The word reflection has


reflection, return of a wave from a surface that it strikes into the medium through which it has traveled. The general principles governing the reflection of light and sound are similar, for both normally travel in straight lines and both are wave phenomena. Objects are visible because of the light reflected from their surfaces, and their color depends on their ability to reflect light of a certain wavelength and to absorb that of other wavelengths. The reflection of sound waves from a surface is called an echo.

The Laws of Reflection

The reflection of light follows certain definite laws. A ray of light striking a reflecting surface at right angles to it is returned directly along the path it has followed in reaching the surface. When, however, a ray strikes a reflecting surface at any other angle, it is reflected at an angle in an opposite direction. The incoming ray is called the incident ray. Its direction is usually described by the angle of incidence, which is the angle that it makes with the normal, or line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of reflection. The angle formed by the reflected ray and the normal is called the angle of reflection and is equal to the angle of incidence. Furthermore, the reflected ray is always in the same plane as the incident ray, and this plane is perpendicular to the surface.

The Degree and Types of Reflection

Not all surfaces reflect light in the same way or to the same degree. The measure of the fraction of light that is reflected by a material is called its reflectance. Metals in general have high values of reflectance; silver, for example, has a reflectance of about 96%. Smooth surfaces give regular reflection, also called specular reflection, in which incident parallel rays remain parallel after reflection. Rough or uneven surfaces give diffuse reflection, since the reflected rays are scattered and not parallel. For example, reflection by a mirror is regular; by a highly polished but uneven piece of metal, it is diffused. Reflection of light is also brought about under certain conditions by the surfaces of transparent media through which light normally passes. An example is seen in the blazing glare of sunlight on a window or an automobile windshield when the sun’s rays strike it at a very oblique angle.

A corner reflector returns a ray that is exactly parallel to the incident ray back to the incident ray’s point of origin, or very close to it. The reflector is formed by intersecting three mutually perpendicular planes, with the centerpoint therefore being located at the mutual point of intersection. Such a device can be utilized as a radar target or marker for range finding and surveying. For increased visibility at night microscopic corner reflectors can be incorporated into reflective paint for road signs and incorporated into the lenses of bicycle and motorcycle reflectors. Several U.S. Apollo missions and one Soviet Lunakhod lunar probe deployed corner reflector arrays on the lunar surface. When the arrays are illuminated by laser beams originating from the earth, precise measurements of the roundtrip travel time of the light permit the calculation of the earth-moon distance to an accuracy of 6 in. (15 cm). Such measurements also are used to determine the moon’s orbit with greater accuracy, to record perturbations in the moon’s motion caused by meteorite impacts, and to ascertain the length of an earth day.

The phenomenon called total internal reflection is observed when light passing from one medium (e.g., a glass prism or water) to a less dense medium (e.g., air) reaches the boundary between the two media and is thrown back into the denser medium instead of passing outward as would be expected. This occurs when the light strikes at an oblique angle, greater than a certain degree. Up to that degree, refraction (not reflection) takes place, and the greatest angle at which refraction is possible is called the critical angle; if the angle of incidence exceeds this angle, total reflection occurs. The fire of a faceted diamond is due to total internal reflection. Internal reflection accounts in part for a number of natural phenomena. Rays of sunlight striking raindrops are refracted on entering them and then undergo internal reflection; since the sunlight is broken up into its colors, a rainbow appears. A mirage is also partially the result of internal reflection.

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.


(ri-flek -shŏn) A phenomenon occurring when a beam of light or other wave motion strikes a surface separating two different media, such as air and glass or air and metal. Part of the wave has its direction changed, according to the laws of reflection, so that it does not enter the second medium. A rough surface will produce diffuse reflection. A smooth surface, as of polished metal, will reflect the radiation in a regular manner. The laws of reflection state firstly that the incident beam, the reflected beam, and the normal (the line perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence) lie in the same plane, and secondly that the two beams are inclined at the same angle to but on either side of the normal.

Collins Dictionary of Astronomy © Market House Books Ltd, 2006


The process by which incident light flux leaves a surface, or medium, from the incident side, without a change in frequency.

Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a universal property of matter, consisting in the reproduction of that which belongs to the object reflected. “It is logical to assert that all matter possesses a property which is essentially akin to sensation, the property of reflection” (V. I. Lenin, Poln. sobr. soch, 5th ed., vol. 18, p. 91). Any reflection carries information about the object of reflection. Both the capacity for reflection and the nature of its manifestation depend on the level of organization of matter. Reflection appears in qualitatively different forms in inorganic nature, in the world of plants and animals, and, finally, among human beings. The interaction of different material systems results in mutual reflection in the form of simple mechanical deformation (such as the imprint of a body in sand), contraction or expansion depending on temperature changes (for example, a thermometer), reflection of light, changes in electromagnetic waves (such as photography), the reflection of sound waves (an echo), chemical changes (for instance, the color of litmus paper), and physiological processes (for example, contraction of the pupil of the eye in bright light). The invention of electronic computers capable of recognizing patterns, distinguishing objects, carrying out operations of formal logic, and developing conditioned reflexes—in short, capable of reflecting the relationships among things and orienting themselves in the world—reaffirms the idea of reflection as a universal property of matter.

An essential property of living organisms is irritability—the reflection of the influences of the external and internal environment in the form of excitation and selective response. Irritability is a prepsychological form of reflection, a means of regulating adaptive behavior. A later stage in the development of reflection is associated with the appearance, in higher living organisms, of sensitivity—that is, the ability to experience sensations, which are the primary form of animal psychology. The development of sense organs and the coordination of their functioning led to perception, the ability to reflect things as the totality of their properties. Animals not only differentiate in their perception of the properties and relationships of things, but they also reflect a considerable number of biologically important relationships in the environment. This is an elementary form of thinking, which reaches its highest level in anthropoid apes and dolphins.

The development of man and human society through work and communication with the aid of speech resulted in the appearance of a specifically human, essentially social, form of reflection: consciousness and self-consciousness. Man’s reflection of reality differs from animal reflection in both the method and object of reflection; man strives not only to satisfy his basic needs but to understand the objective relations between things. The characteristic feature of human reflection is that it is somewhat ideal. It presupposes not only an influence on the subject from without, but also the subject’s independent actions and creative activity, manifested in his selective and purposeful perception, in his ability to abstract himself from some objects, properties, and relations and to focus on others, in the conversion of sensory images to logical thought, and in the use of conceptual forms of knowledge. The creative activity of man is also revealed in acts of productive imagination, in activity aimed at discovering truth through the formulation and testing of a hypothesis, in the development of a theory, and in the formulation of new ideas, plans, and aims.

V. I. Lenin made an important contribution to the theory of cognition as a reflection of reality. Therefore, the dialectical-materialist theory of reflection is correctly called the Leninist theory of reflection. The Leninist principle of reflection has been attacked by certain revisionists and bourgeois ideologists, notably H. Lefebvre, R. Garaudy, and G. Petrović, who assert that the theory of reflection restricts man to “that which exists” (since it is impossible to reflect the future—that which does not yet exist) and underestimates the creative activity of consciousness. They advocate replacing the category of reflection with the concept of practice. The groundlessness of this criticism, which replaces the dialectical-materialist concept of reflection with a mechanistic interpretation of it, is self-evident. Lenin never denied the creative activity of consciousness: “man’s consciousness not only reflects the objective world, but creates it” (ibid., vol. 29, p. 194). But the creative activity of man, who transforms the world, is only possible through an adequate reflection of the objective world.

The principle of reflection is the cornerstone of the materialist theory of knowledge, which rests on a recognition of the primacy of the external world and the re-creation of it in human consciousness. Lenin noted that the concept of reflection was part of the definition of dialectical, consistent materialism, and from this standpoint he criticized the epistemology of subjective and objective idealism.


Lenin, V. I. “Materializm i empiriokrititsizm.” Poln. sobr. soch, 5th ed., vol. 18.
Lenin, V. I. “Filosofskie tetradi.” Poln. sobr. soch, vol. 29.
Pavlov, T. Teoriia otrazheniia. Moscow, 1949.
Rubinshtein, S. L. Bytie i soznanie. Moscow, 1957.
Korshunov, A. M. Teoriia otrazheniia i sovremennaia nauka. Moscow, 1968.
Ukraintsev, B. S. Otrazhenie ν nezhivoi prirode. Moscow, 1968.
Problemy otrazheniia. Moscow, 1969.
živković, L. Teoriia sotsial’nogo otrazheniia. Moscow, 1969. (Translated from Serbo-Croatian.)
Leninskaia teoriia otrazheniia i sovremennost’. Sofia, 1969.
Tiukhtin, V. S. Otrazhenie, sistemy, kibernetika. Moscow, 1972.




a form of speculation directed at understanding one’s own actions and the laws that govern them; self-knowledge revealing the specifics of man’s inner world. The content of reflection is determined by sensuous, objective activity; ultimately, reflection is the awareness of practice (seePRACTICE) and the objective world of culture. In this sense, reflection is a method of philosophy and dialectic is the reflection of reason.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.




The reflection of a configuration in a line, in a plane, or in the origin of a coordinate system is the replacement of each point in the configuration by a point that is symmetric to the given point with respect to the line, plane, or origin.

Two permutations, a and b, of the same objects are reflections of each other if the first object in a is the last object in b, the second object in a is the next-to-last object in b, and so forth, with the last object in a being the first object in b.


The return of waves or particles from surfaces on which they are incident.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The change of direction which a ray of light, sound, or radiant heat undergoes when it strikes a surface; also see law of reflection.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


(less commonly), reflexion

1. Maths a transformation in which the direction of one axis is reversed or which changes the sign of one of the variables

2. Anatomy the bending back of a structure or part upon itself

Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(1) A characteristic of light (see reflective).

(2) A feature of some programming languages and scripting languages that allows them to change their own structure at runtime. It typically refers to interpreted languages that can, for example, accept source code as input, which modifies the program’s original behavior when executed. A compiler may also provide meta-data that can be used for reflection at runtime. See also reflection mapping.

(3) (Reflection) A family of connectivity software from Attachmate Corporation that runs under Windows. Reflection products include terminal emulation for Unix, HP, OpenVMS, IBM and X Window as well as NFS support for clients and NT servers. The Reflection line was originally the flagship product offering of WRQ, Inc., which Attachmate acquired in 2005.

Copyright © 1981-2023 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.

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At one time I thought the Editor of the Lancet would kindly publish a letter from me on the subject, but further reflection led me to doubt whether so insignificant an individual would be noticed without some special introduction.

William Banting





Reflection is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of reflection in the English dictionary

The first definition of reflection in the dictionary is the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected. Other definition of reflection is something reflected or the image so produced, as by a mirror. Reflection is also careful or long consideration or thought.


Synonyms and antonyms of reflection in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «reflection» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «reflection» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of reflection to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of reflection from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «reflection» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

sự phản chiếu

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of reflection


The term «reflection» is very widely used and occupies the 9.046 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «reflection» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of reflection

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «reflection».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «reflection» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «reflection» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about reflection


Famous quotes and sentences with the word reflection.

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.

My music is a very personal reflection of me, whereas, acting a role, that’s a reflection of another character.

At one time I thought the Editor of the Lancet would kindly publish a letter from me on the subject, but further reflection led me to doubt whether so insignificant an individual would be noticed without some special introduction.

‘Night Watch’ itself is a very Russian movie. It’s impossible to imagine this kind of movie somewhere else: a movie with a depressing ending, a lot of inexplicable storylines, strange characters. It’s a Russian reflection of American film culture.

It’s cool to be a part of recovery. This is just who I am, this is what I write about, what I do, and most of my work has been a reflection of what I’ve been going through in one way or another.

Being black is not a matter of pigmentation — being black is a reflection of a mental attitude.

The World War broke out with such elemental violence, and with such resort to all means for leading or misleading public opinion, that no time was available for reflection and consideration.

What I wear is a reflection of where I am going and how I am feeling. If I’m in a good mood, it’s got to be cashmere and jeans — just something comfy, soft and warm. When I’m down, I might find something that I haven’t worn for a while that was bought for me — or wear a brooch or a pair of shoes that are like old friends.

Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.

The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe. One moment they make us despair of our kind, and the next we see in them the reflection of the divine image.


Discover the use of reflection in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to reflection and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Reflection in Action: Developing Reflective Practice in …

This is a well-researched guide to both the theory and the practice of reflection, and it also offers those who teach and train professionals a clearly delineated reflective model for use in the classroom or professional training …


Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups

Finally a number of interesting complementary topics as well as connections with Lie theory are sketched. The book concludes with an extensive bibliography on Coxeter groups and their applications.

Returning home twenty years after a tragic accident that caused the Pennsylvania Dutch townspeople of Reflection to condemn her, Rachael Huber cares for her ailing grandmother despite open hostility and finds allies in two childhood friends …


A Petroleum Geologist’s Guide to Seismic Reflection

This book is written for advanced earth science students, geologists, petroleum engineers and others who want to get quickly ‘up to speed’ on the interpretation of reflection seismic data.


Processing of Seismic Reflection Data Using MATLAB

This short book is for students, professors and professionals interested in signal processing of seismic data using MATLAB .

Wail A. Mousa, Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, 2011


Practising Critical Reflection: A Resource Handbook: A Handbook

Critical reflection in professional practice is popular across many different professions as a way of ensuring on going scrutiny and improved practice skills

Fook, Jan, Gardner, Fiona, 2007


Finite Reflection Groups

Generators and relations for finite reflection groups are discussed in Chapter 6. There are historical remarks and suggestions for further reading in a Post lude.

C.T. Benson, L.C. Grove, 1985


A Creative Guide to Exploring Your Life: Self-Reflection

An award-winning psychologist and professional photographer join forces in writing this unique creative guide to exploring and understanding your life: who you are, what you value, and what you wish to achieve.

Graham Ramsay, Holly Sweet, 2008

Hilary Kornblith presents a new account of the role of reflection in establishing knowledge, in reasoning, in freedom, and in normativity.


Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological …

This monumental work is the first comprehensive biblical theology to appear in many years and is the culmination of Brevard Child’s lifelong commitment to constructing a biblical theology that surmounts objections to the discipline raised …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term reflection is used in the context of the following news items.

Saboteurs leverage RIPv1 for DDoS reflection attacks

But saboteurs were able to “leverage the behavior” of the protocol to carry out DDoS reflection attacks, which Akamai observed against some of its customers on … «SC Magazine, Jul 15»

New Algorithm Can Automatically Remove Window Reflections from …

Photographers often use products such as the Lens Skirt when shooting through windows in order to reduce or remove reflections. Thanks to advances in … «PetaPixel, May 15»

Fifth Harmony Announce Summer ‘Reflection‘ Tour: Get All The …

Harmonizers, did you miss Fifth Harmony when they danced and hair-flipped their way into your town on this year’s Reflection Tour? First of all, don’t worry … «, Apr 15»

EXCLUSIVE: Watch Fifth Harmony Rock NYC ‘Reflection‘ Album …

The X Factor breakout stars launched their first full-length album Reflection on Tuesday and celebrated in the best way they know how: with 500 lucky … «Entertainment Tonight, Feb 15»

Fifth Harmony Shows Who’s Bo$$ on ‘Reflection‘: Track-by-Track …

When «Bo$$» was released as the first single from Fifth Harmony’s debut album, Reflection, the ode to Michelle Obama and purses so heavy resulting from … «Billboard, Feb 15»

‘Messi is God’s reflection, but Ronaldo’s not the devil’

Lionel Messi’s is a «reflection of God’s perfection», according to well-known nun and Barcelona supporter Sister Lucia Caram, who commented that Cristiano … «, Feb 15»

Fifth Harmony’s ‘Reflection‘: Stream The Full Album

That’s right: Fifth Harmony’s long awaited debut album Reflection is finally here for your ears to enjoy. After serving up sassy empowerment anthem “Bo$$” and … «Idolator: All About The Music, Jan 15»

Lucid Dreaming Associated With More Pronounced Self-Reflection

“Our results indicate that self-reflection in everyday life is more pronounced in persons who can easily control their dreams,” said Elisa Filevich, of the Center for … «Medical Daily, Jan 15»

Fifth Harmony’s Track List For Reflection Has Leaked! See Which …

Fifth Harmony’s newest album Reflection is set to be released on January 27 but it looks like fans have been given an unofficial sneak peak at what’s gonna be … «, Jan 15»

Wiz Khalifa Turns Mac Demarco’s «Chamber of Reflection» into an …

Mac Demarco’s excellent track, «Chamber of Reflection,» from this year’s Salad Days has been given the Wiz Khalifa treatment. The result is «Smoke Chambers,» … «Papermag, Dec 14»


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: an instance of reflecting


: the return of light or sound waves from a surface


: the production of an image by or as if by a mirror



: the action of bending or folding back


: something produced by reflecting: such as


: an image given back by a reflecting surface


: an effect produced by an influence

the high crime rate is a reflection of our violent society


: an often obscure or indirect criticism : reproach

a reflection on his character


: a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation


: consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose



: turning back : return



: a transformation of a figure in which each point is replaced by a point symmetric with respect to a line or plane


: a transformation that involves reflection in more than one axis of a rectangular coordinate system


Example Sentences

She was looking at her reflection in the mirror.

He saw the reflections of the clouds on the lake.

Recent Examples on the Web

During his stay, Muslims on Earth will observe the month of Ramadan — a time of fasting, prayer and reflection that runs from the evening of March 22 to April 21.

Jackie Wattles, CNN, 22 Mar. 2023

Muslims across the nation welcomed the start of Ramadan on Wednesday evening, marking the annual holy month of prayer, fasting, and reflection.

Ashley Soebroto,, 22 Mar. 2023

Joining the long-running talk show to discuss her Bad Dates podcast, the She-Hulk actress kicked off her segment with a reflection on her own history with dating.

Joey Nolfi,, 22 Mar. 2023

Pete Wentz delved into a reflection on the ups and downs of his life in the newest issue of Nylon published this week, and how he’s grown from it.

Rania Aniftos, Billboard, 22 Mar. 2023

Whether due to lessons learned from past spending sprees or merely a reflection of what seemed like an underwhelming collective of top talent, the long-term contracts with massive guarantees were in short supply.

Michael Middlehurst-schwartz, USA TODAY, 21 Mar. 2023

Inspiration and entertainment can make corny bedfellows, but Longoria pulls it off, to the extent that a moment of faith when Richard and Judy pray doesn’t feel preachy, but a reflection of their priorities.

Peter Debruge, Variety, 11 Mar. 2023

The greenhouse kit is built with air vents for temperature regulation and the smooth shape reduces glare and light reflection.

Rachel Klein, Popular Mechanics, 10 Mar. 2023

Todd Field’s caustic reflection on abuse of power, Tár, would be another deserving winner.

David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter, 9 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘reflection.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, alteration of reflexion, from Late Latin reflexion-, reflexio act of bending back, from Latin reflectere

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of reflection was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near reflection

Cite this Entry

“Reflection.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
27 Mar 2023
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Merriam-Webster unabridged

отражение, размышление, рефлексия, отблеск, отсвет, раздумье, обдумывание, образ, тень


- отражение

the reflection of light [of heat, of sound] — отражение света [тепла, звука]
the angle of reflection — угол отражения
a high crime rate is a reflection of an unstable society — высокий уровень преступности отражает неустойчивое состояние общества

- отражение, изображение

the reflection of the trees in the water — отражение деревьев в воде
his fame is but a pale reflection of that of his father — его слава лишь отблеск славы (его) отца

- отблеск, отсвет

it is rather a glimmering reflection than a true and real light — это скорее тусклый отблеск, чем настоящий свет

- точная копия

her intonation is a reflection of that of her teacher — её интонация

- размышление, раздумье

lost in reflection — погрузившись в раздумье /в свои мысли/
to do smth. without due /sufficient/ reflection — сделать что-л. не подумав хорошенько
on reflection — подумав; по зрелом размышлении
on reflection you will change your mind — подумав, вы измените своё решение
to give cause for reflection — дать повод для размышления

- pl. мысли; соображения, замечания

a collection of old saws, proverbs and reflections — собрание старинных поговорок, пословиц и изречений
reflections on the pleasure of being idle — шутл. думы о радостях праздности

- порицание, осуждение

to cast a reflection upon smb. — порицать кого-л.
the book was suppressed as a reflection on the military regime — книга была запрещена за критику военного режима

- тень, пятно

this is a reflection on his honour — это чернит его доброе имя
I intended no reflection on your character — я не имел намерения бросить тень на вашу репутацию
how dare you cast reflections on my motives? — как вы смеете подвергать сомнению мои мотивы?

- редк. отгибание
- радужность, переливчатость

with greenish black reflections — с зеленовато-чёрным отливом

- физиол. рефлексия

Мои примеры


food for thought / reflection — пища для размышления, для ума  
reflection in the origin — симметрия относительно начала координат  
angle of reflection — угол отражения  
serious reflection — серьёзное размышление  
sober reflection — трезвое размышление  
reflection in a line — симметрия относительно прямой  
reflection in a plane — отображение относительно плоскости  
reflection in a point — симметрия относительно точки, центральная симметрия  
particle reflection coefficient — коэффициент отражения частиц  
sigmoid-oblique reflection configurations — сложные сигмовидные косослоистые формы сейсмических отражений на разрезе МОВ  

Примеры с переводом

She stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Она уставилась на своё отражение в зеркале.

He saw the reflections of the clouds on the lake.

Он увидел в озере отражение облаков.

This is no reflection on your qualifications.

Нет, мы не подвергаем сомнению ваши способности.

The fact that you are unemployed is no reflection on you.

Ты не виноват в том, что ты сидишь без работы.

On some level, a student’s grades are a reflection on the teacher.

На каком-то уровне, оценки студента являются отражением уровня учителя.

On mature reflection we have decided to decline their offer.

По зрелом размышлении мы решили отказаться от их предложения.

She grimaced at her reflection in the mirror.

Она скорчила рожицу своему отражению в зеркале.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His speech was an accurate reflection of the public mood.

Can you see your reflection in the glass?

Shirley saw her reflection in the shop window.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

reflect  — отражать, отражаться, размышлять, отображать, раздумывать, изображать
reflecting  — отражающий
reflected  — отраженный, отображенный
irreflection  — бездумность, бездумье

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): reflection
мн. ч.(plural): reflections

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  • 1

    1) отраже́ние; о́тблеск; о́тсве́т

    2) отраже́ние, о́браз

    3) размышле́ние, обду́мывание; разду́мье;

    4) порица́ние

    5) тень, пятно́

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > reflection

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > reflection

  • 3

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > reflection

  • 4

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > reflection

  • 5

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > reflection

  • 6

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > reflection

  • 7

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > reflection

  • 8

    Англо-русский технический словарь > reflection

  • 9

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > reflection

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    1. отражение

    the reflection of light [of heat, of sound] — отражение света [тепла, звука]

    a high crime rate is a reflection of an unstable society — высокий уровень преступности отражает неустойчивое состояние общества

    2. 1) отражение, изображение

    his fame is but a pale reflection of that of his father — его слава лишь отблеск славы (его) отца

    2) отблеск, отсвет

    it is rather a glimmering reflection than a true and real light — это скорее тусклый отблеск, чем настоящий свет

    3) точная копия

    her intonation is a reflection of that of her teacher — её интонация — точная копия интонации её преподавателя

    3. размышление, раздумье

    lost in reflection — погрузившись в раздумье /в свои мысли/

    to do smth. without due /sufficient/ reflection — сделать что-л. не подумав хорошенько

    on reflection — подумав; по зрелом размышлении

    on reflection you will change your mind — подумав, вы измените своё решение


    мысли; соображения, замечания

    a collection of old saws, proverbs and reflections — собрание старинных поговорок, пословиц и изречений

    5. порицание, осуждение

    to cast a reflection upon smb. — порицать кого-л.

    the book was suppressed as a reflection on the military regime — книга была запрещена за критику военного режима

    6. тень, пятно

    I intended no reflection on your character — я не имел намерения бросить тень на вашу репутацию

    how dare you cast reflections on my motives? — как вы смеете подвергать сомнению мои мотивы?

    8. радужность, переливчатость

    НБАРС > reflection

  • 11

    1. n отражение, изображение

    2. n отблеск, отсвет

    3. n точная копия

    4. n размышление, раздумье

    5. n мысли; соображения, замечания

    a collection of old saws, proverbs and reflections — собрание старинных поговорок, пословиц и изречений

    6. n порицание, осуждение

    7. n тень, пятно

    8. n редк. отгибание

    9. n радужность, переливчатость

    10. n физиол. рефлексия

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. consideration (noun) brainwork; cerebration; cogitation; consideration; contemplation; deliberation; meditation; musing; observation; rumination; speculation; thinking; thought

    4. image (noun) counterpart; image; impression; likeness; representation; simulacrum

    5. reproach (noun) aspersion; censure; discredit; imputation; reproach

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > reflection

  • 12

    отражение; отражённый сигнал

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > reflection

  • 13


    acoustical reflection акустическое отражение reflection размышление, обдумывание; раздумье; on reflection подумав reflection отражение, образ reflection отражение; отблеск; отсвет reflection отражение reflection порицание reflection размышление, обдумывание; раздумье; on reflection подумав reflection размышление reflection физиол. рефлексия reflection тень, пятно reflexion: reflexion = reflection

    English-Russian short dictionary > reflection

  • 14

    rɪˈflekʃən сущ.
    1) а) образ, отражение( в зеркале и т. п.) She stared at her reflection in the mirror. ≈ Она уставилась на всое отражение в зеркале. б) отражение;
    отблеск, отсвет the reflection of beam of light off a mirror ≈ отражение луча света от зеркальной поверхности ∙ Syn: reflex
    2) размышление, обдумывание;
    раздумье quiet reflection serious reflection sober reflection on reflection Syn: thought
    3) а) критика, осуждение, порицание( on — кого-л., чего-л.) This is no reflection on your qualifications. ≈ Нет, мы не подвергаем сомнению ваши способности. The fact that you are unemployed is no reflection on you. ≈ Ты не виноват в том, что ты сидишь без работы. Syn: criticism б) тень( on — брошенная на чью-л. репутацию)
    4) физиол. рефлексия
    отражение — the * of light отражение света — the angle of * угол отражения — a high crime rate is a * of an unstable society высокий уровень преступности отражает неустойчивое состояние общества отражение, изображение — the * of the trees in the water отражение деревьев в воде — his fame is but a pale * of that of his father его слава лишь отблеск славы (его) отца отблеск, отсвет — it is rather a glimmering * than a true and real light это скорее тусклый отблеск, чем настоящий свет точная копия — her intonation is a * of that of her teacher ее интонация — точная копия интонации ее преподавателя размышление, раздумье — lost in * погрузившийся в раздумье /в свои мысли/ — to do smth. without due /sufficient/ * сделать что-л. не подумав хорошенько — on * подумав;
    по зрелом размышлении — on * you will change your mind подумав, вы измените свое решение — to give cause for * дать повод для размышления мысли;
    соображения, замечания — a collection of old saws, proverbs and *s собрание старинных поговорок, пословиц и изречений — *s on the pleasure of being idle думы о радостях праздности порицание, осуждение — to cast a * upon smb. порицать кого-л. — the book was suppressed as a * on the military regime книга была запрещена за критику военного режима тень, пятно — this is a * on his honour это чернит его доброе имя — I intended no * on your character я не имел намерения бросить тень на вашу репутацию — how dare you cast *s on my motives? как вы смеете подвергать сомнению мои мотивы? (редкое) отгибание радужность, переливчатость — with greenish black *s с зеленовато-черным отливом (физиологическое) рефлексия
    acoustical ~ акустическое отражение
    ~ размышление, обдумывание;
    on reflection подумав
    reflection отражение, образ ~ отражение;
    отсвет ~ отражение ~ порицание ~ размышление, обдумывание;
    on reflection подумав ~ размышление ~ физиол. рефлексия ~ тень, пятно reflexion: reflexion = reflection

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > reflection

  • 15

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > reflection

  • 16



    Reflexion of sound is familiarly illustrated by the echo. — Отражение звука обычно иллюстрируется на примере такого явления как эхо.

    2) образ, отражение

    She stared at her reflection in the mirror. — Она уставилась на своё отражение в зеркале.



    а) размышление, обдумывание; раздумье


    б) мысль, мнение, высказывание


    4) критика, упрёк, осуждение, порицание

    He uttered not a word of reflection on his companion. — Он не высказал ни слова упрёка в адрес своего спутника.


    5) тень, пятно

    This is no reflection on your qualifications. — Нет, мы не подвергаем сомнению ваши способности.

    The fact that you are unemployed is no reflection on you. — Ты не виноват в том, что ты сидишь без работы.




    отображение, симметрия

    Англо-русский современный словарь > reflection

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    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > reflection

  • 18

    1. отражение

    2. отражательный

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > reflection

  • 19

    Bragg reflection брэгговское отражение
    concentrated reflection сфокусированное отражение
    multiple [repeated] reflection многократное отражение
    secondary reflection вторичное отражение; многократное отражение
    seismic reflection отражение сейсмических волн
    steep reflection отражение с сильно наклонной осью синфазности
    subbottom reflection отражение от поверхности ниже дна океана
    total reflection полное отражение
    workable reflection отражение, по которому строится отражающий горизонт

    * * *

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > reflection

  • 20

    corner reflection

    double reflection

    intermittent reflections

    Mach reflection

    main-lobe reflection

    multiple reflection

    radar reflection

    regular reflection

    specular reflection

    surface reflection

    Авиасловарь > reflection


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Reflection — or reflexion may refer to:Computers* in computer graphics, the techniques for simulating optical Reflection. * Reflection, a programming language feature for metaprogramming * Reflection , a piece of installation art by Shane Cooper also called… …   Wikipedia

  • Reflection — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Reflection» Sencillo de Christina Aguilera del álbum Mulan Banda sonora Publicación 2 de junio de 1998 Formato Airplay …   Wikipedia Español

  • Reflection — Re*flec tion (r?*fl?k sh?n), n. [L. reflexio: cf. F. r[ e]flexion. See {Riflect}.] [Written also {reflexion}.] 1. The act of reflecting, or turning or sending back, or the state of being reflected. Specifically: (a) The return of rays, beams,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Reflection — bezeichnet: Reflection (Band), eine deutsche Thrash Metal Band Reflection (Album), ein Album von Bob Marley The Wailers Reflexion (Programmierung), einen Begriff im Zusammenhang der Computerprogrammierung Siehe auch: Reflexion …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • reflection — [n1] thought, thinking absorption, brainwork, cerebration, cogitation, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, idea, imagination, impression, meditation, musing, observation, opinion, pensiveness, pondering, rumination, speculation, study,… …   New thesaurus

  • reflection — ► NOUN 1) the phenomenon of light, heat, sound, etc. being reflected. 2) an image formed by reflection. 3) a consequence or result: healthy skin is a reflection of good health. 4) a thing bringing discredit. 5) serious thought or consideration …   English terms dictionary

  • reflection — (n.) late 14c., in reference to surfaces, from L.L. reflexionem (nom. reflexio) a reflection, lit. a bending back, noun of action from pp. stem of L. reflectere, from re back (see RE (Cf. re )) + flectere to bend. Meaning remark made after… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Reflection — (v. lat.), so v.w. Reflexion …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • reflection — I (image) noun counterpart, double, duplicate, echo, imago, impression, likeness, semblance, specter II (thought) noun absorption, analysis, cerebration, cogitatio, cogitation, concentration, consideratio, consideration, contemplation,… …   Law dictionary

  • reflection — *animadversion, stricture, aspersion Analogous words: imputing or imputation, ascribing or ascription (see corresponding verbs at ASCRIBE): criticizing or criticism, reprehending or reprehension, blaming or blame (see corresponding verbs at… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • reflection — is now the dominant form, although reflexion is the older …   Modern English usage

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