The word stable in a sentence

стабильный, устойчивый, конюшня, хлев, стойло, манеж, ставить в конюшню


- устойчивый, стабильный, постоянный; установившийся

stable equilibrium — устойчивое равновесие
stable running — ровный ход
I want a stable job — мне нужна постоянная работа /штатная должность/

- твёрдый, непоколебимый; целенаправленный
- прочный, устойчивый, крепкий

stable foundation [position] — прочный фундамент [-ое положение]
stable peace — прочный мир


- конюшня
- хлев, стойло, закут

stable fattening — с.-х. станковый откорм
stable system — с.-х. стойловое содержание (скота)
stable climate — с.-х. микроклимат животноводческого помещения

- пренебр. хлев (о запущенном помещении)
- конюшня, беговые лошади, принадлежащие одному владельцу
- манеж
- владельцы конюшни; обслуживающий персонал конюшни
- группа под единым началом; группа спортсменов, руководимая одним менеджером; художники, актёры, зависящие от одного агента и т. п.
- прост. орава, орда, выводок

a comedian keeps a stable of gag writers — при комике всегда состоит орава сочинителей реприз /острот/

- организация с филиалами

a stable of publication — издательство, выпускающее несколько журналов, газет и т. п.

- pl. воен. дежурство по конюшне

to be out of the same stable — принадлежать к одному кругу (особ. привилегированному)
stable push — сл. информация из первых рук


- ставить, помещать в конюшню

we can stable three horses — мы можем поставить у нас трёх лошадей

- содержаться в конюшне
- размещаться, располагаться

Мои примеры


an excitable child who needs a stable home life — впечатлительный ребёнок, который нуждается в стабильной семейной жизни  
stable improvement — стойкое улучшение  
stable from inside — устойчивый изнутри  
stable prices — стабильные цены  
remount stable — конюшня для ремонтных лошадей  
stable foundation — крепкий фундамент  
stable result — неизменный результат  
stable custom — установившийся обычай  
to stable the horses — ставить лошадей в конюшню  
stable in the sense of — устойчивый по  
stable birthrate — постоянное значение коэффициента рождаемости  

Примеры с переводом

Where do you stable your horses?

Где вы ставите своих лошадей? (Где у них стойло / конюшня?)

They have a stable relationship.

У них крепкие отношения.

Make sure the platform is stable.

Убедитесь в том, что помост устойчив.

He was clearly not a very stable person.

Это был явно не очень уравновешенный человек.

She rode the horse back to the stable.

Она повернула лошадь обратно в конюшню.

Take the horse to the stable, and slack his girths.

Отведи лошадь в конюшню и ослабь подпругу.

We heard the horses neighing in the stable.

Мы услышали, как в конюшне ржут лошади.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Conditions after the 1905 revolution were propitious for stable development.

…the keep of the stable is mainly left to the two equine-loving daughters…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

stabling  — конюшня
unstable  — неустойчивый, непостоянный, нестойкий, неуравновешенный, изменчивый, нетвердый
instable  — нестабильный, неустойчивый, непостоянный
stabler  — владелец конюшни

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: stable
he/she/it: stables
ing ф. (present participle): stabling
2-я ф. (past tense): stabled
3-я ф. (past participle): stabled

ед. ч.(singular): stable
мн. ч.(plural): stables

Synonym: barn, established, firm, secure, settled, sound, steadfast, steady. Similar words: table, notable, tableau, establish, portable, suitable, vegetable, palatable. Meaning: [‘steɪbl]  n. a farm building for housing horses or other livestock. v. shelter in a stable. adj. 1. resistant to change of position or condition 2. firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation 3. not taking part readily in chemical change 4. maintaining equilibrium 5. showing little if any change. 

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1. Lock the stable door before the steed is stolen. 

2. It is too late to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen. 

3. When the horse is stolen, (you) lock the stable door. 

4. It’s no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. 

5. It is too late to shut the stable door after the horse has been stolen. 

6. It is too late to shut the stable door when the steed is stolen. 

7. It is too late to lock the stable door when the horse is stolen. 

8. Make sure the tripod is stable.

9. She led the horse back into the stable.

10. The patient’s condition is stable .

11. Markets are flourishing and prices are stable.

12. The satellite is now in a stable orbit.

13. We need a stable government.

13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

14. This ladder doesn’t seem very stable.

15. The situation in the country has remained relatively stable for a few months now.

16. A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.

17. There are two horses in the stable, eating their heads off and doing no work.

18. If the foundations of the house aren’t stable, collapse is possible.

19. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.

20. The prices of the commodities are quite stable this year.

21. The injured man was in a stable condition.

22. Where do you stable your pony?

23. The stable is a mile away.

24. He littered the stable with fresh straw.

25. The horse was led back to its stable.

26. A man is not a horse because he was born in a stable

27. Put a book under the table to keep it stable.

28. The mare has just thrown a foal in the stable.

29. A wide base will make the structure much more stable.

30. He was not married, but he was in a stable relationship.

More similar words: table, notable, tableau, establish, portable, suitable, vegetable, palatable, timetable, equitable, comfortable, immutable, adaptable, debatable, veritable, on the table, irritable, inimitable, tablespoon, hospitable, delectable, creditable, acceptable, inevitable, profitable, unbeatable, irrefutable, uncomfortable, inscrutable, respectable. 

Definition of Stable

the human state of being balanced, sensible, and sane

Examples of Stable in a sentence

The Joker from Batman is not a stable individual in any way.


Someone who laughs maniacally when plotting world domination is probably not stable.


If you can handle stress and trouble without a nervous breakdown, you are a stable person.


People with multiple personalities are likely not stable.


A sane man reacts to thing in life in a completely normal, regular way.


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Asked by: Prof. Roderick Upton DVM

Score: 5/5
(17 votes)

Stable sentence example

  1. I think a few days cleaning in the stable would pay for it. …
  2. I’ll go stable the horse. …
  3. They need markets to sell goods in and stable currencies. …
  4. The stable manure is taken into the tortuous passages of these cellars, and the spawn introduced from masses of dry dung where it occurs naturally.

What is a good sentence for stable?

Noun She rode the horse back to the stable. There have been three winners from his stable this season. A new model will be added to the car company’s stable of sedans.

What is an example of stable?

The definition of stable is something steady that is not prone to change, someone who is level headed and who isn’t subject to wild swings of emotion. An example of stable is a product that has a steady and unchanging price. An example of stable is a person who has a good handle on her life and her emotions.

How do you use stability in a sentence?

Stability in a Sentence ?

  1. A building needs a foundation with enough stability to support its weight.
  2. If you have enough money to pay all of your bills you have financial stability.
  3. If your life is routine and doesn’t change often, you experience stability every day.

What does keep stable mean?

Word forms: stabler, stablest, stables. adjective. If something is stable, it is not likely to change or come to an end suddenly. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of the year. Synonyms: secure, lasting, strong, sound More Synonyms of stable.

35 related questions found

What is a stable used for?

A stable is a building in which livestock, especially horses, are kept. It most commonly means a building that is divided into separate stalls for individual animals and livestock.

What is another meaning of stable?

Some common synonyms of stable are durable, lasting, and permanent. While all these words mean «enduring for so long as to seem fixed or established,» stable implies lastingness because of resistance to being overturned or displaced.

What is stability in a sentence?

the quality of being enduring and free from change or variation. 1. The policy should bring greater monetary stability to the country. 2.

How would you describe a stable?

1 fixed, strong, sturdy. 4 invariable, unvarying, staunch, constant, reliable, steady, solid.

How do I get stable in my life?


  1. Make stability a top priority. Commit yourself to consistency. …
  2. Establish a routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. …
  3. Limit your alcohol. …
  4. Live within your financial means. …
  5. Don’t overreact. …
  6. Find stable friends. …
  7. Get help making decisions. …
  8. End a bad relationship.

What is stability example?

Stability is the state of being resistant to change and not prone to wild fluctuations in emotion. An example of stability is a calm, stable life where you don’t have wild ups and downs. … (roman catholic church) A vow committing a Benedictine monk to one monastery for life.

How do you use the word stable?

He was not married, but he was in a stable relationship.

  1. Make sure the tripod is stable.
  2. She led the horse back into the stable.
  3. The patient’s condition is stable .
  4. Markets are flourishing and prices are stable.
  5. The satellite is now in a stable orbit.
  6. We need a stable government.
  7. This ladder doesn’t seem very stable.

What is a stability?

1 : the quality, state, or degree of being stable: such as. a : the strength to stand or endure : firmness. b : the property of a body that causes it when disturbed from a condition of equilibrium or steady motion to develop forces or moments that restore the original condition.

Is stable a place or thing?

You can describe a government as stable, or a relationship, or a desk. A completely different meaning of stable is the noun «building used for housing horses or other animals.» Both senses of the word come from the Latin stabilis, «firm or steadfast.»

What is the verb of stability?

stabilize. (transitive) To make stable. (intransitive) To become stable.

Do you mean by stable?

stable adjective (FIXED)

firmly fixed or not likely to move or change: Don’t climb the ladder until you’re sure it’s stable. She’s in the hospital in stable condition.

What makes something stable?

A structure is stable if its centre of gravity lies above its base. An object is unstable when its centre of gravity lies outside its base. In other words, an object is unstable if a line drawn between its centre of gravity and the centre of the Earth does not pass through its base.

What’s a stable relationship?

«A stable relationship is a relationship that is built upon loyalty, trust, safety and consistency,» licensed marriage and family therapist Christie Tcharkhoutian, a matchmaker at Three Day Rule, tells Bustle. … Here are a few ways experts say your relationship will stay strong, even if things are rough right now.

How do you use aggravate in a sentence?

Aggravating sentence example

The kings, for their part, sought protection in craft, treachery and cruelty, and only succeeded in aggravating the situation. One case is particularly aggravating , viz. He is now a year and a half and has some behavioral issues that are quite aggravating .

What is a political stability?

When we talk about political stability in the context of growth, leaving aside resource-driven bubbles, we mean a specific kind of stability: the rule of law, strong institutions rather than powerful individuals, an efficient bureaucracy, low corruption and an investment enabling business climate.

How can we say that the body is stable?

… equilibrium is said to be stable if small, externally induced displacements from that state produce forces that tend to oppose the displacement and return the body or particle to the equilibrium state. Examples include a weight suspended by a spring or a brick lying on a level surface.

What’s the opposite word for stable?

The adjective unstable means the opposite of stable.

Is a stable a building?

Generally speaking, a stable is a timber building that is used to house horses. A barn is also usually made of timber, but it is most often used to keep livestock, or to store machinery or equipment.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Prof. Roderick Upton DVM

Score: 5/5
(17 votes)

Stable sentence example

  1. I think a few days cleaning in the stable would pay for it. …
  2. I’ll go stable the horse. …
  3. They need markets to sell goods in and stable currencies. …
  4. The stable manure is taken into the tortuous passages of these cellars, and the spawn introduced from masses of dry dung where it occurs naturally.

What is a good sentence for stable?

Noun She rode the horse back to the stable. There have been three winners from his stable this season. A new model will be added to the car company’s stable of sedans.

What is an example of stable?

The definition of stable is something steady that is not prone to change, someone who is level headed and who isn’t subject to wild swings of emotion. An example of stable is a product that has a steady and unchanging price. An example of stable is a person who has a good handle on her life and her emotions.

How do you use stability in a sentence?

Stability in a Sentence ?

  1. A building needs a foundation with enough stability to support its weight.
  2. If you have enough money to pay all of your bills you have financial stability.
  3. If your life is routine and doesn’t change often, you experience stability every day.

What does keep stable mean?

Word forms: stabler, stablest, stables. adjective. If something is stable, it is not likely to change or come to an end suddenly. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of the year. Synonyms: secure, lasting, strong, sound More Synonyms of stable.

35 related questions found

What is a stable used for?

A stable is a building in which livestock, especially horses, are kept. It most commonly means a building that is divided into separate stalls for individual animals and livestock.

What is another meaning of stable?

Some common synonyms of stable are durable, lasting, and permanent. While all these words mean «enduring for so long as to seem fixed or established,» stable implies lastingness because of resistance to being overturned or displaced.

What is stability in a sentence?

the quality of being enduring and free from change or variation. 1. The policy should bring greater monetary stability to the country. 2.

How would you describe a stable?

1 fixed, strong, sturdy. 4 invariable, unvarying, staunch, constant, reliable, steady, solid.

How do I get stable in my life?


  1. Make stability a top priority. Commit yourself to consistency. …
  2. Establish a routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. …
  3. Limit your alcohol. …
  4. Live within your financial means. …
  5. Don’t overreact. …
  6. Find stable friends. …
  7. Get help making decisions. …
  8. End a bad relationship.

What is stability example?

Stability is the state of being resistant to change and not prone to wild fluctuations in emotion. An example of stability is a calm, stable life where you don’t have wild ups and downs. … (roman catholic church) A vow committing a Benedictine monk to one monastery for life.

How do you use the word stable?

He was not married, but he was in a stable relationship.

  1. Make sure the tripod is stable.
  2. She led the horse back into the stable.
  3. The patient’s condition is stable .
  4. Markets are flourishing and prices are stable.
  5. The satellite is now in a stable orbit.
  6. We need a stable government.
  7. This ladder doesn’t seem very stable.

What is a stability?

1 : the quality, state, or degree of being stable: such as. a : the strength to stand or endure : firmness. b : the property of a body that causes it when disturbed from a condition of equilibrium or steady motion to develop forces or moments that restore the original condition.

Is stable a place or thing?

You can describe a government as stable, or a relationship, or a desk. A completely different meaning of stable is the noun «building used for housing horses or other animals.» Both senses of the word come from the Latin stabilis, «firm or steadfast.»

What is the verb of stability?

stabilize. (transitive) To make stable. (intransitive) To become stable.

Do you mean by stable?

stable adjective (FIXED)

firmly fixed or not likely to move or change: Don’t climb the ladder until you’re sure it’s stable. She’s in the hospital in stable condition.

What makes something stable?

A structure is stable if its centre of gravity lies above its base. An object is unstable when its centre of gravity lies outside its base. In other words, an object is unstable if a line drawn between its centre of gravity and the centre of the Earth does not pass through its base.

What’s a stable relationship?

«A stable relationship is a relationship that is built upon loyalty, trust, safety and consistency,» licensed marriage and family therapist Christie Tcharkhoutian, a matchmaker at Three Day Rule, tells Bustle. … Here are a few ways experts say your relationship will stay strong, even if things are rough right now.

How do you use aggravate in a sentence?

Aggravating sentence example

The kings, for their part, sought protection in craft, treachery and cruelty, and only succeeded in aggravating the situation. One case is particularly aggravating , viz. He is now a year and a half and has some behavioral issues that are quite aggravating .

What is a political stability?

When we talk about political stability in the context of growth, leaving aside resource-driven bubbles, we mean a specific kind of stability: the rule of law, strong institutions rather than powerful individuals, an efficient bureaucracy, low corruption and an investment enabling business climate.

How can we say that the body is stable?

… equilibrium is said to be stable if small, externally induced displacements from that state produce forces that tend to oppose the displacement and return the body or particle to the equilibrium state. Examples include a weight suspended by a spring or a brick lying on a level surface.

What’s the opposite word for stable?

The adjective unstable means the opposite of stable.

Is a stable a building?

Generally speaking, a stable is a timber building that is used to house horses. A barn is also usually made of timber, but it is most often used to keep livestock, or to store machinery or equipment.

Its ends are stable, each a four-wheel truck pinned to the bottom of the backbone

Hell, and for a while this new approach also seemed to offer some hope for a stable

The stable door to the kitchen was open at the top and he poked his head into

From my own brief life, growing up in the security of a loving family and a stable and prosperous society, I had few further points of reference by which I could really measure the guards

The A star was stable and long lived with sixty billion more years to go on the main sequence

So much had happened since she last sat here … an image of JJ laughing as he rode Black Hofnarr across the stable yard flew across her mind

On top of that, the ggs in the stable are not a patch on Sefir or Belvento, more nags than anything else, but, as Wiesse points out, needs must

When he rides into the yard I’m out in the stable block ostensibly grooming Sefir, though the effectiveness of my so-called grooming would be called into doubt by any half-capable stablehand but Sefir doesn’t seem to mind

As always, Berndt is practical and sensible – it is he who locates our bags and checks that they are as they should be and he who oversees the ggs being settled in the stable

The product to look for is that which contains stable L-ascorbic acid, low pH and

There is a small garden area out front which my mother uses to grow herbs, a small stable at the back and a larger garden behind, going up towards the woods on top of the hill

By the time I rein Sefir to a halt in the stable yard, Wiesse has broken the news to her

’ Berndt’s amused voice said from the door of the stable

The sound of someone running across the stable yard interrupts him

’ Berndt explained as he turns Adamant through an archway into the stable yard

By the time he and Orens have settled Sefir and Adamant in stalls, I am feeling a less shaky and able to cross the stable yard without assistance

Berndt heads straight for a wayhouse called ‘The Bright Stars’, ducking his head as he rides Adamant under the archway leading into the stable yard, the gg’s hooves clattering on the cobbles of the yard

Adamant and Sefir appear to be totally refreshed after their night in the stable

Getting onto Sefir’s back is an ordeal and a half, not helped by the fact that Berndt is totally ignoring my difficulties, leaving it to the stable lad to help me

However, being stable is the most important thing

‘Welcome – if you would stable your mounts, I will show you where our guest rooms are

Berndt, having settled Adamant, comes across to collect Sefir and leads her into the stable, chatting to the Gottesman who is showing him where everything is in there

I spend a good bit of the next day stretched out by the ggs’ stable, dozing in the sunshine, while Berndt sits nearby reading

The air of excitement in the air makes me feel self-conscious but it’s not long before we are laughing about something crazy and, by the time I put the plates on the table, I feel more stable

The Hold Stables housed about thirty of the beautiful Hausa, and while Duncan and Tarak engaged in conversation with the stable master, Rayne went to each offering the tubers from their feedbags

Master Seatac, the stable master, enjoyed answering her questions and explaining the animal’s heritage and traits to her

It was Master Seatac, the head stable master, who happened to be passing by

Master Seatac held the reins as he walked Patton out of the stable pen

Master Seatac looked around the stable and then raised his eyes up towards the main Hold House

On the third evening as she headed back to the Hold and the stable where Master Seatac was waiting for her she decided to ask him about the Hausa

Looking out he saw what interested the old stable master

“There are many other things I have observed these past several days, my Lord” the stable master continued, “she does things our way without realizing it; things that only an Ogatu would know to do

She hoped she hadn’t gotten the old stable master into trouble with Tarak

Had it not been for the old Stable Master being close by, he would have fallen in a dead faint

When she was sure he would be okay, she headed out of the stable and back towards the stairs to the main house

She was familiar with the sea from her own home, but the boats she used were much more stable and the lagoons of the Caribbean much calmer and her med panel was close at hand

individual is well off and stable then those around around him are not

owners, horse trainers and stable hands were curious

love you experience is generated from within, it is stable, safe and secure,

stable and coach-house, as well as other outbuildings of less easily

main house and the stable block

As I said, there’s a few things to do but as soon as she’s settled and stable I’m sure they’ll let you sit with her

We’ll just have to keep her stable and make an assessment when she wakes up

The original house had been augmented by a stable block off to

over to the stable block with the intent of cadging a cuppa

behind the stable block in a direction he had never explored

For eleven of those years, White Feathers had spent quite a bit of time up at James Connor’s livery stable when other family matters weren’t pressing

This all happened a year and a bit before the twins were born to George and Belle, and White Feathers at once began helping the new father care for his son while James also kept up his livery stable business

Jann’s was a run-down stable on the very outskirts

he lead his horse out of the stable, ‘It wouldn’t be

out of the stable and handed them their reins

At that moment, Yise appeared from the stable block, dressed in

entourage, not the Bishop’s) in the stable across the

This left Jameson’s life virtually unchanged, less the obvious catastrophic loss; he was able to continue in the kitchens of Mandy Hill’s Restaurant and Tea Room and also keep up his own chores at the stable

And for Titania’s part, her assistance to White Feathers opened her eyes to the far reaching impact of a village’s livery stable

Each animal had its own likes and dislikes to be sure, and each family that boarded their horses with the stable each had their own routines for the use of those animals

He was about the most stable person I’d ever meet

“Hey Monica, we left you a present in the stable!” Suzie said with a laugh, and then the three classmates ran off, as Monica stormed out the door and ran to the stable

They’d also poured over his water trough all over the stable

“No, she‘s still staying out there in the stable,” Monica said

The others agreed, and followed her to behind the old stable, where they quickly woke up Eve

called to discuss the court case, he had to wait for her to hobble up from the stable

“What?” Their distant profitable relationship had been stable and increasing over the last decade

Nuplayy, the astronomer who published the article, also re-published an old proof that showed that this null wasn’t stable and that all the bodies would eventually crash to the surface

She met the group of old hands at the stable at four, with a van full of hot muffins and coffee

comfortable stable when it came time to leave Limoges

courtyard towards the stable, looking forward to seeing

He never used to go in for sexual excess, but the last few decades he’s kept a stable and spends a lot of time in the pool up in the recreation wing

over to a young stable boy and followed him out into the

The land is manured, either by pasturing the cattle upon it, or by feeding them in the stable, and from thence carrying out their dung to it

But unless the price of the cattle be sufficient to pay both the rent and profit of cultivated land, the farmer cannot afford to pasture them upon it ; and he can still less afford to feed them in the stable

It is with the produce of improved and cultivated land only that cattle can be fed in the stable; because, to collect the scanty and scattered produce of waste and unimproved lands, would require too much labour, and be too expensive

It the price of the cattle, therefore, is not sufficient to pay for the produce of improved and cuitivated land, when they are allowed to pasture it, that price will be still less sufficient to pay for that produce, when it must be collected with a good deal of additional labour, and brought into the stable to them

In these circumstances, therefore, no more cattle can with profit be fed in the stable than what are necessary for tillage

where the Universe is stable and life is conceived in an

Thus, in every farm, the offals of the barn and stable will maintain a certain number of poultry

The stable was filthy and smelled like it hadn’t been

It can be rejected or retained, accepted and transformed into something viable and stable

From our human point of view, nothing lasts forever in a stable state

nomads, when they began to build stable housing,

The “now” is stable,

Cloud servers are perhaps the cheapest and most stable

A spark glimmered in the center, but it continuously shorted out before it could build enough power to remain stable

They also tend to be more stable and trusted than self

Free cloud hosting gives you the most stable option available when it

Both had fulfilled their adolescent dreams of a stable and lasting marital union and had complied with the duties associated with that union

After breakfast he went over to the stable to saddle up his horse

The report was short, but neutral – Nutesh-Kuri was stable, though still unconscious

Once he arrived home he gave the stable boy instructions to have the buggy and horse hitched the following morning, in case he needed to return to the infirmary urgently

constitution are fixed, that our own egos are as stable as the Matterhorn

Their growing community looked stable and safe

I finally pushed him away, holding him out at arm’s length, as I made sure he was stable and steady enough for me to leave him

) and other substances, which at intensive mixing with water make stable foams

And that evening he researched this scientist’s work, even looking at the then meaningless equations, determined that one day he would solve the conundrum of how to create a stable channel for information to pass

“They say she’s better today, more stable

‘Yet they trust you enough to provide you with the means to develop a stable wormhole

according to the AI, which told him that the negative energy levels were not sufficiently stable to create a connecting channel

“Things aren’t as stable here as they’ve always been, but all of the Golden Arrows were called here because it is the safest place to be right now

As he sat in the darkness of his quarters he brooded over why it had all gone so disastrously wrong, how the wormhole generator could have collapsed so terminally that no effort – even after days of rebuilding – was able to recreate anything like a stable field (although he did suspect his supervisors were deliberately not making the effort to have it restored)

He was cleaning the hooves of a recently stabled mare ridden into town by an annual visitor at the opening of the summer season

White Feathers found that the head of one of those families, Melvin Pierce, a nice fellow with a pair of roan geldings stabled at the livery, had a real knack for husbandry and a serviceable business sense

‘It wasn’t my fault,’ Jean grumbled as he stabled her

brief outskirts and, soon after, stabled their horses in a

Eli’s young face was bright with excitement as she pulled to a stop, and he stabled her horse in record time

But the old woman, a stern old veteran of the frontier, quieted them harshly; she helped Balthus get out the two horses that were stabled in a pen behind the cabin and put the children on them

Usually when dad and I had ridden in, we’d stabled our horses at Hidden Ponds Hostelry but the owners knew both of us well

Still silent, Zelata stabled the horse in a near-by cave, with leaves and grass piled high for provender, and a tiny spring bubbling in the dim recesses

The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases

my own horse stabled at the Wilshire Country Club

young man stabled his horse for the night

kenneled dogs and stabled horses

When the horses were stabled Tannon shouted and ran towards the house

Back in the barn they stabled the horses and dried them off, the scent of hay and animals heavy in the humid barn

nine of the horses were stabled

It wasn’t a real concern to him that the stallion would run, but best not to take chances since it had been stabled for so long

They stabled the horses and dumped their weapons as fast as they could, the promise of good food spurring them on

“I’m guessing the griffins will be stabled somewhere near the Keep

We stabled the horses out in the rear horse yard; three horses in one stable, which was good as they could keep each other warm, and we went bursting through the back door of the house, shivering and dripping rainwater on the floor

And when our horses were stabled and watered, we all walked out again into the city streets, still with an escort, walking back to the Officer’s quarters where we had camped before

After we stabled our horses, we went to our room and changed out of our battle-gear and into shirts and breeches, then we thought about having baths as we went down to the main hall for a drink of ale

Back through the east-gate, stabled our horses, I next went to Rhodri’s house, carrying my gear

He said, “I have something for you,” and he went right back outside again, went to his horse as it still stood waiting to be stabled, came back in carrying a sack

When the horses were stabled, the men drifted across the compound, past the kitchens and barracks and chapel, to a second drawbridge that led to a small inner compound, the top loop of the figure eight

There used to be great curved divots left by the horses that had stabled here, but that was back when Pop was one of the first black men in Georgia with this many acres, and he and C

five ponies that have to be stabled

riding-ponies that there were in Bree were stabled in my yard, and they’re

So it was agreed between us that I was to come up to the dancing floor as soon as I had stabled the automobile and put on evening clothes

I don’t feel much better by the time I reach The Stables just after eleven thirty

What I’m calling about is to let you know that I’m moving over to The Stables tomorrow

‘But I must give you the address and directions of how to find The Stables

‘We can’t offer you anything remotely like this at The Stables

She’ll be much better off down at The Stables

‘I hope it works moving her into The Stables

The man drove his van back to The Stables while we took a slight detour via Liz’s landlord in order to hand back the keys

I take my bad temper out on the clutch as I drive away from The Stables

It is a good hour later that we arrive back at The Stables, warm and pleasantly weary after our long walk

way to the stables

An hour later, wearing borrowed hosen and a vullejakt that is wonderfully warm if a size too large for me, I follow Wiesse out of the building and round to the stables

A little later, hearing the sound of gg hooves coming towards the stables, I make my presence known by talking to Sefir

The stables are empty,

He draws me out of the stables with a final command to his son to ensure that Adamant is fed

Adamant is fresh after his day in the stables and raring to go

The Hold Stables housed about thirty of the beautiful Hausa, and while Duncan and Tarak engaged in conversation with the stable master, Rayne went to each offering the tubers from their feedbags

He walked her to the side entrance near the stables, and slapped Patton on his rump

She led the Paint to the stables and put him in a stall she had been readying for him

Smiling she left the balcony and headed down to the stables humming to herself

She continued to the stables and found Master Seatac feeding the Hausa

The next day, she was lead to a stables and lead to believe they had one more day to travel into the interior of this island or continent, whichever it was

This alley sloped steeply down and turned, so that soon they were in a basement stables

come to the stables and see what you can do

stables, but I’d never been to the stables to see them

horse had been brought into the stables in the past

My arrival at the stables caused a bit of a stir

Karla led him out of the stables

“The stables are over there, aren’t they?” Alistair responded,

Tom, although there was one which appeared to be a stables and

trees also prevented the stables from being visible and spoiling the

It seemed that most of the stables were now used as garages; at

The rooms over the old stables

eye ran along the well-trimmed beech hedge separating the stables

appreciated that they could be reached so easily from the stables

matter of minutes, he was back past the stables and had picked up his

And he was of course delighted whenever Titania followed White Feathers up to the stables to visit or care for the horses

“Well so long as he keeps up with his chores in the stables, I can’t see what harm it’d do ‘im,” answered the tall man

Miss Mandy Hill ran across the lad on the boardwalk shortly after leaving the stables, and so she explained to him about the kitchen position she had just discussed with his father, Jameson was thrilled

seemingly intent on making its own way back to the stables

buildings at the back of the stables

the stables having, Tom presumed, begged a lift from the causeway in

His body wasn’t found until that afternoon and it was his own son who made the discovery, in the company of White Feathers and Titania who had accompanied him there for routine reasons having nothing to do with the stables at all

The graveside service was held at the village cemetery soon after, and young Jameson walked away from the grave down the village streets to the stables and his home—an orphan

‘ He took it upon himself to maintain, for as long as he was able, the running of the stables

Titania was returning from the livery stables after putting out fodder and watering the resident beasts; Hipolyta was sitting in front of the Mercantile enjoying the evening breeze while finishing the weekly logs, and Jameson was soon to leave the kitchens for the day

“I know dad loved the stables, it was all he’d ever done, kinda the way he wanted to raise me

courtyard by the stables, from where Jean could see

She had to know that everything had turned out okay, so instead of walking directly into the house she headed for the stables, only a few hundred feet up the road

It had been built as the stables of Oliar’s castle, the ruins of which loomed behind the house and fields on the other side of the street

«Meet Jim at the Stables about Four

Baillerie’s stables later that evening, but by then he was

Apparently, a podere is a farmhouse with stables on

located in what used to be the stables

She tripped away, and presently returned with a fresh trayful; and Toad, pitching into the toast with delight, his spirits quite restored to their usual level, told her about the boathouse, and the fish-pond, and the old walled kitchen-garden; and about the pig-pens, and the stables, and the pigeon-house, and the hen- house; and about the dairy, and the wash-house, and the china- cupboards, and the linen-presses (she liked that bit especially); and about the banqueting-hall, and the fun they had there when the other animals were gathered round the table and Toad was at his best, singing songs, telling stories, carrying on generally

heading for the stables to collect Annabelle

wondering if he should go down to the stables and visit his

towards the small stables across the cobbled courtyard

broad square in the centre of town, with stables at the

Afterwards Father O’Hara took them to the stables

Around the back of the stables were two old, reconditioned Dray wagons

stables he’d ever seen, Jean made his way back to the

‘You can use the stables – same charge as a room,

Secondly, of all those profitable buildings which are the means of procuring a revenue, not only to the proprietor who lets them for a rent, but to the person who possesses them, and pays that rent for them; such as shops, warehouses, work-houses, farm-houses, with all their necessary buildings, stables, granaries, etc

; of the capital which the person who undertakes to improve land employs in clearing, draining, inclosing, manuring, and ploughing waste and uncultivated fields; in building farmhouses, with all their necessary appendages of stables, granaries, etc

put him to clean up the stables

I wondered if the legendary cave of Poseidon was nearby — I’d heard that Imbrus is the island where he stables his winged horses

Zarko related everything that had happened that day: the arrival of the exiles, how the Hebrews had impressed him, what the renovated old royal stables looked like now and how he was planning to take the Hebrews on a tour of the city the next day

After breakfast Xonia and Zarko left for the old royal stables

As Zarko would be coming through to the stables for their training every day anyway, Helez could travel with him

When they arrived back at the stables Zarko asked Helez to join him under the trees in the garden to discuss her options

With his twin daggers, an old but trusty sword and a few miscellaneous supplies, he headed to the north side of town, near the stables

She was eager to get out of the stables

He nudged her with his heels and guided her out of the stables into the sunshine where her skin shone as the early rays bounced off her rippling muscles

At about mid-morning he went to the stables to saddle up

At the royal stables where they had lived during their training, the ablution facilities had been shared by both sexes and it was there that she had seen naked adult men for the first time

Zarko arrived at the stables later that afternoon

So he decided to linger a bit longer in the stables, brushing down his horse, filling her trough with feed and giving her fresh water

“And who, may I ask, is that handsome hunk in the stables?” It was Rebekah

Helez came to an abrupt stop and blushed at the thought of what her younger sister might have witnessed in the stables

But then she recognised him as the young man she had seen with Helez in the stables – her ‘tutor’

As Helez and Rachel exited their quarters they saw Zarko running from the house towards the stables

Zarko and Helez set off in the direction of the stables, leaving Rachel staring after them, a look of sadness in her eyes

He looked at the panting animal and said, “You can exchange the horse at the stables

Lately I have earned a ‘umble but honest wage in the stables of some rich and respectable gentlemen of this city

The care of his stables was committed to the lord constable and the lord marshal

The women were sleeping three to a bed in every room, and the barns and stables will barely house the overflow of men and children

While the house was being built I was also building a barn and stables along with a riding arena and a dog run at night and on the weekends

She came out where I was working on the barn and stables and told me she wanted to get her horses down there

The next evening when I got home she had the silver gelding in one of the stables

“Kay, I think you need to come out to the stables,” he called, his voice tense

She knew every inch of these stables

That would at least stop the bleeding until they got Star back to the stables

” He sprinted toward the stables

In a few minutes Jack strode from the main doors toward the stables, a bag slung over his shoulder

Her horse was just being led into his stall as she raced into the stables

She moved with determination toward the stables

The sun was beginning to set when Kay heard footsteps approaching the stables

Could she sneak out to the stables in the evening without being detected, in order to retrieve the final result? She would have to risk it

What time was it now? Nine? Ten? Was it safe to try to sneak out to the stables?

they were later to discover, housed a diary or provided stabling for

The stabling and tack room was well-organised, there

For that matter, there are more than a few elves who would love to own it, despite its larger dimensions! It boasts thirty-six rooms, with twelve bedrooms including the master suite, stabling for thirty horses, and garage space for six carriages

Mohammad Amin had no need of this horse at all, for he was an officer and the government provided him with excellent horses and whatever stabling and fodder the animal needed

Ill bring to him for stabling

His men were cold and needed housing, horses stabling

The cavalry, on entering a there stabling more than sufficient for their horses, went on, all the same, to the next house which seemed to them better

There are streets and houses, and there are books, I imagine, and big canals and docks and places for stabling, if not horses, well, then some domestic animal, perhaps with twelve legs, who knows? Everywhere I look I see things that were used

The cavalry, on entering a merchant’s house that had been abandoned and finding there stabling more than sufficient for their horses, went on, all the same, to the next house which seemed to them better

During that interview, the journalist asked me why I used the word stable or zoo in my previous interview and I explained it in detail. ❋ Malalai Joya (2009)

The prospect that the country will stabilize soon (as opposed to eventually) and remain stable is not a reason for regarding the war as “successful” on the whole, though it might be a reason for thinking it was or is right to stick it out. ❋ Unknown (2007)

The term stable refers to a version of software that is substantially identical to a version that has been through enough real-world testing to reasonably assume there are no significant problems, or at least that any problems are known and documented. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The term stable refers to a version of software that is substantially identical to a version that has been through enough real-world testing to reasonably assume there are no showstopper problems, or at least that any problems are known and documented. ❋ Unknown (2008)

China and the U.S. have maintained what he describes as stable development, said Li. ❋ Unknown (2010)

You see, I hope, what I mean, when I say that the universe of molecular physics is at a different level from the universe of common experience; — what we call stable and solid is in that world a freely moving system of interlacing centres of force, what we call colour and sound is there no more than this length of vibration or that. ❋ Herbert George (2006)

Using what they call stable isotope analysis, bioarchaeologists can directly determine the dietary sources of carbon and nitrogen by measuring the ratios of carbon 12 and carbon 13 atoms, on the one hand, and of nitrogen 14 and nitrogen 15 atoms on the other. ❋ MICHAEL BALTER (2005)

But you are what we call stable, and that’s the best we can hope for in this place. ❋ Clement, Peter, M.D (2002)

You see, I hope, what I mean when I say that the universe of molecular physics is at a different level from the universe of common experience; — what we call stable and solid is in that world a freely moving system of interlacing centres of force, what we call colour and sound is there no more than this length of vibration of that. ❋ Unknown (1906)

You see, I hope, what I mean, when I say that the universe of molecular physics is at a different level from the universe of common experience; — what we call stable and solid is in that world a freely moving system of interlacing centres of force, what we call colour and sound is there no more than this length of vibration or that. ❋ Unknown (1906)

The loftiness of the stable is another very important point. ❋ Jane (1845)

Veronica Bono tells Cristy that this is her year, and she will be finding somebody very…and then she does a wild psychic-air-quote gesticulation while saying the word «stable ❋ Sam Bellikoff (2011)

«Jay Cutler having the surgery now means the bone is broken and shifted or displaced and is not what they call a stable fracture,» said Cohen, a hand surgeon at Chicago’s Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush. ❋ Unknown (2011)

In 2002, physicists at Duke University first created what they called a stable, strongly interacting gas of cold atoms, using the isotope lithium-6. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Sources in the Congress state that the party is in touch with all other smaller parties and independents and by their own arithmetic have reached the magic figure of 41, which is the required majority mark with the party working quietly to put together what they call a stable government. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What I saw amazed me: Michael Fagan, spokesman for St. Vincent’s Medical Center, said Avery is in «stable» condition. ❋ Unknown (2008)

(Indeed, the nature of the family has been in continuous change throughout the country’s history, and the notion that there was once a golden age when American families were simply «stable» is a myth that involves forgetting much of the coutnry’s history, including the effects of, among other things, chattel slavery, immigration, industrialization, war, and so on.). ❋ Unknown (2003)

He had a stable of women. [collection] [numerous] [several] group ❋ Writer181 (2015)

[I am] going to [get me] a [stable of hoes] ❋ Maurice (2003)

The stable rang with the sounds of a young mare [in labor]; the yelps of the other horses brought the farmer running. He and his wife remained calm and stable as they helped the mare give birth to her first [foal], a beautiful chestnut [filly]. ❋ Lorelili (2011)

I’m not rich or poor I’m [STABLE].
The STABLE of people went into [the club].
When a fight [broke out] the man stayed STABLE and won! ❋ No Fear (2006)

There are [too many] men in my stable.
I just [demoted] [the stallion]. ❋ Dutchbroker (2008)

«Did you guys see what happened at the last stable on the episode that was on last night?!?»
«[Shits] [crazy man], those [Mustangs] are insane» ❋ Bartdog (2011)

M$ slave: «Ugh, my [fucking windows] PC fucking crashed again!»
Cool guy 1: «Get Linux, then. It never crashes.»
Cool guy 2: «Or get [Macs], they look and function hella better than dumbass [PCs]» ❋ The Dork Cheese (2004)

[thank fuck] i am more stable than you. this could go terriblue wrong if [one of us] [wasnt]
🖤 ❋ Dia Spora (2019)

[John’s] favourite [pony] was [Rarity], but he couldn’t bring himself to put pictures of her on his wall because he was still in the stable. ❋ Hazzat (2011)

When asked «[hows] it goin» the reply of «Im [propa] [stable], man» ❋ MajorFool (2007)

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