The word rhythm in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word rhythm, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use rhythm in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «rhythm».

Rhythm in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word rhythm in a sentence.

  1. The rhythm dominates the introduction.

  2. It used to be called rhythm and blues.».

  3. The games are simple and mainly based on rhythm.

  4. The intense rhythm on the line «Get out the way!

  5. At 16, he played rhythm guitar with the Quarrymen.

  6. Poehler and Jones have a nice, contrapuntal rhythm.

  7. In addition, a peta drum improvises over the rhythm.

  8. After four to five days of shooting, we found a rhythm.

  9. A syncopated rhythm is then provided by the fundeh drum.

  10. Black signing is also associated with rhythm and expression.

  11. A shime-daiko often plays the Jiuchi, a base rhythm holding together the ensemble.

  12. Unusual recording techniques were employed for its rhythm and acoustic guitar parts.

  13. Lennon, usually the band’s rhythm guitarist, made several mistakes on the recording.

  14. Gradually, the Australian bowlers got into their rhythm and began to raise their pace.

  15. I couldn’t get this rhythm until about three weeks ago and was not sure of my place.».

  16. Unlike other mushrooms known to release spores in response to a circadian rhythm, spore release in M.

  17. As regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome.

  18. Musically, the song uses influences from Ira Gershwin, a Charleston rhythm, and jazz-like chord slides.

  19. The theta wave is one of the largest signals seen on EEG, and is known as the hippocampal theta rhythm.

  20. At its core, there are reggae-inspired rhythm guitar lines played by Hammond, and studio noise effects.

  21. Fifteen-year-old Paul McCartney met Lennon in July 1957, and joined as a rhythm guitarist shortly after.

  22. Davis played his trumpet sparsely throughout the concert, often sounding obscured by the rhythm section.

  23. The eleventh is severe in mood and in rhythm, reflecting the prevailing austerity of Fauré’s later style.

  24. As with Slayer’s previous two albums, all rhythm guitar tracks on Christ Illusion were laid down by King.

  25. Destabilization of the circadian rhythm can be observed after inhibition of PER phosphorylation by CK1δ/ε.

  26. In general, he deemed the music «too non-Western in the sense of too much rhythm and not enough structure».

  27. Steel and played guitar with a local rhythm and blues band, the Falcons, to supplement the family’s income.

  28. As the creature attacks Kirk, Spock and McCoy, the more aggressive Sybok theme takes on an attacking rhythm.

  29. For this tour, Thompson eschewed his usual rhythm guitar role and performed solely as a frontman and singer.

  30. The akpwón can switch from song to song quickly, with the drummers having to adapt their rhythm accordingly.

  31. Newman «favored pulse, rhythm, and color over melody», making for a more minimalist score than he had previously created.

  32. It wasn’t called anything, just a rhythm thing on paper all about my steady hatred directed at some point that was honest.

  33. Chū-daiko are common in taiko groups and represent the main rhythm of the group, whereas shime-daiko set and change tempo.

  34. In 1994 Sumner said the band’s characteristic sound «came out naturally: I’m more rhythm and chords, and Hooky was melody.

  35. A brief return of the principal theme, its rhythm altered, separates the C minor section from a section in A♭ major.

  36. Jackson explored genres including pop, soul, rhythm and blues, funk, rock, disco, post-disco, dance-pop and new jack swing.

  37. As well as making use of non-retrogradable rhythm and the Hindu decî-tâlas, Messiaen also composed with «additive» rhythms.

  38. Their eighth album, The King of Limbs (2011), an exploration of rhythm, was developed using extensive looping and sampling.

  39. The song falls into the idiom of previous minstrel music, relying on rhythm and text declamation as its primary motivation.

  40. Hetfield played bass, rhythm guitar and sang while Lloyd Grant was credited with a guitar solo and Lars Ulrich played drums.

  41. The line-up was Harrison on Leslie-effected rhythm guitar, Lennon on piano, McCartney on bass, Ringo Starr on drums, and guest musician Billy Preston playing Hammond organ.

  42. In the 1997 book A Reader’s Guide to Walt Whitman, scholar Gay Wilson Allen concluded that the poem’s symbols were «trite», the rhythm «artificial», and the rhymes «erratic».

  43. When the decision was made to re-record the basic track, Starr was summoned to the studio, but called off soon afterwards as the focus switched from rhythm to vocal tracking.

  44. After her provocative habanera, with its persistent insidious rhythm and changes of key, the fate motif sounds in full when Carmen throws her flower to José before departing.

  45. It may also be possible to assess the quality of potential mates; a study of blue petrels found a link between the rhythm and duration of calls and the body mass of the bird.

Synonyms for rhythm

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word rhythm has the following synonyms: beat, musical rhythm, cycle, round, regular recurrence, rhythm method of birth control, rhythm method, calendar method of birth control, calendar method and speech rhythm.

General information about «rhythm» example sentences

The example sentences for the word rhythm that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «rhythm» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «rhythm».

Definition of Rhythm

a repeated pattern of movement or sound

Examples of Rhythm in a sentence

Most of the music you listen to has a base rhythm to it, a repeated pattern that sets the tone for the entire track.


You can usually identify the rhythm of your favorite song by the part of it you tap your feet or your fingers too.


My life has fallen into a comfortable rhythm, one in which I wake up every day and go through the same motions as the day before.


The train has a soothing rhythm to its passage, making a particular clacking sound every few meters on the track it covers.


Bored out of my mind, I’ve been tapping the rhythm of my favorite song into my desk for the past ten minutes.


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Synonym: beat, meter, swing, tempo. Similar words: myth, by this, by then, by the way, anything, by the time, only that, by the end of. Meaning: [‘rɪðm]  n. 1. the basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music 2. recurring at regular intervals 3. an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs 4. the arrangement of spoken words alternating stressed and unstressed elements 5. natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur 14 days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from day 10 through day 18 of her cycle). 

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1. I can’t dance to music without a good rhythm.

2. He had no sense of rhythm whatsoever.

3. Metropolitan residents are used to fast rhythm.

4. He beat out a jazz rhythm on the drums.

5. He can’t seem to play in rhythm.

6. It’s a funky sort of rhythm.

6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

7. Drums are basic to African rhythm.

8. The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea.

9. The drummer beat out a steady rhythm while we marched.

10. The trace showed a normal heart rhythm.

11. A regular rhythm pulsated in our ears.

12. I love his use of rhyme and rhythm.

13. Every dance has its own rhythm.

14. He launched into a rhythm vigorously.

15. He whistled the tune and tapped out the rhythm.

16. She started moving to the rhythm of the music.

17. His poem has a pleasing rhythm.

18. They drummed a rhythm for dancers.

19. Drums and cymbals beat out a solemn rhythm.

20. Rhythm and blues mutated into rock and roll.

21. She soon settled into a regular rhythm.

22. Her feet made a steady rhythm on the pavement.

23. She was besotted by rhythm.

24. Jim liked the rhythm of agricultural life.

25. There’s rhythm in her movements.

26. Stress and rhythm are important in speaking English.

27. I like music with a good rhythm.

28. She rippled a lively rhythm on the violin.

29. Tidying the house in the morning fell into an easy rhythm.

30. The music suddenly changed from a smooth melody to a staccato rhythm.

More similar words: myth, by this, by then, by the way, anything, by the time, only that, by the end of, anything but, by this time, everything, carry through. 

Examples of how to use the word “rhythm” in a sentence. How to connect “rhythm” with other words to make correct English sentences.

rhythm (n): a strong pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that is used in music, poetry, and dancing

Use “rhythm” in a sentence

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They moved on, settling into the rhythm of the land again

«You hear about the asteroid?» Taktor asked once they were settled into a hoisting rhythm

into the rhythm and the pulse of the dance

No, as Angels they could give themselves the ability to breath underwater so they dropped down into a brightly lit grotto in the reef blow them that was sending up the rhythm of quite a party beat

They got down there to find that dolphins had quite a bar down here set up on the shelf corals with schools of glowing fish lighting the party and a school of drumfish providing the rhythm that the dolphin’s girlfriends squealed to

Smith took the melody and the rhythm of the void into the soul of creation, swinging

But as always with the rhythm of the

There were lines of ships and rafts anchored off every lock entry, ropes being paddled in and out, barges being drawn both ways in a complex ballet who’s rhythm wasn’t obvious at first

ability to count, no rhythm, no vibe

Smith took the melody and the rhythm of the void into the soul of creation, swinging in allegiance from every note to every other note in a crescendo of perfect solitude, until it began to dawn on Smith that there was simply no way to settle on a universal truth in un-sound

But as always with the rhythm of the universe a discordant note took its inevitable place in the skirl of creation

[…] Rhythm […] is about intensities, it’s about

They came together in a rhythm that reached a crescendo and they both yelled out

lovers of voice and the followers of rhythm

the life support tubes swaying with the rhythm

Yoga, in affecting the glands, establishes a rhythm in the body so that you do not feel a desire for food that you do not need

It put a twinkle in my heart and a rhythm in my eye, and gave the village a sharp focus

Move your arms in rhythm with your legs, and lastly remember your facial expression

This will not only make it more pleasant for you but will help you to establish an even rhythm

‘They shoot into the sky and thank the stars they have such good company,’ he was a boy with his sister again, happy to be rocking and rolling to the rhythm of the choppy seas

She began breathing in a panting rhythm

He was, as is only natural at his age, most attracted to those girls that hedeemed to be pretty, and would watch girls huddle together in groups, gazing at them as they lost themselves in the rhythm of the dance, and he fell in love at least once every half an hour

He tried to look at the black instead of the dust motes and he saw a rhythm in it, something like the billow of clouds or maybe rough building stone with the points of light being the mortar between them

The candle flames appeared to move to the rhythm of the music

‘Listen Vidya, we used the rhythm method, we used protection I know it is not

in groups, gazing at them as they lost themselves in the rhythm of

She started dancing, her body reacting to the beat of the rhythm almost automatically

The bolder one of the two does most of the talking and they exchange a few jokes and comments about the punters, all of which helps the newly founded foursome to settle into something approaching a rhythm

She found herself unconsciously altering her breathing to match the rhythm

In between charges the nurses compress her chest, counting out the rhythm of life in beats delivered by the heels of their hands

away so that he could hear his heart’s rhythm

Transfixed by the rhythm, his mind slipped free

It seemed that she had been over a week without release and was as enthusiastic as Bethai but with a much mellower rhythm and social parts that fit comfortably in his hand

Obviously your hands could spin around themselves almost faster than the eye can follow without hitting each other and even to a tempo or rhythm, but not if managed by a center which cannot currently process at that speed

How could he relate to steel and plastic corridors, silicon mind and the power structure when he was adrift in a field of violet blooms in the golden light of Kortrax? How could he relate to orders given by a starship captain frozen in stone when there was a golden-skinned naked girl on him, swaying to the rhythm of mental drums, beckoning him into her arms, into her body?

Klegnif for her part did an excellent jam of a rhythm part to it, feeling the crescendo and giving it a new creative interpretation that might have even advanced the song

Inside the sitting room, that had been converted for the season, into a Santa’s workshop, the grandfather clock, clicked a rhythm similar to her heart

And there was a rhythm

He did have a good bit of natural jungle rhythm however and a few pointers went a long way with him

The rhythm mounted, became deafening!

set out haltingly, but soon got back into the rhythm of the

the rhythm and a perfect knowledge of the al

Even limited in motion by her bruised shoulders and the chain, she quickly found the rhythm

listened to the rhythm as Michael started playing his harmonica

Lips parted and my body swayed in a secret rhythm

Was he insulted that she’d failed to find some hidden rhythm? Or had she misread a word? Philemon’s scrawl was none too steady

When it was a steady rhythm, I sought my orb of power and encouraged it to spin

One by one, the rest of the group matched her rhythm

She made sounds in rhythm with the

“There was one place I thought you misperceived the rhythm of Calliope

Musical-Rhythmic: Appreciation/orientation to rhythm and pitch

She took pains to keep her rhythm and tempo even with his

He’d found that the meter and rhythm of

His dancing kept strict time with the unheard rhythm

After a moment’s pause as they stopped in line, and then a quick nod to each other, the brass section wailed a long low mournful chord, gently augmented by the rhythm section and lifting it gradually as the front spots came on one by one illuminating each musician in turn, until the rich ring of brass reached its apex, brought it to a cutting halt so that in the split second of silence it seemed to hang in the room like a clarion

Then in the next instant the deep pounding rhythm let loose and everybody in the room was sucked to their feet by the magic

The initial impact of the music settled to a steady rhythm and the crowd composed itself into an organized dancing shape

It was so powerfully sensual that Jack felt the smack of it and it checked his rhythm for a beat

began to move in a steady rhythm that Sharon at

in a fast rhythm

in and out to the rhythm of his cock

noise itself as was the rhythm

Now as the guns settled down into their rhythm you could hear the different types of guns the howitzers would cough their shells out and they sounded a bit like the trench-mortars only about twenty times as loud

Her eyes closed, concentrating on the rhythm of the music

Her boots tapped a sharp rhythm as she strode down the corridor

Spacers have a certain rhythm that comes from years of moving in

The wind filled the sails and the oars made a regular subtle splash as they pounded out their rhythm

The Rooinekke were renowned as champions on the disco floor, in case we Afrikaners did not already know that and they were willing to graciously teach us all of their moves, since we are comrades in arms so to speak! It seems they indeed had a lot more rhythm than us if I am being honest, but I cannot dance and it common knowledge that I am very clumsy

He checked the man’s pulse, which was beating with a steady rhythm

But soon he caught up with the rhythm

Occasionally the throaty purr of a mating adult could be heard, or the deep warning growl of an aggressive encounter, but mostly the sett settled quietly into the slow rhythm of winter

There he was, far ahead, his horse cantering along the road with steady rhythm

The hours twisted through the night, the rhythm inexorably moving along, the wagons inching steadily forward

The machines bleeped furiously and my heartbeat thudded in the same rhythm

Helen was driving and looking straight ahead but turned momentarily when she heard Kate’s breathing change in rhythm and pitch

The men of the tribe chanted and gave the high priest the rhythm he needed to perform the ritual

As the train sped along, rocking me back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm, I half dozed, only vaguely aware that Uncle Hobart was ordering something from the trolley service

instruments and along with the rhythm, Margarette gracefully raised

“Well thanks a million for all your help,” he said, but his sarcasm was wasted, she didn’t even break her rhythm

rhythm in addition to other tests

the exception that at times I was having an irregular heart rhythm

Through a very interesting combination of songs, dances and play-acting, it revealed at the same time, at least to me, a very important aspect of that place: the educators throb at the rhythm of the community they serve

It is here translated in free, blank verse from the Spanish, which was written with rhythm and rhyme:

He possessed me utterly, stroking my tongue, my mouth, moving with a slow rhythm that rocked my body, tying my brain and my hips and my lips and my center to him

Normally, a lady’s age should be kept a secret… However, Lucille is a very special lady, for she looks ten to twenty years younger and the rhythm of her activities convincingly reflects those younger years… and that is its “raison d’être” here

She called out that perhaps he could gain better control if they trotted and, without another word, signaled her stallion to increase its stride while her hips picked up the rhythm, moving as one with the animal

to anticipate his rhythm and it worked

gait and I moved to match his rhythm

truly smooth rhythm; no wasted motion

He wasn»t happy, but there was a developing rhythm to this Q & A

This Castle has a rhythm, a way of operating and surviving

As the sweat flowed in copious streams, he developed a rhythm that pushed his physical limits and thereby eased his sorrow

Once you got the hang of it, and developed a little rhythm, you were okay

Molo noticed the Pilgrim had already done that, the outline of his rising and falling ribs following the rhythm of his breathing: slow, deep, and steady

There was a rhythm to it as he leaned into a turn and shot out the gate, bleakly lit by overhead yellow lighting

The machine seemed to sag in mid-air but continued in its previous rhythm, its voice unstoppable:

She braked abruptly and pulled over in front of a small three-story building with faux gypsum columns outside, cast in some vaguely Greco-Roman rhythm

Loud roaring laughter mingled with the sound of clashing glassware; some danced to the rhythm of half-drunken, clapping hands while others sang at the top of their lungs

Those who stood by the walls and watched, clapped the rhythm and sang, drove on the musicians and the dancers

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