The word prohibit in a sentence

запрещать, препятствовать, мешать, возбранять


- запрещать

smoking strictly prohibited — курить строго воспрещается
the law prohibits men from selling opiates — закон запрещает продавать наркотики

- мешать, препятствовать

to prohibit him from coming — помешать ему прийти
to prohibit his presence — помешать ему присутствовать

Мои примеры


laws that prohibit the dumping of toxic materials — законы, запрещающие захоронение токсичных материалов  
to prohibit smth. — запрещать что-л.  
to prohibit smb. from doing smth. — запрещать кому-л. делать что-л.  
prohibit brutal methods of waging war — запретить жестокие методы ведения войны  
you cannot prohibit their going out — вы не сможете помешать им выйти  
prohibit him from coming — помешать ему прийти  
prohibit emigration — запретить эмиграцию  
prohibit export — запрещать экспорт  
prohibit improper use of monopoly — препятствовать неправомерному использованию исключительного права  
prohibit his presence — помешать ему присутствовать  
automatic withdrawal prohibit — запрет на автоматическое извлечение регулирующих стержней из активной зоны ядерного реактора  

Примеры с переводом

Visitors are prohibited from feeding the animals.

Посетителям запрещается кормить животных.

Cameras are prohibited here.

Проносить видео и фотоаппаратуру запрещено.

Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.

На территории завода курить строго запрещено.

The rules prohibit dating a coworker.

Правила запрещают служебные романы / отношения с коллегами по работе.

The prison’s electric fence prohibits escape.

Электрический забор тюрьмы препятствует побегу.

The restrictive covenants of the building development prohibit the construction of buildings over 30 feet tall.

Ограничительные соглашения о строительстве запрещают возведение зданий высотой более тридцати футов.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

prohibition  — запрещение, запрет, сухой закон, воспрещение, блокирование
prohibitive  — запретительный, непомерно высокий, чрезмерно
prohibited  — запрещенный, заповедный
prohibiting  — запрещающий, воспрещающий

Формы слова

prohibit — перевод на русский


Carrying firearms is prohibited!

Огнестрельное оружие запрещено!

-No, it’s prohibited!

— Нет! Запрещено!

In both government land and private manors the use of slaves has been prohibited.

На землях правительства и в поместьях… запрещено использовать рабский труд.

I can’t, it says ‘prohibited’.

— Нельзя, там движение запрещено.

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We have a rule that prohibits working for our competitors.

— У нас есть правило, которое запрещает работать на наших конкурентов.

Our Prime Directive specifically prohibits us from any interference…

Наша Главная директива запрещает любое вмешательство…

This is prohibited by the civil law, to say nothing of the Christian law.

Сие запрещает ЗЗКОН гражданский, а более еще — закон христианский.

But tradition prohibits it

Но традиция это запрещает

You see, government regulations prohibit us from advertising on TV.

Видите ли, правительство запрещает нам рекламироваться на ТВ.

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First we prohibit alcohol, because it makes the people aggressive.

Сначала мы запретили алкоголь, потому что это делает людей агрессивными.

When we prohibited hostile thought, crime began to drop immediately.

Когда мы запретили враждебные мысли, преступность немедленно начала падать.

The mayor and the town council prohibit the sales of such things.

А мэр и магистрат запретили продавать такие журналы.

I was prohibited from interfering, but I couldn’t just watch them die.

Мне запретили вмешиваться, но я не мог просто смотреть, как они умирают.

Nobody has succeeded, and they’re all frustrated, so the grown-ups have just prohibited it.

У взрослых, которые пробовали, ничего не вышло, тогда они обозлились и запретили это.

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He is prohibited to look at me that way.

Нельзя так смотреть на меня, тем более при тебе.

Is prohibited.

Но сюда же нельзя.

Don’ t worry, it’s silly… but I want to grow up to see adult films… to smoke and be able to go wherever I want… to do everything that is prohibited.

Пускай я ещё глупый, но мне так хочется смотреть фильмы для взрослых! Курить, ходить, куда вздумается, и делать всё, что мне нельзя.

Smoking is prohibited here.

Здесь нельзя курить…

Before we smoothly complete this picnic, any other thoughts or communications are prohibited.

И пока он благополучно не закончится, тебе нельзя разговаривать с другими, идёт?

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Throughout the kingdom, under penalty of twenty-five hits with a sticks, Laughing is prohibited!

Во всём королевстве, под угрозой наказания 25-ю ударами плетью, запрещается смех!

From now on, the use of off-screen voices such as narration in this film is prohibited by the authority vested in me as the director!

Впредь использование голоса за кадром, как этого повествователя, запрещается мной в соответствии с полномочиями режиссера!

It is highly prohibited to loot objects for personal use.

Запрещается брать для личного пользования любые, даже незначительные вещи. Перестаньте!

It wasn’t prohibited.

Это не запрещается.

Socializing with persons outside of this community is prohibited.

Общение с лицами вне этого сообщества запрещается.

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In view of historic importance of Captain Pike in space exploration, General Order 7, prohibiting contact Talos IV, is suspended this occasion.

Учитывая историческое значение капитана Пайка в освоении космического пространства, запрет на какой-либо контакт с планетой Талос-IV отменяется ради этого случая.

Why is it that in the entire Western world, these substances that have been found to be so interesting by a hundreds of cultures for thousands of years are prohibited?

Почему во всем западном мире, эти вещества, которые использовались сотнями различных культур тысячи лет попадают под запрет?

All the while, your client knew that Islam prohibits any pictorial depiction of the Prophet, and he cut back on security at the exact moment he should have increased it.

Между тем, твой клиент знал исламский запрет на любое изображение Пророка, и он пренебрег безопасностью в тот момент, когда угроза могла возрасти.

After consideration, I agree it is wholly unjust that you are prohibited from attending the Masons assembly.

После некоторых раздумий я соглашусь, что запрет на посещение вам ассамблеи масонов абсолютно несправедлив.

And the Queen expressly prohibited it.

Но королевский запрет.

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After all, there’s a reason that there’s a law prohibiting me from taking out a fire insurance policy on your house because I have a vested interest in your house burning down.

В конце концов, есть смысл, что есть закон запрещающий мне страховать ваш дом на случай пожара, если у меня есть корыстный интерес в том, чтобы ваш дом сгорел.

I have a writ prohibiting this search.

Немедленно остановиться. У меня есть распоряжение запрещающий обыск.

And before you say anything, it contains a provision prohibiting me from using it against you.

И пока ты не спросил, там есть пункт, запрещающий мне использовать мировую против вас.

You signed a billion-year contract specifically prohibiting the sharing of shifts.

Вы подписали контракт на миллиард лет, запрещающий делить смены с другими.

We’re here on the prosecution’s request for a protective order prohibiting the attorneys from speaking to the press.

— Обвинение запросило охранный приказ, запрещающий сторонам общаться с прессой.

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No, this must be a prohibited area.

Нет, это, должно быть, запретная зона.

This is a prohibited zone!

Это запретная зона!

The children are watching the prohibited channels with the American soldiers.

Там дети смотрят запретные каналы… с американскими солдатами.

They are watching the prohibited channels?

Они смотрят запретные каналы?

We found him in the prohibited area.

Мы обнаружили его в запретной зоне.

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Of course you understand that doctor-patient privilege prohibits me from discussing clients.

Конечно, вы понимаете, что понятие врачебной тайны не позволяет мне обсуждать пациентов.

i’m afraid policy prohibits me from discussing our membership.

Наша политика, не позволяет это обсуждать.

Policy prohibits me from discussing our membership.

Наша политика, не позволяет это обсуждать.

But my strict moral code prohibits me…

Но мой моральный принцип мне не позволяет…

If I’m not mistaken, Logan Sanders has a T.R.O. that actually prohibits him from buying any additional shares.

Если не ошибаюсь, на Логана наложен временный запрет, который не позволяет ему приобретать дополнительные акции.

No trespassing Because the camera is prohibited,

С камерой вход воспрещён.



Trespassing Prohibited

Вход воспрещён

Hunting chatterers is strictly prohibited…

Охота на говорунов строго воспрещена…

Chatterers strictly, strictly prohibited.

Говорунов строго, строго воспрещена.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word prohibit, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use prohibit in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «prohibit».

Prohibit in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word prohibit in a sentence.

  1. The bill would prohibit the use of «action devices» and «stacks».

  2. Some groups prohibit their members from having relationships with outsiders.

  3. Quarantine rules prohibit the transport of this species into Western Australia.

  4. After lengthy debate, Ted Kennedy’s amendment to prohibit poll taxes also failed 49–45 on May 11.

  5. The bill included provisions that the center would prohibit any discrimination of cast or audience.

  6. Australia is also a party to international agreements which prohibit land mines and cluster munitions.

  7. It also invoked its authority under the Coinage Act to prohibit the melting or export of silver coins.

  8. Many Western consumers did not own a PlayStation, and Square’s deal with Sony did not prohibit such a port.

  9. Sandford, in which he ruled that the federal government could not prohibit slavery in any of the territories.

  10. There were other failed amendments, including one by Bible to prohibit melting of silver coins by the public.

  11. In 2004 and 2006, Clinton voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment that sought to prohibit same-sex marriage.

  12. The Reds did not budge on their decision to prohibit the DH, so the Sounds looked for a new parent club for 1980.

  13. Connecticut that it was unconstitutional for the government to prohibit married couples from using birth control.

  14. In Asia, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam prohibit eating primate meat; however, primates are still hunted for food.

  15. Jesus expanded it to prohibit unjust anger, hatred and vengeance, and to require Christians to love their enemies.

  16. However, despite lobbying from civil rights leaders, the Act did not prohibit most forms of voting discrimination.

  17. New Jersey does not require kegs to be registered, and state ABC regulations prohibit municipal keg registration laws.

  18. On 22 December, the Diet recommended that its members prohibit the new teachings, a strong indictment directed at Zürich.

  19. A rarely enforced 1958 law — known as Decree Number 10 — was invoked in May 1963 to prohibit the display of religious flags.

  20. Nonetheless, with the support of liberal committee members, Kennedy’s amendment to prohibit poll taxes passed by a 9–4 vote.

  21. Nevertheless, it became increasingly apparent that Nazi actions would prohibit any Jew from securing a place on the German team.

  22. New Jersey’s state parks and forests prohibit the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages except at pre-approved events.

  23. During the committee’s consideration of the bill, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) led an effort to amend the bill to prohibit poll taxes.

  24. FMCSA rules prohibit driving a property-carrying CMV (e.g., trucks) more than 11 hours or to drive after having been on-duty for 14 hours.

  25. This «results test» contrasts with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, both of which directly prohibit only purposeful discrimination.

  26. As early as 2015, platforms such as Reddit began to enforce selective bans based, for example, on terms of service that prohibit «hate speech».

  27. The first three commandments require reverence and respect for God’s name, observation of the Lord’s Day and prohibit the worship of other gods.

  28. The console features parental controls, which can be used to prohibit younger users from playing games with content unsuitable for their age level.

  29. In 1931, Coffee opposed California legislation intended to regulate the kosher food industry and prohibit fraudulent claims that foods were kosher.

  30. The Bruins attempted to restrain Cheevers and Sanderson from joining the WHA, though a United States federal court refused to prohibit the signings.

  31. It also authorized cabinet to prohibit the publication of any newspaper, any article by a given writer, or any article making use of a given source.

  32. In 1969, Senator Joseph Tydings sponsored legislation to prohibit soring, leading to the passing of the Horse Protection Act in 1970, amended in 1976.

  33. In 1863, football governing bodies introduced standardised rules to prohibit violence on the pitch, making it more socially acceptable for women to play.

  34. Labeling laws prohibit imitation syrups from having «maple» in their names unless the finished product contains 10 percent or more of natural maple syrup.

  35. The court reasoned that the purpose of the ordinance was not to prohibit the free exercise of religion even though the ordinance may have had that effect.

  36. However, the ruling does not prohibit all forms of gun control; laws requiring firearm registration remain in place, as does the city’s assault weapon ban.

  37. These protections not only prohibit the government from passing laws which infringe upon these rights, but also from taking actions which would violate them.

  38. Unconscious cognitive bias (including confirmation bias) in job recruitment affects hiring decisions and can potentially prohibit a diverse and inclusive workplace.

  39. That December, Jackson called on Congress to prohibit the circulation through the South of «incendiary publications intended to instigate the slaves to insurrection.».

  40. The sport’s rules specify the minimum kit which a player must use, and also prohibit the use of anything that is dangerous to either the player or another participant.

  41. This effectively indicated Howard’s retirement as a basketball player, as league regulations prohibit one from holding a coaching position while being an active player.

  42. Article 47 commits the State to raise the standard of living and improve public health, and prohibit the consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs injurious to health.

  43. The state passed legislation in 1941 that authorized the creation of limited-access roadways; the MSHD could prohibit access to a state trunkline from the adjacent properties.

  44. Reagan’s 1981 proposed amendment stated: «Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to prohibit individual or group prayer in public schools or other public institutions.

  45. The Seventh-day Adventist Church campaigned for a strict separation of church and state, being concerned that the Commonwealth might prohibit its members from working on Sundays.

  46. Another area of legal dispute involves a series of injunctions obtained by Rowling and her publishers to prohibit anyone from reading her books before their official release date.

  47. Much of the support for moderation came from women, and the WCTU NZ believed that women’s suffrage could advance their aim to prohibit alcohol while promoting child and family welfare.

  48. The effect was to prohibit the use of public funds by any religious school, although it did not advance Grant’s other aim of requiring states to provide public education to all children.

  49. In 1993, the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the Anne Frank Fonds in Basel filed a civil lawsuit to prohibit further distribution of Faurisson and Verbeke’s booklet in the Netherlands.

  50. While the airport was designated a Keystone Opportunity Zone to encourage business growth, there are limitations in state law that prohibit any further development on park or forest lands.

Synonyms for prohibit

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word prohibit has the following synonyms: forbid, interdict, proscribe, veto and disallow.

General information about «prohibit» example sentences

The example sentences for the word prohibit that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «prohibit» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «prohibit».

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