The word singular noun

Singular definition: The singular form is a type of noun that refers to just one person or thing.

What does singular mean? The singular form is the non-plural form of nouns and pronouns. Singular form refers to just one (a single) noun (versus plural, more than one, noun).

Examples of Singular Nouns

There are literally thousands of singular nouns, so we can’t exactly put an exhaustive list together, but here are a few examples of singular nouns in English.

List of Singular Nouns:

  • a dog
  • the cat
  • a house
  • the tree
  • an apple
  • a baby
  • the city
  • the song
  • a computer
  • a phone

Singular, Plural Forms of Nouns

singular meaningWhat is the singular form? Most nouns have singular and plural forms. The singular form of the noun refers to just a single item. For instance, “an apple” refers to just one apple.

The plural form of the noun (apples) refers to more than one apple.

For most nouns, “-s” is added to the end of the sentence to create the plural form. When the word ends in “-y,” the “-y” is dropped and “-ies” is added to the end of the word to create the plural form (see below).

Examples of Singular/Plural Nouns

  • dog/dogs
  • cat/cats
  • house/houses
  • tree/trees
  • apple/apples
  • baby/babies
  • city/cities

Count Nouns vs. Non-count Nouns

singular nouns definition A count noun is a person, place, or thing that can have a singular or plural form. Most nouns have both singular and plural forms. Typically, by adding “s” to a noun, the plural form is made. A count noun can be counted.

  • boy/boys
  • home/homes
  • orange/oranges

A non-count noun is a person, place, or thing that does not have a plural form. In a sense, a non-count noun cannot be counted, and since it cannot be counted exactly, there is no plural form of count nouns.

  • equipment
  • storage
  • courage

Consider the last example, courage. The word courage cannot be made plural into “courages.”

Singular Agreement in Number

It is critical that a singular noun has the appropriate agreement with all of its corresponding parts of speech.

Verb Agreement

what is singular and plural Singular nouns require singular verbs. Using plural verbs with singular nouns (or vice versa) is unacceptable.

Examples with “to write:”

  • I write. (singular)
  • You write. (singular and plural)
  • He/She/it writes. (singular)
  • We write. (plural)
  • They write. (plural)

It is grammatically incorrect to state: I writes.

Demonstrative Adjectives

singular noun examples Singular nouns require singular demonstrative adjectives. Using plural demonstrative adjectives with singular nouns (or vice versa) is unacceptable.


  • this cat (singular)
  • that cat (singular)
  • those cats (plural)
  • these cats (plural)

It is grammatically incorrect to state: Those cat.

Possessive Adjectives

singular noun examples in sentences Possessive adjectives work with both singular and plural nouns.

Examples Singular/Plural:

  • my house/my house
  • your house/your houses (singular)
  • his/her/its house AND his/her/its houses
  • our house/our houses
  • your house/your houses (plural)
  • their house/their

Exercises with Singular, Plural Forms

Fill in the blank with the appropriate verb or demonstrative adjective.

  1. I want to buy this/those shoes.
  2. Where is/are your new shoes?
  3. Take that/these garbage out.
  4. He walk/walks to school every day.
  5. We take/takes the train on Mondays.

See answers below.

Summary: What is a Singular Noun?

Define singular noun: the definition of singular noun is the form of a word that refers to just one person or thing.

In summary,

  • Singular nouns refer to just one noun.
  • Plural nouns refer to more than one of a given noun.
  • Singular nouns require singular agreement with their verbs and adjectives.


  1. those
  2. are
  3. that
  4. walks
  5. take


  • 1 What is the Singular Form?
  • 2 Examples of Singular Nouns
  • 3 Singular, Plural Forms of Nouns
  • 4 Examples of Singular/Plural Nouns
  • 5 Count Nouns vs. Non-count Nouns
  • 6 Singular Agreement in Number
  • 7 Verb Agreement
  • 8 Demonstrative Adjectives
  • 9 Possessive Adjectives
  • 10 Exercises with Singular, Plural Forms
  • 11 Summary: What is a Singular Noun?

Nouns refer to the many people, places, and things around us. There are many different types of nouns that we use when talking about everything we see or experience. Sometimes, we are talking about one thing. For example, you may have only one pet, one sister, one house, one last slice of pizza, or one idea for a funny knock-knock joke. One is the loneliest number, so let’s try to cheer it up by introducing the term for the type of noun we use to refer to single objects: the singular noun.

What is a singular noun?

The word singular, when used in grammar, means “noting or pertaining to a member of the category of number found in many languages that indicates that a word form has one referent or denotes one person, place, thing, or instance.” A singular noun is a noun that refers to one, and only one, object or person. For example, the word girl is a singular noun but the word girls is not a singular noun because it refers to more than one person. Girls is a plural noun.

While singular nouns are usually simple to understand, sometimes things can get tricky. A collective noun, for example, is a singular noun that refers to a group of people or things as a single unit. Words like team, family, and pile are collective nouns. Even though these words refer to multiple people or things, they are still singular nouns because they refer to a single, distinct unit.

Also, some English words like to be difficult and sometimes function as singular nouns. Words like data, fish, and measles may or may not be singular nouns, so be careful! Don’t be surprised if you see some people use these words with a plural verb as in The data are showing a growth in sales or My fish swim really fast. Names and titles also like to be sneaky, so you will need to carefully use nouns like Bahamas and Star Wars. (Countries can be singular or plural depending on the sentence.)

Who knew nouns could be so complicated? It might help to visit this review of what a noun can be in more detail.

Singular noun examples

Of all of the different types of nouns we use, singular nouns are relatively easy to use. There aren’t any special capitalization or punctuation rules you need to remember when using them. The one thing you must remember is that singular nouns use singular verbs such as is, was, or does. Simply remember that a singular noun is a noun that refers to one person, place, or thing. Let’s take a look at examples of singular nouns.

People and animals 

Singular nouns are used to refer to one person or one animal. Both generic and specific people and animals can be referred to with singular nouns.

  • People: man, woman, firefighter, waiter, hero, Batman, Queen Elsa
  • Animals: dog, cat, bird, bug, lion, tiger, bear, Mickey Mouse, Koko the Gorilla


Just as before, we use singular nouns to refer to one place.

  • beach, city, neighborhood, town, island, country, Mexico, France, China, Australia


You can use singular nouns to refer to a lot of stuff you experience with your five senses.

  • chair, computer, apple, cinnamon, trash, hat, wind, rain, Google, Twitter, Amazon


We also use singular nouns to refer to ideas, emotions, philosophies, concepts, and other intangible things you can’t detect with your five senses.

  • hunger, sadness, time, disease, government, religion, peace, science, Friday, October

List of singular nouns

Many of the other types of nouns can also be singular nouns. Let’s look at some examples of different types of nouns used as singular nouns.

Common nouns: kangaroo, clock, banana, backyard, baseball, toy
Proper nouns: Abraham Lincoln, Texas, Nintendo, Buddhism
Concrete nouns: desk, house, dirt, cake, monkey, lake, moon
Abstract nouns: war, happiness, confusion, poverty, unemployment
Countable nouns: cookie, cup, hat, hamster, cloud
Uncountable nouns: doubt, sand, music, entertainment, furniture

Singular Nouns Chart

The difference between singular and plural nouns

To recap, a singular noun refers to one person, place, or thing. The type of noun that refers to more than one person, place, or thing is known as a plural noun. Singular nouns always use singular verbs (such as is, was, and walks) while plural nouns use plural verbs (such as are, were, and walk). Only singular nouns can use the articles a and an.

Plural nouns can be tricky to tell apart from singular nouns. Many plural nouns are created by simply adding the letter S to a singular noun as in the words cats, hamburgers, or ideas. However, many plural nouns do not follow this rule, so you need to keep an eye out. Always remember the rule that a singular noun is a noun that only refers to one person, place, or thing. Here are examples of the different ways that we use singular and plural nouns:

  • A lady (singular noun) bought a dress (singular noun) from the store (singular noun).
  • My brother (singular noun) collects stamps (plural noun).
  • Math (singular noun) gives me headaches (plural noun).
  • The shark (singular noun) had sharp teeth (plural noun).
  • Chris didn’t meet the required criteria (plural noun!) for being a dancer (singular noun).
  • I caught a really big fish (singular noun).
  • Octopuses (plural noun) sometimes eat many fish (plural noun).

All the nouns, none of the errors

Did you know that singular also means “extraordinary, remarkable”? And you too can be a singular writer with the help of’s Grammar Coach™. This writing tool uses machine learning technology uniquely designed to catch grammar and spelling errors. Its Synonym Swap will find the best nouns, adjectives, and more to help say what you really mean, guiding you toward clearer, stronger, writing.

Whether you’re writing about a person, place, or thing, perfect grammar has never been easier!

Singular Noun

Singular Noun

Nouns are the naming words. It not only denotes the name of a person, place or thing but also the emotions, feelings, idea, state of age , state of mind, etc. Examples : pain, love, care, Netherland , Nouns can be singular or plural 

Singular are the ones which are single in nature while plural are the ones which are plural means more than one . 

What is Singular Noun 

Singular comes from the word single . Singular Nouns are the those which refers a single or one person, place or thing .

For example : boy, lady, man, calf, city, joy, happiness , etc.

Singular Noun definition 

These are nouns which are singular in nature , it can be countable or uncountable both , it refers to one and only one person, material, place , etc. 

Singular Noun Examples 

Chair ( singular ) – chairs ( plural i.e. more than one ) 

Beach ( singular ) – beaches ( plural ) 

Hat ( singular ) – hats ( plural ) 

Island ( singular ) – islands ( plural ) 

Singular Noun Examples in sentences 

Singular noun generally takes singular verb to fulfill the syntax 

1. The boy is carrying a big box which consists of sweets 

Here boy is singular and takes singular verb 

2.  Friday comes after Thursday 

Friday is a day which is singular in nature and takes singular verb 

3. Music is a kind of entertainment . 

Music is singular noun takes singular verb 

List of Singular Noun 

There are different types of Singular nouns like place  , person, idea, animals, things, objects, ideas, etc.

Singular Noun ( Person ) 

Singular Noun ( Animals ) 

Singular Noun ( Place ) 

Singular Noun ( Emotion ) 


























Parrot Room Hate


Swan Kitchen Smile


Duck Park Worry

Singular Countable Noun :

There are two ways to classify noun 

a ) Countable 

b ) Uncountable 

Countable nouns are the ones which can be counted , of which we can make plural . Singular Countable nouns are the nouns which are single in nature but can be counted 

For examples : device , house, hanky, bag, forest, plant, human being , etc. 

Singular Possessive Noun : 

Possessive nouns are the nouns that shoes the ownership or a direct connection and which is used as an apostrophe (‘s) letter at the end for example : 

Cat – cat’s 

John – John’s 

Wheel – wheel’s 

Train – train’s 

Empire – Empire ‘s 

Difference between Singular Noun and Plural Noun 

1. Singular Nouns are the ones which are singular in nature or single or only one unit .

2. They can be countable or uncountable both for Examples 

3. Passenger , mobile , hat, test, information , advice , career, profession , peace 

4. Plural nouns are the ones which are plural in nature means more than one or more than one unit .

5. They can be countable only , we cannot make plural of uncountable nouns .

For example : passengers , mobiles , hats, tests , careers, 


Que 1. What are the ten examples of Singular Nouns ? 

Answer- Let us understand Singular Noun with the given below examples-

1. This is the house which I always wanted to purchase. ( house is the singular noun ) 

2. She is the only lady who stands against odds. ( lady is the singular noun ) 

3. I have given you a piece of advice. ( Piece of advice is the singular noun ) 

4. They have transferred money to me. ( Money is the singular noun ) 

5. We had a loaf of bread to give to beggar. ( A loaf is a singular noun ) 

6. This is an instrument which can repair all the machines. ( Instrument is a singular noun ) 

7. Cabinet committee formulated a policy for handicapped. ( Policy is a singular noun ) 

8. They submitted a report. ( Report  is a singular noun ) 

9. We all follow the regulation made by the warden. ( Regulation is a singular noun ) 

10. All should start a new venture. ( Venture is a singular noun ) 

Que 2. What is Singular Countable Noun ? 

Answer- Singular Countable Noun is the one which is single or singular in nature and countable nouns are the one which can be counted like coin – coin, journey, task, job, shower, poem, dollar 

Que 3. What is rule of Singular Noun? 

Answer- Singular noun denotes a single person, place or object which generally doesn’t take s or es or ies with it for example resistance, hair, service, etc. 

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Singular noun is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of singular noun in the English dictionary

The definition of singular noun in the dictionary is a noun such as `standstill’ or `vicinity’ that does not have a plural form and always has a determiner such as `a’ or `the’ in front of it.


Synonyms and antonyms of singular noun in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «singular noun» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of singular noun to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of singular noun from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «singular noun» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

singular sustantivo

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

विलक्षण संज्ञा

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

اسما فريدا

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

существительное в единственном числе

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

substantivo no singular

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

একক নাম

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

nom singulier

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Kata nama tunggal

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

단수 명사

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Tembung singular

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

danh từ số ít

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

ஒற்றை பெயர்ச்சொல்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

एकवचनी नाम

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Tekil isim

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

singolare sostantivo

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

rzeczownik w liczbie pojedynczej

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

іменник в однині

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

substantiv singular

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

ενικό ουσιαστικό

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

enkelvoud naamwoord

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

singular substantiv

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

entall substantiv

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of singular noun


The term «singular noun» is regularly used and occupies the 104.771 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «singular noun» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of singular noun

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «singular noun».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «singular noun» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «singular noun» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about singular noun


Discover the use of singular noun in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to singular noun and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Barron’s Test of English for International Communication

Choice (C) is incorrect because the word uniform does not begin with a vowel
sound. Choice (D) is incorrect because a singular noun cannot be preceded by
the word those. 2. (B) An correctly precedes a word beginning with a vowel


Bilingual First Language Acquisition: French and German …

Interestingly enough, neither child ever uses singular noun phrases with a plural
shape like die sandale in order to refer to more than one object. The child will
make use of the plural noun phrase die sandalen in this case. This is true for
other …


A Grammar Book for You and I— Oops, Me!: All the Grammar …

How do you make a noun possessive? For singular nouns, just add «apostrophe —
s»; for plural nouns ending in an -s, just add an apostrophe. The rule is easy to
follow but trips up a lot of people. What happens if the singular noun ends in an -s

It is normally treated as a singular noun because the group is acting as one body;
however, a collective noun would be treated as a plural noun if the group
members were acting as individuals. Collective nouns include family, faculty, …

A.C. Krizan, Patricia Merrier, Joyce P. Logan, 2010


How English Works: A Grammar Handbook with Readings

A or an thus always signals a countable singular noun. EXERCISE 2 Examine
the following paragraph from the article by Nora Ephron on p. 334. Some of the
nouns have been underlined. List these nouns along the left edge of a sheet of …


Cajun French-English, English-Cajun French Dictionary & …

Possessive Adjectives First person singular ma: feminine singular noun mon:
masculine singular noun mon: feminine singular when noun begins with a vowel
mes: feminine/masculine plural noun Second person Singular ta: feminine
singular …

Clint Bruce, Jennifer Gipson, 2002

Susan is a singular noun. Susan becomes a possessive noun by adding an
apostrophe and the letter «s» (Susan’s). 9. The House of Representatives’
calendar is full. The sentence has been rewritten to show the House of
Representatives has …


The Pearson MAT Super Course

… or plural verb depending on the noun which follows it. Structure: No + singular
noun + singular verb. Example: No example is relevant to this case. Structure: No
+ plural noun + plural verb Example: No 2.30 □ Language Comprehension.


A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage

A judge who in the beginning of an opinion writes the jury was should refer to jury
as a singular noun throughout. A judge who wishes to emphasize the individual
persons more than the body of persons may decide to write the jury were.


Master the Basics—English

… (required) a Noun Determiner (optional) these Noun Determiner (optional) this
i- Descriptive Adjective (optional) beautiful H Descriptive Adjective (optional)
beautiful H Descriptive Adjective (optional) beautiful + Singular Noun watch +
Plural …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term singular noun is used in the context of the following news items.

Ask The Old Editor: each other’s

This week’s question: “Should the phrase ‘each other’s’ be followed by a singular or plural noun? ‘Each’ would seem to call for a singular noun, but I’ve also … «Baltimore Sun, Jun 15»

Percentage Is? Percentage Are?

Note that the noun “percentage” is treated as singular. We know this because of the requirement of subject-verb agreement. A “percentage” (singular noun) … «Bloomberg View, Mar 15»

The Singular Tree

On those occasions the Mishna employs a singular noun—tree—though a plural form would have been more correct. In this way, says R. Tsadok HaKohen5 the … «, Jan 15»

The Top Ten: Plurals that have become singular

Data, dice, graffiti, panini, media and politics are usually singular nouns these days, and I know only one person who treats news as a plural, but Rich Greenhill … «The Independent, May 14»

A Blog About Language

Terms such as these—including also a dozen, a pair, and a couple—act as singular nouns if you’re treating the dozen, pair, or couple as a unitary set, but drift … «The Slatest, Apr 14»

A linguistic mystery yields clues in Russian

When it comes to numbers, Russian grammar has a bewildering thicket of rules. A singular noun such as «table» («stol» in Russian), used as the subject of a … «Phys.Org, Feb 14»

Singular and plural aspects of majority

The word “majority” can be either singular or plural, depending on whether we … word to describe a group of individuals we can treat it as a singular noun and if … «The New Indian Express, Oct 13»

The companies we keep – singular and plural

Indefinite pronouns – everyone, anyone, and the like – take a singular verb, … And so we end up, in the spoken language at least, with singular nouns and verbs … «Christian Science Monitor, Jun 13»

The rise of Big Datums: of course ‘data’ can be singular

«Big data» can only be a singular noun. No doubt some commenters will furiously tell me that data is always plural, and will quote the word’s etymology, or some … «, Jan 13»

Single or plural

General rule – The overriding rule is that the verb must accord with the subject noun in respect of grammatical number, ie. singular verb for singular noun and … «Malaysia Star, Aug 10»


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  • 1

    1. [ʹsıŋgjʋlə]

    1) единственное число

    2) слово в единственном числе


    отдельный человек предмет

    2. [ʹsıŋgjʋlə]

    1. исключительный, необыкновенный, замечательный

    singular case [gift, opportunity] — необыкновенный /редкостный/ случай [дар, -ая возможность]

    a singular presence of mind — исключительное /необыкновенное/ присутствие духа

    2. 1) странный, необычный, своеобразный

    he was called strange and singular — его называли странным, своеобразным человеком

    to make oneself singular in one’s dress — выделяться своей (необычной) одеждой

    a singular remark [behaviour] — странное замечание [поведение]

    3. единственный; единичный

    singular example [event] — единичный пример [случай]


    особый, сингулярный, исключительный

    НБАРС > singular

  • 2

    1. n грам. единственное число

    2. n грам. слово в единственном числе

    3. n грам. редк. отдельный человек или предмет

    4. a исключительный, необыкновенный, замечательный

    5. a странный, необычный, своеобразный

    6. a единственный; единичный

    7. a спец. особый, сингулярный, исключительный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. exceptional (adj.) exceptional; extraordinary; phenomenal; remarkable; uncustomary; unimaginable; unordinary; unthinkable; unusual; unwonted

    2. only (adj.) alone; lone; only; solitary; solo; unexampled; unrepeatable

    3. several (adj.) individual; particular; respective; several

    4. strange (adj.) bizarre; curious; eccentric; erratic; freakish; funny; idiosyncratic; novel; odd; oddball; outlandish; peculiar; quaint; queer; quirky; rummy; strange; surprising; uncouth; unnatural; weird

    5. unique (adj.) discrete; rare; separate; single; sole; uncommon; unique

    Антонимический ряд:

    common; customary; familiar; frequent; general; habitual; normal; numerous; ordinary; plural; regular; typical; usual

    English-Russian base dictionary > singular

  • 3

    1. сущ.;
    1) (the singular) единственное число Ant: plural
    2) форма единственного числа какого-л. слова;
    слово, стоящее в единственном числе Ant: plural
    3) лог.;
    линг. единичный элемент (в отличие от универсалий)
    2. прил.
    1) исключительный, выдающийся, необыкновенный, необычайный, замечательный a man of singular courage and honesty ≈ человек, отличающийся необычайной смелостью и исключительной честностью Syn: extraordinary, exceptional, unparalleled, remarkable,
    2) необычный, своеобразный, странный Why do you want to make yourself so singular in your dress? ≈ И зачем ты так стремишься подчеркнуть свою индивидуальность своим внешним видом? Syn: strange, odd
    1., unusual, uncommon
    1., peculiar
    3) единичный, единственный в своем роде, уникальный This is perhaps a singular instance in the history of mankind. ≈ Возможно, это единичный такой случай в истории человечества. Syn: unique
    1., solitary
    4) грам. единственный( о числе) Ant: plural
    1. ∙ singular matrix
    (грамматика) единственное число — the noun is in the * существительное стоит в единственном числе (грамматика) слово в единственном числе (редкое) отдельный человек или предмет исключительный, необыкновенный, замечательный — * case необыкновенный случай — a * presence of mind исключительное присутствие духа — a most * phenomenon редчайшее явление — * beauty редкая красота странный, необычный, своеобразный — a * adventure удивительное приключение — he was called strange and * его называли странным, своеобразным человеком — there was a * chill in the air воздух был необычно холодный (для времени года) — to make oneself * in one’s dress выделяться своей( необычной) одеждой (неодобрительно) странный — a * remark странное замечание — these * opinions эти странные воззрения единственный;
    единичный — * example единичный пример — * proposition (логика) единичное предложение( грамматика) единственный (о числе) (специальное) особый, сингулярный, исключительный — * point особая точка — * index сингулярный индекс
    singular грам.: the singular единственное число singular грам.: the singular единственное число ~ грам. единственный ~ исключительный ~ необыкновенный ~ необычайный, исключительный ~ необычный ~ сингулярный ~ грам. слово в единственном числе ~ странный, своеобразный

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > singular

  • 4

    1) the singular единственное число

    2) слово в единственном числе

    1) необычайный, исключительный

    2) странный, своеобразный



    * * *

    (n) единственное число

    * * *

    * * *

    [sin·gu·lar || ‘sɪŋgjələ(r) /-jʊl-]
    единственное число, слово в единственном числе
    исключительный, необыкновенный, единственный, странный, необычайный, своеобразный

    * * *
























    * * *

    1. сущ.; грам.
    1) (the singular) единственное число
    2) форма единственного числа какого-л. слова; слово, стоящее в единственном числе
    3) логика; лингв. единичный элемент (в отличие от универсалий)
    2. прил.
    1) исключительный, выдающийся
    2) необычный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > singular

  • 5

    English-Russian grammar dictionary > Noun

  • 6
    the noun is in the singular

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the noun is in the singular

  • 7

    Английский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > measure

  • 8

    Английский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > decomposition

  • 9

    Английский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > distribution

  • 10

    1. n идеал

    2. n верх совершенства, образец, идеал

    3. n филос. идеальное, совершенное

    4. a идеальный, отличный, совершенный, превосходный

    5. a воображаемый, абстрактный, мысленный

    6. a нереальный, неосуществимый

    7. a филос. идеалистический

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. abstract (adj.) abstract; hypothetical; theoretical; transcendent; transcendental

    2. conceptual (adj.) conceptual; ideational; notional

    3. flawless (adj.) flawless; indefectible

    4. imaginary (adj.) chimerical; fanciful; fantastic; illusory; imaginary; impractical; unreal; visionary

    5. perfect (adj.) absolute; complete; consummate; exemplary; model; perfect; supreme; ultimate; very

    6. typical (adj.) archetypal; classic; classical; fitting; paradigmatic; prototypal; prototypical; quintessential; representative; suitable; typical

    7. goal (noun) aim; goal; intention; object; objective; target

    10. model (noun) archetype; beau ideal; conception; ensample; epitome; example; exemplar; mirror; model; paradigm; pattern; phenomenon; prototype; standard; type

    11. paragon (noun) jewel; nonesuch; nonpareil; paragon; phoenix

    Антонимический ряд:

    common; commonplace; historical; imperfect; material; mean; ordinary; palpable; physical; practical; pragmatic; real; substantial

    English-Russian base dictionary > ideal

  • 11


    (Chinaman or Chinese Usage books sometimes suggest that the word Chinaman has derogatory overtones. If so they may originate in its being a slightly awkward formation by comparison with the more regular Dutchman, Englishman, Frenchman etc. (combinations of adjective plus noun, rather than noun plus noun). More likely it’s a matter of colonial prejudice. In Australia nowadays it seems old-fashioned rather than derogatory, and that is probably sufficient reason for seeking an alternative. A neutral substitute can be found in using Chinese as a noun, though some people find it unsatisfactory for use in the singular: a Chinese. Possible paraphrases are Chinese person or Chinese citizen. Note that the abbreviation ABC for “Australian-born Chinese” is used by demographers, but it would seem curt in other contexts.)

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Chinaman

  • 12

    1. n воззвание, обращение, призыв

    2. n просьба, мольба

    3. n привлекательность, притягательность, очарование

    sex appeal — сексапильность, сексуальная привлекательность

    4. n юр. обжалование, жалоба; апелляция

    5. n юр. юр. право апелляции

    6. n юр. спорт. апелляция к судье

    7. n юр. редк. применение, употребление

    8. v апеллировать, взывать; обращаться с призывом

    9. v просить, молить, умолять

    10. v привлекать, интересовать; волновать, трогать

    11. v ссылаться; аргументировать

    12. v юр. обжаловать, апеллировать, подавать апелляционную жалобу

    13. v прибегать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. application (noun) application; claim; counterclaim; legal recourse; motion; request; solicitation

    2. attraction (noun) allure; allurement; attraction; attractiveness; charisma; charm; draw; drawing power; enchantment; fascination; glamour; interest; lure; magnetism; pull; seduction; seductiveness; witchcraft; witchery

    4. entreaty (noun) bid; entreaty; imploration; importunity; imprecation; invocation; orison; petition; prayer; suit; supplication

    5. appeal to (verb) appeal to; engage; entice; excite; interest; intrigue; invite; tempt

    6. apply (verb) address; apply; approach; contest; motion; reopen; resort; retry; review; sue

    7. beg (verb) adjure; ask; beg; beseech; brace; conjure; crave; entreat; implore; importune; invoke; plead; plead with; pray; request; supplicate

    9. pull (verb) allure; attract; draw; fascinate; lure; magnetise; pull

    Антонимический ряд:

    demand; deny; deprecate; disavow; disclaim; disgust; protest; recall; refuse; renounce; repulsion

    English-Russian base dictionary > appeal

  • 13

    1. n модель, макет

    2. n модель, образец; слепок, шаблон

    3. n модель, фасон

    4. n образец

    5. n модель, тип, марка конструкции

    6. n диал. точная копия

    7. n натурщик; натурщица

    8. n манекенщица; манекенщик

    9. n манекен

    10. n эвф. проститутка, приходящая по вызову

    11. v делать, создавать модель или макет; моделировать; лепить

    singular model — одноуровневая модель; одноаспектная модель

    12. v тех. формовать

    13. v делать, создавать по образцу; следовать образцу

    his work is model led on the Spanish — в своих произведениях он использовал испанские образцы; в своих произведениях он следовал испанским образцам

    14. v быть натурщиком, натурщицей, живой моделью

    15. v быть манекенщицей

    she models for a living — она работает манекенщицей, она зарабатывает на жизнь, демонстрируя модели одежды

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. ideal (adj.) exemplary; flawless; ideal; indefectible; peerless; perfect; supreme; very

    2. typical (adj.) archetypal; classic; classical; demonstrative; illustrative; paradigmatic; prototypal; prototypic; prototypical; quintessential; representative; typical

    3. archetype (noun) archetype; beau ideal; ensample; example; exemplar; ideal; mirror; mold; mould; original; paradigm; paragon; pattern; phenomenon; prototype; standard

    4. copy (noun) copy; duplicate; facsimile; image; imitation; mock-up; print; replica; representation

    10. form (verb) design; fashion; form; mold; mould; plan; shape

    Антонимический ряд:

    production; work

    English-Russian base dictionary > model

  • 14

    1. a личный, индивидуальный; предназначенный для одного лица

    2. a отдельный, частный

    3. a воен. часто одиночный

    4. a характерный, особенный, присущий отдельному лицу

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. characteristic (adj.) characteristic; diacritic; diagnostic; distinctive; distinguishing; idiosyncratic; peculiar; proper; typical

    2. discrete (adj.) discrete; lone; secluded; separate; solitary

    3. own (adj.) own; personal; personalized; private

    4. several (adj.) respective; several; singular

    5. single (adj.) definite; distinct; especial; particular; single; special; specific

    6. human (noun) body; creature; human; life; man; mortal; party; personage; soul; wight

    7. person (noun) animal; child; human being; one; person; self; unit; woman

    8. thing (noun) being; entity; existence; existent; material; matter; object; something; stuff; substance; thing

    Антонимический ряд:

    collective; common; general; group

    English-Russian base dictionary > individual

  • 15

    1. n часто контур, обвод, абрис, очертание

    2. n набросок; эскиз

    3. n план; конспект

    4. n план, схема

    5. n очерк, обзор

    6. n основы, основные принципы

    7. v обвести, нарисовать контур

    8. v оттенять, очерчивать

    9. v изложить вкратце, обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. contour (noun) boundary; contour; delineation; edge; figuration; line; lineament; lineation; profile; side; silhouette

    2. framework (noun) diagram; draft; drawing; frame; framework; plan; skeleton; sketch

    4. border (verb) border; bound; define; edge; fringe; hem; margin; rim; skirt; surround; verge

    6. describe (verb) describe; inform; recapitulate; summarise; summarize

    7. sketch (verb) adumbrate; block out; chalk out; characterize; rough in; rough out; skeleton; skeletonize; sketch

    Антонимический ряд:

    details; enumerate; expound; figure; form; ground; object; space; subject; substance

    English-Russian base dictionary > outline

  • 16

    1. n часто параллельная линия

    2. n соответствие, аналогия, параллель

    3. n эл. параллельное соединение

    4. n полигр. знак

    5. n воен. параллель

    6. a параллельный

    parallel flow — параллельное течение; ламинарный поток

    7. a аналогичный, подобный, похожий

    8. v проводить параллель, сравнивать; сравнивать

    9. v соответствовать

    10. v обыкн. амер. быть параллельным, проходить параллельно

    11. v эл. присоединять параллельно; шунтировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. concurrent (adj.) collateral; concurrent

    2. harmonic (adj.) harmonic; tonic

    3. like (adj.) agnate; akin; alike; analogous; coinciding; comparable; comparative; conforming; consonant; correspondent; corresponding; equal; equivalent; identical; intercomparable; like; resembling; similar; such; suchlike; undifferenced; undifferentiated; uniform

    5. analogue (noun) analogue; correlate; correspondent; counterpart; countertype; match

    6. resemblance (noun) analogy; comparison; correlation; correspondence; likeness; resemblance; similarity

    8. compare (verb) compare; correlate; correspond; match; measure up; resemble; touch

    10. equate (verb) analogise; assimilate; equate; liken; paragon

    Антонимический ряд:

    contrast; crooked; diagonal; differ; different; dissimilar; dissimilarity; distorted; diverge; divergent; incongruous; irregular; oblique; opposed; singular

    English-Russian base dictionary > parallel

  • 17

    1. n утверждение, заявление

    2. n предложение; план; проект

    3. n амер. разг. предприятие

    4. n амер. разг. дело, занятие, проблема

    5. n амер. разг. человек, с которым ведутся дела

    6. n амер. разг. мат. теорема; положение или утверждение, требующее доказательств

    7. n амер. разг. лог. суждение

    8. n амер. разг. гнусное предложение

    9. v разг. предложить

    10. v разг. сделать гнусное предложение

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. issue (noun) issue; plan; recommendation; resolution

    3. proposal (noun) invitation; overture; presentation; proffer; proposal; scheme; submission; suggestion

    5. propose (verb) pose; prefer; propose; propound; put; suggest

    English-Russian base dictionary > proposition

  • 18

    1. n подошва, ступня

    2. n подмётка, подошва

    3. n дно

    4. n редк. подоконник

    5. n редк. порог

    6. n редк. стр. продольная балка

    7. n редк. горн. горизонт откаточного штрека, основной горизонт этажа

    8. n редк. метал. под

    9. n редк. спец. основание, пята, лежень

    10. v ставить подмётку

    11. n зоол. рыба из семейства косоротых

    12. n зоол. морской язык

    13. n зоол. камбала; палтус

    14. a единственный; одиночный

    15. a исключительный, единоличный

    16. a уединённый

    17. a уст. поэт. одинокий, один

    18. a юр. не состоящий в браке; незамужняя

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. only (adj.) alone; exclusive; individual; lone; one; only; particular; separate; single; singular; solitary; solo; spouseless; unattached; unexampled; unique; unmarried; unrepeatable; unshared; unwed

    2. bottom (noun) bottom; underneath; underside; undersurface

    English-Russian base dictionary > sole

  • 19

    1. прил.
    1) а) множественный;
    бесчисленный, многочисленный plural vote Syn: numerous б) перен. пестрый, неоднородный, смешанный plural society ≈ общество, состоящее из нескольких этнических групп;
    общество со смешанными культурами
    2) грам. множественный (об одной из граммем категории числа) plural noun ≈ существительное во множественном числе
    2. сущ.;
    1) множественное число
    2) а) форма множественного числа какого-л. слова;
    слово, стоящее во множественном числе б) редк. множественность, совокупность ∙ Ant: singular
    (грамматика) множественное число;
    слово, стоящее во множественном числе (грамматика) множественный — * noun существительное во множественном числе многочисленный — * offices совмещенные должности — * livings совместительство;
    (церковное) одновременное владение несколькими бенефициями, обслуживание нескольких приходов — * marriage многоженство( особ. у мормонов) — * vote право избирателя голосовать несколько раз (в одном или разных округах) относящийся к одному из нескольких — * wife одна из жен (у многоженцев) пестрый, неоднородный;
    смешанный — * population многонациональное /смешанное/ население — * society многоукладное общество
    plural грам. множественное число ~ множественный;
    plural offices несколько должностей по совместительству ~ грам. слово, стоящее во множественном числе
    ~ множественный;
    plural offices несколько должностей по совместительству
    ~ vote подача голоса одним лицом в нескольких избирательных округах

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > plural

  • 20

    1. n приключение

    2. n смелое предприятие; авантюра; риск

    3. n коммерческая спекуляция, авантюра

    4. n горн. горное предприятие

    5. v рисковать

    6. v отваживаться, осмеливаться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. experience (noun) challenging experience; emprise; enterprise; escapade; experience; exploit; feat; gest; happening; quest

    2. risk (noun) chance; danger; hazard; jeopardy; peril; risk; venture; wager

    English-Russian base dictionary > adventure

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