The word room in example sentences

The word (


), is the


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  1. With temperature from about 2 ohm·cm at liquid helium to 69 ohm·cm at,


    ,temperature; this behavior is similar to that of neptunium, uranium,thorium
  2. Collectivism and individual possession of the leased land. His pragmatism left,


    ,even for private peasant ownership, despite his Marxism. Australia In Australia
  3. And curium which show a rapid rise up to 60 K followed by saturation. The,


    ,temperature value for americium is lower than that of neptunium, plutonium and
  4. With electricity to convey sound and later installed a telegraph wire from his,


    ,in Somerset College to that of a friend. Throughout late 1867,his health
  5. Of footage in the can. After watching the rushes, I usually go to the editing,


    ,and work. ” Because of this practice of editing as he went along, the
  6. Turkey, the southern terminus of the railway. The hotel maintains Christie’s,


    ,as a memorial to the author. The Greenway Estate in Devon, acquired by the
  7. Was for teacher and student to continue their work together with free,


    ,and board thrown in. Mabel was a bright, attractive girl who was ten years his
  8. Requirements—the refectory for eating, the dormitory for sleeping, the common,


    ,for social intercourse, the chapter-house for religious and disciplinary
  9. Scholars. * In the early 1960s Stanford University named the sole lecture,


    ,of the Poly Hall Mathematics building» Alan Turing Auditorium «. *One of the
  10. Of americium changes with pressure and temperature. When compressed at,


    ,temperature to 5 GPA, α-Am transforms to the β modification, which has a
  11. 3: After prison Barred from returning home (his parents are now renting his,


    ,to a lodger),the defenseless Alex wanders the streets and accidentally
  12. On 20 March began performing ritual invocations of the god Horus in his rented,


    , It was after this invocation that Rose, or as he now referred to her, Ouarda
  13. Consulting


    and operating theater) and with a dispensary and sterilizing,


    ,in spaces below the broad eaves. The waiting


    and dormitory (42 by 20 feet
  14. Punk band The Clash. Attendance to his poetry readings was generally standing,


    ,only for most of his career, no matter where in the world he appeared. Ginsberg
  15. A place to stay at nearby Salem with Georgie’s grandmother, complete with a,


    ,to» experiment «. Although the offer was made by George’s mother and followed
  16. Benedict charged them to invite their monks to their table, provided there was,


    , on which occasions the guests were to abstain from quarrels, slanderous talk
  17. Their first hospital of corrugated iron, with two 13-foot


    s (consulting,


    ,and operating theater) and with a dispensary and sterilizing


    in spaces
  18. Recorded words are» Cher AMI! «, spoken to Hastings as the Captain left his,


    , Poirot is buried at Styles, and his funeral is arranged by his best friend
  19. At about 16 ohm·cm after 140 hours. This effect is less pronounced at,


    ,temperature, due to annihilation of radiation defects; also heating to

  20. Has all the typical features of a classical Roman bath: a Frigidaire (cold,


    ,), tepidarium (warm


    ) and calcium (hot


    ). The bath was built
  21. A dispensary and sterilizing


    in spaces below the broad eaves. The waiting,


    ,and dormitory (42 by 20 feet),were built like native huts, of unhook logs
  22. The liquid transmitter, Watson,listening at the receiving end in an adjoining,


    , heard the words clearly. Although Bell was, and still is, accused of stealing
  23. That the sight had no effect on him, other than to cause him to avoid that,


    , When Hitler deprecated Werner March’s design for the Olympic Stadium for the
  24. At


    temperature, due to annihilation of radiation defects; also heating to,


    ,temperature the sample which was kept for hours at low temperatures restores
  25. A presentation in which burglar alarms would go off when entering the,


    , Warhol’s cooperation with the musicians of The Velvet Underground was driven
  26. Have been some notable cases regarding the ADA. For example, two major hotel,


    ,marketers (Expedia. Com and Hotels. Com) with their business presence on the
  27. Mr W. H.» who worked at the house, in which Crowley dies pacing in his living,


    , Crowley claimed the following Masonic degrees: *33° of the Scottish Rite in
  28. Is an eccentric figure, silent and secretive, who tries to hang himself in his,


    , Afterwards, he does not want to be interviewed by the police, since he has
  29. José Santiago, who do not belong to the camp of literary idealism. There was,


    ,for interpretation by the bodies he had named for deciding on the physical
  30. Medical personnel held a conference using an unoccupied second floor control,


    ,(there were two identical control


    s in Houston on the second and third
  31. Less electronegative than tellurium or arsenic. Antimony is stable in air at,


    ,temperature but reacts with oxygen if heated to form antimony trioxide,Sb2O3.
  32. The trivialize is heated with aluminum. The composition Ali is unstable at,


    ,temperature with respect to the trioxide: Such materials quickly
  33. Started to come to her, and she wrote them down upon returning to her hotel,


    ,at the original Antlers Hotel. The poem was initially published two years later
  34. In his head all the information about all shots filmed, and if, in the editing,


    , he asked for a piece of film, and she handed him the wrong one, he would
  35. Was that of the Lemuria. In Tirol, cakes are left for them on the table and the,


    ,kept warm for their comfort. In Brittany, people flock to the cemeteries at
  36. Sometimes he is sociable, but at other times he shuts himself up in his,


    , Eventually, he loses his mental balance and shoots at random at people on the
  37. And cared for no possessions; therefore they built their church like a long,


    , The Premonstratension order still exists and a small group of these Chan ones
  38. Small video camera is used to show the procedure on a monitor in the operating,


    , The surgeon manipulates instruments within the abdominal cavity to perform
  39. Of the total beds available and 41 % of the overnight stays in Amsterdam. The,


    ,occupation rate was 78 % in 2006,up from 70 % in 2005. The majority of
  40. Argon is inert under most conditions and forms no confirmed stable compounds at,


    ,temperature. Although argon is a noble gas, it has been found to have the
  41. A case Poirot has the habit of collecting all people involved into a single,


    ,and explaining to them the reasoning that led him to the solution, and revealing
  42. Fluorite) crystal structure. The oxalate of americium (III),vacuum dried at,


    ,temperature, has the chemical formula Am2 (C2O4)3·7H2O. Upon heating in vacuum
  43. Alkene is formed. Tertiary alcohols eliminate easily at just above,


    ,temperature, but primary alcohols require a higher temperature. This is a
  44. Stood four or five stories tall, with single-story


    s facing the plaza;,


    ,blocks were terraced to allow the tallest sections to compose the pueblo’s
  45. Of a classical Roman bath: a Frigidaire (cold


    ),terrarium (warm,


    ,) and calcium (hot


    ). The bath was built during the reign of Emperor
  46. Above themselves and were able to accurately recount what had happened in the,


    ,even though their bodily eyes were closed. Investigation of the afterlife also
  47. Whereas only AsF5 is the main pentahalide. Arsenic pentafluoride is stable at,


    ,temperature, whereas the pentachloride is stable only below −50 °C. Acrylic
  48. 8-bit,relatives of ASCII, with the 128 additional characters providing,


    ,to avoid most of the ambiguity that had been necessary in 7-bit codes. For
  49. Reagents such as sodium borohydride. Sabine decomposes spontaneously at,


    ,temperature. Because Sabine is thermodynamically unstable (positive heat of
  50. Bath: a Frigidaire (cold


    ),terrarium (warm


    ) and calcium (hot,


    ,). The bath was built during the reign of Emperor Caracalla in the 3rd century

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Sentences with the word Room?



  • «atrocious taste»; «abominable workmanship»; «an awful voice»; «dreadful manners»; «a painful performance»; «terrible handwriting»; «an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room«
  • «The room abounded with screaming children»; «The garden bristled with toddlers»
  • «the room was abuzz over the latest scandal»
  • «the red light gave the central figure increased emphasis»; «the room was decorated in shades of grey with distinctive red accents»
  • «We added two students to that dorm room«; «She added a personal note to her letter»; «Add insult to injury»; «Add some extra plates to the dinner table»
  • «had adjacent rooms»; «in the next room«; «the person sitting next to me»; «our rooms were side by side»
  • «Decorate the room for the party»; «beautify yourself for the special day»
  • «This leaves no room for improvement»; «The evidence allows only one conclusion»; «allow for mistakes»; «leave lots of time for the trip»; «This procedure provides for lots of leeway»
  • «He objected to the allowance of smoking in the dining room«
  • «could be alone in a crowded room«; «was alone with her thoughts»; «I want to be alone»
  • «the band played loudly»; «she spoke loudly and angrily»; «he spoke loud enough for those at the back of the room to hear him»; «cried aloud for help»
  • «an amber light illuminated the room«; «he admired the gold of her hair»
  • «he angled his way into the room«
  • «let’s liven up this room a bit»
  • «a ghostly face at the window»; «a phantasmal presence in the room«; «spectral emanations»; «spiritual tappings at a seance»
  • «the student looked around the examination room with apprehension»
  • «the spacious cooking area provided plenty of room for servants»
  • «a policy of open-eyed awareness»; «the vigilant eye of the town watch»; «there was a watchful dignity in the room«; «a watchful parent with a toddler in tow»
  • «they had too much furniture for the small apartment»; «there was only one piece of furniture in the room«
  • «She requested an extra bed in her room«; «She called for room service»; «when you call, always ask for Mary»
  • «We assembled in the church basement»; «Let’s gather in the dining room«
  • «his room was toward the rear of the hotel»
  • «he behaved badly in school»; «he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister»; «behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room«
  • «I was struck by the starkness of my father’s room«
  • «she barged into the meeting room«
  • «The room was bathed in sunlight»; «I was bathed in a cold sweat»; «veal bathed in a rich creamy sauce»
  • «it was smoking-room bawdry»; «they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy»
  • «Come to my arms, my beamish boy!»- Lewis Carroll; «a room of smiling faces»; «a round red twinkly Santa Claus»
  • «he sat on the edge of the bed»; «the room had only a bed and chair»
  • «Can we go camping again this summer?»; «The circus tented near the town»; «The houseguests had to camp in the living room«
  • «she sets a fine table»; «room and board»
  • «there wasn’t a breath of air in the room«
  • «moved to the country to find breathing room«
  • «the sun was bright and hot»; «a bright sunlit room«
  • «the room was bright and airy»; «a stage bright with spotlights»
  • «The paint will brighten the room«
  • «Bring me the box from the other room«; «Take these letters to the boss»; «This brings me to the main point»
  • «The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine»
  • «troops fleeing in broken ranks»; «a confused mass of papers on the desk»; «the small disordered room«; «with everything so upset»
  • «The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy»; «Is this hotel room bugged?»
  • «The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room«
  • «The newly married couple kissed»; «She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room«
  • «the room was a mess because he hadn’t expected company»
  • «the living room was pure camp»
  • «She canvassed the walls of her living room so as to conceal the ugly cracks»
  • «The drunken man staggered into the room«
  • «`I know it’s hard’, he continued, `but there is no choice'»; «carry on—pretend we are not in the room«
  • «The room was charged with tension and anxiety»
  • «the room was simply decorated with great restraint»
  • «flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room«
  • «her cheerful nature»; «a cheerful greeting»; «a cheerful room«; «as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be»
  • «the economic outlook is depressing»; «something cheerless about the room«; «a moody and uncheerful person»; «an uncheerful place»
  • «a cheery hello»; «a gay sunny room«; «a sunny smile»
  • «The fan circulates the air in the room«
  • «a claustrophobic little room«
  • «Tidy up your room
  • «cleared land»; «cleared streets free of fallen trees and debris»; «a cleared passage through the underbrush»; «played poker on the cleared dining room table»
  • «the storm left the drivewaylittered with sticks nd debris»; «his library was a cluttered room with piles of books on every chair»
  • «a cold climate»; «a cold room«; «dinner has gotten cold»; «cold fingers»; «if you are cold, turn up the heat»; «a cold beer»
  • «He came singing down the road»; «Come with me to the Casbah»; «come down here!»; «come out of the closet!»; «come into the room«
  • «his friendship was a comfort»; «a padded chair was one of the room‘s few comforts»
  • «a comfortless room«
  • «there is standing room only on the high-speed commute»
  • «a mouse takes much more room than a trackball»
  • «I’m afraid the film was well over budget»; «painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger»; «the house has fallen considerably in value»; «the price went up substantially»
  • «a cool autumn day»; «a cool room«; «cool summer dresses»; «cool drinks»; «a cool breeze»
  • «a piano was in one corner of the room«
  • «had a cozy chat»; «a relaxed informal manner»; «an intimate cocktail lounge»; «the small room was cozy and intimate»
  • «waves dabbled with moonlight»; «a blood-spattered room«; «gardens splashed with color»; «kitchen walls splattered with grease»
  • «The owners wanted to dado their dining room«
  • «The young girl danced into the room«
  • «darken a room«
  • «deafen a room«
  • «This room is not designed for work»
  • «I want to go home now»; «I want my own room«
  • «a dimly lit room«
  • «The room emptied»
  • «saw many discontent faces in the room«; «was discontented with his position»
  • «Do my room in blue»; «I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest»
  • «a double bed»; «a double room«
  • «a dowdy grey outfit»; «a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room«
  • «room to pass»; «make way for»; «hardly enough elbow room to turn around»
  • «the room was elegantly decorated»
  • «an empty glass»; «an empty room«; «full of empty seats»; «empty hours»
  • «his encircling arms»; «the room‘s skirting board needs painting»
  • «he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room«
  • «trying to lose excess weight»; «found some extra change lying on the dresser»; «yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant»; «skills made redundant by technological advance»; «sleeping in the spare room«; «supernumerary ornamentation»; «it was supererogatory of her to gloat»; «delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words»; «extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts»; «surplus cheese distributed to the needy»
  • «leave the room«; «the fugitive has left the country»
  • «an extended telescope»; «his extended legs reached almost across the small room«; «refused to accept the extended hand»
  • «He felt his way around the dark room«
  • «as filthy as a pigsty»; «a foul pond»; «a nasty pigsty of a room«
  • «I found myself in a difficult situation»; «When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital room«
  • «the shark is a large fish»; «in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish»
  • «We provided the room with an electrical heater»
  • «too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate»; «their excellent manners always made me feel gauche»
  • «there was an informal meeting in my living room«
  • «She grabbed the child’s hand and ran out of the room«
  • «a hapless victim»; «miserable victims of war»; «the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic»- Galsworthy; «piteous appeals for help»; «pitiable homeless children»; «a pitiful fate»; «Oh, you poor thing»; «his poor distorted limbs»; «a wretched life»
  • «The room heated up quickly»
  • «he walked heavily up the three flights to his room«
  • «the hell of battle»; «the inferno of the engine room«; «when you’re alone Christmas is the pits»
  • «New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture»
  • «a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole»; «a secret passage»; «the secret compartment in the desk»
  • «He is studying geology in his room«; «I have an exam next week; I must hit the books now»
  • «hot stove»; «hot water»; «a hot August day»; «a hot stuffy room«; «she’s hot and tired»; «a hot forehead»
  • «this is the identical room we stayed in before»; «the themes of his stories are one and the same»; «saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers»; «on this very spot»; «the very thing he said yesterday»; «the very man I want to see»
  • «This lamp lightens the room a bit»
  • «illuminated advertising»; «looked up at the lighted windows»; «a brightly lit room«; «a well-lighted stairwell»
  • «incense filled the room«
  • «the incursion of television into the American living room«
  • «we all have individual cars»; «each room has a private bath»
  • «His laughter infects everyone who is in the same room«
  • «in your 1850 church you not infrequently find a dramatic contrast between the sumptuous appointments of the building itself and the inhuman barrack-like living conditions in the church room«
  • «an inner room«
  • «it was insufferably hot in the room«
  • «they said nothing of great interest»; «primary colors can add interest to a room«
  • «They intruded on our dinner party»; «She irrupted into our sitting room«
  • «she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist’s waiting room«
  • «She startled when I walked into the room«
  • «The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room«
  • «He knocked the glass clear across the room«
  • «this young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously»
  • «a room that is light when the shutters are open»; «the inside of the house was airy and light»
  • «The room lightened up»
  • «a little dining room«; «a little house»; «a small car»; «a little (or small) group»
  • «The heavy man lumbered across the room«
  • «make the bed»; «make up a room«
  • «They processed into the dining room«
  • «He messed up his room«
  • «her neat dress»; «a neat room«
  • «serve wine at normal room temperature»; «normal diplomatic relations»; «normal working hours»; «normal word order»; «normal curiosity»; «the normal course of events»
  • «they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available»; «he died while undergoing surgery»
  • «The rock star overdosed and was found dead in his hotel room«
  • «The room was overheated»
  • «The camera panned across the room«
  • «a particular description of the room«
  • «partition a room off»
  • «the felt presence of an intruder»; «a sensed presence in the room raised goosebumps on her arms»; «a perceived threat»
  • «The smell stayed in the room«; «The hostility remained long after they made up»
  • «She piled up her books in my living room«
  • «the room was pleasingly large»
  • «this room has great possibilities»
  • «the murderer is present in this room«; «present at the wedding»; «present at the creation»
  • «pretty girl»; «pretty song»; «pretty room«
  • «the height of this wall must be reduced proportionately to give the room pleasant dimensions»
  • «the dough rose slowly in the warm room«
  • «the publicity of the court room«
  • «they smoked up the room with their ceaseless puffing»
  • «She put on a sun room«
  • «the room was quaintly furnished»
  • «a quiet audience at the concert»; «the room was dark and quiet»
  • «Please rearrange these files»; «rearrange the furniture in my room«
  • «refinish the dining room furniture»
  • «The mess in his dorm room reflects on the student»
  • «We refurnished the living room«
  • «a reverberant room«; «the reverberant booms of cannon»
  • «the fire-light gave a richness of coloring to that side of the room«
  • «room for improvement»
  • «the whole room was cheering»
  • «The diva swept into the room«; «Shreds of paper sailed through the air»; «The searchlights swept across the sky»
  • «screen off this part of the room«
  • «he shuffled out of the room«; «We heard his feet shuffling down the hall»
  • «This robot can sense the presence of people in the room«; «particle detectors sense ionization»
  • «he imagined a seraphic presence in the room«
  • «the two were haggling shabbily in the drawing-room«
  • «this room needs a woman’s touch»
  • «an area of gently sloping hills»; «a room with a sloping ceiling»
  • «a sloppy room«; «sloppy habits»
  • «the choking June dust»; «the smothering soft voices»; «smothering heat»; «the room was suffocating—hot and airless»
  • «a soundproof room«
  • «the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square»
  • «standing room only»
  • «He stiffened when he saw his boss enter the room«
  • «the room is straight now»
  • «The room was hot and stuffy and we were suffocating»
  • «a sweltering room«; «sweltering athletes»
  • «He tensed up when he saw his opponent enter the room«
  • «at his touch the room filled with lights»
  • «They children trooped into the room«
  • «tuition and room and board were more than $25,000″
  • «with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room«
  • «an unbarred door»; «went through the unlatched gate into the street»; «an unlocked room«
  • «it was unbearably hot in the room«
  • «an uncluttered room«; «the unlittered shoulders of the road»
  • «she jumped up unconsciously when he entered the room«
  • «the room is pleasant and understated»
  • «careless and untidy in her personal habits»; «an untidy living room«; «untidy and casual about money»
  • «he walked up and down the locker room«; «all up and down the Eastern seaboard»
  • «the upstairs maid»; «an upstairs room«
  • «she was staring vacantly into the room«
  • «The gust of air ventilated the room«
  • «a well ventilated room«
  • «Sounds wafted into the room«
  • «the emergency room was overrun with walk-ins»
  • «a warm body»; «a warm room«; «a warm climate»; «a warm coat»

What do we mean by room?

A space that is or may be occupied. noun

An area separated by walls or partitions from other similar parts of the structure or building in which it is located. noun

The people present in such an area. noun

Living quarters; lodgings. noun

Suitable opportunity or scope. noun

To occupy a room; lodge. intransitive verb

Wide; spacious; roomy.

Far; at a distance; wide, in space or extent; in nautical use, off from the wind.

A deep-blue dye like indigo, obtained by maceration from the shrub Strobilanthes flaccidifolius (Ruellia indigotica, etc.); also, the plant itself, which is native and cultivated in India, Burma, and China. noun

Dandruff. noun

To occupy a room or rooms; lodge: as, he rooms at No. 7.

In coal-mining, a breast; a chamber. noun

In salt-making, one of the large stationary pans in which the brine from a salt-well is placed to allow the water to evaporate. noun

In wood ship-building, the empty space between two adjacent frames of a wooden ship. noun

Space; compass; extent of space, great or small: as, here is room enough for an army. noun

Space or place unoccupied or unobstructed; place for reception of any thing or person; accommodation for entering or for moving about: as, to make room for a carriage to pass. noun

Fit occasion; opportunity; freedom to admit or indulge: as, in this case there is no room for doubt or for argument. noun

Place or station once occupied by another; stead, as in succession or substitution: as, one magistrate or king comes in the room of a former one. noun

Any inclosure or division separated by partitions from other parts of a house or other structure; a chamber; an apartment; a compartment; a cabin, or the like: as, a drawing-room; a bedroom; a state-room in a ship; an engine-room in a factory; a harness-room in a stable. noun

Opportunity or scope (to do something).

Space for something, or to carry out an activity.

A particular portion of space.

Sufficient space for or to do something.

A space between the timbers of a ship’s frame.

Place; stead.

A separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling.

(with possessive pronoun) (One’s) bedroom.

(in the plural) A set of rooms inhabited by someone; one’s lodgings.

(always in the singular, metonymy) The people in a room.

An area for working in a coal mine.

A portion of a cave that is wider than a passage.

A IRC or chat room.

Place or position in society; office; rank; post, sometimes when vacated by its former occupant.

Furniture sufficient to furnish a room.

A secific place inside a house Urban Dictionary

Memory space on a hard drive. Urban Dictionary

Possibly the best movie ever made, ever. Written, directed, produced, and starred in by the same guy, The Room teaches us all valuable life lessons about sex, love, fidelity, and looking sexy in red dresses. Urban Dictionary

Church basements and community centers where alcoholics anonymous and other 12 step programs are held. These sessions have an undertone of secrecy. Drugsaddictionsexsteps Urban Dictionary

The best movie ever! Go watch it! (PewDiePie approves) Urban Dictionary

The person you room with. A form of «roomie» but a lot more thug. Urban Dictionary

An abreviation of the expression ‘Room Temperature’, meaning plain or neutral. Most commonly used in reference to physical appearance; someone who is neither attractive or unattractive. Urban Dictionary

The best worst movie ever made staring Tommy Wiseau as Johnny. The acting in this movie is so good that it makes the sight of Stephen King’s dick look pleasant. The story is so well put together that it makes it look like a four year old autistic kid wrote it. The sex scenes are so sexy and hot it makes the desert look wet. This movie was probably responsible for Napoleon Dynamite tho, but this movie tried to be an actual drama thriller and Napoleon Dynamite was a comedy. I honestly get a few good kicks out of this movie. Urban Dictionary

Düsseldorf. Urban Dictionary

The Room is when you are on the brink of insanity, and you will do anything to get out of it. Urban Dictionary

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«My room faces the ocean.«
(faces, overlooks)

«I found a room near the college.«

«We shared a room together.«
(shared, rent)

«I booked a room at the hotel.«

«The room has a great view.«

«The room contains a bed and a nightstand.«

«The room smells like smoke.«

«He looked around the room.«
(looked around, stepped into, entered, came into)

«The police searched his room.«
(searched, rushed into, stormed into)

«He walked out of the room.«
(walked out of, walked into, left, exited, came out of)

«The room is equipped with a refrigerator.«
(be + equipped, be + furnished)

«I don’t have room for another pet.«

«I paced the room.«
(paced, paced around, walked around)

«She decorated her room.«
(decorated, painted, tidied, cleaned)

«The room is filled with boxes.«
(be + filled with, be + full of)

«The room measures 20 by 30 feet.«

Used with nouns:

«I lost my room key.«

«My roommate is moving out.«

«What is your room number?«

«The dessert should be at room temperature.«

«The room rates are reasonable here.«

«I ordered room service about an hour ago.«

Used with adjectives:

«There is no wiggle room on the plane.«
(wiggle, head, leg, extra)

«I am looking for a motel room.«
(motel, hotel, spare, rented, small, big)

«Do you have any double rooms available?«
(double, single, guest, private, adjoining)

«He stood in the crowded room.«
(crowded, main, news)

«She is standing in an empty room.«
(empty, bare, darkened, huge, locked)

«You can find me in the rehearsal room.«
(rehearsal, weight, staff, control, break)

«The boiler room is in the basement.«
(boiler, engine, storage, utility)

«We went into the conference room.«
(conference, meeting, store)

«Which floor is your dorm room on?«

«He lives in a cramped room.«
(cramped, tiny, little, windowless)

«We have a furnished room for rent.«
(furnished, back, basement, first-floor, second-floor)

«Where is the laundry room?«
(laundry, locker, changing, dressing, bath, rest)

«We sat together in the drawing room.«
(drawing, waiting, family, reading, reception)

«She is in the recovery room.«
(recovery, operating, hospital, sitting, green)

«I will wait for you in the next room.«
(next, common, downstairs, upstairs, adjacent, front)

«He was in the bedroom.«
(bed, living, dining, bath, rest)

«I have to go to the emergency room.«

«There is ample room for all of us here.«
(ample, enough, sufficient)

Used with prepositions:

«We found the book in the room.«
(in, inside)

«She walked from room to room.«

«Do you have room for me?«


Cigarette smoke filled the room.

I could hear the TV from the next room.

He rents rooms to college students.

We’re running out of room in the office.

The sofa takes up too much room.

In the backyard there is enough room to run and play.

Is there enough room to turn the car around?

There’s only room for five people in the car.

Don’t eat too much. You should leave some room for dessert.

There’s no more room on the computer disk to save the file.


we can room up to four visitors in our two guest bedrooms

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Most players will be guaranteed housing, and players at Double-A and Triple-A will be given a single room.

CBS News, 31 Mar. 2023

Migraines can differ in where they are located, but tend to force someone suffering with them to rest in a darkened quiet room.

Eleanor Pringle, Fortune Well, 31 Mar. 2023

Pick a room or two and devote a chilly day to cleaning from the ceiling to the floor.

Jeanne Huber, Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2023

Others have compared them to a field of heat distributed throughout a room with different levels of energy at different points.

Popular Mechanics, 31 Mar. 2023

Private groups of up to 100 can be accommodated in a large reserved room.

Ron Hurtibise, Sun Sentinel, 31 Mar. 2023

But imprisonment would also obviously compromise a president’s ability to access such information, which must often be stored and viewed in a secure room that has been protected against all manner of spying, including blocking radio waves – not something that’s likely available in a prison.

Stefanie Lindquist, Fortune, 30 Mar. 2023

Dramatic Art Art is a great way to embrace the trend and provide color inspiration for a room.

Kristina Mcguirk, Better Homes & Gardens, 30 Mar. 2023

His smile and laugh lit up a room.

Stephanie Wenger, Peoplemag, 30 Mar. 2023

Everybody in the class wants to room with Will.

Michael Cohen, Detroit Free Press, 16 Dec. 2021

Women in the same shift began rooming together.

IEEE Spectrum, 31 Dec. 2019

Showrunner Nabers staffed her writers room with many of Glover’s former collaborators from FX’s Emmy darling Atlanta, which wrapped its fourth and final season last fall.

Hilton Dresden, The Hollywood Reporter, 10 Mar. 2023

Of course there’s always ways to improve and room for improvement.

Eve Chen, USA TODAY, 5 Mar. 2023

In other words, there may not room for all the hidden gems on the Heat.

Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 27 Apr. 2022

The back-and-forth between Ctrl and SOS lasted the nearly two hours of SZA’s oceanic production, giving both longtime and newbie fans room to discover the breadth of her discography.

Jaelani Turner-williams, Rolling Stone, 22 Feb. 2023

Why couldn’t room be made on one of them for some experiments on senior citizens?

Elizabeth Howell, Discover Magazine, 15 Feb. 2023

At Furlough, she was assigned to room C209 to fill in during an eighth grade English class.

Dallas News, 4 Feb. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘room.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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