The word sensible in a sentence

Definition of Sensible

having the ability to make sound decisions

Examples of Sensible in a sentence

If you are sensible, you will not use your credit cards unnecessarily.


Jim was being quite sensible when he put his medications in his carry-on bag.


Because Kate is a sensible girl, I do not have to worry about her taking another person’s medicine.


Matt’s sensible decision to not ride in a car with his intoxicated friends is the only reason he is alive today.


As a nurse who works on her feet all day long, Ann knows the value of wearing sensible shoes.


Other words in the Intelligent category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

разумный, здравомыслящий, здравый, заметный, благоразумный, осмысленный


- разумный, благоразумный, здравомыслящий

sensible idea [course of actions, suggestion, rule] — разумная мысль [линия поведения, -ое предложение, правило]
sensible person — благоразумный /здравомыслящий/ человек
sensible beings — разумные существа
sensible clothing [shoes] — удобная /практичная/ одежда [обувь]
that was very sensible of you! — вы очень умно поступили

- ощутимый, заметный

sensible increase — заметное /ощутимое/ увеличение
a sensible change for the better — заметное изменение к лучшему
a sensible difference in the temperature — значительная разность температур
a sensible error — существенная ошибка
he felt a sensible chill on — чувствовал довольно сильный озноб

- осознающий, понимающий

to be sensible of smth. — осознавать /чувствовать/ что-л.
to make smb. sensible of smth. — дать кому-л. почувствовать что-л.
to be sensible of responsibility — чувствовать ответственность
to be sensible of an honour — ценить честь
to be sensible of the enormity of the crime — осознать гнусность преступления
to be sensible of the fact that … — учитывать /не упускать из вида/ тот факт, что …
we are sensible of your problems — мы понимаем ваши проблемы /трудности/

- чувствующий, чувствительный

sensible part /spot/ — слабое место
sensible to influences — легко поддающийся влиянию

- в сознании

the injured man was still sensible — пострадавший всё ещё был в сознании

- чувствительный (о приборе и т. п.)
- филос. воспринимаемый чувствами

the sensible world in which we live — чувственный мир, в котором мы живём
sensible horizon — астр. видимый горизонт


- филос. воспринимаемое; чувственный объект

Мои примеры


sensible / sound advice — разумный совет  
sensible clothes — практичная одежда  
a very sensible odour of garlic — очень сильный запах чеснока  
sensible error — заметная оплошность  
sensible thing — благоразумный человек  
sensible clothing — удобная /практичная/ одежда  
sensible change for the better — заметное изменение к лучшему; заметное улучшение  
he felt a sensible chill — он чувствовал довольно сильный озноб  
air-cooler sensible cooling effect — холодопроизводительность воздухоохладителя по отводу сухого тепла  
be sensible of the enormity of the crime — осознать гнусность преступления  

Примеры с переводом

My teacher gave me some sensible advice.

Мой учитель дал мне дельный совет.

It was sensible of her to postpone the trip.

Было разумно с её стороны отложить поездку.

She wore a sensible coat.

Она носила удобное / практичное пальто.

She was sensible enough to stop driving when she got too tired.

Ей хватило здравого смысла остановить машину, когда она почувствовала, что слишком уж устала.

They were sensible of the danger that they faced.

Они сознавали опасность, которой подвергались.

They are always sensible to kindness and sympathy.

Они всегда очень восприимчивы к доброму и сочувственному отношению.

He was sensible that a good deal more is still to be done.

Он осознавал, что гораздо больше ещё предстоит сделать.

I am sensible that the mention of such a circumstance may appear trifling.

Я понимаю, что упоминание этого обстоятельства может показаться несущественным.

Возможные однокоренные слова

insensible  — бесчувственный, нечувствительный, незаметный, неощутимый, потерявший сознание
sensibly  — разумно, здраво

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word sensible, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use sensible in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «sensible».

Sensible in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word sensible in a sentence.

  1. GameSpot found the system transparent and sensible.

  2. Diefenbaker, and I will give you sensible answers.».

  3. He is so sensible, so kind, and so good, and so amiable too.

  4. In one court hearing, McGill told the lawyer: «You ask me sensible questions, Mr.

  5. These characters have a gentle and cultivated disposition and wear sensible costumes.

  6. Queen Victoria was very supportive, considering Mary ideal—charming, sensible and pretty.

  7. Conversely, sensible Elinor opts for simpler accessories, such as a long gold chain and a straw hat.

  8. She admired Johnson greatly and claimed that he was «the most sensible man that I ever saw in my life».

  9. Oppenheimer reassured Teller that the nation’s fate should be left to the sensible politicians in Washington.

  10. Though the research proved to team owners that the move was a sensible decision, the banks were not impressed.

  11. Instead, he focused on gases and «changes in their sensible properties», as had natural philosophers before him.

  12. Carlisle and the Powels often dined together and discussed politics; he found them «very agreeable, sensible people».

  13. The Yellow Cat however made me sensible of his continuing friendship, although I had not been there for eight months».

  14. I was always very anxious to promote racial harmony, so as soon as people had become more sensible I took advantage of it.

  15. She was sensible how arduous a task it is to produce a truly excellent novel; and she roused her faculties to grapple with it.

  16. In contrast, they were praised as «pleasantly non-linear» by Reed, and called logical and sensible by PALGN’s Adam Ghiggino.

  17. In the article, Sylvia also spoke of her belief that «marriage without legal union» was the most sensible option for liberated women.

  18. Marlborough wrote to Godolphin «I am very sensible that I take a great deal upon me, but should I act otherwise, the Empire would be undone …».

  19. Dever’s supporters pushed back against Thompson’s rhetoric, asserting that Dever had the sensible policies and the «decency» appropriate for the city.

  20. The reviewer for The Monthly Review thought the book was «uniformly moral, and contains some sensible and useful reflections; particularly those on death and on friendship».

  21. The goal was to balance the speed, precocity, and fiery temperament provided by the Nasrullah side of the pedigree with Princequillo’s stamina, soundness, and sensible temperament.

  22. She has an air of authority and reflectiveness astonishing in an infant.» Her cousin Margaret Rhodes described her as «a jolly little girl, but fundamentally sensible and well-behaved».

  23. We have no wish to become Americans but there is a strong belief in this country that the sensible course of action for Australians is to acquire war equipment from the United States now.

  24. Unlike previous incarnations as a model or nightclub owner, this version of Mary Jane is an aspiring reporter who wears a smart, sensible, and stylish outfit to reflect her modeling history.

  25. Her visage darts forth melancholy, as sensible of Nature’s injurie in framing so great a body to be guided with complementall wings, so small and impotent, that they serve only to prove her bird.

  26. She was highlighted as an example of the series’ female characters who were not judged solely on gender, and for having «the most sensible design» for a female character of the mid-to-late 1990s.

  27. Roger Ebert, in his review of the film, described Neville’s Baron as a man who «seems sensible and matter-of-fact, as anyone would if they had spent a lifetime growing accustomed to the incredible».

  28. Hoover opted for a simpler answer; Philip I’s coins were the most numerous and earlier Seleucid coin models were destroyed, making it economically sensible for the Romans to continue Philip I’s model.

  29. Some felt that Đính was attempting to gain favour with the Buddhists in anticipation of Kỳ’s fall from power, while Frances FitzGerald felt it was the only sensible government action during the crisis.

  30. This was contrary to the impression that Teller had received when he had personally asked Oppenheimer about the Szilard petition: that the nation’s fate should be left to the sensible politicians in Washington.

Synonyms for sensible

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word sensible has the following synonyms: aware, cognizant, cognisant, perceptible, reasonable, commonsense, commonsensible, commonsensical, healthy, intelligent, levelheaded, level-headed, sound, tenable, well-founded, fair, just, logical, rational, valid, sensitive and conscious.

General information about «sensible» example sentences

The example sentences for the word sensible that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «sensible» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «sensible».

sensible — перевод на русский


Mm-hmm. That sounds sensible.

Звучит разумно.

Mm-hmm. Yes, very sensible.

Да, очень разумно.

Let’s be sensible.

Веди себя разумно.

The most sensible thing for you to do is to be friends with me.

Для тебя разумно подружиться со мной.

— If it’s sensible.

— Если это будет разумно.

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Do be sensible.

Гру, будьте благоразумны.

Oh, darling, let’s be sensible.

Дорогая, будем благоразумны.

Be sensible and listen to us.

Будьте благоразумны и выслушайте нас.

What could happen, if you’re sensible?

Что же может случиться, если вы будете благоразумны?

Be sensible, little lady

А теперь, дорогая мадам, будьте благоразумны.

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He’s a nice, sensible chap steady, conscientious, successful.

Он приятный, здравомыслящий стабильный, честный, успешный.

Why, any sensible sponsor would jump at the chance.

Почему, любой здравомыслящий спонсор будет упускать этот шанс.

Who is such an educated sensible man who does not know his limit.

Какой воспитанный здравомыслящий мужчина не знает границ своих возможностей.

Without a house in Mumbai no sensible father will let you marry his daughter.

Без дома в Мумбае ни один здравомыслящий отец не позволит тебе женился на своей дочери.

(laughs) — I love you and your sensible parenting style.

Обожаю тебя и твой здравомыслящий стиль воспитания детей.

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You ever thought about wearing sensible shoes?

Ты никогда не думала о том, чтобы носить практичную обувь?

What, definitely sensible?

Что, определенно практичную?

And wear sensible shoes.

И надень практичную обувь.

Glad to see you wore Your sensible shoes.

Рад, что ты надела практичную обувь.

Wear sensible shoes.»

Надевай практичную обувь.

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He is delicate and sensible, not a beast like you!

Он умный и деликатный, а не такое животное, как ты!

Very sensible.

Очень умный.

How’d you get so sensible?

Откуда ты такой умный?

I had this buddy and-— well, he wasn’t the most sensible guy, but he was smart, creative, very creative.

У меня был приятель… Не то, чтобы очень умный, но сметливый, и очень творческий.

— Most sensible thing you’ve said.

— Самое умное, что ты могла сказать.

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Sensible smolow, the Karl jung of eastern Missouri, died today in a crappy motel, his dick in between the slices of a roast-beef sandwich!

Рассудительный Смолов, Карл Юнг Восточного Миссури, сдох сегодня в сраном мотеле, зажав хер между ломтей сэндвича с ростбифом!

I’m gonna sit down and have a sensible, intelligent conversation with my son.

Я сяду рядом с сыном и проведу с ним интеллигентный и рассудительный разговор.

You’re such a sensible man.

Ты такой рассудительный.

Brad’s so sensible.

Брэд такой рассудительный

Gary is usually a cutting-edge guy, «but in this case, he made a cautious and sensible choice.

«Гэри обычно на острие моды, а тут он сделал осторожный и рассудительный выбор.

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Honest, sensible, sober, harmless Holly Martins.

Честный, чувствительный, трезвый, безобидный Холли Мартинс.

He’s a very sensible lad. I don’t want to have a nervous breakdown here.

Это очень чувствительный ребенок.

Sensible, good-humoured…

Чувствительный, добродушный…

Do be sensible.

Ты такой чувствительный.

You’re too sensible.

Ты очень чувствительна.

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Remember: Rope, torch, compass, mosquito repellent, sensible clothes.

Не забыть: веревка, фонарик, компас, мазь от комаров, удобная одежда.

Sensible shoes.

Удобная обувь. — Что?

Black cats, sensible shoes and a wig make you a witch?

Три чёрных кошки, удобная обувь и парик сделают из тебя ведьмака? Это может помочь.

Oh, make sure to wear sensible shoes.

Убедись, чтобы обувь была удобная.

(Simon) When attending a music festival, you must always wear sensible footwear… Hm. … partake of a nutritious diet and don’t worry unnecessarily about personal hygiene.

Когда собираешься на музыкальный фестиваль, стоит одевать удобную обувь принимать питательные вещества и особо не беспокоиться о личной гигиене.

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— Do you behind must be sensible club, which will support you.

— У тебя за плечами должен стоять толковый клуб, который будет тебя поддерживать.

We-we want a more sensible initiative.

Мы хотим более толковый законопроект.

I’m not sure how sensible it is.

Не уверен, что он толковый.

Ah, sensible fellow.

Толковый парень.

For once in his life, Jim said something sensible.

— Нет. Первый раз в жизни, Джим сказал что-то толковое.

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I just couldn’t figure out why it was taking him so long to get his weight off the rope, there was no sensible explanation for it.

Я даже не мог вообразить, почему он так долго не разгружает веревку, не находил здравого ответа на это.

Said nothing sensible or even kind.

Ќе сказав ничего здравого или существенного.

Bates, we have to be sensible.

Бейтс, нужно рассуждать здраво.

If you want to have a sensible conversation…

Если ты хочешь поговорить здраво…

They’ll torpedo the only sensible thing to happen since the war.

Так задушат единственную здравую послевоенную инициативу.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

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A sensible eating plan should include foods you enjoy, in moderation.

Также следует разработать разумный план питания, который должен включать продукты, которые нравятся, однако в умеренных количествах.

Don’t stop him doing the only sensible thing in months.

Не останавливай его, когда он собирается совершить единственный разумный поступок за последние месяцы.

Every sensible participant understands what threatens his own life.

Каждый здравомыслящий участник понимает, что ставит под угрозу собственную жизнь.

No sensible court would even try.

Ни один здравомыслящий человек даже не попытается сделать это.

Space and time are not derived from sensible intuitions.

А. Идеи пространства и времени не рождаются из чувственного опыта.

Hence human nature cannot be without sensible matter.

Следовательно, человеческая природа не может существовать без чувственной материи.

Keep trying, we need sensible alternatives.

Альтернативы, конечно, надо искать, но — разумные альтернативы.

That is a sensible approach, and it is certainly supported.

Это — вполне разумное решение, и мы, безусловно, его поддерживаем.

You know, I hope someone does something sensible soon.

Знаете, я надеюсь, что в ближайшее время кто-нибудь сделает что-то разумное.

We believe that limitations on disclosure are sensible.

Мы считаем, что ограничения на раскрытие информации являются разумными.

Maybe these ghosts seem nonsense but one can find some sensible interpretation.

Может быть, эти призраки и кажутся глупостью, но можно им найти разумную интерпретацию».

For those active and sensible people and I created this site.

Вот, для таких активных и здравомыслящих людей я этот сайт и создал.

Yet, with others he seems so sensible

Да, но в общении с другими он кажется таким разумным

Nothing sensible goes out of fashion.

То, что разумно, не может выйти из моды.

Most sensible thing you’ve said.

Это самая разумная вещь, что я от тебя слышала.

You want someone strong, self-reliant and sensible.

Тебе нужен кто-то сильный, разумный и уверенный в себе.

Unlikely, as long as you create a sensible plan.

Вряд ли, до тех пор, пока вы придерживаетесь разумного плана.

She laughed and told him to be sensible.

Она рассмеялась и сказала ему, что нужно быть разумным.

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‘She’s a very capable, sensible and efficient woman, I should think … just got a blind spot where this one man is concerned

That Ellie was a nice one, sensible too

‘Sounds like a sensible idea, this annexe of yours

’ I said, wondering if it is such a sensible idea after all

Stephen is much the same – keen but not terribly sensible

Glenelle was listening, but though she thought she knew the words, none of them seemed connected in a sensible way

Adrian seems a sensible sort of man

Yes, of course she would have done … she’s sensible

“He is a good and sensible person; you two could match together,” she says smiling

He is a nice, good-looking and sensible guy; moreover, he is quite wealthy and he has a good job in a big TV channel

‘Oh … that was sensible of him

Birds were tweeting and chirping invisibly in the trees as she wandered along the lane towards the main road, it was that dead hour in the middle of the day when, in rural areas, any sensible person is inside enjoying a cup of something … it brought back memories of her childhood … she smiled at the thought … a dog barked somewhere in the distance … and a stick cracked as someone trod on it

Deciding that it would be sensible to get there and then get herself a cup of tea rather than hang around in town … there had to be a café in the station, didn’t there? And she’d picked a book off Iain’s bookshelves before leaving

She stood in the early morning sunlight, feeling the warmth of it touching her flesh though the sensible tunic and hosen she had quickly donned

‘Do you really think it’s sensible to take JJ with you?’ he asked, aware that seeing JJ in her house might well prove a hurdle too far for her

I flounder for some minutes trying to come up with a sensible reason while she stands there, arms akimbo almost daring me to give her a reply

He’s dressed for travelling in sensible hosen and mantel … but I cannot help but note the quality of his garments

After a somewhat heated discussion between us, Gilla got her way, this time persuading me to pack several skirts as well as the sensible hosen and shirts which have accompanied me on my journeys so far

As always, Berndt is practical and sensible – it is he who locates our bags and checks that they are as they should be and he who oversees the ggs being settled in the stable

An hour and a half later, slightly drowsy with good food and more wine than is sensible for me at lunchtime, I follow the two guys down the side street towards the harbour

He’s wearing his usual Gottesman outfit of sensible hosen and a tunic, his belt, complete with pouch where he keeps his stones, firmly in place

Although he didn’t say it, I get the general feeling that he feels it should have been him and not Joris who died … as if sensible, down to earth Berndt would be caught prancing around on the rail … I feel a cold shiver down my spine as I contemplate how I would feel if it had been Berndt and not Joris …

I don’t know how long I stay there, at one with the roughness of the elements but, as the clouds gradually become darker and darker, portentous of worsening weather, I do the sensible thing and go below

‘It would be sensible on several levels … not least the fact that I am not going to sleep much tucked in my own bunk knowing you are in here … and I have a feeling that you have strong views about sex outside marriage

‘Sounds eminently sensible to me

‘I hear you have become one of the family now, Lintze – and I thought you were a sensible lady

He inspects my sensible hosen and warm woollen vullejakt approvingly

Squatting behind the bush, I realise that Berndt’s advice was probably extremely sensible

Given that he has what appears to be a satisfactory and fulfilling life, I cannot come up with any sensible reason other than that he was bitten by the urge to help with the survival of his society and, although that would sit with the man and his general helpfulness, it’s a bit extreme as reasons go

‘Yes … that would be sensible

‘Property is always a sensible investment whatever the market and in the long term it might be the best way of dealing with it

Better ring Gary – now what’s his direct line? He answers almost immediately and agrees that Sunday would be sensible

I sit silent as Karen and Alastair talk it through, concluding that it’s sensible for Alastair to continue using the house for work … it would also enable him to continue his role of parent much as he does at the moment

It all seems eminently sensible to me, though the accepted inference that Alastair would then come home to me does rather take my breath away

Sensible, well mannered and an ideal first boyfriend, I should think

‘It might be a sensible idea to select the same day every week and dedicate that to practising serious stuff

I mentioned to Sally what you were planning on doing, she thinks that’s a very sensible idea

Anna decides that it would be sensible for her to move out as soon as they get back from honeymoon saying that they can probably camp with Jane and Peter for a few days if they have to

We agree that it would be more sensible for me to deal with the letting of the cottage – I’ll contact the agency she used when I took the tenancy

‘That’s a very sensible idea, Gary

It is also a rather sad fact that my underwear veers on the sensible side of practical and maybe I ought to think a little more in terms of sexy …

She asks sensible questions about heating and cooking facilities and I explain that the cooker, washing machine and fridge are staying as I shall be taking over the stuff in Anna’s cottage

You know, I think some coffee could be a sensible idea

’ Jo replied quickly, ‘I’ve had a chat with Jake about our relationship before, he’s very sensible and easy to talk to

’ I said, sipping my sensible grapefruit and tonic

The sensible rule of

Sounds as though she was a very hands-on person … Bert said she wanted to know how to do things … she was keen on knitting and stuff like that … all very practical and sensible

It would be the sensible thing to do, wouldn’t it? I’m sure your father would approve

Walking to the office from the car park, I concentrate on calming down so that I present a sensible and, above all, normal face to the world as represented by Bill and Graham

In some cases it is sensible

Lunch would be sensible

Pyjamas would be sensible, I have a pair I only keep for this sort of occasion

‘Just as well I wore something sensible tonight then – I can wear this lot to the office without causing a riot

I could swear that I was a sixteen year old in the excitement of a first love not a sensible forty year old man

I suddenly think of Bunty … what would she have done? In spite of her hang ups sexually – and they were a direct result of her upbringing, I reckon – she was a sensible yet emotional woman

Summer stuff … yes, that’s a sensible idea

in the end, Ginny came to find me, sensible woman that she is, and we made up

The great and wise chief thought the idea quite sensible and ordered his braves to do as the ancient one suggested

His steps getting quicker and quicker as he moved off down the path, he comforted himself with the thought that this was the sensible course to take

He stands by the door and lets Sensible Billy argue the case for retracing his steps

He’d once been in a room with a lunatic and it had made the hair on his arms and neck stand on end – Ozzie’d had the same effect on him this time even though what he said had sounded sensible

She was dressed in practical, unflattering skirt and jumper and sensible shoes, her tone was sensible – the combination created the sort of person Andy wouldn’t dream of arguing with … he’d had a school teacher a bit like this woman

Just how had he got into this? Why, oh why, had he been so stupid as to think that Chas was offering a sensible option?

sensible shoes could just be glimpsed

Sensible? how am I to be sensible in the face of that? I meet him at the door

It seemed a sensible way of getting to know people … anything to get away from those long evenings sitting thinking about the past and how it could have been … ironic really

I have more lunch than usual on Thursday and, as I have decided that it would be sensible to take the day off on Friday, there is a holiday feel about work for me during the afternoon

‘Pyracanthus would be more sensible

Jane Hammond is sensible and should be able to cope

) `Stupid animal that I was’ (he said), `now I must sit in this dungeon, till people who were proud to say they knew me, have forgotten the very name of Toad! O wise old Badger!’ (he said), `O clever, intelligent Rat and sensible Mole! What sound judgments, what a knowledge of men and matters you have! O unhappy and lost Toad!’ With cries such as these he passed his days and nights for several weeks, refusing his meals or snacks, though the grim and ancient jailer, knowing that Toad was rich, often pointed out that many comforts, and indeed luxuries, could be sent in— at a price—from outside

The high price of provisions during these ten years past, has not, in many parts of the kingdom, been accompanied with any sensible rise in the money price of labour

Upon examining, however, the accounts which have been published of their annual produce, I have not been able to observe that its variations have had any sensible connection with the dearness or cheapness of the seasons

the few places where it has yet taken place has produced no sensible advantage

But compare the spacious palace and great wardrobe of the one, with the hovel and the few rags of the other, and you will be sensible that the difference between their clothing, lodging, and household furniture, is almost as great in quantity as it is in quality

The discovery of the mines of America, it is to be observed, does not seem to have had any very sensible effect upon the prices of things in England till after 1570; though even the mines of Potosi had been discovered more than twenty years before

The value of silver, therefore, in proportion to that of corn, had probably risen somewhat before the end of the last century; and it seems to have continued to do so during the course of the greater part of the present, though the necessary operation of the bounty must have hindered that rise from being so sensible as it otherwise would have been in the actual state of tillage

The continual consumption of the precious metals in coin by wearing, and in plate both by wearing and cleaning, is very sensible ; and in commodities of which the use is so very widely extended, would alone require a very great annual supply

The consumption of those metals in some particular manufactures, though it may not perhaps be greater upon the whole than this gradual consumption, is, however, much more sensible, as it is much more rapid

The little offals of their own table, their whey, skimmed milk, and butter milk, supply those animals with a part of their food, and they find the rest in the neighbouring fields, without doing any sensible damage to any body

In the clothing manufacture there has, during the same period, been no such sensible reduction of price

But the reduction will appear much more sensible and undeniable, if we compare the price of this manufacture in the present times with what it was in a much remoter period, towards the end of the fifteenth century, when the labour was probably much less subdivided, and the machinery employed much more imperfect, than it is at present

I would feel torn and devastated for a while but not on the long run for I would have done what was sensible and right in the circumstances

In 1751 and 1752, when Mr Hume published his Political Discourses, and soon after the great multiplication of paper money in Scotland, there was a very sensible rise in the price of provisions, owing, probably, to the badness of the seasons, and not to the multiplication of paper money

The progress is frequently so gradual, that, at near periods, the improvement is not only not sensible, but, from the declension either of certain branches of industry, or of certain districts of the country, things which sometimes happen, though the country in general is in great prosperity, there frequently arises a suspicion, that the riches and industry of the whole are decaying

“That happens to be a sensible and healthy habit

They would still, therefore, keep possession of the home market; and though a capricious man of fashion might sometimes prefer foreign wares, merely because they were foreign, to cheaper and better goods of the same kind that were made at home, this folly could, from the nature of things, extend to so few, that it could make no sensible impression upon the general employment of the people

Not only no great convulsion, but no sensible disorder, arose from so great a change in the situation of more than 100,000 men, all accustomed to the use of arms, and many of them to rapine and plunder

«It’s good to know you have a sensible mind

“He’s sensible and sensitive

They loaded the public revenue with a very considerable expense: they imposed a very heavy tax upon the whole body of the people ; but they did not, in any sensible degree, increase the real value of their own commodity; and by lowering somewhat the real value of silver, they discouraged, in some degree, the general industry of the country, and, instead of advancing, retarded more or less the improvement of their own lands, which necessarily depend upon the general industry of the country

The force within us that actively works with our raw awareness of events, to create a sensible reality, is our intention, or our intentionality

If thrown into the melting pot, however, they produced, without any sensible loss, a pound weight of standard gold, which could be sold at any time for between £47:14s

, no sensible inconveniency of this kind is found to arise from it

«I was sensible of just such a possibility,» he said

Compare the mercantile manners of Cadiz and Lisbon with those of Amsterdam, and you will be sensible how differently the conduct and character of merchants are affected by the high and by the low profits of stock

He felt that they should bury the body but that was neither sensible nor practical

“I can’t say I’m completely convinced that it’s sensible but I’ll go with that plan

This sect, in their works, which are very numerous, and which treat not only of what is properly called Political Economy, or of the nature and causes or the wealth of nations, but of every other branch of the system of civil government, all follow implicitly, and without any sensible variation, the doctrine of Mr

“He is usually so sensible

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Johnny King

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(69 votes)

1, It might be sensible to get a solicitor. 2, I think that’s a very sensible idea. 3, That seems to be a sensible idea. 4, This approach seems very sensible to me.

What is an example of sensible?

The definition of sensible is someone or something that conforms with the rules of logic and that makes sense given the situation. An example of sensible is a level-headed person who makes good decisions. An example of sensible is a good decision that is made. Having a perception of something; cognizant.

What does sensible mean in a person?

Sensible means practical and reasonable. If you’re wearing sensible shoes, they’re sturdy, comfortable, good for walking, and your feet don’t hurt. If you’re a sensible person, you’re level-headed and calm, and you make wise decisions.

What does it mean to be sensible of something?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishbe sensible of somethingbe sensible of somethingliterary to know or realize that something exists or is true SYN aware He was very sensible of the difficult situation she was in.

How do you use ellipses?


  1. Use an ellipsis to omit information at the beginning and end of quotes. With quoted material, use an ellipsis to indicate an omission at the beginning, within, or at the end of a sentence. …
  2. Use an ellipsis to omit whole sentences in quotations. …
  3. Use an ellipsis in dialogue.

32 related questions found

How do you use three dots in a sentence?

Definition. An ellipsis (plural: ellipses) is a punctuation mark consisting of three dots. Use an ellipsis when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage. Ellipses save space or remove material that is less relevant.

What is a sensible woman?

adj. 1 having or showing good sense or judgment.

What’s the difference between sensitive and sensible?

Sensible means that you ‘have good judgement’ or ‘are very practical’. Sometimes the most sensible thing is to ignore what people say and look at the facts. Sensitive is related to feelings. If you’re sensitive, it can mean that ‘you think about how other people feel‘.

What is the synonym of sensible?

Some common synonyms of sensible are appreciable, palpable, perceptible, ponderable, and tangible.

Is being sensible a good thing?

Sensitivity has many strengths, such as good awareness of what is going on around us, empathy, more creative thinking, the ability to deeply process and think about big issues, etcetera. … “Sensitive people feel more easily stressed by a deadline but are also especially empathetic and good in understanding people.”

How do you become a sensible person?

Here’s how to live self-responsibility and approach work and life proactively:

  1. Accept that no matter what happens, you’re not a victim. …
  2. If something bad happens in your life, don’t let it define who you are. …
  3. Don’t look back too often. …
  4. Life is what you make of it. …
  5. Don’t engage in wishful thinking.

Is sensible a compliment?

In Germany, being called sensible is a compliment

In a world where politicians are no longer good managers, or even good people.”

What is sensible sentence example?

Adjective My teacher gave me some sensible advice. She was sensible enough to stop driving when she got too tired. She wore a sensible coat. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘sensible.

What is a sentence for sensible?

1, It might be sensible to get a solicitor. 2, I think that’s a very sensible idea. 3, That seems to be a sensible idea. 4, This approach seems very sensible to me.

How do you use sensible in a sentence?

Sensible sentence example

  1. That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said in a long time. …
  2. Kuragin was much more sensible and simple with women than among men. …
  3. Some sensible observations by the editor were added to the original biography. …
  4. On such points the Catholics followed the more sensible course.

Which is a higher compliment sensitive or sensible?

Whereas «sensible» means practical or levelheaded, «sensitive» means reactive or extremely aware. An archaic meaning of «sensible,» however, is much closer to the contemporary meaning of «sensitive.»

Is sensitive a positive or negative word?

The first two meanings of “sensitive” are a little negative, but the last meaning is positive. I hope that everyone understands how to use this word in all of its meanings now.

What type of word is sensible?

sensible adjective (AWARE)

What is meaning of Wise Girl?

A woman who is venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom. noun. 3. A woman who practices traditional arts or folkways such as herbal medicine, midwifery, or divination. noun.

What does it mean by level headed?

: having or showing sound judgment : sensible. Other Words from levelheaded Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About levelheaded.

What does it mean when you put 3 dots after a sentence?

Those little dots often found in a sentence or quote are called an ellipsis. The term ellipsis comes from the Greek word meaning ‘omission,’ and that’s just what it does: an ellipsis shows that something has been left out. … You can also use an ellipsis to show a pause in speech or the ‘trailing off’ of a sentence.

What does 3 dots mean in text?

Screenshot/Tech Insider If you use Apple’s iMessage, then you know about the «typing awareness indicator» — the three dots that appear on your screen to show you when someone on the other end of your text is typing. … And the indicator doesn’t always disappear when someone stops typing.

What does the 3 dot symbol mean?

Asterism (typography) (⁂, sometimes *** or three dots), indicates a flourished section break in a document. Therefore sign ( or ∴), a shorthand form of the word «therefore» or «thus»

Examples of how to use the word “sensible” in a sentence. How to connect “sensible” with other words to make correct English sentences.

sensible (adj): based on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or understanding

Use “sensible” in a sentence

I think that he is a sensible person.
His advice is always very sensible.
That’s a very sensible idea.

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