The word satisfaction in a sentence

Antonym: discontent. Similar words: benefaction, satisfied, unsatisfied, dissatisfied, action, fraction, reaction, cessation. Meaning: [‚sætɪs’fækʃn]  n. 1. the contentment you feel when you have done something right 2. state of being gratified; great satisfaction 3. compensation for a wrong 4. act of fulfilling a desire or need or appetite. 

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1. He signed his name with evident satisfaction.

2. He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race.

3. My current level of job satisfaction is pretty low.

4. She got great satisfaction from helping people to learn.

5. He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection.

6. He gets perverse satisfaction from embarrassing people.

7. The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction.

8. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction.

9. She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.

10. She laughed her satisfaction.

11. Are you looking for greater fulfillment and satisfaction in your work?

12. He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller.

13. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi 

14. He nodded with a peculiarly male satisfaction at her capitulation.

15. The boy explained to the satisfaction of the court why he had lied.

16. Satisfaction doesn’t come from the outside, but from the inside.

17. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

18. How would you rate your job satisfaction?

19. She derived/obtained great satisfaction from/out of helping other people.

20. She felt a warm glow of satisfaction.

21. She extracted satisfaction from the success of her daughter.

22. He nodded with evident satisfaction.

23. She watched in satisfaction as he opened the present.

24. We view these latest developments with concern/suspicion/satisfaction.

25. She felt a small glow of satisfaction.

26. There is in liberty as in innocence and virtue a satisfaction one can only feel in their enjoyment and a pleasure which can cease only when lost. 

27. Guilt always hurries towards its complement, punishment; only there does its satisfaction lie. 

27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

28. I really believe that it is possible to both improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs.

29. She can look back on her career with great satisfaction.

30. I doubt I’ll ever get rich, but I get job satisfaction.

More similar words: benefaction, satisfied, unsatisfied, dissatisfied, action, fraction, reaction, cessation, sensation, accusation, attraction, take action, compensation, interaction, transaction, practitioner, condensation, conversation, organisation, dispensation, improvisation, ratification, gratification, fiction, section, auction, election, eviction, function, reduction. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I am once again doing something I enjoy and have job satisfaction.

Я занимаюсь тем делом, которое мне нравится, получаю удовлетворение и удовольствие от работы.

Your dissatisfaction arises from not having found complete satisfaction.

Ваша неудовлетворенность возникает оттого, что вы не нашли полное удовлетворение.

We focus on buyer value and satisfaction.

И в первую очередь мы делаем ставку на качество и удовлетворенность покупателей».

Job satisfaction is related with motivation.

Do what gives you pleasure and satisfaction.

Делайте то, что действительно вас радует и доставляет удовольствие.

Being free means doing something that brings you satisfaction.

Делать то, что доставляет удовольствие, — значит быть свободным.

Politically we are interested in all these disputes being settled to mutual satisfaction.

В политическом плане мы заинтересованы в том, чтобы все эти споры были урегулированы к обоюдному удовлетворению.

They can thus maximize their satisfaction.

Таким образом, они могут максимизировать свое удовлетворение.

Only this is important and brings satisfaction, and maybe success.

Только это имеет значение и приносит удовлетворение, а может, и успех.

Last time we studied to see what the satisfaction was.

В прошлый раз мы учились, чтобы увидеть, какое удовлетворение было.

Remote full-time workers have the highest rate of job satisfaction.

Удаленные работники, занятые полный рабочий день, имеют самый высокий уровень удовлетворенности работой.

A 2008 study found that marital satisfaction improves once children leave home.

В 2008 году исследование показывает, что семейное удовлетворение улучшается, когда дети покидают дом.

We find that access to broadband internet reduces sleep duration and sleep satisfaction.

Мы обнаружили, что доступ к широкополосному интернету сокращает продолжительность сна и удовлетворенность от сна».

Constant changes are done till the desired level of satisfaction is reached.

Наши постоянные изменения делаются до тех пор, пока мы не достигнем желаемого уровня полного удовлетворения.

Id continuously strives for satisfaction both in reality and in dreams.

Ид стремится к удовлетворению непрерывно, как наяву, так и во сне.

Self satisfaction alone cannot determine if a desire or action is positive or negative.

Нет… удовлетворение само по себе не определяет, является ли ваше желание или действие положительным или отрицательным.

Agency workers consistently report high levels of satisfaction and appreciate their careers being monitored by professionals.

Работники агентств постоянно сообщают о высоком уровне удовлетворенности и ценят тот факт, что их карьера «под присмотром» профессионалов.

This concept summarizes positive connections between work and family variables when job satisfaction beneficially affects family life.

В целом «перетекание» — это понятие позитивных связей между трудовыми и семейными переменными, когда удовлетворенность работой благотворно влияет на семейную жизнь.

Over time they reported progressively lower levels of commitment and satisfaction in their relationships.

Более того, в ходе исследования, эти участники сообщили о постепенно понижающемся уровне приверженности и удовлетворенности в своих отношениях.

Supports the balancing of work/life considerations to enhance employee satisfaction.

Поддерживает сбалансированность интересов работы и семейной жизни в целях повышения удовлетворенности работников.

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satisfaction — перевод на русский


— Is it satisfaction you want?

Вам нужно удовлетворение?

«Satisfaction guaranteed.» That’s my motto.

«Удовлетворение гарантировано» — вот мой лозунг

Come on, give me the satisfaction.

— Ну, дай мне удовлетворение.

I won’t forget that sense of satisfaction at my achievement.

Никогда не забуду, какое удовлетворение я испытывал от моих достижений.

I would not find any satisfaction in that.

Кроме того, не думаю, что было бы удовлетворение.

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It gives us satisfaction to offer you a post with us.

И имеем удовольствие предложить вам стать его сотрудником.

You take some horrible sort of satisfaction… in seeing people torn apart!

Вы находите особое удовольствие глядя, как людей разрывает на части!

Because, aside from my fee, which Lazar will pay anyway, it gives me satisfaction to make people happy.

Потому как кроме тех денег, которые Лейзер мне так и так заплатит… мне доставляет удовольствие… делать людей счастливыми.

You know, for a man who abhors violence, I must say I took great satisfaction in doing that.

Вы знаете, для человека, который не терпит насилия, я должен сказать, что получил большое удовольствие, делая это.

«It is their pleasure to open for you «and their satisfaction to close again «with the knowledge of a job well done. »

ƒл€ нее удовольствие Ч открытьс€ дл€ ¬ас и удовольствие закрытьс€ снова с осознанием хорошо выполненной работы.»

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partly to satisfy my opinion, and partly for the satisfaction, look you, of my mind…

отчасти — чтобы я мог укрепить своё мнение, отчасти для сатисфакции — как бы это сказать — моего ума…

We didn’t even have that satisfaction,..

Мы не получили подобной сатисфакции.

You must tell them I intend to demand satisfaction.

Ты должен сказать им, что я буду требовать сатисфакции.

Has he already demanded satisfaction?

Он уже потребовал сатисфакции?

In such a manner, and to such an extent no gentleman can willingly suffer without demanding satisfaction however much time intervenes.

В такой манере и в такой степени, что джентльмен не мог бы оставить это без сатисфакции сколько бы врем ни прошло.

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I’m sure you’ll find the service to your satisfaction.

Уверен, вы останетесь довольны.

Everything is settled to everyone’s satisfaction.

Ну все улажено, все довольны.

I trust the beer is to your satisfaction, Sir?

Надеюсь, вы довольны пивом, сэр?

I believe he may have managed them to your satisfaction.

А мне кажется, что довольны остались вы.

To your satisfaction I hope, Miss Ellison.

Надеюсь, вы довольны, мисс Эллисон.

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I’m sure Dr. Sorenson will be able to explain it to your satisfaction.

Я уверена, что доктор Соренсон сможет вам всё подробно объяснить, что сможет удовлетворить вас.

But what I have discovered is that touch is the only way to amuse us. Our one tactile satisfaction.

Но я понял, что прикосновения — единственный способ удовлетворить нас.

You don’t even give me enough satisfaction

Ты даже меня не можешь удовлетворить.

If you can prove to our satisfaction that those responsible for the violence will remain in custody.

Вы должны удовлетворить наше требование взять под стражу ответственных за насилие.

Because I haven’t been answering my phone to your satisfaction?

Потому что я не ответила на звонок, чтобы тебя удовлетворить?

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Mr. Neville, I will take all three states… of your satisfaction into consideration.

Мистер Нэвилл, я приму во внимание все три стадии вашей удовлетворенности.

-Look of total satisfaction.

Выражение полной удовлетворенности.

I just didn’t want to give your little friend there the satisfaction. But he was right about the security.

Я просто не хотела давать там твоему дружку удовлетворенности, но он был прав по подводу охраны.

You don’t give a toss about customer satisfaction.

Ты не даешь жеребьевку об удовлетворенности клиентов.

A look of satisfaction on his big fat stupid face.

На его глупом лице было выражение удовлетворенности. Счастливый убийца. «Роза потеряла лепестки так внезапно» На его глупом лице было выражение удовлетворенности.

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His eyes, because they were filled with this immense satisfaction.

Его глаза излучали огромную радость.

Of course, Lilith’s smug satisfaction was a little hard to bear, though… especially considering how long it’s been since the circus came to my town.

Конечно, нелегко было переносить самодовольную радость Лилит особенно учитывая, что уже давненько цирк не приезжал в мой город.

We can’t do anything that brings us any kind of satisfaction or release.

— Я знаю, знаю, нам нельзя делать то, …что доставило бы нам обоим большую радость!

My only satisfaction is that in frustrating you I hasten your fall from the king’s good graces.

Моя единственная радость в том, что мешая вам, я ускорю ваше падение в немилость короля.

I’m not gonna give him that satisfaction.

Я не собираюсь доставлять ему радость

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If I don’t get satisfaction I’m taking my business to the Russians.

Если мои требования не будут удовлетворены, я буду иметь дело с русскими.

Is that sexual satisfaction I detect?

Вы сексуально удовлетворены?

He said that no matter how absurd and meaningless our lives are, the struggle alone is enough to give us satisfaction.

Он сказал, что неважно насколько абсурдны и бессмысленны наши жизни, достаточно битвы, чтобы мы были удовлетворены.

Not to our satisfaction, she hasn’t.

Мы ими не удовлетворены.

I assume everything has been to your satisfaction thus far?

Я полагаю, вы всем удовлетворены?

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I appreciate your confidence, Madam… But Mr. Vabre gives me total satisfaction.

Благодарен за предложение, мадам, но заведение месье Вабра меня вполне устраивает.

So does she meet with your satisfaction, or shall I tell her you don’t fancy her?

Ну так она тебя устраивает или мне сказать ей, что она тебе не нравится?

Everything to your satisfaction?

Вас всё устраивает?

As if you’d alter your son’s genetic destiny for the sake of expedience because he wasn’t hung to your satisfaction.

Как будто можно изменить генетику сына ради удобства. Или потому, что он тебя не устраивает.

I would have believed that Mr. Mouret gave you satisfaction.

Разве месье Мурэ вас не устраивал?

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— # I can’t get me no satisfaction #

— Я не могу получить удовлетворение

WALTER: We’re gonna save him because I want the satisfaction of looking him in the eyes when he’s cuffed.

Мы спасём его, потому что, я хочу получить удовлетворение, смотря ему в глаза, когда он будет в наручниках.

He wanted satisfaction.

Он хотел получить удовлетворение.

— # No-no-no-no, I can’t get me no satisfaction #

— Нет, я не могу получить удовлетворения

# I can’t get no satisfaction ##

я не могу получить удовлетворения

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  • удовлетворение
  • удовольствие
  • сатисфакции
  • довольны
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  • удовлетворённости
  • радость
  • удовлетворены
  • устраивает
  • получить удовлетворение

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word satisfaction, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use satisfaction in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «satisfaction». In addition, we also show how different variations of satisfaction can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are satisfactions. If you click on the variation of satisfaction that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Satisfaction in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word satisfaction in a sentence.

  1. Lester only forswears personal satisfaction at the film’s end.

  2. The play doesn’t give satisfaction here and it leaves an audience wondering.

  3. Howe took offense and demanded satisfaction from Gadsden on August 17, 1778.

  4. Like frequency, sexual desire and sexual satisfaction often decrease after SCI.

  5. Close identification with a role typically increases a player’s game satisfaction.

  6. For both sexes, long-term relationships are associated with higher sexual satisfaction.

  7. Assuming his challenge unsuccessful, Tucker demanded satisfaction, which Harvey accepted.

  8. This was a period full of responsibilities, but pleasant because it brought satisfaction ..

  9. He fails to find true satisfaction as even Ovelia distrusts him, leading her to stab Delita.

  10. Although Steinbeck altered the original, Ricketts expressed his satisfaction with the result.

  11. Women report higher rates of sexual satisfaction than men post-SCI for as many as 10–45 years.

  12. Nothing for me can ever compare with the satisfaction I got from helping to free our prisoners.».

  13. He also insisted that dressing rooms on the tour and at the Uris be arranged to his satisfaction.

  14. The 1990s are remembered, by many in the West, as a time of relative prosperity and satisfaction.

  15. Although women’s satisfaction is usually lower than before the injury, it improves as time passes.

  16. James took his mother’s side and when Belden died in 1880, noted it in his diary with satisfaction.

  17. A minority report was much kinder by avowing perfect satisfaction with Rutherford’s version of events.

  18. It isn’t very much but Pat and I have the satisfaction that every dime that we’ve got is honestly ours.

  19. About two-thirds indicated that the experience increased their sense of well-being or life satisfaction.

  20. Parish defended the release, deriving satisfaction from the game’s availability as a physical cartridge.

  21. In the words of Wisden, «Happily the trouble was eventually settled to the satisfaction of all concerned.

  22. In an official statement, Sega of America chairman David Rosen expressed satisfaction with the settlement.

  23. Attempts were made to resolve the situation to the satisfaction of all parties, but these were unsuccessful.

  24. On 4 November 1411, Ros petitioned parliament—at which he was appointed a Trier of Petitions—for satisfaction.

  25. He thanked the Flames for allowing him to attempt the comeback, and expressed satisfaction at how his career ended.

  26. Stunned by the blow, he managed to recover and continue the joust, «to the satisfaction of the king and his lords».

  27. Capcom’s Community Manager Seth Killian expressed satisfaction with the North American sales of Ultimate All-Stars.

  28. All resulted from the desire by the government to mint coins to the satisfaction of artists and not practical coiners.

  29. Madison won the election comfortably, to the satisfaction of his supporters such as President-elect George Washington.

  30. None of the 90 sessions that took place throughout the study were rated as decreasing well-being or life satisfaction.

  31. Other uitlanders produced a counter-petition in which about as many affirmed their satisfaction with Kruger’s government.

  32. He refined his songs by playing the melody repeatedly, making changes and altering notes until it reached his satisfaction.

  33. According to musicologist Liane Curtis, Friskin was «a man who gave [Clarke] a sense of deep satisfaction and equilibrium.».

  34. Documents from the German naval archives generally indicate satisfaction with Blücher’s minor pitch and gentle motion at sea.

  35. Nichols comments that Ravel had the satisfaction of seeing the ballet staged twice by other managements before Diaghilev died.

  36. Winston Churchill also took an interest in the wing’s operations and sent a cable expressing satisfaction with its combat debut.

  37. Marlo demands satisfaction, and as a result, Joe sets up a meeting between him and Spiros Vondas, who assuages Marlo’s concerns.

  38. In 40 days over 45 lakh (4.5 million) devotees participated in the festival, and it concluded to the satisfaction of one and all.

  39. The President viewed sample eagle coins on August 31, and expressed his satisfaction with them and his desire to see more struck.

  40. However, the latter was not completed to their satisfaction, and by December 2011, Clayton admitted it would not come to fruition.

  41. The only other requirement was the submission each year of an «envoi», a piece of original work to the satisfaction of the Académie.

  42. Toulouse-Lautrec demanded satisfaction, and Signac declared he would continue to fight for Van Gogh’s honour if Lautrec surrendered.

  43. He sought compensation from both kings but obtained no satisfaction, and felt so ill-treated by the kings that he abandoned his see.

  44. British officers expressed satisfaction that Musa Qala had been recaptured without any artillery shells or bombs hitting the town itself.

  45. Genital function is not as important to men’s sexual satisfaction as are their partners’ satisfaction and intimacy in their relationships.

  46. I get a dour satisfaction out of managing the rations, salvaging, fire watching, and feeling that I am trying to work for a better world».

  47. After Liszt gave a series of piano recitals in the city, Smetana became convinced that he would find satisfaction only in a musical career.

  48. Most of the aircrew involved took satisfaction in attacking Hitler’s personal home, though some expressed regret over the casualties incurred.

  49. It was the publisher’s policy in any novel involving lesbianism that the characters would never receive any satisfaction from the relationship.

  50. Two months after taking psilocybin, 79% of the participants reported moderately to greatly increased life satisfaction and sense of well-being.

Satisfactions in a sentence

Satisfactions is a variation of satisfaction, below you can find example sentences for satisfactions.

  1. Pop songs are struggles, conscious or not, between the artist’s urge to do her own thing and the audience’s desire for familiar satisfactions.

  2. This is because we give up the least important of our satisfactions first—which would be the uses satisfied by the last good since we satisfy our more important needs first.

Synonyms for satisfaction

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word satisfaction has the following synonyms: atonement, expiation and gratification.

General information about «satisfaction» example sentences

The example sentences for the word satisfaction that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «satisfaction» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «satisfaction».

удовлетворение, компенсация, сатисфакция, искупление, расплата


- удовлетворение, удовлетворённость

- удовольствие, радость

- убеждение, убеждённость

to prove smth. to smb.’s satisfaction — убедительно доказать кому-л. что-л.
it has not been proved to my satisfaction — эти доказательства меня не убедили /показались мне недостаточными/
this will prove it to your satisfaction — это доказательство должно вас убедить
for your satisfaction I’ll let you know the truth — чтобы (окончательно) вас убедить, я расскажу вам всю правду

- вызов на дуэль

to demand satisfaction — а) требовать извинений; б) вызывать на дуэль, требовать сатисфакции
to give satisfaction — а) принять вызов на дуэль; б) принести извинения;

- юр. исполнение обязательства; встречное удовлетворение

satisfaction of debt — уплата долга
in satisfaction of — в погашение, в уплату
in satisfaction of a wrong done — в возмещение нанесённого ущерба
to make satisfaction — возмещать ущерб
to expect some satisfaction for one’s loss — надеяться на некоторую компенсацию за потери
to enter satisfaction — внести компенсацию; внести плату, уплатить

- рел. искупление грехов, расплата; епитимья

the doctrine of satisfaction — доктрина расплаты за вину
to make satisfaction for sins — искупить грехи

Мои примеры


the satisfaction of a job well done — удовлетворение от хорошо проделанной работы  
the satisfaction of his deep craving for love — удовлетворение его глубокого, страстного стремления к любви  
the full and final satisfaction of the claim — полное и окончательное удовлетворение данного иска  
to afford great satisfaction — приносить большое удовлетворение  
to the satisfaction of the jury — убедительно для присяжных  
to pass the test to satisfaction — успешно проходить испытание  
deep / profound satisfaction — глубокое удовлетворение  
to afford / give satisfaction to smb. — удовлетворять кого-л.  
to express satisfaction — выражать, высказывать, выказывать удовлетворение  
to feel satisfaction — чувствовать удовлетворение  
to find / take satisfaction in smth. — находить удовлетворение в чём-л.  
to one’s satisfaction — к чьему-л. удовольствию, удовлетворению  

Примеры с переводом

It gave me a feeling of satisfaction.

Это принесло мне чувство удовлетворения.

The work was done to my satisfaction.

То, как была выполнена эта работа, удовлетворило меня.

It is a satisfaction to note how well the museum is staffed.

Можно с удовлетворением отметить, как хорошо укомплектован штат сотрудников музея.

They felt satisfaction that a fair compromise had been reached.

Они были довольны тем, что нашли компромиссное решение.

The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction.

Для удовлетворения своих желаний педофил переключился на мальчиков.

He gets great satisfaction from volunteering.

Он получает большое удовольствие от добровольческой деятельности.

The baby gurgled with satisfaction when the mother tickled it

Мать пощекотала малыша, и тот загукал от удовольствия.

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They stood beaming with satisfaction.

There is some satisfaction in knowing I was right.

She finds a certain satisfaction in helping others.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): satisfaction
мн. ч.(plural): satisfactions

Definition of Satisfaction

gaining joy or happiness from an achievement

Examples of Satisfaction in a sentence

Nothing brought her more satisfaction that pulling perfectly baked cupcakes from the oven.


The bully waited for her to cry, but she refused to give him the satisfaction.


With great satisfaction, the proud student presented her straight-A report card to her parents.


She felt an overwhelming sense of satisfaction when she finally completed her thesis defense.


Any savvy business owner knows that customer satisfaction is key to maintaining and growing a company.


Other words in the Pleasant category:

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She had been sleeping a lot while he drove, she was languid with satisfaction but unable to sleep

Under the same star spangled sky that gave the lovers such simple satisfaction

’ Stephen said with no little satisfaction

in favour of high-class satisfaction during my career with the company, Eva was

’ I said with satisfaction as we survey the pile of boxes just before ten in the evening

will give the other satisfaction

It takes a moment for him to spot the bird but it is with deep satisfaction that he finally tells me that he can see it

Sometimes there are things in our lives that hold us back, for example working in a job with no job satisfaction

Lastly, finding satisfaction in an activity is a very good indicator of talent

: Gives you a feeling of achievement and satisfaction on achieving each step and goal

‘How is that?’ Joris asked when he had finished to his satisfaction

The satisfaction in these streets has twisted and crumbled,

Berndt smiles at her, satisfaction oozing out of every pore

With a smile of satisfaction, he puts the pot of water to boil

It is with a great sense of satisfaction that I unload the shopping from the car back at the cottage

It seemed to old Ted that his employers found some sort of satisfaction in being able to say, “Well, Ted, my old friend, it didn’t turn out quite so well this year, did it? Better luck next year, eh?”

«Why are women so dependent on sexual satisfaction?» Thom asked

It was a good idea and he told Helen just that, much to her pleasure and satisfaction

acquire; but, satisfaction is very hard to attain and maintain

beasts to the satisfaction of the farmer

By ten, with a neat heap of boxes stacked against the wall in the lounge, we survey the empty bookcase with satisfaction

had the satisfaction of seeing the results of their day’s labour, of

Needless to say, Dave is oozing satisfaction at the sight of me sitting here – what a pair of loonies we are!

Sheila felt again the satisfaction she had experienced when she had succeeded in grabbing the small bird

satisfaction, ‘You were lucky, boy

She let her mind wander as her hands toiled in the hot water, scrubbing the pans and revelling in the satisfaction of making clean order out of dirty chaos

” He paused to allow the young man to enjoy his brief satisfaction at the corroboration

She still wants to scream at the useless bugger sitting opposite her, but she has no intention of giving him or anyone else in the canteen the satisfaction of watching her lose it

Harry just gaped at the traveling trunk/closet with all the eyes of the family watching for his reaction, each smiling broadly in satisfaction

Chrissie dumps the heavy bag on the floor of the hallway and looks around herself with satisfaction

” Finally he got a broadening smile of satisfaction from the lad

Temporary satisfaction, either way

The elder man nodded in satisfaction, knowing that Harry had indeed been applying himself to the required studies

Jarvis detected the air of desperation appearing down the telephone line with satisfaction

A low quiet moan of satisfaction seemed to come

Finally, assuring himself with the satisfaction that all things would eventually be known, which were at present simply unknown and not in the realm of the unknowable, he rested

his face, the image of a man who was overcome with satisfaction

By some it was greeted with great acceptance and satisfaction

Harry saw Kaitlyn to the door of her boudoir and gave her an embrace of great satisfaction

satisfaction (save that meddlesome Bailli), and I’ve come to

their voices and clapping made a soft moan of perverted satisfaction

with an eerie pride, something that gave them satisfaction in being a part of a

Grossin exchanged a look of satisfaction, and the vintner

his head in satisfaction a couple of times

With a nod of satisfaction he returned to his desk

resentful, and he obtained great satisfaction in taking out

The satisfaction felt in overcoming that challenge is

satisfaction gained from simply peeing by the side of the

Instead, the man grinned with satisfaction, exposing his stained teeth

sole satisfaction attracts them more than political

always gives me satisfaction to send cowards like that

It may surely be of some use, or, at least, it may give some satisfaction to the public, to have so decisive a proof of the increasing value of by far the greatest, the most important, and the most durable part of its wealth

Then, in satisfaction of their envy to expand, they attract more and more particles

Love, satisfaction, and, ultimately happiness manifest themselves, out of the blue sky, as soon as one has satisfactorily assimilated the lessons he had been assigned

Being successful usually translates into pride, satisfaction, and joy

On the other hand, someone handicapped or sub-endowed could also derive a lot of satisfaction from a less prominent rank because of lessons well learnt

satisfaction with what I sounded

Every act is in satisfaction of your own needs

I distinctly remember the thrill and satisfaction I

moved, to the satisfaction of the child, as his

percent of your boss’ satisfaction is related to only 20 percent of your

Trust—leads to customer satisfaction, commitment and ultimately more

the satisfaction that the one who contradict

He raised her long chiton, grunted with satisfaction to see she wore no undergarment

the long-term, but will also help build loyalty and job satisfaction

all produce results when we feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in our

— I give you a satisfaction living to consider me

your team members are performing to your satisfaction, you have

You find contentment and satisfaction in what you have

That rich goat lied and said he never saw you, but he could hardly hide his satisfaction

He grunted with satisfaction

He grunted something that might have passed for satisfaction

To dream that you are eating oranges indicate satisfaction with your life and where you are at

Her days were so filled with satisfaction now, it would be a discredit to all of those who’d died to claim she wasn’t exceptionally fortunate

She knew these girls had it coming, but her sense of satisfaction was abruptly cut short when she felt a mighty punch hitting her face

To dream that you are skating on ice indicates satisfaction with a current project

To dream that you are making or drinking tea represents satisfaction and contentment in your life

To see or wear a thong in your dream represents satisfaction with your body image and your sexuality

The dream may also mean satisfaction with your current situation

To feel warmth in your dream signifies contentment and satisfaction in your current state

Joe is briefly happy to be rid of her, but is wondering how he is going to be happy now that the satisfaction he expected from her turned out to be a false hope

When happiness is dependent upon the satisfaction of desire, you cannot experience the happiness that is natural to you

This evening, so far proving to be much as any other, Mr Snickerty drew his fob from his waistcoat pocket and noted, with some satisfaction, that it was precisely just about nearly eight

Satisfaction of this goal meets two basic needs: relatedness to others and demonstration of competence

Satisfaction of these needs promotes your personal happiness

The sending out a colony of this kind not only gave some satisfaction to the people, but often established a sort of garrison, too, in a newly conquered province, of which the obedience might otherwise have been doubtful

The answers to the five questions are used to construct the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS)

[17] For a full explanation of each overall satisfaction score, see Diener, Ed, “Understanding Scores on the Satisfaction with Life Scale

Proper chewing gives better taste and satisfaction

He thrust hard at her and, with satisfaction, she felt the stiff piece shoot into her, rubbing the side of her cunt gratifyingly

It was a source of infinite satisfaction to take a young kid to the rear of the store after closing hours, lock the front door, and “play” with him until he was wildly excited and ready to perform any act she desired

However, immense pleasure or satisfaction could also be derived from other activities which have nothing to do with return on investments

Again she inspected herself, nodding with satisfaction

And as they are eating the pizza, a deep sense of satisfaction fills the air of that home, and Dad reflects on the events of the past few days, the close family relations he enjoys, and the good fortune that has came his way, and, in his thoughts, he says, “Thanks God

They seemed to think he would’ve needed to be restrained, but Torbin would not give them the satisfaction

After the authority of the sovereign, too, was thoroughly established, the person found guilty, over and above the satisfaction which he was obliged to make to the party, was like-wise forced to pay an amercement to the sovereign

He worked on his invention until it performed to his satisfaction

’ At least he would allow himself a moment of satisfaction

The cry of satisfaction that rang out came from both of them

Torbin could not help but feel a warmth of satisfaction at hearing those words

Now and then the writers transfer the term satisfaction from the rite itself or spectacle, to signify true mortification. ❋ Philipp Melanchthon (1528)

Part of the satisfaction is the meat we get to enjoy, and part the memory of the hunt. ❋ Unknown (2009)

As if the only way to satisfaction is to usher in a redeemer of sort who can save them. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In other words, when bodies are produced and consumed as objects, both in life and in language, the satisfaction is akin to that of mastery, of knowing the other, of celebrating spatial dominance over temporal exchange. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Long-term satisfaction is not the same as short-term attraction. ❋ Unknown (2006)

The words are always in flux (I can never remember them), but the satisfaction is always the same. posted by Slimbolala link ❋ Slimbolala (2006)

Sir Ch. It is owing to my having some spirit, that I can, fearless of consequences, refuse what you call satisfaction to Sir Hargrave, and yet be fearless of insult upon my refusal. ❋ Unknown (2006)

A feeling which we call satisfaction results when the changes in the viscera and tissues are readjusted or on the way to readjustment. ❋ Unknown (1921)

The recent economic times have changed things — most universities are now realizing that student «satisfaction» is critical, but only because their cash flow is now so significantly dependent on undergrad tuition — most of the other sources are diminishing. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Let’s use as an example the way ‘satisfaction‘ is often measured. ❋ Unknown (2001)

Dull persons enjoy cliches because of the measure of their abilities, but their satisfaction is only a cliche. ❋ Unknown (2010)

One major reason for satisfaction is that American medicine has been astoundingly successful in lessening mortality from the two most feared killers, cancer and heart disease. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Candona found that humans get a sense of satisfaction from a job well done. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The base commander nodded in satisfaction and again began to scan the reports from the hundreds of other crawlers in his quadrant. ❋ Unknown (2009)

❋ Bastardized Bottomburp (2003)

(revenge/orgasm) I was satisfied after I came for [the 4th] time that night, [afterall], I was fucking my girlfriends sister after I found out my girlfriend cheated on me.
(degree/phone#) I was showing off my [college degree] at work and this hot chick gave me her number. ❋ Syst0lic (2003)

You have [insulted] my honor and i [demand satisfaction]
i challenge you to a [duel] ❋ Jerky7 (2009)

«[I can’t get no] [satisfaction ❋ Lt. Bowie (2010)

If you are a man, you need [no example]. If you are a woman, an example would be like trying to describe sound to a [deaf] person. Discontinue trying to receive [satisfaction]. ❋ Shit Happens, Then You Wipe (2010)

The [satisfaction] I felt after that mind-blowing sex cannot be described or [contained] by [any word]. ❋ JPKN (2008)

[Humans] can never [attain] [satisfaction] fully be it money,women or anything ❋ Ruspet (2011)

I can [uninstall] all the bs that lets you see everything I do on [my laptop] and continue to get satisfaction by solving crimes by myself; like I’ve done for years on my literally [half a dozen] laptops that have gone to the laptop gods. ❋ PineappleJuice (2015)

Friend: [look at this] [ASMR]!
Friend 2: Whoa, sooo [satisfactional]! ❋ Thepissisonthefloor (2019)

«dude [I’ve been] having [textual satisfaction] all day I already have 5 new [messages].» ❋ SoccerKid3310 (2010)

Examples of how to use the word “satisfaction” in a sentence. How to connect “satisfaction” with other words to make correct English sentences.

satisfaction (n): a pleasant feeling that you get when you receive something you wanted, or when you have done something you wanted to do

Use “satisfaction” in a sentence

Customer satisfaction is our number one priority.
I get a lot of satisfaction from my work.
This service gave me a feeling of satisfaction.

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