The word requirement in a sentence

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), is the


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  1. Record intended to serve as a proof of compliance with some administrative,


    , This is often done in advance of the update of reporting databases and/or the
  2. War were left far more vulnerable to ground fire. This not only created the,


    ,for the introduction of the cockpit armor plating that eventually came to be
  3. And Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) and Industry Canada have not set any,


    ,for maintaining AMPS service in Canada. Rogers Wireless has dismantled their
  4. The topic of this article) can also appear in the 958 range, but there is no,


    ,that they reside there. Some carriers (such as Bell Canada) have been known
  5. Then two weeks of frosty nights per year, there is no cost impact. The basic,


    ,for passive solar heating is that the solar collectors must face the prevailing
  6. Be called the Apostolic Decree () and was that most Mosaic law, including the,


    ,for circumcision of males, was not obligatory for Gentile converts, possibly in
  7. Publication of their tenders and contracts in Development Business a mandatory,


    , Members (DMC) graduation stages ADB has 67 members (as of 2 February 2007)
  8. Many coming from affiliated trade unions, although there is no formal,


    ,for unions to be represented at the National Conference). The National
  9. Generally consist of a university degree in architecture. The experience,


    ,for degree candidates is usually satisfied by a practicum or internship (
  10. Heat production. Athlon XP-M CPUs also have a higher-rated heat tolerance,a,


    ,of the tight conditions within a notebook PC. The Athlon XP-M replaced the
  11. Governments expressed doubts about the aircraft. Another problem was the,


    ,for a new engine to be developed by Rolls-Royce, the RB207. In December 1968
  12. Arises from sensation, but judging something to be» beautiful» has a third,


    ,: sensation must give rise to pleasure by engaging our capacities of reflective
  13. Oscar’s statuettes Since 1950,the statuettes have been legally encumbered by the,


    ,that neither winners nor their heirs may sell the statuettes without first
  14. The USA PATRIOT Act, the ACLU withdrew from the Combined Federal Campaign. The,


    ,was that ACLU employees must be checked against a federal anti-terrorism watch
  15. Died, they had not yet attained full sanctification and moral perfection,a,


    ,for entrance into Heaven. This sanctification is carried out posthumously in
  16. However, this plebiscite has not been held on either side, since the legal,


    ,for the holding of a plebiscite was the withdrawal of the Indian and Pakistani
  17. Fish that have accumulated omega-3 fatty acids from microalgae. To satisfy this,


    , more than 50 percent of the world fish oil production is fed to farmed salmon.
  18. Bishops, there are two other orders of ordained ministry: deacon and priest. No,


    ,is made for clerical celibacy, though many Anglo-Catholic priests have
  19. May say private Masses. As in the Roman Catholic Church, it is a canonical,


    ,to use fermented wine for the Communion; unlike in mainstream Roman Catholicism
  20. Considerations (the computer running the software had an 80 % maximum workload,


    ,into orbit. On 16 November 2005,the third Ariane 5 ECA launch (the second
  21. Would only need a lung volume of about 600 liters compared to a mammalian,


    ,of 2,950 liters, which would exceed the available space. The overall thoracic
  22. Must be under 10. There is a dispute concerning Napoleon’s age because of this,


    ,; the emperor is known to have altered the civic records at Ajaccio concerning
  23. Either the letter or the spirit of the U. S. Bill of Rights. In response to a,


    ,of the USA PATRIOT Act, the ACLU withdrew from the Combined Federal Campaign.
  24. And the line approaches zero as they tend to infinity. Some sources include the,


    ,that the curve may not cross the line infinitely often, but this is unusual for
  25. United States Supreme Court in Tornado v. Watkins (1961),held that a similar,


    ,in Maryland was unenforceable because violated the First and Fourteenth
  26. Quantities are not equally probable, but they take on values restricted by the,


    ,that there exist sites where carbon-based life can evolve and by the
  27. Its current position in the input list. Therefore, it is said to have a space,


    ,of O (1),if the space required to store the input numbers is not counted, or
  28. Voltage of the RF amplifier is modulated with the audio signal. The audio power,


    ,is 50 % of the RF carrier power. * Having (Constant-Current) Modulation. The
  29. In the USSR, and later the Soviet Bloc countries, were highly shaped by the,


    ,to conform to Marxist theories of social evolution. Countries Britain E. B.
  30. By the ability of each individual to reproduce indefinitely without an absolute,


    ,for its neighbors. Neurobiology Jorge Moll and Jordan Grammar, neuroscientists
  31. Answers (estimates); for example, the sorting algorithm above has a time,


    ,of O (n),using the big O notation with n as the length of the list. At all
  32. Democrats wanted to prevent their alliance. In 1891 state legislators passed a,


    ,for a literacy test, knowing that many blacks and whites would be excluded, at
  33. To Nuremberg in 1495,Durer opened his own workshop (being married was a,


    ,for this). Over the next five years his style increasingly integrated Italian
  34. College professors. The latter fund evolved into TIAA-CREF. One critical,


    ,was that church-related schools had to sever their religious connections to get
  35. And Rothbard who see an ideological commonality of ethics and morality as a,


    , David Friedman proposes that» the systems of law will be produced for profit
  36. The 7.62x41mm cartridge predated the current 7.62x39mm M1943). A particular,


    ,of the competition was the reliability of the firearm in the muddy, wet,and
  37. Protected monopolies. He believed the most dangerous state intervention was the,


    ,that individuals obtain charters in order to operate banks and what he believed
  38. Popular with desktop overclocked, as well as underclothes. The lower voltage,


    ,and higher heat rating resulted in CPUs that were basically» cherry-picked »
  39. The team of the perils and mercilessness of their endeavor, and stated the new,


    ,that every member of every team in mission control be» tough and competent »
  40. And facilitated tracking of the satellite velocity to high precision. A basic,


    ,was that the satellite acquire fields and particle data everywhere on the orbit
  41. States Marine Corps (USMC). It was canceled before production, however its,


    ,was later met by the Maverick E. *Maverick D replaced the electro-optical
  42. Is entered into evidence, and a confession by the defendant does not remove the,


    ,that the prosecution present a full case. This allows for plea bargaining in
  43. Club redrafted its rules following the input of several other clubs. The,


    ,to bounce the ball while running was introduced in a significant redraft of the
  44. Also defines power states that APM-aware hardware can implement. There is no,


    ,that an APM-aware device implement all states. The four states are: * Device
  45. Link to accommodate external PCI Express peripherals, thereby eliminating the,


    ,of a north bridge chip completely from the motherboard. The initiative will see
  46. Of the individual, so it is hard to make general statements about the dietary,


    ,for some amino acids. (Non-protein functions In humans, non-protein amino
  47. p. 24) uses a generalized definition of algorithms that relaxes the common,


    ,that the output of the algorithm that computes a function must be determined
  48. Keypad). An Enhanced Die with 128 KB of RAM can be considered the minimum,


    ,for running most Apple II software released after about 1988. Two and a half
  49. For procedures now used in soil testing laboratories to determine the» lime,


    ,» of soils. Wheat’s adaptation to allow aluminum tolerance is such that the
  50. Visualization since it is safer than UV (eye-protection is not such a critical,


    ,) and passes through transparent plastic and glass. This means that the

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Photo of Eriberto Do Nascimento

Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Synonym: demand, essential, necessary, necessity, prerequisite, requisite. Similar words: require, required, retirement, equipment, measurement, inquire about, frequent, frequently. Meaning: [rɪ’kwaɪə(r)mənt]  n. 1. required activity 2. anything indispensable 3. something that is required in advance. 

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1. There’s no absolute requirement to disclose your age.

2. Our immediate requirement is extra staff.

3. There is a residency requirement for obtaining citizenship.

4. What is the minimum entrance requirement for this course?

5. A second-class honours degree is the minimum requirement.

6. The public sector borrowing requirement is expected to rise.

7. English 4 is a requirement for English majors.

7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

8. The requirement for work permits violates the spirit of the 1950 treaty.

9. Potatoes can provide one-third of our daily requirement of vitamin C.

10. A good degree is a minimum requirement for many jobs.

11. Your requirement that she wait till next week is reasonable.

12. The minimum requirement for the post was a degree in engineering.

13. The government estimates that its borrowing requirement this year could reach £150 billion, subject to a wide margin of error.

14. Requirement specifiers, software designers and programmers etc.

15. This demands careful planning well ahead of the requirement.

16. Then he got the public sector borrowing requirement wrong.

17. This requirement includes a chest X-ray examination.

18. Supplies were not available, falling well below market requirement.

19. Energy is the primary requirement of modern civilization.

20. All states have complied with this requirement.

21. The only requirement regarding the software itself is that each file should contain a module header.

22. The requirement that the goods must be of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption is obviously problematic.

23. An open system of criminal justice is a fundamental requirement of any democratic society.

24. Evidence of basic proficiency in English is part of the admission requirement.

25. A major addition to the earlier revisions of the questionnaire is the job requirement exercise.

26. The design of the electric circuits of the digit-controlled lathe must be altered to meet the new requirement.

27. This sum includes the cost of ensuring our case is ably orchestrated by John Popham — an essential requirement!

28. This considerably improves appearance and provides for the disinfection requirement.

29. Or might an innocent acquirer be assailed for failing to satisfy some other requirement?

30. Largely as a result of these influential criticisms, the law was altered so that the requirement of intent was abrogated.

More similar words: require, required, retirement, equipment, measurement, inquire about, frequent, frequently, commencement, tremendous, equivalent, element, movement, basement, implement, statement, placement, settlement, management, excitement, enforcement, engagement, elementary, replacement, arrangement, involvement, chastisement, announcement, advertisement, finite element. 

Definition of Requirement

a thing that is deemed mandatory

Examples of Requirement in a sentence

The only requirement for taking the test is to pay the $125 fee two weeks before the assessment date.


As a requirement for his ELA block, the teacher made it mandatory for students to write an opinion piece before the ending of the school year.


The main requirement for youth camp is that girls and boys attending wear appropriate clothing.


Government officials at the court house are lenient when it comes to tax payments, but filing before the April 15th deadline is a still a requirement.


A representative of the cabinet explained that being an American born citizen is a requirement for presidency.


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Examples of how to use the word “requirement” in a sentence. How to connect “requirement” with other words to make correct English sentences.

requirement (n): something that you must do, or something you need

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It’s not a requirement to hide your disapproval in all situations—just let your grandchildren know that while you disapprove of their decision, you will always love them

Garden grade DE is classified as GRAS( Generally Recognized As Safe) by the federal government and has been exempted from the requirement of residue tolerance on stored grain

After you have posted your profile posting requirement on the online dating site for free, you are ready to plunge into the world of web-relationship management; this includes putting in your

Neither had ever worked and as far as she could tell, neither saw it as a requirement for life, having been raised by their Mother on welfare – before coming to stay with their father

The following Zen story illustrates this requirement:

The absence of a focus on the self “makes it a spontaneous, choiceless requirement

To achieve this in practice may involve spending additional time attending to this requirement

God’s only requirement of us is to accept his gift to us and to re-establish the intimate relationship that was lost, when Adam sinned

requirement and based his planning on being able to use this

Senator Dodd explained his party»s vote as follows: „Passage of such a requirement would restrict home ownership to only those who can afford it

Included in that order were instructions to eliminate the requirement of page-by-review, allowing instead bulk declassification

Published shortly after the „Glorious Revolution» of 1688, his „Two Treatises of Government, and „Letter of Toleration,» helping to set the stage, along with Montesquieu»s exposition on the requirement of three separate and equal, co-ballancers of government, for the evolution of the American Constitution

clothing while selling in Acapulco, but if you were dealing with a Mexican, extreme politeness was a requirement

In this manner, the love an individual expresses for another individual is conditioned by self-interest and that the underlying motives behind every kindly and selfless act conceals an (inner) need or emotional requirement that an individual seeks to fulfill

In fact, everything being equal, (healthy) competition is a necessary requirement for strong, prosperous economies

The requirement of leadership, on every level, necessitates a willingness to make impartial decisions unencumbered by one‘s (own) personal feelings or of special interests that seek to influence political decisions for their own benefit

It would seem that compassion is not some feeling ―acquired‖ outside an individual but rather an impression internalized within that individual who, having endured his or her own (private) hardships, is likely to display a more benign, sympathetic attitude toward other individuals who he or she shares or has shared a trying experience; although suffering (in kind) is not a necessary requirement for individuals who would naturally express sympathy for other people because it falls within their ―nature‖ to do so

Mutual respect remains an important requirement in any loving/relationship, perhaps (the) most important

Critical Scrutiny is a necessary requirement in forming a proper Estimate of Things

Suffering, properly understood, is a necessary requirement for Salvation

She’d been a requirement to summons the great Wyverns, was that the extent of her usefulness? Odin rolled off the mud bank that surrounding the pond

While they were not searched, there was a demand each time to see their passports, and each time, Colling also handed over 100 zlotys in payment of what the men who described themselves as the militia called an “impost,” which seemed to be the only requirement to their being allowed to pass, because examination of their papers was perfunctory in both cases

There is no requirement that parents be married and there is a

requirement that a second parent can not be part of the household and be employed

And, he had to struggle with them to accede to his requirement to settle their differences so they might go forward in a unity that they would need to accomplish the destiny that still lay before them

Whenever greater than average performance became the normal requirement, a regime of diminishing returns would be invoked

) ―…passage of such a requirement would restrict home ownership to only those who can afford it

III — for requirement of more than 20% of the partners that

His followers apparently had a low requirement for credibility

These “open air” cremations are still being practiced today in certain countries where it is a requirement of religion or culture, as we can see from the following image

With our current study however, we will learn that a tombstone is a scriptural requirement

Those who, after rigorous studying, do not meet a minimum intelligence requirement will be exiled from the faction so they can be made useful

Lying is not human nature, we shouldn’t tell a lie, but only in the case of a perfect social and human development to meet this requirement, otherwise in the case of social and human

requirement and rules of moral norms into specific ethical behavior

Test scenarios are the document created from the requirement and that helps to make a

The requirement document coverage helps the managers about the work status that

giving good suggestion against requirement and could analyze the risk at the

When you feel something is good and it is not mentioned in the requirement and the

‘Continuously update the value of Term according to the requirement

The requirement of eating unleavened bread was to underline the purity of the

requirement to marry your brother’s wife should he not have any children

requirement that we love Him with all our hearts, all our minds, and all our strength,

The Effort in this method is calculated mainly for construction phase using the components; hence the effort has to be extrapolated to cover other phases in development (Requirement, design, testing, etc) and overall development effort derived

As per IEEE the definition for Requirement is, “ A condition of capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective; A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed document”

Every requirement listed or identified shall be understood well by the design team, development team, testing team and by client

A bi-directional traceability matrix, with which we can trace a requirement from, business requirements ID ->software requirements ID->High level design section->Low level design section->program ID->unit test case ID-> Integration test case ID->System test case ID->Build ID-> Release ID, till release and from a release back to business requirement specification ID is possible with bi-directional traceability

The requirement to be “politically correct” was adopted as the Second Commandment of the Civil War rebels to enforce their contempt for the concept of free speech

The commanders of the Civil War, the radical strategists at the core of the Democratic Party, and often a majority of the Supreme Court, have cleverly shaped the civilizing element of toleration into the debilitating requirement of political correctitude

There is no requirement placed on these agencies to reply in a set time period and so that request can take months or years

There is a blending requirement from the federal government that our gas must contain 10% ethanol (The EPA is recommending that be increased to 15%)

If that requirement were abolished it is probable that ethanol would no longer be a problem for the gasoline companies are not thrilled that they have to blend the ethanol in with their gasoline

requirement to hold anything

presentation that negates the requirement to hold anything

Gasoline companies should have the requirement removed that forces them to include ethanol in their products

statement (that was required by Congress) doesn’t meet the judge’s requirement

Constitution’s requirement that all such measures originate in the House of Representatives

As wars continued to multiply, the requirement for some wealth on the part of a would-be soldier was abolished, and all citizens, even the poorest, were liable for military service

Nevertheless, not every aspect of your job scope has such stringent requirement, and these are the areas you should give yourself some leeway

have also heard the concept of forgiveness as a requirement a victim

Often, when the prisoners were handed over to the Soviet authorities, they tried to put up passive resistance, but the Anglo-Americans did not hesitate to use force to satisfy Moscow’s requirement

2, as well as in cases of proven severe and/or repeated requirement violations

checked for their water requirement daily but should only be watered

Mandatory training of dogs including a final test as a requirement for the

Pops’s second requirement to eliminate ostentatious show was that the tires not look expensive

His fourth requirement was that the car have a manual transmission

Roy leaned hard on him, including a requirement that he deliver mail from the box on Sundays and wait at the Park home for Roy to process and give him instructions for Monday dissemination of the packet

The only stipulated requirement for entering the game, was that

“Students should note that if they are going into a new career immediately following their MBA education where the MBA is a minimum requirement, they may not qualify,” says Freixes

The qualification requirement typically impacts a small number of EMBA students, says Freixes

fulfilment of the requirement of the course I need to complete a thesis

izers, because of the relatively high requirement of plants for it, and in the manufacture

By mashing together this and that mixed in with the assertion of a basic requirement to be heard a confidence would build, roll off gently

It was part of the job requirement

Studies have shown that this is the requirement for most healthy adults

All in all, you can expect more than 40 hours of cooperative campaign gameplay as well as plenty of replay value with the free play option –which is a requirement for anyone planning to complete all the in-game collectibles

else to enforce the requirement that they not

The next step was to find a «container» large enough to hold well-known businesses and brands all around the world, if pixel block was not a good selection, then which solution would meet the requirement? Roland was troubled by this question for several days, he had mooned about the house all those days

But for each of them, they waited for their two-year visa requirement to be completed before leaving him

If it weren’t for that physical requirement on my part, I would have actively pursued her

Shit, that’s actually a requirement

of others is a requirement of living in human groups — only hermits need not be altruistic in this

31st of May, in accordance with the legal requirement

What is a requirement? Speed

The change I’m talking about here is the requirement for a DEEP CONNECTION

be started by many with all the requirement to build

It is usually, but not always, a requirement that this claim be false and that

None the less as I continued to fulfil my role, a responsibility or requirement as we are in a service driven company would be to liaise with customers

Exactly as in the case of the head-and-shoulders pattern, a vital requirement for the successful

‘We decided at the meeting last night that Ishbel will announce at the next Arena Gathering that she has met with the gods, Domino and Domina, who instructed her to remove all laws restricting sexual activity, and sexual activity is now a requirement of faith

To avoid failing in this essential requirement, sapiens have not been provided with a mental ‘switch’ to turn off these evolutionary imperatives

Was a drug affected victim a requirement or the only

She had taken up air hostessing as soon as she met the age requirement because she wanted a glamorous job and soon found she enjoyed it

Prolactin levels can increase having had children as it’s a requirement for nursing your new child

In some places, Romeo and Juliet laws reduce the level of punishment for the offense — imposing only probation or a fine, or eliminating the requirement to register as a sex offender, for example

Though, the real requirement is that he strives onwards

Albeit there is a requirement to become “conscious” of this questioning, applied in a habitual manner, with time, it will neatly drop off, performing on auto-pilot from the sub-unconscious

requirement and open new vistas than the

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