The word spot in a sentence

Synonym: discern, discolor, distinguish, identify, know, mark, pick out, place, recognize, sight, soil, spy, stain, tell. Similar words: on the spot, potato, hypothesis, potentially, spouse, spoon, espouse, bespoke. Meaning: [spɑt /spɒt]  n. 1. a point located with respect to surface features of some region 2. a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising 3. a blemish made by dirt 4. a small contrasting part of something 5. a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance 6. an outstanding characteristic 7. a business establishment for entertainment 8. a job in an organization 9. a slight attack of illness 10. a small quantity 11. a mark on a playing card (shape depending on the suit) 12. a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer 13. a playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value 14. an act that brings discredit to the person who does it. v. 1. catch sight of 2. mar or impair with a flaw 3. make a spot or mark onto 4. become spotted 5. mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition. 

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1. A spot is most seen on the finest cloth. 

2. Everybody has some weak spot.

3. We are pegging out in a very clean spot.

4. I chose a spot well away from the road.

5. The policeman arrested the thief on the spot.

6. His glance stayed posited on the spot.

7. He had a spot of grease on his tie.

8. You have a grease spot on your shirt.

9. Not many people visit this isolated spot.

10. That would hit the spot.

11. The red spot on his arm is a sting.

12. He could not tear himself from that spot.

13. The police railed the spot where the accident happened.

14. The border has become a major hot spot.

15. He erected a monument on the spot where his daughter was killed.

16. Motorists can be fined on the spot for exceeding speed limits.

17. I have a blind spot where classic music is concerned.

18. In a series of spot checks, police searched buses crossing the border.

19. Life can not fade , the multiple spot color can’t accommodate oneself to wonderful just now best,alive.

20. After flowering[], place the pot in a shady spot in the garden.

21. We had lunch in a sheltered spot behind the dunes.

22. The prime minister has a blind spot on ethical issues.

23. A simple plaque marks the spot where the martyr died.

24. We carry out spot checks on the vehicles before they leave the depot.

25. The male bird has a red spot on its beak.

25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun. 

27. Minor skin imperfections can usually be disguised with a spot of make-up.

28. He discussed business and concluded transactions with us on the spot.

29. If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot.

30. A sudden terrible shriek froze the passenger to the spot.

More similar words: on the spot, potato, hypothesis, potentially, spouse, spoon, espouse, bespoke, respond, sponsor, response, teaspoon, spokesman, transport, respondent, tablespoon, correspondent, transportation, active transport, be responsible for, corresponding to, as soon as possible. 

место, пятно, пятнышко, капля, определить, увидеть, местный, наличный


- пятно, пятнышко

spot of mud [of blood, of fat, of ink] — грязное [кровяное, жирное, чернильное] пятно
spot of oil [of wine, of sauce] — пятно от нефти [от вина, от подливки]
spot cleaning — чистка /выводка/ пятен
sun spots — астр. пятна на Солнце
bald spot — плешин(к)а
to get out spots — отчищать пятна
the cloth shows spots easily — это маркая материя

- крапинка

a blue tie with red spots — синий галстук в красную крапинку

- «зайчик», световое пятно
- место, местность, район

- место, область чувств

tender /sore/ spot — больное /уязвимое/ место
weak spot — слабое место
soft spot — слабость, привязанность
she has a soft spot for animals — у неё слабость к животным, она любит животных

ещё 18 вариантов


- покрывать пятнами, пачкать, марать, заляпывать

to spot a dress with grease — заляпать жиром платье, посадить на платье жирное пятно
table spotted with ink — стол, закапанный чернилами

- покрываться пятнами

this silk spots with water — на этом шёлке остаются пятна от воды
this fabric will not spot in the rain — эта ткань не боится дождя

- выводить пятна (в химчистке и т. п.)
- испещрять, пестрить

we spotted the walls with blue paint — мы расписали стены синими разводами

- позорить, бесчестить, пятнать

to spot one’s reputation [the family name] — запятнать свою репутацию [честь семьи]

ещё 10 вариантов

Мои примеры


spots of rot on the leaf — пятна гнили на листе  
a bright spot on a planet — яркое пятно на планете  
a lonely spot in the woods — укромное место в лесу  
a bald spot on the lawn — лысое пятно (без травы) на газоне  
to burn spot in screen — прожигать экран кинескопа  
to make spot check — проверять выборочно  
spot of grease — жирное пятно  
paint remover, spot remover — пятновыводитель  
to get out / remove a spot — выводить пятно  
to leave / make a spot — посадить пятно  
a bold spot — плешь  
on this particular spot — именно на этом месте  

Примеры с переводом

You have a spot on your tie.

У вас пятно на галстуке.

She called and he froze on the spot.

Она окликнула его, и он застыл на месте.

It is spotting with rain.

Идёт мелкий дождь.

I noticed some red spots on my arms.

Я заметила какие-то красные пятна на руках.

She spotted a deer in the woods.

Она заметила оленя в лесу

I spotted a few winners. (E. J. Goodman)

Я угадал нескольких победителей.

Blood is spotted on to filter paper.

Капля крови наносится на фильтровальную бумагу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The wood still has some rough spots.

He fell through a weak spot in the ice.

I’ve always had a weak spot for chocolate.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

spotless  — безупречный, чистый, без единого пятнышка, незапятнанный
spotted  — пятнистый, запятнанный, крапчатый, запачканный
spotter  — корректировщик, наблюдатель, сыщик, детектив, контролер, воздушный наблюдатель
spotty  — пятнистый, пестрый, прыщеватый, крапчатый, неоднородный, разношерстный
spotting  — обнаружение, определение местоположения, корректировка стрельбы

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: spot
he/she/it: spots
ing ф. (present participle): spotting
2-я ф. (past tense): spotted
3-я ф. (past participle): spotted

ед. ч.(singular): spot
мн. ч.(plural): spots

spot — перевод на русский


I don’t even get why there’s a spot back there.

Я даже не понимаю, откуда там появляется место.

First they choose a spot close to the riverbank. Then they cut down the rockrose and heather.

Сначала они выбирают место недалеко от берега реки, затем, с помощью своих женщин, родителей и друзей, уничтожают растущие там дикие розы и вереск.

It’s a unique spot with not even 100 metres of cultivated land.

Это уникальное место, где нет и 100 метров обрабатываемой земли.

Surrounded by a beautiful countryside. — An ideal spot for rest and quiet, if I may say so. — Of course you may say so.

Дом стоит в очаровательной сельской местности, и это идеальное место для тихого отдыха, если я могу высказать своё мнение.

Incidentally, what a swell spot that is.

Кстати, это славное место,..

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— That spot…

— Это пятно…

The spot is not on your nose yet.

Пятно у вас не на носу.

Yet here’s a spot.

Вот здесь ещё пятно…

I don’t know. It’s just spots. I don’t know what to tell you.

Что тут, просто одинокое пятно, которое мне ни о чем не говорит.

You got a big spot right here.

У тебя большое пятно, прямо здесь. Да?

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He spotted him pacing by the coffee kiosk.

Заметил его возле кофейного автомата.

Hey, let’s get home before somebody spots me.

Давайте уберёмся отсюда, пока меня никто не заметил.

I spotted him.

Я знаю. Я заметил его.

I just spotted him.

Я только что заметил его.

Then, all of a sudden I spotted that harbour.

Затем внезапно я заметил этот залив.

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They can find the good spots for themselves…

Там легко найти точку.

He found a sensitive spot you didn’t know you had.

Он нашёл чувствительную точку, про которую ты не знал.

Reckon you touched her on a tender spot, Mr Farnon.

Видать, вы попали ей в чувствительную точку, мистер Фарнон.

I mean, it makes my leg shake… if you always shoot me in the same spot.

У меня уже ноги трясутся, ты всё время в одну точку колешь.

You can never get them to rub the right spot, can you?

У вас никогда не получается подсказать им правильную точку, так ведь?

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Charming little spot you have here.

Приятное у вас местечко.

My favorite spot.

Мое любимое местечко.

Duluth. That must be a lovely spot. It’s west of here, isn’t it?

Делют — это славное местечко на западе, верно?

You gotta pick your spot, get your land, your own land.

Ты должен выбрать местечко, получить землю, свою собственную землю.

Beautiful spot, isn’t it?

Хорошее местечко, а?

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We got them spotted.

Мы их засекли.

Now that they’ve spotted us, they won’t get off our backs.

— Раз они нас засекли, то не отвяжутся.

The police spotted him and put him in prison.

Он не сообразил, что при ходьбе разлетаются искры. Жандармы его засекли и бросили в тюрьму.

I hope they aren’t spotted by radar.

-Только бы их не засекли радары.

We’ve spotted someone, sir.

Мы засекли кого-то, сэр.

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You go tell them we spotted him.

Скажи им, что мы его обнаружили.

We’ve spotted the animal, it’s by those sulphur beds.

Мы обнаружили животное. Оно прямо возле серных залежей.

Asher! — They’ve spotted the Ashkelon.

Ашкелон обнаружили.

— No one has spotted them yet.

— Пока их не обнаружили.

Even so, it’s odd we haven’t spotted it before now, if it’s as big as you say it is.

Все равно, странно, что мы не обнаружили его раньше, если оно такое большое, как вы говорите.

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I see you’ve traded in your spots for a pair of antlers.

Вижу, ты променял свои пятнышки на пару рожек.

They’ll get their spots.

У них появятся пятнышки.

It makes your… spots itch.

У тебя после него… пятнышки чешутся.

I mean, just look at me-— whiskers and spots.

Ты посмотри на меня — бакенбарды и пятнышки.

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I lost him for a while, but then I spotted him leaving this grove.

На время я потерял его из виду, а после увидел выходящим из этой рощи.

But my poacher’s eyes Were the first to spot him.

И все-таки я своим охотничьим глазом увидел его первым.

— His ringer’s spotted our ringer.

— Его профи увидел нашего.

You spot a little brook.

Увидел маленький ручей.

I still don’t know how you spotted that dime.

До сих пор не знаю, как ты увидел монету.

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Oh, Jeeves, this is a very pleasant spot. We must spend our honeymoon here.

Дживс, мы ещё не решили, где мы проведём наш медовый месяц.

Don’t try to get away He’ll find you in the end He’ll spot you out in China or he’ll fly to County Cork

Нет смысла удирать, где угодно вас найдет.

«Hey, little girl, you know what the coolest spot in town is?»

«Эй, малышка, знаешь, где прохладнее всего в городе?»

And I can’t even spot how you’re cheatin’.

Но, тем не менее, я не могу понять, где ты мухлюешь.

Only the exact spot, where we had the sauna, is now probably impossible to tell.

Хотя точно сказать, где именно находилась баня, наверное, уже НИКТО не МОЖЕТ.

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Definition of Spot

to notice or recognize something that wasn’t immediately obvious

Examples of Spot in a sentence

Laura managed to spot the airplane among the white of the sky’s clouds.


If you can spot one speck of dirt on a white car, you have really good eyesight.


A popular game is to see if you can spot the differences between two pictures that look almost the same.


If you’ve ever played Where’s Waldo you’ve put a lot of effort into trying to spot one guy.


It’s really easy to spot a light when it’s really dark outside.


Other words in the Neutral category:

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Use ‘spot’ in a sentence | ‘spot’ example sentences

1- Popular vacation spots are almost always more expensive.

2- The hot spots are essentially light colored pixels.

3- UV spots are generally invisible under normal lighting conditions.

4- The sweet spot is somewhere between 0.

5- The stick is firm without soft spots .

6- The spot exchange rate is e o = $2 per.

7- In queens lateral divisions become black spots .

8- An occasional black bear has been spotted here too.

9- New calculation methods revealed numerous weak spots .

10- Northern spotted owls apparently select large habitat patches.

11- An eye was spotted using microwave imagery .

12- There sure are 6 sticky spots per rotor revolution.

13- New trouble spots erupted far too often.

14- And potential trouble spots continue to need attention.

15- Regional hot spots tend to cool down.

16- Brown spots are extremely common after 55 years old.

17- Banks quote spot rates against the dollar.

18- The ranch is centrally located between several spots that offer activities.

19- I enjoyed getting closer and closer without being spotted .

20- His innocent words touched sensitive spots within her own heart.

21- The last spot was seen two weeks ago.

22- This fun spot has a split personality.

23- Light rubbing & several small water spots to front cover.

24- The water jumps were a favourite spot .

25- Bus spotting here is much more fun than train spotting.

26- Bus spotting here is much more fun than train spotting .

27- Weak spots are soon exposed by water leaks.

28- He had short hair and black spots .

29- spot a disaster stock before disaster strikes.

30- The stitch lines are offset to prevent cold spots occurring.

31- Excessive iron fertilization can cause foliage spotting .

32- Two studies occupy the top 4 spot .

33- Sometimes lightning does strike the same spot twice.

34- But finding the right spot seems suddenly crucial.

35- The road surface is rough in spots .

36- Its symptoms are pretty easy to spot .

37- A very nice spot full of lovely walks.

38- There are a few black spots left.

39- This makes spot cleaning the enclosure very easy.

40- But melanoma country is any hot spot . spot clean stubborn deposits with an abrasive pad.

41- I am in a spot.

42- He was murdered on the spot.

43- I paid his wages on the spot.

44- We met at the designated spot.

45- He paid the money on the spot.

46- I have a round bald spot on my head.

47- I paid him on the spot for his work.

48- We lost no time hurrying to the spot.

49- He was run over and killed on the spot.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
sportsmen – sportswear – sportswoman – sportswomen – sportswriter – sportswriters – sporty – spot – spotless – spotlessly – spotlessness – spotlight – spotlighted – spotlighting – spotlights –

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Asked by: Daisha Dickinson Sr.

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Spot sentence example. This looks like a good spot to eat lunch. She scanned the room, but didn’t spot him. Two blocks away we found a dark spot that catered to happy hour regulars.

How do you use spot in a sentence?

Examples of ‘spot-on’ in a sentence spot-on

  1. Fifty minutes later, she met Renata for dinner at a hot new spot on Pennsylvania Avenue. …
  2. Elvira’s penchant for ascribing accents was spot-on; she wouldn’t allow herself to be caught out. …
  3. Everything else about the picture was absolutely right, spot-on.

Is spot a verb or adjective?

spot (noun) spot (verb) spot (adjective) spot–check (verb)

What type of verb is spot?

spotted; spotting. Definition of spot (Entry 2 of 3) transitive verb. 1 : to stain the character or reputation of : disgrace. 2 : to mark in or with a spot : stain The snow was spotted with blood.

What does spot on mean in a sentence?

Spot-on means exactly correct or accurate. [British, informal] Schools were told their exam information had to be spot-on and accurate.

17 related questions found

Is spot on an idiom?

Exactly right; perfectly accurate. Often hyphenated when used before a noun.

What is spot slang for?

Spot, American slang for a bill of currency, e.g., a «Ten spot» is $10.

Can you spot something meaning?

spot to see or notice somebody/​something, especially suddenly or when they are not easy to see or notice: I’ve just spotted a mistake on the front cover.

What is a 2 spot?

1 : an unimportant person or thing especially : a two of any card suit. 2 : a two-dollar bill.

How do you spot a verb?

Verbs always tell the time (also called the tense) of the sentence. The easiest way to find a verb in a sentence is to change the time of the sentence and find the word that changes.

What is to spot someone?

To lend one some amount of money, especially in an impromptu fashion and often without the expectation of being paid back.

What does spot on mean?

English Language Learners Definition of spot-on

: exactly correct : completely accurate.

What does spot up mean?

: to paste patches of thin paper on (a makeready sheet) so as to give more impression to certain printing areas in a form.

Where does the expression spot on come from?

I believe it means «on the mark» or «right on» etc. The origin is military. «Spot on» has a short entry in Eric Partridge, Dictionary of Catch Phrases: American and British, from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day: «Right on the spot, orig. dead centre on target: RAF: WW2 and after.

What does I’ll spot you mean?

1. tv. to give an advantage to someone. I’ll spot you twenty points. 2. tv. to lend someone something.

What does it mean to spot someone points?

To lend one some amount of money, especially in an impromptu fashion and often without the expectation of being paid back.

What is a 5 spot?

Noun. 1. five-spot — a United States bill worth 5 dollars. five dollar bill, fiver. bank bill, bank note, banker’s bill, banknote, Federal Reserve note, government note, greenback, bill, note — a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank); «he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes»

What does spot me mean?

It means to help someone in the gym. For example, someone is bench pressing a lot of weight, a person who is there to ‘spot’ them will be ready to take some of the weight if they need help.

What does spot mean in England?

spot in British English

(spɒt ) noun. a small mark on a surface, such as a circular patch or stain, differing in colour or texture from its surroundings.

What do you call something that is spot on?

unequivocal, faultless, on the money (informal), unerring, veracious.

What is the opposite of Spot?

Opposite of a small round or roundish mark, differing in color or texture from the surface around it. clarity. cleanliness. plainness. blank.

What’s the definition of a hunky dory?

: quite satisfactory : fine.

Table of Contents

  1. Is spots a common noun?
  2. What does spot mean?
  3. How do you spell spot?
  4. How do you use the word spot in a sentence?
  5. What is the past tense of spot?
  6. What is the present tense of Heard?
  7. What’s another word for spotted?
  8. What is the antonym of spotted it?
  9. What part of speech is the word spotted?
  10. What is a synonym for noticed?
  11. What word best replaces the word noticed?
  12. What is the opposite word of noticed?
  13. What’s another word for uneven?
  14. What is the opposite word of attention?
  15. What is the synonym of float?
  16. What is it called when you float in water?
  17. What is the opposite word of float?
  18. What is another term for float in coding?
  19. What is a double vs float?
  20. Why is float called float?
  21. What is double coding?
  22. What is mean by double?
  23. What is a good float?
  24. What is a valid float number?

“We found a good spot to have a picnic.” “She wanted me to wait for her at this exact spot.” “This is a beautiful spot to relax and enjoy the sun.” “The park is a popular spot for kids.”

Is spots a common noun?

Answer. A leopard, body and spots are the common nouns here.

What does spot mean?

8 Informal an awkward situation. that puts me in a bit of a spot. 9 a short period between regular television or radio programmes that is used for advertising.

Correct spelling for the English word “spot” is [spˈɒt], [spˈɒt], [s_p_ˈɒ_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you use the word spot in a sentence?

Spot sentence example

  1. It was a green tin, with a red spot on it.
  2. It was an unlikely spot for water.
  3. Darian was the first to spot them.
  4. Dean could see a spot of blood appear.
  5. She scanned the room, but didn’t spot him.
  6. It was a sobering reminder that a bear had been on this spot – possibly only minutes earlier.

What is the past tense of spot?


What is the present tense of Heard?

Hear verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
hear hearing heard

What’s another word for spotted?

What is another word for spotted?

dappled mottled
speckled dapple
specked stippled
dotted splotchy
piebald blotched

What is the antonym of spotted it?

What is the opposite of spotted?

hid hidden
concealed covered
withheld withholden
blanketed buried
camouflaged dissembled

What part of speech is the word spotted?


What is a synonym for noticed?

In this page you can discover 41 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for noticed, like: seen, remarked, detected, acknowledged, discovered, recognized, observed, found, noted, commented and marked.

What word best replaces the word noticed?


  • anticipated.
  • felt.
  • grasped.
  • heard.
  • heeded.
  • noted.
  • noticed.
  • observed.

What is the opposite word of noticed?

What is the opposite of noticed?

missed overlooked
unminded failed to notice
failed to observe failed to see
failed to spot left
left unnoticed

What’s another word for uneven?

What is another word for uneven?

irregular unlike
dissimilar unequal
differing unalike
disparate unsymmetrical
asymmetrical discrepant

What is the opposite word of attention?

attention. Antonyms: disregard, inadvertence, remission, indifference, carelessness, abstraction, distraction, absence. Synonyms: observation, notice, regard, watchfulness, heed, consideration, circumspection, study, vigilance, care.

What is the synonym of float?

In this page you can discover 67 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for float, like: drift, raft, outrigger, levitation, bobber, natant, buoy, stay afloat, cork, drink and fleet.

What is it called when you float in water?

Two forces act on an object when it enters water: a downward force called gravity and an upward force called buoyancy. If an object is more compact, or denser, than water, it will sink in water. If the density of an object is less than the density of water, the object will float in water.

What is the opposite word of float?


What is another term for float in coding?

Float is a shortened term for “floating point.” By definition, it’s a fundamental data type built into the compiler that’s used to define numeric values with floating decimal points. C, C++, C# and many other programming languages recognize float as a data type. Other common data types include int and double.

What is a double vs float?

Double is more precise than float and can store 64 bits, double of the number of bits float can store. Double is more precise and for storing large numbers, we prefer double over float. Unless we do need precision up to 15 or 16 decimal points, we can stick to float in most applications, as double is more expensive.

Why is float called float?

The most popular code for representing real numbers is called the IEEE Floating-Point Standard . The term floating point is derived from the fact that there is no fixed number of digits before and after the decimal point; that is, the decimal point can float.

What is double coding?

The double is a fundamental data type built into the compiler and used to define numeric variables holding numbers with decimal points. C, C++, C# and many other programming languages recognize the double as a type. A double type can represent fractional as well as whole values.

What is mean by double?

(Entry 1 of 4) 1 : having a twofold relation or character : dual. 2 : consisting of two usually combined members or parts an egg with a double yolk. 3a : being twice as great or as many double the number of expected applicants.

What is a good float?

A float of 10-20 million shares is generally considered to be a low float, but there are companies with floats below one million. Some larger corporations have very high floats in the billions.

What is a valid float number?

As the name implies, floating point numbers are numbers that contain floating decimal points. For example, the numbers 5.5, 0.001, and -2,345.6789 are floating point numbers. Numbers that do not have decimal places are called integers. Computers recognize real numbers that contain fractions as floating point numbers.

This description implies the assemblage of strangers from all parts in one spot; — _from all parts_; else, how will you find professors and students for every department of knowledge? and _in one spot_; else, how can there be any school at all? ❋ Various (N/A)

Or (if the elastic cord has already been fastened) we may remove the eye-tube and shift the telescope-tube about — the direction in which the sun lies being roughly known — until we see the spot of light received down the telescope’s axis grow brighter and brighter and finally become a _spot of sun-light_. ❋ Unknown (1862)

So in case you’re wondering how all the other lovely ladies fared, here’s a break-up of the runners-up to the title spot! ❋ Unknown (2010)

He further said that Chelsea will make a strong comeback to gain the title spot back. ❋ Unknown (2010)

More specifically. briandonnelly @MaileShoul Oh there is one in the house — took the title spot from Tori Spelling’s novella. delicacy Tori Spelling @ 7th Anniversary Of Belle Gray Boutique ❋ AP (2010)

I think the term spot reduction was created in order to try to market various fitness or fat loss products. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Here, in a Toussaint arrangement that is the soul of the term spot-on, trumpeter Nicholas Payton shows just how deeply he understands this happy, jaunty number in a free, easy, yet deceptively commanding performance of the song’s famous changes. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Kemmerer clinched his title spot on Saturday with a 1-0 decision over Western State College’s Marques Bravo, using an escape in the second tiebreaker. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Outside of the $1.60 an hour trying to find a spot is a PITA as well. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If a fight breaks out in either dugout between, say, the left fielder and the second baseman, this spot is almost as good as a ringside seat. ❋ Unknown (2008)

One reason they’re in this spot is the deadline trade that sent Miller and John Salmons from Sacramento to Chicago. ❋ Unknown (2008)

What rose on the spot is a squared-off fortress with an exterior of corrugated steel that’s interrupted by expanses of windows. ❋ Unknown (2007)

A large lump of clay from the spot is appended to the inland end. ❋ Unknown (1891)

The tomb that now covers the spot is a Mohammedan Welce, but there is no reason to doubt that the precious deposit of Joseph’s remains may be concealed there at the present time. ❋ Unknown (1871)

However, European refiners have already begun cutting orders for Iranian crude on the short term spot market, forcing Tehran to keep more barrels sitting on idle tankers, waiting for a buyer. ❋ David Blair (2012)

It uses what they call a spot urine test, where participants give a single urine sample at the time of their study participation. ❋ Unknown (2008)

In pool parlance a «spot» is the advantage a good player will give a lesser player to entice him into a game. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Obviously somebodys spot is during risk there, though you do not consider indispensably Boise State is done, Alba said. you know you review which conjecture as good as a lot of people have been thinking which way. you positively consider they have been still right in a mix even if which happens. ❋ Admin (2009)

Hey, can you [spot me] [50] [g’s]? ❋ CA NYNJAZ (2003)

Homie 1: [Yo son], where’s [the spot] tonight?
Homie 2: I don’t know yet chief, but I heard we might go to [Sarah’s] for the night with the homies. ❋ Mike Provenzano (2009)

I can bench 120 [on my own] but I need [a spot] to get up to 150.
After my first [hernia] I decided I need a spot when I bench. ❋ Limbo (2006)

1) «Man, those 10 shots of Everclear really hit the spot. That’s exactly what a playa needed.» (passes out)
Bill [Lumbergh], in bed with Jennifer Aniston: «Yeeeeaah, if you could move a little to the left that’d be greeeeaaat. Yeeeeeaah, that’s the spot.» (drinks coffee)
Tyrell: «Yo let’s go to Club One tonight and get da [mac on] wit some bitches.»
Loc-Dog: «Hell yeah nigga that place be [da SPOT].» ❋ Nick D (2003)

«[my dog] spot loves to [play] [fetch].» ❋ Kim (2003)

«[Wuz] [gud] son the girl from [tinder] told you where she stays at?»
«Naw bruh, but I spotted her online, I got her address and everything» ❋ Mexicanspot (2017)

1. «I gotta bribe the UAE officials to get off the [charge’s]. Reckon you can spot me until we get back to Australia?»
«Can yo spot me 5 bucks for lunch dude.»
2. «I found a new spot last night. Its called the ‘Mercury Manual’.»
«Pull up here, this’ll be a sweet ‘chop spot‘.»
«The Spot will probably be pumping when we [rock up].»
«This looks like a nice Spot to eat our [Fish N Chips].» ❋ Diego (2003)

[Dirty South] Killas} ❋ Other_guy (2004)

Did you see [that guy] [last night], man he was spot!
Those [jalapenos] were spot! ❋ M1nerva (2006)

THOT 1: «This party’s lame, let’s go.»
THOT 2: «OK, but let’s do a spot check real quick before heading out.»
THOT 1: «So [thottish]. You’re not a ‘spot [checker],’ you’re a dick hunter. I’m leaving.»
THOT 2: «Whatever… [bye Felicia].» ❋ SecretJanitor (2016)

Sentences with the word Spot?



  • «caught by a couple of alert cops»; «alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came»; «constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty»
  • «back the car into the parking spot«
  • «a bald spot on the lawn»; «bare hills»
  • «a spot of tea»; «a bit of paper»; «a bit of lint»; «I gave him a bit of my mind»
  • «he didn’t want to make a fuss»; «they had labor trouble»; «a spot of bother»
  • «the plane circled, looking for a landing spot«
  • «the cloistered academic world of books»; «sat close together in the sequestered pergola»; «sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree»; «a secluded romantic spot«
  • «a bald spot«; «a leopard’s spots»; «a patch of clouds»; «patches of thin ice»; «a fleck of red»
  • «She posited her hand on his shoulder»; «deposit the suitcase on the bench»; «fix your eyes on this spot«
  • «the black spot told the old sailor he was doomed»
  • «they used face recognition to spot known terrorists»
  • «he stayed glued to one spot«; «pieces of pasted paper»
  • «found a handy spot for the can opener»
  • «this is the identical room we stayed in before»; «the themes of his stories are one and the same»; «saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers»; «on this very spot«; «the very thing he said yesterday»; «the very man I want to see»
  • «an idyllic spot for a picnic»
  • «vital organs»; «blood and other vital fluids»; «the loss of vital heat in shock»; «a vital spot«; «life-giving love and praise»
  • «He nailed down a spot at Harvard»
  • «ocular muscles»; «an ocular organ»; «ocular diseases»; «the optic (or optical) axis of the eye»; «an ocular spot is a pigmented organ or part believed to be sensitive to light»; «ophthalmic defect»
  • «we hired her on the spot«; «thought they were going to shoot us down on the spot«
  • «that question really put him on the spot«
  • «they were on the spot when it happened»; «it had to be decided by the man on the spot«
  • «A big oil spot spread across the water»
  • «this is a nice place for a picnic»; «a bright spot on a planet»
  • «He pressed down on the boards»; «press your thumb on this spot«
  • «a privy place to rest and think»; «a secluded romantic spot«; «a secret garden»
  • «the most protected spot I could find»
  • «the tender spot on his jaw»
  • «they changed his spot on the program»
  • «night spot«
  • «an eight-spot«
  • «spot the areas that one should clearly identify»
  • «unrehearsed and unscript spot interviews»; «unscripted talk shows»

When we find the spot like it on this planet, Kulai and I will build it, and I will invite you

If your goal is to lose twenty pounds, please don’t drive around the parking lot wasting those minutes looking for the closest parking spot

spot when you realize you acted against God’s will and

And when God forgives you on the spot, that is a done

deal because you have repented on the spot

The paste also will kill beneficial insects as well, so use on spot applications only

“I left my lunch right here, on this very spot

And if that is did not hit the spot than you sing:

Every year, they come to this very spot, bury their faces in the ground, and howl into pillows made of dirt

Johnny rose from his spot behind the car and indicated that Nancy should follow

He could see his initials in nine spots but with one blank spot at the bottom 10th-place position

Outdoors the larva will lie in a shady moist spot

‘She’s a very capable, sensible and efficient woman, I should think … just got a blind spot where this one man is concerned

Seamus look down at a spot on the floor

Best combined with another type of treatment such as Liquid nitrogen for spot treatments

Used as a spot treatment

» He parks in a spot reserved for visitors next to the building

There are many natural fungicides that are used to control Downey Mildew, Rust, Black Spot, Powdery Mildew and other exotic diseases, but by now you should get the idea that the basis for regaining the health of the roses and other plants is to regain the health of the soil

from here, I’ve often visited this spot in recent days and the leap of faith required by

the ark, but British management had a blind spot when it came to investment back

they are; repent for our mistakes on the spot; and ALWAYS, ALWAYS,

«Was there a little spot of blood on it after?»

This map detailed a spot that was as exactly in the middle of nowhere as it was possible to get in the west cheek of the dry end of the Gengee floor

«Me and Michael had been out for about 20 minutes and we were just passing the spot where the body was found

beer and their eager-eyed and insatiable game of spot the girlie

It takes a moment for him to spot the bird but it is with deep satisfaction that he finally tells me that he can see it

Every now and then one or other of us will point out something we can see … I spot a deer in the distance at one point but it disappears before Stephen can see it

They were red but there was a dark bloody spot in the crotch, right between the legs and running down an inch or so on her left thigh

As I go through one village on the way, I spot a small garden centre and, on impulse, pull in to have a look round

preeminence, the top spot, in the church

The “Top Spot” is reserved for Jesus! “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18)

However, as soon as we reach the threshold at 9:00 o’ clock, suddenly Helen stays still as if she were rooted to the spot

Then I spot our Corsair guests, seated in the first row behind the students

It’s not hard to spot their black fatigues in contrast with everyone else

And, the high spot of the tour, our stop at Navagio (the Shipwreck): Without the slightest compunction, I left behind the two undecided grumblers who happen to be my companions in this trip and dived into the clear blue water from the deck of the boat

She was quick to spot a lie and would bore in on it

He knew it was his hand hiding those papers in a safe spot when Col

As soon as you spot it, then you can learn a variety of

“Independence commemorative monument, constructed in 1973 upon the spot where Uhuru (freedom/independence) from colonial rule was declared

Uganda is a prime spot for space exploration due to its position on the equator

Still she stood paralyzed to the spot, too scared even to tremble

He dispatched a probe to sit in a small tree near the spot where that raft had pulled ashore and initiated a program to follow that raft from the geosynchronous scope

Both Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers stood to the spot; nobody

It was going to lie in that same spot on the bottom of the Lhar til the sediment it lay in eroded

I froze on the spot, my heart in my mouth

Some of the eggshell had fallen near by; it covered the spot where I was

There was a pinpoint of light out there on the edge of the plains, too low to be the reflection of Kunae off a spot of water

They were in the center of a clump of archwoods, their fire was in the very center of the clump, a clump big enough that it must have been here since the sea first left this spot

where it was so that they could put it all back in it original spot

reached the spot where the rocks stopped

It took another claw at the spot where they’d climbed into the tree, then began rumbling off after the herd again, brushing against the trunk of the frond Alan was in and shaking it enough to almost knock him out of it

Are you there? Daniel moved to the spot where the pebble had landed

Sleeping bags had been brought in earlier as they knew these people would not leave their charges or this spot till morning

and stumble upon this spot you will see me sitting here, you will see me

If necessary, I could concentrate on the bald spot on the head of the lady in front of me and pretend it was a new planet

They were easy to spot by the dust

canals of mortar, marks the spot where he is buried

He might have walked along this very stretch and sat on this very spot

Most of the presumed boulders had fallen from the null spot, swooped by Narrulla, missing it by only a few hundred miles, and been flung out of the system in the direction of Kunae

They knew nothing of where the ship came from or where it went other than, ‘the sky,’ but Brancettrabble was pretty sure it came from that boulder up in the null spot

«A little, not this exact spot, but there’s no spheelunge this close to the city

One by one the people at the tables add a verse that they have made up on the spot

A blast of intense fire shot out at them and consumed fifty of them on the spot

The track leads gently down the slope of the hill; the woods preventing us from seeing any great distance, but as we round a bend in the way, I spot a building a couple of miles away

The Gottesmen are easy to spot – all wearing a variant of Berndt’s attire, though the colours vary

Can it be that almost a year ago I stood here on this very spot and thought about this moment? Having the house full of people, laughing and enjoying themselves; me standing here preparing snacks and enjoying the chatter

He rushed over to his friend’s car and tapped on the smoked glass windows, gesticulating wildly at the vacant spot where his lovely sparkling convertible had been standing

In the bottom of the envelope was a set of keys to a brand new second hand caravan that was parked on top of the cliffs in exactly the same spot where the fisherman and his wife had lived before they had met their no longer mutual friend

I could either fall down on the spot and die, or I could leap over the balcony and drop into the sea far below

Oh well – there goes your break! Any moment she’ll spot you

The air is full of birdsong; I try to spot individual birds but the trees are now coming into leaf and it is difficult to see

He spent the day preparing the soil in his allocated spot, mulching, weeding and hoeing, before gently placing his prize specimen in its ornamental pot in the middle of his display

They bought a little cottage in the village eked out a meagre living on a residue of royalties gleaned from discount store book sales and the odd spot of lawn mowing that came their way from lineage adverts in the parish newspaper

Each desperate contestant was made to stand in front of the panel of judges on a spot marked with a silver star, and almost without fail the judges poured torrents of scorn and condescension down upon their heads

‘What a gorgeous spot …’ Gary commented, driving into the yard and parking the car

She ran spot verifications of the hardware data layer against some of her private files

I spot Alastair’s car; it’s comforting

again with an electrode in the same precise spot, the

With which words, he picks me up and carries me up to the stairs … at least that is the intention … he has a spot of bother opening the door to the stairs one handed and has to put me down again … so much for romantic gestures …

He had some taps into Alan’s universe that Ava had given him because he needed a way to spot check that Alan’s sentence was being carried out

You might have a spot of bother with him – I doubt he will get the idea that we are moving next door

favourite spot on the beach and cast out his lines, settling down in a

the smoked glass windows, gesticulating wildly at the vacant spot

the same spot where the fisherman and his wife had lived before

Oh it had a mast and rudder, but half the time they were rowing it, and at the oars was the only spot on board wide enough for two to sit abreast

royalties gleaned from discount store book sales and the odd spot

a hot spot – then she thought again about the verse,

front of the panel of judges on a spot marked with a silver star, and

Still staring at a spot on the floor, she pulled the bottom of her blouse from her jeans and started fumbling with the buttons

15For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be steadfast, and shalt

“Use me but don’t abuse me and leave at least a twenty spot on the night stand in the morning

There were some places where the canal cut thru the bank, and one interesting spot where this three hundred foot wide canal strode above the ground as an aqueduct for more than two miles, at one point passing a hundred and forty feet above a small river in a valley that looked stuck in a much earlier age

Tom was more enthusiastic, and pointed out a sheltered spot

Their picnic spot was set on a bend in the road where a small

relaxed in their sheltered spot, they were passed by a horse-drawn

He wandered down an embankment and was surprised to spot the small creek he had found yesterday

‘I didn’t mean to put you on the spot, Dave

It had probably required injecting each spot that would sprout a thesh rosette

that there is now a decent-sized lake at that very spot

I am indeed surprised by your ignorance of the presence in your own community of an internationally renowned rod-maker, and not fifty paces from this very spot! Might I direct you just down the boardwalk to the Mercantile? There you will find not this sad pole’s equal, but its lord and master!” The Sportsman exclaimed; then added, “I’m sure the tackle you sell is adequate for the leisure fishing interests of the tourists or stray visitor who might of caprice decide to ‘go fish a bit, since there’s a lake here and all,’ but do not impugn the truly exquisite work of master craftsmen by putting these on offer for anything but what they are

He could see his initials in nine spots but with one blank spot at the bottom 10th-place position

He swatted at them and was about to laugh at their feeble deaths, but when he raised his hand again, he saw only spots of his own red blood

He rocked close enough so that Peter could see his liver spots

David rose to his feet and, with the world swimming in black spots, he reached out

As soon as Barney spots the bouncy castle, all interest in his old Gran disappears and he starts clamouring to have a go … Emma and Adrian exchange a glance

Russ spots something of interest in his newspaper

Leopards and spots came to mind

He spots Hassan, one of the layabouts, sitting with a cigarette dropping form his lips, a bare foot resting on a coffee table pitted with cigarette burns

John clambers up onto a boulder, looks around, spots a pair of military jeeps and an old truck speeding their way

The outer shell of this iron asteroid was only fourteen feet thick in spots, serving as shielding from the relativistic barrage of interstellar flight

Instead of shredding them, it slammed into the junk and peppered the hull with little flashes and hot spots from the impacts

It had a few glowing spots and bands in its atmosphere, often obscured by bands of clouds

She spots me first and motions for Apollo

This was close enough that she could still help the avatar control the ship’s system, and could even copy more neural code across to patch up some of the shaky spots

he scraped away hard spots of sublime glue

mobbing a crow, who spots the blue sky black,

Why is it that we have not been willing to be cleansed more thoroughly? Why did we allow ourselves to be consumed with “blind spots” and things of the past that shaped us? This day won’t only be to judge those that have not attained unto the first resurrection

They had cracked to tiles an inch on a side in places, it was just grainy soil in the other spots

we still mark spots on maps with monsters

these weird black spots brood quietly on the maps

hot spots, a riot in the urban jungle,

«I think it’s high on mine, in spots almost as scary as the trip thru the pass,» Desa said

They told Ava all about their children, the times their dad had cheated on their mom, the times their mom had cheated on their dad, how their brother was a real straight arrow who hadn’t even gotten laid yet except by one of the goats, the brown one with the white spots

Spots that get the most page views

great and the good about their white flies and their black spots, our

Most of the boys at her school are laughable, full of seventeen-year-old menace and spots, with legs and arms that they have not quite grown into

Maggie spots Billy and waves as she beats a hasty retreat and helps with the serving

Rising up from behind a wall of sound, standing tall on ramparts of abuse, the comic spots the boy and goes for the obvious put downs

The shade of the trees above were of little help against the rays that burned through the parched leaves and attacked him in many spots

other bushes had taken root in sheltered spots in the vicinity

As he sips from the steaming mug he spots one of his uniformed officers enter the room and walk up to the counter, order a bacon roll and a mug of the brown stuff

Her eyes drawn lazily to her forearms, she spots some specks of apricot paint and concentrates on picking them off, checking her hands and giving them the same treatment

Then Alex spots a smaller sign pointing to his right: ICU

The Mondeo is very nearly past the turning before Alex spots the tell tale weave of the old comic as he disappears into the shadows

Spots before his eyes

Simon ‘just happens’ to be looking at the gravestones in the churchyard when we get to church and, judging by the way his face lights up when he spots Anna, it looks as though he’s got it as badly as she has; that’s good

To his left he has the drugs, the girls, the glittering spots and gels, all of them wrapped in shades of scarlet, shades that smell of grease paint and stale cigarette smoke

” He made four impressions in the ground with his heel, at the four spots

I give her a big grin as she moves towards the lift but the receptionist spots her before she can escape and calls across that there are some telephone messages for her

This path went downhill, usually gently, often leveled with a log rail and fill in some spots, some rocks pried around in a few other spots

replaced the plates and utensils in their proper resting spots

The sky had turned its array, of blue and violet it always did after a storm, with small melting spots of orange and yellow flooding over it

‘We have been in tighter spots than this, Reeas

endless supply of picnic spots – but the weather would be

bright sunlit spots that had poked through the top of the forest earlier were gone

picnic spots, there’d be none

We passed ten picnic spots within the next ten

Half of the travelers were on the ground, twitching, green spots growing on their flesh from where they were struck, their veins clogging then bursting through their skin while their lifeblood pooled around them, thick and dark

Those spots on his cheeks were more pronounced, the eyes shone more brightly out of darker eyes, and a cold sweat glimmered upon his brow

Chubby and round, her cheeks were filled with a constant crimson hue and speckled with tiny black spots like a sprinkling of pepper

even a few damp spots where water had leaked through

Grays and blacks and red spots surged across her vision

bags, and were supposed to apply the dye in spots on

All across his face, spots that looked like squashed bugs glinted dully in the braziers’

She knew it was the same, because there were a few spots of wine on it

spots close to the front doors

Meets ovum, with a metaphor for the metaphorical: Happy, sad, angry, afraid: with a sudden insight: An eyesore spots the light at the end of the tunnel…

Over one another, snapping their chops—one with White spots around its eyes seemed an especially Close pal—another had blood dripping from its

CDN’s work by having these spots all over the world

After that I had some blurry spots

are the weak spots?

sunken eyes and more liver spots than a firehouse

dalmatian has spots, but they kept up the occasional

The resulting outcome was a large, spacious room with several large machines standing in seemingly random spots

In their stead, her be-spotted skin pulsed with the light of the discreetly self-illumined spots of the Lascorii, now transformed

That meant there weren’t a lot of spots on the interstates that were completely blocked

” One final push on the key chain and he spots it

and spots

Looking down to the trail where it was exposed in some spots, he could see lots of debris, mostly tree limbs mixed with sloping piles of leaves

As the only conceivable option now, Scott got out of the spacesuit and onto the chair, placing his head inside the arch like it was some scanner, slightly raised side cushions held his head; they had cold spots which he took to be metal contacts

Sweat stood out on his forehead and I noticed his robe had wet spots

Many had left our group at various spots to walk the short distance to their villages or towns

After a moment’s pause as they stopped in line, and then a quick nod to each other, the brass section wailed a long low mournful chord, gently augmented by the rhythm section and lifting it gradually as the front spots came on one by one illuminating each musician in turn, until the rich ring of brass reached its apex, brought it to a cutting halt so that in the split second of silence it seemed to hang in the room like a clarion

water as hot as he could bear to avoid little white spots around

The female was short-haired and black with a couple of small white spots

The Web site indicates cats with urinary tract infections need to drink a lot of water, adding that with their inquisitive nature, cats are more likely to drink out of bowls placed in odd spots around the home

“That’s all well and good but why did she come to us and to George in particular?” He spoke to her again and I saw small spots of colour redden her cheeks and she smiled at George shyly

She was mostly white with freckles across her haunches and a few spots on her neck and chest

in vacation spots for movie stars or the super rich who wanted

He said he didn’t want to go to tourists spots

Even from the third floor, the spots of blood were visible

Spots floated across his vision, and blackness probed the edges

and Beulah were in their usual spots, and I nodded at all of them

This patch of woods had all kinds of grassy clumps and rotted log piles in it, perfect hiding spots for a small girl

I showered and shaved, even threw a little salve on the few spots that needed more healing

On the far side of the field the cat watched her, its eyes two white spots of reflected moonlight

Light blue had crept into the eastern sky, but trees and bushes created shadows and offered dozens of hiding spots on either side of the trail

Unlike most cats Alex had seen it had unusual markings, the spots and stripes reminding him of a Scottish wild cat

white, with tan spots, and ears of the longest, softest, and silkiest

As it had lain hidden amongst the pine needles, the whitish spots marking the snakes back reflected the dim moonlight back up at him, giving away the adder’s presence

Scrambling his way out of the water he shook his coat, splattering spots of phosphorescent light against the wall of the cavern as he did so

They were covered in fine spots, smaller than the large mottles on the back and sides

With regard to ground of this nature, be before the enemy in occupying the raised and sunny spots, and carefully guard your line of supplies

With regard to PRECIPITOUS HEIGHTS, if you are beforehand with your adversary, you should occupy the raised and sunny spots, and there wait for him to come up

Where was Hilier’s campsite? There were only so many good spots

Spots of light danced on the dark green water swirling its lazy way around a slow bend ahead

He was looking at me, his breath ragged and two spots of color high in his cheeks

‘…at this time the larvae, which are reddish orange with black spots and are known as red efts, leave the water and spend the next few years on land…living under stones and logs in damp, wooded regions…the larva eventually return to water, develop adult coloration, and spend the rest of their lives in an aquatic habitat…’

His dad, with his steel-toed, ankle-length, zip-sided shoes, his blue polyester work pants, the shirt that he was so proud of, where he cut the sleeves off and re-seamed them by hand, the one with paint spots all over it

By top-dressing Is the lawn being damaged by them? When you have your lawn and property with year-old horse manure, spotted the telltale signs of gophers or moles (a small you will not only be feeding your soil, but also repel-mound of soil or dead plants), naturally as they do not like manure

The lake was choppy and it was late in Morningday when they finally spotted the Sinbara peninsula on the horizon

Before they were done with their lunch, they were traversing open range spotted with scattered small holds with small herdsmen on open range

Fortunately for the people of Jerusalem, an archer spotted Blitzer fired an arrow into his shoulder, causing him to lose his grip and fall

Ah, that’s where I put the other bottle … I reach for the full wine bottle I have just spotted

The carriage was around by the time she had everything ready, He had a very pretty keda the color of a chipmunk with five dark manes and spotted stripes down his back

I’d heard him coming but it was obvious that Liz hadn’t and she was shaken rigid … I saw his face when he spotted her though he covered it immediately … yes, it was the right thing to do, going and getting Liz

Luckily, there was a guy coming home from a night on the town who spotted the front door smouldering

‘You spotted that? A lot of people write her off as an idiot, you know

It was last spotted at the exit they took, and it was a no-brainer to conclude the car had traveled to the Watson’s home not two miles away from there

The junks hadn’t spotted the Squidy in their first encounter

The Chief’s arm detached in his hands along the seam he’d spotted between her new and old skin

Shit!’ He’s spotted that a saucepan on the hob is about to boil over

She talked with slow, fluid gestures and had blue, blue dreamy eyes that sometimes focused on the phonecam, making Alfred afraid that she had spotted the lens

Field edging hedgerow spotted with brazen blackberry blossom, petals white against the green, issued a mute warning of the shorter, colder days that were to come

I spotted her when I got to the stile

‘Good, he’s spotted us

As she neared the corner, she went wide, eyes scanning ahead and spotted the men, standing together to one side of the walkway … ostensibly talking animatedly … no, one of them’s glanced to see if I’m coming … They paid her no attention as she neared them – she didn’t expect them to

On a rain spotted driveway in front of a gaping garage mouth

At peace for the first time in days, she sat watching the land slowly passing by; ducks dabbled in and out of the reed beds bordering the river and here and there she spotted the long legged herons, poised like statues peering at the water intently as though hypnotising their prey

Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers had spotted Fred and Joe from the

It was Cosmicblasto who spotted them first

He spotted it trying to get an angle on him to try and see him

towards Frinkstone Hill without been spotted by Alderfolk

Then she spotted the coke again

Jake was the one who spotted the steam vent

As they entered the Hall they spotted Daniel and Kate with the young man

Daniel and Kate spotted Sam and caught his eye

Rah spotted her trying to hide behind a cloud

Not an hour later they spotted the first wave of the black bull’s army approach

Jake turned and spotted Ichor

He spotted her and his hatred exploded; he flew straight at her

Then he spotted a boy working his way down a line of parked cars, who was taking advantage of the crowds to steal the radiator badges from the more expensive sporting models

We spotted their camp and decided to attack

They flew for almost an hour before they spotted the monsters

«These are the impactors that we’ve spotted,» Thom showed them the images from Darryl

The red earth gave way to green vegetation in spotted areas, and after rounding a corner they came out onto a beautiful green grassy plain

Rayne spotted him and rushed to his side

Rayne spotted Lord Tarak in the midst of several of the creatures

Rayne spotted Tarak and Kai in heated swordplay with several of the large bugs

He spotted the Queen sitting on a throne towards the center back of the room

Sally is beaming at me, and comes over to inspect my ring which she has just spotted

streaked windows forced their liver spotted hands to desperate

There in the distance, she spotted the Hausa; they had begun gathering for the evening

Alexei was in his quarters when he spotted the Saber heading their way

Then he spotted a boy working his way down a

spotted an opportunity to do himself a favour, wrote down the

Rayne followed her instructions, out of curiosity, and spotted it at the end of a long hallway

“Vintar, have you spotted them?” He asked as he entered

Alexei would have been very surprised to learn that Lady Tara had spotted him an hour before, and that she had arranged to ‘bump’ into him

“Won’t we be spotted there?”

They spotted the first glider as it emerged from the clouds and made a beeline in the direction of the Queens Hold

Twenty minutes later they spotted the city above them and began to climb; once at the top they attempted to swing themselves over to the landing to begin the slaughter

Unfortunately for them, they were spotted by Sonia’s vigilant forces and were met by a barrage of arrows from men from all the Holds

Mistress Sera spotted this and fearing the worst for Naria kicked out and sent the weapon spinning away

ruck and maul the young prince and his lady wife spotted a tired

But if you want more than that, I spotted a removal company which says it sells boxes

His saturated clothes clung to him and he was painfully aware of the bruises that spotted his body like dark tattoos, a constant reminder that he should be dead

Just as she was leaving the building she spotted Chas heading back towards the barracks

have spotted this and interjected

Keeping still and quartering the landscape with her ears, she pinpointed it, even more thrilled when she spotted a flash of bright feathers in a bush a few yards from where she was standing

Tom ran back to the point where he thought he had spotted the

He had spotted something bulky protruding from the heavily-

“But their plans were further upset when you spotted the dead

spotted the ship in trouble, and bravely, or perhaps foolishly, rowed

clearly spotted Tom’s reaction

spotted the clothing he wore was the not-quite-uniform of the

spotted the puzzled look on Ged’s face, “He’s signed up with the

‘ He didn’t mind, but before I’d even finished getting him something to drink he’d spotted ‘I’ several times and I swear I thought I was watching myself carefully! And forget that spinning hands thing

Mrs Brown half turning had spotted something in the corner of the room behind the door

Tom spotted Ifor, who was on

After a few minutes, Tom had spotted slight movements on the

“That bad tail that she spotted has hampered my investigation more than any other event so far

She wouldn’t have been spotted on the waterfront otherwise

She continued to kick the ship over and over again, hoping to find some secret entrance that she hadn’t spotted yet

He had spotted the weak links on both sides of

he spotted a flicker of movement

Bushes weren’t here unless they had some kind of fruit or berry, and he spotted one piece of wood that was definitely a board

He’d spotted his

‘Why, then?’ De Plassan had spotted him too — he

While loading back into the car, Emma spotted another red spot, and then another

one of the narrower lanes, Francois spotted her straight

He spotted the gun on the floor

spotted the arrival of the woman known as la Porete – to

He quickly spotted the Archdeacon as he spoke to some of

Jean spotted it straight

Freddy spotted Gina immediately and rushed out from behind the counter,

Then they spotted another sign they’d been told about all the way back in Yoonbarla

workmen spotted us and signalled to his comrades

The Dalmation Coast gives the spotted dog his name

I spotted the

As they were talking about her, Luray strolled in and spotted Vatreel over the crowd

rest of the family, I spotted him

I had spotted the

spotted the man he was looking for almost immediately

Once he reached the end of Lmuthra, he wasn’t quite sure where to go and wandered up the Appalaise a few blocks until he spotted the shape of the Rikannon back over his shoulder

Always aware of the conditions he looked around constantly, the fire was raging and spreading and it was going upwards towards the Petols building, then he spotted two young faces coming out of the trees heading toward the Clearys, when the wind veered and bits of leaves and ash started to fly in the air and whirl about then dove down ahead of the boys

Alan spotted a hole in the solid floor above that he could climb to, and began feeling carefully for places to step

He was about to get in more firing practice when he spotted other shapes moving in the crowd below

for the tell-tale liver spotting upon his sagging hands he clearly had once been a broad

’ I muttered at one point spotting the man carrying his tools past the window to put in his van

for spotting the main chance that matters

Spotting them in the distance, she finally took a long deep breath

They had a vast region to keep under their watchful eyes and were very adept at spotting any activity

Spotting this she quickly dashes over and moves it further onto the table

Spotting the mud on his Chinos, Davie raises his eyes to the heavens and swears

His dad had taken him deer spotting when he was younger

B’theen seemed to have no other source of income other than cargo spotting, mainly for Kulai’s business

B’theen does all his high-priced leg work and a lot of his spotting, he spends most Afternoondays pacing the docks

I start spotting buildings I know, as well as some which have obviously been built since I was last here

Then the spaniel spotting the sitting swans and went for the female sitting next to me, well that was its first mistake as the male swan gave sharp hiss and drove the spaniel away

And then he spoke, spotting an anomaly,

Spotting a two-story house that seemed to be in pretty decent shape, I pulled the SUV as far into the driveway as I could get

Anna was a decided expert at spotting such boys — she was an experienced expert in this matter

“Do you think we have nothing better to do with the bullets flying round our bonces than to hang around like a pair of fairground dummies on a shy or don’t you think that Billy Boy and I have been shitting it as well?” He spat in disgust as Charlie looked at the pair of us properly spotting our bandages he became quieter and said

Closing the doll’s house again, Dawn looked around, spotting a carved wooden rocking horse

Spotting the cat, a big smile spread across the baby’s face and it reached out its pudgy fists, fingers opening and closing as it tried to touch it

He glanced around, spotting her at the window, waving for her to come out

Spotting a dark alley he headed towards it, tripping on the kerbside as he crossed the road

Then spotting a sandbank, he found a last reserve of energy to thrash his way onto the low ridge

He realised now that he should have stayed well hidden after spotting the large badger preparing to attack the guards, but he had hoped to use the situation as a means of winning favour and gaining entrance to the sett

Glenna and I did not discuss Dena once she had left; instead I took another stroll around the hall spotting Minister Wade and Jackie, Tali and Josh and Garth and Merle all sitting together

Turning away from the dead boar, Brokin threw a glance upwards, spotting two badgers locked in a fierce battle on the narrow ledge by the rock pile

«What’s up?» I called, spotting a mass of people milling around the farm gate

His boss was sprawled on the floor and Marcos hurried to his side, spotting blood on his face

Hearing a soft chuckle, Nye looked around, spotting Darren Crosby standing at the door, a knowing smile on his lips

” She hoped desperately that he would move on quickly: she never was a good liar and guessed this man was a professional at spotting one

Artillery spotting was not my highest priority, though

His face is so close to mine that I can see a few freckles spotting his nose

No hope of spotting landmarks or roads

Spotting the licence plate showing the Chev truck was from Johannesburg (“Sodom and Gomorrah,” in the opinion of the locals), he looked disgusted

Upon spotting no one she jumped from rails towards his open arms

Spotting the only packet in the shop, I snatched it jubilantly

into the room, immediately spotting their escape

Spotting Tifa on the level below, he waited for her to join him, her

proposed, spotting an alleyway not far from where they stood,

“Hi Dominic,” she said upon spotting me heading towards Tom’s resting place

I was really proud of myself for spotting the difference, so I told everyone straight away

next, what could he offer them anyway? the top ten expert tips on spotting misshapen plastic bottles or the difference between an

spotting two of Braun and Bower’s most devoted employees—a husband and wife team

He was none other than the ex-director of a renowned TV station; who had a major say in arranging concerts in top sabhas in Chennai; who had nurtured top talents; and who still takes pride in spotting right talents

Spotting a young boy he called out to him, “Where are the visitors?”

Easily spotting his friend he smiled as Taher said, “You have always been one for showing off have you not

His gaze spotting the dead body of Damalis slumped at the Engraved Stone in the same place that she had pledged herself to Negel from

after spotting them, watching them pass by the tributary that I’d

He turned to his right, spotting the door to the cellar and a shiver instantly ran down his spine

He approached for a closer look spotting a glow that marked Anak’s passing and instantly his vision faded again, confirming that his magic had indeed been dispelled the first time and that he had found the location that he sought

«Hey, somethin’ smel… Oh, hi,» he said, spotting Betty on the far side of the table

To the beast it was like ammonia and it turned away quickly spotting a nearby group of watching soldiers whose smell was not so repulsive

Tears welled and fell onto my white dress, spotting it with grey grief

My eyes moved from the teapot to her face, and I watched it fill with even more wrinkles as tears filled her eyes and slid down her cheeks, spotting her white blouse

“Where did they all come from?” he asked, spotting the raggedy forms of Bill and his mother within the ranks

Get the point? Although spotting a trend is not necessarily a prerequisite to building

Spotting Peteru he came over, listened to the news, agreed with their plans and promised they’d fulfil their role

spotting them could sometimes be difficult, although I seemed to have a

You’ll be given an average of around 7 exercises to work on every day to cement your learning on the topics that you will have covered in the main course, such as; getting better at sex, the daily to-do’s, how you can build a connection with your partner, spotting good opportunities to initiate sex, boosting her self-esteem and your self-improvements

The Scientist adjusted his binoculars, spotting a glimpse of movement in 1 of the fields

Spotting a bunch of diaries therein, he wondered whether they would lead him to the essence of her self

around once in a while and then spotting a nice piece

running away again on spotting the pricked up ears of

I awarded myself one point for spotting a red car, two for a yellow and three for a green

If we’d reached the convoy without spotting him, he would have as handily killed us

Ellie Mae and Elvira became adept at spotting suspicious cargoes and intercepting them

there weren’t any and spotting Russian spies swapping information (secret

They ran past the bodyguard without spotting him

«Good move spotting that vehicle

Spotting the remains of a campfire and debris from a camp, Wendy realized her crew had not been able to stay out of sight and had been captured by the Swordsmen and taken away

I waited patiently for roughly ten minutes before spotting a good target

The group trekked along GT road in hope of spotting a car, then 30 minutes later, just as they were getting tired of walking in the heat of the sun, a black Mercedes Benz pulled up before them

After spotting a worker Sharon inquired about where the

One problem with spotting scams is that con

His eyes flew wide open, spotting Morg as he lifted his foot over his head

Spotting that the Rakai had his translator, she said, “I hope we are not intruding on you two

Upon spotting the first warehouse we placed ourselves on red

Now, spotting the mist was our primary objective

spotting what appeared to be a mist

I scanned the area spotting several very attractive

Quickly spotting Donald and Jeff, Ron sprinted towards them screaming

Closing in to less than forty meters from the headquarters building, Otto crouched behind a tree and observed the area for a good two minutes, spotting only two British soldiers kneeling behind a 14 Kubbelwagen: military variant of the original VW Beatle

Spotting a teletype station nearby, he went to it and felt his heart jump when he found it still operating

Boran Kern had no difficulty spotting them at the end of the columns of robots: they nearly were the size of a heavy truck and sported armored turrets with very long gun barrels

spotting me, he motioned the other rat come

I walked for another two hours before spotting what

and, we have a better chance of spotting an upturned boat than a small life raft,’

Spotting land in the distance, Heracles, still despondent about the loss of his surrogate parents, started swimming towards it

This isn’t spotting, I told myself

Seiji smiled on spotting Kimi in the lineup, about as excited as the other spectators and holding hands with a young Japanese man

Out in the open he impressed at target practice and at game spotting when out on a hunt with his father

� As for the roles this helicopter could fill, you have the choice of shipborne anti-submarine aircraft, ship-to-ship resupply at sea, search and rescue, artillery spotting, ground support aircraft��

It was near eleven O’clock at night when they saw a small campfire by the side of the main road, spotting it from 400 meters as they crested a low hill that cut their direct path southward

The mercenaries had gone towards the waterfall, and then backtracked, soon spotting shadowy figures moving through the rocks

’’ Said Ingrid while observing the single engine artillery spotting plane

Thankfully, none of her women shot at her, while the artillery barrage and thickening smoke screen down by the road prevented the Chinese from spotting her and her prisoner

Two of the men traveling with us were brothers, and it didn’t take them long before spotting a couple of men that they had been acquainted with

I cannot risk him coming to Shimla and spotting Tarana

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