The word scheme in a sentence

Definition of Scheme

a sneaky plan

Examples of Scheme in a sentence

The man’s scheme to rob the old lady was ruined when one of her neighbors caught him trying to break into her home.


Because the pyramid scheme is nothing but a scam, I will not invest in it.


The police hoped their scheme to trap the criminal would work.


Although Riley tried to stay out of trouble, he got caught up in his best friend’s scheme to sell stolen goods.


The government’s scheme to spy on other countries included the planting of listening devices and computer viruses.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word scheme, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use scheme in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «scheme».

Scheme in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word scheme in a sentence.

  1. The scheme was to cost £23,925,000.

  2. I for one should say drop the scheme ..

  3. This scheme was rejected by parliament.

  4. The success of this scheme is not recorded.

  5. Hierarchical scheme for Rigel’s components.

  6. The scheme was highly controversial in the West.

  7. The scheme is also used to encourage water birds.

  8. Perhaps it was written to extend the rhyme scheme.

  9. Radinsky’s scheme is the prevalent hypothesis today.

  10. Its colour scheme is dominated by a series of red hues.

  11. The scheme has resulted in less flooding on Aller Moor.

  12. Application prices follow a three-tiered pricing scheme.

  13. This scheme had collapsed and the ship became available.

  14. The modern version of the stellar classification scheme was developed by Annie J.

  15. The rhyme scheme is ABCBBB, or AA,B,CC,CB,B,B when accounting for internal rhyme.

  16. It is also—perhaps because of its understandability—the most widely used scheme.».

  17. The defendants, all seven of them, are charged in engaging in a scheme to defraud.

  18. The Treasury was sceptical that Chadwick’s scheme would ever be financially viable.

  19. The League reluctantly accepted the scheme, though expressing reservations about the weak parliament.

  20. It was intended to replace the scheme then in use, which had been proposed in 1817 by Thomas Rickman.

  21. Ware convinced the influential advisor to the Treasury George May to accept a reduced payment scheme.

  22. Dodd chose an old gold paint from a Lincoln car paint catalogue as the base for the new color scheme.

  23. Many players were unable to thrive under Ryan’s defensive scheme, which was described as complicated.

  24. During these conventions he helped thwart James Wilkinson’s scheme to align Kentucky with the Spanish.

  25. Sometimes the text can give a basic outline that correlates to the four-movement scheme of a symphony.

  26. He [Shankly] thought the colour scheme would carry psychological impact red for danger, red for power.

  27. Two additional fragments appeared in May, part of a scheme to promote the book before its publication.

  28. The Headmen launched an elaborate scheme to secretly take economic and political control of the world.

  29. Griffin’s proposal was «the grandest scheme submitted, yet it had an appealing simplicity and clarity.

  30. Griffin’s proposal was «the grandest scheme submitted, yet it had an appealing simplicity and clarity».

  31. Interest in eleven-dimensional supergravity soon waned as various flaws in this scheme were discovered.

  32. A formal enquiry revealed irregularities in the operation of the scheme, though it exonerated Lansbury.

  33. The game includes support for the Switch’s gyro controls in addition to its traditional control scheme.

  34. His scheme to scam her absent father out of money worked in Marjory’s favor when it attracted Frank Stoneman’s attention.

  35. This scheme also has the disadvantage of eddy currents, a problem that is avoided if ferrites are used instead of nickel.

  36. While Caesar’s was the first recorded use of this scheme, other substitution ciphers are known to have been used earlier.

  37. Critics praised the game’s depth and number of features; complaints focused on its control scheme and monochrome graphics.

  38. WestJet Encore participates in WestJet Rewards, a frequent flyer program and loyalty scheme originally started by WestJet.

  39. Dissatisfied with Fowke’s scheme, in 1868 Waterhouse submitted his own revised design, which was endorsed by the trustees.

  40. The scheme ended with Germany’s defeat in World War I, and Finland instead emerged as an independent, democratic republic.

  41. His scheme was abolished by British Railways, which renumbered existing these 34001-34070 and new locomotives 34071-34110.

  42. Completion of Special World permanently changes some of the enemies’ sprites and alters the overworld map’s colour scheme.

  43. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, about 7,000 people had entered the UK under this scheme between July 2020 and January 2021.

  44. To be called the Oxford & Aylesbury Tramroad (O&AT), the new scheme envisaged the extension’s being built to the same light specifications as the existing tramway.

  45. At a public meeting on 29 March, the committee agreed to abandon the scheme and that «a memorial worthy of the city be erected on the ground near the main entrance gates».

  46. George changed the paint job, as he recalled they had been in a rush to prepare the model for television and its green-and-blue color scheme did not properly read on film.

  47. MacGregor would assert in adulthood that a direct ancestor of his had survived the Darien scheme of 1698, the ill-fated Scottish attempt to colonise the Isthmus of Panama.

  48. Under Metro Transit, the monorail vehicles were renumbered 6201 and 6202 and given a new paint scheme in 1978, including the repainting of the red train to the green train.

Synonyms for scheme

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word scheme has the following synonyms: dodge, dodging, outline, schema, strategy, system, intrigue and connive.

General information about «scheme» example sentences

The example sentences for the word scheme that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «scheme» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «scheme».

Use ‘scheme’ in a sentence | ‘scheme’ example sentences

1- The default full scheme installs everything available.

2- The road numbering scheme is mildly eccentric.

3- All personal pension schemes are defined contribution schemes.

4- All personal pension schemes are defined contribution schemes .

5- The scheme has passed through 20 editions.

6- The following figure shows control scheme types.

7- The fully implicit scheme is unconditionally numerical stable.

8- A similar scheme is undertaken whenever statutes are amended.

9- This disc parking scheme was formally resolved 29.

10- A car sharing scheme commenced service during summer 2010.

11- These schemes appeared randomly through early production.

12- This paint scheme has since been removed.

13- In many cases independent schemes are used.

14- Reaction schemes are numerically stiff requiring reduced reaction schemes.

15- Reaction schemes are numerically stiff requiring reduced reaction schemes .

16- Much modern poetry avoids traditional rhyme schemes .

17- Various extensions provide alternative class composition schemes .

18- Even higher interest based schemes are risky.

19- The scheme involves recruiting local sports champions.

20- The scheme has attracted several hundred objections.

21- The whole scheme took around 16 years.

22- By 1988 five major schemes had been approved.

23- These gardening design schemes generally require less water.

24- The overall sentencing scheme has become quite complex.

25- The house was based on very elaborate scheme .

26- The accredited training schemes are available at three different levels.

27- Executive share option schemes are also spreading.

28- The pastel colour scheme gives a contemporary seaside atmosphere.

29- Never was a crazy scheme more easily arranged.

30- The color scheme has a certain refinement.

31- Even among funded schemes there are wide variations.

32- Government waste on idiosyncratic schemes seems endless.

33- Their ” schemes ” are therefore inevitable and effortless.

34- A blue and yellow color scheme was applied throughout.

35- Medical insurance schemes are available at reasonable cost.

36- But already the whole scheme was looking increasingly doubtful.

37- The color scheme was originally black and gold.

38- These color schemes are exercises in opposites.

39- An illegal pyramid scheme is inherently fraudulent and deceptive.

40- Historical structures were also brought under conservation schemes . They will lay another scheme.

41- He carried out the scheme faithfully.

42- They were at the bottom of the scheme.

43- In my estimation, his scheme won’t work.

44- She denied having taken part in the scheme.

45- They devised a scheme to make money with little effort.

46- The community scheme has run up against local opposition.

47- They laid down a scheme for extracting salt from seawater.

48- Under no circumstances can the scheme be put into practice.

49- I don’t believe their scheme is really commercially viable.

50- To my knowledge, he has not been involved in the fraud scheme.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
scheduling – schematic – schematic diagram – schematic map – schematic plot – schematically – schematics – scheme – scheme for – training scheme – colour scheme – major scheme – scheme of things – rhyme scheme – pilot scheme –

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Synonym: connive, conspire, contrive, intrigue, plan, plot. Similar words: theme, schedule, chemistry, chemical, on schedule, behind schedule, at the mercy of, ahead of schedule. Meaning: [skɪːm]  n. 1. an elaborate and systematic plan of action 2. a statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery 3. a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole 4. an internal representation of the world; an organization of concepts and actions that can be revised by new information about the world 5. a schematic or preliminary plan. v. 1. form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner 2. devise a system or form a scheme for. 

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(1) Employees can contract into the company pension scheme.

(2) In theory, the scheme sounds fine.

(3) The benefits of the scheme are twofold.

(4) The scheme did not meet unqualified approval.

(5) We’ve brought in experts to advise on the scheme.

(6) The scheme was criticized as too idealistic and impracticable.

(7) He opposed himself to the scheme.

(8) Whatever your colour scheme, there’s a fabric to match.

(9) She undertook the organization of the whole scheme.

(10) They tried to get official sanction for the scheme.

(11) The scheme might work better with more favourable circumstances.

(12) With the extra resources, the scheme now seems feasible.

(13) The scheme sounded rather novel.

(14) He got suckered into the scheme.

(15) They hope for government funding for the scheme.

(16) The scheme would be fiscally dangerous.

(17) The scheme is also open to non-members.

(18) Their first scheme was deemed, in hindsight, a mistake.

(19) The road toll scheme was dismissed as impractical.

(20) The scheme was all a big con.

(21) He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.

(22) The investigation has laid bare their fraudulent scheme.

(23) The scheme was fully operative by 1975.

(24) The scheme is still on the anvil.

(25) He has devised a scheme for making money.

(26) My contention is that the scheme will never work.

(27) Temporary workers are ineligible for the pension scheme.

(28) Can you project a new working scheme for us?

(29) The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed.

(30) The scheme should be carried out right away.

More similar words: theme, schedule, chemistry, chemical, on schedule, behind schedule, at the mercy of, ahead of schedule, them, school, scholar, at school, in school, all the more, the mass of, in the main, chef, chew, euphemism, themselves, at the moment, for the moment, cheat, cheer, cheap, cheek, chest, discharging, after school, scholarship. 

How do you put scheme in a sentence?

Examples of scheme in a Sentence Noun a scheme to cheat people out of their money The company has a new scheme for insurance coverage. a scheme to improve the economy the color scheme of a room Verb He felt that the other men were scheming against him. He was betrayed by a scheming friend.

What is an example of scheme?

The definition of a scheme is a plot or a plan to achieve some action. An example of a scheme is a plot to defraud your boss. To scheme is to plot or plan to do something. An example of scheme is when you and your friend meet to talk about how you are going to get away with skipping school.

What type of word is schemes?

noun. a plan, design, or program of action to be followed; project. an underhand plot; intrigue.

What are schemes in writing?

SCHEMES — Schemes are figures of speech that deal with word order, syntax, letters, and sounds, rather than the meaning of words. Parallelism — When the writer establishes similar patterns of grammatical structure and length.

What is difference between schemes and tropes?

Trope: The use of a word, phrase, or image in a way not intended by its normal signification. Scheme: A change in standard word order or pattern. Tropes and schemes are collectively known as figures of speech.

What are the schemes of government?


  • Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
  • From Jan Dhan to Jan Suraksha.
  • Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
  • Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)
  • Atal Pension Yojana (APY)
  • Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana.
  • Stand Up India Scheme.
  • Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana.

How do you spell schemes?

Correct spelling for the English word “scheme” is [skˈiːm], [skˈiːm], [s_k_ˈiː_m] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for SCHEME

  1. scene,
  2. schema,
  3. scam,
  4. scone,
  5. sachem,
  6. scum.

Is scheme a bad word?

scheme Add to list Share. A scheme is an elaborate plan or plot. But don’t forget that schemes often carry a negative connotation — the word brings to mind devious plans and secret plots organized by scheming bad guys.

What is the adjective for scheme?

Scheming is an adjective that describes someone who is always doing sneaky things to make things happen, like your scheming friend who invites you to a family party because she secretly wants you to meet her adorable cousin. A scheme is a plan of action that is usually secret or kept hidden.

What part of speech is the word scheme?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition: to form a devious plan; plot. The nobles schemed in order to get control over the young king. synonyms: connive, intrigue, machinate, plot similar words: conspire, contrive, devise, finagle, plan
related words: angle, design, operate, tack

What does Schemeful mean?

full of schemes or plans

What is the definition of rhyme scheme?

A rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza. Rhyme schemes can change line by line, stanza by stanza, or can continue throughout a poem.

How do you describe a devious person?

The definition of devious is someone or something that is not straightforward or deviates from the usual course of action. An example of someone who would be described as devious is a person who lies to get his way. adjective.

What’s another name for devious?

Devious Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for devious?

scheming deceitful
dishonest sly
treacherous tricky
underhand calculating
wily artful

What is the meaning of devious plan?

Devious people or plans and methods are dishonest, often in a complicated way, but often also clever and successful: You have to be devious if you’re going to succeed in business. a devious scheme.

Does devious mean dishonest?

devious adjective (DISHONEST) Devious people or plans and methods are dishonest, often in a complicated way, but often also smart and successful: You have to be devious if you’re going to succeed in business.

What is the meaning of trellises?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a frame of latticework used as a screen or as a support for climbing plants. 2 : a construction (such as a summerhouse) chiefly of latticework. 3 : an arrangement that forms or gives the effect of a lattice a trellis of interlacing streams.

What does Encrimsoned mean?

transitive verb. : to make or dye crimson.

grand scheme of your daily life isn’t going to make much difference

There was a limited budget and time constraints, and too many variables to meld together an effective color scheme

When you invest in a mutual fund, you do not have to work hard in rotating your money from one scheme to another

Instead a new scheme is likely to be introduced soon wherein one can but Gold Mutual Fund

I’m sure there are some curtains in the roof which would look okay in here … the ones I used to have in the dining room at the old house … I reckon they would be long enough … but it would depend on what colour scheme they decide on

Reluctantly, she admits this is a prudent scheme

Forces that plot and scheme to destroy what we have here, some of which you have yet to understand

Making that decision helps, tiny though it is in the scheme of things

In the scheme of things, in the planning

cared for me in the scheme of love and marriage and potential

‘The idea is that she and Caderl will live at the villa … though I don’t think that is the best scheme

the large scheme of things, my loss was statistically irrelevant

selfish scheme of things, I suffered the most

“Both I and Colonel Samrova should have been notified about this scheme

In that it is not created in logic as a masterminded scheme of any

You have seen the accommodation, Sarah, there isn’t much in the big scheme of things and the turnover tends to be on a two yearly basis

is, valuing your place in the big scheme of things and knowing you are an

to know and to search out, and to seek wisdom and the scheme of things, and to know

have found this,” says the Preacher, “one to another, to find out the scheme; 28 which

The great chief became more uneasy and consulted with his wisest advisers for a scheme

’ Ozzie said, ‘He was always going off on some scheme or other – they’ll probably think that he hit pay dirt and buggered off

Several times he paced the floor trying to come up with a scheme whereby they could extract the ore and get it away, but without the car they were completely screwed, and he knew it

To their mother they presented wooden signs, or plaques; one for each of the bungalows, and carved in relief that bungalow’s number and each was painted in its own color scheme

“Harry, money is very useful, but it is also of very limited use in the broad scheme of things

She contemplates the room and tries to imagine it with the colour scheme they are discussing

only too willing to play along with any scheme that caused

He considered the scheme for a

A saloon was included in the scheme of arrangements, isolated from the dining hall proper, it was envisioned more of a sitting room with a bar than a bar with a sitting room

‘ It was a very ill-conceived scheme

But I can’t help wondering that the whole thing was a gigantic scheme! Why? You ask

We believe he will instigate a backup scheme anytime

He appears to have enquired very carefully into this subject {See his scheme for the maintenance of the poor, in Burn’s History of the Poor Laws

He even admitted that his boss thought it was all a scheme she and Luray cooked up

Here is a simple scheme: parents say to the children all

The idea of the possibility of multiplying paper money to almost any extent was the real foundation of what is called the Mississippi scheme, the most extravagant project, both of banking and stock-jobbing, that perhaps the world ever saw

The different operations of this scheme are explained so fully, so clearly, and with so much order and distinctness, by Mr Du Verney, in his Examination of the Political Reflections upon commerce and finances of Mr Du Tot, that I shall not give any account of them

It bears the evident marks of having originally been, what the honest and downright Doctor Douglas assures us it was, a scheme of fraudulent debtors to cheat their creditors

Whatever it wants is most likely related to my parents’ scheme

In the grand scheme this seems to be preordained to a large degree as our normal egos are just puppets for the Universal big mind at large

The seat of such manufactures, as they are generally introduced by the scheme and project of a few individuals, is sometimes established in a maritime city, and sometimes in an inland town, according as their interest, judgment, or caprice, happen to determine

scheme of things, then cut your losses (emotional losses included) and

The Captain and her Security Officer took several turns around the gardens and only the cats, vegetables, flowers and various seedlings were privy to the intricacies of the scheme of actions the Huntress held in store for the loosely federated renegade pirates ‘gone to ground’ in the Waghtnin

“Alright ladies, we kick this little scheme into gear as soon as I hear from each and everyone of you that you are confident in our Deni’s ability to ‘pull your favorite asses out of the fire’! And I’d rather that be in a few days—not weeks! Deal?!”

Under so unfavourable an administration, its progress was necessarily very slow, in comparison with that of other new colonies; but it became much more rapid when this company was dissolved, after the fall of what is called the Mississippi scheme

Martin suddenly was aware of the whole scheme Sloan was attempting as he looked at the screening visual which stopped at the entrance way to Georgetown

This life plan of ours is part of the grand scheme of things, which facilitates our learning in this world

According to the scheme of taxing by requisition, the parliament of Great Britain would stand nearly in the same situation towards the colony assemblies, as the king of France does towards the states of those provinces which still enjoy the privilege of having states of their own, the provinces of France which are supposed to be the best governed

But though, according to this scheme, the colonies could have no just reason to fear that their share of the public burdens should ever exceed the proper proportion to that of their

In order to put Great Britain upon a footing of equality with her own colonies, which the law has hitherto supposed to be subject and subordinate, it seems necessary, upon the scheme of taxing them by parliamentary requisition, that parliament should have some means of rendering its requisitions immediately effectual, in case the colony assemblies should attempt to evade or reject them; and what those means are, it is not very easy to conceive, and it has not yet been explained

scheme of things, but it is big enough to actually

The conversation, generally, is about their prank scheme

She slowly warmed to the scheme and then entered into a sort of conspiratorial attitude as I explained how we would need to conceal her presence

This scheme of making the administration of justice subservient to the purposes of revenue, could scarce fail to be productive of several very gross abuses

scheme featured in one of the paintings on

place in the scheme of things, without the spy in the spire part, the weird camera, and realised as he talked about her how little he knew himself,

The object of his scheme was to promote all the different branches of foreign trade, particularly the carrying trade, by taking away all duties upon importation and exportation, and thereby enabling the merchant to employ his whole capital and credit in the purchase of goods and the freight of ships, no part of either being diverted towards the advancing of taxes, The project, however, of taxing, in this manner, goods of immediate or speedy consumption, seems liable to the four following very important objections

It was the object of the famous excise scheme of Sir Robert Walpole, to establish, with regard to wine and tobacco, a system not very unlike that which is here proposed

But though the bill which was then brought into Parliament, comprehended those two commodities only, it was generally supposed to be meant as an introduction to a more extensive scheme of the same kind

everything but pristine but vaguely had the same colour scheme in

effectual for preventing the two last as the first-mentioned scheme of reformation

Why had he agreed to this wild scheme of just turning up for her birthday party? It was madness

Frank began to tell him about a scheme the committee were considering to put a huge wind-mill in this wall when the restoration was completed to supply the town with electricity

Together they hatched a scheme to show the bigots the error of their ways

were both overturned by the Supreme Court, prior of course, to FDR»s court-packing scheme

It was a contentious and largely unsupported scheme, but it caught my interest

In the grand scheme of things what did his little life matter when there are billions of lives at stake

If she had not played her part in all but seducing Gerrid Lytum into their scheme perhaps he would not have been persuaded; at least put up a greater objection, after his inevitable capture

One promotional scheme that didn’t quite work out was the

The House of Commons will meet this evening to discuss the future of the scheme

She finished by explaining her counterfeiting scheme

She hoped Akstyr would succeed at his portion of the scheme and that they could test the press before the day’s end

Even if she meant her scheme to save the emperor, counterfeiting was high treason—punishable by death—whether she intended to circulate the bills or not

Apparently no one had put her together with the counterfeiting scheme

The Strat Tiles have already been laid, so it’s too late for whatever scheme you’ve thought up

No, he had simply been tolerating her ludicrous scheme because Sespian gave her a bracelet

“What’s the next scheme?”

She thought of the last time she had hastily devised a scheme to pique his interest

He should have reported them to the Council when they’d first suggested this scatterbrained scheme

All she had to do was convince him that his scheme had been successful, and that she was staying for the reasons he had laid out, not in order to launch a counter-assault

It was not a get quick rich scheme but they did become men amongst men

And what are a few more months in the greater scheme of things anyway?

However, for all her planning, Soffen never got the chance to put her scheme into action

The Army first intervened in Angola to safeguard the large Ruacana-Calueque hydro-electric scheme just across the border when all pretensions of law and order disappeared after Portugal left and Angola degenerated into a civil war

They learned from the Chahora Bassa hydro-electric scheme in Mozambique where they lost a lot of money and no doubt votes

* A pyramid scheme is the same as a Ponzi-scheme

This scheme would give the brass a chance to evaluate Smith-Barry’s methods, with a whole wing of pilots trained in a consistent fashion to newer, higher standards

She and Sal talked one entire night, considering one smuggling scheme after the other, but in each, they found insurmountable shortcomings

If the scheme proved viable and she could solicit his participation, her cocaine could possibly begin arriving in the United States again in time to avoid an interruption of the flow to their street dealers, considering current reserves

I ask myself how this thought or emotion rates in the whole scheme of life

Smith-Barry was trying to codify a training scheme

For years, Leon had lusted over his brother’s millions, but in each scheme to slip away with some, Gordon loomed as too potent a figure – until he developed the Plan

The next half hour was spent listening to Leon relating the details of his check-forging scheme

It was not the safety of his own skin that troubled John, but the success of the scheme he had planned that he was worried about

When Gordon explained what Leon’s crazy scheme had been, Truman’s blood ran cold: it sounded far too close to the story Herminia supposedly invented

Anderson in his scheme returned with a wave of grief: she had trusted him and been his most dedicated and loyal employee

may plan and scheme, but it is God who created the world and set the Sun, Moon and

I knew that both Chance Kemp and Fred Cooper were not going to be pleased that I had managed to talk with Mia before them – unless this also was part of Kemp»s grand scheme

Is that much understood now? Am I coming across? Can you reestablish the true position you are in now? Can you fathom that in my greater scheme of things you and your ’people’ are a nuisance I want to deal with efficiently and move on? Or are you that infatuated with your pet idea of a free world that you have been completely cut off from reality? Perhaps you might be thinking it will all sort itself out in the end, aren’t you? How preposterous a notion! I can only find it natural to nurture such gross misconceptions since you are little more than infants, barely able to stand on their own two feet

[13] This name was retained when the ambitious reclamation scheme was first put in hand

Willow and I schemed, and when Izzy looked in the mirror, she stood in horror at the spotted leopard print hair on her head

As his mind schemed, Hevel’s eyes began to lite up with a devious fire

At the thought of Cherva, Grindel frowned, pondering the power he’d given this boar, his eyes clouding as he schemed how he might ensure the badger’s loyalty

Born extremely sheltered and privileged, Roosevelt’s family connections helped get him elected to the New York legislature and several other posts that led to Assistant Secretary of the Navy, where he schemed to get the US involved in the Spanish-American War while the actual Secretary of the Navy was on vacation

It was schemed up with loved ones during Rosh Hashanah when we started reminiscing about my mom’s cooking

towards them while he schemed

“According to a number of sources, not only did Butch verbally threaten to kill his victim; he schemed for several hours how he would corner him in the school’s gymnasium and crush his sternum

Moreover, they schemed to kill him (pth)

The actors themselves dissolved, leaving behind the characters they were playing in their place and with this new return to life they loved, cried, schemed and lamented as

As Bernie, Kurt, and Brian schemed, Victor approached, having slipped off earlier without anyone realizing it

So what would he think when he finds out she just schemed and manipulated her way to the position she’s been longing for since the beginning of last year?

Pharaoh said, «Did you believe in Him before I have given you permission? This is surely a conspiracy you schemed in the city, in order to expel its people from it

Those before them also schemed, but God took their structures from the foundations, and the roof caved in on them

master of the house, and had in no sense schemed this party of pleasure

He schemed to make Joe and Jack Massachusetts residents, even though their legal residence was now Florida, in the hopes that his eldest sons would soon enter politics

After tea, and taking a turn in the garden, my particular, who was the master of the house, and had in no sense schemed this party of pleasure for a dry one, proposed to us, with that frankness which his familiarity at Mrs

He had sat in prison for three years and schemed of ways to retaliate against his ex-wife and her colleagues

Mattie brought her iced tea in a plastic cup, and they schemed ways to make a respectful departure

She had fought and schemed and nursed them through the dark times when Yankee confiscation loomed, when money was tight and smart men going to the wall

Peter Ivánovich’s eyes became inflamed,—he believed what Pákhtin was telling him,—and he would have continued talking for a long time, if Sónya Petróvna had not schemed to get Natálya Nikoláevna to put on her mantilla, and had not come herself to raise Peter Ivánovich from his seat

‘How much I exacted for myself; how I schemed and did not manage to gain anything but shame and sorrow! and, there now, I require nothing to be happy;’ and suddenly a new light seemed to reveal itself to him

This has forced them to curtail on such expenses and also reduce/do away with the assured returns on the pension schemes

They are bickering happily as they leave the house, arguing over the relative merits of various colour schemes … what a pair!

Not only have I saved you and your lovely little miss from that old bastard’s schemes and plots, but I’ve also taught you a lesson

The room became a plotter’s den slanted with plans and schemes

The style had a few themes from Minoan times, mainly the color schemes and the fact that there were no depictions of important men, and it was all connected into one building

So, in disappointment of the hopeful schemes of both sets of parents, the match fizzled and faded without consummation

man who brings wicked schemes to

Anon had expected more lies, half-truths and schemes from the mouth of the Dead God, certainly not truth

The Elf continued, “That Husim is still mining the memories of innocent victims to aid his schemes isn’t so very surprising I suppose

distinction of ranks has once been completely established, there have been always two different schemes or systems of morality current at the same time; of which the one may be called the strict or austere; the other the liberal, or, if you will, the loose system

” At that, the two Halfling friends leaned over the countertop and started sketching, dreaming, and conspiring as they often did, especially when they were hatching their best schemes

The litany of abuses predicated in the name of free expression, or proxy ―decisions‖ made on behalf of others who are unable to make informed decisions, are understood by the hordes of mentally ill people roaming the streets, who should be otherwise institutionalized for their own safety, if not for the safety of our society, for that matter, who remain on the streets, unable to properly care for themselves, mandated by civil rights organizations fearful that their rights may be jeopardized, people otherwise incapable of making a rational assessment of their own condition; not to mention conferring legitimacy to sexual deviancy in all its varieties that many of us have casually resigned ourselves to as ―simply‖ alternative lifestyles or championing (equal) protection under the law, that, in some instances, should call for censorship, or implausible assumptions regarding the ―unborn,‖ (Abortion) remanding millions of innocents to an early grave, a convenience for women fretting over their figures or professional careers, abetted by spineless politicians, who for expediency sake, continue advancing legislation denying them (―unborn‖) their own inalienable right to choose, had they the means, or encouraging a culture of death (Euthanasia) for the convenience of (the) would-be custodians of the terminally ill or perhaps to (simply) reduce the increasing costs of Healthcare, or the legalization of drugs because that too is a convenient alternative for a number of individuals who have seemingly lost the will to rid our society of rampant drug abuse and therefore justify such (hare-brained) schemes from the vantage point of opportunity savings or reduced social costs, or movements to eliminate God from the public consciousness lest society be reminded of its sins or perhaps because many of us have (conveniently) chosen to become our own gods

The same people who obviously had been the architects of both schemes endured grueling questioning yet, to his immense relief, not one revealed his operation

Fraudulent investment schemes in reforestation projects, resorts and restaurants took a heavy toll, but, by far, real estate was the worst

Thieves have many schemes for getting your number, ranging from bluetooth skimmers which, installed on top of a legitimate readers, grab information and send it to a nearby laptop, to waitresses simply writing down the data from the card

Caroline took her time, considering dozens of schemes searching for the most wicked, before deciding to inform on him for drug trafficking

They were up against a being of unimaginable power, not based solely on its manipulations, schemes, and outright terror practices

He was caught up in the schemes of the Patriarch

The Scriptures infer the same principle: «When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong» (Ecclesiastes 8:11)

To raise direct taxes was unthinkable, even in a Congress that was willing to go along with most of Roosevelts schemes

In this way he could get his unconstitutional New Deal schemes declared

And knowing that it quite likely may have been a wasted effort, our unknown enemy no doubt has other schemes afoot to accomplish the same ends

Me, my sister who hates me and is up to her schemes and her boyfriend

We found that Zarkog would allow us our schemes, and that we could get away with almost anything, so long as it caused no open dissension, did not cause a decrease in production, and did not reduce the military capabilities of the army

This is not about reward schemes or tricking someone else into paying for your travels

” (Italics mine) Out of this mind-set developed the concept of racial preferences (affirmative action) and other anti-individualist schemes

He concluded that the “most potent factor” was “All cooperative schemes which provide equal remuneration to the skilled and industrious and the ignorant and idle, must work their own downfall, for by this unjust plan of remuneration they must of necessity eliminate the valuable members

They are in effect government sponsored ponzi schemes where

I am not surprised by his schemes because the boys imagine these things to be easy

There were other girls who were kept in separate wards of the hospital, hidden from prying eyes, who were involuntary participants in Jacob’s schemes

“The history of Guardon’s spawning and the schemes of his Demigod father long have I studied

All the thoughts and schemes in your head, those are where your freedom lies

He is implanted with new thoughts, schemes, and routines

so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes

would provide excellent cover for their many schemes and scams, including the

because it offers many attractive schemes that pay good

You are not obliged to help us, but I thought that as you had already crossed swords with Hu Lyang — and Marianne and yourself had almost been murdered, you might be interested in having his schemes upset…he’s in KwaZulu-Natal for the next two weeks so there is no danger of us running into him and being recognised…what do you say?…’

4 Though Jesus knew that the plan for his death had its origin in the councils of the rulers of the Jews, he was also aware that all such nefarious schemes had the full approval of Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia

schemes to make these teachers accountable

“Is this another one of your crazy schemes for my life? You’re

another of her schemes unfolded

look she always got when one of her schemes was about to be

with every one of your little schemes

VUlentary License Schemes

not conform to metered (rhyme) schemes

(rhyme) schemes are eliminated and replaced with enjambment

As their profits increased and as they discovered the ease with which governments could be manipulated they became bolder and designed grander schemes with farther reaching implications

We have suffered two world wars because of the schemes and plans of these individuals

The politician was away in Mumbai where he planned to give talks on his new schemes for bettering the country

(A) There are many schemes devised for the disruption and the continuity of daily life in the united States

schemes quashed his dreams of a blissful marital life with

the schemes that he uses to interpret the world

This does not even take into consideration undetected plots and schemes that may never surface

Nevertheless, no matter how much they killed themselves with work, no matter how much money they eked out, and no matter how many schemes they thought of, their guardian angels were asleep with fatigue while they put in coins and took them out trying to get just enough to live with

The colorful schemes tattooed to the various tropical fish, stimulated virtually everyone in the dive party, all who now started swimming towards the coral environment

Harry had surprisingly restrained views on colour schemes and suggested a very inoffensive light-greenish cream for the walls, because that matched the front door

Soon he was involved in moneymaking schemes, never the front man, preferring to plan and organize others

There are protection schemes just like it in Chicago,

But, as in all his schemes it contained elements of strategic inspiration

“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors have come to their fullness, a king shall arise who understands sinister schemes

As a warmonger, he believed right lies in strength alone and obsessed with schemes of killing others en masse so that his kind could rule supreme for a thousand years

The most populous nation’s mix of seemingly incompatible private and public ownership systems gives cause to reflect on the different schemes of production and distribution of goods and services

investors worry when they don’t? One reason is because stock markets are pyramid schemes,

They’re nothing more than delayed compensation schemes

Furthermore, he has been involved in various smuggling schemes

immense as he executes his power schemes without regard to who

“All the best business and military ventures are pyramid schemes,” Brock said

We dreamed up so many schemes and tactics for defending ourselves from the New World Order

Hands on it one minute, then suddenly snatched away with their dreams and schemes five hours later

Wow! Never in my wildest dreams or schemes

On Earth, he would have never engaged in Machiavellian schemes, he told himself

had steadfastly refused to co-operate with any of Harry’s schemes and,

Wouldn’t you know it? Another one of Mom’s well-thought-out schemes that she considers to be humorous

Modi’s economic model looks like a well-spun dream of market-driven growth and prosperity; the Nitish model is driven by a series of pro-poor schemes

Poetry is a wild horse, one that doesn’t want be fenced in by overly-conscious schemes

It is vain to deny that in the actual working machinery and administration of our Church, in its arrangements, plans, schemes, and normal organization, the lay members have comparatively no place at all! Do the bishops meet in solemn conclave at Lambeth Palace to consider the state of our Zion? There is no place for the laity,- Does Convocation hold its annual debates? There is no representation of the laity,- Does the bishop of a diocese make his annual arrangements for the work of his See? Has he any difficult problem to solve about discipline or the best mode of dealing with some criminous clerk? He has no council of laymen,- Has a vacant living or incumbency to be filled up? The appointment is made without the slightest regard to the opinion of the parishioners

I only ask, in reply, whether churchwardens are not, as a rule, appointed with very little regard to spiritual qualifications? I ask whether their annual attendance at visitations is not ordinarily a mere ceremony and form? How many churchwardens know anything about a visitation, except that they go to a certain town, hear a charge about some dry subject which very possibly they do not understand, perhaps dine with the other churchwardens, and then go home? How many churchwardens accept office with the least idea of taking a constant active interest in all the Church’s affairs? How many of them are expected to know anything about the Church’s doctrines, ceremonies, government, difficulties, schemes, or plans? They are often most excellent men, and capable of doing excellent service

A revolutionary spirit, we all know, has been frequently in the air during the last fifty years, and a disposition to pull down all established institutions, and substitute new-fangled schemes of government, has repeatedly shown itself

investment schemes that had, in earlier times,

Kolver, then the Registrar of Medical Aid Schemes, for registration of a new

“Living secure from the schemes of men, protected against their maliciousness by the gods, we had cultivated a thing of immeasurable challenge: that nothing remained ever to be wanted

‘There was a minor row,’ explained Roopa, ‘raked up in the local press about the advisability of spending millions on them, bringing the schemes for the poor to a grinding halt

I propose we legalise prostitution and have registered places of business with medical schemes and pensions in place for the sex worker industry

They will help you to purchase through zero-interest installment schemes

“You will get use to Augusta and her schemes after a while, but it

The conscious mind seperates head from heart in schemes filled with head doing the comprehension first

“They have their schemes

This verse serves: “they put plans to disprove this revelation and to stand in the way of declaring the truth, but I, too, plan to forestall their purpose and frustrate their schemes, for without fail, you will be supported whereas your enemies will be defeated

The flashes start taking a turn to the negative side of life: me stealing a piece of candy at the food store at age eight, college cheating on a test by copying Rachel’s, wanting to have sex with that cute guy at the food store, schemes of mean things I can do to Lily, my seething hatred toward Amy

And Odin coming to spoil his schemes is so normal

However, I too make plans to forestall their purpose and frustrate their schemes, for you will be supported without fail, whereas your enemies will be defeated

He broke into their hiding places, thwarted their schemes and confounded their criminal deeds, until they were beaten into submission

schemes that do not support his own, from any information contrary to his «vision

was stated in the definition, only because schemes, opinions, views, desires formed

” integrating the chip-trip, her AS popped up with various monetization schemes tailored to her statistical individuality

It was as if, having opened her mind to the dark side in her plotting and scheming, she had welcomed in the spirit of the lycanthrope, although she remained sufficiently cold-blooded not to have changed her shape

As that scheming Scots bastard says, I need a plan

“Our Deni isn’t the meek bean-counter she was when she was tossed into our company by her scheming masters in the Guild

Such a mind must always be thinking, scheming, controlling

It was funny to see the cadets struggling with their boxes, scheming and using their wits to figure how to do it using the least amount of energy

scheming politicians to attract potential voters

Phillipe Bunau Varilla, a corrupt French businessman, played a central role in the scheming for Panamanian independence to get the canal for the US

There had been US efforts to build a canal in Central America for 60 years before the scheming that led to the Panamanian uprising for independence

“The fuck is up cuz…you scheming on my scrilla?” The man said with a

There was something scheming in that mansion and these friends were going to find out

that time, without guile, played his harp to comfort his enemy, the scheming King

such is the impulsive power of the scheming wrong doer

But, doctor, I would wager that this is exactly what the Occidental Union Administrators are scheming

“But, why?” By his expression, she knew the Pastor didn’t know what she was asking, so she said, “I don’t understand why Satan puts all this effort into scheming

With all my family’s scheming and planning we never were found out

I REALIZED how Number One Fan could be that scheming

This scheming, wicked woman started to pay much attention to Egil

Behind the scenes, his son Absalom, is scheming to usurp the throne

He mentally cursed the vainglorious extravagance which had put him in debt to the money-lenders and made him a pawn of scheming politicians

still scheming and plotting and you never knew what she was going

What were the energy vampires up to? Their scheming behavior was highly uncharacteristic

“Oh Popet Shiv wanker! He’s a thieving scheming little rat, but he blows his dirty earnings in here so who am I to complain

Despite the scheming of Kincaid, it may call for some analysis because what he did is not without some merit

? The scheming bitch! How could she have done this to me

Mitchell glanced at his scheming expression in the mirror

Wedon, being elevated to high priest by the god Quetzalcoatl himself made him the most powerful priest in Anahuac, no priest would dare to usurp this god-given position, all other priests would come under his direct guidance and their usual scheming would be stopped by him, before it could fester and infect the whole priesthood as it had under the Teoti

And as the young man went, he was spotted afar, so the brothers went to scheming of what they could do to rid themselves of the problem of brother Joseph, conspiring to kill him

the man, and his scheming mother, which are not

She knew that some little piece of information, which he had acquired on one of his archaeological expeditions to the ancient computer worlds had changed him from being a loyal servant during his first few years as second-in-command to a scheming usurper of present

of the scheming of brother officers, both superior (Broulard) and

He was also a skilled and shameless liar, rude to subordinates, scheming towards his boss and quickly

He’ll be scheming up a plan, I just know it

They seemed to be scheming and plotting against her

the scheming, the cover-up and the corruption

will enjoy the plotting and scheming that can be employed to ensure winning

I stiffened, sensing the watchful tenseness that flickered over her thoughts, layered with a cold pleasure, almost like she was silently scheming

That ugly monster from down the core of the earth is perhaps laughing hysterically while hearing Grace‘s story, and even scheming for another attack

We finally get it – we are the skeleton pyramid for their billion dollar space house scheming

When she attained her teen years, she already observed the very selfish and scheming attitude of her parents

He had spent a difficult day thinking and scheming for the best way to get rid of his adversary and he needed a short rest before carrying out this duty

Al’lah says: “…Satan’s scheming is weak indeed

When plotting and scheming for your business, pay attention to the ideas that surround you

How much longer would she be able to ride as she had this morning, with the wind gushing through her hair? How many more summers would her body retain the firmness of youth? Her mind went to the King’s patient and scheming mistress, that royal protocol and centuries of infidelity forced her to accept

After I had lamely smacked him in the arm a couple of times, he got a scheming look in his eye

Scheming selling practices are rarely successful when it comes to dealing with

When Kate heard their scheming, she decided it was time to end this

She had been treated shabbily, deprived of a vast fortune that was rightfully hers, by her scheming sister and her vindictive old grandmother

‘Akhim must have been brought into help’ he thought “Our chats had been about planning and scheming and his knowledge as a forger was unparallel, he must be an expert if he is employed by the Sheik’

He always seemed to be plotting and scheming against me, trying to make the tribe hate me

the scheming and deception is they try to cover

Kurt’s scheming was interrupted by a roar from the bar as Notre Dame picked off another errant pass for a pick six

The two of them, scheming up a plan, a ruse, and what I saw now was only a part of it

If anyone ever found out that she was scheming to get Cam to go on a date with her, they’d think she was a bitch for doing that to a friend, even though it was her other friends’ idea

He used to think she was extremely immature by trying to control everything and everyone by manipulating and scheming to get what she wanted, and was happy when she finally eased up and started to relax

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming

He told her that it was just a dream that had disturbed him, and in any event he thought the public had the right to know what they were scheming

It hasn’t been handed to me on a plate though; I’ve built up an exporting empire through lying, cheating, scheming and crushing anyone who got in my way

So you should be constantly working and scheming so that your

Could he be scheming something?

And while Cami had been used to paying attention to those kinds of things in the city, Vince did it with a relish she never felt—and out of a genuine concern for everyone around him instead of in the scheming worry about social rank that motivated so many of her acquaintances

Your scheming is serious indeed

Thereupon his Lord answered him, and diverted their scheming away from him

«This is that he may know that I did not betray him in secret, and that God does not guide the scheming of the betrayers

Priding themselves on earth, and scheming evil

But evil scheming overwhelms none but its authors

» But the scheming of the unbelievers can only go astray

What goes on is under-the-table scheming or trades that aren’t quite even-Steven

Her relations were poor and scheming, with the exception of my father; he was poor enough, but not timeserving or jealous

To her, Annet had always been a powerful, threatening figure, ever scheming to take Wulfric back

‘While you were riding about the country in expensive motor-cars, and galloping proudly on blood-horses, and breakfasting on the fat of the land, those two poor devoted animals have been camping out in the open, in every sort of weather, living very rough by day and lying very hard by night; watching over your house, patrolling your boundaries, keeping a constant eye on the stoats and the weasels, scheming and planning and contriving how to get your property back for you

I say that we should be scheming how to get out of it

The discipline that had marked their scheming in the past seemed to be dissolving

On Sundays, Ralph and Betty would sometimes host a few expat Aussie thespians such as the great actor Leo McKern, who later became famous as Number Two in Patrick McGoohan’s The Prisoner and as Horace Rumple in Rumpole of the Bailey; Bill Kerr, who I knew as the innocent stooge to Sid James’s scheming spiv in Hancock’s Half Hour; and Shirley Abicair, who sang bewitching songs on the television, accompanied by the zither

Once we had a title and had settled on the letter as our lyrical form, the variations came to us very easily: a child’s note, a postcard from a regretful lover, the reply of an eccentric aunt to a begging letter from scheming relations

“We are constantly murmuring, muttering, scheming, or wondering to ourselves under our breath,” wrote Epstein

When you lurch from one thing to the next, constantly scheming, or reacting to incoming fire, the mind gets exhausted

O ’tis said that Men cannot be rap’d, but Bonny prov’d it untrue! My Woman’s Heart knew not whether to salute her Cunning or damn her as a scheming Bitch! I ponder’d to myself, yet for the Life of me I could not damn her

The constant scheming

I hear your voice sometimes, as well as Chris’s, urging me to keep going, and in my little back garden hut, I’ve been scheming away

And villainous the black characters certainly are in this film, plotting, scheming, and stealing women

An underling caught his arm, scheming and proud to have him at a disadvantage

“Not in your sense of the word, but in mine you are scheming to destroy me

His mind, now disengaged from the cares which had pressed on him at first, was at leisure to find the Grants and their young inmates really worth visiting; and though infinitely above scheming or contriving for any the most advantageous matrimonial establishment that could be among the apparent possibilities of any one most dear to him, and disdaining even as a littleness the being quick-sighted on such points, he could not avoid perceiving, in a grand and careless way, that Mr

Had he appeared surprised at his own arrest, or feigned indignation at it, I should have looked upon it as highly suspicious, because such surprise or anger would not be natural under the circumstances, and yet might appear to be the best policy to a scheming man

  • Use the word SCHEME in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Dem start to scheme For the same corruption and thief

As you know… every diabolical scheme that I have hatched… has been thwarted by Austin Powers.

The scheme is approved by many. But one member violently opposes same.

Should Philipp Collin not hurry with his Stock Market’s scheme, some people may ruin his plans.

It’s a built-up scheme, without cutting down the hill or having it get in the way.

I made the hill fit in with the architectural scheme.

Somebody swiped my scheme, eh?

Lf your scheme were practical, which it isn’t, what would prevent Wilmer from telling the police about the falcon and all of us?

What was your scheme for disposing of Thursby?

I bet they’ve got some scheme on that’ll make you do things you don’ t approve of if you don’t look out.

Now I see your little scheme.

It’s been done… but you got to figure out some perfect scheme.

You figured out this little scheme to get some quick dough.

You know, running a plantation sometimes gets on the nerves. With your husband arriving sick and wondering just how you were going to fit into the scheme of things here…

Theres a scheme of things.

I finally figured out their scheme.


About my scheme, Miss Drake.

Holmes, where did you get this scheme?

scheme, connive, play both ends against the middle live on the edge of a volcano liable to blow up?


In all my years as a jurist… I have never witnessed such a flagrant abuse of the court… such a perjurious scheme to obtain money under false pretenses.

He had a wild scheme for silencing warplanes.

Remember that scheme to revive the celluloid collar a couple of years ago?

I have brought up my daughter… for the English throne, I know but don’t you imagine that I don’t know how you scheme behind my back and support even revolts yes madam, you have brought up the crown prince of Prussia badly

Sorry I couldn’t have been of more help, Mr. Chan… but Marloff saw through our jailbreak scheme.

I know, we all thought our vampire scheme was so simple, so certain of success.

Is quite my most impossible scheme come true lmagine finding a dream like you

Well, Mr. Darnay, how does it feel to belong to this terrestrial scheme again? To taste, to feel, to be alive?

They always have a little scheme.

Very clever scheme to establish perfect alibi.

Did your scheme work all right?

I pay $20,000 for a car, have it made to order, upholstered to order, design the color scheme myself, and now it won’t go.

I think you’re in on this scheme to take Bud away, just so you can steal his invention.

They had to have you in their scheme to prove their lie, that I dishonored you.

And if you take my advice, you, too, will abandon this mad scheme.

But here I must say that we’d both agreed our marriage was to be a marriage in name only, and those two long weeks were spent working out a winning scheme.

You got to scheme, you got to figure out how to kill.

My, how tanned you’ve gotten, V.S. I didn’t allow for that in the color scheme.

With fire and sword, we will purge the land of these traitorous aliens and throttle their every deadly scheme till once more, our beloved stars and stripes will wave over a united nation of free, white, 100 percent Americans.

So devised clever scheme to remove suspicion from self… by having Miller murder pilot Edwards and steal robot from test plane.

That’s a very clever scheme.

Because, my friend, I have discovered that England… is not the proper place to work out my scheme.

If you’d only listen a minute and stop jumping to conclusions… you’d see what a great scheme this is.

But now I am going to tell you what is wrong with your scheme.

I’m sorry, Mr. President, I should have realized this was simply a desperate scheme to save those men.

I must commend Your Highness for the subtlety of your scheme.

It’s a pet scheme of mine-

Sentences using the word scheme. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use scheme in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for scheme.

  • So I scheme it. (10)
  • The scheme advanced. (4)
  • I exposed the whole scheme. (16)
  • It was a rational scheme, to be sure! (4)
  • He heard me, and my scheme succeeded. (10)
  • The scheme was soon repeated to Henry. (4)
  • It does not come into your scheme of things. (8)
  • She tried to fathom the scheme he entertained. (10)
  • This acting scheme gets worse and worse, you see. (4)
  • I laid a scheme for Mr. Pericles to hear me sing. (10)
  • One night he asked me what my scheme of life was. (10)
  • If they persist in the scheme, they will find something. (4)
  • So ended this ambitious scheme for the conquest of Quebec! (19)
  • That is, he was boring away about that scheme of his again. (9)
  • Pardon a wretched little scheme to save you from annoyance! (10)
  • Can I do that, my dear, for the furtherance of a scheme I condemn? (10)
  • As we talked it over the scheme enlarged itself in our riotous fancy. (9)
  • I waive my own scheme for the lad, though I think it the better one. (10)
  • Some indefinite scheme was in his head in this treatment of his son. (10)
  • He could not, however, remain indifferent to this new and dangerous scheme. (8)
  • There could be no harm in a scheme, a mere passive scheme. (4)
  • The scheme departs: payment for the enlisted servants of it is in prospect. (10)
  • The felicitations included recognition of the originality of her whole scheme. (9)
  • Every flattering scheme of being of consequence to her soon fell to the ground. (4)
  • One has only to begin to scheme, to shorten life to half-a-dozen hops and jumps. (10)
  • For him to be pitied by Laetitia seemed an upsetting of the scheme of Providence. (10)
  • Humiliation hung on the scheme; it struck to scorching in the contemplation of it. (10)
  • His scheme to rescue Renee was right and good; but was he the man that should do it? (10)
  • It would be such a delicious scheme; and I dare say would hardly cost anything at all. (4)
  • Her plan met with more opposition from Providence than so benevolent a scheme deserved. (8)
  • He had a reason of his own connected with a pet building scheme, for observing Bosinney. (8)
  • She is clever, and a certain diversion exists in the united scheme for confounding her. (10)
  • The only thing that shakes my faith in the scheme is the fact that I first suggested it. (9)
  • But as a matter of fact the flour shipment was merely a cloak to carry on a deeper scheme. (18)
  • Nevertheless, she was drawn to the edge of it by the contemplation of her scheme of release. (10)
  • Nothing would be complete without her; no work bear fruit; no scheme could have full meaning. (8)
  • Was there no scheme of some other sort, and far less agreeable, to make amends for Steignton? (10)
  • It seemed preposterous to him that he should take a cab, when he had not settled upon a scheme. (22)
  • And she appeared to be still undaunted, full of her scheme, and could cry without fear of floods. (10)
  • And she appeared to be still undaunted, full of her scheme, and could cry without fear of floods. (22)
  • Kindness of heart, combined with a great scheme in the brain, easily put aside conventional rules. (10)
  • Nicholson himself was there at the English Court to press the scheme upon Queen Anne and her ministers. (19)
  • Such another scheme, composed of so many ill-assorted people, she hoped never to be betrayed into again. (4)
  • The talk indicated a settled scheme for certain members of the party to reach Milan from the Como road. (10)
  • Like him, she had tried the scheme and rejected it; but such an alternative as this had not occurred to her. (4)
  • The circle of a year, beginning so fairly for them, enfolded the ladies and their first great scheme of life. (10)
  • They must, on the supposition of their entry into office, even to satisfy their own constituents, produce a scheme. (10)
  • She herself would have felt a little shock on his behalf: only, that answer suited the scheme of the pair of lovers. (10)
  • She would not travel; she would fix in this London of theirs, and scheme to be hailed the accepted Countess of Ormont. (10)
  • They were to learn together, play together, have matches together, as a scheme for stopping the mischief between them. (10)
  • Harry, who was fond of Drummond, offered to accompany him, and Laxley, for the sake of a diversion, fell into the scheme. (10)
  • I saw that she wanted to mortify me, and was resolved if I possibly could to Prevent her seeing that her scheme succeeded. (4)
  • He pretended to suppose that Dahlia, whose only reproach to him was her suffering, participated in the scheme to worry him. (22)
  • The scheme was one in which she had been prominent from the start, appealing as it did to her large and full-blooded nature. (8)
  • But before he could really carry out this dangerous scheme the English admiral once more showed his face in the St. Lawrence. (19)
  • Feeling like one who squirts on a burning haystack with a garden syringe, Felix propounded this scheme to his little daughter. (8)
  • I dragged along through several months of that winter, and did my best to carry out that notable scheme of not minding my vertigo. (9)
  • One may conceive that there was a natural resemblance between him and Menander, both in the scheme and style of his lighter plays. (10)
  • The lordly gentleman plotted out a scheme of colonisation and conquest in that region with the coolness of a practised freebooter. (10)
  • In fact, she as good as confessed her scheme to plot for the acknowledged position of Countess of Ormont in the English social world. (10)
  • Unfortunately for the success of this scheme, sufficient ships and troops and money were not forthcoming at the right moment from France. (19)
  • Governor de Montmagny bade the pioneers welcome, and, after listening to their scheme, told them flatly that he thought it was all a mistake. (19)
  • It would be going only to multiply trouble to the others, and increase his own distress; and a much better scheme followed and was acted upon. (4)
  • Lavender had been growing more and more excited at each word he overheard, for a scheme of really stupendous proportions was shaping itself within him. (8)
  • With these in hand March began practically to plan the first number, and to concrete a general scheme from the material and the experience they furnished. (9)
  • Even he made no essential change in the scheme established by Lully beyond greatly enlarging the sphere of the orchestra, originating novel rhythms and bolder harmonies. (3)

Also see sentences for: angle, breed, brew, cipher, conspire, contrivance, contrive.

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Used with adjectives:

«James proposed a detailed scheme to the group.«
(detailed , ambitious, imaginative, creative, inventive, brilliant, crazy)

«I like the color scheme of this apartment.«
(color, decorating, lighting, paint)

Used with verbs:

«The detective solved the robber’s scheme.«
(solved, discovered, cracked, figured out)

«He has a brilliant scheme to attract customers.«
(has, proposed, planned, designed, prepared, came up with)

«Please design a color scheme for our kitchen.«
(design, choose, pick, select, decide on)

«The thieves thought up an evil scheme to steal people’s money.«
(thought up, invented, created, developed, devised, drew up)

«Their scheme to take over the company was exposed.«
(be + exposed, be + revealed, be + uncovered)

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