The word resident in a sentence

resident — перевод на русский


What was expected to be a peaceful demonstration amongst residents and law enforcement turned deadly when what was believed to be a home-grown militia opened fire.

То, что начиналось как мирная демонстрация жителей и представителей правопорядка, обернулось бойней, когда предположительно члены добровольных дружин открыли огонь.

Half a league this way in the forest, 50 residents simmering under snow.

50 жителей там еле сдерживают ярость.

Has he sufficiently considered the case of the residents and the committee?

Неужели он не достаточно рассмотрел дел жителей и комиссии?

One man is responsible for the entire borough with all its hundreds of residents.

Один человек отвечает за целый квартал и сотню его жителей.

We are located at the largest… construction site of the 6-year plan, a steel mill… and city for 100,000 residents.

Мы находимся на территории стройки — самой большой в 6-летнем плане — заводского комбината и города для ста тысяч жителей.

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I’m Dr. Baxter, Resident Ministry of War clinic.

Я — Бакстер, доктор медицины. Ординатор клиники Министерства Войны.

I’m chief resident.

Я ведь старший ординатор.

The resident or the attending, they perform the surgery.

Операцию делает штатный хирург или ординатор.

To make your resident happy.

В том, чтобы ваш ординатор был доволен.

You realize that I’m an attending, and you’re only a resident.

Вы понимаете, что я лечащий врач, а вы всего лишь ординатор?

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Which is why I’m throwing a dinner party Friday night for a few select residents.

Поэтому я устраиваю в пятницу званый ужин для нескольких избранных жильцов.

And your minds are very valuable to my residents because you enrich and add value to our own.

И ваш разум очень ценен для моих жильцов, потому что вы обогащаете и просвещаете нас.

And these two minds, they provide more than enough rich experience and imagination to provide years of entertainment for my residents.

И эти два разума… они более чем богаты воображением и переживаниями, чтобы обеспечить годы развлечений для моих жильцов.

With all due respect to you fine folks, I don’t give a damn about residents!

При всём уважении к вам, народ, мне наплевать на жильцов!

We cannot evict residents because they’re strange.

Мы не можем выселять жильцов на основании твоих мурашек.

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It was a resident.

—Это был резидент.

The Nazi’s a resident.

Фашистка – резидент.

Barney: «dear resident…

«Дорогой Резидент…

«sweet… Resident.»


You’re her resident.

Ты ее резидент.

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A force lived at the hotel in the last decades affecting staff and residents.

Какая-то сила столько лет живет в «Гиперионе» околдовывая прислугу и постояльцев.

I was doing some research in a hospice. Residents, you know, complaining of ill treatment.

Я проводил расследование в хосписе, понимаете, жалобы постояльцев на жестокость.

I have a funny question. I was just wondering if one of your residents, Malachy McNeill, is there.

Я хотел бы узнать, там ли один из ваших постояльцев — Малаки МакНил

It’s a luxury development… where all the residents are in their golden years.

Это роскошное учреждение… для постояльцев, достигших золотого возраста.

Why don’t you be a good example for your residents and make the call?

Почему бы тебе не побыть хорошим примером для твоих постояльцев и не позвонить?

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Now he’s our resident gourmet.

Теперь он наш местный гурман.

He’s our resident idiot.

Это наш местный дурачок.

Our resident psychiatrist was an Air Force consultant here for four years.

Наш местный психиатр проработал четыре года консультантом в ВВС… — Я сама.

I’m starting to think maybe Alicia isn’t our resident psycho killer.

Я начинаю думать, возможно, не Алисия — наш местный психопат-убийца.

Our resident poet, Mr Roger McGough, thank you very much indeed.

Наш местный поэт, г-н Роджер МакГоф, спасибо большое.

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-Oh, resident life.

-О, жизнь интерна.

Are you blaming me for your resident’s incompetence?

А вы обвиняете меня в некомпетентности своего интерна?

When we come back, hopefully we find a very confused cardiac resident.

Когда мы вернёмся, надеюсь что найдём, очень смущённого интерна.

A resident, maybe.

Может, интерна.

Speaking of new staff, I would like to introduce our new junior resident, Billy Scott, who is fresh from his surgical internship at St. Vic’s.

Кстати о новичках, представляю вам нашего нового интерна, Билли Скотта, он прошел хирургическую интернатуру в больнице святого Вика.

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Within range of our sensors, there is no life, other than the accountable human residents of this colony beneath the surface.

В радиусе действия сенсоров там нет жизни, кроме людей, обитателей колонии. Под поверхностью.

You are charged with the calculated and unprovoked murder of two of this station’s residents, as well as the brutal slaying… of a security officer.

Вы обвиняетесь в преднамеренном убийстве двоих обитателей станции, а также в убийстве с отягчающими обстоятельствами офицера службы безопасности.

Most of the human residents have been forced to live in squalid, filthy possibly disease-ridden areas of the station denied proper sanitation and health care.

Многие из человеческих обитателей станции вынуждены жить в запущенных, грязных возможно, зараженных болезнями областях станции без соответствующего санитарного и медицинского обеспечения.

Sir Curt Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance… summoned the help of Scotland’s local wizards.. to cast a protective spell over the lake and its local residents… and all those who seek for the peaceful existence of our underwater ally.

Сэр Курт Годфри из Альянса Несси… призвал к помощи местных шотландских магов… для создания защитного заклинания на озеро и его обитателей… и всех тех, кто ищет мирного существования для нашего подводного друга.

yes, for the residents of wisteria lane, it was the most wonderful time of the year.

Да, для обитателей Вистерия Лейн, Рождество было самым счастливым временем в году.

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You must go to Residents Control registration?

А, Вам нужно в отдел контроля проживающих? Нет.

Don’t forget, you must go to Residents Control. Yes.

Напоминаю, что Вам нужно сходить в пункт контроля проживающих.

Residents Control.

— В контроль проживающих.

I need only one thing from you. Not later than today I need the addresses of the richest elderly Iranians, resident outside Iran.

От Вас мне нужны не позднее сегодняшнего дня адреса наиболее состоятельных пожилых иранцев, проживающих за пределами Ирана.

I tracked down most of the residents.

Я проверил большинство проживающих.

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This word love, which old farts call blind, be resident in men like you, asshole, but not in me.

Эта всемирная любовь, которую старые пердуны зовут слепотой, на живет в людях вроде тебя, засранец. Но не во мне.

His name is Azam, resident of ToIichowki, our QuaIis driver.

Его зовут Азам, он живет в Толичоуки, наш водитель.

Bob here, he’s our newest resident, so, uh, Tom figures, well, this is the guy who’s doing all the killings.

Вон тот, Боб, недавно тут живет, поэтому Том сделал вывод, что он и виноват во всех этих убийствах.

The guy you ran over-— he’s a resident at the halfway house in your hood.

Тот тип, кого ты сбил… он живёт в реабилитационном центре, что в твоём районе.

among its residents… is your prince Eric.

в котором живет… твой принц Эрик.

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Antonym: migratory. Similar words: president, residential, presidential, residence, presidency, beside, besides, on the side. Meaning: [‘rezɪdənt]  n. 1. someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there 2. a physician (especially an intern) who lives in a hospital and cares for hospitalized patients under the supervision of the medical staff of the hospital. adj. 1. living in a particular place 2. used of animals that do not migrate. 

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1. She is resident at his house.

2. Many retired British people are now resident in Spain.

3. Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan.

4. Some of the royal family of Spain are resident in Portugal.

5. This block of flats has a non — resident caretaker.

6. Immigrant workers were classed as resident aliens.

7. They engaged a resident tutor.

7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

8. She applied for resident status but was turned down.

9. Stanley is our resident crossword fanatic.

10. I’ve been resident in this place for five years.

11. Tom’s our resident expert on foreign movies.

12. He’s our resident expert on computer games.

13. She is the university’s resident expert on Italian literature.

14. The resident population of mental hospitals has fallen by 20%.

15. She’s resident abroad/in Moscow.

16. This design of resident buildings is becoming / getting fashionable.

17. For tax purposes they were treated as ordinarily resident in the UK.

18. A resident was fighting for his life yesterday, having escaped the blaze.

19. A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the Revolution.

20. This is your resident DJ signing off for another week with our signature tune.

21. She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage.

22. She’s a first-year resident in oncology at Boston General Hospital.

23. Police took a burglary report from a bewildered resident.

24. Polreath, David, elderly resident of Lanrean.

25. Layton, a Kensington resident, was born in Hanover, Va.

26. Parvis, elderly resident in the village of Lanrean.

27. Resident proprietors welcome guests back year after year.

28. He moved to Belgium in 1990 to live with his son, who had been resident in Brussels since 1967.

29. The morning after your arrival, you meet with the resident physician for a private consultation.

30. He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent resident because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.

More similar words: president, residential, presidential, residence, presidency, beside, besides, on the side, incident, evident, identity, identify, diffident, confident, identical, side by side, by accident, respondent, correspondent, identification, side, aside, resist, resign, outsider, lay aside, set aside, put aside, sidewalk, consider.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word resident, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use resident in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «resident».

Resident in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word resident in a sentence.

  1. Most species are resident year-round.

  2. One resident told the inquest that she:.

  3. However, it is listed as resident in Iran.

  4. Praeger’s Sensible Foods, was a village resident.

  5. Architect Edmund Anscombe was a Caversham resident.

  6. Glen Ellyn is the setting for then-local resident O.

  7. It is a non-migratory resident throughout its range.

  8. Kikoski has been a resident of Jersey City, New Jersey.

  9. In December 1889, a letter written by a resident of St.

  10. All members of a resident pod use similar calls, known collectively as a dialect.

  11. Both resident and transient orangutans aggregate on large fruiting trees to feed.

  12. Eleven members (about half) of one resident pod disappeared in the following year.

  13. Song, a resident of Santa Clara, California, is the mother of Nicholas and Timothy.

  14. At the time of the 2011 census the usually resident population had increased to 307.

  15. The body of an early resident known as «Minnesota Woman» was discovered in 1931 in Otter Tail County.

  16. Are you thinking of joining the high brows of Lake Forest and becoming a resident of Lake County too?

  17. A resident of Kingman, Arizona, McVeigh considered targets in Missouri, Arizona, Texas, and Arkansas.

  18. The National Park, 71% of which is in Somerset and 29% in Devon, has a resident population of 10,600.

  19. Estimates indicated that each resident of La Jolla would save 80 hours per year by using Ardath Road.

  20. In 1798, the state’s first governor’s mansion was constructed, and Garrard became its first resident.

  21. Depending on latitude, the common blackbird may be resident, partially migratory, or fully migratory.

  22. A resident of the area, Iris Armstrong opened up a girls’ camp just east of the amphitheater in 1922.

  23. A resident breeder in lowland wetlands with trees, the wood stork builds a large stick nest in a tree.

  24. A resident of Honokowai organized a Facebook fundraiser that received more than $150,000 in donations.

  25. Northeast Pacific resident groups tend to be much more vocal than transient groups in the same waters.

  26. Robert Hazard, a resident of West Palm Beach, established the Storm of ’28 Memorial Park Coalition Inc.

  27. Novelist James Patterson, author of the Alex Cross series, is a part-year resident of Briarcliff Manor.

  28. It is a moderately common resident of the coolest parts of south-eastern Australia, including Tasmania.

  29. Kennedy originated from Albert Leslie Hertz, a resident of Alhambra just south of Pasadena, California.

  30. Some species are also known to directly defend their resident females and the ensuing fights can lead to severe wounding.

  31. The City of San Francisco spends more per resident than any city other than Washington D.C, over $10,000 in FY 2015–2016.

  32. One study in Kansas found resident males to have ranges of roughly 8 sq mi (21 km), and females less than half that area.

  33. Lightning, along with her sister Serah, is a resident of Cocoon, an artificial world hovering above the planet Gran Pulse.

  34. Nashville’s tourist industry is based upon the original works of resident artists and upon the area’s natural environment.

  35. Their death rate is therefore lower than that of the females both on the southward migration, and in resident populations.

  36. In 2002, the Yukon Quest was won by Hans Gatt, an Austrian-born resident of British Columbia and the first European to win.

  37. The eponym was bestowed by Charcot after and on behalf of Gilles de la Tourette, who later became Charcot’s senior resident.

  38. While living in the area, the players received aid from a local resident, Vonda Gainer, who they met at a Dollar Tree store.

  39. When Germany decided in 1907 to separate the administration of Rwanda from that of Burundi, Kandt was appointed as resident.

  40. The three help to defend the resident merfolk city from pox-infected pirates; in return, the merfolk summon sea creatures to assist Guybrush in locating La Esponja Grande.

  41. The pale crag martin (Ptyonoprogne obsoleta) is a small passerine bird in the swallow family that is resident in northern Africa and in southwestern Asia east to Pakistan.

  42. In Pakistan, it is resident in the wetlands around Chotiari Dam in Sindh, in Jiwani Coastal Wetland in Balochistan, and in Punjab along the Taunsa Barrage and Chenab River.

  43. It is possible that he arrived in Rome as early as 1642 in the entourage of James Alban Gibbes (a scholar of English descent), but he was certainly resident there from 1647.

  44. This presentation grossed $2.3 million and enticed 600 new donors to support the theater, which netted $800,000 for operations and rental subsidies for its resident troupes.

Synonyms for resident

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word resident has the following synonyms: nonmigratory, house physician, resident physician, occupant and occupier.

General information about «resident» example sentences

The example sentences for the word resident that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «resident» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «resident».

резидент, постоянный житель, постоялец, проживающий, постоянно живущий


- постоянный житель

the residents of the suburbs — жители предместий
resident of Russia [of the USA] — лицо, постоянно проживающее в России [в США]

- резидент
- ист. министр-резидент
- лицо, проживающее по месту службы
- ординатор, прикомандированный к клинике для специализации
- зоол. обитатель
- вчт. резидент


- постоянно живущий, проживающий

the resident population — постоянное население
resident representative — постоянный представитель
to be resident in a place — проживать где-л.

- служащий, живущий при учреждении и т. п.

resident physician — врач, живущий при больнице
resident master — преподаватель, живущий при учебном заведении
resident tutor — гувернёр, домашний учитель

- (in) присущий; свойственный

difficulties resident in the situation — трудности данного положения
privileges resident in a class — классовые привилегии
certain force resident in us — некая таящаяся в нас сила

- зоол. немигрирующий, неперелётный (о птице)
- вчт. резидентный

resident software — резидентная программа

Мои примеры


a morose and tetchy resident of a nursing home — мрачный и раздражительный обитатель дома престарелых  
resident surgeon — врач, живущий при больнице  
resident correspondent — постоянный корреспондент  
resident program — резидентная программа  
resident macrophage — гистиоцит, оседлый (тканевый) макрофаг  
resident buyer — амер. маклер на центральном рынке  
resident compiler — резидентный компилятор  
resident diagnostics — резидентные диагностические средства  
resident editor — резидентный редактор  
resident account — резидентский счет  
non-resident alien — иностранец, не живущий постоянно в данной стране; нерезидент  

Примеры с переводом

The hotel bar was only open to residents.

Бар при гостинице был открыт только для лиц, проживающих в гостинице.

Kindness is resident in his nature.

Доброта присуща его характеру.

She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage.

Она стала жительницей Британии благодаря своему браку.

Several tribes are resident in this part of the country.

В этой части страны постоянно проживают несколько племён.

He’s our resident expert on computer games.

Он наш постоянный эксперт по компьютерным играм.

The resident population of mental hospitals has fallen by 20%.

Численность постоянного контингента психиатрических больниц сократилась на двадцать процентов.

Many retired British people are now resident in Spain.

Сейчас многие английские пенсионеры проживают в Испании.

The resident was receiving special clinical training at the hospital.

Врач-ординатор проходил специальное клиническое обучение в больнице.

One resident pestered the condo board about every little thing.

Один из жильцов дома донимал домоуправление из-за каждой мелочи.

Mr. Smith claims special tax exemptions because he is a foreign resident.

Мистер Смит требует специальных налоговых льгот, потому что он является иностранным резидентом.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I throw away all mail addressed to ‘resident’

A resident was fighting for his life yesterday, having escaped the blaze.

…as the office’s resident tattler, she can be counted on to report any unauthorized use of the photocopiers…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): resident
мн. ч.(plural): residents

Definition of Resident

a person who lives in a place tong-term

Examples of Resident in a sentence

As a resident of the small community, the nosy neighbor spent her days poking her nose in everyone else’s business.


The resident made a decision to move to a new part of town since crime in her neighborhood continued to increase.


Each resident in the Lincoln Park neighborhood votes at the same precinct while other town members cast their ballots across town.


As a former resident of Flint Michigan, the man was extremely concerned about the lack of clean water in his home town.


A terrified resident of the turn of the century home insists that a ghost haunts her abode every night.


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