The word retract in a sentence

втягивать, втягиваться, отрекаться, отказываться, убирать шасси, отменять


- втягивать

to retract the claws [the horns] — втянуть /спрятать/ когти [рожки]

- втягиваться; сокращаться
- ав. убирать (шасси)
- брать назад (слова и т. п.); отрекаться, отказываться (от обещания и т. п.); отменять

to retract from an engagement — отказаться от выполнения обязательства
to retract a statement — взять обратно своё заявление
the permission has been given and cannot be retracted — разрешение было дано, и его нельзя отменить
even when confronted with proof the accused man refused to retract — даже перед лицом улик обвиняемый стоял на своём

Мои примеры


to drop / retract / withdraw a charge — отказываться от обвинения  
to repudiate / retract / take back / withdraw a confession — отказываться от признания, брать свои слова обратно  
to retract a flap — убирать закрылок  
to raise / retract a landing gear — поднимать шасси  
to drop / retract / withdraw an allegation — брать свои слова обратно  
to retract one’s claws — прятать когти  
to retract / withdraw a statement — взять обратно свое заявление  
to recant / repudiate / retract (one’s) testimony — отрекаться, отказываться от показаний  
to retract the landing gear — убирать шасси  
retract claim — отказываться от притязания; отказаться от притязания  

Примеры с переводом

They retracted the job offer.

Они отозвали это предложение о работе.

A cat can retract its claws.

Кошка может прятать/убирать свои когти.

The cat retracted his claws.

Кот втянул когти.

He retracted his earlier statements about his religion.

Он отказался от прежних заявлений о своих религиозных убеждениях.

He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.

Он признался в убийстве, но впоследствии отказался от своих показаний.

The pilot retracted the plane’s landing gear.

Пилот самолёта убрал шасси.

The plane’s landing gear failed to retract.

У самолёта не убралось шасси.

The sea otter can retract the claws on its front feet.

Когти на передних лапах у калана втягиваются.

Their college grants were retracted.

Их гранты на обучение в колледже были аннулированы.

Возможные однокоренные слова

retraction  — втягивание, сокращение, стягивание, отказ, отречение
retractive  — сократительный, втяжной
retractor  — сократительная мышца
retractable  — убирающийся, втягивающийся, вытяжной
retractible  — вытяжной, убирающийся, втягивающийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: retract
he/she/it: retracts
ing ф. (present participle): retracting
2-я ф. (past tense): retracted
3-я ф. (past participle): retracted

retract — перевод на русский


Late last night, Renato Favelloni retracted his confession.

Вчера поздно вечером Ренато Фавеллони отказался от своего признания.

Since Mr. Misskelley has retracted his confession, I presume he will not be testifying against his co-defendants.

Поскольку мистер Мисскелли отказался от своего признания, полагаю, он не станет давать показания против других подсудимых.

One of your staff retracted their statement

Один из ваших сотрудников отказался от своих показаний.

They want you to retract your findings.

Они хотят, чтобы ты отказался от своих находок.

I wanted to retract my prior critique.

Я бы хотел отказаться от моей предыдущей критики.

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I understand you wish to retract the statement you made in 1992 concerning your daughter’s kidnapping.

Как понимаю, вы хотите отозвать заявление 1992-ого года относительно похищения вашей дочери.

Feierberg! Feierberg called Shmuel, and pleaded with him to retract everything he wrote, otherwise he would be excommunicated!

Файерберг позвал к себе Шмуля, и умолял отозвать книгу и отказаться от неё, иначе его отлучат от Синагоги!

Can I retract an earlier statement?

Я могу отозвать предыдущее заявление?

It’s true Jackie was upset about being cut out of the will, but I guess I was hoping that, given enough time, I could convince Jackie to retract her landmark status filing.

Да, Джеки была расстроена, что её нет в завещании, но я надеялся, что со временем, я смогу убедить её отозвать заявление.

You should really retract it.

Ты действительно должен отозвать его.

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— See if you can retract the other one.

Попробуй убрать правое.

I’m glad to hear it. Retract landing gear and climb to 5000 feet on a heading of 2-7-0.

Убрать шасси, набрать высоту 1500 метров по курсу 570.

Retracting landing gear and climbing to 5000 feet on a heading 2-7-0.

Убрать шасси, набрать высоту 1500 метров по курсу 570.


Ошейник: убрать.

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Retract more here.

Расширьте здесь немного.

Retract, please.

Расширьте пожалуйста.

— Okay. Retract there.

Расширьте здесь.

Retract there. — Mm-hmm.

Расширь там.

All right. Reycraft, retract the dura carefully.

Рейкрафт, осторожно расширь твердую оболочку спинного мозга.

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— We have to retract it.

— Нам надо все отменить.

— You have to retract it.

— Вам надо отменить это.

You have to retract it.

Вы должны отменить.

Please retract your order, my King.

отмените приказ.

So please retract your order, my King!

отмените ваш указ!

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This newspaper would like to retract certain statements in a certain notebook which may have hurt certain people’s feelings.

Наша газета хотела бы опровергнуть кое-какие высказывания в кое-каком блокноте, которые могли ранить чувства определённый людей.

‘Course, I’d have to retract it the next day, because-Well, come on.

Конечно потом придется опровергнуть, ведь… Ты ж понимаешь.

We have to retract Genoa tonight.

Мы должны опровергнуть Геноа сегодня.

— Then you retracted it?

— А потом опровергли ее?

— Of course we retracted it.

— Конечно, мы ее опровергли.

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i’ve trained my major blood vessels to retract into my body on command.

Я научился по желанию втягивать внутрь тела основные кровеносные сосуды.

also,i can retract my penis up into itself.

Еще я умею втягивать внутрь пенис.

He has to retract them when he runs.

Ему приходится их втягивать, когда он бежит.

You’re trying to bully me into retracting an article about you being a bully.

Ты пытаешься меня запугать втягивая меня в свое печатное хулиганство

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So, you may either retract this fiction as your final or you may choose to be expelled.

Таким образом, вы можете либо забрать вашу выпускную работу, либо вас могут исключить.

Now it seems I must retract it with vigor.

Но, похоже, я должен забрать извинения назад.

Did she make you retract your complaint?

Она заставила тебя забрать жалобу?

Not if you retract this complaint.

Нет, если вы заберёте это заявление.

I’m not retracting my statement.

Я не заберу свое заявление.

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For the record, you will retract that remark.

Для протокола, ты заберёшь назад эти слова.

That is a libelous accusation, And I insist you retract it immediately.

Это голословное обвинение, и я настаиваю, чтобы ты взял его назад.

I’ll handle the vascular if you can retract.

Я разберусь с сосудами, если ты немного сдашь назад.

If you retract your offer to Hesselboe, he’ll indicate you’re a weak leader.

Если ты возьмешь назад свое предложение к Хесельбо, он посчитает тебя слабым политиком.

I’ll retract, you divide the rectus sheath.

Я расширяю, а ты разделяешь мышцы.

Want me to just keep retracting as you go?

Расширять рану по ходу?

Keep retracting.

Продолжай расширять.

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Definition of Retract

to pull back in

Examples of Retract in a sentence

The company will retract its job offer if it learns of your arrest.


After being sued, the magazine was forced to retract the fictitious article.


Did you see the little kitten retract its tiny claws?


Once you explain the situation to your teacher, she might retract your failing grade and give you another opportunity.


You can apologize and retract your hurtful words, but I’ll still feel the pain.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word retract, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use retract in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «retract».

Retract in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word retract in a sentence.

  1. Birkett was forced to retract.

  2. De Gucht refused to retract his statement.

  3. During screams, the lips retract and the ears are drawn back.

  4. The mammary glands and genitals of pinnipeds can retract into the body.

  5. The outraged Chamberlain demanded that Mosley retract the claim «as a gentleman».

  6. The pilot would retract the landing gear if it was down, and climb to gain altitude.

  7. On the other hand, the forelimbs were able to retract towards the body very strongly.

  8. The boom would prove troublesome, as Worden would not always be able to get it to retract.

  9. Mosley, whom Baldwin described as «a cad and a wrong ‘un», refused to retract the allegation.

  10. Cutting, incensed by a statement that Breckinridge had made, demanded that he explain or retract it.

  11. Designed by Allder, these swords could also retract their blades, and several sprayed blood from their tips.

  12. The shell serves as external armor, although loggerhead sea turtles cannot retract their heads or flippers into their shells.

  13. The maiden flight was largely uneventful, save for the inability to retract the landing gear because of a hydraulic fluid leak.

  14. Cutting demanded that Breckinridge retract or explain a statement he had made, which Breckinridge understood as a challenge to duel.

  15. If the problem is left untreated, the Achilles tendons at the back of the foot retract and the foot cannot take on a normal position.

  16. Passenger and service doors are an overhead plug type, which retract upwards, and commonly used doors can be equipped with an electric-assist system.

  17. The NAACP leadership was stunned, and asked Du Bois to retract his statement, but he refused, and the dispute led to Du Bois’s resignation from the NAACP.

  18. Minton was lambasted in the media for his endorsement, which he attempted to retract a few days later after being advised to do so by other members of the Court.

  19. For example, the Earth Vellumental has five exposed body parts, and Mario needs to attack each one and cause them to retract before being able to do major damage.

  20. The arm could not swing in a complete circle, but could retract (swing backward) 109° from the vertical, so that the humerus could actually be angled slightly upwards.

  21. According to Sanjoy Roy of The Guardian, Jackson would «flick and retract his limbs like switchblades, or snap out of a tornado spin into a perfectly poised toe-stand».

  22. Henry gave them an allowance of 5,000 livres, but in return extracted a statement from Clementina that she had never been married to Charles a statement she later tried to retract.

  23. Darby denied this accusation of perjury and tried to engage Beauchamp in a discussion about it, hoping he would retract the charge, but the prisoner ordered the cart driver to continue to the gallows.

Synonyms for retract

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word retract has the following synonyms: abjure, recant, forswear, resile, draw in, pull back, draw back and shrink back.

General information about «retract» example sentences

The example sentences for the word retract that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «retract» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «retract».

Synonym: annul, cancel, invalidate, recall, repeal, rescind, revoke, withdraw. Similar words: attract, active transport, abstract, contract, distract, attraction, contractor, attractive. Meaning: [rɪ’trækt]  v. 1. formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure 2. pull away from a source of disgust or fear 3. use a surgical instrument to hold open (the edges of a wound or an organ) 4. pull inward or towards a center. 

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31, Therefore I retract, And I repent in dust and ashes.

32, Patients can also hold the handles to retract more fully for intra-oral photograghs.

33, However, North Korea regarded it as «a violent remark regarding a pre-emptive strike against the North,» also demanding the South retract the words and extend public apologies.

34, Joe SolmoneseWhile many called on the Reynolds pair to retract and apologize for their deeply homophobic statements, it was sports agents and players who took them to task.

35, Using this result we prove in this paper that every contractible polyhedron is an absolute retract.

36, Mummification preserves DNA and does not allow the soul to retract from the form.

37, An editorial in the state — owned China Daily demanded that Turkey retract its remark on genocide.

38, Why It’s Innovative: A hydraulic system built into the bridge’s handrail allows it to retract and curl into an octagon.

39, To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable by death.

39, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

40, For the uncircumcised boy, retract the foreskin of the penis and cleanse.

41, When swaging vinyl-sheathed wire rope, always retract sheathing to reveal wire rope before proceeding to swage.

42, Once again retract the burr hole site, and fold back the Micro Sensor completely at the desired bend side to leave a kink in it.

43, The undercarriage on light aircraft does not always retract during flight.

44, After your gear is raised, retract your flaps with the F key.

45, Right after the dental extraction, the interseptal bone distal to the canine was undermined to weaken its resistance and a tooth-borne appliance was used to retract the tooth rapidly.

46, The speaker’s speech produced a public katzenjammer which forced him to retract certain statements.

47, The speaker ‘s speech produced a public katzenjammer which forced him retract certain statements.

More similar words: attract, active transport, abstract, contract, distract, attraction, contractor, attractive, protracted, distractedly, social contract, retreat, retrospective, trace, track, fraction, interact, fracture, practice, character, practical, track down, hyperactive, in practice, practically, ostracism, interactive, interaction, practitioner, out of practice. 

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