The word protect means

transitive verb



: to cover or shield from exposure, injury, damage, or destruction : guard


: to maintain the status or integrity of especially through financial or legal guarantees: such as


: to save from contingent financial loss


: to foster or shield from infringement or restriction

salesmen with protected territories


: to restrict competition for (something, such as a domestic industry) by means of tariffs or trade controls


Choose the Right Synonym for protect

protect implies the use of something (such as a covering) as a bar to the admission or impact of what may attack or injure.

a hard hat to protect your head

shield suggests protective intervention in imminent danger or actual attack.

shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand

guard implies protecting with vigilance and force against expected danger.

White House entrances are well guarded

safeguard implies taking precautionary protective measures against merely possible danger.

our civil liberties must be safeguarded

Example Sentences

He had no raincoat to protect himself from the rain.

She keeps her jewelry protected in a safe.

You have to protect your business against fraud.

New laws have been passed to protect your privacy.

The forest is protected by federal law.

The high taxes on imported goods are intended to protect domestic producers.

Sunscreen helps to protect against sunburn.

The insurance protects you against flooding.

The insurance does not protect against damage caused by earthquakes.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

These follow the introduction of more stringent safety rules that protect children online.

WIRED, 30 Mar. 2023

Phone Cases Many people use phone cases to protect their iPhones, but some cases interfere with the function of MagSafe chargers.

Camryn Rabideau, Popular Mechanics, 29 Mar. 2023

Louisiana has a good Samaritan law, but anyone found to have administered a fatal dose is not protected from arrest and prosecution.

Dennis Romero, NBC News, 29 Mar. 2023

The little girl further recounted to her grandfather being covered up and protected by her teacher before the students were evacuated hand-in-hand via a trail leading to a fire department nearby.

Morgan Winsor, ABC News, 29 Mar. 2023

Bigger budgets, protected by unions, but also working to a schedule.

Patrick Frater, Variety, 29 Mar. 2023

Garland said the memo was aimed at violence and threats of violence, and that parents protesting at school boards are protected by the Constitution.

Bart Jansen, USA TODAY, 29 Mar. 2023

This past January, police assigned to protecting the state Capitol building in Madison reviewed surveillance video of a protest against police brutality.

Todd Richmond, Anchorage Daily News, 28 Mar. 2023

In the past, the climate movement focused on protecting parks or areas that cage nature.

Melissa Giannini, ELLE, 28 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘protect.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, from Latin protectus, past participle of protegere, from pro- in front + tegere to cover — more at pro-, thatch

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of protect was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near protect

Cite this Entry

“Protect.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
31 Mar 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

защищать, охранять, беречь, оберегать, предохранять, ограждать


- защищать, охранять, предохранять

to protect one’s eyes from the sun — защищать глаза от солнца
to protect iron from corrosion — предохранять железо от коррозии
to protect one’s own interests — защищать /отстаивать/ (свои) собственные интересы
to protect plants against the frost — защищать растения от мороза
he was protected by a bodyguard — его сопровождал телохранитель

- ограждать права по патенту
- предохранять, ограждать (оборудование)
- полит.-эк. проводить политику протекционизма
- ком., фин. акцептовать (тратту через известный промежуток времени); оплатить

to protect a bill at maturity /when due/ — оплатить тратту в срок

- воен. бронировать, покрывать бронёй
- ж.-д. сигнализировать о том, что путь закрыт

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

I put a cover on the sofa to protect it.

Я накрыл диван чехлом, чтобы его защитить.

He wanted to protect his good name.

Он хотел защитить своё доброе имя.

The forest is protected by federal law.

Этот лес охраняется общегосударственным законом.

The insurance protects you against flooding.

Страховка защищает вас от затопления.

We were fighting to protect our jobs.

Мы боролись за то, чтобы сохранить свои рабочие места.

She’ll do anything to protect her children from harm.

Она сделает всё, чтобы защитить своих детей от неприятностей.

We need to take measures to protect ourselves.

Нам необходимо принять меры для самозащиты.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

protection  — защита, охрана, покровительство, ограждение, протекционизм, прикрытие, блат
protective  — защитный, охранный, покровительственный, оградительный, защитительный
protector  — протектор, защитник, покровитель, предохранитель, защитное устройство, чехол
protected  — защищенный
protecting  — защищающий, защитный, протекционистский
protectant  — средство защиты организма, протравитель, семян, защитное средство

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: protect
he/she/it: protects
ing ф. (present participle): protecting
2-я ф. (past tense): protected
3-я ф. (past participle): protected

  • 1

    1) защища́ть ( from — от, against — про́тив); огражда́ть; предохраня́ть



    проводи́ть поли́тику протекциони́зма



    акцептова́ть (тратту, срочную через известный промежуток времени)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > protect

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > protect

  • 3

    protect the circuit

    защищать цепь

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > protect

  • 4

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > protect

  • 5

    1. I

    2. III

    protect smth., smb.

    1) protect one’s country защищать свою родину и т.д.; protect smb.’s /one’s own/ interests защищать /охранять/ чьи-л. /свои/ интересы и т.д.

    2) protect trade поддерживать торговлю и т.д., покровительствовать торговле и т.д.

    3. IV

    protect smth., smb. in some manner

    1) protect smth., smb. well хорошо и т.д. защищать /оборонять/ что-л., кого-л.

    2) protect smth., smb. legally законно и т.д. поддерживать что-л., кого-л., поддерживать что-л., кого-л. на законных основаниях и т.д.

    4. XI

    be protected by smth., smb. be protected by the government находиться под охраной правительства и т.д.; the book is protected by copyright на книгу распространяется авторское право; this machine is protected by patents на эту машину имеется патент, эта машина запатентована; his interests were protected by his guardian о соблюдении его интересов заботился опекун; he was protected by a bodyguard его сопровождал телохранитель; these electric wires are protected by rubber covering резиновая изоляция защищает эти электрические провода; be protected against /from/ smth. in some manner those who take these pills are effectively protected against /from/ the attacks of bacteria людям, принимающим эти пилюли, гарантируется надежная защита от действия бактерий

    5. XXI1

    protect smth., smb. from / against/ smb., smth. protect one’s country against invaders защищать свою родину от захватчиков и т.д.; protect one’s head from the sun защищать голову от солнца и т.д.; protect her from insults ограждать ее от оскорблений; protect smb. from smb.’s wrath ограждать кого-л. от чьего-л. гнева и т.п.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > protect

  • 6


    erase protect вчт. защита от стирания protect акцептовать (тратту) protect акцептовать protect защищать, охранять protect защищать (from — от, against — против); ограждать; предохранять protect защищать protect ограждать права по патенту protect оплачивать (чек, тратту) protect охранять protect покровительствовать, осуществлять протекторат protect предохранять protect эк. проводить политику протекционизма

    English-Russian short dictionary > protect

  • 7

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > protect

  • 8




    а) защищать; охранять, ограждать; предохранять

    to protect one’s interests / rights / reputation — защищать свои интересы / права / репутацию

    to be protected by copyright / a password — быть защищённым авторским правом / паролем

    Take this medicine regularly; it will protect you against a return of the illness. — Принимай это лекарство регулярно, оно защитит тебя от рецидива болезни.





    страховать, предоставлять страховку



    проводить политику протекционизма


    Англо-русский современный словарь > protect

  • 9

    1. v защищать, охранять, предохранять

    2. v ограждать права по патенту

    3. v предохранять, ограждать

    4. v полит. -эк. проводить политику протекционизма

    5. v ком. фин. акцептовать; оплатить

    6. v воен. бронировать, покрывать бронёй

    7. v ж. -д. сигнализировать о том, что путь закрыт

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. guard (verb) bulwark; cover; defend; fend; guard; harbor; house; insulate; observe; patrol; safeguard; save; screen; secure; shelter; shield; watch over

    Антонимический ряд:

    assail; attack; endanger; harm; imperil

    English-Russian base dictionary > protect

  • 10


    1. 1) защищать, охранять, предохранять

    to protect one’s own interests — защищать /отстаивать/ (свои) собственные интересы

    2) ограждать права по патенту

    3) предохранять, ограждать ()


    проводить политику протекционизма


    , фин. акцептовать (); оплатить

    to protect a bill at maturity /when due/ — оплатить тратту в срок


    бронировать, покрывать бронёй


    сигнализировать о том, что путь закрыт

    НБАРС > protect

  • 11



    защищать, охранять, оберегать, ограждать, предохранять

    He wore dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun. — Он носил темные очки, чтобы защитить глаза от солнца.

    Take this medicine regularly; it will protect you against a return of the illness. — Принимай это лекарство регулярно, оно защитит тебя от рецидива болезни.

    You can’t protect your brother from blame in the accident. — Ты не сможешь выгородить своего брата, он несет ответственность за катастрофу.

    protect children

    — protect smb from danger


    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > protect

  • 12

    prəˈtekt гл.
    1) защищать( from — от, against — против) ;
    охранять, ограждать;
    предохранять Take this medicine regularly;
    it will protect you against a return of the illness. ≈ Принимай лекарство регулярно, оно защитит тебя от рецидива болезни. You can’t protect your brother from blame in the accident. ≈ Ты не сможешь выгородить своего брата, он несет ответственность за катастрофу. Syn: defend, guard, harbour, safeguard, shelter, shield Ant: attack, plunder
    2) экон. проводить политику протекционизма
    защищать, охранять, предохранять — to * one’s eyes from the sun защищать глаза от солнца ограждать права по патенту предохранять, ограждать (оборудование) (политэкономия) проводить политику протекционизма (коммерческое) (финансовое) акцептовать (тратту через известный промежуток времени) ;
    оплатить — to * a bill at maturity оплатить тратту в срок( военное) бронировать, покрывать броней (железнодорожное) сигнализировать о том, что путь закрыт
    erase ~ вчт. защита от стирания
    protect акцептовать (тратту) ~ акцептовать ~ защищать, охранять ~ защищать (from — от, against — против) ;
    предохранять ~ защищать ~ ограждать права по патенту ~ оплачивать (чек, тратту) ~ охранять ~ покровительствовать, осуществлять протекторат ~ предохранять ~ эк. проводить политику протекционизма

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > protect

  • 13




    защищать, предохранять, охранять

    to impose non-tariff barriers to protect domestic industries from international competition — устанавливать нетарифные барьеры для защиты отечественных отраслей от международной конкуренции


    * * *

    защищать, ограждать;


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > protect

  • 14


    To secure, to fasten, to protect, to safeguard, to guarantee, to protect, to guard, to secure, to shelter v


    To protect, to guard, to secure, to shelter v

    Dictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > protect

  • 15

    защищать; охранять; ограждать; предохранять

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > protect

  • 16

    Англо-русский технический словарь > protect

  • 17

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > protect

  • 18

    охранять; защищать

    protect an invention by patent

    — protect rights

    Patent terms dictionary > protect

  • 19

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > protect

  • 20

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > protect


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • protect — pro·tect vt 1: to shield from injury or harm protect ing public health and safety 2: to secure or preserve against encroachment, infringement, restriction, or violation: maintain the status or integrity of esp. through legal or constitutional… …   Law dictionary

  • Protect — Pro*tect , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Protected}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Protecting}.] [L. protectus, p. p. of protegere, literally, to cover in front; pro before + tegere to cover. See {Tegument}.] To cover or shield from danger or injury; to defend; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • protect — [prə tekt′, prōtekt′] vt. [< L protectus, pp. of protegere, to protect < pro , before + tegere, to cover: see THATCH] 1. to shield from injury, danger, or loss; guard; defend 2. Commerce to set aside funds toward the payment of (a note,… …   English World dictionary

  • Protect Me — may refer to: *A song from James album Seven *Protège Moi, a single by Placebo …   Wikipedia

  • protect — (v.) 1520s, from L. protectus, pp. of protegere (see PROTECTION (Cf. protection)). Related: Protected; protecting …   Etymology dictionary

  • protect — shield, guard, safeguard, *defend Analogous words: *save, preserve, conserve: *ensure, insure, assure: shelter, *harbor …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • protect — [v] take care of; guard from harm assure, bulwark, care for, champion, chaperon, conserve, cover, cover all bases*, cover up, cushion, defend, fend, foster, give refuge, give sanctuary*, go to bat for*, harbor, hedge, insulate, keep, keep safe,… …   New thesaurus

  • protect — ► VERB 1) keep safe from harm or injury. 2) Economics shield (a domestic industry) from competition by imposing import duties on foreign goods. 3) (protected) (of a threatened plant or animal species) safeguarded through legislation against… …   English terms dictionary

  • protect — Assure the salesperson or trader that interest, buy or sell, will be attended to, given any change in the trading circumstances, as follows: At a price: If the stock trade at a certain price or price range, the trader will show this market to the …   Financial and business terms

  • protect — verb ADVERB ▪ completely, fully ▪ adequately, properly, well ▪ A cardboard box would protect the product better. ▪ inadequately …   Collocations dictionary

  • protect — 01. The cat ran up a tree to [protect] itself from the dogs. 02. The children were wearing heavy jackets, hats and wool mittens as [protection] from the severe cold. 03. A turtle s [protective] shell is very useful in keeping it safe from… …   Grammatical examples in English



tr.v. pro·tect·ed, pro·tect·ing, pro·tects


a. To keep from being damaged, attacked, stolen, or injured; guard. See Synonyms at defend.

b. To keep from being subjected to difficulty or unpleasantness: a mother who wanted to protect her children from the troubles she had seen when growing up.

c. To keep from being curtailed or exposed to risk: The reporter vowed to protect the privacy of his sources.

2. To help (domestic industry) with tariffs or quotas on imported goods.

3. To assure payment of (drafts or notes, for example) by setting aside funds.

4. Sports To attempt to hold (a lead) by playing careful defense and avoiding risky plays.

5. Baseball

a. To swing at a pitch near (home plate) in order to avoid being called out on strikes.

b. To swing at a pitch so as to give (a base runner) a better chance of advancing.

[Middle English protecten, from Latin prōtegere, prōtēct- : prō-, in front; see pro-1 + tegere, to cover; see (s)teg- in Indo-European roots.]

pro·tect′ing·ly adv.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (tr)

1. to defend from trouble, harm, attack, etc

2. (Economics) economics to assist (domestic industries) by the imposition of protective tariffs on imports

3. (Commerce) commerce to provide funds in advance to guarantee payment of (a note, draft, etc)

[C16: from Latin prōtegere to cover before, from pro-1 + tegere to cover]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, insult, etc.; cover; shield.

2. to guard (an industry) from foreign competition by imposing import duties.


3. to provide, or be capable of providing, protection.

[1520–30; < Latin prōtēctus, past participle of prōtegere to shield, cover, protect]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. ‘prevent’

If someone or something prevents you from doing something, they do not allow you to do it.

My only idea was to prevent him from speaking.

Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.

2. ‘protect’

You do not use ‘prevent’ to say that something keeps you safe from something unpleasant or harmful. The word you use is protect.

Babies are protected against diseases like measles by their mother’s milk.

She had his umbrella to protect her from the rain.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: protected
Gerund: protecting

I protect
you protect
he/she/it protects
we protect
you protect
they protect
I protected
you protected
he/she/it protected
we protected
you protected
they protected
Present Continuous
I am protecting
you are protecting
he/she/it is protecting
we are protecting
you are protecting
they are protecting
Present Perfect
I have protected
you have protected
he/she/it has protected
we have protected
you have protected
they have protected
Past Continuous
I was protecting
you were protecting
he/she/it was protecting
we were protecting
you were protecting
they were protecting
Past Perfect
I had protected
you had protected
he/she/it had protected
we had protected
you had protected
they had protected
I will protect
you will protect
he/she/it will protect
we will protect
you will protect
they will protect
Future Perfect
I will have protected
you will have protected
he/she/it will have protected
we will have protected
you will have protected
they will have protected
Future Continuous
I will be protecting
you will be protecting
he/she/it will be protecting
we will be protecting
you will be protecting
they will be protecting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been protecting
you have been protecting
he/she/it has been protecting
we have been protecting
you have been protecting
they have been protecting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been protecting
you will have been protecting
he/she/it will have been protecting
we will have been protecting
you will have been protecting
they will have been protecting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been protecting
you had been protecting
he/she/it had been protecting
we had been protecting
you had been protecting
they had been protecting
I would protect
you would protect
he/she/it would protect
we would protect
you would protect
they would protect
Past Conditional
I would have protected
you would have protected
he/she/it would have protected
we would have protected
you would have protected
they would have protected

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Verb 1. protect — shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage; «Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain»

cover for — provide an excuse or alibi for someone so as to cover up guilt; «I won’t lie and cover for you»

defend — be on the defensive; act against an attack

overprotect — protect excessively; «Don’t overprotect your son—he is an adult now!»

look out — to protect someone’s interests; «A man’s gotta look out for his family»

cover — hold within range of an aimed firearm

ward, guard — watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect; «guard my possessions while I’m away»

defend, guard, hold — protect against a challenge or attack; «Hold that position behind the trees!»; «Hold the bridge against the enemy’s attacks»

shield, screen — protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm

charm — protect through supernatural powers or charms

cover — protect or defend (a position in a game); «he covered left field»

cover — be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game

mothproof — protect from moths; «mothproof woollen clothes during the summer»

body guard — accompany and protect from physical harm

insure — take out insurance for

cover — to take an action to protect against future problems; «Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself»

preserve, keep — maintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger; «May God keep you»

2. protect — use tariffs to favor domestic industry

trade — the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services; «Venice was an important center of trade with the East»; «they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade»

assist — act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


verb keep someone safe, defend, keep, support, save, guard, secure, preserve, look after, foster, shelter, shield, care for, harbour, safeguard, watch over, stick up for (informal), cover up for, chaperon, give someone sanctuary, take someone under your wing, mount or stand guard over He vowed to protect her all the days of her life.
attack, threaten, assault, expose, betray, endanger, assail, expose to danger

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



To keep safe from danger, attack, or harm:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




پاسبانی کردن




hlífavernda, verja









bảo vệ

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[prəˈtɛkt] vt

[+ person, thing] → protéger
to protect sb/sth from sth, to protect sb/sth against sth → protéger qn/qch de qch
to protect sb from sb → protéger qn de qn
to protect o.s. from sth, to protect o.s. against sth [+ disease, harm, cold] → se protéger de qch

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vischützen (→ against vor +dat)

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(prəˈtekt) verb

to guard or defend from danger; to keep safe. She protected the children from every danger; Which type of helmet protects the head best?; He wore a fur jacket to protect himself against the cold.

proˈtected adjective

(of certain animals or birds) protected by law from being shot etc.

proˈtection (-ʃən) noun

1. the act of protecting or state of being protected. He ran to his mother for protection; This type of lock gives extra protection against burglary.

2. something that protects. The trees were a good protection against the wind.

proˈtective (-tiv) adjective

giving, or intended to give, protection. protective clothing/glasses.

proˈtector noun

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَحْمِي chránit beskytte beschützen προστατεύω proteger suojella protéger štititi proteggere 保護する 보호하다 beschermen beskytte ochronić proteger защищать skydda ป้องกัน korumak bảo vệ 保护

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


v. proteger, cuidar.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


vt proteger; to — against proteger contra; to — from proteger de; to —oneself protegerse

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

protect — перевод на русский


But ultimately, you know, he’s concerned for his well-being and he wants to protect him.

Но в конечном счете, он беспокоился о его здоровье и хотел его защитить.

I think the reason why Scott feels like he has to protect

Думаю причина, по которой Скотт думает, что обязан защитить

Scott’s responsibilities, I think, grew, in trying to protect his family more.

Ответственность Скотта растет в попытке защитить свою семью.

If they try and protect him… [Arrow whistles]

Если они попытаются защитить его…

He just wants to protect her and make sure that she is happy.

Он просто хочет защитить её и убедиться, что она счастлива.

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Making a choice and protecting something is a difficult thing to do.

Будет нелегко сделать выбор защищать ее.

You, too, gather up your strength to protect the famous little sun.

чтобы защищать знаменитое маленькое солнце.

I know that I have to protect this place!

Но знаю одно — я должен защищать это место.

Beat his nose, he’ll try to protect it.

Ударь по носу, он будет защищать его.


Это секрет, но мне угрожал этот Арсен Люпен, и Шамерас настоял, чтобы поехать меня защищать.

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I’ve got Asta to protect me.

Я взял Асту для защиты.

The weak always have the strong to protect them.

Нам всегда недостает сил для защиты.

I demand to be protected and everything returned that was taken!

Я прошу защиты и хочу всё вернуть.

Considering the ever increasing ravage, caused by tramps and looters, I enact to the farm-houses and villages, to set up permanent guards, to protect their values, against the common threat.

Принимая во внимание участившиеся случаи грабежа со стороны бродяг и мародеров, предписываю землевладельцам и крестьянам учредить постоянную охрану для защиты своей собственности против общей угрозы.

He’d like to see the financial statement— uh, to protect his wife’s interests, naturally.

Он бы хотел ознакомиться с финансовым отчетом разумеется, для защиты интересов его жены.

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You represent the two million people of this state… in prosecuting a particularly brutal murder… and I’m gonna see that their rights are protected.

¬ы представл€ете два миллиона жителей этого штата в судебном расследовании по делу о зверском убийстве и € хочу увидеть, что их права защищены.

Working onboard ship, every seafarer knows that his job, his rights on his job, and his rights and interests ashore are fully protected through his cooperation with other seafarers, not only in his crew, but in his union.

Работая на борту судна, каждый моряк знает, что его работа, его право на работу, а так же права и интересы на суше полностью защищены путем сотрудничества с другими моряками, не только из своей команды, но и из профсоюза.

You’ll be well protected.

Вы будете хорошо защищены.

Rebels, wounded or whole, are not protected by the Geneva Code and are treated harshly.

Повстанцы, даже раненые, не защищены Женевской конвенцией, и с ними обращаются жестоко.

Very well, you’ll be protected by the police though I don’t think you’ll be in any danger.

Очень хорошо, Вы будете защищены полицией… Хотя я не думаю, что Вам грозит опасность.

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But you must protect it.

Но вы должны ее охранять.

Just a minor demon I set to protect the room.

Всего лишь мелкий демон, поставленный мной охранять комнату.

Protecting the Suez Canal.

Охранять Суэцкий канал.

We’ll be on your left to protect the ford

Мы будем слева от вас охранять брод.

I can’t stand here all night protecting your shoeshine.

Не могу я всю ночь охранять твоих сыновей.

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The only way of bringing his mind out of the womb of darkness… into which it has retreated to protect itself… is by therapeutic shock… electrical or chemical.

Единственный способ вывести его разум из мрака, в который он бежал, чтобы спасти себя, это терапевтический шок имеющий электрическую, или химическую природу.

In order to protect us, fools that we are, he seized a moment when his captors weren’t looking and threw these in the stream.

Он пытался спасти нас, сборище глупцов. Когда представился случай, он бросил это в ручей.

We had to protect this woman by hiding her in a convent.

Чтобы спасти эту несчастную жертву мы поместили ее в монастырь!

You’re going to kill Bubber to protect Jake Rogers.

ВьI убьете Бабера, чтобьI спасти Джэка Роджерса.

Some piece of information which I can use to protect you from them.

Немного информации – и я попытаюсь спасти тебя.

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It’s a path you must pass through to protect me.

если хочешь оберегать меня.

We must protect our guests.

Мы должны оберегать наших гостей.

— Colonel… I have to protect your husband.

Я буду оберегать честь вашего мужа!

Hussein-Husliya, come with us in the bedchamber and protect our sleep.

Гуссейн-Гуслия, ты пройдешь с нами в опочивальню и будешь оберегать наш сон.

I think she ought not to be too carefully protected from the sordid truth.

мне кажется, что её не нужно так тщательно оберегать от истины.

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We need to put up wire fencing to protect the plantation.

Мы должны установить проволочные ограды, чтобы уберечь посадки.

One can never protect a single human being from any kind of suffering.

Никто и никого не может уберечь даже от малейших страданий.

I feel it’s my duty to protect them from you.

Я думаю, моя обязанность — уберечь их от тебя

That’s because I love you. I want to protect you from these sordid matters I have to deal with.

Это потому, что я тебя люблю и хочу уберечь от неприятных историй, которыми я занимаюсь.

I wanted to protect you.

Но так я пытался уберечь тебя.

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I need it to protect me from the eyes of certain patients.

Она нужна мне, чтобы защищаться от взглядов любопытных пациентов.

That means you’re supposed to protect yourself.

Это значит, что вам надо защищаться.

To protect itself, society starts mechanisms it can’t control in the end.

Чтобы защищаться, современное общество изобретает механизмы, которые оно не может контролировать.

-We have a right to protect ourselves.

-У нас есть право защищаться.

The emperor, allmighty and infinitely generous has alowed them to protect themselves with their bare hands!

Император, всемогущий и безгранично великодушный позволит им защищаться голыми руками!

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I think he is all about building an army to protect himself from the hunters.

Думаю, Дерек просто хочет защититься. Всё это собирание армии для того, чтобы защититься от охотников.

We have to protect ourselves against the machines.

Мы должны защититься от машин.

Actually, he pushed you into my arms to protect himself.

По сути, он решил защититься от меня, бросив вас в мои объятия.

Unless you accept that, uh, you can’t protect yourself from it.

Пока ты не сможешь это принять, ты не сможешь защититься от этого.

Ah, you see the furs they wear to protect them from the cold.

Ах, вы видите меха, которые они носят, чтобы защититься от холода.

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WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
protect⇒ vtr (defend from attack) защищать, охранять несов
    защитить сов + вин
  The bodyguards protected the prime minister.
  Телохранители охраняли премьер-министра.

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

protect [prəˈtɛkt]
vt защища́ть (защити́ть*perf)

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

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