The word start in spanish

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Maybe it’s time to start sweatin’ the small stuff.

Tal vez es hora de empezar a sudar con las cosas pequeñas.

No, we should start eating all the melting ice cream.

Tenemos que empezar a comer todo el helado, que se derrite.

It might start a rebellion that would spread throughout the provinces.

Podría comenzar una rebelión que se extendería a través de las provincias.

Which means this… is a pretty good place to start.

Lo que significa… que este es un buen lugar para comenzar.

For many people, symptoms seem to start without obvious reason.

Para muchas personas, los síntomas parecen iniciar sin una razón obvia.

Now we give you three minutes to start fusing the warhead.

Ahora nos dan tres minutos para iniciar la fusión de la ojiva.

Unless they start handing out awards for best slime and grime.

A menos que empiecen a repartir premios al mejor limo y mugre.

Classes start next week, and things are already getting crazy.

Las clases comienzan la próxima semana y las cosas se ponen mal.

Now’s the time people are going to start getting wasted.

Ahora es el momento en el cual la gente comenzará a cansarse.

When you start breathing poorly, it generates more carbon dioxide.

Cuando empiezas a respirar mal, se genera más dióxido de carbono.

Find the flagpole with your superiors on it and start climbing.

Encuentra el asta con sus superiores en él y empezar a escalar.

Then you better start stealing’ your mama’s milk money.

Mejor empieza a robar el dinero de la leche de tu madre.

I almost want to start killing magicians so it never ends.

Casi me quiero empezar a matar magos por lo que nunca termina.

The organ slowly loses its function and symptoms start to appear.

El órgano lentamente pierde su función y los síntomas comienzan a aparecer.

And then this project led me to start working with data.

Y luego este proyecto me llevó a empezar a trabajar con datos.

But before you start anything, emergency services should be called.

Pero antes de empezar nada, llamen a los servicios de emergencia.

I’m not afraid to start shooting some of these hostages.

No me da miedo empezar a disparar a alguno de los rehenes.

We should cut them loose and start working on the babies.

Deberíamos de dejarlas libres, Y empezar a trabajar en los bebés.

This means that some children start school while they are three.

Esto implica que algunos niños comienzan la escuela a los tres años.

Give me a sugar test and start the glucose right now.

Deme un test de azúcar y empiece con la glucosa ahora mismo.

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A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. I bought a book.).

transitive verb

1. (to begin)

a. comenzar

We start classes in September.Comenzaremos las clases en septiembre.

b. empezar

They said they’ll start the movie in half an hour.Dijeron que empezarán la película en media hora.

c. iniciar

We started our long trip by stopping in Montreal.Iniciamos nuestro largo viaje parando en Montreal.

2. (to cause to begin)

a. empezar

A group of students started the anti-war movement.Un grupo de estudiantes empezó el movimiento contra la guerra.

b. iniciar

The sound of the gun started the race.El sonido de la pistola inició la carrera.

c. dar comienzo

The teacher started the course with a speech.El profesor dio comienzo al curso con un discurso.

d. provocar

That cigarette started the fire.Ese cigarrillo provocó el fuego.

e. desencadenar

The conflict started a turf war.El conflicto desencadenó una guerra territorial.

3. (to cause to operate)

a. encender

You can’t start the hedge cutter because the power cord is unplugged.No puedes encender el cortasetos porque el cable está desenchufado.

b. arrancar

If you cannot start your car, I will take you.Si no puedes arrancar el coche, te llevaré yo.

c. poner en marcha

I could not start the motorcycle because its tank was empty.No pude poner en marcha la moto porque el depósito estaba vacío.

4. (to found)

a. montar

My cousin started a business recently.Mi primo montó un negocio hace poco.

b. fundar

The company was started by my grandfather in 1950.Mi abuelo fundó la empresa en 1950.

c. poner

I started a clothing store last year.Puse una tienda de ropa el año pasado.

d. poner en marcha

My boss started this empire with just one store.Mi jefe puso en marcha este imperio con solo una tienda.

An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g. The man sneezed.).

intransitive verb

5. (to begin)

a. empezar

The day had started badly, and did not improve.El día había empezado mal y no mejoró.

b. comenzar

Now that we are all here, we can start.Ahora que estamos todos, podemos comenzar.

6. (to originate)

a. empezar

It all started when he decided to go abroad.Todo empezó cuando decidió irse al extranjero.

7. (to set out)

a. emprender camino

They started early in the morning.Emprendieron camino temprano por la mañana.

b. partir

We started from Ponce, and now we are here.Partimos de Ponce y ahora estamos aquí.

8. (to cause to operate)

a. arrancar

My car won’t start, so I had to take the bus.Mi coche no arranca, así que tuve que coger el autobús.

b. ponerse en marcha

If the lawn mower doesn’t start, clean the filters.Si el cortacésped no se pone en marcha, limpia los filtros.

9. (to move suddenly)

a. sobresaltarse

The baby started at the sudden noise.El bebé se sobresaltó con el ruido repentino.

10. (to protrude)

a. salirse

His eyes started when he saw her in that red dress.Se le salían los ojos cuando la vio con ese vestido rojo.

A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


11. (beginning)

a. el comienzo

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


The start of the tournament will take place at two o’clock.El comienzo de torneo tendrá lugar a las dos en punto.

b. el principio

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Be patient at the start of the race; save your strength.Ten paciencia al principio de la carrera; ahorra fuerzas.

12. (departure point)

a. la salida

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


The start of the race will be on my street.La salida de la carrera será en mi calle.

b. la línea de salida

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Please, all runners go to the start.Por favor, todos los corredores acudan a la línea de salida.

c. la línea de partida

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


The runners left the start at nine o’clock.Los corredores salieron de la línea de partida a las nueve en punto.

13. (sudden movement)

a. el respingo

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


The student gave a start when the teacher called his name.El alumno dio un respingo cuando el profesor dijo su nombre.

b. el sobresalto

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


I woke up with a start because I thought I was late for work.Me levanté de un sobresalto porque pensé que iba tarde para el trabajo.

14. (sports)

a. la ventaja

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Our team had a five-minute start over our competitors.Nuestro equipo tuvo una ventaja de cinco minutos sobre nuestros contrincantes.

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A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (beginning)

a. el principio m, comienzo

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


2. (starting place, of race)

a. la salida

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


for a startpara empezar

at the startal principio

at the start of the montha principios de mes

from the startdesde el principio

from start to finishde principio a fin

to make a start on somethingempezar con algo

he lent her £500 to give her a startle prestó 500 libras para ayudarla a empezar

to give somebody a 60 meter(s) startdar a alguien una ventaja de 60 metros

3. (sudden movement)

a. el susto m, sobresalto

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


to wake with a startdespertarse sobresaltado(a)

to give somebody a startsobresaltar a alguien, dar un susto a alguien

A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. I bought a book.).

transitive verb

6. (fashion, rumor)

a. promover, poner en circulación

7. (fire)

a. ocasionar, provocar

to start schoolempezar el colegio

to start doing something, to start to do somethingponerse or empezar a hacer algo

it’s just started rainingacaba de ponerse or empezar a llover

to get startedempezar

8. (cause to start; machine, engine, car)

a. arrancar, poner en marcha

An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g. The man sneezed.).

intransitive verb

9. (begin)

a. empezar, comenzar

to start at the beginningempezar por el principio

to start by doing somethingcomenzar haciendo algo

she had started as a doctorhabía comenzado trabajando como médica

to start withpara empezar

to start on somethingempezar algo

now don’t YOU start!¡no empieces!, ¡no empecemos!

10. (be frightened)

a. sobresaltarse

to start out of one’s sleepdespertarse sobresaltado(a)

Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited

start [stɑːt]


1 (beginning) principio (m); comienzo (m)

…the start of the academic year That was the start of all the trouble

at the start al principio; en un principio

at the very start muy al principio; en los mismos comienzos; at the start of the century a principios del siglo; we are at the start of something big estamos en los comienzos de algo grandioso

for a start en primer lugar; para empezar

from the start desde el principio

from start to finish desde el principio hasta el fin

to get a good start in life disfrutar de una infancia privilegiada

This can lead to jealousy if the child feels that his peers have got a better start in life than he has

to get off to a good/bad/slow start empezar bien/mal/lentamente

to give sb a (good) start in life ayudar a algn a situarse en la vida

They gave their son a good start in life

to make a start empezar

to make a start on the painting empezar a pintar

I think I’ll make a start on the decorating this weekend

to make an early start (on journey) ponerse en camino temprano; (with job) empezar temprano; to make a fresh or new start in life hacer vida nueva

2 (departure) salida (f); also (Dep)

… to be lined uo for the start The whistle blew for the start of the race

(starting line) línea (f) de salida

The runners were gathering at the start

3 (advantage) ventaja (f)

to give sb five minutes’ or a five-minute start dar a algn cinco minutos de ventaja

to give sb 10 metres’ a 10-metre start

to have a start on sb tener ventaja sobre algn

4 (fright etc) susto (m); sobresalto (m)

to give sb a start asustar or dar un susto a algn

to give a sudden start sobresaltarse; what a start you gave me! ¡qué susto me diste!

to wake with a start despertarse sobresaltado

transitive verb

1 (begin) empezar; comenzar; [+discussion etc] abrir; iniciar

He started a conversation with a woman who turned out to be the ambassador’s wife

[+bottle] abrir; [+quarrel, argument] empezar

They started the argument in the pub and continued it at home

[+journey] iniciar

In France the visit of the Turkish Ambassador to the Court of Louis XIV started a fashion for all things Turkish After a short rest we started the long journey home

to start a new cheque book/page comenzar or empezar un talonario nuevo/una página nueva

He picked up his pen and started a new page

don’t start that again! ¡no vuelvas a eso!; to start doing sth or to do sth empezar a hacer algo

I started to think you weren’t coming It soon started to rain

start moving! ¡menearse!; start talking! ¡desembucha!

to start sth again or afresh comenzar or empezar algo de nuevo

Finally I scrapped my original manuscript and started the book again

to start the day right empezar bien el día

He also reflects that the early morning drinking — a couple of large ones to start the day right — was in some ways the start of his downfall

he always starts the day with a glass of milk lo primero que toma cada mañana es un vaso de leche

he started life as a labourer empezó de or como peón

to start a new life comenzar una vida nueva

to start negotiations iniciar or entablar las pláticas

to start a novel empezar a escribir (or leer) una novela

to start school empezar a ir al colegio

Relatively few nurseries — whether state or privately run — will take children under two; nor are your problems over once children start school

he started work yesterday entró a trabajar ayer

2 (cause to begin or happen) [+fire] provocar; [+war] [+person, country] empezar; iniciar; [+incident, act] desencadenar

Why on earth would a tinpot dictator choose to start a war with a superpower like the US?

[+fashion] empezar; iniciar; [+rumour, tradition] iniciar; dar comienzo a

Why should Simpson have wanted to kill us? All you’re doing is starting yet another rumour, making more trouble!

it started the collapse of the empire provocó el derrumbamiento del imperio; you started it! ¡tú diste el primer golpe!

to start a family (empezar a) tener hijos

to start a race (give signal for) dar la señal de salida para una carrera


to get started empezar; ponerse en marcha

Once I get started, I work very quickly

let’s get started empecemos

Come on, let’s get started now. We’ve wasted enough time already

to get sth started [+engine, car] poner algo en marcha; arrancar algo; [+project] poner algo en marcha

We’d better get out of here fast. I’ll get the engine started I couldn’t get the bloody car started again this morning I want to earn enough money and get my own farm started

to get sb started (on activity) poner a algn en marcha; (in career) iniciar a algn en su carrera

Sometimes there is so much to see in the landscape that we are unable to focus on a manageable area of it and therefore fail to find a good subject. On these occasions I find the viewfinder can be a very helpful device to get me started

Initially it was a grant from the Arts Council that helped to get them started

to get started on (doing) sth empezar a hacer algo

I want to get started on decorating the house as soon as I can

to get sb started on (doing) sth poner a algn a hacer algo

I’ll get him started on the clearing-up Jessie meets briefly with the first group of students, to get them started on their writing

4 (found) (also start up) [+business] montar; poner; [+newspaper] fundar; establecer

5 (also start up) [+car, engine] arrancar; poner en marcha; [+clock] poner en marcha

6 (with personal object)

don’t start him (off) on that! ¡no le des cuerda!; to start sb (off) reminiscing hacer que algn empiece a contar sus recuerdos; that started him (off) sneezing eso le hizo empezar a estornudar

She covered the pizza with black pepper, which of course started him sneezing again

to start sb (off) on a career ayudar a algn a emprender una carrera; they started her (off) in the sales department la emplearon primero en la sección de ventas

7 (disturb)

to start (up) a partridge levantar una perdiz

intransitive verb

1 (begin) empezar; comenzar; [+conversation, discussion] iniciarse; [+quarrel, argument] producirse; [+fashion] empezar; iniciar; [+war] estallar; empezar; [+rumour, tradition] originarse; [+fire] empezar; iniciarse; [+music] empezar

We must start at once A discussion started among three of the officials An argument started at the next table The fashion apparently started back in the 19th century The war started in December and continued until the following spring A rumour started that 500 jobs were to be lost The fire started in the attic and quickly spread to the rest of the house

The lights dimmed and the music started

classes start on Monday las clases comienzan or empiezan el lunes; that’s when the trouble started entonces fue cuando empezaron los problemas; it all started when he refused to pay todo empezó cuando se negó a pagar; it started (off) rather well/badly [+film, match] empezó bastante bien/mal

to start again or afresh volver a empezar; comenzar de nuevo

he started (off or out) as a postman empezó como or de cartero

he started (off or out) as a Marxist empezó como marxista

to start at the beginning empezar desde el principio

he started (off) by saying … empezó por decir or diciendo …

the route starts from here la ruta sale de aquí

starting from Tuesday a partir del martes

to start (out or up) in business montar or poner un negocio

to start (off) with (firstly) en primer lugar …; para empezar …

Well, to start with, this is quite untrue …

(at the beginning) al principio …; en un principio …

To start with, there were only 3 of them but later … We only had 25 pounds to start with

what shall we start (off) with? ¿con qué empezamos?; to start (off) with a prayer empezar con una oración; he started (off or out) with the intention of writing a thesis empezó con la intención de escribir una tesis

2 (embark)

to start on a task emprender una tarea

to start on something new emprender algo nuevo; to start on a book (begin reading) empezar a leer un libro; (begin writing) empezar a escribir un libro

I’ve got a whole pile of books I haven’t started on yet

How long ago did you start on the book and where did the idea come from?

to start on a course of study empezar un curso

When do you start on your Spanish course?

they started on another bottle abrieron or empezaron otra botella

3 (also start off) (also start out) (on journey) [+person] partir; ponerse en camino; [+bus, train, runner] salir

Ten horses started but only three finished

to start (off or out) from London/for Madrid salir de Londres/partir con rumbo a or para Madrid

he started (off) along the coridor

he started (off) down the street empezó a caminar calle abajo

4 (also start up) [+car, engine] arrancar; ponerse en marcha

The car won’t start

[+washing machine] ponerse en marcha

5 (jump nervously) asustarse; sobresaltarse;at a

to start from one’s chair levantarse asustado de su silla; tears started to her eyes se le llenaron los ojos de lágrimas

his eyes were starting out of his head se le saltaban los ojos de la cara

6 [+timber etc] combarse; torcerse; [+rivets etc] soltarse

starting [ˈstɑːtɪŋ]


starting block (n) (Athletics) taco (m) de salida

to be on the starting blocks

starting gate (n) (US) (Horse Racing) cajón (m) de salida; parrilla (f) de salida

starting grid (n) (Motor Racing) parrilla (f) de arranque

starting handle (n) (Britain) (Aut) manivela (f) de arranque

starting line (n) (Athletics) línea (f) de salida

starting point (n) punto (m) de partida

starting post (n) (Dep) poste (m) de salida

starting price (n) (St Ex) cotización (f)

starting salary (n) sueldo (m) inicial

starting stalls (n) (Britain) (Horse Racing) cajones (m) de salida

Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


at the start

al principio

start up




start over

empezar de nuevo

volver a empezar

start date

fecha de inicio

let’s start


words that start with rr

palabras que empiezan con rr

from the start

desde el principio

What time does it start?

¿A qué hora empieza?

start work

empezar a trabajar

start at

empezar en

I will start

voy a comenzar

start time

hora de comienzo

when did it start

cuándo empezó

start the car

arrancar el coche

arranca el coche

What time does school start?

¿A qué hora empieza la escuela?

head start

la ventaja

don’t start

no empieces

fresh start

nuevo comienzo

start school

empezar la escuela

empieza la escuela

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
start⇒ vi (begin) empezar⇒ vtr
    comenzar⇒ vtr
  We’re waiting for the movie to start.
  Estamos esperando que empiece la película.
start doing [sth] v expr (begin doing) empezar a vtr + prep
    comenzar a vtr + prep
  When she stroked the cat, she started sneezing.
  Cuando acarició al gato, empezó a estornudar.
start [sth] vtr (begin) empezar⇒ vtr
    comenzar⇒ vtr
    iniciar⇒ vtr
  The chairman started the meeting.
  El presidente empezó con la reunión.
  El presidente comenzó con la reunión.
  El presidente inició la reunión.
start [sth] vtr (machine) encender⇒ vtr
    poner en marcha loc verb
  Start the car. It’s time we left.
  Enciende el automóvil. Es hora de irnos.
  Pon en marcha el automóvil. Es hora de irnos.
start n (beginning) comienzo nm
   (AR, UR) largada nf
  Get ready for the start of the race.
  Prepárate para el comienzo de la carrera.
  Prepárate para la largada de la carrera.
Additional Translations
Inglés Español
start n (startle) susto nm
    sobresalto nm
  His start when he heard the news didn’t seem very genuine to me; I think he already knew.
  Su susto cuando escuchó la noticia no me pareció genuino, creo que ya sabía.
start n (starting place) línea de partida grupo nom
   (AR, UY) línea de largada grupo nom
    línea de salida grupo nom
  The cars are waiting at the start.
  Los autos están esperando en el línea de partida.
  Los autos están esperando en la línea de largada.
  Los autos están esperando en la línea de salida.
start n (lead, advantage) ventaja nf
  Number twelve is off to a good start.
  El número 12 arrancó con una buena ventaja.
start n (beginnings: in life or business) espaldarazo inicial nm + adj
    introducir⇒ vtr
  Mr. Simon gave me my start in this business.
  El señor Simon me dio el espaldarazo inicial en este negocio.
  El señor Simon me introdujo en este negocio.
start⇒ vi (set out) emprender viaje loc verb
    ponerse en camino loc verb
  The family started for home.
  La familia emprendió el viaje a casa.
  La familia se puso en camino de vuelta a casa.
start vi (jerk) sobresaltarse⇒ v prnl
    estremecerse⇒ v prnl
  She started at the loud noise.
  Ella se sobresaltó por el fuerte ruido.
  Se estremeció por el fuerte ruido.
start vi (come into action) arrancar⇒ vi
  My car wouldn’t start.
  Mi auto no arranca.
start vi (protrude) salirse⇒ v prnl
  Her eyes started from their sockets at the news.
  Sus ojos se le salieron de sus cuencas por las noticias.
start vi (participate in an event) (deporte) jugar de titular loc verb
    hacer el debut loc verb
  The rookie hopes to start in the big game.
  El novato ansiaba jugar de titular en el gran juego.
  El novato quería hacer su debut en la liga profesional.
start vi (have as lowest level) empezar⇒ vtr
  Houses prices here start at around $200,000.
  Los precios de las casas aquí empiezan alrededor de los 200 000 $.
start [sth] vtr (establish) empezar⇒ vtr
    comenzar⇒ vtr
    iniciar⇒ vtr
  My grandfather started the family business.
  Mi abuelo empezó el negocio familiar.
  Mi abuelo comenzó el negocio familiar.
  Mi abuelo inició el negocio familiar.
start [sb] doing [sth] vtr (cause to do [sth]) hacer⇒ vtr
    incitar⇒ vtr
  Your words started me thinking.
  Tus palabras me han hecho pensar.
  Tus palabras me incitaron a pensar.
start [sb] vtr (sports: select [sb] to perform) poner de titular loc verb
  The manager started his best pitcher.
  El entrenador puso de titular a su mejor lanzador.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Locuciones verbales
start | START
Inglés Español
start after [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (begin chasing [sb/sth]) ir en busca de loc verb
start in vi phrasal informal (begin, commence) empezar⇒ vtr
    comenzar⇒ vtr
start off vi phrasal (begin [sth]) comenzar⇒, empezar⇒ vi
    iniciar⇒ vi
  The marathon runner started off at a slow pace.
  El corredor de maratones empezó con un ritmo lento.
start [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (cause to begin) empezar⇒ vtr
    comenzar⇒ vtr
  Tom and Stan had a big row today; I’m not sure what started it off.
  Tom y Stan se pelearon hoy, no sé qué lo empezó.
start off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (begin with) empezar con, comenzar con vtr + prep
  I think I will start off with an appetizer and then have a main dish.
  Creo que empezaré con un aperitivo y después pediré el plato principal.
start on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (begin attacking) encarar algo, acometer algo loc verb
  She started on carving the turkey with a vengeance.
  Encaró el ahuecado del pavo con ganas.
start on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (begin talking about) empezar a hablar de algo loc verb
  She started on again about her boyfriend, I’m tired of listening.
  Otra vez empezó a hablar de su novio, ya estoy cansada de escucharla.
    ponerse a hablar de algo loc verb
  Otra vez se puso a hablar de su novio, ya estoy cansada de escucharla.
start out vi phrasal (begin career) empezar⇒ vi
  His father owned the company so he didn’t have to start out in the mail room.
  Su padre era el propietario de la compañía así que no tuvo que empezar desde abajo al cargo del correo.
start out vi phrasal (begin) (figurado) comenzar⇒ vi
  Let’s start out by introducing ourselves.
  Comencemos por presentarnos.
start over vi phrasal (begin again) volver a empezar loc verb
  If it doesn’t look good when you finish, you need to start over — do it again.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Esto hay que ensayarlo bien, de modo que volvamos a empezar todo desde la primera escena.
    empezar de nuevo loc verb
  Si no queda bien cuando lo acabes, debes empezar de nuevo, hacerlo otra vez.
start [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (machine: switch on) prender⇒ vtr
    encender⇒ vtr
    arrancar⇒ vtr
    hacer arrancar loc verb
  Start up your computer and log in to the network.
  Prende la computadora e ingresa a tu sesión.
start [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (business: open, form) emprender⇒ vtr
    abrir⇒ vtr
  Melissa has started up a business from her home.
  Melissa emprendió un negocio desde su casa.
start [sth] up,
start [sth] up
vtr phrasal sep
(project: initiate) empezar⇒ vtr
    iniciar⇒ vtr
    arrancar⇒ vtr
    emprender⇒ vtr
  The village had no cricket club, so Mike decided to start one up.
  El pueblo no tenía un club de cricket, así que Mike decidió empezar uno.
   (formal) poner en marcha loc verb
    dar inicio loc verb
start up vi phrasal (new business: begin operating) empezar a operar loc verb
    ponerse en marcha loc verb
   (informal, tienda) abrir⇒ vi
  A new company is starting up in the area and they want to recruit local people.
  Una nueva compañía empezará a operar en el área y está contratando gente.
start up again vi phrasal + adv (recommence) volver a comenzar loc verb
  After ten minutes, the motor started up again.
  Después de diez minutos el motor volvió a comenzar.
    volver a empezar loc verb
  Después de diez minutos el motor volvió a empezar.
    ponerse en marcha de nuevo loc verb
  Después de diez minutos el motor se puso en marcha de nuevo.
   (motor, máquina) arrancar de nuevo loc verb
  Después de diez minutos el motor empezó de nuevo.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
start | START
Inglés Español
alarm bells start to ring,
warning bells start to sound
figurative, informal (you have misgivings about [sth]) ponerse en guardia loc verb
at the start expr (when [sth] begins) al principio expr
  At the start, learning to drive can be difficult.
  Al principio, aprender a conducir puede ser difícil.
bump start [sth] v expr (way to start a vehicle’s engine) hacer arrancar loc verb
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Por entonces los autos venían con una manivela para hacerlos arrancar.
early start n (rising early in the morning) madrugar⇒ vi
  I’m going to bed now, as I have an early start tomorrow.
  Me voy a dormir, porque mañana tengo que madrugar.
early start n (beginning before scheduled time) empezar temprano loc verb
  I went into work at eight so that I could get an early start.
  Fui a trabajar a las ocho así podía empezar temprano.
    inicio prematuro nm + adj
false start n (in a race) salida en falso loc nom f
flying start n (race: rapid beginning) buen comienzo adj + nm
flying start n figurative (favorable beginning) buen comienzo adj + nm
for a start adv informal (to begin with, in the first place) para empezar loc adv
  We’ll take names and phone numbers for a start, then later on we can get more details.
  Para empezar vamos a agarrar nombres y llamar, después podemos conseguir más detalles.
    por ahora loc adv
  Por ahora vamos a agarrar nombres y llamar, después podemos conseguir más detalles.
fresh start n (chance to begin anew) empezar de cero loc adv
  The child was moved to a different school to give him a fresh start.
  Al niño lo cambiaron de escuela para que pudiera empezar de nuevo.
   (coloquial) borrón y cuenta nueva loc nom m
  Al niño lo cambiaron de escuela para que pudiera hacer borrón y cuenta nueva.
    nuevo comienzo loc nom m
  Al niño lo cambiaron de escuela para que pudiera tener un nuevo comienzo.
    partir de cero loc verb
  Al niño lo cambiaron de escuela para que pudiera partir de cero.
    volver a empezar loc verb
  Al niño lo cambiaron de escuela para que pudiera volver a empezar.
from start to finish adv (all the way through) de principio a fin, desde el principio hasta el final loc adv
  He won the race, having been in the lead from start to finish.
  Ganó la carrera, habiendo estado en la punta de principio a fin.
from the start expr (since the beginning) desde el comienzo, desde el principio loc adv
get off to a good start v expr informal (begin well) tener un buen comienzo loc verb
  Our new employee has gotten off to a good start.
  Nuestro nuevo empleado ha tenido un buen comienzo.
    empezar con el pie derecho expr
  Nuestro nuevo empleado ha empezado con el pie derecho.
    empezar con buen pie expr
  Nuestro nuevo empleado ha empezado con buen pie.
get the ball rolling,
start the ball rolling
v expr
figurative (initiate [sth](empezar) poner manos a la obra, echar el balón a rodar loc verb
head start n (race: starting ahead) ventaja nf
  My little sister runs slowly, so I give her a head start.
  Mi hermanita corre más lento, por eso le di ventaja.
head start n figurative (advantage) ventaja nf
  His parents’ wealth gave him a head start in life.
  La fortuna de sus padres le dio ventaja en la vida.
jump-start [sth] vtr (vehicle: start with jumper cables) (vehículo) arrancar con pinzas loc verb
    arrancar conectando cables loc verb
kick-start [sth] vtr (motorcycle: start up) arrancar⇒ vtr
  Arrancó la moto y se marchó a toda velocidad.
kick-start [sth] vtr figurative (prompt, boost) hacer arrancar loc verb
kick-start n figurative (prompt, boost) arranque nm
make a fresh start v expr (begin anew) empezar de nuevo loc verb
make a start v expr (begin) empezar⇒, comenzar⇒ vtr
be off to a good start v expr informal (have begun well) empezar con buen pie, comenzar con buen pie loc verb
    empezar bien, comenzar bien vi + adv
running start n figurative (initial advantage) posición ventajosa nf + adj
  Because Mason knew the new job was going to be posted today, he had a running start on the other candidates.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Esa información lo ponía en posición ventajosa con respecto a los demás candidatos.
smooth start n informal (easy or unproblematic beginning) comienzo fácil nm + adj
    comienzo sin contratiempos grupo nom
standing start n (from standing position) (carrera) punto cero loc adj
  The runners set off from a standing start.
  Los corredores salieron del punto cero.
standing start n (from being stationary) salida desde punto cero nf + loc prep
start afresh,
begin afresh
vi + adv
(begin again) empezar de nuevo loc verb
    comenzar de cero loc verb
start [sth] afresh,
begin [sth] afresh
vtr + adv
(begin again) empezar de nuevo loc verb
    comenzar de cero loc verb
start back vi + adv (begin to return) empezar a volver loc verb
    ir volviendo loc verb
  It will only take us half an hour to walk home, but it’s getting dark, so maybe we’d better start back.
start off by doing [sth] v expr (do first) empezar algo por loc verb
    comenzar algo por loc verb
start [sth] off with [sth] v expr informal (begin with) empezar algo con loc verb
    comenzar algo con loc verb
  I like to start my day off with a three-mile run.
  Me gusta empezar el día corriendo tres millas.
start proceedings v expr (initiate legal action) iniciar acciones legales loc verb
  En ese caso nos veremos obligados a iniciar acciones legales.
    iniciar procedimiento loc verb
  Por la presente, se inicia procedimiento de embargo de…
start [sth] up again v expr (machine: reactivate) (máquina) reactivar⇒ vtr
    reiniciar⇒ vtr
   (máquina) volver a activar loc verb
   (vehículo) volver a arrancar loc verb
start with a clean slate,
also UK: start with a clean sheet
v expr
figurative (be allowed a fresh start) empezar de cero, empezar desde cero expr
start-stop adj (erratic) vacilante adj
also UK: start-up
(computing: switching on) encendido nm
    puesta en marcha loc nom f
  You should check which programs run automatically at startup.
  Puedes comprobar qué programas se inician automáticamente con el encendido.
also UK: start-up
(machine: activation) arranque nm
    activación nf
  The machine makes an odd sound on startup.
  La máquina hace un ruido raro en el arranque.
startup company,
also UK: start-up,
start-up company
(new business) (voz inglesa) startup nf
    empresa emergente nf + adj mf
  Kirsten quit her job at a software company to join a startup. Most start-up businesses fail within the first two years.
  Kristen renunció a su empleo en una compañía de software para unirse a una startup.
also UK: start-up
n as adj
(relating to starting) inicial adj mf
  The entrepreneurs arranged a meeting with the bank to secure their startup capital.
startup business (US),
start-up business (UK)
n as adj
(new business) nuevo/a va adj
startup costs (US),
start-up costs (UK)
(for a new business) costos de iniciación nmpl + loc adj
    gastos de iniciación nmpl + loc adj
with a start adv (with a surprised jolt or jump) con un sobresalto loc adv

If you’d like to say the word “start” in Spanish, you’d generally use a conjugation of the verb “comenzar.” That said, there are synonyms—such as

  • empezar
  • iniciar
  • emprender

that may be more appropriate for what you’re trying to communicate.

As tricky as Spanish verbs may seem, getting a hold on Spanish can feel fairly natural for many new learners—especially if you already speak another “romance language” (such as French or Italian) or if you have had exposure to even the basics of Spanish. Plus, because Spanish, English, Italian, and French share such deep Latin roots, they have a ton of vocabulary in common. That’s why you can easily find English words like “music” that look almost identical and sound remarkably similar in French (musique), Italian (musica), and Spanish (música).

Aside from all the similarities in spelling and vocabulary, the Spanish language has a wonderfully clear and consistent system of pronunciation when compared to English. Unlike with English, there are only a few irregularities. But perhaps best of all is that the standard Spanish alphabet is a near-perfect match to English, with only three additional letters you’ll need to learn: ch (chay), ll (elle), and ñ (eñe).

Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Immersion® methodology teaches you the language, not just the words. What makes it so effective is that we prepare you to use your new language in your everyday life. So, it’s not just about the features, but what you’re able to do because of them. That way, you’ll be ready to handle situations with ease and confidence.

Learn Spanish Words and Phrases

For many people, the reason to learn Spanish is that they frequently encounter the language in their everyday life. This makes sense, given that Spanish is commonly spoken throughout the U.S. It’s often heard in movies, on TV, in music, and in restaurants. For other people, the decision to learn Spanish is based on plans to do business, vacation, or volunteer in one of the 20 countries around the world where Spanish is the official language. So whatever your reasons, you can get off to a strong start by first learning basic Spanish words and their pronunciation. Starting here will help you learn to understand and be understood in everyday conversations with any of the 437 million Spanish speakers around the globe.

Unfortunately, some new learners get caught up in trying to memorize long lists of Spanish vocabulary words and phrases. These new learners soon become frustrated when they find themselves unable to participate in everyday Spanish conversations. That’s why it’s advisable to focus on the basic and commonly used Spanish words and pronunciation. This proven approach to language learning will help you develop the skills to comfortably engage in everyday, real-world conversations in Spanish.

Note: Spanish does have some characteristics that can make proper pronunciation of some words a bit challenging for new learners. As one example, the letter r is pronounced differently and takes some practice for most new learners. This distinct sound is formed by tapping the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth, about a third of the way back in the mouth. Some Spanish-language experts counsel new learners to practice making the “tt” sound, as it sounds in the English word butter.

Improving your Spanish pronunciation requires that you receive precise and immediate feedback on your efforts to speak Spanish. Rosetta Stone helps you dial-in your pronunciation with our TruAccent™ speech engine. TruAccent compares your voice to native and non-native speakers—in real-time—so you get the feedback you need for the most accurate pronunciation. It’s also adjustable, which allows you to tweak your accent as needed. TruAccent is a powerful tool for helping you learn and speak the Spanish language.

Once beginners have learned basic and frequently used Spanish words, short phrases, and their proper pronunciation, they will be able to move onto learning the longer phrases that make up much of everyday Spanish conversation. Every one of Rosetta Stone’s 10-minute lessons is designed to help you learn in just this way—first teaching basic words and short phrases, then teaching longer phrases, and always emphasizing proper pronunciation. Rosetta Stone language lessons can help you develop the skills to understand and be understood in Spanish with confidence.

Try Our Award-Winning App

Surround yourself with Spanish whenever, wherever with the Rosetta Stone app .

Download a unit and knock it out on the train or a flight. Select a 5-10 minute lesson and sneak it in while you wait in line or for your ride to show up. And explore dynamic features, like Seek and Speak, where you can point at an object in the real world and get a translation .

The best part? You don’t have to choose between app or desktop. Both come with your subscription and sync, so you can switch between devices seamlessly.

Rosetta Stone

Built by experts, Rosetta Stone has been the leading language learning platform for 30 years. Through carefully scaffolded lessons, you can learn language immersively with the exact pacing you need to feel conversation ready. Whatever your reason for learning a language, Rosetta Stone helps you experience the joy of making meaningful connections with the world around you.

So let’s take a step back and, uh, start again.

context icon

Así que demos un paso hacia atrás y, uh, empecemos otra vez.

Let’s reset the odometer to zero and start to count the kilometres of 2015.


context icon

Pongamos los ciclocomputadores a cero y empecemos la cuenta del 2015.


All right, uh, start reading chapter two, kids.

context icon

Muy bien, UH, START LECTURA capítulo dos, KIDS.

For several start/stops it is recommend to use the PTC input.


context icon

Para varios arranques/paros se recomienda usar la entrada PTC.


How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop.


context icon



Press the Start/Pause button to pause the washer.


context icon

Pulse el botón INICIO/PAUSA para dejar la lavadora en pausa.


Press the Start/Pause button.


context icon

Pulse el botón INICIO/PAUSE Start/Pause.


The first time you start the RsPi, the raspi-config utility will auto-run.


context icon

La primera vez que arranques la RsPi se autoejecutará la utilidad raspi-config.


There is no track registered to the selected hot start button.


context icon

No hay ninguna pista registrada en el botón HOT START seleccionado.


After closing oven door, press Start.


context icon

Después de cerrar la puerta del horno,

debe pulsar el botón INICIO.


The third element of the program package is Start Plus see para. 229 below.


context icon

La tercera sección del programa es START Plus véase el párrafo 229.


Turn the dial on the backguard to the desired setting and press start.


context icon

Gire la perilla en la consola trasera a la posición deseada y oprima START.


When are you going to grow up and start behaving like a man?

context icon

¿Cuándo empezarás a madurar y comenzarás a comportarte como un hombre?

context icon

When did you see start seeing a halo round his head?

context icon

¿Cuándo empezaste a ver un halo alrededor de su cabeza?

context icon

Gentlemen, start your engines.

context icon

Shasco suggested we start here, because you’re their biggest supplier.

context icon

Shasco sugirió que empezáramos aquí, ya que Uds. son su mayor distribuidor.

Start solving the problem. SOLV.


Megs and Patrick start their infusions before the end of this month.

context icon

Megas y Patrick iniciarán sus infusiones antes de terminar este mes.

context icon

context icon

Just start on those, okay?

context icon

You seem to have made a pretty good start.

context icon

If you don’t, you better start thinking about this game right now.

context icon

Si no queréis, mejor que empecéis a pensar en el partido ya.

context icon

Iniciaré la búsqueda. Voy con un equipo de la UAT.

Start by strolling up the Calle Marques de Larios.


Then start digging. With what?

Sometimes I feel my head start to turn around, or hear myself scream.

context icon

A veces sentía que la cabeza empezaba a girar, o me oía gritar.

Results: 82464,
Time: 0.0754

Delayed the next day start time.

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You can execute the program from the start menu.

Usted puede ejecutar el programa desde el menú de inicio.

What would you like to start with?

¿Con qué quisiera empezar?

Did it just start?

¿Acaba de empezar?

Once we arrange the import permits, we’ll start advertising.

Una vez arreglados los permisos de importación, empezaremos a hacer la propaganda.

That’s all right but, when do I start?

Está bien, pero ¿cuándo empiezo?

It must not start now. Don’t start now.

No debe comenzar ahora. No comiences ahora.

to start working

ponerse a trabajar

Did the shortness of breath start suddenly?

¿Empezó con la falta de aire de repente?

Tomorrow I’ll start a new life.

Mañana empiezo una nueva vida.

Did you try to start a conversation?

¿Intentaste entablar conversación ?

When did you start?

¿Cuándo empezaste?

Why don’t we start the tour seeing the elephants?

¿Por qué no empezamos el recorrido viendo los elefantes?

Where did the fire start?

¿En dónde empezó el fuego?

They start it now.

Lo comienzan ahora.

Don’t start complaining before it’s time.

No empieces a quejarte antes de tiempo.

You’ll start working today.

Empezará Ud. a trabajar hoy mismo.

When did you start getting short of breath?

¿Cuándo empezó a sentir falta de aire?

The architects who we spoke to are going to start tomorrow.

Los arquitectos con quienes hablamos van a empezar mañana.

Did the shortness of breath start little by little?

¿Empezó la falta de aire poco a poco?

The time has come to start working life.

Ha llegado el momento de incorporarse a la vida activa.

That is where we should all start.

Todos deberíamos comenzar por ahí.

This is where we should start.

Este debe ser nuestro punto de partida.

But where should we start?

¿Dónde podemos hacerlo?

Do you start with the economic or do you start with the social?

¿Quieren empezar con lo económico o con lo social?

It is only a start, but a good start all the same.

Es un principio, pero un buen principio.

When you want unity, you do not start, nor should you start with what divides you; you start with what unites you.

Cuando se desea unidad, no se empieza, no se debe empezar, por aquello que divide, sino por aquello que une.

With what targets are we to start?

¿Con qué metas debemos empezar?

Before the start of the vote

Antes del comienzo de la votación

It is a false start.

Ha sido un punto de partida equivocado.

There are the plasticisers to start with.

En primer lugar, nos encontramos con los ablandadores.

That, at least, is a start.

Esto ya es un comienzo.

We should not start by being petty.

De momento no nos preocupemos por nimiedades.

And there we are only at the start of the debate.

Y aquí nos encontramos al principio del debate.

Before the start of the vote.

Antes del inicio de la votación.

Before the start of the vote

Antes del inicio de la votación.

That is at least a start.

Es un comienzo.

That is where that discussion should start.

El debate debe partir de este punto.

However, we have to start from where we are.

Sin embargo, debemos empezar a partir de donde nos encontramos.

This is at best a start.

En el mejor de los casos, se trata de un comienzo.

Only then could negotiations start.

Solo entonces podrán iniciarse las negociaciones.

That is a good start.

Ese es un buen comienzo.

That is a good start!

¡Esto es un buen comienzo!

That is a good start!

¡Esto es un buen comienzo!

That is where we must start.

Por ahí es por donde debemos empezar.

That would be a good start.

Esto sería un buen comienzo.

That is where we must start.

Ahí es donde debemos empezar.

This is a bad start.

Es un mal comienzo.

It is just a start.

Solo es el comienzo.

That would be a very good start.

Sería un muy buen comienzo.

That was a good start.

Esto ha sido un buen comienzo.

That is just a start.

Eso es sólo el comienzo.

How did the crisis start?

¿Cómo empezó esta crisis?

The ‘no’ to start with and then the ‘yes’.

Primero el «no» y luego el «sí».

But that is all just the start.

Pero todo esto sólo es el comienzo.

But thank you for the start.

Pero gracias por el comienzo.

Of course, this is only a start.

Como es obvio, esto es tan solo el comienzo.

We did not start the debate.

Nosotros no comenzamos el debate.

That is where we must start.

Por ahí es por donde debemos comenzar.

But we cannot start with those things.

Sin embargo, no podemos empezar por ahí.

It was not easy at the start.

Al comienzo no fue fácil.

This was at the start of the disease.

Ese fue el punto de partida.

It is a bad start.

Es un mal comienzo.

So this is a good start.

Esto es un buen comienzo.

It was difficult at the start.

El comienzo, de todas formas, fue difícil.

This is nevertheless a start.

Sea como fuere, se trata de un punto de partida.

It is a start, but it is not the end.

Es el inicio, esto no representa el fin.

That is a bad start.

Esto empieza mal.

There was no need to start this debate at the time it did start.

No había necesidad de iniciar este debate a la hora en que ha empezado.

It’s a start, one could say, but it could have been and should have been a more resounding start.

Se podrá decir que no es más que un principio, pero hubiera podido y hubiera debido ser más espectacular.

[ view all sentence pairs ]


 — to initiate, to begin 


 — to provoke, to cause, to provoke, to pique 


 — to cause, to provoke, to arouse 

 (de viaje, etc.)
— to go out, to come out, to get out, to set out, to leave, to depart, to appear, to project, to stick out, to cost, to come to, to turn out, to prove, to come up, to occur 


 — to found, to establish, to base 


 — to mount, to set up, to establish, to assemble, to put together, to edit (a film), to stage, to put on (a show), to cock (a gun) 


 — to establish, to found, to set up 

 (dícese de un motor)
— to pull out, to tear out, to start an engine, (figurative) to jump start, to pick, to pluck (a flower), to get going, to start (an engine), to boot (a computer) 


 — to pull out, to tear out, to start an engine, (figurative) to jump start, to pick, to pluck (a flower), to get going, to start (an engine), to boot (a computer) 


 — to light, to light, to set fire to, to switch on, to start (a motor), to arouse, to kindle 


empezar, comenzar, iniciar

We’ll be starting (the session) at six o’clock.
Comenzaremos (la sesión) a las seis.

[ + to infinitive ] I’d just started to write a letter when the phone rang.
Acababa de empezar a escribir una carta cuando sonó el teléfono.

abrir, fundar

She started her own software company.
Fundó su propia empresa de software.

empezar, comenzar

Police believe the fire was started by arsonists.

empezar, comenzar

The speaker started with a description of her journey to China.
La conferenciante comenzó con una descripción de su viaje a China.

Give me your answers one by one, starting with Lucy.
Dadme las respuestas uno a uno, empezando por Lucy.

You could start by weeding the flowerbeds.

 get started

empezar, comenzar

When can we get started?
¿Cuándo podemos empezar?

 start something

buscar pelea

You could tell the guy wanted to start something, so we just walked away.
Se veía que el tío estaba buscando pelea, por lo que me largué.

 start work

comenzar a trabajar

He started work at 16 in a bakery.
Comenzó a trabajar a los 16 en una panadería.

More examplesFewer examples
  • He started as an actor, making his debut as a director in 1990.
  • As soon as the war started, any broadcasts with a military theme were taken off the air.
  • People have started to gossip about us.
  • The party had hardly started when she left.
  • Halfway through the meeting my mind started to wander.


Phrasal verbs


principio, comienzo

We were doubtful about the product’s usefulness from the start.
Desde el principio dudamos de la utilidad del producto.

The weather was good at the start (= in the first part) of the week.

principio, comienzo

We need to make a start on (preparing) the brochure next week.
Tenemos que empezar (a preparar) el folleto la semana que viene.

More examplesFewer examples
  • I was standing near her at the start of the race.
  • I was so optimistic at the start of the year.
  • At the start of the film I was a bit sceptical.
  • We’ve made a good start on decorating the living room.
  • I’m going to make a start on sorting out these boxes.

Translation of start | GLOBAL English–Spanish Dictionary


Everyone started talking at the same time.
Todos empezaron a hablar al mismo tiempo.

The dog started to bark.
El perro comenzó a ladrar.

If we start now, we’ll be done before lunch.
Si empezamos ahora, habremos terminado antes de comer.

I start my new job next week.
Emperzaré mi nuevo trabajo la próxima semana.


It started to rain.
Empezó a llover.



I’m thinking of starting my own company.
Estoy pensando en formar mi propia empresa.

She starts school next week.
Ella empieza el colegio la próxima semana.



He started his presentation with some statistics.
Comenzó su presentación con algunas estadísticas.

Eating a healthy breakfast is a good way to start the day.
Comer un desayuno saludable es una buena forma de empezar el día.




The lawnmower wouldn’t start.
El cortacésped no se encendía.

 to start with

para empezar

We’ll have champagne to start with.
Para empezar tomaremos champán.

en primer lugar

To start with, he’s never on time.
En primer lugar, él nunca llega a tiempo.

 for a start

para empezar

For a start, you shouldn’t have left without telling me.
Para empezar, no deberías haberte ido sin decírmelo.

 make a start


We’ll make a start on the housework.
Vamos a comenzar con las tareas domésticas.

Examples of start


The joint technological initiatives, after a shaky start, are making a really positive difference in terms of the recognition of industrial needs.

Las iniciativas tecnológicas conjuntas, tras un comienzo flojo, están influyendo muy positivamente en el reconocimiento de las necesidades industriales.

The joint technological initiatives, after a shaky start, are making a really positive difference in terms of the recognition of industrial needs.

Las iniciativas tecnológicas conjuntas, tras un comienzo flojo, están influyendo muy positivamente en el reconocimiento de las necesidades industriales.

We call this the starting line principle.

Llamamos a esto el principio de la línea de salida.

We call this the starting line principle.

Llamamos a esto el principio de la línea de salida.

In the agenda, you refer to new forms of employment contract with fewer rights for employees who are just starting their careers.

En la agenda, mencionan nuevas formas de contratos de trabajo con menos derechos para los trabajadores que están empezando sus carreras.

In the agenda, you refer to new forms of employment contract with fewer rights for employees who are just starting their careers.

En la agenda, mencionan nuevas formas de contratos de trabajo con menos derechos para los trabajadores que están empezando sus carreras.

Other large countries would then be suspect from the very start.

Entonces otros grandes países serían sospechosos desde el principio.

Other large countries would then be suspect from the very start.

Entonces otros grandes países serían sospechosos desde el principio.

Perhaps the programme is narrower than we had originally planned but let us get it started now, and then we can review the situation later.

Quizá el programa tenga menos ámbito de lo que habíamos previsto en principio, pero lo mejor es ponerlo ahora en marcha y ver más adelante lo que procede hacer.

Perhaps the programme is narrower than we had originally planned but let us get it started now, and then we can review the situation later.

Quizá el programa tenga menos ámbito de lo que habíamos previsto en principio, pero lo mejor es ponerlo ahora en marcha y ver más adelante lo que procede hacer.

In this case we are going to set a single starting line, but not necessarily a single finishing line.

Aquí vamos a fijar una misma línea de salida, lo cual no quiere decir una misma línea de llegada.

In this case we are going to set a single starting line, but not necessarily a single finishing line.

Aquí vamos a fijar una misma línea de salida, lo cual no quiere decir una misma línea de llegada.

This is where we have to start looking very seriously at what that means in various contexts.

Es por donde debemos empezar a analizar muy seriamente lo que significa en los distintos contextos.

This is where we have to start looking very seriously at what that means in various contexts.

Es por donde debemos empezar a analizar muy seriamente lo que significa en los distintos contextos.

It is very important that all of its old familiar aspects, such as ceilings and adequate margins, are respected right from the start.

Es muy importante que todos sus antiguos aspectos que todos conocemos, como los límites y los márgenes adecuados, se respeten desde un principio.

It is very important that all of its old familiar aspects, such as ceilings and adequate margins, are respected right from the start.

Es muy importante que todos sus antiguos aspectos que todos conocemos, como los límites y los márgenes adecuados, se respeten desde un principio.

We are behaving like participants in a pyramid scheme, who see that the base of the pyramid is starting to stagnate.

Nos estamos comportando como si fuésemos miembros de uno de esos esquemas piramidales que observan como la base de la pirámide se está empezando a estancar.

We are behaving like participants in a pyramid scheme, who see that the base of the pyramid is starting to stagnate.

Nos estamos comportando como si fuésemos miembros de uno de esos esquemas piramidales que observan como la base de la pirámide se está empezando a estancar.

You do not change the rules during the game but before it starts.

No se cambian las reglas durante el partido, sino al principio.

You do not change the rules during the game but before it starts.

No se cambian las reglas durante el partido, sino al principio.

At the start of the strike, police attacked workers with tear gas and water cannon.

Al comienzo de la huelga, la policía atacó a los trabajadores con gases lacrimógenos y cañones de agua.

At the start of the strike, police attacked workers with tear gas and water cannon.

Al comienzo de la huelga, la policía atacó a los trabajadores con gases lacrimógenos y cañones de agua.

Thanks to this law, countries facing emergency situations on immigration will finally start to feel that they are no longer completely on their own.

Gracias a esta normativa, los países que afrontan situaciones de emergencia relacionadas con la inmigración empiezan a sentir por fin que ya no están del todo solos.

Thanks to this law, countries facing emergency situations on immigration will finally start to feel that they are no longer completely on their own.

Gracias a esta normativa, los países que afrontan situaciones de emergencia relacionadas con la inmigración empiezan a sentir por fin que ya no están del todo solos.

The campaign has started and anyone who disagrees with him needs to keep their mouths shut.

La campaña ha empezado y todo aquél que no esté de acuerdo con él tiene que ser acallado.

The campaign has started and anyone who disagrees with him needs to keep their mouths shut.

La campaña ha empezado y todo aquél que no esté de acuerdo con él tiene que ser acallado.

Many regions in our countries are undergoing the start of this process.

Muchas regiones de nuestras naciones sufren el comienzo de este proceso.

Many regions in our countries are undergoing the start of this process.

Muchas regiones de nuestras naciones sufren el comienzo de este proceso.

It tabled noteworthy proposals and abandoned many of its objectives right from the start of the round.

Presentó propuestas notables y renunció a muchos de sus objetivos desde el principio de la ronda.

It tabled noteworthy proposals and abandoned many of its objectives right from the start of the round.

Presentó propuestas notables y renunció a muchos de sus objetivos desde el principio de la ronda.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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