The word productive means

  • 1

    1) производи́тельный, производя́щий; продукти́вный;

    2) плодоро́дный

    3) плодови́тый

    4) причиня́ющий, влеку́щий за собо́й (of)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > productive

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > productive

  • 3

    productive 1. продуктивный, производительный; урожайный; 2. продуцирующий; 3. способный к развитию (о яйце)

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > productive

  • 4

    1. a полит. -эк. производительный

    2. a производственный

    3. a плодородный

    4. a плодовитый

    5. a влекущий за собою; причиняющий

    6. a плодотворный, благоприятный

    7. a мед. продуктивный

    8. a вчт. полезный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. constructive (adj.) constructive; energetic; resourceful; useful

    2. efficient (adj.) effective; effectual; efficient; high-performance; proficient

    3. fertile (adj.) bounteous; childing; creative; fecund; fertile; fruitful; generative; loamy; luxuriant; producing; profitable; proliferant; prolific; rich; spawning; yielding

    4. moneymaking (adj.) moneymaking; remunerative; well-spent; worthwhile

    Антонимический ряд:

    sterile; unprofitable; useless

    English-Russian base dictionary > productive

  • 5


    1. 1) производительный

    productive mine [oilfield] — богатый рудник [нефтяной промысел]

    productive capacity — производительная способность [ тж. 2]

    productive assets — производительный капитал; производственные фонды

    3) производственный

    2. плодородный

    3. плодовитый

    productive writer [poet] — плодовитый писатель [поэт]

    4. (of) влекущий за собою; причиняющий

    money is not always productive of happiness — деньги не всегда приносят счастье

    5. плодотворный, благоприятный ()

    our meeting was very productive — наша встреча была очень полезной /плодотворной/

    НБАРС > productive

  • 6


    productive благоприятный productive влекущий за собой productive плодовитый productive плодородный productive плодотворный (о влиянии) productive плодотворный productive причиняющий, влекущий за собой (of) productive продуктивный productive производительный, производящий, продуктивный productive производительный, производящий; продуктивный productive производительный productive производственный productive производящий productive population часть населения, занятая производительным трудом; productive capacity производительность, производственная мощность

    English-Russian short dictionary > productive

  • 7





    производительный; продуктивный; эффективный






    плодородный ; изобилующий, богатый



    полезный; благоприятный; продуктивный, плодотворный, результативный




    влекущий за собою; причиняющий



    Англо-русский экономический словарь > productive

  • 8

    prəˈdʌktɪv прил.
    1) а) производительный;
    продуктивный, эффективный productive forces ≈ производительные силы productive labor ≈ производительный труд Syn: efficient, fruitful б) производственный productive relations ≈ производственные отношения productive capacity ≈ производительность, производственная мощность
    2) а) плодородный Syn: fertile б) перен. плодотворный, благоприятный productive influence ≈ благотворное влияние Syn: fruitful
    3) прям. и перен. плодовитый Syn: fruitful, prolific
    4) причиняющий, влекущий за собой (of) Love is not always productive of felicity. ≈ Любовь не всегда приносит блаженство.
    5) лингв. продуктивный productive model ≈ продуктивная модель
    6) вчт. полезный productive time ≈ полезное врем
    производительный — * pool (горное) промышленная нефтяная залежь (политэкономия) производительный — * capacity производительная способность — * capital производительный капитал производственный — * co-operative society производственное кооперативное общество плодородный — * soil плодородная почва плодовитый — * writer плодовитый писатель влекущий за собой;
    причиняющий — it may be * of much good это может принести большую пользу плодотворный, благоприятный (о влиянии, климате) — our meeting was very * наша встреча была очень полезной продуктивный — * suffix продуктивный суффикс (медицина) продуктивный — * cough( медицина) кашель с мокротой (компьютерное) полезный — * time полезное время
    productive благоприятный ~ влекущий за собой ~ плодовитый ~ плодородный ~ плодотворный (о влиянии) ~ плодотворный ~ причиняющий, влекущий за собой (of) ~ продуктивный ~ производительный, производящий, продуктивный ~ производительный, производящий;
    продуктивный ~ производительный ~ производственный ~ производящий
    ~ population часть населения, занятая производительным трудом;
    productive capacity производительность, производственная мощность

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > productive

  • 9




    а) производительный; продуктивный, эффективный




    б) плодотворный, благоприятный



    4) причиняющий, влекущий за собой

    Love is not always productive of felicity. — Любовь не всегда приносит блаженство.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > productive

  • 10

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > productive

  • 11

    1) продуктивный; производительный

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > productive

  • 12

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > productive

  • 13

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > productive

  • 14

    Англо-русский технический словарь > productive

  • 15


    1) производительный, производящий; продуктивный; productive population часть населения, занятая производительным трудом; productive capacity производительность, производственная мощность

    2) плодородный

    3) плодовитый

    4) причиняющий, влекущий за собой (of)

    5) плодотворный (о влиянии)

    * * *

    (a) продуктивный; производительный

    * * *

    производительный; продуктивный, эффективный

    * * *

    [pro·duc·tive || prə’dʌktɪv]
    производительный, плодородный, плодовитый, влекущий за собой, причиняющий, плодотворный, продуктивный, производящий

    * * *











    * * *

    1) а) производительный
    б) производственный
    2) а) плодородный
    б) перен. плодотворный
    3) прям. и перен. плодовитый
    4) причиняющий, влекущий за собой (of)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > productive

  • 16

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > productive

  • 17

    производительный ; продуктивный ; плодотворный ; ? productive forces ;

    Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > productive

  • 18


    1) производительный, продуктивный

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > productive

  • 19

    prəˈdʌktɪvпроизводящий, производительный, производственный, продуктивный, плодородный

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > productive

  • 20

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > productive


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • productive — pro‧duc‧tive [prəˈdʌktɪv] adjective 1. producing or achieving something: • The program is designed to help business users be more productive. • We want to turn welfare recipients into productive, working members of society. • The plant has the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Productive — Pro*duc tive, a. [F. productif, L. productivus fit for prolongation.] [1913 Webster] 1. Having the quality or power of producing; yielding or furnishing results; as, productive soil; productive enterprises; productive labor, that which increases… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • productive — [prə duk′tiv, prōduk′tiv] adj. [ML productivus < LL, fit for prolongation < L productus, pp. of producere: see PRODUCE] 1. producing abundantly; fertile [productive soil, a productive mind] 2. marked by abundant production or effective… …   English World dictionary

  • productive — I adjective advantageous, causative, constructive, creational, creative, demiurgic, demiurgical, efficient, fecund, ferax, fertile, formative, fructiferous, fructuous, fruitful, gainful, imaginative, industrial, inventive, life giving, luxuriant …   Law dictionary

  • productive — 1610s, from Fr. productif (16c.), from M.L. productivus fit for production, from L. product , pp. stem of producere (see PRODUCE (Cf. produce)). Related: Productively; productiveness …   Etymology dictionary

  • productive — [adj] fruitful, creative advantageous, beneficial, constructive, dynamic, effective, energetic, fecund, fertile, gainful, generative, gratifying, inventive, plentiful, producing, profitable, prolific, rewarding, rich, teeming, useful, valuable,… …   New thesaurus

  • productive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) producing or able to produce large amounts of goods or crops. 2) achieving or producing a significant amount or result. DERIVATIVES productively adverb productiveness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • productive — pro|duc|tive [ prə dʌktıv ] adjective ** 1. ) making or growing things in large quantities, especially so that they can be sold: During their most productive period, both mills were controlled by the Marling family. ways of making more productive …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • productive — [[t]prədʌ̱ktɪv[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Someone or something that is productive produces or does a lot for the amount of resources used. Training makes workers highly productive… More productive farmers have been able to provide cheaper food.… …   English dictionary

  • productive */*/ — UK [prəˈdʌktɪv] / US adjective 1) a) making or growing things in large quantities, especially so that they can be sold During their most productive period, both mills were controlled by the Marling family. ways of making more productive use of… …   English dictionary

  • productive — productively, adv. productiveness, n. productivity /proh duk tiv i tee/, n. /preuh duk tiv/, adj. 1. having the power of producing; generative; creative: a productive effort. 2. producing readily or abundantly; fertile: a productive vineyard. 3.… …   Universalium

продуктивный, производительный, плодотворный, плодовитый, производящий


- производительный

productive pool — горн. промышленная нефтяная залежь
productive mine [oilfield] — богатый рудник [нефтяной промысел]

- полит.-эк. производительный

productive capacity — производительная способность
productive capital — производительный капитал
productive labour — производительный труд
productive forces — производительные силы
productive assets — производительный капитал; производственные фонды
productive age — трудоспособный возраст

- производственный

productive co-operative society — производственное кооперативное общество
productive facilities — производственный аппарат

- плодородный

productive soil — плодородная почва
productive capacity — производительная способность

- плодовитый

productive writer [poet] — плодовитый писатель [поэт]
productive imagination — творческая фантазия

- (of) влекущий за собою; причиняющий

it may be productive of much good — это может принести большую пользу
money is not always productive of happiness — деньги не всегда приносят счастье

- плодотворный, благоприятный (о влиянии, климате и т. п.)

our meeting was very productive — наша встреча была очень полезной /плодотворной/

- лингв. продуктивный

productive suffix — продуктивный суффикс

- мед. продуктивный

productive cough — мед. кашель с мокротой

- вчт. полезный

productive time — полезное время

Мои примеры


the kind of ennui that comes from having too much time on one’s hands and too little will to find something productive to do — такая тоска, которая нападает, когда у человека слишком много свободного времени, и чересчур мало желания найти себе какое-нибудь полезное занятие  
productive relations — производственные отношения  
productive influence — благотворное влияние  
productive model — продуктивная модель  
productive employment of labour — производительное применение труда  
productive capital influx — приток производительного капитала  
excess agricultural productive capacities — избыточные производственные мощности в сельском хозяйстве  
base of the productive interval — нижняя граница продуктивности  
productive investment — инвестиции в производственную деятельность; инвестирование производства  
step up productive investment — увеличивать производственные капиталовложения  
non-productive labor — непроизводительный труд  

Примеры с переводом

I am most productive in the morning.

Наиболее эффективно я работаю утром.

Most of us are more productive in the morning.

Утром большинство из нас работает более продуктивно.

How can we shunt the talks onto more productive subjects?

Как бы нам перевести беседу на более полезные темы?

The meeting was productive of several good ideas.

Совещание принесло несколько хороших идей.

I had a very productive day.

У меня был очень плодотворный день.

Love is not always productive of felicity.

Любовь не всегда приносит блаженство.

Some staff members are more productive than others.

Некоторые сотрудники более эффективны, чем другие.

Reveling all night is not conducive to a productive next day at work.

Гулянки до утра не способствуют продуктивной работе на следующий день.

Values of products can be imputed back to productive factors.

Ценность продуктов может быть условно перенесена на факторы производства.

Contrary to popular myths, downsizing does not necessarily make companies more profitable, more productive, or even smaller.

Вопреки популярному мифу, сокращение штата не всегда делает компанию более прибыльной, более производительной или даже меньшей в размерах.

Возможные однокоренные слова

productivity  — производительность, продуктивность, выработка, выход продукции
reproductive  — воспроизводительный
unproductive  — непродуктивный, непроизводительный
productiveness  — производительность, продуктивность, плодородность
productively  — продуктивно, производительно


: having the quality or power of producing especially in abundance

productive fishing waters


: effective in bringing about

investigating committees have been productive of much goodR. K. Carr



: yielding results, benefits, or profits


: yielding or devoted to the satisfaction of wants or the creation of utilities


: continuing to be used in the formation of new words or constructions

un- is a productive prefix


: raising mucus or sputum (as from the bronchi)


Example Sentences

I had a very productive day.

I am most productive in the morning.

Some staff members are more productive than others.

Recent Examples on the Web

But when he’s been on the field, he’s been productive.

Steve Gardner, USA TODAY, 28 Mar. 2023

Clemson defensive end Myles Murphy — New York Jets Like every other coach, the Jets’ Robert Saleh likes versatile, productive defensive linemen.

Mark Inabinett |, al, 26 Mar. 2023

This season, Cessa has added a second version of his slider to complement the old slider that continues to be a productive pitch.

Charlie Goldsmith, The Enquirer, 25 Mar. 2023

To ensure those lessons stuck with Rodriguez in a productive way, McCann was there the following morning.

Jacob Calvin Meyer, Baltimore Sun, 24 Mar. 2023

The three-day event, complete with vinyl pressing, live performances, and unique listening experiences, sculpted the perfect start to a productive week of showcases, music discovery and SXSW fun.

Matt Tighe, Rolling Stone, 23 Mar. 2023

Cobert sets the tone for a productive offense, hitting .533 in the team’s first four games.

Rick Armstrong, Chicago Tribune, 23 Mar. 2023

Cooks has been productive during his career, posting 1,000 or more receiving yards and five touchdown receptions in six of his nine seasons.

oregonlive, 20 Mar. 2023

With the way he is being utilized, he is set up to not be productive.

Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 19 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘productive.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1612, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of productive was
in 1612

Dictionary Entries Near productive

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“Productive.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
30 Mar 2023
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продуктивных средств

средствам производства

продуктивным средством

массовых количествах

средствами производства

средств производства

a line of the most productive means of returning women’s and men’s health include the following drugs:

В линейку наиболее продуктивных средств, возвращающих женское и мужское здоровье входят следующие препараты:

Interestingly, «the use of journalists has been among the most productive means of intelligence-gathering employed by the CIA.»

«Использование журналистов было одним из самых продуктивных средств сбора разведывательной информации, используемых ЦРУ», — указывал он.

They include fisherfolk, pastoralists, and forest-dependent peoples with limited access to productive means.

Есть среди бедняков рыбаки, скотоводы и лесопользователи, обладающие ограниченным доступом к средствам производства.

Continuing discrimination against women in access to education, health care, land, credits and productive means stifle reconstruction and development efforts.

Деятельности в области восстановления и развития мешает продолжающаяся дискриминация в отношении женщин, в том что касается доступа к образованию, здравоохранению, земельным ресурсам, кредитам и средствам производства.

Social inclusion is the most productive means of social control.

Essentially this inversion of the problem is evidently the only productive means known to us today for investigating the structures of objects and for conceiving them in thought.

По существу такое переворачивание задачи является, по-видимому, единственным известным нам сейчас продуктивным средством и способом исследования и воспроизведения в мысли структур объектов.

Mechanised agriculture is being promoted on the basis of increased efficiency and yield while overlooking the fact that low-tech farming is a more productive means of meeting global food demand at lower environmental cost.

Механизированное сельское хозяйство поощряется на основе повышения эффективности и урожайности, игнорируя тот факт, что низкотехнологичное сельское хозяйство является более продуктивным средством удовлетворения мирового спроса на продовольствие на снижение экологических издержек.

Since the delegation had said that women’s access to productive means and political life was hindered by sociological and cultural factors, she would like to know more about the traditional concept of womanhood in that country.

Поскольку делегация заявила, что социальные и культурные факторы ограничивают доступ женщин к средствам производства и мешают их участию в политической жизни, оратор хотела бы получить более подробную информацию о том, как традиционно представляется место женщины в обществе этой страны.

Remember that a properly-written resume is one of the most productive means of finding a job.

Уважаемые соискатели, помните о том, что правильно составленное резюме — это одно из самых продуктивных средств поиска работы.

«The use of journalists has been among the most productive means of intelligence-gathering employed by the CIA,» wrote the legendary investigative journalist Carl Bernstein, who broke the story for Rolling Stone in 1977.

«Использование журналистов было одним из наиболее продуктивных средств сбора разведывательной информации, используемых ЦРУ», — писал легендарный журналист-расследователь Карл Бернштейн, который в 1977 году сломал историю «Роллинг Стоун».

Everyone assumes that being more productive means working more in less time.

Все предполагают, что быть более продуктивным — это просто делать больше за меньшее время.

State ownership of productive means in fact led to a property vacuum.

More efficient and more productive means, things that do not even exist.

Более эффективные и более продуктивные меры, вещи, которых даже не существует.

Thanks to the use of standardized tools, combined productive means of communication become available today not only to large corporations but also to medium and small businesses.

Объединённые производительные средства коммуникации благодаря использованию стандартизированных инструментов сегодня становятся доступными не только крупным корпорациям, но также среднему и малому бизнесу.

He stands between those who wish to form new combinations and the possessors of productive means.

Он стоит между теми, кто желает осуществить новые комбинации, и владельцами средств производства.

Sometimes, we assume that being productive means doing many things throughout the day, which is wrong.

Часто считается, что продуктивность означает получать больше вещей делать каждый день, однако это не правильно.

And you’ll realize that being productive means having more results while spending less time at work.

И вы поймете, что можно добиться больших результатов, затрачивая меньше времени на работу.

Material culture is the aggregate of productive means and material commonwealth, that are created by human labour on each stage of the development of the society.

Материальная культура — совокупность способов производства материальных благ и ценностей, создаваемых человеческим трудом на каждом этапе развития общества.

What exactly is this form of property is the most reasonable and economically productive means of creating the material well-being of the people?

Что именно эта форма собственности есть нечто самое разумное и экономически продуктивное средство создания материального благополучия народа?

For them, of course, to be productive means to be productive of wealth.

Быть производительным у них, разумеется, означает быть производительным в смысле создания богатства.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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The American people are among the most productive in the world. We have the best technologies. We have great universities. We have entrepreneurs.

Ben Bernanke





Productive is an adjective.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.



Productivity is the ratio of output to inputs in production; it is an average measure of the efficiency of production. Efficiency of production means production’s capability to create incomes which is measured by the formula real output value minus real input value. Productivity is a crucial factor in production performance of firms and nations. Increasing national productivity can raise living standards because more real income improves people’s ability to purchase goods and services, enjoy leisure, improve housing and education and contribute to social and environmental programs. Productivity growth also helps businesses to be more profitable.

Definition of productive in the English dictionary

The first definition of productive in the dictionary is producing or having the power to produce; fertile. Other definition of productive is yielding favourable or effective results. Productive is also producing or capable of producing goods and services that have monetary or exchange value.


Synonyms and antonyms of productive in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «productive» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «productive» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of productive to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of productive from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «productive» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

sản xuất

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of productive


The term «productive» is very widely used and occupies the 11.722 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «productive» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of productive

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «productive».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «productive» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «productive» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about productive


Famous quotes and sentences with the word productive.

No, I’m not very productive at all. I’m probably like an animal. I mean, great animals in the ocean feed all the time. I’m someone who procrastinates, worries, for most of a month, and then I’ll have a flurry of manic productivity with a sense of great urgency and fear for, like, two days.

I am in the process of trying to decide whether I can make a substantive and productive contribution to the policy-making process. I was always there because I wanted to work on the pressing issues of the day — I’m interested in energy, I’m interested in the climate bill and technology policy.

A pattern is a guide or a model. Patterns are used in sewing and knitting, in wood and metalworking, and in a wide variety of other productive pursuits, activities, and jobs. Patterns help to avoid waste and unwanted deviations and facilitate uniformity that is appropriate and beneficial.

Friends and family were convinced I was functioning just fine because I was efficient, productive and successful — who wouldn’t be working twenty hour days? I had everybody fooled with my illness.

Genius is the capacity for productive reaction against one’s training.

The American people are among the most productive in the world. We have the best technologies. We have great universities. We have entrepreneurs.

The stage of the development of the productive forces determines the political and ideological superstructure of society which are crystallized into a system of social organization.

Let me tell you about a place where technology won’t work. When you walk onto a farm and are standing on soil, there is no technology that is going to take that soil and transform it into something that is five times more productive.

Soil is a living ecosystem, and is a farmer’s most precious asset. A farmer’s productive capacity is directly related to the health of his or her soil.

Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.


Discover the use of productive in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to productive and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Productive Group Work: How to Engage Students, Build …

In this book, educators Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, and Sandi Everlove show you how to make all group work productive group work: with all students engaged in the academic content and with each other, building valuable social skills, …

Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, Sandi Everlove, 2009


Get Productive!: Boosting Your Productivity And Getting …

Your time is, indeed, your own. And this handy guide, written by a leading executive coach, shows you how to retool your brain, reclaim your schedule, become a master of each minute, and make yourself more productive.

Magdalena Bak-Maier, 2012


Productive Workplaces Revisited: Dignity, Meaning, and …

. . This is a readable book, free of ‘glitz’ and ‘flavors of the month.’» –Robert Dilworth, associate professor of human resource management, Virginia Commonwealth University


The Productive Programmer

The Productive Programmer offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt right away, no matter what platform you use.


The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth

When Harold Fried, et al. published The Measurement of Productive Efficiency: Techniques and Applications with OUP in 1993, the book received a great deal of professional interest for its accessible treatment of the rapidly growing field of …

Department of Economics Union College Harold O. Fried Professor, Department of Economics University of Georgia C. A. Knox Lovell Professor, Department of Economics Union College Shelton S. Schmidt Professor, 2008


Creating the Productive Workplace

This book sets out the most important factors and evidence behind this phenomenon, and offers solutions to providing a work environment inducive to productivity.


Productive Aging: Concepts and Challenges

This book treats the implications of productive aging as challenges. It combines the theories of gerontology with practical considerations and acknowledging the contributions of leading researchers in the field of aging.

Nancy Morrow-Howell, James Hinterlong, Michael Sherraden, 2001


How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic …

In this practical, light-hearted, and encouraging book, Paul Silvia explains that writing productively does not require innate skills or special traits but specific tactics and actions.


Designing Productive Learning Environments

Based on the premise that school facility design should actively encourage efficient and effective learning, this book explores key design decisions that have a crucial impact on the kind of student-teacher-media interactions which take …


Achieving a productive aging society

The authors examine roles, both social and economic, which older people in good health can successfully fulfill. They urge a broadening of the options available to us as we age that extend beyond leisure activities and family involvement.

Scott A. Bass, Francis G. Caro, Yung-Ping Chen, 1993


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term productive is used in the context of the following news items.

How to Be Productive When You Work From Home

When you work in an office where you have the option to close the door to drown out noise and a boss looking over your shoulder, it’s much … «Huffington Post, Jul 15»

Analysis: After productive offseason, Clippers’ one problem may be …

Clippers guard Jamal Crawford attacks the basket against Spurs’ Manu Ginobili during the first half of game two of the first round of the NBA … «OCRegister, Jul 15»

Providing more autonomy is a key to managing happy, productive staff

Providing more autonomy is a key to managing happy, productive staff. Share; Share via Email · Share on Google Plus · Post on facebook wall … «The Australian Financial Review, Jul 15»

Cold Offices Make for Less Productive Employees

As I walked into work this morning, I was sweating. The infamous Chicago humidity warmed me up and caused my glasses to endlessly slide … «Talent Management, Jul 15»

FIU Caps Productive Offseason With Star-Studded Camp

At a time when every college in the country seems to have a stake in the “goldmine” that is south Florida high school football talent, one of the … «CBS Local, Jul 15»

Ambode’s Wife Tasks Youth On Productive Use Of Time During …

She urged participants to see the camping as a place of learning and moulding of character to become useful and productive adult citizens. «Leadership Newspapers, Jul 15»

Commutero Wants Canadians to Be More Productive During Their …

Inspired by the mounting frustration with Toronto’s notorious traffic jams, and the introduction of HOV lanes, Commutero is an app hoping to … «Techvibes, Jul 15»

Minimum Wage Increases Are Counter-Productive to Real Growth

The minimum wage is not what is commonly referred, as is being proven again as parts of the U.S. experiment directly with this boundary. «Newsmax, Jul 15»

5 ways a Marlin Serviced Apartment can help you stay productive

The problem of staying productive whilst working away from home can be tricky to overcome – especially if it is an extended stay and you are … «ITCM, Jul 15»

Report: North Carolina Kids with Medicaid Become Healthy …

Report: North Carolina Kids with Medicaid Become Healthy, Productive Adults. Public News Service — NC | July 2015 | Download audio. «Public News Service, Jul 15»


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productive — перевод на русский


He has wasted precious time that could have been put to productive use.

Он впустую потратил драгоценное время, которое можно было продуктивно использовать.

Well, I see you’ve had a very productive day.

Вижу, ты продуктивно провёл день.

You find once a woman is a mother-— They put in shorter, less productive hours. They’re less reliable.

Если женщина становится матерью то она работает менее продуктивно и вырабатывает меньше часов.

That was really productive.

Здорово. Это было очень продуктивно.

The sessions are productive.

Переговоры проходят продуктивно.

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Well, now look at him… out of bed and doing something productive before noon.

Ну, а теперь посмотрите на него … встал с кровати и делает что то полезное до полудня.

The trees are spaced very carefully so that there’s enough light getting into the ground layers beneath so you can actually grow something productive.

Деревья размещены очень аккуратно, таким образом, достаточно света попадает на землю, и таким образом вы можете теперь выращивать на ней что-то полезное.

When I was in the joint, I was thinking, how can I take this and make it more productive, you know?

Когда я пребывал в местах не столь отдалённых, я раздумывал, как это пережить и вынести из этого что-то полезное?

Millions of acres are lost to cemeteries, trees mowed down, land that can never be developed into anything productive, and they require a lot of maintenance, and that means using fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, chemicals which leach

Миллионы акров отданы под кладбища, уничтожены деревья, это земля, которую нельзя будет превратить хоть во что-то полезное, и они требуют больших расходов на содержание, то есть на использование удобрений, гербицидов, инсектицидов, химикатов, которые попадают

Wow. That sounds like a really productive use of your time.

Невероятно полезное использование твоего времени.

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Well, that wraps up a good, productive day.

Ну вот и закончился этот плодотворный денек.

Pacified and productive.

Умиротворенный и плодотворный.

Yeah. A productive day off.

Плодотворный выходной.

I really think it’s probably my most productive session, actually.

И я думаю, что, наверное, это был мой самый плодотворный сеанс.

It was, I think, productive.

Думаю, плодотворно.

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The development of productive forces is linked to the exploitation of man by man

Развитие производительных сил связано с развитием форм эксплуатации человека человеком.

The maturing of productive forces… cannot guarantee such power, even by the detour of increased dispossession that it brings.

Рост производительных сил не может этого гарантировать, даже если из-за него будет постоянно возрастать экспроприация.

With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation the Miao build their wooden houses on the steepest and least productive hillsides

— каждым дюймом плодородной земли предавшеес€ культивирование риса Miao стро€т свои дерев€нные здани€ на самых крутых и наименее производительных склонах

There are more productive ways to manage aggression.

Ты знаешь, есть более производительные способы справляться с агрессией.

These are the most productive humans that have ever lived.

Это самые производительные люди которые когда-либо жили

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She also hoped one day they could live on their own and be productive.

Она также надеялась, что однажды они научатся жить самостоятельно и приносить пользу.

I’d say our little truce is proving productive for both of us, Inspector.

Я бы сказал, что временное перемирие идет на пользу нам обоим, Инспектор.

Try to get back to work, back to being productive.

Постарайся вернуться на работу, снова приноси пользу.

You’re gonna be in here six weeks, you need to be productive.

Ты будешь торчать здесь шесть недель, найди от этого пользу.

Can’t you think of more productive ways to use this time?

Ты не можешь с большей пользой провести это время?

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I do like being productive.

Мне нравится продуктивность.

I’ve just found that Leia’s constant questioning of me has not been productive to the atmosphere of the ship.

Я только что понял, что постоянные вопросы Леи Не повышают продуктивность на этом корабле.

Screw productive.

К черту продуктивность.

They say if you’re lazy and unmotivated, it makes you super energized and productive.

Нам говорят, что если ты ленивый и безразличный, таблетки сделают тебя энергичным и повысят продуктивность.

In the experience of this board, dying people are rarely so productive.

Нашей комиссии не доводилось встречать людей при смерти с такой продуктивностью.

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She’s done a terrific job at HUD helping thousands transition from joblessness and homelessness to productive lives.

Она проделала огромную работу в МЖСГР, помогла тысячам людей пройти очень трудный путь от безработицы и бездомности к более лучшей и полезной жизни.

Newbie, the only way you could be less productive right now is if you were, in fact, the wall on which you’re leaning against.

Новичок, единственный способ быть более трудоспособным сейчас, это если ты отойдешь от стенки.

Crops adapted to soils and climates… gave way to the most productive varieties and the easiest to transport.

Районирование культур к почвам и климату… дало более урожайные и легко транспортируемые сорта.

You’ve been, you ARE more productive than anyone I know.

Вы были… Вы и сейчас более полезны, чем кто-либо.

If we could focus on the third quarter, I believe that would be the most productive way to move forward.

Если бы мы могли сосредоточиться на третьем квартале, то это позволило бы более продвинуться вперед.

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[ pruhduhk-tiv ]

/ prəˈdʌk tɪv /

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having the power of producing; generative; creative: a productive effort.

producing readily or abundantly; fertile: a productive vineyard.

causing; bringing about (usually followed by of): conditions productive of crime and sin.

Economics. producing or tending to produce goods and services having exchange value.

Grammar. (of derivational affixes or patterns) readily used in forming new words, as the suffix -ness.

(in language learning) of or relating to the language skills of speaking and writing (opposed to receptive).



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of productive

First recorded in 1605–15; from the Medieval Latin word productīvus; see origin at product, -ive

synonym study for productive

2. Productive, fertile, fruitful, prolific apply to the generative aspect of something. Productive refers to a generative source of continuing activity: productive soil; a productive influence. Fertile applies to that in which seeds, literal or figurative, take root: fertile soil; a fertile imagination. Fruitful refers to that which has already produced and is capable of further production: fruitful soil, discovery, theory. Prolific means highly productive: a prolific farm, writer.


pro·duc·tive·ly, adverbpro·duc·tive·ness, nounpro·duc·tiv·i·ty [proh-duhk-tiv-i-tee], /ˌproʊ dʌkˈtɪv ɪ ti/, nounan·ti·pro·duc·tive, adjective

an·ti·pro·duc·tive·ly, adverbsem·i·pro·duc·tive, adjectivesem·i·pro·duc·tive·ly, adverbun·pro·duc·tive, adjectiveun·pro·duc·tive·ly, adverbun·pro·duc·tive·ness, noun

Words nearby productive

production control, production line, production number, production platform, production well, productive, productivity, productivity bargaining, product liability, product life cycle, product line Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to productive

advantageous, beneficial, constructive, dynamic, effective, energetic, fertile, gratifying, profitable, prolific, rewarding, useful, valuable, vigorous, worthwhile, generative, fecund, gainful, inventive, plentiful

How to use productive in a sentence

  • We discovered that, for this year’s 40 Under 40, being more productive often means planning ahead and churning through tasks as quickly as possible—but also sometimes just shutting everything off and taking a break.

  • They also overhauled their catching position with the addition of the productive Austin Nola from the Seattle Mariners and Jason Castro from the Los Angeles Angels.

  • The tragedies did lead to some new legislation and some more productive conversations with Cal Fire.

  • For many companies, especially those in services and technology, remote work has not been the disaster they might have expected, as their workforces have proven surprisingly productive.

  • Such results could inform future efforts to make Holsteins hornless but no less productive.

  • “Small groups of like-minded Turkers [can] come together and start taking productive action,” Bernstein said.

  • Remember—American workers work longer hours and are more productive today than they were in 1975.

  • Human rights groups, however, said the measures were “draconian” and counter-productive.

  • But today, many landfills are actually quite productive places.

  • Next, Borlaug helped develop more productive and drought-resistant strains of rice that became adapted widely in Asia.

  • Great as is the destruction of war, not even five years of it have broken the productive machine.

  • It may very well be that an eight-hour day will prove, presently if not immediately, to be more productive than one of ten.

  • A ten-hour day, speaking in general terms and leaving out individual exceptions, is probably more productive than a day of twelve.

  • An attempt to impose an imitation on a practised judge is always productive of an unpleasant result.

  • An abundance of limestone makes the soil exceptionally fertile and productive.

British Dictionary definitions for productive


producing or having the power to produce; fertile

yielding favourable or effective results


  1. producing or capable of producing goods and services that have monetary or exchange valueproductive assets
  2. of or relating to such productionthe productive processes of an industry

(postpositive foll by of) resulting inproductive of good results

denoting an affix or combining form used to produce new words

Derived forms of productive

productively, adverbproductiveness, noun

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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