The word regret means

сожаление, извинения, раскаяние, горе, сожалеть, раскаиваться, горевать


- сожаление

to hear of smth. with regret — услышать о чём-л. с сожалением
to my regret — к моему сожалению

- раскаяние, сожаление

to feel regrets — испытывать раскаяние
I have no regrets — я ни о чём не жалею, я ни в чём не раскаиваюсь

- часто pl извинение

to express regret for smth. — сожалеть о чём-л.; извиняться, просить прощения за что-л.
please accept my regrets — примите, пожалуйста, мои извинения, я очень сожалею (о происшедшем)
to send regrets — вежливо отклонить приглашение (письменно)
he did not come but sent his regrets — он не пришёл, но прислал письмо с извинениями
to express regrets at not being able … — выразить сожаление по поводу невозможности (сделать что-л.)


- сожалеть (о чём-л.)

I regret to say — к сожалению, должен сказать
I regret that I cannot come on Monday — к сожалению, я не смогу прийти в понедельник
it is to be regretted that … — достойно сожаления /прискорбно/, что …
he died regretted by all — его кончину оплакивали все

- раскаиваться, сожалеть

to regret having done smth. — раскаиваться в каком-л. поступке
you will live to regret it — ты ещё об этом пожалеешь

Мои примеры


dolorous ballads of death and regret — печальные баллады о смерти и сожалениях  
to regret smth. deeply — глубоко сожалеть о чём-л.  
deep / keen regret — горькое, острое сожаление  
to feel regret — сожалеть  
token of (one’s) regret — знак раскаяния  
to regret for one’s mistake — сожалеть о своей ошибке  
only a show of kindness / regret — только видимость доброго отношения, сожаления  
to simulate regret — изображать сожаление  
expression of regret — выражение сожаления  
express regret — выразить сожаление; извиняться  
much to my regret — к моему большому сожалению  

Примеры с переводом

I don’t regret moving to York.

Я не жалею, что переехал в Йорк.

I have no regrets about leaving.

Я не жалею об уходе.

Don’t do anything you might regret.

Не делайте ничего, о чём бы вы могли пожалеть.

I regret having to leave so early.

Мне жаль так рано уезжать.

I’ve never regretted the decision.

Я никогда не жалел об этом решении.

We regret that we cannot accept your invitation.

Мы сожалеем что не можем принять ваше приглашение.

You are so going to regret it.

Ты так об этом пожалеешь.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Don’t say anything you might regret later.[del]

He recalled the evening’s debaucheries with regret.

We regret any inconvenience caused to our customers.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

regretful  — опечаленный, полный сожаления, раскаивающийся, полный раскаяния
regrettable  — прискорбный
regretting  — сожалеющий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: regret
he/she/it: regrets
ing ф. (present participle): regretting
2-я ф. (past tense): regretted
3-я ф. (past participle): regretted

ед. ч.(singular): regret
мн. ч.(plural): regrets


Don’t say anything you might regret later.

I deeply regret what I said.

She does not regret leaving him.

He regrets not traveling more when he was younger.

He says he doesn’t regret anything that he’s done in his life.


She has no regrets about leaving him.

My greatest regret is not going to college.

To my regret, I never visited Europe.

It is with deep regret that he is announcing his resignation.

My coworker gives her regrets for not being able to attend the meeting.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Don’t live to regret rash decisions Orgvue’s research consistently shows that drastic cost-cutting measures take a toll on the future prosperity of a business.

Orianna Rosa Royle, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023

Senators who delivered historic legislative wins to President Joe Biden last year are beginning to regret it.

Haisten Willis, Washington Examiner, 4 Apr. 2023

Wyatt shares surprising news with Judd, and Mateo comes to regret helping a family member in need.

Olivia Mccormack, Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2023

The Globe regrets the error.

Mark Feeney,, 30 Mar. 2023

Governments are coming to regret net-zero carbon-emissions pledges, as their cost and impracticality come into view, but politicians still hate to admit it.

The Editorial Board, WSJ, 30 Mar. 2023

The Tribune regrets the error.

Chicago Tribune, 29 Mar. 2023

Share [Findings] Scientists trained subjects to exercise control over a single neuron, linked the hippocampus to regret, and concluded that humans smell in stereo.

Kyle Paoletta, Harpers Magazine, 29 Mar. 2023

As Rolling Stone previously reported, a source close to Peterson said the singer wanted to take the witness stand and plead his case directly to jurors, but was ultimately dissuaded by Mgdesyan — a decision Peterson eventually came to regret.

Ethan Millman, Rolling Stone, 29 Mar. 2023

Amen expressed no regret in his partner selection.

Cheryl V. Jackson, The Indianapolis Star, 4 Apr. 2023

Research shows such regret is rare, however.

Bruce Schreiner, Anchorage Daily News, 30 Mar. 2023

Research shows such regret is rare, however.

CBS News, 29 Mar. 2023

Research shows such regret is rare.

Bruce Shreiner, The Enquirer, 27 Mar. 2023

Still, no regrets, feeling embraced by coach Erik Spoelstra, the front office and the team since his arrival.

Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 27 Mar. 2023

His only regret is that his brother isn’t here to witness his success.

Mike Digiovanna, Los Angeles Times, 24 Mar. 2023

What is your biggest regret?

Leah Campano, Seventeen, 23 Mar. 2023

For now, Quincy said his one regret is being unable to capture that elusive national title.

Edward Lee, Baltimore Sun, 23 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘regret.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Regret is the emotion of wishing one had made a different decision in the past, because the consequences of the decision one did make were unfavorable.

Apologizing for a store closure, showing regret or remorse

Regret is related to perceived opportunity. Its intensity varies over time after the decision, in regard to action versus inaction, and in regard to self-control at a particular age. The self-recrimination which comes with regret is thought to spur corrective action and adaptation.

In Western societies adults have the highest regrets regarding choices of their education.[1]


Regret has been defined by psychologists in the late 1990s as a «negative emotion predicated on an upward, self-focused, counterfactual inference».[1] Another definition is «an aversive emotional state elicited by a discrepancy in the outcome values of chosen vs. unchosen actions».[2]

Regret differs from remorse in that people can regret things beyond their control, but remorse indicates a sense of responsibility for the situation.[3] For example, a person can feel regret that people die during natural disasters, but cannot feel remorse for that situation. However, a person who intentionally harms someone should feel remorse for those actions. Agent regret is the idea that a person could be involved in a situation, and regret their involvement even if those actions were innocent, unintentional, or involuntary.[3] For example, if someone decides to die by stepping in front of a moving vehicle, the death is not the fault of the driver, but the driver may still regret that the person died.

Regret is distinct from disappointment. Both are negative emotional experiences relating to a loss outcome, and both have similar neuronal correlates. However, they differ in regard to feedback about the outcome, comparing the difference between outcomes for the chosen vs. unchosen action; In regret, full feedback occurs and with disappointment partial feedback. They also differ in regard to agency (self in regret versus external in disappointment).[4]


There are conceptual models of regret in regret (decision theory) mostly in theoretical economics and finance under a field called behavioral economics.
Anticipated regret, or how much regret one thinks one will feel in the future, appears to be overestimated for actions and choices.[5][6] This appears to be, in part, due to a tendency to underestimate the extent to which people attribute bad outcomes to external factors rather than to internal factors (i.e., themselves).[5] It can lead to inaction or inertia and omission bias.[7]

Existential regret has been specifically defined as «a profound desire to go back and change a past experience in which one has failed to choose consciously or has made a choice that did not follow one’s beliefs, values, or growth needs».[8]

Instruments to measure regret in people having to make medical decisions have failed to address current concepts of regret and failed to differentiate regret from disappointment. They have also not looked for positive impacts of regret.[9] Process regret may occur, if a person does not consider information about all available choices before making a decision.[9]

Life domainsEdit

A 2005 meta-analysis of 9 studies (7 US, one Germany, one Finland) about what adults regret most concluded, that overall adults regret choices regarding their education the most. Subsequent rankings included decisions about career, romance, and parenting. Education has been the forerunner of regret in the U.S. per Gallup surveys in 1949, 1953, and 1965. Education was the forerunner of regret because it is seen as something where circumstances could be changed: «In contemporary society, education is open to continual modification throughout life. With the rise of community colleges and student aid programs in recent decades, education of some sort is accessible to nearly all socioeconomic groups.»This finding can be attributed to the principle of perceived opportunity. «People´s biggest regrets are a reflection of where in life they see their largest opportunities; that is, where they see tangible prospects for change, growth, and renewal.[1]

In other cultures, regrets may be ranked differently depending on the perceived opportunity in a particular society.[10]

In health care decisionsEdit

A 2016 review of past studies found risk factors for people to develop «decision regret» regarding their health care were: higher decisional conflict, lower satisfaction with the decision, adverse outcomes in physical health, and greater anxiety levels.[11]

Deathbed regretsEdit

A 2018 study found that people were more likely to express «ideal-related regrets», such as failing to follow their dreams and live up to their full potential.[12][13] This was found to correlate with the anecdotal accounts of palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware about the most common regrets she had heard expressed by those nearing death, which included:

  1. «I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.»
  2. «I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.»
  3. «I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.»
  4. «I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.»
  5. «I wish that I had let myself be happier.»[14]

Determinants of intensityEdit

Action versus inactionEdit

There is an interplay between action versus inaction and time. Regrets of an action are more intense in the short term, whereas regrets of inaction are more intense over the long term.[15]


In a 2001 study, high intensity of regret and intrusive thoughts in older adults was related to self-control, and low internal control was expected to be self-protective and help to decrease regret. In younger adults, internal-control facilitated active change and was associated with low intensity of regret.[16]


People’s biggest regrets occur where they perceive the greatest and most important opportunity for corrective action.[1] When no opportunity exists to improve conditions, thought processes mitigate the cognitive dissonance caused by regret, e.g. by rationalization, and reconstrual.[1] Regret pushes people toward revised decision making and corrective action as part of learning that may bring improvement in life circumstances. A 1999 study measured regret in accordance to negative reviews with service providers. Regret was an accurate predictor of who switched providers. As more intense regret is experienced, the likelihood of initiating change is increased. Consequently, the more opportunity of corrective action available, the larger the regret felt and the more likely corrective action is achieved. Feeling regret spurs future action to make sure other opportunities are taken so that regret will not be experienced again. People learn from their mistakes.[17]

Lost opportunity principleEdit

With a lost opportunity regret should intensify, not diminish, when people feel that they could have made better choices in the past but now perceive limited opportunities to take corrective action in the future. «People who habitually consider future consequences (and how they may avoid future negative outcomes) experience less, rather than more, intense regret after a negative outcome.»[18] This principle offers another reason as to why education is the most regretted aspect in life. Education becomes a more limited opportunity as time passes. Aspects such as making friends, becoming more spiritual, and community involvement tend to be less regrettable which makes sense because these are also aspects in life that do not become limited opportunities. As the opportunity to remedy a situation passes, feelings of hopelessness may increase.[19] An explanation of the lost opportunity principle can be seen as a lack of closure: Low closure makes past occurrences feel unresolved. Low closure is associated with «reductions in self-esteem and persistent negative affect over time» and with the realization and regret of lost opportunity. High closure is associated with acceptance of lost opportunity.[20]

The lost opportunity principle suggests, that regret does not serve as a corrective motive (which the opportunity principle suggests). Instead, regret serves as a more general reminder to seize the day. [21]

Regret lingers where opportunity existed, with the self-blame of remorse being a core element to ultimately spur corrective action in decision-making.[1]


Research upon brain injury and fMRI have linked the orbitofrontal cortex to the processing of regret.[22][23]

Completeness of feedback about the outcomes after making a decision determined whether persons experienced regret (outcomes from both the choice and the alternative) vs. disappointment (partial-feedback, seeing only the outcome from the choice) in a magnetoencephalography study. Another factor was the type of agency: With personal decision making the neural correlates of regret could be seen, with external agency (computer choice) those of disappointment. Feedback regret showed greater brain activity in the right anterior and posterior regions, with agency regret producing greater activity in the left anterior region.[4] Both regret and disappointment activated anterior insula and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex but only with regret the lateral orbitofrontal cortex was activated.[24]

Psychopathic individuals do not show regret or remorse. This was thought to be due to an inability to generate this emotion in response to negative outcomes. However, in 2016, people with antisocial personality disorder (also known as dissocial personality disorder) were found to experience regret, but did not use the regret to guide their choice in behavior. There was no lack of regret but a problem to think through a range of potential actions and estimating the outcome values.[25]

In other speciesEdit

A study published in 2014 by neuroscientists based at the University of Minnesota suggested that rats are capable of feeling regret about their actions. This emotion had never previously been found in any other mammals apart from humans. Researchers set up situations to induce regret, and rats expressed regret through both their behavior and specific neural patterns in brain activity.[26]

See alsoEdit

  • Regret (decision theory)
  • Apology


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  1. ^ a b c d e f Roese, N.J. (2005). «What We Regret Most…and Why». Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 31 (9): 1273–85. doi:10.1177/0146167205274693. PMC 2394712. PMID 16055646.
  2. ^ Zeelenberg M, Pieters R. A theory of regret regulation 1.0. J Consum Psychol. 2007;17(1):3–18.
  3. ^ a b McConnell, Terrance (2018), «Moral Dilemmas», in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2019-07-03
  4. ^ a b Giorgetta, C; Grecucci, A; Bonini, N; Coricelli, G; Demarchi, G; Braun, C; Sanfey, AG (Jan 2013). «Waves of regret: a meg study of emotion and decision-making». Neuropsychologia. 51 (1): 38–51. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.10.015. PMID 23137945. S2CID 3092302.
  5. ^ a b Gilbert, Daniel T.; Morewedge, Carey K.; Risen, Jane L.; Wilson, Timothy D. (2004-05-01). «Looking Forward to Looking Backward The Misprediction of Regret». Psychological Science. 15 (5): 346–350. CiteSeerX doi:10.1111/j.0956-7976.2004.00681.x. ISSN 0956-7976. PMID 15102146. S2CID 748553.
  6. ^ Sevdalis, Nick; Harvey, Nigel (2007-08-01). «Biased Forecasting of Postdecisional Affect». Psychological Science. 18 (8): 678–681. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.01958.x. ISSN 0956-7976. PMID 17680936. S2CID 7524552.
  7. ^ Dibonaventura, M; Chapman, GB (2008). «Do decision biases predict bad decisions? Omission bias, naturalness bias, and influenza vaccination». Med Decis Making. 28 (4): 532–9. CiteSeerX doi:10.1177/0272989×08315250. PMID 18319507.
  8. ^ Lucas, Marijo (January 2004). «Existential Regret: A Crossroads of Existential Anxiety and Existential Guilt». Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 44 (1): 58–70. doi:10.1177/0022167803259752. S2CID 145228992.
  9. ^ a b Joseph-Williams, N; Edwards, A; Elwyn, G (2011). «The importance and complexity of regret in the measurement of ‘good’ decisions: a systematic review and a content analysis of existing assessment instruments». Health Expectations. 14 (1): 59–83. doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2010.00621.x. PMC 5060557. PMID 20860776.
  10. ^ Gilovich, T; Wang, RF; Regan, D; Nishina, S (2003). «Regrets of action and inaction across cultures». Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 34: 61–71. doi:10.1177/0022022102239155. S2CID 145252273.
  11. ^ Margarita Becerra Pérez, Maria; Menear, Matthew; Brehaut, Jamie C.; Légaré, France (2016). «Extent and Predictors of Decision Regret about Health Care Decisions». Medical Decision Making. 36 (6): 777–790. doi:10.1177/0272989X16636113. PMID 26975351. S2CID 4575881.
  12. ^ Davidai, Shai; Gilovich, Thomas (April 2018). «The ideal road not taken: The self-discrepancies involved in people’s most enduring regrets» (PDF). Emotion. 18 (3): 439–452. doi:10.1037/emo0000326. PMID 28493750. S2CID 40051475. Retrieved 31 January 2019. In her book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, Bonnie [sic] Ware, a palliative nurse, compiled the regrets most often expressed by patients nearing the ends of their lives (Ware, 2013). Although anecdotal, her observations are in line with our hypothesis. The most commonly cited regret mentioned by Ware’s patients was, «I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.»
  13. ^ Pawlowski, Agnes (8 June 2018). «The most haunting regrets aren’t about the things we’ve done, research finds». NBC Universal. Retrieved 31 January 2019.
  14. ^ Ware, Bronnie (7 January 2018). «Regrets of the Dying». Bronnie Ware. Retrieved 31 January 2019.
  15. ^ Gilovich, T; Medvec, VH (1995). «The experience of regret: What, when, and why». Psychological Review. 102 (2): 379–395. doi:10.1037/0033-295x.102.2.379. PMID 7740094.
  16. ^ Wrosch, C; Heckhausen, J (2002). «Perceived control of life regrets: Good for young and bad for old adults». Psychology and Aging. 17 (2): 340–350. doi:10.1037/0882-7974.17.2.340. PMID 12061416.
  17. ^ Zeelenberg, M (1999). «The use of crying over spilled milk: A note on the rationality and functionality of regret» (PDF). Philosophical Psychology. 13 (951–5089): 326–340. doi:10.1080/095150899105800.
  18. ^ Roese, Neal J. (Jan 1997). «Counterfactual Thinking». Psychological Bulletin. 121 (1): 133–148. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.121.1.133. PMID 9000895.
  19. ^ Beike, Denise (December 19, 2008). «What We Regret Most Are Lost Opportunities: A Theory of Regret Intensity». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 35 (3): 385–397. doi:10.1177/0146167208328329. PMID 19098259. S2CID 206443603.
  20. ^ Beike, Denise; Wirth-Beaumont, Erin (2005). «Psychological closure as a memory phenomenon». Memory. 13 (6): 574–593. doi:10.1080/09658210444000241. PMID 16076673. S2CID 25177752.
  21. ^ «Living with regret: How to get over regret and seize the day». Human Growth Lab. 2020-01-16. Retrieved 2020-02-25.
  22. ^ Coricelli, G; Critchley, HD; Joffily, M; O’Doherty, JP; Sirigu, A; Dolan, RJ (2007). «Regret and its avoidance: a neuroimaging study of choice behavior». Nat Neurosci. 8 (9): 1255–62. doi:10.1038/nn1514. hdl:21.11116/0000-0001-A327-B. PMID 16116457. S2CID 9893530.
  23. ^ Coricelli, G; Dolan, RJ; Sirigu, A (2007). «Brain, emotion and decision making: the paradigmatic example of regret». Trends Cogn Sci. 11 (6): 258–65. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2007.04.003. hdl:21.11116/0000-0001-A325-D. PMID 17475537. S2CID 5626551.
  24. ^ Chua HF1, Gonzalez R; Taylor, SF; Welsh, RC; Liberzon, I (Oct 2009). «Decision-related loss: regret and disappointment». NeuroImage. 47 (4): 2031–40. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.06.006. PMID 19524050. S2CID 16765820.
  25. ^
  26. ^ Steiner, Adam P; Redish, A David (2014-06-08). «Behavioral and neurophysiological correlates of regret in rat decision-making on a neuroeconomic task». Nature Neuroscience. 17 (7): 995–1002. doi:10.1038/nn.3740. ISSN 1546-1726. PMC 4113023. PMID 24908102.



From Middle English regretten, regreten, from Old French regreter, regrater (to lament), from re- (intensive prefix) + *greter, *grater (to weep), from Frankish *grātan (to weep, mourn, lament), from Proto-Germanic *grētaną (to weep), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰreh₁d- (to sound); and Frankish *greutan (to cry, weep), from Proto-Germanic *greutaną (to weep, cry), from Proto-Indo-European *gʰrewd- (to weep, be sad), equivalent to re- +‎ greet. Cognate with Old High German grāzan (to cry), Old English grǣtan (to weep, greet), Old English grēotan (to weep, lament), Old Norse gráta (to weep, groan), Gothic 𐌲𐍂𐌴𐍄𐌰𐌽 (grētan, to weep). More at greet.


  • IPA(key): /ɹɪˈɡɹɛt/, /ɹəˈɡɹɛt/, /ɹiˈɡɹɛt/
  • Rhymes: -ɛt


regret (third-person singular simple present regrets, present participle regretting, simple past and past participle regretted)

  1. To feel sorry about (a thing that has or has not happened), afterthink: to wish that a thing had not happened, that something else had happened instead.

    He regretted his words.

    • 1897 December (indicated as 1898), Winston Churchill, chapter IV, in The Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., →OCLC:

      Judge Short had gone to town, and Farrar was off for a three days’ cruise up the lake. I was bitterly regretting I had not gone with him when the distant notes of a coach horn reached my ear, and I descried a four-in-hand winding its way up the inn road from the direction of Mohair.

    • 2004 November 9, Halo 2, Microsoft Studios, spoken by Avery Johnson (David Scully):

      Dear humanity, we regret bein’ alien bastards, we regret comin’ to Earth, and we most definitely regret the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!

  2. (more generally) To feel sorry about (any thing).

    I regret that I have to do this, but I don’t have a choice.

  3. (archaic, transitive) To miss; to feel the loss or absence of; to mourn.
    • 1845, The Church of England Magazine (volume 19, page 301)
      He more than ever regretted his home, and with increased desire longed to see his family.
    • 1886 May 1 – July 31, Robert Louis Stevenson, Kidnapped, being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751: [], London; Paris: Cassell & Company, Limited., published 1886, →OCLC:

      This [the Cage] was but one of Cluny’s hiding-places; he had caves, besides, and underground chambers in several parts of his country; and following the reports of his scouts, he moved from one to another as the soldiers drew near or moved away. By this manner of living, and thanks to the affection of his clan, he had not only stayed all this time in safety, while so many others had fled or been taken and slain: but stayed four or five years longer, and only went to France at last by the express command of his master. There he soon died; and it is strange to reflect that he may have regretted his Cage upon Ben Alder.

Usage notes[edit]

  • «Regret» is a catenative verb that takes the gerund (the -ing form), except in set phrases with tell, say, and inform, where the to infinitive is used. See Appendix:English catenative verbs


  • rue

Derived terms[edit]

  • regretter


feel sorry about some past thing

  • Albanian: pendohem (sq)
  • American Sign Language: A@Chest-PalmBack CirclesVert
  • Arabic: نَدِمَ (ar) (nadima), تَأَسَّفَ (ar) (taʔassafa)
  • Armenian: զղջալ (hy) (złǰal)
  • Basque: please add this translation if you can
  • Belarusian: шкадава́ць impf (škadavácʹ)
  • Bulgarian: съжаля́вам (bg) impf (sǎžaljávam), жаля́ (bg) impf (žaljá)
  • Catalan: recar (ca), penedir-se (ca), pesar (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 後悔后悔 (zh) (hòuhuǐ), 遺憾遗憾 (zh) (yíhàn)
  • Czech: litovat (cs) impf, želet impf
  • Danish: angre, fortryde (da)
  • Dutch: betreuren (nl), spijten (nl), berouwen (nl)
  • Esperanto: bedaŭri
  • Estonian: kahetsema (et)
  • Faroese: angra
  • Finnish: olla pahoillaan, katua (fi)
  • French: regretter (fr)
  • Galician: arrepentir, lamentar (gl)
  • Georgian: please add this translation if you can
  • German: bedauern (de), bereuen (de), leidtun (de)
  • Gilbertese: raraomaeakina
  • Gothic: 𐌹𐌳𐍂𐌴𐌹𐌲𐍉𐌽 (idreigōn)
  • Greek: μετανιώνω (el) (metanióno), λυπούμαι (el) (lypoúmai)
    Ancient: μεταμέλομαι (metamélomai), μεταγιγνώσκω (metagignṓskō)
  • Hawaiian: mihi
  • Hebrew: הצטער (he) (hitsta’ér)
  • Higaonon: migbasol
  • Hungarian: sajnál (hu), megbán (hu), bán (hu)
  • Icelandic: sjá eftir
  • Ido: regretar (io)
  • Interlingua: lamentar
  • Italian: rimpiangere (it), rammaricarsi, pentirsi (it)
  • Japanese: 後悔する (ja) (kōkai suru), 悔いる (ja) (くいる, kuiru), 残念に思う (ja) (ざんねんにおもう, zannen ni omou)
  • Khmer: ស្តាយគំនិត (sdaay kumnit), នឹកស្តាយក្រោយ (nɨk sdaay kraoy), ស្ដាយ (km) (sdaay)
  • Korean: 후회하다 (ko) (huhoehada)
  • Ladin: muië
  • Latin: paeniteo
  • Latvian: please add this translation if you can
  • Lithuanian: please add this translation if you can
  • Low German: leed dohn (Münsterländisch)
  • Macedonian: жали impf (žali)
  • Malay: sesal
  • Maore Comorian: ujutsa
  • Maori: whakapāha, āwhitu, kōhau, pōuri
  • Mongolian: гэмших (mn) (gemšix), харамсах (mn) (xaramsax)
  • Nepali: पछुतो (pachuto), पश्चाताप (paścātāp)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: beklage, angre (no)
    Nynorsk: beklaga, beklage, angre
  • Old English: hrēowan
  • Persian: افسوس خوردن(afsus xordan), افسوسیدن(afsusidan)
  • Piedmontese: regreté
  • Polish: żałować (pl) impf
  • Portuguese: arrepender-se, lamentar (pt)
  • Russian: сожале́ть (ru) impf (sožalétʹ), жале́ть (ru) impf (žalétʹ)
  • Sanskrit: शोचति (sa) (śocati)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: жа̏лити impf
    Roman: žȁliti (sh) impf, zažaliti (sh) impf
  • Slovak: ľutovať impf, žialiť impf
  • Slovene: obžalovati
  • Spanish: lamentar (es), pena (es)
  • Swedish: beklaga (sv), ångra (sv)
  • Telugu: విచారించు (te) (vicāriñcu)
  • Thai: เสียใจ (th) (sǐia-jai), เสียดาย (th) (sǐia-daai)
  • Tibetan: please add this translation if you can
  • Ukrainian: жалкува́ти impf (žalkuváty), шкодува́ти impf (škoduváty)
  • Vietnamese: hối tiếc (vi)
  • Welsh: edifaru
  • Yiddish: באַדויערן(badoyern)

to feel sorry about anything

  • Bulgarian: съжалявам (bg) (sǎžaljavam)
  • Catalan: recar (ca)
  • Danish: beklage
  • Esperanto: bedaŭri
  • Faroese: harmast
  • Finnish: olla pahoillaan
  • Icelandic: harma
  • Ido: regretar (io)
  • Indonesian: menyesal (id)
  • Italian: rammaricarsi
  • Ladin: muië
  • Malay: sesal
  • Maori: āwhitu
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: beklage
    Nynorsk: beklaga, beklage
  • Russian: сожале́ть (ru) impf (sožalétʹ)
  • Spanish: lamentar (es),pena (es)
  • Swedish: beklaga (sv)
  • Thai: เสียใจ (th) (sǐia-jai)


regret (countable and uncountable, plural regrets)

  1. Emotional pain on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it had been different; a looking back with dissatisfaction or with longing.
    • 1828, Thomas Macaulay, John Dryden
      What man does not remember with regret the first time he read Robinson Crusoe?
    • From its peaceful bosom [the grave] spring none but fond regrets and tender recollections.
  2. (obsolete) Dislike; aversion.
    • 1667, Richard Allestree, The Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety:

      Is it a vertue to have some ineffective regrets to damnation, and such a Vertue too, as shall serve to ballance all our vices?

  3. (decision theory) The amount of avoidable loss that results from choosing the wrong action.
    • 2002, Bernd Droge, On the Minimax Regret Estimation of a Restricted Normal Mean, and Implications:

      Under squared errorloss we show that there exists unique minimax regret solution for the problem of selecting the threshold.

    • 2012, Herman Chernoff, Lincoln E. Moses, Elementary Decision Theory, page 12:

      Each loss then represents this unavoidable loss plus a regret (loss due to ignorance of Ө). Subtracting these unavoidable losses, we obtain the regret table, Table 1.7, and the average regret table, Table 1.8.

Derived terms[edit]

  • regretful


instance of such an emotion

  • Albanian: keqardhje (sq)
  • American Sign Language: A@Chest-PalmBack CirclesVert
  • Arabic: أَسَف‎ m (ʔasaf), تَأَسُّف (ar) m (taʔassuf)
  • Armenian: զղջում (hy) (złǰum), ափսոսանք (hy) (apʿsosankʿ)
  • Azerbaijani: təəssüf (az)
  • Belarusian: шкадава́нне n (škadavánnje), жаль m (žalʹ)
  • Bengali: আফসোস (bn) (aphośōś)
  • Bulgarian: съжаление (bg) n (sǎžalenie)
  • Catalan: penediment (ca) m
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 遺憾遗憾 (zh) (yíhàn), 後悔后悔 (zh) (hòuhuǐ)
  • Czech: lítost (cs) f
  • Danish: beklagelse c (general); anger c (remorse)
  • Dutch: spijt (nl) f, berouw (nl) n
  • Faroese: iðran f, angur m
  • Finnish: katumus (fi), valittelu (fi), pahoittelu (fi)
  • French: regret (fr) m
  • Galician: pesar (gl) m, arrepentimento (gl) m
  • German: Reue (de) f, Bedauern (de) n
  • Gothic: 𐍄𐍂𐌹𐌲𐍉 f (trigō)
  • Greek: λύπη (el) f (lýpi)
  • Hebrew: חֲרָטָה (he) f (harata)
  • Hindi: अफ़सोस m (afsos)
  • Hungarian: megbánás (hu)
  • Icelandic: eftirsjá (is) f
  • Ido: regreto (io)
  • Ilocano: babawi
  • Indonesian: penyesalan (id)
  • Irish: aiféala m
  • Italian: rammarico (it) m, rimpianto (it) m, rimorso (it) m, pentimento (it) m
  • Japanese: 後悔 (ja) (こうかい, kōkai)
  • Khmer: សេចក្ដីស្ដាយក្រោយ (səckdəy sdaay kraoy)
  • Korean: 후회(後悔) (ko) (huhoe)
  • Malay: penyesalan
  • Maori: kōrehu
  • Mongolian: гэмшил (mn) (gemšil)
  • Nepali: आत्मग्लानि (ātmaglāni)
  • Norman: r’gret m
  • Norwegian: beklagelse m (general); anger (no) m (remorse)
  • Old English: hrēow f
  • Persian: افسوس (fa) (afsus)
  • Piedmontese: regret m
  • Polish: żal (pl) m
  • Portuguese: pesar (pt) m, arrependimento (pt)
  • Romanian: regret (ro) n
  • Russian: сожале́ние (ru) n (sožalénije)
  • Sindhi: افسوس
  • Slovak: ľútosť f
  • Spanish: pesar (es) m, arrepentimiento (es) m
  • Swahili: juto (sw), sikitiko (sw)
  • Swedish: beklagande (sv) n (general); ånger (sv) c (remorse)
  • Telugu: విచారం (vicāraṁ)
  • Tibetan: please add this translation if you can
  • Tocharian B: onmiṃ
  • Tok Pisin: belhevi
  • Ukrainian: жаль m (žalʹ)
  • Urdu: افسوس‎ m (afsos)
  • Welsh: gofid (cy) m
  • Yiddish: באַדויערונג‎ f (badoyerung)

See also[edit]

  • remorse
  • repentance

Further reading[edit]

  • regret in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • “regret”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.



From Middle French regret, from Old French regret (lamentation, complaint), deverbal of regreter (to lament), from re- (intensive prefix-) +‎ greter (to weep), from Frankish *grêtan (to weep, mourn, lament), from Proto-Germanic *grētaną (to weep) and Frankish *grêotan (to cry, weep), from Proto-Germanic *greutaną (to weep, cry), from Proto-Indo-European *ghrew- (to weep, be sad). More at regret.


  • IPA(key): /ʁə.ɡʁɛ/


regret m (plural regrets)

  1. regret
  2. nostalgia

Derived terms[edit]

  • à regret
  • au grand regret de


  • regretter

Further reading[edit]

  • “regret”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.



regret (plural regrets)

  1. regret, repentance


  • regrettar
  • regrettabile



From French regret.


regret n (plural regrete)

  1. regret


  • 1

    regret [rɪˊgret]

    1) сожале́ние, го́ре

    2) раска́яние, сожале́ние;

    3) (

    обыкн. pl

    ) извине́ния;

    to express regret for smth. сожале́ть о чём-л., извиня́ться, проси́ть проще́ния за что-л.


    1) сожале́ть, горева́ть (о чём-л.);

    2) раска́иваться

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > regret

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > regret

  • 3
    regret to

    Персональный Сократ > regret to

  • 4

    1. сущ.
    1) а) сожаление (выражает огорчение говорящего по поводу невозможности сделать что-л., особ. невозможности принять приглашение) to express regret at not being able to accept an invitation ≈ выражать сожаление по поводу невозможности принять приглашение б) сожаление, огорчение (выражает огорчение говорящего We regret to inform you… ≈ С сожалением сообщаем Вам… в) мн. извинения
    2) а) сожаление, чувство печали, огорчения (вызванное потерей, утратой) to feel regret ≈ сожалеть fruitless regrets, useless regrets, vain regrets ≈ напрасные сожаления deep, keen regret ≈ горькое, острое сожаление б) печаль, грусть, сожаление, раскаяние (о том, что сделано или осталось несделанным) a token of (one’s) regret ≈ признак сожаления to regret for one’s mistake ≈ сожалеть о своей ошибке Syn: repentance, remorse
    3) уст. горестное стенание;
    жалобы Syn: complaint, lament
    2. гл.
    1) сожалеть, испытывать сожаление (о чем-л.) I regret having to leave so early. ≈ Мне жаль так рано уезжать. Everyone regretted his being dismissed. ≈ Все жалели, что его уволили. We regret that we cannot accept your invitation. ≈ Жаль, что мы не можем принять Ваше приглашение. We regret to inform you that your position has been eliminated. ≈ Мы с сожалением сообщаем Вам, что Ваша должность упразднена.
    2) горевать, убиваться, печалиться to regret deeply, very much ≈ сильно горевать to regret profoundly ≈ глубоко, искренне сожалеть Syn: grieve
    3) раскаиваться, сожалеть I regret doing it. ≈ Я сожалею, что сделал это. Syn: repent
    сожаление — to hear of smth. with * услышать о чем-л. с сожалением — to my * к моему сожалению раскаяние, сожаление — to feel *s испытывать раскаяние — I have no *s я ни о чем не жалею, я ни в чем не раскаиваюсь извинение — to express * for smth. сожалеть о чем-л.;
    извиняться, просить прощения за что-л. — please accept my *s примите, пожалуйста, мои извинения, я очень сожалею (о происшедшем) — to send *s вежливо отклонить приглашение (письменно) — he did not come but sent his *s он не пришел, но прислал письмо с извинениями — to express *s at not being able… выразить сожаление по поводу невозможности (сделать что-л.) сожалеть (о чем-л.) — I * to say к сожалению, должен сказать — I * that I cannot come on Monday к сожалению, я не смогу прийти в понедельник — it is to be *ted that… достойно сожаления /прискорбно/, что… — he died *ted by all его кончину оплакивали все раскаиваться, сожалеть — to * having done smth. раскаиваться в каком-л. поступке — you will live to * it ты еще об этом пожалеешь
    regret (обыкн. pl) извинения;
    to express regret (for smth.) сожалеть (о чем-л.), извиняться, просить прощения (за что-л.) ;
    he sent his regrets он прислал свои извинения
    regret (обыкн. pl) извинения;
    to express regret (for smth.) сожалеть (о чем-л.), извиняться, просить прощения (за что-л.) ;
    he sent his regrets он прислал свои извинения
    ~ сожалеть, горевать (о чем-л.) ;
    I regret to say к сожалению, должен сказать
    ~ раскаяние, сожаление;
    to my regret к моему сожалению
    regret (обыкн. pl) извинения;
    to express regret (for smth.) сожалеть (о чем-л.), извиняться, просить прощения (за что-л.) ;
    he sent his regrets он прислал свои извинения ~ раскаиваться ~ раскаяние, сожаление;
    to my regret к моему сожалению ~ сожаление, горе ~ сожалеть, горевать (о чем-л.) ;
    I regret to say к сожалению, должен сказать

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > regret

  • 5

    1. III

    regret smth.

    1) regret an unhappy coincidence сожалеть о несчастливом стечении обстоятельств и т.д.; he no sooner spoke that he regretted it не успел он заговорить, как уже пожалел об /как уже раскаялся в/ этом; I can only regret your want of confidence я могу лишь сожалеть о том, что вам недостает уверенности; I regret my mistake сожалею о своей ошибке

    2) regret bygone times жалеть о прошлом /об ушедшем времени/ и т.д.; I don’t regret the old home я не жалею /не испытываю сожаления/, что мы не живем в нашем старом доме

    2. IV

    regret smth. in some manner regret smth. deeply глубоко и т.д. сожалеть о /раскаиваться в/ чем-л.; regret smth. at some time it was a foolish thing to do and I regretted it immediately afterwards было глупо так поступать, и я сразу же об этом пожалел; a mistake which he regretted all his life ошибка, о которой он сожалел /в которой он раскаивался/ всю свою жизнь

    3. XI

    be regretted in some manner it is a matter sincerely to be regretted об этом следует искренне пожалеть; it is to be much /greatly, deeply, keenly, etc./ regretted that… приходится весьма сожалеть, что…; be regretted by smb. he died regretted by all он умер, оплакиваемый всеми

    4. XIII

    regret to do smth. offic. I regret to say that I am unable to help you к сожалению, должен сказать, что я не могу помочь вам; I regret to have to announce the death of Mr. X с сожалением должен объявить о смерти мистера X; we much regret to announce with this the death of… с большим сожалением извещаем при этом о смерти…; I regret to hear of his ill luck с сожалением услышал /узнал/ о его несчастье

    5. XIV

    regret doing /having done/ smth. regret having given smb. offence сожалеть о том, что обидел кого-л. и т.д.; I’ve always regretted not having travelled я всегда сожалел, что мне не пришлось путешествовать; you will not regret following my advice вы не пожалеете, что последовали моему совету; I regret being unable to help мне очень жаль, что не могу помочь; I have never regretted being a teacher я никогда не жалел о /не раскаивался в/ том, что я учитель

    6. XXV

    regret that… I regret that I cannot help мне жаль, что я не могу помочь и т.д., I regret that he has gone so soon мне жаль, что он так быстро уехал; we regret that he has to leave нам жаль, что он должен уходить /уезжать/

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > regret

  • 6


    regret (обыкн. pl) извинения; to express regret (for smth.) сожалеть (о чем-л.), извиняться, просить прощения (за что-л.); he sent his regrets он прислал свои извинения regret (обыкн. pl) извинения; to express regret (for smth.) сожалеть (о чем-л.), извиняться, просить прощения (за что-л.); he sent his regrets он прислал свои извинения regret сожалеть, горевать (о чем-л.); I regret to say к сожалению, должен сказать regret раскаяние, сожаление; to my regret к моему сожалению regret (обыкн. pl) извинения; to express regret (for smth.) сожалеть (о чем-л.), извиняться, просить прощения (за что-л.); he sent his regrets он прислал свои извинения regret раскаиваться regret раскаяние, сожаление; to my regret к моему сожалению regret сожаление, горе regret сожалеть, горевать (о чем-л.); I regret to say к сожалению, должен сказать

    English-Russian short dictionary > regret

  • 7



    1) сожаление, огорчение

    fruitless / useless / vain regrets — напрасные сожаления

    deep / keen regret — горькое, острое сожаление




    горестное стенание; жалобы




    1) сожалеть, испытывать сожаление

    I regret having to leave so early. — Мне жаль так рано уезжать.

    Everyone regretted his being dismissed. — Все жалели, что его уволили.

    We regret that we cannot accept your invitation. — Жаль, что мы не можем принять ваше приглашение.

    We regret to inform you that your position has been eliminated. — Мы с сожалением сообщаем вам, что ваша должность упразднена.

    2) раскаиваться, сожалеть

    I don’t regret moving to York. — Я не жалею, что переехал в Йорк.



    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]regret his leaving / regret him leaving[/ref]

    Англо-русский современный словарь > regret

  • 8

    1. n раскаяние, сожаление

    2. n часто извинение

    3. v сожалеть

    4. v раскаиваться, сожалеть

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. disappointment (noun) disappointment; discontent; discontentment; disgruntlement; dissatisfaction; letdown

    2. remorse (noun) compunction; contrition; grief; lamentation; penitence; remorse; repentance

    3. sorrow (noun) affliction; anguish; care; heartache; heartbreak; rue; sorrow; woe

    4. mourn (verb) bemoan; bewail; deplore; feel sorry about; grieve; lament; mourn; repent; repine; rue

    Антонимический ряд:

    cheerfulness; contentment; disregard; forget; hail; joy; rejoice; satisfaction; welcome

    English-Russian base dictionary > regret

  • 9

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > regret

  • 10

    1. [rıʹgret]

    1. сожаление

    to hear of smth. with regret — услышать о чём-л. с сожалением

    2. 1) раскаяние, сожаление

    I have no regrets — я ни о чём не жалею, я ни в чём не раскаиваюсь

    2) извинение

    to express regret for smth. — сожалеть о чём-л.; извиняться, просить прощения за что-л.

    please accept my regrets — примите, пожалуйста, мои извинения, я очень сожалею (о происшедшем)

    he did not come but sent his regrets — он не пришёл, но прислал письмо с извинениями

    to express regrets at not being able… — выразить сожаление по поводу невозможности ()

    2. [rıʹgret]

    1. сожалеть ()

    I regret to say — к сожалению, должен сказать

    I regret that I cannot come on Monday — к сожалению, я не смогу прийти в понедельник

    it is to be regretted that… — достойно сожаления /прискорбно/, что…

    2. раскаиваться, сожалеть

    to regret having done smth. — раскаиваться в каком-л. поступке

    НБАРС > regret

  • 11

    I [rɪ’gret]


    It is with regret that I inform you of my father’s death. — С сожалением сообщаю вам о смерти моего отца

    my regret

    — feel deep regret
    — have no regrets

    II [rɪ’gret]


    I regret that I cannot come. — Я сожалею, что не могу прийти.

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > regret

  • 12

    Politics english-russian dictionary > regret

  • 13

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > regret

  • 14

    1) сожаление, горе

    2) раскаяние, сожаление; to my regret к моему сожалению

    3) (


    pl) извинения; to express regret for smth. сожалеть о чем-л., извиняться, просить прощения за что-л.; he sent his regrets он прислал свои извинения

    1) сожалеть, горевать (о чем-л.); I regret to say к сожалению, должен сказать

    2) раскаиваться

    * * *

    1 (n) сожаление

    2 (v) пожалеть; раскаиваться в

    * * *

    1) сожаление 2) сожалеть, раскаиваться

    * * *

    [re·gret || rɪ’gret]
    сожаление, прискорбие, раскаяние, извинения, горе
    сожалеть, горевать, раскаиваться

    * * *














    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) а) сожаление
    б) сожаление, огорчение
    в) мн. извинения
    2) а) сожаление, чувство печали, огорчения (вызванное потерей, утратой)
    б) печаль, грусть, сожаление, раскаяние
    3) устар. горестное стенание
    2. гл.
    1) сожалеть, испытывать сожаление (о чем-л.)
    2) горевать
    3) раскаиваться

    Новый англо-русский словарь > regret

  • 15


    сожалеть, раскаиваться

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > regret

  • 16

    1) жалеть

    2) сожаление
    3) разочарование
    4) сожалеть
    5) разочаровываться
    – regret matrix

    Англо-русский технический словарь > regret

  • 17



    сожале́ние с



    1) сожале́ть

    2) раска́иваться

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > regret

  • 18
    regret to

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > regret to

  • 19


    1) Общая лексика: выражать сожаление, горе, горевать, горевать о, жалеть, жаль, извинение, констатировать с сожалением, печаль, прискорбие, раскаиваться, раскаиваться в, раскаяние, сожаление, сожалеть , сожалеть о, жалоба, огорчение, стенание, испытывать сожаление, тоска, с сожалением констатировать

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > regret

  • 20



    сожаление, огорчение


    сожаление, чувство печали, огорчения

    печаль, грусть, сожаление, раскаяние

    горестное стенание; жалобы

    сожалеть, испытывать сожаление

    горевать, убиваться, печалиться

    раскаиваться, сожалеть

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > regret

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • regret — [ r(ə)grɛ ] n. m. • 1530; faire regret de « manifester sa douleur à propos de » 1170; de regretter I ♦ État de conscience douloureux causé par la perte d un bien. Regret du pays natal. ⇒ nostalgie. « S attarder aux vains regrets du passé »… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • regret — REGRET. s. m. Déplaisir d avoir perdu un bien qu on avoit, ou que l on pouvoit avoir. J ay grand regret à mon Amy qui est mort. il a grand regret à l occasion qu il a perduë. il a eu de bonne marchandise, il ne doit pas avoir regret à son argent …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

    • regret — Regret, Desyderium. N avoir point de regret à son adolescence, Non requirere adolescentiam, B. ex Cic. De regret de celles qui estoyent demeurées derriere, Ad desyderium relictarum. Estre esmeu du regret d aucun, Desyderio alicuius moueri. Je ne… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

    • regret — REGRÉT, regrete, s.n. Părere de rău cauzată de pierderea unui lucru sau a unei fiinţe, de o nereuşită sau de săvârşirea unei fapte nesocotite; p. ext. remuşcare, căinţă. – Din fr. regret. Trimis de dante, 05.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  REGRÉT s.… …   Dicționar Român

    • Regret — Re*gret (r?*gr?t ), n. [F., fr. regretter. See {Regret}, v.] 1. Pain of mind on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it had been different; a looking back with dissatisfaction or with longing; grief; sorrow;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Regret — Студийный альбом EverEve …   Википедия

    • Regret — Re*gret , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Regretted} ( t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Regretting}.] [F. regretter, OF. regreter; L. pref. re re + a word of Teutonic origin; cf. Goth. gr[=e]tan to weep, Icel. gr[=a]ta. See {Greet} to lament.] To experience regret …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • regret — regrèt m. fr. regret. Cu si pren sensa amor pòu ben si quitar sens regret prov. . voir pentiment …   Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu

    • regret — [n] upset over past action affliction, anguish, annoyance, apologies, apology, bitterness, care, compunction, concern, conscience, contrition, demur, disappointment, discomfort, dissatisfaction, dole, grief, heartache, heartbreak, lamentation,… …   New thesaurus

    • regret — [ri gret′] vt. regretted, regretting [ME regretten < OFr regreter, to bewail the dead < re + Gmc base as in OE gretan, ON grata, Goth gretan, to weep] 1. to feel sorry about or mourn for (a person or thing gone, lost, etc.) 2. to feel… …   English World dictionary

    • Regret — (fr., spr. R greh), 1) Bedauern; 2) Reue; davon: Regrettiren, bedauern …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

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