The word remembrance day

This article is about the military memorial day on 11 November. For other uses, see Day of Remembrance.

Remembrance Day
Cenotaph London.jpg

The Cenotaph at Whitehall, London on Remembrance Day 2004

Official name Remembrance Day
Also called Poppy Day
Observed by Primarily countries in the Commonwealth of Nations
Type International
Significance Commemorates war dead
Observances Parades, silences
Date 11 November
Next time 11 November 2023
Frequency Annual
Related to Armistice Day, Anzac Day, Memorial Day, National Unity and Armed Forces Day, Veterans Day

Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day owing to the tradition of wearing a remembrance poppy) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of the First World War in 1919 to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty.[1] The day is also marked by war remembrances in several other non-Commonwealth countries. In most countries, Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of First World War hostilities. Hostilities formally ended «at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month» of 1918, in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. («At the 11th hour» refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.) The First World War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.[2]

The tradition of Remembrance Day evolved out of Armistice Day. The initial Armistice Day was observed at Buckingham Palace, commencing with King George V hosting a «Banquet in Honour of the President of the French Republic»[3] during the evening hours of 10 November 1919. The first official Armistice Day was subsequently held on the grounds of Buckingham Palace the following morning. During the Second World War, many countries changed the name of the holiday. Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations adopted Remembrance Day, while the US chose Veterans Day.[4]

Observance in the Commonwealth

The common British, Canadian, South African, and ANZAC tradition includes a one- or two-minute silence at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month (11:00 am, 11 November), as that marks the time (in the United Kingdom) when the armistice became effective.[5]

The Service of Remembrance in many Commonwealth countries generally includes the sounding of the «Last Post», followed by the period of silence, followed by the sounding of «Reveille» or sometimes just «The Rouse». The Service of Remembrance is finished by a recitation of the «Ode of Remembrance». The «Flowers of the Forest», «O Valiant Hearts», «I Vow to Thee, My Country» and «Jerusalem» are often played during the service. Services also include wreaths laid to honour the fallen, blessings, and national anthems.[6]

The central ritual at cenotaphs throughout the Commonwealth is a stylised night vigil. «The Last Post» was the common bugle call at the close of the military day, and «The Rouse» was the first call of the morning. For military purposes, the traditional night vigil over the slain was not just to ensure they were indeed dead and not unconscious or in a coma, but also to guard them from being mutilated or despoiled by the enemy, or dragged off by scavengers. This makes the ritual more than just an act of remembrance but also a pledge to guard the honour of war dead. The act is enhanced by the use of dedicated cenotaphs (literally Greek for «empty tomb») and the laying of wreaths—the traditional means of signalling high honours in ancient Greece and Rome.[7]


In Australia, Remembrance Day is always observed on 11 November, regardless of the day of the week, and is not a public holiday; it is a time when people can pay their respects to the substantial number of soldiers who died in battle. Some institutions observe two-minutes’ silence at 11 am through a programme named Read 2 Remember,[8] children read the Pledge of Remembrance by Rupert McCall, and teachers deliver specially developed resources to help children understand the significance of the day and the resilience of those who have fought for their country and call on children to also be resilient when facing difficult times. Services are held at 11 am at war memorials and schools in suburbs and cities across the country, at which the «Last Post» is sounded by a bugler and a one-minute silence is observed. Some institutions observe this solemn occasion at 1111h on the day, adding two more soldiers to the ranks. When Remembrance Day falls on a normal working day in Melbourne and other major cities, buglers from the Australian Defence Force often play the «Last Post» at major street corners in the CBD. While this occurs, the majority of passers-by stop and observe a moment of silence while waiting for the bugler to finish the recital.[9]

History in Australia

An Armistice Day service at Brisbane City Hall, 1940

In interwar Australia, Remembrance Day (then often referred to as Armistice Day) was a popular public commemoration. But from 1946 to the 1970s, Australians observed Remembrance Sunday following the British pattern.[10] It is only in the 1980s and 1990s that Remembrance Day was once again systematically observed on 11 November. The resurgence of Remembrance Day became official on 30 October 1997, when the Governor-General, under the Howard government, proclaimed that «(a) 11 November in each year shall be known and observed as Remembrance Day; and (b) all Australians are urged to observe, unless impractical, a minute’s silence at 11:00 on Remembrance Day each year».[11]

In recent decades, Remembrance Day has been largely eclipsed as the national day of war commemoration by ANZAC Day (25 April), which is a public holiday in all states.[12] Attendance at Anzac Day services boomed, while that of Remembrance Day services continued to decline. Historian Romain Fathi explains, «In Australia, Anzac Day has addressed the question of the meaning of the war far better than Remembrance Day or Remembrance Sunday. It can acknowledge loss and suffering with a nod to the sacred, while simultaneously representing imagined distinct national values such as mateship, laconic humour and stoicism. This capacity to connect the national community to the numinous explains Anzac Day’s primacy over Remembrance Day.»[12]


In Barbados, Remembrance Day is not a public holiday. It is recognised as 11 November, but the parade and ceremonial events are carried out on Remembrance Sunday.[13]
The day is commemorated to recognise the Barbadian soldiers who died fighting in the First and Second World Wars. The parade is held at National Heroes’ Square, where an interdenominational service is held.[14]
The Governor-General and Barbadian Prime Minister are among those who attend, along with other government dignitaries and the heads of the police and military forces. During the main ceremony a gun salute, wreaths, and prayers are also performed at the war memorial Cenotaph at the heart of Heroes’ Square in Bridgetown.[15]


In Belize, Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November.[16] It is not a public holiday.


Remembrance Day Parade, Hamilton, Bermuda, 1991

In Bermuda, which sent the first colonial volunteer unit to the Western Front in 1915, and which had more people per capita in uniform during the Second World War than any other part of the Empire, Remembrance Day is still an important holiday. The parade in Hamilton had historically been a large and colourful one, as contingents from the Royal Navy, British Regular Army and Territorial Army units of the Bermuda Garrison, the Canadian Forces, the US Army, Air Force, and Navy, and various cadet corps and other services all at one time or another marched with the veterans. Since the closing of British, Canadian, and American bases in 1995, the parade has barely grown smaller. In addition to the ceremony held in the City of Hamilton on Remembrance Day itself, marching to the Cenotaph (a smaller replica of the one in London), where wreaths are laid and orations made, the Royal Navy and the Bermuda Sea Cadet Corps held a parade the same day at the HMS Jervis Bay memorial in Hamilton, and a smaller military parade is also held in St. George’s on the nearest Sunday to Remembrance Day.[17]


In Canada, Remembrance Day (Jour du Souvenir) is a federal statutory holiday and is also a provincial/territorial statutory holiday in six of the ten provinces and all three territories. Nova Scotia recognizes the day under separate legislation.[18] Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec are the only three provinces where the day is not a provincial statutory holiday.[19][20][21][22] The Royal Canadian Legion is officially against making the day a national statutory holiday in part because the day-off aspect would eventually overtake the memorial purpose of the occasion, whereas having schools in regular session on that day would be an opportunity for children to be taught the day’s true significance in a mandatory fashion.[23] In a more informal manner, there has been opinion voiced against the trend of Christmas creep, so that the conclusion of Remembrance Day should be the earliest acceptable time in which to mark the beginning of the Christmas holidays.[24][25]

Veterans Affairs Canada states that the date is of «remembrance for the men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace»; particularly the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and all conflicts since then in which members of the Canadian Armed Forces have participated.[26] The department runs a program called Canada Remembers with the mission of helping young and new Canadians, most of whom have never known war, «come to understand and appreciate what those who have served Canada in times of war, armed conflict and peace stand for and what they have sacrificed for their country.»[27]

History in Canada

Canadians began to commemorate their veterans and war dead as early as 1890, when Decoration Day began to be observed on 2 June, the anniversary of the 1866 Battle of Ridgeway against the Fenians.[28][29] A further observance was held on 27 February, from 1900 to 1918, to mark the Canadian victory over the Boers at the Battle of Paardeberg.[28][30]

The first Armistice Day commemoration was in 1919 when King George V called on all countries in the British Empire to observe it.[31] It was later placed on a statutory footing in 1921, when the Parliament of Canada provided that Thanksgiving and Armistice Day both be held on the Monday of the week in which 11 November fell.[32] Charles Dickie, Conservative MP for Nanaimo, campaigned to change the name from Armistice Day to Remembrance Day,[28] and this was approved in 1931, when Parliament accordingly amended the Act, with its observance fixed on 11 November.[33]

Several other days of remembrance for veterans were also created, including the National Aboriginal Veterans Day, inaugurated in 1994 to recognise the contribution of Aboriginal soldiers.[34] In 2001, Merchant Navy Remembrance Day was created by the Canadian parliament, designating 3 September as a day to recognise the contributions and sacrifice of Canadian merchant mariners.[35]


The national ceremonies organized by the federal government is held at the National War Memorial in Ottawa. These are presided over by the governor general of Canada and attended by the prime minister, other dignitaries, the Silver Cross Mother, and public observers. Occasionally, a member of the Canadian royal family may also be present (such as Prince Charles in 2009[36] and Princess Anne in 2014[37]).

Before the start of the event, four sentries and three sentinels (two flag sentinels and one nursing sister) are posted at the foot of the cenotaph. The commemoration then typically begins with the tolling of the carillon in the Peace Tower, during which current members of the armed forces arrive at Confederation Square, followed by the Ottawa diplomatic corps, ministers of the Crown, special guests, the RCL, the royal party (if present), and the viceregal party. The arrival of the governor general is announced by a trumpeter sounding the «Alert», whereupon the viceroy is met by the Dominion president of the RCL and escorted to a dais to receive the «Vice Regal Salute», after which the national anthem, «O Canada», is played and sung in English and French.[citation needed]

The moment of silence in Canada is preceded by the bugling of «Last Post» immediately before 11 am

The moment of remembrance begins with the bugling of «Last Post» immediately before 11 am, when the gun salute fires and the bells of the Peace Tower toll the hour. Another gun salute signals the end of the two minutes of silence and cues the playing of a lament, the bugling of «The Rouse», and the reading of the Act of Remembrance. A flypast of Royal Canadian Air Force craft then occurs at the start of a 21-gun salute, upon the completion of which a choir sings «In Flanders Fields».[38]

The various parties then lay their wreaths at the base of the memorial; one wreath is set by the Silver Cross Mother (a recent recipient of the Memorial Cross) on behalf of all mothers whose children died in conflicts in which Canada participated. The viceregal and royal group return to the dais to receive the playing of the Canadian royal anthem, «God Save the King» sung in French and English, prior to the assembled armed forces personnel and veterans performing a march past in front of the viceroy and any royal guest, bringing about the end of the official ceremonies.[39] A tradition of paying a more personal tribute has emerged since the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was installed at the Canadian National War Memorial in 2000: after the official ceremony the general public place their poppies atop the tomb.[40]

Similar ceremonies take place in provincial capitals across the country, officiated by the relevant lieutenant governor, as well as in other cities, towns, and even hotels or corporate headquarters. Schools will usually hold special assemblies for the first half of the day, or on the school day prior, with various presentations concerning the remembrance of the war dead. The ceremony participants include veterans, current members of the Canadian forces, and sea, army, and air cadet units.[38]


In India, the day is usually marked by tributes and ceremonies in army cantonments. There are memorial services in some churches such as St. Mark’s Cathedral and St. John’s Church in Bangalore.[41] At Kohima and Imphal in the remote hillsides of Northeast India, services of remembrance supported by the Indian Army are observed at Kohima and Imphal War Cemeteries (maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission). The day is also marked at the Delhi War Cemetery.[42] In other places in India this event is not observed. In 2013, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, marked the day in Mumbai’s St. John the Evangelist Church.[43]


In Kenya, the Kenya Armed Forces Old Comrades Association (KAFOCA) was established in Kenya immediately in 1945 to cater for the welfare of the Ex-servicemen of the First and the Second World Wars. The KAFOCA and Kenyan government recognise Remembrance Day.[44]

New Zealand

Armistice Day was observed in New Zealand between the World Wars, although it was always secondary to Anzac Day. As in other countries, New Zealand’s Armistice Day was converted to Remembrance Day after World War II. However, by the mid-1950s, the day was virtually ignored, even by churches and veterans’ organisations.[45]

As a result, New Zealand’s national day of remembrance is Anzac Day, 25 April.[46] Poppy Day» usually occurs on the Friday before Anzac Day.[47]
The reason for New Zealand having their remembrance on Anzac Day happened in 1921. The paper Poppies for Armistice that year arrived by ship too late for 11 November 1921, so an RSA branch distributed them at the next commemoration date (25 April 1922, which happened to be Anzac Day) and that date stuck as the new Poppy Day in New Zealand.[48]

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucian Governor General Neville Cenac during his Remembrance Day address, 2018

Like Barbados, Saint Lucia does not recognise Remembrance Day as a public holiday. Instead, ceremonial events such as parades and other activities are held on Remembrance Sunday. The parade is held at the central square, namely the Derek Walcott Square, where the Cenotaph is located. There, members of the Royal St Lucia Police Force and other uniformed groups such as the St Lucia Cadet Corps pay tribute through commemoration of St. Lucian men and women who fought in the war.[49]

South Africa

In South Africa, Remembrance Day is not a public holiday. Commemoration ceremonies are usually held on the nearest Sunday, at which the «Last Post» is played by a bugler followed by the observation of a two-minute silence. Ceremonies to mark the event in South Africa are held at the Cenotaph in Cape Town,[50] and in Pretoria at the Voortrekker Monument cenotaph and the War Memorial at the Union Buildings. Many high schools hold Remembrance Day services to honour the past pupils who died in the two World Wars and the Border War. In addition, the South African Legion of Military Veterans holds a street collection on the nearest Saturday to gather funds to assist in welfare work among military veterans.[51]

United Kingdom

A two minute silence held by First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, and members of the British Armed Forces on Remembrance Day

Wreath-laying ceremonies, usually organised by local branches of the Royal British Legion, are observed on Remembrance Day at most war memorials across the UK at 11 am on 11 November, with two minutes of silence observed; a custom which had lapsed before a campaign for its revival began in the early 1990s.[52] The silence is also broadcast as a special programme on BBC with a voice over usually saying «This is BBC One. Now on the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month. The traditional two-minute silence for Armistice Day.» The programme starts with a close up of the Big Ben clock chiming 11 and then the programme shows different parts of the world observing the silence. The programme ends with a bugler sounding «The Rouse» and then normal programming is resumed.[53]

Many employers and businesses invite their staff and customers to observe the two minutes’ silence at 11:00 am.[54] The beginning and end of the two minutes’ silence is often marked in large towns and cities by the firing of field artillery gun, often provided by the local Royal Artillery battery.[55]

Officers of the Royal Navy on parade on Remembrance Day, 2010

The first two-minute silence held in London (11 November 1919) was reported in The Manchester Guardian on 12 November 1919:

The first stroke of eleven produced a magical effect.

The tram cars glided into stillness, motors ceased to cough and fume, and stopped dead, and the mighty-limbed dray horses hunched back upon their loads and stopped also, seeming to do it of their own volition.

Someone took off his hat, and with a nervous hesitancy the rest of the men bowed their heads also. Here and there an old soldier could be detected slipping unconsciously into the posture of ‘attention’. An elderly woman, not far away, wiped her eyes, and the man beside her looked white and stern. Everyone stood very still … The hush deepened. It had spread over the whole city and become so pronounced as to impress one with a sense of audibility. It was a silence which was almost pain … And the spirit of memory brooded over it all.[56]

Remembrance Sunday

In the United Kingdom, the main observance is Remembrance Sunday, held on the Sunday nearest to 11 November. There is a National Service of Remembrance in London, as well as other services and ceremonies in the regions. Typically, poppy wreaths are laid by representatives of the Crown, the armed forces, and local civic leaders, as well as by local organisations including ex-servicemen organisations, cadet forces, the Scouts, Guides, Boys’ Brigade, St John Ambulance and the Salvation Army.[57][58] A minute’s or two minutes’ silence is also frequently incorporated into church services.[59]

British diplomatic missions also organise services on Remembrance Sunday. Services organised by British missions in Israel include one at the Jerusalem British War Cemetery, organised by the British Consul in Jerusalem; and another at Ramleh Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery, organised by the British embassy in Tel Aviv. The Ramleh ceremony is the larger and is also attended by veterans of the Second World War.[60]

Commemorative coins and exhibitions

In 2014 the Royal Mint issued a colour-printed Alderney £5 coin, designed by engraver Laura Clancy, to commemorate Remembrance Day.[61]

Also in 2014, to commemorate the outbreak of World War I a huge display called Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red, consisting of 888,246 ceramic poppies was installed in the moat of the Tower of London, each poppy representing a British Empire fatality.[62]

On 5 November 2018 and set to continue for 4 months, about 10,000 torches were lit at the foot of the Tower’s walls, in its dry moat to mark the centenary of the end of the World War I.[63]

Northern Ireland

A Remembrance Day parade taking place in Omagh, 2007

Remembrance Day is officially observed in Northern Ireland in the same way as in the rest of United Kingdom, although it tends to be associated more with the unionist community. Most Irish nationalists and republicans do not take part in the public commemoration of British soldiers organised by the Royal British Legion. This is mainly due to the actions of the British Army during The Troubles. However, some moderate nationalists began to attend Remembrance Day events as a way to connect with the unionist community. In 1987 a bomb was detonated by the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) just before a Remembrance Sunday ceremony in Enniskillen, killing eleven people. The bombing was widely condemned and attendance at Remembrance events, by both nationalists and unionists, rose in the following years.[64] The Republic of Ireland has a National Day of Commemoration in July for all Irish people who have died in war.[65]

In addition to the Commonwealth, several other countries also use the anniversary of when the Armistice of Compiègne went into effect, 11 November, as a date to commemorate their war dead. Some countries observe other significant anniversaries from World War I to commemorate their war dead (like the date the Armistice of Villa Giusti went into effect, 4 November).

Belgium and France

Bleuet de France, circa 1950

Remembrance Day (11 November) is a national holiday in France and Belgium. It commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front, which took effect at 11:00 am—the «eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.» Armistice Day is one of the most important military commemorations in France, since it was a major French victory, and the French paid a heavy price in blood to achieve it. The First World War was considered in France as the «Great Patriotic War».[66] Almost all French villages feature memorials dedicated to those fallen during the conflict.[67] In France the blue cornflower (Bleuet de France) is used symbolically rather than the poppy.[68]

Hong Kong

Though not a public holiday since July 1997, Remembrance Sunday is observed in Hong Kong,[69] and is marked by a multi-faith memorial service at the Cenotaph in Central, Hong Kong.[70] The service is organised by the Hong Kong ex-servicemen Association, and is attended by various Government officials and the representatives of various religious traditions such as the Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Buddhist community, the Taoist community, the Muslim community and the Sikh community.[71]

Although Hong Kong ceased to be part of the Commonwealth of Nations in 1997, the memorial service still resembles those in many other Commonwealth countries.[72] The service includes the sounding of «Last Post», two minutes of silence, the sounding of «Reveille», the laying of wreaths, and prayers, and ends with a recitation of the «Ode of Remembrance». The Hong Kong Police Band continues to perform their ceremonial duty at the service. Members of the Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps (including the Ceremonial Squadron), Hong Kong Adventure Corps, Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps and scouting organisations are also in attendance.[73]


In Italy, soldiers who died for the nation are remembered on 4 November, when the ceasefire that followed the Armistice of Villa Giusti in 1918 began. The Day is known as the Day of National Unity Day of the Armed Forces, Giorno dell’Unità Nazionale Giornata delle Forze Armate in Italian.[74]
Since 1977, this day has not been a public holiday; now, many services are held on the first Sunday in November.[75]


In Russia, Remembrance Day is commemorated on August 1 since 2012, in memory of the declaration of the war of Russia by the German Empire at the same day in 1914.[76]


It has been a statutory holiday in Serbia since 2012. Serbia is an Allied force that suffered the biggest casualty rate in World War I. To commemorate their victims, people in Serbia wear Natalie’s ramonda as a symbol of remembrance.[77]

United States

Veterans Day is observed in the United States on 11 November and is both a federal holiday and a state holiday in all states. In the United States, and some other allied nations, 11 November was formerly known as Armistice Day; in the United States it was given its new name in 1954 at the end of the Korean War to honour all veterans. Veterans Day is observed with memorial ceremonies, salutes at military cemeteries, and parades.[4] However, the function of the observance elsewhere is more closely matched by Memorial Day, another commemorative holiday held in May.

Similar holidays commemorating veterans


In 2009 the Danish government established Veterans’ Day with early events on 5 September where past and present members of the armed forces, who have done service in armed conflict, are remembered.[78]


The German national day of mourning is the secular public holiday of Volkstrauertag,[79]
which since 1952 has been observed two Sundays before the first Sunday of Advent;[80]
in practice this is the Sunday closest to 16 November. The anniversary of the Armistice itself is not observed in Germany.[81]


The Republic of Ireland holds a National Day of Commemoration in July for Irish men and women who have died in war. The national day is typically held close to the anniversary date of when the truce for the Irish War of Independence went into effect in 1921.

Remembrance Sunday itself is marked by a ceremony in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, which the President of Ireland attends, although it is not a recognised holiday in Ireland.[82][83][84] It is estimated that some 200,000 Irish soldiers fought on the British side in the First World War with up to 35,000 killed.[85] Additionally, some 70,000 citizens of the then independent state of Ireland served in the British armed services during the Second World War and the Roll of Honour in Trinity College Dublin lists 3617 of those who died on active service.[86][87]


In the Netherlands, Remembrance of the Dead is commemorated annually on 4 May. It is not a public holiday. Throughout the country, military personnel and civilians fallen in various conflicts since World War II are remembered. The main ceremonies are at the Waalsdorpervlakte near The Hague, the Grebbeberg near Wageningen and Dam Square in Amsterdam. Two minutes of silence are observed at 8:00 pm. Remembrance Day is followed by Liberation Day on 5 May.[88]


In Norway the Norwegian Armed Forces commemorate Veteran’s Day. The Norwegian Parliament, the Storting, decreed that Veteran’s Day would be observed on the same day as Victory in Europe Day, in Norway known as «Frigjøringsdagen», or Liberation Day. The ceremonies are held annually in Akershus Fortress, with the King of Norway, Harald V, present. The first of such ceremonies was held on 8 May 2011, with two Norwegian Special Forces Operators being awarded the War Cross for deployments in the recent War in Afghanistan. The ceremonies are observed with memorials and military salutes.[89]


Polish Independence Day is celebrated on 11 November, and is a public holiday. Although the holiday occurs on the same day as Remembrance Day in the Commonwealth, the holiday is intended to celebrate the independence of Poland and the regaining of freedom and unity for the Polish people after 123 years of partitioning.

However, some commemorations for war dead do occur on Polish Independence Day, as the independence of Poland was caused by the end of the First World War. Major events include laying flowers on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by members of the government and highest authorities, other public ceremonies and church services and school commemorations.[90][91]

South Korea

The «Turn to Busan» remembrance ceremony has occurred at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery on 11 November annually since 2007. The ceremony commemorates veterans and war dead from 22 countries that fought under the United Nations Command during the Korean War. The ceremony was conceived by Vincent Courtenay, a Canadian veteran of the conflict.[92][93]

See also

  • Armistice Day
  • Armed Forces Day
  • American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants
  • Earl Haig Fund
  • Heroes’ Day
  • Remembrance Day bombing
  • Remembrance of the Dead (The Netherlands)
  • Remembrance Poppy
  • Remembrance Sunday
  • Returned and Services League of Australia
  • Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association
  • The Soldier
  • Two-minute silence
  • The Unknown Warrior
  • Veterans’ Bill of Rights
  • Victory Day
  • Victory Day (Eastern Front)
  • Volkstrauertag
  • White poppy (symbol)


  1. ^ «The Remembrance Ceremony». Archived from the original on 4 June 2010. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  2. ^ «World War I Ended With the Treaty of Versailles».
  3. ^ «Banquet in honour of The President of the French Republic, Monday 10 November 1919». Royal Collection Trust. Inventory no. 1000799.
  4. ^ a b Osborne, Samuel (11 November 2015). «Armistice Day, Remembrance Day and Veterans Day – what’s the difference?». The Independent. Archived from the original on 18 November 2018. Retrieved 18 November 2018.
  5. ^ «Remembrance Day: What is it and how will 2020 be different?». BBC. 8 November 2020. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  6. ^ «A Guide to Commemorative Services – Veterans Affairs Canada». Veterans Affairs Canada. 1 October 2011. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  7. ^ «Laying of wreaths». Australian War Memorial. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  8. ^ «Read 2 Remember». Archived from the original on 13 November 2011. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  9. ^ «CBD intersections come to a standstill for Remembrance Day». 3AW. 11 November 2019. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  10. ^ Minutes of meeting of Full Cabinet held at 2.30 pm, Monday, 25 March 1946, at Parliament House, Canberra, NAA A2703, 124, p. 3
  11. ^ William Patrick Deane, Governor-General of Australia, Proclamation, no. S 437, Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Thursday 30 October 1997. Accessed 11 November 2020. Page 117 of 124.
  12. ^ a b Fathi, Romain (2019). «Remembrance Day: The Poor Cousin of Australian War Commemoration». In Carolyn Holbrook and Keir Reeves, ed. The Great War: Aftermath and Commemoration. NewSouth. pp. 218–220.
  13. ^ Staff writer (9 November 2009). «Remembrance Day Parade». CBC. Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation. 5297144. Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 10 November 2009.
  14. ^ Sealy, Donna (9 November 2009). «Salute to war dead». Nation Newspaper. Retrieved 10 November 2009.[dead link]
  15. ^ Clarke, Sherrylyn (31 October 2020). «Remembrance Day Parade on November 8». Nation News. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  16. ^ Trujillo, Renee (11 November 2015). «Remembrance Day Observed in Belize». LoveFM. Archived from the original on 14 November 2015. Retrieved 12 November 2015.
  17. ^ «Bermuda Online honors Bermuda’s war veterans».
  18. ^ Remembrance Day Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 396
  19. ^ Ministry of Labour and Advanced Education. «Remembrance Day Holiday in Nova Scotia». Queen’s Printer for Nova Scotia. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  20. ^ «Statutory holidays in Ontario». Statutory Holidays Canada. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  21. ^ Office of Employment Standards. «Remembrance Day in Manitoba». Queen’s Printer for Manitoba. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  22. ^ «Public Holidays in Canada». Statutory Holidays Canada. Archived from the original on 10 November 2011. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  23. ^ «Remembrance Day should be a national holiday». Maclean’s. 5 November 2019. Retrieved 12 November 2020.
  24. ^ «‘Christmas creep’: Is it too soon for holiday decorations?». CTV News. 5 November 2014. Retrieved 1 November 2019.
  25. ^ Quinn, Mark (10 November 2016). «Poppy dresses fight Christmas creep, honour Remembrance Day». CBC News. Retrieved 1 November 2019.
  26. ^ Veterans Affairs Canada (23 October 2014). «Remembrance – History – A Day of Remembrance – Introduction». Queen’s Printer for Canada. Archived from the original on 14 October 2016. Retrieved 13 October 2016.
  27. ^ Veterans Affairs Canada. «Canada Remembers > About Canada Remembers». Queen’s Printer for Canada. Archived from the original on 19 January 2012. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  28. ^ a b c «Remembrance Day in Canada». Canadian Encyclopedia.
  29. ^ Vronsky, Peter (10 November 2012). «Canada’s forgotten first remembrance day». The Globe and Mail.
  30. ^ Martin, Lawrence (11 November 2014). «Canada’s first remembrance day». The Globe and Mail.
  31. ^ «King George lays foundation for Remembrance Day». CTV News. 6 November 2015.
  32. ^ Armistice Day Act, S.C. 1921, c. 16
  33. ^ An Act to amend the Armistice Day Act, S.C. 1931, c. 4
  34. ^ Berthiaume, Lee (8 November 2016). «Indigenous Canadians remember ancestors who fought, died in war». Globe & ail.
  35. ^ «R-03-2001: A Resolution to designate the 3rd of September each year as «Merchant Navy Day»«. Company of Master Mariners of Canada. Archived from the original on 14 April 2009. Retrieved 7 August 2014.
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  37. ^ The Canadian Press (11 November 2014). «Canada remembers: Governor General rededicates National War Memorial». Toronto Star. Retrieved 11 November 2014.
  38. ^ a b «‘We remember’: Canadians mark Remembrance Day at Ottawa ceremony». CTV News. 11 November 2015. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  39. ^ «National Remembrance Day Ceremony 2007». Royal Canadian Legion. Archived from the original on 25 May 2008. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  40. ^ «Known unto God: How Canadians embraced their Unknown Soldier». Ottawa Citizen. 10 November 2018. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  41. ^ «Remembrance day commemorated in Bangalore | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis». 12 November 2012. Retrieved 18 May 2014.
  42. ^ Centenary Digital. «Delhi War Cemetery marks Remembrance Day 2013». Archived from the original on 2 May 2014. Retrieved 18 May 2014.
  43. ^ Nelson, Dean (10 November 2013). «Prince of Wales commemorates Remembrance Sunday in India». The Telegraph. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 5 September 2015.
  44. ^ «Kenya joins in commemorating Remembrance Day of World War veterans». Standard Media. 11 November 2018. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  45. ^ Helen Robinson, ‘Lest we Forget? The Fading of New Zealand War Commemorations, 1946–1966’, New Zealand Journal of History, 44, 1 (2010) p. 76-91 .
  46. ^ «New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage: Anzac Day». Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  47. ^ «NZ Returned Services Association: Poppy Day». Archived from the original on 19 October 2011. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  48. ^ «New Zealand’s first poppy day». Government of New Zealand. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  49. ^ «St. Lucia observes Remembrance Day». St. Lucia News Online. 10 November 2014. Archived from the original on 10 November 2020. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  50. ^ «Cenotaph war memorial restored in time for Remembrance Day». City of Cape Town. 28 October 2013. Archived from the original on 8 August 2014. Retrieved 2 August 2014.
  51. ^ «About the South African Legion». SA Legion. Retrieved 3 August 2014.
  52. ^ Hall, Robert (11 November 1999). «UK War dead remembered». BBC News. BBC. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  53. ^ «Two Minutes Silence – Remembrance Day». BBC One. Retrieved 6 November 2019.
  54. ^ «War dead remembered». BBC. 11 November 1999. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  55. ^ Anon. «The Royal Borough remembers – Remembrance Day and Armistice Day arrangements». The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. Archived from the original on 7 February 2015. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
  56. ^ Barrow, Mandy. «Remembrance Day in Britain». Woodlands Junior School. Archived from the original on 10 November 2011. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  57. ^ «Hundreds turn out for Remembrance Day parade in Rugby». The Rugby Advertiser. 12 November 2012. Archived from the original on 11 November 2017. Retrieved 11 November 2017.
  58. ^ «Remembrance Sunday: Services honour war dead». BBC News. 13 November 2016. Retrieved 11 November 2017.
  59. ^ «Armistice Day, poppies and why the act of remembrance matters». The Daily Telegraph. 11 November 2017. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 11 November 2017.
  60. ^ «Jewish veterans gather to mark Remembrance Sunday at Ramleh War Cemetery». Haaretz. 11 November 2006. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  61. ^ Darrell. «The Remembrance Day 2014 Alderney £5 Brilliant Uncirculated Coin». The Royal Mint.
  62. ^ «WW1 centenary poppies ‘planted’ in Tower of London moat». BBC News. 17 July 2014. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  63. ^ «Tower of London lights up in stunning Armistice memorial». 5 November 2018. Retrieved 13 November 2018.
  64. ^ Robinson, Helen (1 December 2009). «Remembering War in the Midst of Conflict: First World War Commemorations in the Northern Irish Troubles». Twentieth Century British History. 21 (1): 80–101. doi:10.1093/tcbh/hwp047.
  65. ^ Leonard, Jane (1997). «Memorials to the Casualties of Conflict: Northern Ireland 1969 to 1997». University of Ulster. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  66. ^ Jean-Baptiste Duroselle, La Grande Guerre des Français 1914–1918 (The Great War of the French 1914–1918), Perrin, 2002
  67. ^ Les lieux de mémoire (Places of Memory), under the direction of Pierre Nora, Gallimard, Paris, 1997, 3 volumes
  68. ^ «Cornflower is France’s remembrance flower». The Connexion. 11 November 2014. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  69. ^ «REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY». The Hong Kong Ex-Servicemen’s Association.
  70. ^ «Heritage Appraisal of the Cenotaph» (PDF). Antiquities Advisory Board. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 November 2021. Retrieved 20 November 2018.
  71. ^ «Club Chairman participates in Remembrance Day ceremony». The Hong Kong Jockey Club. 12 November 2012. Retrieved 20 November 2018.
  72. ^ «Harper honours Canadian war dead in Hong Kong on Remembrance Day». The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 20 November 2018.
  73. ^ «Remembrance Sunday service held near Cenotaph». Coconuts. 9 November 2015. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  74. ^ «4 novembre 2010 – Giorno dell’Unità Nazionale Giornata delle Forze Armate». Archived from the original on 16 November 2011. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  75. ^ «From the Italian government website» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 March 2009. Retrieved 23 February 2011.
  76. ^ «Russian Day of Remembrance of Victims of World War I». TASS. 31 July 2019. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  77. ^ «Serbia to mark Armistice Day as state holiday». 9 November 2012. Retrieved 18 November 2018.
  78. ^ «Anerkendelse er mere end en flagdag | Arbejderen» (in Danish). Archived from the original on 17 April 2014. Retrieved 18 May 2014.
  79. ^ «Germany declines armistice day invite». BBC News. 4 November 1998. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  80. ^ «Address by Mayor Hans Schaidinger for Volkstrauertag 2008». Website of the Regensburg Rathauser. 16 November 2008. Retrieved 11 November 2011. Unter den Linden Memorial, Regensburg city park, 11.45], «Seit genau 56 Jahren begehen die Menschen in Deutschland nun schon, immer am vorletzten Sonntag des Kirchenjahres – zwei Sonntage vor dem 1. Advent – den Volkstrauertag.»
  81. ^ Cowell, Alan; Erlanger, Steven (11 November 2009). «France and Germany Use the Remembrance of a War to Promote Reconciliation». New York Times. Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  82. ^ «Northern Ireland honours war dead». BBC News. 11 November 2001. Retrieved 10 April 2010.
  83. ^ 9 November 2003 – 11:09:32 (18 February 2008). «President to attend Remembrance Day ceremony in Dublin». Archived from the original on 14 June 2011. Retrieved 23 February 2011.
  84. ^ [1] Archived 8 January 2009 at the Wayback Machine
  85. ^ «Ireland’s Role in The First World War». Imperial War Museums. Retrieved 2 October 2021.
  86. ^ Roberts, Geoffrey (29 August 2015). «In service to their country : moving tales of Irishmen who fought in WWII». Irish Examiner. Retrieved 11 May 2021.
  87. ^ «Roll of Honour Acknowledging Ireland’s Contribution in World War II Presented to TCD Library». Trinity College Dublin News and Events. Trinity College Dublin. 16 June 2009. Retrieved 4 August 2021. The list details the 3,617 people from the Republic of Ireland and the 3,890 from Northern Ireland who died on active service during the Second World War.
  88. ^ «The National Committee for 4 and 5 May». (in Dutch). Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  89. ^ «After the War». Issuu. p. 29. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  90. ^ Davies, Norman (1984). Heart of Europe: A Short History of Poland. Clarendon Press.
  91. ^ «W całym kraju obchody 101. rocznicy odzyskania niepodległości». (in Polish). Retrieved 12 November 2019.
  92. ^ Yonhap (10 November 2021). «S. Korea to honor fallen UN Korean War veterans in ‘Turn toward Busan’ event». Herald Corporation. Retrieved 18 November 2022.
  93. ^ Dong-hwan, Ko (11 November 2022). «‘Turn Toward Busan’ remembers Korean War veterans». The Korea Times. Retrieved 18 November 2022.

General references

  • Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association
  • Commemoration – Red poppies Archived
  • Royal Canadian Legion
  • Returned & Services League of Australia
  • South African Legion
  • Canadian Poppy Coin

External links

  • Annual Sikh Remembrance Day Service
  • Remembrance Day Single Remember Poppy Day by Olly Wedgwood
  • Remembrance Day For All – Towards discussion that includes everyone in our Remembrance of Canada’s wars.
  • The Poppy Appeal (Royal British Legion)
  • Memorable Order of Tin Hats (South Africa)
  • Free On-line Remembrance Day and Remembrance Week Lessons for Canadian Educators (Reading and Remembrance)
  • Jonathan F. Vance: Commemoration and Cult of the Fallen (Canada), in: 1914–1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War.

Каждый год 11 ноября в Великобритании отмечается День Памяти , дата называется по-английски Remembrance Day. Она посвящена всем погибшим в войнах – в Первой и Второй Мировых и в других национальных войнах. 11 ноября был выбран не случайно, это день окончания Первой Мировой войны.

В День Памяти в стране устраивается минута молчания, которая всегда начинается ровно в 11 часов. Первую такую акцию организовали 11 ноября 1919 года. Этой традиции уже почти сто лет.

Символ этой даты – красные маки. Они напоминают о пролитой крови. По легенде, после битв во время Первой мировой на полях зацвели дикие маки. И только со временем, когда земля залечила свои раны, цветы исчезли с полей. Но вероятнее всего, это символ возник благодаря стихотворению Джона МакКрея: «Во Фландрии вновь маки расцвели, Среди крестов, что встали ряд за рядом».

Красные маки - символ Дня Памяти

Осенью в Лондоне и других городах Великобритании можно встретить людей, которые носят на лацканах красные маки из бумаги. Их надевают обычные люди, политики, члены королевской семьи и другие известные личности. 11 ноября люди приходят к монументам, посвященным погибшим в войнах, и возлагают венки из маков. В церковных дворах устанавливают маленькие кресты, украшенные маками.

В октябре в стране стартовала благотворительная акция Poppy Appeal, приуроченная ко Дню Памяти. Королевский легион проводит сбор денег в фонд помощи ветеранам войн, а в обмен на любую сумму, начиная с одного фунта, выдает благотворителям красный мак. В год фонд собирает десятки миллионов фунтов, что показывает, как уважительно британцы относятся к Дню Памяти.

Немного истории

В 2014 году было сто лет со времени вступления Великобритании в Первую Мировую войну. Эта дата была отмечена необычной инсталляцией: с 5 августа по 11 ноября 2014 года крепостные рвы вокруг Лондонского Тауэра были «засажены» красными керамическими маками. В этой акции принимало участие 8 тысяч волонтеров, последний цветок был установлен в День Памяти.

служба в честь погибших в войнах

Второе воскресенье месяца называется Воскресеньем Памяти – Remembrance Sunday. В этот день в церквях проводятся службы в честь погибших в войнах. Такая же служба устраивается и в Англиканской церкви Святого Андрея в Москве, так что у москвичей тоже есть возможность почтить память воинов. А если у вас нет возможности посетить службу, мы рекомендуем 11 ноября, в День Памяти, перенять британскую традицию и прикрепить красный мак к одежде.


Remembrance Day

После окончания Первой мировой войны Remembrance Day (День поминовения), который также называют Armistice Day (День перемирия), посвящённый памяти павших, отмечался каждый год 11 ноября. Его ещё называют Poppy Day (День маков), т. к. искусственные цветы мака (как напоминание о маках на полях Фландрии) продавались the British Legion (Британский легион, ветеранская организация) с целью последующей передачи вырученных средств в помощь бывшим военным. С 1945 по 1956 гг. Remembrance Sunday отмечался в первое или второе воскресенье ноября, чтобы почтить память павших в Первой и Второй мировых войнах. С 1957 г. этот день отмечают во второе воскресенье ноября.

English-Russian dictionary of expressions.

Смотреть что такое «Remembrance Day» в других словарях:

  • Remembrance Day — n. in Canada, a day (Nov. 11) honoring veterans of WWI and WWII …   English World dictionary

  • Remembrance Day — Infobox Holiday holiday name = Remembrance Day official name = Remembrance Day (Veterans Day For U.S.) caption = Poppy worn on lapel nickname = Poppy Day, Armistice Day observedby = Commonwealth of Nations date = November 11 observances = Parades …   Wikipedia

  • Remembrance Day — /rəˈmɛmbrəns deɪ/ (say ruh membruhns day) noun the anniversary of the end of World War I on 11 November 1918, when the armistice was signed. Also, Armistice Day. Ceremonies to remember those who died or suffered in World War I, and to reflect on… …  

  • Remembrance Day — N UNCOUNT: oft N n In Britain, Remembrance Day or Remembrance Sunday is the Sunday nearest to the 11th of November, when people honour the memory of those who died in the two world wars. During their stay, they will attend a Remembrance Day… …   English dictionary

  • Remembrance Day — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms Remembrance Day : singular Remembrance Day plural Remembrance Days the Sunday nearest 11th November in the UK and Canada when the country honours the people who died in the First and Second World… …   English dictionary

  • Remembrance Day — Jour du Souvenir Le jour du Souvenir[1] (en anglais Remembrance Day), aussi connu comme jour de l Armistice, est une journée de commémoration annuelle observée en Europe et dans les pays du Commonwealth pour commémorer les sacrifices de la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Remembrance Day bombing — Infobox terrorist attack title=Remembrance Day Bombing caption=The aftermath of the bombing showing the destroyed gable wall of the Reading Rooms in the background location=Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom… …   Wikipedia

  • Remembrance Day — noun the Sunday nearest to November 11 when those who died in World War I and World War II are commemorated • Syn: ↑Remembrance Sunday, ↑Poppy Day • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Remembrance Day — noun a) The Sunday closest to November 11, observed in commemoration of the fallen in the two World Wars. b) November 11, a federal holiday observed in commemoration of the fallen in the two World Wars and the Korean War …   Wiktionary

  • Remembrance Day — noun 1》 another term for Remembrance Sunday. 2》 historical another term for Armistice Day …   English new terms dictionary

  • Remembrance Day — noun Date: 1918 November 11 set aside in commemoration of the end of hostilities in 1918 and 1945 and observed as a legal holiday in Canada; also Remembrance Sunday …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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Remembrance Day is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. This day, or alternative dates, are also recognised as special days for war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended «at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,» in accordance with the Armistice, signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919. The day was specifically dedicated by King George V on 7 November 1919 as a day of remembrance for members of the armed forces who were killed during World War I. This was possibly done upon the suggestion of Edward George Honey to Wellesley Tudor Pole, who established two ceremonial periods of remembrance based on events in 1917.

Definition of Remembrance Day in the English dictionary

The definition of Remembrance Day in the dictionary is In Britain, Remembrance Day or Remembrance Sunday is the Sunday nearest to the 11th of November, when people honour the memory of those who died in the two world wars.


Synonyms and antonyms of Remembrance Day in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «Remembrance Day» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of Remembrance Day to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of Remembrance Day from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «Remembrance Day» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

Día del Recuerdo

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

स्मरण दिवस

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

يوم الذكرى

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

День памяти

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

Dia da Lembrança

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

স্মরণ দিন

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

jour du Souvenir

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Hari peringatan

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Remembrance Day

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

nhớ ngày

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

நினைவு நாள்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Anma Günü

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

Remembrance Day

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

Dzień Pamięci

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

день пам´яті

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

Ziua Memoriei

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

Ημέρα Μνήμης

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

Remembrance Day

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

Remembrance Day

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

Remembrance Day

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of Remembrance Day


The term «Remembrance Day» is regularly used and occupies the 74.693 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «Remembrance Day» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of Remembrance Day

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «Remembrance Day».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «Remembrance Day» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «Remembrance Day» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about Remembrance Day


Discover the use of Remembrance Day in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to Remembrance Day and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Remembrance Day: A Novel

Waking up in the hospital the morning after he witnesses a bus exploding outside a London station, Constantine Lindow is astonished when he is charged with the crime and finds himself searching for the real culprit in order to clear his …

This book describes how people around the world hold similar services featuring poppies, poems, and special prayers.

Remembrance Day is a special day in November when we remember people who suffered and died in wars. This book shows how Remembrance Day began after World War I and what people do on this day.

Lest we forget… A poignant new tale from the English Maeve Binchy.


Remembrance Day Plays for Schools and Communities: Grades 5 …

The historical plays in this resource contain age appropriate content that can be used to engage children in the stories of the struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs that Canadians of all walks of life endured in the dart and dangerous days …

When teenager Anya becomes a political activist, her father’s attempts to calm the situation stir up a storm of extremist patriotism. Remembrance Day takes an look at the fight for the political soul of Latvia.


Three Great Novels: Remembrance Day, a Spy’s Life, Empire State

This series of apparently random events catapults Robert Harland back to the UN and MI6 — and a life he hoped he had left behind for good.


Remembrance Day Gr. K-3

Skill: Identifying Remembrance Day Vocabulary Working With Words On
November 1 1 , Remembrance Day takes place in every city and town in Canada.
There are words that we use and think of on that day. Look for the Remembrance
Day …

The third book in the Squire Quartet, available for the first time as an ebook.

New Year’s; Good Friday; Victoria Day; Canada Day; Labour Day; Thanksgiving
Day; Remembrance Day; Christmas Day; Boxing Day T + V2 plus reg. pay
FEDERAL New Year’s; Good Friday; Victoria Day; Canada Day; Discovery Day (
3rd …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term Remembrance Day is used in the context of the following news items.

Bill to recognize Remembrance Day as a ‘legal’ national holiday …

OTTAWA — An NDP private member’s bill meant to formally recognize Remembrance Day as a “legal” holiday appears to be dying a slow, silent death as the … «National Post, Apr 15»

Why Holocaust Remembrance Day Is Today

The calendar year is full of dates that could be chosen for Holocaust Remembrance Day. Some, like January 27, the day of the liberation of Auschwitz, are … «TIME, Apr 15»

Franck Gervais, Remembrance Day ‘sergeant,’ now receiving threats

The wife of a man who claimed to be a decorated soldier during a Remembrance Day ceremony in Ottawa says she and her husband feel trapped and have … «, Nov 14»

Remembrance Day draws huge crowds as National War Memorial …

David Johnston as part of the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the memorial, which now carries a new inscription: «In Service to Canada — Au service du … «, Nov 14»

Remembrance Day: At the rising of the sun, we remembered them…

At the breaking of the day in the heart of London thousands had already gathered … Silent vigils were held at the Field of Remembrance in Edinburgh’s Princes … «, Nov 14»

Remembrance Day: ‘Silence proves more powerful than terror’

As police continued to question four men arrested last week over fears of an Islamist plot to attack Remembrance Sunday commemorations, the Queen, … «, Nov 14»

Remembrance Day: Prince Harry returns to Afghanistan amid tight …

Prince Harry returned to Afghanistan today to take part in a remembrance service in Kandahar, where troops paused in silent vigil to the more than 450 British … «, Nov 14»

Remembrance Day 2014: Everything you need to know in Ottawa

There are several Remembrance Day ceremonies throughout Ottawa, which will lead to road … Ottawa shooting leads to tighter Remembrance Day security. «, Nov 14»

Wearing poppies with pride: Remembrance Day services on high …

Millions of people will defy terror fanatics by wearing their poppies with pride at Remembrance services across the UK on Remembrance Day. Security was … «, Nov 14»

MP pushes to make Remembrance Day a national holiday

In light of two soldiers being killed on home soil in recent weeks, there are renewed calls by federal politicians to make Remembrance Day a day all Canadians … «CTV News, Nov 14»


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November is the time of the year when the British wear a red poppy in memory of those who sacrificed their lives  during wars. This day is called Remembrance Day.

The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month marks the signing of the Armistice, on 11th November 1918, to signal the end of World War One. At 11 am on 11 November 1918 the guns of the Western Front fell silent after more than four years continuous warfare.

What is Remembrance Day?

Remembrance Day is on 11 November. It is a special day set aside to remember all those men and women who were killed during the two World Wars and other conflicts. At one time the day was known as Armistice Day and was renamed Remembrance Day after the Second World War.

How is Remembrance Day observed?

Remembrance Sunday is held on the second Sunday in November, which is usually the Sunday nearest to 11 November. Special services are held at war memorials and churches all over Britain. A national ceremony takes place at the Cenotaph in Whitehall, London. The Queen lays the first wreath at the Cenotaph.

Wreaths are laid beside war memorials by companies, clubs and societies. People also leave small wooden crosses by the memorials in remembrance of a family member who died in war.

Two minute silence

At 11 a.m. on each Remembrance Sunday a two minute silence is observed at war memorials and other public spaces across the UK.

The ‘Last Post’

The “Last Post” is traditionally played to introduce the two minute silence in Remembrance Day ceremonies. It is usually ‘ played on a bugle. (In military life, ‘The Last Post’ marks the end of the day and the final farewell.)
The sounding of “Reveille” (or, more commonly, “The Rouse”), ends the two minute silence, followed by the recitation of the “Ode of Remembrance.”

“They Shall not grow old” (“Ode of Remembrance.” )

A poem called ”For the Fallen” is often read aloud during the ceremony; the most famous stanza of which reads:

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”

Fourth stanza of ‘For the Fallen’ by Laurence Binyon (1869 – 1943)

Poppy Day

Remembrance Day is also known as Poppy Day, because it is traditional to wear an artificial poppy. They are sold by the Royal British Legion, a charity dedicated to helping war veterans.

Throughout the world the poppy is associated with the remembrance of those who died in order that we may be free.

Some people prefer to wear an artificial poppy on the left over their hearts. However, the general rules is to wear Left for men because that’s where medals go and Right for women because that’s where a widow would wear her husband’s medals.

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