The word sharp used in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word sharp, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use sharp in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «sharp».

Sharp in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word sharp in a sentence.

  1. The claws are short and sharp.

  2. The claws were curved and sharp.

  3. It uses a short sharp alarm note.

  4. The claws are sharp and fully retractable.

  5. IV’s display and appeared as a sharp blip.

  6. The canines were short and stout, but sharp.

  7. At Midland, there is a sharp curve in the road.

  8. The results confirmed the sharp national split.

  9. The eyes are large, and framed by sharp eyelids.

  10. Its sharp, rounded claws aid in digging burrows.

  11. She found sharp wool suits for the police officers.

  12. This bill has a hooked tip and a sharp cutting edge.

  13. The spoor, narrow and sharp, is 5.5 cm (2.2 in) long.

  14. I hope this will give him a sharp and salutary lesson.

  15. Her sharp, witty remarks sometimes hit sensitive spots.

  16. Seen from above, the side edges of this area were tall and formed a sharp margin.

  17. The distinction between the class A metals and the other two categories is sharp.

  18. The first two fingers and the thumb ended in curved, sharp claws for grasping prey.

  19. The legs are short and stubby and end in large webbed feet tipped with sharp claws.

  20. On October 16, the developing hurricane made a sharp turn northward and accelerated.

  21. The pleurocystidia (cystidia on the gill face) are 40–85 by 6–8 µm and end abruptly in a sharp point.

  22. There were other images that were sharp and in focus but, to his credit, Dylan liked that photograph.

  23. Inhibition of NSP5 by RNA interference in vitro results in a sharp decrease in rotavirus replication.

  24. The spiking activity of neurons within the hippocampus is highly correlated with sharp wave activity.

  25. The destruction of resorts in the Whitsundays triggered a sharp decline in Australian tourism revenue.

  26. The highway was straightened to eliminate a series of sharp curves between Crivitz and Beaver in 1921.

  27. The claw of the first finger was sharp, and had a large flexor tubercle (where a tendon was inserted).

  28. The next fortnight followed this pattern, leading to sharp dissent between Shackleton and the captain.

  29. Males have some buff markings on their breasts, and less sharp brown spots on their napes than females.

  30. In a few species, the median workers are absent, creating a sharp divide between the minors and majors.

  31. A sharp increase in Io’s thermal emission at 5 μm was observed on February 20, 1978 by Witteborn, et al.

  32. The corner may relate to the sharp turn in the minor Roman road between Canterbury and Reculver at Herne.

  33. In the early 1990s the transition economies of Europe and Central Asia experienced a sharp drop in income.

  34. A DCEN power source is normally used, and thoriated electrodes, tapered to a sharp point, are recommended.

  35. The tanker went out of control and overturned as the driver tried to go around the sharp turn at the exit.

  36. The squamous part of the temporal bone is triangular like that of Peking Man, and the infratemporal crest is quite sharp.

  37. Both parties aimed for a sharp turn in the oncoming road where, flanked by gorges, they hoped to hold the attacking force.

  38. Near the bases of hammocks sharp saw palmettos (Serenoa repens) flourish, making the hammocks very difficult to penetrate.

  39. For most of his tenure, he set a curfew; he and his coaches would knock on the players’ hotel room doors at 11:30 pm sharp.

  40. No matter how jolly and zestful he may appear to be, the fact remains that he possesses an unusually sharp sense of evil.».

  41. The bony core of the beak may have been sheathed in keratin to provide a sharp cutting surface for cropping plant material.

  42. She wrote several novels about upper-class life in England and France, and is considered a sharp and often provocative wit.

  43. The hot and humid conditions were in sharp contrast to the heavy rain weathered in the women’s road race the following day.

  44. Around 1967, US 50 was improved between Middlegate and Austin, to bypass steep grades and sharp curves over Carroll Summit.

  45. Basically the death-lay is a simple story of a short-tempered man who falls victim of his «bad-mouthed wife’s» sharp tongue.

  46. Similarly, immunization against mumps has led to a sharp fall in the number of cases of mumps meningitis, which prior to vaccination occurred in 15% of all cases of mumps.

  47. The relative deterioration in Rhodes’s bowling continued into the 1906 season when Wisden commented that he had lost his sharp spin and was not dangerous on a hard wicket.

  48. Establishing the date of this boundary − which is defined by sharp climatic warming − as accurately as possible has been a goal of geologists for much of the 20th century.

  49. Individual symptoms of autism occur in the general population and appear not to associate highly, without a sharp line separating pathologically severe from common traits.

  50. The defense contended that, given the sharp curves and rough roadbed of the rail line, no one could have sat on top of the train, nor jumped from it without severe injury.

Synonyms for sharp

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word sharp has the following synonyms: abrupt, precipitous, steep, acuate, acute, needlelike, pointed, discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, perceptive, intense, cutting, stabbing, lancinate, lancinating, fulgurating, salt, scratching, astute, shrewd, smart, carnassial, chisel-like, dagger-like, drill-like, edged, fang-like, file-like, metal-cutting, razor-sharp, sharpened, sharp-toothed, crisp, distinct, forceful, shrill, high, high-pitched, sharp-worded, tart, unpleasant, sudden, sharply and acutely.

General information about «sharp» example sentences

The example sentences for the word sharp that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «sharp» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «sharp».

How to use in-sentence of “sharp”:

– He later used a theme from the movie in his “Symphony in F sharp major”.

– However, if John’s friend, Andy, is on the side of the road facing the front of John’s car and watches John’s car take a sharp right turn, Andy will see the car push John to the right with the car as it changes direction.

– A screw is a sharp piece of threaded metal similar to a nail.

– He spent a longer amount of time working with Sharp than he did with Pearson.

– In 1927, another director, who would later became the leader of the national cinema, began to work there – Tomu Uchida, who went through a creative path from light comedies to sharp social and philosophical films.

Use the word sharp

Use the word sharp

Example sentences of “sharp”:

– At the poker table, he is known for wearing orange sunglasses, a sharp suit suit or knuckleduster rings reading “Devil” and “Fish”, which he made himself.

– An owl’s sharp beak and powerful talons allow it to kill its prey before swallowing it whole, unless it is too big.

– There is no sharp boundary between the concepts of selfish DNA and genetically functional DNA.

– Most have a sharp point which sticks into the fish when it is caught.

– A pencil sharpener is a machine for making a point at the of a pencil sharp enough so you can use it.

– Calkins had one win, as opposed to Sharp being winless, but no tiebreakers were in place.

– The snout is blunt with small, sharp teeth in both jaws.

– Other tools were made by breaking rocks to make a sharp edge.

– In a few scores, the F-sharp major key signature in the bass clef is written with the sharp for the A on the top line.

– To go from a C to a C sharp is a semitone.

– The English army used sharp wooden archer’s stakes to protect the archers from French mounted knights.

– They eat meat and hunt for fish and small animals, so they have sharp claws and teeth that allow them to catch prey, then eat them.

– A “broadsword” is a straight sword that is sharp on both sides and at the tip.

– It had an elongated and tapered snout, numerous sharp teeth, long body, short legs, and a tail adapted for swimming.

– He drove the Red Bull-sponsored Toyota for Eddie Sharp Racing.

– The middle ridge is high, sharp and separated by deep furrows, and the back margins are opposite the primary ridges.

– The spines are long and sharp in some species, Rubber slippers will protect feet and protect the urchin from predators.

– The B-pedal can be set to the sharp position, but there is no double-sharp position to set the C-pedal at.

- At the poker table, he is known for wearing orange sunglasses, a sharp suit suit or knuckleduster rings reading "Devil" and "Fish", which he made himself.

- An owl's sharp beak and powerful talons allow it to kill its prey before swallowing it whole, unless it is too big.

More in-sentence examples of “sharp”:

– It has large factories for both Sharp CorporationSharp and Honda.

– It would swim through schools of fish and use its long neck and sharp teeth to snap them up.

– It uses very thin lines and sharp edges.

– We don’t need to be sharp eyed to read the Vernier scale because its marks are almost as big as our main measuring scale.

– A “lancet” is a sharp knife, so these windows are knife-shaped.

– In a few scores, 6-sharp key signatures in the bass clef are written with the sharp for the A on the top line.

– These trails may be built to a different set of standards than foot trails, requiring more stable, harder surfaces, less strenuous grades, longer sight visibility, and less sharp changes in direction.

– All the twenty-three major world markets had sharp declines in October 1987.

– They are very difficult to come close to because of their sharp senses and cautious instincts.

– For example, since the key signature of G major has one sharp, its relative minor, E minor, also has one sharp in its key signature.

– He played Sheriff Bob Sharp in the 2012 movie “Django Unchained”.

– It consisted of 400 sharp metal spikes attached at the top of a 42m tall supporting pylon.

– It smells sharp and sweet, like butterscotch and acetone mixed.

– She is known for her starring role as Emma Decody in the AE NetworksAE drama thriller series Bates Motel and as Becky Sharp in the period drama miniseries Vanity Fair.

– This makes sure the train does not “derail” and helps guide the train on sharp curves.

– The most common shape change is achieved by rolling itself into a ball when threatened, protecting its belly and presenting a defensive array of sharp spines.

– The sharp teeth in phytosaur jaws clearly show they were predators.

– GameSpot’s Joe Fielder said that the game was a “huge leap” ahead of “Twisted Metal III”, commenting on the improved level design, control and physics, but he also said that the latter two “remain a little too touchy and unforgiving” and that the graphics, while they were “prettier” than those of Twisted Metal III, they “aren’t nearly as sharp as the graphics in its current main competitor – Activision’s “Vigilante 8: Second Offense””.

– This decreases the focal length and allows a sharp image to form on the retina.

– The sharp claws help grip the ice.

– A claw is a sharp object.

– They have sharp claws and a keen sense of smell.

– Before the sharp declines occurred, this toad was classified as a subspecies of the Canadian toad.

– In Japanese, “katana” means a “long sword” and it represents a blade, which is a little curved, with a single edge and a very sharp point.

– In a “complex” fracture, the sharp ends of the broken bone damage the soft tissue around the bone.

– It is the point where an object can be balanced perfectly by a sharp point holding it up under the object.

– He says that his spears are so sharp that they could break through any shield.

– On June 9, 2010, Sharp won the Stanley Cup with the Chicago Blackhawks contributing 11 goals and 11 assists in the playoffs.

– Example: If John is in a car that takes a sharp right turn, he will feel as though he is being pushed to his left.

– If they eat crustaceans they will have a long, sharp bill.

– This predator had a large head, long, sharp serrated teeth, short arms and a primitive hip structure.

– It had a long snout with large, sharp teeth and flat cheek teeth that may have been used to crush bones.

– If the same note is played on two instruments, and one is slightly higher, it is too sharp compared to the other.

– The discovery of introns led to the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1993 for Phillip Sharp and Richard Roberts.

– He has a sharp mind and solves even the most difficult and strange cases.

– Some birds have sharp points or grooves on the edge of the beak.

– A sharp bite is ideal but teeth that may be worn or broken is okay.

– The most common tool used by mahouts is a goad called “anlius”, or “ankusha” – a sharp hook used to guide a tamed elephant by prodding on the back of its head.

– They have sharp claws and teeth.

– They used both hands to pull leaves off trees, but since they had weak teeth, they used their sharp thumb claws to defend themselves against predators.

– The Sharp Actius MM10 Muramasas, a thin, tapered notebook, had a minimum height thick.

– The male platypus has a sharp spine on his two back ankleankles called “spurs” which contain a venom.

– When flintstones are broken, they have a sharp edge which could be used as a knife, or a scraper.

– The woodpecker bill’s chisel-like tip is kept sharp by the pecking action on wood.

– The reason why there are fifteen and not twelve is because three of them have two possible names: F sharp major can also be called G flat, C sharp is D flat and B is C flat.

– The shaft has a sharp end-cap, or ishizuki, which is made for piercing between the plates of armor.

- It has large factories for both Sharp CorporationSharp and Honda.

- It would swim through schools of fish and use its long neck and sharp teeth to snap them up.

Sharp objects, fireworks etc

Tom could feel the first impact and then hear a sharp snap as he hit the ground a second time

The pain in her leg began to surface as sharp needles escaping from her leg

“I can’t believe how sharp you keep this thing,” Nancy commented as she kept her eyes locked on Scar

The sharp glint of light reflecting off a school bus stabbed at his eyes

that yet carried diamond sharp edges

Luckily it lowered its eyes and the incident passed with nothing more than sharp intakes of breath from the humans around

Theo returned to his car, pulled out swiftly and with some sharp revs disappeared around the corner under the glare of Garda Thicke

‘Looks as though you have scraped the door on something sharp

Probably a sharp tool of some sort … screwdriver, chisel or something like that, I reckon

He felt a sharp nip and realised that he was being

down from the ceiling, thick fronds and razor sharp leaves cut and smothered his

BOOM! The airplane hits a sharp bumb and some of the cargo shifts

He’s alive, but his ankle is badly broken, a sharp edge of bone protrudes from the joint

He looks at Khalid, looks at John, grins, then whacks John on the side of the head with a sharp, upward thrust of his AK-47

Strapped under each arm he carried ornate forged steel blades, ceremonial daggers, razor sharp, designed for surgical accuracy

Oliver takes a big hit with the sharp machete handle on the

head of young love, strangles him with a sharp knife shouting

The pitch of Marat’s voice was sharp and angular, cutting through the thick prison

He delighted in nudging me in the side as he helped me back from the shower, as though he were a five-year-old boy prodding a caged animal with a sharp stick

I had experimented during the day by nicking my finger on one of sharp corners of the camp bed frame, but I never did master writing in blood

All thru it the crew sat and watched, the men of the council all had their pistols out and kept an especially sharp eye out for whispering among the rank and file

This was the last wide bay on Center Lake, wide enough so the far shore was detectable only as Kortrax began to contact the horizon and those with sharp eyes could see that sun and reflection didn’t quite meet

Beyond the hedge and the ubiquitous, unforgiving, waist-high nettles, chunks of ballast gravel, sharp and stained, emited a slight haze of heat, baking the old timber sleepers laid a hundred years ago, counting off the miles between Blue Anchor and Watchett

Closing her eyes, fighting against the sharp disinfectant smell of the hospital, she forced herself to picture the interior of the bus … nauseating diesel fumes … a dingy, well used fabric covering the seats, chipped and faded paint on the accoutrements of metal … or was it plastic? She found it hard to tell sometimes … she heard again the chatter and laughter of the young people as they swayed along the aisle towards the door as the vehicle approached the bus stop

Suddenly Elden felt a sharp pain in his leg and fell to the ground

The scurrying of sharp little claws on flagstones was a reminder of life and the slightest feather touch of frayed rags on his bare legs was a breath of civilisation, a small memento of his humanity

The sharp retort of metalled boot heels struck out at the early morning stillness, announcing the arrival of Danton and his scowling, out of breath companion to every inmate as they bore down on the door at the end of the corridor like cannon balls, casting their grotesquely elongated shadows across the floor and up the walls

Holding out her arm to allow it to perch, and moving the bag holding the bread safely out of reach of the avian’s sharp beak, she carefully detached the message and sent the bird on its way

bow wave through the heat, paying out sharp

on stairs, all that sharp hands could ever do

A sharp intake of breath, and her whole body trembled, a low moan escaped

Alan looked up from where he was carving a very sharp point on Luray’s theirops spear while she prowled for berries and inglethors

There was a sharp intake of breath, “Oh my, he’s beautiful!

‘And who told you that?’ he asked, a sharp curiosity breaking through his assumed man-about-town manner

’ He replied succinctly, reinforcing my opinion that he has a razor sharp mind

I test the blade of one with my finger – it is seriously sharp! There are two empty pouches … I know where those went

and the promise of sharp, serrated canines,

It put a twinkle in my heart and a rhythm in my eye, and gave the village a sharp focus

Just then I heard a sharp squeak coming from somewhere close by

He was a man about my own age, not tall, perhaps five six, but thickset, strong and sharp

The evening’s background sounds of bird song and bees buzzing their way from flower head to flower head were cut in two by the sharp retort of bone breaking on hard cement

Her sharp intake of breath told him that she was taken by surprise, but she smiled at him shyly as she blushed

have a rather sharp edge that most do not even know how to posses

«So you let me go there alone so you could play with one of Alan’s cherubs?» She said it nice and calmly but it still had the sound of cold, sharp, steel

Their jowls retracted displaying a row of razor sharp teeth; they took a step and their claws suddenly appeared over their paws

He knew he couldn’t be as sharp as he should be, especially in the all-important social aspects of this presentation

‘What is it?’ My voice sharp as I realise this is more than just tiredness

Ultimately, facing the reality of time’s drip southwards, and the sharp scythe wielded by the grim reaper of domesticated animals, the couple found solace in their passionate love for one another

Is there something wrong?’ Sally asked her voice sharp

wide, wide world bearing fire and sharp edged blades

“I like you Captain Alexei,” she told him on their journey to Aura, “true, you have a vain and swaggering style, but you also have a sharp mind

Rayne noted the sharp change in the landscape the next day

Hours later Rayne noted a sharp crispness to the air, no doubt due to the approaching storm and the wind suddenly picked up considerably; the storm was moving into the area at a fast pace

Peter includes us in the prayers by name; this hits Simon – I hear his sharp intake of breath — this whole brother/vicar thing has depths for both of them which I can only dimly perceive

His razor sharp blade had done its damage as a trickle of blood ran down all their throats

She was very conscious of the fact that a thirty two inch, razor sharp, bronze rapier was still on his belt

to flower head were cut in two by the sharp retort of bone breaking

Sometimes they have sharp edges or projections on

the reality of time’s drip southwards, and the sharp scythe wielded

keen edge on any sharp instrument, tutted disapprovingly at the offer

It feels wonderfully sharp and hot on her breath

«You here for the samples?» he asks, abrupt and sharp

and bit into the small sharp apples they had been given, they watched

the sharp tongue and savage wit of the average Sergeant-Major

She and Billy exchange a sharp glance

tree roots and sharp jagged rocks, threatening to grab his feet from underneath him

He can still feel the sharp, smarting pain of Maggie’s slap

He had managed to make a nice spear and the end was certainly sharp enough

find a point to ease the tip of the sharp knife into the joint and to prise

His teeth appeared to be razor sharp, but I felt no fear of him, I was too excited, and amazed to find him still alive

“Them hooks are sharp too; one caught me here years ago,” the

‘Thinnish – a bit sharp looking

his previous experiences, it seemed that Tom had sharp eyes, and he

adequately, the Major had quite a repertoire of sharp comments and

There was a noise from the other side of the tennis court, a sharp

He knows that the man in front of him wants to run away as far and as fast as he can, but he also knows that the man is in shock, is physically incapable of moving, facing as he is the sharp end of a nine millimetre pistol

sharp incline and had to be pulled forcibly up the

The piece of tissue on the cut is pulled away with a sharp but brief nip

The sharp spears almost touched her body, but she, with an air of disregard, remained calm and simply shook her skirt as if clearing the dust of the road from her hems

He was often set the task of sharpening tools, and soon learned to respect the sharp edges and fine points of the variety of metal tools they relied upon

halfway to the vehicle when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his leg

and this is young Henry Livingson of California, soon of Malvern College, England, a sharp head for business and my new ward

It was a strange dream, sharp and

The morning is too sharp and too glorious to allow anybody to be that dumb

Today is just a minor disturbance, a short, sharp Atlantic squall

Sally gave me a sharp elbow to the ribs

sharp crack as the lock gave way, and Jacob stepped back

Agent was groomed and dressed in a suit, as sharp as the day they met

Its sharp but deep dual hulls sliced thru the water of Chardovia Lake, its spinnaker in full bloom as it flew before the wind

Alastair has no illusions about deceiving my father’s sharp eyes … he promised to ring him

He had to fight some urban traffic along the back side of the city, but he kept to the middle and kept the petcock as wide as he dared, slicing between barges and canal ferries, running under tow ropes and making sharp turns in front of terrified stares

She has a sharp tongue when she’s a

the five-course meal with sharp deliberate movements, but they also stood waiting

There were some very sharp knives hanging on the wall, but Monica was too scared to touch them

He continued to the northeast following the stream until it also took a sharp turn toward the south

Its head had two sharp horns protruding out of its head, the same shining red as most of the little imp

She thought she might even hear a little Bostok heritage in his speech, but that was so close by, her ear wasn’t sharp enough

Sharp cramps started to

“Malvern’s a good school, I have friends from there, sharp fellows every one

резкий, острый, резко, круто, ровно, диез, жулик, знаток, плутовать


- острый, отточенный, остроконечный

sharp angle [knife] — острый угол [нож]
sharp pencil — отточенный карандаш
sharp sand — песчинки, режущие лицо

- крутой; резкий

sharp slope [descent, ascent] — крутой скат [спуск, подъём]
sharp drop — резкое падение
sharp turn /turning, corner, bend/ — крутой поворот
the road made a sharp turn to the right — дорога круто свернула направо
sharp features — заострённые черты лица
the sharp features of his emaciated face — заострившиеся черты его измождённого лица

- отчётливый, определённый

sharp outline — отчётливый /чёткий/ контур
sharp contrast [distinctions] — резкий контраст [-ие различия]
sharp image — чёткое изображение
I caught a sharp view of them — я их ясно увидел
her figure was sharp against the light — её фигура резко /чётко/ выделялась на свету

- сильный, резкий

- умный, сообразительный

sharp wits /intelligence/ — острый ум
sharp lad — сообразительный /сметливый/ парень
as sharp as a needle — очень умный, проницательный
the child is as sharp as a needle — ребёнок развит не по летам
so sharp as to cut himself — неодобр. слишком уж большой умник

ещё 16 вариантов


- ровно, точно, пунктуально

at ten o’clock sharp — точно в 10
the train left sharp to time — поезд отошёл точно по расписанию

- круто

to turn sharp round — круто повернуть
the road turns sharp to the left — дорога круто сворачивает налево

- муз. на полтона выше

to sing sharp — петь на полтона выше (чем нужно)
look sharp! — а) живее!, быстро!; б) смотри(те) в оба!


- разг. жулик, мошенник, шулер

sharps and flats — чёрные клавиши (рояля)

- разг. знаток

business sharp — ловкий делец

- муз. диез

double sharp — муз. дубль-диез
sharp key — диезная тональность
sharps and flats — чёрные клавиши (рояля)
to repeat smth. in all sharps and flats — твердить что-л. на все лады

- остриё

the sharp of the hand — ребро ладони

- длинная с очень острым концом швейная игла
- pl. с.-х. высевки, мелкие отруби


- жульничать, плутовать

he sharps at cards — он плутует в картах

- муз. ставить диез

to sharp a tone — поставить диез, поднять на полтона

- петь или играть на полтона выше (чем нужно)

Мои примеры


a sharp curve in the road — резкий поворот дороги  
the sharp crack of a twig — резкий треск веточки  
as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang — такой же острый и колкий, как укус клыка  
a sharp drop in the stock market — резкое падение фондового рынка  
sharp bursts of machine gun fire — резкие всплески пулемётного огня  
sharp bend — крутой изгиб  
sharp blade — острое лезвие  
sharp decrease — резкое уменьшение  
sharp deviation — резкое отклонение  
heated / sharp dispute — горячий спор  
a sharp drop in the interest rate — резкое снижение процентной ставки  
sharp / watchful / weather eye — острый взгляд  
angry / cross / sharp words — резкие, оскорбительные слова  

Примеры с переводом

She has a sharp intellect.

У неё острый ум.

I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.

Я почувствовал острую боль в нижней части спины.

Sharp’s the word!

скорей, живей!, пошевеливайтесь!

John’s tone was sharp.

Тон Джона был резким.

He was too sharp for me.

Он меня обхитрил.

We’re meeting at one-thirty sharp.

Мы встречаемся ровно в час тридцать.

The horse turned sharp round.

Лошадь резко развернулась.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her tone was sharp with anger.

The steel grinds to a sharp edge.

She was prickly and sharp with me.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

sharpen  — точить, оттачивать, заострять, обострять, наточить, очинить
sharper  — шулер, жулик, мошенник
sharpy  — шулер
sharpness  — острота, сметливость
sharply  — точно

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): sharp
мн. ч.(plural): sharps

срав. степ. (comparative): sharper
прев. степ. (superlative): sharpest

How to use Sharp in a sentence as a noun

Some teams were super-sharp, others were sloppy beyond words.

Lots of sharp programmers deeply appreciate both of them, and are used to languages that gracefully provide both of those facilities.

This stands in pretty sharp distinction to the Kima terms, which involve preferred stock and a number of strings.

When playing in G major, the sharp accidental on the Fs is not put at the beginning of the line just to avoid printing it in the score.

As my friend said: «I love watching Yahoo spend nine figures on things only to offhandedly gut them like a child playing with sharp knives.

How to use Sharp in a sentence as an adjective

Which is unintuitive when you are handling razor sharp pieces of metal.

Younger, sharper eyed readers may not agree, but just wait a few years …

There’s also incentives for them to ignore other sharp edges or to even actively make other edges nearly untraversable.

I think that we need to take away sharp knifes from people who have a tendency to cut themselves.

I also see a sharp decline in child-birth cases.

How to use Sharp in a sentence as an adverb

The guy we really need to find and punish is the one who invented «rigid plastic clamshells».The kind that «conveniently» transforms from product packaging into a razor-sharp weapon while you are trying to open it.

When people tell me that I should «do projects in my own free time to keep my skills sharp», it throws me into a fit of rage and makes me want to tear them a new one.

Can you imagine lawyers having to practice law in their free time to «keep their skills sharp»?

Sharp definitions


a musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note named


a long thin sewing needle with a sharp point


(of something seen or heard) clearly defined; «a sharp photographic image»; «the sharp crack of a twig»; «the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot»

See also:


having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; «an acute observer of politics and politicians»; «incisive comments»; «icy knifelike reasoning»; «as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang»; «penetrating insight»; «frequent penetrative observations»

See also:


marked by practical hardheaded intelligence; «a smart businessman»; «an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease»; «he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow»

See also:


harsh; «sharp criticism»; «a sharp-worded exchange»; «a tart remark»

See also:


having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones ; «a shrill whistle»; «a shrill gaiety»

See also:


extremely steep; «an abrupt canyon»; «the precipitous rapids of the upper river»; «the precipitous hills of Chinese paintings»; «a sharp drop»

See also:


keenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point; «a sharp pain»; «sharp winds»


having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing; «a sharp knife»; «a pencil with a sharp point»


(of a musical note) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone; «C sharp»


very sudden and in great amount or degree; «a sharp drop in the stock market»


quick and forceful; «a sharp blow»


changing suddenly in direction and degree; «the road twists sharply after the light»; «turn sharp left here»; «the visor was acutely peaked»; «her shoes had acutely pointed toes»

See also:

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