The word song in french

Formes composées
song Anglais Français burst into song v expr (start singing) se mettre à chanter⇒ v pron   My father is so musical, he bursts into song in the middle of a conversation.   Mon père aime tellement la musique qu’il se met à chanter au milieu d’une conversation.     entonner une chanson loc v drinking song n (type of song) chanson à boire nf folk song n (simple song by known composer) (moderne) chanson folk nf folk song n (song passed on orally) (ancienne) chanson folklorique nf for a song adv figurative (at a bargain price, cheaply) pour trois fois rien loc adv   I bought this antique clock for a song.   J’ai acheté cette vieille horloge pour trois fois rien.     pour une bouchée de pain adv love song n (song expressing romantic feelings) chanson d’amour nf   Most pop songs are love songs.   La plupart des chansons pop sont des chansons d’amour. make a song and dance about [sth] v expr informal, figurative (make a fuss) (familier) en faire (tout) un fromage, en faire une montagne, en faire des tonnes, en faire des caisses, en fai loc v   Stop making such a song and dance about it! It’s not that big a deal.   Arrête d’en faire un fromage ! Ce n’est pas grave. part-song,
part song
n (choral piece for several voices) chant polyphonique nm   Elgar composed a part-song called «Owls,» which he dedicated to Pietro d’Alba.   Elgar a composé un chant polyphonique intitulé « Owls », qu’il a dédié à Pietro d’Alba. protest song n (song with political message) chanson engagée nf     chanson à message nf     chanson contestataire nf slow song n (romantic pop song) (anglicisme) slow nm a song and dance n informal, figurative (fuss) tout un plat, tout un drame nm     toute une histoire nf   What a song and dance! It’s only a dental checkup!   Arrête d’en faire tout un plat ! C’est une juste un contrôle dentaire. song book,
n (book of lyrics and music) livre de chant nm     recueil de chants, recueil de chansons nm     carnet de chants nm   Apportez vos guitares, vos carnets de chants et votre bonne humeur ! song cycle n (group of songs) cycle de chansons nm song sparrow n (variety of singing bird) bruant chanteur nm song thrush n (bird) (oiseau) grive musicienne nf songbird n (bird with tuneful call) oiseau chanteur nm   Aaron was content to listen to songbirds all afternoon. songwriter n (composer of songs) (paroles et musique) auteur-compositeur nm    (paroles et musique et qui les chante) auteur-compositeur-interprète nm    (paroles uniquement) parolier, parolière nm, nf    (musique uniquement) compositeur, compositrice nm, nf   An up-and-coming songwriter will perform at the festival.   Un auteur-compositeur-interprète prometteur se produira au festival. swan song n (final performance) (figuré) chant du cygne nm swansong,
swan song
n figurative (final performance) (figuré) chant du cygne nm   The lawsuit ended up being the attorney’s swansong. theme song n (signature tune) (pour une série, une émission TV) musique de générique nf   I really like the theme song they use for that tv programme.   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. La musique du générique de la série Friends a fait connaître The Rembrants.    (pour une émission TV) indicatif musical nf   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. J’accours depuis la cuisine lorsque j’entends l’indicatif musical de mon émission préférée.    (pour un film) chanson thème nf   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Michel Rivard a composé la chanson thème du film « Histoire d’hiver ». À l’âge de 4 ou 5 ans, mon fils connaissait par cœur la chanson thème de Goldorak.    (pour une série, une émission TV) générique nm   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. J’ai appris à jouer le générique des Simpson au piano. title song n (film, etc.: main theme tune) chanson titre, chanson du générique nf    (série) générique nm   En France, tous les trentenaires peuvent chantonner le générique de l’Île aux Enfants. torch song n (sad ballad) chanson mélo nf     chanson d’amour triste, chanson mélancolique nf work song (folk song) chant de travail nm

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the English-language use of the term Chanson. For the French-language use of the term, see Song.

Stylistic origins Poetry
Cultural origins Late medieval era, France
Derivative forms
  • Chanson courtoise
  • Chanson de geste
  • Motet-chanson

A chanson (,[1] ,[2] French: chanson française, [ʃɑ̃sɔ̃ fʁɑ̃sɛz] (listen); lit.‘French song’) is generally any lyric-driven French song. The term is most commonly used in English to refer either to the secular polyphonic French songs of late medieval and Renaissance music or to a specific style of French pop music which emerged in the 1950s and 1960s.[3][4][5] The genre had origins in the monophonic songs of troubadours and trouvères, though the only polyphonic precedents were 16 works by Adam de la Halle and one by Jehan de Lescurel.[6] Not until the ars nova composer Guillaume de Machaut did any composer write a significant number of polyphonic chansons.[6]

A broad term, the word «chanson» literally means «song» in French and can thus less commonly refers to a variety of (usually secular) French genres throughout history. This includes the songs of chansonnier, chanson de geste and Grand chant; court songs of the late Renaissance and early Baroque music periods, air de cour; popular songs from the 17th to 19th century, bergerette, brunette, chanson pour boire, pastourelle, and vaudeville; art song of the romantic era, mélodie; and folk music, chanson populaire [fr].[4] Since the 1990s, the term may be used for Nouvelle Chanson, a French song that often contains poetic or political content.[3]

High medieval precedents[edit]

Chanson de geste[edit]

The earliest chansons were the epic poems performed to simple monophonic melodies by a professional class of jongleurs or ménestrels. These usually recounted the famous deeds (geste) of past heroes, legendary and semi-historical. The Song of Roland is the most famous of these, but in general the chansons de geste are studied as literature since very little of their music survives.

Chanson courtoise[edit]

The chanson courtoise or grand chant was an early form of monophonic chanson, the chief lyric poetic genre of the trouvères. It was an adaptation to Old French of the Occitan canso. It was practised in the 12th and 13th centuries. Thematically, as its name implies, it was a song of courtly love, written usually by a man to his noble lover. Some later chansons were polyphonic and some had refrains and were called chansons avec des refrains.

Late medieval and early Renaissance[edit]

Formes fixes[edit]

In its typical specialized usage, the word chanson refers to a polyphonic French song of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance.[4] Early chansons tended to be in one of the formes fixes—ballade, rondeau or virelai (formerly the chanson baladée)—though some composers later set popular poetry in a variety of forms. The earliest chansons were for two, three or four voices, with first three becoming the norm, expanding to four voices by the 16th century. Sometimes, the singers were accompanied by instruments.

The first important composer of chansons was Guillaume de Machaut, who composed three-voice works in the formes fixes during the 14th century.[6]

Burgundian chanson[edit]

Two composers from Burgundy, Guillaume Du Fay and Gilles Binchois, who wrote so-called Burgundian chansons,[7] dominated the subsequent generation of chanson composers (c. 1420–1470).[8] Their chansons, while somewhat simple in style, are also generally in three voices with a structural tenor. These works are typically still 3 voices, with an active upper voice (discantus) pitched above two lower voices (tenor and altus) usually sharing the same range.[8] Musicologist David Fallows includes the Burgundian repertoire in A Catalogue of Polyphonic Songs 1415–1480.

Mid-late Renaissance chanson[edit]

Later 15th- and early 16th-century figures in the genre included Johannes Ockeghem and Josquin des Prez, whose works cease to be constrained by formes fixes and begin to feature a pervading imitation (all voices sharing material and moving at similar speeds), similar to that found in contemporary motets and liturgical music. The first book of music printed from movable type was Harmonice Musices Odhecaton, a collection of ninety-six chansons by many composers, published in Venice in 1501 by Ottaviano Petrucci.

Parisian chanson[edit]

Beginning in the late 1520s through mid-century, Claudin de Sermisy, Pierre Certon, Clément Janequin, and Philippe Verdelot were composers of so-called Parisian chansons, which also abandoned the formes fixes,[clarification needed] often featured four voices, and were in a simpler, more homophonic style. This genre sometimes featured music that was meant to be evocative of certain imagery such as birds or the marketplace. Many of these Parisian works were published by Pierre Attaingnant. Composers of their generation, as well as later composers, such as Orlando de Lassus,[clarification needed] were influenced by the Italian madrigal.

Modern chanson[edit]

French solo song developed in the late 16th century, probably from the aforementioned Parisian works. During the 17th century, the air de cour, chanson pour boire and other like genres, generally accompanied by lute or keyboard, flourished, with contributions by such composers as Antoine Boesset, Denis Gaultier, Michel Lambert and Michel-Richard de Lalande. This still affects today’s chanson as many French musicians still employ harp and keyboard.

During the 18th century, vocal music in France was dominated by opera, but solo song underwent a renaissance in the 19th century, first with salon melodies and then by mid-century with highly sophisticated works influenced by the German Lieder, which had been introduced into the country. Louis Niedermeyer, under the particular spell of Schubert, was a pivotal figure in this movement, followed by Édouard Lalo, Felicien David and many others.

Another offshoot of chanson, called chanson réaliste (realist song), was a popular musical genre in France, primarily from the 1880s until the end of World War II.[9][10] Born of the cafés-concerts and cabarets of the Montmartre district of Paris and influenced by literary realism and the naturalist movements in literature and theatre, chanson réaliste was a musical style which was mainly performed by women and dealt with the lives of Paris’s poor and working class.[9][11][12] Among the better-known performers of the genre are Damia, Fréhel, and Édith Piaf.

Later 19th-century composers of French art songs, known as mélodie and not chanson, included Ernest Chausson, Emmanuel Chabrier, Gabriel Fauré, and Claude Debussy, while many 20th-century and current French composers have continued this strong tradition.


In the 20th century, French composers revived the genre. Claude Debussy composed Trois Chansons for choir a capella, completed in 1908. Maurice Ravel wrote Trois Chansons for choir a cappella after the outbreak of World War I as a return to French tradition, published in 1916.[citation needed]

Nouvelle chanson[edit]

In France today chanson or chanson française is distinguished from the rest of French «pop» music by following the rhythms of French language, rather than those of English, and a higher standard for lyrics.


In La Planche, Loire-Atlantique, the Musée de la chanson française was established in 1992. The museum has the goal to remember the artists that have established the heritage of the chanson.[13]

See also[edit]

  • Canzone – Italian or Provençal song or ballad
  • Russian chanson – Variety of genres of Russian music


  1. ^ «chanson». Lexico UK English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on June 24, 2021.
  2. ^ «chanson». Lexico UK English Dictionary US English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on June 24, 2021.
  3. ^ a b «chanson, n.». Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved 20 June 2021. (subscription required)
  4. ^ a b c Wilkins 2001, Introduction.
  5. ^ «Chanson | Biography, Paper & Facts | Britannica». Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 18 December 2017. Archived from the original on 12 April 2020. Retrieved 18 May 2020.(subscription required)
  6. ^ a b c Wilkins 2001, 1. Origins to about 1430.
  7. ^ Strohm 2005, p. 181.
  8. ^ a b Strohm 2005, p. 182.
  9. ^ a b Sweeney, Regina M. (2001). Singing Our Way to Victory: French Cultural Politics and Music During the Great War, Wesleyan University Press. p. 23. ISBN 0-8195-6473-7.
  10. ^ Fagot, Sylvain & Uzel, Jean-Philippe (2006). Énonciation artistique et socialité: actes du colloque international de Montréal des 3 et 4 mars 2005, L’Harmattan. pp. 200–203. ISBN 2-296-00176-9. (French text)
  11. ^ Wilson, Elizabeth (1992). The Sphinx in the City: Urban Life, the Control of Disorder, and Women, University of California Press. p. 62. ISBN 0-520-07864-0
  12. ^ Conway, Kelly (2004). Chanteuse in the City: The Realist Singer in French Film. University of California Press. p. 6. ISBN 0-520-24407-9
  13. ^ Danièle Clermontel and Jean-Claude Clermontel, Chronologie scientifique, technologique et économique de la France], page 321, ISBN 9782748346824


  • Strohm, Reinhard (2005). The Rise of European Music, 1380-1500. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-61934-9.
  • Wilkins, Nigel (2001). «Chanson». Grove Music Online. Revised by David Fallows, Howard Mayer Brown and Richard Freedman. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.40032. ISBN 978-1-56159-263-0. Retrieved 20 June 2021. (subscription or UK public library membership required)

Further reading[edit]

  • Dobbins, Frank. «Chanson.» In The Oxford Companion to Music, edited by Alison Latham. Oxford Music Online.
  • Michail Scherbakov. Russian Сhanson. «Deja.»
  • Burkholder, J. Peter; Grout, Donald Jay; Palisca, Claude V. (2014). A History of Western Music (9th ed.). New York: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0-393-91829-8.

External links[edit]

  • French historical chanson panorama (French education minister)

Famous French Songs from the 1500s - today

If you’ve ever watched a classic movie or contemporary TV show, you’ve heard dozens of famous French songs on the soundtrack.

But what makes French music so distinct?

Why are classic French songs so famous but normally so unknown?

First, this article will give you a quick beginner’s guide to French music history.

Second, we’ll let you listen to different famous French songs in a variety of time periods and genres.

Finally, we’ll tell you how you can use famous French songs to actually learn the French language.

Allons-y !

Browse Famous French Songs by Musical Period

La Chanson Français 1908-1960

French Music History (Crash Course)

Before Medieval France, we have little documentation of what kind of music people might have made in that little corner of Europe. From the hunter-gatherers who settled the region through the fall of the Roman Empire, all we can do is guess.

But as the Rennaisance stoked life back into Europe and countries like France, Spain, English and Portugal began to expand to other parts of the world, French music as we know it came to life.

The Baroque Period

When we think of classical music we often think of German Beethoven or Polish Chopin. But most of these important Classical Era composers were farther north of anything happening in France. It wasn’t until around 100 years later that the heart of European music moved a bit farther south.

Opera, The Romantics, and Impressionists

This is where our famous French songs list really begins. Around the time of Manet’s Luncheon on the Grass or Monet’s water lilies, you see French opera begin to bloom.

To the untrained ear, there might not be much difference between this period and the work of Motzart, but you can think of it as more energetic and spontaneous. (And often, arranged on much fewer instruments so it could be transported between opera houses.)

The Cancan, Cabaret, and the New Music of France

Eventually, the more classical-sounding French operas were brought into cabaret clubs for Quadrangle group dances (think: country line dancing); the Can-Can (scandalous, bordering on obscene); and even the Waltz (full-on body contact? No one tell the church.)

What we now think of as classical, elegant French music was transforming into something more popular, more energetic, and something that could be performed by much smaller groups.

Le Chanson Français

As the specter of The Great War hangs over Europe, a new time of French music emerges. It’s as beautiful as everything that came before it. But composers and singers are performing in tiny clubs where they’re meeting American jazz legends.

La Chanson Français, the most iconic of all French music genres, is born.

The Birth of French Pop

But nothing is forever. The British Invasion not only sweeps the US but also continental Europe. Rockabilly and hippy pop flood French airwaves, but mix in with sounds that are uniquely French.

Punk Rock, Techno, and Becoming Europe’s Rap Capital

The famous French songs of today?

Thanks to the Toubon Law mandating that at least 40% of all songs played on French radio are in the French language, you still hear distinctly Frenchy-sounds in everything from home-grown punk rock to gangster rap.

But thanks to globalization, there are also French-language musicians from Canada to Francophone Africa creating amazing hits that mix their own cultures’ sounds in with Parisian undertones.

Take a listen. You’ll be surprised.

Famous Classical French Songs

1. Belle qui tiens ma vie (Thoinot Arbeau)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1519-1595

Artist tags: Late Medieval, Renaissance 

We’ll start our list of famous French songs with one of the most well-known Medieval compositions from the region. Arranged for four voices, it tells the story of “l’amour courtois”: the respectful, courteous courtship between a nobleman and a good (female) friend.

2. Orphée aux Enfers (Offenbach)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1858

Artist tags: Opera, Rococo 

This song needs no introduction–but an explanation might be nice.

Originally written as part of the satirical opera Orpheus in the Underworld, this over-the-top Rococo scoring was associated entirely with its namesake opera…. for about 40 years.

Then, this specific piece (“Galop infernal”) was picked up by the Molin Rouge ina round 1890 for it’s scandalous cancan dance: and we’ve associated it with that entertainment genre ever since.

3. Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre or «Toreador Song» (Georges Bizet)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1875

Artist tags: Opera, Realism

The “Toreador Song” is the most well-known piece from Carmen, which in turn is one of the best-known pieces of French opera. In this act, the bull fighter enters the ring singing as the crowd behind him cheers him to victory.

(You also probably know Bizet from Habanera, but we wanted to only add one famous French song per composer on this list.)

4. Duo des fleurs / Sous le dôme épais (Delibes)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1883

Artist tags: Opera, Barroque 

From British Airways ads to episodes of Modern Family and The Simpsons, “The Flower Duet” is yet another French opera classic that has been countlessly reused and reimagined over the 200+ years since it’s debut in the Parisian opera Lakme.

5. Clair de Lune (Debussy)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1885

Artist tags: Impressionism 

You almost certainly already know this song. Debussy is the composer of some of the most famous French songs of all time and was a contemporary to Monet, Manet, and many of the French impressionists. 

6. Gymnopedie No. 1 (Erik Satie)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1888

Artist tags: Ambient, Impressionism 

This three piano competition has been used by contemporary musicians like Janet Jackson and Lana Dey Rey; TV shows like How I Met Your Mother and Star Trek: Next Generations, and dozens of films including Wes Anderson’s The Royal Tenenbaums and Woody Allen’s Another Woman.

7. Sicilienne (Gabriel Fauré)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1893

Artist tags: Romanticism, Modernism 

Gabriel Fauré’s music isn’t as well known as other songs on this list, but he’s credited with two major things. First, he was the one who set Clair de Lune (above) to a piano: and if you had a cell phone in the early 2000s, his composition was probably your ring tone.

Second, he was one of the last classic French composers whose style and innovations greatly influenced the next generation of famous French songs on this list.

Le Chanson Français (The Most Famous French Music Genre of All Time)

8. Parlez Moi D’amour (Lucienne Boyer)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1930

Artist tags: le chanson français 

Parlez Moi D’amore was the signature song of French-born 1920’s Broadway star Lucienne Boyer.

Recorded under Columbia Records France, it remained popular through the Second World War, notably used in the 1942 classic Casa Blanca and again in 2011 with Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris.

9. La java bleue (Frehel)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1939

Artist tags: cabaret, le chanson français

Frehel (born Marguerite Boulc’h) was one of most well-known French singers in the inter-war period. La java bleue was originally written 1938, but found fame when it was interpreted by the songstress a year later (who had just recently been signed to Columbia Records) and became one of her best-known songs.

10. J’ai Deux Amours (Josephine Baker)

Country: France 🇫🇷 / the US 🇺🇸

Year: 1953

Artist tags: jazz, cabaret, le chanson françai 

Josephine Baker was the American-born Parisian sensation of the 20th Century.

At a time where she wouldn’t have been allowed to play most large music venues in the US, she became not only a French citizen but one of the most iconic figures of jazz in Europe. (And, we should mention: a Nazi-fighting, civil rights activist between the two continents!)

11. La mer (Charles Trenet)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1946

Artist tags: jazz, le chanson français

Sound familiar?

Originally based on a pre-war poem written by the artist (and recorded for the first time right before the end of WWII), La mer has been featured in the films French Kiss (1995), Mr. Bean’s Holiday (2007), The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007), Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011), the Nine Inch Nail’s 1999 album The Fragile, the 2008 release of videogame Bioshock, the first season of the X-Files, a 2010 Simpson’s Episode.

12. C’est si bon (Eartha Kitt)

Country: France 🇫🇷 / the US 🇺🇸

Year: 1953

Artist tags: jazz, cabaret

C’est si bon was originally composed and recorded in 1947 but became one of the trademark hits of American Jazz singer Eartha Kitt a few years later. Kitt spoke at least four languages (English, French, German, and Dutch) with recordings in many others, and is one of the Anglophone artists on this list who’s work spurred off their own unique famous French songs.

13. Ne me quitte pas (Jacques Brel)

Country: Belgium 🇧🇪

Year: 1959

Artist tags: pop, le chanson français

Jacques Brel is sometimes regarded as the “Master” of le chançon, with his songs covered by everyone from David Bowie to Nina Simone to even John Denver. Ne me quitte pas was originally written, as he put it, as “a hymn to the cowardice of men” after his mistress of the time left him due to his own actions.

It was later covered by French super-start Johnny Hallyday in 1984 (who you’ll see later on this list) and enjoyed a second wave of francophone fame.

14. Non, Je ne regrette rien (Edith Piaf)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1961

Artist tags: cabaret, le chanson français

Piaf (“Sparrow”, a nickname given to her as a performer) was one of the artists to come out of WWI and rose to be one of the country’s most famed artists.

Performing throughout the German occupation of her country, she eventually toured Europe, the US, and even South America after the wars.

“Non, je ne regrette rein” was first debuted in 1961 in a fundraiser to save the venue where she was discovered (the Paris Olympia) from bankruptcy. The venue stands to this day, and the smash hit, in turn, became one of the most famous French songs of all time.

15. Le Festin (Ratatouille)

Country: n/a

Year: 2007

Artist tags: movie soundtrack 

Before we continue further into this list (and further into French music history), I wanted to add this song as a bonus for this part of the list.

La chanson français is French music history. But it is also such an iconic music genre that you’re going to find it referenced, sampled, integrated, and loved in nearly every other French music genre that followed it–from Disney soundtracks to contemporary French rap.

Famous French Songs from 1960-2010

16. Je te promets (Johnny Hallyday)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1986

Artist tags: rockabilly, classic rock, power ballads, hard rock 

We’ll start off the list of modern French songs with Johnny Hallyday: the French artist of the 20th century. 

Je te promets is probably his most famous original song, but with a career spanning decades and hundreds of songs. (If you speak French and like French podcasts, I suggest you take a listen to the InnerFrench episode to understand the serious impact of his career on French music as a whole.)

17. Tous les garçons et les filles (Françoise Hardy)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1962

Artist tags:  yé-yé, le chanson français, pop

As the pop explosion tore through the UK and North America, it fused with le chanson français to form a distinct sound: yé-yé (after the famous Beatle’s refrain: “yeah! yeah!”). The song tells the story of a young woman who’s never felt love but watches the couples around her: a mix of drama of le chanson but with a new, poppy-tempo introduced for the first time in French music.

18. Je t´aime… moi non plus (Serge Gainbourg)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1967 / 169

Artist tags: pop, le chanson français

This famous French duet reached #1 on the UK charts and #2 in Ireland, but was famously banned in several European countries because of it’s overt sexual content. (To this day, the original video has a YouTube content warning.)

But that’s not even the biggest scandle.

The song was written and recorded in late 1967 for Gainsbourg’s girlfriend, Brigitte Bardot. She asked him to write the most beautiful love song he could imagine and that night he wrote “Je t’aime”.

The only problem? News of the recording reached not only the press and Bardot’s husband at the time. The German businessman Gunter Sachs ask that it not be published, and Gainsbourg agreed.

Two years later, he eventually re-recorded it with English actress Jane Birkin (his then-girlfriend) and finally released the track.

19. La poupée qui fait non (Michel Polnareff)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1969

Artist tags:  yé-yé, le chanson français, pop

By the end of the 60s, French pop artists began moving away from the historic chanson and into new, more-contemporary sounds.

For the studio recording of La poupée qui fait no, producers even brought in a young English guitarist to play on the track and bring on a stronger touch British pop: the then-unknown Jimmy Paige.

After its initial release, the song was covered by Jimmy Hendrix, Johnny Hallyday, and The Birds. (So if the lyrics don’t sound familiar, the English or instrumental versions still might!)

20. Les Champs Elysees (Joe Dassin)

Country:  France 🇫🇷

Year: 1969

Artist tags: pop, yé-yé

This song was originally written in English under the title “Waterloo Road” and played by the British Band Jason Crest–a telling sign that French music was moving more and more towards classically Anglophone sounds. But unlike the original English version, it was only the French adaptation that ever made it onto European charts by peaking in the #1 spot in France and #5 in francophone Switzerland.

21. Pour Un Flirt (Michel Delpech)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1971

Artist tags: classic rock, pop 

Pour un flirt was one of the first French pop songs to make waves abroad, landing in the #1 spot on the charts in both Belgium and the Netherlands as well as France. 

22. Ça plane pour moi (Plastic Bertrand)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1978

Artist tags: pop, classic rock

You’ve probably heard this famous French song over and over again over the years, but might not know who wrote it.

Ça plane pour moi was by far the biggest hit of French pop band Plastic Bertrand, but their entire discography is worth checking out. (It’s honestly all fantastic.)

23. Pour que tu m’aimes encore (Céline Dion)

Country: Canada 🇨🇦

Year: 1995

Artist tags: pop, soft rock

While Céline Dion found fame with American audiences through her Titanic ballads (pun intended), Anglophone audiences might not realize that she only learned English as an adult to further her already-successful French music career.

In France, Pour que tu m’aimes encore topped the singles chart in France for 12 weeks; sold one million copies (platinum award); became 1995’s best-selling single; and 1995’s number-one airplay song.

In Belgium, it spent 15 weeks at the top of the charts and was certified platinum; in Switzerland, it peaked at number 17 after a run of several weeks; and in her Canadian home providence of Quebec, it was on the charts for 4 weeks. 

The single sold more than 4,000,000 copies, worldwide. Céline would often claim this was her most famous French song (and even did an English cover the following year for Anglo audiences).

24. J’t’emmène au vent (Louise Attaque)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 1997

Artist tags: 90s, folk 

90s French rock band Louise Attaque entered the francophone music scene with grungy folk rock and put out three albums during their late 90s / early 2000s reign. Although it didn’t have the same success on the charts as more mainstream pop hits on this list, fans of North American grunge will probably find this Frenchy-spin on the genre a lot of fun.

25. J’ai demandé à la lune (Indochine)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 2002

Artist tags: new wave, pop rock

Indochine was formed in Paris in 1981 and found massive international fame throughout the world during the 80s and early 90s.

But after a slump in their career, J’ai demandé à la lune sprinted up to the #1 position on both Belgian and French charts. By 2010, after nearly 30 years of a career, they played at the mega-venue Stade de France to a sold-out show of 80,000 attendees. The band is now teasing fans with not only new music and tours for 2022 but a 40th-anniversary film.

Famous French Songs 2010-Today

26. Alors On Danse (Stromae)

Country: Belgium 🇧🇪

Year: 2010

Artist tags: pop, dance, hip-hop, rap

Stromae might be the most popular Francophone rapper of all times, and Alors on Danse is probably the most famous French pop song. Not only has it topped radio charts around the world, but it’s appeared on a handful of Hollywood movie and TV soundtracks over the past few years.

27. Dernière Danse (Indila)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 2013

Artist tags: Ballads, pop

When I visited Paris in 2019, several years after this famous French song blew up, it was still constantly playing in cafes, taxis, and caberets.

Indila clearly borrows from many parts of French music history, from Chanson Français to 20th century rock, but her poppy rhythms have made this one of the most popular songs in France of the past 10 years.

28. Ego (Willy William)

Country: France 🇫🇷 / Mauritius 🇲🇺

Year: 2015 

Artist tags: Hip hop, dance, pop, reggaeton

You know that J Balvis song Mi Gente? Willy William was the French singer on the track. Ego is the singer’s most famous solo song, and I highly recommend hip hop fans dive deeper into his discography for plenty of musical treature.

29. Superchérie (-M-)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 2018

Artist tags: Disco, electronica, classic rock, 90s pop

Singer Matthieu Chedid’s super disco-infused pop-rock electronica blew up at the end of the 90s through the 2010s. Superchérie is probably the most famous French song by the artist but like many songs on this list is heavily influenced by the French music that came before it.

30. Demain (Bigflo & Oli)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 2018

Artist tags: tropical, chill, hip hop

The famous French songs of the future may very well be in the hands of Soundcloud rappers and their fans.

Bigflo & Oli are Soundcloud-rappers-turned-superstars who first came to public attention a few years ago when the chill house/tropical hip hop genre first surfaced online. Just like reality TV singing shows brought us numerous hits in the 2000s and 2010s, independent music platforms like Bootcamp (or even Spotify) may be where French musicians first need to get their food in the doors.

31. Flou (Angèle)

Country: Belgium 🇧🇪

Year: 2019

Artist tags: electronica, rap

Angèle and her brother Roméo Elvis (below) are Belge rappers and musicians who have blown up in the past few years.

Her songs particularly borrow more from famous French genres of the past (most notably Canson Français) making her work feel very much part of a larger musical tradition.

32. Soleil (Roméo Elvis)

Country: Belgium 🇧🇪

Year: 2019

Artist tags: rap, hip hop

Roméo Elvis (and Angèla both) are the most iconic French musicians of the moment. As I mentioned above they’re siblings, but also the children of well-known musician Marka and comedian Laurence Bibot.

As French rap continues to rise, musicians from all over the world (and not just France) are rising with it.

33. Candide Crush (Therapie TAXI)

Country: France 🇫🇷

Year: 2020

Artist tags: pop, techno, disco 

The most famous song by French pop group Therapie TAXI is their most recent hit. In Europe, where a more pure pop music is still going strong (unlike in North America), bands like Therapie TAXI continue to stay singing on the charts.

34. Dilemme (Lous and the Yakuza)

Country: Congo 🇨🇩 / Belgium 🇧🇪

Year: 2019

Artist tags: dance, hip hop, chill

The songwriter, model, and visual artist known as Lous and the Yakuza (born Marie-Pierra Kakoma) has turned out an incredible amount of creative work and is one of the many French musical artists born outside of France but breathing new life into the tradition.

35. La Kiffance (Naps)

Country: France 🇫🇷/ Algeria 🇩🇿

Year: 2022

Artist tags: pop, hip hop, rap

We’ll close our list of famous French songs here. 5x Platnum artist Naps has had his latest hit, La Kiffance, on French charts steadily since 2021. At the same time, Naps went on to release a new album Best Life which joined La Kiffance on the charts in not only France but Belgium and Switzerland as well.

A cassette and CD which say "French music and artists" on top of lined paper

Using Famous French Songs for Language Learning

If you’re interested in learning French (or are currently learning it) immersion is an amazing way to enjoy the learning process and improve your skills.

The best way to use famous French songs as part of that process is:

  1. Use a habit tracker to make sure you’re consistent. You can access our free language immersion mini-course here.
  2. Make yourself a playlist you love. If you’re motivated by amazing music, you’re likely to stick with language learning (and listen to the songs over and over again).
  3. Once a week, sit down and translate some lyrics. Once you have a feeling for the playlist, sit down and translates the French song lyrics into English. Listen along with the music and get a feel for which word means what.
  4. Listen to the playlist over and over again. Stick with the same playlist for a few months and use the songs like French language flashcards!

Bon courage!

Famous French Songs from the 1500s - today PINTEREST FLAG

Did we miss any famous French songs that should have been on this list? Let us know in the comments!

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