The word resolution in a sentence

Definition of Resolution

Examples of Resolution in a sentence

His New Year’s resolution was to run three times a week, but only a month into the year he had already failed.


The new principle made a resolution that she would not allow poor teachers to continue working at her school.


He had promised his son a new bike for Christmas and nothing would break his resolution.


Even in the face of danger, his resolution would not fail.


Though the resolution did not make everyone happy, it did effectively end the argument.


Bringing in a third part to help come up with a resolution proved to be a good idea.


After years of fighting between the nations, it was nice to finally reach a peaceful resolution.


He could not promise his men that everyone would survive the battle, but he did make a resolution that no one would be left behind.


The sunset is the natural resolution to the day.


Though he thought they had reached a resolution last week, the store owner was disappointed to see his employee was still stealing.


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Synonym: answer, closure, declaration, firmness, firmness of purpose, resoluteness, resolve, resolving, resolving power, result, settlement, solution, solvent, solving. Similar words: evolution, revolutionary, pollution, resolve, isolation, execution, institution, distribution. Meaning: [‚rezə’luːʃn]  n. 1. a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote 2. the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close together 3. the trait of being resolute 4. finding a solution to a problem 5. something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making 6. analysis into clear-cut components 7. (computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture 8. the subsidence of swelling or other signs of inflammation (especially in a lung) 9. (music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord 10. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem 11. a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner. 

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1. Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. 

2. The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.

3. The resolution called for the resumption of negotiations.

4. A majority vote enabled the passage of the resolution.

4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

5. The party members were balloted on the resolution.

6. He made a resolution never to do it again.

7. The resolution was carried at the previous plenary session.

8. We were angered at the resolution.

9. They agreed on a draft resolution.

10. The unexpected blow did not stagger his resolution.

11. She made a New Year’s resolution to get fit.

12. The committee have passed a resolution that conditions be improved.

13. An affirmative resolution of both Houses of Parliament is needed.

14. The UN has passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire.

15. The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council.

16. They are trying to rush through the draft resolution before the general election.

17. Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops.

18. The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities.

19. The resolution was carried unanimously.

20. The resolution was unanimously rejected.

21. Japan used her veto to block the resolution.

22. The bill/motion/resolution was carried by 340 votes to 210.

23. The assembly adopted a resolution approving the scheme.

24. The motion/proposal/resolution/bill was carried by 210 votes to 160.

25. The resolution was carried nem con.

26. Poverty is not a sufficient cause for disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself, is a disgrace. 

27. Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace. 

28. How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults.or resolution enough to mend them!

29. They made an objection to the imperial system with resolution.

30. Council members spent the day quibbling over the final wording of the resolution.

More similar words: evolution, revolutionary, pollution, resolve, isolation, execution, institution, distribution, contribution, prosecution, constitution, institutional, constitutional, reservation, restriction, presentation, prescription, representation, prestidigitation, resort, resource, resonate, impression, depression, aggression, notion, nation, motion, option, action.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word resolution, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use resolution in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «resolution». In addition, we also show how different variations of resolution can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are resolutions, resolutions—in, resolution—owing and resolution—to. If you click on the variation of resolution that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Resolution in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word resolution in a sentence.

  1. A resolution stating «Whereas John C.

  2. The resolution was approved unanimously.

  3. This resolution produced mixed responses.

  4. Hanna resignedly supported the resolution.

  5. Each CCD has a resolution of 0.64 megapixels.

  6. This Congress passed a unanimous resolution:.

  7. On July 1, the resolution was debated in Congress.

  8. The game resists resolution or even comprehension.

  9. The resolution was adopted, and implemented in 1907.

  10. The last problem limits the resolution to about 10 nm.

  11. Webster led a motion to narrowly defeat the resolution.

  12. Delegates passed a resolution to accept Congress’s terms.

  13. On June 11, 2019, a concurrent resolution sponsored by U.S.

  14. He asked, «[who] at a Republican convention would vote ‘no’ on such a resolution?

  15. Gomułka, however, was determined to impose a forceful resolution of the conflict.

  16. Pending resolution of the charges, Oppenheimer’s security clearance was suspended.

  17. As a consequence, the game natively renders at 1152×640 resolution instead of 720p.

  18. Most at the meeting endorsed the resolution with only one member voting against it.

  19. Bush approved a joint resolution designating November 1990 «National American Indian Heritage Month».

  20. The resolution passed easily, removing Burnett from the seat he had occupied continuously since 1855.

  21. The same day, Congressman Vestal introduced the Peace dollar authorization bill as a joint resolution.

  22. In some cases, they may be able to match or exceed Hubble in resolution by using adaptive optics (AO).

  23. The joint committee organising the British response to this resolution contained a difference of view.

  24. The West Virginians revolted against Conkling’s resolution, and heavily criticized him for his motion.

  25. No further action was taken on that joint resolution, but on March 16, Guffey and Delaware’s Daniel O.

  26. In blue light, conventional optical microscopes have a diffraction-limited resolution of about 200 nm.

  27. Landman also printed many opinions against the resolution and Zionism in his American Hebrew Magazine.

  28. The synod passed no resolution about Henry, suggesting the new Pope had adopted a conciliatory policy.

  29. However, their resolution is considerably lower than contemporaneous digital cameras and mobile phones.

  30. For its 30th anniversary in 2018, the film was released in a remastered 4K resolution Ultra HD Blu-ray.

  31. How restoration might be funded became a political battleground and seemed to stall without resolution.

  32. The best Earth-bound telescopes could not resolve features with the resolution Project Apollo required.

  33. The most controversial resolution asked that Texas become an independent state, separate from Coahuila.

  34. Treatment of the hypokalemia, followed by correction of the hyperthyroidism, leads to complete resolution of the attacks.

  35. Under the Weimar Republic, Germany was admitted to the League of Nations through a resolution passed on 8 September 1926.

  36. McKinley’s signature on the joint resolution caused Spain to break off diplomatic relations and war was quickly declared.

  37. Observations with the NuSTAR satellite gave much higher resolution data than the earlier Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.

  38. The notorious shoe-banging incident occurred during a debate on 12 October over a Soviet resolution decrying colonialism.

  39. After much debate and one failed proposal, a large majority of those remaining at the meeting voted to pass a resolution.

  40. On January 26, one of Bowie’s men, James Bonham, organized a rally that passed a resolution in favor of holding the Alamo.

  41. The council member who introduced the city’s resolution criticized the Legislature for taking action without consultation.

  42. On his final evening in office, March 3, 1845, Tyler offered annexation to Texas according to the terms of the resolution.

  43. Cassini has since viewed these smooth plains regions, like Sarandib Planitia and Diyar Planitia at much higher resolution.

  44. The Allies came up with a new plan, in which they would demand that Norway and Sweden give them right of passage by citing a League of Nations resolution as justification.

  45. The delegates of the 1928 national convention of the Canadian Legion passed a unanimous resolution asking that a pilgrimage be organized to the Western Front battlefields.

  46. Conkling said that «no man should hold his seat here who is not ready so to agree.» A voice vote was called, and the resolution received nearly unanimous delegate support.

  47. The LIHG passed a resolution that its teams would only play against teams approved by the CAHA and the AHAUS, which was accepted by the Swiss Olympic organizing committee.

  48. The equatorial region of the sub-Charon hemisphere of Pluto has only been imaged at low resolution, as New Horizons made its closest approach to the anti-Charon hemisphere.

Resolutions in a sentence

Resolutions is a variation of resolution, below you can find example sentences for resolutions.

  1. The Senate had no army to enforce their resolutions.

  2. Several of the resolutions were designed to stimulate the local economy.

  3. Two other resolutions were offered, though their authorship is uncertain.

  4. Several of these echoed resolutions passed at the previous year’s convention.

  5. After some debate, Burnett proposed four resolutions in lieu of both reports.

  6. Because this process had not been followed, Músquiz annulled the resolutions.

  7. Both sets of resolutions, and a set adopted by the Senate, were all laid on the table.

  8. In 2019, both houses of Congress passed resolutions formally recognizing the genocide.

  9. They adopted a series of resolutions that requested changes in the governance of Texas.

  10. Because the colonists had not followed this process, Músquiz annulled their resolutions.

  11. Ross became one of a committee of three assigned to draft resolutions for the convention.

  12. One of SASO’s founding resolutions was to send a representative to each NUSAS conference.

  13. Despite his leadership role in the Peace Conference, Tyler opposed its final resolutions.

  14. The PC version retains all previously added features and can be run in higher resolutions.

  15. Beginning in 1895, Congress passed a number of resolutions calling for Cuban independence.

  16. Driggs protested against the resolutions, copies of which were sent to federal authorities.

  17. This demand was explicitly mentioned in resolutions adopted by the INC between 1917 and 1919.

  18. That conference passed 61 resolutions, including broad changes to party policy and procedures.

  19. Several public meetings passed resolutions calling for Crittenden’s resignation from the Senate.

  20. A number of chiral resolutions have been developed to separate the two enantiomers of amphetamine.

Resolutions—in in a sentence

Resolutions—in is a variation of resolution, below you can find example sentences for resolutions—in.

  1. To that end, he proposed the Crittenden Compromise—a package of six constitutional amendments and four congressional resolutions—in December 1860.

Resolution—owing in a sentence

Resolution—owing is a variation of resolution, below you can find example sentences for resolution—owing.

  1. According to Trigger Happy author Steven Poole, the game’s «inadequate temporal resolution—owing to a wrongheaded choice to privilege visual detail over frame-rate—made it unplayable at higher difficulty levels».

Resolution—to in a sentence

Resolution—to is a variation of resolution, below you can find example sentences for resolution—to.

  1. Impact crater diameters seen range from 0.1 km—a limit defined by the imaging resolution—to over 100 km, not counting the multi-ring structures.

Synonyms for resolution

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word resolution has the following synonyms: declaration, resolve, resoluteness, firmness, firmness of purpose, resolving, resolving power, settlement, closure, solution, answer, result, solvent and solving.

General information about «resolution» example sentences

The example sentences for the word resolution that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «resolution» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «resolution».

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Resolution sentence example

  1. The resolution in his face was unmistakable. …
  2. Following that resolution , she was up at five the next morning getting ready for work. …
  3. The resolution in his voice floored her. …
  4. A similar resolution was successful in the House of Lords.

How can I put resolution in a sentence?

Resolution in a Sentence ?

  • His New Year’s resolution was to run three times a week, but only a month into the year he had already failed.
  • The new principle made a resolution that she would not allow poor teachers to continue working at her school.

What is an example of a resolution?

Sometimes the conflict is resolved in a way that is painful for characters, but ultimately, the conflict is resolved. Examples of Resolution: Two friends fight over a boy, but in the end, they realize that friendship is more important, and the boy ultimately moves away from the town anyway.

What is the use of resolution?

Resolution is a measure used to describe the sharpness and clarity of an image or picture. It is often used as a metric for judging the quality of monitors, printers, digital images and various other hardware and software technologies. … It is also used to determine the resolution of a screen, monitor, or TV.

Where we can use resolution?

Used with adjectives:

«The panel has reached a unanimous resolution.» «We are looking for a quick resolution to the problem.» «There was a peaceful resolution.» «She works at conflict resolution.»

39 related questions found

What is called resolution?

In computers, resolution is the number of pixels (individual points of color) contained on a display monitor, expressed in terms of the number of pixels on the horizontal axis and the number on the vertical axis. … However, the resolution and the physical monitor size together do let you determine the pixels per inch.

What is a resolution in writing?

Resolutions are a formal way of stating intended action by a group of people. A resolution is an original motion, which because of its importance, length, or complexity is submitted in writing.

What is a resolution simple definition?

: the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. : the act of resolving something. : an answer or solution to something. : the ability of a device to show an image clearly and with a lot of detail.

What is a resolution process?

Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) is a recovery mechanism for creditors. If a corporate becomes insolvent, a financial creditor, an operational creditor, or the corporate itself may initiate CIRP.

What is resolution and why is it important?

Resolution is the amount of dots or pixels that make up an image. It is traditionally measured in DPI (Dots Per Inch) it is now mostly referred to as PPI (Pixels Per Inch). Resolution is quite important, as the wrong resolution in the wrong circumstances can look terrible.

What is resolution and give example?

Resolution measures the number of pixels in a digital image or display. It is defined as width by height, or W x H, where W is the number of horizontal pixels and H is the number of vertical pixels. For example, the resolution of an HDTV is 1920 x 1080.

What should a resolution include?

What are the basic rules for writing a resolution? Rule #1 Every resolution must have a title, “whereas” clause(s) and “resolved” clause(s) and carry the author’s name(s). The title should be clear and concise and convey the general idea of the topic of the resolution.

What is a personal resolution?

A resolution is simply a promise to yourself to get something done, ideally along with a plan to make it happen. A resolution can be a goal that you set informally and keep private, or you can share your goals and plans with other people.

Is a resolution taken or made?

A resolution is a formal decision taken at a meeting by means of a vote. He replied that the U.N. had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.

How do you write minutes in resolution?

How to Write a Resolution

  1. Format the resolution by putting the date and resolution number at the top. …
  2. Form a title of the resolution that speaks to the issue that you want to document. …
  3. Use formal language in the body of the resolution, beginning each new paragraph with the word, whereas.

What is resolution in a story?

The resolution is the end of the story. It occurs after the CLIMAX. It is when you learn what happens to the characters after the CONFLICT is resolved.

What happens at a resolution meeting?

What happens at a resolution meeting or pre-trial? … Possible resolutions could include charges being withdrawn, the accused person entering into a peace bond or completing some form of diversion in exchange for having charges withdrawn, or a plea of guilty in exchange for a particular sentence or sentence range.

What are 5 conflict resolution strategies?

According to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), used by human resource (HR) professionals around the world, there are five major styles of conflict management—collaborating, competing, avoiding, accommodating, and compromising.

What happens after resolution plan is approved?

(i) Once a resolution plan is duly approved by the adjudicating authority under sub-section (1) of Section 31, the claims as provided in the resolution plan shall stand frozen and will be binding on the corporate debtor and its employees, members, creditors, including the Central Government, any State Government or any …

Is a resolution law?

Like a bill, a joint resolution requires the approval of both Chambers in identical form and the president’s signature to become law. There is no real difference between a joint resolution and a bill. The joint resolution is generally used for continuing or emergency appropriations.

What is Game resolution?

Game resolution is the visual ability to display a set amount of pixels on a monitor or TV screen. … The more pixels that a resolution has, the clearer and sharper the image will be. As you’d probably expect, a game can only display so many pixels when held back by a smaller resolution.

How do you write a sample resolution?

All “Resolved” clauses within a resolution should use the objective form of the verb (for example, “Resolved, that the American Library Association (ALA), on behalf of its members: (1) supports…; (2) provides…; and [last resolved] urges….») rather than the subjunctive form of the verb (for example, “Resolved, …

How do you write a resolution in a story?

Takeaway value

  1. The resolution takes place directly after the climax and is the last scene(s) in the book.
  2. The resolution must tie off all prominent loose ends, leaving the reader without any salient questions. …
  3. The resolution needs to offer the reader a sense of continuation in the lives of the characters.

How do you create a resolution?

Here are eight tips for making a resolution you can keep—although you’ll have to say goodbye to the word “resolution”!

  1. Ditch the usual vocab. …
  2. Be positive. …
  3. Be specific. …
  4. Take baby steps. …
  5. Tell your friends and family. …
  6. Give yourself a break. …
  7. Reward yourself. …
  8. Don’t give up!

failure of resolution and will, to see such frailty, still shocked him

His words present a determined resolution to follow

To look into the eyes of a God and see the flaws, to witness the failure of resolution and will, to see such frailty, still shocked him

Riding along beside Black Hofnarr took a lot of resolution, especially as JJ so closely resembled his uncle

listening and resolution without involving third parties in the fight

A fair fight is also left in the past after resolution

Fair fighting leads to resolution in most cases

economic methods of problem resolution had irked Jack and Jill

writhing mass of perfect, simple, harmonic resolution

There was calm resolution in his eyes

Spelman and I have, I think, landed upon a satisfactory resolution to insure that Miss Spelman shall receive her proper training with the Royal Shakespeare Company, an aim we can all agree is in her best interest

resolution to their mission and for the safety of Pippi

and confident of a speedy resolution now that the

Resolution of the monitor, how they compared

Were altered by microscopes, and telescopes, and What the “ultimate” resolution might be: atoms?

The late resolution of the Quakers in Pennsylvania, to set at liberty all their negro slaves, may satisfy us that their number cannot be very great

Had they made any considerable part of their property, such a resolution could never have been agreed to

To dream that you are in an orchestra represents inner integration, resolution, and harmony

To prevent the stock-jobbing tricks which those opposite interests might sometimes occasion, the bank has of late years come to the resolution, to sell at all times bank money for currency at five per cent

In consequence of this resolution, the agio can never either rise above five, or sink below four per cent

Before this resolution was taken, the market price of bank money used sometimes to rise so high as nine per cent

” Her growing wicked smile of resolution overshadowed any hint of her previous malaise, and it was infectious

But the Dutch government soon began to oppress the Portuguese colonists, who, instead of amusing themselves with complaints, took arms against their new masters, and by their own valour and resolution, with the connivance, indeed, but without any avowed assistance from the mother country, drove them out of Brazil

In war and negotiation, the councils of Madras and Calcutta, have upon several occasions, conducted themselves with a resolution and decisive wisdom, which would have done honour to the senate of Rome in the best days of that republic

It was enacted, that the resolution of two-thirds of these creditors in number and value should bind the rust, both with regard to the time which should be allowed to the company for the payment of their debts, and with regard to any other agreement which it might be thought proper to make with them concerning those debts

By a resolution of the house of commons, for example, it was declared, that when the £1,400,000 lent to the company by government, should be paid, and their bond-debts be reduced to £1,500,000, they might then, and not till then, divide eight per cent

In the red-shift example, if we had freedom of movement in the Universe, it would have contributed immensely to the resolution of our measurements and assisted us in obtaining more certainty from the conclusions that scientists are drawing

He renewed his resolution to himself that no matter what, he’d never abandon this poor troubled

He values the human will to execute decisions, with absolute resolution — whether they are right or wrong

I do believe that in his latest novel, „The Dead Town,» Dean Koontz had it just about right when he had one of his seedier characters declare: „We think different from what a bunch of pencil neck Ivy League professors of conflict resolution think

The resolution to intervene was passed by a majority vote of only two

resolution filed and put away in the city archives

The resolution to provide every poor child in the city with a stocking

“Oh?” Normally, Amaranthe would applaud the resolution, but having one of her few resources incapacitated for days with the shakes would not be convenient

An international court case followed which South Africa actually won but still the UN adopted a resolution calling for South Africa to withdraw and hold fair elections on the one man one vote principle

This was called resolution 435 and a curse word for us

waking form as an unconscious way of seeking resolution

“And that is why he wants to hear the resolution, or have you return

She drew in a long breath, then nodded at him, sending him every ounce of her love and belief and resolution

Three times he screamed, and each scream generated a renewed strength, a renewed resolution

Resolution 1441 is already specific enough

If the United Nations does not approve the new resolution (which is already number 18, with respect to Iraq), the bombing will start backed by Resolution 1441

Quite different is, however, the case with the countries opposed to full compliance of Resolution 1441 that was unanimously adopted just four months ago

I do not think I am mistaken by maintaining that France, Germany and Russia have encouraged Saddam’s present haughty and defiant behavior with their inflexible posture of resistance to compel faithful compliance of Resolution 1441 and the new resolution, number 18

Overlooking the fact that such information emanated from the United Nations and from many other sources of intelligence of other countries such as England, France and Germany, and disregarding furthermore the fact that Saddam had used those very same weapons against his own people killing thousands of Kurds, for example, it is fitting to remember that non-compliance of Resolution 1441 did not limit itself to “weapons of mass destruction” and did not consist, of course, in finding them

He would state the Queen Bee’s case and ask for a peaceful resolution

It was like anger and resolution, but at the same time something very vulnerable

“Religion is the platform upon which those things [have been, and] can be contemplated, where surmise can lead to a seemingly logical conclusion, the foundation of which lies far enough beyond current ability to verify as to seem without resolution

At some point in Man’s early development an appeal was thought to have been made to this Presence (there have been many representations for this entity who we now call God),to arbitrate between equally demanding claims to leadership in order to avert the chaos inherent within a physically contested resolution

“In their enthusiasm for conflict resolution, the Amity have apparently forgotten that meddling creates more conflict,” says Tobias

There were the twelve years of unfulfilled resolutions, the latest being Resolution 1441, which offered Iraq a final opportunity to comply with the many disarmament obligations set out previously

All were visibly covered with bubbles of sweat, attesting to the high pixel resolution of Nick’s camera

resolution and regular meetings would keep the whole process on track

problem by introducing a new operator :: called the scope resolution operator

/*Program to illustrates the feature of scope resolution operator*/

· The resolution not to engage in certain non-virtuous actions again is based on faith in karma and understanding the ripening results of one’s karmic actions

When we have conviction we shall naturally dread our own negativity and make a strong resolution to practice moral discipline

The resolution of the kidnapping was very conspicuous by its absence

The camera memory could only hold about fifty low resolution

The objective of inspection is to detect defects in the work product and ensure that resolution is provided to that

· Non conforming product (Defective) must be identified and controlled and appropriate resolution to be provided

Causal Analysis and Resolution

Updated resolution in the tool/ log

21 And as they agreed to these words between themselves, God was pleased with their thoughts, and with the resolution they had each taken with the other

After gazing into my eyes, his expression informed me he had, so he said in quiet resolution “I can’t

‘What is the detail resolution on a nanoeye? The details are amazing

resolution in this life

On March 3, 1973, repudiating “outside pressure”, the United States used its veto in the United Nations against the resolution to negotiate a new treaty that would guarantee “total respect to Panama’s effective sovereignty over all its territory”

and another that of Resolution Island

Now, Josie’s resolution to her ill-advised quest through a homosexual psychiatrist became painfully evident to her loved ones

He was ready to wait for its resolution but she started growing impatient with the delay, and the affair ended there

the business? Make a resolution to get prepared for the next stage of your life – this will allow

to enact what was referred to as a “Concurrent Resolution

Congress could not agree on a Budget for the upcoming fiscal year, they passed a Resolution that allowed all government Departments to spend the same amount of money that they spent the previous year

Good conflict resolution is not only about settling

resolution needs to be a part of the workplace

conflict resolution and putting it into practice

21 And as they agreed to these words between themselves God was pleased with their thoughts and with the resolution they had each taken with the other

«Our New Year’s resolution was to simplify our life as much as possible to reduce stress,» says Bocherer, an advertising account supervisor

He states that one of the requirements for the psychological health in the adult is the successful resolution of the Oedipal conflict as a child

Bleichroder worked closely with Bismarck and the government “to lessen the influence of parliament on the resolution of economic questions

Where did I get such a sense of doomed resolution so early in

any other resolution to the problem of his existence and my

21, 2003, House Concurrent Resolution #356 passed the House by vote of 382–0

His standard response was to ask how they propose to resolve it, and if they didn’t have a resolution, he would say, “You don’t have a problem

“With that, Kadron rested his hand on his enemy’s shoulder, hoping by that gesture to bring about the resolution he and his people so desperately needed

Because, somehow, she understood that, whatever was about to happen, the meaning and resolution of it would be up to her, in a way she couldn’t yet comprehend

Then, to the quizzical cast of his face, slowly was added the slightest hint of a smile as he answered, “We all must occasionally be prepared to make great sacrifices for our Pharaoh! But you, Hebrew!”—he directed an additional remark toward Yigal—“I won’t soon forget that it was really you that spawned this resolution!” The words sounded menacing, but the hint of a smile was still there

Do this for me,” he concluded, “while I go on to see what’s up ahead for us,” Hurrying on without waiting for an answer, Moshe smiled inwardly at such a good resolution to a problem that had vexed him since his arrival

unexpected resolution so typical of his

resolution!” The words sounded menacing, but the hint of a smile was still there

answer, Moshe smiled inwardly at such a good resolution to a problem that had vexed him

Once he did that, and if this hint of resolution was nothing but winter air, there would be no more searching

‘ With this resolution of the master his son and friends were well pleased viz

It could have been the resolution of the video but Shelley seemed to become transparent just for a second before she walked (glided) around the desk to stand in front of her

Among the singular events: the deployment of the CGC Chase to the Persian Gulf to support the United Nations oil embargo against Iraq; Operation New Frontier which initiated the use of special pursuit boats and armed helicopters; training teams sent to the former Soviet Republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia to develop and train national coast guards; the development of coordinated pollution control and response plans with Russia and Mexico; a National Strike Force response to an oil spill in the Galapagos Islands; the combining of BM/QM and ET/FT ratings, and the creation of OS and IT rates; the global circumnavigation of the CGC Sherman; the largest Coast Guard port security operation since World War Two in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States; and the drafting of a terrorist resolution which was passed by the International Maritime Organization (Coast Guard, “Adm

resolution of min that I may be faithful to it until

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