The word serial in a sentence

Synonym: consecutive, periodic, sequential. Similar words: serial killer, serial number, aerial, imperial, material, managerial, immaterial, imperialism. Meaning: [‘sɪrɪəl /’sɪə-]  n. 1. a serialized set of programs 2. a periodical that appears at scheduled times. adj. 1. in regular succession without gaps 2. pertaining to or composed in serial technique 3. pertaining to or occurring in or producing a series 4. of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations. 

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1. My favourite serial is on the programme.

2. The serial rapist has struck again.

3. Each computer has a serial number on it.

4. Each computer is uniquely specified by its serial number.

5. The serial has fallen in the ratings this week.

6. A new serial is starting on television tonight.

7. The serial killer claimed to have killed 400 people.

8. The serial was filmed on location in Italy.

9. She wrote a thriller about a brutal serial killer.

10. Keep the questions in the same serial order .

11. Our new serial thriller begins at 7.30 this evening.

12. The first part of the serial ended with a real cliffhanger.

13. It’s a film about a serial killer and not for the faint-hearted.

14. The report studies the psychological make-up of a serial killer.

15. Can you account for the serial failures in our experiment?

16. An alleged serial killer whose parents loved him?

17. What about fingerprints,( copycat crimes and serial murders?

18. They’re the devil, these serial murders.

19. They could be serial killers, joyriders, arsonists or hitmen.

20. State your name, rank, and serial number.

21. The stolen weapon was identified by its serial number.

22. The Federal Reserve had records of consecutive serial numbers.

23. Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer. Ellen Degeneres 

24. It provides protection for up to 16 serial lines.

25. But I never thought he was a serial murderer.

26. The television serial should return it there.

27. Find this man:New moves to catch a serial rapist.

28. And when the hospital serial finished they carried their coffee across to the set and watched the courtroom serial.

29. A series of unsolved murders on the island has raised fears that a psychopathic serial killer is on the loose.

30. Police say that they have no proof that a serial killer is responsible for the four murders.

More similar words: serial killer, serial number, aerial, imperial, material, managerial, immaterial, imperialism, materialism, managerially, materialize, raw materials, antibacterial, materialistic, building materials, trial, serif, burial, series, on trial, retrial, syrian desert, serious, tutorial, memorial, mistrial, nigeria, perianth, sartorial, editorial. 

Definition of Serial

describing a person who commits an act repetitively

Examples of Serial in a sentence

Each of the serial killer’s latest victims were blondes who worked in the downtown district.


As a serial dater, the woman had at least three dates a week with different suitors.


The serial contestant seemed to make a living out of appearing on game shows throughout the years.


Fearing that a serial rapist was on the loose, the police combed the area in an attempt to capture the man who had assaulted a different woman each day that week.


Telling fib after fib, the serial liar couldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it!


Other words in the Negative Connotation category:

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word serial, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use serial in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «serial».

Serial in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word serial in a sentence.

  1. Savige was given the AIF serial number VX13.

  2. Malone originally scripted Todd as a serial rapist.

  3. The total running time of the serial is 623 minutes.

  4. The camera zooms out to reveal the serial number «No.

  5. The serial techniques described above are then applied.

  6. It involves two detectives who hunt down a serial killer.

  7. Later in 2008 the serial was compiled in a 280-page volume released by Shogakukan.

  8. Our Friends in the North is a British television drama serial produced by the BBC.

  9. The last person to be hanged was serial killer Eric Edgar Cooke, executed in 1964.

  10. Thus parallelisation of serial programmes has become a mainstream programming task.

  11. The first serial installment, published in November 1886, received positive reviews.

  12. Publication of the translation started in serial form in the newspaper Akropolis on 9 September 1901.

  13. Baltimore Sun reporter Scott Templeton claims to have been contacted by McNulty’s fake serial killer.

  14. A second serial, The Mystery of Ghost Farm, followed in 1957, with an original story by Jackson Gillis.

  15. The character returned to television in a 1979 serial, simply titled Quatermass, for Thames Television.

  16. The Diary made its initial appearance as an intermittent serial in the satirical weekly magazine Punch.

  17. He declined an offer of $10,000 for the serial rights to the book so that it could be published sooner.

  18. Rogers built a 4-4-0, serial number 631, in December of that year for the Western and Atlantic Railroad.

  19. Rogers’ last independently built locomotive was serial number 6271, a 0-6-0 tank locomotive built for W.

  20. After the serial concluded, Hergé worked with his publisher, Casterman, to produce the work in book form.

  21. Both during and after its original transmission on BBC2, the serial was generally praised by the critics.

  22. The French newspaper Le Voltaire published it in serial form as La Femme du cabotin in July–October 1886.

  23. In April 1997, the serial was released on VHS by BMG Video in two separate sets, 1964 1974 and 1979 1995.

  24. He described it as having refined the old serial films into their most perfect form for a modern audience.

  25. There, he tried to exchange those banknotes stolen in Tiflis that had identifiable serial numbers on them.

  26. It first appeared as a serial in a Calcutta periodical in 1928, and was published as a book the next year.

  27. Drama dari Krakatau was first published in serial form in Kwee’s magazine Panorama, between 7 April and 22 December 1928.

  28. In 2002, Channel 4 produced Shackleton, a TV serial depicting the 1914 expedition with Kenneth Branagh in the title role.

  29. Hale had appeared in 64 silent films before The Cat and the Canary, notably the 1914 serial The Exploits of Elaine and D.

  30. Two equal hemispheres of plutonium-gallium alloy were plated with silver, and designated by serial numbers HS-1 and HS-2.

  31. Karl Göran Gustav Lindberg (born 25 April 1946, in Uppsala) is a Swedish convicted serial rapist and a former police chief.

  32. In 1968, Steiger played a serial killer opposite George Segal in Jack Smight’s black comedy thriller No Way to Treat a Lady.

  33. A commercial success, the film saw her play the role of a serial divorcée who is drawn towards a divorce attorney (Clooney).

  34. The serial captivated much of the country, sketching a panoramic view of life in Britain from the sixties to the nineties ..

  35. By the early 1970s he had decided there were new avenues to explore, and the BBC planned a fourth Quatermass serial in 1972.

  36. Around the same time, Lucas was trying to adapt the space opera serial Flash Gordon (1936), but could not obtain the rights.

  37. Sale of the serial had been provisionally agreed upon with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and Cartier wanted the material available to use for trailers and recaps.

  38. It was a critical success, receiving praise for its modern take on the serial film, its non-stop action and adventure, and the cast, particularly Ford, Allen, and Freeman.

  39. In 2001, the Old Library, as a part of the «Early Buildings of Tsinghua University», was designated as a national key cultural relics protection unit, serial number 5-476.

  40. In the 1840s, a serial format is known as the roman-feuilleton was highly popular in France, and the most acclaimed expression of it was the socialist writing of Eugène Sue.

  41. The year 1995 saw a resurgence of popularity for Austen’s works, as Sense and Sensibility and the serial Pride and Prejudice both rocketed to critical and financial success.

Synonyms for serial

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word serial has the following synonyms: consecutive, sequent, sequential, successive, ordered, in series, nonparallel, asynchronous, music, ordering, order, ordination, series and serial publication.

General information about «serial» example sentences

The example sentences for the word serial that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «serial» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «serial».

серийный, последовательный, порядковый, периодическое издание



- периодическое издание
- роман в нескольких частях (печатающийся в газете или журнале)
- фильм в двух или нескольких сериях
- тлв. сериал, многосерийный телефильм (с единой фабулой)

child serial — детский сериал

- воен. маршевый эшелон, эшелон автоколонны

march serial — маршевый эшелон
convoy serial — эшелон автоколонны

- воен. серия выстрелов
- воен. вылет

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

The man suspected of being the serial killer is little known to his neighbors, notwithstanding he has lived in the apartment complex for years.

Несмотря на то, что человек, обвиняемый в серийных убийствах, прожил в этом жилом комплексе много лет, соседи почти ничего о нём не знают.

Keep the questions in the same serial order.

Сохраняйте вопросы в одном и том же порядке.

The university library has a vast collection of serials.

Университетская библиотека располагает обширной коллекцией сериалов.

The most notorious serial killer of the 19th century remains known only by the pseudonym of Jack the Ripper.

Самый знаменитый серийный убийца девятнадцатого века по-прежнему известен лишь под псевдонимом Джек-Потрошитель.

The murder bore all the hallmarks of a serial killer’s work.

Убийство имело все признаки того, что это была работа серийного убийцы.

Scientists made serial observations over a period of two weeks.

В течение двух недель ученые сделали серию наблюдений.

The pictures are numbered and arranged in serial order.

Фотографии пронумерованы и расположены в последовательном порядке.

You can find the serial number on a plate inside the door of the refrigerator.

Серийный номер можно видеть на пластинке внутри дверцы холодильника.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The serial killer was electrocuted

The serial number is seventeen stroke one. (=17/1)

…found porny pinups on the walls of the serial rapist’s apartment…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

serialize  — издавать выпусками, издавать сериями
series  — серия, ряд, цикл, цепь, группа, выпуск, комплект, круг, система, свита, отдел
serially  — периодически

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): serial
мн. ч.(plural): serials

Use ‘serial’ in a sentence | ‘serial’ example sentences

1- A serial killer strikes every twelve hours.

2- There is neither serial number nor date.

3- This glass change apparently occurred around serial number 5000.

4- The serial digital output varies among manufacturers.

5- The fixed type requires serial plaster casting.

6- Those computers are sometimes called serial computers.

7- Compensation cases are like serials without endings.

8- My numerical serial listings of designs described above is approximately chronological.

9- Everyone was doing the serial killer thing.

10- This interface defines a logical serial port connection.

11- This guy is a serial con man.

12- A serial killer stalking beautiful women just felt right.

13- The serial killer character also ends too fast.

14- The stock displays a different serial number.

15- The receiver and bolt display matching serial number.

16- The four digit serial number indicates a limited production.

17- serial data transfer has reduced the wiring.

18- Leah was given links within the serial almost immediately.

19- This drama serial consists of 20 episodes.

20- It is presently commonly believed that female serial killers are rare.

21- It originally planned to air three serials per season.

22- A common method of obtaining pure cultures is serial dilution.

23- serial files can handle additions without difficulty.

24- serial number 900 took flight in spring 2014.

25- In the late 70s serial analogue protocols were developed.

26- The treasury seal and serial numbers were dark blue.

27- Information processing theorists distinguish between serial and parallel processing.

28- The design did not reach serial production.

29- The upgraded cameras retained their original serial numbers.

30- The racial demographics regarding serial killers are often subject to debate.

31- The comic strips and derivative movie serials greatly popularized science fiction.

32- serial production was started in autumn 2008.

33- Their serial numbers remain available online for public search.

34- Most documented serial killers have been men.

35- The display uses a simple serial protocol.

36- Do there really are special serial numbers?

37- An external serial mouse works, too.

38- However, both funds show significant serial correlation.

39- Thai exhibits serial verb constructions, where verbs are strung together.

40- The serial ‘s production number was 420. serial monitoring and correction of electrolyte abnormalities is critical.

41- The serial number is SM198587LP.

42- A new serial will begin in next month’s issue.

43- If it goes well, I’ll put you forward for a drama serial.

44- A serial rapist has been attacking young women in the city park.

45- Police have come up with a likely psychological profile of the suspected serial killer.

46- The arrest of the suspected serial killer has brought a great deal of relief to the city.

47- You should record all the serial numbers of your stereo equipment in a notebook, in case of theft.

48- In 1992, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer pleaded guilty but insane to the murders of 15 young men and boys.

49- Because it had a European serial number, custom officials knew he was lying when he claimed he had bought his camera in New York.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
serfs – serge – sergeant – sergeants – serged – serges – serging – serial – serialization – serializations – serialize – serialized – serializes – serializing – serially –

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Trans have code numbers and serial numbers the numbers for the one i put in are550 serial# cd-68-330746? ❋ Unknown (2010)

DriveGet, serial, serial, % drv%; volume serial number msgbox, Drive = % drv% ` nNAME = % drivename% ` nStatus = % status% ` nType = % type% ` nCapacity = % cap% ` nFree = % free% ` nFAT = % fs% ` nSerialNumber = % serial% ❋ Unknown (2009)

Langton disliked using the term serial killer and mentioned it only once, but during the questioning the journalists were quick to bring up the Ripper murder case. ❋ Lynda La Plante (2004)

They’re very hesitant to use the term serial killer. ❋ Unknown (2006)

I mean, are you using the term serial killer at this point? ❋ Unknown (2004)

COOPER: I talked to the captain in charge of this the other — (UNINTELLIGIBLE) — last night, who said that, I mean, they’re not using the term serial killer yet. ❋ Unknown (2004)

We’re probably all familiar with the term serial killer, mass murderer and spree killer. ❋ Unknown (2002)

If the term serial entrepreneur suggests something a bit sinister, it’s not without good reason-one does have to be a little crazy to start two, three, or as many as seven companies. ❋ Eric Markowitz (2010)

The young pit bull, named «Dex» after the title serial killer on Showtime’s «Dexter,» had ❋ Unknown (2009)

During the press conference the investigative team admitted that a single person may be responsible for the serial murders but, they were careful not to use the term serial killer.

Writing a serial is a brilliant way of turning up to the page each week. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Is this what they call serial bloggers that are used to go on defense when something is looked into and found really messed up. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The really interesting thing about this serial is the plot is very science fictional. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Texas Rep. Ron Paul blasted Gingrich for flip-flopping on issues and for what he called «serial hypocrisy.» ❋ Unknown (2011)

Abdullah said that the government’s reconciliation plan must be «completely revisited» and warned that the government’s silence on what he called «serial assassinations» of top officials was unacceptable. ❋ Unknown (2011)

[Al Gore]: «[Manbearpig] is very serial ❋ Forceflow15 (2006)

usu. in response: [exp]:
Richard, [I’m pregnant]!
Are you serial?
[Holy rusted metal] batman!
Are you serial? ❋ DueEast (2006)

«What? [Are you] serial ❋ CHOPOPJR (2003)

I got a serial for [photoshop] last night and [it worked] [perfectly]. ❋ Invalid H. User (2003)

John: «I scored with Kelly last night, it was TIGHT! man!»
Jeff: «You serial
John: «Hell yeah!»
Jeff: «[With trix]?» (aka: you’re [bullshitting])
John: ‘No, I’m for real!»
Jeff: «Dam, [mofo]! Hell yeah!» ❋ Olgie (2010)

after [droppin] those six niggas [we jus] started [callin] him serial ❋ S. Loc (2004)

«yo, do you see that serial looking dude [gazing] us from that [window] [over there]?» ❋ Stebbins (2005)

Man, I wish [I was like] serial, I’d be so much [cooler] [if I] was. ❋ Serial (2004)

1: «[hey guys], im [preggo]»
2: «for serials?»
1:im am for serials going to [explode] if we dont get to a bathroom soon, yo. ❋ Hellzabaygruh (2010)

«Dude, I’m [super serial]. Why don’t you believe me when I say I’m [super duper] [serial]?» ❋ Bryan Castillo (2008)

“I have a client who thinks there’s a serial killer in the streets

You could just as easily have a vigilante zombie killer as you could have a serial killer… you hadn’t thought of this?

But all the while, it astounded me how this serial killer turned out to be such a strong factor in the manner in which my parents raised me

there was that serial burglar who was as guilty as hell

‘the serial killer cut off his tattoos’

” Delurna knew those records were part of his duties, it had been Kemberra who wrote down the serial number when the bottle was signed out

He screamed and threatened, but Jorma didn’t care, it might be evidence, it had a serial number etched into the glass so something of importance must have been in it

traveling to confront a serial killer

had it with all this aliens and serial killers and fucking secret agent bullshit

Was this ‘Name, Rank, and Serial Number’ time? Was the fact that his hand covered the cancel button the user interface’s way of telling her the base had already been taken over? What should she tell him? What would it matter? He was in her living space, a subset of her data space

These books I had at home, gave all the makes and serial numbers of all main watches over the last two hundred years and fortunately the book itemized the approximate value of these various watches, I guess to help insurance valuation

It started off very low the auctioneer said it had no name and no serial numbers, he said as the gun metal was dark in appearance he suspected it was a pocket watch used in the great war

It was an odd moniker to attach to a serial killer as he was neither a gentleman, nor did he in fact, ever kill gentlemen

Rapists and serial killers will fall into the same medical category: they suffer from a disorder that affects behavior

That remains my favourite serial

To see a serial killer in your dream represents fear and insecurity

If you dream of a famous serial killer, then consider the mo or characteristic of that killer and how it applies to your own life

«The Tri-Surgeon is an independent serial killer, who’s not affiliated with any of the mob gangs

According to the nurse’s log and serial numbers on the bag, it should have been mortal blood

Men are the serial killers

Mediocure president and serial adulterer

I’ve seen some descriptions of charisma that suggest sociopaths, cult leaders and serial killers have charisma, that’s not what I’m referring to

This was what they believed even if the person shot was a serial killer! (We have more of those in South Africa than the rest of the world combined

) And if you shot someone at too close a range it would leave powder marks on his clothing and/or body, leading to the courtroom scenario: “Please explain to the court why you executed the poor serial killer whose human rights you have cruelly abused in doing so

It merely imitates life in a manner that, however vague, is predicated on pictorial observations combined with (subjective) serial impressions formed by an individual over the course of his or her lifetime; that is to say, based on that individual‘s pre-conceived ideas

He could have been some kind of serial killer rapist or something

He was a serial killer, with gaps as long as six years between his bombings

The serial number was, LKOT-00945376, and it was an Honest Joopi’s cab, number fourteen

After trying them on and finding them a perfect fit, he packed Peterson’s uniforms into the B-4 bag, using olive-drab tape to mask the lieutenant’s name and serial number painted on its sides

The only difference with the money he carried was that the serial numbers were not recorded by Vietnam’s Government

I got a look at it only because I told the clerk that I was trying to track down a vehicle theft and wanted the serial number off the jeep to make sure I had all of ‘em accounted for

The choice was stark, die now, many times horribly, or live through the humiliating serial recantations

You would’ve thought I was a serial killer or something by the sheer number of cruisers I saw down on the ground

Out of the serial “duality” of Man’s ancient belief systems, as they ascended the “ladder of time” into what is generally termed religion in more recent times, there again arose a new order

As the imperfections of this kind of witness increased through serial repetition, I would try again with either him or others for the clarification needed

Once Salisbury had committed the first murder, many of the members thought it would be hilarious to kill more prostitutes and give the impression that a serial killer was on the rampage in the East End

When we got back downstairs I checked the serial numbers of the two sets we recovered, in case the one Chelsea had purchased was moved to the living room, but no luck

A religious fanatic serial killer, who hates rock music, tries to shut down the concert industry

have a serial killer on the loose!”

there was a serial killer on the loose

moment but it would appear we may have a serial killer on the

The police couldn’t say for sure if it was a serial killer on the

“Well, I’m not a serial killer if that’s what you’re worried about”

We shall presently be reduced to a vocabulary like that of the college woman drawn into serial drunken “hookups” for the night

It wasn’t until twelve days later, when a third, dismembered body was found, that investigators realized they had a serial killer on the loose

There are two serial connections between R1 and R3

cost load sharing because of IGRP’s bandwidth assumption — that all serial interfaces are

IGRP’s assumption that all serial lines run at 1544 KBPS is overridden by the bandwidth

serial, ethernet, and BRI, among others — there’s one logical interface you need to know

R1’s Serial physical interface

R2 advertises its loopback address to R1’s Serial interface, as does R3

run no ip split-horizon eigrp 100 on R1’s Serial interface

Knowing how to configure and troubleshoot directly connected serial interfaces is a vital

configurations involving directly connected serial interfaces

probably an LMI issue, but with directly connected serial interfaces the issue is most

convicted serial killer Robert Pickton was a “prime suspect” in the murder of

See this book: How Many Serial Killers Are There in Canada? Working for the

How Many Serial Killers Are There in Canada? Working for the RCMP?

POWs receive the best of treatment: they cannot be placed in cells, they need only provide name, rank and serial number, and they are entitled to a

Even serial logical argument, like this, becomes an approximation of meta-logical thinking

I have always been fascinated with the histories of serial killers

He was a serial killer, a

already been concluding at different times that my dad was a serial

father was a serial killer, and now everyone knows

“Firstly, you have what might be termed serial mortality, not true immortality

Ainura rarely had time to sit down to watch the serial without doing

“Given that two journalists have died, we are still looking into an angle that a serial killer is gunning down journalists and broadcasters

“You’re the only key to this mysterious serial killer

Maria at Camp Crame regarding the serial murders and the foiled bomb threat

cats—nature’s greatest serial killers of mice—that I’m fascinated

lot of serial killers in their childhood

It appears that based on whether we are using serial or parallel perception or a hybrid, we will experience different realities

The dominant left brain, possessing serial perception, oscillates between two contradictory concepts or images

As an interesting aside, the modern phenomenon of the serial killer coincides exactly with a period when, for the first time in history, most people have adequate food, shelter and warmth

Most serial killers when caught and questioned, 35

Was there a serial killer at work? Where were the bodies? None of the bank accounts had been touched and there was no evidence of any robbery in any of the cases

SA put a trace on all the Euro bill serial numbers through the exchange place to see where they went

Serial killings and child rape get to the head

There was this serial killer in eighty-eight

Me, I’d run around pointing my index finger while going, «Pow, pow, pow!» My mother would see this and yell at me to stop, fearing that I’d grow up to become a serial killer

What was behind them? Had a creature crept up ready to pounce? Perhaps a stray serial killer was on the loose—they hadn’t heard the News all week

myself that it was a stupid idea to become a serial killer

about serial killers has made me realise that overconfidence in not getting caught

Shame about the girl but you can’t have serial killings

efforts as a Serial Killer

Australia’s Greatest Serial Killer

Still, there’s no school for serial killers, is there?

book, ‘Diary of a Serial Killer’

Legalised serial killing on a huge scale throughout the centuries

publicity for my Diary of a Serial Killer that the publishers rely on for making

in a relationship, although how I could ever mention the serial killings, sorry,

get into the mind of a serial killer and there you are

of the grunt and bash serial killers to a place where finesse and planning is

properly writing the ‘Diary of a Serial Killer

the inner workings of a serial killer’s mind can bring

I haven’t really had the time or inclination to work on the ‘Diary of a Serial Killer’

I finished the ‘Diary of a Serial

We all know the classics — holograms, watermarks, metallic strips, serial numbers and, of course, the quality of the paper

Most serial killers keep a area of control, where they kill their victims, triangulated between two points, the killing location and the location where the dead victims are dropped

How would you put serial in a sentence?

Adjective The pictures are numbered and arranged in serial order. Scientists made serial observations over a period of two weeks. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘serial.

What are the example of serials?

Definitions. The term serial describes items published under the same title, generally as separate issues or annual texts. Some examples include: newspapers, yearbooks, journals, magazines, annual reports, newsletters, conference proceedings, etc.

What do you understand by serials?

A serial is a story which is broadcast on television or radio or is published in a magazine or newspaper in a number of parts over a period of time. one of BBC television’s most popular serials, Eastenders. Maupin’s novels have all appeared originally as serials.

What is another word for serial?

What is another word for serial?

consecutive continual
continued continuing
ensuing following
ongoing sequent
sequential succedent

What does it mean to have a surreal feeling?

Surreal is normally used to describe a feeling of something being beyond imagination. unreal is used more as an adjective.

What word can replace good?

What is another word for good?

excellent exceptional
nice pleasant
positive satisfactory
satisfying superb
wonderful acceptable

How do you compliment a good job?

The Top 20 Employee Compliments

  1. “Having you on the team makes a huge difference.”
  2. “You always find a way to get it done – and done well.”
  3. “It’s really admirable how you always see projects through from conception to completion.”
  4. “Thank you for always speaking up in team meetings and providing a unique perspective.”

How do you praise something?

75 Compliments to Use When You Want to Say Something Nice

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.

Looking for sentence and phrases with the word you? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

1. My favourite Serial is on the programme.

2. The Serial rapist has struck again.

3. Each computer has a Serial number on it.

4. Each computer is uniquely specified by its Serial number.

5. The Serial has fallen in the ratings this week.

6. A new Serial is starting on television tonight.

7. The Serial killer claimed to have killed 400 people.

8. The Serial was filmed on location in Italy.

9. She wrote a thriller about a brutal Serial killer.

10. Keep the questions in the same Serial order .

11. Our new Serial thriller begins at 7.30 this evening.

12. The first part of the Serial ended with a real cliffhanger.

13. It’s a film about a Serial killer and not for the faint-hearted.

14. The report studies the psychological make-up of a Serial killer.

15. Can you account for the Serial failures in our experiment?


Tips to remember how to use «Serial» in sentences:

  • Understand the meaning and type of that word in reputable dictionaries like Cambridge or Oxford to understand the basic meaning of the word «Serial».
  • Through the example sentences that we give above, understand how to use the word.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of the word, the correct pronunciation will help you remember the word better.
  • Read the whole sentence containing the word «Serial», this will help you familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of the word in the sentence.
  • Learn to associate the image or action of the word «Serial» through the meaning of the examples, this will help you remember the usage of the word longer.
  • Do not forget to practice many times with useful sentence patterns so that you can remember them for a long time.
  • Combine practice and make your own sentence patterns containing the word, you will progress very quickly!


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