The word scream in a sentence

scream — перевод на русский


— I think I’ll start screaming.

— Думаю, пора начать кричать.

Are you gonna quit stalling or am I gonna start screaming?

Может, ты прекратишь тянуть время или мне уже начать кричать?

She was shot four times, fell on her face… she couldn’t have screamed, because she was killed instantly.

В неё стреляли 4 раза, она упала лицом вниз она не могла кричать, потому что умерла мгновенно.

It’s not nice to scream at children.

На детей нельзя кричать.

It’s no use screaming at a time like this.

Кричать тут бесполезно. Никто не услышит тебя!

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They heard him and asked, «Who’s screaming that way?»

Слышали крики: А! А!

To whiten my hair, a scream of fright.

Чтобы сделать волосы мои седыми — крики страха.

Last night, I was doing my rounds about 4:00 a.m. and I heard screams coming out of your room.

Около четырех часов ночи я делал обход и слышал крики из вашей комнаты.

Did you hear anything, any call for help, or scream?

Вы ничего не слышали, крики о помощи?

He lived in a neighbourhood where screams were commonplace.

В этом районе крики — обычное дело.

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— I’ll never scream like that again.

— Так я больше не закричу.

I’ll scream!

Иначе я закричу!

I’m sitting in your Mother’s chair, And if any ghost comes along, I’ll let out a scream that would frighten the life out of it.

Я сижу в кресле вашей матери… и если приведение придёт, … я закричу так, что это очень его напугает.

— Lf you take another step, I’ll scream.

— Ещё один шаг и я закричу.

Then I’m going to scream!

Я сейчас закричу!

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I’ll scream if I want to!

Я буду орать, если мне захочется!

If she knows you’re not a maid, she’s gonna let out a scream.

Если она узнает, что Вы не горничная, она начнет орать.

— Where are you trying to get… screaming like that in a basement?

— Нет! Так и будем оба орать в подвале, пока не сдохнем, а?

If you keep screaming I’ll break your neck, understood?

Будешь орать, я сломаю тебе шею.

Start the war all over again, you wanna bomb Hanoi, wanna everybody screaming for armed invasion?

Что будете делать? Снова начнёте войну — разбомбите Ханой, снова начнёте орать о вторжении?

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The idea was… the shark comes to the nearest man and he starts pounding, hollering and screaming.

Акула хватала ближайшего бедолагу, и он начинал визжать и вопить.

So you’ll scream like an eagle.

Так что будешь вопить как резаный.

Remember in law school when i won that mock trial -You started screaming? — No.

Помнишь, в колледже, когда я выиграл фиктивное дело, ты стала вопить?

If there’s anything we can do to make your tour more terrifying, please do not hesitate to scream.

Чтобы сделать ваш тур более жутким, Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь вопить.

Well, he started screaming sniveling simp he is.

И тогда он начал вопить хныкать, как дурачок.

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I don’t want any more men dying and screaming. I don’t want any more!

Я не могу видеть умирающих и кричащих мужчин.

One day, walking in the field, Zen master noticed a few students screaming and waving his fists each other because kite flown away

Однажды , прогуливаясь в поле, мастер Дзен заметил нескольких учеников кричащих и машущих кулаками друг на друга из-за улетевшего воздушного змея…

Don’t forget screaming like banshees.

И не забудьте про кричащих как баньши..

Screaming like banshees.

…кричащих как баньши.х)

Screaming like banshees.

…кричащих как баньши. хD

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Make ’em roar Make ’em scream

Заставь их кричать, заставь их визжать!

It screams on the way down.

Будет визжать во время падения.

-She’s good at screaming.

— Умеет визжать.

And the girls scream like mad.

И девушки начинали визжать как сумасшедшие.

Don’t scream, yell, all that bullshit!

Не надо орать, визжать и корчить рожи!

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When she came in here, you attacked her before she could scream.

Когда она вошла сюда, вы напали на нее. Она не успела даже крикнуть.

That’s why she had time to scream.

Вот почему крикнуть успела.

Now, you stab somebody in the heart, they can still scream.

Получив удар в сердце, жёртва сможет крикнуть.

What if you just scream out to the heavens,

Почему бы тебе не крикнуть в небо:

I just want to scream at people, «Get a life!»

Хочется всем им крикнуть «На себя посмотрите!»

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— What’s that screaming?

Замолчи! — Что это за визг?

[Screaming; tumult.]

[Визг; шум.]

I didn’t pay any girls to scream.

Я никому за визг не платил.

[ Loud, High-Pitched Scream ]

[ Громкий визг ]

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Нет, не уходите.

I heard some screaming and I follow the sound and it came from the old cistern.

Нет, Мэри. Это не так.

— [Biles Screams] No!


He was jumping up and down screaming blue murder at Arlena.

Нет, не слышала.

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Отправить комментарий

орать, вопить, вскрикнуть, зареветь, визг, вопль, умора, клекот


- пронзительно кричать, вопить, визжать

the baby screamed all night — ребёнок кричал всю ночь
to scream with pain [with fear] — кричать от боли [от страха]
to scream with delight — визжать от восторга
to scream oneself hoarse — охрипнуть от крика
to scream for help [for mercy] — вопить о помощи [о пощаде]

- издавать резкие, пронзительные звуки, свистеть, гудеть, реветь

the brakes screamed — тормоза завизжали
cars scream — автомобили дают резкие гудки
the whistle screamed — раздался резкий свист
the wind screamed — ветер завывал

- разг. неудержимо смеяться, хохотать; умирать со смеху

he was so funny, he made us scream — он был так смешон, что мы покатывались со смеху
to scream with laughter — неудержимо хохотать, умирать со смеху

- выкрикивать (что-л.; тж. scream out)

to scream in anger — кричать /выкрикивать/ (что-л.) в гневе
to scream out orders [curses] — пронзительно выкрикивать приказания [проклятия]
to scream out a song — горланить песню

- разг. резать глаз

this colour scheme screams — это сочетание цветов режет глаз /слишком кричащее/


- пронзительный крик, вопль, визг

a scream of terror [of pain] — крик ужаса [боли]
to utter screams of pain — вопить от боли

- резкий, пронзительный звук

the scream of a peacock [of an eagle] — крик павлина [орла]
the engine gave a shrill scream as it entered the tunnel — при входе в туннель паровоз дал резкий свисток /гудок/

- умора, уморительно смешной человек, случай, анекдот и т. п.

it was a perfect scream! — это было просто уморительно!; мы умирали со смеху!
in that part he is a perfect /a regular/ scream — в этой комической роли он неподражаем

- пренебр. нечто переходящее допустимые границы

a scream of a bunch — амер. кучка бездельников

Мои примеры


those inebriate sports fans who yell and scream throughout the game — те пьяные болельщики, которые горланят и визжат на протяжении всей игры  
to scream with fright — завизжать от страха  
to scream in horror — кричать в ужасе, визжать от страха  
to scream for help — звать на помощь  
scream of a peacock — павлиний крик  
to let out a scream — испустить вопль  
scream of brakes — скрип тормозов  
to scream with pain — кричать от боли  
a scream of terror — крик ужаса  
scream with fear — кричать от страха  
a scream — хохма  

Примеры с переводом

‘Get out!’ she screamed.

— Вон отсюда! — завизжала она.

He screamed at her to stop.

Он крикнул, чтобы она остановилась.

I screamed for help.

Я громко позвала на помощь.

She’s a scream!

Она такая смешная!

It was a scream!

Вот была умора!

Eagles scream.

Орлы кричат.

The wind screamed through the trees.

Ветер завывал среди деревьев.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…that new comedy is a scream…

Sirens were screaming in the distance.

We heard screams coming from the flat.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

screamer  — крикун, потрясающий факт, сенсационный заголовок, восклицательный знак
screaming  — кричащий, уморительный
screamy  — визгливый, кричащий, крикливый, экспансивный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: scream
he/she/it: screams
ing ф. (present participle): screaming
2-я ф. (past tense): screamed
3-я ф. (past participle): screamed

ед. ч.(singular): scream
мн. ч.(plural): screams

Examples of how to use the word “scream” in a sentence. How to connect “scream” with other words to make correct English sentences.

scream (v, n): to cry or say something loudly and usually on a high note, especially because of strong emotions such as fear, excitement, or anger; a loud, high sound you make when very frightened, excited, or angry

Use “scream” in a sentence

The girl screamed when she saw the flames.
Your screams frightened me.
The children screamed in horror.
She screamed as loudly as she could.
She screamed and ran out of the room.
I screamed for help but no one came.
He’s screaming, not singing.
I resisted the urge to scream.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I scream, opening the chamber and emptying it

Do not shout, scream, etc

It just stares at him, watching him scream

She opened her mouth like she was about to scream and it was all blackness inside her mouth

Then, I heard the scream in my head after I woke up

Your eyes boil out of your skull and the fire climbs into your mouth as you scream

That sound did not die away but was replaced by a scream and roar that built in volume

Jesus, they carved him up like a piece of meat, but they wouldn’t let him scream

He was trying to scream but his mouth was stuffed

I bit my lip to stifle the scream when I felt warm human fingers touch my arm

Then suddenly, my attention cuts to a bloodcurdling scream that pierces above the chatter of the crowd

Then he began to scream as a rage took over him

Thru it all the wind shrieked so that we could hardly hear each other scream as we went sloshing around the deck

All the dryfeet’s still too scared of your hell-spawn starship to come out of the water and I’m afraid we’ll hear another scream and splash any second

As nervous as they were over the scream and thunder of the shuttle coming in, that was all it took for the herd to bolt

There was not a whimper, one scream, not a plea for their lives

that scream disgust at the state of things today

Her moan is followed by a long, low-pitched scream

Then horrible thrashing erupted in some nearby water, and a scream that turned Alan’s hair white and made his nuts crawl up inside his belly

SAMANTHA continues to scream, howl, and growl as she struggles to stay in the court room

(pause) It will be done (almost a whisper) now… (a desperate scream) Now! (holds the gun to his own head and pulls the trigger

He began to scream at her and call her vile names

an hour and tried not to scream

The scream buried itself deep inside Lucy, tearing reason and rationale apart as it bit savagely into her psyche

muscles constrict and his stomach started to scream at him from

He is one down,’ Ali’s scream ruined

Before the scream could reach his

him, he would panic and scream

maiden aunts, Billy started to scream inside his head

ending and just as she tried to unglue her eyes and scream, her

Her scream is internalised, is stored and primed for another target

She didn’t mind the noise the bones made as they shattered, but the almost scream from the bird’s throat had resonated an emotional chime she didn’t know she had, unnerving her

Every sound and every readout seems to scream one word at Billy; Bastard

Then, as she watched mesmerised, the last of the roots of the bush lost its grip on the thin soil and, with a thin terrified scream, Mickey plunged towards the roiling sea below

Again she heard the scream, cut off abruptly as he thudded onto the rock below

She still wants to scream at the useless bugger sitting opposite her, but she has no intention of giving him or anyone else in the canteen the satisfaction of watching her lose it

sparks and a scream of tortured metal

Billy turns and stares at the dark-skinned man and tries to scream but there’s no sound

Lying in the bed, Chrissie muffles a scream as she feels again the smarting of the cuts he inflicted to her arms and hands as she fought to defend herself

‘Sonny,’ still hovered in their ears as Harry firmly grasped the hand on his shoulder and dropped into a spinning crouch; the scream of pain from the hand’s owner was silenced shortly as he yanked on his arm to free his hand with such force that as Harry released his hand his own fist smashed into his face and he crumpled like an imploded building

give out a short, piercing scream

grabbed his hand, and before he could scream,

The scream itself jolted Roman up into a sitting position

«So what was the question?» he went on walking towards where the girls were still lying, as if they hadn’t heard her scream

over her mouth, thinking if I let up at all her scream would ring through the house

The scream was passing her lips, before she heard Jim say «You looking for me

She nearly gave him away, with a scream – but he covered her mouth first

That was too much for her nerves, she jumped and tossed it in the air; stifling a scream

to dance scream out that they were

The scream that split the silence, echoed from the mountain tops, as she beat against the chest of – of – Ghost’s don’t have chests

Heather’s scream did not detour our gray-haired host

The pain was beyond her control and she knew the scream that forged from her lips, was inappropriate, but couldn’t control it

This time her one scream is cut short by

Yell and scream, it was disgusting

Lindy was heard at one stage to scream into the hills — ‘I

Gritting his teeth, he swallowed his scream as a jolt pain ran the length of his arm

To check its effectiveness, he let if fall, counting the seconds before he heard a distant, satisfactory thunk, accompanied by a guttural scream from below

Then came the scream, and her heart seemed to stop altogether

The woman with the baby turned, opened her mouth to scream

» She seemed ready to shout, to blast the room apart with a scream

Yes the TV was suddenly on with the sun was shining through the windows and suddenly the screen was filled with a vision of the most horrible face I had ever seen then it began to laugh historically and a fiery finger came up and pointed at me, and the vision screamed an unearthly scream as Fliss jumped up upon the bed and spat and growled and spat again

Her face was slick with tears and her body jerked at every scream, every whimper from below

The men made mommy scream and cry for a long time and then they went

By the time the paralysis of disbelief was over and she thought to scream, only a weak hiss came out

The boys were looking for one of the horses that had bolted and they heard your scream

there was a scream, followed by a rushing movement

another scream from down the hall, followed by the patter

Nerissa heard a high pitched scream, but couldn’t know which of her loved ones had been struck

That women scream I said once, I think

I still wake every day stifling a scream, fresh from abandoning my brother yet again

Her scream is cut short when Jayson wraps a scarf around her throat

Her scream echoes out to

She tried to scream herself to wakefulness, but couldn’t

where they would scream and whither for eternity

He had barely had the thought when he heard the first prisoner scream as he was thrown into the flames

All lay with mouths open, frozen in a choke or a scream, their unavailing weapons lying nearby

Its door was closed, but another scream made her push it open

Upon hearing a distant scream and dread gasps among all of those with her, her legs thrust into motion

A high-pitched canine scream tore through the air as the beast flung him away

Sometimes she would just scream

We heard children scream with delight as we wearily made our way onward

As his lips parted the futility of trying to inhale made him want to scream, but that was not possible either

I saw Elijah throw his hands up to his face and then fall forward onto his face on the ground and I saw the scream on his lips before he dropped but I couldn’t hear him for the noise that as going on

Suddenly, I felt such a tremendous loss I wanted to scream, cry

She saw this girl slashing and slashing and her mouth opened to scream but out came a vile mixture of vomit and wine

Silence with the occasional scream

The tears coursed down my face now just like Helens had and I just wanted to scream or even better kill someone at this moment I could really do serious damage to someone or something

While we waited in the hospital that week-end, I’d go into the bathroom and cry and scream and kick the commode because I was so stricken with fear that Mama was going to die

They took the chit and set off laughing and joking on their way to the stores and they had only just got round the blast wall and couldn’t have been far down the next trench when we heard a scream and a roar overhead

I heard the other stretcher bearer give a sharp scream and then a gurgle came from him as machine gun rounds slammed into his face taking most of his head with them

“What went on out there we heard a god awful scream and then all hell let loose?” I was going to tell him it was that cowardly bastard Smith when he continued saying

Then, just a few days before Dad took his last breath, we heard Mom’s scream coming from the basement stairs

As I began to search him his dull blue eyes stared at me accusingly seeming to scream accusingly why are you still alive? I got his haversack off and found it contained some melted Fry’s chocolate a packet of wafer biscuits and a can of Ticklers Jam there were also four packets of cigarettes that would come in handy

The machine gun bullets passed beyond us and I heard a scream as one of the dark shadows fell down after being hit

Six hours was common for her, but the returning images of the battle brought her awake with a startled scream

I wanted to scream Rosie at the top of my voice she was my little sister my second love and I thought that I was going to die there and then and save the firing squad a job

Raven wanted to scream out loud, to shout in fury at them all and implore them to mourn the loss of Khan

‘You bitch!’ he shouted, almost as a scream

In an instant he saw it miss and felt his heart scream in fear as he watched Millicent’s counter-strike

Tom sucked in all his breath and practically screamed into the horn

«Gross!» she screamed and tried to stomp it

She cried and screamed and cursed everyone and everything

Peter screamed as the rabbit sunk his teeth into his skull

‘Anyway, what about your mother? How would she take having me around?’ I screamed

He screamed with pain

Cat screamed internally

The ball screamed into his mitt

«Well, I’m not going to shut ‘em down! Kill the sensory feedback!» She screamed once and writhed

Especially at noon, when I was hungry and I wanted to go to a restaurant and eat something decent, Helen screamed that restaurants are too expensive, that we ought to eat nothing more than a souvlaki in hand, and that “certain people are like pigs, all they care about is food, food, food!”

Although I could not voice my anger because of the tape across my mouth, I raved and screamed internally, breathing hard and wetly through my nose, snorting my rage and venom at the world, at my guards and outrageous bloody fortune

«I hid ih,» he screamed

The pumps screamed in the air and hammered when they hit water again

Lady Chimera screamed in terror and the room resounded with her shrill cry of pain, as Arion fired again, this time against her

The lord of Mirage screamed out

flames of the torch and the guards screamed in pain as Son spat fire upon

“¡They are here!” Lyla screamed as Son pulled himself back to his feet

The man screamed

«It’s them!» he screamed and disappeared back inside the nest

‘ In fact I would probably be screaming that at you about the way I screamed at Valla at the logging party, even though we have nothing to drink but the stream

Lardyme Cootiepants screamed as she held on to Cosmicblasto

the top of the ramp, Lardyme screamed as the cycle went through

Desa screamed and slashed at the tentacles with the knife

She screamed again

In a stratospheric pitch, she screamed at the bags as though they were naughty children and complained to anyone who would listen but no one took any notice

a word screamed at me that flies away

He screamed at all the doctors and nurses, even though he knew it wasn’t their fault

«What the hell have you done now?» screamed mother

In fear she screamed out for Jake

After days of cleaning up after me, my mother went to the nurse’s station and screamed

“Don’t just stand there”, she screamed at him as the world turned a brilliant shade of gloss white in a storm of paparazzi shouts and exploding flash bulbs

“Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!” she screamed over and over again as she emptied the pan of baked beans onto the keyboard and then turned her attention to the boy himself

Alexis screamed, ‘Hold your arms higher

Alexis turned and pointed to the blackening sky in the west, breathless he screamed, ‘Did you hear that boss? Did you hear the snorting of her holy horses? She washes the flecks of sweat from their mouths as they champ the bit and cleans the clotted foam

‘Chemistry book, red and white balls on the cover,’ he screamed

‘Hey, Ali, catch,’ Ish screamed from his position at the

screamed at stars even though they liked to hang around them

screamed and screamed for help, bursting her lungs with her wild

watched as she screamed and yelled above the tinny sound of

‘Whatever, I trust you,’ he screamed back as he continued to play pool with the

listen helplessly as Drew screamed in terror while they

screamed silently inside his own head as he realised that he was full

‘Who will get the aamras for the sahib?’ Mama screamed at the waiters

said and screamed, ‘Mom, sauce!’

‘Mama, he is trying to buy me,’ the mini-leader screamed at the top of his voice

Traitors, you bastards,’ Mama screamed

«You thought what exactly?” screamed their mother from the

‘Nobody here,’ they screamed as they traversed the various rooms of the bank

Ish screamed in pain and fell

screamed once and turned silent

“Find her! Scour the planet if you have to, but find her!” he screamed at the man, who jumped up and ran out of the Hall

The crowd roared and Ava screamed

We both screamed and ran out of the room

The girl yelled, the man screamed, the bull dropped and turned his head, twisting his horn out of the way of the man’s neck scant milliseconds before disaster

Ava screamed but the bull only snorted on its way back to the girl

!” Boras screamed incoherently as he raised his crossbow and shot out a barrage at Naria

“Don’t just stand there”, she screamed at him as the world

screamed at the top of her voice, “Of course you’ll fucking win,

I wake up and stare at the ceiling of my bedroom at the flat feeling lousy and wishing I were dead … for the millionth time I go over in my head the events of last night … everything had been going so well … where had that blazing row materialised from? I grope under my pillow for tissues as I remember how, in a furious temper, I had screamed at Dave that I wasn’t going to stay another minute in his house … and he yelled back that, in that case, I had better bugger off

“Damash! No!” She screamed and was on her feet in an instant

louder than she had ever screamed in her life

Jenna screamed again at the sight of the monster

screamed, while pointing to the other men

The agony was unbearable, and she screamed

without me!’ screamed Matt, pulling his arm away

frenzied mouth as he screamed for the guard,

“Oh shit,” she screamed, pushing me off to the side

He screamed and threatened, but Jorma didn’t care, it might be evidence, it had a serial number etched into the glass so something of importance must have been in it

Tipene screamed at the top of his lungs as the teddy-bear laughed evilly

«What questions?» It was Jim directly behind her but she had screamed, before she realized it

Jack screamed and rushed out of the alien laboratory as fast as he could, only to find himself lost within the confines of Nevermore Forest

THE WAY OF JUSTICE!” Justice screamed, and Sunil was zapped with full force

“Retreat! Retreat!” The Heseans screamed, but Justice was having none of that

“Chatterling!” He screamed this time

When the truck finished spinning and was still in one piece, she flung the door open and screamed, «You’re crazy

The woman kicked and screamed, but her effort was futile

The crowd screamed with glee

Heather screamed in the background

“Kill him! Kill him!” Freddy screamed at his men

Then Desa appeared, she screamed and ran, dodging into the back corner of the dormer where she slept

Then the power came back as she screamed that she was everything he desired, everything he could desire, that he was the captive of the witch queen and that it would go on, from lifetime to lifetime, century to century, spinning thru eternity

A shout went up from the table, and Alan screamed and started to run, like maybe he thought it was coming back to life

Forcing her against the wall, he screamed, «Stay here, the car – I’ll check the car

He thought he heard voices on the other side, and pounded and screamed for what felt like an hour

‘Why would they close the Pass?’ I screamed

» Angrily, the witch screamed at the little girl: «Useless child! All right, I’ll see for myself

‘What’s a tank doing there?’ I screamed

Darling there was a commotion in the firmament, and the smallest of all the stars in the Milky Way screamed out:

Glenelle screamed about the trouble she was having with her android, but Alfred couldn’t let that distract him now that they had finally found the person they needed

Yes the TV was suddenly on with the sun was shining through the windows and suddenly the screen was filled with a vision of the most horrible face I had ever seen then it began to laugh historically and a fiery finger came up and pointed at me, and the vision screamed an unearthly scream as Fliss jumped up upon the bed and spat and growled and spat again

Janice screamed and one of the other men slapped her so hard that she too fell over

A couple of the girls screamed

“Nathalia!” He screamed, naked and glaring at her with pure hate — pouring every last drop of pain and darkness in his soul into Alana

Adros screamed as the many limbs began digging into his flesh

Somewhere in the inferno’s roar he dimly recognized the voice of S’ilindsa as she screamed, “Brontes! Help him!”

He screamed as Mila bent down and bit into his skull

Adros screamed out in pain, against his will, the staff fell

Somehow his sister saw the man’s true nature, even though his exterior form screamed ‘demon’

It was almost like a victory parade, except the hero was carried against his will and screaming

Jorma had not napped beside her, instead Jorma was running down the path toward them screaming, that Venna had disappeared

But their fights had always ended, after the screaming in three languages and sometimes attacks of paralysis and the taunting that caused

I was the screaming vision

Her son’s back was still stinging red with the edges of his new art screaming out pain

Bolt has gone from screaming to moaning

She was screaming from

He is apparently wailing, screaming and crying simultaneously

I got Liz out of the house while the police went in after him but when they brought him out, he made one hell of a racket, calling out to Liz to help him one minute and screaming obscenities at her for being so evil the next

Was I wrong! This next ball came screaming down the middle of the plate

He refrained from kneeling on me again, contenting himself with screaming obscenities at me and giving me the odd slap around the head or knees

Despite my screaming bruises and the blood soaking across my tattered face, I managed to spring up and land astride Robbie’s chest

I drew back my arm, screaming at him all the while

screaming his name in the distance

Elden yelled out in pain and as he yelled he could hear song screaming

He then takes that whip and starts flipping tables, screaming at people, releasing the animals that are there for sacrificial reasons, and driving out all of the moneychangers

The Jodechians were screaming and shouting and whooping for

Screaming At The Sea

Screaming at the sea,

There were flashes of Sally screaming; the ‘thing’ charging; burning pain in his chest; blood flowing on the ground, and the woman by his side; so tender, so soft

They found two of the men hiding in one cave; there was a lot of yelling and screaming

He was still alive, poor bastard; screaming and flaying around like a madman

screaming out the primordial nature of order

We all started screaming and shouting; and we ran for our lives

‘ In fact I would probably be screaming that at you about the way I screamed at Valla at the logging party, even though we have nothing to drink but the stream

throw my toys out of the pram, run through the streets screaming?”

screaming through blue backed streams of current

my child in arms, screaming for my full white breast,

that you’re screaming to be seen

He didn’t remember if Desa started screaming when he grabbed for the log or the other way around

The stupid thing held it’s burning tail up out of the water as it bounded across the stream screaming and ran zigzag into the night, howling so pitifully

I wake to the sound of seagulls screaming overhead and I stare in confusion at the cabin around me

from too far away to remain when the screaming started,

when we touch flames without nerves screaming,

Then the shouting, the screaming and groaning,

a wife and a husband screaming,

Anyway, with the gun and the screaming

As luck would have it, I wake screaming with nightmares to find Gilla in my room in the middle of the night

All was silent now except for the screaming of the swifts and our mutual embarrassment

‘ Alexis pointed to the outhouse and held open the door and ushered me inside but just as I crossed the threshold, the most diabolical screech had me petrified with shock and sent Charon himself running screaming back to Hades

Come the evening of the party, and even with a substantial layer of foundation on her face, the guests could still see red rings under her eyes from all of her screaming, bawling and crying

When losing the signal I would start to lose control and pretend I was going to jump out of the car, but my father screaming my name at me usually slugged me back into present time reality for a short period anyway

Thru it all Nuran kept screaming things like…

My parents started screaming, the high pitch terror jolting me back onto the side

Then the sun came back and shone for the rest of our ride and what a thrilling, spiralling joy it was to be screaming down the mountain towards Dorini

The fisherman was disgusted with his wife’s behaviour, until, with the screaming and shouting turning into the inevitable sobbing and sniffing that always closed down their arguments, she explained just how much their current house was worth and what that meant in terms of their future lifestyle

They drove up the hill that led to the big electric gates at the entrance to Seaview Park just in time to see a large removals lorry pulling out of the estate followed by a ranting, screaming harridan dragging behind her a couple of suitcases and an old and battered fishing rod

The businessman stopped his car, told the fisherman to wait and with the help of the two suited gentlemen, he put the screaming woman’s suitcases in the boot and opened one of the rear passenger doors for her so that she could get in

I’ve known her for several years, and she’s a straightforward, non-hysterical woman; some people would say that she was cold and unemotional but that may just be in comparison with the temperamental musician she’s married to – after all someone would have to be the down-to-earth sane one in that partnership! Try as I do, I cannot imagine her screaming at me or making a scene … a consoling thought to some extent, but it still doesn’t explain why she wants to see me

When Kate returned with the bag, Elizabeth was holding a screaming baby boy as the doctor was cleaning out his eyes

She took the screaming baby and washed her up also and prepared her for her mother

He was convinced that if the tree was chopped down he could make real use of the land and be rid of the screaming rooks to boot

We stand and calmly talk about office work generally, while a little voice in the back of my head has screaming hysterics at the absurdity of the whole situation

The screaming in the back of my head is quieter now … though I’m aware that it’s still there

shouting and screaming at the tops of their voices

One of the women is screaming abuse at the officer sitting taking prints … for a moment I can’t see who it is, then the group divides … Joan

She just came at me screaming with such hatred in her eyes! I was terrified

madly scrapping boys was screaming and shouting in pure,

screaming and shouting turning into the inevitable sobbing and

pulling out of the estate followed by a ranting, screaming harridan

with the help of the two suited gentlemen, he put the screaming

Several of the tenants extremely shaken by the event – as though screaming would help! Decided that strong measures required – announced a midnight feast, and hauled them all into the common room for tea and cake, babes and all

She tried in vain to move her right arm and willed herself to stop the screaming and move away from the car

roadbed and seagulls glided on the wind, screaming fitfully over their

The owner of the club is standing over the girls, screaming into a mobile phone

Jorma was glad to do so, if he had to, he was afraid he would start screaming or his teeth would chatter

Enjteen was screaming something over it but heard him anyway and changed to

“That guy I was here with a couple weeks ago, the one who ran screaming into the dark

With so much emotion screaming through her head she finds it difficult to hear one voice in relation to another, but she can feel the pressure wave

He made a daring movement to strike both girls at once, the staff was screaming in his hand

Even when he was screaming red-hellfire into

She thinks of films full of grim heroines, in particular Ripley and the alien mother, sees herself as the little girl screaming in the lift

The villas were once substantial residences, a world or parlours and roast meat, of the girl in service and the rustle of long skirts, but now they host the two-ring lives of students and people like Ted, people screaming silently, inwardly, as splinters drive under their fingernails as they claw their way up or slide their way down life’s serpentine ladders

She was screaming about her same old drivenness and he was trying to talk her out of it by telling her how stupid and hopeless it is

This was already quite strange enough, and if Jack were a boy of less caliber, he would have by now been running off screaming

He scrambled out of that area as fast as possible, with some clinging to him, summoning all his will power to keep from screaming

His thoughts, however, were interrupted by the sounds of a woman screaming outside

Matt’s tired eyes opened to the sound of terrified screaming

seconds from his death, a painful death at that, screaming for his life

for what was left of the exit screaming, the flames growing to the ceiling with each

He dived in after her and there was the phone laying open on her mattress screaming with the Colonel’s voice

She wasn’t screaming, she wasn’t hostile, she was just paralyzed

Desa did a quick little tinkle, Klegnif’s drone metamorphosed into an orchestra and Alan got blown halfway back to YingolNeerie because suddenly that yandrille was screaming in all colors and the whole room was stomping with it

“It was still something to hear Luray screaming,” Danip said, “You hardly ever hear her talking

And right now as I dictate and try and edit, Malia is screaming bloody murder in the house and the two dogs are barking up a storm around the swimming pool because we have company swimming

Lizzy was fighting with him not to pull the trigger, screaming at the top of her lungs «James»

He wound up pitching a one hitter at Phoenix Giants Stadium in front of 10,000 screaming Arizona State fans and a few Arizona fans

babies screaming you’re thinking

The Screaming Yandrilles Of Zhlindu

When the screaming started, he slept not at all

On they flew over woods and lakes, over seas, and many lands; and beneath them the chilling storm rushed fast, the wolves howled, the snow crackled; above them flew large screaming crows, but higher up appeared the moon, quite large and bright; and it was on it that Kay gazed during the long long winter’s night; while by day he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen

The voice was unintelligible, but the cry reverberated through her mind screaming, «Pain

Emily grabbed his shoulders and shook him, screaming «What is it?»

He wanted to reach out, grab her by the shoulders, and shake her, screaming, «Damn you leave

«What’s this?» he cried in a high, screaming voice

Klowa felt like screaming

Still, with over a thousand hardened laborers screaming at his back, Drau’d knew he was in for a grizzly fight the instant he lifted Hell’s Bane off of a crushed, wolf helm and saw the creature’s flesh regenerate almost instantaneously

Now the only sound was the crackling of flames and the whimpering and screaming of the women as they were repeatedly raped

Get to know each other? Like tourists on a pleasant coach ride into the country? Her instinct was to start screaming and push her way thru the door, but those dart launchers came up as soon as she twitched

Tom screams, paralyzed, as one just stares at him, not eating him

the hallway the king of the kingdom of War had heard his brothers’ screams

That and Corguf’s screams and the turning of his stomach

Screams and growls and booms echoed across the plain; and at one time, a few hundred yards away, he heard the sloshing of deep water and a pitiful bellow

tipping on loosed ropes, spilling screams into the sea,

screams that bob in the ice-cold water

and so begins the court case, the screams of abuse,

More shrieks and screams split the night among the sounds of wet tearing and vicious gulping

At that time Alan knew the next thing that would happen was that he would be devoured, accompanied by the screams of Desa and Luray

(Offstage, SAMANTHA screams –No! Leave me alone

Screams could be herd throughout the woods, and more than one student saw what became of their fleeing teachers

The director of the broadcast panned his cameras around the studio and zoomed in on every smile and every grin as the audience pulsated in time with the continual explosion of flash bulbs and the shouts and screams of the wildly happy crew

screams of terror would awaken her husband and

couldn’t see well, but could hear the screams of the people inside the pol

screams mixed with celebratory chants

the continual explosion of flash bulbs and the shouts and screams

All of a sudden the screams of joy turned into screams of

Shouts and screams

The screams of women

pushing stopped and the shouts and screams of

Her resultant screams were deafening, resounding around the room, bouncing off the bare walls, adding tearing harmonics to dizzying echoes

Images of Bex merge with shots of junkies in their Trainspotting brutality; threadbare interiors, screams and shouts, blue lights, shadows, blank faces, anonymous dealers, and spliced into the sequence he sees Jock Cascarino’s smug face as he tells Billy to buck-up his ideas and get a plan

She lets out a squeal, and then screams as she realises that they are heading straight for the fence

Screams shattered the silence of even the house

Johnny wasn’t sure if it was the terrible screams or the joy that Bobby got

Joe’s screams had stopped, but by the look on his face it was from

The screams of the injured men lasted only seconds—the dogs tore though

screams from the man could only be heard over an intercom

The screams were

screams came over the monitor, some of them in English and some in Arabic

And blocked out the screams of terror


Only recently were they close enough to hear the screams; at least their dying echo as they reverberated through the canyon of red granite

Though heart-wrenching and eerie, she took the continued screams as a good sign

People may have considered Pete slow, but even he knew the fires and the screams of the dying could mean only one thing – the Rift was opened, the full might of the Plague had returned to claim their world

the screams of the inhabitants could be heard easily from

It was late evening when I woke, thankfully not disturbed by any of the children then I heard the car come up the drive and as I dressed I saw Robin alight and run up the stairs, so I quickly donned my shoes and as fast as I was able then marched down that blasted staircase to the screams of excited children and Dulcie hugging her two sons

By now the confusion of gunfire and the screams of the wounded had sent mister Sturgeon spiraling back in time to the Second World War

The roaring of the flames almost drowning out the screams of the women and children trapped inside

Screams began filling the night, coming from the wounded bleeding to death in front of him, and from the distant warehouse roof where Alec figured, judging by the shouts of «Long live the Destroyer!», the rest of their squad were fighting for their lives

Between the blasts, screams of terror could be heard, echoing throughout the Sanctuary

The strange substance coating her skin kept me from hearing her screams, but I could see them

which screams ‘Eternal conscious torture (the traditional view of hell) really does

Her pleasure seemed to depend less on their juices than on their grievous screams

As Odis stared at the green substance, his pupils widened and his muffled screams increased in volume

All around Danny’s cottage lightning strikes hit here and there, wrenching the air with their electric screams

“Where’s the niche?” he screams to himself, “Where’s the niche?” The dragon’s screeching and shrieking are deafening as he gropes The Perfect Prank

Two more bodies lay a pace away, their faces frozen in the silent screams of terror

There was no fanfare of trumpets and being born away on angel’s wings there was just death and destruction, screams of pain filth and blood and men crying for their Mothers

Now as well the Turks were throwing bombs down and two Fusiliers right in front of me took the brunt of these being peppered in shrapnel and their screams will haunt me till my dying day

The screams and wails from their wounded grated on our nerves and in the stark white light from the flares you could see an arm that had emerged from the pile and was raised to heaven

Star bombs and signal flares turned the sky into a fireworks display of a huge magnitude and the night was rent with blood curdling screams

The next time I opened my eyes there was no angel standing there but I knew that I wasn’t in heaven because my hearing had returned and I could hear the screams and the moaning of the other wounded around me and it was like taking a trip to the furthest reaches of hell

We were kicking and punching stabbing there were shouts and screams that echoed round the galleries and we were stepping on the bodies of the dead and wounded

The crowd bustled toward the doors, pushing others out of the way with continuing shouts and screams, as if they were competing for the only way to survive

screams of the wounded

a few seconds, still picking up the screams and gunfire, but was soon cut off by another, sicklier

Screams were also heard in the distance, along with the clash of steel on steel

audience went wild and erupted with screams

The familiar screams of dying men filled the air once more as pikemen tried to push back the advancing demons

Once again the barrage ceased and all you could hear was the screams and groaning of the wounded as they suffered in agony then you would hear the sound as the German machine guns opened up spraying bullets at each sound

When she closed her eyes, the screams of dying men filled her mind, just memories of those screams, but that was enough to make her shiver

She tried to chase them away with images of flowers in fields and sunshine and rainbows, but the images always returned, along with the memory of their screams

Carl had admitted hearing screams of men and women in the palace of Nordhel, late at night, which none of his immortal guards ever heard, so it must have been a sign that Carl too was descending into madness

Hysterical screams spewed from his lips as he hit the walls, again and again, his muscles aching in protest as they were stretched beyond their limits

left him cold, because he kept hearing the screams of the thousands, cut short as air quickly

thousand and more crew who had died in it, thought of their screams, blunted by the sudden

A piercing noise in his head, through his ears like tinnitus amplified; a million screams feverishly resonating

Not one minute later, from the exact opposite side of the compound, erupted more screams

“Huzzah, huzzah!” shouted the younglings with screams of delight, as they all stood up, stretched, and prepared to head off with Minty Pinter and the other villagers

Covering her ears, Dawn sobbed under the jets of water, trying to block out the dying screams of the helpless pony as the cats ripped it to pieces

More screams pierced the walls of the house, cries of pain and terror

His screams confused the cat for a moment, giving him time to stagger to his feet again

Skelda ignored the Preceptor’s screams and the trembling badger could do little more than lay on his side, head thrown back, eyes wide and staring, desperately searching for some small corner of his mind in which to escape the torment

There was an ear-shattering CRACK, and then desperate screams

His screams went unheard as he sank deeper and deeper beneath the stinking surface, his nostrils filling with the cloying slime

The descent had been long and painful, the sharp rocks tearing unmercifully at their flesh, the snapping of bones heard even over the howls and screams torn from their throat

Yea, My word screams at them!

As the shouts and screams of the badgers fighting in the labyrinth echoed to him from the thick canopy overhead, Brokin moved his small group through the undergrowth parallel to the pathway leading to the air vent

Beneath the brightest of moons the air rang with the screams and shouts of the struggling boars as they swayed back and forth across the clearing, their changing fortunes marked by the growing bloodstains on the soil

Other prisoners mocked Bulow’s screams

After listening to Shooter’s screams for a few moments, it then decided enough was enough and cranked up its speed

Her screams were deafening

The current generated by the defibrillator melted the metal zip of Grunt’s trousers into a red-hot lump and his high-pitched screams filled the cabin as he jerked about like a manic dancer on ecstasy

My screams of rage were quickly lost amongst the clanking and whirring of the car-wash as it dutifully washed my car from front to back, then from back to front, my head along with it

I could hear her screams from the front room

Bodies crumpled to the pavement as screams, gunfire and smoke obliterated cease fire commands

The government claim was that the screams were later dubbed in to discredit the Guardia Nacional

But his voice was lost amongst the shouts and screams of the crowd and Mason was forced to watch in horrid fascination as the woman smiled, raising the steel tipped whip high above her head

The creature had eaten Jason’s small toe right down to the joint before his screams stopped and he collapsed back, drugged into unconsciousness

Fortunately the screams hadn’t lasted long, they never did

What else could be the cause of those terrifying screams?

Ignoring the screams all around him, Payne kept firing until the gun was empty

They could hear the muffled screams calling out for help

In the dream, he would come running at me with his machete and his screams became one with the blast of my gun going off

Both men could hear screams of panic and terror that was taking place below them

Above that ghastly noise, his own screams were heard by nobody

The screams filled the chamber, echoing around its damp stone walls

When the other guards came to relieve them, the screams and voices could still be heard

Use ‘scream’ in a sentence | ‘scream’ example sentences

1- The main plot screams “revenge”.

2- There are plenty of seasonal screaming sounds!

3- The boy screamed and went running off crying.

4- The voices rose until they became screams .

5- A loud crunch and scream is heard.

6- That large solid colored border just screamed feathers.

7- They are being photographed while screaming with energy.

8- My mum was screaming down the phone.

9- The same screams and heavy footsteps are heard.

10- I screamed and cried while running home.

11- In the scream speech reaches utter silence”.

12- His power is known as sonic screaming .

13- Must be great – really screaming record.

14- Another screaming beast collapsed on broken hind legs.

15- His scream of fear was silenced instantly.

16- Even though his mouth still screamed throughout.

17- The screams you hear are pigs getting stuck .

18- And unless parents are screaming every month at board meetings ?

19- You got guys coming off the ball screaming .

20- Or maybe it should let itself scream more .

21- We got into screaming matches every three hours !

22- This thing screams and looks really awesome .

23- No timer surely gets your smoke alarm screaming .

24- There are voices screaming through my mind.

25- A motorbike screamed along the coast road.

26- It simply screams “This book is amazing.

27- Hitler went wild, screaming several times “treason!

28- There was usually one scream before the fit.

29- The audience had gone wild and was screaming for more.

30- It sounded like pipe organs and souls screaming .

31- It sends a primordial scream right down my spine.

32- The hairy ape is screaming for its dear life.

33- Writing online often feels like screaming into space.

34- My sister screams at her daughter constantly.

35- The station doors opened and the sirens started screaming .

36- My entire digestive system screams out in pain.

37- She frantically screams as men rush the stage.

38- The screams of the men having limbs cut off is terrible.

39- My scream was a product of pure imagination. What a scream!I heard someone scream.

40- I heard a woman scream.

41- Didn’t you hear a scream?

42- A scream broke the silence.

43- Her scream brought the police.

44- All at once, I heard a scream.

45- She uttered a scream of terror.

46- A sudden scream pierced the night.

47- I’m so mad I want to scream and break everything!It is natural for a child to scream in anger.

48- We heard the sound of someone being spanked, and then a loud scream.

49- That’s right, that se sound was the final death scream of the cooling fan.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
scrawl over – scrawled – scrawling – scrawls – scrawly – scrawnier – scrawny – scream – terrified scream – terrible scream – scream with – little scream – muffled scream – stifled scream – bloodcurdling scream –

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Scream is an American hardcore punk band from Washington, DC that originally formed in the suburb of Bailey’s Crossroads, Virginia. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Notes: The episode’s final scene NEEDED to be that badass, because the penultimate one was filled with a young girl’s screams for her parents, who sacrificed her to R’Hallor to, like, stop the snow or something.


So if you see your cats biting seriously, fighting with claws, if you hear screams, or if chasing is only one way, that is conflict!


The Level Design This game screams to be open world.


Just serve them dinner on this Creepy Crawly Spiderweb Plate and you’re sure to get a few shrieks and screams!


Even as the intensity of the shocks approached the maximum of 450 volts, the authority insisted that the shocks should continue — that the anguished screams, the banging on the wall, the pleas about heart conditions, and ultimately the ominous silence from the other room should all be ignored.


Mine is a nightmare, I have a 2 year old baby and have been trying to make him to stop feeding a bottle at night but all he does is cry and i mean he screams and that is really not nice and I have also tried to use a cup it does n`t work.I really need a plan on that PLEASE HELP!!!


The regular version seems like something you could make a nice pro-idol duo dance with, while the «Last Battle» take just screams for Chie’s kung-fu dance moves.


However, it isn’t long before the screams of Toad were heard in which Mario, Peach and Huey are horrified to find a Slurp Guy draining the colors out of Toad leaving him to become mere paper.


Instead they rely on simply muddying the waters with screams of deceit and conspiracies, essentially propaganda to confuse the laymen.


Nothing screams warm and cozy like a bowl of Butternut Squash Soup, Turkey Chili with Butternut Squash, or homemade spaghetti sauce poured over spaghetti squash in place for regular noodles.


Its bright colors, beach theme, and easy nature scream sunshine and fresh air.


Sheppard recounted a rambling story: He had fallen asleep watching television, was awakened by his wife’s screams upstairs and twice confronted a «bushy-haired» man who had beaten him — first in their bedroom, then outside the house after Sheppard took chase.


The first night onboard, Lo is awakened by a scream and a heavy splash from the next cabin and she alerts Security that the neighbor she met briefly that evening has been attacked.


Nothing screams «rinky-dink» and «not ready for prime time» and «temporary» more than tube trailers sited tenuously at auto dealer lots for refueling infrastructure.


There are only five cogs in the transmission, although the smooth four-cylinder never really screams for another gear.


In a nutshell, Black Capped Conures make the best pets for those who are true bird lovers — those who don’t mind cleaning up a mess from time to time or waking up to screeches and screams every morning at sunrise.


Gucci is all camel shades and just screams expensive, with Veroushka like models with amazing hair.


Most dogs actually bite out of fear and if the person they defensively charge or snap at screams and flails, it triggers and even stronger survival attack response.


She’s wonderful in the film’s quieter, more emotional moments, but she’s also a scream going head-to-head with Turturro at his most manic, more than holding her own against an actor determined to run away with the picture.


Dakota Fanning isn’t given the chance to shine as her character screams and cries throughout and doesn’t bring anything to the table.


Hear the sweet screams of your victims as you strafe them with submachine gun fire or explode them with grenades.


Now seemingly out of the blue a gift from the horror gods the one the only scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis today has tweeted her official return to the 10th installment.


This arrangement is beautiful and screams spring to me.


And the eagle screams and spits with anger — but is healing every day.


For most of us, it’s been a first-time, and you could hear it by the screams underwater.


His odd moves and cowardly screams were only expanded on in the sequels, but this new personality would also serve Luigi well when he finally got his first starring role.


The fact is, my child screams for 30 minutes before bed if I hold her and rock her to sleep (ending in tears for both of us after three false starts, 1 hour of night time sleep, and me going to bed at 8 pm for the 2nd MONTH in a row) or if she’s SAFE, WARM, HAPPY, WELL FED (from the breast, I might add) and surrounded by the company of her favorite little animals in her crib.


Embarrassing Errors: Nothing screams inexperienced and lack of attention to detail than proofreading errors and typos.


Best known for his flying attack, where his screams of gibberish have been interpreted as things like «Johhny bought a car!»


She remembers it was guarded and lit up 24 hours a day, and she was terrified of the hog screams and clanging sounds at night.


(I used my ice scream scooper that I use for making cookies to make the balls.


It is the same melodramatic scream, followed by a badly animated squirt of blood.


Even screams of terror were much less obvious from those who were deaf.


Even the look of the new Nintendo machine screams kid-approved.


It’s tender, long stems scream elegance over regular vegetables.


This low bun, complete with a classic French braid, screams garden wedding.


Actually, he usually just jumps up and down and screams «CHIPS!!!


Audio is no-frills 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio (at 24-bit/48kHz) that my receiver decoded as mono in Pro-Logic mode, sending the early-1980s soundmix (including a welcome Wilhelm scream) straight to my centre channel.


Also, it was hard to find a tenant that didn’t mind newborn baby screams and, now, the pitter-patter of toddler feet.


As a student when I take classes and the assistant keeps returning to their favorite peeps… my head screams «what about me»!


* You * will be pissed if my son screams and writhes to be free, yet shoot me the stink eye if I walk him up and down the aisle.


I love to squeeze a penny until it screams and this will be the perfect project.


Nothing screams «power» like well developed traps.


Maybe there will always be the scream of the lambs as long as human beings exist.


But besides a cracking 0-100km / h time, 1000Nm on tap from 2300-4300rpm, a V12 scream and plenty V12 badging to go around, the S65 AMG Coupe also features unique multi-spoke forged wheels measuring 255/40 R20 front, and 285/35 R20 rear, as well as the twin-blade radiator grille, 3D front-splitter, and a splashing of AMG badges.


This is hardly one of those games where every domestic detail screams a tale of shattering poignancy, but each house does feel like the property of a distinct personality, now fled or eaten or left to rot in a bathtub.


It was a lazy June afternoon in Berwickshire, England, when George Watson, enjoying a relaxing soak in the tub, heard «a scream, a roar and a commotion» coming from his back yard.


But saying that there’s nothing to see on the performance in preseason result scream escapism for me.


The material and color screams «AH-mazing»!


► A computer screen indicating night-vision shows soldiers hunting a giant wolf until we hear screams and the screen goes to static.


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