The word reduction in a sentence

reduction — перевод на русский


Tomorrow I’ll arrange for some reductions of the office staff!

Я тебе завтра устрою сокращение штатов!

So for us, the name of the game is budget reduction and…

Итак, для нас сейчас главное — сокращение бюджета.

In December of 1974, the US government — made 3rd World population reduction a central national security issue.

В декабре 1974-го, американское правительство сделало центральным вопросом национальной безопасности сокращение населения в странах Третьего Мира.

The Bilderberg-dominated Club of Rome advocated environmentalism — as the best front to implement population reduction.

Подконтрольный Билдербергу Римский Клуб, главным оружием по защите окружающей среды провозгласил сокращение населения.

Only one showed a minor reduction in the mitosis of the affected cells.

Лишь один показал небольшое сокращение митоза пораженных клеток.

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The Earth’s gravity would be reduced, and the reduction in the body weight of living beings would make it possible for them to grow to gigantic size.

Значительно уменьшилась бы и сила земного притяжения. Обманчивое уменьшение веса тела живых существ позволило бы им развиться до гигантских размеров.

The usual electrolysis, 3 years of hormone therapy facial feminization surgery, a brow lift, forehead reduction jaw re-contouring, and a tracheal shave.

Регулярный электролиз, три года гормонотерапии, хирургическая пластика лица, подъём бровей, уменьшение лба, реконструкция нижней челюсти и эпиляция в области трахеи.

— Stress reduction…

Уменьшение нагрузки…

If I didn’t know so much about histiocytes and receptive furins and mitosis and meiosis, mitosis reduction division.

Если бы я не знал так много о гистоицитах и рецептивных фуринах и митозе и мейозе, митозное уменьшение деления.

Plus bone-shaving and organ reduction.

Плюс удаление ребер и уменьшение органов.

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Price reduction

Снижение цен

«shutter priority, shift lens, shoot film, red–eye reduction,

«приоритет выдержки, смена линзы, проявка пленки, снижение эффекта красных глаз,

I hope you’ve found the reduction in export duty helpful.

Надеюсь, что снижение экспортной пошлины вам помогло.

Significant tax cuts, reduction in discretionary spending.

Значительное снижение налогов, снижение собственных расходов.

But harm reduction.

А, скажем, «снижение ущерба»?

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«Grilled foie gras, drizzled with a mango sauterne reduction sauce.»

«жареный фуа гра, сбрызнутый винным соусом манго.»

a coquille St. Jacques with a lemon butter reduction.

…гребешки под лимонным соусом.

Venison steaks with a red wine and blackberry reduction.

Стейки из оленины с ежевичным соусом и красным вином.

Branzino with a meunière reduction.

Рыба Бранзино под соусом.

The first course, I flaked some tender young ears of corn on the side of assorted exotic breakfast meats in a Chile sauce reduction.

На первое, нежные кукурузные хлопья в качестве гарнира к экзотическим сортам мяса под соусом чили.

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I’ve already made a very considerable reduction, Mr. Fitzgerald.

Я уже сделал значительную скидку, мистер Фитцжеральд.

Oh, in that case, I might make a slight reduction.

О, в таком случае, я мог сделать небольшую скидку.

I think you can get a reduction, if you move fast.

Думаю, если переедете быстро, то сможете получить скидку.

They’ve given us a reduction.

-Они дали нам скидку,

We always make reduction for our permanent temporary guests.

Мы всегда делаем скидки для постоянных постояльцев.

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  • Use the word REDUCTION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

With $20 million in the treasury, we can announce an immediate reduction in the taxes.

Hello. How much for the reduction?

No, no. Making small reduction.

Perhaps in view of the circumstances, ask for a reduction.

reduction of pitch blende nearly finish.

I’ve already made a very considerable reduction, Mr. Fitzgerald.

We offered a reduction if we gave the plates.

Can the honourable gentleman see his way in some reduction of the uniform rate of income tax? Eight pence in the pound is viewed as a crippling effect on the industry.

Grant and I had a knock-down, drag-out fight about tax reduction and inflation.

And I suppose you have a few well-chosen words to say about tax reduction.

You better not worry so much about tax reduction until we accomplish some of the things we have to accomplish.

A sale. War surplus. Big reduction.

Her husband was fired with me in the administrative reduction.

That isn’t very much of a reduction, is it?

Engine room flooded, main induction and ventilation wrecked… torpedo tubes, motor controls and reduction gear inoperable… electrical equipment, wiring, gauges, gyro, radio.»

Contraction of the aorta, reduction of the aortic isthmus leading to… circulatory problems and a malfunctioning enlarged heart.

reduction of the aortic isthmus… leading to poor circulation… causing heart failure and enlargement of the heart.

reduction of the aortic isthmus, leading to circulation problems.

reduction of the aortic isthmus… leading to heart failure and inflammation of the heart.

Takes a Brausch silencer, with little reduction in muzzle velocity.

It’s the privilege of every captain to decide when an emergency warrants the reduction of water rations.

It carries, with several others, read later at the scientific conference held in America, on the effects of the reduction of sensation.

Make some reduction for them.

But for you, naturally I would make a little reduction, Signor Maltese.

Inform Proteusthey are at full reduction.

This system will allow, as His Majesty wishes, a reduction in charges on the lower classes.

After a thorough survey of the manufacturing problems I got a reduction of 1 F per doorknob.

A typing error in the contract and the reduction was not 1 F but 2.

Micro-reduction satisfactory?

The loss of our ship’s surgeon, whatever I may think of his relative skill, would mean a reduction in the efficiency of the Enterprise, and…

We will vacate at once until you can administer a metabolic reduction injection.

You know one are the advantages of this scheme is a reduction in employers.

in fact, it is only a process of reduction, where barium sulphide comes to being.

Bridge to Engineering. Negative effect on power reduction.

I have my railway reduction card, my family allowance card, and even my driver’s licence.

And lastly… a reduction in the retirement age… while always considering a reduction in the working hours… and the evolution of production techniques… we have again asked for the age of retirement… to become 60 for men… and 55 for women.

We’re giving a 33-60 percent reduction on all our items.

He must have the constitution of an ox to be able to survive a reduction of temperature like that.

There’s no reduction at our velocity.

Results on DNA reduction limits have come through, Captain.

We’ll have to ask for a rent reduction.

Field of force, amplification, reduction.

The General told me about a reduction of the strenght…

We got 15 percent reduction in personnel.

Reductions or reducciónes (Spanish for «congregations») (Portuguese: redução, plural reduções) were settlements created by Spanish rulers in Latin America and the Spanish East Indies. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Flint Group launches nyloflex ® FTC Digital for corrugated postprint with significant fluting reduction and outstanding print quality


(2) work with foreign governments towards a global agreement that reconciles foreign carbon emissions reduction programs to minimize duplicative requirements and avoids unnecessary complication for the aviation industry, while still achieving the environmental goals.


They also recovered from the exercise more quickly, while the reduction in stress hormones was greater, although still significant in the spray dried rats.


Researchers reported that a 75 % reduction in infections was seen in these women.


I refer to these simply as aerobic workouts, meaning they will provide the stimulus to improve fat burning for more energy, continuous physical support, improved blood flow throughout the brain and body, and reductions in body fat.


Also, my understanding is that a 25 % increase in median life span would bring us up to 100, which would mean a reduction of mortality at very old ages too.


Even the establishment of a new and more robust temporary worker program and the reallocation of Diversity Visa quotas to other programs does not alleviate the significant concerns associated with the reduction of legal immigration levels by more than 400,000 family and diversity visas.


In a recent speech, Ed Miliband drew attention to the reduction in arts education…


— Width: 14.5 cm / 5.8 in — Height: 5 cm / 2.2 in — Frame material: Metal — Frame colour: Gold — Lens colour: Green — Lens treatment: Solid — Lens Category: 2 — Sunglasses Medium sunglare reduction, good UV protection — Non Adjustable Nose bridge


The rest of the balsamic reduction will go over the entire dish when it’s done.


It is very clear that there is something much more complicated than simple caloric reduction.


Shipbuilder Austal reported an 11 per cent fall in full-year profit to $ 31.9 million, despite record revenue and a reduction in debt.


So a 1 % / 2 % increase in rates is just a staggering reduction in the collateral value which has to be shored up.


And, for women who aren’t breastfeeding there are other important risk reduction practices — a healthy diet, exercise, reducing alcohol intake and avoiding smoking can all make a significant difference.


If real GDP can jump 3 % or more this year and keep doing the same thing for three or four more years after that, and we can put in place some spending reductions, we would go a long way to solving our deficit problem.


Capellas hypothesises that chestnut flour sourdough was not popular with consumers «probably due to the reduction in the characteristic sweet taste of chestnut flour caused by sourdough fermentation».


But «undoubtedly there is a need for much deeper emission reductions from industrialized countries.»


If a women carries both genes that reduce this conversion, she can have a one-third to two-third reduction in the ratio of retinyl palmitate (active vitamin A) to beta-carotene circulating in her blood.27 Studies conducted by scientists with the USDA Agricultural Research Service confirm that 45 percent of individuals can not achieve adequate vitamin A status from beta-carotene alone.28,29


As the Joint Committee summarizes, «reduction in high marginal rates can induce taxpayers to lessen their reliance on tax shelters and tax avoidance, and expose more of their income to taxation.


«Women practicing mindful yoga in their second trimester reported significant reductions in physical pain from baseline to post-intervention compared with women in the third trimester whose pain increased.


The low-carb group showed a reduction in insulin resistance after the third meal in the evening, but the high-carb group sustained high post-meal insulin, Borer said.


The suppression of appetite helps a great deal in weight reduction.


Owning my home I think adds to a reduction in personal inflation.


Simply put, solar is one of the best solutions in our toolbox, in fact Ontario will not meet its emissions reductions targets without it.


In a 12-week controlled study, people with fatty liver who consumed tea containing at least 1 gram of catechins daily had a greater reduction liver fat, liver enzymes, and other markers of inflammation compared to the groups who consumed low-catechin green tea or a placebo beverage (25).


While in the Assembly, he worked with both sides of the political aisle and pushed proposals that led to real balanced budgets — including the first reduction in state spending in decades while closing a $ 5 billion deficit.


Less transport means a reduction in CO2 emissions, and, along with savings in water usage, makes using white beet sugar more environmentally friendly.


Her political biography mentioned favorite points; her early condemnation and call for resignation by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, her efforts at toll reductions by the MTA on the Verazzano-Narrows Bridge, her lawsuit against the Port Authority over its tolls on bridges from Staten Island to New Jersey and especially her lawsuit against Mayor de Blasio seeking to prohibit the City’s destruction of records related to the IDNYC program.


Moreover, he is exploring diabetes-specific pathways for hypofibrinolysis, a key abnormality in this condition, in order to uncover new therapeutic targets for the reduction of thrombosis risk.


One patient who started with TPO = 4745 kU/L, TG = 1783 kU/L was able to see a reduction in thyroid antibodies, from 4745 to 45 over the course of 21 months, and TG from 1783 kU/L to 94 kU/L.


The set of possible analyses include: 1) comparison of cell populations for the identification of differentially expressed genes; 2) dimensionality reduction for the identification of relevant coordinates; and 3) clustering of subpopulations on the base of gene expression profiles.


We view these comments as the true culprit in today’s price action when coupled with a reduction in trade war fears.


Question: Will the fiduciary standard for brokers compel employers that offer salary reduction retirement savings plans ie 401 (k), 457 (b), 403 (b) to make sure that no-load/de minimis cost investment funds are on the plan’s investment menu?


As previously noted, the additional request of two new SIRS data files, Course Instructor Assignment and Student Class Entry Exit, was in response to the reduction in grades covered by the Staff Student Course file that our team has used historically to link students and teachers together.


Further weight reductions were achieved throughout the interior and in the engines.


Other mathematicians joined Tao in this endeavor and, as of July 2014, H has been cut to 246, with further reductions still possible.


Some experts in the field cite testosterone’s natural anti-inflammatory effects as the reason why some men enjoy a reduction in joint pain.


«Rio Tinto’s underlying business and balance sheet remain in good health, and we are taking decisive action to improve our competitive position further with an aggressive cost reduction plan.


In 1990, 1993, and 1997, policymakers enacted major deficit reduction packages that reduced deficits without increasing poverty.


This is the first time since 2006, that Ghana has witnessed a year-on-year reduction in the debt to GDP ratio.


Dr. J. David Creswell, who led the study, believes that the positive brain changes led to the reduction in inflammation.


The patients drinking the juice daily experienced a 30 % reduction in plaque builds up within their arteries!


To do so, the government needs to conduct ex-ante GHG emission reduction assessments, and consider the results when setting the limits of using carbon offsets.


If the economy continues to recover, and the Tories succeed in getting to grips with the country’s debt mountain, they hope to «go further» by the end of the next parliament, either by offering more money in tax reductions, or increasing the numbers of people who qualify for them or both.


«Investors are demanding greenhouse gas emissions reductions and disclosure.


Jari: Reducing climate change in accordance with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement requires the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in addition to reductions in emissions.


That area got smaller in the group that went through the mindfulness-based stress reduction program.


With its emphasis on deficit reduction, personal skills training and catching tax cheats, it is a deeply conservative document.


Although Trump succeeded in lowering taxes, the cuts weren’t accompanied by an equal reduction in government spending.


The Ohio House Public Utilities Commission held a hearing on Tuesday to discuss House Bill 114 — which in summary is intended to «revise the provisions governing renewable energy, energy efficiency, and peak demand reduction and to alter funding allocations under the Home Energy Assistance Program.»


Phrases with «reduction»:

  • reduction
  • insurance reduction
  • insurance reduction course
  • point reduction course
  • online insurance reduction
  • reduction in one’s auto insurance premiums
  • reduction in force
  • reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • reduction in interest rates
  • (see

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