The word security in a sentence

Synonym: certificate, protection, security department, security measure, security measures, security system, surety. Similar words: curious, secular, prosecutor, consecutive, prosecution, minority, priority, authority. Meaning: [sɪ’kjʊrətɪ /-kjʊər-]  n. 1. the state of being free from danger or injury 2. a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends 3. a department responsible for the security of the institution’s property and workers 4. measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc. 5. defense against financial failure; financial independence 6. freedom from anxiety or fear 7. an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in 8. property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation 9. a guarantee that an obligation will be met. 

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1. Danger is next neighbour to security

2. Our own actions are our security, not others’ judgements. 

3. Security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes.

4. They hold together for collective security.

5. Management need to explore ways of improving office security.

6. The building needs improved security and lighting.

7. They lulled her into a false sense of security.

8. The visit took place amidst tight security .

9. They were summarily ejected by the security guard.

10. They have the security of a good home.

11. Security is the greatest enemy.

12. We need greater security in car parks.

13. The UN security council may impose economic sanctions .

14. These matters are vital to the national security.

15. This would materially affect US security.

16. They got in disguised as security guards.

17. Swod transferred from MI6 to the Security Service.

18. The criminals were caught on a security video.

19. They pose a serious threat to security.

20. Their security procedures were found wanting .

21. The country stepped up internal security.

22. The people desire peace[], security and happiness.

23. The gunman was finally overpowered by three security guards.

24. A security guard was killed in the bank raid.

25. Ideally, your car should have high security locks.

26. If you are unemployed you can claim social security.

27. This constitutes a threat to national security.

28. They are seriously concerned about security.

28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

29. The entrances are guarded by watchful security staff.

30. The security guards set their dogs on the intruders.

More similar words: curious, secular, prosecutor, consecutive, prosecution, minority, priority, authority, celebrity, popularity, similarity, tourist, tourism, during, sec., flourish, occur, curve, execute, centurion, molecule, insect, sector, second, current, curtain, speculate, executive, execution, section. 

Definition of Security

a private police force that is put in charge of guarding a person or a place

Examples of Security in a sentence

Armed security was hired to stop robbers from holding up the bank.


Without security to surround the stage, the crazy fans would have rushed the singer.


A security company was hired to follow and protect the president everywhere he goes.


As a security officer, the guard had to make sure that prisoners did not escape the facility.


The city’s security team watched the office an angry taxpayer threatened the mayor.


Other words in the Security category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Security Meaning: It is defined as the state of being free from danger, risk, or other unpleasant consequences.

1) Security is a big concern and any strategy that hurts it will not benefit your organization in the long run.

2) When you take care of your security, you can be sure that it’ll last years into the future.

3) Security systems and software have advanced in recent years, but it’s often hard for businesses to keep up with the constantly changing technology.

4) In order to avoid a security breach, companies need to be investing in their security solutions and infrastructure.

5) Most companies today invest in their security solutions and infrastructure because they want to protect themselves from the risks of a security breach.

6) Companies need to get ahead of the game and start implementing advanced protection measures such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain security solutions.

7) Security is one of the most important aspects of any business.

8) It’s critical for companies to have a security system in place that protects customer data, brand reputation, and intellectual property.

9) Security is something that everybody understands very well.

10) In order to better understand security, it is important to consider some of its contextual definitions and learn about different types of security systems.

11) Armed security guards were hired to stop the robbers from holding up the bank.

12) The security guards were legally allowed to use their own weapons but not the robbers’ weapons.

13) The security at NBA games prevents fans from getting too close to the stage where they could potentially harm players or disrupt their game.

14) A security company was hired to follow and protect the president everywhere he goes at all times.

15) Security is an important issue for anyone in the public eye, especially the president of the United States.

16) As a security officer, you’re always on the lookout for anything out of place & suspicious.

17) Security officers spend a lot of time in their line of work.

18) Body cameras are now being used to monitor employees and the company’s security measures have been enhanced since the introduction of these devices.

19) Security officers are constantly on the lookout for anything out of place or suspicious, so it’s important for them to be vigilant.

20) Frustrated and angry, this man threatened Emanuel and his security team.

21) With the growth of technology, we are constantly exposed to new ways of security threats.

22) Security is often thought of as a solution to be achieved in one way or another.

23) Whether it is from physical barriers, technological aptitudes, or even financial investments, there are multiple methods for achieving security and safety in our personal lives and workspaces.

24) This article discusses the various types of security and what each means for individuals.

25) With the ever-improving security technologies and risks in the digital world, it’s important to know what kind of security you need to be protected against.

26) Security is the state of being protected or kept safe from harm, danger, or risk.

27) Security is an important aspect of our lives.

28) Security is the state of freedom from risk or danger.

29) There are many things that can threaten your security, such as natural disasters, acts of terrorism, personal financial misfortunes, and even some diseases.

30) Security is an important component of any service, but it has been seen by many to be one of the most challenging aspects to get right.

31) Security is a risk management strategy that involves the protection of assets and works with policies, procedures, and technologies to safeguard organizations from risks that may harm their market value or competitive position.

32) In today’s world, security covers a wide range of concerns from web application security, software security, data security, and digital rights management to physical access control.

33) Security from the standpoint of an individual could mean the ways they are able to protect themselves – through their family, friends, and community when they’re not physically present; or through their own thoughts and beliefs when they’re physically present.

34) Security is more than just protecting the computer system from malicious attacks.

35) Security of information is a fundamental issue in any industry and is crucial for businesses that are sensitive about their data.

security — перевод на русский


And also, the Director of the U.S National Security Council has requested to have a chat with you.

и еще…глава Совета национальной безопасности США хочет поговорить с Вами.

But as you know, I am the Director of the U.S National Security Council.

я глава Совета национальной безопасности США.

It’s made you a hunted outlaw whenyoumighthave lived in comfort and security.

За вами охотятся, хотя вы могли жить в довольстве и в безопасности.

I want security, protection, respectability— things that have been very scarce on my side of the family, even my own mama. I know about your mother and her mother and all the other generations of getting the dirty end of the bargain.

Я хочу безопасности, респектабельности то чего я никогда не имела и моя семья и моя мать я знаю все о твоей матери, ее матери и всех поколениях вашей семьи о вашем бесславном конце, и о сделке

However, I shall tell you that, on account of conversation with Sir Edward, we are in accord with British government regarding consulates and other matters relating to security of this nation.

но что до разговора с сэром Эдвардом, мы договорились с британским правительством о консульстве. и по другим вопросам, касающимся безопасности нации.

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— And the security service is…

— И охрана…

Security, send an armed team to the bridge.

Охрана, пришлите на мостик вооруженный наряд.

Security reporting, Mr. Spock.

Охрана, мистер Спок.

Security control, this is the bridge. Come in.

Охрана, на связи мостик.

Security, Mr. Riley is headed for Sickbay.

Охрана, м-р Райли направился в лазарет.

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Get some security people and follow me down.

Отправьте вслед за мной людей из службы безопасности.

Attention all security personnel.

Вниманию всех сотрудников службы безопасности!

Mr. Miller of Station Security is supposed to meet me.

М-р Миллер из Службы безопасности станций собирался встретить меня.

Two gunmen fired seven shots, aimed it seems at the sentries on duty in the grounds of the general’s house which is heavily guarded by soldiers and security staff with dogs.

Двое неизвестных произвели семь выстрелов, целью которых, по всей видимости, были часовые при исполнении обязанностей на территории дома генерала, находящегося …под бдительной охраной солдат и службы безопасности с собаками.

Good afternoon, Mr. Secretary. I’m Lause, security supervisor.

Добрый день, господин государственный секретарь, Меня зовут Лаузе, я начальник службы безопасности

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Security guard Allen to Captain Dent.

Охранник Аллен — капитану Денту.

Supermarket security and one of the checkers remembers three characters.

Охранник в магазине и одна из кассирш запомнили троих парней, которые ушли сразу за вашей женой и дочерью.

-A security guard was killed.

— Был убит охранник.

Security guard checks it every hour at night, usually about quarter past the hour.

Охранник проверяет каждый час по ночам. обычно в четверть часа.

— Chie Kawaguchi Security guard

— Тиэ Кавагути Охранник

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Until I’m old enough for Social Security… I’ve got my expense account.

Пока я недостаточно стар для социального обеспечения… У меня есть свой расходный счет.

Your membership in the dining room… your membership in the Welfare Club, your withholding tax form… your social security form… and your key to the washroom.

Ваш пропуск в столовую. Членство в клубе соцобеспечения, форма для уплаты подоходного налога… Бланк социального обеспечения… и ваш ключ от ту… уб…

Do you know his social security number?

Вы знаете его номер социального страхования ?

I’ve got a postal code, just a number, another for the social security, and for the taxes.

У меня есть почтовый индекс, Это всего лишь число число, Есть номер социального страхования, И код плательщика налога.

— I changed my name… and didn’t have any trouble getting Social Security.

— Я изменила имя… и теперь не имею никаких проблем с получением социального пособия.

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They don’t have celebrations, no honor, no shelter, no security.

У них нет никаких торжеств, никаких почестей, никакого покрова, никакой защиты.

Even if there was another entrance, it would still have the same security system as this.

Если и есть другой вход, на нем будет точно такая же система защиты.

Computer security criteria…

Компьютерные критерии защиты

Keyed to your security needs.

Основной элемент защиты.

Security upgrades, medical supplies, maybe some weapons.

Усиление защиты, медицинские припасы, возможно, оружие.

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More security?

Усиленные меры безопасности?

Security was tight today at Escalan airport in Valverde, where government authorities report that deposed general Ramon Esperanza will be delivered for extradition to the United States.

Строгие меры безопасности были сегодня в аэропорту Эскалан республики Вальверде, куда по сообщению властей свергнутый генерал Рамон Эсперанса будет доставлен для немедленной экстрадиции в Соединённые Штаты.

Well, between now and then, we are going to institute some security around here.

До этого времени нужно принять меры безопасности.

I want to discuss the security arrangements for our…

Я хочу обсудить меры безопасности для…

Well, I’m sorry. I think it’s doubly inappropriate to discuss… security matters with you, Doctor, uh, Railly.

Прошу прощения, но… я считаю неуместным обсуждать… меры безопасности с Вами, доктор, эээ, Рэйли.

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The security systems are quite capable of coping.

Системы безопасности вполне способны с ними справиться.

Yes, of course, but if you could let me have that circuit and any chance of security scan fourteen again?

Да, разумеется, но если ты дашь мне эту схемку… и как насчет еще одного скана системы безопасности, сектор четырнадцать?

Security scan fourteen.

Скан системы безопасности четырнадцать.

You have security clearance for Earth.

Для системы безопасности Земли вы — благонадежное судно.

Just the base security shield.

Нижний экран системы безопасности.

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-This is a maximum security vault.

-Здесь всё совершенно секретно.



This is top security

Совершенно секретно.

«security code double-X.»

«секретный код двойной х»

Security code 262.

Секретный код 262.

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I have disconnected certain security scanners to assist us.

Я отключил некоторые охранные сканеры, чтобы облегчить нам задачу.

I want you to slip past their security systems and into their cargo bay.

Я хочу, чтобы вы проскользнули через их охранные системы в грузовой отсек.

Release the security fields around the airlock, Chief.

Шеф, отключите охранные поля вокруг шлюза.

When you passed through our security scan our instruments ran a complete check on your blood and chemical make-up, encephalographic patterns and so on.

Когда Вы прошли через наш охранный сканер, наши инструменты осуществили полную проверку Вашей крови и химическое строение, образцы энцефалограммы и так далее.

Warning.’ Security scan has discovered presence—

Внимание.: охранный сканер обнаружил налич ие—

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Examples of how to use the word “security” in a sentence. How to connect “security” with other words to make correct English sentences.

security (n): protection of a person, building, organization, or country against threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries

Use “security” in a sentence

If you don’t leave right now, I will call security.
He is a security guard at the airport.
She is concerned about job security.

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noun существительное

множественное число (plural):


















  1. безопасность

    world food security
    мировая продовольственная безопасность

    security policy model
    модель политики безопасности

    national security strategy
    стратегия национальной безопасности

    chief security officer
    начальник службы безопасности

    security in emergency situations
    безопасность в чрезвычайных ситуациях

    social security
    социальное обеспечение

    security key
    ключ защиты

    armed security forces
    вооруженная охрана

    job security
    обеспеченность работой

    sense of security
    чувство защищенности

  2. гарантия

    financial security
    финансовая гарантия

    security of real estate
    залог недвижимости

  3. надежность

    maximum security
    максимальная надежность

  4. органы безопасности

  5. секретность

  6. информационная безопасность

adjective прилагательное




  1. охранный

    private security firm
    частное охранное предприятие

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений security на 1 миллион слов: 132.

Примеры предложений

Tom is working as a security guard.
Том работает охранником.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person.
Каждый человек имеет право на жизнь, на свободу и на личную неприкосновенность.

There are security cameras all around here.
Тут кругом камеры слежения.

Hackers are adept at getting around computer security measures.
Хакеры — знатоки обхода компьютерных мер безопасности.

There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity.
На земле не бывает безопасности, есть только возможности.

Tom is a security guard at the airport.
Том — охранник аэропорта.

Your security guard wouldn’t let me in.
Твой охранник меня бы не впустил.

The United Nations Security Council is a very important organisation.
Совет Безопасности ООН — очень важная организация.

You’re being given a promotion and a raise in security access level.
Вам дают повышение и повышают уровень допуска.

We had to show our papers at the security desk.
Нам пришлось показать наши бумаги на пункте охраны.

Their job is to check the security system.
Их работа заключается в том, чтобы проверять систему безопасности.

Some musicians and actors hire security guards to help fend off their over-eager fans.
Некоторые музыканты и актёры нанимают телохранителей, чтобы ставить на место слишком рьяных фанатов.

Tom, call security right now!
Том, вызови охрану, сейчас же!

Tom was given a life sentence for killing a security guard.
Тому дали пожизненное заключение за убийство охранника.

Tom disguised himself as a security guard.
Том переоделся охранником.

Tom is at a maximum security prison.
Том находится в тюрьме строгого режима.

She installed a security camera.
Она установила камеру видеонаблюдения.

We’ve installed several security cameras.
Мы установили несколько камер наблюдения.

He is working as a security guard at a warehouse.
Он работает сторожем на складе.

Tom has told us that the US government is trying to implement a weapon program that could seriously threaten the security of Russia.
Том сообщил нам, что американское правительство пытается реализовать оружейную программу, которая серьёзно может угрожать безопасности России.

If you want security in your old age, begin saving now.
Если вы хотите безопасности в старости, то начните откладывать деньги на старость прямо сейчас.

Tom is a security specialist.
Том — специалист по безопасности.

Dan got a job as a security guard.
Дэн устроился на работу охранником.

Tom is a security guard.
Том — охранник.

In Ankara, I made clear that the United States is not – and never will be – at war with Islam. We will, however, relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our security.
В Анкаре я ясно дал понять, что Америка не воюет — и никогда не будет воевать, — с исламом. Однако мы будем неотступно противостоять жестоким экстремистам, которые представляют серьёзную угрозу нашей безопасности.

In Ankara, I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam. We will, however, relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our security.
В Анкаре я ясно дал понять, что Америка не воюет — и никогда не будет воевать, — с исламом. Однако мы будем неотступно противостоять жестоким экстремистам, которые представляют серьёзную угрозу нашей безопасности.

No security system is foolproof.
Ни одна система безопасности не защищена от дурака.

Tom called security.
Том вызвал охрану.

Call security.
Вызывайте охрану.

I’d like to talk to the head of security.
Я бы хотел поговорить с начальником службы безопасности.

They’re usually relegated by the state to immigration and border security

Finally at five pm, during the Aoki set, he felt the phone vibrate, and headed for the nearest security guard that bore the Oodle logo, a rune in black and white

It can run circles around other computers, it can steal passwords, break encryptions, discover hidden security backups

Kulai finally gave up his security blanket at the Kassikan because he has me to back him up and you want me to go away for how long? A year?»

Then there’s the issue of job security; if anyone else could do what I could then I would be replaced

of the ‘ageing’ population, both on account of increased lifespan for pension and social security and higher healthcare costs

He was always nervous when he was using computers, even though he was one of the best hackers and security protection experts in the world

“But with the Super Chip plugged in, I am able to circumvent all security in a matter of seconds

” He beamed with pride as if it were him that was getting through the security instead of the Super Chip

Perhaps Ackers had slipped up on security somewhere? Was that even possible?

Not that anyone would have been able to break through all the security of the connection, but even if they did they wouldn’t find anything that was worth knowing

There is better security for all, particularly ladies and children

The crate is not to be opened, there’s a ceramic security layer inside that must be broken to open it

«I don’t know, I’m being paid by a lady of the Kassikan to deliver a cargo of considerable size and weight from one point to another with its security container unharmed

Tahlmute here has a big plumbing fitting of some kind in a security container he needs delivered

He was listed as a subcontractor on many other Kassikan projects including security and survillance

You would think that security was an issue, that I would be kept behind

ought to be calling security, but none of that mattered

for taxes and social security

That’s what you call security,

‘That I mustn’t tell anyone where I’m living and that Stephen should activate the security system here at the house

In old movies you would have people in hissing space suits fumbling with obsolete access codes and overcoming the dead batteries in the security system as the air supply in their suits ran low

You know how frustrated she was by the captain’s security decrees

It wasn’t the best arrangement, morale-wise, but as Chief Security Officer, that was none of her concern

Security in London’s Heathrow Airport had never been tighter

Airport security is familiar with these items due to their popularity with journalists in recent years

The security official was of Nigerian ethnicity, like Joshua and Daniel themselves He recognized the facial scars that marked out their family and tribe across their cheeks

A tall young security guard ran his hand-held detector over him and then reached asked Joshua to raise his arms when the device began to whine

It’s a matter of national security

Got through security, no sweat

Mostly security guards by the looks of things or ‘Protective Services’ as they would be described in the statistics on workplace homicide

“I oughta go over there, tear off that fancy fur collar and shove it up yer ass security guard

“Did all of you hear that? Hah? Did you? You should of just got off the bus security guaaard

We watched with unblinking eyes as an officer with the local security force kicked one of the captured men in the head

«And there was never enough time to search it all by hand before security arrived

From my own brief life, growing up in the security of a loving family and a stable and prosperous society, I had few further points of reference by which I could really measure the guards

He should have locked the door, this was technically a security violation, but Jaseem was in no mood to study schematics if he even paid any attention

This afternoon I saw Diana at the gym, we had an aerobics lesson and then, as we were leaving together, she revealed to me some more interesting details about her job; in fact, she didn’t hesitate at all to describe -always with an air of importance- a fixed fraud committed by the company she works for: It all starts with an advertisement they place in the newspaper every week, looking for new commercial travellers; they offer an alluring basic salary, as well as commission on the sales, plus social security

With the codes he was able to retrieve under the guise of a security survey for the real world, he was able to access more and more of the code and schematics of the female side

That might mean he hadn’t penetrated the Al-Harron’s security system as deeply as he thought

‘I was so busy in December I hadn’t noticed my period didn’t happen and I’d been lulled into a sense of security by the fact that I had a bit of a period in November … though it wasn’t anywhere near normal

Quite a few could have overcome him then, his autonomous security was still just tech standard

«We’ll certainly get a lot more research done now that we don’t have to clear every atmosphere probe thru security and the captain

I will have to answer to him and Glayet about our security

«It still behooves us to keep good security,» Alfred went on

On the wall, half way along and to her right a security light shone weakly from behind its cage, singing a song of light as plaintive as the lark held captive beneath a towering sky

Giving up the things that have felt like security to you may

security from what could be fatal

South Africa could develop better relationships with its neighbors by training them with know how to build missile programs to enhance security from forces outside of Africa

Have food stamps saved anyone? Has anyone been better off in life because they have health insurance? Does life get easier when we have these conveniences? Our tax money goes to pay for things like health insurance, food stamps, social security, Medicare, upkeep of unused buildings (that could be used to shelter the homeless if our Government really did care about us), great scientific studies like whether sick shrimp perform as well on a treadmill as healthy shrimp (this is a real study funded by the Government – it cost about 15 million dollars), army expenses, paying off the interest on our nation’s debt, veteran’s benefits, and government jobs such as postal workers or police officers

JOYCE: Your Honor, the people would like to call security officer Carrie Robbins to the witness stand

«Our security expenses would be ten times what they are now,» Althart added, «and you more than any of us should be aware of what it would mean

urban curtain of security, the sound

He also made a solemn vow to his wife later that evening that, willing or not, Cyberia would marry the very first man, be he prince or pauper, that pressed the buzzer on the security gates that separated the family mansion from the mean streets that housed the capital’s hoi-polloi

Sometimes security was called to come down with a sedative

The very next morning, and much to the chagrin of the concierge and the paying guests, the chairman, his wife and their security team came crashing through the hotel once again

If he was to guess, he figured that she would go into a hang on every time slice because there was so much security preventing any signals from coming back thru Thom’s instruments to anything, including that veron store

The only idea he had was to try and make a hole thru the security from Thom’s instruments and allow signals to come in from Ava’s instance so the remote veron execution protocol could complete

Lord Tarak was master of Security Hold; he and his people trained the warriors that protected Aura

He really didn’t care, he was too worried about the security risk she might be

He was in charge of security for the planet

«I’m sorry but that information is classified for security reasons

He double checked all the extra security Ava had put on his equipment lately

Each had a passion for their home world and her people, each seeing the need to correct the lax security on the planet

“We may have a security breach sir

If this security breach was a Brazilian tap, he had to know about it

«Did your people pick up anything from outside?» he asked his colonel of security

«Those audio stream buffers have been re-used many times since then, unless Alfred has a security tap in Alan’s home?»

I think we should take some action to teach him to pay attention to security issues, especially if what he’s doing might have some importance to the war effort

A piece of advice my previous failed attempts were due to my trying to go from a feeling of fear to that of security in an instant

Given the obvious levels of security employed

The arm belonged to a security guard outside the VIP stand

The security guard broke into a sweat and called his manager, I repeated the

He called the senior-most security person who came in a suit

‘One of you stay with us,’ the security head said

The security guard relaxed as he saw us with someone white

She was the only one he would ever trust to have security and military matters firmly enough in mind

The judge’s control panel was in the office of the head of security, along with those of all the police bots

The two security guards behind Gordon were also alarmed

He in turn sent out word to the other Holds, and to the security detail at Ohmu

security guards to hold her down and a good ten minutes before the

buzzer on the security gates that separated the family mansion from

machine the security unit covered each other, took up positions,

his wife and their security team came crashing through the hotel

Four hours later Duncan, Minister Gordon, the two lady scientists, and the security team were standing on a platform on top of the Queen’s Hold

“Yeah, you should have seen Lady Tara wrap the security people around her fingers on Earth

Increase security by increasing tolerance

takes me back to the security of my childhood

Improve the Security of Your WP Site

plugging the security holes, there are other less effective methods that you can

No matter what you do, there is really no guarantee that any of the security

The security was pretty tight for a place that was supposed to be perfect

Security is an internal thing and is never reliant on external objects or

security during the re-building

I remember when you showed me the bank statements that her social security number begins with a two

Much like the life outside but here there is a serenity and security that is not available beyond the shields

That’s what your Social Security Number tells us

I did, but this thing with the social security number and your birth won’t let me rest

and security, with the flickering flame illuminating a large supply of

“That doesn’t explain the Social Security Number, but that’s okay now

  • Use the word Security in a sentences

Sentence Examples

But as I understand it you feel the signing of this pact has been detrimental to our security.

Chryon security Solutions.

This is an awful lot of security for a titchy spacecraft…

Our ultimate security precaution.

Or a thoughtful man who sends his security people to see I arrive safely.

I mean, no security, life is totally a mess here.

It’s hard for people to see Femi, so when we wear this uniform, they say «this is Femi’s security«.

I tell him I’m working security at the Shrine.

Your man in Majorca… ..has operated successfully for so long because he gives huge kickbacks to the American security services.

security activities they don’t want people to know about.

He’s the Team Leader of the security team at Kingdom Enterprises?

Excuse me. You’re a security guard, right? Get this woman out of here.

Our security team is going out to dinner tonight. Why don’t you come join us?

If it’s the security team, will Team Leader Kang Woo be there as well?

You’re the goddess of our security office.

I think it’s someone from the Vice President’s security team.

I’ve got one nurse and one security guard trying to keep about 50 people out.

How about a bit of basic security?

Get security to check CCTV and find out who this is, please.

security sent me the CCTV footage. MACHINE BEEPS

The security around Powers is foolproof.

French Republic (Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood) Police Department security service Paris, June 5th, 1911 The inspector Juve is responsible for the inquiry concerning the disappearance of Lord Beltham.

Give me your crop as security… otherwise…

If you haven’t paid this evening, your door will be locked, and your belongings will be kept in security.

«He tried it already twice by himself but without the security of a second person it is too dangerous.»

I could leave this for security.

Disraeli said, «security is the prosperity of a nation.»

But let’s get the right kind of security.

The only security in a place like this is settling down and getting married.

Well, if ever you find out you’re wrong about what you think is security and happiness, would you let me know?

You’ve no idea the security it gives a woman to know she has a husband who’s coming home to her every week with his…

I thought it meant comfort and security.

Even so, in the future, all security measures protecting our organization will be made much more stringent.

To economize on production costs the collieries neglect security measures.

MAN 1: Why not take the security crossover?

It gives you something, a feeling of security.


I want for my people security and happiness.



I ain’t taking’ no dolls for security.

security, consideration, a shelter, Blackie, someplace to get in out of the rain.

«must enter into security for the proper punishment…

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«Bob has great job security.«
(job, economic, financial)

«We need greater security in our building.«
(greater, better)

«The airport has heightened security.«
(heightened, strict, tight)

«Airline security is getting tighter.«
(airline, border, airport)

«Home security is becoming necessary in our neighborhood.«

Used with verbs:

«They have better security in the apartment building.«
(have, want)

«Her job gives her the financial security to live in luxury.«
(gives, provides, offers)

«We need to improve security at school.«
(improve, increase, strengthen, tighten)

«People in the armed forces protect our national security.«

«Can you ensure the security of the passengers?«
(ensure, guarantee)

«She compromised our security by telling people the alarm code.«
(compromised, threatened, jeopardized)

Used with nouns:

«We hired a new security guard.«
(guard, officer, expert, staff)

«We are installing a security camera at the building entrance.«
(camera, alarm, system, video, device)

«The security risk is low.«
(risk, threat)

«We have serious security issues.«
(issues, concerns, matters)

«There was a company-wide security breach.«

Used with prepositions:

«The locks provide security against robberies.«

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