The word recommend in a sentence

recommend — перевод на русский


For the walls I would recommend precast concrete blocks— plain and molded on alternate courses.

Для стен я рекомендую готовые бетонные блоки — плоские и особой формы.

I’ve been watching you through your entire course, and tomorrow I’ll recommend certain of you for sea school.

Завтра я рекомендую некоторых из вас в Морское училище.

And I recommend formula number 977, a serum to shock him back to reality.

Я рекомендую состав номер 9-7-7. Эта сильнодействующая сыворотка вызовет шок и вернет его в реальность.

Water, I recommend it.

Вода, рекомендую.

However, I strongly recommend that you swing this wagon around and head on back the way you came.

Однако, настоятельно рекомендую развернуть свой фургон, и возвращаться обратно тем же путем, которым приехали.

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May I recommend Veuve Clicquot ’26, a good French wine.

Могу я порекомендовать Вёв Клико? Хорошее французское вино.

As a psychiatrist, I should recommend that you have her put away.

Как психиатр, я должен порекомендовать поместить её в больницу.

I allowed myself to recommend to Rousseau to digress from your regular diet.

Безусловно, зная ее привязанность к идеям скаутизма, я позволил себе порекомендовать Руссо немного изменить Ваш привычный рацион.

I only wanted to recommend a man I know who has a philanthropic outlook.

Я только хотел… порекомендовать ему одного моего знакомого, большого филантропа.

You care to recommend a better place?

Можете порекомендовать больницу?

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What would you recommend me to do?

А ты бы мне что посоветовал?

What would you recommend?

Что бы ты посоветовал?

One day someone recommended Bryan to buy paintings, and this is the result.

Однажды, кто-то посоветовал Брайану купить эти картины. И вот результат.

He found out my late wife was bedridden from a chronic illness and recommended some medicine from Holland.

Он узнал, что моя последняя жена была прикована к постели из-за болезни и посоветовал одно лекарство из Голландии

And I trust her, because my analyst recommended her.

И я ей доверяю, пому что ее посоветовал мой аналитик.

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I recommend you dip your clutch.

Советую нажать на сцепление.

— I recommend leave till midnight. — Very good, sir.

— Я советую отправиться до полуночи.

Cure yourself, I recommend it.

Излечись, я советую.

Now I am going to bed and I recommend that you do the same.

Я отправляюсь спать — и вам то же советую.

I recommend you never go on vacation without your husband.

Советую тебе никогда не ездить в отпуск без мужа.

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He came from St Ives a couple of months ago, recommended by a pal.

– Откуда он? – С Сэнт– Айвза, есть рекомендации.

I’ll be glad to recommend you.

Буду рад дать рекомендации.

— I was personally recommended.

По личной рекомендации.

Shit, 80% of the people in this room got their job… because a friend recommended them.

Чёрт, 80% людей в этой комнате получили их работу.. по рекомендации друга.

I saw what he recommended, but it’s still my choice, right?

Я знаю его рекомендации, и ценю его помощь, но это все же мой выбор, так?

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We remind you that this program is not recommended for our younger viewers.

Мы напоминаем, что эту передачу не рекомендуется смотреть нашим юным зрителям…

Recommend priority transfer to the three humanoid life forms approaching the TARDIS.

Рекомендуется приоритетное переключения на три гуманоидные формы жизни, приближающиеся к ТАРДИС.

Captain, engineer reports 105% on the reactor possible, but not recommended.

Капитан, инженер говорит, нагрузка реактора на 105 процентов возможна, но не рекомендуется.

— Procedure is not recommended.

— Процедура не рекомендуется.

Procedure is not recommended.

Процедура не рекомендуется.

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We are to recommend cuts in every department.

Рекомендовано сократить расходы в каждом отделе.

With that, it is recommended not to entrust him with any further assignments.

Рекомендовано в дальнейшем не доверять ему ответственных служебных поручений.

Recommend sealing outer airlock door.

Рекомендовано задраить входной люк.

The command is recommending a discharge from the United States army reserve for homosexual conduct.

Командованием рекомендовано уволить тебя из рядов армии по обвинению в гомосексуализме.

Do the commissioners vote to adopt the rule amendments and new rules as recommended by the staff?

√олосовали ли члены комиссии за прин€тие поправок и новых правил, как было рекомендовано служащими?

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I would recommend that the matter of Raymond Shaw be dropped right now and that Major Marco be temporarily reassigned to less strenuous and, if I may say so, less sensitive duties.

Предлагаю вопрос Рэймонда Шоу снять с рассмотрения немедленно, а майора Марко временно перевести на другую работу, которая не будет сопряжена со столь изматывающими и, если можно так выразиться, деликатными обязанностями.

I’m going to recommend setting up a joint intelligence CIA/FBI unit, based out of New York.

Предлагаю сформировать сводную опергруппу с участием ЦРУ и ФБР с базированием в Нью-Йорке.

Miss Dubois, I recommend we have cold meals from now on we’re melting fast enough as it is.

Мисс Дюбуа, предлагаю принимать холодную пищу, потому что наша льдина тает на глазах, очень быстро.

I recommend we destroy the asteroid.

Я предлагаю уничтожить астероид.

I recommend we adjourn until tomorrow when cooler heads can prevail.

Я предлагаю перенести заседание на завтра пусть головы немного у всех поостынут.

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Sir, madam, may I recommend consuming a little bit of coffee?

Могу я предложить Мадам и Месье выпить чашечку кофе?

I would like to recommend for the award The Jubileeby Filip Mosz, from the Wielice Film Club

Я хотела бы предложить наградить картину… «Юбилей» режиссёра Филиппа Моша из киноклуба Велице.

I recommend something.

— Могу предложить…

— He wants to recommend you for a job in Italy. He asks if we need anything.

-Хотел предложить тебе работу в Италии, спрашивал, не нужно ли нам что-нибудь.

I’m going to recommend a sentence of only two years.

Я собираюсь предложить до двух лет.

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To stretch the diet rules, I’ll recommend a truffled guinea fowl.

Если есть желание послать к черту диету, настоятельно рекомендую цесарку с трюфелями. Все понял?

— I recommend you use it.

— Я настоятельно рекомендую его применение.

I particularly recommend tomorrow night’s sweat lodge. Not to be missed.

Я настоятельно рекомендую не пропустить завтра ночь в парной.

I recommend it highly.

Настоятельно рекомендую сделать это.

Oh, I do recommend that you find yourself a little assistance for the luggage.

И я настоятельно рекомендую вам найти помощника, чтобы доставить багаж.

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Отправить комментарий

рекомендовать, порекомендовать, советовать, представлять


- рекомендовать, советовать

to recommend smb. to do smth. — рекомендовать /посоветовать/ кому-л. сделать что-л.
can you recommend me a book [a good dressmaker]? — не можете ли вы мне рекомендовать книгу [хорошую портниху]?
the doctor recommended light food and lots of exercise — врач рекомендовал /прописал/ лёгкую пищу и моцион
I recommend you to take a holiday — советую вам взять отпуск
I have been recommended to say nothing at the present — мне посоветовали пока помолчать
I recommend that the matter be dropped — советую поставить крест на этом деле

- рекомендовать, давать рекомендацию; хвалить; отзываться положительно

the hotel is to be recommended for its cooking — эту гостиницу можно рекомендовать за её кухню

- (for) рекомендовать, выдвигать (на должность); представлять (к награде)

to recommend a candidate for a post — рекомендовать /выдвинуть/ кандидата на должность
to recommend for promotion — воен. представлять к присвоению очередного звания
I feel quite confident in recommending Mr. Jackson to you for the vacant post of research assistant — я настоятельно рекомендую вам г-на Джексона для назначения на вакантную должность лаборанта

- говорить в (чью-л.) пользу; зарекомендовать с положительной стороны

his diligence recommends him — прилежание говорит в его пользу
his manners recommended him — он зарекомендовал себя своей воспитанностью
behaviour of that sort will not recommend you — такое поведение не сделает вам чести
a plan that has very little to recommend it — ≅ мало что можно сказать в пользу этого плана

- вверять; поручать (чьему-л.) попечению

I recommend him to your care — вверяю /поручаю/ его вашим заботам
to recommend one’s spirit /soul/ to God — вверить душу богу

- арх. передавать привет; кланяться

recommend me to your mother — поклонитесь от меня вашей матушке
the jury recommended the prisoner to mercy — присяжные признали осуждённого заслуживающим снисхождения

Мои примеры


to recommend strongly — настоятельно рекомендовать  
can you recommend me a book? — не можете ли вы мне рекомендовать книгу?  
recommend a candidate for a post — рекомендовать кандидата на должность; выдвинуть кандидата на должность  
recommend an item for inclusion in the agenda — рекомендовать включить вопрос в повестку дня  
group recommend — групповая рекомендация  
highly recommend — давать отличную рекомендацию; строго рекомендовать  
recommend to management — рекомендовать руководителям  
temple recommend — рекомендация для посещения храма  
to strongly recommend — настоятельно рекомендовать  
to recommend — рекомендовать  

Примеры с переводом

He recommended waiting.

Он посоветовал подождать.

A friend recommended this restaurant.

Этот ресторан порекомендовал один из моих друзей.

I recommend you to buy this book.

Рекомендую вам приобрести эту книгу.

Your behaviour will not recommend you.

Твоим поведением не стоит гордиться.

She was recommended as a suitable candidate for the job.

О ней говорили как о подходящей кандидатуре на эту должность.

Sleeping tablets are not recommended in this case.

В этом случае принимать /назначать/ снотворное не рекомендуется.

I can recommend this material; it’s everlasting wear.

Я могу порекомендовать этот материал: он практически не изнашивается.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I heartily recommend the movie.

I can unreservedly recommend this restaurant!

Take only the recommended dose of cough syrup.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

Some verbs in English have quite a variety of sentence patterns associated with them. For verbs of suggestion such as recommend, suggest, and advise, these patterns evolved to reflect the focus of the suggestion.

If the speaker is suggesting a place or a thing, these verbs are followed by a noun. For an activity, they can be followed by a gerund. For a focus on who the suggestion pertains to, they’re followed by a pronoun or noun (person) either after the verb (advise) or at the end of a sentence with “to” (recommend, suggest). These verbs are also possible in the subjunctive mood—with a noun clause that contains a base verb.

First off, do your students know the meanings of recommend, suggest, and advise? These verbs are all used when one person wants to tell someone else what he or she should do. While these words can be interchangeable, there are slight meaning and usage differences.

  • Advise is the most formal and is used with subjects like doctor, teacher, counselor, government official, etc.
  • Suggest is more informal and is used to express an idea or opinion.
  • Recommend is more personal and is used when the speaker is giving a suggestion based on personal experience.

Now we’re ready to examine all the possible sentence patterns for these verbs.

1. Followed by a noun object

Pattern: recommend/suggest/advise + noun
  • He recommended the restaurant down the street.
  • The designer suggested the color blue for the living room.
  • My doctor advised exercise after my heart attack.

Note: If we also want to include who the suggestion is being made to, we can follow the noun object with to + person. Students often make the mistake of putting to + person directly after the verb, but while this is possible in other languages, it is incorrect (or at least very awkward!) in English for recommend and suggest. For advise, see the next section.

  • He recommended the restaurant down the street to us(correct)
  • He recommended to us the restaurant down the street. (incorrect)
  • He suggested the restaurant down the street to his neighbor(correct)
  • He suggested to his neighbor the restaurant down the street. (incorrect)

2. Followed by a pronoun

Pattern: advise + pronoun
  • The manager advised us on the new protocols.
  • His counselor will advise him to start applying to the local colleges.

Note: Unlike recommend and suggest, advise can also be followed by a noun that refers to the person getting the advice. Also, to + pronoun and to + person at the end of the sentence with advise is possible in some cases, but it can sound a bit awkward and is best avoided or reworded.

  • The manager advised us on the protocols. (correct)
  • The manager advised the employees on the protocols. (correct)
  • The doctor advised exercise to her patient. (possible, but not as common)
  • The doctor advised exercise to us. (possible, but not as common)

3. Followed by a gerund

Pattern: recommend/suggest/advise + gerund
  • The concierge recommends taking a guided tour of the island.
  • She suggested shopping at farmers markets instead of grocery stores.
  • Health experts don’t advise swimming right after eating.

Note: Point out to students that the Noun + Infinitive rule overrides the gerund rule in almost all cases. Though advise is followed by a gerund (e.g., My teacher advised studying), we must use an infinitive if we include a noun/pronoun object in the sentence (e.g., My teacher advised us to study). For more information and examples, see Gerunds and Infinitives: Helpful Teaching Tips.

4. Followed by a noun clause (the subjunctive mood)

Pattern: verb of suggestion + that + subject + base verb
  • My friend recommended that he take a taxi home from the party.
  • The sales clerk suggested that she put the dress on hold.
  • She is advising that we finish our project today.

When verbs with the general meaning of “suggestion” (including advise, ask, demand, insist, prefer, propose, recommend, request, suggest, and urge) are used with a noun clause, we must use a base verb. The noun clause usually starts with the word that and contains a subject, base verb, and possibly an object. The noun clause usually occupies the object position of the main sentence: S + V + (that + S + V + O).

Make sure you give your students examples where the main verb is in another tense such as the simple past—this way, they can clearly see the verb in the noun clause is a base verb and not another past verb. It is also helpful to include examples where the subject of the noun clause is in the third person singular so that students are really clear it’s a base verb (and doesn’t take an ‑s ending). For more information and examples, see Tips for Teaching the Subjunctive.

Note: We can drop “that” from a noun clause, especially when speaking quickly or in informal speaking and writing. There is no change in meaning (i.e., My friend recommended that we take a taxi home and My friend recommended we take a taxi home are identical in meaning).

Related on ESL Library

Looking for practice with recommend, suggest, and advise? Try our Discussion Starters lesson on Food Labels. This advanced-level lesson includes an exercise to practice the various sentence patterns for these verbs.

transitive verb



: to present as worthy of acceptance or trial


: to make acceptable

has other points to recommend it


: to suggest an act or course of action

recommend that the matter be dropped


Example Sentences

There is much besides fishing to recommend a trip to this sleepy fishing village …

Peter Kaminsky, New York Times, 24 Nov. 2002

… you feel as if you’ve left the world behind, down below, and that the only way to rejoin it is to let go and plummet straight down. Erice is not the first place I’d recommend to the acrophobic.

Francine Prose, Atlantic, December 2002

Many of the Jobs, and especially those that paid well, had been parcelled out to candidates—mostly white males—whose applications signified that they had been recommended by well-placed political figures.

Andy Logan, New Yorker, 21 Aug. 1989

If he’d bailed out with the rest of his crew—or been evacuated from the area at once as his regimental surgeon had recommended—perhaps he would have recovered fully …

Tom Clancy, The Cardinal of the Kremlin, 1988

A friend recommended this restaurant.

I can’t decide between the lasagna and the salmon. Which do you recommend?

They recommended her for a promotion after only two years.

The film is recommended to anyone who liked her earlier movies.

It is strongly recommended that you change the oil in your car every 5,000 miles.

Take only the recommended dose of cough syrup.

You may decide to pursue the matter in court, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

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Recent Examples on the Web

For a more tousled look, Simich actually recommends using a hair waver on day two hair., 7 Apr. 2023

There’s good reason why dermatologists often recommend this cleanser for those with sensitive skin.

Melanie Rud, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

If the guidelines recommended parole for an inmate and the board denied parole, the inmate could appeal that decision to Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals, which would have the final say.

Mike Cason |, al, 5 Apr. 2023

For those types of inquiries, the IRS recommends calling 800-829-1040 (for individuals) or 800-829-4933 (for businesses) for assistance.

Elisabeth Buchwald, USA TODAY, 5 Apr. 2023

Surgery, however, is not typically recommended for people under 18, according to guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health.

Brooke Sopelsa, NBC News, 5 Apr. 2023

For best results, the brand recommends cleaning with its Electrostatic Air Filter Cleaner versus soap and water.

Adria Greenhauff, Better Homes & Gardens, 5 Apr. 2023

For maximum comfort in the desert climate, Asem recommends wearing loose fitting pants and blouses.

Kaitlyn Mcinnis, Travel + Leisure, 5 Apr. 2023

However, this plate was easy to replace and did not deter us from recommending this product for people with arthritis.

Sherri Gordon, Verywell Health, 5 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘recommend.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, from Anglo-French recommender, from Medieval Latin recommendare, from Latin re- + commendare to commend

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of recommend was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near recommend

Cite this Entry

“Recommend.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
9 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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