The word queen with a crown

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Queen word with crown.

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    crown a queen

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    to crown smb queen

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    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:

    венец (crown, corona, diadem, coronet, coronal)


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > crown

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    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:

    венец (crown, corona, diadem, coronet, coronal)


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Crown

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    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > queen

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    Politics english-russian dictionary > queen

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    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > queen

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    1. сущ.
    1) венок;
    корона flowers, sometimes woven into garlands and crowns ≈ цветы, иногда заплетенные в гирлянды или венки crown of martyrdom ≈ мученический венец
    2) (Crown) а) корона, престол;
    королевская власть (верховная власть, для которой корона является одной из регалий) to succeed to the Crown ≈ наследовать престол б) монарх;
    3) нечто, несущее на себе изображение короны или фигуры с короной на голове а) крона( английская монета достоинством в 5 шиллингов) ;
    сумма в 5 шиллингов б) формат бумаги (англ.: 15 x 20 дюймов;
    амер.: 15 д. x 19 дюймов;
    содержала водяные знаки, изображающие фигуру с короной на голове)
    4) нечто, напоминающее по форме корону а) корона (ореол вокруг солнца) б) бот. венчик, розетка( листьев)
    5) нечто, расположенное наверху а) верхушка( чего-л.) б) крона, верхушка дерева;
    пучки листьев на верхушке ананасового дерева в) макушка головы, темя, вертекс;
    голова г) огруглая вершина холма, горы д) наиболее высокая часть аркообразной дороги или поверхности;
    середина моста;
    архит. шелыга (арки или свода), замок( арки) crown of the causeway ≈ наиболее выступающая часть мостовой е) тулья( шляпы) ж) гребень, гребешок( птицы) з) коронка( наружная часть зуба) ;
    коронка (искусственный протез) и) бурильная головка (бура) к) мор. тренд, пятка якоря
    6) завершение, окончание, венец Syn: consummation, completion, perfection
    2. гл.
    1) а) венчать (возлагать венец в знак победы), награждать;
    возлагать венок (в качестве украшения) б) награждать премией (произведение искусства и т. п.) M. Wauters’s book, which was ‘crowned’ by the Royal Academy of Belgium ≈ книга М. Уотерса, получившая награду Бельгийской Королевской Академии в) сл. стукать по голове
    2) венчать;
    возводить на престол The Queen was crowned with a crown formerly worn by an ancient king. ≈ На голову королеве возложили корону, которую издревле носили короли.
    3) венчать, увенчивать, завершать( верхнюю часть чего-л.) ;
    покрывать вершину, верхушку (чего-л.) The ancient mound of the East Anglian Kings was now crowned by a castle of the Norman type. ≈ На древних могильных холмах восточно-английских королей теперь возвышались замки норманнского типа. The root is crowned by a tuft of leaves. ≈ Крыша покрыта пучками листьев.
    4) наполнять (стакан и т. п.) так, чтобы сверху была пена
    5) завершать, заканчивать, венчать (дело и т. п.) He ordered a bottle of wine to crown the repast. ≈ Для завершения обеда он заказал бутылку вина. Success did not immediately crown his efforts. ≈ Его усилия не всегда заканчиваются успехом. The end crowns the work. посл. ≈ Конец венчает дело.
    6) провести в дамки (шашку)
    7) ставить коронку (на зуб) His teeth had to be crowned with special cement. ≈ Его коронки следовало поставить на особый цемент. корона;
    венец — the martyr’s * венец мученика — а * of thorns терновый венец корона, власть монарха, престол — to succeed to the С. наследовать престол — to relinquish the С. отказаться от престола (юридическое) корона (как сторона в процессе) — а witness for the С. свидетель обвинения монарх;
    королева — the demise of the С. кончина короля верхушка (чего-л.) крона, верхушка дерева макушка;
    темя — to break smb.’s * разбить кому-л. голову, проломить кому-л. череп — from toe to * с ног до головы круглая вершина горы гребень (птицы) венок (из цветов и т. п.;
    тж. как награда) (ботаника) верхушка, венец;
    — * bud (ботаника) верхушечная почка;
    — * roots( ботаника) узловые корни венчик, розетка (листьев) тулья (шляпы) венец, завершение — the * of one’s labour венец трудов — the * of the year осень коронка (зуба) коронка (на зуб) (историческое) крона (английская монета в пять шиллингов) формат бумаги (амер. 15 д. х 19 д. — писчей;
    16. 5 д. х 21 д. — печатной, 15 д. х 19 д. — чертежной) (архитектура) шелыга арки или свода (морское) пятка (якоря) (техническое) коронка (геология) перегиб, лоб( складки, покрова) (дорожностроительное) выпуклость( поперечного профиля дороги) (сельскохозяйственное) свальная борозда (оптика) крон, кронглас венчать, короновать — they *ed him king они возвели его на королевский престол — to be *ed короноваться награждать, увенчивать — * smb. with glory увенчать кого-л. славой завершать, венчать — peace talks were *ed with success переговоры о мире увенчались успехом увенчивать, заканчивать собою верхнюю часть (чего-л.) — а tower *ed wlth а spire башня, увенчанная шпилем — the hill is *ed with а wood вершина горы покрыта лесом провести (шашку) в дамки поставить коронку на зуб (сленг) ударить по голове > to * it all в довершение всего > and then, to * аll, we missed the last train и в довершение всего мы опоздали на последний поезд > that *s all! этого еще недоставало > the end *s the work (пословица) конец венчает дело;
    конец — всему делу венец
    crown венец, завершение ~ венец, корона ~ венок (цветов) ~ венчать;
    короновать Crown: Crown верховная власть crown: crown возглавлять ~ вознаграждать ~ (C.) государство;
    верховная власть (в Англии) Crown: Crown государство crown: crown завершать, увенчивать;
    заканчивать ~ (C.) корона, престол;
    королевская власть;
    to succeed to the crown наследовать престол ~ тех. коронка, венец ~ коронка (зуба) ~ крона (монета достоинством в 5 шиллингов) ~ крона, верхушка дерева ~ крона ~ макушка, темя;
    голова ~ поставить коронку (на зуб) ;
    the end crowns the work посл. конец венчает дело ~ провести в дамки (шашку) ~ мор. пятка якоря ~ тулья (шляпы) ~ формат бумаги (амер. 15 д. * 19 д.- писчей;
    англ. 1611/2 д. * 21 д.- печатной, 15 д. * 19 д.- чертежной) ~ архит. шелыга арки или свода
    ~ поставить коронку (на зуб) ;
    the end crowns the work посл. конец венчает дело
    ~ (C.) корона, престол;
    королевская власть;
    to succeed to the crown наследовать престол

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > crown

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    1. сущ.
    1) королева( Queen — правительница;
    queen — жена короля) to crown, proclaim smb. a queen ≈ короновать кого-л., провозгласить кого-л. королевой to depose, dethrone a queen ≈ свергнуть королеву to toast the queen ≈ пить за здоровье королевы despotic queen ≈ деспотическая королева popular queen ≈ популярная, любимая народом королева strong queen ≈ сильная, могущественная королева weak queen ≈ слабая королева a queen mounts the throne ≈ королева садится на трон a queen abdicates (a throne) ≈ королева отрекается от трона
    2) перен. богиня, царица She is the queen of the genre. ≈ Вряд ли кто-нибудь может превзойти ее в этом жанре. beauty queen, queen of beauty ≈ королева красоты (победительница конкурса красоты) Syn: goddess
    3) карт. дама queen of hearts queen of spades
    4) шахм. ферзь
    5) пчелиная матка;
    (тж. queen bee)
    6) сл. гомосексуалист, одевающийся и ведущий себя как женщина ∙ when Queen Anne was alive ≈ при царе Горохе
    2. гл.
    1) делать королевой, короновать на престол
    2) а) править;
    быть королевой (тж. queen it) Syn: rule
    2., reign
    2. б) перен. руководить, управлять, командовать queen it over
    3) шахм. а) проводить пешку в ферзи The player who queens first easily wins. ≈ Игрок, который первым проводит свою пешку в ферзи, выигрывает без особого труда. б) становиться ферзем (о пешке) If the pawn have the move — it will queen. ≈ Если сейчас сделать ход этой пешкой, она станет ферзем.
    4) подсаживать пчелиную матку в улей
    королева — the Q. of England королева Англии — * dowager вдовствующая королева богиня, царица — Q. of heaven /of the night, of tides/ царица ночи, Луна — Q. of love богиня любви, Венера — * of beauty богиня красоты — Q. of glory /of grace, of paradise, of women/ дева Мария — * of seas (историческое) владычица морей — the rose, * of flowers роза — царица цветов победительница конкурса — beauty * королева красоты краса, жемчужина — Venice, the * of the Adriatic Венеция — жемчужина Адриатического моря дама сердца — * of (all) hearts /of (all) society/ покорительница сердец (карточное) дама — * of hearts дама червей (шахматное) ферзь, королева — *’s Indian defence новоиндийская защита (энтомология) матка (у пчел, муравьев и т. п.) первая красавица;
    первая дама — she is the * bee in her group среди своих подруг она самая привлекательная заводила (сленг) педераст > Q.’s Bench Суд королевской скамьи > Q.’s evidence (юридическое) обвиняемый, изобличающий своих сообщников > Q.’s colours королевское знамя > Q.’s Counsel королевский адвокат > Q.’s peace общественный порядок > Q.’s English безукоризненно правильный литературный английский язык > in the reign of * Dick никогда;
    когда рак на горе свистнет короновать, сделать королевой быть королевой;
    править, царить (пчеловодство) подсаживать матку (шахматное) проводить пешку или проходить в ферзи > to * it (разговорное) строить из себя королеву;
    разыгрывать из себя начальницу;
    возглавлять, заправлять( о женщине)
    ~ королева;
    Q’s head марка с головой королевы
    queen богиня, царица;
    queen of beauty королева красоты ~ править (over) ;
    быть королевой;
    царить (тж. queen it) ~ карт. дама ~ делать королевой ~ королева;
    Q’s head марка с головой королевы ~ матка (у пчел) ~ шахм. проводить пешку или проходить в ферзи ~ шахм. ферзь
    Queen Anne is dead! = открыл Америку! (ответ на запоздавшую новость) ;
    when Queen Anne was alive = при царе Горохе
    queen богиня, царица;
    queen of beauty королева красоты
    ~ of hearts дама червей ~ of hearts перен. покорительница сердец
    Queen Anne is dead! = открыл Америку! (ответ на запоздавшую новость) ;
    when Queen Anne was alive = при царе Горохе

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > queen

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    to crown / proclaim smb. queen — короновать кого-л., провозгласить кого-л. королевой

    to depose / dethrone the queen — свергнуть королеву

    The king and queen had fled. — Король и королева сбежали.


    а) официальный титул королевы Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии



    от «God save the Queen» национальный гимн Великобритании

    3) королева, царица, богиня

    Agatha Christie was the queen of the detective genre. — Агата Кристи была королевой детективного жанра.

    4) возлюбленная, любимая; жена; подруга







    I queened my pawn. — Я провёл свою пешку в ферзи.

    The pawn queens. — Пешка становиться ферзём.

    а) делать королевой; короновать на престол

    б) править; быть королевой



    Англо-русский современный словарь > queen

  • 11
    queen’s evidence


    свиде́тель или свиде́тели коро́ны [ Crown I 2)], свиде́тель или свиде́тели обвине́ния

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > queen’s evidence

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    Queen’s evidence

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > Queen’s evidence

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    Англо-русский юридический словарь > court

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    1) средство или средства доказывания; доказательство, доказательства; подтверждение; улика | служить доказательством, подтверждать, доказывать

    2) свидетельское показание, свидетельские показания | свидетельствовать, давать показания

    3) дача показаний, представление или исследование доказательств ; доказывание

    evidence aliunde — внешнее доказательство, лежащее вне документа доказательство;

    evidence before trial — показания, данные или доказательства, представленные до начала судебного процесса;

    failure to give evidence — непредставление доказательств; невозможность дать показания; отказ от дачи показаний;

    in evidence — в доказательство, в качестве доказательства;

    evidence in question — 1. оспариваемое доказательство 2. исследуемое и оцениваемое доказательство;

    item in evidence — предмет, представленный в качестве доказательства;

    piece of evidence — часть доказательственного материала; отдельное доказательство;

    to become Commonwealth’s [Crown’s, government’s, King’s, People’s, Queen’s, State’s] evidence — стать свидетелем обвинения, перейти на сторону обвинения, дав показания против сообвиняемого;

    to compare evidence — 1. сопоставить доказательства, показания 2. произвести очную ставку;

    to give evidence — 1. давать показания 2. представить доказательства;

    to lead evidence — 1. заслушивать, отбирать показания 2. принимать доказательства;

    evidence to meet — доказательство в поддержку, поддерживающее доказательство;

    to prepare evidence — 1. сфабриковать доказательства 2. подготовиться к даче показаний;

    evidence to rebut — доказательство в опровержение, опровергающее доказательство;

    to receive evidence — 1. получить, отобрать показания 2. принять доказательства;

    to sift evidence — тщательно исследовать, анализировать доказательства или показания;

    to take evidence — 1. отобрать показания 2. принять доказательства;

    to withhold evidence — воздержаться, отказаться от дачи показаний или от представления доказательств;

    — evidence of arrest
    — evidence of blood grouping tests
    — evidence of character
    — evidence of confession
    — evidence of credibility
    — evidence of crime
    — evidence of debt
    — evidence of disposition
    — evidence of fact
    — evidence of guilt
    — evidence of identification
    — evidence of identity
    — evidence of indebtedness
    — evidence of opportunity
    — evidence of practice
    — evidence of reputation
    — evidence of title
    — acceptable evidence
    — actual evidence
    — additional evidence
    — adduced evidence
    — adequate evidence
    — adminicular evidence
    — admissible evidence
    — admitted evidence
    — adversary evidence
    — affirmative evidence
    — affirmative rebuttal evidence
    — after-discovered evidence
    — ample evidence
    — ascertaining evidence
    — autoptical evidence
    — auxiliary evidence
    — available evidence
    — ballistics evidence
    — ballistic evidence
    — best evidence
    — better evidence
    — biological evidence
    — casual evidence
    — character evidence
    — character-witness evidence
    — circumstantial evidence
    — civil evidence
    — clear evidence
    — closed evidence
    — cogent evidence
    — collateral evidence
    — Commonwealth’s evidence
    — competent evidence
    — completing evidence
    — conclusive evidence
    — concocted evidence
    — concomittant evidence
    — confirmatory evidence
    — conflicting evidence
    — consistent evidence
    — contradicting evidence
    — contrary evidence
    — contributing evidence
    — controverted evidence
    — controvertible evidence
    — convincing evidence
    — copy evidence
    — corroborated evidence
    — corroborating evidence
    — counteracting evidence
    — counter evidence
    — credible evidence
    — criminal evidence
    — criminating evidence
    — Crown’s evidence
    — culpatory evidence
    — cumulative evidence
    — damaging evidence
    — damning evidence
    — decisive evidence
    — demeanor evidence
    — demonstrative evidence
    — derivative evidence
    — direct evidence
    — disproving evidence
    — doctored evidence
    — documentary evidence
    — empirical evidence
    — entered evidence
    — exact evidence
    — excluded evidence
    — exculpatory evidence
    — expert evidence
    — expert opinion evidence
    — explaining evidence
    — external evidence
    — extrajudicial evidence
    — extraneous evidence
    — extrinsic evidence
    — fabricated evidence
    — false evidence
    — final evidence
    — fingerprint evidence
    — firm evidence
    — first hand evidence
    — footprint evidence
    — foundation evidence
    — fragmentary evidence
    — fresh evidence
    — further evidence
    — government’s evidence
    — habit evidence
    — hard evidence
    — hearsay evidence
    — higher evidence
    — identification evidence
    — identifying evidence
    — illegally obtained evidence
    — illustrative evidence
    — immaterial evidence
    — immunized evidence
    — impeaching evidence
    — implicating evidence
    — impugned evidence
    — inadequate evidence
    — inadmissible evidence
    — incompetent evidence
    — inconclusive evidence
    — inconsistent evidence
    — incontroverted evidence
    — incontrovertible evidence
    — incriminating evidence
    — inculpatory evidence
    — independent evidence
    — indicative evidence
    — indirect evidence
    — indispensable evidence
    — indubitable evidence
    — inferential evidence
    — inferior evidence
    — insufficient evidence
    — insufficient evidence for the defence
    — internal evidence
    — introduced evidence
    — irrefutable evidence
    — irrelevant evidence
    — judicial evidence
    — King’s evidence
    — legal evidence
    — legally obtained evidence
    — legitimate evidence
    — manufactured evidence
    — material evidence
    — mathematical evidence
    — moral evidence
    — negative evidence
    — negative rebuttal evidence
    — newly-discovered evidence
    — nonexculpatory evidence
    — notarial evidence
    — obtainable evidence
    — obtained evidence
    — offered evidence
    — official evidence
    — opinion evidence
    — opinion evidence of character
    — opposing evidence
    — oral evidence
    — original evidence
    — out-of-court evidence
    — overwhelming evidence
    — parol evidence
    — partial evidence
    — pedigree evidence
    — People’s evidence
    — perjured evidence
    — persuasive evidence
    — physical evidence
    — police evidence
    — positive evidence
    — possible evidence
    — preappointed evidence
    — predominant evidence
    — preferable evidence
    — prejudicial evidence
    — presuming evidence
    — presumptive evidence
    — prevailing evidence
    — prima facie evidence
    — primary evidence
    — probable evidence
    — proffered evidence
    — proper evidence
    — prosecution evidence
    — prospectant evidence
    — proving evidence
    — pure expert opinion evidence
    — Queen’s evidence
    — radar evidence of speed
    — radar evidence
    — real evidence
    — reasonable evidence
    — rebuttal evidence
    — rebutted evidence
    — rebutting evidence
    — receivable evidence
    — received evidence
    — recognized evidence
    — recollection evidence
    — record evidence
    — recorded evidence
    — record evidence of title
    — related evidence
    — relevant evidence
    — repelling evidence
    — reputation evidence of character
    — requisite evidence
    — retrospectant evidence
    — routine practice evidence
    — satisfactory evidence
    — scientific evidence
    — secondary evidence
    — second hand evidence
    — shaken evidence
    — significant evidence
    — similar evidence
    — slimmer evidence
    — slim evidence
    — solid evidence
    — spoken evidence
    — state’s evidence
    — strengthening evidence
    — strong evidence
    — stronger evidence
    — strongest available evidence
    — substantial evidence
    — substantive evidence
    — substitutionary evidence
    — sufficient evidence
    — supplementary evidence
    — supporting evidence
    — suspect evidence
    — sworn evidence
    — tainted evidence
    — tendered evidence
    — testimonial evidence
    — trace evidence
    — traditionary evidence
    — uncontradicted evidence
    — uncorroborated evidence
    — unfavourable evidence
    — unshaken evidence
    — unsworn evidence
    — untainted evidence
    — verbal evidence
    — visible evidence
    — visual evidence
    — vital evidence
    — volunteer evidence
    — weak evidence
    — weaker evidence
    — wiretap information evidence
    — wiretap evidence
    — written evidence
    — evidence of criminality
    — confirming evidence
    — corroborative evidence
    — explanatory evidence
    — intrinsic evidence
    — prime evidence

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > evidence

  • 15

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > queening

  • 16

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > counsel

  • 17
    High Court of Justice



    Высокий суд, Высокий суд справедливости



    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > High Court of Justice

  • 18





    постер, объявление; афиша, плакат



    one-sheet poster, two-sheet poster, three-sheet poster, four-sheet poster, six-sheet poster, 16-sheet poster, 24-sheet poster, 48-sheet poster, angled poster, poster site, double crown poster, double royal poster, full-size poster, half-size poster, hand-painted poster, king-size poster, queen-size poster, royal poster, outdoor poster, station poster, stock poster, window poster, poster bulletin, poster contractor, poster sheet, printed products, poster advertising

    * * *

    /vt/ рекламировать

    * * *

    средство рекламы, изготовленное типографским способом на больших листах бумаги и наклеиваемое на постоянные щиты или панели

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > poster

  • 19

    10) Военный термин: Air Force Communications-Computers Directorate, Deputy Chief of Staff for C4, Sanitary Corps, Screen Commander or Coordinator, Security Committee, Signal Corps, Silent Communication, Single Channel, Space Command, Specialty Codes, Squad Commander, Staff College, Structural Category, Submarine Chaser, Submarine Conversion, Superintending Cartographer, Supreme Commander, System Center, System Controller, Systems Command, satellite communications, screen commander, screen coordinator, searchlight company, section commander, sector commander, security classification, security code, senior controller, service ceiling , service center, service certificate, service club, service command, service company, shaped charge, shipping container, signal center, signal command, signal communications, signal company, signal comparator, significant characteristics, simulation coordinator, single column, small craft, small-caliber, soldier capabilities, source code, spacecraft, spacecraft capsule, special circuit, special circular, specialty code, specification change, specified command, spot check, squadron commander, staff captain, staff car, staff command, staff corps, statement of capability, station, station commander, steering committee, stock control, storage capacity, subcontractor, summary court-martial, supervisor’s console, supply catalog, supply center, supply column, supply control, supply corps, support chief, support command, support coordinator, survey company, switching center, system concept, Science Committee

    11) Техника: Shuttle communications, safety class, satellite computer, satellite contact, scintillation counter, secondary confinement, sensor controller, sent-common, separate contact, session control, set course, shows of condensate, shuttle car, simplex circuit, site characterization, site contingency, situation console, software contractor, space charge, spacecraft communicator, speed controller, standard conductivity, stellar camera, superconducting, suppressed carrier, surveillance compliance, switched capacitor, switching cell, switching computer, synchrocyclotron, system control

    30) Сокращение: Secondary Channel, Sectional Center, Security Council, Self-Cocking, Seychelles, Single Card, Sorting Carriage , South Carolina , Staff Captain , Standing Committee , Supercavitating, Supreme Court, Systeme Combattant , same case, saturable core, self-check, self-contained, separate cover, shaft center, short circuit, single conductor, single-contact, smooth contour, special committee, special constables, subcontract, Supervisory Committee , Save the Children

    40) Космонавтика: КА

    47) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: РК , руководящий комитет

    49) Сетевые технологии: Same Context, Service Class, Session Counter, Set Cookie, Smp Cluster, Subscriber Connector, Swapped Controller, sequence counter, service channel, supervisory control, сервисный канал, служебный канал

    54) Сахалин Р: УК

    59) SAP.тех. подчинённый класс

    68) NYSE. Shell Transportation & Trading, PLC

    69) НАСА: Stress Compensated

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > SC

  • 20

    10) Военный термин: Air Force Communications-Computers Directorate, Deputy Chief of Staff for C4, Sanitary Corps, Screen Commander or Coordinator, Security Committee, Signal Corps, Silent Communication, Single Channel, Space Command, Specialty Codes, Squad Commander, Staff College, Structural Category, Submarine Chaser, Submarine Conversion, Superintending Cartographer, Supreme Commander, System Center, System Controller, Systems Command, satellite communications, screen commander, screen coordinator, searchlight company, section commander, sector commander, security classification, security code, senior controller, service ceiling , service center, service certificate, service club, service command, service company, shaped charge, shipping container, signal center, signal command, signal communications, signal company, signal comparator, significant characteristics, simulation coordinator, single column, small craft, small-caliber, soldier capabilities, source code, spacecraft, spacecraft capsule, special circuit, special circular, specialty code, specification change, specified command, spot check, squadron commander, staff captain, staff car, staff command, staff corps, statement of capability, station, station commander, steering committee, stock control, storage capacity, subcontractor, summary court-martial, supervisor’s console, supply catalog, supply center, supply column, supply control, supply corps, support chief, support command, support coordinator, survey company, switching center, system concept, Science Committee

    11) Техника: Shuttle communications, safety class, satellite computer, satellite contact, scintillation counter, secondary confinement, sensor controller, sent-common, separate contact, session control, set course, shows of condensate, shuttle car, simplex circuit, site characterization, site contingency, situation console, software contractor, space charge, spacecraft communicator, speed controller, standard conductivity, stellar camera, superconducting, suppressed carrier, surveillance compliance, switched capacitor, switching cell, switching computer, synchrocyclotron, system control

    30) Сокращение: Secondary Channel, Sectional Center, Security Council, Self-Cocking, Seychelles, Single Card, Sorting Carriage , South Carolina , Staff Captain , Standing Committee , Supercavitating, Supreme Court, Systeme Combattant , same case, saturable core, self-check, self-contained, separate cover, shaft center, short circuit, single conductor, single-contact, smooth contour, special committee, special constables, subcontract, Supervisory Committee , Save the Children

    40) Космонавтика: КА

    47) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: РК , руководящий комитет

    49) Сетевые технологии: Same Context, Service Class, Session Counter, Set Cookie, Smp Cluster, Subscriber Connector, Swapped Controller, sequence counter, service channel, supervisory control, сервисный канал, служебный канал

    54) Сахалин Р: УК

    59) SAP.тех. подчинённый класс

    68) NYSE. Shell Transportation & Trading, PLC

    69) НАСА: Stress Compensated

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Sc

См. также в других словарях:

  • Crown of Queen Mary — Queen Mary wearing her crown, minus its arches, as a circlet. The Crown of Queen Mary was the consort crown of Mary of Teck, Queen Consort of King George V of the United Kingdom. It was manufactured for the coronation of George and Mary in 1911.… …   Wikipedia

  • Crown of Queen Alexandra — Queen Alexandra wearing her crown in her coronation photograph. The European style crown contained more half arches than was usual in British crowns, and had its cap placed lower, allowing a clear view through the crown. The Crown of Queen… …   Wikipedia

  • Crown of Queen Elizabeth — The Crown of the Queen Mother is the platinum crown manufactured for, and worn by, Queen Elizabeth, the former Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, the queen consort of King George VI of the United Kingdom at their coronation in Westminster Abbey in 1937.… …   Wikipedia

  • Crown of Queen Adelaide — Lithograph of the crown of Queen Adelaide. The Crown of Queen Adelaide was the consort crown of Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen, wife and Queen consort of King William IV of the United Kingdom. It was used at the coronation of William and Adelaide in… …   Wikipedia

  • Crown of Queen Maria Josepha — Silver regalia of King Augustus III of Poland and Queen Maria Josepha Crown of Maria Josepha was made for Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria, wife of King Augustus III of Poland, for her coronation as Polish queen in 1734. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Crown of Queen Elisabeta of Romania — The Crown of Queen Elisabeta was made at the Arsenalul Armatei from gold. It has the same decorations as the King s Crown; it too was made after the War of Independence (1877 1878). H. M. Queen Elisabeta wore it for the first time on the occasion …   Wikipedia

  • Crown of Queen Maria of Romania — This crown is made of gold from Transylvania. It was manufactured with the occasion of the coronation of King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria in 1922 at Alba Iulia. External links Presentation of the crown …   Wikipedia

  • Small diamond crown of Queen Victoria — The Small Diamond Crown of Queen Victoria was a miniature crown created at the request of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom in 1870. It was perhaps the crown most associated with Queen Victoria. Such was the association that it, and not either …   Wikipedia

  • The Lost Crown of Queen Anne — Infobox VG| title = The Lost Crown of Queen Anne developer = Robert Wayne Atkins publisher = released = 1987 genre = Adventure game modes = Single player platforms = MS DOS, Commodore 64 The Lost Crown of Queen Anne is a computer game written by… …   Wikipedia

  • Crown of Scotland — (Heraldry). The Crown of Scotland is the crown used at the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland. Remade in its current form for King James V of Scotland in 1540, the crown is part of the Honours of Scotland, the oldest set of …   Wikipedia

  • Crown of Portugal — The crown of the Kings of Portugal has an interesting and particular characterístic: after 1640 until 1910 (Proclamation of the Republic) there was no coronation of the King or Queen. It was substituted by a ceremony called Aclamation, where the… …   Wikipedia





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In English, the word for a female ruler is «queen, » but that’s also the word for the spouse of a male ruler. Where did the title come from, and what are some variations on the title in common usage?

Etymology of the Word Queen

Hulton Archive / Ann Ronan Pictures / Getty Images

In English, the word “queen” apparently developed simply as a designation of the king’s wife, from the word for wife, cwen. It is a cognate with the Greek root gyne (as in gynecology, misogyny) meaning woman or wife, and with the Sanskrit janis meaning woman.

Among the Anglo-Saxon rulers of pre-Norman England, the historical record does not always even record the name of the king’s wife, as her position was not considered one requiring a title (and some of those kings had multiple wives, perhaps at the same time; monogamy was not universal at the time). The position gradually evolves towards the current sense, with the word “queen.”

The first time a woman in England was crowned—with a coronation ceremony—as queen was in the 10th century CE: the queen Aelfthryth or Elfrida, wife of King Edgar «the Peaceable,» stepmother of Edward «the Martyr» and mother of King Ethelred (Aethelred) II «the Unready» or «Poorly Counseled.»

Separate Titles for Female Rulers

Getty Images

English is unusual in having a word for female rulers that is rooted in a woman-oriented word. In many languages, the word for a woman ruler is derived from a word for male rulers:

  • Roman Augusta (for women related to the emperor); emperors were titled Augustus.
  • Spanish reina; king is rey
  • French reine; king is roi
  • German for king and queen: König und Königin
  • German for emperor and empress: Kaiser und Kaiserin
  • Polish is król i królowa
  • Croatian is kralj i kraljica
  • Finnish is kuningas ja kuningatar
  • Scandinavian languages use a different word for king and queen, but the word for queen is derived from a word meaning “master”: Swedish kung och drottning, Danish or Norwegian konge og dronning, Icelandic konungur og drottning
  • Hindi uses rājā and rānī; rānī derives from Sanskrit rājñī which is in turn derived from rājan for king, as is rājā

The Queen Consort

Fine Art Images / Heritage Images / Getty Images

A queen consort is the wife of a reigning king. The tradition of a separate coronation of a queen consort developed slowly and was unevenly applied. Marie de Medici, for instance, was queen consort of King Henry IV of France. There were only queens consort, no reigning queens, of France, as French law assumed Salic Law for the sake of the royal title.

The first queen consort in England that we can find to have been crowned in a formal ceremony, coronation, Aelfthryth, lived in the 10th century CE. Henry VIII infamously had six wives. Only the first two had formal coronations as queen, but the others were known as queens during the time their marriages endured.

Ancient Egypt didn’t use a variation on the male rulership term, pharaoh, for queens consort. They were called the Great Wife, or God’s Wife (in Egyptian theology, Pharaohs were considered incarnations of the gods).

Queens Regent

Getty Images / Hulton Archive

A regent is someone who governs when the sovereign or monarch is unable to do so, due to being a minor, being absent from the country, or a disability. Some queen consorts were briefly rulers in the stead of their husbands, sons or even grandsons, as regents for their male relative. However, the power was supposed to return to the males when the minor child reached his majority or when the absent male returned. 

The king’s wife was often a choice for a regent, as she could be trusted to have the interests of her husband or son as a priority, and be less likely than one of many nobles to turn on the absent or minor or disabled king.​ Isabella of France, English queen consort of Edward II and mother of Edward III, is infamous in history for having deposed her husband, later having him murdered, and then trying to hold on to the regency for her son even after he reached his majority.

The Wars of the Roses arguably began with disputes around the regency for Henry IV, whose mental condition kept him from ruling for some time. Margaret of Anjou, his queen consort, played a very active, and controversial, role, during Henry’s periods described as insanity.

Although France did not recognize the right of a woman to inherit a royal title as queen, many French queens served as regents, including Louise of Savoy.

Queens Regnant, or Reigning Queens

George Gower / Getty Images

A queen regnant is a woman who rules in her own right, rather than exercising power as a wife of a king or even a regent. Through most of history, succession was agnatic (through male heirs) with primogeniture being a common practice, where the eldest was first in succession (occasional systems where younger sons were preferred have also existed).

In the 12th century, Norman King Henry I, son of William the Conqueror, faced an unexpected dilemma near the end of his life: his only surviving legitimate son died when his ship capsized en route from the continent to the island. William had his nobles swear support for his daughter’s right to rule in her own right; the Empress Matilda, already widowed from her first marriage to the Holy Roman Emperor. When Henry I died, many of the nobles supported her cousin Stephen instead, and a civil war ensued, with Matilda never being formally crowned as queen regnant.

In the 16th century, consider the effect of such rules on Henry VIII and his multiple marriages, probably largely inspired by trying to get a male heir when he and his first wife Catherine of Aragon had only a living daughter, no sons. On the death of Henry VIII’s son, King Edward VI, Protestant supporters tried to install the 16-year-old Lady Jane Grey as queen. Edward had been persuaded by his advisors to name her his successor, contrary to his father’s preference that Henry’s two daughters would be given preference in succession, even though his marriages to their mothers had been annulled and the daughters declared, at various times, to be illegitimate. However, that effort was abortive, and after just nine days, Henry’s elder daughter, Mary, was declared queen as Mary I, England’s first queen regnant. Other women, through Queen Elizabeth II, have been queen’s regnant in England and Great Britain.

Some European legal traditions prohibited women from inheriting lands, titles, and offices. This tradition, known as Salic Law, was followed in France, and there were no queens regnant in France’s history. Spain followed Salic Law at times, leading to a 19th-century conflict over whether Isabella II could reign. In the early 12th century, Urraca of Leon and Castile ruled in her own right and, later, Queen Isabella ruled Leon and Castile in her own right and Aragon as co-ruler with Ferdinand. Isabella’s daughter, Juana, was the only remaining heir at Isabella’s death and she became the queen of Leon and Castile, while Ferdinand continued to rule Aragon until his death.

In the 19th century, Queen Victoria’s firstborn was a daughter. Victoria did later have a son who then moved ahead of his sister in the royal queue. In the 20th and 21st centuries, several royal houses of Europe have removed the male-preference rule from their succession rules.

Dowager Queens

The Print Collector / Print Collector / Getty Images

A dowager is a widow holding a title or property that was her late husband’s. The root word is also found in the word «endow.» A living female who is an ancestor of the current holder of a title is also termed a dowager. The Dowager Empress Cixi, a widow of an emperor, ruled China in the place of first her son and then her nephew, both titled Emperor.

Among the British peerage, a dowager continues to use the female form of her late husband’s title so long as the present male title-holder does not have a wife. When the present male title-holder marries, his wife assumes the female form of his title and the title used by the dowager is the female title prepended with Dowager («Dowager Countess of …») or by using her first name before the title («Jane, Countess of …»). The title «Dowager Princess of Wales» or «Princess Dowager of Wales» was given to Catherine of Aragon when Henry VIII arranged to annul their marriage. This title refers to Catherine’s previous marriage to Henry’s older brother, Arthur, who was still Prince of Wales at his death, widowing Catherine.

At the time of the marriage of Catherine and Henry, it was alleged that Arthur and Catherine had not consummated their marriage due to their youth, freeing Henry and Catherine to avoid the church prohibition on marriage to one’s brother’s widow. At the time Henry wanted to obtain an annulment of the marriage, he alleged that Arthur and Catherine’s marriage had been valid, providing grounds for the annulment.

Queen Mother

Anwar Hussein / Getty Images

A dowager queen whose son or daughter is currently ruling is called a Queen Mother.

Several recent British queens have been called Queen Mother. Queen Mary of Teck, mother of Edward VIII and George VI, was popular and known for her intelligence. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, who did not know when she married that her brother-in-law would be pressured to abdicate and that she would become queen, was widowed when George VI died in 1952. As the mother of the reigning Queen Elizabeth II, she was known as Queen Mum until her death 50 years later in 2002.

When the first Tudor king, Henry VII, was crowned, his mother, Margaret Beaufort, acted much as if she were the Queen Mother, though because she had never been a queen herself, the title Queen Mother was not official.

Some queen mothers were also regents for their sons if the son was not yet of age to take on the monarchy, or when their sons were out of the country and unable to rule directly.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

корону королевы

королевскую корону

короной королевы

took the Red Queen’s crown.

The winner of the title of «Miss USA 1984» returned the queen’s crown after the scandal with her participation.

Обладательница титула «Мисс США-1984» вернула корону королевы после разразившегося скандала с её участием.

The Koh-i-Noor was eventually set in the Queen’s crown, along with 2,000 other diamonds.

«Кохинур» был инкрустирован в британскую королевскую корону в составе других 2 тыс. более мелких бриллиантов.

The maze consists of 2,400 yew trees, and when viewed from the centre, part of its plan mirrors a queen’s crown.

В лабиринте произрастает 2400 деревьев тиса, и если смотреть на него сверху, то можно разглядеть корону королевы.

That night, unable to contain her jealousy of Mal, Audrey steals the Queen’s Crown and Maleficent’s Sceptre from the Auradon Museum.

Той ночью, не в силах сдержать свою ревность к Мэл, Одри крадет Корону Королевы и Скипетр Малефисенты из Музея Аурадона.

She then put down the queen’s crown.

The Queen’s crown was made of gold.

An Awoken gift from the Reef, marked with the Queen’s crown.

The Kohinoor diamond in the Queen’s crown.

The witness replied, «I would not let my child go for the Queen’s crown

Дознаватель из Королева: «Я бы не хотела чтобы дети работали в полиции»

The witness replied, «I would not let my child go for the Queen’s crown

The drawing was republished in Godey’s Lady’s Book, Philadelphia, in December 1850 (but they removed the Queen’s crown and Prince Albert’s moustache to make it look ‘American’!).

Рисунок был переиздан в Книге Господней Леди, Филадельфия в декабре 1850 (но они убрали корону короны и усы принца Альберта, чтобы они выглядели «американскими»!).

The Queen’s crown was made of gold.

The Queen’s crown has gone missing.

Your crown may be a queen’s crown.

Его головной убор мог бы быть короной.

You came for the queen’s crown, did you?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 16. Точных совпадений: 16. Затраченное время: 57 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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