The word search book

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Wordsearch, Английские филворды для продолжающих, A1+A2, Тарасова А.В., 2021.

Интересные задания для лучшего запоминания слов! В данной книге представлены 50 филвордов. Эти головоломки помогут запомнить английские слова, а также разнообразят учебный процесс, позволят провести время интересно и с пользой. В этом издании содержится необходимая лексика для уровней A1 и A2, это более 600 слов. Для удобства слова сгруппированы по темам. А в конце книги вы найдёте англо-русский словарь, в котором содержится вся представленная в данном пособии лексика. Пособие предназначено для широкого круга читателей, изучающих английский язык.

Wordsearch, Английские филворды для продолжающих, A1+A2, Тарасова А.В., 2021

Дорогие читатели!
В этой книге представлены увлекательные головоломки, решая которые вы сможете расширить свой словарный запас и запомнить написание большого количества английских слов. При поиске слов вы развиваете внимательность и лучше концентрируетесь. А также филворды разнообразят учебный процесс и позволят провести время с пользой.


Дата публикации: 16.09.2021 13:29 UTC


Тарасова :: книги по английскому языку :: английский язык :: филворды

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Are you looking for Word Search Books Reviews? Our experts found 56120 number of feedback online for «Word Search Books» and shortlisted them. This suggestions is created for those looking for their ideal Word Search Books. On selected products for the Best Word Search Books you will see ratings. The rating matrix we have generated is based on user ratings found online. Take a look —

Best Word Search Books

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We found 56120 reviews when researching. We have considered users feedback on the word search books and our suggestions includes only the finest of them in this article.

Comparison Chart Of Top 10 word search books

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Table Of Content:

  • 1000 Word Search Puzzle Book for Adults: Big Puzzlebook with Word Find Puzzles for Seniors, Adults and…
  • Extreme Word Search: With 300 Puzzles
  • Mindfulness Word Search Book for Adults
  • Large Print Word Search Puzzles: Over 200 Puzzles to Complete
  • Funster 500+ Word Search Puzzles for Adults: Word Search Book for Adults with a Huge Supply of Puzzles…
  • KAPPA Super Saver LARGE PRINT Word Search Puzzle Pack Pack of 6 Full Size Books
  • Wordsearch: With Over 500 Puzzles
  • KAPPA Super Saver LARGE PRINT Word Search Puzzle Pack-Set of 9 Carry-Along Digest Size Books
  • Ready•Set•Learn: Word Searches, Grade 1 from Teacher Created Resources
  • The World’s Largest Themed Word Search Book Vol. 1: 1,111 Puzzles for Adults & Seniors

1. 1000 Word Search Puzzle Book for Adults: Big Puzzlebook with Word Find Puzzles for Seniors

2. Extreme Word Search: With 300 Puzzles

3. Mindfulness Word Search Book for Adults

4. Large Print Word Search Puzzles: Over 200 Puzzles to Complete

5. Funster 500+ Word Search Puzzles for Adults: Word Search Book for Adults with a Huge Supply of Puzzles

6. KAPPA Super Saver LARGE PRINT Word Search Puzzle Pack – (Pack of 6) Full Size Books

7. Wordsearch: With Over 500 Puzzles

8. KAPPA Super Saver LARGE PRINT Word Search Puzzle Pack-Set of 9 Carry-Along Digest Size Books

9. Ready•Set•Learn: Word Searches

  • 7 in x 9 in

10. The World’s Largest Themed Word Search Book – Vol. 1: 1

Word Search Books Buying Guide: Features to Consider

Shopping is becoming challenging day by day, specially when you have to buy one from the thousands available and you have to do it online to save time or maintaining social distancing! With multiple options it becomes confusing. To solve your confusion we have collected as much information possible for the top 10 Word Search Books trending in the market these days. Several questions regarding this product may have aroused in your mind when choosing this product; these include:

  • Is this product worth buying?
  • What are the primary uses of Word Search Books?
  • Why should you invest in a Word Search Books?
  • What are the benefits of using it?
  • Why should you choose only the best one?
  • How to choose the best Word Search Books for yourself?
  • What are the top Word Search Books available in 2022?

With so many questions in your mind, it becomes vital for you to get answers to all the questions genuinely and authentically. Always get answers from reliable, trustworthy sources such as authority sites, product reviews, word-of-mouth, sites that offer buying guides, online consumer forums, and more sources that reliably offer such information. Overall, it is significant that we research and acquire enough information regarding the best Word Search Books before purchasing to keep the complete buying process satisfactory.

We are one of those reliable options which will offer you verified information about the top-rated Word Search Books in 2022. And, who verifies our information? Big Data and AI – the authentic and dependable online, proofreading sources. We have designed a unique algorithm code with the latest technological system to list down the top 10 Word Search Books options available this year.

Our system follows a set of factors to make the trending list, which includes:

  • Product and brand value
  • Features and specifications
  • Durability, shelf-life, and quality
  • Consumer ratings and reviews
  • Product costing and warranty

We believe that it is our responsibility and priority to offer 100% latest, up-to-date, and accurate information at all times. In this run, if you find any information unappealing, inappropriate, and wrong, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We take complete charge in rectifying the issues. Happy Shopping!

Are you a book lover? If you love books, you will enjoy these Books word search puzzles. No matter who your favorite author is, or which story you liked the best, you will look forward to doing these Word Searches. You have to search for words from some of the world’s most beloved and popular books. From Sherlock Holmes to Twelfth Night, this word search has a huge collection of popular books and related words. Download and see how many book-related words you can find.

How to download Books Word Search Puzzle?

  • Click on any of the Books Word Search Puzzles.
  • Print or download on letter-size paper or A4 size paper.
  • You also have the option to play online. Just click on the «Play Online» button.

How to Edit Books word search puzzles?

You can create your own Books Word Search Puzzles, click on the «Edit» button. You can edit the title, header, font style, words list, grid size, difficulty level, and border style.

A collection of books word search puzzles. Choose from the list to play online or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 1-24 of 57 records

  • Hatchet Word Search Puzzle


    Books & Literature

  • Library Word Search Puzzle


    Books & Literature

  • The Giver Word Search Puzzle

    The Giver

    Books & Literature

  • Dr. Seuss Books Word Search Puzzle

    Dr. Seuss Books

    Books & Literature

    Word search based on Dr. Seuss work, that was a popular author of children’s books, a cartoonist, animator poet, illustrator, screenwriter and film maker.

  • Public Library Word Search Puzzle

    Public Library

    Books & Literature

  • Frankenstein Word Search Puzzle


    Books & Literature

  • Treasure Island Word Search Puzzle

    Treasure Island

    Books & Literature

  • Oliver Twist Word Search Puzzle

    Oliver Twist

    Books & Literature

    Oliver Twist also knows as The Parish Boy’s Progress is a novel by Charles Dickens.

  • Story Elements Word Search Puzzle

    Story Elements

    Books & Literature


  • Famous Authors Word Search Puzzle

    Famous Authors

    Books & Literature

  • Poetry and Rhyme Word Search Puzzle

    Poetry and Rhyme

    Books & Literature

  • Sherlock Holmes Word Search Puzzle

    Sherlock Holmes

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  • Dr. Suess Word Search Puzzle

    Dr. Suess

    Books & Literature

    Cat in the Hat

  • Types of Books Word Search Puzzle

    Types of Books

    Books & Literature

  • Romeo and Juliet Word Search Puzzle

    Romeo and Juliet

    Books & Literature

    Word search puzzle related to Romeo and Juliet, one of the most popular play or tragedy written by William Shakespeare about two young star-crossed lovers.

  • The Book Club Word Search Puzzle

    The Book Club

    Books & Literature

  • Tom Sawyer Word Search Puzzle

    Tom Sawyer

    Books & Literature

    Find words related to the adventures of Tom Sawyer, a character from the Mark Twain novels. He is probably best remembered for the incident in which he gets a number of other boys to whitewash his Aunt Polly’s fence.

  • Lord Of The Flies Word Search Puzzle

    Lord Of The Flies

    Books & Literature

  • King Midas Word Search Puzzle

    King Midas

    Books & Literature

    In Greek mythology, Midas, a king of Phrygia, known for his foolishness and greed. A word search puzzle related to the story of King Midas.

  • Cookbooks Word Search Puzzle


    Books & Literature

  • Macbeth Word Search Puzzle


    Books & Literature

  • Animal Farm Word Search Puzzle

    Animal Farm

    Books & Literature

  • William Shakespeare Word Search Puzzle

    William Shakespeare

    Books & Literature

    Find words related to William Shakespeare, a well known poet, playwright, dramatist and an actor. He was regarded as one of the greatest writer in English language.

  • Twelfth Night Word Search Puzzle

    Twelfth Night

    Books & Literature

At My Word Search, it’s easy to make dozens of word searches in a short amount of time. Maybe you give these word searches to friends, family, peers, or students. Or, you might enjoy them on your own. You might also find, though, that you can make word searches faster than others solve them.

If this resonates with you, it sounds like it’s time to make your own word search book! There are plenty of reasons to make an entire word search book, and it’s easy to make, too.

You might make your own word search book for many reasons. You’ll probably feel drawn to one of these three reasons.

You can earn money.
Have you ever thought about publishing your own book for personal or financial reasons? Many people have, but most people have not thought to publish a word search book. It’s a low-cost nonfiction book with an audience.

They make great gifts.
Not everyone wants or needs to financially profit from a word search book. You can also give them away as presents! And when you make your own word search book (instead of buying one), you can personalize the puzzles for the receiver. Similar to how people will give calendars or books with unique photos, you can give a book with unique word searches.

It’s a fun activity.
Sometimes there’s a reason to say, “It’s about the process, not the product.” This is a time where you can say it’s about both! The process of making a word search book is just as enjoyable (if not more so) than giving away or selling the book. In other words, it’s a great hobby for yourself.

Making a Great Word Search Book

Now it’s time to get into the nuts and bolts of making your own word search book. It takes just six simple steps, and you’ve probably already done the first two before.

Step 1: Make your word searches.

When you make your word searches, you’ll want to keep the size, shapes, fonts, and themes consistent throughout the book. Also, when making your puzzles, think ahead a little bit to the size of the book and who will enjoy it.

Step 2: Download them as PDFs.

As you finish each word search, download the PDF and the answer sheet, as well. This will prepare you for the next step.

Step 3: Lay out the rest of your book.

Once you have your puzzles and your answer sheets, you’ll need to make just a few more pages. You’ll want to make a cover, which you can design yourself in Canva. If you plan to sell the book, you’ll need a copyright page, too.

Step 4: Merge your PDFs.

Using a program like Adobe, or a browser-based PDF merger, merge your puzzles, answers, and extra pages in order into one PDF.

Step 5: Upload to your preferred platform.

Many people who self-publish print books use Amazon’s CreateSpace, but there are many places out there you can turn your PDF into a print book.

Step 6: Share!

We’ll talk about this more in the next section. Whether you plan on selling or giving your word search book away, don’t forget to share it after all your hard work.

Some final creation tips.

There’s no right or wrong way to make word searches for your word search book. These tips will help you to make the best book you can, though.

First, solve a lot of word searches. Take note of what you like, what you don’t like, and why. Incorporate these elements into your puzzles.

Then, have trusted friends solve your puzzles. Ask them specific questions to get the best feedback you can. For example, instead of simply asking, “Did you like it?” ask, “Was the word list too long, too short, or just right?”

Finally, if you plan to sell your book, check out best-selling word search books. Take note of the following elements:

  • Size
  • Number of puzzles
  • Layout
  • Themes (if any)
  • Price

Where to Sell Your Word Search Book

For those of you who wish to sell your word search book, there are several places you can promote it. Here are a few to get you started.

  • Your website
  • Amazon
  • Etsy
  • Teachers Pay Teachers
  • Independent bookstores
  • Social media

No matter where you choose to share your book, make sure potential customers can find it. Describe the puzzles in detail (without giving away answers, of course!). Then, make sure the description features words or phrases you would use to find the book. If you’re not sure, ask your trusted friends who already solved the puzzles.

Congratulations on making your own word search book! What’s the best way to celebrate your achievement? Making a second book for crosswords.

Kristen Seikaly used her artistic background, research skills, and love for the internet to launch her first blog, Operaversity. Now she uses the skills to connect teachers, parents, and game enthusiasts with Crossword Hobbyist and My Word Search. She studied music at the University of Michigan, and now lives in Philadelphia.

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