The word school in russian

      n   школа     (US)  
inf   университет     (BRIT)   институт  ,   (of fish, whales)
      cpd   школьный  

approved school  
      n     (BRIT, formerly)   исправительная школа  

art school  
      n   художественное училище  

boarding school  
      n   школа-интернат  

comprehensive school  
      n     (BRIT)   средняя школа  

convent school  
      n   монастырская школа  

driving school  
      n   автошкола  

finishing school  
      n   частный женский пансион   частный женский пансион  

grade school  
      n     (US)   начальная школа  

grammar school  
      n     (BRIT)   средняя школа   (для одарённых детей)     

high school  
      n     (BRIT)   средняя школа   (для 11-18ти летних)        (US)   средняя школа   (для 15-18ти летних)     

infant school  
      n     (BRIT)   ~начальная школа   (для детей от 5-и до 7-и лет)     

junior high school  
      n     (US)   ~неполная средняя школа  

junior school  
      n     (BRIT)   школа для детей в возрасте от 7 до 11 лет   школа для детей в возрасте от 7 до 11 лет  

law school  
      n     (US)   юридический институт  

night school  
      n   вечерняя школа  

nursery school  
      n   детский сад  

preparatory school  
      n     (BRIT)   частная начальная школа     (US)   средняя школа  

prep school  
  preparatory school  

primary school  
      n     (BRIT)   начальная школа  

private school  
      n   частная школа  

public school  
      n     (BRIT)   частная школа     (US)   государственная школа  

riding school  
      n   школа верховой езды  

school age  
      n   школьный возраст  

school days  
      npl   школьные дни    mpl     

      n     (BRIT)   выпускник , ица   школы  

school report  
      n     (BRIT)   табель    m   успеваемости  

secondary school  
      n   средняя школа  

senior high school  
      n     (US)   ~старшие курсы колледжа  

state school  
      n     (BRIT)   государственная школа  

Sunday school  
      n   воскресная школа

  • 1

    school [sku:l]

    1) шко́ла;

    2) уче́ние, обуче́ние;

    а) ходи́ть в шко́лу;

    б) поступи́ть в шко́лу;

    to go to school to smb. учи́ться у кого́-л.


    3) заня́тия в шко́ле, уро́ки;

    4) шко́льное зада́ние

    5) университе́тский курс, дисципли́на

    7) класс, кла́ссная ко́мната; аудито́рия



    уча́щиеся (и преподава́тели) одно́й шко́лы

    10) шко́ла, направле́ние (в науке, литературе, искусстве);

    б) старомо́дный



    шко́льный, уче́бный;

    а) кварти́ра дире́ктора или учи́теля при шко́ле;

    б) пансиона́т при шко́ле

    1) дисциплини́ровать, обу́здывать; приуча́ть; шко́лить

    2) посыла́ть в шко́лу

    school [sku:l]



    собира́ться косяка́ми

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > school

  • 2

    •• School 1. a place or institution for teaching and learning…. 3. a specialized division of a university (The Random House Dictionary).

    •• У этого слова несколько «подводных камней». Некоторые из них хорошо известны: например, high school в США – старшие классы средней школы. Law school, medical school – юридический/медицинский факультет университета. Надо только иметь в виду, что в США на такой факультет нельзя поступить сразу после школы – надо сначала окончить четыре курса университета (это называется to graduate), где дается менее специализированное образование, чем это принято у нас в вузах. Затем можно поступить в одну из graduate schools (school of government, of business administration и т.п.), где в течение двух лет студент проходит дополнительное обучение на степень магистра. Эти schools имеют специализированный характер, и их название можно переводить с использованием слова факультет. Характерно, что, говоря о своих университетах, американцы обиходно употребляют слово school. Если не знать этого, то можно легко попасть впросак: Education credits are all over the place, with one bill favoring two-year colleges, another four-year schools (Business Week). Здесь, конечно, речь идет об университетах и колледжах с четырехлетним сроком обучения. Когда американец говорит о ком-то we went to school together, невозможно, как правило, сказать, идет ли речь о средней школе, университете или последипломном обучении в магистратуре. Можно, конечно, предположить, что самые яркие и веселые воспоминания связаны со студенческими годами, но на всякий случай лучше перевести эту фразу Мы вместе учились. Кстати, слово student в Америке относится не только к студентам вузов, но и к учащимся любого учебного заведения, вплоть до начальной школы. Это тоже надо иметь в виду и во избежание конфуза проявлять в переводе осторожность.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > school

  • 3

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > school

  • 4

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > school

  • 5

    school-ma’am noun coll. учительница

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > school-ma’am

  • 6

    Персональный Сократ > school

  • 7

    школа; училище; курсы;

    см. тж.


    Civil Affairs Administration [Training] school — школа [училище] специалистов по связям с гражданской администрацией и населением

    — administrative service school

    — basic-level service school

    — career-level service school

    — gunnery training school

    — intermediate-level service school

    — military training school

    — NBC defense school

    — top-level service school

    English-Russian military dictionary > school

  • 8

    I [skuːl]


    large school

    — open-air school
    — school building

    see a large school

    — keep the school tidy
    — lock the school
    — open the school
    — paint the school
    — shut up the school

    2) занятия, уроки

    School is over. — Занятия (в школе) окончились.

    School begins in September. — Занятия в школе начинаются в сентябре.

    — school age
    — school library
    — school books
    — school furniture
    — school leaver
    — school children
    — school board
    — school fees

    be trained

    — enroll in school
    — enter a school
    — have a course at a business school
    — hold a summer school
    — put the child in a special school
    — address the whole school
    — assemble the school
    — disband the school

    be at school together

    — come home from school
    — come home after school
    — cut school
    — dismiss school at noon

    drop out of school

    — expel from school
    — give the school a holiday
    — give a talk to the school

    grow in a severe school

    — keep smb in after school
    — keep a school
    — leave home for school
    — miss school
    — play school
    — put the boy to school
    — run a school
    — set up a school
    — speak before the whole school
    — stay away from school
    — stay after school
    — supply schools with books
    — teach school
    — walk to school
    — welcome the children to school
    — work in a school
    — teach in a school
    — school held during the summer months
    — school kept by a priest

    3) обучение, школа

    elementary school

    — technical school
    — musical school
    — regimental school
    — boarding school
    — public school
    — professional school
    — evening school

    — secretarial school

    fully-staffed school

    — free school
    — chemistry school
    — girls’ school
    — life’s school
    — training school
    — teacher-training school
    — Sunday school
    — ballet school
    — infant school
    — nursery school
    — charity school
    — prep school
    — language school
    — mixed school
    — school fee
    — Medical School
    — Arts School
    — Theological School
    — Law School
    — school of engineering
    — school of dancing
    — school of art
    — school for the blind
    — school for gymnastics
    — School of Liberal Arts

    4) школа, направление

    realistic school

    — illustrious school
    — new school of fiction
    — school of thought
    — Flemish school of painting
    — wisdom of the school
    — man of the old school
    — novelist of psychological school
    — psychoanalysis of the Freudian school
    — belong to an opposing school
    — belong to a new school of journalism
    — belong to no school
    — start a rival school
    — tell stories out of school


    (1.) Существительное school 2. употребляется без артикля: to go to school учиться в школе/ходить в школу; to be at school быть в школе, на занятиях; after (before) school до (после) школы (уроков, занятий); school begins in September занятия в школе начинаются в сентябре. (2.) Существительное school 3. обозначает учреждение специализированного вида обучения и обычно употребляется с предшествующим определением и неопределенным артиклем: a medical school медицинское училище; a musical school музыкальная школа; an elementary school начальная школа. В остальных случаях существительное school употребляется с тем артиклем, которого требует ситуация: The school across the street has been built quite recently. Школа напротив нашего дома выстроена совсем недавно. (3.) See hospital, n (4.) See family, n

    II [skuːl]


    стая, косяк

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > school

  • 9

    1. n школа, учебное заведение

    2. n курсы

    driving school — водительские курсы; школа подготовки водителей

    3. n учение, обучение, образование

    free school — бесплатная школа; бесплатное школьное обучение

    mixed school — школа совместного обучения, смешанная школа

    4. n выучка, опыт

    5. n занятия, уроки

    6. n собир. учащиеся школы, школьники

    grammar school — средняя школа; старшие классы средней школы

    trade school — производственная школа; ремесленное училище

    7. n класс, классная комната, школьная аудитория

    8. n направление, школа

    Lake school — «Озёрная школа», поэты «Озёрной школы»

    9. n институт, колледж

    10. n академия

    11. n факультет университета, отделение

    12. n здание Оксфордского университета

    13. n средневековые университеты; преподавание или образование в таком университете

    14. n средневековая схоластическая философия

    15. n экзамены

    16. n ист. когорта или рота императорской гвардии

    17. v обуздывать, дисциплинировать, сдерживать

    18. v приучать; тренировать; воспитывать

    19. v дрессировать

    20. v уст. посылать в школу; давать образование

    21. v уст. учиться в школе; получать образование

    22. n косяк, стая

    23. n уст. толпа, сборище

    24. n уст. большое количество, масса

    25. v собираться косяком, плыть, идти косяком

    we were going to build a new school but it got the axe from the government — мы собирались построить новую школу, но правительство не дало на неё денег

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. academy (noun) academy; college; institute; lyceum; university

    3. educational institution (noun) boarding school; educational institution; elementary school; high school; junior high school; middle school; primary school; seminary

    4. style (noun) adherents; character; fashion; manner; method; style; system; tendency

    5. coach (verb) coach; discipline; educate; inform; instruct; teach; train

    English-Russian base dictionary > school

  • 10


    basic school начальная школла boarding school пансион, закрытое учебное заведение, школа-интернат business school школа бизнеса co-educational school школа совместного обучения commercial school торговая школа correctional training school исправительная школа driver’s school школа вождения elementary (или primary) school начальная школа elementary school начальная школа evening school вечерняя школа evening secondary school вечерняя средняя школа folk high school народная средняя школа graduate school амер. аспирантура grammar school пятый-восьмой классы средней школы (США) grammar school средняя классическая школа (Великобритания) school школа; secondary (амер. high) school средняя школа; higher school высшая школа to attend school ходить в школу; учиться в школе; to leave school бросать учение в школе motoring school школа вождения nautical school мореходная школа normal school педагогическое училище nursery school детский сад private independent school частная независимая школа private school частная школа public school бесплатная средняя школа (в США и Шотландии) public school привилегированное частное закрытое среднее учебное заведение для мальчиков (в Англии) reformatory school реформаторская школа sabbath school воскресная школа school дисциплинировать, обуздывать; приучать; школить school занятия в школе, уроки; there will be no school today сегодня занятий не будет school класс, классная комната school уст. посылать в школу, посылать учиться school собираться косяками school (the schools) pl средневековые университеты school стая, косяк (рыб) school собир. учащиеся одной школы school учебное заведение school учение, обучение school факультет университета (дающий право на получение ученой степени) school школа, направление (в науке, литературе, искусстве) school школа; secondary (амер. high) school средняя школа; higher school высшая школа school школа school attr. школьный, учебный school health service служба школьного здравоохранения school house квартира директора или учителя при школе school house пансионат при школе school of economics школа экономики school social worker школьный социальный работник school школа; secondary (амер. high) school средняя школа; higher school высшая школа secondary school средняя школа secondary: school средний (об образовании); secondary school средняя школа special school специальная школа special school спецшкола summer school курс лекций в университете (во время летних каникул) Technical school техническая школа technical school техническая школа technical school техническое учебное заведение technical school техническое училище tec: tec разг. сокр. от technical school technical: school технический; промышленный; technical school (или institute) техническое училище school занятия в школе, уроки; there will be no school today сегодня занятий не будет trade school производственная школа, ремесленное училище trade school школа торговли upper secondary school общеобразовательная школа старшей ступени vestibule school амер. производственная школа (при фабрике или заводе) veterinary school ветеринарная школа vocational school профессиональное училище vocational school ремесленное училище vocational school школа профессионального обучения vocational: vocational профессиональный; vocational school ремесленное училище; vocational training профессиональное обучение; профессионально-техническое образование

    English-Russian short dictionary > school

  • 11

    ̈ɪsku:l I
    1. сущ.
    1) школа She works at/in a school. ≈ Она работает в школе. Their son is still at school. ≈ Их сын еще учится в школе. a school for gifted children ≈ школа для одаренных детей to be kept after school ≈ быть оставленным после уроков late for school ≈ опоздавший в школу boarding school ≈ школа-интернат comprehensive school ≈ общеобразовательная школа;
    единая, комплексная школа correspondence school ≈ заочная школа divinity school ≈ факультет богословия graduate school ≈ аспирантура higher school ≈ высшая школа middle school ≈ средняя школа pilot school ≈ экспериментальная школа postgraduate school ≈ аспирантура undergraduate school ≈ факультет с базовым циклом обучения professional school ≈ профессиональная школа (учебное подразделение третьего цикла в составе университета) secondary school ≈ средняя школа technical school ≈ техникум training school ≈ исправительная школа (школа профессиональной подготовки для несовершеннолетних преступников)
    2) а) обучение, учение to direct, operate a school ≈ руководить школьным обучением to finish, quit school, to graduate from school амер., to leave school брит. ≈ оканчивать школу She left school and went to university. ≈ Она окончила школу и поступила в университет. to drop out of school ≈ выбыть из школы;
    оказаться исключенным из школы to accredit a school ≈ признать высшее учебное заведение правомочным выдавать дипломы и присваивать ученые степени to attend school ≈ ходить в школу;
    учиться в школе б) занятия в школе, уроки (чаще всего без артикля) about ten minutes before school ≈ где-то за десять минут до начала занятий
    3) а) коллект. учащиеся одной школы;
    ученики одного преподавателя She said: ‘Is that a real Degas you have in your room?’ ‘School of,’ I said. ≈ Она спросила: «это подлинный Дега?» «Один из его учеников,» ≈ ответил я. б) перен. сторонники одной и той же идеи, единомышленники
    4) а) класс, классная комната б) здание, в котором расположена школа
    5) школа, направление( в науке, литературе, искусстве) avant-garde school of artists ≈ школа авангарда radical school of economists ≈ радикальная школа экономистов a school of opinion, thought ≈ школа мысли
    6) а) факультет университета (дающий право на получение ученой степени) б) (the schools) мн. средневековые университеты в) университет;
    колледж (как высшие учебные заведения) Syn: university, college
    7) сл. банда, шайка воров, бандитов
    8) а) брит. регулярные экзамены на получение степени Бакалавра гуманитарных наук those who have obtained Honours in the School of Theology ≈ те, кто получил ‘отлично’ на бакалаврском экзамене по теологии б) брит. те науки, которые входят в список гуманитарных и позволяют получить степень Бакалавра гуманитарных наук
    2. гл.
    1) дисциплинировать;
    обуздывать, сдерживать It is difficult for someone with my character to school myself to patience. ≈ Человеку с характером, как у меня, трудно приучить себя к выдержке. Syn: discipline, bridle
    2) а) приучать( к чему-л.) ;
    воспитывать Every soldier has to be schooled in the care of his weapons. ≈ Каждый солдат должен быть приучен аккуратно обращаться с оружием. б) обучать( чему-л.), разг. натаскивать (в какой-либо области) He is well schooled in languages. ≈ У него хороший уровень владения иностранным языком. ∙ Syn: teach
    3) уст. посылать в школу, посылать учиться II
    1. сущ. стая, косяк( рыб или других морских обитателей)
    2. гл.
    1) собираться косяками, плавать косяками (о рыбах и других морских обитателях)
    2) собираться у поверхности воды( о рыбах)
    школа, учебное заведение — day * дневная школа — elementary /primary/ * начальная школа — junior /the lower/ * младшие классы( средней школы), начальная школа — senior /the upper/ * старшие классы( средней школы), средняя школа — higher * высшая школа — secondary /(амер) high/ * средняя школа — public * закрытое частное привилегированное среднее учебное заведение, преимущественно для мальчиков (в Великобритании;
    готовит к поступлению в университет) ;
    (бесплатная) средняя школа (в США и в Шотландии) — technical * техническое училище, техникум — riding * школа верховой езды, манеж — * building школьное здание — * grounds школьный участок (здания, двор, сад и т. п.) — what * were you at? где вы учились?;
    какую школу вы окончили? — we were at * together мы вместе с ним учились;
    мы учились в одной школе — a girl just out of * вчерашняя школьница — to keep (a) * занимать пост директора( частной) школы;
    быть владельцем школы курсы — driving * водительские курсы;
    школа подготовки водителей — a * of beauty culture курсы по подготовке косметичек, массажисток и т. п. — summer * летняя школа (для молодых ученых с лекциями крупных специалистов) учение, обучение, образование — free * бесплатная школа;
    бесплатное школьное обучение — to go to * учиться в школе, ходить в школу;
    поступить в школу — to leave * бросать учение /школу/ — to work one’s way through * учиться без отрыва от работы;
    зарабатывать на жизнь и образование выучка, опыт — the hard * of daily life тяжелый жизненный опыт — experience was his * он учился на опыте — (one) of the old * (человек) старой закалки /школы/;
    старомодный( человек) занятия, уроки (в школе) — to be in * быть на уроке — to miss * пропускать занятия /уроки/ — to cut * прогуливать занятия, «сачковать» — * begins at 8 a.m. занятия /уроки/ начинаются в восемь утра — to arrive ten minutes before * приходить за десять минут до начала занятий — there will be no * tomorrow завтра уроков /занятий/ не будет — after * после уроков — to keep smb. in after * оставлять кого-л. после уроков (собирательнле) учащиеся школы, школьники — * meets on the first of April занятия в школе возобновляются 1 апреля — * will have a holiday tomorrow завтра у школьников праздник — the principal dismissed * at noon директор распустил учащихся в полдень — to teach * (американизм) быть школьным учителем класс, классная комната, школьная аудитория — big * школьный зал;
    актовый зал — chemistry * кабинет химии — sixth-form * шестой класс;
    комната, в которой занимается шестой класс направление, школа — Lake * «Озерная школа», поэты «Озерной школы» — a * of thought философское направление, философская школа — there are two *s of thought about that мнения по этому поводу разделились — the Flemish * of painting фламандская школа (живописи) — the Hegelian * of philosophy гегельянская философия институт, колледж — the London S. of Economics Лондонская школа экономики (колледж Лондонского университета) академия( в Древней Греции и Древнем Риме) факультет университета, отделение — law * юридический факультет — the Arts S. гуманитарный /филологический/ факультет — the * of engineering машиностроительное отделение (университета) (the Schools) здание Оксфордского университета (где принимают публичные экзамены на ученую степень) средневековые университеты;
    преподавание или образование в таком университете средневековая схоластическая философия экзамены (обыкн. на ученую степень) — the Schools второй публичный экзамен (на степень бакалавра искусств) — (to be) in the *s сдавать или принимать экзамены (в Оксфордском университете) — to be in /sitting/ for one’s *s сдавать экзамены на ученую степень (музыкальное) руководство, учебно-методическое пособие, школа — * of counterpoint школа контрапункта (историческое) когорта или рота императорской гвардии > * of arts сельский клуб( в Австралии) > to tell tales out of * разбалтывать чьи-л. секреты;
    выносить сор из избы обуздывать, дисциплинировать, сдерживать — to * one’s feelings обуздывать свои чувства — to * one’s temper воспитывать характер — to * one’s tongue научиться придерживать (свой) язык /не болтать лишнего/ приучать (к чему-л.) ;
    воспитывать — to * oneself to patience воспитывать в себе терпение — to * oneself to do smth. приучать себя /заставить себя привыкнуть/ делать что-л. — to * oneself into a habit приобретать какую-л. привычку — to be *ed by adversity пройти тяжелую жизненную школу — he was carefully *ed in the art of intrigue его старательно обучали искусству интриги дрессировать — to * a horse выезжать лошадь( устаревшее) посылать в школу;
    давать образование( устаревшее) учиться в школе;
    получать образование косяк, стая (рыб) — a * of herring косяк сельди — a * of whales стадо китов (устаревшее) толпа, сборище( устаревшее) большое количество, масса собираться косяком, плыть, идти косяком (о рыбе) — to * up собираться на поверхности воды
    basic ~ начальная школла
    boarding ~ пансион, закрытое учебное заведение, школа-интернат
    business ~ школа бизнеса
    co-educational ~ школа совместного обучения
    commercial ~ торговая школа
    correctional training ~ исправительная школа
    driver’s ~ школа вождения
    elementary (или primary) ~ начальная школа elementary ~ начальная школа
    evening ~ вечерняя школа
    evening secondary ~ вечерняя средняя школа
    folk high ~ народная средняя школа
    graduate ~ амер. аспирантура
    grammar ~ пятый-восьмой классы средней школы (США) grammar ~ средняя классическая школа (Великобритания)
    ~ школа;
    secondary (амер. high) school средняя школа;
    higher school высшая школа
    to attend ~ ходить в школу;
    учиться в школе;
    to leave school бросать учение в школе
    motoring ~ школа вождения
    nautical ~ мореходная школа
    normal ~ педагогическое училище
    nursery ~ детский сад
    private independent ~ частная независимая школа
    private ~ частная школа
    public ~ бесплатная средняя школа (в США и Шотландии) public ~ привилегированное частное закрытое среднее учебное заведение для мальчиков (в Англии)
    reformatory ~ реформаторская школа
    sabbath ~ воскресная школа
    school дисциплинировать, обуздывать;
    школить ~ занятия в школе, уроки;
    there will be no school today сегодня занятий не будет ~ класс, классная комната ~ уст. посылать в школу, посылать учиться ~ собираться косяками ~ (the schools) pl средневековые университеты ~ стая, косяк (рыб) ~ собир. учащиеся одной школы ~ учебное заведение ~ учение, обучение ~ факультет университета (дающий право на получение ученой степени) ~ школа, направление (в науке, литературе, искусстве) ~ школа;
    secondary (амер. high) school средняя школа;
    higher school высшая школа ~ школа
    ~ attr. школьный, учебный
    ~ health service служба школьного здравоохранения
    ~ house квартира директора или учителя при школе ~ house пансионат при школе
    ~ of economics школа экономики
    ~ social worker школьный социальный работник
    ~ школа;
    secondary (амер. high) school средняя школа;
    higher school высшая школа secondary ~ средняя школа secondary: ~ средний( об образовании) ;
    secondary school средняя школа
    special ~ специальная школа special ~ спецшкола
    summer ~ курс лекций в университете (во время летних каникул)
    Technical ~ техническая школа technical ~ техническая школа technical ~ техническое учебное заведение technical ~ техническое училище tec: tec разг. сокр. от technical school technical: ~ технический;
    technical school (или institute) техническое училище
    ~ занятия в школе, уроки;
    there will be no school today сегодня занятий не будет
    trade ~ производственная школа, ремесленное училище trade ~ школа торговли
    upper secondary ~ общеобразовательная школа старшей ступени
    vestibule ~ амер. производственная школа (при фабрике или заводе)
    veterinary ~ ветеринарная школа
    vocational ~ профессиональное училище vocational ~ ремесленное училище vocational ~ школа профессионального обучения vocational: vocational профессиональный;
    vocational school ремесленное училище;
    vocational training профессиональное обучение;
    профессионально-техническое образование

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > school

  • 12


    1. 1) школа, учебное заведение

    day [night /evening/] school — дневная [вечерняя] школа

    elementary /primary/ school — начальная школа

    junior /the lower/ school — младшие классы (), начальная школа

    senior /the upper/ school — старшие классы (), средняя школа

    secondary / high/ school — средняя школа

    technical school — техническое училище, техникум

    riding school — школа верховой езды, манеж

    what school were you at? — где вы учились?; какую школу вы окончили?

    we were at school together — мы вместе с ним учились; мы учились в одной школе

    to keep (a) school — а) занимать пост директора (частной) школы; б) быть владельцем школы

    2) курсы

    driving school — водительские курсы; школа подготовки водителей

    a school of beauty culture — курсы по подготовке косметичек, массажисток

    summer [winter] school — летняя [зимняя] школа ()

    2. 1) учение, обучение, образование

    free school — бесплатная школа; бесплатное школьное обучение

    to go to school — а) учиться в школе, ходить в школу; б) поступить в школу

    to leave school — бросать учение /школу/

    to work one’s way through school — учиться без отрыва от работы; зарабатывать на жизнь и образование

    2) выучка, опыт

    (one) of the old school — а) (человек) старой закалки /школы/; б) старомодный (человек)

    3. занятия, уроки (в школе)

    to miss school — пропускать занятия /уроки/

    to cut school — прогуливать занятия, «сачковать»

    school begins at 8 a.m. — занятия /уроки/ начинаются в восемь утра

    to arrive ten minutes before school — приходить за десять минут до начала занятий

    there will be no school tomorrow — завтра уроков /занятий/ не будет

    to keep smb. [to be kept] in after school — оставлять кого-л. [быть оставленным] после уроков


    учащиеся школы, школьники

    school meets on the first of April — занятия в школе возобновляются 1 апреля

    the principal dismissed school at noon — директор распустил учащихся в полдень

    5. класс, классная комната, школьная аудитория

    big school — школьный зал; актовый зал

    sixth-form school — шестой класс; комната, в которой занимается шестой класс

    6. направление, школа

    Lake school — «Озёрная школа», поэты «Озёрной школы»

    a school of thought — философское направление, философская школа

    there are two schools of thought about that — мнения по этому поводу разделились

    7. 1) институт, колледж

    8. 1) факультет университета, отделение

    law [medical] school — юридический [медицинский] факультет

    the Arts School — гуманитарный /филологический/ факультет

    2) (the Schools) здание Оксфордского университета ()


    средневековые университеты; преподавание образование в таком университете

    4) средневековая схоластическая философия


    экзамены (

    на учёную степень)

    to be in /sitting/ for one’s schools — сдавать экзамены на учёную степень


    руководство, учебно-методическое пособие, школа


    когорта рота императорской гвардии

    school of arts — сельский клуб ()

    to tell tales out of school — разбалтывать чьи-л. секреты; сплетничать; ≅ выносить сор из избы

    1. обуздывать, дисциплинировать, сдерживать

    to school one’s tongue — научиться придерживать (свой) язык /не болтать лишнего/

    2. 1) приучать (); тренировать; воспитывать

    to school oneself to do smth. — приучать себя /заставить себя привыкнуть/ делать что-л.

    to school oneself into a habit — приобретать какую-л. привычку

    he was carefully schooled in the art of intrigue — его старательно обучали искусству интриги

    2) дрессировать

    1) посылать в школу; давать образование

    2) учиться в школе; получать образование


    1. косяк, стая ()

    1) толпа, сборище

    2) большое количество, масса

    собираться косяком, плыть, идти косяком ()

    НБАРС > school

  • 13

    Politics english-russian dictionary > school

  • 14



    She works at / in a school. — Она работает в школе.

    Their son is still at school. — Их сын ещё учится в школе.


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]school[/ref]


    а) обучение, учение

    to finish / leave school — оканчивать школу

    She left school and went to university. — Она окончила школу и поступила в университет.

    б) занятия в школе, уроки


    употр. с гл. в ед. и мн.

    а) учащиеся одной школы; ученики одного преподавателя

    б) сторонники одной и той же идеи, единомышленники


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]school[/ref]


    а) класс, классная комната

    б) здание, в котором расположена школа

    5) школа, направление

    a school of opinion / thought — школа мысли


    б) средневековые университеты


    7) брит. экзамены на учёную степень




    банда, шайка воров, бандитов


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]school[/ref]



    а) приучать ; тренировать; воспитывать

    Every soldier has to be schooled in the care of his weapons. — Каждый солдат должен быть приучен к аккуратному обращению с оружием.

    б) обучать , натаскивать

    He is well schooled in languages. — Он хорошо знает языки.




    дисциплинировать; обуздывать, сдерживать

    It is difficult for someone with my character to school myself to patience. — Человеку с таким характером, как у меня, трудно сдерживать себя.




    посылать в школу, посылать учиться





    1) собираться косяками, плавать косяками

    2) собираться у поверхности воды

    Англо-русский современный словарь > school

  • 15

    имя существительное:


    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > school

  • 16

    2) школа; учебное заведение (обычно аспирантского уровня с двухлетним или трёхлетним сроком обучения, в рамках университета)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > school

  • 17

    имя существительное:


    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > School

  • 18

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > school

  • 19




    школа; учебное заведение


    educational institution, elementary school, technical school, grammar school, secondary modern school, junior high school, independent school, secondary school, high school, public school, primary school



    факультет университета




    учение, образование





    институт, научно-исследовательский институт



    научное направление, школа


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > school

  • 20

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > School

  • school school ̈ɪsku:l

    1. школа, учебное заведение

      day school ― дневная школа

      elementary (primary) school ― начальная школа

      junior (the lower) school ― младшие классы (средней школы),
      начальная школа

      senior (the upper) school ― старшие классы (средней школы),
      средняя школа

      higher school ― высшая школа

      secondary ― (ам. high) school средняя школа

      public school ― закрытое частное привилегированное среднее
      учебное заведение, преимущественно для мальчиков (в
      Великобритании; готовит к поступлению в университет
      (бесплатная) средняя школа (в США и в Шотландии)

      technical school ― техническое училище, техникум

      riding school ― школа верховой езды, манеж

      school building ― школьное здание

      school grounds ― школьный участок (здания, двор, сад и т. п.)

      what school were you at? ― где вы учились?; какую школу вы

      we were at school together ― мы вместе с ним учились; мы
      учились в одной школе

      a girl just out of school ― вчерашняя школьница

      to keep (a) school ― занимать пост директора (частной) школы;
      быть владельцем школы

    2. курсы

      driving school ― водительские курсы; школа подготовки водителей

      a school of beauty culture ― курсы по подготовке косметичек,
      массажисток и т. п.

      summer school ― летняя школа (для молодых ученых с лекциями
      крупных специалистов

    3. учение, обучение, образование

      free school ― бесплатная школа; бесплатное школьное обучение

      to go to school ― учиться в школе, ходить в школу; поступить
      в школу

      to leave school ― бросать учение (школу)

      to work one’s way through school ― учиться без отрыва от работы;
      зарабатывать на жизнь и образование

    4. выучка, опыт

      the hard school of daily life ― тяжелый жизненный опыт

      experience was his school ― он учился на опыте

      (one) of the old school ― (человек) старой закалки (школы);
      старомодный (человек)

    5. занятия, уроки (в школе)

      to be in school ― быть на уроке

      to miss school ― пропускать занятия (уроки)

      to cut school ― прогуливать занятия, `сачковать`

      school begins at 8 a.m. ― занятия (уроки) начинаются в
      восемь утра

      to arrive ten minutes before school ― приходить за десять
      минут до начала занятий

      there will be no school tomorrow ― завтра уроков (занятий)
      не будет

      after school ― после уроков

      to keep smb. in after school ― оставлять кого-л. после уроков

    6. собир. учащиеся школы, школьники

      school meets on the first of April ― занятия в школе
      возобновляются 1 апреля

      school will have a holiday tomorrow ― завтра у школьников

      the principal dismissed school at noon ― директор распустил
      учащихся в полдень

      to teach school ― ам. быть школьным учителем

    7. класс, классная комната, школьная аудитория

      big school ― школьный зал; актовый зал

      chemistry school ― кабинет химии

      sixth-form school ― шестой класс; комната, в которой занимается
      шестой класс

    8. направление, школа

      Lake school ― `Озерная школа`, поэты `Озерной школы`

      a school of thought ― философское направление, философская школа

      there are two schools of thought about that ― мнения по этому
      поводу разделились

      the Flemish school of painting ― фламандская школа (живописи)

      the Hegelian school of philosophy ― гегельянская философия

    9. институт, колледж

      the London S. of Economics ― Лондонская школа экономики
      (колледж Лондонского университета)

    10. академия (в Древней Греции и Древнем Риме)
    11. факультет университета, отделение

      law school ― юридический факультет

      the Arts S. ― гуманитарный (филологический) факультет

      the school of engineering ― машиностроительное отделение

    12. (the Schools) здание Оксфордского университета (где
      принимают публичные экзамены на ученую степень

    13. средневековые университеты; преподавание или образование
      в таком университете

    14. средневековая схоластическая философия
    15. экзамены (обыкн. на ученую степень)

      the Schools ― второй публичный экзамен (на степень бакалавра

      (to be) in the schools ― сдавать или принимать экзамены (в
      Оксфордском университете

      to be in (sitting) for one’s schools ― сдавать экзамены на
      ученую степень

    16. муз. руководство, учебно-методическое пособие, школа

      school of counterpoint ― школа контрапункта

    17. ист. когорта или рота императорской гвардии

      school of arts ― сельский клуб (в Австралии)

      to tell tales out of school ― разбалтывать чьи-л. секреты;
      сплетничать; выносить сор из избы

    18. обуздывать, дисциплинировать, сдерживать

      to school one’s feelings ― обуздывать свои чувства

      to school one’s temper ― воспитывать характер

      to school one’s tongue ― научиться придерживать (свой) язык
      (не болтать лишнего)

    19. приучать (к чему-л.); тренировать; воспитывать

      to school oneself to patience ― воспитывать в себе терпение

      to school oneself to do smth. ― приучать себя (заставить себя
      ) делать что-л.

      to school oneself into a habit ― приобретать какую-л. привычку

      to be schooled by adversity ― пройти тяжелую жизненную школу

      he was carefully schooled in the art of intrigue ― его
      старательно обучали искусству интриги

    20. дрессировать

      to school a horse ― выезжать лошадь

    21. уст. посылать в школу; давать образование
    22. уст. учиться в школе; получать образование
    23. косяк, стая (рыб)

      a school of herring ― косяк сельди

      a school of whales ― стадо китов

    24. уст. толпа, сборище
    25. уст. большое количество, масса
    26. собираться косяком, плыть, идти косяком (о рыбе)

      to school up ― собираться на поверхности воды

    school — перевод на русский


    Whoever wins this is gonna be, like, the coolest kid in school.

    Прямо вау! Типа, кто выиграет, станет самым крутым в школе.

    In high school, our decision-making skills are not fully developed.

    Как это понимать? В старшей школе наши навыки выбора решений еще не полностью сформировались.

    I need to have it on a weekday, between nine in the morning and four o’clock while the kids are at school and Marcus is down the depot.

    Нужно, чтобы это случилось в будни с девяти утра и до четырёх дня, пока дети в школе, а Маркус в доках.

    Seriously, Patrick, was I sick the day in school they taught you how to be a normal person?

    Серьёзно, Патрик, может я проболела тот день в школе, когда учат, как быть нормальным человеком?

    Your husband is not in school.

    Твой муж. Его нет в школе.

    Показать ещё примеры для «школе»…

    ‘Former occupation, soldier. Present occupation, school teacher.

    Бывший военнослужащий, сейчас — школьный учитель.

    We’ll be lonesome without you. But my Sunday school teacher used to say:

    Мы будем скучать без тебя, но мой школьный учитель любил повторять:

    Our school teacher look that way.

    Наш школьный учитель выглядит именно так.

    Listen: hundred lire for school football and we won’t say a word.

    Слушайте. Сто лир на школьный футбол, и мы молчим о том…

    Here we are again, male school madam.

    Вот мы и снова здесь, школьный учитель, мадам.

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    I’m going back to nursing school.

    Я снова пойду учиться на медсестру.

    But the pesos, it’s to send Panchito to school someday.

    Эти песо…это чтобы послать Панчито когда-нибудь учиться.

    They send white boys to school.

    Белых детей посылают учиться.

    They have to return to school, and they’re bored here anyway.

    Им нужно учиться, и потом, здесь им скучно.

    No matter where he goes to school… he comes right back home and runs Reata.

    Не важно, где он будет учиться, он вернется домой и будет управлять Реатой.

    Показать ещё примеры для «учиться»…

    I wouldn’t send my children to a boarding school

    Никогда бы не отправила своих детей в интернат

    To the boarding school.

    В интернат?

    He doesn’t want to go to that school.

    Не хочет в интернат.

    You know, I’ve decided to send her straight from camp to a good boarding school with strict religious training and then on to college.

    Знаешь, я решила отправить её прямо из летнего лагеря в хороший интернат с религиозным образованием а оттуда сразу в колледж.

    Only when you put me on a boarding school.

    Только, когда ты определил меня в интернат.

    Показать ещё примеры для «интернат»…

    Evidently you’re not aware of it, but this is a girls’ school.

    Очевидно, вы не в курсе, но это женский колледж.

    Evidently you’re not aware of it, Miss Brooks but this is a girls’ school for boys.

    Очевидно, вы не в курсе того, мисс Брукс что это женский колледж для мальчиков.

    He didn’t save enough money to send Harry to school, let alone me. But he did help a few people get out of your slums, Mr. Potter.

    Ему даже не удалось отложить достаточно денег, чтобы отправить меня и моего брата в колледж.

    Not one of the great schools, perhaps, but we had field days with Harrow.

    Может быть, и не самый знаменитый колледж но мы состязались с Харроу.

    Sorry I ever sent her to that finishing school.

    Зря я ее отправила в колледж.

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    Have you been excused from school?

    Ты прогулял уроки?

    School ended two hours ago.

    Уроки закончились 2 часа назад.

    She has to finish school.

    Ей надо делать уроки.

    — Leszek! Irenka! have you finished school?

    — Яцек, Иренка, уроки закончились?

    I have a class at school at 3:30.

    Нет, у меня уроки в половине четвертого.

    Показать ещё примеры для «уроки»…

    You’d better take him outside until school is over.

    Вам лучше его унести, пока не кончатся занятия.

    I’d like to keep on with my school.

    Я бы хотела продолжать занятия.

    You don’t have to see us off if you’re busy at school.

    Если у тебя занятия, не провожай нас.

    You know, school starts tomorrow.

    Было так хорошо с вами. Знаете, послезавтра занятия.

    School starts in a few weeks.

    — Через пару недель начнутся занятия.

    Показать ещё примеры для «занятия»…

    In finishing school?

    В пансионе благородных девиц?

    In any respectable boarding school, children who don’t stay in bed get punished.

    В приличном пансионе детей, которые не спят по ночам, наказывают.

    — I was in boarding school.

    — Я был в пансионе.

    He’s in the Middle East, and the kids at boarding school.

    Он на Среднем Востоке, а дети учатся в пансионе.

    Well… the first time… was when I was at boarding school in the chemistry lab.

    Ну… В первый раз… это случилось в пансионе, в кабинете химии.

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    — How did you do in school?

    — Как ты учился в школе?

    Yes, I was in the choir in school.

    О, да. Я пел в хоре, кода учился в школе.

    You should have known him when he were a lad at school.

    Вы, должно быть, знали его, еще когда он учился в школе.

    I was at school with him.

    Я вместе с ним учился в школе.

    Even while you’re in school?

    Даже когда учились в школе, да?

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    — Have you finished school?

    — Вы закончили учёбу?

    Elaine Robinson has left school.

    Илэйн Робинсон бросила учебу.

    In those days, when I knew her, she’d just finished her schooling at the convent.

    В те дни, когда я знал её, она только что окончила учёбу в женской католической школе.

    When Mother died, my father fell ill. L had to leave school.

    После смерти мамы отец заболел, и мне пришлось бросить учёбу.

    Imagine my wife wanting to improve herself… by going back to school.

    Представьте, моя жена решила совершенствоваться… И снова взялась за учёбу.

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    Additional examples

    • В шко́лах зако́нчились зи́мние кани́кулы.

      f shkó-lah za-kón-chee-lees’ zéem-nee-ye ka-née-ku-ly

      Schools ended their winter holidays.

    • Он люби́л её со шко́лы.

      on lyu-béel ye-yó sa shkó-ly

      He loved her from school.

    • Она́ нра́вилась ему́ ещё со шко́лы.

      a-ná nrá-vee-las’ ye-mú ee-schyó sa shkó-ly

      He liked her since school.

    • Его́ кандидату́ру рассма́тривали на пост дире́ктора шко́лы.

      ye-vó kan-dee-da-tú-ru ras-mát-ree-va-lee na post dee-ryék-ta-ra shkó-ly

      His candidacy was considered for the position of the school director.

    • Возвраща́ясь со шко́лы, мы люби́ли посиде́ть в па́рке.

      vaz-vra-schá-yas’ sa shkó-ly, my lyu-bée-lee pa-see-dyét’ f pár-kye

      Coming back from school, we liked to spend some time in the park.

    • Встава́й, засо́ня, в шко́лу проспи́шь!

      fsta-vái za-só-nya, f shkó-lu pras-péesh

      Wake up, sleepyhead, you’ll oversleep the school!

    • В шко́ле над ним постоя́нно издева́лись однокла́ссники.

      f shkó-lye nad neem pas-ta-yán-na eez-dye-vá-lees’ ad-na-klás-nee-kee

      In school, his classmates constantly mocked him.

    • Ну как дела́ в шко́ле?

      nu kak dee-láf shkó-lye

      So how are things at school?

    • Сего́дня у нас пра́здник — сын око́нчил шко́лу.

      se-vód-nya u nas prázd-neek — syn a-kón-cheel shkó-lu

      Today we have a celebration — our son finished the school.

    • Она́ рабо́тает учи́телем ру́сского языка́ в шко́ле.

      a-ná ra-bó-ta-yet u-chée-tee-lyem rús-ka-va ya-zy-ka f shkó-lye

      She works as a teacher of Russian language in school.

    • Одева́йся, в шко́лу опозда́ешь!

      a-dee-váî-sya, f shkó-lu a-paz-dá-eesh’

      Get dressed, you’ll be late for school!

    • В шко́ле она́ никогда́ никому́ не дава́ла спи́сывать.

      f shkó-lye a-ná nee-kag-dá nee-ka-mú nye da-vá-la spee-sy-vat’

      At school, she never let anyone copy off (from her).

    • В шко́ле она́ была́ зау́чкой.

      f shkó-lye a-ná by-lá za-úch-kaî

      At school, she was a nerd.

    • Она́ научи́лась шить ещё в шко́ле.

      a-ná na-u-chée-las’ sheet’ye-schyó f shkó-lye

      She learned to sew at school.

    • Моя́ сестра́ преподаёт рукоде́лие в шко́ле.

      ma-yá seest-rá pree-pa-da-yót ru-ka-dyé-lee-ye f shkó-lye

      My sister teaches needlework at school.

    • При шко́ле бы́ло подсо́бное хозя́йство, где ученики́ весно́й сажа́ли карто́шку.

      pree shkó-lye bý-la pat-sób-na-ye ha-zyáîst-va, gdye u-chee-nee-kee vees-nóî sa-zhá-lee kar-tósh-ku

      The school had a subsidiary farm where students planted potatoes in the spring.

    • В шко́ле по фи́зике у него́ всегда́ была́ тро́йка с натя́гом, а по матема́тике и того́ ху́же.

      f shkó-lye pa fée-zee-kye e nee-vó fseeg-dá by-lá tróî-ka s na-tyá-gam, a pa ma-tee-má-tee-kye e ta-vó hú-zhe

      At school in physics, he was always barely making it to three, and in mathematics it was even worse.

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    Eun Sae’s school fees?

    За школу Eun Sae?




    70 of these attend a secondary school.

    70 из них посещают школу, готовящую к дальнейшему обучению.




    Prep school at Kingston, U of T.

    Школа в Кингстоне, Университет Торонто.




    Our school has nine classes.

    В нашей школе девять классов.




    Our school flag is an anus!

    Флаг нашего колледжа — анус!




    1960 Leningrad High Engineering Nautical School

    1960 год Ленинградское высшее мореходное инженерное училище




    We often played chess after school.

    Мы часто играли в шахматы после уроков.



    (university department)

    The other school of thought does not take this scenario lightly.

    Представители второго направления относятся к такому сценарию со всей серьезностью.




    We are traveling through a porpoise school!

    Мы проходим через косяк морских свиней!




    Nearly a hundred sailfish have surrounded a single school of baitfish.

    Около сотни парусников окружили стаю мелкой рыбы.



    There was a hyperinflation at the school store, and.

    В пришкольном магазине произошла гиперинфляция, и.


    другие переводы 8




    — / —


    Ann Cooper talks school lunches

    Энн Купер о школьных обедах


    Словосочетания (342)

    1. Academy of trinity school — Academy of Trinity School
    2. afternoon school — дневная школа
    3. aided school — школа на дотации
    4. air school — летная школа
    5. Airbourne school of flying — Airbourne School of Flying
    6. all girls school — школа для девочек
    7. approved school — исправительная школа
    8. area school — объединенная районная школа
    9. art school — художественная школа
    10. Art school confidential — Тайны школы искусств



    Eun Sae’s school fees?
    За школу Eun Sae?

    Ann Cooper talks school lunches
    Энн Купер о школьных обедах

    70 of these attend a secondary school.
    70 из них посещают школу, готовящую к дальнейшему обучению.

    Prep school at Kingston, U of T.
    Школа в Кингстоне, Университет Торонто.

    Our school has nine classes.
    В нашей школе девять классов.


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    School, lyceum, gymnasium, academy who invented all this ?! — Orthodox journal

    как переводится слово школа

    What does school have to do with rest? Why was it customary in the gymnasium to study without clothes? What ancient Greek hero was buried at the academy? What connects the pagan god Apollo with the Lyceum?

    School is about rest

    School. Who would have thought that this is about vacation! However, if we turn to the ancient Greek language, from where this word migrated to us, it turns out that this is really so. Sholē (schole) means leisure, rest, the opportunity to spend time freely, idle.

    Moreover, this leisure itself was perceived by the ancient Greek as an absolute value, as the only worthy way of spending time. Physical labor in antiquity was despised because it is not leisure, and therefore, a deviation from the normal way of life. For us, modern people, this is, of course, nonsense.

    We live in a society where it is simply not accepted not to work, and we call the one who shies away from work «parasites» or «nets».

    But for the ancient Greeks, it was the opposite: if you work, then you are a slave and must provide everything necessary for a class of free people, who, in turn, could use their leisure time to become worthy citizens. And the educational system just served this purpose — to educate a person whose activity, as Aristotle notes, will be virtuous.

    Moreover, genuine teaching — for the ancients it was very important — was thought possible only when a person was freed from the «difficulties» of labor, when his head was not occupied with worries and worries about the future. And here it is interesting to note that the word «schollet» also meant enchanted contemplation, a kind of cutting off of everything that interferes with a pure and direct perception of nature or some kind of phenomenon.

    And this connotation of «schollet» surprisingly resonates with Christian theology, and more specifically, with the ideal of the monastery and monastic life.

    As you know, monasteries began to form in the XNUMXth century. They were founded at first, as a rule, away from crowded and noisy cities. Why? Precisely because one of the main goals of monastic life is divine contemplation, that is, the complete aspiration of the mind to God.

    And perhaps this is when the world around a person and his inner world are completely calmed down, when vanity, noise and anxiety are left somewhere behind a closed door. The very possibility of contemplating God, as the famous holy blessed Augustine wrote, opens up when a person refuses any form of activity. Achieving «peace» of thought is the path to God-thinking.

    And when the saint speaks of «peace», he uses the Latin word «otium», which in its meaning is very close to the Greek «schola». It turns out that a genuine, sublime school is the path to God-thinking.

    Gymnasium is about asceticism

    Today, a gymnasium is an educational institution with an in-depth educational program with some subjects that, as a rule, are not taught in a regular school. But initially the gymnasium was not intended at all for this.

    In ancient Greece, from where the word «gymnasium» (γυμνάσιον) came to us, it was believed that the ideal citizen was supposed to be developed not only intellectually, but also physically. In everything, as you know, the Greeks strove to observe the ideal of measure, which meant that both the mind and the body of a person should be equally perfect. In addition, in the event of war, each citizen was obliged to take up arms and protect his policy, for which, again, some preparation was required.

    And for this, a gymnasium was set up — a platform for physical exercises. The word itself comes from «γυμνός» (gymnos), which means naked, naked. Indeed, youths in Greece went in for sports without clothes. It is assumed that this custom appeared after the thirty-second Olympics, when one of the participants in the competition managed to reach the finish line first due to the fact that a loincloth came off him.

    But later, the functions of the gymnasium expanded significantly. A whole complex of buildings appeared, where it was possible not only to exercise, but also to develop one’s intellect: politics, rhetoric, literature, philosophy were studied here, many hours of conversations and discussions were held, in which scientists-philosophers took part.

    However, if we return to the original meaning of the gymnasium as a place for training or as an exercise in general, we will see that Christianity has its own gymnasium — asceticism.

    After all, if you look at the Greek word askēsis (ἄσκησις), it turns out that it also translates as exercise, training.

    Therefore, ascetic practice is not about the infringement and mortification of the human body. Everything is quite the opposite: asceticism is the training of the body and soul for their strengthening and final transformation. In other words, a Christian gymnasium is a system of exercises that bring a person closer to God.

    Academy and its holy graduates

    Today the Academy is both a huge scientific organization and a higher educational institution that trains experts and teachers for universities. However, it was originally the name of one of the most famous and elite gymnasiums in the Athenian policy. The Academy (Ἀκαδήμεια) was founded by the famous philosopher Plato in 386 BC and got its name from the sacred olive grove, where the school buildings were located and where, according to legend, the ancient Greek hero Akadem was buried.

    In fact, it was here that the first scientific traditions were formed, which became exemplary for all subsequent generations of scientists and researchers. Moreover, such great Church Fathers as Saints Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian passed through the Plato Academy.

    And largely thanks to the education they received at this Academy, they managed to make a real breakthrough in Christian theology.

    Not to mention the fact that, in principle, most of the Church Fathers were intellectually connected with the educational system that took shape in the Academy and other famous schools of antiquity.

    Lyceum: why walks are good for study

    In 1811, the grand opening of the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum took place, which we first of all know because Pushkin studied there.

    It cannot be said that the poet showed himself here as a brilliant student — according to the results of the final exams, Alexander Sergeevich took only 26th place among 29 students — but his name, of course, glorified the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum for centuries.

    It is all the more interesting that Pushkin is connected with the great philosopher of antiquity, Aristotle, precisely through the beloved educational institution he praised in many poems.

    Lyceum (Λύκειον) — in the Latin pronunciation «lyceum» — is the most famous elite gymnasium of antiquity, founded by this famous philosopher. Aristotle rented buildings for his gymnasium near the temple in honor of Apollo of Lycea, from which the name of the school came.

    Lyceum, by the way, is also known as Peripatos — this was the name of the city gardens intended for walking. Here free Greeks could not only hide from the heat of the day, but also listen to philosophical conversations, lectures and speeches of scientists.

    At the school of Aristotle, some classes were taught to be conducted during leisurely walks along the paths of the garden located on the territory of Lyceum, and therefore the students of this gymnasium were sometimes called «peripatetics».

    The practice of such philosophical walks was reflected in the work of the artist Mikhail Nesterov, who painted the famous pair portrait «Philosophers». This painting depicts the priest Pavel Florensky and Sergiy Bulgakov, leisurely walking and talking with each other, the outstanding representatives of religious and philosophical thought.

    So walks can be very beneficial for your studies. Especially if they are held in the company of a great philosopher.


    How to transfer a child to another school?

    как переводится слово школа

    We want to transfer the child to another school, is it possible? Can a school refuse to accept a student during the school year? What is the transfer procedure? How long should a personal file be issued?

    The right to choose a school

    According to the law, parents of underage students have the right to choose an educational institution (clause 3 of article 44 of the Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation»). Circumstances may be different: change of place of residence, relations in the team have not developed, the quality of education is not satisfied, etc. Parents are concerned about the questions: is it possible to transfer during the school year and how to do it.

    Is it possible to transfer to another school in the middle of the school year

    You can transfer to another school at any time. According to the current legislation, any school to which a parent applies has no right to refuse admission, except in cases where there are no free places at the school. Priority should be given to admitting children admitted “at the place of residence”. However, on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 32, for those who do not apply for registration, there should also be no restrictions.

    In what cases is it possible to refuse admission to school?

    Refusal to admit to school is possible, firstly, if there are no vacant places in the school and, secondly, when entering a school with in-depth study of certain academic subjects or for specialized training, or in a school that “implements educational programs integrated with additional pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports «, refusal is possible if the child does not pass in the course of individual selection.

    The legislation gives educational organizations the right to carry out individual selection when admitting students to the level of basic and secondary education (from 5 to 11 grades), when entering schools with in-depth study of certain academic subjects or for specialized training. The procedure for carrying out such a selection should be established at the level of the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    Also, educational organizations that implement educational programs integrated with additional pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports can conduct a competition or individual selection.

    Such schools can assess the ability to engage in a particular sport, as well as require a certificate of the absence of contraindications for engaging in the corresponding sport. (Clause 5,6, Art.

    67 of the Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation»)

    How is the procedure for transferring from school to school approved?

    The transfer procedure was approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 12.03.2014 N 177 «On approval of the Procedure and conditions for the transfer of students from one organization carrying out educational activities in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, to other organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of the appropriate level and focus «:

    5. In case of transfer of an adult student on his initiative or a minor student on the initiative of his parents (legal representatives), the adult student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student:

    • select the host organization;
    • contact the selected organization with a request for the availability of free places, including using the Internet;
    • in the absence of vacant places in the selected organization, they apply to the local authorities in the field of education of the corresponding municipal district, urban district to determine the host organization from among the municipal educational organizations;
    • apply to the source organization with an application for the expulsion of the student in connection with the transfer to the receiving organization. The transfer application can be sent in the form of an electronic document using the Internet.

    6. In the application of an adult student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student for expulsion by transfer to the host organization, the following shall be indicated:

    a) surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the student;

    b) date of birth;

    c) class and profile of training (if any);

    d) the name of the host organization. In case of moving to another locality, only the settlement, the subject of the Russian Federation is indicated.

    7. On the basis of an application by an adult student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student about expulsion by transfer, the source organization within three days shall issue an administrative act on the expulsion of the student by transfer with an indication of the host organization.

    8. The source organization issues the following documents to the adult student or parents (legal representatives) of the minor student:

    student’s personal file;

    documents containing information about the student’s progress in the current academic year (an extract from the class journal with the current marks and results of intermediate certification), certified by the seal of the original organization and the signature of its head (person authorized by him).

    9. The requirement to provide other documents as a basis for enrollment of students in the host organization in connection with the transfer from the source organization is not allowed.

    10. The documents specified in clause 8 of this Procedure are submitted by the adult student or the parents (legal representatives) of the minor student to the host organization, together with an application for the student’s enrollment in the specified organization in the order of transfer from the original organization and the presentation of the original document proving the identity of the adult student or parent ( legal representative) of a minor student.


    There is / there are (there’s / there’re)

    как переводится слово школа

    This grammar topic teaches you how to work with the popular English construction there is / there are… Or, in other words, how to say: there is something, there is not something.

    At the airport (there are) many rules. — There are a lot of rules at the airport.

    There is no stadium in the town. — There isn’t a stadium in the town.

    We use this construction when the sentence says that something is / not is somewhere. In other words, something is somewhere or something is not somewhere. To do this, in English, we use the construction there is / there are.

    The word there in this construction will not change under any circumstances. Will change, according to the law of the genre, the verb to be in number and in tenses, we will talk below.

    Here you need to be careful and not confuse the adverb there (there) and part of the construction there is / are… The difference will be visible in the context and translation: there, which is included in there is / are, will not even be translated, it just «is». For example:

    There is only one restaurant there. — There (is) only one restaurant.

    The second part of this construction is the already known verb «be» — to be in the form is and are (is for the singular, are for the plural).

    There is a cake in the fridge. — There’s a cake in the fridge.

    There’s a hole in my pocket. — There’s a hole in my pocket.

    In the last sentence, we abbreviated there is to there’s, which is quite typical for spoken English.

    There are two men in the room. “There are two men in the room.

    There’re many mistakes in your test, you must do it over. — There are many mistakes in your test, you must redo it. (there are = there’re)

    Often a student asks the question: why can’t I just say through a verb to be? For example:

    Many mistakes are in your test.

    Everything is very simple: such a sentence is grammatically correct, but the speaker will not say so, it will sound less natural to his ear. In addition, the design there is / are very popular with native speakers, so definitely not worth avoiding.

    Interestingly, sentences with there is / are we translate from the end, the construction itself may not be translated at all, or it may be translated by the word «is».

    There are many Italian foodstuffs in this shop. — There are many Italian products in this store.

    There are seven days in a week. — There are seven days in a week.


    It is a pleasure to work with this construction: to build negation, we

    add a particle not or the word no after is / are

    There isn’t any cold water in the fridge. — There is no cold water in the refrigerator.

    There is no lamp in my son’s room. — There is no lamp in my son’s room.

    You noticed that after there is not there must be an article a or an; after there is no we do not put either the article or any.

    There are not two but three kids in their family. — Their family has not two, but three children.

    There aren’t problems with this child. — There are no problems with this child.

    There are no guests at the party. — There are no guests at the party.


    To build a question, you just need to rearrange the words in the construction itself. there is / are.

    Is there a scarf in the wardrobe? — Is there a scarf in the closet?

    Is there a dog in the car? «Is there a dog in the car?»

    What is there on the table? — What (is) on the table?

    Are there letters for me? — Are there any letters for me?

    Are there students in the lecture hall? — Are there students in the classroom?

    How many days are there in February? — How many days in February?

    Very often the question arises in sentences where we need to list items in both the singular and the plural. What to do in these cases?
    The choice of is or are will depend on the first noun immediately after the construction there is / are.

    There is one bathroom and two bedrooms in my flat. — My apartment has two bedrooms and one bathroom.

    As «bathroom» in the singular comes the first, we chose there is.


    My school / Meine Schule

    With this article, you can easily tell or write about your school in German.

    Questions on the topic «School»: Wo liegt sie? — Where is she? Wie ist sie? — What is she? Welche Räume gibt es hier? — What are the offices in it? Wo liegen diese Räume? — Where are these offices? Wie kann sie sein? — What can it be? Welche Schulfächer gibt es in der 6. Klasse? — How many subjects are there in the 6th grade? Und in der 7. Klasse? — And in the 7th? Was nehmen die Kinder in die Schule mit? — What do children take with them to school?

    Welchen Stundenplan wünschen sich einige Kinder? — What kind of schedule do some kids want?

    School story in German:

    Das Gebäude meiner Schule liegt in der ____ Straße, das ist ein zweistöckiges Gebäude.

    My school is located on _____ Street. This is a two-story house.

    Vor dem Schulgebäude befindet sich ein Schulhof. Da gibt es einen großen Sportplatz. Auf diesem Sportplatz können die Schüler während der Pausen und nach dem Unterricht spielen und Sport treiben.

    There is a school yard in front of the school. There is a large sports ground. On this playground, students can play or exercise during breaks and after classes.

    Durch die breite Eingangstür kommt man in die Vorhalle. Hier ist die Wardrobe. Im Erdgeschoss befindet sich das Schuldirektorskabinett, die Bibliothek, die Speisehalle, der Sportsaal und das Artzkabinett. Im Erdgeschoss sind auch Klassenzimmer. Hier lernen die Schüler der ersten-dritten Klassen.

    Wide entrance doors lead to the lobby. Here is the wardrobe. On the ground floor there is the director’s office, library, dining room, gym and doctor’s office. There are also classrooms where pupils of the first and third grades study.

    Im ersten Stock befindet sich das Lehrerzimmer und viele verschiedene Klassenzimmer. Das sind Physik-, Mathematik-, Chemie-, Geschichte-, Biologie- und Fremdsprachenkabinette.

    On the second floor there is a teacher’s room and many different rooms: physics, mathematics, chemistry, history, biology and foreign languages.

    Alle Klassenzimmersind groß, hell und gemütlich. Sie sind immer sauber. In den Klassenzimmern stehen Tische, Stühle, Bücherschränke. In jedem Kabinett hängt natürlich eine breite Tafel.

    All offices are bright, large and comfortable. They are always taken away. The classrooms have tables, chairs, bookcases. A wide board hangs in each office.

    Meine Schule hat gute Traditionen. Die Schulabende, Sportfeiertage, verschiedene Treffen sind immer sehr interessant.

    My school has good traditions. School evenings, sports events and various meetings are always very interesting.

    Presentation «My School» in German:


    History of words — School, Gymnasium, Lyceum

    A lot of joyful and touching memories are associated with the words school, lyceum, gymnasium in the life of each student and his parents, a significant part of each person’s life is intertwined with studies, and, therefore, with school, etc.

    Where did the words for the names of educational institutions come from?

    History of the word «lyceum»

    The history of the word «lyceum» dates back to ancient Greece. On the very edge of ancient Athens, near the temple of Apollo of Lycea, the great philosopher Aristotle founded a school called Lyceum in honor of the nearby temple. Translated from the ancient Greek, Lycean is «the destroyer of wolves.» The school has glorified itself over the centuries, and since then, significant educational institutions in many countries have been assigned the status of a lyceum. 

    Modern lyceums appeared in the 19th century, it was an average — between a university and a gymnasium — format of an educational institution. The term had the literal meaning of «grammar school of higher sciences.» 

    History of the word «school»

    This word also came to us from Ancient Greece, where «schole» meant «pleasant pastime.» This concept did not imply absolute inaction, but clever and instructive conversations for which Greek philosophers have long been famous. Over time, these sages and thinkers acquired permanent students, and the «school» became associated with the educational process, and later with a room adapted for study.

    The schools of the ancient Sumerians were called «Houses of tablets», they taught writing, writing poetry, writing music, the basics of astronomy, algebra and other sciences.

    In the schools of Egypt, knowledge of more than 700 hieroglyphs was required, and for negligence they were punished with a whip.

    Only boys studied in schools, for girls education was meant only at home.

    History of the word «gymnasium»

    The word «gymnasium» also originated in Ancient Greece, where it originally meant

    «A place for gymnastic exercises.» 

    In this sense, the word found its application in the ancient cities of Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor and others. Over time, the concept of «gymnasium» included any physical exercise.

    In educational institutions with this name, boys fenced, fisted, hunted on horseback, studied sciences such as hygiene, dance, music, rhetoric and mathematics.

    Gymnasiums have changed over time, in a number of countries they have become educational institutions with a sports bias, in other countries, mainly in Europe, — places for studying the works of ancient authors.

    Starting from the 19th century, girls began to study in gymnasiums.

    Today, in most countries, the term «gymnasium» is understood as a secondary educational institution of general education.


    Freshman, cake and zashkvar — how to understand what your child is talking about

    Some of the phrases of adolescents sound like an adult set of sounds. To distinguish a hypozhor from a freshman and to speak the same language with children, you need to regularly replenish your vocabulary. Mel and Moscow International University have put together a small memo that will help you not to feel completely old.

    Mela newsletter

    We send our interesting and very useful newsletter twice a week: on Tuesday and Friday


    What is on everyone’s lips. «Hype», «hype» (short for hypodermic needle, «medical needle») — in 1920s America meant the dose of heroin, as well as heroin itself and the euphoric effect it causes. In the second half of the 20th century, the meaning of the word was transformed into something like «hype», which rises on any occasion in the press, and thus became synonymous with the word «media», «media». Hence the famous rap group Public Enemy’s 1988 song «Don’t believe the hype.»

    In the Russian language, the word took root several years ago thanks to the new wave of popularity of hip-hop culture and rap. And the hype went beyond the subculture in Russia after the rapper Purulent defeated the favorite of all generations, Oxxymiron, in a rap battle (a competition between two rappers).

    Purulent — from an underground group called «Antihype», whose ideological component was freedom of creative expression and the absence of the pursuit of fashion.

    Thus, “hype” (that is, try to do something because it’s in a trend, play on the trendy) also acquired negative connotations and gave rise to such a monster as “hypozhor” — a soulless, unprincipled exploiter of trends for the sake of self-promotion. …

    • Kirkorov hype / on hype — Philip Kirkorov is in fashion thanks to his new video.
    • Sobolev — haypozhor — Nikolai Sobolev does something for the sake of recognition and money, and not from the heart.


    Show off, show off, show off. Comes from the English verb flex — «to bend, bend», and in slang means «to pretend, to be fake» — that is, «to brag about what you do not have.» Besides, in rap culture «flex» is to swing to the beat of the music (as a rule, it looks rather pompous).

    Flex got widespread in 2014, when the American hip-hop duo Rae Sremmurd released the video hit No Flex Zone. has already gained more than 294 million views, which turns the meaning of the text: the guys who read about the flex-free space (that is, a place where you don’t need to brag about your expensive things and acquaintances) became superstars, got a good deal of hype, and now they can flex their achievement for the rest of their days …

    In Russian, like the word «pontovatsya», it does not necessarily mean something bad — sometimes you can flex if you have something. There is also a mocking antonym — «low flex», when a person has absolutely nothing to brag about. In fact, there is no need to add “low”: depending on the context, the word “flexit” can be used both literally and figuratively.

    • Sasha flexes on the dance floor — Sasha dances great.
    • Petya is on low flex today — Petya looks and behaves monstrously.


    No connection with the ancient Chinese game. «Go» in slang is just a Russified version of the English verb to go, that is, «to go.» The phrase began to be used in online games. «Go, I created» means «I created a server in the game, join.» Now that’s what they say with any call to action. «Go» is often used in conjunction with another word, verb or noun, so it can mean both «go somewhere» or «let’s do something.»

    With the word «go» do not use the prepositions «in» or «on» together with a noun. If we usually say “go to Vitya [to visit]”, “go to the concert”, then in the case of “go” it is correct to say “go Vitya”, “go kants”.

    • Go LS — let’s discuss it in private messages.
    • Go chill — let’s rest.

    You can learn more about teenage slang on October 27 at a free lecture by Maxim Krongauz «What language do our children speak?» at the Moscow International University.

    Lol, rofl, cake

    It means «funny». Each of these words carries the same meaning, but there are often cases of simultaneous use of the first two — «lol kek» (sometimes teenagers jokingly add «cheburek»).

    Lol — tracing paper from the English abbreviation LOL and stands for laugh out loud («laugh out loud»). Rofl or ROFL is very similar to LOL. This is also an abbreviation — rolling on the floor laughing, that is, «rolling on the floor laughing.»

    It is permissible to use the verb form «rofl» — «roflit», that is, to joke.

    Kek has gaming roots, and Kek is the same lol, but in the language of World of Warcraft players. In this multiplayer game, you can fight for different factions and at the same time communicate via an internal chat with rivals.

    The word lol, sent by a representative of the alliance to a player from the horde, was automatically translated as kek, and thus the game simulated communication with a foreigner. There is also a version that kek comes from the Korean ke-ke-ke — the designation for laughter.

    Teenagers keen on Korean culture brought cake to Russian as well.

    The person using these words is not necessarily really laughing. In addition, each of them can not only demonstrate that a person is funny or ridicule someone, but also be used as surprise or even outrage.

    • Lol, is this free? — Wow, is it really free?
    • Yes, you roflish! — You’re not serious, are you?


    Laugh, roll with laughter, clutching the stomach, to tears. «Yell» and its derivatives («yelled», «yelled», «yelled») in this meaning have been massively used for about three to four years.

    All this time it occupies one of the first places in the hate lists («lists of hate») of those who insist on using the word in its original meaning — «shout out loud».

    Defenders of slang fend off and recall the historical meaning of «digging, plowing the ground,» urging purists to use it that way.

    The yell’s journey from scream to cackle is long and measured in decades, and other jargon will need to be remembered to trace this evolution. Like many things on the Russian-speaking Internet, it all started with threads (comment threads under the publication) on the forums.

    If the user laughed at the picture in the thread, he lost. Thread by thread — and “losing” as a result of wordplay and typos turned into “yelling”, and then naturally reduced to “yelling”.

    Gradually, the word came out of the underground and became widespread.

    • I’m yelling / yelling — it’s very funny to me.
    • Shout from you — you are funny (used both in the literal sense and with sarcasm).


    Simply get angry. It comes from gaming slang, and specifically from MMO games (Massively Multiplayer Online Game, that is, network games that several players can play at the same time), for example, Dota.

    In them, in addition to heroes played by living people, there are mobs — inanimate monsters. To provoke aggression and then the attack of the mob means to make him aggressive, to «aggro» him, from aggression, «aggression».

    In everyday life, it is used as a synonym for the word «angry, angry.»

    • I wanted the best, but you get aggrieved.
    • There, this grandmother would be angry at me, ruined my whole mood.

    If your child is angry because he doesn’t know where to go after school, tell him about the Moscow International University workshop «From School to University: Territory of the Future.» On it, a teenager will decide on a future profession, and parents will receive answers to all questions about admission.


    «Unworthy business»; «To grind» means to engage in affairs that defame honor and reputation. Like much in modern Russian, the word comes from prison jargon.

    Unlike other expressions that have become widely used and in the eyes of the public have practically lost their original criminal flair (such as «lawlessness», thanks to the active use in the media to describe social events in the 1990s), «zashkvar», at least few remember about the history of its origin, while it remains exclusively a slang expression, not recognized outside of youth subcultures.

    Initially, this expression is associated with homophobic sentiments in the zone — a homosexual or one who was raped by inmates was called «greasy». Everything that the «greasy» touched was considered dirty, and the actions of such a person were automatically perceived as unworthy.

    In its modern meaning, the word has been reduced to «zashkvar», has lost the connotation of hatred towards members of the LGBT + community, and in youth slang is already used to denote any shameful actions.

    • His clothes are greedy — he dresses unfashionably.
    • What Zemfira said about Monetochka is a complete mess — the singer Zemfira reacted inadequately to the music of the singer Monetochka.

    Chan and Kun

    «Chan» is a nice girl, «kun» is a nice guy. Users of Dvach (one of the most popular forums) contributed many words related to anime to the Internet, and the cartoons for teenagers and adults themselves have earned such authority among young people that even those who do not watch them began to use the terminology.

    Originally, «chan» and «kun» are respectful prefixes to names in Japanese; «Chan» — an appeal to little girls or women of the same age, «kun» — to boys and men of the same age.

    They will not call everyone in the Russian language the word «chan» or «tyanochka» — they will demonstrate sympathy; talking about the guy «kun» — will compliment his appearance.

    • Lamp chan — a beautiful sweet girl.
    • Coon is not needed — I can do without the guys.


    This exclamation in itself does not carry any meaning and is used rather as an interjection. With its help, they express delight for any reason, often in an ironic sense. Etymologically, the word goes back to esketit — a simplification of the expression Let’s get it.

    Depending on the context, the phrase means a whole range of emotions and calls from «let’s do it!» to «come on, come on!». The author of esketit — American rapper Lil Pump — shouted this word at his concerts out of an overabundance of emotions and without any specific purpose.

    The author of the Russified version is the rapper FACE, who cemented the word in the track «Burger» among other interjections (such as «grrra» and «hey!»). Now the word is almost never used, but it can still be found in comments on social networks.

    • Eshkere-ee! — I’m good! Cool! Blimey! Wow!


    Newbie, new face. In the original sense, it is translated from English as «freshman», although in everyday usage it is also used to designate high school students.

    Since 2007, XXL hip-hop magazine regularly publishes a list of new faces in rap, which is called XXL Freshman List — this is how the word freshman began to be used in a new meaning.

    Now this is the name not only for young people and school graduates, but also for recently appeared on the horizon and very promising rap artists, and indeed any new person in some business.

    • Freshmen of this year are not at all happy.
    • A typical one-day freshman, today he is a star, and tomorrow he will be nobody.

    For high school students, parents and teachers, the workshop will host lectures, master classes and quests. More information about the program can be found here.

    To get to the workshop, just register on the website and on October 27, come to the address st. Leningradsky prospect, 17.


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