The word sensation in a sentence

Definition of Sensation

a feeling picked up by one of the five senses

Examples of Sensation in a sentence

The burning sensation in the man’s eye only seemed to intensify as he flushed it with water.


As the roller coaster began to pick up speed, the scared rider felt a tightening sensation in his stomach.


A painful shooting sensation moved through my elbow when I hit it on the back of the counter.


After eating foods she was allergic to, the woman would get a tingly sensation in her mouth and become nauseous.


Pain medication will reduce the uncomfortable sensation around the burn, but won’t heal the wound.


Other words in the Human Body category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

ощущение, сенсация, чувство


- ощущение, чувство

pleasant [disagreeable] sensation — приятное [неприятное] чувство /ощущение/
a sensation of pain [of distress] — ощущение боли [недомогания]
a burning sensation — изжога
a sensation of fear [of weariness] — чувство страха [усталости]
to lose all sensation in one’s feet — потерять всякую чувствительность в ногах
to cause [to experience, to have] a sensation of smth. — вызывать [испытывать] чувство чего-л.

- восприятие

visible sensation — зрительное восприятие
auricular [optical] sensation — слуховой [зрительный] образ
to dull the sensation of smth. — притуплять восприимчивость (к чему-л.)

- сенсация, новинка

the greatest sensation — величайшая сенсация, гвоздь сезона
the new opera did not cause the least sensation in the capital — новая опера не произвела никакого впечатления в столице
to make [to create, to cause] a sensation — вызвать [произвести, создать] сенсацию

- филос. чувственное данное; чувственный опыт

Мои примеры


loss of sensation — потеря чувствительности  
numbing sensation — чувство онемения  
pleasant sensation — приятное ощущение  
unpleasant sensation — неприятное ощущение, нехорошее чувство  
to cause / create a sensation — произвести сенсацию  
tactual sensation — тактильное ощущение  
vivid sensation of cold — отчётливое ощущение холода  
a sensation of pain — ощущение боли  
a sensation of fear — чувство страха  
become a sensation — стать сенсацией  

Примеры с переводом

She felt a burning sensation in her throat.

Она почувствовала жжение в горле.

Graham felt a tingling sensation in his hand.

Грэм почувствовал покалывание в руке.

I couldn’t quite shake the sensation that I’d been fooled.

Я не мог полностью отделаться от ощущения, что меня одурачили.

Jerry realized with alarm that he had no sensation in his legs.

Джереми с тревогой осознал, что не чувствует своих ног.

His striking good looks always created a sensation.

Его поразительная красота всегда производила фурор.

Her injury left her with no sensation in her legs.

После травмы она совсем не чувствовала ног.

The paralysis must have been due to an abolition of sensation.

Паралич возник, должно быть, из-за потери чувствительности.

I experienced a stinging sensation in my arm.

Я ощутил жжение в руке.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She felt a piercing sensation in her arm.

She craved new experiences and sensations.

She felt a prickling sensation in her shoulder.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

sensational  — сенсационный, нашумевший, поразительный, великолепный, потрясающий, сенсуальный
sensationism  — чувственность,

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): sensation
мн. ч.(plural): sensations

sensation — перевод на русский


I’ve got that pricking sensange… that sensation again, the same… just as I had when I saw the Thalics… those Daleks were near !

У меня есть та ощущение покалывания. Тоже ощущение снова, то же самое. Так же, как я тогда, когда я видел Далеков…

And that too, is a new sensation.

Это тоже новое ощущение.

Had I arrived at the point where natural law and the sensations of pleasure collide?

Или я достигла той точки, где законы природы и ощущение удовольствия пересекаются?

I did everything so that my character would find flesh… you know, sometimes in me appeared sensation, that 4 and in reality it was familiar with The the mastornoy… but each time it again slips off from me…

Я сделал все, чтобы мой персонаж обрел плоть… Знаете, иногда у меня появлялось ощущение, что я и на самом деле знаком с Масторной… Но каждый раз он снова ускользает от меня…

all this causes in me strange sensation, something is more similar to the pangs of conscience.

Все это вызывает во мне странное ощущение, что-то похожее на угрызения совести.

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The greatest literary sensation «Giants» by H. Bielecki.

Крупнейшая литературная сенсация. «Гиганты» Х. Белецкого.

The sensation of the evening.

Сенсация вечера.

A sensation, lad.

Сенсация, приятель.

The sensation of the century.

Сенсация столетия

This is no joke. lt’s a sensation.

Это не шутка, это сенсация.

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I have always suspected that the blade coming down… causes no more than a slight tickling sensation… on the back of the neck.

Мне всегда казалось, что опускающееся на шею лезвие вызывает лишь чувство легкого щекотания. Но это лишь мое предположение.

The sensation that something that is flowing from me naturally to somebody else without it’s being prettied up or…

Чувство, что что-то естественным образом исходит от меня на кого-то другого без всяких прикрас. Он ведь видел меня просто ужасной!

It is a shattering and beautiful sensation.

Распирающее и прекрасное чувство.

You even shatter the sensations of time and space… into split seconds and instant replays.

Ты разложила даже чувство времени и пространства… на секундные доли и повторы интересных моментов.

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I got a funny sensation in my toes.

Появилась чувствительность в пальцах ног.

So it’s not true you lose sensation in the nipple area?

Так значит это не правда, что соски теряют чувствительность?

Given normal nerve ending sensation, It’s extremely unlikely she didn’t f eel it.

Если брать чувствительность обычного нервного окончания, она должна была что-то почувствовать.

Or he’s lost sensation in some places.

Или он потерял чувствительность в некоторых местах.

When will I get my sensation back?

Когда ко мне вернется чувствительность?

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» I feel nothing. No sensation.

«Ничего не чувствую.

In fact, just saying the word is giving me a burning sensation.

Вообще, просто сказав это слово, я чувствую горечь во рту.

I’m losing sensation in my hand.

Я руку не чувствую.

Do you have any sensation in your left arm at all?

Вы хоть что-нибудь чувствуете в левой руке?

Any loss of sensation in your feet?

Ноги чувствуете?

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You’ll feel a tingling sensation.

Вы ощутите легкое покалывание.

Tingling sensation throughout my whole body.

Покалывание по всему телу.

I had a strange tingling sensation in my anus.

Я почувствовал странное покалывание у себя в очке.

Why are you in a wheelchair? It was the storm. The strange tingling sensation in my anus has spread through my body and now I can’t feel my legs.

Это из-за грозы, то странное покалывание в моем очке распространилось по всему телу и теперь я не чувствую своих ног.

May cause a slight tingling sensation.

Могут вызвать легкое покалывание.

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You’ll feel a slight burning sensation.

Вы почувствуете небольшое жжение.

I have a, uh… painful burning sensation.

У меня жуткое жжение.

Burning sensation in the extremities.

Жжение в конечностях.

I feel it too, it’s like a burning sensation.

Я чувствую это тоже, это как будто жжение.

Anyway, does that burning sensation — begin at a certain point?

Это жжение начинается в определенный…

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The latest sensation from Krakow.

Сенсационное известие из Кракова.

Gargamania, the magical sensation that has captivated the nation from New York to Las Vegas, is now taking on the City of Light, Paris, France.

Потрясающее, сенсационное шоу, покорившее Нью-Йорк и Лас-Вегас.

The recent YouTube sensation of three boys in Brazil exposing police brutality and political corruption in Rio de Janeiro has resulted in the arrest of Olympic Mayor hopeful, Antonio Santos, as well as other leading politicians and police figures.

Сенсационное видео на YоuTubе, в котором три бразильских мальчика рассказали о жестокости и коррупции полиции Рио-де-Жанейро, привело к аресту кандидата в мэры на «олимпийcкий» cрок Антонио Сантоcа, а также ряда других ведущих политиков и полицейских чинов.

It’ll cause a sensation.

Она будет сенсационной.

The sensation of rich, warm, human blood flowing into your mouth? Bathing your tongue caressing your throat with its sweet, sticky—

Сенсационно богатая, теплая, человеческая кровь текущая в твой рот, омывающая твой язык ласкающая твое горло своей сладкой, тягучей…

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so that it fits the typical profile of dress, the lost child, the child damaged entumido, vacilesco, incensato guy, very willing to expose in search of a sensation, to feel anything

В известном смысле он походил на типичный для порно-актера шаблон: потерянный мальчик, испорченный мальчик, заторможенный, флегматичный, неодушевленный мальчик, готовый к любым крайностям, чтобы почувствовать что-нибудь, почувствовать что угодно.

Or if you’re a girl, you may notice a tingling sensation in your strange.

А девочки почувствовать покалывание в киске.

You should feel a cold sensation right now.

Сейчас вы должны почувствовать холод.

The sensation of pain coursing through my face was like an adrenaline shot to my soul.

Я почувствовал себя мужчиной, вероятно, в первый раз после бар-мицвы*.

That was before I discovered the sensation of a cool breeze circling my bag and my pipe.

Это было до того, как я почувствовал, как прохладный ветерок обдувает мою волынку.

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To honor America, please rise for our national anthem sung by Springfield’s R B sensation, «Bleeding Gums» Murphy.

В честь Америки, пожалуйста встаньте во время гимна который исполнит звезда Мерфи Кровавые Десны.

The rookie sensation who has burned his way… into the eye sockets ofthe fashion world… and left them clawing their faces for more…

Новая звезда стремительно ворвалась в мир моды и все поклонники замерли в ожидании.

Apparently our little Romeo is quite the youtube sensation.

Оказывается, наш маленький Ромео звезда Ютуба.

I’m a disgraced ice-skating sensation.

Я дисквалифицированная звезда фигурного катания.

Aunt Robin had been a teen pop sensation in Canada, known as Robin Sparkles.

Детки, к тому времени мы знали, что тётя Робин была канадской звездой, известной как Робин Спарклз. (Робин Искорка)

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word sensation, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use sensation in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «sensation».

Sensation in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word sensation in a sentence.

  1. The film caused a sensation in the UK.

  2. It resulted in a media sensation regarding her bottom.

  3. Keeler’s unexplained absence caused a press sensation.

  4. Edwards’ trial was in June 1842 and was a media sensation.

  5. Boz’s Juba became a sensation in Britain for his dance style.

  6. Thomas’s murder caused a sensation on both sides of the Irish Sea.

  7. According to Wisden, Phillips’ actions caused «a great sensation ..

  8. Her disappearance resulted in a press sensation in the United States.

  9. Colbert’s performance quickly became an Internet and media sensation.

  10. It caused an immediate sensation and was widely reported in the press.

  11. Fraser later stated that his overwhelming sensation at the news was relief.

  12. All dermatomes below the level of injury to the spinal cord may lose sensation.

  13. A sensation, the giraffe was the subject of numerous memorabilia or «giraffanalia».

  14. In fact, to eat Durians is a new sensation worth a voyage to the East to experience.

  15. Symptoms of this complication include pain or reduced sensation in the affected limb.

  16. This illegal action created a sensation, and led to legal proceedings against the council.

  17. Anne duly travelled south with Prince Henry, their progress causing a sensation in England.

  18. The soundtrack was well received, with the song «O Podu» becoming a sensation in Tamil Nadu.

  19. With the help of Lawrence, Eric managed to become a sensation through his song «Unbelievable».

  20. Slotin experienced a sour taste in his mouth and an intense burning sensation in his left hand.

  21. The report caused a sensation and spurred the author to write a narrative version of the events.

  22. By the late 1920s, sound films had become common, following the 1927 sensation, The Jazz Singer.

  23. Genes related to both sensing temperature and transmitting that sensation to the brain were altered.

  24. SCI usually causes sexual dysfunction, due to problems with sensation and the body’s arousal responses.

  25. Njoo soon showed a proclivity for sensation, which was manifested in the December 1940 release Zoebaida.

  26. On January 29, 1845, his poem «The Raven» appeared in the Evening Mirror and became a popular sensation.

  27. You cannot conceive what that sensation of cutting the air was; the motion is as smooth as possible, too.

  28. Intrauterine devices could have dangerous complications that could go undetected if sensation is reduced.

  29. One Rhodesian survivor of a gas attack described the sensation as like «suffocation, [or] slow drowning».

  30. Elizabeth Barrett wrote to Poe, «Your ‘Raven’ has produced a sensation, a fit o’ horror, here in England.

  31. The news created a sensation, and large numbers of boats filled with sightseers soon surrounded the ship.

  32. Pinafore was Gilbert and Sullivan’s fourth operatic collaboration and their first international sensation.

  33. As the googly caused a sensation following its invention, many other cricketers tried to emulate Bosanquet.

  34. While punk remained largely an underground phenomenon in the US, in the UK it had become a major sensation.

  35. The reflexogenic pathway activates the parasympathetic nervous system in response to the sensation of touch.

  36. The bite may be painful from the start, but more often only feels like a pinprick or mild burning sensation.

  37. The 1919 season saw record-breaking attendance, and Ruth’s home runs for Boston made him a national sensation.

  38. The triptych caused a sensation, and overnight turned Bacon into the most controversial painter in the country.

  39. In the episode, Jimmy writes a joke that becomes a national sensation, while Cartman tries to steal the credit.

  40. He would later remember «how I looked forward to publication and pictured the sensation I thought it would make.

  41. Montgomery Clift was perhaps the actor who started it, Brando caused the sensation and [James] Dean made it a cult.

  42. In 2012 he wrote and produced the number one hit song, «Come On Home» for New Zealand boy band sensation, Titanium.

  43. The public sensation caused by Alec’s novel so offended the school that it became impossible for Evelyn to go there.

  44. Due to such changes in sensation, people are encouraged to explore their bodies to discover what areas are pleasurable.

  45. The function of the genitals is almost always affected by SCI, by alteration, reduction, or complete loss of sensation.

  46. Some women report the sensation of orgasm to be the same as before the injury, and others say the sensation is reduced.

  47. She «caused a sensation in the chess world» by announcing mate in 21 moves in one game, and mate in 35 moves in another.

  48. The libel trial, held in August 1952, was a sensation, and Johnson, still a member of the board, was the central figure.

  49. Instead, he and McTiernan would discuss that day’s filming in detail, and the feeling or sensation they wanted to convey.

  50. Seven mountain ranges converge on the point and one does receive the sensation of being at the ultimate ends of the earth.

Synonyms for sensation

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word sensation has the following synonyms: ace, adept, champion, maven, mavin, virtuoso, genius, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wi, esthesis, aesthesis, sense experience, sense impression, sense datum, sense, sentience, sentiency and sensory faculty.

General information about «sensation» example sentences

The example sentences for the word sensation that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «sensation» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «sensation».

Synonym: ace, adept, aesthesis, champion, esthesis, genius, hotshot, maven, mavin, sense, sense datum, sense experience, sense impression, sensory faculty, sentience, sentiency, star, superstar, virtuoso, whiz, whizz, wiz, wizard. Similar words: compensation, accusation, conversation, presentation, compensate for, representation, transaction, nation. Meaning: [sen’seɪʃn]  n. 1. an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation 2. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field 3. a general feeling of excitement and heightened interest 4. a state of widespread public excitement and interest 5. the faculty through which the external world is apprehended. 

Random good picture Not show

1. He felt a tingling sensation down his side.

2. Floating can be a very pleasant sensation.

3. I had no sensation of pain whatsoever.

4. I had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream.

5. Graham felt a tingling sensation in his hand.

6. He gave way to pure sensation.

7. News of his arrest caused a sensation.

8. He had the eerie sensation of being watched.

9. Their affair caused a sensation.

10. The band became a sensation overnight.

11. His unexpected success caused a sensation.

11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

12. The news caused a great sensation.

13. He felt a pricking sensation in his throat.

14. His downfall was a great sensation of the day.

15. The outrageous book created a sensation.

16. Caroline had the sensation that she was being watched.

17. Most people enjoy the sensation of eating.

18. The sex scenes in the film caused a sensation.

19. She felt a piercing sensation in her arm.

20. I had the sensation that I was being watched.

21. He lost all sensation in his legs through cramp.

22. She had no sensation in her hands.

23. The film caused a sensation among film critics.

24. Some sensation is coming back to my arm.

25. I had the eerie sensation that I was not alone.

26. A sensation of burning or tingling may be experienced in the hands.

27. These lotions tend to give the skin a tingly sensation.

28. One sign of a heart attack is a tingling sensation in the left arm.

29. Seeing him again after so many years was a strange sensation.

30. My massage had left me with a pleasant tingly sensation.

More similar words: compensation, accusation, conversation, presentation, compensate for, representation, transaction, nation, formation, zonation, location, relation, donation, operation, education, national, equation, radiation, variation, summation, migration, inflation, violation, allegation, isolation, situation, educational, regulation, nationwide, inclination. 

the strongest sensation of vertigo, and depending on when you find this note, there

his tiny body and showed the intensity of sensation of pain…

sensation that underlay the void was deserving of a name

The sharpness of the sensation reminded me that I was alive

’ I said enjoying the sensation of being involved in something which is not linked to work

The sensation of fresh cotton against my clean skin after my shower was so simple and so beautiful

It was a weird sensation, but one that warmed me within

Suddenly, I’m distracted by a voice, wake up!» Immediately, the sensation of Apollo standing over me inundates my senses

I groan in agony, but eventually that pain is replaced with a warming sensation, almost like a hot, soothing bath

Since the stuff was now nothing more than encoded sensation levels, this applet probably cost less than twenty bucks

Across the far flung boundaries of the void Smith finally determined that the endlessly irritating sensation that underlay the void was deserving of a name

Unbidden, the sensation of Joris lying beside her appeared in her head

“[T]he future is not an idea, but a sensation

’ I said, fixing my eyes on the source of the sensation – a small pile of rocks set back a metre or so to the left of the Well

A damp sticky sensation between my thighs gets my pulse racing … surely, we must have …

Rayne unexpectedly felt a prickly sensation on the back of her neck

I had the clear sensation we are a fundamental ingredient in the structure of the cosmos, or something close to it

You recognize the thought, feeling, or sensation that is other than your point of focus (in this case your breathing)

You gently release the thought, feeling, or sensation that has grabbed your attention

You can treat these fears as you would treat any thought, feeling, or sensation that arises in meditation

every sensation you have ever experienced has been

My lips still felt the sensation of her lips

called because of the peculiar physical sensation that

Nearly everyone has felt this sensation at one point

She knew that sensation was caused by the small fraction of the sensors that were still destructive and let the measured quantum state revert to unknown

Tom somehow always expected some kind of sensation, so it was

Not only was the itching sensation getting worse, the condom felt

I fought off the sensation of gagging

meaning to the term “burning sensation

At first the sensation was subconscious

same sensation as James and Thomas

How he wished there was nothing between them, nothing to hamper the sensation

He could smell it, feel it seeping into his rotting pores, an aroma beyond lust and a sensation more powerful than any known to mere flesh

’ He’d taken her hand and the sensation was

Only organization of sensation

The subject of sensation

The fire of change and extreme sensation

The sensation intoxicated me

Nerissa could well remember this terrible sensation from the shipwreck

I love the sensation

He closed his eyes to experience the sensation of almost falling free in space

The faith he felt right here and now was another sensation altogether

But the best sensation you’ll ever have is an orgasm

She closed her eyes and bit on her lower lip as the sensation of his touch spread through her body

The sensation of tearing in her belly soon after the spear

pay attention to these millions of information and energy with each breath, the body sensation and awareness

With a mere thought to shield herself from the sensation, she was instantly clothed in her favorite robe

She could not recall a stranger sensation in those moments

Slowly, a cool fluid sensation, not unpleasant, took over her hand

It was more a change in consciousness than an actual physical sensation

No sooner had they adjusted to the sensation of movement than they were there and all was calm again

It had been a very strange sensation to be one so praised for a silver tongue and yet increasingly struggle to articulate or to reply at all

Blackness covered Dane’s eyes and he rubbed his throat, trying to erase the sensation of claws digging into him

Monty briefly felt the same strange stretching, disembodied sensation he had felt upon entering Alistair’s room in the Hanger above

Sensation after sensation passed through him, causing him to breathe erratically, making him perspire profusely, even causing strange chills to run through his being

” Saying this, she stiffened and drew up one leg as she felt the wild sensation of her orgasm

It lasted so long, in fact, that both boys had emptied their cocks into her body and had both stopped pumping before she knew a complete and of sensation

The “stroke” was so short it was almost no stroke at all, but Doris was so unbelievably hot she received a startling sensation from it

Feeling a sensation of self floating out of the physical body

It was a new sensation for Sammy, and he wanted more of this feeling

He was the picture of ease, the way he stood there looking at her, not too boldly, certainly not shyly, but with a strong sexiness that brought a tingling sensation to her crotch

That was a very odd sensation for him, as although his eyes were informing him that he was the right way up, as he was standing on the floor of a normal room, his sense of balance was arguing that down was behind him

Relief was a welcome sensation after hours of worry

Just at this moment Alice felt a very curious sensation, which puzzled her a good deal until she made out what it was: she was beginning to grow larger again, and she thought at first she would get up and leave the court; but on second thoughts she decided to remain where she was as long as there was room for her

His last conscious memory was of a sharp and cold sensation just below his jaw

But I quickly got a reminder of how deadly they were when I felt a burning sensation in the back of my thigh and I nearly fell to the sand

A cold numbing sensation followed, then he felt drowsy

At first Torbin had not been aware of any physical sensation, but then he realised he was recumbent, and that some kind of metal frame held his head; yet that wasn’t what was preventing him from any movement

And now there was a definite sensation of heat

I always had the sensation that whoever it was, they were totally impervious to our surroundings and would ensure that nothing could hurt me

Aspen’s body was charged with sexual heat, making every sensation a million times more potent than she could ever remember it being

He lowered his head to claim her mouth again, and his hand lifted her leg around his hip as he slid into her, savoring every sensation

Micro-gravity meant there was no need to physically rest against something but somehow Tony missed the relaxing sensation of dropping into a soft chair

The icy cold sensation he expected was not there

But for a brain suspended in liquid there’d be no sensation

He imagined how a totally paralysed person might still have the sensation of limbs and a torso, since the brain was wired for their input

I don’t know who or what they are, but I always have the sensation that they are watching my dream and have power over it

“I had the sensation that someone touched my hand

When Torbin awoke, the difference was immediately apparent: the heaviness, the all over sensation, the press of clothing at the slightest move, and a kind vulnerability that – even drained of power in his mechanized form – he had never before felt

“It was the strangest sensation I»ve ever known

She felt a sharp cold sensation

There’s some kind of delay, some kind of muffling of the sensation

You remember? There’s a lot of data coming through, a lot of sensation,

mechanics of physical sensation

sensation, that stage when all other senses shut off and only touch matters, the tunnel of pure

But the added sensation proved

oil for lubrication which helped increase the sensation as his mind

Within a few minutes I had the sensation of the pain and discomfort of my ailment leaving my body, as if it were somehow

Sam’s body shook and I could hear the bullets striking it with dull thuds I thought I had gotten away with it but then I felt a burning sensation across my thigh as a bullet dug a furrow through it

During a test procedure he had lost a (gloved) fingertip to a rogue strand, described an extreme burning sensation, worse than a scold from boiling water

Eventually he noticed the pressure begin to ease, as Earth slowed, then the sensation ended abruptly

The next thing Jimmy felt was a burning sensation on the back of his neck and the side of his face

Whichever way he turned he could not escape the sensation of burning

A sensation, not pleasant at all: acrid, bitter – harsh

Its heat had left a sharp sensation of pain pulsating through his fingertip, although his focus was not on that pain, the fluctuating image of the flame held all his attention

Such was the extreme sensation, an utter experience of

The increasing pressure created a dull aching sensation; the constriction was preventing any movement of his torso

A peculiar churning began to writhe in Raven’s stomach, a tight, constricting pressure rising up to his throat, a sensation of weight bearing down upon his shoulders

In fact, there was nothing in his experiential lexicon to relate this sensation

This curious sensation in his stomach and a constricting of the throat

Use ‘sensation’ in a sentence | ‘sensation’ example sentences

1- Stop eating if oral sensations are perceived.

2- Fatal dog attacks are always media sensations and heavily reported.

3- This may cause a brief stinging sensation .

4- It really was a rather pleasant sensation .

5- This focus on physical sensation has several benefits.

6- The sensation of seeing flashing lights may indicate retinal detachment.

7- Pleasant sensations can occur pretty much anywhere.

8- This material is difficult to understand without certain inner sensations .

9- You may feel a mild burning sensation .

10- Floating and soaring sensations are certainly common.

11- They are usually grouped together as sensation .

12- Figure 9 shows data for rectal sensations .

13- The constant sensation of being tired is called fatigue.

14- Nor was the term sensation sufficiently definite.

15- Pain sensation is affected predominantly and deep tendon reflexes are reduced.

16- Physical sensations may unconsciously translate into psychological interpretations.

17- Electric and magnetic stimulation produced different sensations .

18- The olfactory nerve is responsible for smell sensation .

19- This 39 inch high piano was an instant sensation .

20- This event produced considerable sensation among the general public.

21- An olfactory sensation is called an odor.

22- Some astronauts experienced such sensations upon standing after shuttle landings.

23- The radio program caused a media sensation .

24- The murder case quickly became a media sensation .

25- The footage became an instant media sensation .

26- The rematch became an instant international sensation .

27- Her unexplained absence caused a press sensation .

28- To treasure every enjoyable sensation one has.

29- This phenomenon is known as “phantom limb sensation “.

30- It was always a very surreal sensation .

31- A recent study has linked specific emotions to physical sensations .

32- That very slight stinging sensation makes the air seem crisp.

33- An icy sensation rushed through her limbs.

34- The newborn infant experiences nothing but sensations .

35- The murder has created no very great sensation here.

36- Despite popular belief, nervous sensations are actually quite useful.

37- The court’s decision aroused “little sensation ” domestically.

38- These sensations are normal and usually reside within a few seconds.

39- What is actually there is a pure flowing sensation . I felt a burning sensation all over.

40- I have a prickling sensation in my left eye.

41- He had the sensation that he was still on the waves.

42- The news of the fire in the factory caused a sensation.

43- It causes quite a sensation when Nomo pitches a nohitter.

44- Try Chewy-Chocolate cookies, they’re a new taste sensation.

45- Floating on the lake is such a pleasant sensation, like lying on a cloud.

46- Eating the plant may cause a temporary loss of sensation in the lips and mouth.

47- If you take a lot of vitamin B, you will feel a sensation of warmth rush to your head.

48- Discussion question: How do you feel about the concept of seniority in the workplace? sensationsensation and perception allow us to create our immediate experience of the environment around us.

49- The movie has caused a real sensation in the film world, with people either hating it or loving it.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 –
Related Words:
sennas – senor – senora – senoras – senorita – senoritas – senors – sensation – sensation of – sensation that – wonderful sensation – create a sensation – pleasant sensation – strange sensation – odd sensation –

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Sensation refers to the processing of senses by the sensory system; see also sensation (psychology). Sensation or sensations may also refer to: (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Every author is looking for that x-factor that will take them over the top and make them a sensation, but the only x-factor an author should focus on is their own writing continuing to improve.


Nice XE battery cover on a regular sensation…..


There she rescued an orphan baby panda and brought it back to the US, creating a nationwide sensation.


Ana Lily Amirpour follows up her alt-cult sensation A Girl Walks Home with her highly anticipated dystopian cannibal desert trip Bad Batch, which had its North…


By taking a skill that your infant is working on — such as kicking — and combining it with different sensations you help him learn about his actions and his senses.


The natural sweetness of those deliciously buttery cashews combined with a pinch of salt and a splash of vanilla makes this creamy, dreamy, humble looking nut butter an absolute taste sensation.


Mindfulness meditation training in awareness of present moment experience, such as body and breath sensations, prevents depression and reduces distress in chronic pain.


Premier League side Arsenal are resilient in their chase for French teenage sensation Kylian Mbappe.


Jenkins was a sensation back in the 1940s, but not for the right reasons.


«Yoga practice can make us more and more sensitive to subtler and subtler sensations in the body.


This suggests that painting began essentially as a tactile sensation as much as a visual one.


For what it’s worth, we thought this sensation was worse in the 550i Gran Turismo we tested, but it’s still a problem here — and it’s not what we’d expect from a company that once touted «The Ultimate Driving Machine» (recently overshadowed by the ill-advised «Joy» advertising campaign).


These recent pieces, moreover, are arranged alongside older work through an artistic practice that uses assemblage and composing — a composing of images, forms, sensations, and references that is entirely representative of Tritz’s approach in general.


Her newest work, synthesizing this rich history of experimentation, continues to bend us between sensations of heaviness and lightness, surface and form, solid and air.


But I would feel like diving in a river: you’d miss the cavern sensation — which is what I think is particular about diving in cenotes.


Laurent Cantet) Cast: Claire Mazerolle, Kate Coseni, Madeleine Bisson While we thought that Cantet returning to the place where «The Class» emerged as a sensation was a no brainer, with additional photography still happening, producers said last month that the movie is aiming for a TIFF premiere.


With a tap on the back, researchers create ghostly sensation.


Whitehead sums up the nature of mathematics in the following statement: «the leading characteristic of mathematics [is] that it deals with properties and ideas which are applicable to things just because they are things, and apart from any feelings, or emotions, or sensations in any way connected with them.


The three rooms have each a different color and give a different sensation.


Groom small parts of her body at a time, helping her get used to the sensation.


Second or third time mothers may be a little more sensitive to the sensations.


Calmly come back to this space whenever your mind wanders, or you notice yourself getting caught in feelings or sensations.


Fortunately enough of the road texture makes it through to the steering wheel so the ride still offers a modicum of driving sensation.


If you need the real sensations of running over rumble strips and the like I can see how a conventional rig will feel inadequate.


The new but normal body sensations many pregnant women experience can cause or be made worse by stress.


I was looking to capture the sensation of speed that a fast engine sound in a «regular» racing game creates and transfer this to a science fiction context where the sound design would be less believable if the vehicle sounded too similar to a car.


This itching may be accompanied by a stinging sensation, and may occur at any time of the day or night.


It provides instruction for a simple exercise to help identify the sensations of the pelvic floor.


Making the feelings and sensations associated with anxiety more concrete helps children better understand what’s going on and create a bit of psychological distance.


Then let go of this particular memory, but continue to relax into the positive sensations that feeling grateful evokes in you.


I work with thoughts, emotions, body sensations and the breath.


Side effects are rare, but when the herb is applied externally in high doses, may include skin allergies and burning sensations.


«Itch and pain are two sensations that antagonise each other,» says Zhou-Feng Chen from Washington University in St Louis, Missouri.


Selena Gomez has been in the public eye since she was a young girl, starting as an actress and developing into a music sensation.


It produces a sensation of movement and overhead sound that brings the story alive all around you.


Manchester United are prepared to put their record signing Angel Di Maria on the market after just one season and replace him with Dutch sensation Memphis Depay.


Rather, the intense concentration on the concrete, material means and on formal values constantly translates all emotion into convincing, pictorial sensation.


Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy offer some of their impressions from the making of John Hughes’s pop-culture sensation.


When you feel other thoughts creeping into your mind, focus even harder on the sensation of walking.


In particular, teachers experience this sensation every time they are pressed into tight corners over their teaching and assessment practices.


By decreasing prostaglandin production, NSAIDs lessen the sensation of pain and reduce inflammation.


The idea of the Sunken Place immediately defined Get Out (which was a box-office sensation) and transcended it.


According to the study, which was presented at the Society for Research in Child Development 2013 Biennial Meeting in Seattle, a sample of low-income mothers who had experienced their own childhood traumas exhibited ongoing «traumatic avoidance symptoms,» which is characterized by an unwillingness to address thoughts, emotions, sensations or memories of those traumas.


Behind the wheel, the combo provides linear output that offers the sensation of a larger, naturally aspirated engine yet with reduced weight and improved economy.


You can have strong emotional reactions, impulsive behaviors, distorted perceptions, and powerful sensations in your body that can lead to emotional disconnection.


I knew that the sensations of pushing would only become more intense and more uncomfortable.


Thoughts are often an unconscious battle or an attempt to distract us from the unpleasant sensations in the body.


Hungry Kids: By making sure your kids are sitting down at the table, hungry, there are more chances they will try new foods while learning the sensation of hunger and full cues (and this includes with the vegetables).


It makes sense for your beloved Scottie to start resenting the collar now that he’s been groomed, considering that his thicker coat may have sort of «buffered» the sensations related to wearing a collar.; however, this is worthy of further investigation.


Thanks to Big Brother and CBS Interactive for making puppies, kittens, and bunnies from your Rancho Coastal Humane Society internet sensations again this season and for encouraging Big Brother fans everywhere to visit their local animal shelters and rescues.


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