
  43. He had sent her, after Naomi had died. It admonished Ginsberg to be good and,


    ,away from drugs; she says,» The key is in the window, the key is in the
  44. The economy grew 18 % in 2005 and growth was expected to reach 26 % in 2006 and,


    ,above 10 % for the rest of the decade. Chevron Texaco started pumping from Block
  45. Marry, the man and his father would bring her to their house or the man would,


    ,at her house for a while and then bring her to his house. At the wedding
  46. Was sent to Nick Bollettieri’s Tennis Academy in Florida. He was meant to,


    ,for only 3 months because that was all his father could afford. After ten
  47. The Battle of Monterrey. Johnston managed to convince a few volunteers to,


    ,and fight as he himself served as the inspector general of volunteers and
  48. To


    with the Reverend Thomas Henderson, a family friend. After a brief,


    ,with the Henderson’s, the Bell family purchased a farm of at Tupelo Heights (
  49. Fight back when the attacks would happen. Ultimately, Cotta decided they would,


    , but it wouldn’t be his fault if they all got killed by doing so. This made
  50. III Botanists, renowned for her beauty. Alexios arranged for Maria to,


    ,on the palace grounds, and it was thought that Alexios was considering marrying

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

пребывание, опора, остановка, оставаться, остановиться


- пребывание

a long [a short, a week’s] stay in London [in a hospital] — длительное [краткое, недельное] пребывание в Лондоне [в больнице]

- промедление; задержка; остановка

The momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow. — Секундное промедление позволило ему избежать удара.
a stay upon smb.’s activity — помеха в чьей-л. деятельности
to endure no stay — не терпеть промедления
to put a stay on smth. — тормозить что-л.

- выносливость; выдержка

Some men are always great at beginnings; but they have no stay in them. — Некоторые люди всегда хороши вначале, но они не обладают выдержкой.

- юр. отсрочка; приостановление производства дела

stay of proceedings — а) приостановление судопроизводства (по делу); б) редк. прекращение судопроизводства
stay of execution — приостановление исполнения решения

- опора; поддержка

the only stay of the family — единственная опора семьи

ещё 8 вариантов


- оставаться; не уходить

- останавливаться; гостить

- приостанавливать; задерживать

He tries to stay the destructive course of barbarism. — Он пытается сдержать разрушительную поступь варварства.
to stay bloodshed — а) остановить кровотечение; б) прекратить, остановить кровопролитие
to stay the spread of a disease — задержать распространение болезни
to stay the rise of prices — приостановить рост цен
to stay proceedings — юр. приостанавливать судопроизводство
to stay judgement — отсрочить вынесение судебного решения

- медлить; ждать

Stay, stand apart, I know not which is which. — Погоди, не подходи к ним: я не знаю, кто из них кто.
Stay a little before going on with your work. — Передохните немного, а уж потом продолжайте работу.

- утолять

to stay one’s appetite /one’s hunger, one’s stomach/ — утолить голод, заморить червячка
He offered her a snack to stay her stomach. — Он предложил ей перекусить, чтобы заморить червячка.

ещё 12 вариантов

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Can you stay late?

Вы можете задержаться?

Stay where you are.

Стой, где стоишь. / Никуда не уходи.

I should stay and help.

Я должен остаться и помочь.

Do you wish me to stay?

Вы хотите, чтобы я остался?

We must all stay close.

Мы все должны держаться поближе.

I shall go and you stay here.

Я пойду, а ты оставайся здесь.

You needn’t stay long.

Тебе необязательно оставаться надолго.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

During his stay at the ashram he was spiritualized

Students who stay involved get more out of the program.

…stay out of the thorny brambles unless you want a ton of scratches…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

stay away — не приходить, не являться
stay down — удерживаться в желудке, оставаться в шахте, оставаться на второй год
stay in — оставаться дома, не выходить
stay on — оставаться, задерживаться
stay out — отсутствовать, не возвращаться домой, пересидеть
stay up — не ложиться спать

Возможные однокоренные слова

overstay  — засидеться, загоститься, задерживаться
station  — станция, пункт, место, станционный, вокзальный, размещать, дислоцировать
stayed  — затянутый в корсет
stayer  — стайер, выносливый человек, выносливое животное
staying  — пребывание, останавливающий, останавливающийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: stay
he/she/it: stays
ing ф. (present participle): staying
2-я ф. (past tense): stayed
3-я ф. (past participle): stayed

ед. ч.(singular): stay
мн. ч.(plural): stays

stay — перевод на русский


Johnny’s gonna just stay out in the woods.

Джонни собирается просто остаться в лесу.

Yes, we were, and thank you for letting me stay.

Да, мы были, и спасибо что позволил мне остаться.

The period you can stay in the world of the living is until the third full moon. (meaning «giving three months) If you can’t uncover the truth by then,

Ты можешь остаться в мире живых до третьей полной луны. отправится прямо в Ад. как я узнаю?

Do you know what I was concerned the most when Magistrate Kim decided to stay?

когда Судья Ким решил остаться!

You could stay the night as well.

Можете и вы остаться.

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But I don’t need to stay.

Но мне нет причины оставаться.

There is no reason for me to stay here.

Теперь у меня нет причин оставаться.

The most important thing is to stay calm.

И самое главное тогда — оставаться спокойным.

I think that maybe your mum told you you could only stay in the play street where it’s safe.

Мне кажется, что ваша мама велела вам оставаться на детской площадке, где играть безопасно.

if you can’t trust me then I can’t stay here!»

Если ты не доверяешь мне… Тогда я не могу здесь оставаться!

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Stay here.

Стой здесь.

Listen, you stay there and if a couple of fellows come running down the stairs in a few minutes, let the first one go.

Значит, стой здесь, и если какие-то ребята побегут вниз по лестнице через минуту, первого не трогай.

You stay here, just in case.

Ты стой здесь, на всякий случай.

Stay over there.

Стой там.

Stay still!

Стой спокойно!

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Is there anywhere around here I can stay?

Не подскажите, могу ли я где-нибудь здесь остановиться?

She can stay here.

Можете остановиться здесь.

I’m going to stay here for a while.

Мы пока решили остановиться здесь.

And you can stay with Melanie and her Aunt Pittypat.

Можешь остановиться у Мелани и её тетушки Питтипэт.

I’ll find some place to stay and send for my things this afternoon.

Я найду место, где остановиться и пришлю днём за вещами.

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Stay away from Johnny, for good.

По хорошему тебя прошу, держись подальше от Джонни.

Stay away from decent people’s homes.

Держись подальше от домов порядочных людей.

Now, you stay away from him or you’ll be dragged into the mess.

Теперь держись от него подальше, если не хочешь и для себя дурной славы.

Stay close to me

держись возле меня

And stay away from that bus.

И держись подальше от этого автобуса.

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Nothing doing, you stay put.

И думать забудь, останешься здесь.

You’re in and you’re gonna stay in until they get even with you for busting the rules.

Ты — здесь, и останешься здесь. Пока не докажешь, что способна следовать правилам.

— You’re with me, you stay with me.

— Ты останешься здесь.

You’re staying with me.

Ты останешься здесь.

-You will stay.

— Ты останешься здесь!

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Can’t you just stay by my side?

Неужели ты не можешь просто быть рядом?

If you want to stay out at night…

Я старалась быть тебе достойной женой.

How long can I afford to stay closed?

Долго я могу позволить себе быть закрытым?

Julie, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m going to find out. Please stay with me tonight. No.

Джули, мы должны быть осторожны, я не знаю, что такое происходит в этом доме, но я намерена разобраться.

We thought we should stay with you.

Мы подумали, что кто-то должен быть с вами.

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Stay here a little longer.

Побудь еще немного со мной.

I want you to stay here in this school until you win back your little bride.

Побудь здесь, пока не получишь обратно свою маленькую невесту.

I can’t sleep. Stay with me a while.

— Я не могу уснуть, побудь со мной.

Stay with me a little while longer.

Побудь со мной ещё немного.

— Well, stay a little bit.

Побудь немного.

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Just stay here obediently and get engaged.

Не можешь тихо здесь жить и потом обручиться?

And I am not staying in the hotel! As soon as tomorrow

И я не собираюсь жить в отеле!

— You gonna stay there, Dad? — Yep.

Жить хочешь, папаша?

And we gotta stay here.

А мы должны жить здесь.

— Where are you staying?

— Где будете жить?

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I don’t think it’s safe for you to stay out here.

Я правда не думаю что здесь безопасно.

Even our big boss, Preysing, is staying here.

Даже наш начальник Прайсинг сейчас здесь.

If you stay in this town, you are lost.

Здесь ты пропадешь.

You can’t stay here.

Тебе здесь больше нельзя.

Why not, if we’re staying here?

А что мне ещё делать здесь?

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Use ‘stay’ in a sentence | ‘stay’ example sentences

1- My stay here has been very pleasant.

2- Event should stay within regular working hours.

3- The program helps many patients stay connected.

4- The bloom stays till criticism is heard.

5- A poem is momentary stay against confusion.

6- Helping caregivers stay physically active has big benefits.

7- And obviously “final editorial control” stays right here.

8- What does ” stay put” mean?

9- The ruling has been stayed pending appeal.

10- This has stayed somewhat stable since 2006.

11- A little moisture helps everything stay beautiful.

12- High energy proton levels are staying put.

13- Take shelter immediately & stay safe everyone !

14- Very few aboriginal affairs ministers stay long .

15- How long does each user stay within each report ?

16- Its secular allies are conspicuously staying away .

17- The sight generally stays open until midnight .

18- Smallville stayed around 5 years too long .

19- To avoid injury stay off baggage belt.

20- This number stays relatively constant between optimization jobs.

21- Our stay here has been very comfortable.

22- Australian ugg boots are here to stay .

23- Where road forks stay right when leaving.

24- An exposed prairie patch may stay above water or drown.

25- All the important historic fixtures are staying .

26- I stayed quiet until the animal moved away.

27- We regret not having stayed here longer.

28- stay away from vapor storage space possibly read injuries.

29- When the pollen count is high stay indoors.

30- The display automatically flips to stay upright.

31- The global economy is here to stay .

32- To stay at home is recreation enough.

33- We had a lovely relaxing break staying here.

34- I thought she might stay until next week.

35- This helps the food stay cold longer.

36- Even low level waste stays radioactive for 300 years.

37- The flowers stay open for several days.

38- You must endure celibacy or stay together.

39- Other animals and birds stay far away.

40- The price above is for dormitory stay . You doubt your ability to stay abstinent .

41- Continuing education to stay abreast of proven best practices is mandated.

42- This enabled colonial architects to stay abreast of current fashion.

43- stay abreast of what your competition is doing.

44- stay abreast of business headlines with us.

45- stay abreast of current safety technology.

46- Continuing education to stay abreast of proven best practices is mandated.

47- This enabled colonial architects to stay abreast of current fashion.

48- stay abreast of what your competition is doing.

49- stay abreast of business headlines with us.

50- stay abreast of current safety technology.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
staunching – staunchly – staunchness – stave – staved – staves – staving – stay – stayed – staying – stays – stead – steadfast – steadfastly – steadfastness –

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«There have been years it would be possible to stay here for Dusksleep up until Garibivlast,» he said

«A guy,» she replied, «Why else would I ever stay anywhere?»

He could either stay and get overrun or he could run and try to make a break for it

He was due to fly back to NYC that evening, to stay in his flat before joining Tatania for Valentine’s day, but he was sure he could fit in some more pleasurable socialising

stay calm and composed in the mist of chaotic

You can help yourself stay safer by becoming active now – and it’s not difficult or expensive

However we should try and stay away from heavily cushioned walking shoes

There are seven things to keep doing in order to stay young your whole life

Fourth to Eighth Month: Stay on the 50/50 basis

This is the level you want to stay at for the next two months

The more you stay in His

«What’s wrong with you! I have to leave! I can’t stay forever!»

“Nancy, make sure you stay behind me

«Why don’t you stay downstairs, say hello loudly if either of them come up

Stay away from pointed questions about college or career plans; most sixteen-year-olds have not yet decided and resent pestering

The instructor has given up on her, would rather she didn’t stay and wilt the beautiful bouquet he has arranged in his studio

Long-distance grand parenting is challenging, but with care, you can stay in touch

It’s weird but I feel like I should remember more about my dad but it’s only some small things that stay vivid in my head while the rest kind of fades away

But the Inspector is adamant that I should stay

I still stay up late but I don’t have as much trouble getting to sleep

She could use this opportunity to set out across the lake and get back to Kulai, it was less than ten hours across to Dromedia wide open, he might stay out that long

It grudgingly went a little faster and hers sped up to stay with it

It wasn’t comfortable, but she could stay there

You can have that perfect show rose grown organically and stay healthy to enjoy it

«I’m sure I can find a child to ride with you,» Herndon said, but please, have noonmeal, stay the sleep

Herndon thinks I should stay here, so he’s not going to run me back up to the Kassikan in his missile

BobbingTwo would stay with him the longest and wave his eyes at him like he was a keda

I daresay I could find more tenants, but if Dan is going to act like that, they are not likely to stay either … damn! He’s screwed me up again! The bastard!

And stay out of the video arcade,

live and love and stay married

I can’t afford to stay here now

It would have to stay that way

her to stay, let alone be mine

«You need to stay with the kedas,» doostEr told him, «and she’s up in the Yakhan

And stay away from this Texan

They stay this way for a long moment while the front of the car blazes

When we fill ourselves with Jesus, abide in Him, stay close to Him,

of what our eyes see, in spite of the diagnosis by your doctor, we stay

«Did you ever stay up there in the wind?»

The ground here was rough gravel, they would have a hard time digging scrapes and the top would never stay up, so they only dug into shallow pits

To be patient means to stay strong concerning

The state coroner is paid enough to stay late and show a visiting officer important evidence

stay in my body! My body is a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit! And

Remember, stay in bed

Ricci bristles, tries to stay cool

sure that if you could stay healthy serving the sick and burying the

you will realize that they stay

Although his first impulse was to go to Darklow and shake the small town criminal community into information about a beautiful 19 year old girl with a foreign accent who had been forced into the local sex trade, Melinda’s information somehow made him believe that he should stay on course, that all these things were related

I thought I told you to stay in

‘I hope to stay in this area for some time

stay in the hospital’s oncological ward my Bible accumulated a multitude

that she would eat later, that she had not long finished a late lunch, but she would stay

can experience the real presence of God and stay alive

‘You can stay where you are for as long as you want to

keep sacrificing our time and bringing offerings…so that we could stay

to it, stay healthy and sin no more

I motioned for Will to stay where he was but I needn’t have bothered

Another mind kept making itself up to stay right where she was until she understood everything

‘She wanted to stay, did she?’

‘You stay there, Stephen, you look dead beat

change my mind stay here with my pain

The discoveries reported by Brazil agreed with data the Christial’s had reported for a time early during their stay

to stay in this world full of injustice

Actually, victims are unable to live without offering their energy to vampires: People who don’t really need to work go crazy if they stay unemployed for two months; many women complain that their man exploits or maltreats them, however they don’t even think of staying single for more than one week; without a male to serve, they feel useless and unworthy of living

The rest of the disciples stay silent and calm, as if that were something absolutely natural, something you see every day

‘Oh … I’ve known Jackie for years, Kate, she’s lived in the village all her life and I can remember seeing her around as a kid when I used to come and stay with the grandparents

You stay right there

«Stay there,» she said

Only ones that stay on Tipperary are Chief Horcheese and Lt

He pretended he was hiding a ‘child of the streets’ past but Bahkmar felt Jaseem knew less of the streets than he did and all Bahkmar knew of the streets was which ones to stay off of

«If he stays then I get to stay, too

» Once she topped off and overcharged the capacitor system, she’d get an extra 11% more power, but it couldn’t stay in there for long

I expect her to be enthusiastic about it, yet I am nonplussed at her immediate frigidity: “I have nothing to do this afternoon, but I am not in the mood of going to such a lecture, I had better stay home alone,” she announces in a low voice and leaves me wondering, since she has always given me the impression of being very interested in such matters

During my stay in the asram I also had the opportunity to improve my relationship with Maria Glenos, with whom I shared the tent

» That’s all she needed to hear, «I swear Oriah! The ceremony is in three days and the boy has no idea!» She turns her attention toward Apollo and her voice returns to its soft tone, «Apollo, you can stay here with me if you want, your father apparently has no idea what he’s doing

«If he can’t stay here, then I can’t stay here!» Every ounce of me wanted to reason with her, convince her to stay, but I know Sabrina would never relent, not this time

He ignores any acknowledgment and continues his talk with Sabrina, «I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight?» Sabrina walks around the table, «Of course you can, you know you’re always welcome, we will be thrilled to have you

Apollo then says something to me that makes me think that things just might work out between us after all, «Then what do you think I should do?» I answer instantly and with complete honesty,» I think you should stay here

«Don’t read that too much, there are very few people who have to stay in the desert

“Whatever happens,” I said, holding back an unexpected rush of tears, “we must try to stay together

Once the physician arrived, they didn’t stay

He tried to stay out of the thirty square miles where the main canals were closest to each other to the south of the Kassikan

Ava had been known to stay in bed with her toes curled the day after a sleep they spent together, a day he would go to the foundry

After that soul-racking experience, I decided to stay away from Offir for a long time

She declined his offer of dinner, saying that she would eat later, that she had not long finished a late lunch, but she would stay and keep him company while he ate

Son struggled to stay above water for as

and were allowed to stay with the monks who taught us about the God of

How long would she have to stay in this hospital? The doctor she’d seen that morning was muttering about her not being fit to be discharged to a hotel … but was she safe here in the hospital? Had any news of her survival hit the local news? If the men who’d attacked her knew she’d been found …

Well, as I said, you’re both welcome to come to stay until we can sort out what happens next

‘Now you just stay here and concentrate on getting better

‘He is … he’s offered to have you and I to stay at his place while I sort a few things out

He ate meat and used the fur from the wolf to stay warm through that

‘I’ll stay here, if you don’t mind

In Mark chapter 6, Jesus is back where good religion tells you you’re supposed to stay

stay in the castle for as long as they wished

stay in until the return of Son

Guard wanted to come, but Son commanded him to stay in the Land of

I have primed Wiesse that we are expecting an extra incomer and assume, again from what you wrote, that it is someone with Errdian heritage – unless they are totally unsuitable, and I sincerely doubt you would be sending them across if that were the case, there will be no problem allowing him or her to stay

«If you wanted to stay there you could have, but I would rather continue to Zhlindu

You would’ve had to stay in that starship you think you came from

“I don’t know about everyone else who’s stayed on, but I left the Militia because I thought it was temporary

I’m guessing the people who stayed thought it was in their best interest or else had nowhere else to go

He acted like he would have stayed in the studio during the zombie attack if it weren’t for the fact that the building next door was on fire

Isa: 26:3: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee

She said she’d have to make me salmon head soup sometime, and against my better judgment, I stayed the next few nights with her

“You’ll find everything you need is there for the numbers to make sense,” Henry continued, when he really should have just stayed quiet

«Then we could have stayed right in the basin

They stayed here for a long and romantic Dusksleep

Then he stayed in the town’s only hotel and ate at the same diner as before, which seemed to be the only restaurant in town

They were forced to stop deep in Dawnsleep by ice, but they stayed very warm in that cabin

He stayed calm but let her do the talking, then excused himself to the compost can

She didn’t owe him, if she stayed with him on this quest, it was just the hormones she inherited from Tdeshi driving her to it

I was a sort of surrogate mother to her in her teens and we’d stayed in touch … whenever she had a problem she would ring me

‘Oh Mum! Are you all right? Who was that?’ she said anxiously ‘I wanted to come and see you but Paul said it would be better if I stayed away

The paper boy became slightly more alarmed the longer he stayed with Ackers

No wonder he stayed back at the base; how was anyone supposed to think clearly when they were out in the field with all these distractions?

He was sound asleep and stayed that way as light grew across the land

On the other end of the line, her handler stayed silent

After lunch Herndon paced, waiting for her sister’s call, while she and Elond stayed at the patio table and chatted about social theory

He says he left for the rehearsal just after seven and that she was alive then … there is no doubt that he stayed in view of someone the whole time he was at the rehearsal and that Joanna was lying in the garden when he returned home

If Tahlmute had noticed he was glad he didn’t get charged that much for the Brazilian crate and set to work on the cargo without having to be told, Taktor probably would have stayed and help unload the cargo also

«Would have stayed with him,» Estwig said, «or followed him

After the joy and exaltation of awakening, the Countess stayed true to her

Once the food was done with they stayed sitting at the table to finish the wine,

She stayed his lips with a slender white finger

When the jam kicked off again VD got ahead of Melinda and stayed there, just out of reach, taking her to her furthest extreme of speed and anger but always outpacing her

Ava left communications open and Glenelle stayed behind to keep them in sight

He stayed until she came out of surgery … there was no need for him to do that, you know

My mother’s family came here after being bombed out of Bristol during the war and stayed

I didn’t contradict him but I wondered: When we left the seaside the time was 6:30 in the afternoon; how harmful would it have been, if we had stayed for fifteen more minutes? All things considered, I believe yesterday’s excursion was one of Alexander’s tricks, aiming to keep his disciples in subjection: He doesn’t allow them to enjoy anything, so that they don’t demand anything

Audacity stayed at dead stop long enough to worry Jordo

A few minutes later we reached the beach “Diamond” but we didn’t get out of the car at all; we stayed in, facing the magical rosy-red sunset before us

What stayed his hand wasn’t confidence in his plan

After all the business of the ranch was complete, he stayed up late going over all his old documentation on the shuttlecraft parts one more time and came up empty, as always

After the joy and exaltation of awakening, the Countess stayed true to her upbringing for some years, making the best that she could out of the debilitation and decay around her

She’d stayed seated until it stopped, uncertain and unfamiliar with the motion … yes, the bus had stopped and she’d risen, turned to pick up her bag … walked quickly down the gangway to the door … there’d been footsteps behind her … heavy ones – the men

Son stayed perched on a branch hidden by

Even if they both stayed on, Alan, Desa and Luray were the only winchers aboard, so they had to fill out the crew

She stayed astride him a few minutes afterward, keeping his with hers and caressing his face as she caught her breath

Nobody would get hurt if they stayed on board

‘It’d probably be safer if you stayed here and travelled up on the day

Kara very sensibly stayed silent until he had worked it out of his system

That night he had stayed awake late

If those girls stayed with him, they won’t try to convince him Earth was a drug dream any more

If he stayed with the native women he’s served his usefulness as bait by now

He stayed in their study with his pipe

The big ones like the one they tracked stayed out near the ends of the piers because they couldn’t get in and out of the spaces between them

In the years they stayed here, they only missed this because they forced themselves to

What would the girls do when they found out he hadn’t stayed with them? What could they do? They couldn’t come miles back looking for him in the dark, they knew better than that, they knew they’d fall prey to something out here

Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers sat on the floor, both stayed

who would rather have stayed in hot sweaty pubs

Desa probably stayed on hers til they stopped,» she continued

«No, because I stayed in the open and held it high

The dragon stayed steady whilst Cosmicblasto was looking

«I’m glad you stayed here,» she said

«Of course if a kranjan comes thru here you’ll wish you stayed on Earth

The storm stayed out in the desert, but the temperature kept dropping

But in addition to that, you would have been taught to forget certain things … the centre where you stayed for one … the people you met there for another

who’d rather have stayed in hot, sweaty pubs,

when a sov’rin stayed away is better’n the Work’ouse

ventured out, the folk who worked the land stayed on the land

They stayed put and his foot healed all thru another darkness

Oliar hadn’t stayed long in Zhlindu on a cosmic scale, not a century, and he was off thru Kyeb and then the old lands, then to Yondure, where he remains this day

Had she ever been important to him? No, as long as she was pretty and stayed with him on the boat, that had been fine

breakfasting with Joe and Fred she stayed silent

The Alderfolk, Joe and Fred stayed silent whilst they ate

Meanwhile they stayed

stayed a one off meeting

They stayed about half mile or more away from humans in country this open

‘Since then he has frequently stayed at my house, but other than that, he has lots of friends who are quite willing to put him up

But there was no stopping him this morning, so they stayed in their cave till noon

We stayed in my room

On the other hand, if I stayed where I was I might look more experienced

He was soon under and stayed that way for over an hour

His stories always made me feel odd and out of place but that day, after watching the surfers having so much fun, I gave in and agreed to let him give me my first lesson, as long as we stayed in the sheltered corner, away from the waves

The man saved her, and she stayed with him out of loyalty at first

She stayed with him awhile, enough to know that he was enjoying her person

While they went on about these tall tales, Yarin cuddled with her but stayed in the game

They stayed on the mesa until Jake, Rah and Ichor returned about two hours later

They stayed strong, but when your first born is a flat out crazy person and no one seems to know what to do, who do you rely on? They both had different ideas of what was going to happen to me when we got back home and the real fear was me not getting back

I stayed in the car, while my father registered for the night and my mother tried to reason with me and bring some sense of reality back, trying to impress on me the meaning and consequences of my actions

She left it at that, just stayed there for a few precious minutes wrapped in his arms

Alan would probably play with one or more of the village cherubs this evening if the weather stayed pleasant

He came from a very pleasant family with a father who worked hard and diligently and with a mother who stayed at home and brought up her children until they were old enough to attend the local senior school

He had been inspired by what he had seen and he had stayed up a day and a night to put it to paper

The part on the door stayed on the door, like the door was paneled with video screen

With effort he stayed calm, «Would you please answer my question

Many stayed married, but they had little interaction with each other

We never stayed longer than twenty years on any one given planet

The image of kissing chimpanzees stayed with me all night

Annie stayed with the old woman for the rest of the day, sharing with her a light lunch and a couple of large cognacs

Wasn’t Gordon’s Lamp the same? Did they have anything to come back to? Sometimes he wished Ava had never discovered Alan’s hack and they had stayed in orbit studying the planet at 61 Cygni

What if Alfred had been right and they should have stayed and studied the planet at 61 Cygni until the next expedition arrived? True it wasn’t the wonder Alan had imagined, but it was still the only place outside Earth where macroscopic biology had been discovered

The ball stayed low but did not bounce until it crossed

They’d burn thru their lithium in no time if they stayed lit at all

“I stayed on that station seven years,” Alfred said, “and I never noticed a copy of Ava there

Gary hadn’t stayed late, the kids materialising almost by magic to say goodnight to him without prompting

emotion stayed in her body as the years went by

stayed at home as a means of garnering brownie points

Can a fireman who wants to build a great cavern do that by blasting a solid rock with a fire hose for a week straight, staying up with every bit of energy that he has, holding the hose blasting it at full power

After a while staying with that person

She was staying here and doing her best to masquerade as a native

“But I would have had a much easier job of it if you hadn’t opted to change the mission parameters by staying upstairs to monitor the team that I was already monitoring

She was having a hard time staying awake after twenty eight hours

BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

«I hope not, but I was buzzed, I might have told her where I’m staying

«How long are these staying?» Taktor asked

As I was staying with a close friend

«He didn’t want me staying with them after I turned three

wife of yours and tell her you’re staying overnight

Local people were staying at home

100 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

102 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

106 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

108 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

110 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

112 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

116 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

118 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

120 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

122 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

124 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

126 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

No doubt he will land when no one is looking also, so there is no sense staying up staring at him

128 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

130 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

132 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

134 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

She could ask, but she guessed Ava was mostly thanking her for keeping an eye on her sister’s problem and staying out of the way on hers

138 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

140 BeinG Healed and StayinG alive

Actually, victims are unable to live without offering their energy to vampires: People who don’t really need to work go crazy if they stay unemployed for two months; many women complain that their man exploits or maltreats them, however they don’t even think of staying single for more than one week; without a male to serve, they feel useless and unworthy of living

«If the cherries are staying, we’re staying,» Rampone said

‘Tomorrow, but I’m only staying for three days and will be back on Sunday

Needless to say, I am staying in my own single room

Robbie was staying with us, which meant a continuance of that other relationship, the one with his fist and his boot cap, but it was no matter

You are staying in my

Despite the fact Kara knew he was anxious to return to his new wife in Banswell, Berndt insisted on staying at Abery, dogging her every footstep as she battled to come to terms with the fact of JJ’s presence in the house

they would be staying at

The house we are staying in is fairly small and, as a result, Gilla and I are sharing a room

‘You are staying at the kloster tonight?’

The boy who brought the baggage up this morning is going to be staying here for the time being to care for the ggs

one way of staying healthy

She and John had done the right thing in staying and caring for them

understand she is staying with you, since er, the …’ my voice trailed off, unable to complete the sentence

‘We’re not staying long

“Standard remote instrumentation stuff,” Elmore said, staying at the user interface level

diverse backgrounds and with different hobbies makes for great dates, right? But, it doesn’t stop there – the benefits of using an online dating service right are plenty; from not having to dress up for the date as in real life, to spending less money (only internet time) and staying in the

She’s turned up out of the blue and is staying on a big yacht down at Dorini

The day after the grand banquet, old Ted was summoned to the hotel in the capital city where his employer and his wife were staying for a few days

«She’s a bitch, she popped into a place I was staying and snatched the guy I was with right out of my arms

Yes, staying alive was the honourable thing to do

Staying in the Present Moment

Then, start deliberately calming these reactions by breathing slowly and deeply, relaxing your muscles and mentally staying in the present moment

Oh, she said that Anna was okay and that Rob is staying until tomorrow morning, so it looks as though your assessment is correct

Staying away seemed the wisest thing to do

“I have a question about a guest staying at my house

He blamed it on Alan again, she’d been staying there all week

shortish, very dark in eye and hair, and with an eye to the ladies! He drove me to Sorrento where I am staying in a hotel on one of the main roads in Sorrento town itself

She’s got them staying with her in her tiny two bedroom place at the moment which is cramped to say the least … the idea is that the girl will move into her own place in the village where she’ll have the benefit of her mother’s support – they’re a pretty close-knit family, Jo

She asks sensible questions about heating and cooking facilities and I explain that the cooker, washing machine and fridge are staying as I shall be taking over the stuff in Anna’s cottage

to perceive whether the arm is staying locked or

I had something of a scene with Katie when I brought up the subject of them all staying together in the one room and not wandering off on their own

Koruki turned out to be the woman Ava had called ‘Mother Superior’ and she was staying in some very nice rooms with the ubiquitous built-in wall benches, here in polished and carved wood

staying for a few days

‘We’re all staying in the same B&B for the weekend

Travis always stays by her side, and I rarely see him anymore, either

Do not use Urea based products! Urea kills the beneficials, and stays in the soil for years

It starts just after seven and he stays there until after it gets dark … every evening …

servant of his stays well out of it

«Kwathwain’s deep, the sun swims and stays red down there

The young couple stays together and with a passionate kiss is

«If he stays then I get to stay, too

However, as soon as we reach the threshold at 9:00 o’ clock, suddenly Helen stays still as if she were rooted to the spot

He stays until nearly eleven, then rises, reaching for his coat

I hope, for your sake, it stays that way

Nothing in her experience to date had ever taken her to a place like this, although various unfortunate incidents during her working life had resulted in similar stays in the healing facilities on Errd

«I’m sure you heard about our son, there’s no way gossip like that stays clean on a ship like this

fingers, but when it is on my clothes it stays

There stays my hand above the ice upon the window

«Unless he stays with those girls, they will certainly know

The builder of boats peaks his cap, stays his hand,

The starship stays in space, it is much bigger than the shuttle, more like the size of Yoonbarla

«The shuttle stays in the air when its going slow because it has powerful fans in it’s wings which blow wind and keep them up by the force of that wind

stays breath and hand

The big one stays behind

«No pins,» the redhead said, «see these plastic pinch blocks? Just pull a rope thru here and it stays, better than you can belay it, til you pull back this lever here

If luck stays with me she may take me in again, if nothing else, at least til I can find something of my own

Nothing stays the same, not even the weather and probably today it will change

She stays for another half an hour before announcing that she has to go

resolved and the pack stays together

It stays shut, but

If their arm stays strong or

‘Ali stays in Ish’s house now, so he will be brought up well anyway

She stays stock still for a moment

“There’s just me and Marsi and she doesn’t sit and gossip with me much, she rarely stays home when she’s off duty

He wants Carol right now, but stays silent, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand

‘So, assuming that she stays in this condition – what options are there?’ he asked, looking directly at the doctor standing beside him

extended stays in your world,” Bram resumed, “And we know that

The words become a blur in his head, as if they are being sung through a layer of damp gauze, but the melody stays with him

He’ll rot if he’s stays in there too long

Okay so let me enjoy these few minutes alone I have because soon I will have to pick up my granddaughter Malia over at the childcare center but luckily the day care center stays open for about another hour and a half so I can actually sit here and have a half an hour of uninterrupted dictation which is a miracle anymore

The Church that prays together stays together

We have two pools at Klarrain’s but he stays at the one inside and it’s so steamy you can hardly move

«I was told by Klarrain of Zhlindu that he stays at the top of this pyramid

He stays there for a year with Circe, ignoring his men’s pleas to return home

Especially since the diner stays put, while the cosmos is in constant motion—Now you see it, now you don’t sort of motion

” she beamed, “It was what the Captain just said that really shredded the one curtain keeping me from seeing the end of this little riddle: ‘nothing stays the same’!” For Jista that was it and enough

“Nothing ever stays the same

Such wisdom stays with us in our journey as eternal spiritual beings

The Family Affair ~ The family that lays together, stays together

Everyone stays on the main sledding hill and there is no racing, no bumping of sleds, and no risk taking

and she stays with Dad

So Alice stays

” replied Lucy, “I just hope it stays up

‘Of course not,’ Alice replied very readily: ‘but that’s because it stays the same year for such a long time together

Now I know things have been quite since the Turks withdrew and up to now we have no sightings of the enemy in the vicinity so let’s just hope it stays that way

Spring water stays in the low fifties year round, and it was summer outside

If he stays near the field generator he may be protected

C: — If God is outside of time and he provided a life-manual for one generation, how would he ensure that the manual stays unaltered for all other generations to follow and would this be an aspect that is evident within the Bible?

Since James began preaching in and around Jerusalem, he stays with me frequently

«What’s spoke at the table stays within walls

Another sign is if she lightly parts her lips! Hell if she stays nose-to-nose to you that means she wants to kiss your silly mug!]

It is a smell that once you have noticed it you will never forget it and it stays with you for ever

Lydia stays very busy with her social life and charities

«About two days sail, if the wind stays fair, I think

“And lastly, anyone who’s not in the search party stays here and starts cleaning up the mess

He chose that route and deliberately stays on that course expecting everyone to feel sorry for his feebleness in life

The law does not take kindly to such behaviour as it is presumed in law that a woman’s virginity is a serious matter (as it is and should be) for once broken it stays broken even if physically repaired

«Oh, he’ll come! Papa never stays away on Christmas,» says Kitty,

They have agreed – for a small fee, of course – to help ensure that what is mine stays mine

All man is born equal and stays equal whether he is rich or poor or white or black

Its real-time protection only checks files that could be infected, so that it doesn’t waste system resources, and scheduled daily scans will ensure that your computer stays healthy

Even if you operate in 60 countries it stays a local problem

When you switch off, the ringing in your ears stays with you

“My mother lives in Sutton in our country house, although she stays at a friend’s in the season

The eastern third of Louisiana stays Union, as does the west half of the state of Mississippi

I’ve found that by not advertising and quietly catering to the ex-patriot crowd, my operation stays out of sight sufficiently that other clubs don’t complain

Jones stays with me

He stood on the bow, holding onto one of the stays, enjoying the feel of the boat moving under him

the old ardour stays

love, all love, love, stays

During one of his long stays at Brahmavart, Shri

And then there was this odd feeling that seemed to stay with me, that still stays

copy of Junya»s „The Product» demo CD in her SUV, but it stays under her seat

As consequence, stays the whole time in removing symptoms of the situation, to practice mendings or to roll the problems infinitely

invested money stays untouchable; it will only be utilized as guarantee for reliability and credibility of this Project

Therefore, it stays in financial prison, acting in the means instead of the ends, obeying the power of the hot money faithfully through the rule of the international financial game instead of the social investment to prevail

It stays defenseless, because the State damages its competitiveness and productivity with legal exigencies that make this sector to act in secondary activities instead of its principal activity

In consequence, the Third Sector (nonprofit organizations) it stays in the eternal dependence of resources to help, even with the force of million of voluntary people XUSING Project: Beta Version in English — 2005

I open one eye—the other stays shut like it’s glued that way

See that in any situation, each involved country practices the values in its own coin to pay or to receive, without there to be any type of exchange of foreign coin and without anonymous possession of foreign coin; it also incorporates product or acquired service without the acquisition stays in the definitive possession of any organization

It also motivates the economic development, without need that the money stays at the financial speculative market

Brazil stays free from the foreign debt with its high burdens in a flash and it is liberated of the financial prison when it deposits the foreseen value of its budget for the XUSING Project in physical coins ($ Real) as donation in the Current Account “Social” of Bank3Sector of Brazil

I cry out, more frustrated than pained, and hit the crow with both hands, but it stays in place, resolute, one eye on me, feathers gleaming in the yellow light

He doesn’t move; he just stays there with his mouth pressed to my skin, and I stay there with my hands on his waist, for a long time

that the person or organization stays isolated in

without anybody stays abandoned, suffer, lose or

And the fourth is that everyone who stays here must contribute to the welfare of this environment by working

Her stare drifts to Tobias and me, and stays there

Therefore, the employee stops receiving for the rendered service and the organization stays without the Validation of its Process for its customer

The Process Validation makes everything to happen without the utilization of the possession of the physical money as merchandise and either the product stays in definitive possession of somebody

Definition of Stay

to remain in the same position or place

Examples of Stay in a sentence

If you are grounded you must stay in your room.


Your vehicle must stay stationary when stopped at a red light.


You might want to stay in a hotel when you are traveling.


You should stay indoors when there is a storm outside.


You are supposed to stay away from fires and electrical wires.




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  • Use the word Stay in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Well, I ain’t aiming’ to stay after vittles anyhow.

I prithee, Strato, stay thou by thy Lord.

Repeat… stay tuned to this wavelength for further bulletins.

Well, you go lower, deeper, and stay down longer… and come up dirtier than any man I’ve ever met.

-You’re hurt, stay still!

I’m going to wash, so just stay around.

Be more aggressive, get more involved, talk to people, stay with the subject, be patient, take simpler pictures. Don’t take boring pictures.

I’ve started printing things out and I booked two rooms for us if we wanted to stay here.

I can stay at Bragi’s sister but I rather want to be with you.

We’re safe as long as we stay inside the ship.

If I stay longer in this competition, I will miss prom, but, I — You know, I’d rather be here than at [laughing] prom.

And I stay out of your way

If we want to stay alive, our village needs to lay low and not attract any attention.

You have to stay indoors, Nabulungi!

Just stay inside, and do not open the door for anyone!

That I was wrong, and I’m gonna stay here and stick to my work!

But Heavenly Father has shown me I need to stay here!

Just stay out of our way.

Just a little something to ensure you stay still during the funeral.

Bottom line is you’re dead men if you stay here.

If you’re ever in Miami stay the fuck away from my shop.

You just couldn’t stay out of it, could you?

We’ve really need to stay positive.

Two stay, two go and get help.

You two stay here, if the driver comes back, just all stay with the car, all right?

I think I’m going to stay out here a little longer.

If you want to stay alive, stay invisible.

Guys, come on, we should stay together, yeah?

You and me, we’ll stay together, yeah?

If I reunite her with Sindel how can I be sure Kahn’s portalsNwill stay closed?

I will be watching you so stay out of trouble

Johnny’s gonna just stay out in the woods.

But I don’t need to stay.

I mean, she’s probably not gonna talk to me for the rest of the time, if she does stay.

Yes, we were, and thank you for letting me stay.

«You’re gonna stay here,» or something.

Just, whatever happened, I don’t think it’s safe for you to stay out here.

stay here with the girls.

stay here with the girls!

I hope that the soju will be a better remedy for you than your hospital stay.

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