The word rate in a sentence

The word (


), is the


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  1. Was mandated to attend classes to learn. Since then the country’s literacy,


    ,has improved remarkably. Today the overall literacy


    in Albania is 98.7 %
  2. A tax on property in support of K–12 education; the difference is that the mill,


    ,is now set by the provincial government, the money is collected by the local
  3. As the first premier. Demographics Alberta has enjoyed a relatively high,


    ,of growth in recent years, mainly because of its burgeoning economy. Between
  4. Photobiont triggers otherwise latent genes in the symbiont. Coral reefs,the,


    ,at which metabolism can proceed determines the growth or deterioration of the
  5. Percent to over sixty percent. There was a dramatic increase in the fertility,


    ,to seven to eight children per mother. Therefore, by 1980,there was a very
  6. For the state was $18,189. As of September 2010,the state’s unemployment,


    ,is 8.9 %. Agriculture Alabama’s agricultural outputs include poultry and eggs
  7. The net migration


    is 2.14 migrants per 1,000 citizens. The fertility,


    ,of Angola is 5.97 children born per woman as of 2011. The infant mortality

  8. During the early 20th century, following similar trends in Europe. Which at a,


    ,of would last about 200 years. Certain activist groups have become increasingly
  9. Rate in Albania is 98.7 %, the male literacy


    is 99.2 % and female literacy,


    ,is 98.3 %. The international service has used the theme from the song» Kept
  10. Time; rules to predict spelling from the pronunciation have a higher failure,


    , Sometimes, countries have the written language undergo a spelling reform to
  11. Federal Social Security and Medicare taxes. The state’s general sales tax,


    ,is 4 %. The collection


    could be substantially higher, depending upon
  12. Rate of Angola is 5.97 children born per woman as of 2011. The infant mortality,


    ,is 184.44 deaths for every 1,000 live births with 196.55 deaths for males and
  13. And the UNICAN. Pushed up by spending and demand growth, the 2007 Q1 inflation,


    ,reached 16.6 %. Nominal incomes and monthly wages climbed 29 % and 25 %
  14. Soldiers and is expected to reach 260,000 in the coming years. Its unemployment,


    ,is 35 % and roughly the same percentage of its citizens live below the poverty
  15. The PRC and India have been growing rapidly, both with an average annual growth,


    ,of more than 8 %. Other recent very high growth nations in Asia include
  16. Skin must remain moist in order for the oxygen to diffuse at a sufficient,


    , Because oxygen concentration in the water increases at both low temperatures
  17. Conducted in the country. The main challenges are due to the slow privatization,


    ,of the state banks, a weak financial market and a lack of bank transparency.
  18. The world In 2009 the country had an unemployment


    of 6 % and a low crime,


    ,compared to other CIS and Eastern European countries. Etymology The name of
  19. In the lungs, and the body responds to changing energy demands by adjusting the,


    ,of ventilation. For example, during periods of exertion the body rapidly breaks
  20. The Afghan Ministry of Public Health plans to further cut the infant mortality,


    ,from the current 1,600 to 400 for every 100,000 live births by the year 2020.
  21. Jobs and better futures in northern industrial cities. The population growth,


    ,in Alabama (see» Historical Populations» table below) dropped by nearly
  22. Possessing few internal septa, large alveoli and therefore a slow diffusion,


    ,of oxygen into the blood. Ventilation is accomplished by buccal pumping.
  23. The state; this is in part linked to alcohol abuse. Alaska also has the highest,


    ,of sexual assault in the nation. The average age of sexually assaulted victims
  24. And Medicare taxes. The state’s general sales tax


    is 4 %. The collection,


    ,could be substantially higher, depending upon additional city and county sales
  25. Population: 1.02 male (s)/female (2011 est. ) Health The adult prevalence,


    ,of HIV/AIDS infection is 3.9 % as of 2003. There are 240,000 citizens living
  26. Tourism industry began to recover, and the country has since experienced a high,


    ,of growth in the number of tourist visits and overnight stays. In the recent
  27. Surgical intervention. Bisoprolol can be used alone, but has a lower efficacy,


    ,than combined regimens. In cases of failure of medical abortion, surgical
  28. Upon additional city and county sales taxes. For example, the total sales tax,


    ,in Mobile is 10 % and there is an additional restaurant tax of 1 %, which means
  29. Nation and the» Afghani» ( AFN) is the national currency, with an exchange,


    ,of 50 Afghanis to 1 US dollar. Since 2003,over 16 new banks have opened in the
  30. Wealthiest (per capita income). As of January 2010,the state’s unemployment,


    ,is 8.5 %. Race and ancestry According to the 2010 U. S. Census, Alaska had a
  31. According to UN norms, but in the urban areas only 19 %, while the overall,


    ,is 37 %. In the cities, a majority of families, well beyond those officially
  32. Radar. Education Before the rise of Communist regime,Albania’s illiteracy,


    ,was as high as 85 %. Schools were scarce between World War I and World War II.
  33. Reduced its financial help to the island each successive year. The exchange,


    ,of the Aruba florin has remained steady in recent years at 1.79 florins to 1
  34. In Alberta. The number of Aboriginal Identity Peoples have been increasing at a,


    ,greater than the population of Alberta. Muslims, Sikhs,and Hindus live in
  35. There are 44.51 births and 24.81 deaths per 1,000 citizens. The net migration,


    ,is 2.14 migrants per 1,000 citizens. The fertility


    of Angola is 5.97
  36. country’s literacy


    has improved remarkably. Today the overall literacy,


    ,in Albania is 98.7 %, the male literacy


    is 99.2 % and female literacy

  37. And Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan, stated that the literacy,


    ,in the ANP will rise to over 50 percent by January 2012. What began as a
  38. Substantially reduced. Education was extended nationwide, raising the literacy,


    ,from less than ten percent to over sixty percent. There was a dramatic increase
  39. That also occur in the region. Angola has one of the highest infant mortality,


    ,in the world and one of the world’s the lowest life expectancy. Demographic and
  40. Provinces such as British Columbia),relatively high immigration, and a high,


    ,of interprovincial migration when compared to other provinces. Approximately 81
  41. Had 100 percent graduation


    and expected a 100 percent college acceptance,


    , Among other child-related programs that Agassi supports through his Andre
  42. Switch access scanning is often used for indirect selection. In many cases,


    ,enhancements methods may be used to speed up the generation of messages. Adult
  43. Services Tax of 5 %. ) It is also the only Canadian province to have a single,


    ,of taxation for personal income taxes which is 10 % of taxable income. The
  44. Dollars),which was later changed by the Revenue Act of 1862 to a progressive,


    ,structure. Lincoln also presided over the expansion of the federal government
  45. Late 1980s and early 1990s,Japan’s GDP was almost as large (current exchange,


    ,method) as that of the rest of Asia combined. In 1995,Japan’s economy nearly
  46. Children in the area. In 2009 the graduating class had 100 percent graduation,


    ,and expected a 100 percent college acceptance


    . Among other child-related
  47. Human development level in the world In 2009 the country had an unemployment,


    ,of 6 % and a low crime


    compared to other CIS and Eastern European
  48. Today the overall literacy


    in Albania is 98.7 %, the male literacy,


    ,is 99.2 % and female literacy


    is 98.3 %. The international service has
  49. Other states. According to U. S. Census data,Alabama’s high school graduation,


    ,– 75 % – is the second lowest in the United States (after Mississippi). The
  50. Standards of living in the Caribbean region including a low unemployment,


    , About three quarters of the Aruba gross national product is earned through

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Sentences with the word Rate?



  • «an ace reporter»; «a crack shot»; «a first-rate golfer»; «a super party»; «played top-notch tennis»; «an athlete in tiptop condition»; «she is absolutely tops»
  • «She learned dancing from her sister»; «I learned Sanskrit»; «Children acquire language at an amazing rate«
  • «the medicine affects my heart rate«
  • «The empty house alarmed him»; «We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries»
  • «a brisk walk in the park»; «a lively gait»; «a merry chase»; «traveling at a rattling rate«; «a snappy pace»; «a spanking breeze»
  • «Anyhow, he is dead now»; «I think they’re asleep; anyhow, they’re quiet»; «I don’t know what happened to it; anyway, it’s gone»; «anyway, there is another factor to consider»; «I don’t know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle»; «in any event, the government faced a serious protest»; «but at any rate he got a knighthood for it»
  • «associates in the law firm bill at a lower rate than do partners»
  • «at least he survived»; «they felt—at any rate Jim felt—relieved though still wary»; «the influence of economists—or at any rate of economics—is far-reaching»
  • «the overall rate of incidence of Down’s syndrome is one in every 800 births»
  • «This new washer carries a two year guarantee»; «The loan carries a high interest rate«; «this undertaking carries many dangers»; «She carries her mother’s genes»; «These bonds carry warrants»; «The restaurant carries an unusual name»
  • «a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5″
  • «the city raised the tax rate«
  • «the ship’s rapid rate of closing gave them little time to avoid a collision»
  • «he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind»; «behavior that branded him as common»; «an untutored and uncouth human being»; «an uncouth soldier—a real tough guy»; «appealing to the vulgar taste for violence»; «the vulgar display of the newly rich»
  • «a rise in the cost of living reflects the rate of inflation»
  • «urbanization in Spain is distinctly correlated with a fall in reproductive rate«
  • «domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction»
  • «exorbitant rent»; «extortionate prices»; «spends an outrageous amount on entertainment»; «usurious interest rate«; «unconscionable spending»
  • «she doesn’t feel first-rate today»
  • «we pay the freight»; «the freight rate is usually cheaper»
  • «inhibit the action of the enzyme»; «inhibit the rate of a chemical reaction»
  • «metabolic rate«
  • «a noteworthy fact is that her students rarely complain»; «a noteworthy advance in cancer research»; «a remarkable achievement»; «a notable increase in the crime rate«
  • «an easily noticed effect on the rate of growth»
  • «he lived at a fast pace»; «he works at a great rate«; «the pace of events accelerated»
  • «women’s pay rate is lower than men’s»
  • «a cost-raising increase in the basic wage rate«
  • «they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour»; «the rate of change was faster than expected»
  • «the literacy rate«; «the retention rate«; «the dropout rate«
  • «How would you rate his chances to become President?»; «Gold was rated highly among the Romans»
  • «This drug will retard your heart rate«
  • «unemployment is a serious social evil»; «the rate of unemployment is an indicator of the health of an economy»
  • «Fred Winter is unquestionably the jockey to follow»; «they hired unimpeachably first-rate faculty members»
  • «the rate of utilization»

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Rate | Rate Sentence

  • Now the lowest rate is two shillings.
  • At any rate there are two principal ones.
  • At that rate what would become of his government?
  • At any rate he delayed long enough.
  • We travelled at the average rate of six miles an hour.
  • At any rate I should see her at dinner.
  • At any rate I admire Benham.
  • At any rate we will understand him, and no indolence shall prevent us.
  • Sound waves in air travel at a rate of about 1,090 feet per second.
  • So Frank put off, at any rate for the present, joining the abstainers.
  • It was then that McTavish laid down the rate of head-exchange.
  • The rate of exchange was that established by Pankburn with One-Eye.
  • True, ours is not a very large realm, but at any rate ’tis our own.

How To Use Rate In A Sentence?

  • At any rate a comprehensive hieroglyphic language for ever completed is impracticable.
  • It is difficult to reconcile these equivalents with the rate of 3 guilders to the rix-dollar.
  • The rate of propagation of sound waves in other materials varies with the density of the material.
  • At their rate of progress we reckoned it would take several months to finish either.
  • Then he gradually slackened his pace, though still maintaining a high rate of speed.
  • All the time he was thinking, he worked his paddle vigorously, and at a high rate of speed.
  • The fact remains that for him the rewards have been adequate, if not to content at any rate to keep him working.
  • There is at any rate no difficulty in seeing that the predicate ‘not-being’ is not applicable to any being.
  • That’s first rate for a beginner, and it makes a deal of difference on our arms.
  • The whole journey had to be performed at the rate of eight miles within the hour, stoppages included.
  • If the shoe business kept to the present rate of prosperity he would probably have millions to squander in his old age.
  • My works are now paid at a higher rate than ever; besides, you have only yourself to blame in this affair.
  • Long after they were snoring in their blankets, he lay awake calculating how long his provisions would last at such a rate of depletion.
  • We also had to obtain laths from private persons at Jaffnapatam at a high rate and of inferior quality.
  • Betty had a double portion of care and sorrow, but she had resolved to say nothing to any one about the knife, at any rate for the present.
  • The letters delivered have increased by 60 per cent., and those posted have grown at the rate of 55 per cent.
  • Offspring fall away, the birth rate falls and falls most among just the most efficient and active and best adapted classes in the community.
  • As compared with the former route, the saving of time was equal to one day; the rate of postage was likewise reduced.
  • The doctrine of Hegel will to many seem the expression of an indolent conservatism, and will at any rate be made an excuse for it.
  • At the rate of one parra per month for each person, 1,875 people could be maintained for two years with this store of rice.
  • Brook was saddened and alarmed, for this rate of mortality was the highest seen in Phoride for almost three hundred years.
  • Down to fifty years ago the brutal system of Parochial rivalry and violence continued, at any rate in a mitigated form.
  • Had the Government given loans at a reasonable rate of interest, which would have amply repaid them, all this could have been saved.
  • Several years of experience with these bells has shown that when once properly assembled they maintain the same rate of vibration with great constancy.
  • More of this next time I write; do not remit the money, at any rate till you hear from me that the work is ready to be sent off.
  • That is, the rate of vibration of a harmonic is 2, 3, 4, 5, or some other integral number, times as great as the fundamental itself.
  • The gray-beards had matured their plan and were demanding twenty sticks for a penny, One-Eye delivered the new rate of exchange.

Definition of Rate

(transitive) To berate, scold. | (obsolete) The worth of something; value. [15th-19th centuries] | The proportional relationship between one amount, value etc. and another. [from the 15th century]

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Rate in a sentence

Rate sentence

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Rate used in a sentence

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make sentence with Rate

make sentence of Rate

Rate sentence in english

  • Use the word rate in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Our nutation calculations were correct, but in calculating the rate of the earth’s spin, I completely forgot to account for the seismic events that alter the balance of the earth’s mass.

What if I controlled a prime space I could get my hands on at a submarket rate?

Now I would hardly rate that a «fair job».

At the rate you’re regressing, likely not ever.

Heart rate 135. BP 110 over 65.

«But at any rate our banns were published —«

Prepa’rate, or you will arrive late at the work.

Count Renard, this scandal will be your last. At any rate, your last in Paris.

And if it goes on at this rate

For rehearsing, we make special rate.

Hey! How does he rate a private breeze?

At this rate, you’ll end up thin as a rake.

I rate a three-way split.

At the rate you two are going we’ll have to leave the country to save our faces.

I don’t know how I rate that, Gallagher.

200 acres of first rate grazing and corn land. And a site for a residence unequaled in the county.

ÔöÇ At any rate, for the time being.

The rotor of the electrostatic machine is connected in multiple series with a bank of glass-plate condensers, and the discharge causes irradiations to the thermal tubes, which, in turn, indicate your increased pulse rate and nerve reactions.

At any rate, he showed up for the wedding.

I rate better joint than that.

What makes you think you rate anything better than anyone else?

At any rate, Your Majesty, stop bumping into your husband. And you might tidy up a bit.

You’ll be hours and hours getting to the table at that rate.

But at any rate, I’d better be leaving the wood because it’s really getting very dark.

You see, Mr. Egelbaur is not only a first-rate singer, but he’s also the head of Strump and…

Is the usual rate higher?

Well, we stand a first-rate chance of having him… withdraw his financial support.

Not at this school, at any rate.

It’s a 1 0th-rate rag that makes its living off of dirty pictures.

At any rate, it means that she’s no innocent vrgin herself,

At any rate, all the gentlemen’s.

Ba thinks that poets are the flower of manhood, a certain poet at any rate.

If you’re trying to raise him to be a first-rate scoundrel… with a complete lack of ethics and morals, you’re certainly succeeding.

I find it quite first-rate.

You rate yourself highly, my child.

How will you get to New York at this rate?

At the rate he’s going, he’s probably crossed two state lines by this time.

How does he rate all this attention?

You’re nothing but a second-rate, broken-down, heavyweight.

Well, at any rate, when Blackie talks about you now, I’ll know what he means.

Don’t I rate some attention?

Where’s the largest death rate ?

Does anybody know where the death rate is at its worst ?

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