The word progressive in a sentence


adjective прилагательное

















  1. прогрессивный

    progressive development
    прогрессивное развитие

    progressive income tax
    прогрессивный подоходный налог

    progressive muscle relaxation
    прогрессивная мышечная релаксация

    progressive experience
    передовой опыт

  2. последовательный

    progressive realization
    последовательная реализация

    progressive elimination
    постепенное упразднение

    progressive movement
    поступательное движение

  3. построчный

    progressive scan video
    построчная развертка

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений progressive на 1 миллион слов: 41.

Примеры предложений

In a progressive tense sentence it becomes the -ing form verb, that is the present participle.
В предложении с прогрессивным временем оно становится глаголом в форме -ing, то есть причастием настоящего времени.

The example is a past progressive tense sentence. How was everybody taught when they were learning about progressive tense?
Примером может служить предложение в прошедшем прогрессивном времени. Как всех учили, когда они изучали прогрессивное время?

The future progressive tense is used when expressing events and action in progress at some future point, however the example sentence cannot be understood in that way.
Будущее прогрессивное время используется при выражении событий и действий, происходящих в какой-то момент в будущем, однако примерное предложение не может быть понято таким образом.

The grammatical form employed here is the present progressive.
Грамматическая форма, используемая здесь, является настоящей прогрессивной.

Tom is very progressive, isn’t he?
Том очень прогрессивен, не так ли?

I’m pretty progressive.
Я довольно прогрессивен.

His policies were too progressive.
Его политика была слишком прогрессивной.

Hey, remember the progressive one?
Эй, помнишь прогрессивную версию?

His thought is progressive.
Его мысль прогрессивна.

We are fortunate to be living in the most peaceful, most prosperous, most progressive era in human history.
Нам повезло, что мы живем в самую мирную, самую процветающую, самую прогрессивную эпоху в истории человечества.

He is very progressive, not to say radical.
Он очень прогрессивен, если не сказать радикальен.

In spite of his progressive sight loss, he’s still allowed to drive a car.
Несмотря на прогрессирующую потерю зрения, ему все еще разрешено водить машину.

Thanks to your initiatives we’ve been recognized as a progressive and forward-thinking enterprise by the press.
Благодаря вашим инициативам пресса признала нас прогрессивным и дальновидным предприятием.

His mark’s lowering was progressive.
Снижение его отметки было постепенным.

In every society, there are conservative and progressive elements.
В каждом обществе есть консервативные и прогрессивные элементы.

Tom wears progressive lenses.
Том носит прогрессивные линзы.

Mary returned home from Japan with many new and progressive ideas.
Мэри вернулась домой из Японии со многими новыми и прогрессивными идеями.

«Progressive» is Kalafina’s sixth single. It is their first single which has no tie-in. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by progressive damage to nerve cells and their connections.


Green co-leader Caroline Lucas will find out if she’s kept party’s Westminster foothold in Brighton Pavilion, while Tory Simon Kirby defends a 690 majority against a «progressive alliance» in bellwether Brighton Kemptown.


for «leading the way with their innovative ideas, progressive thinking and lifesaving actions; Exemplifying Maddie’s Fund’s core values of honesty, integrity and mutual respect.»


Eye diseases include entropion, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), corneal dystrophy, retinal dysplasia, cataracts (often combined with abnormally small eyes), glaucoma, and cherry eye.


Breakaway at the rear is slow, deliberate, and progressive; the exact opposite of so many modern cars whose engineers seemed to only care about achieving maximum grip, not what happens when you exceed it.


Naruto Dating Sim — In this online Naruto game you gather your intelligence, charm, chakra, and strength and spar against Naruto, Sasuke and When it comes to, shall we say, progressive couples, no one tops the open-minded pairings found in dating sims.


Posted by Nick Falvo under aboriginal peoples, Alberta, budgets, Child Care, cities, demographics, education, employment, environment, fiscal federalism, fiscal policy, gender critique, homeless, housing, HST, income, income distribution, income support, Indigenous people, inflation, minimum wage, municipalities, NDP, oil and gas, poverty, privatization, progressive economic strategies, Role of government, social policy, taxation, wages, women.


But if there were a third, progressive candidate, then the governor would lead by just 15 points, with the two others each receiving one-quarter of the vote, says Greenberg.


This addictive game features 3D targets, power-ups, progressive levels, multi-hit targets, a pulse cannon and much more.


With widespread support from a broad and diverse coalition of progressive New Yorkers, the New York Times, the state’s largest labor union, 1199/SEIU United Healthcare East and the largest private-sector union, 32BJ and Citizen Action, momentum is growing for Schneiderman’s campaign to be the state’s next Attorney General.


One that is smart, progressive, and moves our state forward.


The fact that Kenney, like Fildebrandt, says there’s no need to discuss social issues and the government’s job is simply to get out of the way so corporations can generate «prosperity» for one and all, means that the progressive conservative will never trust them.


Consequently, the forgiveness of sin is an atoning process embodying the progressive realization in experience of the self-annihilation of God, and it must culminate in an apocalyptic epiphany of «The Great Humanity Divine.»


As a result of my efforts, and also having developed more Search Engine Optimised Japan content, I am seeing a progressive increase in website traffic and income from my blog and expect this to continue into the future — it will be really interesting to see where I am at 12 months from now!


In What Matters Most, Hollender, 49, tells how he and his company, Seventh Generation, a manufacturer of environmentally friendly household products based in Burlington, Vt., fell in with the likes of Anita Roddick of the Body Shop, Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s, and other civic-minded businesspeople — entrepreneurs determined to prove that a progressive, values-based company can make a difference.


Brian is a progressive leader who will do the work necessary to make sure New York remains a bulwark against Donald Trump.»


This strain is homozygous for Cdh23ahl, the age related hearing loss 1 mutation, which on this background results in progressive hearing loss with onset prior to three months of age.


Personally, I will always tend to ally with the progressive Christians and criticize the fundamentalists for these very reasons.


This may cause increased intracranial pressure inside the skull and progressive enlargement of the head, convulsion, and mental disability.


Jennie is particularly looking for fun, innovative, diverse, and progressive science fiction and fantasy for adults.


Local progressive leaders, including a candidate for Congress, are putting pressure on Rep. John Katko (R-Camillus) to support the SAVE Benefits Act, that would provide a one year bump in Social Security benefits.


In fact, the American Mi-ki Registry Association has instituted a mandatory health testing procedure to check for congenital conditions like cone retinal dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, von Willebrand’s disease, and hemophilia.


An irony, tough to process in these confusing times, is that Barr is an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, which feels like a betrayal of an implicitly progressive series that once viciously lampooned, in a legendary sketch, the hypocrisy of Republican tax breaks.


As for being vegan, Cusco looks very progressive with vegan and raw restaurants and local markets that press fresh juice.


Regardless of which transmission you choose, the C-HR benefits from well-weighted and progressive steering.


If you are one of those skeptical types that keeps seeing the negative in a progressive team such as Arsenal, you sure are losing the argument.


«As far as I know they only targeted one candidate to leave this race — the most progressive candidate, the only candidate of color,» he said.


The thickening and cracking that occur in either area may be progressive and can become quite uncomfortable, even causing lameness1.


Content-wise, the SEAT Leon Cupra R features a modified camber on the front axle, the Dynamic Chassis Control (DCC) adaptive suspension, Brembo brakes, progressive steering, a new exhaust system, and a VAQ self-locking differential as standard.


«I think if you look at the debate last night, there is just a gulf between what David Cameron stands for and what I stand for — in terms of values, in terms of internationalism, in terms of fairness, in terms of progressive tax reform, in terms of political reform, in terms of simply living in denial, as does Labour, about a major problem of their creation in the immigration system.»


These disorders are caused by the progressive degeneration of motor neurons, often leading to paralysis and ultimately death in patients.


Heading into the election, Democrats held a 21-7 majority with two progressive members.


Later that month he headlined a progressive rally in New York City.


The Big Bang and the expanding universe probably are illusions that fit the progressive agenda of an ever evolving universe.


Over the course of the campaign, Kenney and his legions of social conservative supporters, many who also happen to be card-carrying members of the Wildrose Party, worked tirelessly to marginalize progressive voices in the party.


One of Cuomo’s major achievements from the 2017 legislative session wasn’t a move that put New York ahead of other states in the terms of progressive achievement but instead one that made New York second to last.


One very important goal of American Progress is to inspire, train, and educate the next generation of progressive Americans.


Just about any workout program that follows the concept of progressive resistance will produce gains in muscle mass.


I think New Labour underachieved in any progressive aims it may have had.


So far, Koppell’s most out spoken supporter (if you could call it that) has been the progressive Daily Kos blog, which not only launched the aforementioned petition urging him to challenge Klein, but also sent out a fundraising appeal on his behalf after he declared his candidacy on Monday, urging supporters to return the Senate to Democratic hands.


For a long time, the study of why an impressive array of international treaties of a liberal, progressive bent (human rights, environmental protection, etc.) have diffused has dominated the scholarly agenda.


In his incarnation as a modern, progressive Conservative, he promises to ring-fence the health budget and enact costly reforms elsewhere.


He suspects the progressive weakening allows only the strong connections to survive.


The Democrats in the House come January will be a more progressive lot, with a small but helpless contingent of surviving blue dogs, but the Senate is apt to be vey different.


Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled water to their patients.


Not only are many people finding impressive positive benefits from a shift to a plant-free diet, but many are experiencing remission of diseases considered progressive and uncurable.


Perhaps you’ve been told for as long as you can remember that the rest of the world is dark and evil, and that progressive Christianity is full of faithless, lukewarm liberals.


Only such a progressive government could meet the demands for political and electoral change which the British people made last Thursday.


PHOENIX — Once known for her progressive politics, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema has coasted to the center in her first re-election.


The plot remains the same — three miscreants stumble find an abandoned baby on Christmas Eve, and their selfless decision to care for the child ultimately proves to be their salvation — but Kon relocates the action to his native Japan, where his frenetic storytelling and progressive characters allow the sentimentality of Ford’s film to melt into a touching fable about hope growing in the margins of society.


  • Use the word Progressive in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Only one straight, progressive clean government that knows what it’s doing.

What now? The Alan Parsons Project is a progressive rock band in 1982.

Yes, your Excellency. In a crisis like this, I feel Freedonia needs a new leader, a progressive, fearless fighter! — A man like Rufus T. Firefly!

To import a ghost into our progressive country, to allow a spirit to pervade the free air of the United States which might be acceptable in the effete atmosphere of the British House of Lords, but not here.

You’ll find Shanghai very progressive.

Because soon you’re going to have a general election but above all, because you represent progressive and intelligent English opinion.

Yes! We like to be progressive in life.

That should breathe life into the progressive cause.

progressive deterioration, even disintegration of structure.

This belongs to a very progressive fellow.

Fellow citizens, we’ve got a real progressive program for our town… and it won’t cost a great deal of money to put it into effect.

Seems that bein’ progressive and spendin’ other people’s money amounts to the same thing.

Well, anyway, for the record, I want to propose our usual resolution- that a board be appointed, no member of which may be over 30 years of age… to promote Stonefield as a tourist center, to attract new industries here… and to make our town a more prosperous and progressive place in which to live.

You probably know I represent progressive ideas at the congress.

It’s now eight months since your government declared war eight months of progressive disaster for the enemies of the German Reich.

They had dared to enter progressive candidates in the primaries… pledged to smash the political machine of the K.K.K.

And a system of nationwide propaganda… used to attack progressive legislation… newspapers, lobbies, the radio, full-page advertisements… extending across the whole country.

Then he started telling me about what a fine young man you are. Capable, progressive, how much confidence he had in you.

Oh, yes. Then, after a little more telling me how progressive you were… he asked me why I’d come.

I think this sort of employer-employee relationship is most progressive.

Aye. Then he must have told you that this disease is progressive.

A progressive architect like myself…

Daily progressive, high-class newspaper.

He’d like to, Dink, but this pilot is a progressive.

I’ve been waiting all day. Listen. You know what the progressive system is?

Stringer’s been doing a poll for you on progressive education for months.

Talk about his life expectancy, but find out what he thinks of progressive education.

It’s a progressive school. Oh.

It’s a progressive school.

Public School 45 must have been a progressive school.

Italo-Slavic progressive Union

What? Another of Ms. Stellwagon’s so-called progressive projects?

And that progressive summer camp.

And these are a senile’s words! It’s been years since progressive people use machines.

I’ve always been attracted by progressive forms of transportation!

It’s a farm college, and they’re very progressive.

I never used to believe my mother’s stories about Americans being the most progressive people.

Just so you don’t start teaching that progressive nonsense they’re spouting in Washington.

A principal gets his knuckles rapped for being too progressive or he gets criticised for not being modern enough. I hope the other councilmen don’t give me as much trouble as you.

«How long will the progressive and up-to-date city of Fairfield…» «….be subject to Confederate rule?»

Very progressive and matey we felt.

I was fortunate in attending schools… with progressive ideas.

At 12 o’clock you are to visit a progressive boys’ school.

A progressive school strives to develop a child’s individuality, to give him full rein to express his feelings and desires on the theory that individuality and genius are cognate.

I suppose you have a lot of new, progressive ideas.

This is such an interesting fusion of the traditional form with the new progressive style.

You third-generation progressive.

Culturally, we’re a very advanced group with lots of good Anglo-Dutch and Anglo-Scotch stock and we’re very progressive intellectually.

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