The word separate in a sentence

Separate meaning article

Separate is a versatile English word with many meanings, the most common of which is “to stop being together.” You can use this word in many different contexts, whether you’re writing an academic essay or a short story.

This article will explain what the word separate means, where it originates from, and how to use it in a sentence.

Separate Definition

Separate can be either a verb or an adjective.

As a verb, it means “to stop being together, joined, or connected” or “to cause two things to stop being together or connected.”

As an adjective, it means “set apart” or “existing by itself.”

What does separate mean?

Separate Meaning

Let’s take a closer look at what each of these definitions means in practice.

Separate Verb

As a verb, separate describes the act of causing two or more things to stop being together. Different synonyms for this word include “part,” “sever,” and “divide.”

In a relationship, you might separate from your partner when you break up with them. At the office, you might separate a tall pile of papers into multiple piles. In the kitchen, you might separate one ingredient from the others.

Here are some other examples of how you can use separate as a verb:

  • The teacher will separate the children if they won’t stop talking during class.
  • The next step is to separate the egg yolk from the egg whites.
  • It’s important to separate your personal life from your professional life.

Separate Adjective

As an adjective, separate means that two or more things are not the same. You can use this word as a synonym for words like “distinct” and “discrete.”

In a relationship, you might say you and your partner have separate bathrooms. At the office, you might point out that a colleague is combining two separate issues. In the kitchen, you might use a separate cutting board to chop your raw meat.

Here are some other examples of how you can use separate as an adjective:

  • My best friend and I play basketball for separate teams, but our friendship has never wavered.
  • My mom sleeps in a separate room because my dad snores too loudly.
  • I think it’s time for you and I to go our separate ways.


Another Adjective Form of Separate: Separated

We also use separated as an adjective. It’s distinct from separate as an adjective because separated implies more of a recent or deliberate split, while separate implies that two things were never connected in the first place.

For example, we often say that two people sleep in “separate beds” if they sleep in two different beds. It would sound strange to say that two people sleep in “separated beds” because this wording makes it sound like someone has physically moved their beds farther apart.

Here are some other examples of how you can use separated:

  • My parents are separated and plan to get divorced soon.
  • I got separated from the rest of the group when I stopped to tie my shoe.
  • The two farms are separated by a white picket fence.

The difference between separate and separated can be a tricky one to remember. If you tend to mix up the two, you can try using a grammar checker like ProWritingAid to make sure you’re always using the right word.

Separated correction

Examples of Separate in a Sentence

Let’s look at some examples of the word separate in popular English books.

“He listened to Roark silently, and his eyes were like a stopwatch registering each separate second consumed by each separate word of Roark’s.”—The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

“Long before he died, November’s father was gone, up north, away from his wife and the sea. They could not bear each other, in the end, and perhaps a thing begun in blood and death and salt must end that way. They could not live with less than three mountain ranges to separate them.”—Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente

“I no longer considered my body my own. It had ceased to belong to me. My hands, moving, felt separate, floating of their own accord, and when I stood it was like operating a marionette, unfolding myself, rising jerkily on strings.”—The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

“You want to know how to paint a perfect painting? It’s easy. Make yourself perfect and then just paint naturally. That’s the way all the experts do it. The making of a painting or the fixing of a motorcycle isn’t separate from the rest of your existence.”—Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig

“Someone has said, when you are born into this world there are at least two of you, but going out you are on your own. Death happens to every one of us, yet it remains the most solitary of human experiences, one that separates rather than unites us.”—What Are You Going Through by Sigrid Nunez

“But the magnitude, the depth of his wife’s grief for their son exerts a pull. It is like a dangerous current that, if he were to swim too close, might suck him in, plunge him under. He would never surface again; he must hold himself separate in order to survive.”—Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell

“The calendar separates today from yesterday and tomorrow, but in life there is no distinguishing past, present, and future. We all have an enormity of time, too big for one person to deal with, and we live, and we die.”—Tokyo Ueno Station by Miri Yu

“Power can’t be separated from its history. A choice can’t be taken in isolation from its context.”—The Tyrant Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson

Origin of the Word Separate

The word separate was first used in the 15th century. It comes from the Latin word separatus, which comes from the roots se- (meaning “apart”) and parare (meaning “prepare” or “procure.”)

Now you know what the word separate means and how to use it. We hope this article helps you separate your writing from the rest of the crowd!

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Definition of Separate

to break something up or divide it into parts

Examples of Separate in a sentence

The teacher tried to separate the fighting students but couldn’t get the two boys apart.


Mrs. Cole had the pre-k student separate the blue blocks from the red and divide the yellow circles from the orange ones.


So he could get the real story, the detective decided to separate the husband and wife into different rooms.


Other words in the Words that describe what you do to objects category:

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Use ‘separate’ in a sentence | ‘separate’ example sentences

1- A separate water park offers family fun.

2- Disc 1 contains three separate audio commentaries.

3- We may perhaps discern four separate factors.

4- The main conclusions are developed below under separate headings.

5- Heaven forbid somebody should separate those keys.

6- There are separate records per resource type.

7- No separate source selection plan is required.

8- The standards governing each need separate consideration.

9- The code covers three separate legal proceedings.

10- separate signal boxes were maintained until 1928.

11- Possible separate state charges are still under investigation.

12- The 3 door apartment has separate entrance.

13- The separate section edition was accepted too.

14- A separate jack box is used instead.

15- A separate study has achieved slightly different results.

16- A separate military police investigation is continuing.

17- There are 15 separate panels honoring 82 figures.

18- A separate videotape recording unit was still required.

19- A further problem concerns differences between separate investigations.

20- At least three separate models were made.

21- The bus system comprises four separate routes.

22- separate taxes are assessed against each taxpayer meeting certain minimum criteria.

23- Similar size differences occur among separate conferences.

24- The above characters are considered separate letters.

25- Wars between separate alien civilizations are featured.

26- The corporations are utterly separate legal entities.

27- What had been separate sciences were thus unified.

28- The ground floor location and separate entrance provide easy access .

29- The mass spectral measurements separated into eight groups.

30- A separate list is given below for each type.

31- The condensed water is not being separated .

32- But mourning and dancing are never fully separated .

33- Each section is considered more extensively in separate articles.

34- City laws required separate sleeping quarters and kitchen.

35- Each such act shall constitute a separate offense.

36- This step often involves separating wants and needs .

37- Entrance and exit point are usually separate .

38- A separate judge is required for every gate.

39- I have never really felt separate since.

40- Two separate farms were used for testing. Thousands of separate measurements can be abstracted into relatively simple representations.

41- Abstruse books fall into a separate category because of their expense.

42- These separate arrangements continued until the abolition of apartheid.

43- They went their separate ways.

44- We’d like separate checks, please.

45- We must separate politics from religion.

46- You can’t separate language from culture.

47- The bathroom is separate from the bedroom.

48- Farmers separate good apples from bad ones.

49- I’ll show you how to separate gold from sand.

50- Excuse me, waitress, could we have separate bills, please?It is not always easy to separate right from wrong.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 –
Related Words:
sentries – sentry – sepal – sepals – separability – separable – separably – separate – separated – separately – separateness – separateness – separates – separating – separation –

This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences.
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Synonym: divide, isolate, part, partition, segregate, sort. Antonym: unite. Similar words: separate from, separation, reparation, apparatus, prepare, depart, repartee, departure. Meaning: [‘sepəreɪt]  n. 1. a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication 2. a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments. v. 1. act as a barrier between; stand between 2. force, take, or pull apart 3. mark as different 4. separate into parts or portions 5. come apart 6. divide into components or constituents 7. arrange or order by classes or categories 8. become separated into pieces or fragments 9. make a division or separation 10. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways 11. go one’s own way; move apart 12. treat differently on the basis of sex or race 13. divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork. adj. 1. independent; not united or joint 2. standing apart; not attached to or supported by anything 3. not living together as man and wife 4. characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing 5. separated according to race, sex, class, or religion 6. have the connection undone; having become separate. 

Random good picture Not show

1. May we have separate checks?

2. A brief summary is given on a separate sheet.

3. When did they separate last night?

4. The sofa is formed of three separate sections.

5. Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat.

6. The women are kept separate from the men.

7. Could we have separate checks?

8. The bag is divided into separate compartments .

9. They allotted a separate desk to everyone.

10. The children sleep in separate beds.

11. The laboratory was reorganized as a separate establishment.

12. They went their separate ways.

13. He headed us into a small separate room.

14. The best solution would be for them to separate.

15. The school is housed in two separate buildings.

16. Use separate knives for raw and cooked meat.

17. He sold his birds separately to separate buyers.

18. We’d like to have separate checks.

19. They have been seen together on two separate occasions.

19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

20. They have gone to separate places.

21. We are so in love, but love to separate.

22. The mind exists as a separate entity .

23. The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.

24. The museums work closely together, but are separate legal entities.

25. Demands for a separate Siberia are confined for now to the lunatic fringe.

26. Separate off the top of the cream and use it to make butter.

27. Oh, I am not going to die, am I? He will not separate us, we have been so happy. 

28. The two halves of the main branch have grown apart, forming separate trees.

29. He rescued the company and later spun off its textile division into a separate company.

30. The dogs started to snarl at each other so I had to separate them.

More similar words: separate from, separation, reparation, apparatus, prepare, depart, repartee, departure, take part in, depart from, parade, parallel, paragon, paramour, paradox, paradigm, parasite, paralysis, comparable, exhilaration, rate, prate, berate, operate, vibrate, grateful, desperate, tolerate, at any rate, cooperate. 

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seperate versus separate

What’s the Difference Between Separate and Seperate?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Separate and Seperate?
  • 2 Using Separate in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Seperate in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Separate vs. Seperate
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Separate vs. Separate
  • 7 Article Summary

Separate and seperate might seem like alternate spellings of the same word, but only one of these spellings is correct. One of these is just a misspelling and not a word at all.

Separate usually acts as either a verb or an adjective meaning to move apart or simply apart, respectively.

  • The divorced husband and wife had to be kept in separate rooms at family get-togethers, because they fought whenever they were near each other.

Seperate is not a word but rather just a common misspelling of the word separate.

  • Some religious dietary laws require eggs and chicken to be kept seperate in food preparation. (incorrect spelling – use separate instead)

Let’s look at some of the ways to use, and not use, these words in English.

Using Separate in a Sentence

When to use separate: Separate can be a verb meaning to divide or move apart, an adjective meaning not together, or a noun spelled as separates that refers to outer clothing garments that can be worn in different combinations.

As an adjective, separate can also emphasize that something is distinct or unique.

For example,

  • The family’s pet dog and cat needed to be separated while eating so they wouldn’t get into a fight. (verb)
  • Please keep the dark clothing and light clothing separate when doing laundry. (adjective)
  • This test consists of two separate parts. (adjective)
  • The suit jacket and trousers are separates, meaning they don’t match exactly but still go well together. (noun)

Some important expressions involving separate include the following:

  • separate the wheat from the chaff: show which or who has high quality and which or who has low
    • These academic tests will separate the wheat from the chaff.
  • separate the boys from the men: learn who is strong, brave, or mature and who is not
    • Basic training will separate the boys from the men, and we will learn which people are fit to be good soldiers.
  • separate but equal: a discriminatory law that didn’t allow black people and white people to use the same facilities and spaces
    • Despite the name, separate but equal, the schools for black students had less funding and resources than the schools for white students.

The pronunciation of the verb form and adjective form of this word is different for each. Both pronunciations have three syllables, and the first two syllables sound the same. However, the last syllable has a long a sound in the verb form and a short i sound in the adjective form.

  • As a verb, separate is pronounced sep-er-ate.
  • As an adjective, separate is pronounced sep-er-et.

Using Seperate in a Sentence

When to use seperate: Seperate is just an incorrect way to spell separate. Therefore, don’t use this spelling at all.

For example:

  • The teachers moved the desks to be seperate from one another during the exam, so that the students couldn’t cheat. (incorrect spelling – use separate)
  • I’m making two main courses for Thanksgiving, but I’ll keep each one seperate from the other, because one is vegetarian and the other is gluten-free. (incorrect spelling – use separate)

People probably misspell separate because the middle syllable in the word uses the schwa sound, which is an unstressed vowel sound. It is impossible to know which vowel corresponds to the schwa sound without memorizing the spelling of the word.

Remembering Separate vs. Seperate

It is important to remember that separate is the correct spelling whereas seperate has a spelling error.

In order to recall which word is right, and to avoid making a mistake, you can think of the a in the middle of separate as standing for accurate and the e in the middle of seperate as standing for error.

Outside Examples

  • Four people were fatally shot, including a man shot by police, and 21 other people were wounded in separate shootings across Chicago from Saturday morning to early Sunday. –Chicago Tribune
  • A separate plaque will have the names of 582 police officers, firefighters, construction workers, cleanup volunteers and others who spent time in the rubble of the World Trade Center in the days or months after the attacks and, years later, died of a variety of causes that they, their families or their doctors suspected were linked to toxic ash and smoke at the site. –New York Daily News
  • And don’t plant them in the same hydro-zone (plants with the same watering needs) as other California natives and various average-water plants which take more water, as they’ll likely rot-out. Keep them in separate dry spots. –LA Times
  • The governance committee also demanded that a well-connected Kuwaiti sheikh, Ahmad al-Fahad al-Sabah, resubmit to an integrity check after he was identified as a co-conspirator in a separate United States soccer corruption case. –New York Times

Quiz: Separate vs. Separate

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either seperate or separate, in the correct form.

  1. The man wanted to know how to wear his ____________________ properly at his business meeting without looking foolish.
  2. Keep these two chemicals ___________________ or there will be an explosion in the laboratory.
  3. Don’t forget to _______________ the children when they start to get annoyed with one another.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use separate or seperate? Only one of these two spellings is correct.

  • Separate is the correct spelling for the verb and adjective referring to things that are apart.
  • Seperate is a misspelling and, therefore, must always be avoided.

Knowing which of these is these spellings is correct can ensure that you appear professional and academic in your writing.


  1. separates
  2. separate
  3. separate

They had always kept their papers separate, it was very unlike him to do that

A relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime conducted away from bright lights helps separate your sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make it more difficult to fall asleep, get sound and deep sleep or remain asleep

lovebirds would have to separate

‘Sort of … the annexe has its own separate entrance

flesh, in order to offer his body as a sacrifice for us and separate us from this

Glenelle tended to have a separate sun for each room in her universe anyway so this would just be the opening on one side of her home

Her stories are structured in a very unusual way: I have written down in a separate notebook memories, fantasies, as well as dreams of mine and I have classified them in certain categories: Start of story – Main events – Secondary events – Cosmic truths – Fights – Dialogues – Space and time – End of story

Yet, it didn’t take me long to understand that certain pupils are already professional dancers! Sometimes, the teacher tells them to dance in a separate circle, so that the rest of us can see “how people dance”

In the Qaidic faith, men and women have separate heavens and none is allowed to know anything of the other

They would not have separate power busses in that case

in separate meetings on a regular basis with the preacher and the deacons

their spouses as separate

Each word of the sentence was a separate boom of thunder on its own bolt of lightning

4 light years and those cultural differences were enough to separate them from the ancient hatreds of Earth’s ethnic groups

We can’t let them separate us

«Major, I’d rather not miss the launch window, if we don’t separate tomorrow it will be two months before we’re re-aligned

Whether we leave the mortal on the surface is a separate issue that can be discussed after the separation

While we separate the differences between the religion of man and the religion of God, we come across Romans 6

pain of the world in their hearts and they intended to travel separate ways to

another band for a bit after ours went our separate ways

Wisdom and the Spirit are related in a way that we cannot separate the two of them

hold themselves separate from that which they most desire

I am not the prophet to be able to discern which peoples fit into which “generations,” but I know that God will sift all nations (generations/peoples) and separate them like a Shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:32)

sat separate as was customary and chat over the day’s

enclosure wall was visible, showing a line that seemed to separate

There were also steps on the sides of the blocks leading up to the second floors of the buildings … separate storage? Glancing up, Kara saw that more guards were evident on the roofs of the buildings

From there they were able to find the separate states maps

a separate thing, broken away from the image

In our village at home, gardens and fences separate one home from the other while here in Sophia there were no such divisions

The help was pretty circular until he saw that he needed to look up ‘alternate veron store’ and find she was indeed in a separate hardware store

‘I think the difference is that we look on the work less as a separate entity, more as a way of life

So we married … it wasn’t as simple adapting to the physical side as I thought it would be but I got pregnant fairly quickly and it was easy to persuade Alastair that any physical relationship was unwise during the pregnancy … since then Alastair and I have occupied separate rooms

Therefore, routing cannot determine where to separate the value for the

It really is a lovely property — the main house has a large lounge and separate dining room with an office off it which was obviously David’s special realm

That made me realise no distance could ever separate us

And then there is a separate, second

«That was a separate spat,» he said

‘Yes … um … I gather that he and his wife have been living separate lives for some years now and are just tidying up the situation now that Alastair has – um — has formed a relationship with Jo Symons

It comes as a surprise to most people; they don’t realise that Karen and I have lived totally separate lives for years now

Ava put his gear in a separate address space that can’t be mapped in

‘Sally — I think we’d be wise to separate the furniture

How do I separate Mama from them?’ I said

“We had a separate room for the children, and Dimini built another for himself when he was thirteen

It would make sense putting the rent into a separate account just in case there were repairs needed to the property

We share the building with a couple of small businesses who rent their offices – they are, to all intents and purposes, totally separate entities, Dilly being the only common point of contact

Kerry and I go our separate ways an hour later

In my OS all the automatic stuff, not just the threat detectors, runs apart from the soul grant list, in parallel, on separate hardware

32And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from

We’d bickered for some minutes about whether we should take both cars or not but as we are going our separate ways this evening, it makes sense to travel separately

“Anyway, I would continue this quest as a friend, not as a fellow investigator with a separate personal life

attentions of the official censor on at least two separate occasions

They were now at the bottom of the stairs, they said their good-byes and went separate ways

These were the Gnomes, a separate race who lived within and beneath the Kassikan and in the canyon under parts of central Yakhan

“Not only is this poorly crafted—note how the threads of the wraps bulge over the burrs left on the guide feet, and the gaps between reel seat, grip and hardware—now listen:” and he pulled on the rod to separate the two pieces which made not a sound at the parting

She was, if anything, more beautiful than ever, but today she had a strapping country boy named Jorma in tow, though they sat on separate stand-cushions

“You didn’t hear it from me,” Kulai said, just as a formality, while turning around and motioning her to the better guest cushion, “but he left a contaminated room open, and in a separate case, contaminated all four of the biological samples he ever took in his career

Your mother and I didn’t see any pressing need for you to have a separate account setup, or even now for the twins

Other members of their intake would soon be going their separate

The documents concerning meetings with salesmen and such were arranged by schedule, so that as one conference was ended, the attendant paperwork might simply be moved to the bottom of the stack or removed to a separate case, leaving the next meeting’s documents on top and ready for reference

It was five floors of stone, probably put up in the late 40’s when this was a separate town on the contour eleven miles northeast of the Kassikan

Eventually, I also learned that he and Karen occupied separate rooms (at her request) and that their marriage was something of a sham

He and Karen presented a united front to the world, although I realised fairly early on that they lived completely separate lives

That you know better? That you are in any way separate to

” So it was agreed and explained to Harry, Kaitlyn and Chloe; this was not so much a free-for-all holiday, as much as it was a ‘trial separation’ before they went their separate ways at the beginning of term anyway

They’d all gone their separate ways after graduating but about ten years after that, Alastair had met up with Andy completely by accident and he had been in contact with Mike so they’d re-formed the band for fun … and financial reasons

He looked through the collection of tools, assembled in a separate crate, and taking out a tape measure went about taking more specific measurements than those he’d made cursorily the day before

Tipene had heard from Julia that these games were nothing but scams designed to separate foolish patrons from their money

“Remember, three forces equal and separate can only occupy, for the purposes of a two-dimensional diagram, the extremities of an equilateral triangle

With a meaningful, eyes-to-the-ceiling look, Mel shrugs her shoulders as we separate, she to collect her messages and me back to my office

(Specific tax codes, exemptions, and collections to be issued in accordance with California policy and Tahoe City Charter, and set forth in a separate statute, forthcoming

Although he spoke about the different family members, And when they all went their separate ways, he never talked about her Grandmother

a separate room for the family to greet their guests

the honey on it’s own is so hard to separate from the

«We’re not going our separate ways!» she attempted to clarify the situation «He just won’t come down

separate briefly during the evening—Heather to cheerleading and Roman to

He noticed that this instrument was also making the sounds for something like a separate glass xylophone that sounded like it was set up on the far side of the stage

You might send one atom thru, but each one is a separate case and the probability of all atoms going thru at once is so small

It’s sad in this country but the way the income tax laws are set up if both people work and earn about the same amount of money, they are much better off financially filing separate returns that a joint married return

There were two separate interwoven parts, one of which had to change spectrum a couple times and there were impact notes mixed in with pressure notes, both in complicated patterns

It still didn’t explain the pocket prophet, but she was trying to think of that as a separate problem

I had my 5 foot circle that consisted of two separate pieces of the plywood, part of the 4 x 8 and part of the 2 X 8

I put them crosswise so they completely covered over the piece that was separate from the other piece, the little piece that made up the rest of the circle

The group gave each other high fives and went their separate ways, except for Tom and Sue who went over to Otto concerned about their arrival in Africa

These countries are nearly al near the Ural Mountains, which used to separate

«It is amazing that our devices can reach out to each other over the distance and time that separate them and bring us together

«I think you’ll want your separate space when there’s no music on; that will be most of the time

There is nothing that can separate us from his love and nothing prophesy, you

She had a separate bedroom that was also quite plush

The one, in his separate independent state, is less liable to the temptations of bad company, which, in large manufactories, so frequently ruin the morals of the other

«The empire began to crumble as separate factions developed to meet their diverging needs

such as helping widows, but if the good works separate us from

forcing the vessel to be pulled in two separate directions

Silver is very seldom found virgin, but, like most other metals, is generally mineralized with some other body, from which it is impossible to separate it in such quantities as will pay for the expense, but by a very laborious and tedious operation, which cannot well be carried on but in work-houses erected for the purpose, and, therefore, exposed to the inspection of the king’s officers

boast a residence that had a separate bedchamber — and

I will go on with my life, as you must go on with yours thru whatever span of years should separate us

The crowd gathered every midday to hear the separate policies each political party stood for

The other four had become two separate blankets

To separate him from his staff

have taken a brave man to try and separate them

For example, if you buy 5 pounds of ground beef; separate it out into 5

Deut: 10:8: At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand

They hadn’t been separated as long as this since she went to Himla’s in the Tdeshi investigation two short years ago

Here the structures of the canal-front only extended to this level, there were no residential trees above the single building that separated the basin from the canal

Two cases, separated by a lot of time

He separated us from this world

doubt, lack of faith, ignorance and everything else that separated me

separated by commas, which means that they are equally possible for God

She wished she didn’t have to, it’s really just a fancy electric dildo isn’t it? But she did, and had for years while they were separated when Morg as away at B

He has already separated us from

«You’re pretty comfortable with the whole cloning thing now aren’t you?» The mechanical replica lying in a lab at the Kassikan was a replica of this Ava, not the one who separated from her when they went to B, eight years ago in her time-line

4 light years that separated them

The woman he was contacting was not really a former lover was she? She was the sister of a former lover since they had been lovers after their minds separated

For a couple of endless seconds, I watched the two spectral snakes stir as if they were coming to life; they slowly moved in opposite directions, separated and finally disappeared from sight

Keeping myself separated

As long as she was in the main thoroughfare it would be difficult if not downright foolhardy for anyone to attack her … but there was a stretch just the other side of the river where the pedestrian path separated from the road, sloping down into a sort of culvert … a subway … if I were going to ambush someone, that’s where I’d choose

or separated by days and miles,

They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it

Somehow, when we are no longer individuals all separated, but are instead one, we are depicting something of glory

It showed the bodies of these metallic asteroids had separated

Within seconds, he has separated Drens from the group and, with the pair of them behaving as though they are old friends who have bumped into each other by accident, they slowly make their way over to where we are standing

There were miles between points where they joined and separated, sometimes you were on a river a mile wide, sometimes less than a quarter

Separated not just by geography but also by time

A girl of about 11 years was separated from her parents, and picked up by one of the black devils

He also made a solemn vow to his wife later that evening that, willing or not, Cyberia would marry the very first man, be he prince or pauper, that pressed the buzzer on the security gates that separated the family mansion from the mean streets that housed the capital’s hoi-polloi

separated from the whites and sat down in two neat sections

gate and only the porch separated us

buzzer on the security gates that separated the family mansion from

separated to prevent them from injuring one another

The forefront of style among those that could afford it was the advanced surgical procedure that separated the skull into three sections, lifted it away, and put in a net that made all your thoughts available as your user interface to the network

drove the threshing machines which separated the wheat from the

As they entered, they separated

He smiled and separated her knees

both public bar and lounge were separated into sections by dividers of

that intermittently separated the fairground from the road, dropped

wheat was separated from the ears by a threshing machine powered

He separated out daily expense funds and then locked the bulk of his bank away as directed, and so joined his elder companion on the walk through a couple coaches up to the Dining car

As long as she kept him separated from direct confrontation with her planet of origin, Jorma had been a fun ride

“Himla offered it to me for fifty coppers when we separated and I told him no

The force of the impact separated his shoulder

“It is thus: the fabric of the universe, the medium in which the separated forces have their existence, could never allow for their reunification

During this alteration certain of the resonant vibrations within the seven’s series came into contact, once and for all time to come, with the separated forces at one third and two thirds, one of the trio having already from the outset retained its original contact with the series; our DO, if you will

Unfazed by the event, she removed and separated the fake ivories

Each had its own little yard, surrounded and separated by white picket fences

Finally, the younger man gave him a push and the two were separated

But how would he report in with her around? Maybe they could get separated now and then, he could pretend to get lost or something

“Here’s a note,” said George and caught at a paper which had separated itself from the rolls of plans and drifted toward the floor

«I—” He dropped his head, to stare at the seat that separated them «I will never hurt you again

The three of us separated, pretending to

Load after load was pulled, separated, and trucked on to the Village that day, where several more hands there would shuffle the boxes, etc

Given that one line of humans was separated from the other, and humans being what they are, one would be the first to build ships to cross that space, and someone on the receiving planet had to be the person to encounter the first human to cross that gulf

They were separated from each other by

misery at being separated from his family, Jean couldn’t

He also concluded that she’d broken her leg; of which she had no doubt, and separated her shoulder

Thinking like an anthropologist once again, and how long this population of humans had been separated from those on Earth, he wondered if it could have evolved from grooming behavior

separated under tragic circumstances

‘It looks like we will be separated for a while

Four years had passed since the expedition separated and Ava had remained hidden here in the biology base to continue her own studies all that time

In the years since the expedition separated she still hadn’t revealed herself to Alfred, Victoria or even Glenelle

Separated from Finland by a short trip across the sea, it lies on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea

The window of opportunity opened—the battle separated briefly,

Separated by less than an inch, a pair of steel tubes vibrated on the floor

Separated by a foot of space, Whimly suddenly stopped and raised his arm

separated by inches and the bathroom was so tiny that

river where people lived, but they were separated by the river

hell, eternally separated from God

the misery of being separated from his family

As soon as they had separated, she wondered if his assurances and good intentions were enough

The coarse, and still more the precious metals, when separated from the ore, are so valuable, that they can generally bear the expense of a very long land, and of the most distant sea carriage

It is sometimes found in pieces of some bulk ; and, even when mixed, in small and almost insensible particles, with sand, earth, and other extraneous bodies, it can be separated from them by a very short and simple operation, which can be carried on in any private house by any body who is possessed of a small quantity of mercury

At the end of the accounts annexed to this chapter the reader will find the particular account of those ten years separated from the rest

«Have you looked for this entity while we were separated?» Thom asked

This entire time, it believed Imorbis had been doing its will; helping to see the Elf Prince removed from his hole and separated from his staff, and infecting and leading Anon into a trap

It was separated from the tiny path that served this side of Yoonbarla Brook by a high wall of trellis choked with all the spice vines they’d had on it since she’d owned the place

Then comes the inevitable trough where men are separated from the boys

Female ones, once weaned, were separated from their mothers and allowed to live

toughness that separated a boy from a man and, more

barren hil , there are very many separated houses

jacket of which you was never separated

I let go of the reins and separated our auras

For a second I’d blanked out but then had come to and was now fully separated but for a brief moment I was a tabula rasa and forgot where, who and what I was

The moon separated into 9 moons all interlinked with triangles in a mandala pattern

Others admit, that if a nation could be separated from all the world, it would be of no consequence how much or how little money circulated in it

“It would appear that these are an independent phalanx, separated from or perhaps assigned duty out of reach of their Cruiser

They slipped back out into the momentarily empty hallway and separated

martial artist and we’ll review the reasons why some life actions were separated from Zen and

It consisted of a lounge at one end separated from the bedroom with a solid wooden partition

Another wooden partition separated the bedroom from the bathroom, which featured an oval bath hewn from solid stone, a large, metal mirror against the wall and a table with a basin and pitcher

That she had in fact only ignited a separated portion of the Waghtnin that had been mined for this spectacle as soon as her probes had discovered the anomaly, that needn’t ever come to light

The effort it took to talk was draining, and long pauses separated my sentences

of a pin could be separated from a tele-port

Graziers, separated from one another, and dispersed through all the different corners of the country, cannot, without great difficulty, combine together for the purpose either of imposing monopolies upon their

I separated them, respectively, into two parts—barrel and base

And when I knocked out the last chunk of earth that separated the ditch from the ocean the water flowed in and filled the pit

We separated it into two piles: Money to be carried with us and money to be hidden in the trunk

If it wasn’t for the artificial gravity Scott would be nauseous rather than just this strange insecure feeling that no more half a metre separated him from the cold suffocation and desiccation of space

In order to make every individual feel himself perfectly secure in the possession of every right which belongs to him, it is not only necessary that the judicial should be separated from the executive power, but that it should be rendered as much as possible independent of that power

He’d been unable to focus on anything but mental images of her naked body, which was separated from him only by a thin door

The directors of a joint-stock company, on the contrary, having only their share in the profits which are made upon the common stock committed to their management, have no private trade of their own, of which the interest can be separated from that of the general trade of the company

It separated into rows around her, like rings around the planet of Saturn

“The last time I saw anyone was when they captured us and separated us from our weapons

Having this capability separates the ho hum Internet merchants from the ones that really make the cash register ring

with our physical eyes His covering hand which separates, protects and

John wades into the tussle, separates Jamil and Khalid, both of whom are about his size, and maybe only five years younger

separates the emotional things from the spiritual ones

«Let us look at the region that separates us

I have thought of God as being the one who separates the light from the darkness, not the one who is surrounded in darkness

I am not the prophet to be able to discern which peoples fit into which “generations,” but I know that God will sift all nations (generations/peoples) and separate them like a Shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:32)

that separates the pavements on Railroad Drive,

Practice: What unites and what separates? How is something helplessly

Bex loves him for it, loves him for the awkwardness that separates their respective generations, but he seems a little flat, a little down, monotone

The drive itself is relatively long, running from the road to level with the back of the house where there is a fence dividing the drive from the back yard where I have a washing line and small shed, but the drive is not very wide and I have become adept at positioning the car in just the right place so I have room to get out without having to clamber through the hedge which separates this property from Sally’s

It is what literally separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom, and like its ‘given’ spiritual counterpart, the higher emotional center, it also is greater than the acquired sum of its parts

It is the evidence of a bold stroke of outstanding reason which, among other matters, separates this most respected master from all who came before him

All around him the Life-Light coalesces and separates

In the whole interval which separates those two moments, there is scarce, perhaps, a single instance, in which any man is so perfectly and completely satisfied with his situation, as to be without any wish of alteration or improvement of any kind

If the earth opens or separates, then it represents a project or relationship that you are afraid of falling into

What separates both cases is, of course the intention of the donor

The Asian Edge – Stop being generic, asexual, and common! The Edge is something we teach during Boot Camp, but it’s what separates the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys

This law advances the agenda of the left, in that it separates people into groups and therefore, in the eyes of the law, makes some people more valuable than others – not as individuals, however, but as members of 67

This separates the men and women from the boys and girls, because it’s so easy to say, “Someday I’m going to open a restaurant,”

“Only time separates us

Modern Liberalism has confused the (suggestive) relationship that otherwise separates the two

Sin separates us from God

There exists a very fine line that separates being >good< from being >stupid<

There is a wide chasm that separates parents who try to provide certain advantages to their children from others who either pamper or (merely) indulge them

There is a very fine line that separates being (genuinely) helpful from being a (general) nuisance!

Free Will is that which separates Man from Beast

There exists a very fine line that separates divisive or ―offensive‖ from (genuinely) hateful forms of speech

The headwaters of that river lay just south of the mountain chain that separates the eastern Anatolian Plateau from the narrow strip of land that borders on the south shore of the Black Sea

But answers come from many kinds of thinking, that product of the mind that only humans seem to have, or is that just the vanity caused by the great difference that separates us from all other life? Why did they seem to stop while we kept on keeping on?

Caleb helps me sit up and separates the hems of his two shirts, pulling the long-sleeved one over his head and offering it to me

No, no, it is the door that separates me from Jeanine and my goal

What if they’re still alive, like Amar? What if the curtain that separates us is not death but a chain-link fence and some land?

I can tell she’s getting older in the entries, her language becoming more refined as time separates her from the fringe where she once lived, her reactions becoming more moderate

In that moment I know exactly what I want; I want to peel away all the layers of clothing between us, strip away everything that separates us, the past and the present and the future

man digs out evil, and in his lips there is something like the burning fire; the foul man sows strife, and a whisperer separates best

he who repeats a matter separates very friends; reproof enters more into the wise man than a hundred stripes into the fool

Now each time mid$ separates the last char of the string and adds it in another variable

in Israel, who separates himself from me, and sets up his idols in his heart, and puts the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face,

on the edge that separates the two Kingdoms,

Magnetic energy separates and holds her joints into place

It really separates you from many species I’ve encountered

29 But light has a uniqueness that separates itself from matter

It is a sort of skin that separates

M: Destroy the wall that separates, the ‘I-am-the-body’ idea,

worry about the “shallow ditch” that separates Canada from Washington

5 All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come on his head; until the days be fulfilled, in the which he separates himself for the Lord, he shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow

6 All the days that he separates himself to the Lord he shall come at no dead body

Even the greatest of leaders is not perfect and has shortcomings, but what separates great from mediocre is a willingness to listen to constructive criticism, to learn from experiences, to acknowledge mistakes and avoid them in the future

And then that is one more thing that separates the man I thought

That separates him

separates the good guys from the bad is the willingness to

“They can see nothing from their night camps on this side of the hill that separates us,” Myserrah snarled in reply, “but I have just ordered them to go look and report what they see directly to me

32 Before Him all the nations will be gathered and He will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats

43 But when the Son of man comes in his glory and all his pure angels with him then shall he sit on the throne of his glory and he will gather before him all the nations and separate them the one from the other like the shepherd who separates the sheep from the goats; and will set the sheep on his right and the goats on his left; Then shall the King say to those who are at his right Come you blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world; I hungered and you gave me to eat; and I thirsted and you gave me to drink; and I was a stranger and you took me in; and I was naked and you clothed me; and I was sick and you visited me; and I was in prison and you cared for me; Then shall those righteous say to him Our Lord when saw we you hungry and fed you? or thirsty and gave you to drink? And when saw we you a stranger and took you in? or naked and clothed you? And when saw we you sick or imprisoned and cared for you? The King shall answer an d say to them Truely I say to you What you did to one of these my brothers the little ones you did to me; Then shall he say to those who are on his left also Depart from me you cursed 54 into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his hosts; I hungered and you fed me not; and I thirsted and you did not give me to drink; and I was a stranger and you took me not in; and I was naked and you clothed me not; and I was sick and imprisoned and you visited me not; Then shall those also answer and say Our Lord when saw we you an hungred or athirst or naked or a stranger or sick or imprisoned and did not minister to you? Then shall he answer and say to them Truely I say to you When you did it not to one of these little ones you did it not to me also; And these shall go away into eternal punishment: but the righteous into eternal life

“They can see nothing from their night camps on this side of the hill that separates us,”

«There is only one thing that separates you from the crowd; it is your inner

«It is the extra effort that separates the champions from the rest

«The only thing that separates success from failure is one last attempt

Project Manager — This is one of the skills that separates the best from the rest

Why? Because it separates you from the pack

that creates and destroys, the I that separates and that unifies, depending on

suspended In this case, the etheric double separates from the biomolecular

Tasmania is an island south across the Bass Straight which separates it from Australia’s mainland

The ability to be who we want separates us from earth, wind and stars, which can only be what they are

This critical thinking is called ‘Viveka Buddhi’ in Sanskrit or ‘discriminative intelligence’, is the highest intelligence that separates the moral from immoral or ethical from unethical actions

And this is the number one deciding factor in what separates the successful amongst

The concepts discussed in this chapter are what literally separates

The nation separates into two parts

You have calculated how many inches separates

Only a weak fence separates us but I’m here,

see what separates them, in fact, is what holds them together

separates that world (after life) from ours

The city of Khauran is the only city of any magnitude in the realm, and stands within sight of the river which separates the grasslands from the sandy desert, like a watch-tower to guard the fertile meadows behind it

Where fiction separates from fact is in the world of the Omjadda

Isaiah 59:1-2 (God is not a deaf to hear your call for help but it is because of sin that separates you from God

“None, none, it merely separates sections of the brain—completely harmless

That space at the end separates the literal from the actual page number on the title line

The only thing that separates you from

It is this reason that defines and separates us from others in the animal kingdom

There is a lot here in this book that can help an individual move toward financial freedom through understanding money and the mindset required to become wealthy, of which means you need to know what it is that separates the wealthy from the Not-so wealthy

Since everything is a unity, nothing separates the present self from future

What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous

thinking separates the world through a process of naming and labeling

Only a veil separates us

You do have to let your “self” die; the concept and feeling of self is what separates you from the rest of existence and from the essence of the divine

small metal disc that separates the ‘flight-motor’ from the secondary, or ‘solid-fuel motor’ – had

that crucible of technological innovation which separates those in minority

ROE, does not distinguish between the types of industry, the modified AFN separates them

While the Greeks had little use for the sound called a glottal stop, that separates the syllables uh and oh in the English term uh-oh, represented by the Phoenician letter alef, they did need to represent the “a” sound in English father

that chops up the world, separates us from each other, and separates us

The truth is that there is very little that truly separates us

separates us is just a bunch of stuff we made up

the veil that separates this

In the same breath, Marx also noted that the essence of what separates human from all other animals was his industry

“What separates us from the apes is our ability to embrace free will and restrain ourselves when temptation calls, but you son were unable to restrain yourself

The only thing that separates Jackson

The initial blast separates the ball of explosives and

Vapor Light is light quanta vibrating at a higher frequency than that of the elements it separates

matter what’ part is the one that separates the boys from the men

What is your name?» It sounds as if there is nothing separating them at all, and Apollo almost tells her the truth before remembering the arrangement he made with the Corsair brothers,

You alternate between the absolute frustration of never being able to make physical contact, aware all the time that the only thing separating you is the lath and plaster of flimsy internal walls

The big black had his minion’s worked their way between Sarah and Jackson separating them

If you are with friends try separating frequently

She feels as though her body is separating into its constituent parts and dripping away

eye ran along the well-trimmed beech hedge separating the stables

box and lifted out the pendant, separating it carefully from the tufts of

separating her from the rest of the court

with God separating the firmament from the water,

beautiful Mondsee and headed into the forest separating it

You are trying to remain rational and objective by separating your emotions

The line separating the two distinct portions is not linear

The veil separating this physical plane and the unseen higher realm is slowly being lifted, and all the changes, including our changing biology are helping us to be closer to our divinity and carry more energy within us

He told Captain Lee about what had happened, separating the ship and how long he estimated their supplies would actually last

Sebastian quickly sat up and moved across the small space separating the two of them, his heart hammering in his chest

The base was separating from the moon, the shattering moon-rock mostly obscured in a cloud of dust, yet it was clear enough that the warheads had penetrated so deeply that part of the Moon had gone with the base

not running, he climbed the two separating walls, taking care not to harm his neighbours’ plants

of the concrete wall separating that cell from the next and spat hot lead for a few seconds

He shook with hatred and gripped the bars separating him from the dirty mirror so tightly that his knuckles strained white

Their separating distance ensured no quantum divergences: the time line was safe

’ He then immediately inserted the device, separating his jaw

* The Caprivi is in the north of what is known as Namibia today on the border with Zambia and Angola (with the mighty Zambezi River separating it)

The only difference separating either political party was the notion that Republicans believed they could ―deliver the goods‖ more efficiently than Democrats

Kay’s heart sank in panic as Galeron brought the large iron grate closed, separating her from Reese, carefully withdrawing the key from his pouch and sealing the lock from within with a loud CLICK

The main difference separating America and Europe, however, is that centuries of War and unmanageable Welfare depleted the economic stamina of most European Nations unlike America; however it oftentimes appears confused over how to properly manage its ―manifest‖ calling historically pledged to support free and open societies

It is Evil‘s custom to shield itself from criticism in the (artful) manner it encourages (a) Moral Neutrality by obfuscating notions of Good and Evil, a condition of the mind susceptible to individuals who have failed in their efforts to cultivate a proper spiritual and moral awareness of the fundamental agencies separating the two and therefore likely to arrive at the conclusion that such differences are either objectively unverifiable or the product of social convention(s)

Nowhere is this fissure more apparent than that separating its Liberal and Conservative components

Separating an individual who is likeable from that individual‘s personal viewpoints, otherwise perceived objectionable or contrary to my (own) regarded opinions, requires an open, if not ―generous‖ mind

Complete or unqualified compatibility with another individual; that is to say, a relationship mutually committed to achieving the highest levels of esteem without bias or prejudice (however unlikely from the standpoint of our respective natures and conditioning) would require a severing of the subject (individual) of our interest from the thematic elements that typically structure the character of (that) subject/individual thereby separating (that) ―Individual‖ from the ―Ideas‖ that properly qualify and provide moral and intellectual sustenance to (that) Individual

That there is little (practical) difference separating both major political parties isn‘t lost, however, on clear-headed individuals seeking an alternative to divisive symmetries; whatever their political origins might be

His caustic remarks provoked a number of (unformed) thoughts in my mind including but not limited to 1) the boundaries separating treasonous statements from free speech 2) plausible grounds calling for his immediate dismissal 3) the appalling lack of character and common sense conspicuously absent among (so-called) Intellectuals and (dis-engaging) parents (refer to John Walker Lindh) who casually dismiss the questionable attitudes and positions adopted by their children while routinely footing the bill for their college tuitions and 4) more recently, a former relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves (John Rocker) who was sentenced by the court of public opinion to perform community service after making unsavory remarks to a newspaper reporter about Gays and African Americans inconsistent with the (civic) requirements of social and politically correct conventions

Separating from him, while planting in his mind the idea that she was out of the business, would go a long way towards creating a better sense of security

With the corner of my eye I could see Steve finally realising the chicken was still hanging by that damnable fork, and he was duly making some very clumsy efforts at separating the two: he looked very miffed about it though, I’ll give him that, and even as he swung the fork and the chicken above his head looking like a world-class hammer thrower, I could see he was quite frustrated but also determined to literally, pull it off

Now I consider myself a very capable liar, and as such I’m pretty adept at separating the wheat from the chaff; I can tell when a person is lying out flat, when he’s just telling a small lie, and when he’s lying like only a man in congress can

” Jesus went to wait in a corner restaurant, as they crossed slowly before the imposing wooden doors to the side street separating church and high school

In the despair of that moment, she leaped across the space separating the two sides and into the arms of a surprised and angry father

“Theodosius (I) was the first to prohibit the practice of the Pagan religion altogether, and he brought the Arian controversy to its final conclusion at the Second Ecumenical Council (Constantinople 381)…His grandson Theodosius II…brought together the Third Ecumenical Council (Ephesus 431), which anathematized Nestorius for separating the divine in Christ from the human…In 450 Pulcheria, sister of Theodosius…married Marcian…who made it his business to summon the Fourth Ecumenical Council (Chalcedon 451) and secure the condemnation of both Nestorius and the Monophysites, the latter of whom taught that there was only one nature in Christ—the divine

Thailand does not accept the French-made and Cambodian-peddled map over »Phra Viharn» because it contravenes the Franco-Siamese agreement of 1904, which stipulated that the map was to be demarcated along a watershed line separating the two countries

They had finally succeeded in separating her from her brother

That moment there is no separating

statement by separating their identifiers with commas

I had read somewhere that this 22 mile stretch of water separating England and France was the busiest shipping lane in the world, and as if to prove the point, another ferry was slowly easing its way towards the harbor, just as we were leaving

Fence: Freedom of the Spirit endangered by being encircled and surrounded; self-control; security; tradition that hinders; lines or areas separating

To the east there was a snowcapped ridge separating my peninsula from the mainland

We were still embracing and separating to look at each other and embracing again while Theodore and Ganook passed by and continued on to the house

” She was still having trouble separating the Sierra who had fallen off the cliff from the Sierra who stood before her, very much alive and well

As if these had been the only things separating them from cavemen all this time

fifth month, separating myself, as I have done these so many years? 4 Then came the word of the Lord of hosts to me, saying, 5 Speak

A large group of twenty-something men wearing orange sashes walked along a road with spiral barbed wire separating the sash wearers from an angry mob

Boots stomped over the back of their sacrificial comrade to gain access to the last piece of ground separating them from the fence enclosing Gloria’s house

They are separating themselves now and should be online soon

the cream may prevent the butter from separating

separating, as long as they are selfish and aggressive, such

Unity results as valid and thus there is no actual distance separating any two entities because

She entered the park and crossed over the bridge separating two ponds

Life Between Life: Scientific explorations into the void separating one

separating out purely negative comments from those that added real value,

Henry VIII probably thought he was separating from Rome because of a messy divorce; he was

Travers and Parker walked the 30 feet separating the O-1E and the Mason two-man trailer for which Travers had traded 32 VC Russian-built AK-47 assault rifles

He pointed to the sketch he had drawn of himself and said, “I saw him in that Light, and felt myself separating from him

remain hidden with only a short hard charge separating us from them as they come along the

sex, and then, once out in the forest, separating and meeting at a

of separating himself from the rest of the Elders, though, really,

plod into the house and act on his orders, separating the cause

they should eat of these birds, separating the

amongst themselves, separating themselves from the rest of the group

Holiness means separating ourselves from everything that might try to prevent us from experientially knowing God’s love

Why does this happen? Because by separating affect

separating her from Chantal would be bordering on psychological child abuse

separating us from the shooting range

Only sin is isolating and separating from God

What’s the difference? What is the most important factor separating the seasoned traders from the amateurs? The answer is money management

A thin window screen was the only thing separating me from the monster outside my window

the spiritual world energy is separating to create the possibility of elements, animals, and

Of course the universe is expanding! It is separating!

“I-vy,” a man called softly, enticingly as he approached the room, separating the

was separating myself from the pain that the distressed homeowner was going through

separating the lanes invaded part of the asphalt, and the

Lucifer looked at the saints on the other side of the abyss separating them from the hell fires

If the eyes could kill, at that precise moment I would be shepherding for the heaven paths; the hate look catapulted by Duprina furrowed the vast space that was separating us, to settle, spiteful, on the innate shield of my indifference

It was early morning because the sun shone through the diffuse and gauzy curtains which were separating, modest, as to make room for the golden bands

But it was useless that Farfan would strain in separating Tula from Father Tobias, everything what he obtained was an additional ration of elbows and words

I will inform you if I come across any lasting method of again separating the menacing Denizens of the Plane of Chaos from us

When these similarities were seen, it became easier to think in terms of needed performance improvements and to reduce the silos separating each group from the others

Separating the CIO (Chief Information Officer) job from that of the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) was easily agreed on, based on the complexity of each aspect of these jobs

wall that was separating her from the bay and its coastal sand

They had walked with their shoulders touching and, before separating, had brushed fingers

It goes that Marqe was so angry at being disobeyed that he drug his hand across the Peninsula in a line that cut Cordor’s palace in half, creating the Line, or the Marks, as they’re called in Larin, and separating the peoples for eternity

He still looked like a meat head henchman, despite the starched white dog collar separating his gloating ruddy face from the dark jacket on his massive bull like shoulders

the Brotherhood have a wonderful faculty of separating the evil from the

Lying on the bed with one eye half open, I would tune my ears to the sounds that were inside and outside of the house, identifying each noise, separating the real from the unreal

difficulty separating and individuating as do women, and that the ideal of separation

In spite of the pilot’s criticism of CSIS budgetary cutbacks which resulted in fewer maintenance checks, the amphibian flew evenly and well, and Harry Travis was afforded a slowly changing panorama of the rugged but spectacular west coast of Canada and the Strait of Georgia, the island-dotted sea lane separating Vancouver Island and the mainland of North America

thing separating the two was courage

The next day Tim was called to the gate along the wall separating the two yards by the owners of the package

Greg could hear the motors whine separating the components of the nuclear pile to shut down the reaction

Main Seperate or Separate Takeaways:

  • Separate—with an “a” in the middle—is the correct spelling.
  • Seperate—with an “e” in the middle— is a common misspelling of separate.
  • Separate can be an adjective, a verb, or a noun.
  • Separate synonyms include unconnected, unrelated, split up, break up, divide, and detached.
  • You can use a mnemonic device like PAR, which means pair or match in Latin. PAR also separates the “SE” from the “RATE.”
  • Other related words like separated, separating, and separately are also commonly misspelled.

Separate is one of the most frequently misspelled words in the English language.

Understanding the proper way to spell commonly misspelled words is essential. Brush up on your grammar, and you’ll get an edge up on the competition. Plus, you’ll look pretty smart, and that never hurts.

Let’s look at the correct word to use and some examples of how to use separate in a sentence.

The answer is separate. Seperate is not a word. Instead, it’s a common way people misspell separate. Separate is always the correct spelling. It can be a noun, verb, or an adjective. When it’s a verb, it means to divide, distinguish, or set apart. The one-letter difference between seperate and separate makes it easy to slip up and use the wrong form.

A young man holding letters A and E in both his hands. He's deciding whether the correct word is separate or seperate.

Seperate is a common misspelling of the word “separate.”

What Does it Mean to Separate?

As a verb, separate means to divide or split up. When you move two things away from one another, you are separating them. When separate is a verb, you should pronounce all three syllables clearly, as in sep-ar-ATE. As an adjective, it means something that is apart from something else. As a noun, it usually refers to an outfit made of two individual articles of clothing that you can wear together or mix with other clothing. When separate acts as an adjective or noun, you usually pronounce the word as if it were only two syllables. For example, you’d say something that sounds like “SEP-rat.”

Let’s check out some examples of each usage of separate as an adjective, a verb, or a noun.

Separate (adjective): viewed as its own unit, apart from something else

Separate (verb): to move or cause to be apart

Separate (noun): An item of clothing able to be worn individually or mixed and matched, such as a pair of pants, skirt, or shirt

What is a Synonym for Separate?

If you don’t want to use separate in a sentence, you can use one of a number of separate synonyms. Words like distinct, independent, move apart, and break up may all work, depending on the meaning of your overall sentence.

If you’re looking for a synonym for separate to use as an adjective, try:

  • Unconnected
  • Unrelated
  • Different
  • Distinct
  • Independent
  • Autonomous
  • Disconnected
  • Detached

An image of cells separating during mitosis. Text reads: The verb separate means to divide or split.

The verb separate means to divide or split.

If you’re looking for a synonym for separate to use as a verb, try:

  • Split up
  • Break up
  • Divide
  • Isolate
  • Segregate
  • Part
  • Remove
  • Move apart

What about matching pieces of clothes? When looking for a synonym for separate to use as a fashionable noun, try:

  • Set
  • Coordinates

This one is a little trickier. Depending on the context, some synonyms will work better than others.

How to Remember Seperate vs. Separate

Using a mnemonic device can help you remember which spelling of separate or seperate is correct.

Since music mnemonics work best for me, I wanted to share some song lyrics that help me remember the meaning and correct spelling of separate.

In the ’90s-classic Offspring song “Come Out and Play,” they say:

Hey – man you talkin’ back to me?

Take him out

You gotta keep ’em separated

Hey – man you disrespecting me?

Take him out

You gotta keep ’em separated

When it comes to seperate and separate, you’ve got to “keep ‘em separated” because only one is correct! If you’re an Offspring fan, you’ll give the band an A+ for talent, so you know that the correct spelling is sepArate.

One popular mnemonic for separate vs. seperate is to remember the correct version has PAR in the middle.

This three letter word also provides a nice visual cue. For example, the PAR in the middle separates the “SE” from the “RATE.”

To go a step further, a little Latin helps give this one some additional context.

In fact, the word separate comes from Latin. The PAR in the middle is Latin for pair or match. If you associate the PAR in separate with pair, it matches up nicely with how separate often refers to the relationship between two things.

If you like to golf, this mnemonic will be easy to remember!

Common Misspellings of Separate

In addition to misspelling separate as seperate, many often misspell words related to separate. These include:

  • seperated
  • seperation
  • seperately
  • seprate

Once you have a mnemonic or two under your belt, it will be easier to remember seperate vs. separate. That’s yet another grammar concept mastered. Congrats!

Let’s Test Your Mastery of Seperate vs. Separate

Seperate or Separate Question #1


The answer is FALSE.” Seperate”—with an “e” in the middle— is a common misspelling of separate.

Separate Question #2

A. Adjective

B. Adverb

C. Verb

D. Noun


The answer is B. “Separate” can be an adjective, a verb, or a noun.

Separate Question #3

A. Unconnected

B. Autonomous

C. Move apart

D. Detached


The answer is C. “Move apart” is a synonym for using separate as a verb.

Seperate vs. Separate Question #4

A. Seperate

B. Separate

C. Seprate


The answer is B. Use a mnemonic device like PAR, which means pair or match in Latin. PAR also separates the “SE” from “RATE.”

Seperate or Separate

Almost got it! Review the article and try again.

Read More: Blond Vs. Blonde: Untangle The Difference

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