The word speak in italian

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Prisoners must speak only when spoken to.

I prigionieri possono parlare solo quando viene loro richiesto.

So silence can, according to the circumstances speak.

Dunque il silenzio può, a seconda delle circostanze, parlare.

He didn’t dare speak up.

Non avrà avuto il coraggio di dire niente.

Please speak slowly and be precise.

Per favore, parlate piano e siate precisi.

How you speak without saying anything.

Il modo in cui parla senza dire niente.

Acts and actions speak louder than your blood origin.

I fatti e le azioni parlano più forte del tuo sangue d’origine.

Generally, people speak after something like that.

In generale, le persone parlano dopo cose come queste.

I wondered whether we should speak again.

Mi ero chiesta se ci saremmo parlate di nuovo.

We just speak different love languages.

È solo che parliamo linguaggi d’amore diversi.

I like people who speak openly.

A me piacciono le persone che parlano apertamente.

Anyone you elect may speak against me.

Chiunque lo vorrà, potrà parlare contro di me.

We speak on the phone every night.

Noi parliamo al telefono ogni sera, ma non mi parla mai del cancro.

Because when you speak, people listen.

Perché quando tu parli… la gente ti ascolta.

Making my grilled cheese as we speak.

Sto facendo il toast al formaggio proprio mentre parliamo.

He could speak and understand 22 languages.

Egli era in grado di parlare e comprendere sette lingue.

Opportunity knocks, as we speak.

Le opportunità bussano alla porta, mentre noi parliamo.

They speak a different language with computers.

Parlano una lingua diversa adesso, con questi computer.

Remember your role before you speak.

Concentratevi sulla parte e per evitare errori… parlate poco.

Because no man can speak my language.

Perché nessun uomo riesce a parlare la mia lingua.

Our country specialists speak your language.

I nostri esperti nazionali parlano la tua lingua.

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WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations/Traduzioni principali
Inglese Italiano
speak⇒ vi (talk) parlare⇒ vi
  The teacher demanded that the student speak.
  L’insegnante ha chiesto allo studente di parlare.
speak vi (two or more people) parlare⇒ vi
  They spoke for many hours on the phone.
  Hanno parlato molte ore al telefono.
speak [sth] vtr (a language) parlare⇒ vtr
  Do you speak English?
  Parla inglese?
Traduzioni aggiuntive
Inglese Italiano
speak⇒ vi (express oneself) parlare⇒ vi
  Don’t keep your opinion to yourself: speak!
  Non tenere la tua opinione per te: parla!
speak vi (have the podium) parlare⇒ vi
  The president is the next person to speak.
  Il presidente è il prossimo a parlare.
speak vi (communicate) parlare⇒ vi
  She really knows how to speak.
  Sa davvero come parlare.
speak vi (be on good terms) parlarsi⇒ v rif
  The two brothers are not speaking.
  I due fratelli non si parlano.
speak vi (convey a message) dire⇒, parlare⇒, contare⇒ vi
  Actions speak louder than words.
  I fatti dicono di più delle parole.
speak [sth] vtr (tell) dire⇒ vtr
  The guilty man decided to speak the truth.
  Il colpevole ha deciso di dire la verità.

WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary © 2023:

Verbi frasali
Inglese Italiano
speak about [sth] vtr phrasal insep (talk on the subject of) parlare di vi
  She was asked to speak about the topic for 30 minutes.
  Le fu chiesto di parlare dell’argomento per 30 minuti.
speak about [sth] vtr phrasal insep (discuss or consult: with [sb]) discutere⇒ vi
speak for [sb] vtr phrasal insep (talk on behalf of) parlare a nome di, parlare per conto di vi
  I think it’s a good idea, but I can’t speak for anyone else.
  Credo che sia una buona idea, ma non posso parlare a nome di altri.
speak out vi phrasal (state one’s opinion publicly) far sentire la propria voce vtr
    parlare apertamente vi
    dire apertamente, dire la propria vtr
  Speak out if you’re concerned about it.
  Fai sentire la tua voce se la questione ti sta a cuore.
speak out about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (state one’s opinion on) dire la propria su [qlcs/qlcn] vtr
  I don’t hear you speaking out about the unfairness of that service fee, so don’t complain to me!
  Visto che non dici nulla sulla disonestà del costo del servizio, non venire a lamentarti da me!
speak out against [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (state one’s opposition to) dichiararsi contrario a v rif
  Many people speak out against domestic violence.
  Molti si dichiarano contrari alla violenza domestica.
speak to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (respond to a question about: [sth]) dire [qlcs] a proposito di [qlcs] vtr
  I don’t know how severe the damage was, so I can’t speak to the cost of repair.
  Non so quanto sia stato grave il danno quindi non posso dire nulla a proposto dei costi di riparazione.
speak to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (give evidence of) attestare⇒, testimoniare⇒ vtr
    documentare⇒ vtr
  This book speaks to the experience of being a miner in 1980s Britain.
  Questo libro documenta la vita del minatore in Gran Bretagna negli anni 80.
speak to [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (resonate with [sb](figurato: trasmettere [qlcs]) parlare a vtr
  This painting on the theme of grief really speaks to me.
speak up vi phrasal informal (talk more loudly) parlare più forte vi
  Please speak up. I can’t hear you!
  Per favore parla più forte, non ti riesco a sentire!
speak up vi phrasal informal, figurative (express an opinion) (figurato: opinione) dire la propria
   (figurato: opinione) far sentire la propria voce vtr
    parlare apertamente vi
  I always hated to speak up in class, so I got poor grades for oral participation.
  Ho sempre odiato parlare apertamente in classe e per questo avevo voti bassi nella partecipazione orale.
speak up for [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (defend) schierarsi a favore di v rif
  My big brother spoke up for our sister when Mom was scolding her.
  Il nostro fratello maggiore si schierò a favore di mia sorella quando la mamma la stava sgridando.

WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms/Forme composte
Inglese Italiano
as we speak adv informal (at this moment) in questo momento
right to speak n (law: freedom of speech) diritto di parola nm
so to speak expr (using a metaphor) per così dire, tanto per dire
  Failing the test was, so to speak, a kick in the teeth for Jim because he was very disappointed.
  Non passare il test è stato, per così dire, una batosta per Jim in quanto era molto deluso.
speak for itself v expr figurative (be self-evident) (figurato) parla da sé vi
    essere evidente vi
  The cause of the accident speaks for itself: someone was careless.
  La causa dell’incidente è evidente: qualcuno è stato negligente.
speak for yourself v expr informal (that is not my opinion) parla per te v
  «I really liked the film.» «Speak for yourself!»
speak freely v expr (talk candidly) parlare liberamente
speak highly of v expr (say good things about) parlare molto bene di vi
  You come well recommended; Mr. Jones speaks highly of you.
  Hai delle buone raccomandazioni: il signor Jones ha parlato molto bene di te.
speak ill of v expr (say bad things about) parlare male di vi
  You should not speak ill of someone when they aren’t around. It’s not good to speak ill of the dead.
  Non dovresti parlare male di qualcuno che non è presente. Non sta bene parlare male dei morti.
speak plainly v expr (give one’s honest, direct opinion) parlare apertamente, parlare con franchezza vi
  She spoke plainly about the problems of gender equality. He speaks plainly, without fear of offending anyone.
  Parlò apertamente del problema della parità fra uomini e donne. Lui parla con franchezza, senza paura di offendere qualcuno.
speak to [sb] vi + prep (talk or converse with) parlare a [qlcn] vi
  She would happily speak to strangers at the bus stop.
  Parlava sempre allegramente con gli estranei alla fermata dell’autobus.
speak to [sb] vi + prep (consult) sentire⇒, consultare⇒ vtr
  It would be best to speak to your doctor before starting a rigid diet.
  Prima di iniziare una dieta rigida sarebbe meglio sentire il proprio medico.
speak very highly of [sb] v expr (say good things about [sb]) parlare molto bene di [qlcn] v
  My son’s teacher speaks very highly of him; she says he’s a great student.
  L’insegnante di mio figlio parla molto bene di lui. Dice che è uno studente bravissimo.
speak volumes v expr figurative (express or reveal a lot) (formale) essere eloquente vi
   (informale) dirla lunga vtr
speak well for [sth] v expr figurative (commend) riflettere⇒ vtr
    fare merito a [qlcs] vi
  Your impeccable manners speak well for your upbringing.
speak well of [sb] v expr (praise) parlare bene di vi
  You need your clients to speak well of you to their friends and acquaintances.
  È necessario che i tuoi clienti parlino bene di te ai loro amici e conoscenti.
speak with [sb] vi + prep (talk to, converse with) parlare con vi
  It is always a pleasure to speak with my grandmother. I would like to speak with you before you go home.
  È sempre un piacere parlare con mia nonna. Vorrei parlare con te prima che tu vada a casa.
speak with [sb] vi + prep (consult) parlare con vi
  I would like to speak with my accountant before deciding.
  Prima di prendere una decisione vorrei parlare con il mio commercialista.
speak with a forked tongue v expr figurative (say [sth] deceitful) (parlare in modo ambiguo) avere la lingua biforcuta v
speak with your mouth full,
talk with your mouth full
v expr
(talk while eating) parlare a bocca piena vi
speak your mind v expr (give one’s frank opinion) parlare francamente vi
speak your piece,
say your piece
v expr
(state opinion) (esprimere la propria opinione) dire la propria vtr
   (espressione) di’ la tua!, di’ quello che devi dire!
to speak of expr figurative (nothing meaningful) (niente) di nuovo, (niente) di importante
Nota: Usually in the negative.

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How to Say Speak in ItalianAdvertisement


If you want to know how to say speak in Italian, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Italian better.

Here is the translation and the Italian word for speak:


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«Speak in Italian.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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She speaks very quietly.
Parla con voce molto sommessa.

There was complete silence – nobody spoke.
C’era un silenzio totale – non parlava nessuno.

 speak English, French, German, etc.

parlare inglese, francese, tedesco, ecc.

Do you speak English?
Parli inglese?

 speak to someone UK (US speak with someone)

parlare con qualcuno

Could I speak to Mr Davis, please?
Potrei parlare con il signor Davis, per favore?

Phrasal verbs

Translation of speak | PASSWORD English-Italian Dictionary




past tense spoke /spouk/ | past participle spoken /ˈspoukən/


He can’t speak

He spoke a few words to us.


Can I speak to/with you for a moment?

We spoke for hours about it.

to (be able to) talk in (a language)


She speaks Russian.

to tell or make known (one’s thoughts, the truth etc)

See also

Examples of speak


They lack all the hesitations and pronunciation errors common to spoken language usage.

The division of small tribes from larger ones — is spoken of as ukudabuka.

All of the recorded target words were then spliced onto a single rendition of the carrier phrase spoken by the same speaker.

The person who tells these tales, she hasn’t ever seen with her own eyes the events about which she speaks.

She has spoken and written on second language reading, teacher education, and policy and planning for foreign and second language programs.

They had also to get used to speaking through a table microphone and communicating with the remote jurors through the video-conferencing system.

We spoke at length about how a decision concerning one of these fetuses had the potential for great impact on the other.

The little boy is speaking to a policeman.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.


* * *

in prep.

1 (stato in luogo, posizione) in, at; (dentro) inside; (su, sopra) on: in Italia, negli Stati Uniti, in Italy, in the United States; abitano in città, in campagna, in centro, in periferia, they live in town, in the country, in the centre, on the outskirts; in ufficio, at the office; in casa, in chiesa, at home, at church; nell’aria, in the air; la casa editrice ha sede in Milano, the publishing house has its headquarters in Milan; la statua sorge nel centro della piazza, the statue stands in the centre of the square; mio padre lavora in banca, my father works in a bank; stanotte dormiremo in albergo, we’ll sleep in a hotel tonight; è stato due anni in prigione, he spent two years in prison; prendevano il sole in giardino, they were sunbathing in the garden; nel cielo erano apparse le prime stelle, the first stars had appeared in the sky; i fazzoletti sono nel primo cassetto, the handkerchieves are in the top drawer; nella stanza c’era molto fumo, there was a lot of smoke in the room; c’era gran festa nelle strade e nelle piazze, there were great celebrations in the streets and squares; siamo rimasti chiusi in casa tutto il giorno, we stayed in the house (o indoors) all day; ti aspetto in macchina, I’ll wait for you in the car; non c’è niente in tavola?, isn’t there anything on the table?; leggo sempre in treno, I always read on the train; hanno una casa proprio in riva al mare, they have a house right on the sea front; la notizia è apparsa in prima pagina, the news was on the front page; gli diede un bacio in fronte, she kissed him on the forehead; teneva in braccio un bambino, she was holding a baby in her arms; che cos’hai in mano?, what have you got in your hands?; ho sempre in mente le sue parole, his words are still in my mind; in lui ho trovato un vero amico, I found a real friend in him; questa espressione ricorre spesso in Dante, this expression often appears in Dante; nel lavoro non trova alcuna soddisfazione, he gets no satisfaction from his job // in fondo a, at the bottom of // in primo piano, in the foreground (o up close) // in bella mostra, in a prominent position // nel bel mezzo, right in the middle: s’interruppe nel bel mezzo del discorso, he stopped right in the middle of his speech // (non) avere fiducia in se stesso, (not) to be self-confident // credere in Dio, to believe in God

2 (moto a luogo, direzione) to; (verso l’interno) into: è andato in Francia per lavoro, he went to France on business; domani andremo in campagna, we’ll go to the country tomorrow; vorrei tornare in America, I’d like to go back to America; devo scendere in cantina, I must go down to the cellar; quando rientrerete in città?, when are you returning to town?; la nave era appena entrata in porto, the ship had just come into dock; la gente si riversò nelle strade, people poured into the streets; abbiamo mandato i bambini in montagna, we’ve sent the children to the mountains; questa merce va spedita in Germania, these goods are to be sent to Germany; non sporgerti troppo dalla barca, puoi cadere in acqua, don’t lean too far out of the boat, you might fall in the water; puoi venire nel mio ufficio un attimo?, can you come into my office for a moment?; mise la mano in tasca e tirò fuori il portafoglio, he put his hand in his pocket and took out his wallet; rimetti quelle pratiche nel cassetto, put those papers back in the drawer; vai subito nella tua stanza!, go to your room at once!; hanno arrestato il ladro e l’hanno messo in prigione, the thief was arrested and put in prison; in quale direzione andate?, which way are you going?; sulle scale m’imbattei in uno sconosciuto, I bumped into a stranger on the stairs; ho inciampato in un gradino e sono caduto, I tripped over a step and fell down; si è messo in mente di fare l’attore, he’s got it into his head that he wants to become an actor

3 (moto per luogo) through, across: ha viaggiato molto in Europa, he has done a lot of travelling across Europe; il corteo sfilò nelle strade principali, the procession wound its way through the main streets; correre nei campi, to run across the fields; tanti pensieri le passavano nella mente, many thoughts went through her mind

4 (cambiamento, passaggio, trasformazione) into: tradurre dall’inglese in italiano, to translate from English into Italian; convertire gli euro in dollari, to change euros into dollars; la proprietà è stata divisa in due, the property has been divided in half (o into two); il vaso cadde e andò in frantumi, the vase fell and broke into pieces // si è fatto in quattro per aiutarci, he bent over backwards to help us // il maltempo ha mandato in fumo tutti i nostri progetti, the bad weather put paid to all our plans // di bene in meglio, better and better; di male in peggio, from bad to worse // di tre in tre, in threes // Anita Rossi in De Marchi, (di donna coniugata) Anita De Marchi, née Rossi // andare in rovina, to go to (rack and) ruin (anche fig.) // andare in estasi, to be overjoyed // montare in collera, to fly into a rage

5 (tempo) in; on; at: in marzo, in primavera, in March, in spring; in pieno inverno, in the middle of winter; in una mattina d’estate, one (o on a) summer morning; in quel giorno, on that day; in questo (preciso) momento, at this (very) moment; in tutta la mia vita, in all my life; nel pomeriggio, in the afternoon; si è laureato nel 1980, he graduated in 1980; tornerò a casa nel mese di settembre, I’ll return home in September; nell’era atomica, in the atomic age; in gioventù, in (one’s) youth; in tempo di guerra, di pace, in wartime, in peacetime; in epoca vittoriana, in the Victorian age; esamineranno otto candidati in un giorno, they will examine eight candidates in one day; ha fatto tutto il lavoro in due ore, he got through all the work in two hours; viene in Italia tre volte in un anno, he comes to Italy three times a year // arriverò in giornata, I’ll arrive some time in the day // in serata, during the evening // nello stesso tempo, at the same time // nel frattempo, in the meantime // in un attimo, in un batter d’occhio, in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye // in men che non si dica, quick as a flash // in quattro e quattr’otto, in less than no time // di ora in ora, di giorno in giorno, from time to time, from day to day

6 (modo, maniera) in; on: il pubblico ascoltava in silenzio, the audience listened in silence; mi guardava in un modo strano, he looked at me in a strange way (o strangely); parla in perfetto italiano, he speaks perfect Italian; scrivere in penna, in matita, in corsivo, in versi, to write in pen, in pencil, in italics, in verse; le istruzioni erano scritte in tedesco, the instructions were written in German; camminava in fretta, he was walking in a hurry; rispose in tono sgarbato, he answered rudely; entrammo in punta di piedi, we entered on tiptoe; procedevano in fila indiana, they walked single file; preferì rimanere in disparte, he preferred to stay on his own; stare in piedi, to stand on one’s feet; tutti erano in abito da sera, they were all in evening dress; uscì in pantofole sul pianerottolo, he went on to the landing in his slippers // (resto) in attesa di una vostra cortese risposta, (nelle lettere) awaiting your reply // (comm.) assegno in bianco, blank cheque; pagare in contanti, in assegni, to pay cash, by cheque; 10.000 euro in biglietti da 10, 10,000 euros in 10 euro notes // una riproduzione in miniatura, a reproduction in miniature (o a miniature reproduction); trasmettere in diretta, to broadcast live // una partita in casa, in trasferta, a home, an away match // pomodori in insalata, tomato salad; pollo in gelatina, chicken in aspic

7 (stato, condizione, circostanza) in, at: essere in pace, in guerra con qlcu., to be at peace, at war with s.o.; mi piace stare in compagnia, I like company; vivere nell’angoscia, to live in anxiety; in salute e in malattia, in sickness and in health; morì in miseria, he died in poverty; la sua vita era in pericolo, her life was in danger; ero in una situazione imbarazzante, I was in an embarrassing position; siamo nei pasticci!, we’re in a mess!; ben presto si trovò nei guai fino al collo, he soon found himself up to his neck in trouble; non sono in condizioni di pagare una cifra simile, I’m not in a position to pay such a sum (of money) // essere in odio, in simpatia a qlcu., to be liked, to be hated by s.o.

8 (limitazione, misura) in, at: (la) laurea in lingue, a degree in languages; dottore in legge, doctor of law; è bravo in matematica, ma è debole in francese, he’s good at maths, but poor at French; un terzo della classe è stato rimandato in chimica, a third of the class is having to repeat chemistry; ha conseguito il diploma in ragioneria, he got a diploma in bookkeeping; ha intenzione di specializzarsi in pediatria, he is going to specialize in pediatrics; la nostra ditta commercia in pellami, our firm deals in leather goods; mio fratello è campione di salto in alto, my brother is high jump champion; la stanza era 5 metri in lunghezza, the room was 5 metres long

9 (materia): una statua in bronzo, a bronze statue; una borsa in pelle, a leather handbag; rivestimento in legno, wood panelling; abito in puro cotone, an all cotton dress; poltrone in velluto, velvet armchairs; incisione in rame, copperplate engraving; un vassoio in argento, a silver tray ∙ Come si nota dagli esempi, in questo significato si usa spesso in inglese la forma aggettivale in luogo del compl. introdotto dalla prep. in

10 (mezzo) by; in; on: viaggiare in treno, in aereo, in macchina, to travel by train, by air, by car; sei venuto a piedi o in autobus?, have you come on foot or by bus?; abbiamo fatto una gita in barca, we went out on the boat; pagare in euro, in dollari, in assegni, to pay in euros, in dollars, by cheque

11 (fine, scopo): ho avuto in dono una macchina fotografica, I’ve been presented with a camera; il vincitore riceverà in premio un milione di dollari, the winner will receive a prize of a million dollars; mi ha dato in prestito la sua macchina per qualche giorno, he has lent me his car for a few days; mi hanno mandato in visione il primo volume dell’opera, they sent me the first volume of the work to look at; la festa era in onore del sindaco, the party was in honour of the mayor; parlare in difesa di qlcu., to speak in s.o.’s defence

12 (seguito da inf.): nell’entrare mi accorsi subito che qualcosa non andava, on entering I realized at once there was something wrong; l’ho incontrato nel tornare, I met him on the way back; nel salire in macchina mi sono cadute le chiavi, I dropped my keys while getting into the car; il bicchiere si è rotto nel lavarlo, the glass broke while it was being washed; nel dire ciò fu preso da commozione, in saying this he was overcome by emotion

13 (predicativo; in ingl. non si traduce): siamo rimasti in due, only two of us were left; fra tutti eravamo in quaranta, there were forty of us in all; erano in molti, in pochi, there were many of them, few of them; se fossi in te, if I were you; dipingere qlco. in rosso, to paint sthg. red.

◆ FRASEOLOGIA: in alto, up there; up (above); in basso, down there; down (below); in giù, downward (s); in su, upward (s) // in cerca di, in search of // in dettaglio, in detail; in forse, in doubt // in particolare, in particular // in quanto, in so far as: in quanto a ciò, as for that // in tutti i modi, in any case; in virtù di, as… // in rapporto a, as regards // in qualità di, in (one’s) capacity as // nel caso che, (se, qualora) if; (nell’eventualità che) in case: portati l’ombrello, nel caso che piova, take your umbrella with you in case it rains; nel caso che torni prima di me, fatti dare le chiavi dal portinaio, if you should get back before I do, get the keys from the custodian // in fede, yours faithfully // in coscienza, truthfully // in lungo e in largo, far and wide.

* * *




in + il = nel, in + lo = nello, in + l’= nell’, in + la = nella, in + i = nei, in + gli = negli, in + le = nelle

è in fondo all’armadio — it is at the back of the wardrobe

in lei ho trovato una sorella — I found a sister in her

in lui non c’era più speranza — there was no hope left in him

nell’ opera di Shakespeare — in Shakespeare’s works

andare in campagna/in montagna — to go into the country/to the mountains

andrò in Francia — I’m going to France

entrare in casa — to go into the house

entrare in macchina — to get into the car

gettare qc in acqua — to throw sth into the water

inciampò in una radice — he tripped over a root

l’ho messo là in alto/basso — I put it up/down there

spostarsi di città in città — to move from town to town


il corteo è passato in piazza — the procession passed through the square

6) in

in abito da sera — in evening dress

in piedi — standing, on one’s feet

in marmo — made of marble, marble attr



ha sbagliato nel rispondere male — he was wrong to be rude

nell’ udire la notizia — on hearing the news

* * *


vivere in Italia, in città, in campagna — to live in Italy, in town, in the country

andare in Francia, in città, in campagna — to go to France, to town, to the country

viaggiare in Cina, negli Stati Uniti — to travel around o through Cina, the United States

6) (modo, maniera)

un’opera in versi, inglese, tre volumi — a work in verse, in English, in three volumes

nel tornare a casa,… — on my way home,…

nel dire così,… — saying this

* * *



6 (modo, maniera) un’opera in versi, inglese, tre volumi a work in verse, in English, in three volumes; parlare in spagnolo to speak Spanish; in piena forma in great shape; in contanti (in) cash

14 (davanti a un infinito) nel tornare a casa,… on my way home,…; nel dire così,… saying this,…

See also notes… (in.pdf)

Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > in

  • 12

    che c’è di male? where’s the harm in it?

    mal di testa/di denti headache/toothache

    meno male! thank goodness!

    * * *

    1 (opposto di bene) evil: il bene e il male, right and wrong (o good and evil); il genio del male, the evil genius; lo spirito del male, the spirit of evil; non conosce il male, she doesn’t know the meaning of evil; indurre qlcu. al male, to lead s.o. astray; rendere bene per male, to return good for evil

    2 (sventura) ill, evil, misfortune; (guaio) trouble: i mali della vita, the ills (o evils) of life; augurare del male a qlcu., to wish s.o. ill; raccontare i propri mali, to tell one’s troubles (o woes) // portare male, to bring bad luck // mal comune mezzo gaudio, (prov.) misery loves company // a mali estremi, estremi rimedi, (prov.) desperate ills need desperate remedies // un male tira l’altro, (prov.) it never rains but it pours (o misfortunes never come singly) // non tutto il male viene per nuocere, (prov.) every cloud has a silver lining // tra due mali bisogna scegliere il minore, (prov.) choose the lesser of two evils

    3 (malattia) illness, disease, sickness; (dolore fisico) pain, ache: mal d’aria, altitude sickness; mal caduco, falling sickness; mal di cuore, heart disease; mal di denti, toothache; mal di gola, sore throat: ho mal di gola, I have a sore throat; mal di mare, seasickness; avere il mal di mare, to be seasick; mal di montagna, mountain sickness; mal di stomaco, stomach-ache; mal di testa, headache; un brutto male, cancer; i cibi pesanti mi fanno male, heavy food gives me indigestion; ti fa male?, does it hurt?; ho male alle braccia, mi fanno male le braccia, my arms ache (o hurt); mi fai male, you are hurting me; essere affetto da un male incurabile, to suffer from an incurable disease; farsi male, to hurt oneself: si è fatto male cadendo da un albero, he hurt himself falling from a tree; si è fatto male alla gamba, he hurt his leg

    4 (danno, torto) harm, damage: il male che mi ha fatto, the wrongs he has done me; che male ti può fare?, what harm can it do you?; ciò farà più male che bene, it will do more harm than good; gli avete fatto del male parlando così, you have hurt him by talking like that; non c’è niente di male in ciò, there is no harm in that; non si deve fare male a nessuno, you mustn’t hurt people; poco male se non può venire, it does not matter if he cannot come; non sarà male avvisarlo, it wouldn’t hurt to tell him; la sua partenza è stato un male per tutti, his departure was bad for everyone.

    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: meno male, just as well (o a good job o a good thing); (grazie a Dio) thank goodness; (almeno) at least: è arrivato con due ore di ritardo, ma meno male che ora è qui, he arrived two hours late, but at least he’s here now; ho dato l’esame di francese e ho preso 20; meno male, poteva andare peggio, I got 20 out of 30 in the French exam; not so bad!, it could have been worse; ho dimenticato il portafogli, meno male che ho un po’ di soldi in tasca, I have forgotten my wallet, it’s just as well (o it’s a good job o it’s a good thing) I have some money in my pocket; meno male che sei arrivato, ero proprio nei pasticci, thank goodness you’ve arrived, I was really in a mess // non bisogna pensare male di lui, give him the benefit of the doubt (o don’t think badly of him) // non c’è male, not too bad (o pretty well) // non pensavo a nulla di male, I did not mean anything bad // spettacolo che fa male, (doloroso), painful sight // andare a male, to go bad // aversela a male di qlco., prendere qlco. a male, to feel hurt by sthg. (o to take sthg. in bad part o to take sthg. amiss) // farsi venire un male, to pretend to faint (o to swoon) // mettere male, to foster enmity (o to sow discord) // venir male, to feel faint; mi vien male, I feel faint // voler male a qlcu., (odiarlo) to hate s.o.; (avere un rancore contro qlcu.) to have a grudge against s.o.

    1 (in modo non giusto, scorrettamente) badly: riconosco di aver agito male, I admit I behaved badly; parlare male l’italiano, to speak Italian badly; trattare male qlcu., to treat s.o. badly; è un lavoro fatto male, it’s a badly done job // mi ha risposto male, he gave me a rude answer (o he answered me rudely) // fa male a prendersela tanto, he’s wrong to get so upset // ti ho fatto male?, did I hurt you?

    2 (in modo sgradevole, sconveniente, sfavorevole): ho dormito male stanotte, I slept badly last night; in quel ristorante si mangia male, the food’s awful in that restaurant; quella persona veste male, that person dresses badly; ci siamo rimasti tutti molto male, we all felt bad (o we were all upset) about it; sentirsi male, to feel ill // star male, (di salute) to be ill; (essere sconveniente) to look bad; (di abito ecc.) not to suit // star male a quattrini, to be badly off // gli affari vanno male, business is bad // le cose si mettono male, things are looking bad // io la vedo male, I don’t like the look of it // finir male, (avere cattivo esito) to end badly; (prendere una brutta strada) to come to a bad end: la giornata è finita male, the day ended badly; se continua a frequentare quell’ambiente, finirà male, if he keeps in with those people, he’ll come to a bad end // non male, not (so) bad: »Come stai?» »Non male», »How are you?» »Not so bad»; »Come vanno le cose?» »Non male», »How are things going?» »Not badly» // bene o male, somehow (or other) // né bene né male, so so // di male in peggio, from bad to worse // per male che vada, at (the) worst

    3 (in modo imperfetto, non completamente) not properly, poorly, badly: quella porta è chiusa male, that door isn’t properly closed; la radio funziona male, the radio isn’t working properly // hai scritto male l’indirizzo, you didn’t get the address right // la foto è riuscita male, the photo hasn’t come out well; la gita era mal organizzata, the trip was badly (o poorly) organized // la mia fiducia era mal riposta, my trust was misplaced // siete male informati, you’ve got it wrong // devo aver capito male, I must have misunderstood

    4 (con valore di negazione): guardare qlcu. con mal celata antipatia, to look at s.o. with ill-concealed dislike; è un atteggiamento che mal si addice a un presidente, it’s an attitude that ill becomes a president

    5 (con valore di agg.): quella ragazza non è male, that girl isn’t bad-looking; questo quadro non è male, this picture isn’t bad at all

    inter. (per esprimere disapprovazione o rammarico): »Non hai ancora fatto i compiti? Male!», »Haven’t you done your homework yet? That’s too bad!»; »Ho perso di nuovo le chiavi di casa» »Male!», »I’ve lost the house keys again» »Too bad!»

    * * *


    scrivere/comportarsi male — to write/behave badly


    sentirsi/star male — to feel/be ill


    gli è andata male di nuovo — he failed again

    restare o rimanere male — to be disappointed, to be sorry, to be hurt o offended

    la vedo male — things look bad (to me), it doesn’t look good to me

    1) evil

    3) pain, ache, illness, disease

    * * *

    1. [‘male]

    1) (in modo sbagliato, scorretto, insoddisfacente) [fatto, pagato, leggere, cominciare, trattare, dormire] badly; [ illuminato] poorly, badly; [diagnosticato, indirizzato] wrongly

    comportarsi male — to behave badly, to misbehave (oneself), to misconduct oneself

    parlare male di qcn. — to badmouth sb., to speak evil o ill of sb.

    guardare male qcn. — to frown at sb.



    II [‘male]


    1) (ciò che è malvagio, immorale) evil, ill

    fare male — [braccio, schiena] to ache, to hurt; [ taglio] to smart, to sting

    fare male a qcn. — [ persona] to hurt o injure sb.; fig. to hurt sb.

    farsi male — to get hurt, to hurt o injure oneself

    fare del male a qcn. — to harm sb., to do sb. harm

    «come va?» — «non c’è male!» — «how are you?» — «not so bad!»


    aversela o aversene a male to take something amiss, to get sore; mettere male to make o create mischief; non tutto il male vien per nuocere every cloud has a silver lining; non farebbe male a una mosca — he wouldn’t hurt o harm a fly, he wouldn’t say boo to a goose

    * * *



    (compar. peggio; superl. malissimo, pessimamente)


    1 (in modo sbagliato, scorretto, insoddisfacente) [fatto, pagato, leggere, cominciare, trattare, dormire] badly; [ illuminato] poorly, badly; [diagnosticato, indirizzato] wrongly; funzionare male not to work properly; finire male [ persona] to go to the bad; [ rapporto] to go sour; comportarsi male to behave badly, to misbehave (oneself), to misconduct oneself; parlare male tedesco to speak bad German; ti sento male I can’t hear you very well; di male in peggio worse and worse, from bad to worse; ho fatto male a fare questo I should never have done that; non sarebbe male fare it wouldn’t be a bad idea to do; sta male parlare a bocca piena it’s bad manners to speak with one’s mouth full

    male! that’s bad!



    /’male/ ⇒ 7

    sostantivo m.

    1 (ciò che è malvagio, immorale) evil, ill; il bene e il male good and evil, right and wrong; non fare nulla di male to do nothing wrong; non c’è nulla di male a fare there is nothing wrong with o in doing; che male c’è? where is the harm (in it)? what harm is there? che cosa ha fatto di male? what has she done wrong?

    4 (danno) fare del male a qcn. to harm sb., to do sb. harm; fare male alla salute [fumo, alcol] to damage health, to be bad for one’s health; troppo sole fa male alla pelle too much sun(bathing) is bad for your skin; portare male to be unlucky; [ persona] to be a jinx; «come va?» — «non c’è male!» «how are you?» — «not so bad!»; poco male! no harm done!

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > male

  • 13

    c’è nessuna notizia? is there any news?

    hai visto nessuno? did you see anyone or anybody?

    * * *

    1 no; ( in presenza di altra negazione) any: nessun presidente fu mai più amato dal popolo, no president was ever more loved by the people; nessun concorrente si ritirò dalla gara, no competitors withdrew from the race; nessun colore le dona come l’azzurro, no colour suits her better than blue; non c’è nessuna novità, there is no news; non voleva nessuna ricompensa, he didn’t want any reward; non ha nessuna pazienza con i bambini, he has no patience with children; non hai nessun motivo per lamentarti, you have no reason to complain; un episodio di nessun interesse, an uninteresting episode; persona di nessuna importanza, a person of no importance; non lo farei per nessuna ragione al mondo, I wouldn’t do it for any reason whatever; non lo permetterò in nessun caso, under no circumstances will I allow it (o fam. there’s no way I’ll allow it); non siamo andati da nessuna parte, we went nowhere (o we didn’t go anywhere); non ti posso aiutare in nessun modo, there is no way I can help you // nessuna cosa, nothing // nessuna persona, no one, nobody

    2 ( nel significato di qualche spec. in frasi interr.) any: nessuna notizia?, any news?; hai nessun suggerimento da darmi?, have you got any advice to give me?; c’è nessun inglese fra voi?, are any of you English?; dimmi se ti serve nessun aiuto, tell me if you need any help


    1 nobody, no one ( riferito a persone); none ( riferito a cose); ( accompagnato da un partitivo) none ( per persone e cose); ( in presenza di altra negazione) anybody, anyone, any; ( accompagnato da un partitivo) any: nessuno lo sa, nobody knows; nessuno mi ha mai detto una cosa simile, no one has ever said any thing like that to me before; non c’era nessuno ad attenderlo, there was no one to meet him; non parla mai con nessuno, he never talks to anyone; »Ha telefonato qualcuno?» »No, nessuno», »Has anyone phoned?» »No, no one»; »Quanti errori hai fatto?» »Nessuno», »How many mistakes did you make?» »None»; nessuno di noi è andato alla riunione, none of us went to the meeting; non ho visto nessuno di loro, I haven’t seen any of them; nessuno dei presenti applaudì, none of those present applauded; non ho letto nessuno dei libri che mi hai prestato, I haven’t read any of the books you lent me; non ha mantenuto nessuna delle promesse, he didn’t keep any of his promises // nessuno dei due, neither (of them): nessuno dei due sembrava deciso a cedere, neither of them seemed ready to give in // nessun altro, ( di persona) nobody else, no one else, ( di cosa) no other, ( in presenza di altra negazione) anybody else, anyone else; any other: voglio parlare con lei e con nessun altro, I want to speak to her, and nobody else; mi interessa quel quadro, e nessun altro, I’m interested in that picture, and no other // figlio di nessuno, foundling (o waif), (fig.) loner // terra di nessuno, no man’s land

    2 (nel significato di qualcuno, spec. in frasi interr.) anybody, anyone; ( accompagnato da un partitivo) any: c’è nessuno?, is there anybody there?; c’è nessuno che voglia venire con me?, does anyone want to come with me?; guarda se c’è nessuno in casa, see if there’s anyone at home; nessuno di voi lo sa?, do any of you know?; hai visto nessuno dei nostri amici?, have you seen any of our friends?

    s.m. nobody, no one: si dà tante arie, ma non è nessuno, he gives himself a lot of airs, but he’s (a) nobody.

    * * *

    nessuno (-a)





    : nessun + consonante, vocale, nessuno +


    impura, gn, pn, ps, x, z,; dav


    : nessuna + consonante, nessun’ + vocale

    nessuno di — none of

    non c’era nessuno — there was no-one there, there wasn’t anyone there

    nessuno di loro/dei presenti — none of them/of those present

    pegg : nullità) nobody, nonentity

    e io chi sono, nessuno? — and who am I then, nobody?

    * * *


    indefinito (for the alternation with nessun it follows the rules of the article uno)

    da -a parte, in nessun posto — nowhere


    non c’era quasi, mai nessuno — there was hardly, never anybody there

    «hai ricevuto molte lettere?» — «-a!» — «did you receive many letters?» — «not one!» o «none!»



    * * *



    Nessuno in italiano, e i suoi equivalenti inglesi, possono essere usati come aggettivi oppure come pronomi. — Come aggettivo, nessuno si rende con no ( nessuna speranza = no hope), e con any in una frase già negativa ( non fa mai nessun errore = she never makes any mistakes) o in frase interrogativa dove nessuno ha in realtà valore positivo (nessun’idea? = qualche idea? = any ideas?). — Più numerosi sono i traducenti inglesi del pronome nessuno, poiché, oltre a nobody e al suo sinonimo no-one ( non è venuto nessuno = nobody / no-one came), si usano: anybody o anyone, se c’è già un’altra negazione ( non parlo mai con nessuno = I never talk to anybody) o in frase interrogativa dove nessuno ha in realtà valore positivo (ho dimenticato nessuno? = ho dimenticato qualcuno? = have I forgotten anybody?); none, se nessuno ha valore partitivo e relativo, non assoluto: «questi sono i miei compagni di classe» «non ne conosco nessuno» = «these are my classmates» «I know none (of them)»; «ci sono delle auto in strada?» «nessuna» = «are there any cars in the street?» «none»; any, al posto di none in presenza di un’altra negazione: non conosco nessuno dei tuoi compagni = I don’t know any of your classmates; neither, se nessuno si riferisce a due cose o persone: l’ho chiesto a entrambe, ma nessuna ha risposto = I asked them both, but neither answered; either, al posto di neither in presenza di un’altra negazione: non ho mai conosciuto nessuna (delle due) = I’ve never met either.

    (for the alternation with nessun it follows the rules of the article uno)

    2 (qualche) any; a novità? is there any news?

    4 (qualcuno) anybody, anyone; c’è nessuno? is anyone in? non c’è nessuno qui che parli l’italiano? does anybody here speak Italian?

    III sostantivo m.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > nessuno

  • 14


    understanding, grasp.


    1 to understand.

    no te entiendo, habla más despacio I don’t understand you, could you speak more slowly?

    no entiendo nada, ¿no deberían haber llegado ya? I just can’t understand it, surely they were supposed to have arrived by now

    ¡no hay quien te entienda! you’re impossible!

    ¿tú qué entiendes por “amistad”? what do you understand by “friendship”?

    dar a entender que… to imply (that)…

    hasta que no llegue no podemos empezar, ¿entiendes? we can’t start until she gets here, all right?

    2 to think.

    3 to figure out, to digest, to get clear, to get to know.

    * * *

    (e changes to ie in stressed syllables)

    Present Indicative

    Present Subjunctive


    * * *


    2) think, believe

    * * *

    1) to understand

    ¡a ti no hay quien te entienda! — you’re impossible to understand!

    que no te vuelva a ver fumando ¿me has entendido? — don’t let me catch you smoking again, do you understand?

    ¿entiendes lo que te quiero decir? — do you know what I mean?, do you know what I’m trying to say?

    es un poco rarito, tú ya me entiendes — he’s a bit odd, if you know what I mean

    dar algo a entender — to imply sth

    según él me dio a entender, no está contento en su trabajo — from what he said to me, he is not happy in his job, he gave me to understand that he is not happy in his job

    hacer entender algo a algn — to make sb understand sth

    hacerse entender — to make o.s. understood

    si no he entendido mal, esto es lo que queréis decir — unless I’ve misunderstood what you’re saying, this is what you mean

    no entendí ni jota o ni una patata de lo que decían — I didn’t have a clue what they were on about

    2) to think, believe

    3) to understand

    ¿tú qué entiendes por libertad? — what do you understand by freedom?

    ¿debo entender que lo niegas? — am I to understand that you deny it?



    to know how to use, know how to work

    ¿tú entiendes esta lavadora? — do you know how this washing machine works?, do you know how to use this washing machine?

    5) to hear

    1) to understand

    ¡ya entiendo! — now I understand!, now I get it!

    la vida es así ¿entiendes? — that’s life, you know

    entender de algo — to know about sth

    no entender de barcos —

    si le preguntas cualquier cosa, él no entiende de barcos — if you ask him something, he makes out he doesn’t know anything about anything




    to be one of them




    * * *


    verbo transitivo


    a) <explicación/idioma/actitud> to understand

    ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir? — do you know what I mean?

    se hace entender or (AmL) se da a entender — he makes himself understood

    2) (frml)

    a) (concebir, opinar)

    b) (interpretar, deducir)

    ¿debo entender que te vas? — am I to understand that you’re leaving?

    me dio a entender que… — she gave me to understand that…


    ¿tú entiendes de estas cosas? — do you know anything about these things?

    3) (Der)



    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? — let’s get this straight, who hit you?

    2) (refl)

    déjame, yo me entiendo — leave me alone, I know what I’m doing



    a mi/tu/su entender — in my/your/his opinion, to my/your/his mind

    * * *

    = come to + grips with, cut through, grasp, have + some grasp, make + sense (out) of, understand, get to + grips with, make + sense of life, sympathise [sympathize, -USA], sympathise [sympathize, -USA], get + a grip on, provide + an understanding, catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift, have + a handle on, fathom, get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get + a handle on.

    Ex. Right now the management team is beginning to come to grips with our annual budget process, as it does every year.

    Ex. Publishers attempting to cut through this nomenclature morass can check with the library’s administration.

    Ex. She must try to convince him that no single individual, no matter how gifted, can any longer grasp the innumerable facets of modern corporate effort.

    Ex. It is necessary to have some grasp of some fundamental aspects of computerized information-retrieval systems.

    Ex. The resultant guiding must be clear, by being both easy to read and easy to make sense of.

    Ex. They assume only that the reader has some knowledge of the subject, so that the abstract can be understood.

    Ex. The Treasure has made good use of a number of methodologies in getting to grips with the principles and applications of information management.

    Ex. This manual is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infinitely complex and confusing Internet.

    Ex. In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.

    Ex. In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.

    Ex. The article ‘ Getting a grip on change’ argues that only by confronting the challenges and inevitability of change can libraries retain their relevancy in the information age.

    Ex. The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.

    Ex. Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn’t catch her drift.

    Ex. ‘Nah,’ Kate chuckled, getting her drift, and then said ‘I would’ve just barged in there and dared them to throw me out!’.

    Ex. ‘I sure wish I had a better handle on this contract language,’ he said.

    Ex. As she ascended the staircase to the library director’s office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.

    Ex. You are not quite sure how one man could get his head around this at the time, but he managed, in a masterful way.

    Ex. Sleuthing is like second-nature to her, and she can’t possibly wrap her head around the concept of renouncing it completely.

    Ex. Children get a handle on personal responsibility by holding a library card of their own, a card that gives them access to new worlds.


    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.

    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.

    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.

    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.

    * difícil de entender = cryptic.

    * entender a medias = pick up + the fag-ends.

    * entender mal = misunderstand, misconceive, mishearing, mishearing, mishear.

    * entender mejor = place + Nombre + in/into + perspective, put into + perspective, gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of.

    * entenderse = interoperate [inter-operate], hit it off.

    * entenderse que indica = take to + indicate.

    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.

    * hacerse entender = make + Posesivo + meaning plain.

    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.

    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.

    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.

    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.

    * según + Pronombre + entender = it + be + Posesivo + understanding, Pronombre + understanding + be.

    * * *


    verbo transitivo


    a) <explicación/idioma/actitud> to understand

    ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir? — do you know what I mean?

    se hace entender or (AmL) se da a entender — he makes himself understood

    2) (frml)

    a) (concebir, opinar)

    b) (interpretar, deducir)

    ¿debo entender que te vas? — am I to understand that you’re leaving?

    me dio a entender que… — she gave me to understand that…


    ¿tú entiendes de estas cosas? — do you know anything about these things?

    3) (Der)



    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? — let’s get this straight, who hit you?

    2) (refl)

    déjame, yo me entiendo — leave me alone, I know what I’m doing



    a mi/tu/su entender — in my/your/his opinion, to my/your/his mind

    * * *

    = come to + grips with, cut through, grasp, have + some grasp, make + sense (out) of, understand, get to + grips with, make + sense of life, sympathise [sympathize, -USA], sympathise [sympathize, -USA], get + a grip on, provide + an understanding, catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift, have + a handle on, fathom, get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get + a handle on.

    Ex: Right now the management team is beginning to come to grips with our annual budget process, as it does every year.

    Ex: Publishers attempting to cut through this nomenclature morass can check with the library’s administration.

    Ex: She must try to convince him that no single individual, no matter how gifted, can any longer grasp the innumerable facets of modern corporate effort.

    Ex: It is necessary to have some grasp of some fundamental aspects of computerized information-retrieval systems.

    Ex: The resultant guiding must be clear, by being both easy to read and easy to make sense of.

    Ex: They assume only that the reader has some knowledge of the subject, so that the abstract can be understood.

    Ex: The Treasure has made good use of a number of methodologies in getting to grips with the principles and applications of information management.

    Ex: This manual is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infinitely complex and confusing Internet.

    Ex: In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.

    Ex: In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.

    Ex: The article ‘ Getting a grip on change’ argues that only by confronting the challenges and inevitability of change can libraries retain their relevancy in the information age.

    Ex: The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.

    Ex: Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn’t catch her drift.

    Ex: ‘Nah,’ Kate chuckled, getting her drift, and then said ‘I would’ve just barged in there and dared them to throw me out!’.

    Ex: ‘I sure wish I had a better handle on this contract language,’ he said.

    Ex: As she ascended the staircase to the library director’s office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.

    Ex: You are not quite sure how one man could get his head around this at the time, but he managed, in a masterful way.

    Ex: Sleuthing is like second-nature to her, and she can’t possibly wrap her head around the concept of renouncing it completely.

    Ex: Children get a handle on personal responsibility by holding a library card of their own, a card that gives them access to new worlds.

    * a mi entender = to my mind.

    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.

    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.

    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.

    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.

    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.

    * difícil de entender = cryptic.

    * entender a medias = pick up + the fag-ends.

    * entender mal = misunderstand, misconceive, mishearing, mishearing, mishear.

    * entender mejor = place + Nombre + in/into + perspective, put into + perspective, gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of.

    * entenderse = interoperate [inter-operate], hit it off.

    * entenderse que indica = take to + indicate.

    * fácil de entender = easy to understand.

    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.

    * hacer entender = get across.

    * hacerse entender = make + Posesivo + meaning plain.

    * malentender = misconstrue.

    * más fácil de entender para nosotros = closer to home.

    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.

    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.

    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.

    * no entender ni una papa de = can’t make head(s) or tail(s) of.

    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.

    * según nuestro entender = as far as we know.

    * según + Pronombre + entender = it + be + Posesivo + understanding, Pronombre + understanding + be.

    * * *



    1 ‹explicación/libro/idioma› to understand; ‹actitud/motivos› to understand

    no hablo el alemán, pero lo entiendo I don’t speak German, but I can understand it

    y que no se vuelva a repetir ¿lo has entendido bien? and don’t let it happen again, (do you) understand? o have you got that?

    ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir? do you know what I mean?

    ¿tú qué entiendes por `versátil’? what do you understand by `versatile’?

    2 ‹persona› to understand

    ten cuidado con ellos, tú ya me entiendes be careful with them, you know what I mean

    su inglés no es perfecto pero se hace entender or ( AmL) se da a entender his English isn’t perfect but he makes himself understood

    ¡a ti no hay quien te entienda! you’re impossible!



    (interpretar, deducir): ¿debo entender que desean prescindir de mis servicios? am I to understand o infer that you wish to dispense with my services?

    no lo dijo claramente, pero lo dio a entender she did not say so in so many words, but she implied it

    ■ entender


    es que él es así ¿entiendes? it’s just that he’s like that, you see

    ¿tú entiendes de estas cosas? do you know anything about these things?


    se entienden por señas they communicate (with each other) through signs, they use sign language to communicate with each other

    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién le pegó a quién? let’s get this straight, who hit whom?

    déjame, yo me entiendo leave me alone, I know what I’m doing

    a mi/tu/su entender in my/your/his opinion, to my/your/his mind

    * * *


    Multiple Entries:

    entender algo

    entender ( conjugate entender) verbo transitivo

    to understand;

    chiste to understand, get (colloq);

    no entendí su nombre I didn’t get his name;

    lo entendió todo al revés he got it all completely wrong;

    tú ya me entiendes you know what I mean;

    me has entendido mal you’ve misunderstood me;

    se hace entender or (AmL) se da a entender he makes himself understood;

    me dio a entender que … she gave me to understand that …;

    dar algo a entender to imply sth

    verbo intransitivo

    b) ( saber) entender de algo to know about sth

    entenderse verbo pronominal


    entenderse con algn to communicate with sb;

    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? let’s get this straight, who hit you?

    entenderse con algn to get along o on with sb

    2 ( refl):

    déjame, yo me entiendo leave me alone, I know what I’m doing


    I verbo transitivo

    1 (comprender) to understand: a mi entender, está equivocado, in my opinion he’s wrong

    no entendí ni papa/pío/jota de este libro, I didn’t understand a word of this book

    no entiendo lo que quieres decir, I don’t know what you mean

    no me entiendas mal, don’t get me wrong

    nos dio a entender que no aceptaría el trabajo, he gave us to understand that he wouldn’t accept the job

    2 (creer) to think: entendemos que no debiste hacerlo, we think you shouldn’t have done that

    II verbo intransitivo entender de, (saber) to know about: entiende de música, he has an ear for music ➣ Ver nota en understand

    entender‘ also found in these entries:


    — cazar
    — coger
    — comprender
    — dar
    — interpretar
    — mercenaria
    — mercenario
    — papa
    — revés
    — significativa
    — significativo
    — ver
    — aclarar
    — agarrar
    — caer
    — concebir
    — difícil
    — dificultad
    — entendimiento
    — enterarse
    — entienda
    — fácil
    — sin


    — catch
    — depth
    — follow
    — get
    — gist
    — intimate
    — make out
    — misunderstand
    — parrot-fashion
    — point
    — purport
    — see
    — sense
    — thoroughly
    — trouble
    — understand
    — wise
    — work out
    — beyond
    — fathom
    — figure
    — grip
    — head
    — hint
    — home
    — imply
    — knowing
    — latch
    — lead
    — make
    — message
    — mishear
    — ram
    — still
    — sympathize
    — work

    * * *


    to understand;

    ¿es que no lo entiendes? don’t you understand?;

    entiéndelo, lo hago por tu bien try to understand, it’s for your own good;

    no te entiendo, habla más despacio I don’t understand you, could you speak more slowly?;

    no entiendo nada, ¿no deberían haber llegado ya? I just can’t understand it, surely they were supposed to have arrived by now;

    ¡no hay quien te entienda! you’re impossible!;

    ¿tú qué entiendes por “amistad”? what do you understand by “friendship”?;

    ¿debo entender que no estás de acuerdo? am I to understand that you disagree?;

    ¿cómo le puedo hacer entender que eso no se hace? how can I make her understand get it through to her that that sort of behaviour is out?;

    hasta que no llegue no podemos empezar, ¿entiendes? we can’t start until she gets here, all right?;

    ¿entiendes?, si no se lo decimos se va a enfadar look, if we don’t tell him, he’s going to get angry;

    podríamos hacernos los despistados, ya me entiendes we could make out we didn’t really realize what was going on, you know what I mean;

    dar a entender algo (a alguien): dio a entender que no le interesaba she implied (that) she wasn’t interested;

    to think;


    entender poco/algo de to know very little/a little about;

    tú que entiendes de estas cosas, ¿qué es el “rafting”? you know about these things, what is “rafting”?

    to be in charge of;

    to be gay;

    ¿entiendes? are you gay?

    * * *

    1 understand;

    ya me entiendes do you catch my drift?, do you know what I mean?;


    entendemos que sería mejor … we believe it would be better …

    1 understand;






    * * *

    to understand

    to think, to believe

    to mean, to intend

    to infer, to deduce

    to understand

    ¡ya entiendo!: now I understand!

    * * *

    to understand [

    pt. & pp.


    Spanish-English dictionary > entender

  • 15



    1) 0

    2) 0

    3) 0

    4) 0

    5) hacer

    6) hacer

    7) hacer

    8) servir, ir bien, ser suficiente

    9) hacer, dedicarse, estudiar

    10) ir

    11) arreglar

    12) hacer, comportarse, actuar

    13) hacer

    14) causar, hacer

    15) visitar


    fiesta, evento

    — doings
    — done
    — do-it-yourself
    — to-do
    — I
    — he could be doing with / could do with
    — do away with
    — do for
    — done for
    — done in
    — do out
    — do out of
    — do’s and don’ts
    — do without
    — to do with
    — what are you doing with

    how do you do?

    Multiple Entries:
    D.O.     do     do.

    do sustantivo masculino ( nota) C;
    ( en solfeo) do, doh (BrE);

    do sustantivo masculino Mús (de solfeo) doh, do
    (de escala diatónica) C

    do bemol, C-flat

    do de pecho, high C

    do sostenido, C-sharp
    Locuciones: dar el do de pecho, to do one’s very best

    do‘ also found in these entries:
    abrochar — acomodada — acomodado — acompañar — anda — animarse — apetecer — apostarse — aprender — arte — así — atañer — atonía — atreverse — bajeza — bastar — bastante — bastarse — bien — bola — bordar — brazo — bricolaje — broma — caballo — cacharro — cada — calaña — campar — capaz — cara — cargar — cascabel — casual — cepillarse — cerrar — colada — coletilla — comer — comandita — comecome — como — componer — componenda — compromiso — común — con — contentarse — contrapelo — corpachón
    about-face — about-turn — actually — advance — again — agree — aim to — all — all-out — allow — any — approachable — approve of — as — ask — aspect — associate — attempt — attribute — authorize — bankrupt — begin — best — born — bunk — burden — business — busywork — by — C — call — can — carry-on — cast — cease — cheap — chief — choose — cleaning — clear — come through — command — commit — compel — compelling — complaint — compute — conception — condescend — condition



    do you smoke? ¿fumas?

    do you know Susan? ¿conoces a Susan?

    what do they want? ¿qué quieren?

    where does Neil live? ¿dónde vive Neil?

    what film did you see? ¿qué película viste?

    when did they leave? ¿cuándo se fueron?

    do come with us! ¡ánimo, vente con nosotros!

    I did post it, I swear! ¡sí que lo mandé, te lo juro!

    do you like basketball? — yes, I do ¿te gusta el baloncesto? — sí, me gusta

    did you see the film? — no, I didn’t ¿viste la película? — no, no la vi

    who wears glasses? — Brian does ¿quién lleva gafas? — Brian

    who broke the vase? — I did ¿quién rompió el florero? — yo

    you don’t smoke, do you? no fumas, ¿verdad?

    you like fish, don’t you? a ti te gusta el pescado, ¿verdad?

    she lives in Madrid, doesn’t she? vive en Madrid, ¿verdad?

    you went to their wedding, didn’t you? tú fuiste a su boda, ¿verdad?

    they didn’t believe you, did they? no te creyeron, ¿verdad?

    what are you doing here? ¿qué haces aquí?

    what are you doing this weekend? ¿qué vas a hacer este fin de semana?

    whatever you do, don’t drink alcohol hagas lo que hagas, no bebas alcohol

    what can I do about it? ¿qué quieres que haga yo?

    what do you do (for a living)? ¿a qué te dedicas?

    what does he want to do when he leaves university? ¿a qué quiere dedicarse cuando deje la universidad?

    3 (carry out — job, task) hacer, realizar, llevar a cabo; (- duty) cumplir con

    I’ve got to do the cooking/cleaning tengo que cocinar/limpiar

    have you done your homework? ¿has hecho los deberes?

    do you do biology at school? ¿estudias biología en el instituto?

    6 (produce, make — meal) preparar, hacer; (drawing, painting, translation, etc) hacer; (offer — service) servir, tener, hacer; (- discount) hacer

    does this pub do food? ¿sirven comidas en este pub?

    what can I do for you? ¿en qué le puedo servir?

    8 (put on, produce — play, opera, etc) presentar, dar, poner en escena; (play the part of) hacer el papel de

    9 (finish, complete) terminar

    have you done moaning? ¿has terminado de protestar?

    he’s done it! ¡lo ha conseguido!

    12 (be sufficient for) ser suficiente; (be satisfactory for, acceptable to) ir bien a

    will 6 glasses do you? ¿será suficiente con seis vasos?

    yes, that will do me nicely sí, eso me irá perfectamente

    you’ve been done! ¡te han timado!

    1 (act, behave) hacer

    how are you doing? ¿qué tal vas?, ¿cómo te van las cosas?

    how are we doing for time? ¿cómo andamos de tiempo?

    3 (complete, finish) terminar

    have you done with the hairdryer? ¿has terminado con el secador?

    will one slice do for you? ¿tendrás suficiente con una rebanada?

    that’ll do! ¡basta!

    5 (be satisfactory, suitable) servir, estar bien

    well, I suppose it’ll have to do bueno, supongo que tendrá que servir


    how do you do? (greeting) ¿cómo está usted? 2 (answer) mucho gusto, encantado,-a

    that does it! ¡esto ya es la gota que colma el vaso!, ¡ya está bien!

    to be/have to do with somebody/something tener que ver con alguien/algo

    to do something for somebody (help) hacer algo por alguien 2 (flatter, suit) favorecer a alguien, quedarle bien a alguien 3 (please) atraer a alguien, decirle algo a alguien

    hacer, realizar, llevar a cabo

    preparar, hacer

    arreglar, peinar (el pelo)

    to do in estropear, arruinar


    estar, ir, andar


    servir, ser suficiente, alcanzar

    do you speak English? yes, I do: ¿habla inglés? sí



    buscarle tres pies al gato


    encontrarle defectos a todo



    pret: hic-

    1. duː, weak form dʊ, də

    1) hacer*

    to have something/nothing to do — tener* algo/no tener* nada que hacer

    2) ( carry out) <<job/task>> hacer*

    4) (achieve, bring about)

    she’s done it: it’s a new world record — lo ha logrado: es una nueva marca mundial

    he’s late again: that does it! — vuelve a llegar tarde esto ya es la gota que colma el vaso!

    to do something for somebody/something: that mustache really does something for him la verdad es que le queda muy bien el bigote; what has EC membership done for Greece? — ¿en qué ha beneficiado a Grecia ser miembro de la CE?


    a) (fix, arrange, repair)

    b) ( clean) <<dishes>> lavar; <<brass/windows>> limpiar

    6) (make, produce)

    a) <<meal>> preparar, hacer*

    b) <<drawinganslation>> hacer*

    they do a set meal for £12 — tienen un menú de 12 libras

    8) (suffice for, suit)

    the car has only done 4,000 miles — el coche sólo tiene 4.000 millas


    b) ( visit) (colloq) <<sights/museum>> visitar

    13) (BrE colloq)

    a) (catch, prosecute) agarrar

    b) ( cheat) estafar, timar

    14) ( use) (sl)

    15) (colloq) ( finish) terminar

    are o (esp BrE) have you done complaining? — ¿has terminado de quejarte?



    1) (act, behave) hacer*

    2) (get along, manage)

    how do? — (colloq & dial) ¿qué tal?

    how are we doing for time/cash? — ¿cómo or qué tal vamos or andamos de tiempo/dinero?

    she did well/badly in her exams — le fue bien/mal en los exámenes

    to do well/badly out of something — salir* bien/mal parado de algo

    3) (go on, happen) (colloq) (in -ing form)


    a) (be suitable, acceptable)

    look, this won’t do! — mira, esto no puede ser!

    it’s not ideal, but it’ll do — no es lo ideal, pero sirve

    I’m not going to cook, bread and cheese will do for them! — no pienso cocinar, se tendrán que conformar con pan y queso


    to do for o as something: this box will do for o as a table — esta caja nos servirá de mesa

    5) ( be enough) ser* suficiente, alcanzar*, bastar

    6) ( finish) (in past p) terminar

    I’m not o (BrE) I haven’t done yet! — no he terminado todavía




    aux [El verbo auxiliar do se usa para formar el negativo (I 1) y el interrogativo (I 2), para agregar énfasis (I 3) o para sustituir a un verbo usado anteriormente (II)]


    I did not o didn’t see her — no la vi







    boy, do you need a bath! — Dios mío! qué falta te hace un baño!





    you must admit, she did look ill — tienes que reconocer que tenía mala cara




    I haven’t decided, but if I do accept… — todavía no lo he decidido, pero si aceptara…


    not only does it cost more, it also… — no sólo cuesta más, sino que también…



    do you live here? — yes, I do/no, I don’t — ¿vives aquí? — sí/no

    she wanted to come, but he didn’t — ella quería venir, pero él no

    she found it in your drawer — oh, did she? — lo encontró en tu cajón — ¿ah, sí?

    I don’t need a haircut — yes, you do! — no necesito cortarme el pelo — cómo que no!

    she says she understands, but she doesn’t — dice que comprende, pero no es así




    you know Bob, don’t you? — conoces a Bob, ¿no? or ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto?

    I told you, didn’t I? — te lo dije ¿no? or ¿no es cierto?


    I, Charles Brown, do solemnly swear that… — yo, Charles Brown, juro solemnemente que…

    Phrasal Verbs:

    II duː



    (party, gathering) (


    ) fiesta


    , reunión


    fair dos all round — a partes iguales para todos; (as interj) seamos justos!


    III dəʊ

    I [duː]
    ( does)





    to do sth again — volver a hacer algo, hacer algo de nuevo

    what’s he ever done for me? — ¿qué ha hecho él por mí?

    if you do anything to him I’ll kill you — si le haces algo te mato

    what have you done with my slippers? — ¿dónde has puesto mis zapatillas?

    living 2., 1)

    2) hacer

    Some [do] + noun combinations require a more specific Spanish verb:

    he did a drawing/ portrait of her — la dibujó/retrató, hizo un dibujo/retrato de ella

    to do one’s duty (by sb) — cumplir con su deber (con algn)


    4) preparar; hacer, arreglar

    hair 1., 1)

    5) pasar


    that’s done it! * we’re stuck now — ¡la hemos fastidiado! * ahora no podemos salir de aquí

    that does it! * that’s the last time I lend him my car — ¡es el colmo! or ¡hasta aquí hemos llegado!, es la última vez que le dejo el coche

    good 2., 2)


    8) hacer, estudiar

    9) (Theat) representar, poner; hacer

    10) imitar

    11) (Aut, Rail etc) ir a; cubrir





    visitar, recorrer; visitar, viajar por

    that’ll do me nicely — eso me vendrá muy bien; con eso me basta



    estafar, timar; robar

    1) hacer

    you would do better to accept — sería aconsejable que aceptaras

    do as you think best — haga lo que mejor le parezca

    do as you are told! — ¡haz lo que te digo!

    she was up and doing at 6 o’clock — a las 6 de la mañana ya estaba levantada y trajinando

    you would do well to take his advice — harías bien en seguir su consejo

    you could do a lot worse than marry her — casarte con ella no es lo peor que podrías hacer

    well I, 1., 1)


    he did badly in the exam — le fue mal en el examen

    you can do better than that — puedes hacerlo mejor; iro ¡y qué más!

    how is your father doing? — ¿cómo está tu padre?, ¿cómo le va a tu padre?

    he’s doing well at school — le va bien en el colegio

    how do you do? ¿cómo está usted?, gusto en conocerlo (


    ); ¡mucho gusto!, ¡encantado!


    it doesn’t do to upset her — cuidado con ofenderla

    will this one do? — ¿te parece bien este?

    it’s not exactly what I wanted, but it will or it’ll do — no es exactamente lo que quería pero servirá

    that won’t do, you’ll have to do it again — así no está bien, tendrás que volver a hacerlo

    you can’t go on your own, that would never do! — no podemos consentir que vayas sola, ¡eso no puede ser!

    make 1., 4)

    4) bastar

    three bottles of wine should do — bastará con tres botellas de vino

    will £20 do? — ¿bastarán 20 libras?, ¿tendrás bastante con 20 libras?


    «could you lend me £50?» — «nothing doing!» — -¿me podrías prestar 50 libras? -¡de ninguna manera! or -¡ni hablar!

    don’t take it away, I’ve not done yet — no te lo lleves, ¡aún no he terminado or acabado!

    I’ve done with travelling — ya no voy a viajar más, he renunciado a los viajes



    hacer la limpieza (en casa)

    There is no equivalent in Spanish to the use of in questions, negative statements and negative commands.

    do sit down — siéntese, por favor, tome asiento, por favor frm

    rarely does it happen that… — rara vez ocurre que…


    «did you fix the car?» — «I did» — -¿arreglaste el coche? -sí

    «I love it» — «so do I» — -me encanta -a mí también

    «he borrowed the car» — «oh he did, did he?» — -pidió el coche prestado -¿ah sí? ¡no me digas!

    I like this colour, don’t you? — me gusta este color, ¿a ti no?

    «do you speak English?» — «yes, I do/no I don’t» — -¿habla usted inglés? -sí, hablo inglés/no, no hablo inglés

    «may I come in?» — «(please) do!» — -¿se puede pasar? -¡pasa (por favor)!

    «who made this mess?» — «I did» — -¿quién lo ha desordenado todo? -fui yo

    «shall I ring her again?» — «no, don’t!» — -¿la llamo otra vez? -¡no, no la llames!

    he lives here, doesn’t he? — vive aquí, ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto? or ¿no?

    I don’t know him, do I? — no lo conozco, ¿verdad?

    it doesn’t matter, does it? — no importa, ¿no?

    she said that, did she? — ¿eso es lo que dijo?

    1) Brit)



    ; reunión

    the do’s and don’ts of buying a house — lo que debe y lo que no debe hacerse al comprar una casa

    fair dos! * — ¡hay que ser justo!, ¡seamos justos!; ¡a partes iguales!

    it’s a poor do when… — es una vergüenza cuando…




    (Mus) do

    * * *

    1. [duː], weak form [dʊ, də]

    1) hacer*

    to have something/nothing to do — tener* algo/no tener* nada que hacer

    2) ( carry out) <<job/task>> hacer*

    4) (achieve, bring about)

    she’s done it: it’s a new world record — lo ha logrado: es una nueva marca mundial

    he’s late again: that does it! — vuelve a llegar tarde esto ya es la gota que colma el vaso!

    to do something for somebody/something: that mustache really does something for him la verdad es que le queda muy bien el bigote; what has EC membership done for Greece? — ¿en qué ha beneficiado a Grecia ser miembro de la CE?


    a) (fix, arrange, repair)

    b) ( clean) <<dishes>> lavar; <<brass/windows>> limpiar

    6) (make, produce)

    a) <<meal>> preparar, hacer*

    b) <<drawing/translation>> hacer*

    they do a set meal for £12 — tienen un menú de 12 libras

    8) (suffice for, suit)

    the car has only done 4,000 miles — el coche sólo tiene 4.000 millas


    b) ( visit) (colloq) <<sights/museum>> visitar

    13) (BrE colloq)

    a) (catch, prosecute) agarrar

    b) ( cheat) estafar, timar

    14) ( use) (sl)

    15) (colloq) ( finish) terminar

    are o (esp BrE) have you done complaining? — ¿has terminado de quejarte?



    1) (act, behave) hacer*

    2) (get along, manage)

    how do? — (colloq & dial) ¿qué tal?

    how are we doing for time/cash? — ¿cómo or qué tal vamos or andamos de tiempo/dinero?

    she did well/badly in her exams — le fue bien/mal en los exámenes

    to do well/badly out of something — salir* bien/mal parado de algo

    3) (go on, happen) (colloq) (in -ing form)


    a) (be suitable, acceptable)

    look, this won’t do! — mira, esto no puede ser!

    it’s not ideal, but it’ll do — no es lo ideal, pero sirve

    I’m not going to cook, bread and cheese will do for them! — no pienso cocinar, se tendrán que conformar con pan y queso


    to do for o as something: this box will do for o as a table — esta caja nos servirá de mesa

    5) ( be enough) ser* suficiente, alcanzar*, bastar

    6) ( finish) (in past p) terminar

    I’m not o (BrE) I haven’t done yet! — no he terminado todavía




    aux [El verbo auxiliar do se usa para formar el negativo (I 1) y el interrogativo (I 2), para agregar énfasis (I 3) o para sustituir a un verbo usado anteriormente (II)]


    I did not o didn’t see her — no la vi







    boy, do you need a bath! — Dios mío! qué falta te hace un baño!





    you must admit, she did look ill — tienes que reconocer que tenía mala cara




    I haven’t decided, but if I do accept… — todavía no lo he decidido, pero si aceptara…


    not only does it cost more, it also… — no sólo cuesta más, sino que también…



    do you live here? — yes, I do/no, I don’t — ¿vives aquí? — sí/no

    she wanted to come, but he didn’t — ella quería venir, pero él no

    she found it in your drawer — oh, did she? — lo encontró en tu cajón — ¿ah, sí?

    I don’t need a haircut — yes, you do! — no necesito cortarme el pelo — cómo que no!

    she says she understands, but she doesn’t — dice que comprende, pero no es así




    you know Bob, don’t you? — conoces a Bob, ¿no? or ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto?

    I told you, didn’t I? — te lo dije ¿no? or ¿no es cierto?


    I, Charles Brown, do solemnly swear that… — yo, Charles Brown, juro solemnemente que…

    Phrasal Verbs:

    II [duː]



    (party, gathering) (


    ) fiesta


    , reunión


    fair dos all round — a partes iguales para todos; (as interj) seamos justos!


    III [dəʊ]

    English-spanish dictionary > do

  • 16


    1. Intensität, Ausmaß etc.: just as; ich habe ihn ebenso gern wie du / dich I like him just ( oder every bit) as much as you (do) / as (I do) you; es ist ebenso voll wie gestern it’s (just) as full as it was yesterday; er ist ebenso fleißig wie hilfreich he’s as hard-working as he is helpful

    * * *

    as well; just as; alike; like this; that way; equally

    * * *

    eben|so [‘eːbnzoː]


    just as; as well

    das kann doch ébenso eine Frau machen — a woman can do that just as well

    die Geschäfte sind geschlossen, ébenso alle Büros — the shops are closed, as are all the offices

    viele Leute haben sich ébenso wie wir beschwert — a lot of people complained just like we did or just as we did or just like us

    er freute sich ébenso wie ich — he was just as pleased as I was

    er hat ein ébenso großes Zimmer wie wir — he has just as big a room as we have

    ich mag sie ébenso gern — I like her just as much, I like her equally well

    ich esse ébenso gern Reis — I like rice just as much, I’d just as soon eat rice

    ich komme ébenso gern morgen — I’d just as soon come tomorrow

    ébenso gut — (just) as well

    ich kann ébenso gut Französisch wie Italienisch — I can speak French (just) as well as I can speak Italian, my French is (just) as good as my Italian

    ébenso lang — just as long

    ébenso oft or häufig — just as often or frequently

    ébenso sehr — just as much

    ébenso wenig — just as little

    ébenso wenig, wie man dies sagen kann, kann man behaupten,… — there is just as little ground for saying this as for claiming…

    ébenso viel — just as much

    * * *


    * * *



    ich habe eine ebenso schöne Wohnung I have just as nice a flat

    ebenso gern just as well/much

    meinen Vater mag ich ebenso gern wie meine Mutter I like my father just as much as my mother

    ebenso gut [just] as well

    ich kann ebenso gut darauf verzichten I can just as well go without it

    ebenso lang[e] just as long

    ebenso oft just as frequently [or often]

    ebenso sehr just as much

    ich habe dich ebenso sehr lieb wie du mich I’m just as much fond of you as you are of me

    ebenso viel just as much

    ebenso wenig:

    das ist ebenso wenig angebracht this is just as inappropriate

    2. (auch) also, likewise, as well

    die Geschäfte sind geschlossen, ebenso alle Kinos the shops are closed, as are all the cinemas

    diese Waschmaschine ist ebenso zu teuer that washing machine is too expensive as well

    * * *


    1) mit Adjektiven u. Adverbien, Indefinitpromina just as

    ebenso groß wie… sein — be just as big as…

    ebenso gern mag ich Erdbeeren [wie…] — I like strawberries just as much [as…]

    2) mit Verben in exactly the same way; just as much

    * * *

    1. Intensität, Ausmaß etc: just as;

    ich habe ihn ebenso gern wie du/dich I like him just ( oder every bit) as much as you (do)/as (I do) you;

    2. Art: (in) the same way;

    * * *


    1) mit Adjektiven u. Adverbien, Indefinitpromina just as

    ebenso groß wie… sein — be just as big as…

    ebenso gern mag ich Erdbeeren [wie…] — I like strawberries just as much [as…]

    2) mit Verben in exactly the same way; just as much

    * * *


    alike adj. adv.

    also adv.

    equally adv.

    just as expr.

    likewise adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ebenso

  • 17
    do *****

    I [duː]

    3rd pers sg pres







    DO sit down — si accomodi la prego, prego si sieda, insomma siediti

    DO tell me! — su, dimmelo!

    I DO wish I could… — magari potessi…


    so does he — anche lui


    he lives here, doesn’t he? — abita qui, vero?, abita qui, no?

    I don’t know him, do I? — non lo conosco, vero?


    do you speak English? — yes, I do/no, I don’t — parli inglese? — sì/no

    who made this mess? — I did — chi ha fatto questo disordine? — io!, sono stato io!

    1) gen) fare

    I’ll do all I can — farò tutto il possibile

    well done! — bravo!, benissimo!

    what are you doing tonight? — che fai stasera?

    what does he do for a living? — cosa fa per vivere?

    what am I to do with you? — dimmi tu come devo fare con te!

    what can I do for you? — desidera?

    what’s to be done? — che fare?

    what’s done cannot be undone — quello che è fatto è fatto


    this room needs doing — questa stanza è ancora da fare


    the job’s done — il lavoro è fatto

    4) fare, visitare

    6) fam: be sufficient) bastare, andar bene

    7) fare (la parte di), imitare

    8) fam: cheat) imbrogliare, farla a, ripulire

    how do you like your steak done? — come preferisci la bistecca?

    well done — ben cotto (-a)

    do as I do — fai come me, fai come faccio io

    he did well to take your advice — ha fatto bene a seguire il tuo consiglio

    2) andare

    she did well at university — era molto brava all’università


    I’ve done — ho fatto, ho finito

    this room will do — questa stanza va bene

    will £5 do? — bastano or vanno bene 5 sterline?;


    fair dos! — quel che è giusto è giusto!

    II [dəʊ]


    English-Italian dictionary > do *****

  • 18


    ¡qué forma de llover! it’s absolutely pouring down!

    de cualquier forma, de todas formas anyway, in any case

    forma de ser: es su forma de ser that’s just the way he is

    3 form.

    6 form (formulario). (Mexican Spanish)

    7 kind, form.

    8 aspect, semblance, appearance.

    9 cast.


    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: formar.


    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: formar.

    * * *

    1 (modales) manners, social conventions

    * * *

    1) form, shape

    2) manner, way

    * * *


    1) shape

    nubes de humo con forma de hongo — mushroom-shaped clouds of smoke

    dar forma a — to shape; to give shape to

    en forma de U — U-shaped

    tomar forma — to take shape

    2) way

    de forma directa/inmediata/natural — directly/immediately/naturally

    de esta forma — in this way; thus

    queremos controlar los costes y, de esta forma, evitar reducir la plantilla — we want to bring down costs and thus avoid having to downsize

    de todas formas — anyway, in any case

    forma de ser, es mi forma de ser — that’s how I am, that’s the way I am


    de forma que — in such a way as, so as; so that

    el número de socios fue creciendo cada año, de forma que en 1989 eran ya varios miles — the number of members grew every year, so that o such that by 1989 there were several thousand

    de tal forma que — in such a way that; so much that; so that

    su padre era italiano y su madre polaca, de tal forma que él siempre se ha sentido europeo — his father was Italian and his mother Polish, so (that) he has always felt himself to be European

    4) : forma física) fitness, form

    estar en (buena) forma — to be fit, be in good shape; to be in (good) form

    5) form

    es pura forma — it’s just for the sake of form, it’s a mere formality

    defecto de forma — (Jur) technicality

    9) (


    ) mould, mold (


    ); last; hatter’s block; (


    ) forme, form (



    10) (Ling) form

    11) (Tip) format


    en forma, una fiesta en forma — a proper party, a blowout *


    * * *



    a) (contorno, apariencia) shape

    b) (tipo, modalidad) form

    2) (Lit) (de una novela, obra) form; (Fil) form

    3) (Ling) form

    4) (Dep, Med)

    estar/mantenerse en forma — to be/keep fit

    5) (manera, modo) way

    * * *

    = approach [approaches, -pl.], form, guise, means, mode, shape, way, mould [mold, -USA], shaping, complexion, manner, fashion.

    Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.

    Ex. It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.

    Ex. In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.

    Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.

    Ex. Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.

    Ex. If the book has an unusual shape then both the height and the width of the book will be given.

    Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.

    Ex. The two moulds, which were twins, were oblong wire sieves mounted on wooden frames, and the deckle was a removable wooden rim which could be fitted to either mould to make it into a tray-like sieve with a raised edge.

    Ex. The process of shaping the scientific and technical propaganda into a legitimate specialisation is described.

    Ex. These documents contain the Commission’s sentiments on how policy should be evolved in particular sectors and what complexion it should take = Estos documentos contienen el sentir de la Comisión de cómo debería desarrollarse la política en sectores concretos y qué cariz debería tomar.

    Ex. City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community’s resources in a manner which will best achieve the community’s specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.

    Ex. It was on the tip of his tongue to say: ‘Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?’ But he discreetly forbore.


    * acabar de forma positiva = end + Nombre + on a high (note).

    * actuar de forma negligente = be remiss.

    * adoptar forma = take + shape.

    * adoptar la forma de = take + form, take + the form of, come in + the form of.

    * aprender de la forma más difícil = learn + the hard way.

    * asumir una forma = assume + form.

    * buena forma física = fitness, physical fitness.

    * buscar la forma de = look for + ways to.

    * buscar la forma de + Infinitivo = develop + way of + Gerundio.

    * buscar una forma de hacer (algo) = develop + way + to make + Nombre.

    * caer en forma de cascada = cascade.

    * cambiar de forma de vivir = turn + Posesivo + life around.

    * catálogo en forma de libro = bookform catalogue, book catalogue.

    * con forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].

    * con forma de pirámide = trihedral, pyramidal-shaped.

    * con forma de tetraedro = trihedral.

    * dar cuerpo y forma a = lend + substance and form to.

    * dar forma = become + cast, give + shape, shape, mould [mold, -USA], inform.

    * dar nueva forma = reformat [re-format].

    * de alguna forma = in one way or another, one way or another.

    * de cualquier forma = in any event, in any way [in anyway], in any case, in any way at all.

    * de esta forma = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.

    * de forma aceptable = adequately, acceptably.

    * de forma adecuada = adequately, appropriately.

    * de forma apreciable = markedly.

    * de forma apropiada = properly, fitly, appropriately.

    * de forma audible = audibly.

    * de forma completa = in full.

    * de forma cuadrada = squarish, square-shaped.

    * de forma divertida = funnily.

    * de forma extraña = oddly, funnily.

    * de forma general = widely, bulk.

    * de forma graciosa = funnily.

    * de forma heterogénea = heterogeneously [heterogenously].

    * de forma inesperada = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.

    * de forma positiva = in a positive light, constructively.

    * de forma puntual = occasionally, when necessary.

    * de forma rara = oddly, funnily.

    * de forma significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.

    * de igual forma = in like manner, in a like manner, in like fashion, in like vein.

    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.

    * de la misma forma que = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as), in much the same way as.

    * describir de forma general = outline.

    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.

    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.

    * de una forma + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + manner.

    * de una forma deplorable = execrably.

    * de una forma fácil = easily.

    * de una forma hábil = skilfully [skillfully, -USA].

    * de una forma rápida = quickly.

    * de una forma relativamente + Nombre = relatively + Adverbio.

    * de una forma simple = in a simple manner, simply.

    * de una forma u otra = in some form or other, in one way or another, one way or another, in one form or another.

    * dispuesto de forma uniforme = regimented.

    * encontrar la forma de = devise + ways.

    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.

    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.

    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.

    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.

    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].

    * en plena forma = in peak condition, in tip-top form, in tip-top condition.

    * entintar la forma = beat + the forme.

    * estar en forma = be in shape, be in good shape.

    * forma de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.

    * forma de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.

    * forma de conseguir algo = lever.

    * forma de evitar Algo = way round + Algo.

    * forma de evitar una dificultad = way (a)round + difficulty.

    * forma de evitar un problema = way round + problem.

    * forma de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.

    * forma de impresión = composing frame, forme, plate, frame.

    * forma de la curva estadística en su valor más alto = peak-shape.

    * forma de pensar = thinking, belief system, set of opinions, mode of thought, mode of thinking.

    * forma de trabajar = working practice, work practice, business model.

    * forma de ver las cosas = way of putting things together, bent of mind.

    * forma física = physical form, physical condition, physical shape.

    * forma geométrica = geometric shape, geometric pattern.

    * forma impresa = hard copy [hardcopy].

    * forma para papel verjurado = laid mould.

    * ganar de forma abrumadora = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.

    * ganar de forma aplastante = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down, win by + a landslide.

    * ganar de forma arrolladora = win by + a landslide.

    * guardar las formas = keep up + appearances.

    * indicar las formas (de/en que) = point to + ways (of/in which).

    * la forma correcta de hacer las cosas = the way to go.

    * la forma de = ways and means (of/for/to/in/by).

    * la forma de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.

    * la forma de ver las cosas = the way + to see things.

    * la mejor forma de hacer Algo = lessons learned [lessons learnt].

    * mantenerse en forma = keep + fit.

    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.

    * ofrecer una forma de = provide + a way of/to.

    * participar de forma activa = involve.

    * participar de forma activa en = engage in.

    * participar de una forma activa = become + involved.

    * pensar de forma creativa = think out(side) + (of) the box.

    * ponerse en forma = get + fit.

    * ponerse en forma para la lucir el cuerpo en la playa = get + beach-fit.

    * presentar en forma de tabla = tabulate.

    * red en forma de estrella = star network [star-network].

    * sentirse en plena forma = feel + tip-top.

    * ser mirado de forma extraña = get + some funny looks.

    * ser una forma de = provide + a way of/to.

    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.

    * sugerir la forma de = suggest + way in which.

    * tener forma + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in shape.

    * terminar de forma positiva = end + Nombre + on a high (note).

    * tomar forma = take + form, take + shape, assume + form, shape up.

    * volver a dar forma = reshape [re-shape].

    * * *



    a) (contorno, apariencia) shape

    b) (tipo, modalidad) form

    2) (Lit) (de una novela, obra) form; (Fil) form

    3) (Ling) form

    4) (Dep, Med)

    estar/mantenerse en forma — to be/keep fit

    5) (manera, modo) way

    * * *

    = approach [approaches, -pl.], form, guise, means, mode, shape, way, mould [mold, -USA], shaping, complexion, manner, fashion.

    Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.

    Ex: It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.

    Ex: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.

    Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.

    Ex: Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.

    Ex: If the book has an unusual shape then both the height and the width of the book will be given.

    Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.

    Ex: The two moulds, which were twins, were oblong wire sieves mounted on wooden frames, and the deckle was a removable wooden rim which could be fitted to either mould to make it into a tray-like sieve with a raised edge.

    Ex: The process of shaping the scientific and technical propaganda into a legitimate specialisation is described.

    Ex: These documents contain the Commission’s sentiments on how policy should be evolved in particular sectors and what complexion it should take = Estos documentos contienen el sentir de la Comisión de cómo debería desarrollarse la política en sectores concretos y qué cariz debería tomar.

    Ex: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community’s resources in a manner which will best achieve the community’s specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.

    Ex: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: ‘Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?’ But he discreetly forbore.

    * acabar de forma positiva = end + Nombre + on a high (note).

    * actuar de forma negligente = be remiss.

    * adoptar forma = take + shape.

    * adoptar la forma de = take + form, take + the form of, come in + the form of.

    * aprender de la forma más difícil = learn + the hard way.

    * asumir una forma = assume + form.

    * botón en forma de palo = toggle fastener.

    * buena forma física = fitness, physical fitness.

    * buscar la forma de = look for + ways to.

    * buscar la forma de + Infinitivo = develop + way of + Gerundio.

    * buscar una forma de hacer (algo) = develop + way + to make + Nombre.

    * caer en forma de cascada = cascade.

    * cambiar de forma = shape-shift.

    * cambiar de forma de vivir = turn + Posesivo + life around.

    * catálogo encuadernado en forma de listado de ordenador = computer book form catalogue.

    * catálogo en forma de álbum = guard (book) catalogue.

    * catálogo en forma de libro = bookform catalogue, book catalogue.

    * catálogo en forma de libro encuadernado = bound book form catalogue.

    * catálogo en forma de listado = computer print-out catalogue.

    * catálogo en forma de listado de ordenador = computer book form catalogue.

    * catálogo impreso en forma de libro = printed book catalogue.

    * como forma de vida = as a way of life.

    * como una forma de = as a means of.

    * concepto de forma = form concept.

    * con forma de castillo = castellated.

    * con forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].

    * con forma de pelo = hair-like.

    * con forma de pera = pear-shaped.

    * con forma de pirámide = trihedral, pyramidal-shaped.

    * con forma de tetraedro = trihedral.

    * con forma de U = U-shaped.

    * con forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.

    * dar cuerpo y forma a = lend + substance and form to.

    * dar forma = become + cast, give + shape, shape, mould [mold, -USA], inform.

    * dar nueva forma = reformat [re-format].

    * de alguna forma = in one way or another, one way or another.

    * de alguna otra forma = in any other way.

    * de cualquier forma = in any event, in any way [in anyway], in any case, in any way at all.

    * de cualquier forma posible = in any and all ways.

    * de esta forma = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.

    * de forma = in form.

    * de forma abrumadora = overwhelmingly.

    * de forma aceptable = adequately, acceptably.

    * de forma adecuada = adequately, appropriately.

    * de forma alternada = in alternating fashion.

    * de forma alternativa = alternatively.

    * de forma anónima = anonymously.

    * de forma aplastante = overwhelmingly.

    * de forma apreciable = markedly.

    * de forma apropiada = properly, fitly, appropriately.

    * de forma audible = audibly.

    * de forma autónoma = autonomously.

    * de forma caprichosa = capriciously.

    * de forma clara = clearly.

    * de forma colegiada = collegially.

    * de forma combinada = in combination.

    * de forma competitiva = competitively.

    * de forma complementaria = complimentarily.

    * de forma completa = in full.

    * de forma conjunta con = in partnership with.

    * de forma considerable = considerably.

    * de forma continuada = continuously.

    * de forma cuadrada = squarish, square-shaped.

    * de forma deductiva = deductively.

    * de forma desastrosa = disastrously.

    * de forma deshonesta = dishonestly.

    * de forma diferente = differently shaped.

    * de forma digital = digitally.

    * de forma divertida = funnily.

    * de forma económica = cost-effectively.

    * de forma errática = erratically.

    * de forma escandalosa = outrageously.

    * de forma especulativa = speculatively.

    * de forma estructurada = in a structured fashion.

    * de forma exquisita = exquisitely.

    * de forma extraña = oddly, funnily.

    * de forma federal = federally.

    * de forma general = widely, bulk.

    * de forma global = holistically.

    * de forma graciosa = funnily.

    * de forma gratis = on a complimentary basis.

    * de forma gratuita = on a complimentary basis.

    * de forma grotesca = grotesquely.

    * de forma heterogénea = heterogeneously [heterogenously].

    * de forma heurística = heuristically.

    * de forma humorística = in a humorous vein.

    * de forma imaginativa = imaginatively.

    * de forma indirecta = circuitous route.

    * de forma inesperada = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.

    * de forma innata = innately.

    * de forma irregular = erratically.

    * de forma lamentable = miserably.

    * de forma lógica = in a meaningful way.

    * de forma mágica = magically.

    * de forma mecánica = mechanically.

    * de forma mordaz = pungently.

    * de forma muy parecida a = in much the same way as.

    * de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.

    * de forma negativa = in a negative light.

    * de forma neutral = neutrally.

    * de forma notoria = markedly.

    * de forma óptima = optimally.

    * de forma personalizada = on a one-to-one basis.

    * de forma poco ética = unethically.

    * de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.

    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.

    * de forma poco razonable = unreasonably.

    * de forma positiva = in a positive light, constructively.

    * de forma práctica = pragmatically.

    * de forma precisa = precisely.

    * de forma puntual = occasionally, when necessary.

    * de forma que = in ways that.

    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.

    * de forma rara = oddly, funnily.

    * de forma recíproca = reciprocally.

    * de forma regular = regularly.

    * de forma rentable = cost-effectively.

    * de forma ridícula = grotesquely.

    * de forma saludable = healthily.

    * de forma sana = healthily.

    * de forma significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.

    * de forma sistemática = in a systematic fashion.

    * de forma sofisticada = sophisticatedly.

    * de forma subconsciente = subconsciously.

    * de forma sublime = subliminally.

    * de forma suscinta = in brief.

    * de forma terapéutica = therapeutically.

    * de forma tosca = in crude form.

    * de forma trágica = tragically.

    * de igual forma = in like manner, in a like manner, in like fashion, in like vein.

    * de la forma más difícil = the hard way.

    * de la forma más fácil = the easy way.

    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.

    * de la misma forma que = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as), in much the same way as.

    * de la otra forma = the other way (a)round.

    * de muchas formas = in more ways than one.

    * de ninguna forma = in any way at all.

    * de ninguna otra forma = in any other way.

    * de nuevas formas = in new ways.

    * de otra forma = in any other way.

    * describir de forma general = outline.

    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.

    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.

    * de todas las formas posibles = in any and all ways.

    * de una forma = in a fashion.

    * de una forma + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + manner.

    * de una forma ambigua = ambiguously.

    * de una forma brillante = brilliantly.

    * de una forma deplorable = execrably.

    * de una forma fácil = easily.

    * de una forma hábil = skilfully [skillfully, -USA].

    * de una forma intangible = intangibly.

    * de una forma lógica = logically.

    * de una forma monstruosa = monstrously.

    * de una forma organizada = in an organised fashion.

    * de una forma rápida = quickly.

    * de una forma relativamente + Nombre = relatively + Adverbio.

    * de una forma simple = in a simple manner, simply.

    * de una forma tautológica = tautologically.

    * de una forma u otra = in some form or other, in one way or another, one way or another, in one form or another.

    * de una nueva forma = in a new way.

    * dispuesto de forma uniforme = regimented.

    * división de forma = form division.

    * edificio en forma de cubo = cubic building.

    * en buena forma = in good nick.

    * encabezamiento de forma = form heading.

    * encontrar la forma de = devise + ways.

    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.

    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.

    * en forma de A = A-shaped.

    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.

    * en forma de capa = cape-like.

    * en forma de cruz = cross-shaped.

    * en forma de cuadrado = square-shaped.

    * en forma de cuña = wedge-shaped.

    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.

    * en forma de D = d-shaped.

    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].

    * en forma de libro = in book form.

    * en forma de medialuna = crescent-shaped.

    * en forma de parásito = parasitically.

    * en forma de pera = pear-shaped.

    * en forma de pirámide = pyramidal-shaped.

    * en forma de trompeta = trumpet-shaped.

    * en forma de U = U-shaped.

    * en forma de V = V-shaped.

    * en forma física = physically fit.

    * en forma física y mental = physically and mentally fit.

    * en forma ovalada = oval-shaped.

    * en forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.

    * en mala forma = in bad nick.

    * en plena forma = in peak condition, in tip-top form, in tip-top condition.

    * en su forma más básica = at its most basic.

    * entintar la forma = beat + the forme.

    * entrada de forma = form entry.

    * estar en forma = be in shape, be in good shape.

    * estar ordenado en forma circular = be on a wheel.

    * faceta de forma = Form facet.

    * forma adjetival = adjectival form.

    * forma artística = art form.

    * forma de actuar = discourse.

    * forma de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.

    * forma de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.

    * forma de conseguir algo = lever.

    * forma de doble fondo = double-faced mould.

    * forma de escribir = writing style.

    * forma de evitar Algo = way round + Algo.

    * forma de evitar una dificultad = way (a)round + difficulty.

    * forma de evitar un problema = way round + problem.

    * forma de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.

    * forma de funcionar = business model.

    * forma de hablar = manner of speaking.

    * forma de hacer papel = paper mould.

    * forma de impresión = composing frame, forme, plate, frame.

    * forma de la curva estadística en su valor más alto = peak-shape.

    * forma de pago = form of payment.

    * forma de papel vitela = wove mould.

    * forma de pensar = thinking, belief system, set of opinions, mode of thought, mode of thinking.

    * forma de presentación = form of presentation.

    * forma de trabajar = working practice, work practice, business model.

    * forma de un solo fondo = single-faced mould.

    * forma de un solo fondo para papel verjurado = single-faced laid mould.

    * forma de ver las cosas = way of putting things together, bent of mind.

    * forma de vida = way of life.

    * forma excelente = commanding form.

    * forma física = physical form, physical condition, physical shape.

    * forma flexionada = inflected form.

    * forma geométrica = geometric shape, geometric pattern.

    * forma impresa = hard copy [hardcopy].

    * forma intelectual = intellectual form.

    * forma manual = hand mould.

    * forma nominal = noun form.

    * forma para papel verjurado = laid mould.

    * ganar de forma abrumadora = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.

    * ganar de forma aplastante = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down, win by + a landslide.

    * ganar de forma arrolladora = win by + a landslide.

    * guardar las formas = keep up + appearances.

    * indicar las formas (de/en que) = point to + ways (of/in which).

    * la forma correcta de hacer las cosas = the way to go.

    * la forma de = ways and means (of/for/to/in/by).

    * la forma de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.

    * la forma de ver las cosas = the way + to see things.

    * la mejor forma de hacer Algo = lessons learned [lessons learnt].

    * mantenerse en forma = keep + fit.

    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.

    * no hay forma de que = for the life of me.

    * ofrecer una forma de = provide + a way of/to.

    * orientado hacia la forma = form-oriented.

    * participar de forma activa = involve.

    * participar de forma activa en = engage in.

    * participar de una forma activa = become + involved.

    * pensar de forma creativa = think out(side) + (of) the box.

    * poner en forma = buff up.

    * ponerse en forma = get + fit.

    * ponerse en forma para la lucir el cuerpo en la playa = get + beach-fit.

    * por la forma = by the way.

    * presentar en forma de tabla = tabulate.

    * red en forma de estrella = star network [star-network].

    * sentirse en plena forma = feel + tip-top.

    * ser la forma abreviada de = be short for.

    * ser la forma de = be a recipe for.

    * ser mirado de forma extraña = get + some funny looks.

    * ser una forma de = provide + a way of/to.

    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.

    * sugerir la forma de = suggest + way in which.

    * tener forma + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in shape.

    * terminar de forma positiva = end + Nombre + on a high (note).

    * tomar forma = take + form, take + shape, assume + form, shape up.

    * una buena forma de empezar = a good way to start.

    * volver a dar forma = reshape [re-shape].

    * * *


    1 (contorno, apariencia) shape

    la escultura/el proyecto está empezando a tomar forma the sculpture/plan is beginning to take shape

    2 (tipo, modalidad) form


    1 ( Lit) (de una novela, obra) form

    3 ( Fil) form

    estar/mantenerse en forma to be/keep fit

    E (manera, modo) way

    ¡qué forma de gritar, ni que estuviese sorda! there’s no need to shout, I’m not deaf!


    form o method of payment

    en público siempre guardan or cubren las formas they always keep up appearances in public

    * * *


    Del verbo formar: ( conjugate formar)

    forma es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:


    forma sustantivo femenino


    a) (contorno, apariencia) shape;

    tiene la forma de un platillo it’s the shape of a saucer;

    dar forma a algo ( al barro) to shape sth;

    ( a proyecto) to give shape to sth

    b) (tipo, modalidad) form;

    forma de pago form o method of payment

    2 (Dep, Med):

    está en baja forma he’s not on form;

    en plena forma on top form;

    en forma: nos divertimos en forma we had a really good time

    3 (manera, modo) way;

    ¡vaya forma de conducir! what a way to drive!;

    forma de vida way of life;

    de forma distinta differently;

    de cualquier forma or de todas formas anyway, in any case


    formas sustantivo femenino plural

    5 (Méx) ( formulario) form

    formar ( conjugate formar) verbo transitivo


    asociación/gobierno to form, set up;

    barricada to set up;

    ¡formen parejas! ( en clase) get into pairs o twos!;

    ( en baile) take your partners!

    c) (Mil) ‹ tropasto have … fall in

    2 ( componer) to make up;

    forma parte de algo to be part of sth, to belong to sth

    3carácter/espíritu to form, shape

    4 ( educar) to bring up;

    ( para trabajo) to train

    verbo intransitivo (Mil) to fall in

    formarse verbo pronominal


    a) (hacerse, crearse) [grupo/organismo] to form;

    2 ( educarse) to be educated;

    ( para trabajo) to be trained

    forma sustantivo femenino

    1 form, shape: una vasija en forma de campana, a bell-shaped vessel

    2 (modo) way: hazlo de otra forma do it another way

    no hay forma de probarlo, there’s no way to prove it

    forma de pago, method of payment

    3 Dep form: está en baja forma, she’s off form

    me mantengo en forma, I keep fit 4 formas, (modales) manners

    guardar las formas, to keep up appearances

    ♦ Locuciones: de forma que, so that

    de todas formas, anyway, in any case

    formar verbo transitivo

    1 to form

    2 (criar) to bring up

    (instruir) to educate, train

    forma‘ also found in these entries:


    — acento
    — aerodinámica
    — aerodinámico
    — amorfa
    — amorfo
    — anacrónica
    — anacrónico
    — borla
    — cerrada
    — cerrado
    — circular
    — congruente
    — cónica
    — cónico
    — corpórea
    — corpóreo
    — defraudar
    — diferente
    — ser
    — escribano
    — estrafalaria
    — estrafalario
    — estrechamiento
    — estrellada
    — estrellado
    — formalmente
    — herida
    — histriónica
    — histriónico
    — imitar
    — inicua
    — inicuo
    — ladrón
    — ladrona
    — mercenaria
    — mercenario
    — modo
    — óptica
    — oscurecer
    — pequeña
    — pequeño
    — política
    — redonda
    — redondo
    — sambenito
    — tallar
    — tela
    — tener
    — Tiro


    — agenda
    — agree
    — alternately
    — amusing
    — an
    — and
    — angular
    — anyhow
    — arrange
    — as
    — attuned to
    — be
    — begin
    — best
    — blend
    — circle
    — crescent
    — cupcake
    — day
    — deny
    — diamond
    — disgusting
    — do
    — enjoy
    — expect
    — expedient
    — faint
    — figure
    — fish
    — fit
    — fitness
    — form
    — freeware
    — from
    — go
    — heart-shaped
    — hexagon
    — jelly baby
    — jelly bean
    — Jerkily
    — keep
    — kidney shaped
    — lack
    — lie
    — manner
    — mister
    — must
    — parcel
    — pear-shaped

    * * *

    shape, form;

    ¿qué forma tiene? what shape is it?;

    way, manner;

    lo siento, es mi forma de ser I’m sorry, that’s just the way I am that’s just my way;

    ¡qué forma de llover! it’s absolutely pouring down!;

    de cualquier forma, de todas formas anyway, in any case;

    si lo hacemos de esta forma, acabaremos antes if we do it this way, we’ll finish earlier;

    viajaremos en segunda, de esta forma recortaremos gastos we can travel second class, that way we’ll keep the cost down;

    han organizado las conferencias de forma que haya diez minutos de intervalo entre ellas they’ve arranged the speeches in such a way that there’s a ten-minute break between each one;

    llegaremos a las ocho, de forma que podamos comenzar temprano we’ll be there by eight so (that) we can start early;

    forma de pago method of payment



    estar en baja/plena forma to be in poor/top shape;

    mantenerse/ponerse en forma to keep/get fit

    forma física physical fitness;


    estar en baja/plena forma to be off form/on top form

    formas manners, social conventions;




    * * *


    1 form

    de alguna forma, en cierta forma in a way;

    no hay forma de que coma/estudie nothing will make him eat/study, it’s impossible to get him to eat/study





    * * *

    form, shape

    manner, way


    estar en forma: to be fit, to be in shape

    appearances, conventions

    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > forma

  • 19

    * * *

    1 (in minor quantità o grado) less; not so… (as); not as… (as): dovresti lavorare (di) meno e riposare di più, you should work less and rest more; il viaggio di ritorno mi è sembrato meno lungo, the journey back didn’t seem so long (to me); quest’anno ha piovuto (di) meno, it hasn’t rained so much this year; non per questo è meno intelligente, he is no less intelligent for that // più o meno, poco più poco meno, more or less // chi più chi meno, more or less (o some more some less): tutti hanno contribuito, chi più chi meno, al buon esito dell’iniziativa, everyone more or less contributed to the success of the venture (o everyone contributed to the success of the venture, some more some less) // né più né meno, just, exactly: gli ho detto né più né meno come la pensavo, I told him just (o exactly) how I felt about it; le cose sono andate né più né meno così, that’s exactly what happened

    2 (nel compar. di minoranza) less… (than); not so… (as), not as… (as): l’argento è meno prezioso dell’oro, silver is less precious than gold (o silver isn’t as precious as gold); lui non è meno studioso di te, he studies just as much as you do (o he studies no less than you do); oggi è meno freddo di ieri, it isn’t as cold today as it was yesterday (form. it is less cold than yesterday); il traffico era meno intenso del solito, the traffic wasn’t as heavy as usual (o was less heavy than usual); è andata meno bene del previsto, it didn’t go as well as expected

    3 (correl.) (quanto) meno… (tanto) meno: the less… the less: meno si lavora, meno si lavorerebbe, the less you work, the less you feel like working; meno studi, meno impari, the less you study, the less you learn

    4 (nel superl. di minoranza) the least; (fra due) the less: tra tutte le conferenze, questa è stata la meno interessante, of all the lectures, this was the least interesting; la meno preparata delle due squadre, the less fit of the (two) teams; ho intenzione di scegliere la macchina che costa meno, I’m going to choose the car that costs the least (o the cheapest car); cerca di affaticarti il meno possibile, try to tire yourself as little as possible

    5 (con valore di no) not: fammi sapere se verrai o meno, let me know whether or not you’re coming; mi domando se valga la pena o meno di accettare, I wonder whether or not it’s worth accepting; mi hanno accreditato mille euro, meno le spese bancarie, my account was credited with one thousand euros, minus bank charges

    6 (mat.) minus: sette meno tre è uguale a quattro, seven minus three is four (o three from seven leaves four) // la temperatura è meno due, the temperature is two degrees below zero // ci sono cinque euro in meno, di meno, (mancano cinque euro) there’s five euros missing; ho speso dieci euro in meno, I spent ten euros less; uno di meno!, one less!; non eravamo in meno di otto, there were no less than eight of us // se avessi vent’anni di meno!, if only I were twenty years younger! // sono le otto meno cinque, it’s five to eight

    prep. (tranne) but, except: c’erano tutti meno loro, everyone was there except (o but) them; il museo è aperto tutti i giorni meno il lunedì, the museum is open every day but (o except) Monday; ho pensato a tutto meno che a fare i biglietti, I saw to everything except the tickets.

    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: tanto meno, ancora meno, even less: non ho accettato finora, tanto meno accetterei adesso, I haven’t accepted so far, and now I’ve got even less reason to accept // meno che mai, men che meno, let alone: non sa parlare l’italiano, meno che mai l’inglese, he can’t even speak Italian, let alone English // quanto meno, (perlomeno) at least: avresti potuto quanto meno farmi una telefonata, you could at least have phoned me // fare a meno di qlcu., di (fare) qlco., to do without s.o., (doing) sthg.: non potrei fare a meno di lui, I couldn’t do without him; non potei fare a meno di ridere, I couldn’t help laughing // venire meno, (venire a mancare) to fail; (svenire) to faint; mi venne meno il coraggio, my courage failed me; a quella notizia, mi sentii venire meno, I felt as if I was going to faint when I heard the news // venire meno alla parola data, to break one’s word // essere da meno (di qlcu.), to be less than s.o. // senza meno, (region.) certainly, for sure: le telefonerò domani senza meno, I’ll phone her tomorrow for sure; a meno che, a meno di, unless: lo spettacolo si terrà all’aperto, a meno che non piova, the performance will take place outdoors, unless it rains; non farei mai una cosa simile, a meno di non esservi costretto, I would never do such a thing, unless I was forced to // niente meno

    nientedimeno // per lo meno


    meno agg.compar.invar. less; not so much, not as much; (con s. pl.) fewer; not so many, not as many: c’è meno traffico sulle strade rispetto a ieri, there’s less traffic on the roads than yesterday (o there isn’t as much traffic on the roads as yesterday); oggi c’è meno gente in giro, there are fewer people (o there aren’t so many people) about today; se prendi l’autostrada impiegherai meno tempo, it will take you less time (o it won’t take you so long) if you use the motorway; c’erano meno italiani e più stranieri, there were fewer Italians and more foreigners; ha meno amici che nemici, he has fewer friends than enemies; loro hanno meno preoccupazioni di noi, they have fewer worries than we have (o they haven’t so many worries as we have); questa volta hai fatto meno errori, this time you made fewer mistakes (o you didn’t make so many mistakes) // meno storie!, stop making a fuss! // meno male, thank goodness; just as well; it’s a good job (o a good thing); not so bad: meno male che non si è fatto niente, thank goodness he wasn’t hurt; meno male che siete arrivati in tempo, it’s a good job you arrived in time; meno male, poteva andar peggio!, not so bad, things could have been worse!


    1 (con valore di compar.) less, not as much: ho fatto meno di quanto avrei voluto, I did less than (o I didn’t do as much as) I would have liked; ha mangiato meno del solito, he ate less than usual (o he didn’t eat as much as usual); meno di così non si poteva dare, you couldn’t give less than that; si accontenterebbe di molto meno, he would be satisfied with much less; oggi ho dovuto aspettare molto meno, today I didn’t have nearly so long to wait (o I had much less to wait); ci vorranno non meno di tre ore per arrivare, it will take no less than three hours to get there; finirò il lavoro in meno di un mese, I shall finish the job in less than a month; arriverà tra non meno di due settimane, he won’t be here for a fortnight // a meno, per meno, (a minor prezzo) for less (o cheaper): vendere, acquistare per meno, to sell, to purchase for less // in men che non si dica, in less than no time

    2 (con valore di superl.) the least; as little as: questo è il meno che tu possa fare, that’s the least you can do; era il meno che gli potesse capitare, it was the least that could happen to him; vorrei spendere il meno possibile, I’d like to spend as little as possible // parlare del più e del meno, to talk of this and that // quando meno ci si pensa…, when you least expect…

    3 (mat.) minus: il segno del meno, the minus sign

    4 pl.: i meno, (la minoranza) the minority; i deputati che votarono a favore della proposta di legge erano i meno, the MP s who voted in favour of the bill were in the minority.

    * * *


    meno caro — less expensive, cheaper

    è meno alto di suo fratello/di quel che pensavo — he is not as tall as his brother/as I thought, he is less tall than his brother/than I thought

    dovresti mangiare meno — you should eat less, you shouldn’t eat so much

    meno ne discutiamo, meglio è — the less we talk about it, the better

    deve avere non meno di trent’anni — he must be at least thirty

    meno fumo più mangio — the less I smoke the more I eat

    ho speso (di) meno — I spent less

    arrivo tra meno di un’ora — I’ll be there in less than o in under an hour

    5 meno 2 — 5 minus 2, 5 take away 2

    eh, se avessi dieci anni di meno! — oh, if only I were ten years younger!

    ci sono meno 25° — it’s minus 25°, it is 25° below (zero)


    non è da meno di lui — she is (every bit) as good as he is

    fare a meno di — to do o manage without

    potresti fare a meno di fumare in macchina? — would you mind not smoking in the car?

    in men che non si dica — in less than no time, quick as a flash

    meno male! — good!, thank goodness!, just as well!

    meno male che sei arrivato — it’s a good job that you have come

    men che meno gli inglesi — least of all the English

    quanto meno poteva avvertire — he could at least have let us know

    less, fewer

    meno bambini ci sono, meglio è — the fewer children there are the better


    era il meno che ti potesse capitare — you were asking for it

    except (for)

    a meno che non faccia caldo — unless it is hot

    a meno di prendere un giorno di ferie — unless I (o you ecc) take a day off

    ci siamo tutti meno lui — we are all here except (for) him

    tutti meno uno — all but one

    * * *



    guadagno meno di lei — I earn less than she does, I don’t earn as much as she does

    meno se ne parla, meglio è — the less said about that, the better

    meno esco, meno ho voglia di uscire — the less I go out, the less I feel like going out

    (il) meno, (la) meno, (i) meno, (le) meno — the least

    6) (in correlazione con «più»)

    né più, né meno — neither more, nor less

    centimetro più, centimetro meno — give or take an inch (or two)

    14) quanto meno, per lo meno at least

    non l’ho mai visto, tanto meno gli ho parlato — I’ve never seen him, much less spoken to him

    era troppo malata per stare in piedi, tanto meno per camminare — she was too ill to stand let alone walk

    16) più o meno more or less, about, roughly, round about

    «ti è piaciuto il film?» — «più o meno» — «did you enjoy the film?» — «sort of»





    20 meno 5 fa 15 — 5 from 20 leaves 15, 20 minus 5 is 15, 20 take away 5 is 15

    2) (tranne, eccetto) but, besides, except


    maschile invariabile

    1) (la cosa, quantità minore) least


    in men che non si dica — before you could say knife, in the bat o wink of an eye, in (less than) no time



    Meno è usato principalmente come avverbio e come aggettivo, anche con valore pronominale. — Come avverbio, si rende con less quando introduce un comparativo di minoranza e con (the) least quando introduce un superlativo di minoranza: less è seguito da than, the least è seguito da of oppure in (se ci si riferisce a un luogo o un gruppo). Gli esempi nella voce mostrano anche che il comparativo di minoranza è spesso sostituito in inglese dalla variante negativa di un comparativo di uguaglianza: ho meno esperienza di te = I have less experience than you, oppure: I don’t have as much experience as you; la mia stanza è meno grande della tua = my bedroom isn’t as big as yours. — Come aggettivo, in inglese standard meno si traduce con less davanti e al posto di sostantivi non numerabili ( meno denaro = less money; ne ho meno di ieri = I have less than yesterday), mentre davanti e al posto di sostantivi plurali si usa fewer con valore comparativo ( meno studenti = fewer students; non meno di = no fewer than) e (the) fewest con valore superlativo ( ho fatto meno errori di tutti = I made the fewest mistakes; ne ha dati meno di tutti = he gave the fewest); tuttavia, nel linguaggio parlato less tende a sostituire fewer anche con riferimento plurale: meno persone = less people. — Per altri esempi e per l’uso di meno come preposizione e sostantivo, si veda la voce qui sotto

    * * *



    Meno è usato principalmente come avverbio e come aggettivo, anche con valore pronominale. — Come avverbio, si rende con less quando introduce un comparativo di minoranza e con (the) least quando introduce un superlativo di minoranza: less è seguito da than, the least è seguito da of oppure in (se ci si riferisce a un luogo o un gruppo). Gli esempi nella voce mostrano anche che il comparativo di minoranza è spesso sostituito in inglese dalla variante negativa di un comparativo di uguaglianza: ho meno esperienza di te = I have less experience than you, oppure: I don’t have as much experience as you; la mia stanza è meno grande della tua = my bedroom isn’t as big as yours. — Come aggettivo, in inglese standard meno si traduce con less davanti e al posto di sostantivi non numerabili ( meno denaro = less money; ne ho meno di ieri = I have less than yesterday), mentre davanti e al posto di sostantivi plurali si usa fewer con valore comparativo ( meno studenti = fewer students; non meno di = no fewer than) e (the) fewest con valore superlativo ( ho fatto meno errori di tutti = I made the fewest mistakes; ne ha dati meno di tutti = he gave the fewest); tuttavia, nel linguaggio parlato less tende a sostituire fewer anche con riferimento plurale: meno persone = less people. — Per altri esempi e per l’uso di meno come preposizione e sostantivo, si veda la voce qui sotto.

    6 (in correlazione con «più») né più, né meno neither more, nor less; centimetro più, centimetro meno give or take an inch (or two); né più né meno che nothing less than

    13 meno male thank goodness; meno male che it’s a good thing that; meno male che è impermeabile! it’s just as well it’s waterproof! meno male che ci sono andato! it was lucky for me that I went!

    14 quanto meno, per lo meno at least

    15 tanto meno non l’ho mai visto, tanto meno gli ho parlato I’ve never seen him, much less spoken to him; era troppo malata per stare in piedi, tanto meno per camminare she was too ill to stand let alone walk

    1 (in una sottrazione) from, minus; quanto fa 20 meno 8? what is 20 minus 8? 20 meno 5 fa 15 5 from 20 leaves 15, 20 minus 5 is 15, 20 take away 5 is 15

    2 (tranne, eccetto) but, besides, except

    IV m.inv.

    2 mat. minus (sign)

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > meno

  • 20

    connaître° [kɔnεtʀ]

    ➭ TABLE 57

    connaître qn de vue/nom/réputation to know sb by sight/name/reputation

       b. [+ langue, science, auteur] to know

    connaître les oiseaux/les plantes to know about birds/plants

       c. ( = éprouver) [+ faim, privations] to know ; [+ humiliations] to experience

       d. ( = avoir) [+ succès] to enjoy


       b. ( = se rencontrer) to meet

    * * *



    verbe transitif

    1) to know [fait, nom, événement]

    il ne tient jamais ses promesses, c’est (bien) connu — it is common knowledge that he never keeps his promises

    2) to know, to be acquainted with [sujet, méthode, auteur]

    la mécanique, je ne connais que ça or ça me connaît! — I know quite a bit about mechanics

    3) to know [faim]; to experience [crise]; to enjoy [gloire]; to have [difficultés]

    les problèmes d’argent, ça me connaît! — (colloq) I could tell you a thing or two (colloq) about money problems!

    4) to know [personne, acteur]

    5) (dated) () to know (dated), to have a sexual relationship with


    ‘connais-toi toi-même’ — ‘know thyself’


    * * *



    1) to know

    2) to know

    Je ne connais pas du tout cette région. — I don’t know this area at all.

    Je le connais de vue. — I know him by sight.

    se faire connaître en faisant qch; Le groupe s’est fait connaître en gagnant le concours Eurovision. — the group found fame when it won the Eurovision song contest.

    3) to experience, to experience

    Il a fini dans la misère après avoir connu le faste et la gloire. — He ended up destitute, after having known fame and riches.

    4) to have, to enjoy

    L’industrie du tourisme connaît une période exceptionnelle. — The tourist industry is having a very good period.

    Ce film connaît actuellement un grand succès. — This film is currently enjoying a huge success.

    * * *

    2 ( pour avoir étudié) to know, to be acquainted with [sujet, méthode, auteur]; la mécanique, je ne connais que ça or ça me connaît! I know quite a bit about mechanics; elle connaît tout du solfège she knows all about music theory; c’est lui qui m’a fait connaître la musique cajun it was he who introduced me to Cajun music; connaître un poème/une partition musicale par cœur to know a poem/a score (off) by heart; en connaître un rayon en histoire/théâtre to know one’s stuff

    when it comes to history/the theatreGB;


    ( coucher avec) to know

    , to have a sexual relationship with;

    1 ( soi-même) to know oneself; il se connaît mal he doesn’t know himself very well; ‘connais-toi toi-même’ ‘know thyself’; il ne se connaissait plus de joie fml he was beside himself with joy; quand il a bu, il ne se connaît plus when he’s drunk, he goes berserk;

    on connaît la chanson or musique! we’ve heard it all before!, it’s the same old story!; c’est un air connu it’s the same old story; connaître qch comme sa poche to know sth like the back of one’s hand, to know sth inside out.

    [kɔnɛtr] verbe transitif


    1. [avoir mémorisé — code postal, itinéraire, mot de passe] to know

    2. [être informé de — information, nouvelle] to know

    b. [décision, jugement] to make known, to announce


    connaître quelqu’un de vue/nom/réputation to know somebody by sight/name/reputation

    b. [devenir une personne publique] to make oneself ou to become known

    la connaissant, ça ne me surprend pas knowing her, I’m not surprised

    si tu fais ça, je ne te connais plus! if you do that, I’ll have nothing more to do with you!


    3. [subir — crise] to go ou to live through (inseparable), to experience ; [ — épreuve, humiliation, guerre] to live through (inseparable), to suffer, to undergo


    2. [suj: personne]


    je n’oserai jamais, je me connais I’d never dare, I know what I’m like



    pour les gaffes, tu t’y connais! (familier) when it comes to blunders, you take some beating!

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > connaître

  • Why learn the 1000 most common Italian words?

    Are you trying to learn Italian?

    The best way to get started is to memorize the 1000 most common Italian words.

    Many language experts will point out that focusing on the basic vocabulary in any language is the best investment for your time.

    You will rarely use complicated or trivial words in your daily life when speaking with friends, colleagues, or family members.

    So why not focus on getting familiar with only the words you know you’ll use?

    With the basic words, you can make simple phrases for your first Italian  conversation or your next trip to Italy!

    With basic Italian words, you’ll start forming sentences in Italian and ultimately have flowing Italian conversations.

    Learn how to form sentences in Italian.

    How much can you say with 1,000 words?

    How much can you understand with the top 1000 most common Italian words?

    A study revealed how much you can understand with 1000, 2000, or 3000 words.

    1000 most common italian words

    Studying the first 1000 most commonly used Italian words in the language will familiarize you with:

    • 76.0% of all vocabulary in non-fiction literature
    • 79.6% of all vocabulary in fiction literature
    • 87.8% of vocabulary in oral speech

    Studying the 2000 most commonly Italian used words will familiarize you with:

    • 84% of vocabulary in non-fiction
    • 86.1% of vocabulary in fictional literature
    • 92.7% of vocabulary in oral speech

    And studying the 3000 most commonly Italian used words will familiarize you with:

    • 88.2% of vocabulary in non-fiction
    • 89.6% of vocabulary in fiction
    • 94.0% of vocabulary in oral speech

    italian words

    If you’re an ambitious language learner, you can certainly learn 3,000 of the most common words for 94% comprehension.

    However, for most of us, we want to optimize for what’s the best return for our time.

    Based on this study, it seems that 1,000 most common words are the best bet.

    The reason is, you have to memorize 3x (or 2,000 more words) to be able to understand only 6.2% of vocabulary in oral speech.

    It doesn’t seem very exciting considering how valuable your time is.

    In fact, we’ve seen that most Italian learners can get to a comfortable conversation speaking level with less than 1,000 Italian words.

    If you listen to Italian music to learn this beautiful language and improve your Italian pronunciation, choose the right Italian songs because some lyrics aren’t exactly what you’d say in real life.

    The same applies to Italian idioms, Italian sayings, verbal phrases, Italian proverbs, Italian quotes, or even Italian swear words.

    top 1000 most common Italian words

    Frequent Italian words: facts and figures

    The Italian language is estimated to be made out of a total of 450000 words with the largest Italian dictionary having over 270000 words.

    This can seem a really big and frightening number to someone wanting to start learning Italian, but here’s the good news: you only need to know roughly 5% of the total words to be fluent in Italian.

    This means that focusing your efforts on learning the most frequent Italian words you will be fluent in Italian in no time.

    What’s even more encouraging is that knowing as little as 100 words helps you understand half of the words in an article or book written in Italian.

    Learn the most common 1000 words and you get to a 75% understanding of texts in Italian.

    Also, each new word you learn helps you guess the Italian meaning of up to 135 words you have never seen before.

    This means that knowing only 1000 words helps you guess up to 135000 Italian words.

    Doesn’t seem that frightening now, right?

    1000 most commonly used Italian words

    The problem with lists of common Italian words

    Now that you know what you can do with 1000 words in the Italian language, the question is: how to learn these basic Italian words?

    Many people make flashcards with word lists.

    These word lists are usually generated from a huge multi-billion sample of language called a corpus which ensures all topics and text types are covered and the word list reflects how words are used by real users.

    On the internet, you can find quite a few lists of the most 1000 common Italian words like this, this, and this.

    Some of these lists of 100, 500, 1000, and 2000 basic Italian words are available for free in PDF or CSV format.

    However, many are not very useful because they include “function words” like “for, but, when”.

    For example, here are the top 50 words from one of those lists:

    non che di e la il un a è per in una sono mi ho si lo ma ti ha le cosa con i no da se come io ci questo qui hai bene sei tu del me mio al solo sì tutto te più della era c lei gli

    Does that help? No.

    1000 most used italian words

    Even though these words are frequent and useful, they don’t make any sense per se and need a context to be practiced and mastered.

    Another reason for not using them is how different forms of the same word are counted.

    Some wordlists are not lemmatized.

    This means that different forms of the same words are not counted together, i.e. goes, went, gone, going and go. This is generally more practical.

    Ironically, one of the largest lists of Italian words is made from movie subtitles, which are often a translation of foreign movie scripts. Often, they’re not even professionally translated.

    So, they don’t reflect the way an Italian speaker really talk.

    In other words, the top 1000 Italian words are not the same for everyone.

    The 1000 most used Italian words depend on who uses them, and on their purpose.

    Do you want to chat with friends with natural Italian phrases? Travel? Or watch the news in Italian? These situations require a different vocabulary.

    beautiful italian words

    The best list of common Italian words

    This is what you were looking for: the best list of common Italian words.

    The smartest word list for the Italian language I’ve found so far is this.

    It’s divided into:

    • Italian nouns
    • Italian adjectives
    • Italian verbs
    • Italian function words like and adverbs, prepositions, articles

    Judging from the words, I guess they were taken from newspaper articles.

    how to learn languages fast ebook

    How to Learn Languages Fast

    The picture below is a preview. As you can see, the words are arranged according to parts of speech.

    Feel free to download it and edit it as you wish.

    However, this list lacks a translation.

    For my translation, keep reading!

    1000 most common Italian words

    Top 1000 common Italian words with English translation

    The list of common Italian words I recommend doesn’t come with an English translation, so I translated the words for you.

    Open the spreadsheet below to see the list of the top 1000 most frequent Italian words with English translation:

    1. Italian nouns make the longest list
    2. Then come Italian adjectives with translation
    3. Italian verbs with English translation in the infinitive form
    4. Other Italian words include adverbs, prepositions, and adjectives

    You may also download the file to edit it as you wish.

    To download it in a printable PDF format, just tell me where I should send it.

    You’ll receive it immediately!

    If you create a free account, you’ll also get other freebies for members. 100% free!

    Just tell me where I should send it.

    What are the most common words used in Italian?

    Let’s start with some of the most common Italian words used in this popular language:

    volta (as in “many times”)
    time and weather
    country, town
    figlio, figlia
    son, daughter

    Most common Italian words

    What are the 100 most common words in Italian?

    Even from a list of 1000 words, it still makes sense to start memorizing the 100 most common Italian words.
    That’s your foundation to start forming an Italian phrase and ultimately have flowing conversations.
    Indeed, you will rarely use complicated words in your daily conversations with friends, colleagues, or family members.
    You find the 100 most common Italian words on the top of the list.
    Once you’re done with them, you can move on to the other 900 words.
    While apps like Quizlet and Anki are popular choices, I still recommend learning these words by putting them in context, for example in conversations with native speakers.

    Learn more about Italian words.

    What is the most popular Italian word?

    You only need to look at the top of this list of the 1000 most used Italian words.
    According to the list above, the most popular Italian word is a noun: cosa.
    The word cosa in Italian gets so many colours and flavours according to the context.
    Let’s see a few examples:

    E’ la cosa piu’ bella che abbia mai visto.
    It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

    In this sentence, cosa doesn’t get any specific meaning besides the generic ”thing” we’re referring to.
    basic italian words

    Cosa mangiamo stasera?
    What do we eat tonight?

    In this sentence cosa is actually used to refer to something which, in this specific context, can be replaced with “food”.
    We give for granted that we’re talking of food because of the type of question we do.
    This would already be enough to make it to the top 1000.

    Ti ricordi quella cosa che avevi visto tempo fa? L’ho vista anch’io ora!
    Do you remember that thing you saw a while ago? I’ve just seen it now!

    Again, the use of cosa, in this context, is referred to as a generic “thing” that could be potentially anything (A star? A spoon? A mouse? A spaceship? A waterfall?).
    italian words in english
    In this 3rd example, is that we use cosa in the same way you’d say “thingy” when you don’t remember the actual name of an object.
    “Cosa” is a noun, thus you will need to remember, in this specific 3rd scenario, to also decline it according to what are you referring to/pointing at.
    If you’re referring to a piatto (male noun meaning plate, dish) then you should say coso if you’re referring to it.
    If you’re referring to some specific breed of conigli (means “rabbits”) then you will need to use the plural form of the noun which would be cosi (sounds a little bit rude).
    With so many uses, it’s no wonder that it ranks #1 among the top 1000 most common Italian words in the Italian language.

    Learn more about other meanings of the word cosa in Italian.

    The most popular Italian word

    We just told you the most popular word is cosa. However, deciding which is the most popular Italian word is not so simple.
    Here’s another very common Italian word: ciao.
    Ciao means hello and is pronounced as “chaw” since it’s a word Italians use every day.
    It is mainly used in informal contexts. You can say ciao to friends and family members.
    Ciao comes from the Venetian dialect (spoken in the Northeast of Italy), more specifically from the phrase s-ciào vostro, literally meaning “I am your slave”.
    In the 17th century, this expression was used by servants when addressing their employers.
    Often, s-ciào vostro was shortened to simply s-ciào and then to ciào.
    With time, this word lost all its servile connotations and started to be used as an informal greeting (instead of Buongiorno, Buona Sera or Buona Notte).

    Read more about the most popular Italian word.

    The verb mangiare in Italian

    This is probably the most important Italian verb you need to know if you’re planning to go to Italy!
    It is well known all around the world that the boot-shaped peninsula has a huge eating culture.
    Mangiare is a regular verb of the first conjugation and follows the typical –are pattern:
    Io mangio= I eat
    Tu mangi= you eat
    Lui/Lei mangia= He/she eats
    Noi mangiamo= we eat
    Voi mangiate= you (plural) eat
    Loro mangiano= they eat
    Here’s a list of all the Italian meals you will find yourself invited to by your Italian friends:

    light meal, nibble
    spuntino di mezzanotte
    midnight snack

    Just so you know, it is incorrect to use mangiare followed by the meals we just described above, so we DO NOT SAY: mangiare colazione, pranzo, etc.
    Instead, for colazione, spuntino, merenda, and aperitivo, we use the word fare (to do):

    fare colazione
    to have breakfast
    fare uno spuntino
    to have a nibble
    fare merenda
    to have a snack
    fare l’aperitivo
    to have an aperitif

    To talk about lunch (pranzo) and dinner (cena), we actually use these verbs:

    to have lunch
    to have dinner

    Learn more about the verb mangiare and other Italian food phrases.

    Are flashcards useful to learn common Italian words?

    Now that we’ve shown you the benefits of focusing on the common words, let’s go over the methods to memorize them.
    Casual learners love making flashcards, either on paper, on websites, or apps like Anki, Memrise, and Quizlet.
    Anki is a digital flashcard creator that’s fairly popular in the language learning community.
    You can use it to create your flashcards and its function goes beyond language learning.
    The user interface is not the most modern, but it gets the job done.
    Plus, you can use your phone, desktop, or tablet to learn basic Italian words.
    Memrise has a more friendly user interface for creating and reading digital flashcards.
    Our favorite part about Memrise is the ability to leverage the other digital flashcards that other community members have created.
    For learning Italian, you’ll find several flashcard collections you can choose from.
    Here’s an example of how to go through flashcards with Quizlet:

    Does that help? Maybe, but it has some serious limits.

    The problem with flashcards of common words

    Now that you’re about to rush to download an app to memorize the top 1000 Italian words, I’ll spoil the fun.
    This point is going to upset a lot of people.
    Even though flashcard apps are the hottest thing in language learning right now, I’ll tell you to stop using them.
    Stop using flashcards. Stop learning vocabulary from list of terms, or decks, or programs. Stop.
    It doesn’t work, it’s a waste of time, and it’s creating bad patterns in your brain.
    Even if your goal is to memorize these 1000 words, it won’t help you.
    It could be Italian numbers, common Italian phrases, anything.
    Learning anything (words, phrases, ideas, whatever) against its translation is creating extra steps in your brain.
    It’s making you slow. It makes you think slowly, hear slowly, speak slowly.
    I have a feeling that many of you reading this have experienced this frustration. I have experienced it, and it’s horrible.
    There are few things as frustrating as knowing that you know what something means, but not being able to understand it when you see or hear it.

    But the problem is that learning incorrectly is creating a maze that your brain has to run through as it processes every word.

    You don’t do that to yourself in English (or whatever your native language), so why are you doing that with a foreign language?
    Even if you take nootropics for studying languages to boost brain power, you can still get better results with other methods.
    1000 most commonl Italian words quizlet flashcards (1)

    Put words in context

    Apps such as Anki, Memrise, and Quizlet focus on traditional single-word flashcard study.
    For example, a student of Italian may have a set of flashcards for studying the days of the week, with the basic Italian word on one side and the English translation on the other side.
    In contrast, well-designed language courses focus on studying vocabulary in context by prompting the user to fill in the missing word in a sentence or repeating whole sentences.
    With context-based flashcards, you’ll learn the meaning of the word, the appropriate situations to use the word, and you’ll also have the chance to learn related vocabulary at the same time.
    1000 most used words in italian
    When presented with vocabulary in rich contexts provided by authentic texts instead of in isolated vocabulary drills, students become more actively engaged in using words, analyzing word meanings, and creating relationships between words.
    That’s also the case of the top 1000 Italian words.
    This helps develop skills and strategies that will allow them to more easily determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    A growing number of people have realized that studying in context provides a faster, more enjoyable, and more effective method for studying a large amount of vocabulary.
    If you’re currently using a single-word study app and are looking for a better way to learn, here’s the best learning resource for the Italian language.
    top 1000 italian words

    How to put words in context

    One of the great things about learning a foreign language is that you can be creative. You need creativity and motivation to develop your language skills.
    This is why, when it comes to vocabulary, one of the best tools you have to memorize new words and grasp their meanings is your own brain.
    You could start with the easiest words.
    Choose five to ten words that you like and invent a story, a tongue twister, a song, or a poem.
    Something that makes sense or that makes you laugh.
    You can repeat it and show it to your friends.
    Your brain will remember those words in context and that’s your aim.
    You could then move onto the next level and choose five to ten words that you find hard to remember.
    If what you find difficult is the correct pronunciation, you could invent a tongue twister for each word and repeat it.
    You could then invent Italian  stories with those words.
    These are just ideas.
    You can find your own way to be creative.
    The important thing is that you use the vocabulary in context.
    The most common Italian words

    Group words into sentences, not categories

    These words will form the foundation of your Italian vocabulary.
    They’re some of the most frequent words you will encounter, and they’re all easy to learn.
    Because these words are grouped together into sentences, they will be much easier to memorize when compared with the typical word lists that you find in language textbooks and classrooms, where you learn colors one day, types of vegetables the next day, members of the family the following day, etc.
    Learning entire categories of words is a waste of time because you don’t need all those words and many compete with each other for your memory. After all, they’re similar.

    Learn more about Italian vocabulary.

    Common Italian phrases

    How to use these words in real phrases?
    Check out this list of common Italian phrases sorted by context:

    • Travel information
    • Restaurants
    • Hotels
    • Making plans
    • Attractions
    • Food & drink
    • Polite expressions
    • Culture

    Every phrase comes with its English translation.
    If you want to practice those words and phrases and not just read them, I recommend audio lessons based on spaced repetition.

    The best way to put words in practice: Ripeti con me!

    You don’t have to give up on learning the top 1000 Italian words. You only need a good method!
    The best way to acquire words and phrases naturally without relying on translation is with a well-designed set of sentences from conversations in the right order.
    A focus on audio over text also helps bypass reading habits based on your native language.
    This also makes it possible to learn Italian in the car.
    The Italian audio course “Ripeti con me!” covers the 1000 most common Italian words in a set of sentences grouped by grammar patterns.
    Those patterns are acquired almost unconsciously, while the very act of speaking bypassing translation will get you to think in Italian.
    What’s more, since these are audio lessons, you’ll learn the new words with pronunciation.
    This course provides plenty of comprehensible input balanced by variety and relevance, in small daily doses (spaced repetition).

    Learn more about Ripeti Con Me.verbal phrases

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