The word sports in french




sport    m     
→ My favourite sport is football.        
What’s your favourite sport?      Quel est ton sport préféré?  
to be good at sport      être sportif (-ive)     
She’s good at sport.      Elle est sportive.  
indoor sports      sports    mpl   en salle  
outdoor sports      sports    mpl   de plein air  

divertissement    m     
to say sth in sport      dire qch pour rire  

(=man, boy)  
chic type    m     
(=woman, girl)  
chic fille    f     
He’s a good sport.      C’est un chic type.  
go on, be a sport!      allez, sois sympa!  

[activities, event, team]  
sportif (-ive)     
[centre, club, complex, facilities]  
sportif (-ive)     
de sport  
[channel, coverage, programme, news]  
sportif (-ive)     
[commentator, presenter, correspondent, journalist]  
sportif (-ive)     
[personality, star]  
du (monde du) sport  
[psychologist, science]  
du sport  
[bra, clothes]  
de sport  
[gear, kit]  
sportif (-ive)     
sports equipment      matériel    m   sportif  
sports fan      fan    mf   de sport  

→ He was a bit of a show-off, sporting an earring in his left ear.        

racket sports  
      npl   sports    mpl   de raquettes  

sports bag  
      n   sac    m   de sport  

sports car  
      n   voiture    f   de sport  

sports centre  
      n   centre    m   sportif  

sports day  
      n     (British, in schools)   réunion    f   sportive  

sports desk  
      n     (TV, RADIO)  
service    m   des sports  
→ Over now to Simon Ingram at the sports desk.        

sports drink  
      n   boisson    f   sportive  

sports ground  
      n   terrain    m   de sport  

sports hall  
      n   gymnase    m     

sports injury  
      n   blessure    f   de sportif (-ive)     

sports jacket  
      n   veste    f   de sport  

sports page  
page    f   des sports  

sports shop  
      n   magasin    m   de sport  

sports stadium  
      n   stade    m     

sports writer  
      n   journaliste    mf   sportif (-ive)     

water sports  
      npl   sports    mpl   nautiques  

winter sports  
      npl   sports    mpl   d’hiver

Translation English — French Collins Dictionary  

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See how “sports” is translated from English to French with more examples in context

Займемся спортом на французском языке

Все, что нужно знать про спорт на французском языке мы собрали в данной статье. Ведь занятия спортом полезны не только для здоровья, но и для поддержания физической формы, для тренировки силы воли и соревновательного духа. И нам важно научиться описывать эти состояния на французском.

Виды спорта на французском – выбирайте любой!

Для начала, представляем вашему вниманию основной словарный запас по видам спорта.

Les sports d’hiver – зимние виды спорта (большинство названий – слова английского происхождения):

  • Le biathlon – биатлон
  • Le bobsleigh – бобслей
  • Le skeleton – скелетон
  • Le patinage de vitesse – конькобежный спорт
  • Le patinage artistique – фигурное катание
  • La courte piste – шорт-трек
  • Le curling – кёрлинг
  • Le ski – лыжный спорт
  • Le ski alpin – горнолыжный спорт
  • Le combiné nordique – лыжное двоеборье
  • Le ski de fond – лыжные гонки
  • Le saut à ski – прыжки на лыжах с трамплина
  • Le snowboard – сноуборд
  • Le freestyle – фристайл
  • Le tobbogan – санный спорт
  • Le hockey sur glace – хоккей на льду


Спорт и спортивные игры

Les sports d’été – летние виды спорта (большинство слов – также английского происхождения):

  • Le badminton – бадминтон
  • Le basket-ball – баскетбол
  • Le boxe – бокс
  • La lutte – борьба
  • La lutte gréco-romaine – греко-римская борьба
  • La lutte libre – вольная борьба
  • Le cyclisme – велосипедный спорт
  • Le cyclisme BMX – велоспорт BMX
  • Le cyclisme sur route – велоспорт-шоссе
  • Le cyclisme sur piste – велоспорт-трек
  • Le vélo VTT – велоспорт маунтин-байк
  • Les sports nautiques – водные виды спорта
  • La plongée – плавание
  • La natation synchronisée – синхронное плавание
  • Le plongeon – прыжки в воду
  • Le water-polo – водное поло
  • L’eau libre – открытая вода
  • Le ski nautique – водные лыжи
  • Le volley-ball – волейбол
  • Le beach-volley – пляжный волейбол
  • Le handball – гандбол
  • La gymnastique artistique – художественная гимнастика
  • La trampoline – прыжки на батуте
  • L’aviron – академическая гребля
  • Le canoe sprint – гребля на байдарках и каноэ
  • Le judo – дзюдо
  • Le sport équestre – конный спорт
  • L’athlétisme – легкая атлетика
  • Le ping-pong – настольный теннис
  • Le yachting – парусный спорт
  • Le pentathlon moderne – современное пятиборье
  • Le tir à l’arc – стрельба из лука
  • Le tennis – теннис
  • Le triathlon – триатлон
  • Le taekwondo – тхэквондо
  • La haltérophilie – тяжелая атлетика
  • L’escrime – фехтование
  • Le football – футбол
  • Le golf – гольф
  • La lutte à la corde – перетягиваниеканата
  • Le rugby – регби
  • Les échecs – шахматы
  • Le billard – бильярд


Виды спорта на французском языке

Основной спортивный vocabulaire

Несколько слов и выражений про спорт на французском языке с переводом:

  • pratiquer le sport (la natation, le football, le tennis etc.) – заниматься спортом (плаванием, футболом, теннисом и т.д.)
  • faire du sport (da la natation, du football, du tennis etc.) – заниматься спортом
  • le stade – стадион
  • le terrain de sport – спортивная площадка
  • la salle de sport – спортивный зал
  • le gymnase – спортзал
  • prendre part aux compétitions – принимать участие в соревнованиях
  • participer – участвовать
  • sportif – спортивный, спортсмен
  • supporter – выдержать, вынести
  • s’inscrire à – записаться
  • s’occuper de – заниматься
  • s’entrainer (à qch) – тренироваться
  • l’entraineur – тренер
  • l’entrainement – тренировка
  • l’home-trainer – тренер
  • le mode de vie sain – здоровый образ жизни
  • être en bonne santé – быть в добром здравии
  • bien portant – здоровый
  • gagner (le match) – выиграть (матч)
  • perdre (le match) – проиграть (матч)
  • jouer en équipe – играть в команде
  • faire de la gymnastique – заниматься гимнастикой
  • faire du vélo – кататься на велосипеде
  • jouer au tennis sur un court – играть в теннис на корте
  • jouer au golf sur un terrain de golf- играть в гольф на поле для гольфа
  • faire de la marche ou de la randonnée sur un chemin – заниматься ходьбой или длительными прогулками по дороге
  • faire de la course – заниматься бегом
  • skier – заниматься лыжным спортом, ходить на лыжах
  • faire du ski sur une piste en montagne – кататься на лыжах на лыжной дорожке в горах
  • nager – плавать
  • faire de la natation dans une piscine ou à la mer – заниматься плаванием в бассейне или в море
  • naviguer – заниматься парусным спортом

Le sport

Спортивные принадлежности

Обратите внимание на важную деталь: Faire du tennis, du golf, de la natation, de la voile – заниматься теннисом, гольфом, плаванием, парусным спортом. НО:  Jouer au tennis, au golf – сыграть в теннис, в гольф.

Слова, которые относятся к одежде и спортивному инвентарю:

  • un maillot – майка
  • un tee-shirt – футболка
  • un short – шорты
  • un survêtement – верхняя одежда
  • une raquette – ракетка
  • une balle – мяч
  • des chaussures de sport (des basckets) – спортивная обувь (кеды)
  • un ballon – мяч
  • un club de golf – клуб гольфа
  • une rondelle – хоккейная шайба
  • un échiquier шахматная доска
  • Echec! – Шах!
  • Mat! – Мат!

Теперь Вы знаете как поддержать любую беседу про спорт на французском языке. Успехов вам в ваших занятиях спортом! А чтобы увеличить словарный запас можно добавить в него слова о частях тела.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the French word for sport?
  2. How do you say sporty in French feminine?
  3. What is Sportsif?
  4. Is sport FEM or MASC in French?
  5. What is basketball called in French?
  6. What is Badminton French?
  7. Does France have a netball team?
  8. Is netball feminine in French?
  9. How do you spell tennis in French?
  10. What is netball in the UK?
  11. Is netball a girl sport?
  12. Which country invented netball?
  13. What was netball originally called?
  14. Why is netball a girl sport?
  15. Who invented football?
  16. Why is netball not an Olympic sport?
  17. Which country is the best at netball?
  18. Do England netball players get paid?
  19. Where is netball most popular?
  20. Who is the best netball player in the world 2020?
  21. Who invented netball first?
  22. What are the 7 netball positions?
  23. What’s the hardest position in netball?
  24. What does C mean in netball?
  25. What does WA mean in netball?

sport → jouer, taquiner, moquer.

How do you say sporty in French feminine?

The French translation for “sporty (feminine plural)” is sportives.

What is Sportsif?

History and Etymology for sportif French, sporting, of sports, from sport sport, from English.

Is sport FEM or MASC in French?


French English
1. sport games
2. sport (masculine noun) athletics (noun)
3. sport (masculine noun) sport

What is basketball called in French?

Detailed Translations for basketball from English to French basket: panier; corbeille; Panier.

What is Badminton French?

More French words for badminton. le badminton noun.

Does France have a netball team?

With 5 official members (Netball Paris, LMML Netball, Vasles Netball, Valley Vipers Netball and Netball Toulouse) and 4 pending members (Netball Côte Basque, Netball Nice, Netball Lyon and Oceania), Netball France encompasses all of the netball associations in France.

Is netball feminine in French?

n netball m Netball is a bit like basketball, but it’s normally played by girls. Le netball ressemble un peu au basket, mais est généralement pratiqué par les filles.

How do you spell tennis in French?

Elle joue au tennis. She plays tennis.

What is netball in the UK?

Netball is a ball sport played by two teams of seven players. Each team attempts to score goals by passing a ball down the court and shooting it through its goal ring. Players are assigned specific positions, which define their roles within the team and restrict their movement to certain areas of the court.

Is netball a girl sport?

Today, netball is popular in Commonwealth nations, and is reportedly played by over 20 million people worldwide. It remains primarily a women’s sport, although male participation is increasing in some countries.

Which country invented netball?

the UK

What was netball originally called?

women’s basketball

Why is netball a girl sport?

Netball became the sport for women because it embodied female attributes and was viewed by doctors, reformers, politicians, the media and middle class women as the best team sport for women and girls to play. In addition, netball prospered because women controlled it as their game outside of male influence.

However, many people claim that football as we know it today actually started in England. There are records of people kicking around a pig’s bladder in villages in the 9th century. And during the medieval period, games were played in towns that involved rival squads violently playing against each other.

Why is netball not an Olympic sport?

Women’s sport at the Olympics According to Dyer in 1982, exclusion of netball from the Summer Olympics is part of the historical pattern of the slow growth and gradual acceptance of women’s sports. Women first competed in the 1900 Summer Olympics in only three sports: tennis, croquet and golf.

Which country is the best at netball?

Full Rankings as of 1 July 2020

Full Rankings as of 1 July 2020
Rank Change Team
1 Australia
2 New Zealand
3 1 England

Do England netball players get paid?

According to The Telegraph, the salary cap for Superleague clubs this year has been lowered from UK£75,000 (US$103,000) to UK£70,000 (US$96,000), which is split between squads of ten, although one marquee player sits outside of that limit.

Where is netball most popular?


Who is the best netball player in the world 2020?

Irene van Dyk MNZM (née Viljoen; born 21 June 1972) is a South African-born New Zealand netball player. A goal-shooter, she is one of the world’s best-known netballers and is the most capped international player.

Who invented netball first?

Dr James Naismith

What are the 7 netball positions?

See how they line up and which areas of the court each position is allowed to play in below:

  • Goal Keeper (GK)
  • Goal Defence (GD)
  • Wing Defence (WD)
  • Centre (C)
  • Wing Attack (WA)
  • Goal Attack (GA)
  • Goal Shooter (GS)

What’s the hardest position in netball?

The data showed that the centre player had the highest intensity per match, followed closely by wing defence, then wing attack and goal attack.

What does C mean in netball?

The Fast5 variation of netball only has five positions: goal shooter (GS), goal attack (GA), centre (C), goal defence (GD), and goal keeper (GK).

What does WA mean in netball?

Wing Attack

‘sports’ a une référence dans l’entrée ‘sport’. Il se trouve dans une ou plusieurs des lignes ci-dessous.‘sports’ is cross-referenced with ‘sport’. It is in one or more of the lines below.

Principales traductions Anglais Français sport n (game) sport nm   Baseball is my favourite sport.   Le baseball est mon sport préféré. sports (US),
sport (UK)
n (physical activity) sport nm Note: Used with a singular verb   I like reading and sport, but have too little time for either.   J’aime la lecture et le sport, mais j’ai peu de temps à leur consacrer. sport n (entertainment) plaisir, amusement nm   Sarah shoots bears for sport.   Sarah chasse l’ours pour le plaisir. sport n informal ([sb] amenable) gentil, gentille adj    (familier) sympa adj   Would you be a sport and lend me some money?   Sois gentil, prête-moi de l’argent, s’il te plaît.   Sois sympa, prête-moi de l’argent, s’il te plaît. sport n AU, informal (friendly term of address) (familier : pour un garçon) petit, bonhomme interj    (familier : pour un homme) mon vieux, ma vieille interj   Hey, sport, can you come help me with this?   Dis, petit (or: bonhomme), tu peux venir m’aider pour ça ?   Dis, mon vieux, tu peux venir m’aider ? sport [sth] vtr (wear) arborer⇒ vtr   Amanda was sporting a T-shirt with the slogan «I’m with Stupid!»   Amanda arborait un T-shirt sur lequel on pouvait lire « Mon pote est une tache ». sport [sth] vtr figurative (have: [sth] visible) arborer⇒ vtr   James is sporting a black eye after his fight with Bob.   À la suite à sa bagarre avec Bob, James arborait un œil au beurre noir.
Traductions supplémentaires Anglais Français sports adj (relating to athletic activity) de sport loc adj    (centre, équipement, agent,…) sportif, sportive adj    (médecine,…) du sport loc adj   Wembley Stadium in London is a major sports venue. sports adj (clothing, equipment: for athletic use) (vêtement) de sport loc adj    (équipement) sportif, sportive adj   The hotel has a gym and swimming pool, so remember to pack your sports gear. sport n literary (fun, amusement) amusement nm   «As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.» — Shakespeare   « Comme des mouches pour des débauchés, il en est de même pour les dieux ; ils nous tuent par amusement.» Shakespeare. sport n (botany: mutation) (Botanique) mutation nf   «Golden Wedding» was cultivated from a bud sport in our nursery.   Les « Noces d’Or » ont été cultivées à partir d’une mutation de bourgeon dans notre pépinière. sport with [sth] vi + prep literary (play) jouer avec vi + prép   How cruel he is, to sport with my emotions in this way.   Non mais, quelle cruauté de jouer avec mes émotions comme ça !
Formes composées
sport Anglais Français bad sport n ([sb] who reacts badly to losing) mauvais perdant, mauvaise perdante nm, nf   Peter is a bad sport; he always loses his temper if he doesn’t win a game. ball sport n often plural (game: with ball) sports de ballon nmpl     sports de balle nmpl billiard sport n often plural (snooker, pool, etc.) sport de table nm blood sport n often plural (game, contest: involves death of animals) combat d’animaux nm collegiate sport n (university team sports) sport universitaire nm combat sport n (sport: involves fighting) sport de combat nm   Combat sports are popular with teenage boys.   Les sports de combat sont populaires auprès des adolescents. contact sport n (sport: with physical contact) sport de contact nm   Rugby and football are high-contact sports. good sport n ([sb] good-humoured) (anglicisme) fair-play adj inv    (Sports) beau joueur nm    (Sports) bon perdant, bonne perdante nm, nf   She only came third in the race, but was a good sport and didn’t complain.   Elle a fini troisième mais a été très fair-play et n’a pas râlé. in sport expr (as a joke) pour rire expr   He said it in sport, not to hurt anyone’s feelings. poor sport n ([sb]: cannot take joke) personne qui a peu le sens de l’humour nf   He´s such a poor sport that he thought I was being serious!   C’est une personne qui a peu le sens de l’humour, il croyait que j’étais sérieuse !    (jeu, sport) mauvais joueur nm    (jeu, sport) mauvais perdant nm racket sport,
racquet sport
n (tennis, squash, etc.) sport de raquette nm recreational sport n (competitive activity done for leisure) sport loisir nm spectator sport n (sport that is watched) sport de spectacle nm   My idea of exercise is turning the TV on for spectator sports.   Ma vision de l’exercice, c’est d’allumer la télé pour regarder du sport de spectacle. spectator sport n figurative ([sth] enjoyable to watch) sport spectacle nm   Watching your friends learning to ski is a good spectator sport.   Regarder ses amis apprendre à skier est un bon sport spectacle. sport agent,
sports agent
n (sportsperson’s manager) agent sportif nm sport center (US),
sports centre (UK)
n (venue for physical activity) centre sportif nm     complexe sportif nm sport drink,
sports drink
n (beverage: water, nutrients) boisson énergétique nf sport scholarship,
sports scholarship
n (grant for sports training) bourse d’étude de sport nf sport shirt,
sports shirt
n (man’s casual top) maillot de sport nm   Are sports shirts allowed at the golf club?   Les maillots de sport sont-ils autorisés au club de golf ? sport shoe (US),
sports shoe (UK)
n usually plural (sneaker, trainer) chaussure de sport nf     tennis, basket nf   You can’t go to the mayor’s ball wearing sports shoes!   Tu ne peux pas aller au bal du maire en chaussures de sports !   Tu ne peux pas aller au bal du maire en baskets (or: en tennis) ! sport therapist,
sports therapist
n (physiotherapy trainer for athletes) préparateur physique nm     kinésithérapeute nm sport utility vehicle,
sports utility vehicle
n (large sturdy car) (anglicisme : voiture) SUV nm, abr    (Can) véhicule utilitaire sport nm    (Can) tout-terrain de loisir nm    (Can) véhicule loisir travail nm sports car,
sport car
n (small, low, fast car) voiture de sport nf   We knew Tom was going through a mid-life crisis when he bought a sports car.   Nous avons compris que Tom était en pleine crise de la quarantaine quand il s’est acheté une voiture de sport. sports jacket,
sport jacket,
sports coat,
sport coat
n US (blazer) veste sport nf   Sports jackets are usually made of a different fabric than the pants they’re worn with. He wore his sport jacket to school today.   Les vestes sport sont habituellement faites d’un tissu différent de celui des pantalons avec lesquelles elles sont portées. Il a mis sa veste sport pour aller à l’école aujourd’hui. team sport,
team game
n (groups competing) sport d’équipe nm winter sport n usually plural (sport played on snow or ice) sport d’hiver nm

If you want to talk about sports in French, this free lesson with audio is for you! Listen carefully to the French pronunciation of sport, as the word is spelt the same but said differently. And make sure you practice saying all the French words and phrases aloud.

French vollyball players

Talking about Sports in French

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Sports in French phrases

Nous allons jouer au foot

We are going to play football (soccer)

Va faire du vélo, il fait beau !

Go do some cycling, it’s a fine day!

Quand vas-tu faire de la natation ?

When are you going to swim?

Even more French sports phrases!

J’aime jouer au rugby en hiver

I like to play rugby in winter

Est-ce que tu fais du sport ?

Faire du saut à l’élastique

Imagine you are watching a game somewhere in France. This is what you might hear people around you saying about a soccer match!

French soccer player

Can’t believe you missed that!

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