The word profound in volunteer work can have such a profound impact means

Задание №9996.
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The word profound in “volunteer work can have such a profound impact” (paragraph 6) means
1) significant.
2) instant.
3) severe.
4) visual.

The word profound in “volunteer work can have such a profound impact” (paragraph 6) means significant.
Слово «глубокий» в словах «волонтерская работа может иметь такое глубокое влияние» (параграф 6) означает значительный.

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The author was chosen for her current position because of
1) her passion for volunteering.
2) the advice she gave others.
3) her volunteering background.
4) her leadership skills.

2) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Why did the author enjoy her work in community development?
1) She took part in interesting events.
2) She became part of the community.
3) She developed her skills.
4) She saw the results of her work.

3) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Why did the author have difficulties when volunteering?
1) People did not understand the purpose of volunteering.
2) Employers did not want to pay volunteers.
3) She spent too much time volunteering.
4) Her family did not approve of her work.

4) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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The main idea expressed in paragraphs 4 and 5 is that volunteering
1) develops creativity and talent.
2) becomes more adaptive and flexible.
3) helps build closer relations with locals.
4) helps understand other cultures and lifestyles.

5) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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The pronoun this in “I was so happy to hear this …” (paragraph 6) refers to the
1) offer to study together.
2) young men’s gratitude.
3) surprising information.
4) advice on how to change her life.

6) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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The word profound in “volunteer work can have such a profound impact” (paragraph 6) means
1) significant.
2) instant.
3) severe.
4) visual.

7) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Which piece of advice about volunteering does the author NOT give to her peers?
1) Do not to expect quick results.
2) Develop through volunteering.
3) Become part of a social group.
4) Do not count on earning money.

Reading Passage 3

Questions 28-40
The Meaning of Volunteering

A Volunteering, as some people consider mistakenly is a plethora of people from all walks of life as well as activities, but data from the other side of the world suggest otherwise. For example, a survey on who participated in volunteering by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the United Kingdom (UK) showed that people in higher income households are more likely than others to volunteer. In England and Wales, 57% of adults with gross annual household incomes of ?75.000 or more, have volunteered formally in the 12 months prior to the survey date. They were almost twice more likely to have done so than those living in households with as annual income under ?10.000.

В As well as having high household incomes, volunteers also tend to have higher academic qualifications, be in higher socio-economic groups and be in employment. Among people with a degree or postgraduate qualification, 79 per cent had volunteered informally and 57 per cent had volunteered formally in the previous 12 months. For people with no qualifications the corresponding proportions were 52 per cent and 23 per cent at all. However, voluntary work is certainly not the exclusive preserve of the rich. Does the answer not lie perhaps in the fact that the rich tend to have money to allow them the time to be become involved in voluntary work compared to less well-off people?

C A breakdown in the year 2000 of the range of volunteering activities taken from The Australia Bureau of Statistics gives an idea of the scale of activities in which people are typically involved. Eleven sectors are given ranging from Community and Welfare, which accounted for just over a quarter of the total hours volunteered in Australia, to Law/Justice/Politics with 1.2 percent at the other and of the scale. Other fields included Sport/ Recreation, religious activities and education, following at 21.1 per cent, 16.9 and 14.3 per cent of the total hours. The data here also seem to point to a cohort of volunteers with expertise and experience.

D The knock-on effect of volunteering on the lives of individuals can be profound. Voluntary work helps foster independence and imparts the ability to deal with different situations, often simultaneously, thus teaching people how to work their way through different systems. It therefore brings people into touch with the real world; and, hence, equips them for the future.

E Initially, young adults in their late teens might not seem to have the expertise or knowledge to impart to others that say a teacher or agriculturalist or nurse would have, but they do have many skills that can help others. And in the absence of any particular talent, their energy and enthusiasm can be harnessed for the benefit of their fellow human beings, and ultimately themselves. From all this, the gain to any community no matter how many volunteers are involved is immeasurable.

F Employers will generally look favourably on people who have shown an ability to work as part of a team. It demonstrates a willingness to learn and an independent spirit, which would be desirable qualities in any employee. So to satisfy employers’ demands for experience when applying for work, volunteering can act as a means of gaining experience that might otherwise elude would-be workers and can ultimately lead to paid employment and the desired field.

But what are the prerequisites for becoming a volunteer? One might immediately think of attributes like kindness, selflessness, strength of character, ability to deal with others, determination, adaptability and flexibility and a capacity to comprehend the ways of other people. While offering oneself selflessly, working as a volunteer makes further demands on the individual. It requires a strength of will, a sense of moral responsibility for one’s fellow human beings, and an ability to fit into the ethos of an organisation. But it also requires something which in no way detracts from valuable work done by volunteers and which may seem at first glance both contradictory and surprising: self-interest.

H Organisations involved in any voluntary work have to be realistic about this. If someone, whatever the age is going to volunteer and devote their time without money, they do need to receive something from it for themselves. People who are unemployed can use volunteer work as a stepping-stone to employment or as a means of finding out whether they really like the field the plan to enter or as a way to help them find themselves.

I It is tempting to use some form of community work as an alternative to national service or as punishment for petty criminals by making the latter for example clean up parks, wash away graffiti, work with victims of their own or other people. Those may be acceptable, but it does not constitute volunteer work, two cardinal rules of which are the willingness to volunteer without coercion and working unpaid.

Questions 28-33
Reading Passage 3 has nine paragraphs A-I.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the letter, A-I, in boxes 28-33 on your Answer Sheet

28 a description of what does not satisfy the criteria for volunteer work
29 the impact of voluntary work on the development of individuals
30 the requirement for both selflessness and self-interest in volunteers
31 various areas in which people volunteer
32 the benefit of voluntary work for the young
33 a mistaken view of volunteering

Questions 34-37
Choose the correct letter А, В, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 34-37 on your answer sheet.

34 The ONS survey was done to find out
A why people undertook volunteering.
B how many people participated in volunteering.
C how many rich people did volunteer work.
D which people were involved in volunteering.

35 The ONS survey found that people with university qualification were
A as likely to volunteer as those with no qualifications.
B more likely to volunteer than those with no qualifications.
C less likely to volunteer than those with no qualifications.
D the only group likely to do formal volunteer work.

36 It is suggested that rich people volunteer as a result of having
A clearer goals.
B fewer children.
C more spare time.
D greater guilt.

37 Volunteer work benefits people by teaching them how to
A function in system.
B communicate clearly.
C deal with failure.
D overcome shyness.

Questions 38-40
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F below.
Write the correct letter, AF , in boxes 3840 on your Answer Sheet

38 One of the requirements of being a volunteer is being able to
39 Volunteering can be used as a way for the unemployed to
40 Employers in general tend to

A consider workers with volunteer work experience an asset.
В gain a very well paid job.
C gain access to a job in a field of interest.
D benefit most from volunteer work.
E understand how people behave.
F want much younger workers.

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глубокий, основательный, полный, глубина, бездна, пучина, море, океан


- глубокий, основательный

profound intelligence [meaning] — глубокий ум [смысл]
profound learning — глубокие /основательные/ знания
profound changes — основательные /кардинальные/ перемены
one of the most profound minds of this generation — один из самых выдающихся мыслителей /глубоких умов/ этого поколения

- трудный для понимания, сложный, запутанный

profound doctrine — сложная теория
a most profound mathematical inquiry — очень трудное (для понимания) /сложное/ математическое исследование

- глубокий, глубоко прочувствованный, проникновенный

profound sympathy [contempt] — глубокое сочувствие [презрение]
profound respect for smb. — глубочайшее уважение к кому-л.
to listen to smb. with profound interest — слушать кого-л. с огромным интересом

- поэт. имеющий большую глубину, глубокий

profound depths of the ocean — глубины /пучина/ океана
profound sigh — глубокий вздох

- полный, совершенный, абсолютный

profound rest — абсолютный /полный/ покой
profound ignorance — совершенное /полное/ невежество
profound indifference — полное /глубокое/ безразличие
profound sleep — глубокий сон
profound silence — глубокое молчание; полная тишина

- глубокий, низкий (о поклоне)

to make a profound bow — отвесить низкий поклон
to make a profound curtsy — сделать глубокий реверанс


- поэт. море; океан
- глубина; бездна; пучина

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Jenner is a profound thinker.

Дженнер глубокомысленна.

His knowledge of history is profound.

Его знание истории основательно / глубоко. (он очень хорошо знает историю)

She failed to create any profound impression.

Ей не удалось произвести глубокого впечатления.

Tolstoy’s experiences of war had a profound effect on his work.

Военный опыт Толстого оказал глубокое влияние на его произведения.

The mother’s behaviour has a profound impact on the developing child.

Поведение матери оказывает сильное воздействие на развитие ребенка.

Computers have had a profound effect on our lives.

Компьютеры оказали глубокое влияние на нашу жизнь.

Her work touches something profound in the human psyche.

Её работа затрагивает что-то в глубине человеческой психики.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

That is as clean and concise a summation of a profound and complicated truth as I have come across …

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): profounder
прев. степ. (superlative): profoundest

Перевод по словам

a [article]

article: один, некий, каждый, такой же, неопределенный артикль, одинаковый, какой-то

noun: высшая отметка, круглое отлично

abbreviation: возраст, акр, пополудни

  • a urgency — актуальность
  • a prompting — побуждение
  • holds a 10 a interest — имеет 10 процентную долю в
  • a zebra — зебра
  • a russian — России
  • a revision — пересмотр
  • a gets — А получает
  • over a year and a half — через полтора года
  • a little over a quarter — чуть более четверти
  • a carrot and a stick — морковь и палка

profound [adjective]

adjective: глубокий, основательный, проникновенный, полный, мудрый, абсолютный, низкий

noun: глубина, бездна, море, океан, пучина

  • profound understanding — глубокое понимание
  • profound concern — глубокая обеспокоенность
  • very profound — очень глубокий
  • profound humanity — глубокая человечность
  • a profound challenge — глубокий вызов
  • i profound experience — я глубокий опыт
  • profound challenges — глубокие проблемы
  • profound statement — глубокое заявление
  • profound pain — глубокая боль
  • profound apology — глубокое извинение

impact [noun]

noun: влияние, воздействие, удар, столкновение, импульс, толчок, коллизия

verb: ударять, сталкиваться, ударяться, плотно сжимать, прочно укреплять

  • impact of teaching — Влияние обучения
  • no cost impact — не влияет стоимость
  • impact on situation — Воздействие на ситуацию
  • wind impact — воздействие ветра
  • post impact — после удара
  • impact communities — воздействие сообщества
  • total impact — общее влияние
  • had little impact on — имели мало влияния на
  • assess the potential impact — оценки потенциального воздействия
  • their positive impact — их положительное воздействие

on [preposition]

preposition: на, по, о, в, об, относительно, за, из, у, после

adverb: согласно

adjective: желающий принять участие, знающий тайну или секрет, удачный, хороший

noun: левая сторона

  • on blood — на крови
  • on pause — на паузу
  • on contracting — на заключение контрактов
  • resistance on — сопротивление на
  • bias on — предвзятость
  • on archival — на архивных
  • lots on — лоты на
  • ignition on — зажигание
  • on mushrooms — по грибы
  • cam on — кулачок

Предложения с «a profound impact on»

And this made a profound impact on a young writer called Mary Shelley.

Это оказало большое влияние на молодую писательницу по имени Мэри Шелли.

He who was the school teacher of many of us as… his kindness… his character… and his humanism had a profound impact on us.

Тот, кто был учителем для многих из нас оставит зияющую пустоту в наших сердцах, настолько его щедрость… его характер… и его любовь к людям оставили в нас глубокий след.

But I want to know why one simple weed has such a profound impact on all our lives.

Но я хочу знать: Почему какая то простая трава оказывает глубокое воздействие на всю нашу жизнь?

The Barbizon painters also had a profound impact on landscape painting in the United States.

Барбизонские художники также оказали глубокое влияние на пейзажную живопись в Соединенных Штатах.

During a tour of Harlem Hospital Center, she made a profound impact on the public by spontaneously hugging a seven-year-old child with AIDS.

Во время экскурсии по Гарлемскому больничному центру она произвела глубокое впечатление на публику, спонтанно обняв семилетнего ребенка, больного СПИДом.

Analysts agree that the episode had a profound impact on France.

Аналитики сходятся во мнении, что этот эпизод оказал глубокое влияние на Францию.

Analysts agree that the episode had a profound impact on France.

Аналитики сходятся во мнении, что этот эпизод оказал глубокое влияние на Францию.

Livyatan was an apex predator, and probably had a profound impact on the structuring of Miocene marine communities.

Ливятан был главным хищником и, вероятно, оказал глубокое влияние на структуру миоценовых морских сообществ.

Despite this, he had a profound impact on the imperial library and sought both Christian and pagan books for its collections.

Несмотря на это, он оказал глубокое влияние на императорскую библиотеку и искал для ее собраний как христианские, так и языческие книги.

He was responsible for positing numerous cosmological theories that have a profound impact on the understanding of our universe today.

Он был ответственен за создание многочисленных космологических теорий, которые оказывают глубокое влияние на понимание нашей Вселенной сегодня.

The reintroduction of the horse to North America had a profound impact on Native American culture of the Great Plains.

Реинтродукция лошади в Северную Америку оказала глубокое влияние на культуру коренных американцев Великих Равнин.

Additionally, media coverage has been proven to have a profound impact on criminal sentencing.

Кроме того, было доказано, что освещение в средствах массовой информации оказывает глубокое влияние на вынесение уголовных приговоров.

Marx’s ideas have had a profound impact on world politics and intellectual thought.

Идеи Маркса оказали глубокое влияние на мировую политику и интеллектуальную мысль.

Untreated, fistulas can result in significant disability and have a profound impact on quality of life.

Необработанные свищи могут привести к значительной инвалидности и оказать глубокое влияние на качество жизни.

The Atman theory in Upanishads had a profound impact on ancient ethical theories and dharma traditions now known as Hinduism.

Теория Атмана в Упанишадах оказала глубокое влияние на древние этические теории и традиции Дхармы, ныне известные как индуизм.

Advances in microscopy also had a profound impact on biological thinking.

Достижения в области микроскопии также оказали глубокое влияние на биологическое мышление.

World War I had a profound impact on woman suffrage across the belligerents.

Первая мировая война оказала глубокое влияние на избирательное право женщин во всех воюющих странах.

Contemporaries who would make a profound impact on Shahn’s work and career include artists Walker Evans, Diego Rivera and Jean Charlot.

Современники, которые могли бы оказать глубокое влияние на творчество и карьеру Шахна, включают художников Уокера Эванса, Диего Риверу и Жана Шарло.

Blavatsky had a profound impact on pioneer geometric artists like Hilma af Klint and Wassily Kandinsky.

Блаватская оказала глубокое влияние на пионеров геометрического искусства, таких как Хилма аф Клинт и Василий Кандинский.

An event that had a profound impact on Gaudí’s personality was Tragic Week in 1909.

Событием, оказавшим глубокое влияние на личность Гауди, стала трагическая неделя 1909 года.

Sexual dysfunctions can have a profound impact on an individual’s perceived quality of sexual life.

Сексуальные дисфункции могут оказывать глубокое влияние на воспринимаемое человеком качество сексуальной жизни.

Freeloading can have a profound impact on the network and in some cases can cause the community to collapse.

Халява может иметь глубокое влияние на сеть и в некоторых случаях может привести к коллапсу сообщества.

Vladimir Putin became president of the Russian Federation in 2000, which had a profound impact on Russo-Georgian relations.

Владимир Путин стал президентом Российской Федерации в 2000 году, что оказало глубокое влияние на российско — грузинские отношения.

The propellant particle size distribution has a profound impact on APCP rocket motor performance.

Распределение частиц топлива по размерам оказывает глубокое влияние на производительность ракетного двигателя APCP.

It is speculated that this discovery had a profound impact on the younger McCandless.

Считается, что это открытие оказало глубокое влияние на молодого Маккэндлесса.

The philosophers of the British Empiricist and Associationist schools had a profound impact on the later course of experimental psychology.

Философы британской эмпирической и Ассоциационистской школ оказали глубокое влияние на более поздний курс экспериментальной психологии.

The fall of Constantinople has a profound impact on the ancient Pentarchy of the Orthodox Church.

Падение Константинополя оказало глубокое влияние на древнюю Пентархию Православной Церкви.

The difficult conditions Ukrainians had made a profound impact on the poet-painter.

Идет длительная дискуссия о том, насколько эффективным был Конгресс как организация.

The Gwangju Uprising had a profound impact on South Korean politics and history.

Восстание в Кванджу оказало глубокое влияние на южнокорейскую политику и историю.

Miller’s Filthy Frank show has had a profound impact on internet culture, responsible for creating many internet memes.

Грязное откровенное шоу Миллера оказало глубокое влияние на интернет — культуру, ответственное за создание многих интернет — мемов.

Starting in the late 18th century, Romanticism had a profound impact on the development of western jewellery.

Начиная с конца XVIII века, романтизм оказал глубокое влияние на развитие западного ювелирного искусства.

The connection between music, mathematics, and astronomy had a profound impact on history.

Связь между музыкой, математикой и астрономией оказала глубокое влияние на историю.

The increasing rise of interest in history had a profound impact on architectural education.

Растущий интерес к истории оказал глубокое влияние на архитектурное образование.

In 1982, his book The Ecology of Freedom had a profound impact on the emerging ecology movement, both in the United States and abroad.

В 1982 году его книга Экология свободы оказала глубокое влияние на зарождающееся экологическое движение как в Соединенных Штатах, так и за рубежом.

They announced the nominees for the Game for Impact, an award that’s given to a thought-provoking video game with a profound prosocial message or meaning.

Они анонсировали номинантов Game for Impact, награды, которая присуждается видеоигре, приводящей к размышлениям и содержащей глубокое просоциальное послание или смысл.

Digital mapping technology is having the most profound impact on the world’s most remote and undeveloped regions.

Технология цифровой картографии самое большое влияние оказывает на наиболее недоступные и неразвитые регионы мира.

Another moment in remand amongst hardened criminals could have a profound psychological impact on him.

Каждый момент в заключении среди закоренелых преступников может нанести ему глубокую психологическую травму.

It had a really profound impact on me.

Они меня очень впечатлили.

This has had a very profound impact on children’s behaviour, on mental illness.

Это оказывало сильное влияние на поведение детей и их психические расстройства.

Although I do not speak from personal experience I have seen it have a profound psychological impact.

Я не могу опираться на личный опыт, но я заметил, что оно производит глубокое психологическое воздействие .

The impact of the war on islanders was profound .

Война оказала на островитян огромное влияние.

The impact on French nationalism was profound .

Влияние на французский национализм было глубоким .

Jebsen’s death at the hands of the Nazis had a profound emotional impact on Popov.

Смерть джебсена от рук нацистов оказала глубокое эмоциональное воздействие на Попова.

The second-oldest major philanthropic institution in America, after the Carnegie Corporation, the foundation’s impact on philanthropy in general has been profound .

Второй по старшинству крупный филантропический институт в Америке, после Корпорации Карнеги, фонд оказал глубокое влияние на филантропию в целом.

The T-34 had profound impact on German WWII tank design.

Т — 34 оказал глубокое влияние на немецкую конструкцию танков Второй мировой войны.

One profound impact on the city that has been almost forgotten was the German immigrants who settled in the region.

Одним из глубоких последствий для города, который был почти забыт, были немецкие иммигранты, поселившиеся в этом регионе.

The German impact on San Antonio may not seem profound nowadays, but it was.

Немецкое влияние на Сан — Антонио в наши дни может показаться не очень глубоким , но так оно и было.

But in countries where nudity is taboo, the protests have more profound impact.

Но в странах, где нагота является табу, протесты имеют более глубокое воздействие .

As a testament to the profound impact that Otto and his device had on electronics, it is still widely referred to as the “Schmitt trigger.

Как свидетельство глубокого влияния, которое Отто и его устройство оказали на электронику, его до сих пор широко называют “триггером Шмитта.

We know from Darwin, if we go back two centuries, that evolution and genetics profoundly have impacted humanity, who we are today.

Согласно Дарвину, возвращаясь на два столетия назад, эволюция и генетика глубоко повлияли на человечество, на то, кто мы есть сегодня.

It was devastating for many communities and impacted Newfoundland profoundly .

Это было разрушительно для многих общин и глубоко повлияло на Ньюфаундленд.

The climate of the city is profoundly impacted by the Mediterranean Sea in the west.

На климат города очень сильно влияет Средиземное море на Западе.

Historically, advances in science and technology have also had profound impacts on commodity production and trade.

Исторически прогресс в науке и технологии всегда оказывал глубокое влияние на производство сырьевых товаров и торговлю ими.

Hence, oil spill is a catastrophic event that has profound impacts on the ecology and environment, affecting more than just marine lives.

Следовательно, разлив нефти — это катастрофическое событие, которое оказывает глубокое воздействие на экологию и окружающую среду, затрагивая не только морских обитателей.

However if it does, this would have profound impacts upon large parts of the Earth’s climate.

Однако если это произойдет, то это будет иметь глубокие последствия для значительной части климата Земли.

It had profound impacts on Brazilian society, economics, infrastructure, and politics.

Она оказала глубокое влияние на бразильское общество, экономику, инфраструктуру и политику.

Unlike chronic stress, traumatic events can be single occurrences that have a profound impact on the individual and his or her development.

The distinction between activation and integration has profound implications for predicting and understanding interactions between event codes.

Perhaps their insistence on the unity of economic science explains why their seminal contributions have had such a profound impact on the entire field.

Have philosophers not offered us profound advice on practical questions such as how to live and what to value?

I agree that these issues plus additional, as yet undiscovered, effects can have profound influences on brain dynamics.

The profound differences among the religious traditions are due to the different ways in which the transcendent reality is experienced and conceived in human life.

Meanwhile, the needs of the day are profound, as is outlined in a later section of this article on critical directions for future work.

First, religious diversity will and should have a profound impact on many exclusivists and the epistemic status of their beliefs.

There is profound disagreement among scholars on this issue.

It has had a profound effect on my life ever since.

Its concerns have less to do with profound causes than with distributive goods, such as political appointments or preferential benefits in public policies.

Although formally small, this term exerts a profound effect on the resulting dynamics.

However, tectonic/magmatic events exerted the most profound influence.

An important aspect of ref lection and new existence was learning from the patients’ perspectives whether myeloma had changed them in any profound way.

And these films had a profound effect on style, slang and notions of masculinity.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Why Do People Volunteer? Why the Work? Why the Sweat? Why the Sacrifice?

Why Do People Volunteer? 
For These 7 

By Guest Author Eric Weir

Why do people volunteer? A great question, and one that many clients have asked me — they want to know what are the specific volunteering benefits, whether they are long-time residents going through a major career transition or new immigrants trying to settle in a new country.

There are many reasons to volunteer, and I’ll explain below toyou’re your volunteering — even just a few hours each week – very positively and directly impacts both your career development and job search success.

It’s just totally amazing to me every time how much getting involved in some volunteer work can help everyone with building their careers, regardless of whether that volunteer role relates directly to their chosen profession or is simply their way of staying connected professionally through one or even several community service agencies within their neighborhood or local community. It often works very well either way.

But wait, there’s more!

Volunteering also helps us tremendously in maintaining a positive attitude while we job search, and quite naturally bolsters our health, self-esteem and joy of life.

Of course, volunteering also touches other people’s lives besides our own. We change other people’s lives while we also help ourselves at the same time. And it’s totally magical — almost unbelievable in fact — how much each volunteer benefits as a reward for or result of his or her volunteer commitments and activities.

Why Do People Volunteer?:

1) How Volunteer Work 
Can Benefit Your Job Search

When we offer to volunteer, we will often create a “pull” and therefore much more easily attract to ourselves the resources and various other forms of assistance we need to help us in our job search goals. First we give, and then we naturally receive as a result.

I know that you may want to volunteer strictly only because you feel a natural, healthy desire to help others, and I totally relate to that. However, most unfortunately for us self-sacrificing humanitarian types, we just can’t help getting something back in return no matter how hard we may try to make the “giving-and-taking thing” a one-way street! .-)

The most important thing that we need to comprehend about the power of volunteering to help in our job search and career is the fact that giving always begets receiving.

We don’t know exactly how we’re going to be rewarded for our acts of giving. And we don’t know who’s going to come into our lives to help us in return for the help we’re offering to the community.

But rest assured, help us they will, and often before we even know it and in ways that we never would’ve imagined or expected.

In fact, if anything, we as the “givers” benefit more – sometimes a lot more – than the “receivers” as a result of this give-receive feedback loop.

And that’s why your act of giving through volunteer work activities often has such a profoundly positive impact on all areas of your life.

For example, let’s start with how volunteering can improve your health:

Why Do People Volunteer?:

2) If You 
Want to Live Longer, Volunteer!

One answer to the question, “Why do people volunteer?” is better health, and I mean on all levels.

Giving back to the local community may slow down the aging process in ways that at least generally lead to a higher quality of life.

The physical health benefits of doing good things for others through volunteering are similar to those experienced by any of us who do yoga regularly, or practice another spiritual discipline such as meditation. In other words, volunteering can actually slow down your heart rate and reduce your blood pressure.

Of course, improved health creates a positive feedback loop into all areas of your life that need it, and sometimes in very profound ways. Among other ways, this includes enhanced motivation and more of that positive energy you absolutely need to carry into your job search and career development activities.

Why Do People Volunteer?:

3) Forget Drugs – You Can 
Get a Natural High from Volunteering!

Here’s yet another reason why people like to volunteer: The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) commissioned a research study which stated that volunteers report a kind of helpers’ high — a physical and psychological “feel good” sensation linked to physiological changes.

In my own words, volunteering often has the effect of raising your energy, something hard to measure scientifically, but that is nevertheless very effective and real.

Perhaps our voluntary work operates at a higher “spiritual energy” and when we participate in it then we receive more of that good energy. It then lifts us up more, helping us to persevere in our job search despite feelings of personal insecurity and financial worries.

Also, because the people we’re helping in our volunteer work are quite often considerably worse off than we are, it helps us to feel relatively better about our own life situation which is often comparatively simple.

We come to the realization through relating to these other fallible humans that all is not lost, and that really we’re still doing relatively well even though we’re currently unemployed or otherwise feeling a sense of lack in life.

Or better still, we take it a step further and end up completely forgetting about our own troubles because we become so busy helping others with theirs! Then, we stop feeling so sorry for ourselves and can once again focus in on our most pressing responsibilities within our own lives, which include preparing for upcoming job interviews and networking opportunities if we are out of work.

Why Do People Volunteer?:

4) Volunteering Reduces 
Isolation, Loneliness, Frustration and Depression

When clients ask me, «Why do people volunteer?» I sometimes prefer to focus on the social aspect of volunteering.

For example, by far the toughest aspect of job searching is the loneliness and isolation which easily turns into frequent frustration with ourselves and others. We can also suffer from related harsh self-criticism and eventually even moderate or severe depression.

Some unfortunate people even start to get thoughts of self-harm or suicide when they’re out of work or money and have no ideas left about where to turn.

Even if we’re surrounded by a lot of loving and supportive family and friends at night and on the weekends, those seemingly-unending, long solitary weekdays can take their toll on health, self-esteem and happiness.

A lot of us rely at least somewhat on our co-workers to meet at least some social needs, and this balance between home and work keeps us from relying too much on any one particular person.

Humans are social beings! Much of our social enjoyment comes out of our daily work. Volunteering temporarily takes the place of meeting those social needs while we’re job searching, thus eliminating or at least reducing our isolation.

Mind you, volunteering isn’t just about keeping busy through hanging out or chatting with other people. It’s also about using our time wisely, by keeping ourselves busy in a way that’s meaningful and productive.

Through our volunteer work. we make a really significant contribution, remain an active participant in life, and often enhance our work skills.

Volunteer activity is also about giving time and organizational structure to our week and day, and that’s very helpful even it it’s only a 4-hour-per-week volunteer shift that we commit ourselves to. Even that few hours is a lot better than spending all of your long weekdays alone and stuck in front of your old computer.

These are things we can’t otherwise do nearly as easily when we’re out of work. Volunteering fills that rather awkward gap very nicely thank you very much, and helps us to stay more on track in our job search.

Why Do People Volunteer?:

5) Volunteering Offers Us 
Many New Professional Contacts

When the PHAC study asked why do people volunteer, it also showed that our social participation through volunteering is a very important element of integrate, healthy and secure communities.

People with strong support networks and increased social contacts experience lower premature death rates along with less heart disease and also fewer health risk factors.

In addition, it found that volunteering helps people form interpersonal ties and develop their social networks.

In other words, you can make many new friends and both professional and personal acquaintances, or expand your professional and social networks.

Q: Okay, so how exactly does this happen?

A: It happens as a natural consequence of you being around others in the volunteer workplace – staff along with other volunteers. You are no longer on the outside of the door looking in. No! You’re on the inside now!

You introduce yourself to all these fascinating new people, and then you start to have chats with them whenever you’re on your volunteer shift there.

As you continue your volunteering there and some of these people get to know you better, your conversations naturally lead to career development and job search referrals and related “golden nuggets” of information, and this often happens without you even asking or expecting it to happen!

If you help an agency’s staff, they will quite naturally want to help you back, and often do. Once you’ve “given of yourself,” your volunteer supervisor and others on your team there will seek to help you in return.

Similarly, volunteering is great for meeting people to do informational interviews or information gathering interviews with. You may want to arrange a formal or more structured information gathering interview, or simply ask questions more gradually or over a longer period of time as you talk to and get to know people at the agency.

In addition to various social service agencies, you can also volunteer for your professional group or association to assist them with job fairs, conferences or other special events as well as to participate on active working committees.

In fact, merely offering to volunteer at your professional association is often more than enough to attract further networking contacts.

Why Do People Volunteer?:

Demonstrates Your Leadership Skills

Volunteers gain interpersonal, communication, organizational, managerial and leadership skills through practical experience and on- the-job training. This improves both our professional and personal growth.

Specific benefits for teen and youth volunteers in particular featureenhanced confidence and self esteem through skill development. And again, there’s the tie-in with health: Confidence and self-esteem are related to improved immune function and reduced blood pressure.

Why Do People Volunteer?:

7) Volunteer Work Adds 
Recognition to Your Resume

Volunteering earns you the additional recognition and approval that you can proudly display in your career portfolio and on your resume.

We can always mention volunteer work on our resumes within our work experience sections or as a secondary section. Don’t hide it! It demonstrates that you’re a contributing member of your local community as well as your leadership and a willingness to provide valuable service to others.

Volunteer roles of all kinds are powerful demonstrations of community leadership. So whether you’re making photocopies or organizing a huge event, it’s all about leadership. People who express volunteering leadership within their community are frequently richly rewarded with many kinds of helpful recognition.

In Summary: Why Do People Volunteer?

Why do people volunteer? They’re inspired to because the experience of volunteering is just so incredible. It’s like magic. It’s truly amazing how much such a simple act can re-charge your job search, help your career and even more importantly, improve your own experience and quality of life.

Let’s celebrate it — 
volunteering is a huge force for good in the world that affects all of us in a very positive way.

Why do people volunteer? Because directly and indirectly, collectively and personally, volunteering is changing people’s lives. This includes people who live in your local community, neighbours, friends and family – and last but certainly not least, you.

Eric Weir is the author of:

VolunteerMagic, ( a website written with a personal touch, designed to celebrate the many powerful benefits of volunteering.

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