The word race in a sentence

race — перевод на русский


We shall never have peace till we have a pure Aryan race. How wonderful!

Мир настанет только тогда, когда останется только арийская раса.

The people, they’re like a different race.

Это не люди, это какая-то другая раса.

It’s a good race.

Вот это — раса!

I think they may, because if they don’t, their race is doomed.

А я считаю наоборот. Потому что если они не сделают этого, их раса обречена.

Races: White mixed with Indian.

Раса: белые, смешанные с индейцами.

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No, then we’ll miss the yacht races.

Нет, тогда мы пропустим гонки на яхтах.

They’re running the Pebble Beach Road Races later on next month.

Они будут проводить гонки в Пеббл Бич, в следующем месяце.

Since when has the veteran car club gone in for racing?

— С каких это пор «Клуб» устраивает гонки?

They’ll probably call the race off, and not pay off any of the bets?

Думаешь, они отменят гонки и не вернут людям ставки?

The stewards are conducting an inquiry into the seventh race and will view the motion picture.

Наши работники должны проверить результаты гонки… И посмотреть её запись.

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Horse racing.


Races, casino, bars all open…

Скачки, казино, множество баров …

We can forget horse racing, roulette, everything.

Забудь про скачки, рулетку и все остальное.

— No, a horse race.

— Нет, скачки.

Whenever ten or more Argentinians get together there is always a horse race.

Стоит десяти аргентинцам собраться, как они тут же устраивают скачки.

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Does he think he’s running a flat race?

Он думает, что это забег?

Every time I miss a race, I’m losing dough.

Если я пропущу забег, я потеряю деньги.

There’s an important race on today.

Сегодня очень важный забег.

Right driver, hurry up to the racetrack I want to get there in time to make a bet in the first race

Скорее на ипподром, нужно успеть поставить на первый забег!

How about picking a winner for the second race.

А на второй забег выберете победителя?

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He was always crazy about the races.

Он обожал бега.

It’s a rat race.

Это крысиные бега.

It’s a rat race. It

Это крысиные бега.

— It’s a rat race.

Это крысиные бега.

Rienzi’s brother runs a wire service for race results,

Брат Ренци работает с телеграфным агентством, обслуживающим бега,

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You didn’t know it was a boat race.

Ты не знал что тот заезд подстроен.

— Throw the race?

Проиграть заезд?

— But it’s just one more race.

— Но это всего лишь один заезд.

Just another race.

Всего лишь ещё один заезд.

Joe, your dad rode the greatest race I ever saw.

Джо, твой отец устроил лучший заезд, что я видел.

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And Mr. McLaglen, he’s our physics teacher he says that we’ve reached the point where the whole human race has either got to find a way to live together…

И Мистер Маклаген, наш учитель физики.. ..сказал, что мы достигли точки,.. ..когда всё человечество должно найти способ жить в мире,..

For the whole human race

За все человечество

Have you noticed that the human race is divided into two distinct and irreconcilable groups?

Ты замечала когда-нибудь, что все человечество делится на две отдельные и непримиримые группы?

I have led the entire human race to ruin.

Я привёл всё человечество к гибели.

I thought we were working to feed the human race.

Я думал, мы трудились над задачей накормить все человечество.

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Well, I kind of feel like I’m responsible for your racing career.

Я, вроде как чувствую, будто я ответственен за твою гоночную карьеру.

Woodrow just brought over your new race car.

Вудроу только что притащил твою новую гоночную машину.

But we can’t even wait for a racing snail.

Но мы не можем ждать даже гоночную улитку.

It’s like driving a racing car really fast.

Словно ведешь гоночную машину на предельной скорости:

It looks more like a race car.

Похоже на гоночную машину.

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They’re a savage, proud race.

Это дикий, но гордый народ.

You’ve watched your race evolve from barbarism throughout your life and yet you would do this to us?

Вы видели, как ваш народ взрослел, прощаясь с варварством и жестокостью, всю вашу долгую жизнь. И что вы теперь хотите сделать с нами?

How could you, a starship fleet captain, believe that a Federation crew would blindly obey your order to destroy the entire Antos race, a people famous for their benevolence and peaceful pursuits?

Как могли вы, капитан корабля Звездного флота, поверить, что экипаж Федерации, слепо следуя вашим приказам, уничтожит весь народ Антоса, известный доброжелательностью и мирными устремлениями?

A strong race, but as servants-— disastrous.

Сильный народ. Я пробовала нанимать их в качестве прислуги — результат плачевен.

Terrific race, the Romans.

Великий народ, римляне.

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The human race had already perpetrated all stupidities and wrongs, and now it’s just repeating them.

Все глупости и подлости род человеческий уже совершил и теперь только повторяет их.

«I curse your damned race!»

Проклинаю Ваш чёртов род!

We’re zooming along, protecting the Hebrew race

Мы рыщем кругом чтоб еврейский наш род не угас…

We’re zooming along, protecting the Hebrew race

Мы рыщем вокруг чтоб еврейский наш род не угас…

Compared with any kind of animal, the human race is much worse so we can say with certainty:

Если мы сравним человеческий род с любым видом животных, то сможем с уверенностью сказать:

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Sentences with the word Race?



  • «he is ahead by a pawn»; «the leading team in the pennant race«
  • «the horse was three lengths ahead going into the home stretch»; «ahead by two pawns»; «our candidate is in the lead in the polls»; «way out front in the race«; «the advertising campaign put them out front in sales»
  • «moth-eaten theories about race«; «stale news»
  • «He finished the dishes»; «She completed the requirements for her Master’s Degree»; «The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 hours; others finished in over 4 hours»
  • «They contested the outcome of the race«
  • «they accused the paper of biased coverage of race relations»
  • «he caught a crab and lost the race«
  • «the deceleration of the arms race«
  • «the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic»; «his treatment of the race question is badly biased»
  • «he dropped out of the race, clearly distressed and having difficulty breathing»
  • «The athletes were dope by the coach before the race«
  • «a race against hail or cold rains or some other elemental catastrophe»- J.K.Howard
  • «The cyclist has eliminated all the competitors in the race«
  • «We went without water and food for 3 days»; «These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America»; «The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents»; «how long can a person last without food and water?» «One crash victim died, the other lived»
  • «enter a race«; «enter an agreement»; «enter a drug treatment program»; «enter negotiations»
  • «the first house on the right»; «the first day of spring»; «his first political race«; «her first baby»; «the first time»; «the first meetings of the new party»; «the first phase of his training»
  • «fix a race«
  • «a halt in the arms race«; «a nuclear freeze»
  • «Bride’s Biscuit got by the other dogs to win the race«
  • «hobble race horses»
  • «his views on race got him into political hot water»
  • «He could not keep up and dropped out of the race«
  • «a race of long gaunt men»- Sherwood Anderson; «looked out the long French windows»
  • «the race was a 30-miler»
  • «nobble the race horses»
  • «my horse lost the race by a nose»
  • «in this race, I managed to outran everybody else»
  • «we were really pumped up for the race«; «he was so pumped he couldn’t sleep»
  • «the race for the presidency»
  • «the race is to the swift»
  • «he is running the Marathon this year»; «let’s race and see who gets there first»
  • «we are rivaling for first place in the race«
  • «romp a race«
  • «race from a standing start»; «a standing jump»; «a standing ovation»

Character 4
Hyphenation race
Pronunciations /ɹeɪs/

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What do we mean by race?

A group of people identified as distinct from other groups because of supposed physical or genetic traits shared by the group. Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in part because there is more genetic variation within groups than between them. noun

A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution. noun

A genealogical line; a lineage. noun

Humans considered as a group. noun

A usually geographically isolated population of organisms that differs from other populations of the same species in certain heritable traits. noun

A breed or strain, as of domestic animals. noun

A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine. noun

A competition of speed, as in running or riding. noun

A series of such competitions held at a specified time on a regular course. noun

An extended competition in which participants struggle like runners to be the winner. noun

Steady or rapid onward movement. noun

A strong or swift current of water. noun

The channel of such a current. noun

An artificial channel built to transport water and use its energy. noun

A groovelike part of a machine in which a moving part slides or rolls. noun

To compete in a contest of speed. intransitive verb

A contest between people, animals, vehicles, etc. where the goal is to be the first to reach some objective. Example: Several horses run in a horse race, and the first one to reach the finishing post wins

Swift progress; rapid motion; an instance of moving or driving at high speed.

A race condition.

A progressive movement toward a goal.

A fast-moving current of water, such as that which powers a mill wheel.

A water channel, esp. one built to lead water to or from a point where it is utilised.

Competitive action of any kind, especially when prolonged; hence, career; course of life.

The bushings of a rolling element bearing which contacts the rolling elements.

In Texas Hold’em, or other similar poker games, «racing» is when two or more people are «all-in» with their chips and it is up to the cards and not betting to determine the winner. Urban Dictionary

To urinate. Derived and shortened from, «Race like a pisshorse» which itself is a play-on-words of the phrase «Piss like a racehorse.» Urban Dictionary

1. An intellectual tent to house the functionally retarded. Notice that among the first lessons taught about race are its complete invalidity. The fact that it is still promulgated through society is more a sign that there are (many) adults out there who are willing to believe in something they know and experience as directly contradictory with and/or useless to describe reality. Take any signs of an individuals racism as a sign that you should deeply lower this person’s value; treat it as either a dealbreaker in the relationship or valid excuse to mainpulate and/or enslave them.
2. Something subpar lawyers and teachers love Urban Dictionary

There are four major definitions of this word, in order of importance:
1. Genus, species, or kind. Up until about 30,000 years ago, there were other races of humans, which included Neanderthals and Archaics, but they are thought to have been indirectly out-competed by modern Homo sapiens.
2. Any competition of speed or display of rapid movement.
3. Any fictional sentient species featured in fantasy or science fiction literature that is effectively human for purposes of characterization. In role-playing games, different races (i.e. elves, dwarves, humans, halflings etc.) can be selected for play, each with it’s own inherent advantages and disadvantages.
4. A word wrongly applied to refer to the 6 major populations of modern Homo sapiens, which bear different skin colors but no important genetic differences. Urban Dictionary

Something that differenciates cultures. it makes the people of that culture look different and sometimes overall act and sound different. no race is better than another because no one is the same in each race. there are dumbasses in every race and there are cool people in every race too. the difference of races starts stereotypes and rasism. Urban Dictionary

WHITE RACE» — UK, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Russia, France, Northern Italy, Ukraine, Croatia, Czechoslavakia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Austria, Bosnia, Switzerland, Belarus, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Latvia, Moldova — Greece, Sicily, Southern Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Albania, Cyprus, Tunisia, Yugoslavia, Libya, Algeria, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Armenia, Morocco, Spain, Portugal.
LATINO RACE» — Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Bahamas Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Aruba, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Guyana, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Trinda
«BLACK RACE» — Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados, South Africa, Kenya, Congo, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Botswana, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo
«ASIAN RACE» — China, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Guam, Hawaii
«MIDDLE-EASTERN RACE» — Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Djibouti, Israel, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Eritrea, United Arab Emirates
«OCEANIAN RACE» — Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, New Caledonia, Western Samoa, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Micronesia, Marcus Island
«INDIAN RACE» — India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Bhutan
«NATIVE AMERICAN RACE» — Modern Day USA, Modern Day Canada
If you are stupid and dont know your own race, go ask your parents which country their ancestors came from and look up the counrty(s). If your country isnt listed then your selfish ancestors lived in some kind of resort. Urban Dictionary

CORRECTION – UK( WHITES), Ireland(WHITES), , France(WHITES), Northern Italy(WHITES) Romania(WHITES), ( BLONDE COUNTRIES, Blonde unmixed have a yellow to dark yellow orange color skin with different texture, yellow hair, Blue eyes, lots of Freckles on body or arms and face)
Germany, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Russia,, , Ukraine, Croatia, Czechoslavakia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Austria, Bosnia, Switzerland, Belarus, Romania(WHITES), Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Latvia, Moldova
LATINO RACE( Not really a race, it made up primarily of Whites(Spanish) Native Indian, now Blacks and Blondes)» — Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Bahamas Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Aruba, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Guyana, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Trindad
«MEDITERRANEAN RACE or WHITES the undistinguishable race, plane people, no heavy characteristics, white milk face to light brownm brown eyes brown hair, thick eye brows, probably more hairer than other races)» Greece, Sicily, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Albania, Cyprus, Tunisia, Yugoslavia, Libya, Algeria, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Armenia, Morocco, Spain, Portugal. IRAN, IRAQ
«BLACK RACE» — Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados, South Africa, Kenya, Congo, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Botswana, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo
«(2) ASIAN RACE( there are primarily white skin ASIAN and Heavy dark pigmentation brown skin » — China, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Guam, Hawaii
«MIDDLE-EASTERN RACE(USUALLY LIKE lATIN AMERICA, usually just made up of mixed races» — Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Djibouti, Israel, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Eritrea, United Arab Emirates
«OCEANIAN RACE( wrong, usually dark skin orientals, and mixed dark skin orientals, with White Asians, whites, blonde and blacks)» — Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, New Caledonia, Western Samoa, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Micronesia, Marcus Island
«INDIAN RACE( not too sure about Indians, seems to be made up of Caucasians mixed with dark skin orientals, just a mestizo race, like latin America)» — India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Bhutan
«NATIVE AMERICAN RACE( just made up of a mixed race, usually dark skin orientals with some type of caucasian» — Modern Day USA, Modern Day Canada
If you are stupid and dont know your own race, go ask your parents which country their ancestors came from and look up the counrty(s). If your country isnt listed then your selfish ancestors lived in some kind of resort.( or just distinguish yourself, either WHITE, Blonde, Black, Dark Oriental, white Orientla, if more specific, say mestizo etc) Urban Dictionary

BLONDE RACE yellow people)
To be a little more political correct.Unmixed blonde, have yellow hair, blue eye. Skin texture is somewhat yellow to dark yellow orange color, not to much hair on body, little thin hair on eye brows.Many may have many freckles on body arms and face.Usually heavy mixed with southern Euro’s(Whites), probably more than what South American Indian are mixed with Spanish(Whites) decent.those millions that are mixed, usually they refer to themselves as whites, only having blue eye with dark hair or blonde hair with brown eyes, with similar texture skin as those of southern euro’s. Blonde hair with blue eyes are sometimes reffered to as blonde,Ethnic Identity just caucasian for simplicity sake.Becuase of TV brought the world closer together, there is more of a subliminial agreement that these two groups are in the same race and ethnic Identity, which is really false, since both groups have same Head structure, rounds eyes, thin lips, big hands, long legs long arms they are under caucasian, but vary in skin texture and color. Both groups know each other differnece, taking extremes sides, they are different. Urban Dictionary

Fleeing out of an area you are supposed to be in. Urban Dictionary

Strange person. always pulling out his gat. loves metal music. extremely awesome. the bad form of weird until you get to know him. then he is the awesome form of weird. is actually black even though he looks white. loves to talk about your mom. hates white people. first two words he says to you are, ‘sup cracka?’ does drugs. Urban Dictionary

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Race | Race Sentence

  • O beloved race in all!
  • Alas, and his whole race must bear their hate.
  • I race only with German crews now.
  • After a race of some miles Pinocchio could do no more.
  • It is the season of the May race meet.
  • Between said and done A long race may be run.
  • There is always the next race to be considered, I suppose.
  • You see, my aim is to breed a race of German yachtsmen.
  • But it is not wrong to avoid marriage with any other race than our own.
  • Or The Boat Race Plot that Failed.
  • But a race that bears a sceptre must carry gifts to justify it.
  • It is said that the Dutch are the most religious race of to-day.
  • Such is the beneficent design of God in relation to the human race itself.
  • One race went to the extreme western part of the North continent.
  • What care I for Miguel Terra, or for the whole race of the Perlerinos?

How To Use Race In A Sentence?

  • It follows that my estimate of the human race is the duplicate of my estimate of myself.
  • A few of the very poorest of this once glorious race still find shelter in these ruins.
  • After several generations of regulated breeding, a pure-bred race of hermaphrodites was formed.
  • It is a sad thing to see a whole race perish, wiped out from the aggregate of human existence.
  • The problem, in fact, has physical and race elements that make it almost insolvable.
  • His object, we are told, was gradually in this way to destroy the whole race of man.
  • The race which had finished off Napoleon need have no qualms in tackling his pinchbeck successor.
  • The boast of our vain race to change the form Of thy fair works.
  • Until this trip I never appreciated what a race of perfect cooks the French are.
  • Each one of us repeats in himself the conflict of the race between the splendour of its possibilities and its immediate associations.
  • We have considered as elements of national greatness the race itself, the favorable position, and the material to work with.
  • Thy glory will end, when the human race shall have ceased to see the sun, and to inhabit the earth.
  • Following several generations of their offspring, they bore a race of ugly and canker-covered beings that developed a culture of cannibalism.
  • It must be remembered that he came of a race of women who had, so to speak, habitually lived heroic lives.
  • It was on the farm that I got my strong liking for his race and my appreciation of certain of its fine qualities.
  • We have cut from a recent paper, what seems an authentic story, of one of this race having obtained a kind of mausoleum.
  • He treated them with an off-hand casualness quite impossible to his daughter, to whom they were a race apart, to be pitied and dealt with gently.
  • After ten minutes of the wild race with the squall, which now was as quickly lighting up, we heard the roar of the breakers near at hand.
  • O, wonderful goodness! to promise eternal life to the human race on a condition which he certainly foreknew would not be performed!
  • We knew that, as a lad, he had been at sea, and sailors are supposed to be a handy and gentle-mannered race with the weak and dependent.
  • Some time was to pass, however, before Thayendanegea could understand that he was sprung from a race of conquerors.
  • Proud of one’s country, and all that sort of thing: plucky, strong, master race of the world.
  • Every improvement is provisional except the improvement of the race, and it became more and more doubtful to me if we were improving the race at all!
  • There is something in the theory very pleasant and very flattering to human nature; and there are passages in the history of our race that might make its promulgation not unacceptable.
  • That he possessed the craftiness of his race in a superlative degree, and that he used this to baffle his opponents on the field of battle, cannot be denied.

Definition of Race

Obsolete form of raze. | A rhizome or root, especially of ginger.

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