The word quest in a sentence

Definition of Quest

a trip taken to find something or someone

Examples of Quest in a sentence

Jan’s quest for fame led her to do immoral things.


When Phil was on a quest for his soul mate, he went on hundreds of dates.


The knight travelled throughout the world while on his quest for the holy grail.


During my quest to be healthier, I will seek assistance from both a nutritionist and a personal trainer.


Hopefully the jury’s quest for truth will lead them to find me innocent.


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Synonym: explore, hunt, pursue, search, seek. Similar words: guest, request, question, in question, questionnaire, out of the question, beyond question, test. Meaning: [kwest]  n. 1. a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria 2. the act of searching for something. v. 1. make a search (for) 2. search the trail of (game) 3. bark with prolonged noises, of dogs 4. seek alms, as for religious purposes 5. express the need or desire for; ask for. 

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1) Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth.

2) She had come in quest of advice.

3) My quest for a better bank continues.

4) They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil.

5) World leaders are now united in their quest for peace.

6) The team will continue its quest for Olympic gold this afternoon.

7) He travelled across continents in his quest for adventure.

8) He set off in quest of adventure.

9) She went to India on a spiritual quest.

10) Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth.

11) They journeyed to the distant Molucca islands in quest of spices.

12) I have not faltered in my quest for a new future.

13) It is possible that his quest will end in Geneva.

14) In his quest for physical perfection, he spends hours in the gym.

15) We set off in quest of the perfect wedding dress.

16) But this is indeed a very personal quest.

17) It made spirituality an exciting quest for nonconformists!

18) Coldwater quest I actually like bog-standard goldfish.

19) Their quest: to stretch hip-hop further than ever before.

20) Thoreau begins his quest with a retreat from society.

21) Hope Steadman’s self-defeating quest for perfection?

22) We should encourage the president in his spiritual quest.

23) Love, the quest; marriage, the conquest; divorce, the inquest. Helen Rowland 

24) Can you shed any light on my quest?

25) My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.

26) The British establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool’s gold.

27) Half an hour later Duncan was no farther in his quest.

28) You should not be afraid to aim high in the quest for an improvement in your income.

29) The United States is in the van of the quest to establish contact with beings from the beyond.

30) He went on to say that he was going to New York in quest of peace.

More similar words: guest, request, question, in question, questionnaire, out of the question, beyond question, test, nest, best, chest, forest, arrest, priest, rest on, invest, had best, estate, at best, modest, closest, contest, protest, for the rest, harvest, honestly, testify, western, restore, gesture.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word quest, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use quest in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «quest».

Quest in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word quest in a sentence.

  1. They take up the quest to free him.

  2. My quest would not be a selfish one.

  3. One such side quest is ring collection.

  4. Shigihara provided some music for the quest.

  5. In another side quest, Link can acquire a horse.

  6. An entire alternate main quest was also removed.

  7. The quest centered on cerebral challenges and puzzles.

  8. The Outsider (Billy Lush) offers to help Corvo in his quest.

  9. Zombies was added as a mini-game quest known as «Peacebloom vs.

  10. Each planet offers a possible quest or challenge to the player.

  11. It chronicles the quest of the team to win the State Championship.

  12. After Yuna breaks up with him, Tidus helps her on a quest to defeat a reborn Sin.

  13. Some bosses have level caps to prevent the main quest from becoming too difficult.

  14. The quest for efficiency promised effective, dynamic management rewarded by growth.

  15. The initial quest for the North Pole thus became a search for one of these portals.

  16. During the ninth season, his quest is continued by Scully, Doggett and Monica Reyes.

  17. Dutton’s four-year project chronicles the midlife crisis that sparked his quest to rediscover Simpson.

  18. In the series, Mario is tasked with a quest to explore either the Mushroom Kingdom or a similar world.

  19. Others, such as Thomas Mann, see Kafka’s work as allegorical: a quest, metaphysical in nature, for God.

  20. The player controls Caim, a deposed prince of the Union, in his quest for vengeance against the Empire.

  21. Their quest for back-to-back championships was ended May 2 as they lost to the Clippers in seven games.

  22. When he was freed, Peter walked from Mississippi until he reached Abingdon in his quest to return home.

  23. Nick is on a journey, perhaps he sees it as a religious quest given the Christian symbolism of the fish.

  24. Oiler fans were donning hats promoting «Hat Trick Fever» in their quest for three straight Stanley Cups.

  25. The main quest is not about saving the world, but about understanding The Nameless One and his immortality.

  26. He also mentioned that the Far Harbor expansion contained some of the strongest quest content in Fallout 4.

  27. Michelle Bush, in her book Myth-X, equated Mulder’s overall quest to that of the search for the Holy Grail.

  28. Players control a paper cutout version of Mario, sometimes with allies, on a quest to defeat the antagonist.

  29. During his quest, Raziel meets his brothers—Melchiah, Zephon, Rahab and Dumah—who serve as the game’s bosses.

  30. This is completely sublimated rock, on a quest for a purity of form, light years beyond raunch or blues rock.

  31. After the meal, King Azaz lets Milo and Tock talk themselves into a dangerous quest to rescue the princesses.

  32. The search began in the mid-19th century and continued at the start of the 20th with Percival Lowell’s quest for Planet X.

  33. His quest to sweep all of the freestyle events failed when David Dickson defeated him in a touch finish in the 110 yd race.

  34. Waggett added: «Marty’s subsequent quest to bring her rapists to justice dominated the show» throughout the summer of 1993.

  35. According to Kyle Keeler, Gatsby’s quest for greater status manifests as self-centered, anthropocentric resource acquisition.

  36. Taking place after Dishonored 2, it follows Daud’s former second-in-command, Billie Lurk, on her quest to defeat the Outsider.

  37. In Planescape: Torment, the player takes the role of «The Nameless One», an immortal man with amnesia on a quest to learn why.

  38. Boromir tries to take the Ring from Frodo, and Frodo decides to continue his quest alone; but Sam insists on accompanying him.

  39. The Roosters quest for a third straight premiership was ended as they lost against Canberra 22-18 at the Sydney Cricket Ground.

  40. The game does not end upon the completion of the main quest, but the game world Vvardenfell is affected in many different ways.

  41. It is an important example of a chivalric romance, which typically involves a hero who goes on a quest which tests his prowess.

  42. Kato and Horii initially proposed Crono’s death, though they intended he stay dead; the party would have retrieved an earlier, living version of him to complete the quest.

  43. Mario has access to several power-ups that help him complete his quest, including the Super Mushroom, the Fire Flower, and the Super Star, each giving him unique abilities.

  44. This intimate relationship between symbol and faith allows for rigorous allegorical interpretation, especially in the physical role that the shield plays in Gawain’s quest.

  45. It is conceptually organized on the basis of the Neoplatonic ascent of the soul and affirms that the quest for knowledge is directed towards the attainment of divine wisdom.

  46. During his quest, The Nameless One meets several characters who can join him as companions: Morte, Annah-of-the-Shadows, Dak’kon, Ignus, Nordom, Fall-From-Grace, and Vhailor.

Synonyms for quest

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word quest has the following synonyms: pursuit, pursuance, seeking, bay, request, bespeak and call for.

General information about «quest» example sentences

The example sentences for the word quest that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «quest» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «quest».

quest — перевод на русский


Well, a quest of knowledge, dear boy.

Ну, поиски знаний, мой дорогой мальчик.

In that quest for nothing, for emptiness,

Поиски пустоты, «ничего»

Expedition continued his quest and without notice it they infringing the laws of the jungle.

— Экспедиция продолжает поиски — бесцеремонно нарушая — покой джунглей

No, no, no, Jason was another captain on a long quest.

Нет, нет, нет, Ясон был другим капитаном, отправившимся на долгие поиски.

Now your quest is over.

Теперь ваши поиски закончены.

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Imogen Quest.

Имоджин Квест.

So, Imogen Quest and how about…

Итак, Имоджин Квест!

Count Zeldorf, now romantically linked to the man-hating Imogen Quest,

Граф Зелдорф ныне романтически увлечённый ненавидящей мужчин Имоджин Квест…

Imogen Quest?

А Имоджин Квест.

In fact, Kitty had gone to someone moderately intelligent… in her continuing quest for control of the Bluth Company.

В действительности Китти обратилась к тому, у кого есть капля мозгов, продолжая квест по захвату Блут Кампани.

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Now, Fury Fighters, let’s say hello to someone who’s joining our quest to get the anger monkeys off our backs:

А сейчас, уважаемые убийцы гнева, хочу вам представить человека… который разделит наш крестовый поход, против демона ярости.

So, your brother is about to embark on yet another quest.

— Да. Итак, твой брат собирается в новый поход.

Thadeous, this is Fabious’ 28th quest.

Тедиос, это 28-ой поход Фабиоса.

This quest is your last chance to prove to me and the kingdom that you are a man worthy to bear the family crest, and to show that at your core, you are not rotten, but you are brave, and honorable, and noble. All the qualities expected of a prince.

Поход, твой последний шанс доказать мне и королевству, что ты достоин носить фамильный герб, и показать что ты храбр, честен, благороден, как подобает принцу.

Brother, we do not celebrate until we complete the quest at hand.

Брат, мы не празднуем пока не завершим поход.

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For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns.

В своей миссии защитить человечество, Мы совершили величайшее открытие.

A month ago I told him that it was written in the Halls of Prophecy that Richard Cypher will fail in his quest to defeat the Keeper.

Месяц назад я сказала ему, что это было записано в Залах Пророчеств, что Ричард Сайфер потерпит неудачу в своей миссии победить Владетеля.

The sooner we get there, the sooner I can get back to my quest.

Чем быстрее мы попадём туда, тем скорее я смогу вернуться к своей миссии.

Kahlan, I can’t abandon my quest.

Кейлин, я не откажусь от своей миссии.

You’re talking about abandoning our quest.

Ты говоришь об отказе от нашей миссии.

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I had not considered that. And he has been a role model in my quest to be more human.

Я об этом не думал и всегда брал пример с капитана Пикарда в моем стремлении походить на человека.

In his quest to be more like us, he helped us to see what it means to be human.

В своем стремлении быть похожим на нас, он помог нам увидеть, что значит быть человеком.

..and how Dwayne’s utilising at least seven of ’em in his personal quest.

…Двейн в своем стремлении использует как минимум семь из них.

On a distant planetoid they evolved to cooperate in their quest to survive.

На далеком планетоиде они развивались, сотрудничая в стремлении выжить.

These people didn’t agree to be guinea pigs in your quest for power.

Эти люди не давали согласия быть морскими свинками в вашем стремлении к силам.

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You are too good a man for slavery, Prince Valiant. I give you a quest.

Ты слишком хорош для раба, принц Вэлиант, я дам тебе задание.

Now, tonight, we are on a quest to prove that old British sports cars were brilliant.

Итак, сегодня у нас задание доказать, что старые британские спорткары были замечательными.

What is the quest you have chosen?

Какое задание ты выбрал?

As Courage, there are two more things you will need to complete your quest — Strength and Magic.

Кроме храбрости тебе понадобятся еще две вещи чтобы выполнить твое задание — сила и магия.

Your presence is essential if Arthur is to succeed on his quest.

— Твое присутствие необходимо чтобы Артур выполнил свое задание.

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Hard to pass up a good quest.

Не могу упустить такое интересное приключение.

Sounds like a worthy quest.

Это будет достойное приключение.

A dead wife to pine for, a sense of purpose to your life,… .. a romantic quest that you wouldn’t end even if I wasn’t in the picture.

Тоска по мёртвой жене, ощущение цели жизни романтическое приключение, которое никогда не кончится, если не я.

Back in the jungle, before we became target practice, you were gonna tell me what inspired this little quest.

Там, в джунглях, перед тем, как мы стали живыми мишенями, ты собирался рассказать мне, что подвигло тебя на это маленькое приключение.

What a fun quest !

Забавное приключение!

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I will ride forth in the name of that quest.

Я отправляюсь в путь.

He finds your quest worthwhile.

Он одобряет ваш путь.

Prometheus, a most historic greek god dude, who journeyed on a most excellent quest to bring fire to mankind, only to incur the wrath of the odious Zeus, who chained the dude on yonder mountaintop, where an eagle egregiously scarfed the dude’s liver out for like…

Прометей, самый исторический греческий божок, которой проделал великий путь, чтобы принести огонь человечеству, только из-за гнева великого Зевса, который заковал его на вершине горы, где орел безжалостно клевал печень чувака на протяжении…

In order to name a new Seeker and send him off on his quest, we need two things.

Чтобы назвать нового Искателя и отправить его в путь, нужны две вещи.

‘Next time, I’m going to take up the quest of the chemical pioneers…’ Well, my arm’s burning up.

¬ следующий раз € собираюсь пройти путь химиков-первопроходцев… ак жжет мои руки.

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My quest has shown me the world is bigger than your kingdom.

Это путешествие, по крайней мере, дало мне понять, что мир гораздо больше, чем твое царство.

Merlin had indicated that the quest should be led by Perceval [Parsifal], not by Lancelot.

Мерлин указал что путешествие должен возглавлять Персиваль (Парцифаль), а не Ланцелот.

I suppose, in a sense, my quest has come full circle. Or, rather, my hunt is over and I can rest now.

Полагаю,… в каком-то смысле мое путешествие подошло к концу, охота закончена, и я могу отдохнуть!

Quest forever, man!

Путешествие навсегда, мужик!

You are embarking on a great quest.

Вы отправляетесь в славное путешествие.

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«Let angels guide thee on thy lofty quest.»

И ангелы направят к высшей цели.

«Let angels guide thee on thy lofty quest.»

И ангелы направят к высшей цели…

Because I don’t believe it’s right to keep you from pursuing your quest by perpetrating a lie.

Потому что я не верю, что правильно удерживать тебя от товей цели, опутывая тебя ложью.

Some may imagine a noble quest is at hand.

Некоторые могут думать, что их цели благородны.

Oh, Carla, oh, we must overcome our weaknesses so that we can accomplish our… our sacred quest.

Ох, Карла, мы должны преодолеть свои слабости, чтобы мы смогли достигнуть нашей священной цели.

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A quest serves as a plot device in mythology and fiction: a difficult journey towards a goal, often symbolic or allegorical. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The King even invited the Black Knight to join his quest, but the Knight refused.


Manchester United’s controversial 2-1 defeat at Stamford Bridge last night may have been too late to aid Chelsea’s quest to retain the crown but it did ensure we will need to wind the clock back nearly 10 years — ladies and gentleman welcome to Fergie vs Wenger, round 10.


The grind from level 1 to the soft cap of 50 took a very long time, and most of that was pure farming, without even a quest to keep you occupied.


Masters of Anima Coming to Switch April 10th Masters of Anima the new project from Passtech Games, the makers of the indie-gem Space Run will be available for download April 10 on Nintendo Switch Follow Otto in his quest against the forces of evil…


Although a continuation of Xenoverse, there’s only so much canon and original story available for time exploration, and as such more than 100 parallel quests have been reworked from the first title.


From there, she sets out on a grand quest to uncover the answers hidden in this dangerous new world.


I have always found it very strange that these who call themselves successors of the apostles, I mean some poor men — preachers of humility and repentance — should possess great wealth, wallow in luxery, and fill posts more proper to satisfy the vanity of the age and the ostentation of the great than to occupy men who must meditate on the nothingness of human life and on the quest for salvation.


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So Shrek ventures out, along with his sidekick in the form of a wise-cracking donkey (Eddie Murphy, Nutty Professor II), in a quest to ultimately be alone… or so he hopes.


Prepare to set out on the road with Yangus, Jessica, and Angelo on an epic quest to lift the curse that threatens your kingdom.


In the second installment of the two-part conclusion to the überpopular Harry Potter series, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and his best friends, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson), continue their quest to vanquish the evil Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) once and for all.


Expresses concerns about DOE’s quest to build a world-leading exascale computer.


While there are many steps that you can take to line up funding you need to get your new business off the ground, the reality is that your quest for startup funding is only as beneficial as your budgeting efforts allow for.


However this is only obtained via a side quest.


Almost every quest, whether it’s following the main narrative thread or a side-quest, boils down the slicing enemies up in one form or another.


The relationships between the friends aren’t given enough depth for us to really care about the quest for honor, and Ethne’s feather-giving leaves us feeling cold toward her, leaving us wondering why Harry would still want her.


Gone are the days when learning had to be a solitary quest!


Pork Chopper is a very addictive single button roguelike RPG adventure in which you take a little piggy on an epic monster slaying quest, using timing-based attacks and collecting lots of cool loot on the way.


Thus begins a quest of vengeance, as you set out to punish the perpetrators, along with all who stand in your way.


Synopsis: In this lively animated adventure, undersea oddball SpongeBob SquarePants and his starfish friend, Patrick, embark on a quest to clear the name of… [MORE]


The 35-year-old actor plays hotel manager Jonathan Pine, who is on a quest to bring down international arms dealer Richard Roper (Hugh Laurie).


Unfortunately, the casual approach and the daily quests spoil the mood and the fun.


Sooner or later it becomes apparent that the game is still the one note joke it’s always been, and no matter how many side quests and secrets there are there’s no way to hide that.


Students adopt the foundational premise of being an EPIC3 learner: Engaged learners who persevere, a Problem-solver when presented with challenges, Innovative in their quest to uncover new ideas and ways of learning.


Our Orange Vanilla Fathom India Pale Lager continues our quest for exploration.


And since most online quests start at a search engine, search advertising would seem to be a natural way to get to those potential supporters directly and at the moment they’re thinking about voting.


The following Fun Fun Island Quest guide will take the player from the start to the end of this side quest of Skyward Sword.


The mission variety during the main quests is a little on the low side and often requires infiltrating certain areas and fetching some data etc. but as I mentioned earlier the way in which you go about the mission is what really mixes things up, the fact that you can go from start to finish without killing anyone should say enough, there are some missions though that are real gems to play and really change it up.


While top-down investors start their investment research with the economy, bottom-up investors begin their quest at the other end — with individual companies.


Also, those who download an upcoming Zelda: Breath of the Wild update and play a special side quest can unlock a new an exclusive Rex costume for Link.


The initial scene of 28 Days Later involves infiltration of an animal testing center by a group of militant animal activists, who, in their quest for animal freedom, unknowingly release a monkey infected with a virus which induces mindless rage.


Singles seem to be obsessed about their online dates and the quest for find their one in 40 million has become a daily activity.


This started Mintz on a quest to find a satisfactory, yet delicious alternative.


Eric proceeds with caution in his quest for revenge; Jessica and Hoyt’s romance intensifies; Bill’s attempt to win back Sookie’s trust backfires; Arlene’s future depends on divine intervention; Jason struggles to understand Crystal’s revelation; Lafayette receives a rude welcome back to reality after a «V» trip.


Ghana remains the best example of democratic governance in Africa and would be highly suicidal and disappointing if a group of persons are allowed to destroy this hard-earned reputation in the quest for their insatiable desire for power to satisfy their parochial interest.


But when he realizes she’s being terrorized by her husband (Eddie Marsan), he befriends her; it’s a redemption quest with a shocking twist.


The conviction that non-violent resistance was one of the most potent weapons available to the oppressed people in their quest for social justice came to him.


When it comes to other things that you can do in the game, it’s pretty much the same rinse and repeat quests that you’ve done in past Assassin’s Creed titles.


For example, students might write about the quest for knowledge, love, a certain career, or excellence.


The commenters were indicative of the two opposing camps on this issue: those who believe that we should not devalue our books by putting them up for free, and those who believe that free is merely one more tool in the quest for visibility.


Fortunately, fantasy trumps reality once again, thanks to The Political Machine 2008, a turn-based strategy game that puts players on the campaign trail in a quest for electoral dominance.


With two men who will stop at nothing on her trail, her quest is turned into a riveting, suspenseful hunt.


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She not only shares her own stories, but helps others feel they are not alone in their challenging quest to find the right person for them.


But thankfully, some games are a bit more lenient in granting players a bit of a boost to help them complete their quest.


Facebook (fb) continued its quest to be a hub of charitable giving on Thursday by letting individual users set up fundraisers for non-profit organizations the way they would set up a group or event on the social network.


In a quest to create a healthier biscuit for my pre-dinner snack, I found a perfectly portioned bite that is entirely gluten-free and less than 25 calories per biscuit.


In our quest to make the ultimate well endowed dating site, we have found that most people want a quality relationship that is based upon looks, intelligence, sense of humor and morals to name a few things.


Functioning with 473 genes, the cell is a milestone in his team’s 20-year quest to reduce life to its bare essentials and, by extension, to design life from scratch.


Naturalist Montgomery discovers a bridge between mythology and science in her quest for knowledge about the famously elusive and little-known freshwater pink dolphin, called botos in the Amazon, and reports on her surprising findings in a narrative rich in scientific precision, deep psychological insights, adventure, and lyricism.


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