The word respectively used in a sentence

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Everything you need to know about using “respectively” in a sentence

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So, you’re doing some writing when the word “respectively” pops into your mind. Bravo! That’s one awesome word! But how do you use it and what does it mean? “Respectively” can add a formal flair to academic, scientific, and everyday writing, but there are some general rules you should follow. Grammar and punctuation can be tricky, so that’s why we’ve put together this inclusive guide to answer all of your questions.

Things You Should Know

  • Use the adverb “respectively” at the end of a sentence to explain parallels of an ordered list.
  • Place “respectively” in the middle of a sentence between 2 independent clauses to describe corresponding lists.
  • Always put a comma before “respectively” if it’s at the end of a sentence, or place commas before and after the word if it’s in the middle of a sentence.
  1. Image titled Use Respectively in a Sentence Step 1

    “Respectively” relates 2 or 3 items to something previously mentioned. In other words, this adverb means “in the order given.”[1]
    People often use “respectively” in scientific or mathematical writing when comparing numbers or data. Basically, if you’re listing at least 2 items in a sentence, place “respectively” at the end or middle of a sentence to explain a correspondence or relationship.[2]

    • For instance, say you have the sentence, “The speeds of examples A and B were 50 MPH and 75 MPH, respectively.”
    • In this example, “respectively” explains which speed corresponds with which example: example A went 50 MPH, while example B went 75 MPH.
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  1. Image titled Use Respectively in a Sentence Step 2


    Use “respectively” at the end of an ordered list. If you’re listing a series of results or items with corresponding or comparable information, place “respectively” at the end of the sentence following a comma. This clarifies to readers which items refer to each other.[3]

    • For example, the sentence “The scores for tests 1 through 3 were 90, 84, and 71, respectively” means that the score for test 1 was 90, the score for test 2 was 84, and the score for test 3 was 71.
    • Another example would be, “The horse and donkey are named Buttercup and Clover, respectively.” The use of “respectively” tells us that the horse’s name is Buttercup and the donkey’s is Clover.
  2. Image titled Use Respectively in a Sentence Step 3


    Put “respectively” in the middle of a compound sentence. Say you have a sentence with an ordered list followed by a coordinating conjunction and another phrase or clause. In this instance, “respectively” can be sandwiched between clauses with a comma on either side to show what list items correspond with each other.

    • Let’s return to our horse and donkey example. Maybe you add to the sentence to explain where the animals live: “The horse and donkey are named Buttercup and Clover, and they live in the barn next door.”
    • Adding “respectively” in the middle of this sentence helps readers understand which animal is named what: “The horse and donkey are named Buttercup and Clover, respectively, and they live in the barn next door.”
    • A clause is a complete thought or sentence that has a subject and verb.[4]
    • A compound sentence is a sentence that has two independent clauses that could be sentences on their own.[5]
    • A coordinating conjunction is a word that combines 2 like clauses, such as for, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so. Use the acronym FANBOYS to remember this grammar rule.
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  1. Image titled Use Respectively in a Sentence Step 4

    Yes, always place a comma before “respectively” in a sentence. Whether you’re putting this adverb at the end or middle of a sentence, use commas to make your sentence grammatically correct.[6]
    Check out these examples on how to use a comma with “respectively”:

    • Place a comma before “respectively” if you’re explaining a list in a simple sentence with one independent clause.[7]

      • Amy and her sister are 18 and 22, respectively.
      • The profits in June and July grew 15% and 30%, respectively.
    • Use commas before and after “respectively” when it’s in the middle of a sentence. In this context, “respectively” is acting as an adverbial appositive.
      • Amy and her sister are 18 and 22, respectively, and they love spending time together.
      • The profits in June and July grew 15% and 30%, respectively, but the company still experienced losses.
    • An appositive is a word or phrase that explains the term before it, and commas separate the additional clause from the main thought.[8]

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The word «respectively» is one of the commonly used words in the English language, so there is no surprise that it has been misused a lot of times in sentences. But, you do not want to be a part of the many who misuse words because they do not have a clear understanding of them. So, it is okay if you are asking, how we should use the word «respectively» when writing.

The word «respectively» is an adverb used to clarify the relationships between several words in a sentence. «Respectively» means in the order mentioned and separately. An example of how to use the word «respectively» is the capital city of China and Russia is Beijing and Moscow, respectively.

Although it looks very easy, there are some complications when using the word. Well, we have got you covered. In this article, we will talk about everything you need to know about this word. This is to ensure you know how to use this word correctly.

What Does The Word «Respectively» Mean?

While it is essential to have a full understanding of the meaning of a word before deciding to use the word. A lot of people are ignorant of how important it is and so they end up misusing words and not communicating accurately.

For us to avoid misusing words and not communicating accurately, we will dive into the meaning, the origin, the nature, the synonyms, and the antonyms of the word «respectively.» This is to ensure you have a complete understanding of the word.

So, what does the word «respectively» mean, and what is its origin?

The word «respectively» is borrowed from the Medieval Latin word «respectivus,» (means to have regard for) gotten from the Latin word «respectus» (the past participle of respicere).

Medieval Latin Respectively

Right now, we will take a deep look into the meaning of the word «respectively.»

In a relative sense, when comparing, the word «respectively» is used to denote that the items listed in both lists correspond to each other in the exact order they are given. It also denotes the sequential arrangement of things.

It refers to a way of arrangement that relates to each separate thing that has been mentioned earlier. Another way to put it is singly in the order previously mentioned or designated.

The word «respectively» means individually or separately and in an arranged order that has been mentioned previously.

From the different meanings listed above, you will notice some things that are constantly emphasized: there is a list of arranged objects usually two or more and there is a reference to the first list and the order and arrangement of the first list are maintained in the second.

Next, we will look into the nature of the word «respectively,» the function it performs in a sentence.

As you know, an adverb is a word that expresses a relation of time, place, circumstances, cause, degree, or manner. «Respectively» plays the role of an adverb in a sentence, meaning it modifies and qualifies a verb, an adjective, or another verb. The presence of «ly» at the end of the word makes it an adverb, without it the word is an adjective.

Some of the synonyms of the word «respectively» are distributively, sequentially, singly, independently, corresponding, approximately, discreetly, in-particular, severally, each, and individually. The antonyms are altogether, aggregately, together, generally, jointly, and collectively.

Having this knowledge in mind makes it very easy to understand how to properly use a word in a sentence.

How To Properly Use «Respectively» In A Sentence

Now that you clearly understand the meaning, origin, nature, synonyms, and antonyms of the word «respectively,» we will dive into how to properly use the word in a sentence.

We use the word «respectively» when we want to emphasize the relationship between two or more pairs of items in two parallel lists, meaning the two parallel lists usually contain the same number of items.

So, you cannot use the word «respectively» when there are no parallel lists or when the parallel lists do not contain an equal amount of items. Therefore the use of the word is limited, a lot of people do not know this and they end up misusing it.

English Respectively

Another thing you must know is that you must use the word only when there is a direct one-to-one relationship between the items in the two parallel lists.

You need to know that in the modern standard of written English, the word «respectively» is used at the end of any sentence, and it is preceded by a comma. If you place the word in any other part of the sentence, you will make the sentence much more difficult to understand.

You can also use the word to relate a list of parameters to some value, e.g. numeric data, the list of values follow the same order given for the list of parameters. The second list corresponds exactly with the arrangement or order of the first list.

Here are some rules you are advised to follow:

  • Ensure you only use the word when it is necessary, if you do not have to use the word in a sentence, avoid it, it only complicates and makes your writing difficult to understand.
  • If you must use the word, it has to be only when you are combining a list of things you have stated earlier with a list of items you will state at the end.
  • When using the word, you must always place a comma at the end of the sentence but preceding the word «respectively.»

Illustrative Examples on how to use the word «Respectively»

We have explained all you need to know about the proper usage of the word «respectively». But for better clarity, we will take a look at some examples.


  1. I hope you connected all four wires to the fuse and diode respectively
  2. Respectively, Alex, Michael, and John came first, second, and third place in the competition.
  3. The width and length of the rectangle are respectively 5 inches and 9 inches, can you find the area?
  4. The average estimated precipitation in Mumbai for the next couple of years will be 30.6 inches, 40.5 inches, and 42.9 inches, respectively.
  5. The bass guitar, keyboard, and violins were purchased from Yamaha and Behringer stores, respectively.
  6. You can only use modified diesel and petrol engines respectively when you blend it with conventional diesel and petrol.
  7. Sarah and Veronica who are respectively David’s aunt and sister expanded my insights into womanhood.
  8. Gastric and duodenal ulcers, respectively tend to develop along different pathways with high and low gastric acidity.
  9. Respectively, James and Burton were born in London and they served apprenticeships as goldsmith and fashion designer in Canterbury.
  10. Daniel and David bought soda and juice from the store respectively.


  1. I hope you connected the red wire, the blue wire, the green wire, and the yellow wire to the diode, cathode, fuse, and capacitor, respectively.
  2. The first, second, and third place in the competition went to Alex, Michael, and John, respectively.
  3. The width and length of the rectangle are 5 inches and 9 inches, respectively. Can you find the area?
  4. The average estimated precipitation in Mumbai for the next three years will be 30.6 inches, 40.5 inches, and 42.9 inches, respectively.
  5. The bass guitar, keyboard, and violins were purchased from Yamaha, Behringer, and Electro-Voice stores, respectively.
  6. You can only use modified diesel and petrol engines when you blend them with conventional diesel and petrol, respectively.
  7. My insight into womanhood was expanded by Sarah and Veronica who are David’s aunt and sister respectively.
  8. Gastric and duodenal ulcers tend to develop along different pathways with high and low gastric acidity, respectively.
  9. James and Burton were born in London and they served apprenticeships as goldsmith and fashion designer in Canterbury, respectively.
  10. David and Daniel bought soda and juice from the store, respectively.

Use of Respectively Example

Some elements to notice in the examples given above:

  • In example 1, there are four items in the first list and two items in the second, and in example 5 there are three items in the first list and two in the second. You cannot use «respectively» because the two parallel lists must contain the same amount of items.
  • In examples 2, and 9, the word «respectively» is placed at the beginning of the sentence, it must be at the end, which is the accepted standard of writing in modern English.
  • In examples 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8, the word «respectively» is placed in the middle of the sentence which is making it difficult to understand. It must be at the end of the two parallel lists.
  • In example 4, there is no specific amount of items in the first list (a couple of years does not state the exact amount of years). You need to be specific with the amount to use the word «respectively» when combining two parallel lists.
  • While it looks all correct in example 10, there is no comma before the word «respectively.»

Final Thoughts

There is no reason for you to be confused when using the word «respectively» in a sentence. Even if there were some misunderstandings before, we have cleared it all up in this article.

So, now you can use the word with confidence next time you are writing and it is fitting to convey your message. Enjoy!

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Asked by: Leonard Bashirian

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‘Respectively’ means ‘separately and in the order already mentioned’. It is used when describing two or more items that refer back to a previous statement. It should only be used if a sentence would be unclear without it.

When we use respectively in a sentence?

‘Respectively’ is an adverb that is often misused by non-native English speakers. It means “in the order given” and should only be used if your sentence would be unclear without it. Example: Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen detector flows were set at 85, 7, and 4 mL/min, respectively.

How does respectively work in a sentence?

A note on punctuation: the word «respectively» is put at the end of the sentence or phrase it refers to, and it is set off with a comma (or commas if «respectively» occurs in the middle of the sentence). Example: The dog and the cat were named Jack and Sam, respectively, and they lived down the street from me.

Do you use respectfully or respectively?

Respectfully relates to showing or expressing respect, with respect meaning «the understanding that something is important.» Respectively means «in the order given» and in this case respect is being used to describe how one thing relates to or references another.

Can you use respectively for three things?

Respectively should only be used to describe two or more items. Respectively is not required in example 3, as proliferation was measured using both techniques, or in example 4, as expression of all three genes was quantified using real-time RT-PCR. Therefore, the correct sentences are: 3.

41 related questions found

How do you use respectively in a list?

Respectively is an adverb that means «for each separately and in turn, and in the order mentioned.» The correct use of respectively requires two parallel lists of corresponding items. For example, these sentences are correct: The values of x and y are 3.5 and 18.2, respectively.

What can I use instead of respectively?

Synonyms & Antonyms of respectively

  • apart,
  • discretely,
  • independently,
  • individually,
  • separately,
  • singly.

Can you end an email with respectively?

respectfully/ respectively

Sign your emails «respectfully yours» if you’re full of respect for the person you’re writing to, and save respectively for singling things out. The grammar mob appreciates your attention to these details.

How do you end an email respectfully?

Email Closings for Formal Business

  1. Regards. Yes, it’s a bit stodgy, but it works in professional emails precisely because there’s nothing unexpected or remarkable about it.
  2. Sincerely. Are you writing a cover letter? …
  3. Best wishes. …
  4. Cheers. …
  5. Best. …
  6. As ever. …
  7. Thanks in advance. …
  8. Thanks.

What do you mean by respective?

respective. / (rɪˈspɛktɪv) / adjective. belonging or relating separately to each of several people or things; severalwe took our respective ways home.

How do you use the word respective in a sentence?

1) They each excel in their respective fields. 2) The tourists went back to their respective countries. 3) It is important that we dovetail our respective interests. 4) They are each recognized specialists in their respective fields.

Can you start a sentence with respectively?

Well, you could conceivably start a sentence with “respectively,” but you can’t start this sentence with “respectively.”

When should whom be used in a sentence?

General rule for who vs whom:

Who should be used to refer to the subject of a sentence. Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition.

How is thus used in a sentence?

Use the adverb thus in place of words like therefore or so when you want to sound proper. Use thus interchangeably with words like consequently, ergo, hence, and just like that. For example, if you want to sound fancy you could say no one showed up for water aerobics, thus the class was cancelled. It had to be thus.

Can I use respectively twice in a sentence?

Senior Member. Break it into two sentences, it would make it a lot easier — you shouldn’t use ‘respectively’ twice in the same sentence. Alternatively, restructure it so you use ‘respectively’ once at the end of the sentence.

How do you greet in an email?

The Six Best Ways to Start an Email

  1. 1 Hi [Name], In all but the most formal settings, this email greeting is the clear winner. …
  2. 2 Dear [Name], …
  3. 3 Greetings, …
  4. 4 Hi there, …
  5. 5 Hello, or Hello [Name], …
  6. 6 Hi everyone, …
  7. 1 [Misspelled Name], …
  8. 2 Dear Sir or Madam,

How do you end a letter asking for consideration?

Make sure to offer thanks for their time and consideration, and choose a professional closing salutation such as, “Sincerely,” “Best regards” or “Thank you for your consideration.” Avoid overly familiar phrases like, “Yours,” “Cheers” or “Take care.”

What is CC in email?

Cc stands for carbon copy which means that whose address appears after the Cc: header would receive a copy of the message. Also, the Cc header would also appear inside the header of the received message.

Should I put comma before respectively?

If at the end of a sentence, a comma is placed before ‘respectively‘. The aperture and beam efficiencies were X and Y, respectively. If in the middle of a sentence, ‘respectively’ is placed between two commas.

Is merely a polite way to end a letter?

Answer: Sincerely or Regards is merely a polite way to end a letter.

How do you end a professional letter?

10 best letter closings for ending of a formal business letter

  1. 1 Yours truly. Like a navy blue jacket or a beige appliance, “yours truly” doesn’t stand out, and that’s good. …
  2. 2 Sincerely. …
  3. 3 Thanks again. …
  4. 4 Appreciatively. …
  5. 5 Respectfully. …
  6. 6 Faithfully. …
  7. 6 Regards. …
  8. 7 Best regards.

How do you write respectively in short form?

Usage notes

Like the unabbreviated form respectively, this abbreviation is used postfix, as in «X or Y, resp.«. Some ESL writers use it infix, as in «X resp.

What is the closest meaning of the word respectively?

respectively, severallyadverb. in the order given. «the brothers were called Felix and Max, respectively» Synonyms: independently, one by one, individually, separately, singly, severally, on an individual basis.

What means correspondingly?

in a way that is similar to, connected with, or caused by something else: Life in the city is more expensive, but salaries are correspondingly higher.

What is respectively in math?

Respectively is defined as in the order given. An example of respectively is what one might say instead of «in that order» in «Alice is 5 and James is 7, in that order.» adverb. 10. 12.

How to Use Respectively in a Sentence

Today, we’re looking at the word “respectively,” which we use to refer to something previously mentioned. This is a great word when used correctly, allowing us to clarify how different parts of a sentence relate to one another. But it’s also easy to misuse if you’re not sure how it works.

Let’s look first at how “respectively” should be used, then, before examining a couple of common errors you’ll want to avoid.

How to Use Respectively in a Sentence

“Respectively” is an adverb meaning “in the order mentioned.” We use it when we want to emphasize the relationships between two pairs or items in two parallel lists (i.e., two lists that contain the same number of items). For example, we could use “respectively” as follows:

Paris and Berlin are the capital cities of France and Germany, respectively.

This tells us that Paris is the capital of France and that Berlin is the capital of Germany. We know this because “respectively” means that the first city mentioned (Paris) goes with the first country mentioned (France), and likewise for the second city (Berlin) and country (Germany).

Common Error: Non-Parallel Lists

People make two main errors when using “respectively.” One is to use it without preceding parallel structures, or without a direct one-to-one relationship between items in two lists:

The wires connect to the diode and fuse, respectively.

Here, for example, “respectively” does not make sense because we don’t know how many wires there are or how they are distinct from each other. To correct this, we would need to write:

The orange wire and green wire connect to the diode and fuse, respectively.

In this version, we can clearly see which wire connects to which component.

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Common Error: Unnecessary Use of Respectively

Another error is to use this term when it isn’t necessary. For instance:

Dogs and cats are common household pets, respectively.

In this case, since both dogs and cats are pets, we can lose “respectively”:

Dogs and cats are common household pets.

We would, however, use this term to distinguish between the two. For example, we could clarify the genus to which each species belongs:

Dogs and cats belong, respectively, to the genera Canis and Felis.

Here, without the “respectively,” it would not be 100% clear which species belonged to which genus. This, therefore, is a good use of the term.

And if you need any more advice on using this word in a document, don’t forget you can try our proofreading service for free.

The adverb ‘respectively’ is often used incorrectly by non-native English speakers. In this short post, we discuss the correct way to use ‘respectively’, focusing on its use in scientific manuscripts.

‘Respectively’ means ‘separately and in the order already mentioned‘. It is used when describing two or more items that refer back to a previous statement. It should only be used if a sentence would be unclear without it.

‘Respectively’ is typically used to save space.

Without ‘respectively’ The value of X was 8.7, the value of Y was 9.8, and the value of Z was 5.6.
With ‘respectively’ The values of X, Y, and Z were 8.7, 9.8, and 5.6, respectively.

Examples of the incorrect use of ‘respectively’

  1. Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole are selective inhibitors of CYP2C9, respectively.

Reason: This is incorrect because there is only one item, CYP2C9,  for two items, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, to correspond to. Removing ‘respectively’ would not change the meaning of this sentence, therefore it should not be included.

  1. Highly selective ratiometric fluorescent sensing for Hg2+ and Au3+, respectively, in aqueous media.

Reason: This is incorrect because there are two items, Hg2+ and Au3+, for one item, highly selective ratiometric fluorescent sensing, to correspond to. Removing ‘respectively’ would not change the meaning of this sentence, therefore it should not be included.

  1. Maturation of sympathicoblastoma into ganglioneuroma. A report of two patients with 20- and 46-year survivals, respectively.

Reason: This is incorrect because the two patients have not been differentiated, therefore the 20-year survival and 46-year survival do not correspond to any specific patient.


If at the end of a sentence, a comma is placed before ‘respectively’.

The aperture and beam efficiencies were X and Y, respectively.

If in the middle of a sentence, ‘respectively’ is placed between two commas.

The aperture and beam efficiencies were X and Y, respectively, at a beamwidth of Z.

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