The word quarrel in a sentence

ссора, спор, раздоры, стрела самострела, ссориться, поссорить, спорить


- спор; ссора; размолвка, раздор

a quarrel with smb. — ссора с кем-л.
a quarrel about /over/ smth. — ссора из-за чего-л.
to be at quarrel — ссориться, быть в ссоре
to avoid a quarrel — избегать ссоры
to make up /to patch up/ a quarrel — помириться, прекратить ссору /вражду/

- повод к вражде, повод для ссоры

I have no quarrel with his opinion — я ничего не имею против его точки зрения
I have no quarrel against /with/ him — мне на него не за что сердиться, я на него не в обиде
to seek /to pick/ a quarrel with smb. — а) искать повода для ссоры с кем-л.; б) затевать ссору

- жалоба, поданная в суд
- тяжба, судебный процесс

to find quarrel in a straw — быть придирчивым /капризным/
to take up another’s quarrel — принять чью-л. сторону в ссоре
to fight other people’s quarrels — помочь другим доказать свою правоту (в споре) /добиться справедливости/

- алмаз для резки стекла
- долото каменотёса
- квадратная или ромбовидная плитка
- стекло ромбовидной формы
- уст. стрела арбалета


- спорить; оспаривать (что-л.); возражать (кому-л.); придираться

to quarrel with the way smth. is done — возражать против способа, которым что-л. сделано
he quarrel led about politics with John — он заспорил с Джоном о политике
let’s not quarrel about this — давайте не будем спорить об этом
I would find difficulty to quarrel with this statement — трудно не согласиться с этим утверждением

- ссориться; браниться; пререкаться

to quarrel with smb. for /about/ smth. — ссориться с кем-л. из-за чего-л.
he and I always quarrel — мы с ним вечно ссоримся

- уст. ставить под сомнение

to quarrel with one’s bread and butter — а) действовать в ущерб самому себе; б) бросить занятие, дающее средства к существованию
a bad workman quarrels with his tools — посл. у плохого работника во всём виноват инструмент

Мои примеры


pick a fight or a quarrel — начать драку или ссору  
bitter / furious / violent quarrel — жестокая, ужасная ссора  
domestic / family quarrel — семейная ссора  
long-standing quarrel — давняя, многолетняя ссора  
never-ending quarrel — бесконечные раздоры  
to cause / lead to a quarrel — приводить к ссоре  
to espouse another’s quarrel — заступаться за кого-л.  
to have / provoke / start a quarrel — начать, спровоцировать, завести ссору  
to make up a quarrel — помириться, перестать враждовать  
to patch up / settle a quarrel — уладить ссору  
to seek / pick a quarrel with smb. — искать повод для ссоры с кем-л.  

Примеры с переводом

I don’t want to quarrel with you.

Я не хочу с вами ссориться.

The children quarrel all the time.

Дети всё время ссорятся.

They had a quarrel about some girl.

Они поссорились из-за девушки.

A quarrel arose.

Вспыхнула ссора.

Let us not quarrel about such unimportant matters.

Давай не будем ругаться по таким пустяковым поводам.

Don’t embroil me in your quarrel.

Не впутывай меня в вашу ссору.

They had a jolly quarrel.

Поцапались они — будь здоров!

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They had a violent quarrel and John stormed out.

Are you trying to pick a quarrel (=deliberately start one)?

…the couple’s loud quarrel had the building’s yentas yapping for a week…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

quarreling  — ссоры, враждующий, придирчивый
quarrelling  — ссоры, враждующий, придирчивый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: quarrel
he/she/it: quarrels
ing ф. (present participle): quarrelling
2-я ф. (past tense): quarrelled
3-я ф. (past participle): quarrelled

ед. ч.(singular): quarrel
мн. ч.(plural): quarrels

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But this was worse than a lovers’ quarrel.

Но там на Мале случилось гораздо большее, нежели ссора влюбленных.

It is just like a quarrel in the family.

В группе это всё равно, что ссора в семье.

In 1764 there was a serious quarrel over taxation between the British government and its colonies in America.

В 1764 году между американскими колониями и британским правительством разразился конфликт по поводу налогообложения.

I would not have senseless quarrel open gap between us.

Я бы не хотел, чтобы бессмысленные ссоры создавали пропасть между нами.

My siblings are in some quarrel.

Мой брат и сестра находятся в какой-то ссоре.

There was no quarrel between them.

При этом никакой ссоры между ними не было.

In this family also often occur quarrel between husband and wife.

Не секрет, что в семье иногда возникают ссоры между мужем и женой.

But Leo should not know that tenderness following a quarrel is deceiving.

Но Льву не следует знать, что нежность, следующая за ссорой, обманчива.

For getting you involved with Hanaoka over my petty quarrel.

За том, что ты оказался втянут в это дело с Ханаокой из-за моей мелкой ссоры.

In a quarrel, spouses can recall each other all of their shortcomings and their grievances.

В ссоре супруги могут припомнить друг другу все недостатки и обиды.

Otherwise, all this can result in a serious quarrel or separation.

В противном случае всё может доходить до сильных ссор, разногласий.

Your second half will instantly feel protected and loved because it is this feeling that you want to convey to the girl after a quarrel.

Ваша вторая половина мгновенно почувствует себя защищенной и любимой, ведь именно это ощущение вы и хотите передать девушке после ссоры.

Every time she becomes the instigator of another quarrel or conflict, all she can do is apologize.

Каждый раз, когда она становится зачинщицей очередной ссоры или конфликта, все что она может сделать — лишь извиниться.

Today they are friends with a man, and tomorrow there will be a serious quarrel between them.

Сегодня они с человеком дружат, а завтра между ними серьезная ссора.

Also, we are always ready to come to your aid if your child ran away from home after another quarrel.

Также мы всегда готовы придти к вам на помощь, если ваш ребенок убежал из дома после очередной ссоры.

In the case of a quarrel, these people never keep long evil.

В случае ссоры, эти люди никогда не держат долго зла.

Yellow roses are able to reconcile and forget the quarrel.

Желтые розы способны примирить и забыть ссору.

In stressful situations, it is not difficult to exaggerate trivial things, so we are on the verge of argument or quarrel.

В стрессовых ситуациях, не трудно преувеличивать тривиальные вещи, поэтому мы на грани аргумента или ссоры.

And not always the reason for this is a quarrel.

Причем далеко не всегда причиной этого является ссора.

As was to be expected, the court determined that the quarrel can not be ended by reconciliation.

Как и следовало ожидать, суд определил, что ссора не может быть окончена примирением.

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Definition of Quarrel

a verbal disagreement that is usually noisy

Examples of Quarrel in a sentence

The quarrel my husband and I had was so loud it woke our children.


After the quarrel Jack had with his boss, he doubted he would have a job much longer.


Phil’s walking away from Bill brought an end to the quarrel.


Since Tom and Ann had a public quarrel about Ann’s infidelities, the two have lived in separate locations.


The two tribes have been involved in a quarrel over land rights for nearly a decade.


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With the first quarrel forgotten, the Brauns give a dinner party.

Когда первая ссора была забыта, Брауны устраивают званный обед

Have a lovers’ quarrel?

Ссора влюбленных? — Влюбленных?

— We had a little lover’s quarrel.

— У нас маленькая любовная ссора.

We had a little quarrel.

Ну, была небольшая ссора.

It’s just a little family quarrel.

Это просто небольшая семейная ссора.

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«We’ll never quarrel again… never!»

Мы больше никогда не будем ссориться — никогда!

Oliver… we should never quarrel.

Оливер мы никогда не должны ссориться.

Oh, angelique, don’t let’s quarrel anymore. I meant it to be such a happy day.

О Анжелик, давай не будем ссориться мне хотелось бы что это был счастливый день

Why do you come here if you want to quarrel? I didn’t ask you to come here.

Зачем ты пришел, ссориться?

My dear little girls! Don’t be angry, don’t quarrel!

Дорогие мои крошки, не надо сердиться, не надо ссориться.

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You’ve confessed that Lulu asked you about money that evening… and I am informed that you quarreled violently.

Вы признались, что Лулу в тот вечер говорила о деньгах, и есть информация, что вы жестоко поссорились.

You’ve quarreled, and now you’ll be friends again.

Вы поссорились, а значит, теперь снова помиритесь.

When Rokai came with that note, they ended up in a quarrel.

— Когда приходил Рокаи с тем посланием они поссорились.

Or perhaps you’ve quarreled with her, is that it?

Или вы с ней поссорились?

We got back to my apartment and I wanted to go out and have a little fun or something and, well, we had sort of a little lover’s quarrel.

Мы вернулись ко мне, а я хотела выйти и развлечься в общем, мы поссорились.

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No time for lovers’ quarrels.

Не время спорить.

He is the one just quarrelled.

Это он начал спорить.

Let us not quarrel now.

Не будем больше спорить.

I do not like to quarrel with Fortune, and clearly she’s taken you for a pet.

К то я такой, чтобы спорить с Фортуной. Очевидно, она возлюбила тебя.

Well, perhaps you think I came down here on purpose to quarrel with you, knowing Mr Weston to be out and you must argue your own case.

Что ж, возможно, вы думаете, что я пришел сюда, чтобы спорить с вами, зная, что мистера Уэстона не будет, и вам придется отстаивать собственную точку зрения.

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You can’t quarrel with R.B. He won’t keep it up.

С Р.Б. невозможно ругаться. Он этого не поддерживает.

Why should he decide who quarrels? Why shouldn’t you?

Почему он решает, с кем ругаться, а не ты ?

You can quarrel as much as you want, but nothing will come out of it!

Можете ругаться сколько влезет, только из этого ничего не выйдет!

Why not get it first and quarrel about it later?

Почему бы нам сначала не раздобыть эти кристаллы, а потом уже из-за них ругаться?

Why do you quarrel so much?

Зачем так ругаться?

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So what did they quarrel about?

Отчего же они поругались?

They did not quarrel, sir.

Они не поругались, сэр.

Must’ve quarrelled about money.

Похоже, из-за денег поругались, о большой сумме.

He and Francis have quarrelled.

Они с Фрэнсисом поругались.

I had a quarrel with the teacher and left the school by myself.

Я поругался с учителем и ушёл из школы.

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They got no quarrel with us.

— Сам справляйся! У них нет претензий к нам.

Clayton, my bold friend, I’ve no quarrel with you.

Клейтон, мой дерзкий друг, к тебе у меня претензий нет.

I have no quarrel with you.

У меня нет претензий к тебе

We’ve no quarrel with you.

У нас к вам нет претензий.

You know, I’m about to make an enemy of a god who I have no quarrel with.

Понимаешь ли, я тут ввязываюсь в войну с богом, к которому у меня и претензий нет.

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You’re not gonna give me any problems, are you? Got no quarrel with you.

С вами у меня разногласий нет.

We have no quarrel with your people.

У нас нет разногласий с твоим народом.

We have no quarrel with you.

У нас никаких разногласий с вами.

Look, I just want you to know I got no quarrel with you or your fa.

Слушай, я лишь хочу, чтобы ты знал, у меня нет разногласий с тобой или твоим отцом.

There is a quarrel between the French garrison at Ardres and our own at Guisnes.

Возникли разногласия между французским гарнизоном в Ардере …и нашем в Гиене.

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Because… of our quarrels.

Оттого, что… враждовали.

Our quarrel is with the Cardassians not the Federation.

Мы враждуем с кардассианцами, не с Федерацией.

We have no quarrel, Mr. Purnsley.

Мы не враждуем, Мистер Пернсли.

It means the two emperors are quarrelling.

Вот, значит, оба императора и враждуют между собой.

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They are quarreling because of you.

Из-за вас бранятся.

Lover’s quarrel?

-Милые бранятся…

Lovers’ quarrel.

Милые бранятся…

Did you two just have a lovers’ quarrel?

Милые бранятся, только тешатся?

And you have not even quarreled with the young Berestov .

А вы ведь ещё не бранились с молодым Берестовым.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word quarrel, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use quarrel in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «quarrel».

Quarrel in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word quarrel in a sentence.

  1. The frontier people pick a quarrel with the Indians ..

  2. After a heated quarrel with the king, he was condemned and executed.

  3. Carmen has a husband called Garcia, whom José kills during a quarrel.

  4. After a quarrel, the Roman troops and their allies set up separate camps.

  5. We [the Welsh] have no quarrel with any people or nation in this world ..

  6. Ta and Mei-li quarrel; she takes her flower drum and leaves Club Chop Suey.

  7. In 1143, Nigel became involved in a quarrel with the powerful Henry of Blois.

  8. Our quarrel is not with these men, but with those who give them their chance.

  9. Following a bitter quarrel with Johnson, McAleer sold his holdings in the Red Sox.

  10. His election to Winchester was quashed in 1239, leading to a quarrel with Henry III.

  11. The notion of a quarrel between Nikola and his «dad» is present in a number of legends.

  12. Zürich urged its continuation and the Burgrecht cities began to quarrel among themselves.

  13. Gilbert broke from Sullivan and Carte in 1890, after a quarrel over expenses at the Savoy.

  14. This made Bad Boy Records and Death Row business rivals, and thus intensified the quarrel.

  15. In 1717 the birth of a grandson led to a major quarrel between George and the Prince of Wales.

  16. He angrily gathers up the money and, after a bitter quarrel, the couple flees for the border at El Paso.

  17. Females undergoing their first estrus are often pursued by several males that may quarrel among themselves.

  18. When the Prince of Wales applied to Parliament for an increase in his allowance, an open quarrel broke out.

  19. The quarrel was patched up and Choudens retained the rights, but published only a piano vocal score in 1863.

  20. The exact reasons are unclear, as no contemporary author recorded what caused the quarrel between the half-brothers.

  21. It seems still more impossible that a quarrel that has already been settled in principle should be the subject of war.

  22. The quarrel started over a fight between Eustace of Boulogne, brother-in-law of the king, and men of the town of Dover.

  23. His appointment as pastor quieted an existing quarrel within the parish over the nationality and language of the pastor.

  24. One of them was probably shot by a local policeman, possibly an Azerbaijani, either by accident or as a result of a quarrel.

  25. Discord broke out in the inner circles of court in December 1397, when Bolingbroke and Mowbray became embroiled in a quarrel.

  26. In this poem, a quarrel arises between ragi, the food grain of the poor, and rice, that of the rich, as to which is superior.

  27. His quarrel with Congress prevented the readmission into the Union on generous terms of the members of the late Confederacy ..

  28. The Bus Uncle is a Cantonese YouTube viral video clip of a quarrel between two men aboard a bus in Hong Kong on 27 April 2006.

  29. The tranquillity is shattered by the women’s noisy quarrel, Carmen’s dramatic re-entry and her defiant interaction with Zuniga.

  30. He eventually withdrew from Stein’s influence, and their relationship deteriorated into a literary quarrel that spanned decades.

  31. Taking advantage of a quarrel between the Saxon aristocrats and peasantry, he forced the rebels into submission in October 1075.

  32. Later that year Geoffrey began to quarrel with Hubert Walter over the primacy of England, which Canterbury claimed and York disputed.

  33. His last quarrel with John was in 1207, when the archbishop refused to allow the collection of a tax and was driven into exile in France.

  34. The next year, a council held at Westminster became one of the early stages in the king’s growing quarrel with Becket over criminal clerks.

  35. In 1843, he became the de facto first president (prime minister) of the Council of Ministers, but resigned after a quarrel with the Emperor.

  36. Robert’s attempts to recover church property that had been appropriated by Earl Godwin contributed to the quarrel between the earl and the king.

  37. Most of these conflicts arose from disputed appointments to offices, but the quarrel with Meaux involved claims of tithe exemption by that house.

  38. When the ark is completed, Noye tries to persuade his wife to enter: «Wyffe, in this vessel we shall be kepte», but she refuses, and they quarrel.

  39. The enduring polemic with Grigore Alexandrescu, as well as his quarrel with Bolliac, formed the basis of his pamphlet Domnul Sarsailă autorul («Mr.

  40. John’s attempt to impose de Gray’s election as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1205 was the beginning of the king’s long quarrel with Pope Innocent III.

  41. The initial script followed two men who meet in a train, quarrel, become friends and ultimately, one of them sacrifices everything for the other man.

  42. Goldberg argues that the King’s original quarrel with London had been over (perceived) misgovernance, which necessitated him governing the city instead.

  43. Cabral was later passed over, possibly as a result of a quarrel with Manuel I, when a new fleet was assembled to establish a more robust presence in India.

  44. Apart from the personal quarrel, Pope had reasons of literary appropriateness for letting Cibber take the place of his first choice of King, Lewis Theobald.

  45. NASA refers to Laika as a «part-Samoyed terrier.» A Russian magazine described her temperament as phlegmatic, saying that she did not quarrel with other dogs.

  46. Besides furthering Edward’s quarrel with Godwin, the appointment signalled that there were limits to Edward’s willingness to compromise on ecclesiastical reform.

  47. Although the opposition complained that Howe was becoming power mad, they had little quarrel with the proposed reorganization itself, and it was passed into law.

  48. The Turkish auxiliaries took up a separate position nearby, thinking the quarrel was a pretext arranged by the Company and the Duke of Athens to exterminate them.

  49. The Occasional Conformity Bill was revived in the wake of the storm, but Anne withheld support, fearing its reintroduction was a ruse to cause a political quarrel.

  50. After a quarrel with Rathlef, Tschaikovsky was moved to the Stillachhaus Sanatorium at Oberstdorf in the Bavarian Alps in June 1926, and Rathlef returned to Berlin.

Synonyms for quarrel

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word quarrel has the following synonyms: wrangle, row, words, run-in, dustu, dispute, scrap, argufy and altercate.

General information about «quarrel» example sentences

The example sentences for the word quarrel that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «quarrel» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «quarrel».

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