The word she in brazil

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SHE, IN BRAZIL [ela] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word ela will help you to finish your crossword today.


  • 1 What do you call a girl from Brazil?
  • 2 What are some words in Brazil?
  • 3 What does Cara mean in Brazil?
  • 4 What does MB mean in Brazil?
  • 5 How do you call a girl beautiful in Brazil?
  • 6 What do you call your Brazilian girlfriend?
  • 7 How do you say beautiful in Brazil?
  • 8 What is the word beautiful in Brazil?
  • 9 What does Kara mean in Portuguese?
  • 10 What does Bola mean in Brazil?
  • 11 What Cara means?
  • 12 What does Velcro mean in Brazil?
  • 13 What does DMS mean in Portuguese?
  • 14 What does PDP mean in Portuguese?
  • 15 What is French for beautiful girl?
  • 16 How do you say pretty girl in Spanish?
  • 17 How do you spell girl in Portuguese?
  • 18 What is Brazil’s nickname?
  • 19 What can I call my boyfriend?
  • 20 What are some cute nicknames?

What do you call a girl from Brazil?

Brasileira is a female Brazilian and a brasileiro is a male Brazilian. A group of female Brazilians would be “brasileiras”; if there are men in the group, grammar makes you use the male word (“brasileiros”).

What are some words in Brazil?

16 Brazilian Slang Words Every Portuguese Learner Needs to Know

  • E aí? E aí? is quite a colloquial way of saying “hi.” It’s pretty much like saying “what’s up?” in English.
  • Bacana. The word bacana means “good” or “awesome.” You might hear someone exclaim Que bacana!
  • Tá bom?
  • Beleza.
  • Joia.
  • Cara.
  • Gato / gata.
  • Foi mal.

What does Cara mean in Brazil?

Cara is a slang that we use to refer to a friend of ours, but in a casual way here in Rio de Janeiro. We can refer to guys and girls, just using this word. Take a look!

What does MB mean in Brazil?

E. Excelente (Excellent) A. MB. Muito Bom (Very Good)

How do you call a girl beautiful in Brazil?

Você é linda/lindo. (“You are beautiful/handsome.”) Que bonita(o) está hoje.

What do you call your Brazilian girlfriend?

More videos on YouTube

Amor Love
Chuchuzinho Cutie pie
Docinho Sweetie
Querido Darling
Benzinho Precious

How do you say beautiful in Brazil?

Beleza (beh-lay-zah) / beauty.

What is the word beautiful in Brazil?

[ˈbjuːtɪful ] adjective. belo ⧫ lindo ⧫ formoso.

What does Kara mean in Portuguese?

1. ( informal) guy. 2. ( coragem) courage , heart.

What does Bola mean in Brazil?

Adjective. show de bola. (Brazil, slang) awesome; amazing. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see show,‎ de,‎ bola.

What Cara means?

Cara (given name)

Pronunciation /ˈkɑːrə, ˈkɛərə/ KAHR-ə, KAIR-ə
Gender female
Word/name Latin
Meaning pure, cherished and beloved one

What does Velcro mean in Brazil?

reference to lesbian sex. Neutral or pejorative intent. Variations Grudar/colar velcro, Bate Bolacha, Bate biscoito, Tesourinhas.

What does DMS mean in Portuguese?

sulfeto de dimetila
GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) English term or phrase: DMS. Portuguese translation: sulfeto de dimetila/dimetil-sulfeto/ (DMS)

What does PDP mean in Portuguese?

PDP. Plano Diretor Participativo (Portuguese: Participative Master Plan; Brazil)

What is French for beautiful girl?

the beautiful girl (pretty girl; doll; manequin)
la jolie fille; le mannequin. jolie fille [la ~] noun.

How do you say pretty girl in Spanish?

Beautiful Spanish: 15 Romantic Words for “Beautiful” in Spanish

  1. Bello / Bella – “Beautiful”
  2. Bonito / Bonita – “Pretty” or “Nice”
  3. Guapo / Guapa – “Handsome”
  4. Lindo / Linda – “Lovely”
  5. Bueno/Buena – “Good Looking”
  6. Hermoso/Hermosa – “Gorgeous”
  7. Atractivo/Atractiva – “Attractive”
  8. Radiante – “Radiant”

How do you spell girl in Portuguese?


  1. small) menina (BR) ⧫ rapariga (PT)
  2. young woman) jovem f ⧫ moça.
  3. ( daughter) filha.

What is Brazil’s nickname?

Brazilian cricket teamBrazil national cricket team

What can I call my boyfriend?

Cute Nicknames For Boyfriends

  • Good-looking.
  • Handsome.
  • Stud.
  • Prince Charming.
  • Boo.
  • Casanova.
  • Knight In Shining Armor.
  • Bugs.

What are some cute nicknames?

14 cute English nicknames

Nickname Kids Friends
Cuddle bunny
Cutie patootie
Avatar photo

Sadie Daniel is an adventurer at heart. She loves to travel and explore new places. Her thirst for adventure has taken her all over the world, and she’s always looking for her next big thrill. Sadie is also a lover of animals, and has been known to rescue stray cats and dogs in her neighborhood. She is a kind-hearted person who enjoys helping others, and she would do anything for her family and friends.

Table of Contents

  1. Does Mae mean Mum?
  2. How do you say Grandma in Brazil?
  3. What do Portuguese people call their father?
  4. What is a PAI in the army?
  5. What does the M in M4 stand for?
  6. What are the 8 cycles of fire?
  7. What’s the difference between marksman and sniper?
  8. Are snipers infantry?
  9. What rifle did Chris Kyle use as a sniper?
  10. Are marksman rifles better than snipers warzone?
  11. Are snipers better than marksman rifles?
  12. What is the best warzone sniper?
  13. What is considered a sniper round?
  14. Can the MK2 one-shot in warzone?
  15. Is the Oden a one shot headshot?
  16. Is SPG one shot headshot?
  17. What Sniper is one shot in warzone?
  18. Is the HDR a one shot kill?
  19. Is the kar98 a one shot in warzone?
  20. Is the ax50 or HDR better?

Use “he” or “she” instead. * A group is always referred to as masculine if there is one masculine word present….1) Study (and memorize!) the following tables:

Does Mae mean Mum?

Your mother is your female parent.

The most commonly used Portuguese name for grandmother is avó. Variations are avozinha, vovó or just vo.

Singular English Portuguese
you (semiformal) você
he ele
she ela

What do Portuguese people call their father?

Family words in Portuguese

parents os pais
father o pai papai
mother a mãe mamãe
children os filhos as crianças

What is a PAI in the army?

Personnel Asset Inventory. “Soldiers First!” “Soldiers First!” The objective of the PAI is to maintain timely, error-free personnel accountability, and to involve commanders at all levels in the strength accounting and reporting process.

What does the M in M4 stand for?

Military Model 4 carbine

What are the 8 cycles of fire?

The eight cycles of functioning (feeding, chambering, locking, firing, unlocking, extracting, ejecting, and cocking) begin after the loaded magazine has been inserted in the weapon.

What’s the difference between marksman and sniper?

The main difference between military marksmen and snipers is that marksmen are usually considered an organic part of a fireteam of soldiers and are never expected to operate independently away from the main force, whereas snipers are special ops troops who usually work alone or in very small teams with independent …

Are snipers infantry?

Instead of engaging the entire enemy force like traditional infantry, snipers concentrate their efforts on hunting key people — officers, pilots, armor drivers, technicians, and communications operators. With deadly shots that kill without warning, military snipers break both the enemy’s will and ability to fight.

What rifle did Chris Kyle use as a sniper?

a Remington 700/300, Later type classified as a MK13 Mod 1, .300 Winchester Magnum sniper rifle with McMillan stock and customized barrel, which was later replaced with an .300 Winchester Magnum Accuracy International, Various rifles chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum used for long-range shooting.

Are marksman rifles better than snipers warzone?

While Marksman Rifles were always extremely potent weapons in Modern Warfare, in Warzone they’ve historically been outclassed by the bulkier and harder-hitting sniper rifles.

Are snipers better than marksman rifles?

Snipers rely almost exclusively on more accurate but slower-firing bolt-action rifles, such as the M24, while a marksman can effectively use a faster-firing, but less accurate semi-automatic rifle, such as the M14.

What is the best warzone sniper?

Here are the best sniper rifles in Warzone:

  • Swiss K31.
  • HDR.
  • AX-50.
  • SP-R 208.
  • Rytec AMR.
  • SKS.
  • Dragunov.
  • EBR-14.

What is considered a sniper round?

The most popular military sniper rifles (in terms of numbers in service) are chambered for 7.62 mm (0.30 inch) caliber ammunition, such as 7.62×51mm and 7.62×54mm R. Since sniper rifles of this class must compete with several other types of military weapons with similar range, snipers invariably must employ skilled …

Can the MK2 one-shot in warzone?

Instant-Kill DMRs in Modern Warfare and Warzone DMRs are the go-to for one-shot weapons. The MK2 Carbine is a staple of quick one-tap builds and is likely the best pure one-shot weapon in the game.

Is the Oden a one shot headshot?

Even at long range, the Oden will only need 3 shots to kill. In hardcore, the gun will be a 1-shot kill at all ranges. The gun will kill quickly in 2-3 shots, but missing shots is more punishing than with most other weapons in its class.

Is SPG one shot headshot?

HDR and AX50 will one-hit headshot always. Regardless of armor. Kar98 and the semi-auto snipers will not. If you’ve tried it and can’t do it, you didn’t get a headshot.

What Sniper is one shot in warzone?


Is the HDR a one shot kill?

HDR. The HDR is clearly among the most vicious weapon that you can for extremely long-range shots. This bolt-action sniper rifle can take down a fully armoured enemy with a single shot to the head.

Is the kar98 a one shot in warzone?

The Kar98k is increasingly popular among high skill Warzone players and it’s not hard to see why. Boasting the same terrifying one-shot kill potential to fully armoured players as the HDR, AX-50, and Rytec AMR, but with much better handling stats than those Warzone sniper rifles.

Is the ax50 or HDR better?

The The AX-50 has a faster fire rate then the HDR, meaning you can hit those follow-ups either before the enemy gets their shot off escapes. There’s also some little intangible bonuses for the AX-50. The default scope option zooms in slightly further than the HDR, and we prefer the AX-50’s crosshair design.

‘SHE, IN BRAZIL’ is a 12 letter
starting with S and ending with L

Crossword answers for SHE, IN BRAZIL

Clue Answer



Synonyms for ELA

9 letter words

10 letter words

16 letter words

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Originally Answered: In Brazilian Portuguese, is it better to call a girl, linda or gatinha? If you don’t know her, none. Linda means “beautiful woman”, but in a more cocky way. Gatinha means “female kitten” and it’s REALLY cocky, but also means “beautiful woman”. With women you are intimate, both of them can be used.

What does it mean when a girl calls you Lindo? I mean, lindo means “cute/handsome”, so I don’t see why he would laugh if it’s meant as a compliment or a term of endearment. Many Spanish woman call their sons, friends, husband/boyfriend lindo/chulo/ hermoso/ mono, etc. Go for it lol.

Likewise What do you call a Brazilian girl?

Brasileira is a female Brazilian and a brasileiro is a male Brazilian. A group of female Brazilians would be “brasileiras”; if there are men in the group, grammar makes you use the male word (“brasileiros”).

What does Gatinha mean in Brazil? Gatinha – Babe (pronounced “gah-cheen-ya”)

Literally meaning kitty, gatinha is used in a number of contexts but is commonly used to mean babe or beautiful or sexy girl.

How do you greet a Brazilian woman?

Commonly, women lightly kiss the person she is greeting on each cheek. If a female wishes to shake hands with a male, it is expected that she will extend her hand first. When addressing an adult, it is common practice to call them “senhor” (Mister) or “senhora” (Miss), followed by their first name.

Can you call a man Precioso? If you use an adjective such as “precioso/a” or “querido/a” with a feminine word such as “persona”, you can say that “That man is a beloved person” by saying “Ese hombre es una persona querida”. … The word “precioso” is masculine because it modifies “amorcito”, which is masculine.

Can I call a guy Hermoso?

Hermoso is a word that can mean “beautiful” “handsome” “lovely” etc. I have never heard of a man being called “hermoso” , but it is common to use “hermosa” for women. … Guapo or guapa is a term used for both men and women–and quite commonly.

Can you call a girl Bonita? Bonita has a bit of a cute undertone to it. One would readily call a little girl bonita, but, one can also use the term with a grown woman. It emphasises the cute element. One can also just say ‘cute’ or ‘mona’.

How do Portuguese girls flirt?

What does Bola mean in Brazil? Adjective. show de bola. (Brazil, slang) awesome; amazing. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see show,‎ de,‎ bola.

How do you call a girl beautiful in Portuguese?

  1. You can say:
  2. você é uma garota linda/bonita=you are a beautiful girl.
  3. você é linda/bonita or és linda/bonita=you are beatiful.
  4. linda or bonita=beatiful.

Is Gatinha a bad word? If you are talking about a handsome man, you can say gatinho. If you’re talking about a woman you can say gatinha. If she is really hot, you can say between men friends that she is gostosa. Again this is a little vulgar, so you can say gostosa to your girlfriend, or between male friends only.

What does Cara mean in Brazil?

Cara is a slang that we use to refer to a friend of ours, but in a casual way here in Rio de Janeiro. We can refer to guys and girls, just using this word.

What does the middle finger mean in Brazil? 10- Middle finger up

This is another American gesture that’s offensive in Brazil and probably anywhere in the world. So, if someone shows you the middle finger, that means exactly what you thought.

Do Brazilians kiss when greeting?

One Cheek Kiss

In areas like São Paulo and Minas Gerais, where just one beijo is commonplace, usually you’ll give it with your right cheek touching theirs. This is arguably the most common form of kiss-greetings in Brazil, so if you’re unsure of how many kisses to give, it’s fine to default to just one.

What is dating like in Brazil? Brazilians are, on the whole, incredibly friendly people and prefer to keep options open rather than saying ‘no’. Even if you really click with your date and the feelings are intense, the laid-back Brazilian approach means that things may take some time to develop.

Can you say Amorcito to a girl?

although “amorcito” (used as a term of endearment loosely equivalent to baby, honey, sweetheart, darling) does NOT take on the diminutive femenine form –that means we use “amorcitO” both for males and females, and never with a final A.

What does it mean when a guy calls you Preciosa? Preciosa= Lovely, Gorgeous. Guapísima=Gorgeous.

Can you call someone Preciosa?

You can call a person, place or thing precioso/preciosa. It means they’re “gorgeous” or “lovely”.

How do you compliment a guy? 115 Compliments for Men

  1. You are so handsome. …
  2. You have a great sense of style. …
  3. I love to watch you move. …
  4. Just looking at you makes me smile. …
  5. When I look into your eyes, I see intelligence, humor, and kindness. …
  6. You smell fantastic. …
  7. Your smile is my favorite thing. …
  8. Don’t rush to shave on my account.

Does Hermosa mean fat?

So now that we know in this day and age to be fit is a must.. if you’re called “hermosa” means you’re slightly overweight or carrying too much weight.

What does it mean when a guy calls you Hermosa? Means beautiful. If it’s hermosa, it’s referring to a woman. In the case it’s hermoso, it’s describing a man. I have to say also that is very uncommon to describe a man as hermoso, we usually say guapo which is something like handsome. Also hermosa and hermoso can be use to describe a thing scenery.

How do you reply to Hermosa?

3 Answers. ¡Perfecto! Well, almost perfect.

Is Mamacita a compliment? Mamacita means “little mother “ if you translate it literally. It’s an idiomatic expression that means “li’l mama” – a flirtatious term directed at a sexy woman. Whether it’s a “compliment” or not depends on the woman to whom it’s directed. Literal translation: “Little mother” – diminutive woman who has borne children.


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15 авг. 2018

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  • Греческий

@MarcosC No, because you used the pronoun she,so you already talk about a girl.

  • Арабский

No. you don’t. you already used ‘She’

  • Португальский (бразильский вариант)

I thought I would say
«is she a Brazil girl?»

  • Греческий

@MarcosC *a brazilian girl
*(a girl) from Brazil

these both sound correct. Brazil is the country not the natives. 😃

  • Арабский

@MarcosC: ****Brazilian

  • Португальский (бразильский вариант)

hah and what «the natives» have todo with that?

  • Греческий

@MarcosC Brazil is for the country not the nationality for the people

  • Португальский (бразильский вариант)

now I got it

well written mistake.
to put or not the «girl» like that👆

I thought you were talking about my doubt

«she is a Brazilian girl»

instead your talking about
my writing mistake haha


  • Греческий

@MarcosC hahahaha

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do i have to add "girl" in the phrase//
"Is she Brazilian?"

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    As British English speaker I would use both. I’m more likely to say «I’m in a rush» because it feels shorter to say though.

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    They’re quite similar but not exactly the same

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    No, it means she is too good for me.

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    You could say “she’s not in the same place as you are”

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    @Ri-na It generally means, if you «go for» something you are ‘drawn to it’, for some reason.

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    可以 。
    如果 , 加上 » with » 的話 ; 會比較自然 一點喔。


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    I don’t think so, I think it is with ‘with’ and it’s a misprint haha;; Although, perhaps it depends on the sentence though? Could you write t…

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    It should be…..
    I am the tallest girl out of my friends.
    And yes it would sound better without girl haha.

    Hope this helps :)

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