The word proof in a sentence

proof — перевод на русский


«Here’s the full proof of your wife’s infidelity.»

Это исчерпывающие доказательства неверности Вашей жены.

And I’ll give them proof.

И предоставлю доказательства.

What’s your proof?

Где доказательства?

So where is your proof?

Где же твои доказательства?

— What proof have you?

— Какие у вас доказательства?

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What proof have you that you didn’t kill Dexter?

Как вы можете доказать, что вы не убивали Декстер?

But don’t you see, it’s a kind of proof that it won’t bother me to see you drink it.

Но разве ты не видишь, для меня это способ доказать, что выпивка меня больше не волнует

I feel for you. There’s the proof!

— Могу вам доказать.

I want proof that she is a false goddess.

Только одно — я хочу доказать, что она фильшивая богиня.

Be sure of it, give me the ocular proof or by the worth of man’s eternal soul thou hadst been better have born a dog than answer my waked wrath.

Слюбился я, и доказать весомо! Не то… Клянусь душой, тебе бы лучше

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And The very fact that countless Thousands of you are listening tonight is proof To fling in The teeth of These cynics and skeptics that The public does care and does propose To do something about The appalling conditions I have Tried To describe tonight.

…доказывает сегодня всем циникам и скептикам,.. …что общество не равнодушно и готово изменить те чудовищные обстоятельства, о которых я уже упоминал.

The fact that I played chess and went to sleep is proof that I am crude and unfeeling.

Однако факт, что я сыграл в шахматы и заснул, по-твоему, доказывает, что я черств и бессердечен.

Henri’s poor misshapen body is the proof of our mistake.

Немощность Анри доказывает нашу ошибку.

So love is the proof?

И что любовь доказывает?

Proof that his marriage is a failure.

И доказывает, что их брак — не удачен.

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The Huntsman has brought me proof.

Мой помощник принес мне кое-что в подтверждение.

I’ve got proof.

Есть подтверждение.

As proof of this statement, a deed from notary Lombarti can be produced dated June 28 last, reading as follows: Geertje Dirx, widow, on one side, and the worthy and famous artist… Another statement was set down in notarial deed before notary Lombarti:

В подтверждение слов ответчика мы представляем официальное соглашение сторон, подписанное с одной стороны Хирти Диркс, вдовой, с другой стороны господином Рембрандтом в присутствии нотариуса Ломбарти.

Bring me a gun as proof.

Принеси мне оружие в подтверждение.

The fool demanded proof that he was not the only baron willing to rebel and turn to the Empress’ cause.

Безрассудно затребованное им подтверждение, что он не единственный барон, желающий восстать и перейти на сторону императрицы

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I need proof.

Нужны улики.

I reported it, I got the proof.

Я об этом сообщил, нашел улики.

I have proof!

У меня есть улики!

But what proofs?

Но где улики?

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We must have proof.

Нужны доказательства.

What proof could there possibly be?

Какие еще вам нужны доказательства? !

We’d have to see proof of ownership.

Нам нужны доказательства, что Вы владеете землёй. Конечно.

But there must be proof if there’s to be a scandal.

Но для скандала нужны доказательства.

Lord Wellington wants…proof, so he’s set up a tribunal of inquiry.

Веллингтону нужны доказательства, он и собрал следственную комиссию.

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He says I’ve forgotten the proof that we’re married.

— Что он сказал? — Говорит, забыл свидетельство о браке.

«And in sooth some who beheld the portrait spoke of its resemblance in low words as of a mighty marvel, and a proof not less of the power of the painter than of his deep love for her whom he depicted so surpassingly well.

На самом деле, те, кто восхищался портретом, говорили о чудесном сходстве и приводили как свидетельство таланта художника то, что рисуя свою любовь, он так выразил её, что она вышла дьявольски прекрасна.

Living proof.

— Вот тебе живое свидетельство.

And here proof of the first deposit

А это свидетельство о праве приоритетного доступа

It’s the only proof we have. Can’t you see that?

Вы что не видите, что это единственное свидетельство?

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Madam, can you furnish any proof of ownership?

Мадам, вы можете подтвердить право собственности?

Ah, sorry, this is proof of receipt.

Ах да, подтвердить факт вручения…

You have proof they are uniting against us, or are you saying there may be potential…?

Вы можете подтвердить, что они объединяются или просто говорите, что у них есть потенциал для подобного…?

Love… and by daily proof you shall me find, to be to you both loving and kind.

Любовь… И чтобы подтвердить свои слова, с тобой буду любезна и добра.

Look, Thomas Edison built this automobile for Henry Ford as a proof of concept, and it’s perfectly safe.

Послушайте, Томас Эдисон построил этот автомобиль для Генри Форда, чтобы подтвердить концепцию, и он совершенно безопасен.

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But before I bring my people down here, I want proof it’s harmless.

Однако прежде чем отправить сюда своих людей, я должен убедиться, что здесь безопасно.

He took the pawn ticket from him, so seeing him in the act and the proof that he pawned it under his own name.

Он забрал у него расписку, чтобы поймать его с поличным и убедиться, что заклад оформлен на его имя.

That is what you wanted proof of… is it not?

Ты в этом хотел убедиться? Ты всё понял?

I just wanted proof that you chicks are really lesbians.

Я просто хотел убедиться, что вы, девочки, действительно лесбиянки.

I told him I want proof she’s okay.

Я сказал ему, что хочу убедиться, что с ней всё в порядке.

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Embalming people with coffee. 86 proof.

В спаивание людей кофе крепостью восемьдесят шесть градусов.

I wouldn’t say that, Philip Philipovich everybody says that the new vodka is quite good, 30 proof.

Не скажите, Филипп Филиппович все утверждают, что новая очень приличная, 30 градусов.

Vodka should be at least 40 proof, not 30, that’s number one.

А водка должна быть в 40 градусов, а не в 30, это во-первых.

The only time you ever looked natural and relaxed was in 1972 when you tried to prove that Easter beer was less proof than diet lager.

Единственный раз, когда я видела тебя спокойным и естественным, был в 1972 году, на Пасху, когда ты пытался всех нас убедить, что в пасхальном пиве меньше градусов, чем в светлом легком.

120 proof!

На все 90 градусов!

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Отправить комментарий

доказательство, устойчивый, непроницаемый, делать непроницаемым


- доказательство; подтверждение

- испытание, проверка, проба

- шотл. юр. судебное разбирательство без участия суда присяжных
- корректура, пробный оттиск

proof in galley, galley proof — гранки, корректура в гранках
proof in sheets, page proofs — корректура в листах, вёрстка
to read proofs — читать /держать, править/ корректуру

- пробный оттиск с гравюры

proof before letters — оттиск с гравюры до корректуры (без подписи)

ещё 7 вариантов


- непроницаемый; непробиваемый

proof against bullets — пуленепробиваемый
proof against weather — непромокаемый
to be proof against water — не пропускать воду; быть водонепроницаемым /водоотталкивающим/

- не поддающийся, недоступный (чему-л.)

to be proof against temptations — не поддаваться искушениям
to be proof against years — быть неподвластным времени

- установленной крепости (о спирте)
- испытанный; выдержавший испытание; проверенный

proof armour — испытанное оружие

- (-proof) как компонент сложных слов:

fire-proof — огнестойкий, огнеупорный
water-proof — водонепроницаемый


- делать не поддающимся воздействию; придавать стойкость, непроницаемость, непробиваемость и т. п.

to proof cloth — делать материю водонепроницаемой /непромокаемой, водоотталкивающей/

- делать пробный оттиск
- читать корректуру, гранки
- фото делать пробный отпечаток
- испытывать; проверять

Мои примеры


people who believe that the magnificence of the natural world is proof of the existence of the Everlasting — люди, которые считают, что великолепие природы является доказательством существования Всевышнего  
incontrovertible proof of the defendant’s innocence — неопровержимое доказательство невиновности подсудимого  
circumstance in proof — доказываемое обстоятельство, предмет доказывания  
proof by contradiction — доказательство от противного  
detailed proof — подробное доказательство  
proof by reduction to absurdity — доказательство от противного  
to accrue to a proof — подкрепить доказательство  
proof is left as an exercise — доказательство оставим в качестве упражнения  
fallacious proof — ошибочное доказательство  
proof by induction — доказательство по индукции  
burst-proof lock — ударобезопасный замок  
frost-proof material — морозостойкий материал  

Примеры с переводом

Can you check these proofs?

Вы можете проверить эти доказательства?

You’ll need your passport as proof of identity.

Вам понадобится паспорт в качестве удостоверения личности.

For my proof I refer to your letter.

В качестве доказательства я ссылаюсь на твоё письмо.

I am proof against their enmity.

Я защищена от их недружелюбия.

The document was proof that her story was true.

Этот документ послужил доказательством тому, что её рассказ был правдой.

Be sure of it; give me the ocular proof.

Удостоверься в этом; предоставь мне наглядное доказательство.

A dressing-gown is no proof against draughts.

Домашний халат не защищает от сквозняков.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Their defences are proof against most weapons.

There’s no proof of her complicity in the murder.

She believes him and has no need of further proof.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disproof  — опровержение
reproof  — порицание, упрек, выговор, укор, укоризна
underproof  — крепостью ниже установленного градуса
overproof  — выше установленного градуса
proofer  — защитное средство, тискальщик, пробист
proofing  — придание непроницаемости, защита от воды
proofless  — бездоказательный, необоснованный, недоказанный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: proof
he/she/it: proofs
ing ф. (present participle): proofing
2-я ф. (past tense): proofed
3-я ф. (past participle): proofed

ед. ч.(singular): proof
мн. ч.(plural): proofs

As an initial proof of principle, they used the map to uncover a predicted relationship between alterations in two genes, ARID1A and GPBP1, and ovarian cancer resistance to PARP inhibitor therapy.


Last year we said about David Cameron that «the proof of his influence will be his ability to weather the storms of the next six months.»


With over 200 matches successfully made through Eight at Eight, there is proof that the method Eight at Eight uses to match you with a new mate is completely successful.


No one has yet found a rigorous proof, so the idea still ranks as a conjecture.


The Range Rover Sport SVR represents a new direction for Jaguar Land Rover, and it was the first in a growing range of high performance Jaguar and Land Rover cars (see the Project 8 and Velar SVR as proof) due to hit the streets over the coming years.


The Townsend incident is proof that the NFL’s fine and suspension system for violence must be overhauled.


Certificate of Fiduciary Authority The form used to certify the authority of the acting trustees of a trust when presented with proof of the registered trustee’s inability to act.


«The better educated people wanted some strenuous proof,» says Stark, «and that was the attitude of the Spanish Inquisition: «I believe in witches, but I’ve never met one!


One has to be careful here, however, not to invoke the beauty of the mathematical symmetries involved as a «proof» of the existence of a creator.


Suggesting these kinds of radical lifestyle changes to otherwise healthy women who experience painful menstrual cramps seems cruel and irresponsible since there are very few scientific studies on curing menstrual pain and therefore no proof these changes work.


However, turning this proof of concept experiment into a system that can be used in actual oil or water pipelines all over the world will require some more efforts in development.


While natural products may generally be minimally processed, there are no requirements to provide proof, leaving open the possibility for fraud and misuse of the term.


All in all, I was very pleased with the product and saw proof when my kids tore the muffins apart!


Flaws — and there are a great many that would have never made the cut were this a perfectible studio recording — are conveniently swept under the rug of candid expression, a necessary consequence of the film’s more virtuous approach to be regarded less as mistakes than as proof of its sincerity.


Kenan is living proof of how anyone, regardless of age, can unite his or her community behind a common cause.


«It was a mistake, and the proof of that mistake is in the pudding.»


But I think that there is another possibility which, in my mind, makes more sense, and which has Biblical proof for support.


This Chevrolet Sonic’s superior fuel-efficiency is proof that not all vehicles are created equal.


There is no proof whatsoever that the baby died as a result of her decision to UC.


Further proof that you need this poncho and this dress because if I can wear it at 30 + weeks pregnant and not pregnant than we all need it.


Given the general problems with proof in such matters — he said it no I didn’t yes he did no I didn’t — it is imperative that we accept the possibility that we may never know, as unsatisfactory as that may be.


We don t think that this absence of jaundice harms the artificially fed baby, but there is no proof that it is harmless.


The lower Quick Ratio for these larger, more mature companies is further proof that the Quick Ratio looks quite a bit different when used to evaluate young SaaS startups and more mature, steady-state companies.


Here are some ideas which will assist you to child proof your home into a secure place for children.


This credential stands as proof that the advisor has met the academic and ethical requirements and has the necessary expertise to help clients meet their financial goals.


The trigger words are «resisting the Holy Spirit» — the ideology in this particular Church is based on outward signs of physical evidence of the Spirit of God, instead of the fruits of the Spirit, as proof of the Holy Spirit.


He explained that the number of substantive ministers he appointed from the South East where he got only 198,000 votes is enough proof that he is not favouring the North as being speculated in some quarters.


State health agencies and schools require proof of immunization because most diseases that can be prevented by vaccine are transmitted more easily when children congregate, as they do in schools.


Nurburgring lap record was a proof that this Giulia Quadrifoglio is a bloody stronger performer… Mercedes, Audi and BMW should be very careful if Alfa Corse decide to enter this car in DTM series….


The Most Complete Romance & Dating Scam/Scammers Website Featuring Scammers From Nigeria And Ghana To Russia, Ukraine — Ghana & Nigerian Scammer Photos & Info Hi, I have a proof, that Anastasia Dating is a Scam.


We have to assume that the brick kits will be flamethrower proof, and someone is sure to test that and post the evidence on YouTube.


Those who subscribe to punctuated equilibrium say the fossil record is proof their theory concerning speciation is the correct one.


The Contemplative had not fared well in European or American society, and had taken this as proof that those societies were not doing well either.


Even though the book doesn’t officially release until April 14th, you can have access to the first three chapters right after you submit your proof of purchase.


Place the mixture into a small oven proof dish, then sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top.


It is a knowing beyond reasoning or proof.


A detection of amino acids by itself would not be proof of past life, because they can be made abiotically, but the number of different amino acids could be an indication of a biological origin, Bada says.


El Zabayar quoted as evidence the abuses uttered against him by Rangel Gomez on the state governor’s weekly radio show, when Rangel said that in response to criticisms of his actions «that have absolutely no proof» from El Zabayar, «now I’m opening fire, and we’re going to face off in the street: you’re a deputy and I’m a state governor, so let’s face off in the street coward deputy!»


the video above is the proof (Dr. Ian Robertson (HonDSc), Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Sales and Marketing ist the man presenting it).


Allow to proof for 10 minutes in a warm place.


Lay the chicken pieces out in an oven proof dish.


However, they recently brought back the one-tenth ounce gold proof coins for sale after a supply shortage, only to offer it at 35 % over spot price.


Earlier this year there were reports that a cheaper Civic Type R is in the works and now we have more proof that it will arrive for the 2018 model year.


The vast (95 % + worldwide) majority of climatologists believe and have shown proof that global warming has a human component to it.


All the bladed ones are made of stainless steel thus making them to be rust proof, they can be hand sharpened and have high oriented edges which don’t split or crush the nails and neither do they cause irritation to the delicate fingers of the baby.


Place dough balls onto parchment paper, spray with olive oil, wrap air tight, and let sit to proof overnight in fridge.


For one, the safety harness buckle could be more child proof — one press of the button and your older toddler can escape.


You have also gained a social proof from her friends, which is a huge advantage if you want to move on with her and keep going with attraction.


And while tenant groups criticize Peralta as part of the bloc preventing pro-tenant bills from reaching the floor in the Senate, the 45-year-old Dominican-American has recently voiced opposition to landlords demanding proof of legal status from their immigrant tenants.


The two biggest problems today, says Fleming, are with sampling and trace analyses which are increasingly demanded as proof of compliance with regulations.


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